Error proxy banned

Страница 1 из 3 - Небольшое решение от бана - отправлено в Разработка шаблонов: Для прямого соединения проще: Создаём BAT файл rasdial название вашего соединения /disconnect ipconfig /flushdns ADSL ipconfig /registerdns ADSL TIMEOUT /T 15 /NOBREAK ipconfig /setclassid ADSL ipconfig /release ADSL rasdial название вашего соединения логин пароль кладём в папку с минипостером и создаем шаблон скрипт ещё проверяет соединение у кого с первого раза не соединится [SET_MODEL_SETTINGS]...
  1. Gold Soft

  2. Автоматизация заработка

  3. miniPoster

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Небольшое решение от бана

, 07 май 2018 17:22

  • Авторизуйтесь для ответа в теме

Сообщений в теме: 21


Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 17:22

Для прямого соединения проще:

Создаём BAT файл 

rasdial название вашего соединения /disconnect
ipconfig /flushdns ADSL
ipconfig /registerdns ADSL
ipconfig /setclassid ADSL
ipconfig /release ADSL
rasdial название вашего соединения логин пароль

кладём в папку с минипостером и создаем шаблон скрипт ещё проверяет соединение у
кого с первого раза не соединится

[DISPLAY][Перезагрузка соединения]
[LOG_DISPLAY][Перезагрузка соединения]
[RUN_FILE][restart ip.bat]
[DISPLAY][Rectart $TIME]

[LOG_DISPLAY][Проверяю соединение]
[LOG_DISPLAY][Есть соединение-$TIME]

можно в инклуд рекапчи:





Для роутера неудобно тем, что под каждый роутер свой скрипт и придётся в планировщик заданий создавать задачу
вот для примера скрипт(VBS) для Zyxel Keenetik может кому пригодится, только перезагрузка:

set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") "telnet.exe" 
WScript.Sleep 9000 
WshShell.SendKeys"open" & chr(13) 
WScript.Sleep 9000
WshShell.SendKeys"system reboot" & chr(13) 
WScript.Sleep 5000 
Function ProcessClose(sProcName) 
strComputer = "." 
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\" & strComputer & "rootcimv2") 
Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_Process Where Name = '" & sProcName & "'") 
For Each objProcess in colProcessList 
End Function 

  • 1



Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 18:04

Название соединения у меня «Подключение по локальной сети». Вместо кириллицы там появляются кракозябры

  • 0



Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 18:07

Название соединения у меня «Подключение по локальной сети». Вместо кириллицы там появляются кракозябры

Ты роутер хочешь перезагрузить или что???

  • 0



Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 18:08

Название соединения у меня «Подключение по локальной сети». Вместо кириллицы там появляются кракозябры

Ты роутер хочешь перезагрузить или что???


  • 0



Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 18:12

Название соединения у меня «Подключение по локальной сети». Вместо кириллицы там появляются кракозябры

Ты роутер хочешь перезагрузить или что???


Посмотри сперва твой роутер telnet поддерживает, если поддерживает, то тебе только VBS создавать и в диспетчер задач это то что в низу скрипт читай внимательно тебе не надо ни где прописывать подключение

  • 0



Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 18:15

Telnet включен, VBS создан и работает если запускать из винды, из miniPoster скрипт VBS не запускается.

  • 0



Отправлено 07 Май 2018 — 18:18

Telnet включен, VBS создан и работает если запускать из винды, из miniPoster скрипт VBS не запускается.

Я знаю минипостер почему-то не запускает я тоже долго мучился, задачу создавай для перезагрузки 

  • 0

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When Zyte Smart Proxy Manager (formerly Crawlera) gets a ban from a target website, it
automatically retries the request from another proxy IP. By default, Smart Proxy Manager re-tries
5 times to retrieve the content, and if it still fails, it generates the status code 503. Zyte
constantly refreshes the proxy pool and configures specific settings for websites that are
difficult to crawl. If you get significant 503 bans in spite of these features, you can consider
the following approaches to improve your crawl rates. Please note that a small number of bans are
expected for any crawl as Smart Proxy Manager adapts to use the best settings for each site. The
responses with 503 codes will not be billed to you.

