Error registering com application contact your support personnel for more information

Заметки сисадмина о интересных вещах из мира IT, инструкции и рецензии. Настраиваем Компьютеры/Сервера/1С/SIP-телефонию в Москве ошибка при регистрации COM+ приложения Если при установке сервера 1С:Предприятия было получено сообщение об ошибке при регистрации COM+ приложения, необходимо выполнить следующие действия. 1. Создать пользователя с именем USER1CV8SERVER. Это можно сделать, открыв панель управления Управление компьютером (Computer Management) […]


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Заметки сисадмина о интересных вещах из мира IT, инструкции и рецензии. Настраиваем Компьютеры/Сервера/1С/SIP-телефонию в Москве

Если при установке сервера 1С:Предприятия было получено сообщение об ошибке при регистрации COM+ приложения, необходимо выполнить следующие действия.

1. Создать пользователя с именем USER1CV8SERVER. Это можно сделать, открыв панель управления Управление компьютером (Computer Management) из папки Администрирование (Administrative Tools). Для этого пользователя необходимо задать пароль.
Пользователю на закладке Общие (General) снять флажки
– Потребовать смену пароля при следующем входе в систему (User must change password at next logon)
– Отключить учетную запись (Account is disabled)
и установить флажки
– Запретить смену пароля пользователем (User cannot change password)
– Срок действия пароля не ограничен (Password never expires)
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2. Найти каталог …Documents and SettingsAll UsersApplication Data и дать созданному в п.1 пользователю права на изменение (Modify)

3. Дать этому пользователю право Вход в качестве пакетного задания (Log on as a batch job). Это можно сделать, открыв панель управления Локальная политика безопасности (Local Security Policy) из папки Администрирование (Administrative Tools), узел Локальные политики/Назначение прав пользователя (Local Policies/User rights assignment).

4. Создать приложение COM+. Это можно сделать, открыв панель управления Службы компонентов (Component Services) из папки Администрирование (Administrative Tools) и выполнив следующие шаги:
– найти узел Службы компонентов/Компьютеры/Мой компьютер/Приложения COM+ (Component Services/Computers/My Computer/COM+ Applications)
– правой кнопкой мыши вызвать контекстное меню
– из меню выбрать пункт Создать/Приложение (New/Application)
– далее в Мастере выбрать Создать пустое приложение (Create an empty application)
– ввести имя 1CV8
– далее в качестве пользователя выбрать пользователя, созданного в пункте 1, введя его пароль
– завершить мастера


Получение «Ошибка регистрации приложения COM +»

У меня есть приложение COM +, которое я пытаюсь установить вручную, дважды щелкнув файл .msi, но оно дает ошибку и не может установить приложение COM +.

Он также не создает никаких записей в службах компонентов из-за этой ошибки.

Я попытался выполнить поиск в реестре, но смог найти любую запись с именем приложения COM +.

Как мне решить эту проблему? Мне нужно установить это приложение COM + на свой сервер.

Я добавил снимок экрана с ошибкой для справки.

Права администратора : во-первых, используете ли вы MSI с правами администратора? cmd.exe Для уверенности попробуйте запустить с возвышенности . Файлы COM + MSI можно экспортировать из апплета Component Services — и тогда они будут иметь легендарное низкое качество. Вот макет командной строки, который вы можете попробовать:

Ведение журнала : во-вторых, попробуйте зарегистрировать установку, чтобы увидеть, что там написано. Вышеупомянутая командная строка уже реализует ведение журнала, но вот более подробная информация о ведении журнала и интерпретации файла журнала:

Службы компонентов : вы также можете попробовать открыть Component Services и запустить MSI оттуда. На данный момент у меня нет подходящего MSI для тестирования. Предлагаем несколько шагов, которые помогут вам начать работу:

  • Запуск : %windir%system32comexp.msc ( Windows Key + Tap R + Type comexp.msc + OK )
  • Найдите : Component Services=>Computers=>My Computer=>COM+ Applications
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши «COM+ Applications»=>New=>Program=>Next=>Install pre-built program=>Browse to MSI

Если у вас установлен компонент на другом компьютере, вы можете экспортировать новый MSI-файл для использования на других компьютерах. Я не уверен.


