Error registry support initialization failed 0x80029c4a

Ошибка 0x80029c4a в Защитнике Windows 10: как исправить При работе с Защитником Windows 10 пользователи могут натыкаться на ошибку 0x80029c4a. Происходит это, как правило, тогда, когда они пытаются тем или иным образом взаимодействовать с файлами и другими компонентами, помещенными в карантин Защитника. В сообщении ошибки указана следующая информация: После появления этой ошибки пользователь больше […]


  1. Ошибка 0x80029c4a в Защитнике Windows 10: как исправить
  2. Причина за ошибкой 0x80029c4a
  3. Метод №1 Запуск MSASCui.exe от Администратора
  4. Метод №2 Использование Безопасности Windows
  5. Error registry support initialization failed 0x80029c4a
  6. Answered by:
  7. Question
  8. Answers
  9. How to fix the Windows Error 80029C4A Error 80029C4A
  10. Ошибка Защитника Windows при загрузке библиотеки типов / DLL, 0x80029c4a
  11. Ошибка Защитника Windows при загрузке библиотеки типов / DLL
  12. 1]Запустите MSASCui.exe с правами администратора.
  13. 2]Используйте новую систему безопасности Windows
  14. Как исправить 0x80029C4A (РЕШЕНО)
  15. 0x80029C4A Сведения об ошибке
  16. Симптомы 0x80029C4A
  17. Причины 0x80029C4A

Ошибка 0x80029c4a в Защитнике Windows 10: как исправить

При работе с Защитником Windows 10 пользователи могут натыкаться на ошибку 0x80029c4a. Происходит это, как правило, тогда, когда они пытаются тем или иным образом взаимодействовать с файлами и другими компонентами, помещенными в карантин Защитника.

В сообщении ошибки указана следующая информация:

После появления этой ошибки пользователь больше не может просматривать содержимое карантина и выполнять какие-то действия над ним. В сегодняшней статье мы посмотрим с вами, почему возникает эта ошибка и как ее можно устранить.

Причина за ошибкой 0x80029c4a

Если вы сидите на сборке Windows 10 v 1709, то вам должно быть известно, что Майкрософт изменили Защитник Windows на Безопасность Windows. Ошибка 0x80029c4a возникает в тот момент, когда пользователи пытаются запустить Защитник Windows со старого ярлыка, предназначавшегося для Центра безопасности Защитника Windows.

Старая версия Защитника Windows более недоступна на сборке Windows 10 v1903. Вы можете избавиться от ошибки 0x80029c4a и получить доступ к карантину Защитника при помощи двух элементарных методов.

Метод №1 Запуск MSASCui.exe от Администратора

Для начала перейдите в директорию C:Program FilesWindows Defender. Нажмите правой кнопкой мыши на файл MSASCui.exe и выберите пункт «Запуск от имени администратора». И… на этом все. Перед вами появится окошко Центра безопасности Защитника Windows, из которого вы сможете управлять файлами и другими компонентами в карантине.

Метод №2 Использование Безопасности Windows

Нажмите на клавиатуре комбинацию Windows+S и пропишите в поисковую строку запрос «Безопасность Windows». Когда перед вами появится результат, перетащите его на рабочий стол либо на панель задач. После запуска Безопасности Windows перед вами откроется новый интерфейс Защитника. Теперь все должно работать без ошибки 0x80029c4a.


Error registry support initialization failed 0x80029c4a

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Answered by:


After installing my application (the installation log looks fine), a particular client (US Military) received the following error when trying to start my application:

System.InvalidCastException: Unable to cast COM object of type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.ApplicationClass’ to interface type ‘Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word._Application’. This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface with IID ‘<00020970-0000-0000-c000-000000000046>‘ failed due to the following error: Error loading type library/DLL. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80029C4A (TYPE_E_CANTLOADLIBRARY)).

Based on other responses I have read on this error, it looks like the registry may be corrupted by Anti-virus script blocking software or by multiple instances of Office installed. Indeed the client is running the Symantec software. Are there other causes I should be aware of?

