Error react children only expected to receive a single react element child

Discussion about the error React.Children.only expected to receive single React element child in React in this article. Let's start now!

Suppose you get the error message: “React.Children.only expected to receive single React element child” when working in your React application. This tutorial will show you how to fix it through some solutions such as: Using React Fragment, using Dom element. Read on it now.

Why do we have this error?

When we try to pass many child components to a component, but this parent component accepts only one child component. You will receive an error message: “React.Children.only expected to receive single React element child”.

Through the following example, you will see an error case:

import './App.css';
import React from 'react';

function Parent(props) {
  	return React.Children.only(props.children);

export default function App() {
    return (
            <p>First children</p>
            <p>Second children</p>


You can see that the error occurs because the <Parent> element contains two child elements (two <p> tags). This violates the rule that a parent component can only have one and only one child.

Check out the solutions below to solve this problem.

Using React Fragment

The first way to fix this error is using the React Fragment.


<> … </> 

Using React fragment will help you group all the child components together without changing the DOM structure of your application.

import './App.css';
import React from 'react';

function Parent(props) {
  	return React.Children.only(props.children);

export default function App() {
    return (
                <p>First children</p>
                <p>Second children</p>

You can also use the syntax <React.Fragment>...</React.Fragment> instead of <> … </>

<> … </> can be thought of as a more concise representation of <React.Fragment>. These two uses of React Fragments are the same. However, one caveat when using <> … </> is that it does not support keys.

Using DOM element

Another way is to use the HTML tag to surround the elements. 

Some specific examples like using div, main, ul, etc.

In the following example, we use a pair of div tags to wrap all child components.

import './App.css';
import React from 'react';

function Parent(props) {
  	return React.Children.only(props.children);

export default function App() {
    return (
                <p>First children</p>
                <p>Second children</p>

Pay attention when applying this method. In some cases, adding a div tag upsets CSS convention and the structure of HTML tags when displayed.


That’s all I want to cover in this post. The above solutions will help you fix the “React.Children.only expected to receive single React element child” error. Thank you for reading!

Maybe you are interested:

  • Pass event and parameter onClick in React
  • Set and Access state using a Dynamic key in React
  • how to only call a function once in react

My name’s Christopher Gonzalez. I graduated from HUST two years ago, and my major is IT. So I’m here to assist you in learning programming languages. If you have any questions about Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React.js, let’s contact me. I will back you up.

Name of the university: HUST
Major: IT
Programming Languages: Python, JavaScript, TypeScript, Node.js, React.js

One day I was working on my React-Native project and got this weird error, “React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child“. Everything seemed perfectly alright with the code but the compiler was complaining. After spending an hour, I was able to figure out the mistake. But first, let’s see the code.

Code Example

export default function App(){
      <Text>Tony Stark is Ironman</Text>
      <TouchableHighlight style={{width: '50px', height: '50px', backgroundColor: 'yellow'}} />

In this code we have created a View with 2 children – Text and TouchableHighlight. The Text will display a string and then there will be an area of size 50px X 50px of yellow background color. When this area is touched, a function will be called. This is correct then why did I get the error? We can have multiple children in a View. Why it’s complaining for a single child?

Actually, the error is not with View but with TouchableHighlight. According to React documentation –

TouchableHighlight must have one child (not zero or more than one). If you wish to have several child components, wrap them in a View.

In our code we have not provided any child to TouchableHighlight. Even though we just want an area without any text or image or button, we still need to provide a child. And this can be done by adding a View into it with all the required styling. The correct code will be –

export default function App(){
      <Text>Tony Stark is Ironman</Text>
        <View style={{width: '50px', height: '50px', backgroundColor: 'yellow'}} />

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This is Akash Mittal, an overall computer scientist. He is in software development from more than 10 years and worked on technologies like ReactJS, React Native, Php, JS, Golang, Java, Android etc. Being a die hard animal lover is the only trait, he is proud of.

