Error processing package ubuntu

Ubuntu Wiki DebuggingInstallationIssues This page is part of the debugging series — pages with debugging details for a variety of Ubuntu packages. Introduction This page lists some general issues that users might encounter while performing updates of their system. Apport will usually detect these failures and file a bug in Launchpad. These bugs can […]


  1. Ubuntu Wiki
  2. DebuggingInstallationIssues
  3. Introduction
  4. Known issues
  5. Corrupted package archive
  6. Not a Debian format archive
  7. Corrupted filesystem tarfile
  8. —fsys-tarfile
  9. short read — Input/output error
  10. Exec format error
  11. triggers ci file contains unknown directive syntax
  12. lzma : decoder error
  13. files list file missing final newline / contains empty filename
  14. Inconsistent state
  15. Package in bad inconsistent state
  16. package is already installed and configured
  17. Other issues
  18. Can’t access archive
  19. No space left on device
  20. DbDriver «config» is locked
  21. /var/lib/defoma/locked exists
  22. /etc/defoma/hints/FONTNAME.hints: Unable to open, or empty
  23. Non-bugs
  24. Segmentation Fault — Exit status 139
  25. Other resources

Ubuntu Wiki


This page is part of the debugging series — pages with debugging details for a variety of Ubuntu packages.


This page lists some general issues that users might encounter while performing updates of their system. Apport will usually detect these failures and file a bug in Launchpad. These bugs can be identified by the bug tag ‘apport-package’ and can occur on nearly any package.

There are usually log file attached to the report which differs depending on the kind of install/upgrade:

Package install/upgrade: DpkgTerminalLog

Distribution upgrade: VarLogDistupgradeMain and VarLogDistupgradeApttermlog

Detailed informations about debugging updatemanager can be found at DebuggingUpdateManager.

Documented below are the most commonly reported issues. For each case there is a description and a sample report and when applicable there is a workaround or fix and the master report it should be marked a duplicate of.

Known issues

Corrupted package archive

These errors indicates a corrupted archive (.deb or files on disk) The root cause of the corruption may be a bad network connection, faulty hardware, hardware shutdown.

For those report the common workaround and stock response is:

Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. It seems that there was an error caused by a corrupted archive. Please execute the following commands, as it will clear your package cache, in a terminal ( Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) :

sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update

Then try performing the update again. This will likely resolve your issue. If so please set the bug’s status to Invalid. Thanks in advance!

Not a Debian format archive

This error indicated that the header of the .deb archive is not recognized as a valid debian format.

Corrupted filesystem tarfile


short read — Input/output error

The ‘short read’ error happens when trying to install a partially downloaded package. The front-end verify the integrity of the archive, but it is not the case if dpkg is invoked directly.

An input/output error is likely to mean filesystem corruption, hardware problems or no space left on hard disk. The typical errors are:

The suggestion is to run a manual fsck and look whether the hard drive or storage device is operating correctly (dmesg may contain helpful information too)

TODO: Write a standard response

Exec format error

This error indicates that the installation or removal script is corrupted. It is caused by a sudden system failure during dpkg operation (power failure, hardware failure, . ) on filesystems supporting delayed allocation (like ext4, xfs, btrfs, . )

Empty files or files filed with garbage are left on the hard drive. The file causing the dpkg error is one of /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE_NAME.p*

This error can occur either during installation or removal of the package.

During installation of a package

During removal of a package

Workaround A: Finish the install

sudo apt-get clean
sudo aptitude download python-libvirt
sudo dpkg —unpack ./python-libvirt*.deb
sudo dpkg —configure python-libvirt

Workaround B: Remove the package and reinstall

sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-installer.
sudo apt-get remove —purge flashplugin-installer
sudo apt-get clean
sudo apt-get update

Then reinstall the package

Note: Change the package by the one which failed (check the log file)

Note about localized error message:
Finding this error in the log is not always easy because the error string has been localized.

  • Erreur de format pour exec()
  • Error de formato ejecutable
  • Errore di formato di exec
  • Exec format error
  • Formatfel på körbar fil
  • Érvénytelen végrehajtható fájlformátum
  • Exec formátum hiba
  • Verkeerd uitvoerbaar bestand
  • Exec 格式错误

triggers ci file contains unknown directive syntax

This is the same kind of issue than the one above. It means that the trigger file is empty or corrupted. The file is /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.triggers This error can occur during installation or removal of a package.

