Error on message terraria messagebuffer


Here is a list of all the files in my Terraria server directory:

> drwxr-xr-x 5 wouter wouter     4096 Dec  1 18:26 .
drwxr-xr-x 5 wouter wouter     4096 Dec  1 18:14 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   872448 Dec  1 18:25 FNA.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter     1329 Dec  1 18:25 FNA.dll.config
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   253440 Dec  1 18:26 Ionic.Zip.Reduced.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   160256 Dec  1 18:26 MP3Sharp.dll
drwxr-xr-x 2 wouter wouter     4096 Dec  1 18:26 ModCompile
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   271360 Dec  1 18:26 Mono.Cecil.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   226816 Dec  1 18:25 Mono.Posix.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   335872 Dec  1 18:25 Mono.Security.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter     1254 Dec  1 18:26 README.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   129536 Dec  1 18:25 System.Configuration.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   948736 Dec  1 18:25 System.Core.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter  2146304 Dec  1 18:25 System.Data.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   452608 Dec  1 18:25 System.Drawing.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   107008 Dec  1 18:25 System.Numerics.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   988160 Dec  1 18:25 System.Runtime.Serialization.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   133120 Dec  1 18:25 System.Security.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter  3051008 Dec  1 18:25 System.Windows.Forms.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter      543 Dec  1 18:25 System.Windows.Forms.dll.config
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   133632 Dec  1 18:25 System.Xml.Linq.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter  3340288 Dec  1 18:25 System.Xml.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter  2514944 Dec  1 18:25 System.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 12390912 Dec  1 18:26 Terraria.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter    33619 Dec  1 18:26 Terraria.exe.config
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter     5631 Dec  1 18:25 Terraria.png
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter      601 Dec  1 18:25 TerrariaServer
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 14310647 Dec  1 18:25 TerrariaServer.bin.x86
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 17497051 Dec  1 18:25 TerrariaServer.bin.x86_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 10674176 Dec  1 18:25 TerrariaServer.exe
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   164864 Dec  1 18:25 WindowsBase.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter   177410 Dec  1 18:25 changelog.txt
drwxr-xr-x 2 wouter wouter     4096 Dec  1 18:25 lib
drwxr-xr-x 2 wouter wouter     4096 Dec  1 18:25 lib64
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter     2382 Dec  1 18:25 monoconfig
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter    34107 Dec  1 18:25 monomachineconfig
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter  3791872 Dec  1 18:25 mscorlib.dll
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter       63 Dec  1 18:25 open-folder
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter     2999 Dec  1 18:26 tModLoaderInstaller.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter      668 Dec  1 18:26 tModLoaderServer
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 14310647 Dec  1 18:26 tModLoaderServer.bin.x86
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 17497051 Dec  1 18:26 tModLoaderServer.bin.x86_64
-rw-r--r-- 1 wouter wouter 12377088 Dec  1 18:26 tModLoaderServer.exe

Once again, thanks for the reply. I really appreciate it. Aldoh, now I tried both Linux versions of tModLoader and the dedicated server using your provided links, and I still can’t run it. Aldoh, I do not get the Kernel32 error anymore. I got an error I saw someone else had on the forums as well without a solution.

Failed` to load language file: Terraria.Localization.Content.en-US.Items.json

Unhandled Exception:
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘System.Text.Regula rExpressions.Match’ threw an exception. —> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘System.Text.RegularExpressions.Group’ threw an except ion. —> System.MissingMethodException: Method ‘Array.Empty’ not found.
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match..ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions. Regex regex, Int32 capcount, System.String text, Int32 begpos, Int32 len, Int32 startpos) <0x41123c40 + 0x00053> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match..cctor () <0x41123bd0 + 0x0004f> in :0
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunner.Scan (System.Text.RegularExpress ions.Regex regex, System.String text, Int32 textbeg, Int32 textend, Int32 textst art, Int32 prevlen, Boolean quick, TimeSpan timeout) <0x41123000 + 0x002fb> in < filename unknown>:0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Run (Boolean quick, Int32 prevlen, Sys tem.String input, Int32 beginning, Int32 length, Int32 startat) <0x41122880 + 0x 001a3> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (System.String input, Int32 star tat) <0x411227f0 + 0x00047> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexReplacement.Replace (System.Text.Regula rExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator, System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rege x, System.String input, Int32 count, Int32 startat) <0x411222f0 + 0x00087> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.T ext.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator, Int32 count, Int32 startat) <0x 41122270 + 0x00043> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.T ext.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator) <0x411221a0 + 0x00077> in :0
at Terraria.Localization.LanguageManager.ProcessCopyCommandsInTexts () <0x4112 1e70 + 0x0017b> in :0
at Terraria.Localization.LanguageManager.LoadLanguage (Terraria.Localization.G ameCulture culture) <0x41117e80 + 0x0003f> in :0
at Terraria.Localization.LanguageManager.SetLanguage (Terraria.Localization.Ga meCulture culture) <0x41117d30 + 0x00057> in :0
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame (System.String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) <0x411 16e10 + 0x00147> in :0
at Terraria.LinuxLaunch.Main (System.String[] args) <0x410eff50 + 0x00127> in :0
[ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match’ threw an exception. —> System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for ‘System.Text.Regula rExpressions.Group’ threw an exception. —> System.MissingMethodException: Meth od ‘Array.Empty’ not found.
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match..ctor (System.Text.RegularExpressions. Regex regex, Int32 capcount, System.String text, Int32 begpos, Int32 len, Int32 startpos) <0x41123c40 + 0x00053> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match..cctor () <0x41123bd0 + 0x0004f> in :0
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexRunner.Scan (System.Text.RegularExpress ions.Regex regex, System.String text, Int32 textbeg, Int32 textend, Int32 textst art, Int32 prevlen, Boolean quick, TimeSpan timeout) <0x41123000 + 0x002fb> in < filename unknown>:0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Run (Boolean quick, Int32 prevlen, Sys tem.String input, Int32 beginning, Int32 length, Int32 startat) <0x41122880 + 0x 001a3> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Match (System.String input, Int32 star tat) <0x411227f0 + 0x00047> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexReplacement.Replace (System.Text.Regula rExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator, System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex rege x, System.String input, Int32 count, Int32 startat) <0x411222f0 + 0x00087> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.T ext.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator, Int32 count, Int32 startat) <0x 41122270 + 0x00043> in :0
at System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.Replace (System.String input, System.T ext.RegularExpressions.MatchEvaluator evaluator) <0x411221a0 + 0x00077> in :0
at Terraria.Localization.LanguageManager.ProcessCopyCommandsInTexts () <0x4112 1e70 + 0x0017b> in :0
at Terraria.Localization.LanguageManager.LoadLanguage (Terraria.Localization.G ameCulture culture) <0x41117e80 + 0x0003f> in :0
at Terraria.Localization.LanguageManager.SetLanguage (Terraria.Localization.Ga meCulture culture) <0x41117d30 + 0x00057> in :0
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame (System.String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) <0x411 16e10 + 0x00147> in :0
at Terraria.LinuxLaunch.Main (System.String[] args) <0x410eff50 + 0x00127> in :0

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My mod, Ancient’s Arsenal (internally called AlexsAssortedArsenal) uses CheckDead on Eye of Cthulhu, Queen Bee, Queen Slime and all of the Mechanical Bosses (through MechBossAny) to display a one-off text broadcast using Main.NewText. I was told that the issue seems to be directly connected to using Main.NewText, but they were unsure why it was being thrown in the first place. Also, killing the relevant bosses with the Butcher function in Cheat Sheet makes them vanish entirely. Killing them with a weapon, however, still causes their gores and the text to appear, but in either case, no loot drops.