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During development, I installed COM+ proxy on a client W2K m/c. It was working fine untill I install new version of .MSI for new version of DLL(with new IIDs) now I am getting following error

«Error registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information»

I tried to act a little smart and manually cleaned the registry thinking this will fix it but i think now I am way too messed up. Can any Guru help please? this is my own dll package and I am not using Crystal report 8.

PLEASE!! help me . god.

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

I fixed it. Another issue, Is there anyway I can get an image file from COM+ server at client in VB6? How do i serialize image files in vb? I do not want to use XML.

IS there any quick solution.

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

My problem is with installing a COM+ Application proxy on a Windows2000 Professional client. It doesn’t matter if the proxy was created on Win2000 server or professional. Windows installer always give the error message — Error Registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information.

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

Do you guys have .Net (CLR or Everything) intalled on your box. I have .Net on all my 3 boxes and the other boxes I tested has it too. I doubt COMTI. Xp has a property you can choose which kind of fixes this problem. If we can find out how to support backward compatibility to COM+ 1.0 , will fix it.

Let me know if anyone has clues.

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

RE: Error registering COM+ Application :(-

COM+ GIL (Visitor) JUN 11, 2003
During development, I installed COM+ proxy on a client W2K m/c. It was working fine untill I install new version of .MSI for new version of DLL(with new IIDs) now I am getting following error

«Error registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information»

I tried to act a little smart and manually cleaned the registry thinking this will fix it but i think now I am way too messed up. Can any Guru help please? this is my own dll package and I am not using Crystal report 8.

PLEASE!! help me . god.

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RE: Error registering COM+ application

Perhaps you can try using the COM+ admin application via the Control Panel on the client machine to install the client proxy instead of double clicking on the .MSI file?

Please, don’t be offended, but are you sure the proxy .MSI file you created is the client one and not the server one. It’s very easy to forget to change the radio button setting when creating a proxy?

When in doubt, delete the COM+ services, delete the proxys, re-compile the Server DLL and start the installation and deployment again.

Hope this helps,

RE: Error registering COM+ application

RE: Error registering COM+ application

If you use late-binding technology you donot need to register the components on client side.Of course it is slower than early-binding but it is easy to maintain and dispatch.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

I thought I was using late binding. AARGH!(see my code below)
Maybe I’m not completely understanding the concept.
I was thinking, by referencing the Reports .DLL in this way, I didn’t have to specify what server to use. Then my VB program goes to the registry to find the Reports .DLL and instead finds the stub (application proxy) that points to the correct server.

Dim objreports As Object
Set objreports = CreateObject(«Reports.clsReport»)
objreports.ShowReport «DRDisputesWOSubmit»
Set objreports = Nothing

RE: Error registering COM+ application

RE: Error registering COM+ application

RE: Error registering COM+ application

RE: Error registering COM+ application

We use delphi 5 to develop COM+ application.We donot need to do anything except copying the midas.dll to system32 directory of client box.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

RE: Error registering COM+ application

RE: Error registering COM+ application

Hi stacy
I was bugged with same problem yest. I have windows 2000 server and i have deployed component on it
For app. proxy I got the above problem.
The cause is due to incorrect registry entries.
The solution works fine if the Server component has crystal reports 8.0 on it.
Go to the site
Download the zip. Extract and run it.
After wards the application proxy will get installed.
Cool man. lost a day but happy enough could debug in a day

RE: Error registering COM+ application

I created a VB.NET event class and registered in COM+ using the regsvcs.exe. Now I want to create an application proxy for this component and install it in a client machine. I’m successful in creating the MSI, while installing it in the client machine I get the error, «Error registering COM+ application, Contact. » I tried using the com+ explorer and it failed too saying there was not type library available for these components. How do I over come this problem.? Does Regsvcs.exe not load the type lib for that component in that application also?

RE: Error registering COM+ application

Hai there.
I got 2 question:

I got the same problem when installing the client application proxy. Although i follow all the above step, like running client .MSI through control panel instead of double clicking it at the client, the same problem persist. «Error registering COM+ application. please contact . «.

i’ve already setup setup .MSI to be client not server.

