Error post loading model hlmv

Error post loading model hlmv I keep getting «error loading model» in HLMV.exe and can’t work out whymodel exported from maya/mesacompiled with Crowbar For anybody having the same troubles, i made a new project in Maya after re-running all the MESA install and config files including Garry’s Mod.bat then set the project, saved it, […]

Error post loading model hlmv

I keep getting «error loading model» in HLMV.exe and can’t work out why
model exported from maya/mesa
compiled with Crowbar

For anybody having the same troubles, i made a new project in Maya after re-running all the MESA install and config files including Garry’s Mod.bat then set the project, saved it, and imported the FBX of the models in the original project.

I put all the TGA materials in the materialssrc folder of the project under MESA.

Thanks to everyone who helped with the issue im really greatful.

Please show us the compile log of the model.

$Scale is a size multiplier for subsequently listed DMX/SMD files. This means two things:
— You should (probably) be specifying it before the first mesh- (and/or animation-)loading command in the QC file. (You currently have it after the first of those, not before.)
— There’s no need to specify $Scale when you set the value to 1 (anything multiplied by 1 is the same as it was before). (Unless you want to nullify a previously set $Scale value, which isn’t the case here.)

Not that it should matter in this context, but still.

«Error loading model» usually means you are opening a model version that the HLMV can not handle (e.g. model compiled for different game) or opening hlmv.exe directly without a -game parameter.

You can try opening the model via Crowbar View tab using the «View» or «View as Replacement» buttons.

try to replace $body «studio» «weedexport.smd»
to $model «model» «weedexport.smd»

as i read somewhere (or maybe not :D) that model must heff at least one $model lane

PS also it needs to have $BBox line, it makes render hitbox of a model.
PSS text saying «// Bounding box or hull. Used for collision with a world object.» when u decompile models with crowbar, but its a lie. Your model will stop render if BBox will go out of your camera view. So BBox is kinda actual render hitbox in SFM

Please show us the compile log of the model.

$Scale is a size multiplier for subsequently listed DMX/SMD files. This means two things:
— You should (probably) be specifying it before the first mesh- (and/or animation-)loading command in the QC file. (You currently have it after the first of those, not before.)
— There’s no need to specify $Scale when you set the value to 1 (anything multiplied by 1 is the same as it was before). (Unless you want to nullify a previously set $Scale value, which isn’t the case here.)

Not that it should matter in this context, but still.

try to replace $body «studio» «weedexport.smd»
to $model «model» «weedexport.smd»

as i read somewhere (or maybe not :D) that model must heff at least one $model lane

PS also it needs to have $BBox line, it makes render hitbox of a model.
PSS text saying «// Bounding box or hull. Used for collision with a world object.» when u decompile models with crowbar, but its a lie. Your model will stop render if BBox will go out of your camera view. So BBox is kinda actual render hitbox in SFM

«Error loading model» usually means you are opening a model version that the HLMV can not handle (e.g. model compiled for different game) or opening hlmv.exe directly without a -game parameter.

You can try opening the model via Crowbar View tab using the «View» or «View as Replacement» buttons.

also — View > View or View as Replacement and Open Viewer it says model viewer opened but hlmv isnt opening.

but it does say
=== Material and Texture Info ===


Error post loading model hlmv

(Junior Member)

Зарегистрирован: Mar 2014
Проживает: Russian Federation/
Написал: 10 сообщений


если ее декомпилировать а потом снова компилировать, даже без каких либо изменений. То она не отображается уже в hlmv.exe

26-03-2014 11:27

(Junior Member)

Зарегистрирован: Mar 2014
Проживает: Russian Federation/
Написал: 10 сообщений


27-03-2014 16:48

(Junior Member)

