Error power alert asserted


  • #1

hi everyone!

my graphic card gtx 1060 armor 6gb ocv1
S/N : 602-V328-070B1611004381

I did a mod bios and forgot to backup the bios. when the pc turn on it show «PLEASE POWER DOWN AND CONNECT PCIe POWER CABLE(S) FOR THIS GRAPHICS CARD. I did connect 8pin pcie both gpu and psu.

this problem occurred when failed flashing. I tried to flash again nvflash showed a «power alert asserted» error. Im tried flashing with other bios with command nvflash64 -6 —nopowerchk gp106.rom but the problem still exist.


  • #2

The vbios you tried is completely wrong. The latest original vbios is NV328MH.150. If that doesn’t help you killed the card with your mod.

For flashing use nvflash:

note that you need to rename the unpacked file NV328MH.150 to .rom (e.g. 150.rom) for flashing.

If you saved the nvflash for windows .exe say under drive d: you can start it in a Windows prompt in administrator mode after you saved the .rom at the same place. First type d: (or wherever you saved nvflash and the .rom) and press enter. Now you changed to drive d: where you have nvflash in the root directory. Now start the flash with the following line: nvflash -6 150.rom (press enter)

Note that if using a 64bit OS you’ll need to run the line nvflash64 -6 150.rom

  • 148.3 KB
    Views: 116

  • #3

Thank for your help! 
My graphics card work perfectly 

Have a nice day!



Power Assert in JavaScript. Provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface. No API is the best API.

Build Status
NPM package
Bower package


What is power-assert?

  • is an implementation of «Power Assert» concept in JavaScript.
  • provides descriptive assertion messages through standard assert interface.
  • No API is the best API. With power-assert, you don’t need to learn many assertion library APIs (in most cases, all you need to remember is just an assert(any_expression) function)
  • Stop memorizing tons of assertion APIs. Just create expressions that return a truthy value or not and power-assert will show it to you right on the screen as part of your failure message without you having to type in a message at all.
  • the core value of power-assert is absolute simplicity and stability. Especially, power-assert sticks to the simplest form of testing, assert(any_expression).
  • see slides: «power-assert, mechanism and philosophy» — talk at NodeFest 2014.
  • [NEW] Now you don’t need require('power-assert') any more. Keep using require('assert'), and power-assert enhances them transparently. See slides: From Library to Tool — power-assert as a General Purpose Assertion Enhancement Tool
  • to gain power-assert output, you need to transform your test code to produce power-assert output.
  • power-assert - power = assert. Without code transpilation, power-assert works just as normal assert does.
  • fully compatible with assert. So you can stop using power-assert and back to assert easily.
  • has online demo site.
  • works both on server side and browser side.
  • available via npm and bower.
  • supports sourcemaps so you can debug as usual.
  • provides babel plugin and babel preset.
  • provides browserify transform.
  • provides webpack loader.
  • provides grunt task and gulp plugin.
  • provides command.
  • provides custom module loader and its convenient config module.
  • provides Karma Adapter and Karma Preprocessor.
  • supports ES6+ through babel plugin.
  • supports CoffeeScript.
  • supports TypeScript.
  • has TypeScript type definition
  • has code migration tool that transforms existing code from chai, should.js and expect.js to assert.
  • AVA, the futuristic test runner, now comes with power-assert builtin
  • has Lab transformer to enable power-assert on Lab
  • has module loader to get ts-node working together with power-assert
  • Wallaby.js supports power-assert via Babel compiler/preprocessor
  • pull-requests, issue reports and patches are always welcomed.

power-assert provides descriptive assertion messages for your tests, like this.

  1) Array #indexOf() should return index when the value is present:
     AssertionError: # path/to/test/mocha_node.js:10

  assert(ary.indexOf(zero) === two)
         |   |       |     |   |
         |   |       |     |   2
         |   -1      0     false

  [number] two
  => 2
  [number] ary.indexOf(zero)
  => -1


power-assert enhances these assert functions by espower. Produces descriptive message when assertion is failed.