Related Tags
  • react js short,
  • React-Native,
  • react-native-short,
  • reactjs error

04 Jul 2017

  • iOS errors
  • Android errors
  • JS errors
    • Couldn’t find preset “es2015”
    • React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child
    • Maximum call stack size exceeded
    • In next release empty section headers will be rendered
    • onEndReached event of ListView keeps on firing
    • ListView becomes blank
    • SyntaxError wallet.png: Unexpected character (1:0)
    • Actions must be plain objects
    • TouchableOpacity ignores initial opacity
    • Unknown named module
    • ScrollView with unbounded height doesn’t grow on scrolling
    • TextInput inside TouchableOpacity intercepts touches
    • fontWeight={600} is not applied to TextInput
    • undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘Sentry.options.logLevel’)
    • ScrollView content is partially hidden below when scrolled to the bottom
    • ScrollView inside Modal doesn’t respect keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled'
    • Swiper image (child) is occasionally blank
    • TextInput jumps when added dynamically
    • image uploading doesn’t work in emulator
    • Loading dependency graph, done.
    • [0.45.1] Cannot find module X
    • [0.45.1] DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly
    • [0.45.1] Unhandled JS Exception: undefined is not an object
    • [0.47.0] Module JSTimersExecution is not a registered callable module
    • [0.52.1] Error: While resolving module react-native-vector-icons/Octicons
    • [0.52.1] Cannot read property ‘func’ of undefined
    • [0.52.1] Cannot read property ‘appVersion’ of undefined
    • [0.52.1] Invariant Violation: Native component for “BVLinearGradient” does not exist
    • [0.52.1] TypeError: Cannot read property ‘isPickerShow’ of undefined
    • [0.52.1] Cannot read property ‘showImagePicker’ of undefined
    • [0.52.1] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘Contacts.getAll’)
    • [0.52.1] production release crashes on startup (in both Android and iOS devices)
    • [0.59.9] react-native-push-notification: Appears to be a git repo or submodule.
    • [0.59.9] Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions.
    • [0.59.9] The ‘decorators’ plugin requires a ‘decoratorsBeforeExport’ option, whose value must be a boolean
    • [0.59.9] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘props.getItem’)
    • [0.59.9] withRef is removed

try resetting cache first before googling the error:

$ react-native start --reset-cache

iOS errors

  1. React Native — iOS
    (troubleshooting section)

Android errors

  1. React Native — Android
    (troubleshooting section)

JS errors

Couldn’t find preset “es2015”

emulator window:

SyntaxError: TransformError: <APP_DIR>/node_modules/shallowequal/index.js:
Couldn't find preset "es2015" relative to directory "<APP_DIR>/node_modules/shallowequal"


it has turned out that shallowequal is the only module in node_modules/ that
configures Babel presets to use in its package.json:

  "babel": {
    "presets": [

quick-and-dirty fix for both Android and iOS:

  • remove offending section from package.json of shallowequal package
  • restart packager — no error
  • get that section back
  • restart packager — still no error

even if shallowequal package is removed from filesystem and installed again
the error no longer occurs — maybe the ‘right’ version of shallowequal package
is cached somewhere?

NOTE: still the error might occur the next time emulator is run.

[Android] the error might disappear after enabling hot reloading in emulator
(<D-m>Enable Hot Reloading) — enabling live reload has no effect.

[iOS] enabling hot reloading never helped — use the fix above.

all in all IDK why this error occurs and how to fix it in general.



bug was fixed in v1.0.2 by moving Babel settings to .babelrc so that they are
not consumed by RN packager by default.

react-side-effect is the only package that depends on shallowequal package
(according to package-lock.json) => update react-side-effect to update its
dependencies (including shallowequal) to their latest version:

$ npm update react-side-effect

React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child

device system log:

<Critical>: Unhandled JS Exception: React.Children.only expected to receive a single React element child.



TouchableHighlight must have one child (not zero or more than one). If you
wish to have several child components, wrap them in a View.

Maximum call stack size exceeded

device system log:

<Warning>: Warning: Cannot update during an existing state transition
(such as within `render` or another component's constructor).
Render methods should be a pure function of props and state;
constructor side-effects are an anti-pattern, but can be moved to
<Error>: Maximum call stack size exceeded.
<Critical>: Unhandled JS Exception: Maximum call stack size exceeded.




  • dispatch Redux actions ( or
  • set component state (this.setState(...))

in render() method or any other method that is called from render() method
(that is when component is being rendered) — this will cause an infinite loop.

for example, if you dispatch action when component is being rendered:

  1. reducers update the store according to that action
  2. parent component is re-rendered using forceUpdate() (in my case it’s
    subscribed to store updates)
  3. component is re-rendered too
  4. action is immediately dispatched again (infinite loop)

to avoid infinite loop dispatch actions and set component state only in

  • constructor or
  • callbacks that are not immediately invoked when component is being rendered

emulator window:

Warning: In next release empty section headers will be rendered. In this
release you can use 'enableEmptySections' flag to render empty section headers.