During installation of a package


remove the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.triggers
sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.triggers
and run
sudo dpkg —purge ureadahead
then clean your cache
sudo apt-get clean
and try performing the install of ureadahead again.

lzma : decoder error

files list file missing final newline / contains empty filename

This error indicates that the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE_NAME.list is corrupted ( empty or full of garbage ) The reason may be a disk error, a memory error, a process being interrupted during unpack, .

Typically these errors take the form :
files list file for package packagename contains empty filename
files list file for package packagename is missing final newline

Workaround: Recreate the file list from .deb
This can be fixed, with a little work. If you have the .deb file for the offending package currently available on your system, then check its integrity by running:
dpkg —contents /var/cache/apt/archive/libgnome2-0_2.24.1-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
or get a .deb file by running :
sudo apt-get install —reinstall —download-only libgnome2-0

Once you have a valid .deb file, then you can reconstitute the file. First become root by using sudo -s (enter your administrative user password if necessary), and then use the following command (copy/paste and change the package name accordingly):

Inconsistent state

Package in bad inconsistent state

Workaround A:

Please open a Terminal from the menu Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type or copy and paste the row below:

sudo apt-get —reinstall install cupsys
sudo dpkg —configure -a
sudo apt-get -f install

give your user password when requested, you don’t see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

Workaround B:

Try the command below to purge the offending packages :
sudo dpkg —purge —force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree

Then to reinstall :
sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

package is already installed and configured

Conditions of this failure are unknown. Please provide any additional informations in the master report.

Note to triagers: Before marking a report as duplicate, be sure that there is no other error in the log file term.log . In other words, don’t blindly duplicate because the title says ‘already installed and configured’.

Workaround A:

sudo dpkg —configure -a

Workaround B:

sudo apt-get install —reinstall language-pack-ar

Other issues

Can’t access archive

The source of this error is not clearly identified and needs further investigation (see comment #3 of the master report)

No space left on device

Bug 105113 was a request to detect this prior to performing any updates.

Bug 312491 was a request to report to the user when running out of disk space.

This error is self-explanatory.

Note about localized error message:
Despite the fact that there is no ambiguity regarding the cause of the failure, finding this error in the log is not always easy because the error string has been localized. Checking for the strings —unpack and buffer_write in the error log is a good indication too.

DbDriver «config» is locked

fuser -v will return the locking process if any. Kill it and try performing the upgrade again. Most often, this is only a transient situation and fuser will return nothing. Simply performing the update again should solve this issue.

/var/lib/defoma/locked exists

Under certain circumstances font packages failed to install with the following error:


Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) and run the following command:

/etc/defoma/hints/FONTNAME.hints: Unable to open, or empty

Under certain circumstances font packages failed to install with the following error:

This is due to a corrupted hint file.


To workaround it, open a terminal and run the following commands:

Then try performing the install again. Replace the font file name (FONTNAME) by the font name failing on your system (e.g ttf-dejavu-extra, ttf-konatu, . )


Common issues arising from hardware failures, common invalid bugs for this category.

Segmentation Fault — Exit status 139

If the installation failed with no reason with an exit status 139, that the configuration script is trivial and there is no other report of this kind for that package, then this is very likely a memory corruption error.

The error from the term.log will show something like this:

There is not much we can do except the advice below:

Thanks for your report.

This looks like a hardware issue. Could you run memtest on your system? (boot a live CD / USB key and select test memory)

The reporter will most of the time says that the test reports error. If so, then close the report.

Note : an exit status 139 can also appear on other scenarios that aren’t related to faulty memory modules. For example, if you install a Hardy guest on a Lenny host using Xen, and then try an apt-get upgrade on the Hardy guest, that will fail with a segfault and an exit status 139 if you forget to disable /lib/tls as advised in the Xen Faq

Other resources

  • Add note about localized messages in log file and method to process those reports
  • Search for master reports, complete missing references in wiki and cross-reference report/wiki content

Add section ‘How to triage’ and merge the one from DebuggingUpdateManager

Add missing descriptions & workaround

  • Add section with common install/upgrade issues for specific packages ? only provide list of report + description ?
  • DebuggingInstallationIssues (последним исправлял пользователь mail 2014-11-17 18:12:57)

    The material on this wiki is available under a free license, see Copyright / License for details.


