Error reading lock file etc fstab swp not enough data read

Any attempt to edit the /etc/fstab file in Proxmox VE 6.4-13 with nano results in [ Error reading lock file /etc/.fstab.swp: Not enough data read ]. The file is empty and will not save any changes. Please see following file status information: cat etc/fstab # /dev/pve/root / ext4...

  • #3

@bbgeek17 Thank you for the reply. There is plenty of storage space on all drives, but you bring up a good point… There was an episode previously where syslog file overfilled the boot SSD with errors from an USB device. I deleted the syslog file, removed the device and all was forgotten. I wonder if the fstab.swp was created during this time and is a remnant of that issue? Based on your google search article, it sounds like the correct action is to rm the fstab.swp file. I will give it another 24hrs for other replies before I dare to delete an important system file and then report back to you.

I also attempted to edit etc/fstab with vi and received the following error thus supporting idea of fstab.swp file conflicting with fstab:


Found a swap file by the name "/etc/.fstab.swp"
          owned by: root   dated: Mon Jul 12 21:34:36 2021
         [cannot be read]
While opening file "/etc/fstab"
             dated: Wed Jun  2 20:04:31 2021

(1) Another program may be editing the same file.  If this is the case,
    be careful not to end up with two different instances of the same
    file when making changes.  Quit, or continue with caution.
(2) An edit session for this file crashed.
    If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r /etc/fstab"
    to recover the changes (see ":help recovery").
    If you did this already, delete the swap file "/etc/.fstab.swp"
    to avoid this message.
"/etc/fstab" 5 lines, 207 characters

In the end, I think your articles recommendation to delete .fstab.swp is the most logical. Maybe a mv command versus rm to start. Incidentally, I did a DuckDuckGo search and that article did not appear. Maybe I should start using Google again.

Thanks for your feedback!

Last edited: Sep 30, 2021

Before you get into this article, you may find here are the most frequent solved problems here it is.

This article covers a detailed step by step solution and there are significant reasons this content serves your purpose. Success 

I’m happy to share the piece of tip here that worked for me and saved my time a lot. 

Let’s begin now,  


Before begin, a bit to describe my development work here is the project developed in PHP Laravel Framework with LAMP (Linux Apache, MySQL and Php). The completed Php project is deployed in AWS Server instance in where Linux Ubuntu 18.4 OS installed.

Over a period of time, php project captures error logs increased size and occupied disk space in server instance. 

  • Software Involved
  • Linux — Ubuntu 18.4
  • Linux Command Terminal
  • PHP — Laravel Framework
  • MySQL

As you may have encountered these terms like error writing lock file no space left on device, swp: Not enough data read, .swp file. There could be lot of reasons why we encounter «Not enough space left«. 

Similarly here are the most frequent search terms as you and me searched a lot to get here.

Error reading lock file /etc/.profile.swp  Not enough data read

Error reading lock file /etc/.default.swp Not enough data read

Error reading lock file /etc/.rc.local.swp Not enough data read

As said above .swp file may be the one causing the error. In your case .swp could be profile or default or local.

Problem Description

This is what happened in my case,

I logged into server instance where my php project is deployed which is Ubuntu 18.4, and opened command Terminal (Ctrl + Alt + T).  I navigated to project folder.

When exactly this error thrown?

There was a random common error in php project, if you are php background I’m sure you know it .env file and its purposes.

.env file stores all the configurations databases, SSL certificates credentials etc of the project.

 As said in above box, I actually did not configure correctly, setting to APP_DEBUG=true in .env file is fine for development.

APP_DEBUG = true

Whereas when you deploy your project in server it is highly not recommended to set as true. It should be set to false as below

APP_DEBUG = false

Why setting to false is important?

Its because when you set APP_Debug = true in .env file means when you encounter error in application the exception thrown in browser along with whole .env file expose everything as plain text.

Imagine anyone sees the error can also read your database user name and password.

Apart from above suggested let’s get into the main problem description,

In the project folder .env file resides in root folder, now I try to open it (to change APP_DEBUG=false) in command line editor in terminal with this command $ sudo nano .env

$ sudo nano .env

After executing the command error show as «Error reading lock file ./..env.swp not enough data read«. This is because any file you open with any editor .swp file gets created. And in here, log file size huge and space on device is insufficient to open the file in editor. 

If you have searched google many sites suggested different approach that did not help as much, that’s the only reason I’m providing helping hand, explore more here

Get Set Solution helps everyone with details steps with google search.

Solve Error reading lock file

So how I get rid of not enough data read on device? Let’s move to solution section.


The simple solution is provided in image below. 

