Error requested wal segment has already been removed

Postgres requested WAL segment has already been removed (however it is actually in the slave's directory) I am using repmgr as my replication tool. On

Postgres requested WAL segment has already been removed (however it is actually in the slave’s directory)

I am using repmgr as my replication tool. On the slave I keep getting an error:

requested WAL segment has already been removed

When I check the Master indeed it is not there; however, it is in the slave’s directories both in pg_xlogs and pg_xlogs/archive_status . I can’t understand why it would be looking for this file if it’s already in the slave?

In fact it has xlogs going past the requested one. The solutions in What to do with WAL files for Postgres Slave reset are for a slightly different problem. They seem to be for a scenario where the master deletes a log file before the slave receives it. In my case it is very much present on the slave and several other files in the sequence after the one being requested.

This also tells me I do not need to increase the keep wal segments option as it didn’t seem to fall behind?

2 Answers 2

From Streaming Replication in the PostgreSQL documentation:

If you use streaming replication without file-based continuous archiving, the server might recycle old WAL segments before the standby has received them. If this occurs, the standby will need to be reinitialized from a new base backup. You can avoid this by setting wal_keep_segments to a value large enough to ensure that WAL segments are not recycled too early, or by configuring a replication slot for the standby. If you set up a WAL archive that’s accessible from the standby, these solutions are not required, since the standby can always use the archive to catch up provided it retains enough segments.

To fix the issue, you have to reinitialize the data from primary server. Remove data directory on slave:

Copy all data from the primary server:

if version is 12, Create the standby.signal file, otherwise configure replica.conf:

How long is the pg_basebackup taking? Remember that segments are generated about every 5 minutes, so if the backup takes an hour, you need at least 12 segments stored. At 2 hours, you need 24 etc., I’d set the value to about 12.2 segments/hour of backup.


Postgresql Streaming Replication Error: WAL segment removed

I want to set up PostgreSQL streaming replication, but get the following error:

Master IP :

Slave IP :

On Master:

I have created a user rep which is used solely for replication.

The relevant files inside Postgres config directory ( /opt/Postgres/9.3/data ):

I’ve restarted the postgres service.

On Slave:

I’ve stopped the postgres service, then applied the changes to the two files:

For replicating the initial database I have done:

On Master:

Internal postgres backup start command to create a backup label:

. for transferring the database data to slave:

. for internal backup stop to clean up:

On Slave:

I’ve created the following recovery.conf :

Starting the postgres service on the slave starts without any errors but is still waiting:

Meanwhile, on master:

psql command on the slave gives:

—> cd pg_log gives reason for waiting:-

How can I solve this error?

1 Answer 1

From Streaming Replication in the PostgreSQL documentation:

If you use streaming replication without file-based continuous archiving, the server might recycle old WAL segments before the standby has received them. If this occurs, the standby will need to be reinitialized from a new base backup. You can avoid this by setting wal_keep_segments to a value large enough to ensure that WAL segments are not recycled too early, or by configuring a replication slot for the standby. If you set up a WAL archive that’s accessible from the standby, these solutions are not required, since the standby can always use the archive to catch up provided it retains enough segments.


Could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR: requested WAL segment has already been removed

Configuration: Postgres 9.6 with a 3 cluster node. db1 is the master, db2 and db3 are replicas. WAL files are archived in AWS S3 using custom pgrsync tool. Cluster managed by patroni. The archive_command and restore_command is properly configured on all the nodes.

To simulate: On db1, do heavy writes (like vacuum a large table) and then stop db1 by sudo systemctl stop patroni ). db3 becomes the new leader. db2 requests more WAL files, which it gets via the proper restore command from AWS S3, becomes replica to db3.

Now, start db1 again by ( sudo systemctl start patroni ). But db1 (the old leader and the new to-be-replica) never comes up as a replica and gives the error message:

could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR: requested WAL segment 0000002400053C55000000AE has already been removed.

This error message is reported by db3 (the leader), which db1 just logs it.

So, let’s see the timeline. Initially db1 was in timeline 35 (0x23) and did write the following files to archive:

db1 is stopped at this point. db3’s logs show this:

and db3 copies the following files to archives

As db3 became leader, db2 starts the process to become replica to db3 (which it successfully becomes) and here is the summary of the logs:

db1 is started now and here are the logs:

  1. 0000002400053C55000000AE was never written to archives by any Postgres node. The old leader (db1) copied the archive 0000002300053C55000000AE (note: 0023, not 0024) before it was stopped.
  2. The new leader (db3) copied 0000002200053C55000000AE (note: 0022, not 0024)
  3. max_wal_size is set to 1024 on all nodes.
  4. After db3 became the new leader, there was hardly any activity on the nodes. db3 only writes WAL files every 10 mins ( archive_timeout =600s).
  1. Is there any thing wrong in the configuration that makes the the old leader asking for a WAL segment, which the new leader does not have?
  2. How to restore the old leader (db1) at this state, without having to erase and start over?

Lots of disk space available. The problem can be simulated at will. Had tried pg_rewind on the old primary, pointing to new primary. It just said it is already on the same timeline (not exact words). Note: It was not an error message. But even after that, it was showing the same error, when starting Postgres.

We are on 9.6.19. Just a few days back 9.6.21 (and last 9.5.x release) was announced which exactly points out fix for this specific problem (Fix WAL-reading logic so that standbys can handle timeline switches correctly. This issue could have shown itself with errors like «requested WAL segment has already been removed».). However, even after upgrading to 9.6.21, the same problem exists for us.


Postgresql сломалась репликаци знаю причины не знаю как поченить стэндбай?

Добрый день.
У меня настроена каскадная репликация с одного мастера идет слейв который в свою очередь после синхронизации реплицирует на последний слейв.
OC — Ubuntu 18
СУБД — PostgreSQL 10

Проблема заключается в том что на слейвах у меня ощибка

error requested wal segment has already been removed.

Правильно ли Я понимаю что эта ошибка говорит о том что Если база с которой настроенно получение WAL уже удалила сегмент — то тут как раз репликация и встанет с ошибкой, что такого сегмента уже нет. Если его восстановить неоткуда — то необходимо копировать реплику заново. Наиболее простой способ — через pg_basebackup.

В связи с этим есть вопросы:

1. Можно сделать это как то подругому ?
К примеру:
Остановить слейв скопировать с мастера папку pg_wal с файлами и запустить его ? Не станет ли слейв после этого мастером ?
Я просто не понимаю что нужно будет делать на слейве что бы он догнал мастер. Иными словами как востонавливать пошагово.

2. Могла ли данная ошибка возникнуть из-за того что Я делаю на мастере pg_basebackup -D /my_dir. Которая в свою очередь лочит базу и репликация не может пройти. Точнее она проходит но с ошибкой.
Тогда как делать правильно pg_basebackup что бы не ломалась реплика ?


WAL segment has already been removed error when running database backup on CloudForms



  • Getting requested WAL segment 00000001000000140000004F has already been removed when running pg_basebackup on CloudForms.


  • Adjust the wal_keep_segments setting in the postgresql.conf file.


  • SSL into your DB server CloudForms appliance
  • Set wal_keep_segments to (


  • Run: psql -c «ALTER SYSTEM SET wal_keep_segments = ‘ ‘; -d vmdb_production ##This is going to make the change
  • Run: psql -c «SELECT pg_reload_conf();» -d vmdb_production ## To reload the conf file
  • Run: psql -c «show wal_keep_segments;» -d vmdb_production ## Show what the current setting is (should show )
  • Please note that when calculating the that you want to keep it as low as possible, as this will take up space on the database

    Root Cause

    • The server recycles old WAL segments before the backup can finish.
    • Depending on how long the pg_basebackup is taking it is common knowledge that the segments are generated about every 5 minutes, so if the backup takes an hour, you need at least 12 segments stored.
    • Product(s)
    • Red Hat Hybrid Cloud Console
    • Category
    • Supportability
    • Tags
    • cloud
    • cloudforms
    • database
    • postgres

    This solution is part of Red Hat’s fast-track publication program, providing a huge library of solutions that Red Hat engineers have created while supporting our customers. To give you the knowledge you need the instant it becomes available, these articles may be presented in a raw and unedited form.