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    Тема: dpkg error processing package linux-generic (—configure)  (Прочитано 3459 раз)

    0 Пользователей и 1 Гость просматривают эту тему.


    Всех форумчян поздравляю с Новым 2017 годом.
    Пытался обновить openvpn, так как его версия не соответствует последней. Сделал

    sudo apt-get update && apt-get install openvpn

    could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock
    unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it
    Погуглив попытался исправить проблему

    sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/lock не помогло
    Далее, предлагалось сделать

    apt-get update & apt-get upgrade после чего получил другое сообщение, после чего сделал

    apt-get dist-upgradeи вот мучаюсь, никак не завершает нормально выдает в конце

    error processing package linux-image-generic (--configure)
    E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
    [1]+ Exit 100
    Как это вылечить?

    sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep linux

    « Последнее редактирование: 04 Января 2017, 12:11:44 от Azure »


    В таких случаях 1-е, что делают — команду

    apt-get -f installи смотрят на её вывод.


    apt-get -f install

    Я так понимаю нет места для установки ядра. как его освободить? читал

    sudo apt purge linux-headers-* linux-headers-*-generic linux-image-*-generic linux-image-extra-*-generic linux-signed-image-*-generic
    sudo dpkg --get-selections | grep linux
    sudo apt purge linux-headers-4.4.0-36 linux-headers-4.4.0-36-generic linux-image-4.4.0-36-generic linux-image-extra-4.4.0-36-generic linux-signed-image-4.4.0-36-generic

    Если это так, что можно удалить в моем случае?

    ls /boot/

    так же сделал

    uname -a

    Linux 4.4.0-38-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Sep 6 15:42:33 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linuxпосле

    dpkg --list | grep linux-image


    dpkg --list | grep linux-headers

    Вроде список как бы есть, но что можно удалять а что нет раньше времени вот вопрос
    Если я правильно понял прочитанное надо удалить linux-image-4.4.0-38-generic       4.4.0-38.57 оставить только linux-image-4.4.0-57-generic       4.4.0-57.78 и сделать update-grub ???

    « Последнее редактирование: 04 Января 2017, 12:17:15 от Azure »


    Нет, не правильно поняли:

    gzip: stdout: No space left on devic


    df -H


    Вроде как обновил!
    Сначала сделал update-grub
    получил это GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT
    далее по советам, закоментировал его в конфиге GRUB и повторил update-grub
    вроеде как все прошло. Сделал перезагрузку, далее uname -r уже стоит 4.4.0-57-generic
    Получается обновилось? Если да, в чтем тогда проблема была, я так и не понял
    df -H

    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/root        27G  4.6G   21G  19% /
    devtmpfs        519M     0  519M   0% /dev
    tmpfs           521M   13k  521M   1% /dev/shm
    tmpfs           521M  7.1M  514M   2% /run
    tmpfs           5.3M     0  5.3M   0% /run/lock
    tmpfs           521M     0  521M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    /dev/vda2        97M   66M   26M  72% /boot

    « Последнее редактирование: 04 Января 2017, 12:18:14 от Azure »


    alexbalkan, у Вас /boot почти забит.
    Вы зачем-то выделили только 100Mb.
    Удалите лишние ядра через:

    sudo apt autoremove


    Огромное спасибо за помощь!
    Тяжело в ученье, легко в бою!
    Я ничего не выделял, у меня VPS host. Только выбрал систему, и все установилось само собой.
    Изменить размер boot я так думаю уже невозможно?
    Ненужное удалил:

    $ sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.4.0-38
    $ sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-4.4.0-38
    apt autoremove
    Я думаю как бы все?!
    Еще раз спасибо за отзывчивость всем!!!

    « Последнее редактирование: 04 Января 2017, 12:19:53 от Azure »



    alexbalkan, можно =) если очень осторожно. точнее просто можно забить на отдельный раздел /boot и просто его не монтировать перед этим аккуратно записав файлики куда положено.