You will see this HTTP response header when Smart Proxy Manager generates a 503 after retries

Your client can retry the request after a wait time that you can configure in your client, or
reduce the crawl rate to see if there are improvements. Smart Proxy Manager can return 503s with
busy domains such as amazon and google, even after trying many outgoing nodes. The only thing we
can do is retry.

You can use the following best practices to reduce the occurrences of bans:

1. Try using different headers that provide you wit more options to circumvent bans to ensure better performance and higher success rate. You can
find more information on profile headers in Using Desktop and Mobile profiles using Zyte Smart Proxy Manager

2. If cookies are getting handled on the client-side, you need to send X-Crawlera-Cookies to disable cookies on the Smart Proxy Manager side.

3. If mobile apps are incorporated, you should use Smart Proxy Manager mobile profiles (by
means of X-Crawlera-Profile: mobile header) without sessions. Rotating (changing through a
list of) user agents is the best practice that can be followed.

If the above steps are not helpful to you please reach out to our
support team.

Imagine you have a playlist of your favorite shows ready, your drinks chilled, and your snacks piping hot; when you start playing the show, you get this message on your screen.

“Whoops, something went wrong. Streaming error. You seem to be using an unblocker or proxy. Please turn off any of these services and try again.”

This nuisance is commonly known as Netflix Proxy Error, and it is the leading cause of annoyance and misery of Netflix users in Canada.

Your IP address can cause Netflix errors, especially if you are using a VPN service that Netflix has blocked. Check out the recommended solutions.

That’s why we advise the users to go for the premium service recommended in our list of the best VPNs for Netflix in Canada.

How to Fix Netflix Proxy Error in 5 Easy Steps in Canada (June 2022)

The easiest solution to fix Netflix’s proxy ban in Canada is to sign up for a VPN. Here is the step-by-step guide to making your streaming experience more enjoyable and error-free.

  1. Download and Subscribe to ExpressVPN.
  2. Run the app
  3. Connect to the server of the desired country.
  4. After the server is connected, refresh your Homepage.
  5. Type the title of the show and enjoy Streaming Netflix Without Encountering Netflix Proxy Error.

Note: If it doesn’t work try to clear your web browser cache, clear your cookies, and connect to a different server.

Fix Netflix Proxy Error30 Days Money Back Guarantee

To learn more check out our top 3 VPN recommendations for Fixing Netflix Proxy Error in Canada

What is Netflix Proxy Error?

There are different types of errors that can occur while you are streaming your favorite shows on Netflix. Some of these errors include NW-2-5, M7111-5059, M7361-1253, which won’t let you enjoy American Netflix.

There are specific reasons for each of these errors, so you need them in detail ( unblock us) before you want to fix them.

Netflix shows a proxy error if it detects that users are using a VPN or proxy server to change their virtual location. It is displayed in the video player and sometimes accompanied by code M7111-5059 also known as Netflix error proxy.

But first, you need answers to the following questions.

  • How to fix proxy error Netflix?
  • What is the best Netflix unblocker proxy error fix?
  • Netflix proxy detected, what to do?

Netflix Proxy Error

Top 3 VPNs for Fixing Netflix Proxy Error in Canada

The criteria for selecting the best VPNs for fixing Netflix Proxy Error in Canada was the number of servers offered by the VPN service.

As an expansive selection of servers is directly associated with a high count of alternate IP addresses, there are fewer chances that the IPs or servers are detected and blocked by Netflix, so the chances of getting the proxy error minimizes significantly.

1. ExpressVPN – The Best VPN to Fix Netflix Proxy Error in Canada

ExpressVPN is considered to be one of the best and fastest VPN for Netflix in Canada. As it does not slow down your internet speed, it offers you the smoothest streaming experience. As ExpressVPN offers over 3000+ servers in almost 94 countries, there are higher chances of connecting to a server that Netflix has not blocked.

As there is a large pool of available servers, there are fewer chances of getting interrupted by proxy error. With highly advanced VPN protocols like PPTP, OpenVPN, and L2RP/IPsec – you can access every Netflix library in Canada.