    Creation and clean up of WAL files in the primary’s pg_wal folder (pg_xlog prior
    to PG10) is a normal part of PostgreSQL operation. The WAL files on the primary
    are used to ensure data consistency during crash recovery. Use of write-ahead
    logs (also called redo logs or transaction logs in other products) is common for
    data stores that must provide durability and consistency of data when writing to
    storage. The same technique is used in modern journaling and log-structured

    As the DB is operating, blocks of data are first written serially and
    synchronously as WAL files, then some time later, usually a very short time
    later, written to the DB data files. Once the data contained in these WAL files
    has been flushed out to their final destination in the data files, they are no
    longer needed by the primary. At some point, depending on your configuration,
    the primary will remove or recycle the WAL files whose data has been committed
    to the DB. This is necessary to keep the primary’s disk from filling up.
    However, these WAL files are also what streaming replicas read when they are
    replicating data from the primary. If the replica is able to keep up with the
    primary, using these WAL files generally isn’t an issue.

    If the replica falls behind or is disconnected from the primary for an extended
    period of time, the primary may have already removed or recycled the WAL file(s)
    that a replica needs (but see Streaming Replication Slots below). A replica can
    fall behind on a primary with a high write rate. How far the replica falls
    behind will depend on network bandwidth from the primary, as well as storage
    performance on the replica.

    To account for this possibility, we recommend keeping secondary copies of the
    WAL files in another location using a WAL archiving mechanism. This is known as
    WAL archiving and is done by ensuring archive_mode is turned on and a value
    has been set for the archive_command. These are variables contained in the
    postgresql.conf file.

    Whenever the primary generates a WAL file, this command is run to make a
    secondary copy of it. Until that archive_command succeeds, the primary will keep
    that WAL file, so you must monitor for this command failing. Otherwise the
    primary’s disk may fill. Once WAL archiving is in place, you can then configure
    your replicas to use that secondary location for WAL replay if they ever lose
    their connection to the primary.

    This process is explained more in the
    PostgreSQL documentation.

    Note that configuration details for creating a cluster have changed starting in
    PostgreSQL 12. In particular, the recovery.conf file on a replica instance no
    longer exists and those configuration lines are now part of postgresql.conf. If
    you’re using PostgreSQL 12 or newer, read the documentation carefully and note
    the new files recovery.signal and standby.signal

    Crunchy Data provides the pgBackRest tool which provides full WAL archiving
    functionality as well as maintaining binary backups. We do not recommend the
    simple copy mechanism given as an example in the documentation since that does
    not provide the resiliency typically required for production databases.
    pgBackRest provides full, differential and incremental backups as well as
    integrated WAL file management.

    WAL archiving and backups are typically used together since this then provides
    point-in-time recovery (PITR) where you can restore a backup to any specific
    point in time as long as you have the full WAL stream available between all

    pgBackRest is an integral part of the Crunchy HA and
    Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator
    products, and is what we recommend for a binary backup and archive tool.

    See for more information on pgBackRest.


    The most common case where PostgreSQL won’t start because it can’t find a WAL
    file is in a replicated cluster where a replica has been disconnected from the
    cluster for some time. Most of the rest of this article will discuss ways to
    diagnose and recover this case.

    For most of this article we will discuss the cluster case, where:

    • Cluster of 2 or more PostgreSQL hosts
    • Using WAL archiving via the PostgreSQL archive_command configuration, plus
      binary backups, likely and preferably pgbackrest
    • On replicas, the recovery.conf (or in pg 12 and newer,
      see also standby.signal and recovery.signal) has a line with restore_command =
      that pulls WAL files from a binary backup location and applies them to the
    • If using pgbackrest, the line may look like:
    restore_command = 'pgbackrest --stanza=demo archive-get %f "%p"'
    • It’s common to use both PostgreSQL binary streaming replication and WAL file
      archiving together.
    • It’s common to use a tool like pgbackrest for both binary backups and WAL
      archiving. Combining the two gives you the opportunity to restore a DB to a
      specific point in time (PITR).


    • A replica will doesn’t start completely and won’t accept read-only
    • If using Crunchy HA (or Patroni), patronictl list may show no leader, or Lag
      in DB Unknown and cluster members stopped.
    • This is a common symptom when the primary has already recycled/removed the
      requested WAL file:
    2020-03-13 09:32:22.572 EDT [101800] ERROR: requested WAL segment 00000002000000050000007C has already been removed
    • You may see log entries in the pg_log logs like:
    2020-04-17 14:29:49.479 P00 INFO: unable to find 0000001600000000000000C2 in the archive,


    2020-04-17 14:29:49 EDT [379]: [6-1], , FATAL: requested timeline 23 does not contain minimum recovery point 0/C2A56FC0 on timeline 22

    and especially these:

    2020-04-17 14:29:49 EDT [376]: [5-1], , LOG: database system is shut down
    2020-04-17 14:29:49 EDT [459]: [1-1], , LOG: database system was interrupted while in recovery at log time 2020-04-17 14:19:28 EDT
    2020-04-17 14:29:49 EDT [459]: [2-1], ,

    HINT: If this has occurred more than once some data might be corrupted and you
    might need to choose an earlier recovery target.

    Common Causes

    The underlying cause for a replica getting out of sync and not able to replay
    WAL (either via streaming replication or from the WAL archive / backup) is
    almost always an infrastructure issue and almost always network connectivity
    interruptions. To have a HA cluster you must have reliable network connectivity
    between the cluster members and from each of the cluster members to the WAL
    archive (backup) location.

    It’s worth a reminder that time synchronization across cluster member hosts is
    critically important for correct cluster operation. Always check and confirm
    that all nodes in the cluster have a NTP service running (e.g. — ntpd or
    chronyd), and that the nodes are correctly synced to each other and to a master
    time source.

    It is common to use the same tools for binary backups and WAL archiving. A
    common configuration in a HA cluster is to use pgbackrest as both the backup
    tool and the WAL archiving and playback tool. With pgbackrest and other binary
    backup tools, you will likely have a backup schedule that does a full backup of
    the cluster primary server periodically and differential or incremental backups
    periodically between the full backups. Along with the backup schedule are backup
    retention settings. For example, you may have configured your cluster to retain
    the last three full backups and the last three incremental or differential

    In addition to the backups, pgbackrest will retain WAL files that are needed to
    do a point-in-time recovery from your full, differential and incremental
    backups. So if a replica has been disconnected long enough (several backup
    cycles) for the archived WAL files to be past their retention period, when
    reconnected, PostgreSQL will be far behind the current state and will attempt to
    restore archived WAL files that no longer exist. In that case, you will need to
    reset or reinitialize the replica from current backups and the WAL files that
    are relative to them.

    If the DB data disk fills completely on the replica, the replica will stop
    accepting and applying WAL updates from the primary. If this isn’t caught and
    repaired for some time, the primary may have removed older WAL files. The length
    of time will depend on the configuration on the primary and the change rate on
    the primary. See the documentation for
    wal_keep_segments to retain more older WAL files.

    Another failure mode is when you have intermittent network connectivity among
    hosts, and the cluster fails over and fails back several times. For each
    failover, a replica is promoted to primary (failover or switchover), and the WAL
    timeline is incremented. If one of the replicas can’t communicate with the
    cluster for some time, its local DB will be based on an earlier timeline, and
    when it attempts to restore a WAL file from the earlier timeline, that WAL file
    won’t be found in the archive, which will default to the current primary’s
    timeline. Note that there is an option to specify the timeline in the
    recovery.conf file but you probably want to fix the replica to be on the current
    primary’s timeline. See
    here for more information.

    This is simplified when using pgbackrest, which is the recommended method and
    the method used by Crunchy HA, and the backup-standby option is enabled. With
    this option enabled, backups are done from a replica/standby host rather than
    the primary. There is more explanation here
    in the pgbackrest documentation.

    Check and confirm that the former primary was properly re-synch’ed to the new
    primary. This should have been done automatically by your cluster software, and
    involves cloning the new primary’s data directory to the new replica using a
    tool like pg_rewind or pgBackRest’s delta restore (or full restore). If the new
    replica (former primary) is logging messages about being on an older timeline,
    the re-synch may not have happened or may not have been done correctly.

