Error pkgproblemresolver resolve generated breaks this may be caused by held packages kali linux

E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages I am not sure what caused this error, but here is what the whole error says, and also this is sitting as a notification, and preventing me from updating any software using Update Manager — Please provide some assistance or tell me how […]


  1. E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages
  2. 6 Answers 6
  3. Upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 prevented by ‘E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.’
  4. Error, pkgProblemResolver
  5. 1 Answer 1
  6. E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks while uninstalling Mono
  7. 1 Answer 1
  8. Certbot install fails with pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages #2479
  10. Details:
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  12. Footer

E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages

I am not sure what caused this error, but here is what the whole error says, and also this is sitting as a notification, and preventing me from updating any software using Update Manager — Please provide some assistance or tell me how to figure out what to do to fix it.

6 Answers 6

This post may solve your issue. To summarise,

  1. Open the /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log log file in a text editor.
  2. Locate any «broken» packages and remove them with sudo apt-get remove

Note: in newer versions, the log is located in /var/log/apt/term.log instead.

Then run the update-manager again.

I got this error when doing upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 and power-lost in the middle.

This is what the error looked like, and apt-get install -f does not fix it.

I also tried sudo apt-get remove packages in /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log but that didn’t work, too.

This one worked for me

It removed broken packages then I ran

It downloaded and installed packages.

To me, the problem looked like this

It was caused by a wrong selection of the kind of updates I wanted to download. I fixed it by opening Software & Updates , selecting Updates , and ensuring I had selected All updates for For other packages, subscribe to: . See picture below

I then run the usual apt update && apt dist-upgrade , and then I was able to install that lib.

I ran into this problem yesterday after someone rebooted during an OS version upgrade. None of the approaches worked above because of the sheer scale of the mess ups (

To recover I went to /var/log/apt/history.log and looked at the last entry which has three very long lists describing what was being attempted when the OS upgrade failed. It consists of three lists «Upgrade:» «Install:» «Remove:» of the form:

Take those three lists into your favourite regexp compatible editor, and replace the parentheses up to the comma with a newline. For the «Remove:» section append a «-» so you’re left with lists like:

The «-» was a key learning because unless you can tell it to both install and remove you won’t be able to work your way past many of the dependency cycles.

Keep a copy of this file so you can refer to it later, but make a new copy where you clean it up: remove all the extra lines of the file leaving just the package:arch lines.

Run apt using that resulting file packages.txt as follows

This command will be all the adds/removes that the system intended to do before it got broken, and should represent a consistent set.

Assuming it finishes you can then complete anything missed with sudo apt install -f and sudo apt dist-upgrade .

Finish by creating a new list with just the «Install:» list of packages, pass them to apt-mark auto to mark the packages as automatically installed (the upgrade chose them, not you).

I hope that helps someone else out there who thought their whole system was borked.


Upgrade from 18.04 to 20.04 prevented by ‘E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.’

I’m trying to upgrade my system from 18.04 to 20.04 using update-manager. No matter what I seem to try, I get an error while calculating the upgrade:

At first, the error gave me a reason: I had to purge all Launchpad PPAs. I did that, and after still receiving the same error, I did some searching and found this bug report where some users said installing clang-9 solved this issue. I did so myself, and now I get the same error with a different explanation: I’ve «installed a prerelease version. This is a transient issue.» So I removed clang-9, updated and autoremoved everything, and now I just get the error without any suggested explanation at all.

Since this dialogue isn’t helping, I trekked on over to my /var/log/dist-upgrade/main.log, where I saw this line:

I then checked apt.log to see what was going on. There is clearly quite a bit going wrong.

What are my options from here? If you grep this log for «Broken,» there are quite a few packages that the upgrader views as broken (though none of them show up with dpkg or in Synaptic), and removing all of them is unfeasible and I worry may break my whole system. Based on the list of problem packages, I’m thinking there exists a key package or two that fixing will eliminate the whole issue. I am just not sure which ones they might be. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Error, pkgProblemResolver

The first two line were succefully installed
When i try to run the third line,the result was this:

I am running ubuntu 14.04-64bit
Can i solve this

1 Answer 1

I got a similar problem, an pkgProblemResolver error when I was trying to install openssh-server .

