Error reading file postgresql conf

I have Windows Server 2003 machine on which I tried to install Postgres 9.2. At the end of the installation it pops a warning saying Problem running post-install step. Installation may not compl...

I have Windows Server 2003 machine on which I tried to install Postgres 9.2. At the end of the installation it pops a warning saying

Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete
correctly. Error reading file C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.2datapostgresql.conf

I checked for the file postgresql.conf in C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.2data and found that it does not exist.

I also found that there is not much under the data folder except for pg_log folder which is also empty.

Any ideas on what I may be doing wrong?

Cœur's user avatar


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asked May 24, 2013 at 8:07

Fawad Shah's user avatar

I recommend you to try following, it worked for me:

Make sure that the user that is logged in to the server has full control permissions for the postgres folder and it’s sub-folders.


initdb -D <your new data folder>

and then:

pg_ctl -D <your new data folder> -l logfile start

If the problem continues, and postgres is installed under «Program Files», or the installation path contains a space character, try using a relative path for the data folder argument of pg_ctl. Such as: «»

answered Jun 22, 2013 at 10:10

eaykin's user avatar


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I just stumbled over another issue: If the user name of the currently active user contains a space character, postgres will fail to install its services to begin with, which results in the same error message. Be careful about changing the user name, as this might brick your windows installation. Instead, create a new user with admin privileges and install postgres from there, and everything will work smoothly.

On top of that, you will have to use a «runas /user:postgres cmd» to get a command window that’s any good, or else initdb won’t work either.

I realize this answer is months late, but it might help someone else!

answered Nov 17, 2013 at 17:56

Kajetan Abt's user avatar

Kajetan AbtKajetan Abt

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Had this problem on Windows 10. For me the solution was to choose a locale different from [Default Locale] during install.

answered Jan 14, 2019 at 0:13

Vlad's user avatar


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I have been trying, without success, to get posgresql 9.3 up and running on Windows 8.1 on and off over the last ten days. Here is what I have done so far:
I got the windows installer from enterprisedb and ran it.
I got this message:

“there has been an error. Unable to write inside TEMP environment variable path.”

I bounced around the postgres docs and forums and eventually figured out that I needed to reset the file association for vbs, and when I did that, the install ran, but with two errors:

“warning. A non-fatal error occurred whilst loading database modules. Please check the error logs at …/appDatalocaltemp for details.”

This is because the admin module didn’t install

 “warning. Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. Error reading file c:/program files/postgresql/9.3/data/postgresql.conf”

This is because there wasn’t a postgresql.conf file. I have to make it from the conf-sample provided.
But when I went to create this file, I found out that’s not all I was missing. I also had to tell postgres where PGDATA is.
So how could I possibly avoid this error using the windows installer? It turns out, a default copy was supposed to be created for me.

Presumably, if that had worked, postgres would also know where PGDATA is. As it stands now, it thinks it is at C:/WINDOWS/system32/
It probably goes without saying to those of you with more experience, but repeated efforts to get postgres running as a service also failed, with the particularly unhelpful error message

“The postgres sql service started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs.”

Turns out from the event logs that I am getting the same error there, too.
According to the postgres wiki,

“PostgreSQL for Windows installs the PGDATA directory by default into "C:Program FilesPostgreSQLsome versiondata". “

I have "C:Program FilesPostgreSQL9.3binpg_ctl.exe" in the registry. Note this file does exist at that location.

I read on one of these places, I forget which one now, that my particular AV program is supposed to work without problems with postgres. Nevertheless, after repeated failures, I excluded the postgres directory from my AV scans anyway, but that did not improve things.
I posted an earlier version of this question to the postgres mailing list but got no response.

My last two options were to try and name PGDATA from the command line using
–D varname=value, but of course that didn’t work:

psql: could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061)
        Is the server running on host "localhost" (::1) and accepting
        TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Finally, I checked the ports. I say ‘finally’ because I didn’t think that was the issue since I had already opened Windows Firewall for postgres. It says postgres can access “any” port, which I would think means this should work, but if there is a way to edit it to specify port 5432, I didn’t see it.

With that background, here is my question:

Is this install hopelessly corrupted so that I should start over?

If so, what steps do you recommend to have it all go smoothly? Fixing the vbs issue did not prevent the failure of the admin module, PGDATA, or the conf. file, so what else should I do?