    Repairing / Fixing a Replica

    It’s likely that the best and only option will be to restore the replica from
    the backup/archive server. We recommend pgbackrest. Crunchy Data products,
    including the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator, Crunchy HA and others include and use

    • pgbackrest restore
      • full restore vs delta restore. A pgbackrest delta restore can save time and
        resources. It checks the PostgreSQL destination and restore only files that
        are needed and don’t exist in the destination.

    If you’re using Crunchy HA or the Crunchy PostgreSQL Operator, you want to use
    the HA layer tools rather than using pgbackrest directly.

    First use

    patronictl reinit

    to restore a cluster member node (PostgreSQL instance) from the backup/archive

    Repairing / Fixing a Standalone or Failed Primary

    • This one is potentially more serious and will be a reminder of why you want
      regular, reliable and carefully tested backups, especially the standalone
      server case, and why a properly managed replica and backups are a very good
      idea for data you like.
    • This can be caused by broken or failing hardware, misconfigured storage, power
      failures, or mistakenly using OS level commands to modify the DB directory
    • Avoid the temptation to just run pg_resetwal (pg_resetxlog in versions prior
      to PG 10). More on this below, and please read the man page and/or pg docs on
      pg_resetwal risks.
    • The first thing to do is properly and completely stop the failing standalone
      or primary.
    • If your primary is part of a cluster, and your cluster uses software to manage
      auto-failover, like Crunchy HA, Patroni, or pacemaker/corosync, your cluster
      control software should detect a failure, and properly failover to one of the
      replicas. Occasionally it doesn’t and you will have to manually stop the
      failed primary/standalone. If you’re not using software to manage your
      cluster, failover is a manual process, where you first shut down the failed
      primary, then promote one of the replicas to be the new primary. If you are
      using software for auto-failover, and it hasn’t automatically failed over,
      what you need to do is first, shutdown the failed primary instance,
      preferably using the same mechanism that was used to start it — patronictl if
      it’s using Patroni or Crunchy HA, or pcs or crmsh if you’re using
      pcs/corosync/pacemaker clustering, or an OS-level utility like systemd’s
      systemctl or the Linux service, or pg_ctl. Even if those complete
      successfully, you want to check to be certain that all the PostgreSQL
      processes have stopped. Occasionally, none of those stop all the PostgreSQL
      processes. In that case, you need to use the Linux kill command. To stop the
      postmaster, the three signals that correspond to «smart», «fast» and
      «immediate» shutdown are SIGTERM, SIGINT and SIGQUIT. The very last option to
      use is SIGKILL (kill -9); avoid doing that unless it’s a true emergency.
    • Once all the PostgreSQL processes are no longer running, make a copy of the
      DB’s data directory using your favorite OS-level snapshot utility — tar, cpio,
      rsync or your infrastructure’s disk snapshotting tool. This is a safe copy in
      case attempts to repair the DB cause more damage.
    • To get the DB back to healthy, the best option is to recreate the DB from a
      good backup. If you have a good replica (now likely the primary), make the
      failed primary a replica from the new primary, after fixing the underlying
    • In the worst case, where you have only the broken DB directory, you may be
      able to get it working again but you will likely lose data. First make an OS
      level copy of the DB directory. Avoid using OS level commands to move or
      delete DB files; you will likely make things worse.
    • It may be tempting to just run pg_resetwal. While it may be possible to
      recover from some errors using pg_resetwal, you will likely lose data in the
      process. You can also do more damage to the DB. If you need to minimize data
      loss, don’t have a replica to restore or a good backup, and don’t have
      detailed knowledge of PostgreSQL, it’s time to ask for help. It may be
      possible to recover most of your DB but read the documentation and note this
      advice from the documentation: «It should be used only as a last resort, when
      the server will not start due to such corruption.»

    Streaming Replication Slots

    Streaming replication slots are a feature available since PostgreSQL 9.4. Using
    replication slots will cause the primary to retain WAL files until the primary
    has been notified that the replica has received the WAL file.

    There is a tradeoff for keeping the WAL files on the primary until the primary
    is notified that the replica has received the WAL file. If the replica is
    unavailable for any reason, WAL files will accumulate on the primary until it
    can deliver them. On a busy database, with replicas unavailable, disk space can
    be consumed very quickly as unreplicated WAL files accumulate. This can also
    happen on a busy DB with relatively slow infrastructure (network and storage).
    Streaming replication slots are a very useful feature; if you do use them,
    carefully monitor disk space on the primary.

    There is much more on
    replication slots and replication configuration


    If you have deployed HA across multiple datacenters, there’s another layer of
    complexity. Crunchy HA provides example Ansible files for several MDC
    configurations. In the case where the primary data center fails and the DR data
    center has been promoted to primary, extra steps are required when you recover
    the original failed primary. In particular, when you start the recovered
    original primary, be certain that you start it as a DR data center. You will
    likely need to copy (rsync or other reliable mechanism) the pgbackrest repo from
    the new primary data center (old DR data center) when recovering the original
    primary data center.

    What not to do / Don’t do this

    • Again, avoid just running pg_resetwal (pg_resetxlog). You may need to use it
      as a last resort, but don’t start by running it.
    • Do not try to cherry-pick or copy individual files from a backup / archive
      repo directly to the PostgreSQL the pg_wal (pg_xlog in earlier versions)
      directory. That is part of the database runtime that is managed by PostgreSQL.
      Deleting or copying things there can break your DB. Let the tools do their
    • Never use OS tools to manually delete, modify or add files to the PostgreSQL
      pg_wal (pg_xlog) directory.
    • Never use OS tools to manually delete, modify or add files to the pgBackRest
      repo. The pgBackRest repo contains state and metadata about current backups
      and which WAL files depend on which backups. (Note that listing or viewing the
      files in a pgbackrest repo can be helpful to diagnose replicas and restore
      issues. It’s also OK to copy the repo in its entirety as long as you use a
      copy utility that verifies that the files have been copied correctly, for
      example rsync.)

    David Youatt


    Various replication modes are available with PostgreSQL.

    PostgreSQL Replication modes

    In this article, a PostgreSQL 9.6 streaming replication is implemented on Linux Ubuntu 18.04 servers, it’s very easy.
    In the streaming replication mode,
    the standby connects to the primary, which streams WAL records (Write Ahead Log) to the standby as they’re generated,
    without waiting for the WAL file to be filled. Streaming replication allows a standby server to stay more up-to-date than
    is possible with file-based log shipping.

    • The standby server can be in read only mode for reporting purposes for example.
    • A replication slot ensures that the needed WAL files for the standby are not removed in the primary server
      before the standby server processes them. Multiple replication slots can be defined depending on the number of the standby servers.

    PostgreSQL Streaming replication

    (LSN : Log Sequence Number)

    The procedure below is valid for PostgreSQL 9.6, 10 and 11. For PostgreSQL version 12 and above, the setup is slightly different
    and not discussed here. It is not important when configuring a PostgreSQL streaming replication, but default WAL files location is
    different on PostgreSQL 9.6 and PostgreSQL 10/11.

    PostgreSQL 9.6 $PGDATA/pg_xlog
    PostgreSQL 10/11 $PGDATA/pg_wal

    The context is the following : 1 primary server, 1 standby server.

    Primary server : VPSFRSQLPAC1
    Standby server : VPSFRSQLPAC2

    Binaries (PostgreSQL 9.6.15) : /opt/postgres/pgsql-9.6/bin
    $PATH : /opt/postgres/pgsql-9.6/bin:$PATH
    $PGLIB : /opt/postgres/pgsql-9.6/lib

    Port : 30001

    $PGDATA : /sqlpac/postgres/srvpg1

    $CFG : /opt/postgres/dba/srvpg1/cfg

    Configuration files :

    Controlling the PostgreSQL Server :

    pg_ctl start|stop|restart…  -D $CFG

    Preparing the primary server

    System parameters

    The primary server must be restarted, especially with PostgreSQL 9.6, to apply at least the following static parameters :

    • listen_addresses : *
    • wal_level : the wal level is replica for streaming replication.
    • max_replication_slots : at least 1 replication slot (1 standby). Higher values of replication slots if more standby or logical servers will be configured.
    • max_wal_senders : at least 3 wal senders (1 standby + 2 for pg_basebackup). Higher values if more standby servers will be configured.
    listen_addresses = '*'

    With PostgreSQL 10 and 11, the default values are already adjusted for replication. However, check the settings.