Log File

[22:23:00] [Main Thread/WARN] [tML]: Silently Caught Exception:
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatMessageContainer.Refresh() in tModLoaderTerrariaUIChatChatMessageContainer.cs:line 55
at Terraria.UI.Chat.ChatMessageContainer.SetContents(String text, Color color, Int32 widthLimitInPixels) in tModLoaderTerrariaUIChatChatMessageContainer.cs:line 29
at Terraria.GameContent.UI.Chat.RemadeChatMonitor.AddNewMessage(String text, Color color, Int32 widthLimitInPixels) in tModLoaderTerrariaGameContentUIChatRemadeChatMonitor.cs:line 32
at Terraria.GameContent.UI.Chat.RemadeChatMonitor.NewText(String newText, Byte R, Byte G, Byte B) in tModLoaderTerrariaGameContentUIChatRemadeChatMonitor.cs:line 23
at Terraria.Main.NewText(String newText, Byte R, Byte G, Byte B) in tModLoaderTerrariaMain.cs:line 50670
at Terraria.Main.NewText(Object o, Nullable`1 color) in tModLoaderTerrariaMain.cs:line 50666
at AlexsAssortedArsenal.AAAGlobalNPC.CheckDead(NPC npc) in AlexsAssortedArsenalAAAGlobalNPC.cs:line 33
at Terraria.ModLoader.NPCLoader.CheckDead(NPC npc) in tModLoaderTerrariaModLoaderNPCLoader.cs:line 367
at Terraria.NPC.checkDead() in tModLoaderTerrariaNPC.cs:line 55953
at Terraria.NPC.StrikeNPC(Int32 Damage, Single knockBack, Int32 hitDirection, Boolean crit, Boolean noEffect, Boolean fromNet) in tModLoaderTerrariaNPC.cs:line 64233
at DMDTerraria.MessageBuffer::GetData(MessageBuffer this, Int32 start, Int32 length, Int32& messageType)
at Terraria.NetMessage.CheckBytes(Int32 bufferIndex) in tModLoaderTerrariaNetMessage.cs:line 2188
at Terraria.Netplay.UpdateServerInMainThread() in tModLoaderTerrariaNetplay.cs:line 64
at Terraria.Main.DoUpdate(GameTime& gameTime) in tModLoaderTerrariaMain.cs:line 12700
at Terraria.Main.Update(GameTime gameTime) in tModLoaderTerrariaMain.cs:line 12589
at Terraria.Main.DedServ_PostModLoad(Boolean& reloadMods) in tModLoaderTerrariaMain.cs:line 4578
at Terraria.Main.DedServ() in tModLoaderTerrariaMain.cs:line 4114
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame_(Boolean isServer) in tModLoaderTerrariaProgram.cs:line 210
at Terraria.Program.LaunchGame(String[] args, Boolean monoArgs) in tModLoaderTerrariaProgram.cs:line 174
at MonoLaunch.<>c__DisplayClass2_0.

b__0() in tModLoaderTerrariaMonoLaunch.cs:line 60
at System.Threading.Thread.StartCallback()

[22:23:00] [Main Thread/WARN] [Terraria]: Error on message Terraria.MessageBuffer

Steps to reproduce

  1. Start a Multiplayer server with Ancient’s Arsenal active.
  2. Summon Eye of Cthulhu, Queen Bee, the Mechanical Bosses or Queen Slime with either Cheat Sheet or with their summons.
  3. Kill the boss with a weapon or by butchering it with Cheat Sheet.

Expected Behavior

What SHOULD be happening is that text should be appearing when one of the aforementioned bosses is killed. For example, killing the Queen Bee broadcasts «Crystalline slime resonates throughout the Hallow…», and the other three also display a message.

Actual Behavior

When butchered with Cheat Sheet, the boss vanishes and no text displays. When killed with a weapon, the boss’s gores appear and the text that should broadcast, does broadcast, but in both cases, no loot is dropped and the broadcast will repeat on successive kills.

Reproduction frequency

100% of the time when in Multiplayer. Does not require multiple people to be connected; You can be entirely alone in your own server.

Additional Information

This error log that I was provided was most likely grabbed from a failed Queen Bee kill.

  1. Terraria Server v1.3.5.2

  2. Listening on port 7777

  3. Type ‘help’ for a list of commands.

  4. : is connecting…

  5. Confuzz has joined.

  6. is connecting…

  7. Alex has joined.

  8. <Confuzz> Hihi

  9. <Confuzz> How much meteor do we have?

  10. <Alex> yes

  11. <Confuzz> Can I summon in another meteor?

  12. <Confuzz> Oh nvm

  13. <Alex> we have like 800 ore

  14. <Confuzz> Ah XD

  15. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAJP1tFsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2Hg8U1Mz0wOLskvSkxP5WBgyUvMTWXgCUrNzS9JdUxOTi0uZmZgLS5JTM5mYGBgZgAApvWwBTkAAAA=:4367][i/dH4sIAJT1tFsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2Hg8U1Mz0wOLskvSkxP5WBgyUvMTWVg98lPTgQKcTGwpCSWJDIxMEb8/w8kI///Z2AAAM9x6DU8AAAA:4363][i/dH4sIAJT1tFsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2Hg8U1Mz0wOLskvSkxP5WBgyUvMTWVg98lPTgQKcTGwpCSWJDIxMEb8/w8kI///Z2AAAM9x6DU8AAAA:4363][i/dH4sIAJT1tFsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2Hg8U1Mz0wOLskvSkxP5WBgyUvMTWVg98lPTgQKcTGwpCSWJDIxMEb8/w8kI///Z2AAAM9x6DU8AAAA:4363]

  16. <Confuzz> Oh I like thissssss~

  17. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAODktVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgdiotysvMS3fLLC5hZGArKEpNy6wIZmRgTkssY2QAAMrcNZ83AAAA:6563]

  18. <Alex> oood

  19. <Alex> ooooo

  20. <Confuzz> Pow pow

  21. <Confuzz> It has such a good sound

  22. <Confuzz> Oh I wanna use this on the eater and watch him just blow up XD

  23. <Alex> i almost killed it on my own

  24. Error on message Terraria.MessageBuffer

  25. Saving world data: 4%

  26. Saving world data: 9%

  27. Saving world data: 13%

  28. Saving world data: 17%

  29. Saving world data: 22%

  30. Saving world data: 26%

  31. Saving world data: 30%

  32. Saving world data: 34%

  33. Saving world data: 38%

  34. Saving world data: 42%

  35. Saving world data: 46%

  36. Saving world data: 49%

  37. Saving world data: 54%

  38. Saving world data: 58%

  39. Saving world data: 63%

  40. Saving world data: 67%

  41. Saving world data: 70%

  42. Saving world data: 75%

  43. Saving world data: 80%

  44. Saving world data: 84%

  45. Saving world data: 90%

  46. Saving world data: 94%

  47. Saving world data: 98%

  48. Saving world data: 100%

  49. Validating world save: 11%

  50. Validating world save: 25%

  51. Validating world save: 41%

  52. Validating world save: 59%

  53. Validating world save: 76%

  54. Validating world save: 95%

  55. Backing up world file

  56. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAH3ntVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgdiotysvMS3fLLC5hZGArKEpNy6wIZmRgTkssY2QAAMrcNZ83AAAA:6563]makes things evaporate XD

  57. <Alex> but does it make me melt :P

  58. <Confuzz> Of course not that’s what I do~ ;)

  59. <Alex> i set up a remote storage access in the dungeon entrance

  60. <Confuzz> Nice

  61. <Alex> im not sure where to put the next

  62. <Confuzz> Near the ocean on the other side?

  63. <Alex> until we get access to luminite, it costs 5 amber per storage access i bind

  64. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIABLptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4JRjZmAtLklMzmZgYOBiAADq7Pc9KQAAAA==:2334][i/dH4sIABPptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4JRnZmAtLklMzmZgYGBhAAASIHs+KQAAAA==:2335][i/dH4sIABTptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4FRgAAChETWrHQAAAA==:2336][i/dH4sIABTptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4AkuKUrMS091LkosSWVmYC0uSUzOZmBgYGIAAD/5MgE3AAAA:6092]

  65. <Alex> cool

  66. <Confuzz> Pretty decent for a few minutes of fishins

  67. <Confuzz> Third fish costume

  68. <Alex> if you ever see gold butterflies, grab em

  69. <Alex> they’re really valuable

  70. <Confuzz> Ye

  71. <Confuzz> Did it already

  72. <Alex> i mean like, super valuabble

  73. <Alex> you can make a post moon lord summoning weapon if we get like, 2

  74. <Alex> 21

  75. <Confuzz> I think I put one in a chest

  76. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAOTptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4HcqLSlJLUrLqQwuSUxLM2EAAFX1k3AuAAAA:4858][i/dH4sIAOTptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYBBmZmAtLklMzmYAqQEAXOlJzikAAAA=:19][i/dH4sIAOTptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4PZmAACjd7guHQAAAA==:2891]—>[i/dH4sIAOTptVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4HcqLSlJLUrLqQwuSUxLM2UAABTEiGkuAAAA:4859]

  77. <Alex> yup

  78. <Alex> also gold ones can be used to craft level 3, and 4

  79. <Alex> oh we just need 11

  80. <Confuzz> Ohhhhh I just realized something really cool

  81. <Alex> mmm?

  82. <Confuzz> Join pink team

  83. <Alex> im on it

  84. <Confuzz> Oh derp I’m just blind

  85. <Confuzz> Ok now watch this

  86. <Confuzz> I make it rain fireballs

  87. <Alex> eh?

  88. <Alex> maybe the particles didnt make it down for me

  89. <Confuzz> Ah weird

  90. <Confuzz> Aww well

  91. <Alex> i need to wear boots in order to get particles from my de

  92. <Alex> dye

  93. <Alex> but i like how my feet look without boots

  94. <Confuzz> You can’t have them invisible?