Question 2
i used COM+ Admin to raise my event. I noticed the event is only supported by Windows 2000 only. Is there any possibality to run under Win NT , Win 98 etc.

I really need your help.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

Try re-registering comsvcs.dll (and probably even comuid.dll).

After that, make sure to copy the MSI to the client, and then install the MSI.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

Hai All Cute Babies,
I have the similar problem running MSI and not one website provide me the solution i needed. Even microsoft is stupid!

Here’s how to run the MSI without prompting the annoying error message. After created the MSI file,
1. Unregister all your Dlls in the package using Dos prompt.. type regsvr32 /u
or watever method other than MTS

2. Delete all Dlls in the package
3. Delete the package
4. Then run the MSI. that’s all babies 🙂

RE: Error registering COM+ application

Be sure that you aren’t getting .TLBs into the .MSI. This may cause invalid registry entries. Include only .DLLs into the package.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

(0x8004E002) The root transaction wanted to commit, but transaction aborted

if add my com to Services Component

RE: Error registering COM+ application

I have created a COM DLL. WHen i call the dll through VB in windows NT, it works perfectly. while calling the DLL through VB in the debug mode [Windows 2000 environment], it reports me an automation error the first time and continues working later. Why this error occurs ?

help me out in this regard.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

When we are doing the transation the error occur
«214716158 Unexpect Error 0x8004e002».
Even thought the connection is good, most of the time occur unexpected error.

RE: Error registering COM+ application

to khin suu yin:

0x8004e002 & 0x8004e003 seems to be an error caused by the transaction running for too long a period, possibly forcing too many locks to be held on SQL server. try disabling the transaction by setting your component to «Supported» instead of «Required» in COM+ admin to see if your code then works.

i am having this same problem aswell and have had to disable transactions on the code which takes a long time to complete, and put the short code in another object which has transactions — the downside is your code will slow down, and you will have less rollback incase of an error.

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Error registering COM+ Application :(-

Error registering COM+ Application :(-


18 May 02 01:31

During development, I installed COM+ proxy on a client W2K m/c. It was working fine untill I install new version of .MSI for new version of DLL(with new IIDs) now I am getting following error

«Error registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information»

I tried to act a little smart and manually cleaned the registry thinking this will fix it but i think now I am way too messed up. Can any Guru help please? this is my own dll package and I am not using Crystal report 8.

PLEASE!!  help me ……………….god.

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  • ‘Error 1928. Error registering COM+ application

  1. Nov 9th, 2005, 07:24 AM


    hockeyove is offline

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    Question ‘Error 1928. Error registering COM+ application


    Little help needed…

    This is my environment:
    Server: Windows 2003
    Client: Windows 2000 and Windows XP

    I’ve created and exported my msi package on the server for COM+ ver.
    1.0 due to the backwards compatibility (win2003 has COM+ ver. 1.5).
    I installed it on the win2000 client and it works fine.
    Then when i tried to install it on the winXP client I get the error
    ‘Error 1928. Error registering COM+ application. Contact your support
    personnel for more information’.

    I need this application proxy to work on both win2000 and winXP…

    It would be great if someone could give me some hints!

    thanks in advance!

  2. Dec 2nd, 2005, 01:11 PM


    Re: ‘Error 1928. Error registering COM+ application

    Does it need to be installed on both the boxes?

    Everything that has a computer in will fail. Everything in your life, from a watch to a car to, you know, a radio, to an iPhone, it will fail if it has a computer in it. They should kill the people who made those things.- ‘Woz’
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I have a COM+ application that i am trying to install manually by double clicking on the .msi file but it gives error and fails to install the COM+ application.

It doesn’t create any entry in Component Services as well due to this error.

I tried searching in registry as well but could find any entry with the COM+ application name.

How do i resolve this issue? I need to install this COM+ application on my server.

