Error please try again confirm the transaction and make sure you are paying enough gas

Как исправить «The transcation cannot succeed due to erro: vannot estimate gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap Это может быть вызвано обменом токена, например Safemoon, Bonfire или других. Подобные ошибки очень распространены в PancakeSwap, поэтому не только вы сталкиваетесь с ними. В этом руководстве вы узнаете, что означает […]


  1. Как исправить «The transcation cannot succeed due to erro: vannot estimate gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap
  2. Что означает «gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap?
  3. Как исправить «не могу оценить газ» на PancakeSwap
  4. Шаг №1: Измените допуск по проскальзыванию на 12%
  5. Шаг № 2: замените последние цифры на ноль
  6. Заключение
  7. Gas estimation failed — remix
  8. 5 Answers 5
  9. Pancake library insufficient input amount что значит
  10. Сбой с ошибкой «PancakeLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT» [решено]
  11. Pancake library insufficient input amount что значит
  12. Не удалось выполнить транзакцию: «INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT» Обмен токенов | Исправление ошибки
  13. Transaction cannot succeed — это распространенная ошибка
  14. Ошибка устранения неполадок: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT
  15. Повышение устойчивости к Slippage:
  16. Другие решения

Как исправить «The transcation cannot succeed due to erro: vannot estimate gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap

Это может быть вызвано обменом токена, например Safemoon, Bonfire или других.

Подобные ошибки очень распространены в PancakeSwap, поэтому не только вы сталкиваетесь с ними.

В этом руководстве вы узнаете, что означает «невозможно оценить газ» на PancakeSwap и как это исправить.

Что означает «gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap?


«Не может оценить газ» на PancakeSwap означает, что биржа не может оценить комиссию за транзакцию.

Обычно это происходит, когда в количестве токенов слишком много десятичных знаков.

Когда в количестве жетонов слишком много десятичных знаков, может возникнуть ошибка «Невозможно оценить газ».

Например, если вы меняете BNB на 155.968325 ANKR, вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке.

Это связано с тем, что в токене слишком много десятичных знаков.

Еще одна причина, по которой вы получили ошибку «Не могу оценить газ», заключается в том, что токен может быть мошенничеством.

Чтобы проверить, является ли токен мошенничеством, вам необходимо просмотреть его последние транзакции.

сли в последнее время есть люди, покупающие и продающие токен, то, скорее всего, это не афера, а сообщение об ошибке вызвано PancakeSwap.

Сообщение об ошибке можно легко исправить, выполнив следующие действия.

Как исправить «не могу оценить газ» на PancakeSwap

Чтобы исправить ошибку «не могу оценить газ» на PancakeSwap, измените допуск по проскальзыванию на 12%.

Затем вам нужно изменить количество токенов, которые вы пытаетесь обменять.

После того как вы измените количество токенов, которые вы пытаетесь поменять местами, сообщение об ошибке будет исправлено.

Например, если вы пытаетесь поменять BNB на Safemoon, количество Safemoon может содержать много десятичных знаков.

Или последние числа Safemoon могут быть очень рандомизированы (например, 5123859).

Когда это происходит, у PancakeSwap могут возникнуть проблемы с оценкой комиссии за транзакцию.

В результате транзакция не состоится, и вы получите ошибку «Не могу оценить газ».

Кроме того, низкий допуск к проскальзыванию также может привести к сбою вашей транзакции.

Это связано с комиссией токена.

Вы можете смягчить это, постепенно увеличивая допуск по проскальзыванию, чтобы определить минимальный допуск проскальзывания для успешной транзакции

Шаг №1: Измените допуск по проскальзыванию на 12%

Для начала нужно открыть PancakeSwap.

Как только вы перейдете на PancakeSwap, выберите токены, которые вы хотите обменять.

Вы можете сделать это, выбрав токен, который хотите купить, в поле «Кому».

Затем выберите токен, который вы хотите использовать для обмена, в поле «От».

Затем вам нужно изменить допуск по проскальзыванию.

Для этого коснитесь значка «Настройки».

После того, как вы нажмете на значок «Настройки», откроется всплывающее окно «Настройки».

Во всплывающем окне «Настройки» вы увидите поле «Допуск по проскальзыванию».

В поле введите «12» в качестве допуска по проскальзыванию.

Затем закройте всплывающее окно «Настройки», нажав значок «x».

В качестве альтернативы вы можете постепенно увеличивать допуск по проскальзыванию .

Начните с 2% допуска на проскальзывание, затем увеличивайте его до 4%, 6%. 8% и более.

Это позволит вам найти минимальный допуск проскальзывания для успешной транзакции.

Однако, если вы пытаетесь купить токен, такой как Safemoon, вам необходимо установить допуск по проскальзыванию в 12%.

Это связано с комиссией за токен.

Шаг № 2: замените последние цифры на ноль

.Далее нужно поменять последние цифры токена на ноль.

Сначала выберите токен, который вы хотите купить, в поле «Кому».

Затем выберите токен, который вы хотите использовать для обмена (например, BNB, Ethereum).

Затем введите количество BNB или Ethereum, которое вы хотите обменять на токен.

Например, если вы хотите обменять 0,04515 BNB, введите «0,04515» в поле «От».

Это сделает оценочное поле «Кому».

Однако значение поля «Кому» невозможно оценить, если вы покупаете токен.

Если поле «До» оценено, вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке, например, «невозможно оценить газ», когда вы нажмете «Поменять местами».

Вместо этого вам нужно поле «От» для оценки.

Когда вы покупаете токен, вам нужно, чтобы поле «От» оценивалось.

Для этого измените последние числа токена, который вы пытаетесь купить, на ноль.

Например, если вы пытаетесь купить 155,958 ANKR, измените его на 155,000.

В большинстве случаев это устранит ошибку «невозможно оценить газ».

Однако, если все последние числа токена, который вы пытаетесь купить, уже равны нулю, попробуйте изменить его на случайные числа.

Например, если вы пытаетесь купить 155 000 ANKR, измените его на 155 958.

Если вы по-прежнему получаете сообщение об ошибке «Не могу оценить газ», попробуйте изменить числа в полях «Кому» и «От» на случайные, пока транзакция не будет успешной.

Это связано с тем, что сообщение об ошибке обычно вызвано количеством токенов, которые вы пытаетесь поменять местами.


Вот несколько общих правил, которым нужно следовать, когда вы покупаете токен для продажи:

Если вы покупаете токен , убедитесь, что поле «От» оценено.

Для этого измените последние цифры токена в поле «Кому».

С другой стороны, если вы продаете токен , убедитесь, что поле «Кому» оценено.

Для этого измените последние цифры токена в поле «От».

Это снизит вероятность возникновения любых ошибок транзакций, таких как ошибка «невозможно оценить газ».


Gas estimation failed — remix

I am trying to figure out what is wrong with the following code as it does deploy successfully on remix.

The issue is it refuses to deploy from remix when pointed to a remote node(in my case a parity node running of Azure proof of authority consortium).

I get the following error when I try to deploy on remix Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending? «message» must be a nonempty string

And when I deploy anyway it fails with error 0x0 Transaction mined but execution failed .