    PostgreSQL 10 / 11 Default values
    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac1$ pg_ctl restart -D $CFG

    Replication role

    Create a role with the replication privilege, this role will be used by the standby server to connect to the primary
    server :

    create role repmgr with replication login encrypted password '***********';

    Add the role in the primary server file pg_hba.conf with the standby IP address server, this will allow connections from the standby server.
    Don’t forget to manage existing firewall rules.

    host    replication     repmgr           md5

    Here, SSL connections are not implemented.

    Reload the configuration :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac1$ pg_ctl reload -D $CFG

    Replication slot

    Create a replication slot in the primary server.

    select * from pg_create_physical_replication_slot('standby1');
     slot_name | xlog_position
     standby1  |
    (1 row)
    select slot_name, restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots;
     slot_name | restart_lsn
     standby1  |
    (1 row)

    The replication slot (restart_lsn) will be initialized during the primary server backup
    with pg_basebackup.

    Starting with PostgreSQL 11, it is not mandatory to create manually the replication slot, this one can be created and initialized with

    Primary server backup (pg_basebackup)

    The primary server backup is performed with pg_basebackup.

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac1$ pg_basebackup -D /sqlpac/postgres/backup/srvpg1 
                             -X stream 
                             --dbname="host=localhost user=postgres port=30001"

    Starting with,PostgreSQL 11, add the argument --create-slot if the replication slot has not been previously created.

    With the option --slot giving the replication slot name : that way, it is guaranteed the primary server does not remove
    any necessary WAL data in the time between the end of the base backup and the start of streaming replication.

    When the backup is completed, the replication slot standby1 is then defined :

    select slot_name, restart_lsn from pg_replication_slots;
     slot_name | restart_lsn
     standby1  | 0/33000000

    The option --write-recovery-conf (or -R) writes a file recovery.conf in the root backup directory.
    This file will prevent any user error when starting the standby server, this file indeed indicates a standby server, and the slot name
    is given :

    standby_mode = 'on'
    primary_conninfo = 'user=postgres host=localhost port=30001 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres'
    primary_slot_name = 'standby1'

    Standby server activation

    Install the primary server backup previously performed in the standby data directory ($PGDATA).


    Be sure the file recovery.conf is installed in the standby server root data directory
    with the option standby_mode = 'on' and the replication slot name.

    Update the connection info parameters to the primary server in this file.

    $PGDATA : /sqlpac/postgres/srvpg1/recovery.conf
    standby_mode = 'on'
    primary_conninfo = 'user=repmgr host=vpsfrsqlpac1 port=30001 password=************'
    primary_slot_name = 'standby1'


    If read only connections are allowed, check the parameter hot_standby is set to on on the standby server
    (on by default starting with PostgreSQL 10):

    hot_standby = on

    Starting the standby server

    Now the standby server can be started.

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac2$ pg_ctl start -D $CFG

    When there is no error, in the standby server log file :

    LOG:  entering standby mode
    LOG:  redo starts at 0/33000028
    LOG:  consistent recovery state reached at 0/34000000
    LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections
    LOG:  started streaming WAL from primary at 0/34000000 on timeline 1

    The standby server is in recovery mode :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac2$ psql -p30001
    select pg_is_in_recovery();

    If the replication slot has not been defined and the needed WAL files removed in the primary server, an error occurs :

    FATAL:  could not receive data from WAL stream: ERROR:  requested WAL segment 000000010000000000000010 has already been removed

    Testing replication

    Create a table heartbeat in the primary server, this table will be updated every minute :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac1$ psql -p30001
    create table heartbeat ( reptimestamp timestamp );
    insert into heartbeat values (now());
    select * from heartbeat;
     2019-11-22 09:04:36.399274

    Check the replication to the standby server :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac2$ psql -p30001
    select * from heartbeat;
     2019-11-22 09:04:36.399274

    Pause / Resume replication

    To pause/resume replication, on the standby server :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac2$ psql -p30001
    PostgreSQL 9.6 PostgreSQL 10 / 11
    Pause replication
    select pg_xlog_replay_pause();
    2019-11-22 19:58:33.686 CET LOG:  recovery has paused
    select pg_wal_replay_pause();
    Resume replication
    select pg_xlog_replay_resume();
    select pg_wal_replay_resume();
    Replication paused ?
    select pg_is_xlog_replay_paused();
    select pg_is_wal_replay_paused();

    Essential replication informations

    This article does not deal with replication monitoring, however below the essential informations about the replication state.

    Standby server : pg_stat_wal_receiver

    In the standby, use the view pg_stat_wal_receiver :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac2$ psql -p30001
    x on;
    select * from pg_stat_wal_receiver;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]---------+-----------------------------------------------------
    pid                   | 2262
    status                | streaming
    receive_start_lsn     | 0/97000000
    receive_start_tli     | 1
    received_lsn          | 0/99000920
    received_tli          | 1
    last_msg_send_time    | 2019-11-22 18:17:46.355579+01
    last_msg_receipt_time | 2019-11-22 18:17:46.355835+01
    latest_end_lsn        | 0/99000760
    latest_end_time       | 2019-11-22 18:15:46.232277+01
    slot_name             | standby1
    conninfo              | user=repmgr password=******** dbname=replication host=vpsfrsqlpac1 port=30001 …

    The WAL receiver process id is 2262 :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac2$ ps -ef | grep 'postgres' | grep 2262
    postgres  2262 32104  0 18:35 ?        00:00:04 postgres: wal receiver process   streaming 0/99000920

    Primary server : pg_stat_replication and pg_replication_slots

    In the primary server, use pg_stat_replication and pg_replication_slots :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac1$ psql -p30001
    x on;
    select * from pg_stat_replication;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]----+-----------------------------
    pid              | 6247
    usesysid         | 16384
    usename          | repmgr
    application_name | walreceiver
    client_addr      |
    client_hostname  |
    client_port      | 41354
    backend_start    | 2019-11-22 09:35:42.41099+01
    backend_xmin     |
    state            | streaming
    sent_location    | 0/99000920
    write_location   | 0/99000920
    flush_location   | 0/99000920
    replay_location  | 0/99000840
    sync_priority    | 0
    sync_state       | async
    x on;
    select * from pg_replication_slots;
    -[ RECORD 1 ]-------+-----------
    slot_name           | standby1
    plugin              |
    slot_type           | physical
    datoid              |
    database            |
    active              | t
    active_pid          | 6247
    xmin                |
    catalog_xmin        |
    restart_lsn         | 0/99000920
    confirmed_flush_lsn |

    The WAL sender process id is 6247 :

    postgres@vpsfrsqlpac1$ ps -ef | grep 'postgres' | grep 6247
    postgres  6247  5576  0 18:35 ?        00:00:00 postgres: wal sender process repmgr streaming 0/99000920


    Installing a streaming replication with PostgreSQL 9.6 is very easy, maybe one of the easiest replication architecture.

    Do not forget replication slots ! Only replication slots guarantee standby servers won’t run out of sync from the primary server.

    Рас­смот­ри настрой­ку пото­ко­вой репли­ка­ции данных.
    Когда вы изме­ня­е­те дан­ные в базе, все изме­не­ния пишут­ся во Write-Ahead Log, или WAL. После запи­си в WAL СУБД дела­ет систем­ный вызов fsync, бла­го­да­ря чему дан­ные попа­да­ют сра­зу на диск, а не висят в где-то в кэше фай­ло­вой систе­мы. Таким обра­зом, если взять и обес­то­чить сер­вер, при сле­ду­ю­щей загруз­ке СУБД про­чи­та­ет послед­ние запи­си из WAL и при­ме­нит к базе дан­ных соот­вет­ству­ю­щие изменения.