  • 24/7 live chat
  • Compatible with multiple devices and routers
  • Consistent speed
  • Massive selection of servers
  • Reliable user experience


  • Challenging for new users
  • Expensive

If you want to know more about ExpressVPN working with Netflix check our detailed guide.

Fix Netflix Proxy Error30 Days Money Back Guarantee

2. NordVPN – Fastest Netflix VPN to Fix Netflix Proxy Error in Canada

5,500+ servers in 60 countries ensure that you can find a server not blocked by Netflix and won’t get the proxy error in Canada. NordVPN can quickly help you fix the geo-restriction barrier of Netflix. Either you can select the server location manually or automatically connect to the fastest server – the choice is yours.

NordVPN utilizes SmartPlay technology to help the users bypass geo-restriction of the majority of the treating sites. The streaming content is blocked immediately by a kill switch if the VPN connection drops.


  • Biggest server park
  • Exceptional user experience
  • More than 95 percent of servers work with Netflix.
  • Specialty servers


  • Not quite mobile-friendly
  • Pricey

If you want to know more about NordVPN working with Netflix check our detailed guide.

Fix Netflix Proxy Error30 Days Money Back Guarantee

3. Surfshark – Fix Netflix Proxy Error in Limited Budget

With the expansive collection of over 3200+ servers operating in around 65 countries, the chances of getting the proxy error in Canada are thin. Surfshark can let you choose any location you want with a simple click. The internet restriction is overcome by a unique “No order” feature while hiding with the “Camouflage” mode.

The feature that makes Surfshark stand out in the list of hundreds of VPN is simultaneous unlimited connections that can help you enjoy Netflix on Windows, Mac, iPad, Roku, PC, Kodi, Amazon Firestick, Laptop, gaming consoles, and many other devices at the same time.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Affordable
  • Live chat support
  • Unlimited simultaneous connections


  • Occasional connection glitches

If you want to know more about Surfshark working with Netflix check our detailed guide.

Fix Netflix Proxy Error30 Days Money Back Guarantee

How does Netflix proxy error work?

Though Netflix does not share the approach it uses to ban VPN and introduce proxy error or Netflix proxy problem, our testing results support the following means.

Blacklisting the proxy/VPN Services

An IP address is the online identity of the user and the same is the case for public IP addresses. They correspond to specific countries and are visible on the web.

When you connect to a VPN server, your public IP address is replaced by the proxy server. Netflix bans the VPN server’s IP rendering the server useless.

As server IP is used by multiple users, it becomes easier for Netflix to identify the server IP as a proxy. Netflix targets proxy ranges that are hosted by proxy servers on data centers and screens them as non-residential networks.

DNS (Domain Name System) filtering

Netflix has the needed technology to identify the proxies and VPN when they are used by DNS. DNS or Domain Name System associate IP addresses with the domain name.

When you go to the website of Netflix, your web browser forwards a DS request to a DNS server. The DNS server searches the IP address and returns it to your device and fetches the video from Netflix sever. Netflix control which DNS server is used in this transaction.

Your DNS server belongs to your regional Internet Service Provider and reflects your location. Most of the VPN services reroute the web traffic but not the DNS traffic, when this mismatch is identified by Netflix, it knows that you are using proxy servers and throw the error.

Premium VPN services reroute your internet traffic along with the DNS traffic so there is no mismatch for Netflix to identify.

Why Netflix ban proxies?

Netflix is operating in almost 190 countries, each one of which has its own copyright law. Netflix has to follow these copyright laws to prevent any lawsuits involving copyright breaches. As VPN is considered to unblock foreign libraries, they are regarded as the tools for breaching copyright laws.

As the content streamed on Netflix is not produced by Netflix, its streaming rights are not exclusive to Netflix. For instance, you can watch the Lord of the Rings series on Australian Netflix but not on US Netflix. The streaming right of this series was granted to a different streaming service.

These are the main reasons why Netflix ban proxies and want the users to stick to the content available in their region.

How do VPNs and proxies work with Netflix?

A VPN encrypts internet traffic and sends it via a middleman server in the user’s preferred location. You may access the internet as if you were physically situated in Canada by connecting to a VPN in Canada.