I just went through a huge headache for two hours trying to figure out why no version of postgres would work on my fresh windows 7 32bit install. I tried everything in many different google search listings for this error before I finally stumble on a post on holdemmanager forums where it said your computer name and username must be english and can’t have a space in it. So obv mine had a space in it. This needs to be more prominent in the install FAQ so people don’t waste more time with this. Sorry if this is already posted somewhere, but I could not find anything about it with extensive forum searching, and I am a fairly technical user.

Quoted from Sarek on HM forums

A) Is HM installed in default path?
B) If you have Win7 (or Vista), consider the following:
1) PC name must be in English and «in one word» — requires reboot after changing.
2) The same for Windows user name. If not — create new Win user with EN name and reboot PC for this user when install Postgres. And he must have admin rights. After installation you can kill this new user — his mission is completed.
3) Secondary logon service must be set to «Autostart».
4) UAC = OFF
5) Disable firewall and antivirus when installing Postgres and HM. Or uninstall them at all.
6) All installations must run «as admin» (by right-click on file). And do them as first thing after PC reboot.
7) If you want to change install path for Postgres (or to set non-default folder for database cluster) — download «standalone» installation file from Download PostgreSQL | EnterpriseDB
8) If your Windows is not in English — you have to install Postgres not in default folder in Program_Files. Create new (example: c:postgresql) first and select it when install.
9) Install Postgres and HM separarelly, one after one. As admin. If HM (when runs for the 1st time) says «no database» — simply create it via DBControlpanel.
10) If Postgres install fails — after uninstalling don’t forget to kill windows user named «postgres»:
Go to Start > Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt > Right-Click > Run As Administrator
In the window that appears please type the following and press enter:
net user postgres /delete
exactly as shown. You should get a confirmation if it was successful.
11) Run all pokerclients «as admin» too.


  1. Python-сообщество
  2. Уведомления
  3. #1 Авг. 22, 2010 21:13:20
  4. Проблема установки PostgreSQL 8.4.4-1
  5. #2 Авг. 22, 2010 21:45:10
  6. Проблема установки PostgreSQL 8.4.4-1
  7. #3 Авг. 23, 2010 08:51:34
  8. Проблема установки PostgreSQL 8.4.4-1
  9. Thread: problems when installing postgreSQL
  10. problems when installing postgreSQL
  11. Error reading file postgresql
  12. Archived Discussions
  13. How to engage with us further?



#1 Авг. 22, 2010 21:13:20

Проблема установки PostgreSQL 8.4.4-1

Скачал файл postgresql-8.4.4-1-windows.exe
При завершении установки выскакивает ошибка —

Problem running post-install step. Installation may not complete correctly. Error reading file C:/Program Files/PostgreSQL/8.4/data/postgresql.conf

Решил посмотреть что же с этим файлом такое, почему он не читается… оказалось что папка data пуста и файла postgresql.conf в нём вообще нет!

В чём проблема и как её решить?

Заранее спасибо за ответ!

#2 Авг. 22, 2010 21:45:10

Проблема установки PostgreSQL 8.4.4-1

создай конфигурационный фаил и всё должно нормально заработать 🙂

#3 Авг. 23, 2010 08:51:34

Проблема установки PostgreSQL 8.4.4-1

Этот файл нужно оставить пустым?

Сразу скажу что Postgre я никогда не использовал. Решил попробывать т.к. её использование рекомендуется в вебфреймворке Django… Да и просто хочется что-то новое узнать… вдруг Postgre будет поудобней MySQL…

Как создать бд не знаю… По адресу говориться что для создания бд нужно вводить определённые команды… Я так понял что вводить их нужно в PSQL Console, а он у меня не работает (пункт меню неактивен).

Решил попробывать создать заново сервер, придумал ему имя, хост — localhost, порт — 5432, пользователя оставил по умолчанию — postgres, придумал пароль, вобщем всё сделал как вроде и должно быть, только при нажатии кнопки ОК выскакивает ошибка —

Server doesn’t listen

The server doesn’t accept connections: the connection library reports

could not connect to server: Connection refused (0x0000274D/10061) Is the server running on host “” and accepting TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

Кажется мне что нужно править конфигурационный файл чтоб решить эту проблему… Только вот как его нужно править я не знаю… Открыл через меню “файл” пункт “открыть ”postgresql.conf“, в открывшимся окне указал местонахождение этого файла, выскочило окно с огромным списком параметров и галок напротив них… каждый параметр можно включить и указать ему какое-то значение… тут уже нужно очень много времени чтобы во всё это въехать… Поставил кое-где галки ”набум»… попытался сохранить изменения в конф.файл… всё подвисло… изменения внести не удалось…

Можно ли скачать уже готовый (настроенный…) postgresql.conf ? И где его найти если можно?