  • assert(value, [message])
  • assert.ok(value, [message])
  • assert.equal(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.notEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])
  • assert.notDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])

power-assert is fully compatible with assert. So functions below are also available though they are not enhanced (does not produce descriptive message).

  •, expected, message, operator)
  • assert.throws(block, [error], [message])
  • assert.doesNotThrow(block, [message])
  • assert.ifError(value)

Since version 1.5.0, power-assert supports «strict mode» as well.

power-assert provides an API for customization.

  • assert.customize(options)

No API is the best API

Though power-assert is fully compatible with standard assert interface, all you need to remember is just an assert(any_expression) function in most cases.

The core value of power-assert is absolute simplicity and stability. Especially, power-assert sticks to the simplest form of testing, assert(any_expression).

    assert(types[index].name ===
           |    ||      |    |   |   |
           |    ||      |    |   |   "bob"
           |    ||      |    |   Person{name:"bob",age:5}
           |    ||      |    false
           |    |11     "alice"
           |    Person{name:"alice",age:3}
    --- [string]
    +++ [string] types[index].name
    @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@


  • Support other assertion styles?
  • Does this work with substack/tape?
  • Are all dependencies required at runtime?
  • Descriptive assertion message does not appear when writing tests in ES6 with Babel
  • Incomplete increment/decrement assertion messages?
  • Cannot capture not invokable method error
  • What is the ‘Critical dependencies’ warning shown by webpack and how to suppress warnings?
  • Causes TypeError: assert._capt is not a function
  • How to deal with assert calls in production
  • Support JSX tags?
  • Any tool to migrate should/expect code to power-assert?
  • Conflicts with babel-plugin-istanbul?
  • power-assert message does not appear in Node8


npm install --save-dev power-assert <one of instrumentors>


bower install --save-dev power-assert
npm install --save-dev <one of instrumentors>

see list of instrumentors




See HOW TO USE section for more details.

Note: There is an online demo site available.

Target test code (using Mocha in this example)

'use strict';

const assert = require('assert');

describe('Array', function(){
    let ary;
    beforeEach(() => {
        ary = [1,2,3];
    describe('#indexOf()', () => {
        it('should return index when the value is present', () => {
            const zero = 0, two = 2;
            assert(ary.indexOf(zero) === two);
        it('should return -1 when the value is not present', () => {
            const minusOne = -1, two = 2;
            assert.ok(ary.indexOf(two) === minusOne, 'THIS IS AN ASSERTION MESSAGE');

describe('various types', () => {
    let types;
    class Person {
        constructor(name, age) {
   = name;
            this.age = age;
    beforeEach(() => {
        types = [
            'string', 98.6, true, false, null, undefined,
            ['nested', 'array'],
            {object: true},
            NaN, Infinity,
            new Person('alice', 3)
    it('demo', () => {
        const index = types.length -1,
            bob = new Person('bob', 5);
        assert(types[index].name ===;

Be sure to transform test code

To use power-assert, you need to transform your test code for power-assert output.

Code transform is done by instrumentors below:

  • espower-loader (with intelli-espower-loader)
  • babel-preset-power-assert
  • babel-plugin-espower
  • espowerify
  • webpack-espower-loader.
  • espower-cli
  • grunt-espower
  • gulp-espower
  • karma-espower-preprocessor
  • espower-coffee
  • espower-typescript
  • espower-traceur

If you are using Node.js only, the easiest way is to use intelli-espower-loader. Steps are as follows.


npm install --save-dev mocha power-assert intelli-espower-loader


Put tests into test directory then run. You will see the power-assert output appears.

