Error ora 03135

In my previous articles i have given detailed idea about multiple database and oracle errors. In this article i would like to give more information about the ORA-03135: connection lost contact error in detail. With this i would also like to give the resolution of this error. The error is most common error coming in

In my previous articles i have given detailed idea about multiple database and oracle errors. In this article i would like to give more information about the ORA-03135: connection lost contact error in detail. With this i would also like to give the resolution of this error. The error is most common error coming in the oracle and i need to explain it with detail.The ORA-03135 is an error that stems from the latter.

ORA-03135: connection lost contact – Why this error is coming?

In this section i would like to explain the actual cause of the error with the action we require to complete.

Cause of Error :

Cause 1 : Server unexpectedly terminated

The error itself is giving you the reason or cause of the error. The error is connection lost error. It simply means the server unexpectedly terminated or was forced to terminate and due to that the connection has lost. There are so many times this error will occur when we are working with complex set of tables.

Cause 2 : Server time out :

Multiple times we are getting the server time out error. The server time out error means when connection with network unexpectedly lost or server is timed out and request-reply mechanism is not working.This kind of error will occur due to some connectivity issues or may also be caused due to firewall while connecting through the remote environment.

Real Example for this cause :

While working on the oracle database there are many times the following error will occure. The error is coming at the time of connecting through the database.

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

Resolution of the Error :

We have already discussed about the cause of this error and now its time to discuss about the resolution of this specified error.

1.Server Session check :

The first check is always to check server session was terminated or not. There are multiple times due to any network connection issue the server session terminated.

How to check Server sessions ?

To check the server sessions you require to check the firewall connection first and then check with pinging the server.

Example :

If you want to check server session for Amit_Server then you can check with following command.

Ping Amit_server

You can check communication commands examples :

If reply is coming then the server connection is proper.

2.Check for timeout Parameters sqlnet.ora :

The second cause will be the sqlnet.ora timeout parameters. Most of the times the timeout parameters was set to less value. In that case we require to check and set the the sqlnet.ora timeout parameter properly to resolve this kind of error.

How to set timeout parameter in sqlnet.ora?

Location of file : $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/.

1.The first step is to check the timeout parameters of sqlnet.ora. we need to check the value of expire_time parameters. Most of the time the parameter value is set to 0. So it could be always greater than zero.


2.There are other parameter also. If we found that the SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME parameter set to some value and still error is coming then try to increase the value of that parameter and check again.


3.If still issue is there then kindly set sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout and inbound_connect_timeout_listenername parameters to value 0.

3.Other checks :

We require to do some other checks to resolve this issue.

Check 1 : We require to check the NAT or Network Address Transition between client and server.

Check 2 : Checking firewall

We can do the checks for firewall for your local connections :

Windows XP -> Control panel -> security -> Tab “Advanced” 

I hope you got the clear idea about the ORA-03135: connection lost contact error in detail. If you like this article on ORA-03135: connection lost contact or if you have any issues with the same kindly comment in comments section.

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In today’s age, the scope of features that database systems such as Oracle can cover is so vast that it can seem a bit intimidating. Fortunately, the creative nature of the product allows every table and data set to be as complex as the user desires it to be. Still, this range of components can lend itself to a variety of errors. For the sake of simplicity, it helps to break these errors down into two sets: those that occur in the data/coding, and those that pertain to software/network settings.

The ORA-03135 is an error that stems from the latter. The negative of this kind of error is that it can happen to any user, whether working with complex table setups or not. The positive is that there are a few basic strategies that can be employed to counter this error.

The Problem

An ORA-03135 error reads as the “connection lost contact”. This means that the server connection was unexpectedly terminated or forced to terminate. This can also mean that the server simply timed out the connection. The error often occurs when connecting from a remote location and the firewall in your network terminates the connection.