    Пото­ко­вая репли­ка­ция (streaming replication) в сущ­но­сти явля­ет­ся пере­да­чей запи­сей из WAL от масте­ра к репли­кам. Писать при этом мож­но толь­ко в мастер, но читать мож­но как с масте­ра, так и с реплик. Если с репли­ки раз­ре­ше­но читать, она назы­ва­ет­ся hot standby, ина­че — warm standby. Посколь­ку во мно­гих при­ло­же­ни­ях 90% запро­сов явля­ют­ся запро­са­ми на чте­ние, репли­ка­ция поз­во­ля­ет мас­шта­би­ро­вать базу дан­ных гори­зон­таль­но. Пото­ко­вая репли­ка­ция быва­ет двух видов — син­хрон­ная и асинхронная.

    При асин­хрон­ной репли­ка­ции запрос тут же выпол­ня­ет­ся на масте­ре, а соот­вет­ству­ю­щие дан­ные из WAL доез­жа­ют до реплик отдель­но, в фоне. Недо­ста­ток асин­хрон­ной репли­ка­ции заклю­ча­ет­ся в том, что при вне­зап­ном паде­нии масте­ра (напри­мер, из-за сго­рев­ше­го дис­ка) часть дан­ных будет поте­ря­на, так как они не успе­ли дое­хать до реплик.

    При исполь­зо­ва­нии син­хрон­ной репли­ка­ции дан­ные сна­ча­ла запи­сы­ва­ют­ся в WAL как мини­мум одной репли­ки, после чего тран­зак­ция выпол­ня­ет­ся уже на масте­ре. Запро­сы на запись выпол­ня­ют­ся мед­лен­нее в резуль­та­те воз­ни­ка­ю­щих сете­вых задер­жек (кото­рые, одна­ко, внут­ри одно­го ДЦ обыч­но мень­ше типич­но­го вре­ме­ни пла­ни­ро­ва­ния запро­са). Кро­ме того, что­бы запро­сы на запись не вста­ли колом в резуль­та­те паде­ния одной из реплик, при исполь­зо­ва­нии син­хрон­ной репли­ка­ции реко­мен­ду­ет­ся исполь­зо­вать по край­ней мере две репли­ки. Зато поте­рять дан­ные ста­но­вит­ся намно­го сложнее.

    Заметь­те, что син­хрон­ная репли­ка­ция не предот­вра­ща­ет воз­мож­но­сти счи­тать с репли­ки ста­рые дан­ные, так как пото­ко­вая репли­ка­ция — она толь­ко про пере­да­чу WAL, а не то, что вид­но в базе с точ­ки зре­ния поль­зо­ва­те­ля. По край­ней мере, так син­хрон­ная репли­ка­ция рабо­та­ет кон­крет­но в PostgreSQL.

    В кон­тек­сте репли­ка­ции нель­зя так­же не отме­тить еще один инте­рес­ный тер­мин. Если одна из реплик в свою оче­редь явля­ет­ся масте­ром для дру­гой репли­ки, такую кон­фи­гу­ра­цию назы­ва­ют кас­кад­ной репли­ка­ци­ей.

    Пото­ко­вая репли­ка­ция в PostgreSQL не рабо­та­ет меж­ду раз­ны­ми вер­си­я­ми PostgreSQL, а так­же если на сер­ве­рах исполь­зу­ет­ся раз­ная архи­тек­ту­ра CPU, напри­мер, x86 и x64. В част­но­сти, это озна­ча­ет, что обно­вить PostgreSQL до сле­ду­ю­щей вер­сии при исполь­зо­ва­нии пото­ко­вой репли­ка­ции без даун­тай­ма нельзя

    Поми­мо пото­ко­вой репли­ка­ции в послед­нее вре­мя выде­ля­ют еще и так назы­ва­е­мую логи­че­скую репли­ка­цию (logical replication). Реа­ли­за­ций логи­че­ской репли­ка­ции в PostgreSQL суще­ству­ет несколь­ко, напри­мер, slony и pglogical. Пожа­луй, наи­бо­лее суще­ствен­ное отли­чие логи­че­ской репли­ка­ции от пото­ко­вой заклю­ча­ет­ся в воз­мож­но­сти реп­ли­ци­ро­вать часть баз дан­ных и таб­лиц на одни репли­ки, а часть — на дру­гие. Пла­тить за это при­хо­дит­ся ско­ро­стью. И хотя pglogical в плане ско­ро­сти выгля­дит мно­го­обе­ща­ю­ще, на момент напи­са­ния этих строк это очень моло­дое, сырое реше­ние. В рам­ках этой замет­ки логи­че­ская репли­ка­ция не рассматривается.

    В PostgreSQL 10 доба­ви­ли логи­че­скую репли­ка­цию, теперь она есть из коробки.


    име­ет­ся 2 сервера — master — slave

    Отклю­ча­ем selinux
    setenforce 0
    sed -i ‘s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=disabled/g’ /etc/selinux/config

    про­из­во­дим уста­нов­ку на оба сервера:

    yum -y install

    или так

    yum install

    yum install postgresql96 postgresql96-server postgresql96-lib

    Ини­ци­а­ли­зи­ру­ем базы:
    /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/postgresql96-setup initdb

    Добав­ля­ем в авто­за­груз­ку и стартуем:

    Ста­вим пароль на поль­зо­ва­те­ля postgres

    [root@master ~]# su — postgres
    -bash-4.2$ psql
    psql (9.6.13)
    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# password
    Enter new password:
    Enter it again:
    postgres=# q

    [root@slave ~]# su — postgres
    -bash-4.2$ psql
    psql (9.6.13)
    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# password
    Enter new password:
    Enter it again:
    postgres=# q

    Настройка репликации

    на мастере:

    vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf

    host replication postgres md5
    host all postgres md5

    Пер­вая строч­ка нуж­на для рабо­ты ути­ли­ты pg_basebackup. Без вто­рой не будет рабо­тать pg_rewind. Если хотим, что­бы в базу по сети мог ходить не толь­ко поль­зо­ва­тель postgres, в послед­ней стро­ке мож­но напи­сать вме­сто его име­ни all.

    пра­вим основ­ной конфиг

    vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf

    # какие адре­са слу­шать, заме­ни­те на IP сервера
    listen_addresses = ‘localhost,’
    wal_level = hot_standby
    # это нуж­но, что­бы рабо­тал pg_rewind
    wal_log_hints = on
    max_wal_senders = 2
    wal_keep_segments = 64
    hot_standby = on

    max_replication_slots = 2

    hot_standby_feedback = on

    * где

    • — IP-адрес сер­ве­ра, на кото­ром он будем слу­шать запро­сы Postgre; 
    • wal_level ука­зы­ва­ет, сколь­ко инфор­ма­ции запи­сы­ва­ет­ся в WAL (жур­нал опе­ра­ций, кото­рый исполь­зу­ет­ся для репли­ка­ции) — hot_standby ука­зы­ва­ет на хра­не­ние допол­ни­тель­ной инфор­ма­ции, она нуж­на для выпол­не­ния запро­сов на резерв­ном сер­ве­ре в режи­ме толь­ко для чтения; 
    • max_wal_senders — коли­че­ство пла­ни­ру­е­мых слейвов; 
    • max_replication_slots — мак­си­маль­ное чис­ло сло­тов репликации; 
    • hot_standby — опре­де­ля­ет, мож­но или нет под­клю­чать­ся к postgresql для выпол­не­ния запро­сов в про­цес­се восстановления; 
    • hot_standby_feedback — опре­де­ля­ет, будет или нет сер­вер slave сооб­щать масте­ру о запро­сах, кото­рые он выполняет.

    Далее откры­ва­ем psql:

    systemctl start postgresql-9.6

    Меня­ем пароль поль­зо­ва­те­ля postgres:

    ALTER ROLE postgres PASSWORD ‘postgres’;

    Пере­за­пус­ка­ем PostgreSQL:

    systemctl restart postgresql-9.6

    на слейве

    Оста­нав­ли­ва­ем PostgreSQL

    [root@slave ~]# systemctl stop postgresql-9.6

    Ста­но­вим­ся поль­зо­ва­те­лем postgres:

    su — postgres

    Под этим поль­зо­ва­те­лем пере­ли­ва­ем дан­ные с масте­ра, сна­ча­ла всё удалим:
    rm -rf /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/* 

    -bash-4.2$ pg_basebackup -h -U postgres -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data —xlog-method=stream —write-recovery-conf
    вво­дим пароль кото­рый зада­ва­ли для поль­зо­ва­те­ля postgres

    -bash-4.2$ ls /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/
    backup_label pg_dynshmem pg_notify pg_subtrans postgresql.conf
    base pg_hba.conf pg_replslot pg_tblspc recovery.conf
    global pg_ident.conf pg_serial pg_twophase
    log pg_log pg_snapshots PG_VERSION
    pg_clog pg_logical pg_stat pg_xlog
    pg_commit_ts pg_multixact pg_stat_tmp

    Дан­ная коман­да сде­ла­ла репли­ку базы от масте­ра и созда­ла кон­фи­гу­ра­ци­он­ный файл recovery.conf, в кото­ром ука­за­ны пара­мет­ры репликации.