  95. <Alex> elemental boots have no texture

  96. is connecting…

  97. <Alex> so the particles are default

  98. <Alex> i need to wear them in vnaity

  99. Boogs has joined.

  100. <Boogs> Hi!

  101. <Alex> hi

  102. <Confuzz> hihi

  103. <Boogs> Who’s that you have following you, Alex?

  104. <Alex> rem

  105. <Boogs> Neat!

  106. <Alex> boogs tp to me for a sec

  107. <Alex> teleport

  108. <Alex> pls

  109. <Alex> oops

  110. <Alex> just hang tight

  111. <Alex> ty

  112. Saving world data: 4%

  113. Saving world data: 8%

  114. Saving world data: 12%

  115. Saving world data: 16%

  116. Saving world data: 20%

  117. Saving world data: 24%

  118. Saving world data: 28%

  119. Saving world data: 32%

  120. Saving world data: 36%

  121. Saving world data: 40%

  122. Saving world data: 43%

  123. Saving world data: 47%

  124. Saving world data: 51%

  125. Saving world data: 55%

  126. Saving world data: 58%

  127. Saving world data: 62%

  128. Saving world data: 67%

  129. Saving world data: 72%

  130. Saving world data: 76%

  131. Saving world data: 80%

  132. Saving world data: 85%

  133. Saving world data: 89%

  134. Saving world data: 93%

  135. Saving world data: 97%

  136. Saving world data: 100%

  137. Validating world save: 4%

  138. Validating world save: 17%

  139. Validating world save: 20%

  140. Validating world save: 29%

  141. Validating world save: 38%

  142. Validating world save: 44%

  143. Validating world save: 54%

  144. Validating world save: 72%

  145. Validating world save: 87%

  146. Backing up world file

  147. <Boogs> Thanks

  148. <Confuzz> I’m ready to pound the goblins with my [i/dH4sIAETttVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgdiotysvMS3fLLC5hZGArKEpNy6wIZmRgTkssY2QAAMrcNZ83AAAA:6563]

  149. <Alex> owo

  150. <Confuzz> :3

  151. <Alex> im gonna go eat dinner

  152. <Alex> brb

  153. <Confuzz> Can we fight the EoW?

  154. <Confuzz> Hehe

  155. <Confuzz> Terraria was doing lootboxes before it was cool :P[i/dH4sIAEHytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4JRjZmAtLklMzmZgYGBjAADmo0KRKQAAAA==:2334][i/dH4sIAEHytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4GlmAABgPNQoHQAAAA==:3203][i/dH4sIAELytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4JRnZmAtLklMzmZgYGBiAACUhyFoKQAAAA==:2335][i/dH4sIAEPytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4FRgAAChETWrHQAAAA==:2336]

  156. <Alex> hi

  157. <Alex> go bug ribs

  158. <Boogs> Ok.

  159. <Confuzz> Hi

  160. Saving world data: 2%

  161. Saving world data: 6%

  162. Saving world data: 9%

  163. Saving world data: 12%

  164. Saving world data: 17%

  165. Saving world data: 21%

  166. Saving world data: 25%

  167. Saving world data: 28%

  168. Saving world data: 30%

  169. Saving world data: 33%

  170. Saving world data: 37%

  171. Saving world data: 41%

  172. Saving world data: 45%

  173. Saving world data: 49%

  174. Saving world data: 53%

  175. Saving world data: 58%

  176. Saving world data: 63%

  177. Saving world data: 67%

  178. Saving world data: 72%

  179. Saving world data: 76%

  180. Saving world data: 81%

  181. Saving world data: 85%

  182. Saving world data: 89%

  183. Saving world data: 94%

  184. Saving world data: 97%

  185. Saving world data: 100%

  186. Validating world save: 6%

  187. Validating world save: 23%

  188. Validating world save: 37%

  189. Validating world save: 51%

  190. Validating world save: 69%

  191. Validating world save: 86%

  192. Backing up world file

  193. <Confuzz> ffffffffff…………..

  194. <Alex> nnn

  195. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAOLytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490][i/dH4sIAOLytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490][i/dH4sIAOPytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490][i/dH4sIAOPytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490][i/dH4sIAOPytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490][i/dH4sIAOPytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490][i/dH4sIAOTytVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4NzFAAAxc5sgHQAAAA==:2490]

  196. <Confuzz> Never gives accessories

  197. <Alex> ~~i probably would have won~~

  198. <Alex> why do we even need it

  199. <Alex> FUCK

  200. Error on message Terraria.MessageBuffer

  201. is connecting…

  202. Ribs has joined.

  203. <Alex> join pink

  204. is connecting…

  205. was booted: Ribs

  206. Ribs has left.

  207. is connecting…

  208. <Alex> mmmph

  209. Ribs has joined.

  210. <Alex> also in vc

  211. <Alex> wait let me grab a thing

  212. <Ribs> I’ll pass, sorry

  213. <Ribs> nj

  214. Ribs has left.

  215. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAN4FtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1lEPJKzcmpTMsszghKLc7PSyzJL2JmYC0uSUzOZmBgYGMAAE8gb7I9AAAA:5956]

  216. <Alex> yeah

  217. <Alex> we got some

  218. <Alex> relog

  219. <Alex> i think

  220. Confuzz has left.

  221. <Alex> its a running joke

  222. is connecting…

  223. <Alex> he didnt see that

  224. <Alex> boogs tell him

  225. Confuzz has joined.

  226. <Alex> the fishing gear thing is a running joke with me

  227. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAKb1tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4LRnAAA/H29mHQAAAA==:2367][i/dH4sIAKf1tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4HRgAAAGesjOHQAAAA==:2368]

  228. <Alex> yeah i leave it on a lot

  229. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAL4GtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1lEPJKzcmpTMsszghKLc7PSyzJL2JmYC0uSUzOZmBgYGMAAE8gb7I9AAAA:5956]

  230. dawn

  231. : <Alex> come here and fight the queen with me

  232. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAAv3tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4HZNLEkt8k8LSMzMYwAAqiu84yoAAAA=:5409]

  233. <Alex> dont touch the whirlpool

  234. <Alex> alt wih chat open

  235. <Boogs> [i/dH4sIAL8ztVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4A8sTU3NK3bPyS8vLslMzmZkYE5LLGNkAAB70vyLNQAAAA==:5959]

  236. <Alex> MOVE

  237. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAKv4tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2Hg8MxLy8zLLKnkYGDJS8xNZZB0zUvJSS0uDi5IzSnNy04tcs/JLy8uyUzOZmRgTkssY2QAACxBkcI9AAAA:4174]

  238. <Alex> i can walk on the water surface but my anvils cant

  239. <Alex> wait hold on

  240. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIABn5tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4JnByMBWUJSallnhxAAAFV8cDCcAAAA=:3224]

  241. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAFz5tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgdiotysvMS3fLLC5hZGArKEpNy6wIZmRgTkssY2QAAMrcNZ83AAAA:6563]

  242. <Confuzz> Yeeeee

  243. <Boogs> [i/dH4sIAKY0tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWUQcs1LzkjMK0lN8cgvLUrPSSwuZgAAVAnjLS0AAAA=:6833] What does this do?

  244. <Alex> uhhh

  245. <Alex> hold on

  246. <Alex> it heals you

  247. <Alex> i will give warning this time

  248. <Alex> let me sor my hotbar

  249. <Alex> okay

  250. <Alex> also boogs you wanna summon shadow orbs instead?

  251. <Alex> its more a matter of hitting them

  252. <Alex> im summoning it

  253. <Alex> okay?

  254. <Alex> thats all

  255. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAMILtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgcMrPKQnJz01lZGArKEpNy6xQZAAAv7a8uy0AAAA=:6507]

  256. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIANr6tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgcMrPKQnJz01lZGArKEpNy6ywZAAA5i6nOS0AAAA=:6507]

  257. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAAkMtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYMllZmAtLklMzmZgYGBiAABwgi6fKQAAAA==:1133]

  258. <Alex> im pretty sure

  259. <Alex> i think the butterfly staff takes longer for each hit to connect but yeah

  260. <Alex> you could just try to summon different minions at once

  261. <Alex> come to meee

  262. <Alex> come to meeeee

  263. <Alex> oh yeah you should use the hive mind

  264. <Alex> my feather wand just negates the bees she summons

  265. <Alex> i can grabb more abeeminations

  266. Saving world data: 3%

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  270. Saving world data: 19%

  271. Saving world data: 23%

  272. Saving world data: 27%

  273. Saving world data: 31%

  274. Saving world data: 34%

  275. Saving world data: 38%

  276. Saving world data: 42%

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  290. Saving world data: 100%

  291. Validating world save: 7%

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  293. Validating world save: 38%

  294. Validating world save: 53%

  295. Validating world save: 70%

  296. Validating world save: 83%

  297. Backing up world file

  298. <Alex> she keeps targeting me

  299. <Alex> !!!