    HP Pro 840 G3: Intel i5-6300U, 32GB DDR4 2133MHz, Intel 520, Intel Pro 2500 180GB/Ubuntu 22.04
    Dell Latitude 5590: Intel i5-8350U, 16GB DDR4 2400MHz, Intel 620, Samsung 1TB/Ubuntu 22.04

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    Debugging Central

    This page is part of the debugging series — pages with debugging details for a variety of Ubuntu packages.


    1. Introduction
    2. Known issues

      1. Corrupted package archive

        1. Not a Debian format archive
        2. Corrupted filesystem tarfile
        3. —fsys-tarfile
        4. short read — Input/output error
        5. Exec format error
        6. triggers ci file contains unknown directive syntax
        7. lzma : decoder error
        8. files list file missing final newline / contains empty filename
      2. Inconsistent state

        1. Package in bad inconsistent state
        2. package is already installed and configured
      3. Other issues

        1. Can’t access archive
        2. No space left on device
        3. DbDriver «config» is locked
        4. /var/lib/defoma/locked exists
        5. /etc/defoma/hints/FONTNAME.hints: Unable to open, or empty
    3. Non-bugs

      1. Segmentation Fault — Exit status 139
    4. Other resources
    5. TODO


    This page lists some general issues that users might encounter while performing updates of their system. Apport will usually detect these failures and file a bug in Launchpad. These bugs can be identified by the bug tag ‘apport-package’ and can occur on nearly any package.

    There are usually log file attached to the report which differs depending on the kind of install/upgrade:

    • Package install/upgrade: DpkgTerminalLog

    • Distribution upgrade: VarLogDistupgradeMain and VarLogDistupgradeApttermlog

    Detailed informations about debugging updatemanager can be found at DebuggingUpdateManager.

    Documented below are the most commonly reported issues. For each case there is a description and a sample report and when applicable there is a workaround or fix and the master report it should be marked a duplicate of.

    Known issues

    Corrupted package archive

    These errors indicates a corrupted archive (.deb or files on disk) The root cause of the corruption may be a bad network connection, faulty hardware, hardware shutdown,…

    For those report the common workaround and stock response is:

    Thank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. It seems that there was an error caused by a corrupted archive. Please execute the following commands, as it will clear your package cache, in a terminal ( Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) :

    sudo apt-get clean
    sudo apt-get update

    Then try performing the update again. This will likely resolve your issue. If so please set the bug’s status to Invalid. Thanks in advance!

    Not a Debian format archive

    • Bug : provide a master report

    This error indicated that the header of the .deb archive is not recognized as a valid debian format.

    dpkg-deb: `/var/cache/apt/archives/libswscale0_4%3a0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2_i386.deb' is not a debian format archive 
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libswscale0_4%3a0.5+svn20090706-2ubuntu2_i386.deb (--unpack): 
     subprocess dpkg-deb --control returned error exit status 2

    Corrupted filesystem tarfile

    • Bug 320743

    Unpacking libaccess-bridge-java (from .../libaccess-bridge-java_1.24.0-0ubuntu2_all.deb) ...
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libaccess-bridge-java_1.24.0-0ubuntu2_all.deb (--unpack):
     corrupted filesystem tarfile - corrupted package archive
    dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)


    • Bug : provide a master report
    Unpacking replacement audacity-data ...
    dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/audacity-data_1.3.7-2ubuntu1_all.deb (--unpack):
     subprocess dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile returned error exit status 2
    Processing triggers for man-db ...
    Errors were encountered while processing:

    short read — Input/output error

    • Bug : provide a master report

    The ‘short read’ error happens when trying to install a partially downloaded package. The front-end verify the integrity of the archive, but it is not the case if dpkg is invoked directly.

    An input/output error is likely to mean filesystem corruption, hardware problems or no space left on hard disk. The typical errors are:

    Unpacking linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic (from .../linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic_2.6.27-11.24_i386.deb) ...
    dpkg-deb: subprocess paste killed by signal (Broken pipe)
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic_2.6.27-11.24_i386.deb (--unpack):
     short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./lib/modules/2.6.27-11-generic/kernel/drivers/infiniband/core/ib_uverbs.ko')


    Unpacking replacement libfreetype6 ...
    dpkg-deb (subprocess): error in buffer_read(stream): failed to write to pipe in copy: Input/output error
    dpkg-deb: subprocess paste returned error exit status 2
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/libfreetype6_2.3.9-4ubuntu0.1_i386.deb (--unpack):
     short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/')