I have added screenshot of the error for reference.

enter image description here

Stein Åsmul's user avatar

Stein Åsmul

39.3k25 gold badges89 silver badges160 bronze badges

asked May 15, 2019 at 9:52

SRP's user avatar


Admin Rights: First of all, are you running the MSI with admin rights? Try launching from an elevated cmd.exe to be sure. COM+ MSI files can be exported from the Component Services applet — and they are then legendary poor quality. Here is a mock-up command line you can try:

msiexec.exe /i "Setup.msi" /QN /L*V "C:log.log" /qn ALLUSERS=1

Logging: Secondly, please try to log the installation to see what it says in there. The above command line already implements logging, but here are more details on logging and interpreting the log file:

  • Event logging, etc…
  • Interpreting MSI log files, etc…

Component Services: You can also try to open Component Services and launch the MSI from there. I don’t have a suitable MSI to test with at the moment. Providing some steps to get you going:

  • Launch: %windir%system32comexp.msc (Windows Key + Tap R + Type comexp.msc + OK)
  • Locate: Component Services => Computers => My Computer => COM+ Applications
  • Right Click "COM+ Applications" => New => Program => Next => Install pre-built program => Browse to MSI

If you have the component installed on another computer you might be able to export a new MSI to use on your other computers. I am not sure.

answered May 15, 2019 at 11:10

Stein Åsmul's user avatar

Stein ÅsmulStein Åsmul

39.3k25 gold badges89 silver badges160 bronze badges


I had the same issue with a COM+ application proxy in Windows 10. Edited the Registry, found any keys and values related to the application and deleted them all. Magically, the MSI then installed normally.

ouflak's user avatar


2,43810 gold badges43 silver badges49 bronze badges

answered Dec 9, 2021 at 18:59

Nestor Lopez's user avatar



Apr 21, 2004, 1:46:05 PM4/21/04


When we try and install our COM+ components using a client proxy from our Windows 2003 machine onto our XP machines we always get an error during installation on the client machine (see below). Now if we select the option «Save COM+ Component in 1.0 format…» when creating the client side proxy installer on the server the installation always works. Now my understanding is that XP and 2003 use the same version of COM+ and I have also checked to make sure that our COM+ component is not on the client machine when we run the client proxy installation (checked the gac and also the registry). Any help would be appreciated in solving this problem as we would like to keep our proxies in the 1.5 COM+ format.

First Error:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File or assembly name YW.Applications.ROD2.Common, or one of its dependencies, was not found.
File name: «YW.Applications.ROD2.Common»
at System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExportedTypes()
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.GetRegistrableTypesInAssembly(Assembly assembly)
at System.Runtime.InteropServices.RegistrationServices.RegisterAssembly(Assembly assembly, AssemblyRegistrationFlags flags)
at System.EnterpriseServices.Internal.Publish.RegisterAssembly(String AssemblyPath)

=== Pre-bind state information ===
LOG: DisplayName = YW.Applications.ROD2.Common, Version=1.0.1566.24227, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2e97d1cc03514dcd
LOG: Appbase = C:WINNTsystem32LOG: Initial PrivatePath = NULL
Calling assembly : YW.Applications.ROD2.Components.UserService, Version=1.0.1566.24233, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=07faf84f6e0dbcd2.

LOG: Publisher policy file is not found.
LOG: Host configuration file not found.
LOG: Using machine configuration file from C:WINNTMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv1.1.4322configmachine.config.
LOG: Post-policy reference: YW.Applications.ROD2.Common, Version=1.0.1566.24227, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2e97d1cc03514dcd
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINNT/system32/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINNT/system32/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINNT/system32/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.EXE.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/WINNT/system32/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.EXE.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/COMPlus Applications/{AE505A3F-A951-4C70-898B-9A4FA9449AB6}/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/COMPlus Applications/{AE505A3F-A951-4C70-898B-9A4FA9449AB6}/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.DLL.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/COMPlus Applications/{AE505A3F-A951-4C70-898B-9A4FA9449AB6}/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.EXE.
LOG: Attempting download of new URL file:///C:/Program Files/COMPlus Applications/{AE505A3F-A951-4C70-898B-9A4FA9449AB6}/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common/YW.Applications.ROD2.Common.EXE.

Second Error:

Product: UserService (Application Proxy) — Error 1928. Error registering COM+ Application. Contact your support personnel for more information.