Зарегистрирован: Mar 2014
Проживает: Russian Federation/
Написал: 10 сообщений


$cd «D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled»
$modelname «playerblack_catcat.mdl»
$model «studio» «pussy.smd»
$poseparameter move_yaw -180.00 180.00
$poseparameter body_pitch -90.00 90.00
$poseparameter body_yaw -90.00 90.00
$cdmaterials «modelsplayerblack_cat»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.weapon_bone»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip»
$hboxset «cstrike»
$hbox 3 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis» -8.299 -7.727 -5.429 8.299 2.007 6.583
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh» 4.576 -5.377 -3.432 22.880 3.775 4.576
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf» -0.291 -4.295 -3.432 20.883 3.151 3.432
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot» -2.288 -1.144 -2.579 5.720 4.576 2.007
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0» -2.860 -2.808 -2.860 4.004 1.196 1.716
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh» 4.576 -5.377 -3.432 22.880 3.775 4.576
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf» -0.291 -4.295 -3.432 20.883 3.151 3.432
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot» -2.288 -1.144 -2.007 5.720 4.576 2.579
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Toe0» -2.860 -2.808 -1.716 4.004 1.196 2.860
$hbox 3 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1» -9.152 -1.258 -8.008 4.576 11.326 8.008
$hbox 2 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2» -3.068 -3.432 -9.693 13.572 10.317 9.693
$hbox 1 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1» -0.104 -4.576 -2.860 5.512 2.288 2.860
$hbox 1 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1» -0.416 -6.240 -3.640 9.360 4.441 3.016
$hbox 4 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm» -1.144 -2.579 -2.288 14.872 2.579 2.288
$hbox 4 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm» -1.716 -2.402 -2.402 13.156 2.402 2.402
$hbox 4 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand» 0.291 -2.465 -1.716 6.583 1.550 2.860
$hbox 5 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm» -1.144 -2.579 -2.288 14.872 2.579 2.288
$hbox 5 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm» -1.716 -2.402 -2.402 13.156 2.402 2.402
$hbox 5 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand» 0.291 -2.465 -2.860 6.583 1.550 1.716
// Model uses material «slow_hair.vmt»
// Model uses material «slow_belt.vmt»
// Model uses material «slow_head.vmt»
// Model uses material «slow_body.vmt»
$attachment «forward» «ValveBiped.forward» 0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate 0.00 -0.00 -0.00
$attachment «grenade0» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» 6.41 3.85 8.73 rotate 68.11 91.48 93.56
$attachment «grenade1» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» 6.23 1.36 8.58 rotate 42.63 88.51 93.85
$attachment «grenade2» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» -0.55 4.14 -8.33 rotate -83.93 63.84 118.98
$attachment «grenade3» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» 0.64 1.28 -8.35 rotate -70.87 -71.14 -105.92
$attachment «pistol» «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh» 0.76 2.91 -5.93 rotate -1.57 -9.00 75.29
$attachment «primary» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2» 9.00 -4.17 -10.75 rotate -27.69 173.65 -13.75
$attachment «defusekit» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis» 0.00 1.05 -4.98 rotate -73.06 90.93 179.75
$attachment «eholster» «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh» 7.83 -5.91 1.49 rotate 80.18 -62.03 112.43
$attachment «lfoot» «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot» 0.00 5.20 0.00 rotate -0.00 0.00 -0.00
$attachment «rfoot» «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot» 0.00 5.20 -0.00 rotate 0.00 0.00 0.00
$attachment «muzzle_flash» «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand» 0.00 0.00 -0.00 rotate -0.00 0.00 0.00
$includemodel «player/cs_player_shared.mdl»
$includemodel «player/ak_anims_ct.mdl»
$surfaceprop «flesh»
$eyeposition -0.000 0.000 73.000
$illumposition 0.019 0.882 37.487
$sequence ragdoll «ragdoll» ACT_DIERAGDOLL 1 fps 30.00
$ikchain rhand ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand knee 0.707 0.707 0.000
$ikchain lhand ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand knee 0.707 0.707 0.000
$ikchain rfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
$ikchain lfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
$ikchain ikclip ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
$collisionjoints «phymodel.smd» <

$mass 100.0
$inertia 10.00
$damping 0.05
$rotdamping 5.00
$rootbone «valvebiped.bip01_pelvis»
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_pelvis» 3.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» 8.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» x limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» y limit -16.00 16.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» z limit -20.00 30.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» 9.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» x limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» y limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» z limit -20.00 20.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» 6.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» x limit -15.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» y limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» z limit 0.00 45.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» 6.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» x limit -15.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» y limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» z limit 0.00 45.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» 5.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» 2.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» x limit -15.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» y limit -40.00 32.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» z limit -80.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» x limit -40.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» z limit -120.00 10.00 0.00

$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» 1.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» y limit -35.00 35.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» z limit -50.00 50.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» 5.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» 2.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» x limit -15.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» y limit -40.00 32.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» z limit -80.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» x limit -40.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» z limit -120.00 10.00 0.00

$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» 1.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» y limit -35.00 35.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» z limit -50.00 50.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» 7.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» 7.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» y limit -10.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» z limit -55.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» x limit -10.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» y limit -5.00 5.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» z limit -10.00 115.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» 7.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» 7.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» y limit -10.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» z limit -55.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» x limit -10.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» y limit -5.00 5.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» z limit -10.00 115.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_head1» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_head1» 3.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_head1» x limit -50.00 50.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_head1» y limit -20.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_head1» z limit -26.00 30.00 0.00