    The suggestion is to run a manual fsck and look whether the hard drive or storage device is operating correctly (dmesg may contain helpful information too)

    TODO: Write a standard response

    Exec format error

    • Bug : 512096

    This error indicates that the installation or removal script is corrupted. It is caused by a sudden system failure during dpkg operation (power failure, hardware failure, …) on filesystems supporting delayed allocation (like ext4, xfs, btrfs, …)

    Empty files or files filed with garbage are left on the hard drive. The file causing the dpkg error is one of /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE_NAME.p*

    This error can occur either during installation or removal of the package.

    During installation of a package

    Setting up flashplugin-installer ( ...
    dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute installed post-installation script: Exec format error
    dpkg: error processing flashplugin-installer (--configure):
     subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2

    During removal of a package

    Removing gnome-do ...
    dpkg (subprocess): unable to execute installed pre-removal script: Exec format error
    dpkg: error processing gnome-do (--purge):
     subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 2

    Workaround A: Finish the install

    sudo apt-get clean
    sudo aptitude download python-libvirt
    sudo dpkg —unpack ./python-libvirt*.deb
    sudo dpkg —configure python-libvirt

    Workaround B: Remove the package and reinstall

    sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/flashplugin-installer.{postinst,prerm,postrm}
    sudo apt-get remove —purge flashplugin-installer
    sudo apt-get clean
    sudo apt-get update

    Then reinstall the package

    Note: Change the package by the one which failed (check the log file)

    Note about localized error message:
    Finding this error in the log is not always easy because the error string has been localized.

    • Erreur de format pour exec()
    • Error de formato ejecutable
    • Errore di formato di exec
    • Exec format error
    • Formatfel på körbar fil
    • Érvénytelen végrehajtható fájlformátum
    • Exec formátum hiba
    • Verkeerd uitvoerbaar bestand
    • Exec 格式错误

    triggers ci file contains unknown directive syntax

    • Bug 500042

    This is the same kind of issue than the one above. It means that the trigger file is empty or corrupted. The file is /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.triggers This error can occur during installation or removal of a package.

    During installation of a package

    Setting up ureadahead (0.90.3-2) ...
    dpkg: error processing ureadahead (--configure):
     triggers ci file contains unknown directive syntax


    remove the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.triggers
    sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE.triggers
    and run
    sudo dpkg —purge ureadahead
    then clean your cache
    sudo apt-get clean
    and try performing the install of ureadahead again.

    lzma : decoder error

    • Bug : provide a master report
    Unpacking openjdk-6-jre-lib (from .../openjdk-6-jre-lib_6b12-0ubuntu6_all.deb) ...
    lzma: Decoder error
    dpkg-deb: subprocess <decompress> returned error exit status 1
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/openjdk-6-jre-lib_6b12-0ubuntu6_all.deb (--unpack):
     short read in buffer_copy (backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/ext/localedata.jar')

    files list file missing final newline / contains empty filename

    • Bug 108189

    This error indicates that the file /var/lib/dpkg/info/PACKAGE_NAME.list is corrupted ( empty or full of garbage ) The reason may be a disk error, a memory error, a process being interrupted during unpack, …

    Typically these errors take the form :
    files list file for package packagename contains empty filename
    files list file for package packagename is missing final newline

    Selecting previously deselected package linux-source-2.6.27.
    (Reading database ... dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-source-2.6.27_2.6.27-9.19_all.deb (--unpack):
     files list file for package `libpoppler-glib3' is missing final newline

    Workaround: Recreate the file list from .deb
    This can be fixed, with a little work. If you have the .deb file for the offending package currently available on your system, then check its integrity by running:
    dpkg —contents /var/cache/apt/archive/libgnome2-0_2.24.1-0ubuntu3_i386.deb
    or get a .deb file by running :
    sudo apt-get install —reinstall —download-only libgnome2-0

    Once you have a valid .deb file, then you can reconstitute the file. First become root by using sudo -s (enter your administrative user password if necessary), and then use the following command (copy/paste and change the package name accordingly):

    dpkg -c /var/cache/apt/archive/libgnome2-0_2.24.1-0ubuntu3_i386.deb | awk 
    ‘{if ($6 == «./») { print «/.»; } 
    else if (substr($6, length($6), 1) == «/») 
    {print substr($6, 2, length($6) — 2); } 
    else { print substr($6, 2, length($6) — 1);}}’ 
    > /var/lib/dpkg/info/libgnome2-0.list

    Inconsistent state

    Package in bad inconsistent state

    • Bug : provide a master report
    Removing flashplugin-nonfree ...
    dpkg: error processing flashplugin-installer (--purge):
     Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should
     reinstall it before attempting a removal.