Переустановка postgresql не помогает (ОС — Windows 7 x32). Файл конфигурации не создаётся…

Заранее спасибо за ответ!

Отредактировано (Авг. 23, 2010 09:20:36)


Thread: problems when installing postgreSQL

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problems when installing postgreSQL

In the installation process the following error arises.

«Problem when executing the post installation step. The installation could not finish correctly. There was an error reading the file C: / Program Files (x86) /PostgreSQL/8.4/data/postgresql.conf».

Seeing other post about errors in the installation I have not managed to find a solution to the problem.

Make sure windows is fully updated until ‘No New Important Updates are Found’ (this may require multiple restarts and multiple ‘check for updates’), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

Uninstall PostgreSQL & try the following steps:

1) Run cmd.exe as Admin (Start > Search ‘cmd’ > Right-Click > Run As Admin)
2) in CMD window run (type the code then hit Enter key) following command:

When it asks about password please input postgrespass & don`t worry if you don`t see any new symbolsinputs in cmd window. If you did all steps right then you should get new cmd window for postgres user.

5) Download PostgreSQL installer ( -1-windows.exe) & move (copy/paste) it from the Downloads folder to C:
6) in new cmd window for postgres user run following commands:

I have completed all the pazos twice and the problem has not been solved.

I have fulfilled all the pazos twice and the problem has not been solved (I get to the option to get new cmd window for postgres user which makes me think that I have not made an error following the tutorial).
Maybe the problem is due to install a new disk with Windows 10 PRO system keeping the previous one. The previous disk had the windows 10 HOME system and installed HM working without problems. Initially try to lift the Holdem Manager program installed on the previous disk from my new disk, from then on neither the previous one worked nor allowed me to install HM again.
I hope you help me find the solution.

I have fulfilled all the pazos twice and the problem has not been solved (I get to the option to get new cmd window for postgres user which makes me think that I have not made an error following the tutorial).
Maybe the problem is due to install a new disk with Windows 10 PRO system keeping the previous one. The previous disk had the windows 10 HOME system and installed HM working without problems. Initially try to lift the Holdem Manager program installed on the previous disk from my new disk, from then on neither the previous one worked nor allowed me to install HM again.
I hope you help me find the solution.

You can’t just copy and paste the Postgres files.

Make sure windows is fully updated until ‘No New Important Updates are Found’ (this may require multiple restarts and multiple ‘check for updates’), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

Please note that reinstalling PostgreSQL will mean losing all your old data. If you have access to HM2 and your database was not corrupt then please follow these instructions for backing up your database as a precaution in case you cannot reconnect after reinstalling PostgreSQL — onfigs+work%3F

If you cannot access the database in HM2 then you can backup your database using this method: nced+Method%29 but if your database was corrupt then the best solution is to reimport all your hands from C:/HM2archive folder or if your pokersite supports it you can request all your hands and summaries and reimport them as restoring a corrupt database will just restore all the problems you had.

1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.

2) Delete the PostgreSQLX.xdata folder that is left behind.

3) Delete the sub-folder(s) in c:usersusernameappdataroamingHoldemManagerDa tabase (XP — c:documents and settingsusernameapplication dataHoldemManagerDatabase).

4) run the command — start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

net user postgres /delete

After you click ‘Enter’ for the code above also do that same for this code:


Error reading file postgresql

Hello, all. First Post. Please excuse any missteps.

I have installed PostgreSQL 11.1 on many servers at this point but today I am stumped. I cannot get it to install on a Windows 2016 Server machine. The error message I get at the end of installation always is: «Failed to load SQL Modules into database Cluster.»

I have read several posts here with the same error message and have tried all solutions mentioned. Among the posts I have reviewed are:

I even ran a PostgreSQL 11.1 installer from BigSQL. It failed as well, throwing the same error.

So as to help you avoid reading all of the above posts, I have tried all of the following:

1. Always running the installation executable as administrator.

2. Installing to non-default folders directly on the C Drive. (e.g. C:postgres)

3. Creating both the installation and the Data folders first, assigning them full read/write permissions to «NETWORK SERVICE,» then running the Installation Executable pointing to those created folders.