A VPN comes in the form of a desktop or mobile software for the ordinary Netflix customer, and it normally costs a minimal monthly subscription. The majority of VPNs that can consistently access Netflix do so without disclosing how they do it. However, we can deduce how they do it.

Because most data center IP addresses are blacklisted by Netflix, VPN companies put up a few servers using residential IP addresses. These IPs aren’t on Netflix’s radar, so banning them may prevent some non-proxy users from seeing videos. If a home IP is blocked by Netflix, the VPN provider simply replaces it with the next one in line.

A few VPNs have also been able to compel the Netflix app to utilize their DNS servers rather than local ones. As a result, Netflix won’t be able to tell if the user is using a VPN to watch videos.

Smart DNS proxy and Netflix Proxy Error

A smart DNS proxy is a creative technique to only utilize a proxy when specific websites, applications, and services require it. It’s normally set up in the network settings section of your device’s DNS settings. DNS proxies, like VPNs, may need a monthly fee.

The domain name system (DNS) is similar to a phone book for the internet. Smart DNS modifies phone book entries for certain domains like “” Any request for Netflix on a Smart DNS proxy directs the user’s traffic to a proxy server in the United States instead of Netflix’s IP address.

These proxy servers are likely to utilize household IP addresses instead of commercial data center IP addresses to get over Netflix’s firewall.

Combining Smart DNS and VPNs

The majority of VPN companies that can access Netflix only have a few servers that can do so. Users must search up or inquire with customer care about the server or location to connect to. Even though the exact approach of fooling Netflix is not shared by the VPN industry, the answer is pretty obvious.

The combination of Smart DNS and VPNs provide the users with a fool-proof approach to hide their IP address and pretend to be accessing the streaming service from a different location.

Users may access Netflix USA from any ExpressVPN server location, however, they may not get the version they anticipate. Even if you’re connected to a server in, say, France, your Netflix connections are still routed through US servers in this situation.

Can a free VPN unblock the Netflix library of other countries?

There are few free Netflix VPNs that can unblock a foreign Netflix library in Canada but not all the time. You can use Windscribe, ProtonVPN, or OperaVPN, but there is another option to get the best VPN service for free. I am talking about the free trials offered by premium VPN services such as ExpressVPN, NordVPN, and Surfshark. You can enjoy these VPNs for free for a month and then cancel the subscription before the month ends.

FAQ’s | Netflix Proxy Error

Does Netflix work with split tunneling on my router?

It’s likely that you’d want to connect directly to Netflix in order to get the fastest possible service. To accomplish this, you’ll need a VPN that supports split tunneling and is also router-compatible.

Custom router firmware is available from ExpressVPN, and you can even buy a router with the firmware pre-installed.

Will Netflix ban me, If I keep using proxies or a VPN?

There is no report of Netflix banning a user if they are found using a proxy service. The most the streaming service does is make it difficult for the users to enjoy their favorite shows.

Can I watch my country’s Netflix if I connect to a VPN?

If you are connected to the server of your region, you can enjoy watching your country’s Netflix libraries with a VPN connection.

Can you get banned for sharing Netflix?

No. You can share your login credential with anyone you trust, but it is not a recommended practice. Due to privacy concerns, the practice of sharing an account is not appreciated by Netflix, but some plans allow you to enjoy Netflix on more than one device, you there is no chance that Netlfix will ban you from sharing your account.

Why is Netflix saying I am using a proxy when I am not?

There are some instances when Netflix shows a false positive proxy error. It means that you are not using a VPN or proxy server but still getting the error. This is the reason ‘netflix says im using VPN’ is a common question on the internet

It may be due to the fact that your actual IP address is closer to the range of proxy addresses. You can fix proxy error Netflix by using a premium VPN service every time you open the Netflix app.

How can a VPN make Netflix better?

As the selection for streaming content is based on the user’s location, using a VPN is a foolproof way to access foreign Netflix libraries in Canada. Maybe a show is not available on Netflix in Canada, but it is streaming in another country. By connecting to the server of the desired country, you can easily enjoy any show.

Another perk of using a VPN service is the unlimited availability of content. As the content selection is different, you can add all the titles and get thousands of more options at the same price.

What if I’m using IPv6 proxy tunnel?