    Workaround A:

    Please open a Terminal from the menu Applications->Accessories->Terminal and type or copy and paste the row below:

    sudo apt-get —reinstall install cupsys
    sudo dpkg —configure -a
    sudo apt-get -f install

    give your user password when requested, you don’t see nothing when you type it, then press enter.

    Workaround B:

    Try the command below to purge the offending packages :

    sudo dpkg —purge —force-remove-reinstreq flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree

    Then to reinstall :

    sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer

    package is already installed and configured

    • Bug : 541595

    Conditions of this failure are unknown. Please provide any additional informations in the master report.

    Note to triagers: Before marking a report as duplicate, be sure that there is no other error in the log file term.log . In other words, don’t blindly duplicate because the title says ‘already installed and configured’.

    dpkg: error processing language-pack-ar (--configure):
     package language-pack-ar is already installed and configured

    Workaround A:

    Workaround B:

    sudo apt-get install —reinstall language-pack-ar

    Other issues

    Can’t access archive

    • Bug : 523395

    The source of this error is not clearly identified and needs further investigation (see comment #3 of the master report)

    dpkg: error processing /media/cdrom0//pool/main/g/gcc-4.4/libstdc++6-4.4-dev_4.4.1-4ubuntu8_i386.deb (--unpack):
     cannot access archive: No such file or directory
    dpkg: error processing /media/cdrom0//pool/main/g/gcc-4.4/g++-4.4_4.4.1-4ubuntu8_i386.deb (--unpack):
     cannot access archive: No such file or directory

    No space left on device

    • Bug 105113 was a request to detect this prior to performing any updates.

    • Bug 312491 was a request to report to the user when running out of disk space.

    This error is self-explanatory.

    Unpacking replacement perl-base ...
    dpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/perl-base_5.10.0-11.1ubuntu2.2_i386.deb (--unpack):
     failed in buffer_write(fd) (10, ret=-1): backend dpkg-deb during `./usr/lib/perl/5.10.0/': No space left on device

    Note about localized error message:
    Despite the fact that there is no ambiguity regarding the cause of the failure, finding this error in the log is not always easy because the error string has been localized. Checking for the strings —unpack and buffer_write in the error log is a good indication too.

    DbDriver «config» is locked

    • Bug 349469

    • Bug 377211

    debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable

    fuser -v will return the locking process if any. Kill it and try performing the upgrade again. Most often, this is only a transient situation and fuser will return nothing. Simply performing the update again should solve this issue.

    /var/lib/defoma/locked exists

    • Bug 386763

    Under certain circumstances font packages failed to install with the following error:

    Setting up ttf-dejavu-extra (2.28-1) ...
    E: /var/lib/defoma/locked exists.
    E: Another defoma process seems running, or you aren't root.
    E: If you are root and defoma process isn't running undoubtedly,
    E: it is possible that defoma might have aborted.
    E: Please run defoma-reconfigure -f to fix its broken status.
    dpkg: error processing ttf-dejavu-extra (--configure):
     subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1


    Open a terminal (Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal ) and run the following command:

    $ sudo defoma-reconfigure -f

    /etc/defoma/hints/FONTNAME.hints: Unable to open, or empty

    • Bug 521431

    Under certain circumstances font packages failed to install with the following error:

    Setting up ttf-konatu (24-3) ...
    /etc/defoma/hints/ttf-konatu.hints: Unable to open, or empty.
    dpkg: error processing ttf-konatu (--configure):
     subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1

    This is due to a corrupted hint file.