4. Added exceptions to all PostgreSQL files and folders to the Virus Scanner. (Windows Defender)

5. Completely disabed Windows Defender.

6. Created a new administrator user and ran the Installation Executable as that user.

7. Same as 3 above, but now with «Users.»

8. Searched for, but didn’t find the Service that blocked PostgreSQL installed as mentioned in one of the above posts.

9. Ran «chkdsk» to make sure I didn’t have any orphaned security descriptors.

10. Manually ran the command in an Adminstrator-Level Command-Prompt: cscript //NoLogo «C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11/installer/server/initcluster.vbs» «NT AUTHORITYNetworkService» «postgres» «****» «C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11» «C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11data» 5432 «DEFAULT» 0 (Note: Password masked)

11. Verified that my PATH Environmental Variables were correct for %TEMP%, %WINDIR% and %ComSpec%

12. . And yes, I restarted my server. 🙂

What am I missing.

The only error in my installation log is the following:

Additionally, the Data Folder always ends up with a Log folder inside of it, but nothing else, regardless of where the Data folder was created.

What other information would you like from me? Is there anything else I should try?

Archived Discussions

Effective March 31st, we will no longer engage on PostgresRocks.

How to engage with us further?

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Well, I found the problem this morning.

Turns out there was a «hidden» Administrator program running in the background on the server that I didn’t have access to and couldn’t even tell was running. A program called Dell SecureWorks Red Cloak was preventing the installation scripts from running properly. Once we got rid of that program, installation worked flawlessly. I’m up and running!

I’m sorry this took as much of your time and efforts that it did. I started scrutinizing every little process and service that Windows was running just to see if there was any way something was running that was interferring with PostgreSQL, and it turns out that is exactly what happened.

That said, I do very much appreciate your time and efforts in helping me out. Speaks volumes about the community and support behind the product and makes me feel much better about deploying it knowing there is such a dedicated group behind it. Thank you.

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From the error, it looks like a firewall blocking connection on port 5432 for PostgreSQL service.

Please skip the firewall setting for port 5432 and try again. Let us know if any further assistance is needed.

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I was able to grab a bunch of log files from the failed installation. They are very verbose and I am unable to post here. Is there a link I can use to upload them to for review?

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Thanks for the updates.

Please upload the file to below link and notify once you upload it.

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The files have been uploaded. Thanks!

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Thanks for uploading files.

From the log file we can see that psql is failing to connect to the database for creating some extensions which are causing failure of post-installation steps.

Below are the general troubleshooting areas for above issue :

  1. PostgreSQL isn’t running
  2. PostgreSQL isn’t listening for TCP/IP connections (listen_addresses in postgresql.conf)
  3. PostgreSQL is only listening on IPv4 ( or and you’re connecting on IPv6 (::1) or vice versa. This seems to be an issue on some older Mac OS X versions that have weird IPv6 socket behavior, and on some older Windows versions.
  4. PostgreSQL is listening on a different port to the one you’re connecting on
  5. (unlikely) there’s an iptables rule blocking loopback connections

Can you please recheck on above points, also share the steps (screenshots) you are following and where it is causing failure message.

Also, kindly confirm is postgresql running after you getting failure message (which is for post-installation steps)

Meanwhile, we will investigate this at our end. Let us know for further updates.

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In response to your inquiries:

1. PostgreSQL is definitely not running and will not run. The Service is in Windows Services, but when I try to run it, I get a dialog box that states that the Service started and then immediately stopped. The Windows Event Viewer indicates that PostgreSQL didn’t start because it couldn’t access the server configuration file «C:/Programs Files/PostgreSQL/11/data/postgresql.conf»: No such file or directory. The Directory «C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11data» is completely empty except for the «Log» folder, which is also completely empty.

2. True. PostgreSQL isn’t running.

3. PostgreSQL isn’t running.

4. PostgreSQL isn’t running.

5. I checked the hosts files and confirmed that there are no settings that impact the loopback adapter.

This is where I am getting an error message:

This is the second dialog box that appears immediately after the first:

I then get the installer telling me that everything installed.

But the Service doesn’t ever start.

. and the Data folder is empty:

PostgreSQL isn’t running after the installation completes.