  $ $(npm bin)/mocha --require intelli-espower-loader path/to/test/mocha_node.js

      1) should return index when the value is present
      2) should return -1 when the value is not present

  various types
    3) demo

  0 passing (43ms)
  3 failing

  1) Array #indexOf() should return index when the value is present:

      AssertionError:   # test/example2.js:13

  assert(ary.indexOf(zero) === two)
         |   |       |     |   |
         |   |       |     |   2
         |   -1      0     false

  [number] two
  => 2
  [number] ary.indexOf(zero)
  => -1

      + expected - actual


      at (test/example2.js:13:13)

  2) Array #indexOf() should return -1 when the value is not present:

      AssertionError: THIS IS AN ASSERTION MESSAGE   # test/example2.js:17

  assert.ok(ary.indexOf(two) === minusOne, 'THIS IS AN ASSERTION MESSAGE')
            |   |       |    |   |
            |   |       |    |   -1
            |   1       2    false

  [number] minusOne
  => -1
  [number] ary.indexOf(two)
  => 1

      + expected - actual


      at (test/example2.js:17:20)

  3) various types demo:

      AssertionError:   # test/example2.js:43

  assert(types[index].name ===
         |    ||      |    |   |   |
         |    ||      |    |   |   "bob"
         |    ||      |    |   Person{name:"bob",age:5}
         |    ||      |    false
         |    |11     "alice"
         |    Person{name:"alice",age:3}

  --- [string]
  +++ [string] types[index].name
  @@ -1,3 +1,5 @@

      + expected - actual


      at (test/example2.js:43:9)


Some seed projects are available to help you start with power-assert.

module env tech stack
power-assert-node-seed Node.js power-assert + intelli-espower-loader
power-assert-testem-seed Browsers(by testem) power-assert + gulp-espower + testem.
power-assert-karma-seed Browsers(by Karma) power-assert + espowerify + browserify + Karma.


There are some ways to use power-assert. (If you want to see running examples, see SEED PROJECTS)

  1. power-assert + Babel + babel-preset-power-assert: The only way to enable power-assert if you are using Babel6+.
  2. power-assert + espower-loader or intelli-espower-loader : Simple and recommended (but only works under Node).
  3. power-assert + espower-coffee or espower-typescript: Use power-assert with AltJS. Recommended but only works under Node.
  4. power-assert + browserify + espowerify: if you are using browserify but not with Babel.
  5. power-assert + webpack + webpack-espower-loader: if you are using webpack but not with Babel.
  6. power-assert + espower-cli or grunt-espower or gulp-espower : Generate instrumented code so works anywhere.

using babel-preset-power-assert or babel-plugin-espower

If you are writing your code with Babel, you can instrument Power Assert feature with Babel and babel-preset-power-assert (or babel-plugin-espower).

see babel-plugin-espower README and babel-preset-power-assert README

using espower-loader or intelli-espower-loader

If you are writing Node.js app/module, you can instrument Power Assert feature without code generation by using espower-loader.

see espower-loader README.

FYI: You may be interested in intelli-espower-loader to go one step further. With intelli-espower-loader, you don’t need to create loader file (like enable-power-assert.js). Just define test directory in package.json wow!

using espower-typescript

If you are writing Node.js app/module in TypeScript, you can instrument Power Assert feature without code generation by using espower-typescript.

see espower-typescript README.

using espower-coffee

If you are writing Node.js app/module in CoffeeScript, you can instrument Power Assert feature without code generation by using espower-coffee.

see espower-coffee README.

using espowerify

If you are using browserify but not with Babel, you can instrument Power Assert feature via espowerify.

see espowerify README.

using webpack-espower-loader

If you are using webpack but not with Babel, you can instrument Power Assert feature via webpack-espower-loader.

see webpack-espower-loader README.

using espower-cli

If you don’t want to use grunt, gulp, browserify, and so on, you can use power-assert via bower, with generated code by espower-cli

see espower-cli README.

using gulp-espower

On the browser side and you are not using browserify but bower and gulp, you can use power-assert via bower, with generated code by gulp-espower

see gulp-espower README.

using grunt-espower

On the browser side and you are not using browserify but bower and Grunt, you can use power-assert via bower, with generated code by grunt-espower

see grunt-espower README.


power-assert provides an API for customization.

var assert = assert.customize(options)

Through this API, you can customize power-assert by changing some options.

var assert = require('power-assert').customize({
    output: {
        maxDepth: 2


options has two top-level keys. assertion and output.


customization options for empower module. See empower API documentation for details. Note that some default values are different from empower‘s (modifyMessageOnRethrow: true and saveContextOnRethrow: true).