    Редак­ти­ру­ем кон­фи­гу­ра­ци­он­ный файл postgresql.conf.

    [root@slave ~]# vim /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/postgresql.conf

    Редак­ти­ру­ем сле­ду­ю­щие параметры:

    listen_addresses = ‘localhost,’

    * где — IP-адрес наше­го вто­рич­но­го сервера.

    так же мож­но ука­зать про­сто звёздочку «*»

    Редак­ти­ру­ем файл recovery.conf  и добав­ля­ем в него стро­ку recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    [root@slave ~]# cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.conf
    standby_mode = ‘on’
    primary_conninfo = ‘user=postgres password=postgres host= port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’
    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    так же правим
    host replication postgres md5
    host all postgres md5

    Сно­ва запус­ка­ем сер­вис postgresql:

    [root@slave ~]# systemctl start postgresql-9.6

    СОЗДАЁМ replication_slots НА МАСТЕРЕ И СЛЕЙВЕ

    На масте­ре
    SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot(‘standby_slot’);

    На слей­ве
    SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot(‘standby_1_slot’);

    select * from pg_replication_slots;

    Добав­ля­ем  primary_slot_name = ‘standby_slot’  в recovery.conf на слейве,
    а на масте­ре он будет выглядеть:
    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_1_slot’

    по ито­гу на слей­ве recovery.conf :

    standby_mode = ‘on’
    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host=IP_MATERa  port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’
    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’
    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_slot’
    trigger_file = ‘/postgres/9.6/trigger’

    на масте­ре recovery.doney

    standby_mode = ‘on’
    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host=IP_SLAVEa port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’
    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’
    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_1_slot’
    trigger_file = ‘/postgres/9.6/trigger’

    Проверка репликации

    на слей­ве:
    [root@slave ~]# ps aux | grep receiver
    postgres 2406 0.2 0.1 362144 3160 ? Ss 18:39 0:02 postgres: wal receiver process streaming 0/30003E0

    на масте­ре:
    [root@master ~]# ps aux | grep sender
    postgres 11487 0.0 0.1 355824 3004 ? Ss 18:39 0:00 postgres: wal sender process postgres streaming 0/30003E0

    На масте­ре:
    [root@master ~]# su — postgres
    Last login: Wed Jun 5 18:07:00 KGT 2019 on pts/0
    -bash-4.2$ psql

    postgres=# select * from pg_stat_replication;
    pid | usesysid | usename | application_name | client_addr | client_hostname | client_port | backend_start | backend_xmin | state | sent_location |
    write_location | flush_location | replay_location | sync_priority | sync_state
    11487 | 10 | postgres | walreceiver | | | 45747 | 2019-06-05 18:39:50.459205+06 | | streaming | 0/30004C0 |
    0/30004C0 | 0/30004C0 | 0/30004C0 | 0 | async
    (1 row)

    Созда­ем новую базу данных:

    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE repltest ENCODING=’UTF8‘;

    postgres=# l
    List of databases
    Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges
    postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
    repltest | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
    template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
    | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
    template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +
    | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
    (4 rows)

    На слей­ве:

    [root@slave ~]# su — postgres

    Last login: Wed Jun 5 19:15:35 KGT 2019 on pts/0
    -bash-4.2$ psql
    psql (9.6.13)
    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# select * from pg_stat_wal_receiver;
    pid | status | receive_start_lsn | receive_start_tli | received_lsn | received_tli | last_msg_send_time | last_msg_receipt_time | latest_end_lsn |
    latest_end_time | slot_name | conninfo

    11928 | streaming | 0/3000000 | 1 | 0/3001730 | 1 | 2019-06-05 19:24:29.285547+06 | 2019-06-05 19:24:28.979799+06 | 0/3001730 | 2
    019-06-05 19:22:29.085126+06 | | user=postgres password=******** dbname=replication host= port=5432 fallback_application_name=walreceiver sslmode=pref
    er sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres
    (1 row)

    postgres=# l
    List of databases
    Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges


    postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
    repltest | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |
    template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres
    | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
    template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres
    | | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres
    (4 rows)

    как видим тесто­вая база repltest  созда­на и на слейве.
    при попыт­ке создать базу на слей­ве воз­ник­нет сле­ду­ю­щая ошибка:

    ERROR: cannot execute CREATE DATABASE in a read-only transaction

    Изменим Роли. Master => Slave  а Salve => Master

    Промоутим реплику до мастера

    Оста­но­вим мастер:
    systemctl stop postgresql-9.6

    На слейве(из кото­ро­го дела­ем масте­ра) говорим:

    [root@slave ~]# sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_ctl promote -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/
    could not change directory to «/root»: Permission denied
    server promoting

    При этом в ката­ло­ге  /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/ файл recovery.conf авто­ма­ти­че­ски будет пере­име­но­ван в recovery.done.

    [root@slave ~]# ll /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.done
    -rw-r—r—. 1 postgres postgres 190 Jun 5 19:11 /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.done

    В репли­ку теперь мож­но писать. Репли­ку и мож­но про­мо­ут­нуть до масте­ра без пере­за­пус­ка PostgreSQL, на прак­ти­ке вы, веро­ят­но, все же захо­ти­те его пере­за­пу­стить по сле­ду­ю­щей при­чине. Дело в том, что при­ло­же­ние, кото­рое ранее под­клю­чи­лось к этой репли­ке, так и будет исполь­зо­вать ее в каче­стве репли­ки даже после про­мо­у­та. Пере­за­пу­стив PostgreSQL, вы порве­те все сете­вые соеди­не­ния, а зна­чит при­ло­же­нию при­дет­ся под­клю­чить­ся зано­во, про­ве­рить, под­клю­чил­ся ли он к масте­ру или репли­ке (запрос SELECT pg_is_in_recovery();вер­нет false на масте­ре и true на репликах)

    Исполь­зу­ем ути­ли­ту pg_rewind кото­рая нахо­дит точ­ку в WAL, начи­ная с кото­рой WAL масте­ра и WAL репли­ки начи­на­ют рас­хо­дить­ся. Затем она «пере­ма­ты­ва­ет» (отсю­да и назва­ние) WAL репли­ки на эту точ­ку и нака­ты­ва­ет недо­ста­ю­щую исто­рию с масте­ра. Таким обра­зом, репли­ка и местер все­гда при­хо­дят к кон­си­стент­но­му состо­я­нию. Плюс к это­му pg_rewind син­хро­ни­зи­ру­ет фай­лы масте­ра и репли­ки намно­го быст­рее, чем pg_basebackup или rsync.

    на масте­ре (из кото­ро­го дела­ем слейв)говорим:

    systemctl stop postgresql-9.6
    [root@master 9.6]# sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_rewind -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/ —source-server=»host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres»
    servers diverged at WAL position 0/30000D0 on timeline 1
    no rewind required


    [root@master 9.6]# cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.conf
    standby_mode = ‘on’
    primary_conninfo = ‘user=postgres password=postgres host= port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’
    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    [root@master data]# chown postgres:postgres /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.conf

    [root@master data]# systemctl start postgresql-9.6

    смот­рим в логи. Там обя­за­тель­но долж­но быть:

    LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections

    [root@master data]# grep ‘database system is ready to accept read only connections’ /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_log/postgresql-Wed.log
    < 2019-06-05 23:38:52.217 KGT > LOG: database system is ready to accept read only connections

    Если вдруг видим что-то вроде:

    ERROR: requested WAL segment 0000000200000005 has already been removed

    … зна­чит репли­ка слиш­ком отста­ла от масте­ра, и нуж­но пере­не­сти фай­лы с масте­ра при помо­щи pg_basebackup, как было опи­са­но в нача­ле этой статьи.