However if I changed the pragma version to say 0.4.26 it deploys successfully. Im trying to understand what’s going on or see if perhaps it’s not good practice to implement the loop in the constructor.

5 Answers 5

This happens when you make a change to your contract (typically add a new method) but fail to deploy the contract to the network.

In my case I failed to do so because of truffle. truffle migrate does not deploy the new contract code you have to explicitly tell truffle to deploy the new contract by truffle migrate —all

My guess is that Remix is trying to send a message for the new method added but the new method is not found in the previously deployed contract code on the network.

Edit: I got the same error also when I had too little gas upon calling the method, after fixing as above.

I don’t know what you are using for your deployment like ‘Javascript VM’ or ‘injected web3’, but maybe using ‘injected web3’ will solve your problem or if you are already using that, then go to metamask and try to reset your account.

This helped me get rid of this error but I am not sure if this is the right solution for you.

Note: New here! Any suggestions will be appreciated!!

It seems that your contract are failed to compile with pragma solidity ^0.5.11 and thus you are trying to deploy empty byte code. That’s why you get this «message» must be a nonempty string warning, and that’s why deployment fails.

Probably the tool you are using for deployment runs Solidity 0.4.x.

I have tested your code in remix and its working fine for me in both cases, either using JavaScript VM or Injected Web3 . I would suggest the following steps to try:

  1. First, in Remix select the compiler version 0.5.11+commit.c082d0b4 and try to deploy it with JavaScript VM . if this is successful then move to the next step.
  2. Change the Remix environment to Injected Web3 . The Metamask window should popup asking to sign in to Metamsk if you have not done it before. Make sure you are connected to the right network in Metamask and the selected account should have some funds for that network. Now if you deploy the contract, the Metamask window should pop up again, asking for you to confirm the transaction.
  3. If still there is gas estimation error then increase the gas limit (perhaps try 8000000 ) or check the gas limits of your network.

hope it will work.


Pancake library insufficient input amount что значит

Сбой с ошибкой «PancakeLibrary: INSUFFICIENT_AMOUNT» [решено]

Я пытаюсь форк PANCAKESWAP, все вроде работает хорошо, я могу добавить ликвидность, но всякий раз, когда я решил добавить ликвидность, связанную с BNB (то есть вызовом addLiquidityETH функции), транзакция возвращается с этим сообщением об ошибке.

Немного покопавшись, я обнаружил, что он появляется только в одном месте во всем маршрутизаторе.

и эта quote функция была вызвана в _addLiquidity функции, как показано ниже.

Пока что это ЕДИНСТВЕННЫЕ места, в quote которых вызовы приводят к возврату транзакции, но я не могу найти ничего неправильного, я имею в виду, что AmountA , очевидно, > 0 .

Любая помощь могла бы быть полезна.


Ошибка была с моей стороны, я отлаживал старую транзакцию, в которой я не отправлял BNB в контракт, и я предположил, что это та же ошибка, которую я получил для будущей транзакции, решил проверить и обнаружил ошибку, которую я получал было INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT , исправил, установив amountETHMin и amountTokenMin на

Pancake library insufficient input amount что значит

Sometimes you may find yourself facing a problem that doesn’t have a clear solution. These troubleshooting tips may help you solve problems you run into.

Issues on the Exchange


The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

the transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: pancakerouter: insufficient_output_amount.

You’re trying to swap tokens, but your slippage tolerance is too low or liquidity is too low.

  1. Refresh your page and try again later.
  2. Try trading a smaller amount at one time.
  3. Increase your slippage tolerance:
    1. Tap the settings icon on the liquidity page.
    2. Increase your slippage tolerance a little and try again.

    This usually happens when trading tokens with low liquidity.

    That means there isn’t enough of one of the tokens you’re trying to swap in the Liquidity Pool: it’s probably a small-cap token that few people are trading.

    However, there’s also the chance that you’re trying to trade a scam token which cannot be sold. In this case, PancakeSwap isn’t able to block a token or return funds.


    Fail with error ‘PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT’
    Fail with error ‘PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT’

    You’re trying to add/remove liquidity from a liquidity pool (LP), but there isn’t enough of one of the two tokens in the pair.

    Refresh your page and try again, or try again later.

    Still doesn’t work?

    1. Tap the settings icon on the liquidity page.
    2. Increase your slippage tolerance a little and try again.

    The error is caused by trying to add or remove liquidity for a liquidity pool (LP) with an insufficient amount of token A or token B (one of the tokens in the pair).

    It might be the case that prices are updating too fast when and your slippage tolerance is too low.

    OK, so you’re really determined to fix this. We really don’t recommend doing this unless you know what you’re doing.

    There currently isn’t a simple way to solve this issue from the PancakeSwap website: you’ll need to interact with the contract directly. You can add liquidity directly via the Router contract, while setting amountAMin to a small amount, then withdrawing all liquidity.

    Approve the LP contract

    Head to the contract of the LP token you’re trying to approve.
    For example, here’s the ETH/WBNB pair:

    1. Select Write Contract, then Connect to Web3 and connect your wallet.
    2. In section «1. approve», approve the LP token for the router by entering
      1. spender (address): enter the contract address of the LP token you’re trying to interact with
      2. value (uint256): -1
      1. Switch to Read Contract.
      2. In 5. balanceOf, input your wallet address and hit Query.
      3. Keep track of the number that’s exported. It shows your balance within the LP in the uint256 format, which you’ll need in the next step.

      Add or Remove Liquidity

      1. Select Write Contract and Connect to Web3 as above.
      2. Find addLiquidity or removeLiquidity (whichever one you’re trying to do)
      3. Enter the token addresses of both of the tokens in the LP.
      4. In liquidity (uint256), enter the uint256 number which you got from «balanceOf» above.
      5. Set a low amountAMin or amountBMin: try 1 for both.
      6. Add your wallet address in to (address).
      7. Deadline must be an epoch time greater than the time the tx is executed.

      This can cause very high slippage, and can cause the user to lose some funds if frontrun

      The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: EXPIRED. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

      Try again, but confirm (sign and broadcast) the transaction as soon as you generate it.

      This happened because you started making a transaction, but you didn’t sign and broadcast it until it was past the deadline. That means you didn’t hit «Confirm» quickly enough.

      The transaction cannot succeed due to error: Pancake: K. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

      Try modifying the amount on “To” field. Therefore putting «(estimated)» symbol on “From”. Then initiate the swap immediately.

      This usually happen when you are trying to swap a token with its own fee.

      The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: Pancake: TRANSFER_FAILED.

      Make sure you have 30% more tokens in your wallet than you intend to trade, or try to trade a lower amount. If you want to sell the maximum possible, try 70% or 69% instead of 100%.
      Caused by the design of Restorative Rebase tokens like tDoge or tBTC.
      Understand how restorative rebase tokens work.

      Another possible cause of this issue is the malicious token issuer just suspended the trading for their token. Or they made selling action only possible for selected wallet addresses. Please always do your own research to avoid any potential fraud. If the token you are trying to swap but failed with this error code is coming from an airdrop, that is most likely a scam. Please do not perform any token approval or follow any links, your fund may be at risk if you try to do so.