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


Apr 22, 2004, 3:16:09 PM4/22/04



It seems like there is an assembly binding failure in the installation

Did you use some types from some other assemblies in the exported types of
your COM+ proxy assembly?

You may also check the fusion log to get more information.

Best regards,

Ying-Shen Yu [MSFT]
Microsoft Community Support
Get Secure! —

This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties and confers no rights.
This mail should not be replied directly, please remove the word «online»
before sending mail.

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


Apr 23, 2004, 3:05:15 PM4/23/04


I mean if there is any types from the «Common» assembly was used in the
exported Types of your ServicedComponent assembly.

In the result of Assembly.GetExportedTypes(), is there any types which
derives or implements a type defined in the «Common» assembly?

If so, you may try adding the Common assembly into the GAC of client

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


Apr 27, 2004, 9:59:17 AM4/27/04



I’m not sure why this problem is not occurred in COM+ 1.0 proxy setup
package, but it’s probably because the 1.0 format will not add the proxy
assembly into GAC( The exception seems like thrown in the process of
loading the proxy assembly when adding to GAC).

If the problem could resolved by register the «Common» assembly into the
GAC of client machine.
I suspect this problem was caused by the assembly binding failure, when
loading the proxy assembly and get the exported types, CLR needs retrieving
the base type of every export type, in my test if the type was derived
from/implemented a type defined in another assembly, CLR needs loading that
assembly as well to get the meta data of the base type.

So if you need to make clear what types depends on the «Common» assembly,
you should check the result of Assembly.GetExportedTypes first.


Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


Apr 29, 2004, 11:48:03 AM4/29/04



From the exception, it seems the problem is still caused by the type
dependency failure.
Just a guess, it seems the client loaded the Common assembly and execute
the code on the client machine.

Have you found out what types in the Common assembly did your
exported proxy assembly depenend on?
Also maybe you could let me know more about the Common assembly, basically
it should only contains those types which could be used both side and deos
not depends on assemblies which might not exist on either side.

Consider this issue is a bit off the Registering COM+ issue, could you drop
a new post to the group, I’ll follow with you in that thread.

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


Apr 30, 2004, 11:21:09 AM4/30/04


Sorry, it’a typo, I mean drop a post to this group.

I’d like to reproduce this error on my system to do some further
however I’m not clear how to reproduce it since the error is related to the
implementation of the method ValidateCurrentUser() in the Common assembly.
could you send me a simple repro sample for this issue?

If it’s not easy to make the repro, I’d like to take a look at the related
code snippet related to this exception.

Thanks for your patience.

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


May 6, 2004, 6:30:04 PM5/6/04


Hi Sid,

Sorry for the late reply, I was out of the office yesterday.
Now I’m able to reproduce this problem on my system,
I’ll go on investigating this issue and update you as soon as possible.

Thanks for you patience.

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


May 7, 2004, 7:38:28 PM5/7/04



After some research, I found this is expected behavior, the client app
needs to load the ServicedComponent assembly, and the assembly was loaded
by CLR loader. when calling createinstance, CLR loader need to resolve all
types in the code of that type, which caused this exception.

So you need put all the assemblies referenced in the ServicedComponent
assemblies into the GAC or same with the app directory on the client

I haven’t figured out why the Components.dll is not needed if exported in
v1.0 format, maybe there are some COM+ attribute not defined in 1.0 format,
which caused different COM+ runtime uses difference loading mechansim.

If you have any further questions on this issue, please update this thread
to let me know.

Have a nice day!

Ying-Shen Yu[MSFT]


May 8, 2004, 11:16:06 AM5/8/04



«Now this implies that the Common.Components.dll is being run from our
client machine and not the COM+ server.»

The Components.dll is still running at the server side, these assemblies
installed on client are only used to provide type information to let the
Commer.dll loaded properly, and Commer.dll itself is also used to provide
type information to CLR and the COM+ runtime. the actual method are running
at server side.