customization options for power-assert-formatter module. See power-assert-formatter API documentation for details.

default values

customizable properties and their default values are as follows.

var assert = require('power-assert').customize({
    assertion: {
        destructive: false,
        modifyMessageOnRethrow: true,
        saveContextOnRethrow: true,
        patterns: [
            'assert(value, [message])',
            'assert.ok(value, [message])',
            'assert.equal(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.notEqual(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.strictEqual(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.deepStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])',
            'assert.notDeepStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])'
    output: {
        lineDiffThreshold: 5,
        maxDepth: 1,
        anonymous: 'Object',
        circular: '#@Circular#',
        lineSeparator: 'n',
        ambiguousEastAsianCharWidth: 2,
        widthOf: (Function to calculate width of string. Please see power-assert-formatter's documentation)
        stringify: (Function to stringify any target value. Please see power-assert-formatter's documentation)
        diff: (Function to create diff string between two strings. Please see power-assert-formatter's documentation)
        writerClass: (Constructor Function for output writer class. Please see power-assert-formatter's documentation)
        renderers: [


power-assert family provides 1 main module, 4 core modules and many more instrumentors.

Main (facade) module is,

module description
power-assert Standard assert function on top of empower and power-assert-formatter

core modules are,

module description
empower Power Assert feature enhancer for assert function/object.
power-assert-formatter Power Assert output formatter.
espower Power Assert feature instrumentor core based on the ECMAScript AST defined in The ESTree Spec (formerly known as Mozilla SpiderMonkey Parser API).
espower-source Power Assert instrumentor from source to source, with source-map. (Thin wrapper of espower).

and instrumentors are,

module description
espower-loader Node module loader to apply espower on the fly.
intelli-espower-loader configure espower-loader with ease.
babel-preset-power-assert Babel preset to instrument power-assert feature into target files.
babel-plugin-espower Babel plugin to instrument power-assert feature into target files.
espowerify Browserify transform to apply espower to target files.
webpack-espower-loader Power Assert instrumentor module for webpack.
espower-cli Command line tool for power-assert.
grunt-espower Grunt task to apply espower to target files.
gulp-espower Gulp plugin to apply espower to target files.
karma-espower-preprocessor karma-preprocessor for power-assert.
espower-coffee power-assert instrumentor for CoffeeScript.
espower-typescript power-assert instrumentor for TypeScript.
espower-traceur power-assert instrumentor for ES6 using Traceur Compiler.
espower-babel [DEPRECATED] power-assert instrumentor for ES6 using Babel.

power-assert provides standard assert compatible function with Power Assert feature.
(Best fit with Mocha. If you use assert-like objects provided by various testing frameworks such as QUnit or nodeunit. Please use empower and power-assert-formatter modules directly).

Internally, power-assert uses empower module to enhance power assert feature into the standard assert module, to run with the power assert feature added code by espower module, and prettify output using power-assert-formatter.

See power-assert-demo project for power-assert Demo running with mocha.


  • Mocha
  • AVA


  • Jest with Babel
  • Karma with Mocha
  • testem with Mocha
  • QUnit
  • nodeunit
  • buster-assertions
  • Lab
  • Nightmare
  • Protractor
  • eater


For the Transpiler side, we support Node under maintenance. In other words, we stop supporting old Node version when their maintenance ends.

For the Runtime side, we support Node under maintenance and «modern enough» browsers such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Edge etc.

Any other environments are not supported officially (means that we do not test against them on CI service). power-assert is known to work with old browsers, and trying to keep them working though.


  • Takuto Wada


  • azu (azu)
  • vvakame (Masahiro Wakame)
  • yosuke-furukawa (Yosuke Furukawa)
  • teppeis (Teppei Sato)
  • zoncoen (Kenta Mori)
  • falsandtru (falsandtru)
  • jamestalmage (James Talmage)
  • LeshaKoss (Lesha Koss)
  • watilde (Daijirō Wachi)


Licensed under the MIT license.