      Transaction cannot succeed

      Try trading a smaller amount, or increase slippage tolerance via the settings icon and try again. This is caused by low liquidity.

      Price Impact too High

      Try trading a smaller amount, or increase slippage tolerance via the settings icon and try again. This is caused by low liquidity.

      This transaction would fail. Please contact support

      If you got this error while removing liquidity from a BNB pair:

      Please select «Receive WBNB» and retry.

      If you got this error while trying to swap:

      Please contact the project team of the token you’re trying to swap. **** This issue must be resolved by the project team.

      This issue (while swapping) is caused by tokens which have hard-coded the V1 PancakeSwap router into their contract.

      While this practice is ill-advised at best, the reason for these projects having done this appears to be due to their tokenomics, in which each purchase sends a % of the token to LPs.

      The projects affected will likely not work with the V2 router: they will most likely need to create new versions of their tokens pointing to our new router address, and migrate any existing token holders to their new token.

      We recommend that any projects which created such tokens should also make efforts to prevent their users from adding them to V2 LP.

      Cannot read property ‘toHexString’ of undefined

      «Unknown error: «Cannot read property ‘toHexString’ of undefined»

      When trying to swap tokens, the transaction fails and this error message is displayed. This error has been reported on mobile devices using Trust Wallet.

      1. Attempt the transaction again with increased slippage allowance.
      2. If 1. does not resolve your problem, consider using another wallet such as SafePal for your transaction.

      This usually happens when trading tokens with insufficient slippage allowance on Trust Wallet.

      The exact details of the problem are still being investigated.

      Execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED.

      The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED.

      When trying to swap tokens, the transaction fails and this error message is displayed. This error has been reported across platforms.

      1. Check to make sure you have sufficient funds available.
      2. Ensure you have given the contract allowance to spend the amount of funds you’re attempting to trade with.

      This error happens when trading tokens with insufficient allowance, or when a wallet has insufficient funds.
      If you’re trading tokens with Restorative Rebase like tau assets tDoge or tBTC, make sure you understand how they work first with this guide to Rebase tokens.

      Issues with Syrup Pools

      BEP20: burn amount exceeds balance

      Fail with error ‘BEP20: burn amount exceeds balance’

      You don’t have enough SYRUP in your wallet to unstake from the CAKE-CAKE pool.

      Get at least as much SYRUP as the amount of CAKE that you’re trying to unstake.

      1. Buy SYRUP on the exchange. If you want to unstake 100 CAKE, you need at least 100 SYRUP.
      2. Try unstaking again.

      If that still fails, you can perform an “emergencyWithdraw” from the contract directly to unstake your staked tokens.

      1. Go to:
      2. Click “Connect to Web3” and connect your wallet.
      3. In section “4. emergencyWithdraw”, enter «0» and click “Write”.

      This will unstake your staked tokens and lose any uncollected CAKE yield.

      This will lose any yield that you haven’t harvested yet.

      To stop this happening again, don’t sell your SYRUP. You still need it to unstake from the “Stake CAKE Earn CAKE” pool.

      This error has happened because you have sold or transferred SYRUP tokens. SYRUP is minted in a 1:1 ratio to CAKE when you stake in the CAKE-CAKE Syrup Pool. SYRUP must be burned at a 1:1 ratio to CAKE when calling leaveStaking (unstaking your CAKE from the pool), so if you don’t have enough, you can’t unstake from the pool.

      Out of Gas error

      Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [out of gas]

      You have set a low gas limit when trying to make a transaction.

      Try manually increasing the gas limit (not gas price!) in your wallet before signing the transaction.

      A limit of 200000 is usually enough.

      The above example is from Metamask; check your wallet’s documentation if you aren’t sure how to adjust the gas limit.

      Basically, your wallet (Metamask, Trust Wallet, etc.) can’t finish what it’s trying to do.

      Your wallet estimates that the gas limit is too low, so the function call runs out of gas before the function call is finished.

      BEP20: transfer amount exceeds allowance

      Fail with error ‘BEP20: transfer amount exceeds allowance’

      1. Use to revoke approval for the smart contract you’re trying to interact with
      2. Approve the contract again, without setting a limit on spend allowance
      3. Try interacting with the contract again.

      This happens when you set a limit on your spend allowance when you first approved the contract, then try to swap more than the limit.

      BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance

      Fail with error ‘BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance’

      You’re probably trying to unstake from a Syrup Pool with low rewards in it. Solution below.

      If not, you may be trying to send tokens that you don’t have in your wallet (for example, trying to send a token that is already assigned to a pending transaction). In this case, just make sure you have the tokens you’re trying to use.

      Firstly, let the team know which pool you’re trying to unstake from, so they can top up the rewards. If you’re in a hurry to unstake and you don’t mind losing your pending yield, try an emergencyWithdraw:

      You can perform an “emergencyWithdraw” from the contract directly to unstake your staked tokens.

      1. Find the contract address of the Syrup Pool you’re trying to unstake from. You can find it in your wallet’s transaction log.
      2. Go to and in the search bar, enter the contract address.
      3. Select Write Contract.
      4. Click “Connect to Web3” and connect your wallet.
      5. In section “3. emergencyWithdraw”, and click “Write”.

      This will unstake your staked tokens and lose any uncollected yield.

      This will lose any yield that you haven’t harvested yet.

      This error tends to appear when you’re trying to unstake from an old Syrup Pool, but there aren’t enough rewards in the pool left for you to harvest when withdrawing. This causes the transaction to fail.

      Issues with Prediction

      Other issues

      Provider Error
      No provider was found

      This happens when you try to connect via a browser extension like MetaMask or Binance Chain Wallet, but you haven’t installed the extension.

      Unsupported Chain ID

      Switch your chain to BNB Smart Chain. Check your wallet’s documentation for a guide if you need help.

      Already processing eth_requestAccounts. Please wait.

      Make sure you are signed in to your wallet app and it’s connected to BNB Smart Chain.

      Issues buying SAFEMOON and similar tokens

      To trade SAFEMOON, you must click on the settings icon and set your slippage tolerance to 12% or more.
      This is because SafeMoon taxes a 10% fee on each transaction:

      • 5% fee = redistributed to all existing holders
      • 5% fee = used to add liquidity

      This is also why you might not receive as much of the token as you expect when you purchase.
      Read more on How to Buy Safe Moon.

      Internal JSON-RPC errors

      «MetaMask — RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error. estimateGas failed removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens estimateGas failed removeLiquidityETHWithPermit «

      Happens when trying to remove liquidity on some tokens via Metamask. Root cause is still unknown. Try using an alternative wallet.

      You don’t have enough BNB to pay for the transaction fees. You need more BEP-20 network BNB in your wallet.

      Increase the gas limit for the transaction in your wallet. Check your wallet’s documentation to learn how to increase gas limit.

      Cause unclear. Try these steps before trying again:

      1. Increase gas limit
      2. Increase slippage
      3. Clear cache

      Issues with Profile

      Oops! We couldn’t find any Pancake Collectibles in your wallet.