Netflix supports conventional IPv6 connections, but not connections that tunnel IPv6 traffic over an IPv4 network.

What are the different Netflix error codes?

The most common Netflix error codes are listed below.

  • M7111/ F7111 (Proxy or VPN): These errors can be avoided by using a premium VPN service that offers a larger server park.
  • N8202, 40104 (Network Connection): This code is caused by poor wi-fi connection and can be resolved by connecting to a better wi-fi server with stronger signals.
  • 60, 102, 200, 300, and 600 (Netflix Connectivity): You will have to disconnect from the VPN and wait for Netflix to be up again.
  • UI-103 (Device Error): You can resolve this issue by simply refreshing your device and restarting it.
  • tvp-805 (Device Issue): The code is an indication that your device needs refreshing. Restart your device and it will fix the issue.


Using a VPN to stream your favorite show available on the Netflix library of another country is not illegal, but you have to be smart about the VPN you are selecting and the solution to proxy detected Netflix region.

Make your life easier by choosing a premium VPN service that can help you hop regions without the nuisance of proxy error in Canada. Accessing the secret subcategories by using Netflix secret codes can make this experience more enjoyable.

Now you know how to deal with the proxy error on Netflix in Canada, so get ready to glue to the couch with your favorite shows.

Have you ever been frustrated by proxy error codes that you have received while using proxies, but you have no idea why? Proxy error codes are similar to HTTP status codes. By learning what these errors mean, you can smoothly perform your scraping activities and automate your IP settings as well. 

It is very likely to receive such errors if you do not adequately manage your proxies during crawling or scraping activities. Problems can occur either from your end (client-side) or from the server-side. You will learn the most common types of proxy errors, why you receive them, and how to solve them by further reading this article.

What is a Proxy Error?

A proxy error is an HTTP error status that you will receive as a response when a request sent to the web server via a proxy fails. To keep using the proxy, you have to find a solution no matter what the case is. The returned response during a request failure may seem a bit confusing. If you are conversant about HTTP status codes, understanding proxy errors is not an issue.

Status Code Classes

HTTP Status codes are displayed in three digits. They are grouped into five classes, such that the first digit of each error code depicts the class.

They are;

1. 1xxInformational

2. 2xxSuccess

3. 3xxRedirection

4. 4xxClient Error

5. 5xxServer Error

Common Proxy Error Codes and Their

1xx Informational Error Code

These are provisional responses that are rarely used. These requests are considered to be used when the server is processing the requests;

100 – Continue

The code indicates that a part of the request is received, and the client can continue sending the remaining request. Typically, the client first sends a request header with a statement “Expect: 100-continue” and receives the 100 status code from the server to send the request’s body. The “expect” in the initial request is to avoid sending further requests if the server rejects the initial request header.

101 – Switching Protocols

A web server sends a 101 status code when the browser requests to change the communication protocol during a transaction. When the client browser’s request asks the server to switch communication protocol and accepts it, it sends the HTTP status code “100 – Switching Protocols” as an acknowledgment.

102 – Processing (WebDAV)

The web server might need some considerable time to process complex requests. When a client’s browser sends a WebDAV request with multiple sub-requests involving complex requirements, the server takes some time to process and eventually sends this code “102 – Processing”. This code aims to avoid timeout errors on the client-side by informing the client that the server received the request and processing it.

103 – Early Hints

The code “103 – Early Hints” is received by the webserver when sending the HTTP status to the browser before processing the HTTP requests. The name indicates this is an early hint to the client’s browser that the server has not started processing the requests.

2xx Successful Status Code

Receiving codes between 200 and 299 means that your proxy received your HTTP request, sent it to your intended website, and got a response. 200 is the most received code, informing that the server has fulfilled the request successfully. Pay attention to any other 2xx code other than 200 OK as it may show an error.

Here are the most common 2xx status codes;

201 – Created

This status code indicates the server has completed the client’s received request and has created a new resource based on the received request. The initial request is acting as a trigger to generate a new response in the server. For example, when a server is generating a new response based on a user’s login details.

202 – Accepted

“202 – Accepted” is returned when the server receives the request from the client, but it has yet to process. That’s the only indication for accepting the request, but the result for processing the request will be known later on when the “actual processing” takes place.