These are the 4 steps to do 

  • 1. Navigate to your Project folder
  • 2. Find if you have hidden .swp files in folder
  • 3. Delete the .swp files
  • 4. Ensure you have deleted or not

STEP 1 : Navigate to your Project Folder 

I have placed my project folder in /home/ubuntu/projects/generator.

/home is home directory

/ubuntu is user account 

/projects is the folder name 

/generator is the actual php application 

STEP : 2  Find if you have hidden .swp files 

As circled 1 in image, execute this command find . -name «*.swp»

$ find . -name «*.swp»

the result will be as below as circled 2 list of .swp files available in my project

.swp files

STEP 3 : Delete the .swp files

As circled 3 in image, execute the command find . -name «*.swp» -delete 

$ find . -name «*.swp» -delete

After executing command, you find all the .swp files are deleted 

STEP 4:  Ensure you have deleted .swp files are not 

Just execute the same command find . -name «*.swp» this takes to next line that indicates you have deleted .swp files successfully

If you have missed all 4 steps, you can refer to below image described.


Solved Error reading lock file not enough space on disk

So what’s next move?

Now you can proceed to open .env file using this command, that’s all done.

$ sudo nano .env

I am getting this error while opening /etc/profile file using nano.

Error reading lock file /etc/.profile.swp: Not enough data read

How can I fix this?

Zanna's user avatar


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asked Jul 25, 2017 at 9:12

Vaibhav Phadke's user avatar


Try to remove the hidden file .[yourfilename].swp, which is stored in the same folder as the file that you are trying to open.
In your case try the shell command rm /etc/.profile.swp.

This issue also occurs with nano 2.7.4, and must be something to do with how nano handles a corrupted swapfile.

Hope this helped

storm's user avatar


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answered Sep 21, 2017 at 8:50

sunwalker's user avatar


5513 silver badges2 bronze badges


The problem is linked to a bug in an older version of nano as seen here.

As per the report, the affected version was nano-2.4.2. You should run nano --version to ascertain your current version and update accordingly.

A more detailed report of the actual issue can be found here.

answered Jul 25, 2017 at 9:47

The Pizza Overlord's user avatar


Was happening for me because I was out of disk space, I cleared up some space, deleted the swap file and it worked.

answered Dec 8, 2017 at 20:04

Anthony's user avatar


1211 silver badge3 bronze badges

This happened for me because of a log file that wasn’t rotating, it took the entire disk space, I solved it by truncating this log file, then removing the .swp file.

answered Aug 25, 2019 at 6:47

AyuMu's user avatar


111 bronze badge


For me this was because of running docker container logs.
Worked fine after deleting them.
Logs location: /var/lib/docker/containers/
rm -rf /var/lib/docker/containers/*

Note: this will delete all the log generated till today, you may choose to deleted not required and also take backup to avoid logs data loss.

answered May 23, 2022 at 8:44

Sunil Dhayal's user avatar

Please try this one (run this on the current folder):

find . -name "*.swp" -delete

Keep in mind that as @pbhj commented:

[…] this will find all files below the current root, ending in .swp, and delete them. Which should work to remove temporary nano files, but might have unintended consequences.

BeastOfCaerbannog's user avatar

answered Sep 6, 2022 at 20:38

Arunjith R S's user avatar


I tried running sudo nano /etc/fstab/ but such a file did not exist. So nano displays the following error:

[ Error reading lock file /etc/.fstab.swp: Not enough data read ]

Some other background info about my setup, I had a swap parition defined during the OS installation but due to space constaints on my main partition I deleted it, and consumed the space.

Afterwards I added a second drive to my system and I’m trying to use one of its partitions as the swap. This is possible with GParted using the swapon command but it needs to be done after every reboot.

Is there a way to permanently set the new partition as my swap?

waldyrious's user avatar

asked Dec 12, 2016 at 14:17

john's user avatar

As lemonslice said, you need to edit /etc/fstab and not /etc/fstab/.
You can use GParted to find your UUID (right click > informations).