      We’re investigating the logic behind this issue. Meanwhile please try the workaround.

      1. Go to “Collectible” page, then come back to profile page.
        If you can’t find the link, go to directly.
      2. Retry profile creation.
      • Clear the cache and retry.
      • Retry on different browser.
      • Retry on different wallet apps.
      • Retry on the different network (switch between Wi-Fi and cellular)

      Checking username keeps spinning

      There are two possible causes.

      1. You have multiple wallets installed on the browser.
      2. Network issue.

      Root cause: You have multiple wallets installed on the browser.

      It may make a conflict between wallets. This is out of PancakeSwap’s control and we can do nothing.

      1. Have only single wallet installed on browser, remove the others.
      2. Reconnect the wallet and retry setting username again.

      Root cause: Network is unstable.

      You have to retry.

      1. Delete whatever has been entered in the text field completely.
      2. Re-type username, then please wait for seconds.
      3. If it doesn’t work, reload the page and retry again.

      You can’t perform that action at this time.

      You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.

      Не удалось выполнить транзакцию: «INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT» Обмен токенов | Исправление ошибки

      Пытаетесь поменять BNB на свой любимый токен BEP20 с помощью Pancake Swap, но всегда получаете следующее сообщение об ошибке при нажатии кнопки обмена?

      «The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.»

      Похоже, многие люди сталкиваются с этой ошибкой при попытке поменять BNB на SAFEMOON. Не только Safe Moon, но и каждая отдельная транзакция, которую вы пытаетесь выполнить с любой парой, будет выдавать вам эту ошибку.

      Это базовое руководство, в котором объясняется, как исправить это всплывающее окно ошибки на pancake swap finance.

      Transaction cannot succeed — это распространенная ошибка

      Это не проблема с токеном Pancake Swap DEX или токеном Safe Moon. Эта ошибка может возникнуть, когда вы меняете токены и используете любой децентрализованный торговый протокол.

      Не только Pancake Swap, но и одна из распространенных ошибок, с которыми сталкиваются пользователи Uniswap при обмене токенов ERC20 на Uniswap.

      «The transaction cannot succeed due to error: UniswapV2Router: EXPIRED. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.»

      «The transaction cannot succeed due to error: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.»

      Пока вы не исправите эту ошибку; платформа не позволит вам обменивать токены, поэтому вы не можете покупать или продавать монеты или токены. Что ж, исправить ее очень просто.

      На странице обмена Uniswap щелкните значок шестеренки настроек в правом верхнем углу. Нажмите «Toggle Expert Mode» («Переключить экспертный режим»), затем включите режим экспорта (export mode), и нажмите на «confirm» («подтвердить») во всплывающем диалоговом окне.

      Снова нажмите на значок шестеренки и немного увеличьте. «slippage tolerance». Продолжайте увеличивать его, пока транзакция не завершится успешно.

      Также убедитесь, что у вас достаточно ETH на Uniswap, чтобы покрыть транзакционную комиссию.

      То же самое исправление и для Pancake swap. Все, что вам нужно сделать, это увеличить slippage, нажав на значок шестеренки. Попробуйте 2-3%.

      Если это не сработает, продолжайте постепенно увеличивать. Чтобы обменивать токены, такие как Safe Moon, вам нужно установить slippage на 11%.

      На убедитесь, что у вас достаточно BNB для покрытия платы за газ.

      Следуйте пошаговым инструкциям ниже, чтобы исправить эту ошибку.

      Ошибка устранения неполадок: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT

      Почему появляется ошибка INSUFFICIENT OUTPUT AMOUNT?

      INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT — это ошибка, с которой вы столкнетесь при попытке торговать токенами с низкой ликвидностью.

      Вероятно, это может быть токен с небольшой капитализацией, и в пуле ликвидности может не хватить токенов для обмена. Или это может быть мошеннический токен, который не может быть продан.

      В случае с SAFEMOON это не мошеннический токен, и ошибка возникает не потому, что в пуле ликвидности недостаточно токенов, а потому, что ваш допуск к slippage слишком низок.

      Вот как это исправить.

      Повышение устойчивости к Slippage:

      Чтобы поменять SAFEMOON, slippage должно быть не менее 11%, и вот как его увеличить.

      1. Нажмите на значок настроек на странице биржи / ликвидности
      2. Теперь постепенно увеличивайте slippage. Для Safe Moon это должно быть 11%. Также убедитесь, что крайний срок транзакции в окне настроек установлен на 20 минут.

      После изменения этих настроек нажмите «swap». Немного понизьте BNB, чтобы покрыть комиссии, или просто нажмите на кнопку max.

      Примечание. Убедитесь, что у вас достаточно BNB для оплаты комиссии, иначе ваша транзакция не пройдет. Установите slippage на 11% и продолжайте попытки, а если это не поможет, попробуйте 12%. После нескольких попыток ваша транзакция должна наконец пройти.

      Установив slippage на 11%, вы получите следующее предупреждение:

      «Your transaction may be frontrun.»

      Здесь не о чем беспокоиться.

      Увеличивая slippage, вы в значительной степени размещаете рыночный ордер.

      Процент Slippage — это сумма, превышающая цену, которую вы платите от того, что вам было указано. В результате, когда вы совершаете покупку / продажу, вы получаете меньше токенов, чем должны были получить изначально (чем то, что Вы видели на экране).

      Таким образом, кроме увеличения Slippage, вы не можете приобрести safe moon с помощью BNB. В настоящее время токены, такие как SafeMoon, пока недоступны на CEX, таких как Binance.

      Все еще возникают проблемы при попытке обменять SAFEMOON или любые другие токены на Pancake Swap?

      Другие решения

      Повышение устойчивости к Slippage и крайнего срока транзакции должно исправить такие распространенные ошибки транзакций, как:


      Даже после изменения, если проблема не устранена, попробуйте следующее решение.

      Некоторые пользователи сообщают, что перезагрузка компьютера и сброс настроек Интернета устранили проблему.

      Если вы пытаетесь выйти из Ledger, то отключите устройство, подключите его обратно и повторите попытку. Наконец, на ПК или мобильном устройстве проверьте настройки даты и времени.

      Смотрите видео с нашего YouTube канала: Кошелек Ledger Nano S, стоит ли покупать, первые впечатления.


Как исправить «The transcation cannot succeed due to erro: vannot estimate gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap

Это может быть вызвано обменом токена, например Safemoon, Bonfire или других.

Подобные ошибки очень распространены в PancakeSwap, поэтому не только вы сталкиваетесь с ними.

В этом руководстве вы узнаете, что означает «невозможно оценить газ» на PancakeSwap и как это исправить.

Что означает «gas: transactiob may fail or may require manual gasl limit» на PancakeSwap?


«Не может оценить газ» на PancakeSwap означает, что биржа не может оценить комиссию за транзакцию.

Обычно это происходит, когда в количестве токенов слишком много десятичных знаков.

Когда в количестве жетонов слишком много десятичных знаков, может возникнуть ошибка «Невозможно оценить газ».

Например, если вы меняете BNB на 155.968325 ANKR, вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке.

Это связано с тем, что в токене слишком много десятичных знаков.

