Error opening terminal screen xterm 256color

[Solved-5 Solutions] nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color Error Description: nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color Solution 1: It seems like we have a problem with the terminal definition. Try using xterm instead of xterm-256color click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team or the following terminal setting: click […]


  1. [Solved-5 Solutions] nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color
  2. Error Description:
  3. Solution 1:
  4. Solution 2:
  5. Solution 3:
  6. Solution 4:
  7. Solution 5:
  8. Related Searches to nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color
  9. Error opening terminal: xterm-256color #46
  11. автоматическая загрузка TERM’а
  12. содержание файла /etc/environment
  13. Re: содержание файла /etc/environment
  14. General FIX «Error opening terminal: xterm-256color» for Terminal Commands (e.g., «top») iOS7
  15. thelatinist
  16. thelatinist
  17. vasili0s
  18. thelatinist
  19. Magnus.LPA
  20. thelatinist
  21. tput: unknown terminal «xterm-256color»
  22. 2 Answers 2

[Solved-5 Solutions] nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

Error Description:

nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

Solution 1:

  • It seems like we have a problem with the terminal definition.
  • Try using xterm instead of xterm-256color
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team
  • or the following terminal setting:
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team
  • Also, if we still have problem with nano try using vi which is a simple editor and doesn’t required much from the terminal
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team

Solution 2:

click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team
  • Now we should be able to run x-terminal-emulator or gnome-terminal-emulator and everything should work fine.
  • we are not sure if this is just me but if we press ctrl+alt+T and are confronted with the wrong terminal, just open system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> create a custom shortcut with our preferred terminal on ctrl+alt+t. This will override the system shortcut.

Solution 3:

  • After upgrading to OSX Lion, we started getting this error on certain (Debian/Ubuntu) servers.
  • The fix is simply to install the “ncurses-term” package which provides the file /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color.
  • This worked for us on a Ubuntu server

Solution 4:

  • The problem can be solved in this way:
  • Download Lion Installer from the App Store
  • Download unpkg:
  • Open Lion Installer app in Finder (Right click -> Show Package Contents)
  • Open InstallESD.dmg (under SharedSupport)
  • Unpack BSD.pkg with unpkg (Located under Packages) Term info will be located in the new BSD folder in /usr/share/terminfo

Solution 5:

  • We can confirm this is a terminfo issue. This is what worked for us.
  • SSH in to the remote machine and run
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team

Learn nano — nano tutorial — nano error opening terminal — nano examples — nano programs

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Error opening terminal: xterm-256color #46

I don’t seem to have issues with other applications but grv does not want to work for me:

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

This suggests that there is no terminfo entry for xterm-256color . If you run infocmp xterm-256color does it produce any output?

Could you try running TERM=xterm grv and see if it is able to successfully start? I would recommend running GRV on a repository with a few commits in it otherwise I don’t think it will do much.

Also just out of interest, which OS are you using?

$ TERM=xterm grv seems to work fine. I have output for infocmp xterm-256color , though:

, kEND=E[1;2F, kHOM=E[1;2H, kIC=E[2;2

, kRIT=E[1;2C, kb2=EOE, kbs=^H, kcbt=E[Z, kcub1=EOD, kcud1=EOB, kcuf1=EOC, kcuu1=EOA, kdch1=E[3

, kend=EOF, kent=EOM, kf1=EOP, kf10=E[21

, kf13=E[1;2P, kf14=E[1;2Q, kf15=E[1;2R, kf16=E[1;2S, kf17=E[15;2

, kf25=E[1;5P, kf26=E[1;5Q, kf27=E[1;5R, kf28=E[1;5S, kf29=E[15;5

, kf37=E[1;6P, kf38=E[1;6Q, kf39=E[1;6R, kf4=EOS, kf40=E[1;6S, kf41=E[15;6

, kf50=E[1;3Q, kf51=E[1;3R, kf52=E[1;3S, kf53=E[15;3

, kf61=E[1;4P, kf62=E[1;4Q, kf63=E[1;4R, kf7=E[18

, kind=E[1;2B, kmous=E[ , rmm=E[?1034l, rmso=E[27m, rmul=E[24m, rs1=EcE]10407, rs2=E[!pE[?3;4lE[4lE>, sc=E7, setab=E[%?%p1%<8>%

Ok, that’s interesting. Do any other ncurses based programs display the same error? For example, does nano show the same error or does it work as expected?