Is there something my code can do to get around this? I don’t want to have them reinstall Office, as to them it is working fine (i.e. they can start Word and Outlook manually just fine).


I’ve been struggling with a similar problem for about 3 days solid now, and finally after an intense amount of googling and lots of trial and error, I have managed to solve it, I hope the same solution can be applied to your problems.

First off, some basic background info. This problem arose for me after uninstalling Office 2007 and going back to Office 2003 due to the Office 2007 PIA’s not being able to communicate correctly and provide backwards compatibility with Office 2003. Upon reinstallation none of my COM calls to any Office COM DLL would work, every call would return the error that is mentioned in the post i.e. CANTLOADLIBRARY, with a long CLSID number e.g. . I deduced that this must have been due to Office 2007 leaving a bad trail of uninstalled registry key entries.

This CLSID is the key to solving the problem.

First off copy the CLSID from the error window that appears in VB.NET. Access the registry via Start, Run, Cmd, RegEdt32, enter. Once the registry editor loads up, do a search (ctrl F3) on that specific CLSID (I didn’t include the braces, but it shouldn’t matter). The registry should find a key located under the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT -> CLSID subkey. Expand this key and you should see 3 nodes: ProxyStubCLSID,ProxyStubCLSID32 and the important one — TypeLib. Essentially what is happening is that when you make the COM call to a specific Office assembly. The assembly opens up the registry and finds this key which gives it the CLSID of the TypeLib it must call in order to initiate a call to the COM.

Under the TypeLib key copy the (Default) Entry (It should be another long CSLID key). Now the easiest way to find this new key entry relating to the CLSID, is to go back up to the root key, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT and look for the TypeLib subkey. I did this by simply pushing «T» on the keyboard till I got to the all the «T’s» on the level below the HKEY root. Once you find this key, highlight the key and do a search (Ctrl F3) from this key for the TypeLib CLSID that you copied earlier. Once you find it, expand it and see if there are multiple versions of the typelib i.e. 8.3, 8.4, 8.5. You want to eliminate the the later versions that are pointing to non-existant TypeLib’s. To do this, expand the Version key (ie. 8.3), then expand the «0» key, then the win32 key and check the value of the default entry. This value should be a file path. Mine was pointing to a tlb file in an Office12 directory (Office 2007), that obviously didn’t exist since I uninstalled 2007. Simply delete this key, and now when the COM interface attempts to locate the latest TypeLib it will find one that does indeed exist, and will hopefully run error free. Well at least it did for me.

Hope this solves some of your guys problems.


How to fix the Windows Error 80029C4A Error 80029C4A

This article discusses Error 80029C4A, also known as Error 80029C4A and it means

Error Information

Error name: Error 80029C4A
Error number: 80029C4A
Applies to: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP

This repair tool can fix common computer errors like BSODs, system freezes and crashes. It can replace missing operating system files and DLLs, remove malware and fix the damage caused by it, as well as optimize your PC for maximum performance.

About Windows Error

The Windows operating system is used by millions of PC and laptop users today. And it’s likely that most of them have at one time experienced some type of Windows error. Crash reports were presented by Microsoft to provide means for collecting and sending post-error debug information or for applying troubleshooting steps depending on whether the user received a syntax, logic or run-time error.

If the user receives a stop code, then brief troubleshooting information are given with the error message. User can then search for that particular error message and apply the fix provided in Microsoft support sites as well as other available online articles and journals for the topic.

At other times, the user only receives a notification that the computer crashed and then proceeds to give them an option to send a crash report back to Microsoft. This is to collect data for analysis so that Microsoft can send back a solution to the user.

Whatever the case may be, here are some general troubleshooting information you can use to resolve Windows Errors.

Symptoms of 80029C4A — Error 80029C4A

Windows Errors can be categorized as syntax error, logic error or run-time error.

When a user receives a Syntax Error, the computer just suddenly pop up an error message that something crashed in the background. Programs accessed by the user may stall or completely crash. The user can still use the other applications, but somehow, a confusing message comes up once in a while to say that the accessed program cannot launch because a process is not working.