Еще одна причина, по которой вы получили ошибку «Не могу оценить газ», заключается в том, что токен может быть мошенничеством.

Чтобы проверить, является ли токен мошенничеством, вам необходимо просмотреть его последние транзакции.

сли в последнее время есть люди, покупающие и продающие токен, то, скорее всего, это не афера, а сообщение об ошибке вызвано PancakeSwap.

Сообщение об ошибке можно легко исправить, выполнив следующие действия.

Как исправить «не могу оценить газ» на PancakeSwap

Чтобы исправить ошибку «не могу оценить газ» на PancakeSwap, измените допуск по проскальзыванию на 12%.

Затем вам нужно изменить количество токенов, которые вы пытаетесь обменять.

После того как вы измените количество токенов, которые вы пытаетесь поменять местами, сообщение об ошибке будет исправлено.

Например, если вы пытаетесь поменять BNB на Safemoon, количество Safemoon может содержать много десятичных знаков.

Или последние числа Safemoon могут быть очень рандомизированы (например, 5123859).

Когда это происходит, у PancakeSwap могут возникнуть проблемы с оценкой комиссии за транзакцию.

В результате транзакция не состоится, и вы получите ошибку «Не могу оценить газ».

Кроме того, низкий допуск к проскальзыванию также может привести к сбою вашей транзакции.

Это связано с комиссией токена.

Вы можете смягчить это, постепенно увеличивая допуск по проскальзыванию, чтобы определить минимальный допуск проскальзывания для успешной транзакции

Шаг №1: Измените допуск по проскальзыванию на 12%

Для начала нужно открыть PancakeSwap.

Как только вы перейдете на PancakeSwap, выберите токены, которые вы хотите обменять.

Вы можете сделать это, выбрав токен, который хотите купить, в поле «Кому».

Затем выберите токен, который вы хотите использовать для обмена, в поле «От».

Затем вам нужно изменить допуск по проскальзыванию.

Для этого коснитесь значка «Настройки».

После того, как вы нажмете на значок «Настройки», откроется всплывающее окно «Настройки».

Во всплывающем окне «Настройки» вы увидите поле «Допуск по проскальзыванию».

В поле введите «12» в качестве допуска по проскальзыванию.

Затем закройте всплывающее окно «Настройки», нажав значок «x».

В качестве альтернативы вы можете постепенно увеличивать допуск по проскальзыванию .

Начните с 2% допуска на проскальзывание, затем увеличивайте его до 4%, 6%. 8% и более.

Это позволит вам найти минимальный допуск проскальзывания для успешной транзакции.

Однако, если вы пытаетесь купить токен, такой как Safemoon, вам необходимо установить допуск по проскальзыванию в 12%.

Это связано с комиссией за токен.

Шаг № 2: замените последние цифры на ноль

.Далее нужно поменять последние цифры токена на ноль.

Сначала выберите токен, который вы хотите купить, в поле «Кому».

Затем выберите токен, который вы хотите использовать для обмена (например, BNB, Ethereum).

Затем введите количество BNB или Ethereum, которое вы хотите обменять на токен.

Например, если вы хотите обменять 0,04515 BNB, введите «0,04515» в поле «От».

Это сделает оценочное поле «Кому».

Однако значение поля «Кому» невозможно оценить, если вы покупаете токен.

Если поле «До» оценено, вы можете получить сообщение об ошибке, например, «невозможно оценить газ», когда вы нажмете «Поменять местами».

Вместо этого вам нужно поле «От» для оценки.

Когда вы покупаете токен, вам нужно, чтобы поле «От» оценивалось.

Для этого измените последние числа токена, который вы пытаетесь купить, на ноль.

Например, если вы пытаетесь купить 155,958 ANKR, измените его на 155,000.

В большинстве случаев это устранит ошибку «невозможно оценить газ».

Однако, если все последние числа токена, который вы пытаетесь купить, уже равны нулю, попробуйте изменить его на случайные числа.

Например, если вы пытаетесь купить 155 000 ANKR, измените его на 155 958.

Если вы по-прежнему получаете сообщение об ошибке «Не могу оценить газ», попробуйте изменить числа в полях «Кому» и «От» на случайные, пока транзакция не будет успешной.

Это связано с тем, что сообщение об ошибке обычно вызвано количеством токенов, которые вы пытаетесь поменять местами.


Вот несколько общих правил, которым нужно следовать, когда вы покупаете токен для продажи:

Если вы покупаете токен , убедитесь, что поле «От» оценено.

Для этого измените последние цифры токена в поле «Кому».

С другой стороны, если вы продаете токен , убедитесь, что поле «Кому» оценено.

Для этого измените последние цифры токена в поле «От».

Это снизит вероятность возникновения любых ошибок транзакций, таких как ошибка «невозможно оценить газ».


Failed Transactions on Ethereum

Why ETH Transactions Fail and What to do About it

When a transaction fails on the Ethereum network, you are still charged. Transactions fail when there isn’t enough gas to pay for a transaction, or when a smart contract rejects a transaction.

You are still charged for failed transactions because miners need to confirm transactions to the chain whether they succeed or fail. So, you are paying for that regardless of whether your transaction goes through.

TIP: The transaction fee you pay on the Ethereum network is called “gas” (gas is a small amount of ETH paid for Ethereum transactions measured in units of ETH called GWEI).

The Two Main reasons For Failed Transactions: Slippage and Not Adding Enough Gas

If an approval or simple transaction failed, it is probably a gas issue. If your transaction failed on UniSwap or another DEX during a trade, it’s probably a slippage issue.

If you are getting failed transactions, you either need to add more gas by customizing gas before you start the transaction (you can also “speed up” a transaction by paying more later, for example, click “speed up” in MetaMask) and/or, if you are trading on a DEX, you need to increase slippage (done in settings on DEXs like Uniswap, SuhiSwap, etc.).

I suggest a slippage of at least 3% (but as high as 15% for illiquid pairs) and ‘fast gas’ or custom gas if using MetaMask (or the equivalent if not; check current gas prices to see how much gas is needed right now).

Not paying enough gas: Transactions failing because you didn’t pay enough for the transaction is easy to avoid in most situations. You avoid this by making sure you pay high enough gas fees upfront. In MetaMask, for example, you typically just have to stick with “normal” or “fast,” and this is going to be enough to account for any changes in gas prices. However, you can also check current gas prices and put in a custom gas amount (this can be smart if gas prices are rapidly increasing). For a single transaction or a batch of simple transactions like when you open a Maker Vault, this is basically all you need to know. Rarely if ever, will you have a basic transaction fail (instead, the worst case is you’ll have a slow transaction here or there… which you can speed up by adding more gas). Solution: Try paying more gas upfront or adding more gas to the current transaction to speed it up.

Customize gas in MetaMask to avoid failed transactions.

Having a transaction rejected on a DEX: Failed transactions are more likely on “AMM” DEX exchanges like Uniswap or 1Inch. You are executing multiple transactions at once, and the contract rejects the transaction. Sometimes this is a gas issue, but usually, it is a slippage issue (there wasn’t enough liquidity to fill you at the quoted price, so the exchange rejected your transaction). Solution: Adjust slippage tolerance upwards (you may need to go into advanced settings depending on the platform; a suggest at least 3%).