203 – Non-Authoritative Information

The code “203 – Non-Authoritative Information” was received when the server successfully processed the request but returned the information from another resource to the requested client.

204 – No Content

The server cannot find any content for the received request; it sends a “204 – No Content” response code, indicating to the client that no content is returned.

205 – Reset Content

Similar to the 204 code above. A request was processed successfully by the server, but no content is returned. The only difference here is that the 205 code informs the client to reset the document view.

206 – Partial Content

A server will return this error code when it sends a part of the requested resource affected by the range mentioned in the request header. 

E.g., the client requests a range of files to download and uses multiple streams to download the complete content.

3xx – Redirection Error

3xx codes indicate that additional action is needed from the client-side to fulfill the request.

These status codes won’t be an issue when using a browser (for example, Google Chrome or Safari), but when using your own script. Scripts that you write, and when there’s no need to redirect the requests to other URLs, will come in handy.

As these actions can create infinite loops, web browsers usually don’t follow more than five consecutive redirections of the same request.

Some of the most common 3xx error codes are as follows;

300 – Multiple Choices

It occurs when a requested URL is pointing towards more than one resource. 

The user agent (crawler or web browser) cannot decide which page to fetch, and an HTTP code “300 – Multiple Choices “is received. 

Fix 300 error code by checking the HTTP headers and make sure the URL is pointing to a single resource – so that the user agent can access the page successfully.

301 – Resource Moved Permanently

This error is received when there’s a permanent redirection set to an original URL to forward the user agent to a different URL.

When a web server sends a “301 – Moved Permanently” status code as a user can’t see the original URL, search engines would only index the redirected URL. Most search engine crawlers and user agents can follow up to 5 redirects for a single URL. More than five redirects could result in an infinite loop, and browsers like Chrome will show a message like “Too Many Redirects”.

A 301 code is the most popular out of all 3xx server response codes.

302 – Resource Moved Temporarily

A code “302 – Moved Temporarily” is received when a temporary redirect is set to the original URL. It means the user agent is redirected to another URL once making the request.

303 – See Another Resource

A “303 – See Another Resource” is received when the requested resource is located in another URL address, and it should be requested by using a “GET” method rather than code. Note that the initially requested page will be indexed by the search engines only when the “200 – Success” code is received.

304 – Resource Not Modified

A server would respond with the “304 – Resource Not Modified” code if the requested resource hasn’t been modified since the request’s last time. 

In this case, the server would assume that there’s no need for sending the data again, since the client already has a copy of the requested resource, which was not modified.

Note that the “last time of modification” is mentioned in the request header line “If-Modified-Since” or “If-Match”.

Plus, if your web page has not changed since the last time the search engine(s) crawler has accessed your site, then returning the 304 code is recommended to speed up indexing and reduce the crawler load.

305 – Use proxy

The code “305 – Use Proxy” will appear if the requested resource can only be accessed through a proxy server. The proxy server’s address is also received in the response and displayed in the browser’s window. 

Some browsers like Internet Explorer will not display this response properly due to the security concern of displaying the proxy server.

306 – Switch Proxy

“306 – Switch proxy” code indicates the server should use the specified proxy for the following request(s).

307 – Temporary Redirection

Code “307 – Temporary Redirect” is received when a requested resource is moved temporarily to a different address, mentioned in the Location header of the request. This is just a temporary redirect, but the next request should access the original URL. BTW, only HTTP/1.1 protocol uses this status code.

308 – Permanent Redirect

A308 – Permanent Redirection” code is an experimental code to indicate a permanent redirection (similar to 307, which is set as a temporary redirection). 307 and 308 codes are similar to the 302 and 301 codes, with the slight difference in not changing the HTTP method.

4xx Client Error Codes

The main types of HTTP proxy errors are 4xx and 5xx error codes. Receiving an error from the 4xx series indicates that the problem is from the client-side. It can be your request, browser, or the automation bot.

400 – Bad Request

It is a generic response indicating that there’s a problem with your sent request. Sometimes it can be that your proxy server or the target website is unable to parse your request. Problems can be malformed syntax, invalid formatting, or deceptive request routing.