qdir: «d:gamescsssteamappscommonsourcesdkbinep1binmoddingdecompiled
gamedir: «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrike»
g_path: «mdldecompiler»
Working on «mdldecompiler.qc»
SMD MODEL D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled
SMD MODEL D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled
SMD MODEL D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled
Processing jointed collision model
ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis ( 90 verts) volume: 1382.32
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh ( 36 verts) volume: 974.18
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf ( 36 verts) volume: 1093.20
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh ( 36 verts) volume: 974.18
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf ( 36 verts) volume: 1094.12
ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1 ( 90 verts) volume: 2155.67
ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2 (132 verts) volume: 2494.21
ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 (156 verts) volume: 821.28
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle ( 36 verts) volume: 74.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm ( 36 verts) volume: 190.31
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm ( 36 verts) volume: 335.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand ( 36 verts) volume: 194.73
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle ( 36 verts) volume: 74.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm ( 36 verts) volume: 190.31
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm ( 36 verts) volume: 335.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand ( 36 verts) volume: 194.73
Collision model completed.
writing D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrikemodels/playe
bones 12800 bytes (46)
animations 1544 bytes (1 anims) (25 frames) [0:00]
sequences 400 bytes (1 seq)
ik/pose 724 bytes
eyeballs 0 bytes (0 eyeballs)
flexes 0 bytes (0 flexes)
textures 268 bytes
keyvalues 0 bytes
Collision model volume 72322.16 in^3
collision 0 bytes
total 17752
writing D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrikemodels/playe
vertices 437616 bytes (9117 vertices)
tangents 145872 bytes (9117 vertices)
total 583552 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 108 bytes
verts: 82053 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 8 bytes
everything: 159067 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 189 bytes
verts: 83808 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 520 bytes
everything: 161415 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 108 bytes
verts: 82053 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 408 bytes
everything: 159467 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 108 bytes
verts: 82053 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 408 bytes
everything: 159467 bytes

Completed «mdldecompiler.qc»
Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .

29-03-2014 06:55

(Сеньёр Мембер)

Зарегистрирован: Oct 2007
Проживает: Россия/Мск
Написал: 1824 сообщений

Оценка: 32 чел.



(Junior Member)

Зарегистрирован: Mar 2014
Проживает: Russian Federation/
Написал: 10 сообщений


$cd «D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled»
$modelname «playerblack_catcat.mdl»
$model «studio» «pussy.smd»
$poseparameter move_yaw -180.00 180.00
$poseparameter body_pitch -90.00 90.00
$poseparameter body_yaw -90.00 90.00
$cdmaterials «modelsplayerblack_cat»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.weapon_bone»
$bonemerge «ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip»
$hboxset «cstrike»
$hbox 3 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis» -8.299 -7.727 -5.429 8.299 2.007 6.583
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh» 4.576 -5.377 -3.432 22.880 3.775 4.576
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf» -0.291 -4.295 -3.432 20.883 3.151 3.432
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot» -2.288 -1.144 -2.579 5.720 4.576 2.007
$hbox 6 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Toe0» -2.860 -2.808 -2.860 4.004 1.196 1.716
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh» 4.576 -5.377 -3.432 22.880 3.775 4.576
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf» -0.291 -4.295 -3.432 20.883 3.151 3.432
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot» -2.288 -1.144 -2.007 5.720 4.576 2.579
$hbox 7 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Toe0» -2.860 -2.808 -1.716 4.004 1.196 2.860
$hbox 3 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1» -9.152 -1.258 -8.008 4.576 11.326 8.008
$hbox 2 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2» -3.068 -3.432 -9.693 13.572 10.317 9.693
$hbox 1 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Neck1» -0.104 -4.576 -2.860 5.512 2.288 2.860
$hbox 1 «ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1» -0.416 -6.240 -3.640 9.360 4.441 3.016
$hbox 4 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm» -1.144 -2.579 -2.288 14.872 2.579 2.288
$hbox 4 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm» -1.716 -2.402 -2.402 13.156 2.402 2.402
$hbox 4 «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand» 0.291 -2.465 -1.716 6.583 1.550 2.860
$hbox 5 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm» -1.144 -2.579 -2.288 14.872 2.579 2.288
$hbox 5 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm» -1.716 -2.402 -2.402 13.156 2.402 2.402
$hbox 5 «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand» 0.291 -2.465 -2.860 6.583 1.550 1.716
// Model uses material «slow_hair.vmt»
// Model uses material «slow_belt.vmt»
// Model uses material «slow_head.vmt»
// Model uses material «slow_body.vmt»
$attachment «forward» «ValveBiped.forward» 0.00 -0.00 0.00 rotate 0.00 -0.00 -0.00
$attachment «grenade0» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» 6.41 3.85 8.73 rotate 68.11 91.48 93.56
$attachment «grenade1» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» 6.23 1.36 8.58 rotate 42.63 88.51 93.85
$attachment «grenade2» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» -0.55 4.14 -8.33 rotate -83.93 63.84 118.98
$attachment «grenade3» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine» 0.64 1.28 -8.35 rotate -70.87 -71.14 -105.92
$attachment «pistol» «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh» 0.76 2.91 -5.93 rotate -1.57 -9.00 75.29
$attachment «primary» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2» 9.00 -4.17 -10.75 rotate -27.69 173.65 -13.75
$attachment «defusekit» «ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis» 0.00 1.05 -4.98 rotate -73.06 90.93 179.75
$attachment «eholster» «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh» 7.83 -5.91 1.49 rotate 80.18 -62.03 112.43
$attachment «lfoot» «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot» 0.00 5.20 0.00 rotate -0.00 0.00 -0.00
$attachment «rfoot» «ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot» 0.00 5.20 -0.00 rotate 0.00 0.00 0.00
$attachment «muzzle_flash» «ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand» 0.00 0.00 -0.00 rotate -0.00 0.00 0.00
$includemodel «player/cs_player_shared.mdl»
$includemodel «player/ak_anims_ct.mdl»
$surfaceprop «flesh»
$eyeposition -0.000 0.000 73.000
$illumposition 0.019 0.882 37.487
$sequence ragdoll «ragdoll» ACT_DIERAGDOLL 1 fps 30.00
$ikchain rhand ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand knee 0.707 0.707 0.000
$ikchain lhand ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand knee 0.707 0.707 0.000
$ikchain rfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
$ikchain lfoot ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
$ikchain ikclip ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip knee 0.707 -0.707 0.000
$collisionjoints «phymodel.smd» <