Run-time errors happen during the time that an application is running. So, when the error occurs, it simply happens without a warning, and the computer gives a notification that there was an error.

Logic errors are programming related. A bug causes unintended output or behavior. Speaking of computer systems which have passed all testing and commercialized, logic error happen only when there had been significant changes in the physical state of the logic board. Perhaps a portion of the actual buses melted together or a similar situation. This can cause the computer to suddenly give off a loud beep or a grinding noise, and may even go to a sudden unstable operation, freezing up or a sudden change in temperature prior to actual crash.

(For illustrative purposes only)

Causes of Error 80029C4A — 80029C4A

Windows errors may be caused by hardware component malfunction or OS corruption. Some may be even attributed to programming issues that were not resolved because errors were not addressed during design stage. Sometimes, Windows errors can occur due to changes made to the computer.

Repair Methods

Different Windows Error categories have different troubleshooting steps. However, there are generic steps that can be applied when faced with these errors. Here they are.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.


Ошибка Защитника Windows при загрузке библиотеки типов / DLL, 0x80029c4a

Безопасность Windows позволяет управлять помещенными в карантин элементами и исключениями. При этом, если вы получаете сообщение об ошибке Ошибка антивируса Защитника Windows при загрузке библиотеки типов / DLL. Нажмите «Справка», чтобы получить дополнительные сведения об этой проблеме, код ошибки 0x80029c4a, тогда этот пост покажет вам, как исправить эту ошибку. Из-за этой ошибки вы не сможете увидеть список помещенных на карантин и разрешенных элементов.

Ошибка Защитника Windows при загрузке библиотеки типов / DLL

Если вы используете Windows 10 v 1709, вы должны знать, что то, что Microsoft раньше называло Защитником Windows, теперь известно как Безопасность Windows. По словам пользователей форума, код ошибки, похоже, возникает у тех, кто пытается запустить Защитник Windows, но использует старый ярлык, который был для Центра безопасности Защитника Windows.

Давайте будем конкретнее. Когда вы используете старый ярлык, вы запускаете старую версию, которая все еще поддерживается или доступна на вашем компьютере.

Этот файл больше не доступен в Windows 10 v1903.

Есть два способа исправить это:

1]Запустите MSASCui.exe с правами администратора.

  • Перейдите в каталог C: Program Files Защитник Windows.
  • Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши файл MSASCui.exe и выберите «Запуск от имени администратора».

Он запустит Центр безопасности Защитника Windows, и вы сможете управлять своим списком на карантине. При обновлении до новой версии Windows этот ярлык перестанет работать.

2]Используйте новую систему безопасности Windows

  • Введите Безопасность Windows в Пуск
  • Когда он появится, перетащите его на рабочий стол или щелкните правой кнопкой мыши и добавьте на панель задач.
  • Теперь, когда вы запустите его, он откроет новый интерфейс и будет работать правильно без каких-либо ошибок.

Эта ошибка также была обнаружена Microsoft, и один из инженеров оставил комментарий в центре отзывов. Он сказал:

Эта ошибка может возникнуть в Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (версия 1709), если вы используете ярлык для открытия Защитника Windows, и этот ярлык был создан при использовании Windows 10 версии 1703. Антивирус Защитника Windows получил обновленный интерфейс, который поставляется с Windows 10 Creators Обновление (версия 1703), которое было разработано, чтобы упростить использование и обеспечить комплексную безопасность. Однако старый пользовательский интерфейс из версии 1703 больше не поддерживается в версии 1709. Чтобы устранить ошибку, мы рекомендуем вам удалить все предыдущие ярлыки, которые вы использовали, запустить Защитник Windows и создать новый ярлык в Windows 10 версии 1709.

Мы надеемся, что решения сработали для вас, и вы смогли использовать его снова. Вам следует обновить Windows 10 до последней доступной версии или переключиться на новый интерфейс и избавиться от этой ошибки.


Как исправить 0x80029C4A (РЕШЕНО)

Информация о системе:

На вашем ПК работает: .