Then just add a ligne to fstab like this UUID=YOUR_UUID none swap sw 0 0. I made you a screenshot to show you my configuration :

lemonslice's user avatar


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answered Dec 12, 2016 at 16:08

Shining's user avatar


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You can check the UUID of your (new) swap space:

user@host:~$ lsblk -f -o NAME,FSTYPE,UUID | grep swap
├─sda3 swap   ce70123c-6341-4802-9b96-29c39fb4110b

You should edit sudo nano /etc/fstab (without the trailing slash) and add the line (make sure you use your UUID):

UUID=ce70123c-6341-4802-9b96-29c39fb4110b none            swap    sw              0       0

answered Dec 12, 2016 at 15:48

lemonslice's user avatar


4,5024 gold badges17 silver badges37 bronze badges


Run the following command to get the UUID of your swap partition:

ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid

Edit your /etc/fstab and change the uuid

# swap was on /dev/sdax during installation
UUID=put_the uuid_here none            swap    sw              0       0

Assign the new uuid ( change sdax with yours)

swapoff /dev/sdax
mkswap -U put_the_uuid_here /dev/sdax
swapon -a

answered Dec 22, 2016 at 22:32

GAD3R's user avatar


2321 silver badge3 bronze badges


  1. Ошибка при открытии /etc/profile: Ошибка чтения файла блокировки /etc/.profile.swp: Недостаточно чтения данных
  2. 6 ответов
  3. Buffer underflow in nano 2.4.2-1ubuntu0.1 causes SIGSEGV
  4. Bug Description
  5. Nano error reading lock file
  6. Thread: Asus X205TA Kali
  7. Asus X205TA Kali
  8. Re: Asus X205TA Kali
  9. Re: Asus X205TA Kali
  10. Re: Asus X205TA Kali
  11. Re: Asus X205TA Kali
  12. Re: Asus X205TA Kali
  13. Re: Asus X205TA Kali

Ошибка при открытии /etc/profile: Ошибка чтения файла блокировки /etc/.profile.swp: Недостаточно чтения данных

Я получаю эту ошибку при открытии /etc/profile файл с использованием нано.

Как я могу это исправить?

6 ответов

Попробуйте удалить скрытый файл .[yourfilename].swp , который хранится в той же папке, что и файл, который вы пытаетесь открыть.
В вашем случае попробуйте команду оболочки rm /etc/.profile.swp ,

Эта проблема также возникает в nano 2.7.4 и должна быть связана с тем, как nano обрабатывает поврежденный файл подкачки.

Надеюсь, это помогло

Проблема связана с ошибкой в ​​старой версии nano как видно здесь.

Согласно отчету, уязвимая версия была nano-2.4.2 , Ты должен бежать nano —version чтобы узнать вашу текущую версию и обновить соответственно.

Более подробный отчет о фактической проблеме можно найти здесь.

Это происходило для меня, потому что у меня не было места на диске, я очистил немного места, удалил файл подкачки, и это сработало.

Это произошло для меня из-за файла журнала, который не вращался, он занял все дисковое пространство, я решил это, обрезав этот файл журнала, а затем удалив файл.swp.

Примерьте вот это

Для меня это было из-за запуска журналов контейнера докеров. Работал нормально после их удаления. Расположение журналов: /var/lib/docker/containers/ rm -rf /var/lib/docker/containers/*

Примечание: это приведет к удалению всего журнала, созданного до сегодняшнего дня, вы можете выбрать удаление без необходимости, а также сделать резервную копию, чтобы избежать потери данных журналов.


Buffer underflow in nano 2.4.2-1ubuntu0.1 causes SIGSEGV

Affects Status Importance Assigned to Milestone
nano (Ubuntu)

Bug Description

$ touch .the_test.swp

$ nano the_test
core dumped
LANG env is =»pl_PL.UTF» without it it doen’t Segfault so error is connected with unicode handling.

Compiling nano from source(apt-get source — so the same version) doesn’t geneate nano binary which beheaves same way.

The difference is in libncurses>w (0x00007ffe5cb0 0000) => /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libncursesw .so.5 (0x00007fdec11c 5000) /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libtinfo. so.5 (0x00007fdec0f9 c000) => /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libc. so.6 (0x00007fdec0bd 1000) => /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libdl. so.2 (0x00007fdec09c d000)
/lib64/ ld-linux- x86-64. so.2 (0x000055cc1e5d 6000)

$ ldd /bin/nano_from_src => (0x00007ffd22d4 8000) => /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libncurses. so.5 (0x00007f75dc89 1000) /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libtinfo. so.5 (0x00007f75dc66 8000) => /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libc. so.6 (0x00007f75dc29 d000) => /lib/x86_ 64-linux- gnu/libdl. so.2 (0x00007f75dc09 9000)
/lib64/ ld-linux- x86-64. so.2 (0x000055f9b15c e000)

Backtrace of segfault:
Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000 404047 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0 0x0000000000404047 in ?? ()
#1 0x00007ffff75d1a40 in __libc_start_main (main=0x403770, argc=2, argv=0x7fffffff e2a8, init= , fini= , rtld_fini= , stack_end= 0x7fffffffe298) at libc-start.c:289
#2 0x0000000000404329 in ?? ()