  300. <Alex> :(((

  301. <Alex> AYYY 420

  302. <Alex> im just not opening my bags

  303. <Alex> silly

  304. <Alex> thats all i think

  305. <Alex> [i/dH4sIABsQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYMlhAAD7giH/HQAAAA==:1132][i/dH4sIABsQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYJjPyMBWUJSallnhwgAA56hktCcAAAA=:159]

  306. <Alex> [i/dH4sIACIQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYHnIyMBWUJSallnhzgAAWMOLkicAAAA=:1249]

  307. <Alex> [i/dH4sIACQQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYHnIyMBWUJSallnhzgAAWMOLkicAAAA=:1249][i/dH4sIACUQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4FnJyMBWUJSallnhzgAAO9Hn/icAAAA=:3241][i/dH4sIACYQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYHdnAADLwReLHQAAAA==:1863]

  308. <Alex> [i/dH4sIACwQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZeB3Ks1LzvBPc0rMycnPzytmZGArKEpNy6zwYwAAcoZxT0IAAAA=:4394]

  309. <Alex> [i/dH4sIADMQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYOlhZGArKEpNy6xwYwAA/59tPScAAAA=:1164][i/dH4sIADMQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZeB3Ks1LzvBPc0rMycnPzytmZGArKEpNy6zwYwAAcoZxT0IAAAA=:4394]

  310. <Alex> [i/dH4sIADgQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZeB3zskvTfFPc0rMycnPzytmZGArKEpNy6zwZQAA4HOp2kIAAAA=:4396]

  311. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAEYQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZeBwK8pPL87IT2VkYCsoSk3LrPBnAAApjjVTOwAAAA==:4401][i/dH4sIAEcQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZeB3zskvTfFPc0rMycnPzytmZGArKEpNy6zwZQAA4HOp2kIAAAA=:4396]

  312. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAE4QtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZRB3zskvTfFPcyvKTy/OyE91SszJyc/PK2YAAOiw9zJAAAAA:4397]

  313. <Alex> the best part is stacking it with wings

  314. <Alex> so it adds all of the jumps and converting them to wing flight

  315. <Boogs> [i/dH4sIALw6tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4DzGAADLRRGjHQAAAA==:2502]

  316. <Alex> new blacksmith mount

  317. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAKAQtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4AouLUgtcswry8xhAAAmyUgoKQAAAA==:5167]

  318. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIANn/tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4HBKTXXKzy8pZmRgKyhKTcuscGQAAFbLDK4xAAAA:4752]

  319. <Alex> boogs

  320. <Alex> lightning boots

  321. <Alex> give

  322. <Alex> or your boots i guess

  323. <Alex> yeah

  324. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAHERtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYG5iZGArKEpNy6ywZwAABojSVycAAAA=:898][i/dH4sIAHERtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYN7GAADrubmBHQAAAA==:950]

  325. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAHcRtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYHdjAACK8AySHQAAAA==:1862]

  326. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAIwRtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYO5hZGArKEpNy6ywZwAAGFvjvicAAAA=:908][i/dH4sIAI0RtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYHdjAACK8AySHQAAAA==:1862]

  327. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAJURtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2EQCSxNzMksqfRP88lMSw1KTc4sSC3mYGDJS8xNZeBzzUnNTc0rScxxys8vKWZkYCsoSk3LrLBjAACqQwAHQQAAAA==:4399]

  328. <Alex> your next upgrade is when we get the ninja gear

  329. <Alex> but ultimately my big cloud of frogshoe ballooons will combine with these boots

  330. <Alex> EVENTUALLY

  331. <Alex> it also gets the gravity globe and flower boots

  332. <Alex> alright, good night

  333. Boogs has left.

  334. Saving world data: 3%

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  347. Saving world data: 50%

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  360. Saving world data: 97%

  361. Saving world data: 100%

  362. Validating world save: 10%

  363. Validating world save: 26%

  364. Validating world save: 40%

  365. Validating world save: 53%

  366. Validating world save: 72%

  367. Validating world save: 89%

  368. Backing up world file

  369. <Confuzz> BAck

  370. <Alex> hi

  371. <Confuzz> So what is the night of the undead thingo

  372. <Alex> idk

  373. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAB8FtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgDskvygtILKgsKi1mZmAtLklMzmZgYGBmAADsC3BnMgAAAA==:7909][i/dH4sIAB8FtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgdsovKclJTXHPKU1lZmAtLklMzmZgYGBiAABg+3KMMgAAAA==:6523][i/dH4sIAB8FtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgC80rKUpNLElNcctJLc5gZmAtLklMzmZgYGBlAAD2rtAjNQAAAA==:6881][i/dH4sIAB8FtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYNjKzMBaXJKYnA1kszAAANx6KdQpAAAA:181]—>[i/dH4sIAB8FtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgC04uys/JyU8LzUtJTUxhAACvGnmMKQAAAA==:7904]

  374. <Alex> idk

  375. <Confuzz> Kk

  376. <Confuzz> Night of the undead seems to be for rupicide

  377. <Alex> ???

  378. <Confuzz> It’s a trmor material

  379. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAGwGtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgCCotyEzOTEllZmAtLklMzmZgYGBhAABnMtihLwAAAA==:7897]

  380. <Alex> doesnt seem useful to me, but if you want to go ahead master

  381. <Alex> need4pee

  382. <Confuzz> Okie

  383. <Confuzz> I think its useful so I’ll do it a few times

  384. <Confuzz> Perhaps you’d like to be a good mindless obedient healer when I do~?

  385. <Alex> iumm

  386. <Confuzz> I’ll be waiting until the next night but i know how much you love healing and feeling so good

  387. Saving world data: 5%

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  393. Saving world data: 31%

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  407. Saving world data: 90%

  408. Saving world data: 95%

  409. Saving world data: 99%

  410. Saving world data: 100%

  411. Validating world save: 9%

  412. Validating world save: 23%

  413. Validating world save: 36%

  414. Validating world save: 48%

  415. Validating world save: 66%

  416. Validating world save: 79%

  417. Validating world save: 98%

  418. Backing up world file

  419. <Alex> .///.

  420. <Alex> i made this for you master

  421. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  422. <Alex> <3

  423. <Alex> i hve another thing

  424. <Confuzz> Oh~?

  425. <Confuzz> Such a good girl~ <3

  426. <Alex> i can use the belt of quick response to reach peak speed

  427. <Alex> but i dont have room for it

  428. <Alex> and uh

  429. <Alex> i cant make the complete version yet

  430. <Confuzz> Of the belt?

  431. <Alex> yeah

  432. <Alex> it uses potion chasers

  433. <Confuzz> Ah I see the issue

  434. <Alex> you’re in water

  435. <Confuzz> Only slightly

  436. <Alex> o

  437. <Alex> i thought it broke it

  438. <Confuzz> Needs to be a certain depth

  439. <Alex> wow my jumps are so weak without the cloud of frogshoe balloons

  440. <Confuzz> Not super surprising


  442. <Confuzz> Is that you?

  443. <Alex> yeah

  444. <Alex> now i just need moon lord uwu

  445. <Alex> purpurrr

  446. <Confuzz> So can we fight the Rukh?

  447. <Confuzz> So you’re going to feel so very wonderful as you heal and support me aren’t you cutie?

  448. <Alex> yyes

  449. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  450. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAIIdtVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWVgdy7KL09KLGIAAF84I1kiAAAA:6684]

  451. <Alex> hehe

  452. Saving world data: 3%

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  479. Saving world data: 100%

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  482. Validating world save: 33%

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  484. Validating world save: 66%

  485. Validating world save: 84%

  486. Backing up world file

  487. <Confuzz> Did you give me something?

  488. <Confuzz> Oh

  489. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  490. <Alex> i forgot x.x

  491. <Confuzz> That’s ok~ *pets softly*

  492. <Alex> w-what did i give you?

  493. <Confuzz> The fish

  494. <Alex> oh yeah

  495. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAE0ftVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgDMkvygvPzEsvZgAA55kJvCQAAAA=:7910]

  496. <Confuzz> Oh?

  497. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAOUftVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYNVlZGArKEpNy6xQZwAA6+ROfycAAAA=:1325]

  498. <Confuzz> Do torn wings let you fly?

  499. <Alex> yeah

  500. <Confuzz> :o

  501. <Confuzz> Pre hardmode wings XD

  502. <Alex> 1 of the 3 pre hardmode wings available

  503. <Confuzz> which others?

  504. <Alex> the harpy armor

  505. <Confuzz> Doesn’t it need the full armor?