Размер файла: 0.6MB Время загрузки: 10 секунд

Размер файла: 0.6MB

Время загрузки: 10 секунд

0x80029C4A Сведения об ошибке

  • Название ошибки: 0x80029C4A
  • Совместимо с: Windows 10, 11, 8, 7, Vista, XP

Симптомы 0x80029C4A

  • — Появляется сообщение «0x80029C4A», и активное окно программы выходит из строя;
  • — «0x80029C4A» отображается на экране;
  • — Была обнаружена проблема, и Windows была отключена, чтобы предотвратить повреждение компьютера. Проблема, по-видимому, вызвана следующим файлом. ;
  • — Ваш ПК часто выходит из строя и демонстрирует ошибку 0x80029C4A при запуске одной и той же программы;
  • — Windows работает вяло и медленно реагирует на сигналы мыши или клавиатуры;
  • — Ваш компьютер периодически зависает на несколько секунд;

Причины 0x80029C4A

Сообщения об ошибках 0x80029C4A часто появляются в результате забитого реестра Windows или ошибочных записей от несуществующих программ, которые обычно остаются от неправильного удаления программного обеспечения. Другие распространенные причины могут включать неверный ввод данных пользователем, отсутствующие файлы, которые были случайно удалены из реестра и вызывают сбои в работе системы. Отслеживание того, когда и где произошла ваша ошибка, является важной информацией для устранения неполадок.


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  • Question

  • I have just migrated a VC++ project from VS 2008 to VS 2015. Had to make some changes to build this with the C++/CLI compliance.This project outputs a COM dll.

    While trying to register this dll I am getting the following error: «This module <my dll name> was loaded but the call to DllregisterServer failed with error code 0x80029c4a».

    Also checked as indicated in another post that the corresponding tlb file may not be included properly. The tlb file is included properly. 

    Any pointers on what could be the issue here?


  • Hi Prashant Maranat,

    thanks for posting here.

    0x80029c4a Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files in your windows operating system. For your case, I suggest you to
    download (0x80029c4a) Repair Tool. Install program and click Scan button. Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed and restart your computer.

    For more information, please refer to this document.

    Best Regards,

    Sera Yu

    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

    • Edited by

      Friday, June 17, 2016 3:16 AM

    • Proposed as answer by
      Baron Bi
      Friday, June 24, 2016 3:31 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Hart Wang
      Monday, June 27, 2016 7:56 AM

How to fix the Windows Error 80029C4A Error 80029C4A

This article discusses Error 80029C4A, also known as Error 80029C4A and it means

About Windows Error

The Windows operating system is used by millions of PC and laptop users today. And it’s likely that most of them have at one time experienced some type of Windows error. Crash reports were presented by Microsoft to provide means for collecting and sending post-error debug information or for applying troubleshooting steps depending on whether the user received a syntax, logic or run-time error.

If the user receives a stop code, then brief troubleshooting information are given with the error message. User can then search for that particular error message and apply the fix provided in Microsoft support sites as well as other available online articles and journals for the topic.

At other times, the user only receives a notification that the computer crashed and then proceeds to give them an option to send a crash report back to Microsoft. This is to collect data for analysis so that Microsoft can send back a solution to the user.

Whatever the case may be, here are some general troubleshooting information you can use to resolve Windows Errors.

Symptoms of 80029C4A — Error 80029C4A

Windows Errors can be categorized as syntax error, logic error or run-time error.

When a user receives a Syntax Error, the computer just suddenly pop up an error message that something crashed in the background. Programs accessed by the user may stall or completely crash. The user can still use the other applications, but somehow, a confusing message comes up once in a while to say that the accessed program cannot launch because a process is not working.

Run-time errors happen during the time that an application is running. So, when the error occurs, it simply happens without a warning, and the computer gives a notification that there was an error.

Logic errors are programming related. A bug causes unintended output or behavior. Speaking of computer systems which have passed all testing and commercialized, logic error happen only when there had been significant changes in the physical state of the logic board. Perhaps a portion of the actual buses melted together or a similar situation. This can cause the computer to suddenly give off a loud beep or a grinding noise, and may even go to a sudden unstable operation, freezing up or a sudden change in temperature prior to actual crash.