Nano, vim, etc all behave as expected (or they’re gracefully degrading, but not that I can tell). I’m not sure if it’s related, but under really rare circumstances, tmux will work itself into a bind and when I try to tmux attach it complains about no terminfo, but this appears to be a tmux bug and goes away when you kill the session and restart.

However, this grv behavior happens 100% of the time, and repros readily even when tmux is not running.

It’s hard to determine what GRV is doing that causes this error. The Error opening terminal: xterm-256color. error is generated by ncurses in the initscr method, a snippet of which is shown below:

The initscr method is the first ncurses method that must be called and we see above that when newterm fails it prints the error message and exits. All ncurses programs call this method early on in their lifetimes including nano . Therefore why this succeeds for nano and not GRV is unclear.

Googling the error Error opening terminal: xterm-256color generally suggests that there is a terminfo error and the general solutions suggest setting TERM=xterm . I’m not sure what else to suggest beyond that.

Closing this issue for the following reasons:

  • There is a workaround setting TERM=xterm .
  • No one else has reported the same issue.
  • I can’t reproduce it using tmux.

As mentioned previously, this is likely to be specific to to the setup of your system in some way.

@rgburke I have the same issue.

TERM=xterm ./grv works.

Some information about the environment:

, kEND=E[1;2F, kHOM=E[1;2H, kIC=E[2;2

, kRIT=E[1;2C, kb2=EOE, kbs=^?, kcbt=E[Z, kcub1=EOD, kcud1=EOB, kcuf1=EOC, kcuu1=EOA, kdch1=E[3

, kend=EOF, kent=EOM, kf1=EOP, kf10=E[21

, kf13=E[1;2P, kf14=E[1;2Q, kf15=E[1;2R, kf16=E[1;2S, kf17=E[15;2

, kf25=E[1;5P, kf26=E[1;5Q, kf27=E[1;5R, kf28=E[1;5S, kf29=E[15;5

, kf37=E[1;6P, kf38=E[1;6Q, kf39=E[1;6R, kf4=EOS, kf40=E[1;6S, kf41=E[15;6

, kf50=E[1;3Q, kf51=E[1;3R, kf52=E[1;3S, kf53=E[15;3

, kf61=E[1;4P, kf62=E[1;4Q, kf63=E[1;4R, kf7=E[18

, kind=E[1;2B, kmous=E[M, knp=E[6

, kri=E[1;2A, mc0=E[i, mc4=E[4i, mc5=E[5i, meml=El, memu=Em, oc=E]10407, op=E[39;49m, rc=E8, rep=%p1%cE[%p2%<1>%-%db, rev=E[7m, ri=EM, rin=E[%p1%dT, ritm=E[23m, rmacs=E(B, rmam=E[?7l, rmcup=E[?1049lE[23;0;0t, rmir=E[4l, rmkx=E[?1lE>, rmm=E[?1034l, rmso=E[27m, rmul=E[24m, rs1=EcE]10407, rs2=E[!pE[?3;4lE[4lE>, sc=E7, setab=E[%?%p1%<8>%

Also I’m using latest version of oh-my-zsh (commit 6ace3cd18dd3cbc0e2631fa98051194b703fe4d7).

I’ve noticed this occurs with bash too, even without a .bashrc.

@gnumoksha Thanks for the info. Could you run grv under strace and upload the output here. For example:

will produce a grvout.strace log file. My hope is to see if any of the system calls fail and to compare the output with the output I get from running grv under strace locally.

The dump was generated in other computer but with similar environment.
The git repository in under /tmp/temp/ and file /lib/terminfo/x/xterm-256color returns /lib/terminfo/x/xterm-256color: Compiled 32-bit terminfo entry «xterm-256color»

@gnumoksha Thanks for providing the strace output. The issue should now be fixed. Please download a fresh copy of the grv binary:

The following is an explanation of the issue.

The lines below hinted at what the problem was:

The ncurses library statically compiled into the released version of grv was finding the terminfo definition at /lib/terminfo/x/xterm-256color but was rejecting it, as we see it then tried another path /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color .
Looking into it further it appears that ncurses 6.1 altered the terminfo format. So while ncurses 6.1 can handle this new terminfo format and the old formats, older versions of ncurses cannot. The released version of grv was originally compiled on Ubuntu 17.10 which did not have a new enough version of ncurses to handle updated terminfo format. However Debian buster is using a new enough version of ncurses that has terminfo entries in this new format.
Therefore to resolve this grv has been recompiled using an updated version of ncurses which should now work correctly.


