Error pkgbuild does not exist

Hello Arch Forums. I recently downloaded a zip file from the AUR and extracted it in my home folder. I attempted to install it after reading the related part in the Arch Wiki:

#1 2012-06-13 23:24:20

Registered: 2012-05-27
Posts: 153

[SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

Hello Arch Forums. I recently downloaded a zip file from the AUR and extracted it in my home folder. I attempted to install it after reading the related part in the Arch Wiki:

Installing packages from the AUR is a relatively simple process. Essentially:

    Acquire the tarball which contains the PKGBUILD and possibly other required files
    Extract the tarball (preferably in a folder set aside just for builds from the AUR)
    Run makepkg in the directory where the files are saved («makepkg -s» will auto-resolve dependencies with pacman)

However when I get to the part about running makepkg I get an error saying: PKGBUILD does not exist. I’ve refered to the pkgbuild section and the makepkg section. What am I missing?

Last edited by xworld (2012-06-13 23:46:04)

#2 2012-06-13 23:27:45

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Registered: 2012-06-13
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

Which package are you talking about ?

#3 2012-06-13 23:30:27

Inspector Parrot
Registered: 2011-11-29
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Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

You don’t need to download the tarball or worry about most of that.  Just get the PKGBUILD from the AUR page, and run makepkg in the same directory as where you save it.

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#4 2012-06-13 23:33:23

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,379

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

Trilby wrote:

You don’t need to download the tarball or worry about most of that.  Just get the PKGBUILD from the AUR page, and run makepkg in the same directory as where you save it.

Unless the PKGBUILD calls an install file or some other resource that may be included in the tarball…

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#5 2012-06-13 23:33:38

Registered: 2012-05-27
Posts: 153

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

Actually it is a zip file. I downloaded the archey zip file. So you are saying that I don’t need to extract it I just need to download the file and run makepkg in the right directory?

#6 2012-06-13 23:36:12

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,379

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

There is no zip file on the Archey AUR page: it is a tar.gz file…

xworld wrote:

Acquire the tarball which contains the PKGBUILD and possibly other required files
    Extract the tarball (preferably in a folder set aside just for builds from the AUR)
    Run makepkg in the directory where the files are saved («makepkg -s» will auto-resolve dependencies with pacman)

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#7 2012-06-13 23:37:46

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Registered: 2012-06-13
Posts: 2

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

xworld wrote:

Actually it is a zip file. I downloaded the archey zip file. So you are saying that I don’t need to extract it I just need to download the file and run makepkg in the right directory?

archey (AUR) is fine ( tar.gz, PKGBUILD included ), so .. Try again smile

#8 2012-06-13 23:39:50

Registered: 2012-05-17
Posts: 5,072

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

xworld wrote:

Actually it is a zip file. I downloaded the archey zip file. So you are saying that I don’t need to extract it I just need to download the file and run makepkg in the right directory?

Download archey.tar.gz and extract it or just download the PKGBUILD (since there are no extra files)

mkdir /tmp/build_archey
cd /tmp/build_archey
makepkg -s

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#9 2012-06-13 23:45:39

Registered: 2012-05-27
Posts: 153

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

Hmm. Ok so instead I ran wget … ey3.tar.gz. Then then tar xfvz archey3.tar.gz and then cd’d to archey3 and ran makepkg. Then ran pacman. Thanks for the fast responses everyone.

#10 2012-06-21 05:00:34

Registered: 2012-05-27
Posts: 153

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

I hate to bring up an old topic and I assure you all that I’ve done the proper reading, but this just doesn’t make any sense. I am trying to install a package from the AUR and I downloaded the tarball. I then ran tar xfvz ‘aforementioned package’. The I cd’d to the folder that was created and ran makepkg. I get the same error as I did before: PKGBUILD does not exist. I don’t understand why every package has a special way to install it.

#11 2012-06-21 05:04:54

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Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

xworld wrote:

I hate to bring up an old topic and I assure you all that I’ve done the proper reading, but this just doesn’t make any sense. I am trying to install a package from the AUR and I downloaded the tarball. I then ran tar xfvz ‘aforementioned package’. The I cd’d to the folder that was created and ran makepkg. I get the same error as I did before: PKGBUILD does not exist. I don’t understand why every package has a special way to install it.

It doesn’t. You’re either (1) doing it wrong, or (2) the package is broken. Check for (2), but my money’s on (1).

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#12 2012-06-21 05:08:59

Registered: 2012-05-27
Posts: 153

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

The method I mentioned worked for the archey package. So if every package is installed the same way than this should work just fine.

