Error on line 1 is marked by a character

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Помогите пожалуйста с Formula Node

Помогите пожалуйста разобраться что не так. Выдает вот такую ошибку Error on line 1 is marked by a ‘#’ character: «if a# = 0 x = 0.25; else if a = 1 x= 0.»

formula node.png
formula node.png (8.45 КБ) 2748 просмотров


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Re: Помогите пожалуйста с Formula Node


Borjomy_1 » 04 фев 2017, 23:12

в C шной нотации для сравнения используется «==», а знак равенства используется для присваивания

но выкидывайте нафиг Node. Это костыли. Для вашей задачи прекрасно подходит структура Case. Для последнего варианта надо дополнительную страничку в кейсе установить как Default. А для каждого значения от 0 до 11 сделать свою страницу, где результату устанавливается нужное значение

или вообще так:

замена node.png
замена node.png (19.25 КБ) 2744 просмотра


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Зарегистрирован: 03 фев 2010, 00:42
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Re: Помогите пожалуйста с Formula Node


AndreyDmitriev » 05 фев 2017, 11:05

Borjomy_1 писал(а):в C шной нотации для сравнения используется «==», а знак равенства используется для присваивания
но выкидывайте нафиг Node. Это костыли.

Не выкидывайте нафиг Formula Node, это вполне нормальный код. Помимо второго знака равенства вы ещё и скобки забыли.
Во-первых заведите себе привычку при сравнивании с константой в Си-подобных языках всегда писать константу вперёд, вот так:
Тут даже если вы пропустите второй знак равенства — вам немедленно скажет об этом компилятор.
Во-вторых, чуть более элегантно здесь использовать switch структуру:
Ну или так, как коллега Borjomy_1 выше написал — тут есть куча всевозможных подходов.

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I have been trying to write LV 6.1 formula nodes and they keep breaking with a nonsense message about the wrong line and needing a left brace. Even simple ones like the attachment do this:

Error on line 1 is marked by a ‘#’ character: «if ( f <# 250 ) CHRL=20; else CHRL=2; P»

First they work, then they don’t work.

I don’t see any info here or at NI. Has any one else seen this?


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I have been trying to write LV 6.1 formula nodes and they keep breaking with a nonsense message about the wrong line and needing a left brace. Even simple ones like the attachment do this:

Error on line 1 is marked by a ‘#’ character: «if (  f <# 250 ) CHRL=20; else CHRL=2; P»

First they work, then they don’t work.

I don’t see any info here or at NI. Has any one else seen this?


Your problem lies there, that the formula node requires a single value instead of the array. When using LV6.1 I get a strange error report («Left brace required»???), in LV7.1 the error reports the real problem.


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Your problem lies there, that the formula node requires a single value instead of the array. When using LV6.1 I get a strange error report («Left brace required»???), in LV7.1 the error reports the real problem.



I still seem to be missing some point. Where is the array in that formila node?

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I still seem to be missing some point. Where is the array in that formila node?


In your example you build an array of 1000 elements which you wire to the input (f) of the formula node.


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In your example you build an array of 1000 elements which you wire to the input (f) of the formula node.



Well, thank you for pointing that out. I can see it should be obvious. I’ve got to stop that late night programming, or maybe the company should be hiring younger engineers.

:headbang: :oops:

I think this should conclude this lame post thread, unfortunately I’m not sure how to perform such a feat. Any last minute tips for me?

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function selectImage(){
} Ошибку показывает:

Error: Parse error on line 1:
Expecting 'STRING', 'NUMBER', 'NULL', 'TRUE', 'FALSE', '{', '[', got 'undefined'

, а как ее исправить не могу допереть. Главное на реальном хосте работает все.

На чтение 4 мин. Опубликовано 15.12.2019

I’m currently trying to write an Autohotkey command, which pastes a SQL code, but i only get this message:

Error at line 3. Line Text: Create table #tmp (
Error: This line does not contain a recognized action.
The script was not reloaded; the old Version will remain in effect.

there are also some variations of this message.

I already tried to use SendRaw or SendInput. Even the escape character ´ does not work. Putting it in quotation marks neither. I do not have any clues anymore.

well, i expected it to send the SQL-Statement, but I’m just getting errors like the one above. Sometimes it refers to the line «Create Table #tmp(«, sometimes to «insert into #tmp (row1, number)». And I don’t know what to do. Does anyone has a clue and can help me with this?


  2. quinnjamin commented Dec 8, 2014
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  4. valleyman86 commented Dec 14, 2014

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At first it says «Error at line 15. The following variable name contains an illegal character: «File.Length» The program will exit.» I the only way i could get it to go away was to delete the period (.) but then it says «Error at line 21. Line Text: #If WinActive(«ahk_exe csgo.exe») Error: This line does not contain a recognized action. The program will exit.» I’m just having great difficulty getting this to work, I have never used anything like this (scripts or AutoHotKey) If you could help me it would be greatly appreciated!

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Make sure you get the latest version of autohotkey.

On Sunday, December 7, 2014, quinnjamin wrote:

At first it says «Error at line 15. The following variable name contains
an illegal character: «File.Length» The program will exit.» I the only way
i could get it to go away was to delete the period (.) but then it says
«Error at line 21. Line Text: #If WinActive(«ahk_exe csgo.exe») Error: This
line does not contain a recognized action. The program will exit.» I’m just
having great difficulty getting this to work, I have never used anything
like this (scripts or AutoHotKey) If you could help me it would be greatly

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Yeah maybe I’ll try that, I was thinking about it but thought it might take him off /follow but it doesn’t. I kind of wanted something that I didn’t have to conciously do every couple minutes but I guess jumping a couple times every 5 minutes isn’t hard lol.

EDIT: Meh.
This seems to work just fine. Dunno what I did wrong last time o.O

Numpad0::ControlSend, , , ahk_id %idClone%

Numpad0 Up::ControlSend, , , ahk_id %idClone% [/code:1]

I have this problem with ahk. Currently I’m testing with two computers: a normal desktop pc and a laptop. I’m running two wow clients on both of them so I have four characters now. Main character is A which ofcourse runs on my primary computer. On the same computer is also other char which is B. Char C is fullscreen client on my laptop and D is minimized client. I’m using Synergy/Multibox (both of them seems to work exactly the same in WoW) to broadcast my keys from desktop pc to laptop. So A and C which are on fullscreen work just fine but B and D causes some problems.

I’ve been searching some scripts from this forum but no matter which one I use it does not work properly. For example I have Frost Armor binded to «1». When I hold 1 down on my keyboard B and D casts their frost armor instantly and keep casting it as long as the button is hold down. A and C in the other hand cast it only after the button is released, which is ofcourse how it should work. So the problem is that ahk keeps spamming the button up and down as long as I keep it pressed down. Any ideas?

The scripts I’ve tested this with:

ControlSend, , <1 down>, ahk_id %idClone%

1 Up::
ControlSend, , <1 up>, ahk_id %idClone%
[code:1]#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft

;ControlSend,, <1 down>, ahk_id %idMain%
ControlSend,, <1 down>, ahk_id %idClone%
KeyWait, 2
;ControlSend,, <1 up>, ahk_id %idMain%
ControlSend,, <1 up>, ahk_id %idClone%
[code:1]#IfWinActive, World of Warcraft

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