автоматическая загрузка TERM’а

Доброго времени суток. Проблема в том что после обновления у меня поломался терминал Когда я пишу к примеру htop то выдаёт:
Error opening terminal: xterm-256color
проблема фиксится довольно просто,командой:
export TERM=xterm;
Но проблема в том что после перезапуска опять тоже самое.
Дистрибутив — OpenSuse Tumbleweed ;
Оболочка -KDE ;

Помогите сделать так что бы он по умолчанию загружал просто xterm.

xterm установлен, но файла Xdefaults нет нигде

Пакет предоставляющий terminfo не установлен?

Не знаю в чем проблема, но если

проблема фиксится довольно просто,командой: export TERM=xterm;

можно прописать ее в автозагрузку, куда — точно не уверен, скорее всего .bashrc (со словом export) или в /etc/environment (без export, просто переменную/значение).

содержание файла /etc/environment

# This file is parsed by pam_env module
# Syntax: simple «KEY=VAL» pairs on seperate lines

KEY=VAL — это та переменная которую нужно заменить?

Re: содержание файла /etc/environment

Нет, это закоменнтированные строчки, которые поясняют как работать с этим файлом. Тебе нужно добавить новую строчку с твоей переменной и значением.

# This file is parsed by pam_env module
# Syntax: simple «KEY=VAL» pairs on seperate lines

в конечном результате файл должен выглядеть вот так ?

Konsole -> настройка -> настроить профиль -> переменные окружения -> изменить


General FIX «Error opening terminal: xterm-256color» for Terminal Commands (e.g., «top») iOS7


macrumors 603

As many of you may know, the CLI tool «top» is a very useful tool that lists open processes in order of the resources they are using. The tool is available from Saurik’s Cydia/Telesphoreo repo and has long been a staple in troubleshooting battery and memory issues on jail broken phones.

But if you’ve tried to run «top» in iOS 7, you have probably seen an error like this:

After much frustration, I found a simple solution to this problem in reddit, and thought I’d put it here for anyone else who’s got the same problem.

The issue is caused by the fact that iOS 7 has moved the terminal profiles. A simple symbolic link fixes the problem.

1. Login as root either through SSH or in MobileTerminal.

2. At the prompt, enter the following commands:

The first command creates a symbolic link between /usr/share/terminfo/78, where «top» expects to find the xterm terminal profiles, and their actual location at /usr/share/terminfo/x. The second command changes your terminal setting from xterm-256color to xterm-color for better compatibility.

That’s it. You can now run «top.»

macrumors 65816


macrumors 603


macrumors member


macrumors 603

macrumors 65816

I don’t know. I backed off because it says through Compatible with iOS 3.2+ to 6.
Where do I get top btw?

EDIT: If it was fully compatible I guess they would’ve added iOS7, wouldn’t they?


macrumors newbie

I created an account just to thank you man.

Thanks for finding this solution and more importantly, thanks for sharing it! That was driving me nuuuuuuuts!


macrumors 603

I don’t know. I backed off because it says through Compatible with iOS 3.2+ to 6.
Where do I get top btw?

EDIT: If it was fully compatible I guess they would’ve added iOS7, wouldn’t they?

As I said, it’s not a particularly active project. The same version has been working for years, and only one point version update has been made in the past three years. I wouldn’t expect them to update the package unless there is something broken. And BigBoss probably won’t do it on his own, either.

Don’t get me wrong: you’re welcome to wait if it makes you more comfortable. But don’t be surprised if iOS 8 comes out and they still haven’t updated that message.

And «top» is in the default repo (Cydia/Telesphoreo). You can just search. If it doesn’t show up, then I imagine you have selected «User» instead of «Hacker» (or «Developer») in Cydia’s settings. That setting hides command line tools. You can change it under Manage > Settings in Cydia.

I created an account just to thank you man.

Thanks for finding this solution and more importantly, thanks for sharing it! That was driving me nuuuuuuuts!


tput: unknown terminal «xterm-256color»

I’m running OS X 10.10.5. I’m getting an error trying to open a terminal:

tput: unknown terminal «xterm-256color»

This is obviously a missing termcap entry.

Any ideas how to install ‘ncurses-term’ on OS X?

