Error opening zip file or jar manifest missing idea

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‎02-28-2017 07:47 AM

I get the error

if I am trying to start my Application from within a Docker container with

If I start the application without Docker everything works find, so the path is correct and the agent is working.

Can anyone help me?

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‎02-28-2017 08:31 AM

Just to make sure, you have the java agent.jar present in the path that you are giving in the configuration, right?

Also have you tried doing ls /path to the file/jar with the same user id with which you start the application and see if its accessible?

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‎02-28-2017 08:42 AM

of course the javaagent.jar is accesible and the folder it resides in and the file itself is owned by the user who executes it.

everything works fine as I said earlier.

But now with Docker:

If I build the Docker File everything is ok but if I start the container via

I get the error

My problem is, my Docker Knowhow is limited at the moment. It it possible, that the are some issues with the ownership of the agent if I start it with Docker, but unfortunately I have no idea what I have to change.


zip file or JAR manifest missing

I found the message:

Some of projects can read the DB, but others can not read or write the DB.

The ObjectDB stack trace indicates an attempt to use a type in a query that doesn’t exist in the database. This might happen, for example, if you are trying to use your application with an empty database.

Here are a few possible solution to this problem:

  • Declare all your entity classes in a persistence unit.
  • Specify the type as a parameter to the createQuery method.
  • Access the type metamodel before running the query using the JPA metamodel.

Regarding the «JAR manifest missing» — this is not an error that ObjectDB produces. If you get it while using ObjectDB in an application server, Eclipse plugin, etc. — please provide more details and a test case.

The codes is ok in MySQL, but not in ObjectDB. Before update a value, my threads will check the target existence, if yes then accumulate, else insert a new record.

I have to commit a useless object to make the table exists, that is unnecessary in MySQL. I use ObjectDB exactly because persistence unit is not essential.

Of course it works with MySQL because you have a persistence unit.

You will have to adopt one of the solutions in #2 — set a persistence unit or use an alternative solution.

For example, replace the query with TypedQuery :

I found this is a weird thing, the same codes run the different results in my office pc and home pc. I use svn to keep my codes. My ObjectDB path is the same.

But, My home pc will get this message:

Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing: /E:/projects/ObjectDB/bin/objectdb.jar

Maybe the objectdb.jar in one site is corrupted (e.g. copied by FTP in ASCII mode instead of in binary mode).

Finally, I know why. My home pc use ObjectDB 2.2.5, report the error; my office pc use 2.2.4, report no error.

It seems the last version has something with it.

Try the last build 2.2.7_08.

Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing: /E:/projects/objectdb/bin/objectdb.jar

It is unclear what is the source of this error message. Do you have a full stack trace?

More information is needed in order to locate the cause of this error.

very normal operation.

the version 2.2.8_6 can not pass, saying «use the same prime key» something.

and version 2.2.9_3 passed, but with the message above.

This is not an error message that ObjectDB produces. Could you post the full stack trace?

My codes will pass through with version_2.2.9_3. The message, only one line, is always on the bottom. No more stack track!

Maybe this is related to using ObjectDB Enhancer as a Java Agent?

Does it happen only when you use ObjectDB Enhancer as a Java Agent?

Please read the first Google result for «Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing»:

Is this a solution for the problem?


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All the prepare step i have done,then i run my java application,and i set the VM arguments like this:
and then get this issue

Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : JavaMOPAgent.jar

if VM arguments are prepared as : -javaagent:E:workspacetest1srccomluoJavaMOPAgent.jar
the errors will be

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.Agent
FATAL ERROR in native method: processing of -javaagent failed
at Method)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
at sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl.loadClassAndStartAgent(
at sun.instrument.InstrumentationImpl.loadClassAndCallPremain(
Exception in thread «main»

please help me.


For the first option it looks like you are not running your java command from the directory that contains the JavaMOPAgent.jar file. For the second option, it looks like you are missing aspectjweaver.jar and rv-monitor-rt.jar from your classpath.


Thank you for replying. I ensure that they have been configured in my classpath ,but it still errors like this:
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.Agent.
FATAL ERROR in native method: processing of -javaagent failed
Should I need to configure the agent server or change my other configuration in Eclipse? like Tomcat server configuration or agent server IP and port in VM argument textbox?


There is a weird question. When I build a agent on a Unix-like system, there is also an error occurred that the aspectjweaver.jar missing. But I check my classpath or the aspectJ folder, it is exists! I can’t understand why.Have you ever had this problem?


This is my classpath : C:aspectj1.8libaspectjrt.jar;C:aspectj1.8libaspectjtools.jar;C:aspectj1.8libaspectjweaver.jar;C:aspectj1.8liborg.aspectj.matcher.jar;C:RV-Monitorlibrv-monitor-rt.jar;C:RV-Monitorlibrv-monitor.jar;C:RV-Monitorlibaspectjweaver.jar;%RV-Monitor%liblogicrepository.jar; %JAVA_HOME%libdt.jar; %JAVA_HOME%libtools.jar;
This is part of my path:
%JAVA_HOME%bin;%JAVA_HOME%jrebin;C:aspectj1.8bin;%RV-Monitor%bin;D:Program FilesTortoiseGitbin;C:Program Filesjavamopbin;d:Program FilesGitcmd;C:apache-maven-3.3.9bin;


  1. What is the full command that you run to build the agent?
  2. Can you post a set of steps that I may follow to reproduce this problem?
  3. In your UNIX-like environment, what does echo $CLASSPATH give you?