Fix Error 80029C4A (Error 80029C4A)
(For illustrative purposes only)

Causes of Error 80029C4A — 80029C4A

Windows errors may be caused by hardware component malfunction or OS corruption. Some may be even attributed to programming issues that were not resolved because errors were not addressed during design stage. Sometimes, Windows errors can occur due to changes made to the computer.

Repair Methods

Different Windows Error categories have different troubleshooting steps. However, there are generic steps that can be applied when faced with these errors. Here they are.

If a repair method works for you, please click the upvote button to the left of the answer, this will let other users know which repair method is currently working the best.

Please note: Neither nor it’s writers claim responsibility for the results of the actions taken from employing any of the repair methods listed on this page — you complete these steps at your own risk.

Method 1 — Repair Windows Update Database

When a good computer suddenly operates in a weird manner, Windows Updates may have been the culprit. To repair this, users may run System Restore if there is a restore date save prior to the error. Here is how it is done.
Restore In Windows 7:

  • Click Start and type System Restore on the search box, then click enter key.
  • When the System Restore window appears, click Next until you get to the window where you can choose a restore point. You will see a list of restore dates with the description.
  • Then click Next again and confirm restore process. Wait for it to stop processing and you get a window where you can click the Finish button. Close the window and let your computer reboot.

You may also restore your computer using the OS installation disk.

  • To do that boot to OS CD or Recovery Media.
  • Follow the prompt until you get to the screen where it gives you the option Repair My Computer, click and choose System Restore from the list of recovery tools.
  • You can choose any restore point on the System Restore window, but make sure you restore to a date which you know your computer is working fine.
  • Wait till the process finish and let your computer reboot to the Desktop.

You may also boot to Safe Mode.

  • Boot your computer and click F8. Choose Safe Mode with Command Prompt by clicking the keyboard arrows to move the highlight down to that item.
  • Once in Safe Mode, Type rstrui.exe and hit enter on command prompt. Follow the restore wizard and reboot your computer normally.

Restore in Windows 8:
Restore inside Windows environment

  • While in Windows 8, Click the search icon and type System Restore.
  • Keep clicking Next till you get to the window where you can select the restore date.
  • Confirm restoration by following the remaining steps. After it is done, reboot your computer normally.

Restore at Boot

  • Reboot your computer and tap F11 to start System Recovery
  • You will see Advanced Options screen, and you will find System Restore in it.
  • It will prompt you to choose the Administrator account, just choose and log into your admin account.
  • Hit Next button until you get to the screen that allows you to choose restore dates.
  • Keep pressing next button until you get to the end of the restore process and you see the Finish button.
  • Reboot computer normally.

Restore in Windows 10:
Inside windows environment

  • Run System Restore by typing it on the Search box. Click on the item that will come up on the search results.
  • When System Restore window opens, click Next until you are given a list to choose restore date, choose the one that you know works best for you.
  • Confirm the process by Next, then yes then finally Finish. Reboot your computer after closing the window.

Using the installation media

  • If you cannot boot into windows, then you’re better off downloading the Media Creator file from Microsoft. Create boot disk using a DVD or a flash disk.
  • Once done, reboot your computer and access your BIOS to change boot device to either your DVD or your flash disk.
  • When you get to the installation screen, go to Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > System Restore and perform the process the same way.

Method 2 — Fix incorrect system date and time

Windows may sometimes run improperly because of a wrong setting, that of the time settings. To fix the time and the date:
On Windows 7

  • Click Start, then Control Panel.
  • Click Date and Time.
  • While on Date and Time window, click Change time zone to choose the correct time zone.
  • Click Apply and OK.

On Windows 8

  • Open Settings by moving your mouse to the right side, when the tab opens click the gear icon.
  • It will open a new pop up tab for Settings, click Control Panel.
  • In Control Panel, click Clock, Language and Region. Then Click Set the time and date under Date and Time.
  • When Date and Time window opens, click Change date and time and proceed to clicking the right date and time on the next window. To apply, simply click OK.