$mass 100.0
$inertia 10.00
$damping 0.05
$rotdamping 5.00
$rootbone «valvebiped.bip01_pelvis»
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_pelvis» 3.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» 8.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» x limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» y limit -16.00 16.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine1» z limit -20.00 30.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» 9.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» x limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» y limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_spine2» z limit -20.00 20.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» 6.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» x limit -15.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» y limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_clavicle» z limit 0.00 45.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» 6.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» x limit -15.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» y limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_clavicle» z limit 0.00 45.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» 5.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» 2.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» x limit -15.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» y limit -40.00 32.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_upperarm» z limit -80.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» x limit -40.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_forearm» z limit -120.00 10.00 0.00

$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» 1.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» y limit -35.00 35.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_hand» z limit -50.00 50.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» 5.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» 2.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» x limit -15.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» y limit -40.00 32.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_upperarm» z limit -80.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» x limit -40.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_forearm» z limit -120.00 10.00 0.00

$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» 1.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» y limit -35.00 35.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_hand» z limit -50.00 50.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» 7.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» 7.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» y limit -10.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_thigh» z limit -55.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» x limit -10.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» y limit -5.00 5.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_r_calf» z limit -10.00 115.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» 7.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» 7.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» x limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» y limit -10.00 15.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_thigh» z limit -55.00 25.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» 4.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» x limit -10.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» y limit -5.00 5.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_l_calf» z limit -10.00 115.00 0.00

$jointmassbias «valvebiped.bip01_head1» 4.00
$jointrotdamping «valvebiped.bip01_head1» 3.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_head1» x limit -50.00 50.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_head1» y limit -20.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «valvebiped.bip01_head1» z limit -26.00 30.00 0.00

qdir: «d:gamescsssteamappscommonsourcesdkbinep1binmoddingdecompiled
gamedir: «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrike»
g_path: «mdldecompiler»
Working on «mdldecompiler.qc»
SMD MODEL D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled
SMD MODEL D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled
SMD MODEL D:GamescssSteamAppscommonSourceSDKbinep1binModdingdecompiled
Processing jointed collision model
ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis ( 90 verts) volume: 1382.32
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh ( 36 verts) volume: 974.18
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf ( 36 verts) volume: 1093.20
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh ( 36 verts) volume: 974.18
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf ( 36 verts) volume: 1094.12
ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1 ( 90 verts) volume: 2155.67
ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2 (132 verts) volume: 2494.21
ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1 (156 verts) volume: 821.28
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle ( 36 verts) volume: 74.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm ( 36 verts) volume: 190.31
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm ( 36 verts) volume: 335.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand ( 36 verts) volume: 194.73
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle ( 36 verts) volume: 74.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm ( 36 verts) volume: 190.31
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm ( 36 verts) volume: 335.57
ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand ( 36 verts) volume: 194.73
Collision model completed.
writing D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrikemodels/playe
bones 12800 bytes (46)
animations 1544 bytes (1 anims) (25 frames) [0:00]
sequences 400 bytes (1 seq)
ik/pose 724 bytes
eyeballs 0 bytes (0 eyeballs)
flexes 0 bytes (0 flexes)
textures 268 bytes
keyvalues 0 bytes
Collision model volume 72322.16 in^3
collision 0 bytes
total 17752
writing D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrikemodels/playe
vertices 437616 bytes (9117 vertices)
tangents 145872 bytes (9117 vertices)
total 583552 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 108 bytes
verts: 82053 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 8 bytes
everything: 159067 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 189 bytes
verts: 83808 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 520 bytes
everything: 161415 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 108 bytes
verts: 82053 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 408 bytes
everything: 159467 bytes
Generating optimized mesh «D:Gamescsssteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcec
body parts: 8 bytes
models: 20 bytes
model LODs: 12 bytes
meshes: 36 bytes
strip groups: 100 bytes
strips: 108 bytes
verts: 82053 bytes
indices: 76698 bytes
bone changes: 408 bytes
everything: 159467 bytes

Completed «mdldecompiler.qc»
Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .

I compiled using crowbar not the .bat file, because the bat file showed an error saying that the .qc couldnt be red, so I was advised to use crowbar instead and it worked. 