  506. <Alex> idk

  507. <Confuzz> I think sp

  508. <Alex> the fallen champion drops wings as her expert drop

  509. <Confuzz> Ah true

  510. <Confuzz> Also found out[i/dH4sIANYPtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWXgcMrPKQnJz01lZGArKEpNy6wIZmRgTkssY2QAAJqSYtA0AAAA:6507] is not 100% accurate as it can hit enemies by hitting ‘near enough’

  511. <Confuzz> Which is nice

  512. <Alex> seems to be really powerful wings for like

  513. <Alex> 1 second

  514. <Alex> lol

  515. <Confuzz> XD

  516. <Confuzz> Amazing

  517. <Alex> maybe its my balloons

  518. <Confuzz> Maybe?

  519. <Alex> found another spider biome

  520. <Alex> i have arachnophobia

  521. <Alex> master?

  522. <Confuzz> Sorry got called away

  523. <Alex> told you master

  524. <Confuzz> XD

  525. <Alex> i want more coal

  526. Saving world data: 1%

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  558. Validating world save: 55%

  559. Validating world save: 71%

  560. Validating world save: 83%

  561. Validating world save: 100%

  562. Backing up world file

  563. <Alex> lookitstheguy

  564. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAOkTtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4PvCAAA/By5LHQAAAA==:3828][i/dH4sIAOoTtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4HvBAABiWlmtHQAAAA==:3816]

  565. <Alex> cool

  566. <Confuzz> Ye

  567. <Alex> i have soooooo much money~

  568. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAMUltVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYPBkZmAtLklMzgay7RgAL2lpsikAAAA=:73][i/dH4sIAMUltVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFgYPBiZmAtLklMzgay2RgAD/CX2SkAAAA=:74]

  569. <Confuzz> Saaame

  570. <Confuzz> Not quite that much but still a lot

  571. <Alex> i did sell most of the junk in the system we didnt need

  572. <Alex> d-do you want my wings master?

  573. <Confuzz> I’m ok you can keep them for now

  574. <Confuzz> Come join me~

  575. <Alex> here master

  576. <Confuzz> Be a good blank healer for me now~

  577. <Alex> bblaknn

  578. <Confuzz> Mind nice and emptu

  579. <Confuzz> Defend and heal~

  580. <Alex> master im sorry

  581. <Confuzz> You’re fine let your mind come back now~ *petpets*

  582. <Alex> uhhhuh

  583. <Confuzz> I’ll brb

  584. <Alex> im gonna go shower master

  585. <Alex> ill be back dm me if you want

  586. Alex has left.

  587. Saving world data: 4%

  588. Saving world data: 9%

  589. Saving world data: 14%

  590. Saving world data: 19%

  591. Saving world data: 23%

  592. Saving world data: 28%

  593. Saving world data: 31%

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  595. Saving world data: 40%

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  599. Saving world data: 56%

  600. Saving world data: 60%

  601. Saving world data: 63%

  602. Saving world data: 65%

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  605. Saving world data: 72%

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  608. Saving world data: 78%

  609. Saving world data: 80%

  610. Saving world data: 83%

  611. Saving world data: 86%

  612. Saving world data: 91%

  613. Saving world data: 95%

  614. Saving world data: 100%

  615. Validating world save: 15%

  616. Validating world save: 32%

  617. Validating world save: 46%

  618. Validating world save: 62%

  619. Validating world save: 80%

  620. Validating world save: 97%

  621. Backing up world file

  622. Saving world data: 4%

  623. Saving world data: 8%

  624. Saving world data: 13%

  625. Saving world data: 17%

  626. Saving world data: 22%

  627. Saving world data: 26%

  628. Saving world data: 29%

  629. Saving world data: 34%

  630. Saving world data: 39%

  631. Saving world data: 43%

  632. Saving world data: 46%

  633. Saving world data: 50%

  634. Saving world data: 55%

  635. Saving world data: 59%

  636. Saving world data: 64%

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  638. Saving world data: 74%

  639. Saving world data: 78%

  640. Saving world data: 82%

  641. Saving world data: 87%

  642. Saving world data: 92%

  643. Saving world data: 97%

  644. Saving world data: 100%

  645. Validating world save: 10%

  646. Validating world save: 26%

  647. Validating world save: 41%

  648. Validating world save: 57%

  649. Validating world save: 76%

  650. Validating world save: 93%

  651. Backing up world file

  652. is connecting…

  653. Alex has joined.

  654. <Alex> hi

  655. <Confuzz> Hihi

  656. <Alex> hi master

  657. <Confuzz> How’re you

  658. <Alex> wet

  659. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  660. <Alex> .////.

  661. <Alex> how are you master?

  662. Saving world data: 1%

  663. Saving world data: 5%

  664. Saving world data: 6%

  665. Saving world data: 9%

  666. Saving world data: 13%

  667. Saving world data: 18%

  668. Saving world data: 23%

  669. Saving world data: 27%

  670. Saving world data: 31%

  671. Saving world data: 35%

  672. Saving world data: 40%

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  675. Saving world data: 52%

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  680. Saving world data: 75%

  681. Saving world data: 79%

  682. Saving world data: 83%

  683. Saving world data: 87%

  684. Saving world data: 92%

  685. Saving world data: 97%

  686. Saving world data: 100%

  687. Validating world save: 12%

  688. Validating world save: 28%

  689. Validating world save: 41%

  690. Validating world save: 55%

  691. Validating world save: 73%

  692. Validating world save: 88%

  693. Backing up world file

  694. <Alex> maaaster?

  695. <Confuzz> Mhmm~?

  696. <Alex> howru

  697. <Confuzz> Doing ok just been talking with some family

  698. <Alex> nice family or mean family?

  699. <Confuzz> Nice family also I’d like if you would talk more normally for now as my screen may be seen by family understand?

  700. <Alex> understood

  701. <Confuzz> Also I did the defender event a few times and got some things for healers

  702. <Alex> oh look the meteor spawned in the same spot

  703. <Alex> oh?

  704. <Confuzz> Yup yup

  705. <Confuzz> Also join pink

  706. <Confuzz> I’ll do the event a few times more too

  707. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAFUmtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4HZJLMr2TUxPdUpMZ2ZgLS5JTM5mYGBgZgAA7acUITYAAAA=:4968]

  708. <Alex> ooo

  709. <Alex> wait

  710. <Alex> dark mage, right?

  711. <Confuzz> I leant you can kill the mage multiple times if you kill him right after he spawns

  712. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAHYmtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4BdkAAChauVpHQAAAA==:3857]

  713. <Alex> ooo

  714. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIANgmtlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCsnIL8oszfXNT+FgYMlLzE1l4HBJLMoOyc9NZWRgKyhKTcusCGZkYE5LLGNkAAA8Hg3+OAAAAA==:4970]

  715. <Alex> ooo

  716. <Confuzz> This thing is also super strong

  717. <Alex> do you like the wings?

  718. <Confuzz> Yeah they’re really nice

  719. <Confuzz> brb

  720. <Confuzz> Getting called away

  721. <Alex> ill protect you master <3

  722. <Confuzz> Back

  723. <Alex> ji

  724. <Alex> hi

  725. Saving world data: 4%

  726. Saving world data: 8%

  727. Saving world data: 12%

  728. Saving world data: 17%

  729. Saving world data: 21%

  730. Saving world data: 25%

  731. Saving world data: 29%

  732. Saving world data: 33%

  733. Saving world data: 37%

  734. Saving world data: 41%

  735. Saving world data: 45%

  736. Saving world data: 49%

  737. Saving world data: 54%

  738. Saving world data: 57%

  739. Saving world data: 61%

  740. Saving world data: 66%

  741. Saving world data: 70%

  742. Saving world data: 74%

  743. Saving world data: 79%

  744. Saving world data: 83%

  745. Saving world data: 88%

  746. Saving world data: 92%

  747. Saving world data: 97%

  748. Saving world data: 100%

  749. Validating world save: 10%

  750. Validating world save: 26%

  751. Validating world save: 39%

  752. Validating world save: 55%

  753. Validating world save: 73%

  754. Validating world save: 90%

  755. Backing up world file

  756. <Alex> [i/dH4sIAFE6tVsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4OllZGBOSyxjZAAAj5TiIiQAAAA=:3213]

  757. <Confuzz> Nice~

  758. <Confuzz> I have a spare on another world I should go get

  759. <Confuzz> Cause I lucked out with a different character and got 2 in one night

  760. Confuzz has left.

  761. is connecting…

  762. Confuzz has joined.

  763. <Alex> hi

  764. <Confuzz> Hihi

  765. <Confuzz> [i/dH4sIAMEptlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2HgCEktKkosykxkZmDKTGFg4OllAADuEVe2HQAAAA==:3213]

  766. <Alex> Are your family still around?