Toggle expert mode on and increase slippage tolerance (max slippage) to 3% – 5% (or higher for illiquid pairs) to avoid failed transactions due to slippage (be careful though, you could end up getting a very different price than you intended if you aren’t careful with this).


In other words, if your transaction fails:

  1. You either have a gas problem.
  2. Or, you have a slippage problem.

If you are on Uniswap or another DEX, you probably need to adjust slippage tolerance and not gas. If you are doing a single transaction, you probably have to adjust gas.

If you can adjust both, and especially if prices and gas fees are going wild, you may consider adjusting both gas and slippage to avoid failed transactions.

Failed transactions are most likely to occur during periods of volatility, and each transaction that fails will cost (sometimes a lot).

So if one transaction fails, slow down, refresh prices, adjust slippage and/or gas, and try again.

For more, I suggest checking out Uniswap’s FAQ section.

TIP: This only applies when using web3 wallets, dexes, etc. Centralized exchanges like Coinbase don’t use gas.

TIP: Paying to speed up a transaction can result in the transaction being stuck in some rare cases. Unsticking it can be a pain. You might consider not doing this and focusing on paying more upfront if you can help it. However, generally, if your transaction is being slow, paying to speed it up is the best solution. I personally speed up transactions all the time and have rarely had an issue.

TIP: If the prices of the coins you are trading are moving really fast, you may have to do a transaction very quickly and adjust slippage tolerance way up (for a really illiquid and volatile coin, 15% isn’t unheard of). If gas prices are moving really fast, you may have to overshoot by a good bit. The charts in both cases will clue you in as to what you have to do.

TIP: With slippage, you won’t necessarily incur the full slippage tolerance amount. That is only the max slippage amount. With gas, you will pay what you offer to pay. So… don’t offer to pay more than you are willing to pay, check the current gas fees, and aim toward a reasonable high end, and you’ll almost always be fine.

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«Failed Transactions on Ethereum» contains information about the following Cryptocurrencies:

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Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction at chrome-extension #5048


Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?

Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/background.js:1:1723632 at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/background.js:1:1273654 at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/background.js:1:369926 at o (chrome-

Balance is 18 ether for 0x75738901541f92cefe1733427c3e7a69560c7f1d account on ROPSTEN

Multiple simple Smart Contracts can not be deployed to ROPTSTEN even with good balance of Ether

This used to work. it is not working with new Metamask

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

@ricardosardenberg what browser are you using? and if you have a moment, could you send your state logs to and reference this issue number? Instructions here

@danjm could you take a look?

Using Google Chrome
Version 68.0.3440.106 (Official Build) (64-bit)

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Login to metamask, use ROPSTEN network. make sure there is a balance
  2. Log to
  3. Use HelloWorld.sol
  4. On Remix click on RUN
  5. On Remix set limit to 3000000
  6. Gas Limit
    7 Set VALUE 1 Ether
    8 Put input and Click on «DEPLOY»
    7 Remix will show error message «Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?
    Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction at chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn/background.js:1:1723632 at chrome-«

Hey @ricardosardenberg can you share a gist of your HelloWorld.sol?

contract Mortal <
/* Define variable owner of the type address */
address owner;

contract Greeter is Mortal <
/* Define variable greeting of the type string */
string greeting;

exact same problem happening in a different machine, now using FIREFOX.

very likely to be related to how METAMASK is doing gas estimation

I suggest someone looks into eth_estimateGas

Gas estimation failed
Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?

I can run the exact same code on

We’re running into the same issue helping some folks interact with their token contract.
I’ve included the contract address on Rinkeby, ABI, inputs, MM state logs, and a repro video from MyCrypto’s contract interaction interface. @alextsg @danjm feel free to ping me if I can clarify anything.

Of note: the same flow works fine when signing with a hardware wallet (Trezor). It’s just the uncaught error from MetaMask that blocks responsiveness. If there’s a way to forward this to MyCrypto as well so less opaque errors can be added, feel free to @-me back. Thanks.

Аналогичная ошибка в Yandex Browser, Metamask 3.14.1

transact to Token.transfer errored: Error: gas required exceeds allowance or always failing transaction
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:93936:44
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:72345:9
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:11758:16
at next (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:16600:29)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12243:16
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:11758:16
at replenish (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12278:25)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12287:9
at eachLimit$1 (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:14467:24)
at Object. (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12317:16)
at RpcEngine._runReturnHandlersUp (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:72439:13)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:72357:22
at nextTask (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:16595:14)
at next (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:16602:9)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12243:16
at checkForCompletion (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:72376:16)
at nextTask (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:16595:14)
at next (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:16602:9)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12243:16
at completeRequest (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:72430:9)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12411:9
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:11758:16
at replenish (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12278:25)
at iterateeCallback (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12268:17)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12243:16
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:12408:13
at end (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:72415:11)
at chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:39417:9
at d (chrome-extension://keoanijiealjeplfaflkcgijnnflaine/scripts/background.js:8365:26)

Is anyone still having this issue with MM v6.3.0 or later?

Yes I am, same error as @DmitryMihaylov

Is it fixed now? I got the same error with MM v6.5.3.

Can anyone still having this issue @Tayyib-A60 @SwJay describe their reproduction steps? Also, would like to know what the gasLimit is on these transactions.

I had the issue fixed by uninstalling and reinstalling a newer version of metamask

Can anyone still having this issue @Tayyib-A60 @SwJay describe their reproduction steps? Also, would like to know what the gasLimit is on these transactions.

Fixed it by indicating «gas» and «gasPrice» when provoking a contract method, though it used to work fine with elder version of web3js and metamask.

Currently getting this same error while verifying any signature requests through Unstoppable Domains using my Ledger Nano X.

Just got this on 8.0.8 (latest) on Brave Browser Version 1.13.82 Chromium: 85.0.4183.83 (Official Build) (64-bit) (latest)
I wanted to remove token from UniSwap Pool v2.
Already tried unistalling and re-installing and didn’t work. all I got was an empty extra ETH wallet (I suppose it’s the default to create a new wallet even tho I clicked on import)

I just find out that the issue it’s actually a 0x00 on the Nonce when signing a transaction: Uniswap/interface#835 (comment)

This same thread/issue has a workaround interacting directly with the contract on etherscan. Hope this helps any other lost soul wandering around.

I just find out that the issue it’s actually a 0x00 on the Nonce when signing a transaction: Uniswap/uniswap-interface#835 (comment)

This same thread/issue has a workaround interacting directly with the contract on etherscan. Hope this helps any other lost soul wandering around.

Thanks for pointing that out.
I also end up with a 0x00 nonce on the approve signature request.
Therefore, the remove transaction nonce does not match the signature nonce and the Uniswap contract fails to permit() the transaction.

I am surprised that this issue does not affect more users.

