Error resource is not public

So I'm trying to use the built-in drawable timepicker_up_btn for api level 7. It is in the actual res folder in the sdk, and I can use other resources from that folder. But I get the error message "

So I’m trying to use the built-in drawable timepicker_up_btn for api level 7. It is in the actual res folder in the sdk, and I can use other resources from that folder. But I get the error message «Resource is not public».

It seems like Google is trying to limit the use of this resource. I would think they don’t care if I use it in an Android application and it makes the overall look of my application similar to stock Android.

Anyway, is this fixable? Can I somehow use a non-public resource without copying it to my project? And what is the deal with copying stock resources to own projects? Illegal? Frowned upon? Or go ahead we don’t care?

asked Nov 5, 2011 at 8:05

Espen's user avatar

The best thing to do is to copy the files to our application. I was told by some Google employees that you should not reference the resources, rather copy them to your application.

One of the reasons for this is that if you reference a whole bunch of icons for your application, you are not guaranteed that every one of these is updated at the same time when new versions of the SDK is released. You might end up with some up-to-date fancy icons and some old ones :)

answered Nov 5, 2011 at 9:52

Eric Nordvik's user avatar

Eric NordvikEric Nordvik

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Technically you can copy the resource from SDK folder to your own resource folder and then use it as your own. Though I am not sure whether it’s a violation of the copyright.

answered Nov 5, 2011 at 9:09

slkorolev's user avatar


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Пока пытаюсь применить ExpandedMenu тема показывает эту ошибку

error: Error: Resource is not public. (at 'theme' with value '@android:style/Theme.ExpandedMenu').

1 ответы

Вы не можете использовать все темы (или любые другие ресурсы), которые не определены системой как общедоступные. Один из способов проверить, является ли он общедоступным или нет, — попытаться автозаполнить его имя в редакторе eclipse. Если он не отображается, он является частным.

Одним из обходных путей является копирование всех его атрибутов в ваше собственное определение и использование его вместо частного системного. Иногда это невозможно, так как слишком много зависимостей от других частных определений.

Создан 08 ноя.

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Jun 3, 2009

I’ve been trying to include standard android icons in a menu XML file, as described in Android Icon design guidelines. However the build fails with the following errors : [2009-06-04 00:00:31 — Laser] W/ResourceType(16578): Bad XML block: header size 2475 or total size 0 is larger than data size 0 [2009-06-04 00:00:31 — Laser] /home/niko/dev/workspace/Laser/res/menu/ main.xml:4: ERROR Error: Resource is not public. (at ‘icon’ with value ‘@android:drawable/ic_menu_play_clip’). [2009-06-04 00:00:31 — Laser] Unknown error: The only threads I could find with this error were about rebuilding android platform xml files. Any idea about what I could have missed?

Android :: Aapt error with Standard menu icons resource is not public View 5 Replies

Android :: Standard Android Menu Icons For Example Refresh

Apr 21, 2010

The android sdk offers the standard menu icons via android.R.drawable.X, however some standard icons, such as ic_menu_refresh (the refresh icon), are missing from android.R.Is there any way to get the original icons, maybe by extracting them from the applications? I already checked the Android source, but it’s a bit too huge to look everywhere for the images.I know the androiddrawableexplorer website, but I would like to get the correct hdpi, mdpi and ldpi version, preferable the original ones.Do you have any idea?

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Android :: Unknown Error With AAPT Tool While Build Project

Jun 18, 2010

I am in need of help to complete my application. I am trying to execute a project that uses and android library. Basically I am trying to execute the android facebook sdk to run the sample code provided at 1. I have downloaded the sdk and extracted the zip file to a folder 2. I used Eclipse galileo import to create an android project from existing resource. I imported the sdk source code (facebook folder of the sdk) into my project explorer successfully. I can also run Build Project for this source code. 3. Now, I am trying to import the sample example in it. The project is imported but I cannot execute it. I cannot build the project. Code…

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Android :: Standard Power Widget Icons

Nov 9, 2010

Does anybody know where to get the standard power control widget icons from?