2 Answers 2

The problem was with an Anaconda package:

It appears there is some problem with an earlier version of the ncurses package that interferes with terminfo

Notwithstanding the existence of bloated/monolithic packages on Linux, the package maintainers for ncurses packages often split up the 7Mb of terminfo into «base» and «term» chunks (and separate it from the library). The MacPorts maintainer for ncurses has not done this. The terminal database is part of the «ncurses» package. For instance, I see this from

Also there is a system (non-port) copy here:

Applications linked with ncurses will generally use one or the other, depending on whether they are linked with the port- or system-library. However, ncurses can be told to look some other place by setting the TERMINFO variable. If you happen to have copied some customization from another machine into your .bashrc , that could have set TERMINFO .

By itself, tput gives no clue where it is looking for a terminal entry. You can check the output from env to see if TERMINFO is set. The infocmp utility can show where it looks (since late 2011), using the -D option, e.g.,

By the way, OSX does not (barring some specialized ports) use termcap as such. It uses terminfo, as part of some given release of ncurses (see for example the manual page for tgetent ).


Error Description:

nano error: Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

Solution 1:

  • It seems like we have a problem with the terminal definition.
  • Try using xterm instead of xterm-256color
export TERM=xterm
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team
  • or the following terminal setting:
export TERMINFO=/etc/terminfo
export TERM=linux
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team
  • Also, if we still have problem with nano try using vi which is a simple editor and doesn’t required much from the terminal
sudo vi /var/www/mutillidae/
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team

Solution 2:

  • Code:
sudo apt-get install rxvt-unicode
nano ~/.bashrc
export TERM=rxvt-unicode
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team
  • Now we should be able to run x-terminal-emulator or gnome-terminal-emulator and everything should work fine.
  • we are not sure if this is just me but if we press ctrl+alt+T and are confronted with the wrong terminal, just open system settings -> keyboard -> shortcuts -> create a custom shortcut with our preferred terminal on ctrl+alt+t. This will override the system shortcut.

Solution 3:

  • After upgrading to OSX Lion, we started getting this error on certain (Debian/Ubuntu) servers.
  • The fix is simply to install the “ncurses-term” package which provides the file /usr/share/terminfo/x/xterm-256color.
  • This worked for us on a Ubuntu server

Solution 4:

  • The problem can be solved in this way:
  • Download Lion Installer from the App Store
  • Download unpkg:
  • Open Lion Installer app in Finder (Right click -> Show Package Contents)
  • Open InstallESD.dmg (under SharedSupport)
  • Unpack BSD.pkg with unpkg (Located under Packages) Term info will be located in the new BSD folder in /usr/share/terminfo

Solution 5:

  • We can confirm this is a terminfo issue. This is what worked for us.
  • SSH in to the remote machine and run
sudo apt-get install ncurses-term
click below button to copy the code. By — nano tutorial — team

 nano error opening terminal

Learn nano — nano tutorial — nano error opening terminal — nano examples — nano programs

Что делать, если во время запуска консольной команды, например, htop или nano, вместо запуска происходит ошибка?

Error opening terminal: xterm-256color

Решается элементарно! Перед запуском команды выполните:

export TERM=xterm

Post Views:
1 526

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  • #1

In the process of trying to configure some app — possibly emacs I managed to set the terminal type to xterm-256colors, and now I’m having problems running various apps, even ee() which comes up with the error:-


Error opening terminal: xterm-256colors.

I’m guessing that this must have been set in either






but don’t any reference to such a setting.

When starting LXterminal it says:-


csh: The terminal database could not be opened.
csh: using dumb terminal settings.

Although if I start Xfce terminal it automatically starts midnight commander, which I am unable to start it in LXterminal.

If I enter set, I get:-

I jusr can’t figure out where it comes from…

  • Thread Starter

  • #2


Running set term=xterm-256color gets around my initial problem but I can’t see where this should be set…

  • #3



(or .Xresources). Mine has



(As is probably obvious, urxvt is my usual terminal of choice.).

  • #4

Typically, the culprit are various initialization files (.bashrc, .profile etc.) that are Linux specific.


  • #5

I’m guessing that this must have been set in either ~/.cshrc or ~/.logon or ~/.profile but don’t any reference to such a setting.

Also check the system-wide files;





  • Thread Starter

  • #6

Also check the system-wide files;





It was in


I would never have thought of looking there.

  • #7

Who put it there? I just looked on my machine (a 12.2 install), and /etc/csh.cshrc is empty, except for three comment lines.

  • Thread Starter

  • #8

I put it there, spelling it wrongly and completely forgot. Oops!

  • #9

Well, thanks for coming back and telling us. There’s a good chance that post will help someone else in the future.

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