Target test code (using QUnit in this example)

var q = require('qunitjs');

(function () {
    var empower = require('empower'),
        formatter = require('power-assert-formatter'),
        qunitTap = require("qunit-tap");
    empower(q.assert, formatter(), {destructive: true});
    qunitTap(q, require('util').puts, {showSourceOnFailure: false});
    q.config.autorun = false;

q.test('spike', function (assert) {

    var hoge = 'foo';
    var fuga = 'bar';
    assert.ok(hoge === fuga, 'comment');

    var piyo = 3;
    assert.ok(fuga === piyo);

    var longString = 'very very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong message';
    var anotherLongString = 'yet another loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong message';
    assert.ok(longString === anotherLongString);

    assert.ok(4 === piyo);

    assert.ok(4 !== 4);

    var falsyStr = '';

    var falsyNum = 0;

    var ary1 = ['foo', 'bar'];
    var ary2 = ['aaa', 'bbb', 'ccc'];
    assert.ok(ary1.length === ary2.length);
    assert.deepEqual(ary1, ary2);

    var actual = 16;
    assert.ok(5 < actual && actual < 13);

    actual = 4;
    assert.ok(5 < actual && actual < 13);

    actual = 10;
    assert.ok(actual < 5 || 13 < actual);

    var propName = 'bar',
        foo = {
            bar: {
                baz: false


    var truth = true;

    var func = function () { return false; };

    var obj = {
        age: function () {
            return 0;

    var isFalsy = function (arg) {
        return !(arg);
    var positiveInt = 50;

    var sum = function () {
        var result = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
            result += arguments[i];
        return result;
    var one = 1, two = 2, three = 3, seven = 7, ten = 10;
    assert.ok(sum(one, two, three) === seven);
    assert.ok(sum(sum(one, two), three) === sum(sum(two, three), seven));
    assert.ok((three * (seven * ten)) === three);

    var math = {
        calc: {
            sum: function () {
                var result = 0;
                for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i += 1) {
                    result += arguments[i];
                return result;
    assert.ok(math.calc.sum(one, two, three) === seven);


espower code above then running under Node.js

# module: undefined
# test: spike
ok 1 - okay
not ok 2 - comment # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:17
# assert.ok(hoge === fuga, 'comment')
#           |    |   |
#           |    |   "bar"
#           |    false
#           "foo"
# --- [string] fuga
# +++ [string] hoge
# @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
# -bar
# +foo
# , test: spike
not ok 3 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:20
# assert.ok(fuga === piyo)
#           |    |   |
#           |    |   3
#           |    false
#           "bar"
# [number] piyo
# => 3
# [string] fuga
# => "bar"