Disassembly of that part of code:
40401d: 0f 84 3c 01 00 00 je 40415f chk@plt+ 0x9ff>
404023: 83 7c 24 10 00 cmp DWORD PTR [rsp+0x10],0x0
404028: 75 0a jne 404034 chk@plt+ 0x8d4>
40402a: 81 25 1c e8 22 00 ff and DWORD PTR [rip+0x22e81c] ,0xffffbfff # 632850
404031: bf ff ff
404034: 48 8b 05 dd e7 22 00 mov rax,QWORD PTR [rip+0x22e7dd] # 632818
40403b: 48 8b 80 90 00 00 00 mov rax,QWORD PTR [rax+0x90]
404042: 48 85 c0 test rax,rax
404045: 74 0b je 404052 chk@plt+ 0x8f2>
404047: 83 78 38 00 cmp DWORD PTR [rax+0x38],0x0
40404b: 7e 05 jle 404052 chk@plt+ 0x8f2>
40404d: e8 3e fc 00 00 call 413c90 chk@plt+ 0x10530>
404052: 48 8b 7c 24 20 mov rdi,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x20]
404057: 48 85 ff test rdi,rdi
40405a: 0f 8e b5 00 00 00 jle 404115 chk@plt+ 0x9b5>
404060: 48 8b 74 24 28 mov rsi,QWORD PTR [rsp+0x28]

ProblemType: Bug
DistroRelease: Ubuntu 15.10
Package: nano 2.4.2-1ubuntu0.1
ProcVersionSign ature: Ubuntu 4.2.0-25.30-generic 4.2.6
Uname: Linux 4.2.0-25-generic x86_64
NonfreeKernelMo dules: wl
ApportVersion: 2.19.1-0ubuntu5
Architecture: amd64
CurrentDesktop: Unity
Date: Fri Jan 29 15:13:25 2016
InstallationDate: Installed on 2015-05-08 (266 days ago)
InstallationMedia: Ubuntu 15.04 «Vivid Vervet» — Release amd64 (20150422)
SourcePackage: nano
UpgradeStatus: Upgraded to wily on 2015-11-15 (74 days ago)


Nano error reading lock file

I installed Kali on my asus X205TA and I have a problem regarding grub file editing.
I go to the etc/default folder and when I hit nano grub it doesn t display any line but instead : » Error reading lock lock file ./.grub.swp: Not enough data read «

Can u please help me Linux gurus ? 🙂

It worked with the GUI text editor 🙂
Thank you for your answer and your help !

Do you have any idea what might be the problem when I use the command prompt ?

Yes I can open the hosts file for example

When I installed Kali I updated and upgraded everything right after the installation.
I reinstalled the whole system and I had no problem to open the grub file with nano.

So it kinda sucks because I don t want to upgrade/update it if some problems like this appear.
Do u reckon it is related to the upgrade ?

Yes I can open the hosts file for example

When I installed Kali I updated and upgraded everything right after the installation.
I reinstalled the whole system and I had no problem to open the grub file with nano.

So it kinda sucks because I don t want to upgrade/update it if some problems like this appear.
Do u reckon it is related to the upgrade ?
Could be, as users do sometimes have difficulties related to that.
However, I have never updated from one version to another, if that is what you mean; I always do a clean installation, which with a separate /home partition, takes about 20-30 minutes, so have no experience of update problems.

Nor, I hasten to add, do I know kali at all.


Thread: Asus X205TA Kali

Thread Tools

Asus X205TA Kali

I installed Kali on my asus X205TA and I have a problem regarding grub file editing.
I go to the etc/default folder and when I hit nano grub it doesn t display any line but instead : » Error reading lock lock file ./.grub.swp: Not enough data read «

Can u please help me Linux gurus ?

Re: Asus X205TA Kali

Thread moved to the «Ubuntu/Debian BASED» forum.

Re: Asus X205TA Kali

Can you read the file if you go to it in the file manager of kali and open it in the default GUI text editor?
Does you kali install have any GUI or is it command line only?

Re: Asus X205TA Kali

It worked with the GUI text editor
Thank you for your answer and your help !

Do you have any idea what might be the problem when I use the command prompt ?

Re: Asus X205TA Kali

None, I’m afraid.
Can you open any other text files using nano?

Re: Asus X205TA Kali

Yes I can open the hosts file for example

When I installed Kali I updated and upgraded everything right after the installation.
I reinstalled the whole system and I had no problem to open the grub file with nano.

So it kinda sucks because I don t want to upgrade/update it if some problems like this appear.
Do u reckon it is related to the upgrade ?

Last edited by xmaspaul; January 7th, 2017 at 10:29 PM .