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We went through logs you shared and it says that installation completed and cluster started. However, as it is failing to create the data directory contents for the cluster, service getting stopped and unable to connect to the database. Not sure data directory clean out/unable to write directory contents (is any permission issues)

We are investigating this, meanwhile, try to change the data directory location as a workaround and test.

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I can see that postgres is installed, however, it is failing the post installation steps.

I don’t see the logs for the cluster initialization in bitrock_installer.log. Could you please try the installation again and share the screenshots for all the steps (with which packages are selected for installation) and share the bitrock_installer logs.

Also, if it sill fails could you please execute the below command using the same user you are trying to install the postgres and share the results with us.

«C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11/installer/server/initcluster.vbs» «NT AUTHORITYNetworkService» «postgres» «****» «C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11» «C:Program FilesPostgreSQL11data» 5432 «DEFAULT» 0

Please get back to us if you still face the issues.

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Ranjan and Slonkar,

I have taken a total of 36 screen shots of my installation process and of all the dialog boxes that appered when I ran Slonkar’s command. Additionally, I zipped up all of my temp files generated during the process. I have uploaded all 37 of these files to the link Ranjan provided me above.

Please let me know if you have any trouble receiving them.

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Thanks for the detail out, we received the information you shared.

Have tried the reinstallation, just ensure to remove the existing data directory created before going with reinstallation because we can see an error saying data directory is not empty.

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Yep, I remove the data folder after uninstallation and before reinstallation each time.

Additionally, installing to a different, non-default folder didn’t fix the problem, either.

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We are escalating this issue to our engineering team.

We will update you as soon as we hear back from them.

Thank you for being patience.

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Can you try executing the installer on the administrator command prompt with «—enable_acledit 1» switch and share the bitrock installation log with us to anlysis further on this.

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I have executed the command you sent me and uploaded the file to the link that Ranjan provided me earlier. Please let me know that you received the file and if you need anything else.

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Hope you are doing good.

I have verified logs uploaded, Here i see the Message «Service postgresql-x64-11 started successfully» on bitrock log file. I am suspecting some process is blocking psql program. Or Permission issues on data directory. I am kindly requesting you to please follow below steps and update us ,

1. Uninstall Postgresql if it was already installed, And install on New Data Directory with Different location(try with other than C drive if possible), G ive Full Access on Data Directory to Users, Then start installation.

2. Please trun off blockers like Windows Defender or Firewall or Any Powerbrocker for windows and make sure all are disabled during installtion.

3. Start installtion follow steps as you followed for installation earlier, Then if you get failed message «Failed to load modules» , instead of closing Dialog box, Check whether postgresql services are running or not in windows services, If services are running, Please fire psql command with all Connection options and check connectivity, Ex:below

/psql.exe -d postgres -h localhost -p 5432 -U postgres

/psql.exe -d postgres -h -p 5432 -U postgres

4. Please update us If services are not running when got «Failed to load Modules» dialogue, We will discuss this internally and update you soon.

Please let us know if you need any help further.


Today I was helping a colleague of mine to install and configure PostgreSQL 9.1 to his laptop which was running on Windows 7. We had several problems with the one click installer and after the installation process was finished, we could not start the PostgreSQL database.

Since we could not solve this problem in a reasonable amount of time, we had to use the binary zip distribution. The installation process was quite straightforward but it took some time because I could not find a decent tutorial about it. This blog entry is written to fill that void. Also, even though this blog entry describes the installation process of PostgreSQL 9.1, these instructions should be valid for older versions of PostgreSQL as well.

The required steps are described with more details in later Sections of this blog entry.

Preparing the PostgreSQL 9.1 Installation

This process has two steps:

  1. Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package.
  2. Download and unpack the PostgreSQL binary distribution.

These steps are described with more details in the following.

The first step (installing the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package) might not be required anymore. One reader said that he was able to run PostgreSQL without installing it. However, another reader claimed that he had to install Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable package before he could run PostgreSQL 9.5.

Nevertheless, I will leave it here because you still need to do it if you install older PostgreSQL versions by using the binary zip distribution. I am not sure which PostgreSQL versions require the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 distributable package, but if I remember correctly, I had to install it when I installed PostgreSQL 9.1.

Downloading the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package

The first step is to download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 redistributable package.

Downloading and Unpacking the PostgreSQL binary distribution

The second step is to download the binary zip distribution.