The problem may be caused by (1) «hold packages» which installation resulted in error and the dependencies (i.e. other packages) in your system are corrupted or missed, or (2) by incompatibilities of the packages you want to install and the packages you already have.

If it is a problem with hold packages, you can detect the hold packages and remove or unhold them.

You can determine the hold packages using dpkg —get-selections

Then, you can un-mark or remove the hold packages

Finally, I recommend to auto-remove unused packages

If it is a problem with dependencies, The solution may involve removing and downgrading some of the packages you already have. You may use aptitude to get suggestions on how to solve the problem.

First, you must install aptitude if you do not have it

Then, you can run the command indicating that you want to install the openssh-server

The program will show you suggestions about how to solve the problem. Usually the first solution does not work. You can press n to request a new suggestion. Press y to accept a solution that installs the openssh-server and downgrades some other packages.


E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks while uninstalling Mono

I re-installed mono-runtime due to this error and it is solved.
But now I want to uninstall it (but in Ubuntu 13.10). So this is what happens:

I looked at this very popular post but in this case I’m not installing a package. So not very sure

  • My /var/log/dist-upgrade/apt.log file is empty.
  • The command dpkg —get-selections | grep hold returns nothing

1 Answer 1

arg! It’s just apt-get being silly, you need aptitude to solve problems:

That should deal with it.

A resume of the problematics packages:

libgtk2.0-cil this is really a mono dependency. Unless you use Banshee you won’t need it.

This package provides the atk-sharp, gdk-sharp, gtk-dotnet, gtk-sharp and pango-sharp assemblies that allow CLI (.NET) programs to use the GTK+ user interface toolkit 2.12, ATK, Pango, GTK.NET and GDK.

GTK# 2.10 is a CLI (.NET) language binding for the GTK+ 2.10 toolkit

This package contains the GTK# assemblies


Just some mono dependencies, and you want to uninstall it.

All in all, all the packages are easily removable, and I’m actually thinking that they didn’t get installed in the first place. You can check using:

If no package shows, then you can be sure that none were installed in first place and is just apt-get doing your life impossible.


Certbot install fails with pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages #2479


  • Date | Thu 31 Jan 05:32:45 GMT 2019
  • Bug report | N/A
  • DietPi version | v6.20.6 (Fourdee/master)
  • Img creator | DietPi Core Team
  • Pre-image | Raspbian Lite
  • SBC device | RPi 3 Model B (armv7l) (index=3)
  • Kernel version |

Letsencrypt supports Free Dynamic DNS #1159 SMP Sun Nov 4 17:50:20 GMT 2018

  • Distro | stretch (index=4)
  • Command | G_AGI: certbot python-certbot-nginx
  • Exit code | 100
  • Software title | DietPi-Software
  • Log file contents:
    E: Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.

    The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

    Thanks for your report.

    Hmm held packages (as of error message) actually can’t be it, since G_AGI overrides held state. Regardless can you paste output of:
    apt-mark showhold

    Please also try to clean the APT cache:

    Then retry install.

    Thanks for the response.

    root@DietPi: # apt-mark showhold
    root@DietPi: #

    cleaning APT cache also didnt work and got the same error on retry.


    • Date | Thu 31 Jan 15:03:12 GMT 2019
    • Bug report | N/A
    • DietPi version | v6.20.6 (Fourdee/master)
    • Img creator | DietPi Core Team
    • Pre-image | Raspbian Lite
    • SBC device | RPi 3 Model B (armv7l) (index=3)
    • Kernel version |

    Letsencrypt supports Free Dynamic DNS #1159 SMP Sun Nov 4 17:50:20 GMT 2018

  • Distro | stretch (index=4)
  • Command | G_AGI: certbot python-certbot-nginx
  • Exit code | 100
  • Software title | DietPi-Software
  • @JeffDanJ
    Sorry for the late reply.

    Did you check output of: apt-mark showhold ?
    Also please try to install those two packages manually:

    I will close due to missing user reply and general cleanup. Feel free to reopen, if issue persists.

    what i can make to solvit ?

    I see, your on RPi1 or RPi Zero, right?