On windows:
1.git clone
2.mvn package workspace/test1/src/com
4.javamop -keepRVFiles HasNext.mop
5.rv-monitor -merge -d classes/mop/ HasNext.rvm
6.javac classes/mop/
7.delete the
8.javamopagent HasNextMonitorAspect.aj classes -n JavaMOPAgent -excludeJars
Finally I set the VM arguments in Eclipse like this:
and then get the issue.
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.aspectj.weaver.loadtime.Agent.
FATAL ERROR in native method: processing of -javaagent failed

On Ubuntu(get in touch with this type system for the first time):
When it goes to the step 8, it apperces:
aspectjtools.jar is missing from the classpath. Halting.

bash: .:/usr/local/aspectj1.8/lib/aspectjrt.jar:/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_121/lib:/usr/local/java/jdk1.8.0_121/jre/lib:/usr/local/aspectj1.8/lib/aspectjweaver.jar:/usr/local/java/aspectj1.8/lib/aspectjtools.jar:/usr/local/aspectj1.8/lib/org.aspectj.matcher.jar:/usr/local/RV-Monitor/lib/rv-monitor.jar:/usr/local/RV-Monitor/lib/rv-monitor-rt.jar:/usr/local/RV-Monitor/lib/aspectjweaver.jar::


Sorry to bother you, I understand why it is. Thank you for reading my comments。


Glad to hear that you got this to work. Would you mind to share what the problem was and how you fixed it? Thanks!


5.rv-monitor -merge -d classes/mop/ HasNext.rvm
6.javac classes/mop/
The generated file is missing the BaseAspect.class file, I get the file by the static weaving using AspectJ finally.


A question about this topic. I’m trying to run a project implementing a load time weaving with AspectJ. I’m using STS and if I’m not wrong I should modify the VM arguments of the Run Configurations windows with something like this «-javaagent:aspectjweaver-1.8.8.jar».
This jar file seems to be in the classpath of the project (not the classpath of the OS), but I’m getting this error
«Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : aspectjweaver-1.8.8.jar».
Is it possible to use a relative path when I reference the agent or should I use an absolute path?


@donlaiq is this a JavaMOP-related question? I don’t understand what you mean by I'm trying to run a project implementing a load time weaving with AspectJ.


No, it’s not about JavaMOP. It’s about AspectJ Weaver, a load-time weaver.
I don’t know if there’s a way to reference this weaver using a relative path or if there’s no choice but using an absolute path.
It’s the same error, trying to use javaagent within the Eclipse IDE, but with a different jar file, aspectjweaver.jar instead of JavaMOPAgent.jar.


Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : aspectjweaver-1.8.8.jar

same happen to me, how did you solve this?


Сразу пишу у меня ЕСТЬ АКТИВНАЯ ЛИЦЕНЗИЯ на сайте JetBrains (на 2 месяца) и приложение я скачиваю с ОФИЦИАЛЬНОГО сайта разработчика.

При попытке открыть приложение ничего не происходит, приложение просто не отвечает. Но если попробовать открыть файл через exec, который находиться в папке приложения, то консоль выдает такой текст с ошибками:

Last login: Fri May 13 01:08:27 on ttys000
natalichubirko@MacBook-Pro-Natali ~ % /Applications/IntelliJ ; exit;
2022-05-13 01:13:35.747 idea[1361:34983] allVms required 1.8*,1.8+
2022-05-13 01:13:35.748 idea[1361:34988] Current Directory: /Users/natalichubirko
2022-05-13 01:13:35.749 idea[1361:34988] parseVMOptions: IDEA_VM_OPTIONS = (null)
2022-05-13 01:13:35.749 idea[1361:34988] fullFileName is: /Applications/IntelliJ
2022-05-13 01:13:35.749 idea[1361:34988] fullFileName exists: /Applications/IntelliJ
2022-05-13 01:13:35.749 idea[1361:34988] parseVMOptions: /Applications/IntelliJ
2022-05-13 01:13:35.750 idea[1361:34988] parseVMOptions: /Applications/IntelliJ
2022-05-13 01:13:35.750 idea[1361:34988] parseVMOptions: /Users/natalichubirko/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.1/idea.vmoptions
2022-05-13 01:13:35.750 idea[1361:34988] parseVMOptions: platform=-1 user=2 file=/Users/natalichubirko/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/IntelliJIdea2022.1/idea.vmoptions
Error opening zip file or JAR manifest missing : </Applications/IntelliJ>
Error occurred during initialization of VM
agent library failed to init: instrument
Saving session…
…copying shared history…
…saving history…truncating history files…

[Процесс завершен]

— На компе также установлена бесплатная версия программы, работает ок. Версия JDK — 1.8, java — 18.
— JDK 1.6 мне мой mac не дает установить, даже после удаления 1.8. Пишет что на компе установлена более свежая версия и эту мы поставить не можем (Даже, не смотря на то, что я ее удалила)
— В приложении, если попросить показать содержимое, в файле info.plist В JVMOption/JVMVersion — 1.8*-1.8+
— Снести платную программу, перезагрузить комп и по новой поставить — тоже пробовала. Скачать с сайта новую — тоже не помогло. Пыталась скачать с торента старую версию (думала там ключ лицензионный вставлю) — тот же отрицательный результат. Он не запускает мне программу, а соответственно и ключ ввести негде

И да — почему он называется — JetbrainsIdesCrack_5_3_1_KeepMyLic.jar — я не знаю, но опять повторю — лицензия приобретена, приложение с официального сайта

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