On Windows 10

  • Simply right click on the date and time on your system tray, located at the right bottom part of the screen.
  • Click Adjust date and time. It will open Date & time settings.
  • You can select the time zone, then close the window. This will automatically update the time and date on the system tray.

Method 3 — Check for missing or corrupt files

  • Run System File Checker
    • To run the command, open elevated Command prompt by typing it on the search window, then right clicking Command Prompt and choosing run as administrator
    • Type sfc /scannow on the prompt and wait until verification process is successfully completed
  • Run Checkdisk — Chkdsk repairs many inconsistencies with the OS. System errors may also be repaired using this utility. To run it,
    • Open Command Prompt by typing it on the search box, then when you see the result on the list overhead, right click on it and choose, Run as Administrator
    • Your system might say you cannot run it at the moment because you are still processing data, and will ask you if you want to run it before the next startup, just click y for yes and then exit the screen and reboot the computer
    • Once the computer reboots, you will see checkdisk running outside of Windows, just let it finish till it gives you a report of what was found, fixed or marked
    • Exit the window and the let your computer reboot normally.

Other languages:

Wie beheben 80029C4A (Fehler 80029C4A) —
Come fissare 80029C4A (Errore 80029C4A) —
Hoe maak je 80029C4A (Fout 80029C4A) —
Comment réparer 80029C4A (Erreur 80029C4A) —
어떻게 고치는 지 80029C4A (오류 80029C4A) —
Como corrigir o 80029C4A (Erro 80029C4A) —
Hur man åtgärdar 80029C4A (Fel 80029C4A) —
Как исправить 80029C4A (Ошибка 80029C4A) —
Jak naprawić 80029C4A (Błąd 80029C4A) —
Cómo arreglar 80029C4A (Error 80029C4A) —

The Author About The Author: Phil Hart has been a Microsoft Community Contributor since 2010. With a current point score over 100,000, they’ve contributed more than 3000 answers in the Microsoft Support forums and have created almost 200 new help articles in the Technet Wiki.

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Recommended Repair Tool:

This repair tool can fix common computer problems such as blue screens, crashes and freezes, missing DLL files, as well as repair malware/virus damage and more by replacing damaged and missing system files.


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Article ID: ACX014457EN

Applies To: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 2000

Speed Up Tip #92

Consider Using Windows Defender:

Windows Defender is a robust anti-virus software built right within the Windows platform. And, it is mostly good enough to protect your PC from getting infected. Just make sure to install an anti-malware tool on top of Windows Defender. Given that, it is best to uninstall any third-party anti-virus program that you are using to regain that speed.

Click Here for another way to speed up your Windows PC

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специальное предложение

0x80029C4A часто может появляться из-за неправильно настроенных параметров системы или из-за нарушений в реестре Windows. Эту ошибку относительно быстро и легко исправить, если использовать PC Repair, настроенную на решение всех распространенных проблем с реестром.

  • Название ошибки: 0x80029C4A
  • Совместимо с: Windows 10, 11, 8, 7, Vista, XP
  • 0x80029C4A появляется и начинает нарушать окно активной программы;
  • 0x80029C4A появляется на экране;
  • Появляется сообщение ‘Обнаружена проблема, и Windows была выключена, чтобы предотвратить повреждение компьютера. Похоже, что проблема вызвана следующим файлом…’;
  • Компьютер пользователя перестает работать, выдавая ошибку 0x80029C4A при запуске программы;
  • Windows работает плохо, медленно реагируя на команды;
  • Компьютер пользователя часто зависает

0x80029C4A сообщения об ошибке могут появляться из-за засорения реестра Windows и ошибочных записей несуществующих программ, поскольку пользователь обычно неправильно удаляет программное обеспечение. Другими распространенными причинами являются неправильный ввод данных, отсутствие файлов, которые были случайно удалены из реестра, что вызывает проблемы в работе системы.

  1. 1. Скачать PC Repair.
  2. 2. Установить и запустить программу.
  3. 3. Нажмите Scan Now для обнаружения ошибок и различных отклонений от оптимального уровня.
  4. 4. Нажмите Repair All для устранения каждой проблемы.