  767. <Confuzz> Still kinda around yeah so I’d rather be safe

  768. <Alex> kinda?

  769. <Confuzz> Yeah they’re in a different room

  770. <Alex> hmmm

  771. <Confuzz> Hmmmm?

  772. <Alex> hmm…

  773. <Alex> purrrr

  774. <Confuzz> XD

  775. <Confuzz> Took 2k fall damage

  776. <Confuzz> I modified the tracks a bit

  777. <Alex> m?

  778. <Confuzz> To have some more jumps

  779. <Confuzz> This is what I wanted to make [i/dH4sIAPostlsA/+NiYOBgYM7NT2FgCylKzc0v4mBgyUvMTWUQdMrPz85PC0otS81JLMnMzytmAAAlse4PLAAAAA==:7880]

  780. <Confuzz> Every 20 seconds heal 80 and restore 400 mana

  781. <Confuzz> Pretty amazing all things considered

  782. <Alex> uhuh

  783. <Confuzz> Use it to keep yourself alive to heal more~ ;)

  784. <Alex> uhhuh

  785. <Alex> im boooored

  786. <Confuzz> What you wanna do?

  787. <Alex> idkkkkk

  788. <Confuzz> Hmmmm

  789. <Alex> wdy wanna do

  790. <Confuzz> Hmmmm

  791. <Alex> hrm

  792. Saving world data: 3%

  793. Saving world data: 8%

  794. Saving world data: 13%

  795. Saving world data: 17%

  796. Saving world data: 22%

  797. Saving world data: 26%

  798. Saving world data: 30%

  799. Saving world data: 35%

  800. Saving world data: 38%

  801. Saving world data: 43%

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  809. Saving world data: 75%

  810. Saving world data: 79%

  811. Saving world data: 84%

  812. Saving world data: 89%

  813. Saving world data: 93%

  814. Saving world data: 98%

  815. Saving world data: 100%

  816. Validating world save: 4%

  817. Validating world save: 22%

  818. Validating world save: 37%

  819. Validating world save: 51%

  820. Validating world save: 67%

  821. Validating world save: 85%

  822. Backing up world file

  823. <Alex> b 0 r e ddddd

  824. <Confuzz> Go do fishing quest for me and reset with a fishing potion with each one you turn in

  825. <Alex> what if i said no :^)

  826. <Confuzz> I’d say be a good girl and obey~

  827. <Alex> and what if i diiiiidnt

  828. <Confuzz> Focus, read, OBEY

  829. <Alex> huh?

  830. <Alex> uh

  831. <Confuzz> Mhhm~?

  832. <Alex> what

  833. <Confuzz> Be a good girl and fetch me some fish~

  834. <Alex> what if i didnt?

  835. <Confuzz> What if you do and feel a nice wave of pleasure with each fish you hand in~?

  836. <Alex> hmm

  837. <Alex> im horny

  838. <Confuzz> So are you going to get those fish and touch yourself with one hand as you do so~?

  839. <Alex> idk

  840. <Alex> maybe

  841. <Confuzz> Or are you just going to touch and feel your mind drip out~?

  842. <Alex> my mind seems intact rn

  843. <Alex> maybe im just feeling a little bratty…

  844. <Confuzz> Oh?

  845. <Alex> yeah… what i said

  846. <Confuzz> So you’d like me to just put your mind in it’s place~

  847. <Alex> maybe

  848. <Confuzz> To feel my words guide it back into a melted state~

  849. <Alex> uhm

  850. Confuzz has left.

  851. is connecting…

  852. <Alex> uh

  853. Confuzz has joined.

  854. <Alex> hi

  855. <Confuzz> Hello

  856. <Alex> bored…

  857. <Confuzz> Boredom can numb the mind though

  858. <Confuzz> A bit similar to how you can relax

  859. <Alex> i guess

  860. <Confuzz> to how your mind can just feel itself getting fuzzy

  861. <Alex> uhhuh

  862. <Confuzz> Hazy as it slips and relaxes

  863. <Alex> can you remove the sentry

  864. <Alex> immnubu

  865. <Confuzz> how you can just obey

  866. <Confuzz> sink deep

  867. <Confuzz> and be so deeply mindless

  868. <Confuzz> Isn’t that right?

  869. <Alex> mi8yh7

  870. <Alex> unjm

  871. <Confuzz> Good and you’ll be good girl and obey won’t you?

  872. <Alex> uuhujmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  873. <Confuzz> Obey~

  874. <Alex> obby

  875. <Confuzz> Obey~

  876. <Alex> hhnn

  877. <Alex> ;[lpkoj

  878. <Confuzz> Obey~

  879. <Alex> obbrey»

  880. <Confuzz> When you awaken you will Obey~

  881. <Alex> okk

  882. <Confuzz> Awaken now and Obey~

  883. <Alex> ttouchh

  884. <Confuzz> Now complete fishing quests for me and touch until I tell you to stop~

  885. <Alex> thheres yljr ffksn astter

  886. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  887. <Alex> hhorny

  888. <Confuzz> You have to get your own quest done too and then you are to use a angler amnesia potion understand?

  889. Saving world data: 4%

  890. Saving world data: 9%

  891. Saving world data: 14%

  892. Saving world data: 19%

  893. Saving world data: 24%

  894. Saving world data: 29%

  895. Saving world data: 33%

  896. Saving world data: 36%

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  899. Saving world data: 49%

  900. Saving world data: 54%

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  904. Saving world data: 73%

  905. Saving world data: 78%

  906. Saving world data: 83%

  907. Saving world data: 89%

  908. Saving world data: 93%

  909. Saving world data: 96%

  910. Saving world data: 100%

  911. Validating world save: 3%

  912. Validating world save: 19%

  913. Validating world save: 35%

  914. Validating world save: 49%

  915. Validating world save: 65%

  916. Validating world save: 85%

  917. Backing up world file

  918. <Alex> yes masterr

  919. <Alex> im so hornyy

  920. <Confuzz> Very good and better with each fish you hand in

  921. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  922. <Alex> ifeel so sutpid

  923. <Confuzz> Hmmm?

  924. <Alex> ddummn

  925. <Confuzz> Dumb fisher slave~?

  926. <Alex> ditzzzy

  927. <Confuzz> Ditzy fisher slut~

  928. <Alex> imm twitchy ditzzyyy

  929. <Confuzz> Good fisher slave~

  930. <Alex> touch touch touchh touccchh

  931. <Confuzz> Touching now slave?

  932. <Alex> yss

  933. <Confuzz> Good slave but still fishing obediently~

  934. <Confuzz> How’re you feeling?

  935. <Alex> hhorny

  936. <Alex> dumbbairheadd

  937. <Confuzz> Better and better with each moment

  938. <Alex> tturn in your fish masterrr

  939. <Confuzz> I have~

  940. <Confuzz> Done~

  941. <Alex> imm so hornyy

  942. <Confuzz> Pleasure building with each breath now

  943. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  944. <Alex> mmmnnnnnnnnnnn

  945. Saving world data: 4%

  946. Saving world data: 9%

  947. Saving world data: 14%

  948. Saving world data: 19%

  949. Saving world data: 23%

  950. Saving world data: 28%

  951. Saving world data: 31%

  952. Saving world data: 36%

  953. Saving world data: 40%

  954. Saving world data: 44%

  955. Saving world data: 48%

  956. Saving world data: 53%

  957. Saving world data: 57%

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  959. Saving world data: 66%

  960. Saving world data: 71%

  961. Saving world data: 76%

  962. Saving world data: 80%

  963. Saving world data: 85%

  964. Saving world data: 90%

  965. Saving world data: 95%

  966. Saving world data: 100%

  967. Validating world save: 4%

  968. Validating world save: 24%

  969. Validating world save: 39%

  970. Validating world save: 51%

  971. Validating world save: 65%

  972. Validating world save: 82%

  973. Backing up world file

  974. <Alex> mmaster the fish isntt cominggg

  975. <Confuzz> Good girl

  976. <Confuzz> Cum for me now~

  977. <Alex> mmaster imm too horny andd meltyy

  978. <Confuzz> Go ahead and cum for me~

  979. <Alex> ccan you lecture me on what i amm

  980. <Alex> ddumb and stuff

  981. <Confuzz> You’re a horny obedient ditzy slut who loves to suck fuck and obey~

  982. <Alex> mmore

  983. <Confuzz> Your mind is a obedient melty mess that obeys mindlessly

  984. <Alex> mmmore pls

  985. <Confuzz> you’re going to cum so very hard for me for having been so obedient for me

  986. <Alex> aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

  987. <Confuzz> Good girl~

  988. <Confuzz> I have to go now but it’s been wonderful playing with you~

  989. <Alex> bbye master

  990. <Confuzz> See you another time~

  991. <Alex> <3

  992. <Confuzz> <3

  993. Confuzz has left.

  994. Alex has left.

moneylover3246 / crossplay
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24.58 MB

Allows for cross-platform play on Terraria servers

License: MIT License

C# 100.00%

crossplay’s Introduction

What is Crossplay?