This is the .qc syntax. Located in: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikecustommy custom stuffmodelsPipes

$modelname    «modelspipe_test.mdl»
$body mybody    «Pipe.smd»
$surfaceprop    concrete
$cdmaterials    «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikecustommy custom stuffmaterialsmodelsPipes»

$sequence idle    «pipe_idle.smd»

$collisionmodel    «Pipe-phys.smd» { $concave }

I used the full adress for materials, thinking it would work but it still didnt. 

this is the .vmf syntax. Located in: C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikecustommy custom stuffmaterialsmodelsPipes

    «$basetexture» «models/Pipes/PipeUV_textured»
    «$surfaceprop» «Concrete»
    «$surfaceprop2» «Concrete»
    «$translucent» 1

Crowbar after compiling:

Compiling with Crowbar «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikecustommy custom stuffmodelsPipespipe_test.qc» …

  Compiling «.pipe_test.qc» …
    qdir:    «c:program files (x86)steamsteamappscommoncounter-strike sourcecstrikecustommy custom stuffmodelspipes»
    gamedir: «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrike»
    g_path:  «pipe_test.qc»
    Building binary model files…
    Working on «pipe_test.qc»
    SMD MODEL Pipe.smd
    SMD MODEL pipe_idle.smd
    SMD MODEL Pipe-phys.smd
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Model has 2-dimensional geometry (less than 0.500 inches thick on any axis)!!!
    WARNING: Error with convex elements of Pipe-phys.smd, building single convex!!!!
    Model has 1 convex sub-parts
    Collision model completed.
    writing C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikemodels/modelspipe_test.mdl:
    bones          964 bytes (1)
       animation       x       y       ips    angle
           @idle    0.00    0.00 :    1.#J (  90.00) 0.0
    animations     112 bytes (1 anims) (1 frames) [0:00]
    sequences      220 bytes (1 seq) 
    ik/pose        164 bytes
    eyeballs         0 bytes (0 eyeballs)
    flexes           0 bytes (0 flexes)
    textures        72 bytes
    keyvalues        0 bytes
    bone transforms        0 bytes
    bone flex driver       0 bytes
    Collision model volume 4636748.50 in^3
    collision        0 bytes
    total         1848
    writing C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikemodels/modelspipe_test.vvd:
    vertices      6864 bytes (143 vertices)
    tangents      2288 bytes (143 vertices)
    total         9216 bytes
    Generating optimized mesh «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikemodels/modelspipe_test.sw.vtx»:
    body parts:         8 bytes
    models:            20 bytes
    model LODs:        12 bytes
    meshes:             9 bytes
    strip groups:      25 bytes
    strips:            27 bytes
    verts:           1287 bytes
    indices:          768 bytes
    bone changes:      16 bytes
    everything:      2196 bytes
    Generating optimized mesh «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikemodels/modelspipe_test.dx80.vtx»:
    body parts:         8 bytes
    models:            20 bytes
    model LODs:        12 bytes
    meshes:             9 bytes
    strip groups:      25 bytes
    strips:            27 bytes
    verts:           1287 bytes
    indices:          768 bytes
    bone changes:      16 bytes
    everything:      2196 bytes
    Generating optimized mesh «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikemodels/modelspipe_test.dx90.vtx»:
    body parts:         8 bytes
    models:            20 bytes
    model LODs:        12 bytes
    meshes:             9 bytes
    strip groups:      25 bytes
    strips:            27 bytes
    verts:           1287 bytes
    indices:          768 bytes
    bone changes:      16 bytes
    everything:      2196 bytes

    Completed «pipe_test.qc»
  … Compiling «.pipe_test.qc» finished. Check above for any errors.

… Compiling with Crowbar «C:Program Files (x86)SteamsteamappscommonCounter-Strike Sourcecstrikecustommy custom stuffmodelsPipespipe_test.qc» finished.

I have reskinned a model of catwoman and would like to use HLMV to see her, however I keep getting «ERROR LOADING MODEL», and then the program crashes. If it helps, heres the directory of where I put my models to view them:
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamapps(mysteamname)team fortress 2tfmodels
C:Program Files (x86)Steamsteamapps(mysteamname)team fortress 2tfmaterialsmodels

Something is wrong with your model, Check if the smd exporter gives any error or if the compiler gives any errors.

[QUOTE=God Of Steam;34342364]Something is wrong with your model, Check if the smd exporter gives any error or if the compiler gives any errors.[/QUOTE]

No errors, but quick question just to make sure, I should include all of the other extensions such as .phy and all of that right, or is it a waste of extra space for HLMV?

you need to have an idle animation even for a static prop.
but you dont really need a collision mesh in order for a model to work without one it will basicly be like an effect inside of gmod.

If it still doesnt work there is propably a problem with the geometry maybe the topology is bad or something else

[QUOTE=YourFriendJoe;34342571]No errors, but quick question just to make sure, I should include all of the other extensions such as .phy and all of that right, or is it a waste of extra space for HLMV?[/QUOTE]

Yes you need to include all the files. Also all the files need to be in the folder structure you compiled them to.

If the original model was in models/yourmodel/yourmodel.mdl you can’t just put it into models/yourmodel.mdl but it has to be in the full structure

Oh he meant the compiled files silly me.

[QUOTE=wraithcat;34343299]Yes you need to include all the files. Also all the files need to be in the folder structure you compiled them to.

If the original model was in models/yourmodel/yourmodel.mdl you can’t just put it into models/yourmodel.mdl but it has to be in the full structure[/QUOTE]

So that’s what I was doing wrong.