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General :: Error During Repo Init — Public Key Not Found

Oct 7, 2013

After I ran the curl to install the latest version of repo, when I attempt to run a repo init I get this error

dan@dan-laptop:~/aokp_jb$ repo init -u -b jb-mr2 -g all,kernel,device,vendor
gpg: keyring `/home/dan/.repoconfig/gnupg/secring.gpg’ created
gpg: keyring `/home/dan/.repoconfig/gnupg/pubring.gpg’ created
gpg: /home/dan/.repoconfig/gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 920F5C65: public key «Repo Maintainer <>» imported
gpg: key 338871A4: public key «Conley Owens <>» imported
gpg: Total number processed: 2

[URL ……

repo 1.12.4

gpg: Signature made Tue 01 Oct 2013 12:44:27 PM EDT using RSA key ID 692B382C
gpg: Can’t check signature: public key not found
error: could not verify the tag ‘v1.12.4’

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Android :: Color Gray Resource Icons (especially Microphone)?

Nov 18, 2010

i’m currently developing an application for android. Therefore i want to create a microphone widget, like the one in googles Searchdialog. This icon is filled with white color, like a bargraph, depending on the recorded volume level. I already found the icon (ic_btn_speak_now.png) in the drawable ressources, delivered with the SDK. Unfortunately the icon isn’t an simple shape with a transparent area for the microphone shape. Instead it consists of some different gray values. My question now is: How do the google developers (and others, where i’ve seen it) fill only the microphone shape of the icon with color?

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General :: (CM7 / ADW) How To Restore Standard Dock Icons?

Feb 29, 2012

I accidentally deleted all 3 icons out of the standard dock bar at the bottom (CM7) and want to reinstate them.

When trying to reinstate the «contacts» button, I can’t find the proper ADW-launcher icon for it. Where are these located, how can I chose them?

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No Standard Menu Button In 3.0+ / How To Get Access To It

Oct 12, 2012

I made my app compatible with both pre and post 3.0. Before 3.0 most phones had menu buttons which led to settings or other menu options. Since 3.0+ the dev guide has depreciated the menu button so phones don’t need it. ICS and JB don’t use them.

So how do I let users access it? In Gingerbread a user can press the menu button and then select the «Settings» link. Everyone knows what I mean but I feel I need to explain it: here’s the dev guide anyway.

So if one of my users is on a 3.0+ device how can I let them get access to the settings page? I don’t want to use the Action Bar like the dev guide suggests. That’s a huge UI change just for one settings page.

I mean it’s just one page and changing my UI to add a settings imageview would change the overall layout of main.xml which at the moment is just how i want it.

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HTC Incredible :: Launcher Pro — Using A Standard Clock Some Icons And Other Options

Aug 4, 2010

I must say LP is kinda cool, gives you a different feel of the phone. Right now i’m only using one screen, and 1 dock (not multiple dock screens), but i guess i’m just trying to find out if this is actually any different than the normal senseUI. I see there are limited icons, and we can either use the LP icons, or the default icons, but maybe there is an expansion pack for LP that i’m not understanding? Also, what are you guys using as a clock. With LP, i can only add the analog clock, or other wigdet clocks i’ve downloaded, but can’t load 10 clocks that came with the phone. I’m assuming those are senseUI clocks, and will not work with LP. Should i download clock widgets that will work with LP? Also, since i’m only using 1 screen, and 1 dock, and i really not utilizing LP to the max here ? I should be using the dock more, and using it for more applications to quickly pull up right? Does anyone have any advice on how to customize it a little bit to make the experience more enjoyable, or make it worth the while ?Also, battery life? Any difference? Is it the same? I have ATK that i run every once in a while to kill some buggy apps/games, I noticed that LP is running and taking up a good amount of resources, has anyone reported a really bad battery due to LP being installed?

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Android :: Can Not Get Context Menu Resource To Return Correct Information

Jan 9, 2010

I can not get the ContextMenuResource to return the correct information that I am looking for. At times it returns what I want, other times not so much so.

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Android :: No Resource Found Error

May 24, 2010

I got «no resource found that matches the given name(at ‘id’ with value @id+/textview’)» my main.xml file looks like this: <?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»utf-8″?> <TextView xmlns:android=» /apk/res/android» android:id=»@id+/textview» android:layout_width=»fill_parent» android:layout_ height=»fill_parent» android:text=»@string/greetings»/> Any idea what I am missing? You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups «Android Developers» group. To post to this group, send email to To unsubscribe from this group, send email to android-developers+ For more options, visit this group at /group/android-developers?hl=en

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Android :: Is There A Standard List Of Android Icons For Our Apps?