# , test: spike
not ok 4 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:24
# assert.ok(longString === anotherLongString)
#           |          |   |
#           |          |   "yet another loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong message"
#           |          false
#           "very very loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong message"
# --- [string] anotherLongString
# +++ [string] longString
# @@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
# -yet anoth
# +very v
#  er
# +y
#   loo
# , test: spike
not ok 5 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:26
# assert.ok(4 === piyo)
#             |   |
#             |   3
#             false
# [number] piyo
# => 3
# [number] 4
# => 4
# , test: spike
not ok 6 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:28
# assert.ok(4 !== 4)
#             |
#             false
# , test: spike
not ok 7 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:31
# assert.ok(falsyStr)
#           |
#           ""
# , test: spike
not ok 8 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:34
# assert.ok(falsyNum)
#           |
#           0
# , test: spike
not ok 9 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:38
# assert.ok(ary1.length === ary2.length)
#           |    |      |   |    |
#           |    |      |   |    3
#           |    |      |   ["aaa","bbb","ccc"]
#           |    2      false
#           ["foo","bar"]
# [number] ary2.length
# => 3
# [number] ary1.length
# => 2
# , test: spike
not ok 10 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:39
# assert.deepEqual(ary1, ary2)
#                  |     |
#                  |     ["aaa","bbb","ccc"]
#                  ["foo","bar"]
# , expected: [
#   "aaa",
#   "bbb",
#   "ccc"
# ], got: [
#   "foo",
#   "bar"
# ], test: spike
not ok 11 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:42
# assert.ok(5 < actual && actual < 13)
#             | |      |  |      |
#             | |      |  16     false
#             | 16     false
#             true
# , test: spike
not ok 12 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:45
# assert.ok(5 < actual && actual < 13)
#             | |      |
#             | 4      false
#             false
# , test: spike
not ok 13 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:48
# assert.ok(actual < 5 || 13 < actual)
#           |      |   |     | |
#           |      |   |     | 10
#           |      |   false false
#           10     false
# , test: spike
not ok 14 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:58
# assert.ok(
#           |   |   |
#           |   |   false
#           |   Object{baz:false}
#           Object{bar:#Object#}
# , test: spike
not ok 15 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:59
# assert.ok(foo['bar'].baz)
#           |  |       |
#           |  |       false
#           |  Object{baz:false}
#           Object{bar:#Object#}
# , test: spike
not ok 16 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:60
# assert.ok(foo[propName]['baz'])
#           |  ||        |
#           |  |"bar"    false
#           |  Object{baz:false}
#           Object{bar:#Object#}
# , test: spike
not ok 17 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:64
# assert.ok(!truth)
#           ||
#           |true
#           false
# , test: spike
not ok 18 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:68
# assert.ok(func())
#           |
#           false
# , test: spike
not ok 19 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:76
# assert.ok(obj.age())
#           |   |
#           |   0
#           Object{age:#function#}
# , test: spike
not ok 20 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:83
# assert.ok(isFalsy(positiveInt))
#           |       |
#           false   50
# , test: spike
not ok 21 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:94
# assert.ok(sum(one, two, three) === seven)
#           |   |    |    |      |   |
#           |   |    |    |      |   7
#           6   1    2    3      false
# [number] seven
# => 7
# [number] sum(one, two, three)
# => 6
# , test: spike
not ok 22 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:95
# assert.ok(sum(sum(one, two), three) === sum(sum(two, three), seven))
#           |   |   |    |     |      |   |   |   |    |       |
#           |   |   |    |     |      |   12  5   2    3       7
#           6   3   1    2     3      false
# [number] sum(sum(two, three), seven)
# => 12
# [number] sum(sum(one, two), three)
# => 6
# , test: spike
not ok 23 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:96
# assert.ok(three * (seven * ten) === three)
#           |     |  |     | |    |   |
#           |     |  |     | |    |   3
#           |     |  |     | 10   false
#           |     |  7     70
#           3     210
# [number] three
# => 3
# [number] three * (seven * ten)
# => 210
# , test: spike
not ok 24 - # path/to/examples/qunit_node.js:110
# assert.ok(math.calc.sum(one, two, three) === seven)
#           |    |    |   |    |    |      |   |
#           |    |    |   |    |    |      |   7
#           |    |    6   1    2    3      false
#           |    Object{sum:#function#}
#           Object{calc:#Object#}
# [number] seven
# => 7
# [number] math.calc.sum(one, two, three)
# => 6
# , test: spike

Have fun!



Когда я разрабатывал проекты Node.js ранее, я всегда использовалmochaСреда тестирования в сочетании с библиотекой утверждений (например,should.jschaiexpect.jsИ т.д.) для модульного тестирования BDD. Но у этих библиотек утверждений есть много собственных методов API, которые требуют много времени для изучения, и эти библиотеки утверждений не имеют подробной описательной информации, а возникающие ошибки похожи на эту информацию:AssertionError true == falseМы не знаем никакой другой информации, кроме этой, мы можем только передаватьconsole.log()Чтобы проверить, это не очень удобно использовать. Итак, сегодня я рекомендую мощную библиотеку утверждений для всехpower-assert, Как это использовать? Сначала установите необходимые пакеты в директорию вашего проекта:

npm install --save-dev mocha power-assert intelli-espower-loader

Создайте новый в каталоге вашего проекта после установкиtestПапка и поместите свой тестовый код в эту папку (Обратите внимание, что если путь теста не указан, его имя по умолчанию должно называться test) следующий тестовый код, написанный авторомtest/test.js, Который используется для проверкиpower-assertс участиемshould.jsРазличия

const assert = require('power-assert');
const should = require ('should'); // не забудьте установить npm
const obj = {  
  arr: [1,2,3],  
  number: 10

 description ('Разница между should.js и power-assert', () => {  
     it ('Using should.js', () => {    
    should(obj.arr[0]).be.equal(obj.number);      // should api

     it ('Использование power-assert', () => {    
         assert (obj.arr [0] === obj.number); // Просто используйте assert