    To workaround it, open a terminal and run the following commands:

    $ sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/FONTNAME.prerm
    $ sudo apt-get remove --purge FONTNAME
    $ sudo apt-get clean

    Then try performing the install again. Replace the font file name (FONTNAME) by the font name failing on your system (e.g ttf-dejavu-extra, ttf-konatu, …)


    Common issues arising from hardware failures, common invalid bugs for this category.

    Segmentation Fault — Exit status 139

    • Bug 493572

    • Bug 478841

    If the installation failed with no reason with an exit status 139, that the configuration script is trivial and there is no other report of this kind for that package, then this is very likely a memory corruption error.

    The error from the term.log will show something like this:

    Setting up python-dateutil (1.4.1-2) ...
    Segmentation fault
    dpkg: error processing python-dateutil (--configure):
     subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 139

    There is not much we can do except the advice below:

    Thanks for your report.

    This looks like a hardware issue. Could you run memtest on your system? (boot a live CD / USB key and select test memory)

    The reporter will most of the time says that the test reports error. If so, then close the report.

    Note : an exit status 139 can also appear on other scenarios that aren’t related to faulty memory modules. For example, if you install a Hardy guest on a Lenny host using Xen, and then try an apt-get upgrade on the Hardy guest, that will fail with a segfault and an exit status 139 if you forget to disable /lib/tls as advised in the Xen Faq

    Other resources

    • Kernel specific errors

    • Debugging Update manager


    • Add note about localized messages in log file and method to process those reports
    • Search for master reports, complete missing references in wiki and cross-reference report/wiki content
    • Add section ‘How to triage’ and merge the one from DebuggingUpdateManager

    • Add missing descriptions & workaround

    • Add section with common install/upgrade issues for specific packages ? only provide list of report + description ?

    CategoryBugSquad CategoryDebugging

    dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration,  pkg: error processing package and dependency problems – leaving unconfigured error states that package is installed but it is not configured as there are some dependent libraries which are missing. This error comes when you install a package using dpkg command in Debian/Ubuntu-based Linux Distribution.

    In this article, let’s try to understand this error and find out the way to resolve it.

    Ubuntu/Debian provides an APT package manager to install/uninstall the package. It takes care of downloading a package and all it’s a dependency from the Ubuntu Repository. Most of the software should be available in this standard repository, but that is not always true.

    Some of the packages you can directly download from the website and install them using the dpkg utility available e.g Master PDF Editor.

    DPKG is a command to install a .deb package in Ubuntu or any deb-based Linux Distro and this is the way you use it,

    dpkg -i *.deb

    Let’s elaborate using master-pdf-editor-5.4.38-qt5.amd64.deb which is .deb package for Master PDF Editor. When you run to install it using the below command,

    sudo dpkg -i master-pdf-editor-5.4.38-qt5.amd64.deb

    You may get the below errors,

    sudo dpkg -i master-pdf-editor-5.4.38-qt5.amd64.deb
    Selecting previously unselected package master-pdf-editor.
    (Reading database ... 135637 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to unpack master-pdf-editor-5.4.38-qt5.amd64.deb ...
    Unpacking master-pdf-editor (5.4.38) ...
    dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of master-pdf-editor:
    master-pdf-editor depends on libqt5printsupport5 (>= 5.4.1); however:
    Package libqt5printsupport5 is not installed.
    dpkg: error processing package master-pdf-editor (--install):
    dependency problems - leaving unconfigured
    Processing triggers for hicolor-icon-theme (0.17-2) ...
    Processing triggers for gnome-menus (3.13.3-11ubuntu1) ...
    Processing triggers for desktop-file-utils (0.23-1ubuntu3) ...
    Processing triggers for mime-support (3.60ubuntu1) ...
    Errors were encountered while processing:

    This happens because master-pdf-editor depends on libqt5printsupport5 while Package libqt5printsupport5 is not installed.

    (Solution) dpkg: dependency problems

    Use the apt-get command with the -f option after dpkg to resolve the dpkg: dependency problems issue(shown below). This command tries to fix the broken package by installing the missing dependencies.

    sudo apt-get install -f


    dpkg command does not install dependencies and leaves the package in an unconfigured state. But, the apt-get command provides an easy way to fix this issue. You can refer to the discussion askubuntu and Stack Overflow for additional information.

    I hope you found this helpful. Please share and subscribe.

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