401 – Unauthorized

“401 – Unauthorized” error code indicates that you are trying to access an unauthorized website where you have to authenticate yourself. 

The error is returned by the proxy server when the webserver requires authentication and authorization. Providing credentials will allow you to access the resource.

402 – Payment Required 

This response code is mostly set for future usage. Even though this status code is relatively rare and no standard convention exists, the aim for creating this code was for digital payment systems.

403 – Forbidden

403 indicates that your request is valid and understood by the proxy or the webserver but refuses to respond. It happens when you have no permission to view the resource.

404 – Not Found

This code is returned by the proxy server when the requested online resource is not available, even when the request is valid. Although 404 is primarily known as a “client error,” it results from dead links. It could mean that the URL has been taken down, incorrect, or changed without redirection.

405 – Method Not Allowed

405 is received when a request method is known by the server but has been disabled and can’t be used. For example, an API request may forbid 

“DELETE-ing” a resource. Both mandatory methods, GET and HEAD, must never be disabled and should not return this error code.

406 – Not Acceptable

A response is sent when the web server doesn’t find any content that conforms to the criteria given by the user agent after performing server-driven content negotiation.

407 – Proxy Authentication Required

A proxy indicates a 407 code when it requires authentication or when a tunnel fails to connect. It can happen when your scraper is not authenticated correctly with the proxy provider or when credentials are inaccurate. Another reason can be not whitelisting your IPs within the proxy settings.

Solving this error requires you to update your proxy settings by including whitelisted IPs and enter proper credentials. Plus, make sure that all the required information is included in the request as well.

408 – Request Timeout

This error code is received when a client hasn’t produced a request while the server is configured to wait or hold. The client may repeat the request without making modifications later at any time. 

If the 408 error is persistent, check the load created on your web server when detecting the errors. One more possibility might be connectivity problems.

409 – Conflict

The 409 – Conflict is usually unrelated to standard web server authority or security but to a specific application, conflicts not defined in the HTTP protocol itself.

The web server is responding with this error when considering the client’s requests as legitimate ones, but a request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the resources. The response body usually includes sufficient information for users to recognize the conflict’s source and fix the error.

410 – Gone

The web server responds with this error code when the requested resource is no longer available via the server, will not be available again, and has no know forwarding address. This error is similar to the 404 error, but 410 is a permanent one.

411 – Length Required

This error code means that the server is refusing to accept the request without a defined content length. The client should repeat the request by adding a valid content-length header field, which contains the length of the message-body in the request’s message.

412 – Precondition Failed

The webserver responded with this error code when preconditions are given in one or more of the request-header fields that have been evaluated as false when tested on the server. 

This status code allows the client to place preconditions on current resources meta-information (header field data) and prevents the requested method from applying to a resource other than the initially intended one.

413 – Request Entity Too Large

The server’s refusing to process a request since the request entity is larger than what the server can process. The server could close the connection to prevent the client from sending more of the same request. 

“What constitutes ‘too large’ depends in part on the operation being attempted. For example, a request to upload large files (via the HTTP PUT method) may encounter limitations on upload file size set by the webserver.”

414 – Request-URL Too Long

The web server is responding with this error when refusing to service the request since the Request-URL is longer than the server can process. This rare condition is more likely to occur when a client has improperly converted “POST” requests to “GET” requests, with long query information once the client has descended into a URL redirections “black hole” (meant that a redirected URL prefix which is pointing a suffix of its own), or 

This error code could also be received when the server is attacked by a client’s attempts to exploit any security holes that are present in some servers, also using fixed-length buffers for Request-URL reading and manipulating. Typically, webservers are setting fairly generous genuine URLs limits on length. In case that a long URL is valid and you are still receiving a 414 error code, it means that the web server may need to be reconfigured to allow such URLs through.

415 – Unsupported Media Type

The webserver is refusing to complete the request since the entity of the request is in formats that are not supported by the requested resource for the requested method.

416 – Requested Range Not Satisfiable

416 status code is received when a server’s response usually returns with 416 if a request includes a “Range” request-header field. No range-specific values in this field overlap the current extents of selected resources, and the request didn’t have the If-Range request-header field. 