While this overall cause is fairly straightforward, the unfortunate aspect of the ORA-03135 is that there are a number of approaches to the solution, each dependent on the situation. Let’s take a look at how to properly diagnose the ORA-03135’s cause and some of the methods for correcting it.

The Solution

The best place to start is by diagnosing the error. To do this, begin by checking if the OS PID (OS Process Identification) still exists. Use the ps -ef|grep syntax to do so. From there, check to make sure that the Network Address Translation between the client and the server also still exists.

If neither of these seems to be the source of the problem, it could be that a firewall is the source. If you are using Windows, check if a Windows firewall is monitoring local connections and putting a halt on your database. To do this for Windows XP (and other editions), take the following steps:

1. Go to the “Start” menu

2. Click on the “Control Panel”

3. Click on “Security”

4. Click on the “Advanced” tab

This tab will note the presence of a Windows firewall and its activity in relation to your network.

From here, it is time to implement a solution to the error. One option is to increase the value of the sqlnet.ora expire time parameter. This parameter, which is set on the server, enables the detection of connections that have ended. After a specified amount of time (expressed in minutes) the server will check to see that the client is still connected and if not connected, the server process will exit. Extending this parameter value will increase the time between process expiration.

Another solution is to check for an expire parameter in a SQL*Plus profile. This will also disconnect the client from the server after a predetermined duration of time spent idling. To edit this information, follow these steps:

1. Start the Oracle Network Manager GUI (Graphical User Interface)

2. In the GUI navigator section, expand the icons for “Local>Profile”

3. From the list on the right-hand side, select “General”

4. Click on the tab for “Advanced”

5. Enter the values for the fields that correspond to the time between session expiration to any duration of your choosing

6. Remember to go to “File”, then “Save Network Configuration” so that the changes will be written to the sqlnet.ora file

You can additionally edit the parameters for sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout and inbound_connect_timeout_listenername to zero in order to prevent the error from recurring in the future.

Looking forward

The ORA-03135 error can be frustrating, as it will interrupt your access and function in Oracle. However, as stated above, the error is preventable if the network is not in need of timing out connections at a frequent pace. If you find yourself having difficulty with this process or perhaps require further instruction on alternative solutions that keep your timeout processes in tact, it would be recommended to speak with a licensed Oracle consultant to approach these types of complex network errors.

April 16, 2020

Sometimes You can get ” ORA-03135: connection lost contact ” error.

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

Details of error are as follows.

ORA-03135: connection lost contact

Cause: 1) Server unexpectedly terminated or was forced to terminate. 2) Server timed out the connection.

Action: 1) Check if the server session was terminated. 2) Check if the timeout parameters are set properly in sqlnet.ora.

If you got this error from Oracle clients like TOAD, SQL Developer, PL-SQL Developer or Applications, this ORA-03135 error is related with Network issues, so you need to check and fix your Network or VPN problems.

To resolve ORA-03135 error, you should increase the value of the expire_time parameter in the SQLNET.ORA file ( under $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ ) .

Add the following parameter to the SQLNET.ORA file


Set the parameters sqlnet.inbound_connect_timeout and inbound_connect_timeout_listenername to 0 to solve the ORA-03135.

Do you want to learn Oracle Database for Beginners, then Click and read the following articles.

Oracle Database Tutorials for Beginners ( Junior Oracle DBA )

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About Mehmet Salih Deveci

I am Founder of SysDBASoft IT and IT Tutorial and Certified Expert about Oracle & SQL Server database, Goldengate, Exadata Machine, Oracle Database Appliance administrator with 10+years experience.I have OCA, OCP, OCE RAC Expert Certificates I have worked 100+ Banking, Insurance, Finance, Telco and etc. clients as a Consultant, Insource or Outsource.I have done 200+ Operations in this clients such as Exadata Installation & PoC & Migration & Upgrade, Oracle & SQL Server Database Upgrade, Oracle RAC Installation, SQL Server AlwaysOn Installation, Database Migration, Disaster Recovery, Backup Restore, Performance Tuning, Periodic Healthchecks.I have done 2000+ Table replication with Goldengate or SQL Server Replication tool for DWH Databases in many clients.If you need Oracle DBA, SQL Server DBA, APPS DBA,  Exadata, Goldengate, EBS Consultancy and Training you can send my email adress [email protected].-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 -Oracle DBA, SQL Server DBA, APPS DBA,  Exadata, Goldengate, EBS ve linux Danışmanlık ve Eğitim için  [email protected] a mail atabilirsiniz.