I also consulted the a guy in Enterprise Service Dev-Team, he confirmed
that the Components.dll was needed in this scenario. The proxy installs the
commer.dll on the client because it is needed for type information. When
commer.dll is loaded the assembly components.dll is required due to the

If you really need to break the dependency between commer.dll and
components.dll, the only way we can thing of after discussion is to access
types in components.dll using reflection at runtime. A small proxy class
could be built into commer.dll that calls Assembly.Load(components.dll) and
then creates instances of the types needed. That’s not a great solution but
could work if components.dll cannot be installed on clients.

BTW: Have you did a complete test on your client app when using v1.0 format


Yan-Hong Huang[MSFT]


May 13, 2004, 7:13:47 AM5/13/04



Currently we are working with support engineer on it and will reply here
with more information as soon as possible.

If you have any more concerns, please feel free to post here. Thanks very

Best regards,
Yanhong Huang
Microsoft Community Support

Get Secure! ¨C
This posting is provided «AS IS» with no warranties, and confers no rights.

David Qiu


May 18, 2004, 6:32:38 PM5/18/04


I can not answer your question on top off my head. It needs some time to
I would suggest you to contact Micrososft Developer Support and open a
support incidence
if you have a MCP account. In the meantime you can use this tool to get a
binding log:

Assembly Binding Log Viewer (Fuslogvw.exe)


So I’m attempting to register a COM dll, and having no success at this. I’ve tried a few different combinations:
A) Attempted to use a vbscript:

Code: Select all

regasm64 = Session.Property("REGASM_40_PATH_X64")
regasm32 = Session.Property("REGASM_40_PATH_X86")
dllFile = Session.Property("ClientShellDllLocation")
bits = GetObject("winmgmts:rootcimv2:Win32_Processor='cpu0'").AddressWidth

'MsgBox (bits)
'MsgBox (regasm64)
'MsgBox (dllFile)
Set UAC = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

if bits = 64 then
	UAC.ShellExecute regasm64, "/codebase " & dllFile, "", "runas", 0
	UAC.ShellExecute regasm32, "/codebase " & dllFile, "", "runas", 0
end if

I can see it has the right values in place, however its failing, and I’m guessing that is because of UAC/admin privileges (keep in mind that I require the installer to be ran with administrative privileges).

B) I attempt to use a custom action «Launch File or open URL»(for x86) and «Launch File or open URL using 64-bit launcher» (for x64) with the following:

Code: Select all

[REGASM_40_PATH_X64] /codebase "[#Client.Shell.dll]"

and I get the following log:

Code: Select all

MSI (s) (D0:30) [15:53:46:789]: Doing action: RegisterCOM_x64
Action 15:53:46: RegisterCOM_x64. 
Action start 15:53:46: RegisterCOM_x64.
CustomAction RegisterCOM_x64 returned actual error code 100 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)
MSI (s) (D0:30) [15:53:46:867]: Note: 1: 1722 2: RegisterCOM_x64 3: C:WindowsInstallerMSIE972.tmp 4: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319regasm.exe /codebase "C:UserstestuserAppDataRoamingMyProductMyProduct Client" 
Error 1722. There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program run as part of the setup did not finish as expected. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.  Action RegisterCOM_x64, location: C:WindowsInstallerMSIE972.tmp, command: C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFramework64v4.0.30319regasm.exe /codebase "C:UserstestuserAppDataRoamingMyProductMyProduct Client" 

Once again, I’m guessing it’s a permissions issue.

C) I then attempted to use COM+ registration on the dll but I get the following error:

Code: Select all

MSI (s) (D0:64) [16:40:56:360]: Doing action: RegisterComPlus
Action 16:40:56: RegisterComPlus. Registering COM+ Applications and Components
Action start 16:40:56: RegisterComPlus.
MSI (s) (D0:64) [16:40:56:360]: Note: 1: 1324 2: Client~1.dll|Client.Shell.dll 3: 1 
Error 1324. The folder path 'Client~1.dll|Client.Shell.dll' contains an invalid character.
MSI (s) (D0:64) [16:40:57:667]: Product: MyProduct Client -- Error 1324. The folder path 'Client~1.dll|Client.Shell.dll' contains an invalid character.

Action ended 16:40:57: RegisterComPlus. Return value 3.

Any idea how registering a dll is suppose to work?

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