For example, if the resource is a file with 1000 bytes, and the Range requested is 500-1500, it cannot be sufficed as an acceptable range.

417 – Expectation Failed

The web server usually responds with this status code when the expectation received in an “Expect” request-header field cannot be fulfilled by the server or if the server is a proxy and has clear evidence showing that the next-hop server could not fulfill the request.

429 – Too Many Requests

This error is likely to be received when sending too many requests within a limited time frame while using the same IP address. Websites usually implement such restrictions to protect from attackers and to avoid overloading.

Using rotating proxies, setting delays between requests per IP and per a particular time frame can solve this error code.

5xx – Server Error

Series of 5xx is returned when the server receives the request successfully but cannot process the request or encounters a problem while processing it.

To solve all these 5xx errors, rotate the IPs, and change the proxy network and IP type. Using a residential proxy network is better in such cases to rotate IPs and ensure reliability.

You may receive error codes such as – 

500 – Internal Server 

Error code “500 – Internal Server “is received when the server encounters an unexpected condition, stopping it from responding to the request.

501 – Not Implemented

The “501 – Not Implemented” error is received when the server can’t provide the requested resource because of an unsupported or unrecognized method(s) used in the request.

502 – Bad Gateway

This error will frequently occur during data gathering when the server acts as a gateway or a proxy and receives an invalid response from another server. 

When super proxies refuse the internet connection or requests sent, IPs’ unavailability for chosen settings is detected as bots indicate 502 code.

503 – Services Unavailable

The “503 – Service Unavailable” code is received when a server receives the request at the same time other requests overload it, or it’s under planned downtime/maintenance. In this case, and if possible, check the status of the requested server.

504 – Gateway Timeout

“504 – Gateway Timeout” is received when a server (a) acts as an external gateway or a proxy and does not receive the response on time from the next server (b), further up in the request chain which tries to access to fulfill the request.

505 – HTTP Version Not Supported

A “505 – HTTP Version Not Supported” code is received when a server isn’t supporting the HTTP protocol version and used in the request message.

507 – Insufficient Space

“507 – Insufficient Storage” means that the server runs out of disk space and no more accommodates the request.

510 – Extensions are Missing

The server can’t process the request because an unsupported extension is requested, then the code “510 – Not Extended” is received.

Solving Common Proxy Error Codes

The easiest way to solve these proxy error codes is by using a proxy manager. A proxy manager is often a free and open-source software that automates proxy management to avoid such errors. To prevent the 407 error code, You have to choose a proxy port. Then, all the associated credentials and zone information are automatically updated. 

You can apply specific actions within your proxy manager when a rule you applied gets triggered. To avoid errors such as 403, rotating your IPs is essential; hence residential proxies are the best option. NetNut can play its part by integrating with your proxy tools to avoid these errors. Learn how to integrate NetNut to configure your proxy settings.

Check out our GitHub repositories as well for a better understanding of advanced usage with our proxies, code documentation, and walkthroughs.

To summarize, the basic steps that you can follow to solve these proxy errors are;

1. Switching to Residential Proxies

Although residential proxies are a bit more expensive, they provide a large pool of proxies, unlike data center proxies. Hence you can rotate your IPs and avoid getting blocked.

NetNut is a better example of a residential proxy service provider, using a dynamic P2P + ISP Proxy Network, offering both Rotating & Static Residential IPs.

2. Decrease the number of requests

Sending too many requests at the same time seems suspicious by any website. Set a slight delay between requests to avoid any errors.

3. Improve IP Rotation

As explained above, using a proxy management tool helps to achieve this task. Control your IP sessions to minimize requests made with the same IP address.

4. Have a Well-Performing Scraper

Following the above factors but using a poor-performing scraper can still give you errors. Hence, make sure that you have an advanced scraper to bypass obstacles implemented by websites.


The first steps in overcoming these proxy errors are understanding the error code and why you get such code. Understanding such causes while implementing these techniques can let you perform your data gathering smoothly, minimizing errors.

Can’t figure out a solution to your error code? Ping us via email and our support experts can help you out!

Have you encountered an issue that isn’t listed here? Let us know!

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