Well thanks for solving yet another one of my problems wraithcat.

View Full Version : [TUT] Converting Source Models

Info in file! Some info may be a little wrong, I made this a couple months ago and I never got around to finishing it. It still isn’t completely done, but it will suffice and at least help some people. Please post and comments or questions about areas that need clarification.


nice tut man..will try it..


10-20-2009, 15:15

when i try to start wiesel it gives me this error…


10-21-2009, 03:09

is seems to be a problem from my pc
i tried it on another pc and it worked…odd
thanks anyway for the info about the QCs

Woops, for some reason your version doesn’t have English. I think you will be fine though as long as you don’t go into the more specific functions of wiesel.

I like the model for this forum should try to remake for CS 1.6, thanks for the manual :wink:

htat’s where i get all of my models from. i just don’t post them here or anywhere else, i keep them fo myself like the greedy bastard i am. but converting models and rerigging to work takes time. i usually only do it for models i really like. i usually rig my own skeleton that i got.


10-22-2009, 10:29

can someone tell me why the retarded wiesel program doesn’t work on my pc?
it gives me this error:
EDIT: Problem solved

EDIT2: one problem…the model doesn’t toutch the ground…the ground position is higher than normal
look at this picture and you will understand what i’m saying:

Thank Tirant! I tried to remake the model CSS in CS 1.6! All turned out!
Hulk and Goblin :-)


10-22-2009, 15:53

Hey someone can convert this model please?

Ok, first off, you need to rerig your models for them to work. Animation and hitbox conflicts make most models unworkable. The only thing I can tell you is how to fix the origins, but the models will not have very good animations unless you modify them further. Paste this at the end of each animation. origin 0 0 36 You will know if it works if when you view the ground it is through their waist-area (unless it’s a big mofo). This tells the model file to reorigin the model so ingame it is on the ground.

Hey someone can convert this model please?
Honestly you lazy bitch, i just told you how to do it yourself. Are you fucking dyslexic or blind (video also).


10-23-2009, 01:55

Milkshape out of date,, huh bitch..


10-23-2009, 13:42

Okey I jacket the milkshape for now… I was pissing with it half day…
Btw I followed the tutorial for now and converted model fine (thanks to you and I’m not lazy and not a bitch, it was interesting and I was pissing also with animations, but I did just and those works, when I will finish I will post here the model :) )
Btw how to scale skeletons all? in .qc
$scale 0.5 — didn’t worked

EDIT: Look at the models I converted, I borrowed yours animations :mrgreen:
slow.mdl kinda buggy,becouse I splited them to 4 parts due to ‘too much vertexes’.


10-23-2009, 16:29

Ok, first off, you need to rerig your models for them to work. Animation and hitbox conflicts make most models unworkable. The only thing I can tell you is how to fix the origins, but the models will not have very good animations unless you modify them further. Paste this at the end of each animation. origin 0 0 36 You will know if it works if when you view the ground it is through their waist-area (unless it’s a big mofo). This tells the model file to reorigin the model so ingame it is on the ground.

ok so i done what u said and now it doesn’t compile anymore
what the heck did i do wrong?

Chill batista, I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just a term I use for calling people lazy, bitch is just an adjective. No offense ment lol. Umm tell me what anima you want for it, If you like the slow ones then np. I’ll take a look at the model and fix it up a lil for you. I also meant to send you the l4d tank models I have, they are buggy but as good as they are gonna get unless you want it to not be able to run and attack
Edit: just glancing at your model your divided it badly. You want to rig it again with skeleton you also have the option of reducing polygons if you wish to add performance.

I don’t see anything wrong with what you have, it should work out fine. My only suggestions are to check the anims and the paths. Check if there are over ~3200 verts. Check the texture sizes/colors (512x512x8bit (256 colors)) .If all those check out then make sure you are compiling your models using paths with no spaces. Spaces cause a lot of problem with names for cmd prompt windows. That’s why I literally use C:/modeling/ as my base. If all of that is fucked, send it to me.


10-24-2009, 07:58

Chill batista, I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just a term I use for calling people lazy, bitch is just an adjective. No offense ment lol. Umm tell me what anima you want for it, If you like the slow ones then np. I’ll take a look at the model and fix it up a lil for you. I also meant to send you the l4d tank models I have, they are buggy but as good as they are gonna get unless you want it to not be able to run and attack
Edit: just glancing at your model your divided it badly. You want to rig it again with skeleton you also have the option of reducing polygons if you wish to add performance.

I need something like yours ‘el_gigante’ all animations good working if you have, to add to my converted models, they are pretty cool. ;)
About ‘slow’ model, as you said I just splited it to 4 parts and its kinda buggy with Textures, becouse there are no group. It would be nice if you fix my models ,I will learn then more.
About Tank hmm dunno, but try to send me , I will take a look.
HellKnight, is combined by yours ‘el_gigante’ too, just that hellknight model is smaller, so I just changed origins and size, but its kinda sexy :)

you also have the option of reducing polygons
What/where you mean I don’t understand?