Feb 27, 2009

for example: for error dialogs, confirm dialogs, progress > I looked in the res/drawable in the android.jar but couldn’t see > thumbnails to determine what they look like.

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Android :: Error — No Resource Found That Matches Given Name

Jul 16, 2010

I am new to android, I try to create layout so that I have background image, and have a ImageView with animation start from bottom right of screen and along with a TextView stay on top of this ImageView. (Hope my describe make sense).

My problem is when I try use «android:layout_above=»@id/flyobject»», the eclipse alway say: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at ‘layout_above’ with value ‘@id/flyobject’). But as for sure I have defined flyobject, and I can find it’s in my R class.

Here is my XML file:
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android=» android»android:layout_width=»fill_parent» android:layout_height=»fill_parent»>
<ImageView android:id=»@+id/background»android:src = «@drawable/background»android:layout_width=»fill_parent»android:layout_height=»fill_parent» android:scaleType=»centerCrop»/>
<ImageViewandroid:id=»@+id/flyobject»android:src=»@drawable/asteroid01″android:layout_width=»wrap_content»android:layout_height=»wrap_content»android:layout_alignParentRight=»true»android:layout_alignParentBottom=»true»/> </RelativeLayout>

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Android :: Error Creating Gen Resource Folder

Nov 13, 2010

My eclipse is not creating gen folder and android compilation creates error missing required gen folder.

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Android :: Extra Icons In Menu

Mar 19, 2009

When I run my app, I see about 8 or 9 icons in the main phone menu. One is to run the app, and the others actually run activities within the app.I want there to only be one icon for users.Any ideas as to why this is happening?My code is structured similar to examples from the book «Android — A Programmers Guide» by JF DiMarzio.How do I hide the other icons so users have to start at the main menu screen?

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Android :: NinePatchDrawable — Error No Resource Found That Matches The Given Name

Aug 9, 2010

The problem with NinePatchDrawable. Created 9.png file using a utility draw9patch, but when the throw the file in a folder res/drawable error: No resource found that matches the given name.

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Android :: Standard Android Icons & Images

Nov 6, 2009

I notice that most apps that come with the OS use a standard look and feel, with common icons and images for common tasks. For example, when data is being loaded, you see the «Loading» text with the green revolving arrow to indicate that something is happening, or when you are asked if you want to take a photo, you see the gray camera icon image. I have also seen private apps downloaded from the market use these same icons. So.
1) Are these images available for our use? I’m sure my apps would look more pro if they used them.
2) Is it recommended that android developers follow the standard look and feel in their apps?

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Android :: Showing Icons For Menu Items

Sep 7, 2010

I have a problem with showing icons for menu items. The items which appear when I click on menu button are having icons but When I click on «More» option in Menu, The newly shown menu items are not having any icons even though I have set the icons for these items in my xml.

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Android :: Why Menu Icons Are Always Monochrome And Not Color?

Oct 27, 2010

Is there are a reason why android menu icons are always monochrome and not color? Is there any reason why i shouldn’t use color menu icons?

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Android :: How To Add Add Icons And Intents In QuickContactBadge Menu?

May 14, 2010

I’m a writing a program to add a new way of communication such as MMS/SMS or SIP phone to Android.Is there a way to add an icon in the QuickContactBadge menu, when clicking on a contact photo in the Contacts application ?I wasn’t able to fully understand how it works from android sources.Is the list of icons only populated from mime types found in contacts datas ?

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Android :: Loading Raw Resource Text File / Out Of Memory Error

Sep 15, 2010

I use this method couples of occasion to load text file to display as help file. But I don’t know why the following code didn’t work. It seems to hang and logcat says «OutOfMemoryError»? All I did was break this out as an separate activity.