If you use cloneWithRows then you don’t have sections and so there’s no issue
with section headers showing up. The confusing part is that even if you don’t
use sections, it will still throw the warning mentioning sections. In this
case, you can just set enableEmptySections={true} and forget about it.


onEndReached event of ListView keeps on firing



don’t nest ListView in ScrollView — this is what causes onEndReached event
to be triggered again and again.

in most cases it means not to use ScrollView at all if you have to use

  • if you use refreshControl property of ScrollView note that ListView has
    the same property
  • if you use some header in ScrollView it’s possible to render the very same
    header in renderHeader callback of ListView

ListView becomes blank

when pushing another page and then going back to page with ListView the latter
becomes blank (nothing is rendered where ListView is supposed to be rendered).
at the same time adjacent components are rendered properly (=> it’s not that
wrapped collection becomes empty).



though I guess it’s more of a hack than real solution.

SyntaxError wallet.png: Unexpected character (1:0)

the error occurs sometimes after adding new icon or updating existing one.


restart packager (react-native start) and reload application in emulator.

Actions must be plain objects

emulator window:

Actions must be plain objects. Use custom middleware for async actions.

the error occurs when trying to dispatch a thunk (Thunk middleware is applied).


I used curly braces instead of parens when defining thunk action creator:

- export const requestCreateAuthentication = (phone_number) => {
+ export const requestCreateAuthentication = (phone_number) => (
   (dispatch, getState, api) => {
     // ...
- }
+ )

TouchableOpacity ignores initial opacity

TouchableOpacity ignores opacity property — it’s set only when application
is hot reloaded in emulator.



according to these links the issue has been closed (that is fixed) but it
doesn’t look like this (or maybe it’s another but related issue).

anyway I’ve found a workaround — create nested View and set opacity property
on it instead of TouchableOpacity itself:

  <View style={{opacity: 0.5}}>

Unknown named module

the error occurs when trying to load image using Image.

device system log:

<Notice>: { [Error: Unknown named module: '~/components/_new/graphics/images/ion-ios-person.png'] ... }



it turns out you cannot load images dynamically — provide static URI instead
(that is don’t construct it dynamically, say, using variable interpolation):

  style={{height: 30, width: 35}}

ScrollView with unbounded height doesn’t grow on scrolling


I use ScrollView as a top-level container — when all its content doesn’t fit
on the screen (say, on iPhone 4s), the ScrollView doesn’t grow when trying to
scroll down: hidden content becomes visible but overflows the container.

the solution is to use flexGrow: 1 instead of flex: 1 for container:

  contentContainerStyle={{flexGrow: 1}}

TextInput inside TouchableOpacity intercepts touches

when TouchableOpacity wraps TextInput and the latter is pressed, onPress
callback of TouchableOpacity is not invoked.


<TouchableOpacity onPress={this._handlePress}>
  <View pointerEvents='none'>
    <TextInput editable={false} />

fontWeight={600} is not applied to TextInput

the error occurs if Gill Sans font is used only — setting font weight works with
Text and when default font is used instead.


TODO: still not resolved.

undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘Sentry.options.logLevel’)

device system log:

<Notice>: { [TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'Sentry.options.logLevel')] ... }


if (!__DEV__) {

ScrollView content is partially hidden below when scrolled to the bottom

make sure that all ScrollView parents have flex: 1.

ScrollView inside Modal doesn’t respect keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled'


make sure to set keyboardShouldPersistTaps='handled' on ALL parent
ScrollViews outside of Modal:

cares about its (scrollview) parent stack, I assumed it would be like
if rendered on top level

this error seems to be reproduced only when ScrollView is rendered inside

Swiper image (child) is occasionally blank

this often happens, say, after removing the child (game in my application) —
adjacent game should become visible but blank area is shown instead.



adding removeClippedSubviews={false} property to Swiper component seems to
solve the problem for the time being (AFAIU when this property is false, all
offscreen children are force rendered — this might be not suitable for long
lists but in my case all lists are short so it shouldn’t be a problem).


still this doesn’t help — the only solution that works thus far is


nothing of the above works )

consider using react-native-snap-carousel instead of react-native-swiper.