Crossplay allows for cross-platform play between all 1.4.4+ versions, utlimately closing the gap between Terraria on mobile and PC devices. This plugin works by modifying incoming packets sent from the client (and outgoing packets sent from the server) to match whatever game version the packets are being sent to.


Installation is very easy; Simply insert the plugin file (Crossplay.dll) into the ServerPlugins folder of your TShock install.

Bugs & Issues

Bugs or other issues with this plugin should be reported as an issue to this page to myself. Feel free to contact my Discord (@Moneylover3246#9667) for further assistance

crossplay’s People

crossplay’s Issues

Connection timeout

I turn on the server with this plugin, when I c
onnect to the server from a mobile device I get this error.


Update to the

Desync issues with player summons

Desktop player POV: mobile player have raven summons around character
Mobile player POV: does not actually have any raven summons

TShock update

Recent TShock update break the plugin again.
People from mobile devices can’t join on version. They get an error «Lost connection. You are not using the same version as this server».

here is a bug

Connection lost.

Desktop: Terraria v1.4.3.6. Works. Can connect.

Mobile: Terraria v1. build 887. Connection lost.

It’s as if the mobile version can’t find the server at all.

Other details:

I’ve set up the server through a docker container.

EDIT: A friend of mine was able to connect through mobile. That’s weird. Something must be wrong with my phone or my home network.

Literally only works on version

tried joining on my phone and my computer ( and and both wont work, I check my server console and it says only is available

Pets Problem

I found a bug where players using Terraria will stuck at «Receiving tiles data…» loading screen if someone equipped the new 1.4.3(tested with Bone Eye) Pets in the server. But players using can still join the server.

Mobile clients crashing

mobile clients will occasionally crash after a prolonged play session (>1 hr)

not sure what is causing it atm

Mobile Version

What mobile version do I need to use to join the server with TShock? I tried several versions and all of them were not possible.

Mobile players crash upon logging into SSC Journey mode server

steps to reproduce

  1. install latest tshock (fresh)
  2. install latest crossplay build (366d216)
  3. create a journey world
  4. enable tshock ssc
  5. join the ssc journey server w/ mobile character
  6. mobile character will crash immediately after logging in

Mobile users crashing when wire is used

Hi, so i have been using this plugin for testing recently and noticed quite a large bug, in that when a wire machine as simple as a torch is activated mobile players generally receive their games crashing. one of my friends using mobile will crash immediately upon the lever being used, but another takes a few tries to crash. I know this probably isn’t solvable from the plugin but i thought i would report it anyway.

loaded hat racks can’t be removed by mobile players

steps to reproduce (on mobile)

  1. place hat rack
  2. put hats/helmets into hat rack
  3. remove hats/helmets from hat rack
  4. try to remove the rack itself
  5. doesn’t work

PC players can remove it w/o issue (after taking out the hats ofc)

Server crash issue

The server can crash if a PC player goes towards the far left edge of the underworld/hell. Doesn’t happen when mobile crossplay players go to that location.

Using the latest crossplay version, latest TShock version.
Master world, large size, for the worthy seed.

It doesn’t work

I put it on the server, and in the console section it told me that it was working, but nobody can join, everyone tells them that it does not have the same version

added buff to princess npc abnormally

Randomly kicks mobile users for «added buff to princess npc abnormally» despite the princess ISN’T EVEN in the world


Won’t startup (Skynode)

[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Checking server disk space usage, this could take a few seconds...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Updating process configuration files...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Ensuring file permissions are set correctly, this could take a few seconds...
Skynode: Server marked as starting...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Pulling Docker container image, this could take a few minutes to complete...
[Pterodactyl Daemon]: Finished pulling Docker container image
:/home/container$ ./TShock.Server -ip -port ${SERVER_PORT} -maxplayers ${MAX_PLAYERS} -world ${WORLD_NAME}.wld -autocreate ${WORLD_SIZE}
Created new 8401x2401 DefaultCollection`1 for source: System.Void Terraria.Main::.cctor()
Error Logging Enabled.
[OTAPI] Starting up (OTAPI PC Server,3.1.19,9ab9fd1,ModFw:1.1.7).
TerrariaAPI Version: (Protocol v1. (278), OTAPI
[Server API] Error Startup aborted due to an exception in the Server API initialization:
System.InvalidOperationException: Plugin "Crossplay" has thrown an exception during initialization.
 ---> System.NotSupportedException: The provided version of this plugin is outdated and will not function properly. Check for any updates here:
   at Crossplay.CrossplayPlugin.Initialize()
   at TerrariaApi.Server.PluginContainer.Initialize() in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/PluginContainer.cs:line 36
   at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/ServerApi.cs:line 430
   --- End of inner exception stack trace ---
   at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/ServerApi.cs:line 435
   at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.Initialize(String[] commandLineArgs, Main game) in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/ServerApi.cs:line 118
   at TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.InitialiseAPI() in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/HookManager.cs:line 29

Outdated, but not outdated?

I have the most recent version of Crossplay in the correct file, but it says I don’t have it (maybe a TShock problem).
The console if it helps:
Created new 8401×2401 DefaultCollection`1 for source: System.Void Terraria.Main::.cctor()

Error Logging Enabled.

[OTAPI] Starting up (OTAPI PC Server,3.1.19,9ab9fd1,ModFw:1.1.7).

[Server API] Error Startup aborted due to an exception in the Server API initialization:

System.InvalidOperationException: Plugin «Crossplay» has thrown an exception during initialization.

—> System.NotSupportedException: The provided version of this plugin is outdated and will not function properly. Check for any updates here:

at Crossplay.CrossplayPlugin.Initialize()

at TerrariaApi.Server.PluginContainer.Initialize() in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/PluginContainer.cs:line 36

at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in /home/runner/work/TShock/TShock/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/ServerApi.cs:line 430
errariaServerAPI/TerrariaServerAPI/TerrariaApi.Server/HookManager.cs:line 29

1.4.4 Pre Release

When I put it in the configs folder and run the server, it doesn’t work or say Crossplay has been enabled & has whitelisted the following versions: blah blah blah. am I missing something?

Connecting with Ipad v1.4.4.5

Get version error when connecting with Ipad version

I am using the latest beta 5 version of tshock as i was getting an error when on latest 4x version of tshock (unrelated to crossplay, server just wont start in 4x «System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.»

Android/mobile issue

Okay so i find some glitch if you connect to Server its say «You are not using the same version as this server.» And anyways i use so what i want to say its Can you fix it?

Hello, tsock has updated

Hello, tsock has updated

Enemy damage inconsistency

Skeletron’s skull projectiles do like 100k damage to mobile players

It’s only around 100 for PC players

«You are not using the same version as this server»

So, it’s ironic but what happened is that i updated my tshock to lates and setted the game files in server plugins and the console displayed that the plugin was enabled, issue is that i tried to join the server through mobile and this happened:
Normally, i’d think it’s because the terraria is not updated, but my terraria mobile is in, the latest for mobiles, and i have no idea of what could be going wrong
Edit: i am using TShock 4.5.17

Crossplay v2.2 for Terraria

I cannot install the file. I get a 404 error when I click the link. If you could respond as soon as you can it would be appreciated. Thanks.


???? why is it deleted your bot is also gone form the server ;l-0;-

iOS Will not Allow to Connect TShock v1.4.3.6

Hello, I am amazed that there is a simple mod that can solve all of my current issues. I would like to ask you if there is a reason why my iOS application is replying with «you are not using the same version as this server».

I am assuming this is an issue with using the plugin, although the server does reply with «[Server API] Info Plugin Crossplay v1.7.0 (by Moneylover3246) initiated.».

Am I doing something wrong here?