10-24-2009, 08:00

all i’ve done is that i added what u told me to add…it compiled before with or without the spaces
all files are there and corresponding to the conditions of a hl1 model
umm and 1 more thing…when i press compile on wiesel it doesn’t compile the model it just makes the .qc file, then i use jed’s half life model viewer to compile
EDIT: compile problem solved…now i want to know what origin i have to use to adjust the model ground position when it’s if you would be kind to tell me i would be thankfull
EDIT2: model done…i have a problem with the shoot_knife and shoot_grenade animations(they don’t work) and the walk/run animations are sliding(feet don’t move corresponding to the speed) + still need help with what i told u in the first edit


11-29-2009, 18:50

hey tirant u can convert this skin
im on a low pc cuz my other pc is bad plz u can do it?


11-30-2009, 00:18

Woops, for some reason your version doesn’t have English. I think you will be fine though as long as you don’t go into the more specific functions of wiesel.
You can change the languange to english…..

how :
1. click Einstellungen -> Allgemeine Einstellungen.
2. set the deutsch to english.
3. Done !!!

Damn you guys are amazing. I’ve been trying this for a while now and read up almost any support I could get but there’s one thing leaving me stumped..

I’ve managed to get the source model skin into milkshape but after importing the 1.6 skeleton, I’m not sure how to align the two together. Usually it’s the arms that don’t line up since the 1.6 skeleton is in a spread-eagle shape. I don’t dare to modify the skeleton (as it’ll screw up the sequence animations) so my only choice is to somehow swing the arms and legs of the skin in place..

But that’s the I select the vertexes, face or group? And do I move or rotate? And if so, on which option — centre of mass, origin, user point, x,y,z coordinates? Actually, am I even on the right track? :|


12-05-2009, 03:44

I’m sorry that I’m writing this here, but Tirant can you make one model bigger ?

Haha, no worries. I’m actually really thankful for your advice being that long. Well I guess I’m on the right track after all, just need to play around with the mesh a bit more and squeeze it into place. I’ll give this another go and see what happens.

On a random note, you know I was so fed up with the mesh two days ago that I decided to keep the hl2 skeleton and just play the model with ZERO animations LOL


12-05-2009, 21:17

sorry this is so long

But very interesting. :)

Unbelievable. It worked like a charm! I can’t believe I overlooked such a simple thing..I didn’t even think of rotating limbs by clicking and dragging, I’m such a klutz ><

It all turned out fine except for a few glitches due to my rushed attempts. I’ll have to fix it up later. Thanks alot for the help, Tirant — looks like you won’t have to make a video tutorial after all, aren’t you glad lol.

Ok, these few glitches aren’t as easy to fix as they seem, lol. I’m having heaps of trouble getting the gun to fit nicely into the hands. Usually you’d expect to find the right index finger fitting the gun trigger and the rest of the hand holding onto the grip. But my model hands just aren’t aligned with the gun barrel at all. They pass through the gun, holding onto nothing. I noticed that some models online also seem to have the same problem.

Is there any way I could fix this? I’ve tried editing the gun attachment origins in the qc, lengthening & shortening the arm, and re-rigging the individual fingers, thumbs and wrists but those efforts were all in vain..and now I’m pretty much out of ideas =/

Post it here and I’ll take a look and try and fix it before I leave. I will make a video when I get back from my trip. I’m going to Germany on Friday until the 23rd of December. I think you misaligned something wrong. When I align stuff, I try and only rotate the shoulders and legs, never the knees and other stuff unless they look bad. Sometimes when i messed with the pelvis too much i found that your character walks like it has a stick up it’s ass. I always do it fast (crappy) just to see how it will look (curiosity :)). Then compile and test in hlmv. Then fix the bugs then recompile, and so on. If you do as many as I have you get pretty fast at it depending on the model, with highpoly models it takes a lot more time to make it look good, but I always let some minor bugs slide, things you wouldn’t really notice ingame. It is all up to you though, everyone has their own method. IF you ever read into actual modeling (I did a little because I want to learn) you will find that there are very many ways to do the same thing, and people all have different opinions about things.

Awesome, thanks for the fast reply. I try my best to align the mesh without modifying anything other than the shoulders and legs but for some reason I still can’t get it right.

Oh I’ve never tried editing the pelvis..what effect does that have? I had a look at a 140 page tutorial on how to model from the ground up but when they said that it helps to be good at drawing, I just gave up in an instant, lol.

Here’s the model I’ve currently been going crazy on. Unfortunately it’s not your average zombie — it’s Princess Zelda! Well…I thought she’d be an easy one due to the file size but who knew skirts could be so deceiving (pun unintended.)

Anyway..again, just want to let you know that I’m real grateful for the help, especially when your short on time (I don’t mind if you can’t find the time to fix it — you’re already a legend in my books for teaching me the fine arts ^^)

I’ll take a look at her tomorrow. If it is bad, I may need the source files and I’ll just redo he completely for you. It doesn’t matter if it is a zombie or human, they all work the same, they all operate the same.

Damn, first thing I noticed is you chose kinda a hard model, the dress makes these models hard to rig for me, and the lil tunic or hanging thing in front of her dress will be a pain, but I can do it I think.