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0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error in Windows 10 is a nagging issue coming in front when users attempt to see scan history. Despite there is no problem during scanning but when you click on History tab a dialog box prompts with a message ‘Error loading type library DLL‘. You might be literally frustrated to see the pop up instead of the result on Windows 10 but don’t worry you will find here easy working solutions.

After getting Windows 10 Fall Creator Update (V1709), many users have put their remonstrance against some features. They have come up with their complaints about the malfunction of windows defender. Some of them ended up with the 0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error message after installation and making unable to view the Quarantined, Allowed and All Detected items under Scan History.

0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error in Windows 10 image 1

After completion of the Scanning by Windows Defender when users try to navigate to History tab to view Details they encounter with the 0x80029c4a error message. The issue appears when they use classic Windows defender Gui in short MSASCui.exe.

0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error Solutions

Windows Defender 0x80029c4a Error does not exist in the list of bugs in Windows 10 V709 edition. This is actually an outcome of an establishment of new features. However, if you using the old Windows Defender Interface which is commonly known as msascui.exe, you can easily resolve the issue using simple tweaks. You need to follow the below steps and apply them accordingly. The steps are:

Step-1: Open Run dialog box from your desktop. You can Press the “Windows key+R” shortcut using your keyboard.

Step-2: Paste the path in the dialog box: C:\Program Files\Windows Defender and hit Enter. This will open the folder location of the traditional Windows Defender.

Step-3: Put a right click on the MSASCui.exe from the folder and select the option Run as Administrator on the context menu.

Step-4: If you click on the option View details now, you will be able to see the list containing quarantined and allowed items.

This is how you can resolve the Windows Defender 0x80029c4a Error. While you can get your job done using the classic Windows Defender interface, Microsoft recommends another way. As they have introduced their Windows Defender Security Center, this the best option to use according to them. They are also trying hard to fix this mess up and it is just a matter of time when they will come up with a permanent solution.

Use Windows Defender Security Center Alternatively

You need to delete the Windows Defender shortcut that you created earlier on the desktop then start launching the new utility.

Step-1: Press Windows key + S hotkey and type Windows Defender Security Center in the text box. Do a right click on the identical option ‘Windows Defender Security center’ under Best match and select Pin to Start.

Step-4: In order to check the quarantined items, from the new interface, select the option Virus & Threat Protection.

Step-5: Perform a click on Scan History and go to the option Full History. This is how you can avoid the 0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error.

0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error in Windows 10 image 2


0x80029c4a Windows Defender Error in Windows 10 is one of the exemplary problems with all the issues. We have discussed the resolution process and until a permanent fix is not on surface this will work nicely.  We expect that the instruction will be helpful for you to resolve the issue like others.

Repair any Windows problems such as Blue/Black Screen, DLL, Exe, application, Regisrty error and quickly recover system from issues using Reimage.

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File size: 0.6MB     Download time: 10 seconds

File size: 0.6MB

Download time: 10 seconds

0x80029C4A is often caused by wrongly configured system settings or irregularities in the Windows registry. This error can be easily fixed with a special software configured to resolve common system registry issues.
Download here

  • Error name: 0x80029C4A
  • Applies to: Windows 10, 11, 8, 7, Vista, XP
  • — «0x80029C4A» appears and crashes the active program window;
  • — «0x80029C4A» is displayed;
  • — A problem has been detected and Windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. The problem seems to be caused by the following file…;
  • — Your PC frequently crashes with Error 0x80029C4A when running the same program;
  • — Windows runs sluggishly and responds slowly to mouse or keyboard input;
  • — Your computer periodically freezes for a few seconds at a time;

0x80029C4A error messages often appear as a result of cluttered Windows registry or faulty entries of non-existent programs which are usually due to improper software uninstalls. Other common reasons may include incorrect user input, missing files that were accidentally deleted from the registry and cause system malfunctions. Keeping track of when and where your error has occured is a critical piece of information for troubleshooting the problem.