    про­ве­ря­ем, теперь «сер­вер мастер» у нас репли­ка а «сер­вер слейв» теперь мастер, сле­до­ва­тель­но на сер­ве­ре мастер нель­зя вно­сить изме­не­ния в базе.

    [root@slave 9.6]# ps aux | grep sender
    postgres 13964 0.0 0.1 355856 3104 ? Ss 23:38 0:00 postgres: wal sender process postgres streaming 0/3000480

    [root@master data]# ps aux | grep receiver
    postgres 12624 0.3 0.1 362176 3164 ? Ss 23:38 0:00 postgres: wal receiver process streaming 0/3000480

    [root@master data]# sudo -u postgres psql
    psql (9.6.13)
    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE repltest45 ENCODING=’UTF8‘;
    ERROR: cannot execute CREATE DATABASE in a read-only transaction

    на «сер­ве­ре слейв» всё ок

    [root@slave 9.6]# sudo -u postgres psql
    psql (9.6.13)
    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# CREATE DATABASE repltest55 ENCODING=’UTF8‘;

    Вернём всё как было т.е. master=>master  а slave => slave

    Промоутим до мастера

    Оста­но­вим мастер(postgres):
    [root@slave ~]# systemctl stop postgresql-9.6

    На «мастер сервере»(из кото­ро­го дела­ем мастера(postgres)) говорим:

    [root@master ~]# sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_ctl promote -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/
    could not change directory to «/root»: Permission denied
    server promoting

    При этом в ката­ло­ге  /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/ файл recovery.conf авто­ма­ти­че­ски будет пере­име­но­ван в recovery.done.

    [root@master ~]# ll /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.done
    -rw-r—r—. 1 postgres postgres 191 Jun 5 23:37 /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.done

    В репли­ку теперь мож­но писать. Репли­ку и мож­но про­мо­ут­нуть до масте­ра без пере­за­пус­ка PostgreSQL, на прак­ти­ке вы, веро­ят­но, все же захо­ти­те его пере­за­пу­стить по сле­ду­ю­щей при­чине. Дело в том, что при­ло­же­ние, кото­рое ранее под­клю­чи­лось к этой репли­ке, так и будет исполь­зо­вать ее в каче­стве репли­ки даже после про­мо­у­та. Пере­за­пу­стив PostgreSQL, вы порве­те все сете­вые соеди­не­ния, а зна­чит при­ло­же­нию при­дет­ся под­клю­чить­ся зано­во, про­ве­рить, под­клю­чил­ся ли он к масте­ру или репли­ке (запрос SELECT pg_is_in_recovery();вер­нет false на масте­ре и true на репликах)

    Исполь­зу­ем ути­ли­ту pg_rewind кото­рая нахо­дит точ­ку в WAL, начи­ная с кото­рой WAL масте­ра и WAL репли­ки начи­на­ют рас­хо­дить­ся. Затем она «пере­ма­ты­ва­ет» (отсю­да и назва­ние) WAL репли­ки на эту точ­ку и нака­ты­ва­ет недо­ста­ю­щую исто­рию с масте­ра. Таким обра­зом, репли­ка и местер все­гда при­хо­дят к кон­си­стент­но­му состо­я­нию. Плюс к это­му pg_rewind син­хро­ни­зи­ру­ет фай­лы масте­ра и репли­ки намно­го быст­рее, чем pg_basebackup или rsync.

    на «слейв сервере»(из кото­ро­го дела­ем слейв)говорим:

    systemctl stop postgresql-9.6
    [root@slave ~]# sudo -u postgres /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/pg_rewind -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/ —source-server=»host= port=5432 user=postgres password=postgres»
    could not change directory to «/root»: Permission denied
    servers diverged at WAL position 0/3002C08 on timeline 2
    no rewind required

    так как recovery.conf созда­вал­ся ранее то про­сто пере­име­ну­ем его:

    [root@slave ~]# mv /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.done /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.conf
    [root@slave ~]# cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.conf
    standby_mode = ‘on’
    primary_conninfo = ‘user=postgres password=postgres host= port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’
    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    [root@slave ~]# systemctl start postgresql-9.6

    смот­рим в логи. Там обя­за­тель­но долж­но быть:

    LOG:  database system is ready to accept read only connections

    [root@slave ~]# grep ‘database system is ready to accept read only connections’ /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_log/postgresql-Wed.log
    < 2019-06-05 23:27:05.175 KGT > LOG: database system is ready to accept read only connections

    Если вдруг видим что-то вроде:

    ERROR: requested WAL segment 0000000200000005 has already been removed

    … зна­чит репли­ка слиш­ком отста­ла от масте­ра, и нуж­но пере­не­сти фай­лы с масте­ра при помо­щи pg_basebackup, как было опи­са­но в нача­ле этой статьи.

    про­ве­ря­ем, теперь «сер­вер мастер» у нас мастер(postgres ) а «сер­вер слейв» теперь реплика.

    [root@master ~]# ps aux | grep sender
    postgres 12763 0.0 0.1 355856 3092 ? Ss 02:17 0:00 postgres: wal sender process postgres streaming 0/3002DF8

    [root@slave ~]# ps aux | grep receiver
    postgres 14251 0.3 0.1 362176 3172 ? Ss 02:17 0:00 postgres: wal receiver process streaming 0/3002DF8

    всё ок

    Если необ­хо­ди­мо что­бы репли­ка­ция про­из­во­ди­лась под опре­де­лён­ным поль­зо­ва­те­лем, напри­мер repluser то добав­ля­ем в файл:

    Созда­ём пользователя:

    cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/pg_hba.conf
    host    replication     repluser       md5

    host    all              postgres            md5

    на вто­ром сервере:
    host    replication     repluser       md5

    host    all              postgres            md5

    На масте­ре

    cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.done

    standby_mode = ‘on’

    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host= port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’

    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    На слей­ве:
    cat /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data/recovery.conf

    standby_mode = ‘on’

    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host= port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’

    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    Коман­ды будут выпол­нят­ся соот­ветс­вен­но от это­го пользователя:
    sudo -u postgres pg_basebackup -h -U repluser -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.6/data —xlog-method=stream —write-recovery-conf

    Если необ­хо­ди­мо изме­нить рас­по­ло­же­ние базы то:

    vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/postgresql-9.6.service

    Редак­ти­ру­ем путь:


    systemctl daemon-reload

    mkdir /postgres/9.6
    chown -R postgres:postgres /postgres/

    пра­вим домаш­нюю директорию:
    cat /etc/passwd | grep postges

    postgres:x:26:26:PostgreSQL Server:/postgres:/bin/bash

    Ини­ци­и­ру­ем базу
     su — postgres

    /usr/pgsql-9.6/bin/initdb -D /postgres/9.6/


    Репликация с использованием triger файла

    Про­цесс такой же как и при настрой­ке обыч­ной репли­ка­ции, ини­ци­и­ру­ем базу, созда­ём поль­зо­ва­те­ля repluser даём пра­ва в pg_hba.conf

    Копи­ру­ем базу на слейв:

    sudo -u postgres pg_basebackup -h -U repluser -D /postgres/9.6/ —xlog-method=stream —write-recovery-conf

    СОЗДАЁМ replication_slots НА МАСТЕРЕ И СЛЕЙВЕ

    На масте­ре
    SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot(‘standby_slot‘);

    На слей­ве
    SELECT pg_create_physical_replication_slot(‘standby_1_slot‘);

    select * from pg_replication_slots;

    Добав­ля­ем  primary_slot_name = ‘standby_slot’  в recovery.conf на слейве,
    а на масте­ре он будет выглядеть:
    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_1_slot’


    На слей­ве recovery conf выгля­дит сле­ду­ю­щим образом:
    cat /postgres/9.6/recovery.conf

    standby_mode = ‘on’

    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host=IP-master port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’

    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_slot

    trigger_file = ‘/postgres/9.6/trigger’