<?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»utf-8″?> <ScrollView xmlns:android=»»
<TextView android:id=»@+id/helptext»
android:layout_height=»wrap_content» />

import; import;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.widget.TextView;

public class Help extends Activity {
/** Called when the activity is first created. */
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
InputStream iFile = getResources().openRawResource(;
try { TextView helpText = (TextView) findViewById(;
String strFile = inputStreamToString(iFile);
} catch (Exception e) {
} }
public String inputStreamToString(InputStream is) throws IOException {
StringBuffer sBuffer = new StringBuffer();
DataInputStream dataIO = new DataInputStream(is);
String strLine = «»;
while ((strLine = dataIO.readLine()) != «») {
sBuffer.append(strLine + » «);
} dataIO.close();
return sBuffer.toString();

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Android :: Resize Options Menu — Get Icons Centered?

May 2, 2010

I created a basic options menu, here an example of creating an element of me menu: menu.add(0, MENU_BACKWARD, 0, «»).setIcon(R.drawable.btn_backward);

As you can see I don’t want to show any text in this menu, just an icon ! But when the menu is showed, there is a «ugly» blank under the icon (the text is supposed to be there) and I want to avoid this. A least if it’s possible to center the icon the options menus, it will be great.

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Android :: How To Display Menu Icons After Clicking More Item?

Sep 13, 2010

if I have an Options menu in Android that has more than 6 items, Android adds a More item that shows the other hidden items, AS text!But I want the More button to display the extra items both in their text AND icon, how do I do that?

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HTC Desire :: Error Accessing Remote Resource

Jul 2, 2010

New problem *sigh* getting to be quite annoyed with HTC/Android. Gone from excitement to frustration.I have Google apps for my domain with a custom email (example)I use Exchange ActiveSync to access my emails, calendar and contacts on my phone.I have been having the same frustrations of others when things stop syncing but this is usually fixed by either putitng in a wrong password and then the right one or by removing the Exchange ActiveSync account and then readding it. Unfortunately this how now ceased to work. Yesterday afternoon my phone stopped syncing email and showed the little circle with arrows icon with an exclamation next to it. I left it overnight thinking it might have been a Google glitch or something rather than the phone but its still not working now getting close to 24 hours later.I have tried putting a wrong password and the the correct one and it still fails to sync (calendar works etc)I have tried several times removing the account and the readding it again but it still fails to do mail. Instead a little message shows at the bottom of the screen saying «Error accessing a remote resource». I google searching this on the web and also on this forum and found no results of any value or help

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General :: ADT Debug Error For Invalid Resource

Apr 25, 2014

I am extremely new in Android development and ADT.. I was working on trying to create my first `HelloWorld` in ADT but something messed up so I deleted all the files and folders and started a new project from scratch..but I am not able to debug this new project. I tried to create another project but everytime I am getting this error:

[2014-04-25 14:12:39 — App1] invalid resource directory name: /Users/Android_Mac/appcompat_v7/res/Icon
[2014-04-25 14:12:39 — appcompat_v7] invalid resource directory name: /Users/Android_Mac/appcompat_v7/res/Icon

There was an ‘Icon’ file in appcompat_v7..which I have deleted but the problem is still persisting

Also whats the use of `appcompat_v7`? i did not create it..

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Android :: Droid Eclipse Resource Strings Error / Alter XML File (like Suggested In Tutorials)?

Sep 6, 2010

When I make a new android project and I go to res/values/string.xml I get a screen to add android resources instead of a XML document. I keeps getting the error about : java.lang.NullPointerException.

Is there a way to just alter a XML file (like suggested in tutorials)?

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HTC Desire :: Remove Icons From Menu

May 18, 2010

does anybody know if there is a way to remove/delete icon from the menu (not home screen). I dont use them all and would like to remove some. Also is there a way to rearrange them?

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HTC Desire :: Arranging Icons In Main Menu

Sep 12, 2010

I have just got my HTC Desire and was wondering can you arrange the icons in the main menu (the big list)?Some i will never use and would be better at the bottom.

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General :: Unable To Move Icons Menu?

Apr 15, 2014

I cannot move icons in menu. It is probably reason delete a file (probably with php ending). My telefon has Root.

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Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 :: Arranging Menu Icons?

Oct 18, 2010

Fellas, I’ve got another question about my X10 Mini.I’ve been downloading many apps from Android Market and there are so many good ones, but also some others pretty awful.The thing is that unninstalling some apps from the phone leaves me gaps in the menu.I’ve got pages of the downer menu with only six icons, when the space allows 9. How can i re-arrange the icons to put them in order?Is there an option in the phone as it comes, or do I have to download an app from the market?

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