This error
may be accompanied by
ORA-03113: end-of-file on communication channel. This actually means that your session
has been dropped and there could be different reasons which might have caused
this. Most commonly; a firewall between client and server could have caused
this session/connection drop, if firewall senses some session to

be idle for a
longer period of time. This session drop timeout setting is done in the
firewall and to deny its effect, SQLNET profile parameter “expire_time” could
be used to keep the database sessions alive to avoid any connection drop by the


To avoid the problem of «unwanted» disconnection, sqlnet.expire_time can be
added in the sqlnet.ora file of database server. This parameter has a value in
minutes and it would cause database server to send a packed to each client
connect to it at an interval equal to the value of this parameter. This small
packet sending would actually deceive firewall so that it considers it an
active connection and does not drop it.

We can initially set it to a value of 10 minutes which can be alerted with
coordination of network admin who can help to find out firewall settings. Add
the following line in $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora




Actual work of this parameter is to check the client sessions which might have
exited but server process related to the session is still intact; so that this
server process could also be terminated and resources could be released. For
details about this parameter, please 

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A firewall timeout may cause an idle session to receive an «ORA-03135: connection lost contact» when running an SQL.

SQL> select to_char(sysdate,'DD.MON.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual

28.SEP.2012 10:52:01

Elapsed: 00:00:00.01

(Delay for 35+ minutes)

SQL> r
  1* select to_char(sysdate,'DD.MON.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual
select to_char(sysdate,'DD.MON.YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual
ERROR at line 1:
ORA-03135: connection lost contact

Elapsed: 00:05:22.63

Note the elapsed time of 5 mintes 22 seconds.

To debug enable a client side SQL*net trace and reproduce the error. In this case after several tests the error occured after 30 minutes.

Oracle 11.1+ database versions mask the «ORA-03135» error and return a result after the 5 minutes which may lead the DBA down the wrong path believing there is a problem with the database.

For 11g the DIAG_ADR_ENABLED=off must be set otherwise trace files will go to the DIAGNOSTICS destination.

To not interfer with other users create the SQLNET.ORA and TNSNAMES.ORA in your own directory and use them by setting the TNS_ADMIN variable.



Information gathered in the trace file:

[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqsm: send-break: failed to send oob break...
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqper:  error from send-marker
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqper:    ns main err code: 12547
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqper:    ns (2)  err code: 12560
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqper:    nt main err code: 517
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqper:    nt (2)  err code: 32
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqper:    nt OS   err code: 0
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqsm: exit
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqer: entry
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqce: entry
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:622] nioqce: exit
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:623] nioqer: exit
[28-SEP-2012 11:29:21:623] nioqrs: nioqrs: Couldn't send break. returning 3135

The trace file data above matches what is in MOS note:

  • ORA-3135 with Recovery Catalog Creation Across the Network (Firewall included) [ID 805088.1]
    "where nt[1]=32 is Operating System Dependent(OSD) error code.
    OSD error is Err#32 Broken pipe. This OSD error is also defined in errno.h:
    * #define EPIPE 32 /* Broken pipe */"

    Resolution was to set an SQLNET.EXPIRE_TIME=15 in the database product $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/sqlnet.ora (choose 15 minutes because it was less than the 30 minutes the firewall was closing the session).

    Other references

  • Troubleshooting ORA-3135 Connection Lost Contact [ID 787354.1]
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