    Мы доба­ви­ли стро­ку trigger_file = ‘/postgres/9.6/trigger’ для того, что­бы при созда­нии фай­ла /postgres/9.6/trigger слейв база ста­но­ви­лась масте­ром и мог­ла про­из­во­дить запись

    На масте­ре recovery конф нет, но зара­нее созда­дим recovery.done

    standby_mode = ‘on’

    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host=IP-slave port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’

    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_1_slot

    trigger_file = ‘/postgres/9.6/trigger’


    Пере­клю­чим слейв в мастер

    Оста­но­вим мастер:
    systemctl stop postgresql-9.6

    На слей­ве про­ве­рим нали­чие фай­ла recovery.conf и созда­дим файл triger

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# cat /postgres/9.6/recovery.conf

    standby_mode = ‘on’

    primary_conninfo = ‘user=repluser password=repluser host=IP-master port=5432 sslmode=prefer sslcompression=1 krbsrvname=postgres’

    recovery_target_timeline = ‘latest’

    primary_slot_name = ‘standby_slot’

    trigger_file = ‘/postgres/9.6/trigger’

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# touch /postgres/9.6/trigger

    Про­ве­ря­ем логи:

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# tail /postgres/9.6/pg_log/postgresql-Thu.log

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.672 +06 > LOG:  trigger file found: /postgres/9.6/trigger

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.672 +06 > LOG:  redo done at 0/1A000E50

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.682 +06 > LOG:  selected new timeline ID: 7

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.784 +06 > LOG:  archive recovery complete

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.807 +06 > LOG:  MultiXact member wraparound protections are now enabled

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.809 +06 > LOGdatabase system is ready to accept connections

    < 2019-06-20 13:29:23.810 +06 > LOG:  autovacuum launcher started

    Стро­ка  database system is ready to accept connections пока­зы­ва­ет, что сер­вер пере­шёл в режим записи

    Файл /postgres/9.6/trigger при этом с быв­ше­го слей­ва уда­ля­ет­ся, а recovery.conf авто­ма­ти­че­ски пере­име­но­вы­ва­ет­ся в recovery.done

    Что­бы мастер пере­шёл в режим read only нам необ­ход­мо пере­име­но­вать recovery.conf
    mv recovery.done recovery.conf

    И стар­та­нуть базу

    systemctl start postgresql-9.6

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb1 9.6]# ps aux | grep rec

    postgres  3837  0.0  0.0 362620  2536 ?        Ss   13:35   0:00 postgres: startup process   recovering 00000006000000000000001A

    postgres  3841  0.0  0.0 369412  3264 ?        Ss   13:35   0:00 postgres: wal receiver process   idle

    root      4037  0.0  0.0 112708   980 pts/0    S+   13:38   0:00 grep —color=auto rec

    Быв­ший мастер теперь высту­па­ет как слейв


    Что­бы вер­нуть как было мастер — мастер  слейв- слейв.
    Оса­нав­ли­ва­ем базу

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# systemctl stop postgresql-9.6


    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# mv recovery.done recovery.conf

    На масте­ре созда­ём файл trigger

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb1 9.6]# touch trigger

    (на дан­ном сер­ве­ре файл recovery.conf авто­ма­ти­че­ские пере­име­но­вал­ся в recovery.done)

    Стар­ту­ем на слейве:
    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# systemctl start postgresql-9.6

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# ps aux | grep rec

    postgres  7688  0.0  0.0 362620  2524 ?        Ss   15:08   0:00 postgres: startup process   recovering 0000000F000000000000001E

    postgres  7692  0.3  0.0 369260  3256 ?        Ss   15:08   0:00 postgres: wal receiver process   streaming 0/1E000A80

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb1 9.6]# ps aux | grep send

    postgres 10459  0.0  0.0 362924  3048 ?        Ss   15:08   0:00 postgres: wal sender process repluser IP-master(56130) streaming 0/1E000A80

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb2 9.6]# su — postgres

    Last login: Thu Jun 20 12:45:09 +06 2019 on pts/0

    -bash-4.2$ psql

    psql (9.2.24, server 9.6.13)

    WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 9.6.

    Some psql features might not work.

    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# select * from pg_replication_slots;

    slot_name    | plugin | slot_type | datoid | database | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn


     standby_1_slot |        | physical  |        |          | f      |            | 1773 |              | 0/1E0008C8  |

    (1 row)

    [root@btc-vsrv-mpaydb1 9.6]# su — postgres

    Last login: Thu Jun 20 14:42:01 +06 2019 on pts/0

    -bash-4.2$ psql

    psql (9.2.24, server 9.6.13)

    WARNING: psql version 9.2, server version 9.6.

    Some psql features might not work.

    Type «help» for help.

    postgres=# select * from pg_replication_slots;

    slot_name   | plugin | slot_type | datoid | database | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn


    standby_slot |        | physical  |        |          | t      |      10459 | 1773 |              | 0/1E000B60  |

    (1 row)

    On operational issues side, one thing that quite commonly floats atop when dealing with customers using Postgres, especially with smaller setups, is Streaming Replication and it’s failures. Failure here not as a bug or design failure, but more as a misunderstood “feature”, as encountered problems are mostly actually things that work as intended and with good reasons, but people don’t know about the reasoning and at some point find themselves stressed when seeing errors. The good side here though is that it shows how easy it actually is nowadays to set up Postgres Streaming Replication (SR) even without any deeper background knowledge. So here’s a quick recap on the most important thing people should consider when running SR, so not to get caught off guard.

    Disconnected replicas unable to connect

    The below error must be the most common problem for all SR users. It shows up on the replicas on cases where 1) the network connection with the master went away or got too slow (quite common for a disaster recovery instance on other side of the world), 2) the replica had a downtime (Postgres shutdown or hardware/server maintenance), so that the master managed to write more data than the configured maximum WAL (Write-Ahead-Log) size. And until version 9.5 it was by default only 48 MB! And from 9.5+ in worst case scenario minimally only 80MB by default.

    ERROR: requested WAL segment 00000001000000000000000A has already been removed.

    The solution? Firstly there’s no other way around it on the replica side than rebuilding again from the master  (meaning mostly pg_basebackup). For bigger DBs this can take hours of time and could also affect master performance, so not good…

    Ensuring master keeps enough WAL files around for safe replica downtime

    Long term solution would be:

    1) Increase wal_keep_segments parameter.

    This guarantees that extra WAL files would be kept around on the master. By default it’s 0, meaning no extra disk space is reserved. Simplest approach here for not so busy databases with no burst-writing would be to set it to value corresponding to a couple of days of data volume. This should give enough time to fix the network/server – given of course according failure detection systems are in place.

    Determining the daily data volume could be problematic though here without some continuous monitoring tool or script (using pg_current_xlog_location+pg_xlog_location_diff) typically, but when having constant workflows one can estimate it pretty good based on the “change“ timestamps from DATADIR/pg_xlog folder. NB! Not to be confused with the standard “modified” timestamps that you see from ‘ls -l’.  When you for example see that your ‘find pg_xlog/ -cmin -60’ (file attributes changed within last hour) yields 3, you’ll know that you’re writing ca 1.2GB (3*16*24) per day and can set wal_keep_segments accordingly.

    2) Use replication slots

    Replication slots (9.4+) are a feature designed specifically for this problem scenario and they guarantee storing of WAL files on master when replicas disconnect, per subscriber, meaning Postgres will delete WALs only when all replicas have received them. This complicates matters a bit of course. Steps to take:

    * set max_replication_slots to the projected count of replicas (plus safety margin) on the master and restart

    * create a named slot (speaking of only physical replication here) using pg_create_physical_replication_slot on the master

    * modify the “recovery.conf” file on the replica to include the line ‘primary_slot_name=slotX’ and restart

    * dropping the slot on master with pg_drop_replication_slot when decommissioning the replica

    NB! When using replication slots it is absolutely essential that you have some kind of monitoring in place as when a replica goes away and it’s not picked up, eventually the master will run out of disk space on the XLOG partition. And when in danger of running out of disk space find out the slot that’s lagging behind the most with the below query and drop it. This means though also rebuilding the replica usually.

    select slot_name, pg_xlog_location_diff(pg_current_xlog_location(), restart_lsn) as lag_b from pg_replication_slots order by 2 desc;

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