After you have downloaded the binary zip distribution, you can unzip the binary distribution to the preferred directory. When this is done, the target directory should contain a directory called ‘pgsql’. This directory contains the binaries of PostgreSQL 9.1. I will refer this directory simply as POSTGRESQL_ROOT (Remember to replace the string POSTGRESQL_ROOT with the actual directory path of you installation when following these instructions).

The next step is to create the data and log directories for your PostgreSQL installation. This is done by creating the following directories to the POSTGRESQL_ROOT directory:

  • The ‘data’ directory contains the data files of your PostgreSQL installation.
  • The ‘log’ directory contains the logs of your PostgreSQL installation.

You have now finished the needed preparations and can move on to the next phase of the installation process.

Configuring the PostgreSQL 9.1 Installation

The next step is to create a new PostgreSQL database cluster. You can do this by using the initdb command which is found from the POSTGRESQL_ROOTbin directory. You can create the database cluster by running the following command from the bin directory of your PostgreSQL installation:

initdb -U postgres -A password -E utf8 -W -D POSTGRESQL_ROOTdata

The command line parameters of the initdb command are described in following:

  • -U postgres means that the superuser account of your database is called ‘postgres’.
  • -A password means that password authentication is used.
  • -E utf8 means that the default encoding will be UTF-8.
  • -W means that you will enter the superuser password manually.
  • -D POSTGRESQL_ROOTdata specifies the data directory of your PostgreSQL installation.

After you have successfully created the database cluster, your PostgreSQL installation is ready to be used. You can start and stop your database instance by using the following commands:

The database can be started by running the following command:

"POSTGRESQL_ROOT/bin/pg_ctl" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/data" -l "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/log/pgsql.log" start

The database can be stopped by running the following command:

"POSTGRESQL_ROOT/bin/pg_ctl" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/data" -l "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/log/pgsql.log" stop

To make things as easy as possible, you should create new shortcuts to your desktop and use them for starting and stopping the database server.

Note: If you want to run PostgreSQL as a service, you should run the following command:

POSTGRESQL_ROOT/bin/pg_ctl.exe register -N "postgresql" -U "NT AUTHORITYNetworkService" -D "POSTGRESQL_ROOT/data" -w

After you have done this, you can start the service by using the Services panel.


Your PostgreSQL 9.1 installation should now be functional. The next step is to start the database server by using the created shortcut and verify that you can connect to your database instance. You can use the PgAdmin database management tool for this task and congratulate yourself for a job well done.

  1. 12-02-2018, 04:11 PM


    yatasto is offline

    Junior Member

    Default problems when installing postgreSQL

    I have windows 10

    In the installation process the following error arises.

    «Problem when executing the post installation step. The installation could not finish correctly. There was an error reading the file C: / Program Files (x86) /PostgreSQL/8.4/data/postgresql.conf».

    Seeing other post about errors in the installation I have not managed to find a solution to the problem.


  2. 12-02-2018, 05:25 PM


    udbrky is offline

    You’re out!

    udbrky's Avatar


    Make sure windows is fully updated until ‘No New Important Updates are Found’ (this may require multiple restarts and multiple ‘check for updates’), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

    Uninstall PostgreSQL & try the following steps:

    1) Run cmd.exe as Admin (Start > Search ‘cmd’ > Right-Click > Run As Admin)
    2) in CMD window run (type the code then hit Enter key) following command:


    net user postgres /del

    3) Reboot PC
    4) after reboot open cmd.exe again & run following commands:


    net user postgres postgrespass /add
    net localgroup Administrators postgres /add
    net localgroup Users postgres /delete
    runas /user:postgres cmd.exe

    When it asks about password please input postgrespass & don`t worry if you don`t see any new symbolsinputs in cmd window. If you did all steps right then you should get new cmd window for postgres user.

    5) Download PostgreSQL installer (…-1-windows.exe) & move (copy/paste) it from the Downloads folder to C:
    6) in new cmd window for postgres user run following commands:


    cd c:
    start postgresql-8.4.22-1-windows.exe

  3. 12-02-2018, 11:55 PM


    yatasto is offline

    Junior Member


    Thanks Chris

    I have completed all the pazos twice and the problem has not been solved.