I also get this error when I try to add liquidity to uniswap V2 in roposten
inpage.js:1 MetaMask — RPC Error: gas required exceeds allowance (8000029) or always failing transaction

any solution to walk around ? I tried of searching but without feasible . Thanks

Closing, I have reproduced sdtsui steps and the OP error doesn’t display but a different error with the contract in execution. The error as of this comment is execution reverted . There are a number of reasons a contract can fail with this error, and gas estimation on our side can we one of them as well. If you have any more additional information to help debug. provide your detailed reproduction steps as well as contract addresses to help reproduce the issue.


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You can’t perform that action at this time.

You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. You signed out in another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session.


keep getting the error when I press to confirm the transaction:

Please try again. Confirm the transaction and make sure you are paying enough gas!

I definitely have enough BNB in my wallet for the gas, and on the settings I have the highest option selected (instant).
What am I doing wrong here?







the marketplace is a bit laggy due to subgraph issues. its likely that what you’re trying to buy is already sold and just not updated in the UI


the marketplace is a bit laggy due to subgraph iss…

Hi, I have been trying to unstake my cake for over a week now from the manual cake pool and I keep getting an error message. Can you help me?


Hi, I have been trying to unstake my cake for over…

not if i dont know what error msg you get


not if i dont know what error msg you get

It says «try again confirm the transaction and make sure you are paying enough gas»


It says «try again confirm the transaction and mak…

restart your device/pc and try again


restart your device/pc and try again

I have done that several times, I also tried math wallet and metamask I still get the same error message


It says «try again confirm the transaction and mak…

That’s the same message I keep getting all night for the past few hours. I have already cleared cache, restarted device and increased gas


It says «try again confirm the transaction and mak…

Reduce your purchase quantity, they will auto set gas fees


Reduce your purchase quantity, they will auto set …

Reduce your puchase qty manually


Reduce your purchase quantity, they will auto set …

I have tried that too. Still the same error message


try the safepal wallet

I just did. The same error message popped up again


I just did. The same error message popped up again

try harvest first then unstake

Common error messages. Use the sidebar ➡️to jump to the error you’re seeing.

Sometimes you may find yourself facing a problem that doesn’t have a clear solution. These troubleshooting tips may help you solve problems you run into.


The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_OUTPUT_AMOUNT. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

the transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: pancakerouter: insufficient_output_amount.

You’re trying to swap tokens, but your slippage tolerance is too low or liquidity is too low.

  1. 1.

    Refresh your page and try again later.

  2. 2.

    Try trading a smaller amount at one time.

  3. 3.

    Increase your slippage tolerance:

    1. 1.

      Tap the settings icon on the liquidity page.

    2. 2.

      Increase your slippage tolerance a little and try again.

  4. 4.

    Lastly, try inputting an amount with fewer decimal places.

This usually happens when trading tokens with low liquidity.

That means there isn’t enough of one of the tokens you’re trying to swap in the Liquidity Pool: it’s probably a small-cap token that few people are trading.

However, there’s also the chance that you’re trying to trade a scam token which cannot be sold. In this case, PancakeSwap isn’t able to block a token or return funds.


Fail with error ‘PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT’
Fail with error ‘PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT’

You’re trying to add/remove liquidity from a liquidity pool (LP), but there isn’t enough of one of the two tokens in the pair.

Refresh your page and try again, or try again later.

  1. 1.

    Tap the settings icon on the liquidity page.

  2. 2.

    Increase your slippage tolerance a little and try again.

The error is caused by trying to add or remove liquidity for a liquidity pool (LP) with an insufficient amount of token A or token B (one of the tokens in the pair).

It might be the case that prices are updating too fast when and your slippage tolerance is too low.

OK, so you’re really determined to fix this. We really don’t recommend doing this unless you know what you’re doing.

There currently isn’t a simple way to solve this issue from the PancakeSwap website: you’ll need to interact with the contract directly. You can add liquidity directly via the Router contract, while setting amountAMin to a small amount, then withdrawing all liquidity.

  1. 1.

    Select Write Contract, then Connect to Web3 and connect your wallet.

  2. 2.

    In section «1. approve», approve the LP token for the router by entering

    1. 1.

      spender (address): enter the contract address of the LP token you’re trying to interact with

  1. 2.

    In 5. balanceOf, input your wallet address and hit Query.

  2. 3.

    Keep track of the number that’s exported. It shows your balance within the LP in the uint256 format, which you’ll need in the next step.

  1. 1.

    Select Write Contract and Connect to Web3 as above.

  2. 2.

    Find addLiquidity or removeLiquidity (whichever one you’re trying to do)

  3. 3.

    Enter the token addresses of both of the tokens in the LP.

  4. 4.

    In liquidity (uint256), enter the uint256 number which you got from «balanceOf» above.

  5. 5.

    Set a low amountAMin or amountBMin: try 1 for both.

  6. 6.

    Add your wallet address in to (address).

  7. 7.

    Deadline must be an epoch time greater than the time the tx is executed.

This can cause very high slippage, and can cause the user to lose some funds if frontrun

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: PancakeRouter: EXPIRED. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

Try again, but confirm (sign and broadcast) the transaction as soon as you generate it.

This happened because you started making a transaction, but you didn’t sign and broadcast it until it was past the deadline. That means you didn’t hit «Confirm» quickly enough.

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: Pancake: K. This is probably an issue with one of the tokens you are swapping.

Try modifying the amount on “To” field. Therefore putting «(estimated)» symbol on “From”. Then initiate the swap immediately.

This usually happen when you are trying to swap a token with its own fee.

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: Pancake: TRANSFER_FAILED.

Make sure you have 30% more tokens in your wallet than you intend to trade, or try to trade a lower amount. If you want to sell the maximum possible, try 70% or 69% instead of 100%.
Caused by the design of Restorative Rebase tokens like tDoge or tBTC.

Understand how restorative rebase tokens work


Another possible cause of this issue is the malicious token issuer just suspended the trading for their token. Or they made selling action only possible for selected wallet addresses. Please always do your own research to avoid any potential fraud. If the token you are trying to swap but failed with this error code is coming from an airdrop, that is most likely a scam. Please do not perform any token approval or follow any links, your fund may be at risk if you try to do so.

Transaction cannot succeed

Try trading a smaller amount, or increase slippage tolerance via the settings icon and try again. This is caused by low liquidity.

Try trading a smaller amount, or increase slippage tolerance via the settings icon and try again. This is caused by low liquidity.

This transaction would fail. Please contact support

If you got this error while removing liquidity from a BNB pair:

Please select «Receive WBNB» and retry.

If you got this error while trying to swap:

Please contact the project team of the token you’re trying to swap. **** This issue must be resolved by the project team.

This issue (while swapping) is caused by tokens which have hard-coded the V1 PancakeSwap router into their contract.

While this practice is ill-advised at best, the reason for these projects having done this appears to be due to their tokenomics, in which each purchase sends a % of the token to LPs.

The projects affected will likely not work with the V2 router: they will most likely need to create new versions of their tokens pointing to our new router address, and migrate any existing token holders to their new token.

We recommend that any projects which created such tokens should also make efforts to prevent their users from adding them to V2 LP.

Cannot read property ‘toHexString’ of undefined

«Unknown error: «Cannot read property ‘toHexString’ of undefined»

When trying to swap tokens, the transaction fails and this error message is displayed. This error has been reported on mobile devices using Trust Wallet.