    What do you require libc6-dev for? Please run apt purge libc6-dev , but do not confirm yet (if asked), instead paste which packages would be removed together with this.

    There is no point in installing CertBot from stretch-backports btw, the version is exactly the same as in normal Stretch repo. However the issue appears in both cases.

    i just use what say on official website

    i just use what say on official website

    For Certbot? Using the APT packages does not require any dev package. In this case you could simply purge it. You can actually purge in in mostly any case. Even if it was required, this was most likely only the case for a source build, but not to run any software.

    Ah or you mean regarding backports? This is then simply an outdated info, however it does not really matter.

    they resquest backports to install right?

    Add backports to your sources.list
    deb stretch-backports main
    apt-get -t stretch-backports install «package»

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    Минуточку внимания

    Package management of Linux Mint is very stable, but it’s not surprising to get into the issue of your Linux Mint not updating due to broke packages. The problem of broken packages even stops the installation of further program updates, which is not a good thing to happen considering the security loopholes patched daily.

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    Fix Linux Mint not updating due to broken packages error

    In this article, we are going to discuss the causes of broken packages, and show you how to fix them on Linux Mint.

    Case I: Unmet dependencies

    It is the most common cause of your Linux Mint not getting updates, and the primary reason may be the unmet dependencies. When you install a program, it will also try to install the dependent programs and libraries. If these dependencies are not available to download for any reason such as a server is down or the libraries not maintained by the developer, the system gives off a ‘broken packages’ error.

    Dependency issue

    Dependencies error


    Launch the Terminal and enter the following command:

    sudo apt-get -f install

    The above command installs all the dependencies of the broken package, provided the dependencies are available at the repo.

    Installing dependencies

    Installing dependencies though Terminal

    In the other scenario where the dependencies are not available in the repositories, the sudo apt-get -f install command may not work. In this situation, you should remove the packages. We shall use the Synaptic Package Manager to do the job.

    Unmet dependencies (Syn)

    Broken packages error on Synaptic

    Launch Synaptic Package Manager and select Status on the left panel and click on Broken Dependencies to find the broken package. Click on the red box to the left of the package’s name, and you should get the option to remove it. Mark it for complete removal, and click on Apply on the top panel. The package should be removed.

    Broken packages Synaptic

    Fixing broken packages on Synaptics

    Removing Broken Packages from the Terminal

    You can also remove broken packages from the Terminal. First, run the following command to check the broken packages:

    sudo apt-get check

    Detecting broken packages.

    Detecting broken packages

    You should get the list of broken packages. Now, assuming the package name is abc, run the following code:

    sudo apt-get purge abc

    For example, to fix the error in the above screenshot, I should use the command:

    sudo apt-get purge ubports-installer

    The program and all its configuration files should be removed.

    Case II: Package installation error

    If there is an error in the installation of any package, it should also return the same error.


    sudo apt --fix-broken install

    The command should try to fix everything and should install/remove whatever that is necessary. Otherwise, you can again use the Synaptic Package Manager to fix it as described in the previous case.

    Case III: Broken Repositories

    The third cause may be broken repositories and generally occurs when sudo apt-get update is used. The repositories error can be caused due to several reasons, but the following solutions work well for all. To fix the issue, a simple program called YPPA Manager comes in handy.


    Run the following to install the program:

    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/y-ppa-manager
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install y-ppa-manager

    Now start YPPA Manager from the application menu, and provide the password. This window should show up:

    Y PPA Manager opening window.

    Y PPA Manager

    Click on Manage PPAs, and you should see a list of all repositories on your system. Now spot the one that was causing the error (from the update command) and purge it. Rerun the update, and the issue should be fixed.

    Y-PPA repositories listing.

    Y-PPA repositories listing


    That’s all you ever need to fix the broken packages and fix the Linux Mint not updating issue. The first and second parts must generally fix everything as the repository error is rare and can be eliminated by paying attention to the quality of packages installed on your system. Usually, try to avoid the packages that are not maintained from the past six months or so to be on a safer side.

    How was your experience in fixing the problem? Let us know in the comments below and if you like this article, don’t forget to share it with your friends on social platforms.

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