TextInput jumps when added dynamically


set minHeight and initialHeight properties:

<TextInput value='foo' minHeight={20} initialHeight={20} />

image uploading doesn’t work in emulator

response from AWS:

  <Message>The body of your POST request is not well-formed multipart/form-data.</Message>

emulator window:

[RNDebugger] Detected you've enabled Network Inspect and you're using `uri`
in FormData, it will be a problem if you use it for upload, please see the
documentation ( for more information.



disable Network Inspect:

Redux DevTools
RMB → Disable Network Inspect

Loading dependency graph, done.

react-native start hangs after Loading dependency graph, done. message.



I’m not sure but maybe reinstalling Watchman helped to resolve the issue:

$ brew uninstall watchman
$ brew install watchman

[0.45.1] Cannot find module X

$ react-native start
> node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start

    throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'xmldoc'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:485:15)

and similar errors when some module cannot be found.


use yarn instead of npm — somehow it managed to install all required

$ rm package-lock.json
$ rm -rf node-modules
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

[0.45.1] DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly

emulator window:

DeviceInfo native module is not installed correctly



rebuild application.

[0.45.1] Unhandled JS Exception: undefined is not an object

emulator window:

Unhandled JS Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'PropTypes.shape')



first I tried to upgrade RN again:

$ react-native upgrade
You should consider using the new upgrade tool based on Git. It makes upgrades easier by resolving most conflicts automatically.
To use it:
- Go back to the old version of React Native
- Run "npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade"
- Run "react-native-git-upgrade"

as advised I ran:

$ npm install -g react-native-git-upgrade
$ react-native-git-upgrade

react-native-git-upgrade command downgraded react package to another alpha
version and this is what most likely fixed the issue.

[0.47.0] Module JSTimersExecution is not a registered callable module


emulator window:

Module JSTimersExecution is not a registered callable module (calling callTimers)


rebuild application.

[0.52.1] Error: While resolving module react-native-vector-icons/Octicons

$ react-native start
error: bundling failed: Error: While resolving module `react-native-vector-icons/Octicons`, the Haste package `react-native-vector-icons` was found. However the module `Octicons` could not be found within the package. Indeed, none of these files exist:

  * `<APP_DIR>/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/files/Octicons(.native||.ios.js|.native.js|.js|.ios.json|.native.json|.json)`
  * `<APP_DIR>/node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/files/Octicons/index(.native||.ios.js|.native.js|.js|.ios.json|.native.json|.json)`


$ rm ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/files/package.json
$ react-native start

it looks like this file is recreated after each application build so it makes
sense to add this command to postinstall script in package.json:

  "scripts": {
    "start": "node node_modules/react-native/local-cli/cli.js start",
    "test": "jest",
    "eslint": "eslint",
    "flow": "flow",
+   "postinstall": "rm -f ./node_modules/react-native/local-cli/core/__fixtures__/files/package.json"

[0.52.1] Cannot read property ‘func’ of undefined

error is shown in device system log and emulator window.

the error occurs when evaluating this line:

onPress: React.PropTypes.func.isRequired;



PropTypes has been moved to a separate package. Accessing React.PropTypes is
no longer supported and will be removed completely in React 16.

import PropTypes from a separate prop-types package.

[0.52.1] Cannot read property ‘appVersion’ of undefined

error is shown in device system log and emulator window.

the error occurs when evaluating this line:

// node_modules/react-native-device-info/deviceinfo.js

return RNDeviceInfo.appVersion;



link react-native-device-info library manually and rebuild application.

[0.52.1] Invariant Violation: Native component for “BVLinearGradient” does not exist

error in device system log and emulator window.



link react-native-linear-gradient library manually and rebuild application.

[0.52.1] TypeError: Cannot read property ‘isPickerShow’ of undefined

error in device system log and emulator window.



link react-native-picker library manually and rebuild application.

[0.52.1] Cannot read property ‘showImagePicker’ of undefined

error in device system log and emulator window.



link react-native-image-picker library manually and rebuild application.

[0.52.1] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘Contacts.getAll’)

error in device system log and emulator window.


link react-native-contacts library manually and rebuild application.