#13 2012-06-21 08:12:46

From: .nz
Registered: 2009-05-09
Posts: 30,379

Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

xworld wrote:

So if every package is installed the same way than this should work just fine.

jasonwryan wrote:

Unless the PKGBUILD calls an install file or some other resource that may be included in the tarball…

Or, you could just read the wiki and learn how to do it properly…

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#14 2012-06-21 08:32:53

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Re: [SOLVED]PKGBUILD does not exist

Which package are you having trouble with?

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View Full Version : can’t install cairo-dock from AUR


February 5th, 2009, 04:23 PM

i downloaded two packages(tar.gz)(one is cairo-dock and the other is cairo-dock plugins) from and

i copied them over to a directory in my home folder called builds_AUR,and extracted them.then i opened up a terminal and did the following to install,but failed to do so:

[sonujha@arch ~]$ cd builds_AUR
[sonujha@arch builds_AUR]$ makepkg
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
[sonujha@arch builds_AUR]$

i have already installed the necessary tools by:

$sudo pacman -Sy base-devplease tell me if i am missing something.How do i proceed with the installation?


February 5th, 2009, 04:24 PM

You need to extract the tar.gz to your current folder, then edit the PKGBUILD to your liking, then build it with makepkg.


February 5th, 2009, 04:43 PM

how is that done?:)


February 5th, 2009, 06:11 PM

ok,i got that.but,now again it did not succeed as you can see:

[sonujha@arch ~]$ cd Desktop
[sonujha@arch Desktop]$ makepkg
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
[sonujha@arch Desktop]$ cd cairo-dock
[sonujha@arch cairo-dock]$ makepkg
==> Making package: cairo-dock i686 (Thu Feb 5 22:39:08 IST 2009)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies…
==> Missing Dependencies:
-> cairo-wglitz
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies…
==> Missing Dependencies:
-> intltool
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
[sonujha@arch cairo-dock]$


February 5th, 2009, 07:06 PM

Why don’t you just use yaourt? It does it for you automatically. See the Wiki for more info.


February 5th, 2009, 07:51 PM

Why don’t you just use yaourt? It does it for you automatically. See the Wiki for more info.
+1 for yaourt


February 6th, 2009, 04:29 AM

i installed cairo-dock and plugins using yaourt,but how do i launch it.its not there in applications>preferences
n ubuntu i have it in applications>sytem tools>cairo-dock.also,in ubuntu,i can launch it by the command «cairo-dock».but,even after installing from the AUR using yaourt i can neither launch it,nor can i find it in applications>system tools or anywhere in the do i see if it got properly installed?aren’t there other ways of installing it?


February 6th, 2009, 04:30 AM

i just did the following,and learnt that cairo-dock is not there:

[sonujha@arch ~]$ sudo pacman -Si cairo-dock
error: package ‘cairo-dock’ was not found
[sonujha@arch ~]$

what do i do now?how do i install it?please help me install it because i need it and like it so much.


February 6th, 2009, 05:01 AM

Did you install cairo-wglitz before cairo-dock?

pacman -Rd cairo
yaourt -S compiz-wglitz


February 6th, 2009, 05:46 AM

ok,i got that.but,now again it did not succeed as you can see:

[sonujha@arch ~]$ cd Desktop
[sonujha@arch Desktop]$ makepkg
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.
[sonujha@arch Desktop]$ cd cairo-dock
[sonujha@arch cairo-dock]$ makepkg
==> Making package: cairo-dock i686 (Thu Feb 5 22:39:08 IST 2009)
==> Checking Runtime Dependencies…
==> Missing Dependencies:
-> cairo-wglitz
==> Checking Buildtime Dependencies…
==> Missing Dependencies:
-> intltool
==> ERROR: Could not resolve all dependencies.
[sonujha@arch cairo-dock]$


makepkg -cs
That pulls in the dependencies and builds the package.

or just use yoaurt, as reccomended. That’s even easier.

i just did the following,and learnt that cairo-dock is not there:

[sonujha@arch ~]$ sudo pacman -Si cairo-dock
error: package ‘cairo-dock’ was not found
[sonujha@arch ~]$

what do i do now?how do i install it?please help me install it because i need it and like it so much.

-Si searches for and displays information about a specif package in the repos (cairo-dock.pkg.tar.gz in this case). Since you’re installing it from the AUR, it won’t be there.

Try this (doesn’t need to be as root):

pacman -Qi cairo-dock

That will search your local package database. If you want to do a more open ended search (keywords) use -Ss for the repos and -Qs for your local database.