запускатьmochaпровести тестирование:

node_modules/mocha/bin/mocha --require intelli-espower-loader test/test.js


результат операции

Мы это видимpower-assertЯвляется мощным по сравнению сshould.jsПросто предоставьте объективную информацию,power-assertОн предоставляет разработчикам как можно больше описательной информации и полностью совместим со встроенными модулями Node.js.AssertДля всех API нет необходимости изучать массивные API других библиотек утверждений, таких какshould.jschaiexcept.jsПодождите, его цельNo API is the best APIПридерживайтесь принципа простейшей формы тестирования, вам даже нужно всего лишь использоватьassert(any_expression)Этот один метод может удовлетворить все ваши потребности в тестировании, что эквивалентно концепции отсутствия API, и мы также можем настроить наши собственные API (customization-api), это очень мощно!
Наконец, вставьте несколько тестовых кодов для справки и опыта читателей.power-assertЭто мощный!

var assert = require('power-assert');

describe('Array', function () {
  beforeEach(function () {
    this.ary = [1, 2, 3];
  describe('#indexOf()', function () {
    it('should return index when the value is present', function () {
      var zero = 0, two = 2;
      assert(this.ary.indexOf(zero) === two);
    it('should return -1 when the value is not present', function () {
      var minusOne = -1, two = 2;
      assert.ok(this.ary.indexOf(two) === minusOne, 'THIS IS AN ASSERTION MESSAGE');

describe('various types', function () {
  function Person(name, age) { = name;
    this.age = age;

  beforeEach(function () {
    this.types = [
      'string', 98.6, true, false, null, undefined,
      ['nested', 'array'],
      {object: true},
      NaN, Infinity,
      new Person('alice', 3)
  it('demo', function () {
    var index = this.types.length - 1,
      bob = new Person('bob', 5);
    assert(this.types[index].name ===;

PS: Давайте поговорим о науке здесь,npmсредний--saveпротив--save-devРазница в параметрах,--saveОбычно предусматривается, что продукт вводится в эксплуатацию (илиПроизводственная среда) Сохраните необходимый пакет npm вpackage.jsonизdependenciesПока--save-devПродуктыСреда разработкиТребуемый пакет npm хранится вpackage.jsonизdevDependenciesВ вышеупомянутомmochaс участиемpower-assertЭто зависимость, требуемая средой разработки (они отвечают только за модульное тестирование и запускаются независимо от приложения проекта), поэтому автор использовал--save-devКонечно, здесь нет жестких и быстрых правил. Любая программа может работать правильно. Управлять разработчиками просто удобно.

ссылка на власть
Ссылка Node.js Assert

Автор короткой книги Xiaocai Lychee Reprint, пожалуйста, свяжитесь с автором для авторизации


Alerts that are unrelated to a true hardware error and do not correlate to a reboot can be related to full System Event Log and can be resolved by rebooting the host and clearing the SEL log.


In vCenter the hardware alert: Power Domain: Host Power: Power off/down is Asserted along with: System Event Log (SEL)

enabled state and status are Unknown

Resolving The Problem

In two known customer cases the resolution was to reboot and clear the SEL logs during boot up. Work with hardware support to determine how to clear SEL logs during boot up.

Make sure to check with hardware support to ensure there are no true hardware errors.

[{«Product»:{«code»:»SGVJUU»,»label»:»VMware»},»Business Unit»:{«code»:»BU016″,»label»:»Multiple Vendor Support»},»Component»:»VirtualCenter»,»Platform»:[{«code»:»»,»label»:»VMWare»}],»Version»:»4.0;4.1;5.0″,»Edition»:»»,»Line of Business»:{«code»:»»,»label»:»»}}]

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