  1. 1. Click here to download the application
  2. 2. Get the application installed and launched
  3. 3. Click Scan Now to get errors and deviations detected
  4. 4. Click Repair All to fix all the issues

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Issue: How to Fix Windows Defender Error Code 0x80029c4a on Windows 10 V1709?

Since upgrading to Windows 10 V1709, Windows Defender started delivering an error code 0x80029c4a when checking history. That makes me nervous as I can’t see the history of scans or blocked sites and, in general, I can’t be sure if it’s doing anything at all. Do you have a fix?

Solved Answer

Many Windows 10 users expressed skepticism about the Fall Creators Update (V1709). Many postponed the installation; the others disabled the metered connection and, therefore, blocked the feature update completely.

Many experts recommend Windows users to postpone the installation[1] of the Fall Creators Update until Microsoft patches most of the bugs. Naturally, thousands of people did not refrain from installing it and, consequently, ran into the errors like 0x80029c4a.

Illustrating Windows Defender Old Interface Error 0x80029c4a

While 0x80029c4a error is a minor malfunction if comparing to Windows Start problems, it makes people confused about the performance of Windows Defender.[2]

Error loading type library/DLL.
Click Help for more information about this problem.
Error code: 0x80029c4a

The Error code 0x80029c4a started harassing people who upgraded Windows 10 to Fall Creators Update and who uses Windows Defender as default antivirus software. It occurs on the classic Windows Defender Gui[3] (MSASCui.exe) when checking the History tab and clicking on View details.

That’s an issue known and already addressed by Microsoft on Feedback Hub. One of the engineers explained that the culprit of the issue is related to the usage of the old Windows Defender interface on Windows 10 V1709.

The new Windows Defender interface, known as Windows Defender Security Center, has been introduced with Windows 10 Creators Update, though the V1703 did not end the support of the old interface. However, the old UI from version 1703 is no longer supported in version 1709.

Fix it now!

Fix it now!

To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage Reimage.

In a nutshell, Windows Defender error 0x80029c4a does not fall into the list of Windows 10 V1709 bugs. It’s rather a consequence of the new feature establishment.

Those who are used to the old Windows Defender interface (msascui.exe) can work around the error by simply following these steps:

1. Navigate to the C:\Program Files\Windows Defender directory. For that, you can press Windows key + R, paste the C:\Program Files\Windows Defender patch, and click OK.
2. Right-click on the MSASCui.exe and select Run as Administrator.

Run MSASCui.exe as administrator
3. Now click on View details option and you should get the list of quarantined and allowed items.

IMPORTANT: despite the fact that the classic Windows Defender interface keeps working, Microsoft recommends using the new Windows Defender Security Center. It’s just a matter of time when Microsoft decides to phase out the old interface.

In order to be able to follow Windows Defender activities, we would recommend you to remove the shortcut that you have previously used for launching Windows Defender and create a new one. To put it clearer, follow these steps:

1. Find the Windows Defender shortcut on your desktop or Start menu and remove it.
2. Now press Windows key + S and type Windows Defender Security Center.
3. Right-click in it and select Pin to Start.

Pin Windows Defender Security Center to Start Menu
4. To check the history of quarantined items, select the Virus & Threat Protection on the new interface.
5. Click Scan History and opt for Full History.

Repair your Errors automatically team is trying to do its best to help users find the best solutions for eliminating their errors. If you don’t want to struggle with manual repair techniques, please use the automatic software. All recommended products have been tested and approved by our professionals. Tools that you can use to fix your error are listed bellow:

do it now!

Download Fix


do it now!

Download Fix


Compatible with Microsoft Windows
Compatible with OS X

Still having problems?
If you failed to fix your error using Reimage, reach our support team for help. Please, let us know all details that you think we should know about your problem.

Reimage — a patented specialized Windows repair program. It will diagnose your damaged PC. It will scan all System Files, DLLs and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.Reimage — a patented specialized Mac OS X repair program. It will diagnose your damaged computer. It will scan all System Files and Registry Keys that have been damaged by security threats.
This patented repair process uses a database of 25 million components that can replace any damaged or missing file on user’s computer.
To repair damaged system, you have to purchase the licensed version of Reimage malware removal tool.

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