    I have fulfilled all the pazos twice and the problem has not been solved (I get to the option to get new cmd window for postgres user which makes me think that I have not made an error following the tutorial).
    Maybe the problem is due to install a new disk with Windows 10 PRO system keeping the previous one. The previous disk had the windows 10 HOME system and installed HM working without problems. Initially try to lift the Holdem Manager program installed on the previous disk from my new disk, from then on neither the previous one worked nor allowed me to install HM again.
    I hope you help me find the solution.

  4. 12-03-2018, 12:00 AM


    yatasto is offline

    Junior Member


    I have fulfilled all the pazos twice and the problem has not been solved (I get to the option to get new cmd window for postgres user which makes me think that I have not made an error following the tutorial).
    Maybe the problem is due to install a new disk with Windows 10 PRO system keeping the previous one. The previous disk had the windows 10 HOME system and installed HM working without problems. Initially try to lift the Holdem Manager program installed on the previous disk from my new disk, from then on neither the previous one worked nor allowed me to install HM again.
    I hope you help me find the solution.

  5. 12-03-2018, 05:06 PM


    udbrky is offline

    You’re out!

    udbrky's Avatar


    You can’t just copy and paste the Postgres files.

    Make sure windows is fully updated until ‘No New Important Updates are Found’ (this may require multiple restarts and multiple ‘check for updates’), including Internet Explorer (even if you use a different web browser).

    Please note that reinstalling PostgreSQL will mean losing all your old data. If you have access to HM2 and your database was not corrupt then please follow these instructions for backing up your database as a precaution in case you cannot reconnect after reinstalling PostgreSQL —…onfigs+work%3F

    If you cannot access the database in HM2 then you can backup your database using this method:…nced+Method%29 but if your database was corrupt then the best solution is to reimport all your hands from C:/HM2archive folder or if your pokersite supports it you can request all your hands and summaries and reimport them as restoring a corrupt database will just restore all the problems you had.

    1) Uninstall PostgreSQL from the Windows Control Panel.

    2) Delete the PostgreSQLX.xdata folder that is left behind.

    3) Delete the sub-folder(s) in c:usersusernameappdataroamingHoldemManagerDa tabase (XP — c:documents and settingsusernameapplication dataHoldemManagerDatabase).

    4) run the command — start > programs > accessories > command prompt > right-click > run as administrator

    net user postgres /delete

    After you click ‘Enter’ for the code above also do that same for this code:

    sc delete postgresql-8.4

    and click ‘Enter’ again.

    5) Restart your PC

    6) Install PostgreSQL 9.3 from…wnload#windows

    7) Once installed you should disable the postgresql logging as instructed here —…arge+Log+Files

    If there is still an issue, we need to know the error — it is in the temp folder — bitrockinstaller.txt file. If you can’t see it, turn off the windows option that is hiding that directory.…es+in+Windows+

  6. 12-03-2018, 05:07 PM


    udbrky is offline

    You’re out!

    udbrky's Avatar


    Along with that file:

    If you continue to have problems, please duplicate the issue and send us log files with a detailed description of what you were doing and what problems you were experiencing:
    — Open Windows Event Viewer’s (Control Panel — System & Security — Administrative Tools or Start — Search — ‘Event Viewer’) — Windows Logs — Applications.
    — Check for any errors and send the information (Save All Events As…).
    — Please send your HM2Logs folder files as well —…ger+Support%3F

    When sending any files please zip them (right-click — send to — compressed folder) before attaching them to an email. If the attachment is larger than 10MB please upload them to a file hosting site like dropbox, then right-click — ‘copy dropbox link’ and paste the download link directly into the support ticket email. If you have any problems with dropbox try using

  7. 12-05-2018, 12:31 AM


    yatasto is offline

    Junior Member


    Hi Chris, impossible for me solve the problem.
    I have followed all the pazos twice and I do not have any positive results.
    Previously I installed the HM2 several times and it is the first time that I have a problem that I can not solve.
    If reinstalling windows would solve the problem, non problem, a few days ago I installed it on my new PC, my sistem my operating system is windows 10 Pro.
    It would be the easiest solution for me.

    Last edited by yatasto; 12-05-2018 at 12:33 AM.

  8. 12-05-2018, 11:11 AM


    Ishikawa is offline

    PostgreSQL Whisperer


    Please do following steps:
    1) run cmd.exe as admin
    2) run following command: net user
    3) Post screenshot with results.

  9. 12-06-2018, 12:57 AM


    yatasto is offline

    Junior Member


    Thanks, solve the problem solve the problem by creating a new user.

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