[0.52.1] production release crashes on startup (in both Android and iOS devices)



View.propTypes has been removed in 0.49

replace with in all components.

see React Native — Android
(debugging section) on how to debug similar problems on Android.

[0.59.9] react-native-push-notification: Appears to be a git repo or submodule.

$ npm install
npm ERR! path <APP_DIR>/node_modules/react-native-push-notification
npm ERR! code EISGIT
npm ERR! git <APP_DIR>/node_modules/react-native-push-notification: Appears to be a git repo or submodule.
npm ERR! git     <APP_DIR>/node_modules/react-native-push-notification
npm ERR! git Refusing to remove it. Update manually,
npm ERR! git or move it out of the way first.


$ rm -rf node_modules/*/.git

[0.59.9] Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions.

$ react-native start
Loading dependency graph, done.
error: bundling failed: Error: Plugin/Preset files are not allowed to export objects, only functions. In <APP_DIR>/node_modules/babel-preset-flow/lib/index.js
    at createDescriptor (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:178:11)
    at <APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:109:50
    at (<anonymous>)
    at createDescriptors (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:109:29)
    at createPresetDescriptors (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:101:10)
    at presets (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-descriptors.js:47:19)
    at mergeChainOpts (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:320:26)
    at <APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:283:7
    at mergeExtendsChain (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/config/config-chain.js:299:21)



try updating corresponding npm package:

$ npm uninstall babel-preset-flow
$ npm install --save-dev @babel/preset-flow
  // babel.config.js

  module.exports = {
-   presets: ['flow']
+   presets: ['@babel/preset-flow']

[0.59.9] The ‘decorators’ plugin requires a ‘decoratorsBeforeExport’ option, whose value must be a boolean

$ react-native start
error: bundling failed: Error: The 'decorators' plugin requires a 'decoratorsBeforeExport' option, whose value must be a boolean. If you are migrating from Babylon/Babel 6 or want to use the old decorators proposal, you should use the 'decorators-legacy' plugin instead of 'decorators'.
    at validatePlugins (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:6093:13)
    at getParser (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:11286:5)
    at parse (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/parser/lib/index.js:11256:22)
    at parser (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-file.js:170:34)
    at normalizeFile (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/normalize-file.js:138:11)
    at runSync (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transformation/index.js:44:43)
    at transformSync (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/@babel/core/lib/transform.js:43:38)
    at Object.transform (<APP_DIR>/node_modules/metro-react-native-babel-transformer/src/index.js:202:20)



This plugin is specifically for Babel 6.x. If you’re using Babel 7, this
plugin is not for you. Babel 7’s @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators officially
supports the same logic that this plugin has, but integrates better with Babel
7’s other plugins.

but after having tried all possible combinations of decoratorsBeforeExport and
legacy options I still couldn’t make new decorators work. so:

We do not recommend using connect as a decorator, because the spec is

=> it’s easier not to use decorators at all (and remove all related packages),
the more especially as it’s a recommended approach.

[0.59.9] TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating ‘props.getItem’)

$ adb logcat
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'props.getItem')
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS: This error is located at:
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in FlatList (at YellowBoxList.js:87)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (at View.js:45)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in View (at YellowBoxList.js:79)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in YellowBoxList (at YellowBox.js:104)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in YellowBox (at AppContainer.js:93)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in RCTView (at View.js:45)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in View (at AppContainer.js:115)
06-10 00:18:39.077 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS:     in AppContainer (at renderApplication.js:34)
06-10 00:18:39.090 10262 10367 E ReactNativeJS: TypeError: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'props.getItem')



in this case and in case of many other weird JS errors first try resetting

$ react-native start --reset-cache

[0.59.9] withRef is removed

emulator window:

Unhandled JS Exception: withRef is removed. To access the wrapped instance,
use a ref on the connected component



The withRef option to connect has been replaced with forwardRef. If
{forwardRef : true} has been passed to connect, adding a ref to the connected
wrapper component will actually return the instance of the wrapped component.

Basically, change withRef to forwardRef, and then delete the
.getWrappedInstance() part of componentRef.getWrappedInstance(). componentRef
is your own component now.


  // MyComponent.js

  export default connect(
-   {withRef: true},
+   {forwardRef: true},


  <MyComponent ref={ref => this._myComponentRef = ref} />

  // ...
- this._myComponentRef.getWrappedInstance().save();

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