Plz Halp

Hello, your plugin works like magic but yesterday this was working fine and this error suddenly appeared when I go through the door… both mobile and PC

[Server API] Warning Plugin "Crossplay" has had an unhandled exception thrown by one of its NetGetData handlers: System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'Byte TShockAPI.Net.NetTile.get_Slope()'. at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.UpdateServerTileState(ITile tile, NetTile newTile) at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.UpdateMultipleServerTileStates(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, NetTile[,] newTiles) at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.ProcessTileObject(Int32 tileType, Int32 realX, Int32 realY, Int32 width, Int32 height, NetTile[,] newTiles, SendTileRectEventArgs args) at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.IterateTileRect(NetTile[,] tiles, Boolean[,] processed, SendTileRectEventArgs args) at Crossplay.Crossplay.GetData(GetDataEventArgs args) at TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection1.Invoke(ArgsType args) in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerHandlerCollection.cs:line 109
[Server API] Warning Plugin «Crossplay» has had an unhandled exception thrown by one of its NetGetData handlers:
System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: ‘Byte TShockAPI.Net.NetTile.get_Slope()’.
at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.UpdateServerTileState(ITile tile, NetTile newTile)
at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.UpdateMultipleServerTileStates(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, NetTile[,] newTiles)
at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.ProcessTileObject(Int32 tileType, Int32 realX, Int32 realY, Int32 width, Int32 height, NetTile[,] newTiles, SendTileRectEventArgs args)
at Crossplay.SendTileRectHandler.IterateTileRect(NetTile[,] tiles, Boolean[,] processed, SendTileRectEventArgs args)
at Crossplay.Crossplay.GetData(GetDataEventArgs args)
at TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection1.Invoke(ArgsType args) in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerHandlerCollection.cs:line 109

Update for 1.4.4 please

It would be very appreciated

update crossplataform plugin to play new version of terraria labor of love !!!

terraria receive a updated we need to update crossplataform plugin …

Bouncer issue vs. desktop (prob STS/R related)

If you’re on desktop and you tried to break a block under a door within a protected region, the block and door will be instantly restored visually.

But if you’re on mobile and you tried the same, it will fail to properly restore until the user rejoins the server.

Wont stert

Logfile as follows

[03/27/22 16:36:05] [Server API] Verbose: TerrariaApi — Server v2.1.0.0 started.
[03/27/22 16:36:05] [Server API] Verbose: Command line: -ip -port 41000 -players 6 -world Fgn -autocreate 2 -config tshock_config.txt -ignoreversion
[03/27/22 16:36:05] [Server API] Verbose: OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64bit: True)
[03/27/22 16:36:05] [Server API] Verbose: Mono: False
[03/27/22 16:36:05] [Server API] Warning: Plugin versions are no longer being regarded, you are on your own! If problems arise, TShock developers will not help you with issues regarding this.
[03/27/22 16:36:06] [Server API] Error: Startup aborted due to an exception in the Server API initialization:
System.InvalidOperationException: Plugin «Crossplay» has thrown an exception during initialization. —> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: ‘TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection1<TerrariaApi.Server.SendNetDataEventArgs> TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.get_NetSendNetData()'. at Crossplay.CrossplayPlugin.Initialize() at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 375 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 380 at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.Initialize(String[] commandLineArgs, Main game) in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 117 at TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.InitialiseAPI() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerHookManager.cs:line 27 [03/27/22 16:45:58] [Server API] Verbose: TerrariaApi - Server v2.1.0.0 started. [03/27/22 16:45:58] [Server API] Verbose: Command line: -ip -port 41000 -players 6 -world Fgn -autocreate 2 -config tshock_config.txt -ignoreversion [03/27/22 16:45:58] [Server API] Verbose: OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64bit: True) [03/27/22 16:45:58] [Server API] Verbose: Mono: False [03/27/22 16:45:58] [Server API] Warning: Plugin versions are no longer being regarded, you are on your own! If problems arise, TShock developers will not help you with issues regarding this. [03/27/22 16:45:58] [Server API] Error: Startup aborted due to an exception in the Server API initialization: System.InvalidOperationException: Plugin "Crossplay" has thrown an exception during initialization. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection1<TerrariaApi.Server.SendNetDataEventArgs> TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.get_NetSendNetData()’.
at Crossplay.CrossplayPlugin.Initialize()
at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 375
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 380
at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.Initialize(String[] commandLineArgs, Main game) in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 117
at TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.InitialiseAPI() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerHookManager.cs:line 27
[03/27/22 20:56:44] [Server API] Verbose: TerrariaApi — Server v2.1.0.0 started.
[03/27/22 20:56:44] [Server API] Verbose: Command line: -ip -port 41000 -players 6 -world Fgn -autocreate 2 -config tshock_config.txt
[03/27/22 20:56:44] [Server API] Verbose: OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64bit: True)
[03/27/22 20:56:44] [Server API] Verbose: Mono: False
[03/27/22 20:56:44] [Server API] Error: Startup aborted due to an exception in the Server API initialization:
System.InvalidOperationException: Plugin «Crossplay» has thrown an exception during initialization. —> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: ‘TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection1<TerrariaApi.Server.SendNetDataEventArgs> TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.get_NetSendNetData()'. at Crossplay.CrossplayPlugin.Initialize() at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 375 --- End of inner exception stack trace --- at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 380 at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.Initialize(String[] commandLineArgs, Main game) in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 117 at TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.InitialiseAPI() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerHookManager.cs:line 27 [03/28/22 13:30:43] [Server API] Verbose: TerrariaApi - Server v2.1.0.0 started. [03/28/22 13:30:43] [Server API] Verbose: Command line: -ip -port 41000 -players 6 -world Fgn -autocreate 2 -config tshock_config.txt [03/28/22 13:30:43] [Server API] Verbose: OS: Microsoft Windows NT 6.2.9200.0 (64bit: True) [03/28/22 13:30:43] [Server API] Verbose: Mono: False [03/28/22 13:30:44] [Server API] Error: Startup aborted due to an exception in the Server API initialization: System.InvalidOperationException: Plugin "Crossplay" has thrown an exception during initialization. ---> System.MissingMethodException: Method not found: 'TerrariaApi.Server.HandlerCollection1<TerrariaApi.Server.SendNetDataEventArgs> TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.get_NetSendNetData()’.
at Crossplay.CrossplayPlugin.Initialize()
at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 375
— End of inner exception stack trace —
at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.LoadPlugins() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 380
at TerrariaApi.Server.ServerApi.Initialize(String[] commandLineArgs, Main game) in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerServerApi.cs:line 117
at TerrariaApi.Server.HookManager.InitialiseAPI() in D:aTShockTShockTerrariaServerAPITerrariaServerAPITerrariaApi.ServerHookManager.cs:line 27

TShock update

Mobile user joining via Crossplay is ‘connecting’ from version

while the server is on, and thus disconnects the user.

High memory usage, up to 3gb

With the latest version of crossplay (2.1.1) the server memory and cpu starts to increase to a point to the server becomes unplayable or crashes it.
I was using Tshock V5.1.2.0 on a big world

Info about my machine:
Windows Server 2022 Version 21H1
Cpu: 2,50Ghz 4 cores; RAM 8gb,
DotNet 6.0.9 x64

Tileliquid bug

There’s a desync issue that happens for mobile clients when water and lava mix into each other to create obsidian.

It appears normal for PC clients, but for mobile clients the water «freeze» above the lava and no obsidian is created. And obviously the mobile player falls thru the liquid bc they don’t «receive» the obsidian tile update.

expert dificulty does not load in mobile

so, i was about to play a world with a firend of mine, using the right ip in a world in expert, in mine firend’s phone the server refuced to let him in, but if i changed to a world in any other dificulty it does work as if nothing was wrong

edit: i wrote extreme instead of hardcore

Mobile isnt working

Will not work on latest mobile version of terraria.

I’m hosting a server with this plugin and it does not work with the latest mobile version, v1. I believe its on. Any suggestions?

Doesn’t work even on 2.2.1 plugin version

Hi there!
I’m trying to get it to work on TShock (w/Terraria Even latest released plugin version (and even it built from source) doesn’t work as expected. Here is the log:

: -------------------------------------
Crossplay has been enabled & has whitelisted the following versions:
v1.4.4, v1.4.4.1, v1.4.4.2, v1.4.4.3, v1.4.4.4, v1.4.4.5, v1.4.4.6, v1.4.4.7, v1.4.4.8, v1.

If there are any issues please report them here:
Server started is connecting...
[Crossplay] Changing version of index 0 from v1.4.4.1 => v1.
lexx authenticated successfully as user lexx.
Error on message Terraria.MessageBuffer
System.IndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
   at ModFramework.DefaultCollection`1.get_Item(Int32 x, Int32 y)
   at Terraria.Player.Spawn_IsAreaAValidWorldSpawn(Int32 floorX, Int32 floorY)
   at Terraria.Player.Spawn_GetPositionAtWorldSpawn(Int32& floorX, Int32& floorY)
   at Terraria.Player.Spawn_SetPositionAtWorldSpawn()
   at Terraria.Player.Spawn(PlayerSpawnContext context)
   at Terraria.MessageBuffer.GetData(Int32 start, Int32 length, Int32& messageType)
   at Terraria.NetMessage.CheckBytes(Int32 bufferIndex) Update

game has been updated to It only allows up to pls help

How can i install this on a website running t-shock

Im using the website to run t-shock but i cannot figure out why the crossplay wont work did i put it in the wrong area??
Screenshot 2022-04-08 4 33 29 PM

Not working on latest mobile terraria version

is connecting…
was booted: You are not using the same version as this server.

i dont know how to fix this


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