Oh ok. If it’s too much trouble then don’t worry about it. I’m still quite happy with what I’ve got so far and everything looks alright except for when she holds a pistol. It just seems like each and every model I attempt to convert suffers from the same gun misalignment.

If you need the original source files I’ll be happy to attach them here. Thanks Tirant.

The way I did it was I just made the dress part of her model part of her pelvis which is like the waist (anatomy of the body, learn it). It looks sloppy because the way her feet are, and the dress doesn’t look very realistic because this skeleton wasn’t designed to use a long skirt like that. Post your source model and i’ll try and save it if i can by using the original bones in the model.

Ah yea, I certainly gotta revise my physiology and anatomy lol (I know now what you mean by the stick up the ass.) Not sure if you want just the reference smd but I’ll post the whole material and model file just in case.

EDIT: Oh right..I didn’t realise I made the skirt her pelvis LOL. A tutorial just said to select the entire body when aligning that joint. Oops..I’m surprised it didn’t turn out worse. So the problem with the gun misalignment was to do with the pelvis..? Or is there an entirely different cause?

I tried, but all I can do for you is make it look like i described above. The skeleton just won’t work with this model. You chose a hard model. I always try and avoid models with dresses and skirts that long. the most I can do is make the skirt not move with the legs which looks crappy and have the legs/calfs just go through it which looks equally as crappy.

It’s alright, thanks for trying anyway. It took me ages to get the skirt to work fine in the game (probably because I rigged the pelvis wrong to begin with.) I might go give the hands another try but I guess I’m just being too picky. Most people probably won’t notice it in-game especially since a two-handed gun covers the right hand anyway.

And if I still can’t figure it out, I might just give up on all of this and return to working on my website, lol. Have a good trip.

I got to the stage where it should compile but I seem to get this usin Gui StudioMDL 1.0

[Performing Sanity Check]
QC file loaded…PASS
Can read QC…PASS
Can find studiomdl.exe…PASS
Can build command line…PASS
All tests passed!

[Compiling QC file — «slow.qc»]
[Compiler output follows]
entering C:DOCUME~1LevinDesktoptutorialslowslow. qc
grabbing C:Documents and SettingsLevinDesktoptutorial/slow.smd
unknown studio command : triangles
writing C:Documents and SettingsLevinDesktoptutorialslow_css.mdl:
bones 244 bytes (0)
sequences 280 bytes (1 frames) [0:00]
models 76 bytes
textures 0 bytes
total 600

[Compiler execution completed]

When trying to view the model under Jedi’s Half-Life Model Viewer I get the error «Error Post-Loading Model»

«Error Post-Loading Model»

textures 0 bytes

textures 0 bytes

I got Wiesel to work finally, but it doesnt seem to compile the model nor have any animations. Could you help with that?

Your just not doing it right. When you save it, save it as the name of the model you want. Make sure it actually completes the compile also. I used to not be able to compile models for some weird reason, I assumed it had something to do with my shitty RAM. If Wiesel doesn’t work then you have to do it the old fashion way and just copy and paste a qc file.


01-02-2010, 14:27

Why did you trashed your posts ? :-(


01-03-2010, 07:22

I think he just tired explaining 8)


01-03-2010, 07:25

But it was a good reference and interesting to read. :-(

But it was a good reference and interesting to read. :-(
It’s a video o.o


01-03-2010, 08:47

There were a lot of explanations in his posts. I know there were 2 videos.

I’m just revising it into 1 post, I’ll try and post it back up soon


01-03-2010, 17:14

Good to know ! :)


03-07-2010, 15:22

can someone please upload the wiesel program? i can’t find it anywhere since tirant deleted his tutorial…please


03-08-2010, 05:30

can somebody give me link to download wiesel

can somebody give me link to download wiesel



03-08-2010, 08:23

does anyone have Tutorials of wiesel?

Ya, I’m sorry, I did make a .pdf version of the tutorial, but I never really finished it. I tried to make it look a little more professional :). Anyways, I’ll try and post it tomorrow. I think I may have included a quick how-to on Wiesel, but it is really a simple program. Plug in ur texture folder and mesh folder then select your mesh and then select anims and then compile and save as the model u want to name it as.

As promised, I have uploaded the .pdf, look at the first post.


03-10-2010, 07:28

As promised, I have uploaded the .pdf, look at the first post.

thank you very much
i hope your tutorial contains what i’m looking for
that’s a hell of a lot of work…so it’s a clearly 10/10

Updated, Wiesel on first page for the ppl who need it


03-20-2010, 19:26

No english version?


03-21-2010, 01:04

No english version?


04-18-2010, 19:14

[HELP] Can someone help me build this model? (

This isn’t a damn «I will convert this for you model.» Please read the tutorial and do it yourself. I have special instructions on how to do l4d-style mdls. It is impossible to do animations.


05-03-2010, 00:08

This tutorial is Converting G-Mod Model, isn’t it ?

Gary’s Mod is on the Source engine,so it should work. Some models dun decompile the animations though because they use .ani’s.

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