  1. 1.

    Attempt the transaction again with increased slippage allowance.

  2. 2.

    If 1. does not resolve your problem, consider using another wallet such as SafePal for your transaction.

This usually happens when trading tokens with insufficient slippage allowance on Trust Wallet.

The exact details of the problem are still being investigated.

Execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED.

The transaction cannot succeed due to error: execution reverted: TransferHelper: TRANSFER_FROM_FAILED.

When trying to swap tokens, the transaction fails and this error message is displayed. This error has been reported across platforms.

  1. 1.

    Check to make sure you have sufficient funds available.

  2. 2.

    Ensure you have given the contract allowance to spend the amount of funds you’re attempting to trade with.

This error happens when trading tokens with insufficient allowance, or when a wallet has insufficient funds.
If you’re trading tokens with Restorative Rebase like tau assets tDoge or tBTC, make sure you understand how they work first with this

guide to Rebase tokens


Fail with error ‘ds-math-sub-underflow’

You’ve run out of allowance of your LP token allowance to the MasterChef contract.

Use token approval manager like unrekt or BscScan to

BEP20: burn amount exceeds balance

Fail with error ‘BEP20: burn amount exceeds balance’

You don’t have enough SYRUP in your wallet to unstake from the CAKE-CAKE pool.

Get at least as much SYRUP as the amount of CAKE that you’re trying to unstake.

  1. 1.

    Buy SYRUP on the exchange. If you want to unstake 100 CAKE, you need at least 100 SYRUP.

If that still fails, you can perform an “emergencyWithdraw” from the contract directly to unstake your staked tokens.

  1. 2.

    Click “Connect to Web3” and connect your wallet.

  2. 3.

    In section “4. emergencyWithdraw”, enter «0» and click “Write”.

This will unstake your staked tokens and lose any uncollected CAKE yield.

This will lose any yield that you haven’t harvested yet.

To stop this happening again, don’t sell your SYRUP. You still need it to unstake from the “Stake CAKE Earn CAKE” pool.

This error has happened because you have sold or transferred SYRUP tokens. SYRUP is minted in a 1:1 ratio to CAKE when you stake in the CAKE-CAKE Syrup Pool. SYRUP must be burned at a 1:1 ratio to CAKE when calling leaveStaking (unstaking your CAKE from the pool), so if you don’t have enough, you can’t unstake from the pool.

Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [out of gas]

You have set a low gas limit when trying to make a transaction.

Try manually increasing the gas limit (not gas price!) in your wallet before signing the transaction.

A limit of 200000 is usually enough.

The above example is from Metamask; check your wallet’s documentation if you aren’t sure how to adjust the gas limit.

Basically, your wallet (Metamask, Trust Wallet, etc.) can’t finish what it’s trying to do.

Your wallet estimates that the gas limit is too low, so the function call runs out of gas before the function call is finished.

BEP20: transfer amount exceeds allowance

Fail with error ‘BEP20: transfer amount exceeds allowance’

  1. 1.

    Use to revoke approval for the smart contract you’re trying to interact with

  2. 2.

    Approve the contract again, without setting a limit on spend allowance

  3. 3.

    Try interacting with the contract again.

This happens when you set a limit on your spend allowance when you first approved the contract, then try to swap more than the limit.

BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance

Fail with error ‘BEP20: transfer amount exceeds balance’

You’re probably trying to unstake from a Syrup Pool with low rewards in it. Solution below.

If not, you may be trying to send tokens that you don’t have in your wallet (for example, trying to send a token that is already assigned to a pending transaction). In this case, just make sure you have the tokens you’re trying to use.


let the team know

which pool you’re trying to unstake from, so they can top up the rewards. If you’re in a hurry to unstake and you don’t mind losing your pending yield, try an emergencyWithdraw:

You can perform an “emergencyWithdraw” from the contract directly to unstake your staked tokens.

  1. 1.

    Find the contract address of the Syrup Pool you’re trying to unstake from. You can find it in your wallet’s transaction log.

  2. 4.

    Click “Connect to Web3” and connect your wallet.

  3. 5.

    In section “3. emergencyWithdraw”, and click “Write”.

This will unstake your staked tokens and lose any uncollected yield.

This will lose any yield that you haven’t harvested yet.

This error tends to appear when you’re trying to unstake from an old Syrup Pool, but there aren’t enough rewards in the pool left for you to harvest when withdrawing. This causes the transaction to fail.

Provider Error
No provider was found

This happens when you try to connect via a browser extension like MetaMask or Binance Chain Wallet, but you haven’t installed the extension.

Switch your chain to BNB Smart Chain. Check your wallet’s documentation for a guide if you need help.

Already processing eth_requestAccounts. Please wait.

Make sure you are signed in to your wallet app and it’s connected to BNB Smart Chain.

Issues buying SAFEMOON and similar tokens

To trade SAFEMOON, you must click on the settings icon and set your slippage tolerance to 12% or more.
This is because
SafeMoon taxes a 10% fee on each transaction:

  • 5% fee = redistributed to all existing holders

  • 5% fee = used to add liquidity

This is also why you might not receive as much of the token as you expect when you purchase.

How to Buy Safe Moon


«MetaMask — RPC Error: Internal JSON-RPC error. estimateGas failed removeLiquidityETHWithPermitSupportingFeeOnTransferTokens estimateGas failed removeLiquidityETHWithPermit «

Happens when trying to remove liquidity on some tokens via Metamask. Root cause is still unknown. Try using an alternative wallet.

Internal JSON-RPC error. { «code»: -32000, «message»: «insufficient funds for transfer» } — Please try again.

You don’t have enough BNB to pay for the transaction fees. You need more BEP-20 network BNB in your wallet.

Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{«value»:{«code»:-32603,»data»:{«code»:-32000,»message»:»transaction underpriced»}}}»

Increase the gas limit for the transaction in your wallet. Check your wallet’s documentation to learn how to increase gas limit.

Swap failed: Error: [ethjs-query] while formatting outputs from RPC ‘{«value»:{«code»:-32603,»data»:{«code»:-32603,»message»:»handle request error»}}}’

Cause unclear. Try these steps before trying again:

Oops! We couldn’t find any Pancake Collectibles in your wallet.

We’re investigating the logic behind this issue. Meanwhile please try the workaround.

  • Clear the cache and retry.

  • Retry on different browser.

  • Retry on different wallet apps.

  • Retry on the different network (switch between Wi-Fi and cellular)

Checking username keeps spinning

There are two possible causes.

  1. 1.

    You have multiple wallets installed on the browser.

Root cause: You have multiple wallets installed on the browser.

It may make a conflict between wallets. This is out of PancakeSwap’s control and we can do nothing.

  1. 1.

    Have only single wallet installed on browser, remove the others.

  2. 2.

    Reconnect the wallet and retry setting username again.

Root cause: Network is unstable.

  1. 1.

    Delete whatever has been entered in the text field completely.

  2. 2.

    Re-type username, then please wait for seconds.

  3. 3.

    If it doesn’t work, reload the page and retry again.

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