February 6th, 2009, 10:46 AM

the following is the output:

[sonujha@arch ~]$ pacman -Qi cairo-dock
error: package «cairo-dock» not found
[sonujha@arch ~]$


February 6th, 2009, 11:02 AM

i have tried installing cairo-dock several times using
#yaourt -S cairo-dock
saying yes to all the questions that i am asked while installation.
when it seems to be completed,i run
but the i get the output «command not found» .

please tell me what should i do?


February 6th, 2009, 12:13 PM

i somehow managed to install cairo-dock and plugins,but i removed all icons from the dock,and was left with a blank dock,and i was unable to add new icons to,i decided to tremove cairo-dock and then reinstall it.but,after reinstalling,when i launched cairo-dock i saw the same theme and the same blank dock that i was using last time.
now,please tell me the way to completely obliterate cairo-dock,purging,everything,be it config files,etc. so that when i reinstall it,it behaves as if it is being installed for the very first time,and doesn’t take settings that i made in the last install.


February 6th, 2009, 02:16 PM

stonecoldjha: You *really* need to spend some time digging through the wiki and the forums. The documentation is quite thorough and covers most of the issues you have raised recently.

To your immediate question:

The wiki page for yaourt ( tells you that it is a wrapper for pacman.

Hence, all the commands you would use for pacman ( will work with yaourt.

Including those for removing packages. (


February 6th, 2009, 02:22 PM

i have referred to it,but it doesn’t tell as to how i can remove my personal config files in my home directory.and i don’t see any of them in my home directory.


February 6th, 2009, 04:01 PM

How are you looking for them? When you say you «don’t see any.» What method are you using to view them? Are you trying to list them in your terminal using ls -la? What dotfiles do you see in your terminal output? Are you trying to view them in a graphical file manager, and if so, which one? Again, what dotfiles does it show you?

Information like that may seem irrelevant, but it helps us understand what steps you are taking so we can help you along the path.

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Hi Guys
I would like to get an equalizer working on RuneAudio -I found this topic but I cant get it to install
it fails at 5 the makepkg stage, either it can’t find the file as testuser or wont run because of lack of privileges — I tried root access but that fails too


can anyone suggest any way forward or maybe even another solution ?

I’m a bit of a noob so I may have missed something obvious


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Re: Alsaequal

Postby Lurk » 07 Nov 2016, 13:24

still struggling with this — I get this error even though PKGBUILD does exist (I can see it in my CyberDuck SFTP prog)

[testuser@runeaudio2 ~]$ makepkg
==> ERROR: PKGBUILD does not exist.

anyone any ideas?


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Re: Alsaequal

Postby hondagx35 » 07 Nov 2016, 13:57

Hi Luk,

you have to change the active directory first.

For example your downloaded and extracted alsaeq is in:
then you have to use

Code: Select all
cd /home/testuser/alsaequal-0.x.x.....

to switch to that drectory.


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Re: Alsaequal

Postby Lurk » 07 Nov 2016, 14:55

hi Frank
yes I tried that, now I get
ERROR: alsaequal is not available for the ‘armv7h’ architecture

any ideas?

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Re: Alsaequal

Postby hondagx35 » 07 Nov 2016, 16:05


you have to edit the PKGBUILD file and add «armv7h».


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Re: Alsaequal

Postby Lurk » 07 Nov 2016, 18:14

yep done that — at least I think I have done it right — I changed ….

pkgdesc=’Real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA sound server’
arch=(‘i686’ ‘x86_64’)


pkgdesc=’Real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA sound server’

is that correct ?

Thanks for your help with this Frank

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Re: Alsaequal

Postby hondagx35 » 07 Nov 2016, 21:42

pkgdesc=’Real-time adjustable equalizer plugin for ALSA sound server’

you have to edit the PKGBUILD file and add «armv7h«.

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Re: Alsaequal

Postby Lurk » 07 Nov 2016, 23:33

Ah there is a «v» that is not mentioned in the Tutorial — is it a typo in the tutorial ?

it says…
4. Now log in as your new user and extract the package you downloaded.
Edit the PKGBUILD and change the arch= to arch=(‘arm7h’)

Ill give it another go and report back


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Re: Alsaequal

Postby Lurk » 10 Nov 2016, 18:16

Just to report back — after much fiddling about I got something that looked like an equaliser displayed in Terminal — I could move the bars up and down but it didn’t alter the sound at all
I figured that it maybe was not applying the equalization to the DAC output and tried to fix it by altering the value where it says

pcm.plugequal {
type equal;
slave.pcm «plughw:1,0»; #adjust to match your alsa device you want equalized

but this has just broken the system completely and I’m not able to recover it

hey ho I have had fun fiddling and maybe learned some stuff but to be honest the guide has some errors and assumes a level of knowledge that I don’t possess

would be really great to see an equaliser built into Runeaudio — hope the devs have not given up on the idea


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