Re: Asus X205TA Kali

Yes I can open the hosts file for example

When I installed Kali I updated and upgraded everything right after the installation.
I reinstalled the whole system and I had no problem to open the grub file with nano.

So it kinda sucks because I don t want to upgrade/update it if some problems like this appear.
Do u reckon it is related to the upgrade ?

Could be, as users do sometimes have difficulties related to that.
However, I have never updated from one version to another, if that is what you mean; I always do a clean installation, which with a separate /home partition, takes about 20-30 minutes, so have no experience of update problems.

Nor, I hasten to add, do I know kali at all.



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i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by qu1nn » 2018-02-11 17:26

using debian 9.3, unfortunately, I was screwing around usb drives on kde partitioner. When I rebooted I am stuck in a login prompt.

Unfortunately I had a very nice nextcloud setup….
and I think that it, albeit beyond my technical understanding, is just probably a few commands to undo my bad….

note generally i set it and forget it…. with the occasional hardware of this type of problem;

My first thought was that I borked /etc/fstab.

When I go to nano etc/fstab it is empty and says that it is read only:

I have 3 drives;
an ssd driva sda
a 3TB drive for swap and other os items (sdb) I let it autoconfigure what was suggested on initial installation of debian.

and a 3TB drive for backups (sdc)

so as root if I do sudo mount -o remount, rw /dev/sda1
then I go back and recheck fstab I see an error “ [Error reading lock file ./.fstab.swp: not enough data read]

image is posted here of the drives:
lsblk -i

any suggestions would be VERY greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your time

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Re: i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by Head_on_a_Stick » 2018-02-11 17:52

qu1nn wrote:I had a very nice nextcloud setup….

I don’t know what this means, please explain further and include as much detail as you can.

From your screenshot, it looks as if your system has booted just fine, what exactly were you expecting to happen?

Given that your are booted and logged in, an fstab problem seems unlikely, no?

Clearly I am missing something so please provide more information about exactly what has gone wrong.

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Re: i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by Head_on_a_Stick » 2018-02-11 18:19

I did not tell you to run `startx` as root, please don’t do that.

Log out then log back in again as your normal user and run the `startx` command again but without root privileges.

Please also post the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log after the inevitable failure.

I’m not going to click on any more picture links so you might want to install so we can continue in a more civilised manner.

Il semble que la perfection soit atteinte non quand il n’y a plus rien à ajouter, mais quand il n’y a plus rien à retrancher.


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Re: i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by qu1nn » 2018-02-11 18:31

I changes a usb drive mount point from empty to something else; sorry that was several days ago and am not 100% sure but it changed to /home/jason/mcfiles ??? rebooted and then login prompt.

hey head on a stick, I appreciate your assistance in helping me fix my screw up
but using another computer so I cannot install that proprietary app you pointed out, nor will I be spending all day typing it out for you.

so much for civilized.


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Re: i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by qu1nn » 2018-02-11 18:37

as a user startx scrolls by a bunch of stuff, looks like commands: similar to what I posted in last picture image.
when I try to go /var/log it says : no such file or directory…. latery systemd-journal[301] failed to create new runtime journal: no space left on device.. …

keeps repeating


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Re: i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by qu1nn » 2018-02-11 20:00

somehow something that I did in kde partition editor caused my primary drive sda to fill up with data from one of my backup drives
Steps I used to fix:
1) had to log in as root and do sudo mount -o remount, rw /dev/sda1 (as drive was read only for some reason)
2) ensured that the backup drive was unmounted sudo umount /dev/sdc
3) deleted files from SDA rm -r NAME_MAPPED_DRIVE (the mistake that sucked disk space)
4) as root: cp fstab.bak fstab (overwrote fstab with backup)
5)edited out mistake line in fstab
6) rebooted

Thanks to those willing to help

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Re: i borked fstab, changed a label, now wont boot



by Thorny » 2018-02-12 08:27

qu1nn wrote:hey head on a stick, I appreciate your assistance in helping me fix my screw up
but using another computer so I cannot install that proprietary app you pointed out, nor will I be spending all day typing it out for you.

H_o_a_S is one of our most knowledgable and prolific posters, has helped lots and lots of people here.
Wasn’t asking you to type it out for him, was asking you to post for *you* so you could get the best help with your issue.

I going to write this, realising that you probably won’t like it, please don’t react, just consider it. It might help you in your future posts.

Your «attitude» is likely to make people not want to help you. And you will want as many as possible to be willing to help you, we have expectations for information when it is asked for.

I for one, don’t like to be asked to click on pictures, I have a low bandwidth cap on my Internet connection and images are usually large files. In addition there can be security issues with images.

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