Error sans человек

Для других версий см. Error!Sans (разновидности). Важно: Эррор из комикса Lucidia и Error!Санс являются разными персонажами. Error!Sans (от англ. error — ошибка) — один из немногих Error-персонажей, который является альтернативной версией Aftertale!Санса. После событий Aftertale Гено, несмотря на просьбы Санса, использует силу Решимости и случайно отправляет себя в Анти-пустоту. В последние минуты Гено был вне себя от получения своей Счастливой концовки и возненавидел всех и вся, кроме самого се

Информация в этой статье является каноничной, т.к. проверена администрацией.
Больше информации вы можете найти на этой странице.

Для других версий см. Error!Sans (разновидности).
Важно: Эррор из комикса Lucidia и Error!Санс являются разными персонажами.

Error!Sans (от англ. error — ошибка) — один из немногих Error-персонажей, который является альтернативной версией Aftertale!Санса.


После событий Aftertale Гено, несмотря на просьбы Санса, использует силу Решимости и случайно отправляет себя в Анти-пустоту. В последние минуты Гено был вне себя от получения своей Счастливой концовки и возненавидел всех и вся, кроме самого себя. После этого Гено изменился внешне и стал Эррором.

Для дальнейшей информации обратитесь к Errortale.


Особенность характера Эррора заключается в том, что он является психопатом и полным лицемером. Он часто действует нелогично, уничтожая вселенные не дистанционно, а самостоятельно, а также щадя вселенные, которые ему нравятся, и полностью непредсказуемо, так как у него часто случаются эмоциональные вспышки.

Основной целью Эррора является уничтожение всех аномалий и глюков, и это доходит до того, что он уничтожает оригинальные/каноничные вселенные. При этом он может назвать глюком или ошибкой любого или что-угодно просто потому, что оно не нравится ему, а затем спокойно убить. Эррор также хочет уничтожить все вселенные, кроме одной, которую он ещё не знает, хотя при этом Эррор не может уничтожить популярные вселенные.

В свободное время Эррор наблюдает за другими вселенными или играет с куклами в своей Анти-пустоте. У него также была подруга DarkBlitz08, человек с зелёной душой, которая оказалась всего-лишь его галлюцинацией[15].


  • Обладает всеми способностями обычного Санса;
  • Кроме этого обладает нитями — концентрированной версией магии телекинеза[16], которые может вытягивать из глаз и рук[17]. Они позволяют ему вытягивать душу из тела[18], передвигать и уничтожить её, но в основном использует их для личных нужд[19];
  • Также способен открывать порталы в другие вселенные, которые могут быть односторонними и двусторонними[20], а также показывать прошлое Эррора[21].

Интересные факты

  • Надписи «Error» приносят небольшой дискомфорт Эррору[22], а когда он раздражён множество из них ослепляют его[23];
  • Когда он сильно переживает за кого-то, то он «перезагружается»[24];
    • В этом состоянии его статистика сбрасывается до 0[25];
  • Из-за серьёзной травмы тело Эррора не даёт ему вспомнить его прошлое[26];
  • Все вещи Эррор крадёт из Underfell[27];
  • Эррор может слышать аски, так как он error-персонаж[28];
  • У него плохое зрение и он близорукий, поэтому он носит очки[29];
    • Очки он получил от Альфис ещё когда был Гено[30];
  • Уничтожая одну вселенную, Эррор заставляет мультивселенную создать новую точно такую же, так что технически он ничего не уничтожает[31];
  • После завершения своей цели Эррор самоуничтожится[32];
  • Если Эррор починит свой код, то скорее всего самоуничтожится[33];
  • Имеет большое количество языков[34];
  • Используя захваченные души, Эррор может видеть[35];
  • Дизайн кукол Эррора основаны на поделках Musings[36];
  • Сам он называет себя «омерзительный Санс #1»[37];
    • Номер 11 — Блуберри[38], кукла в виде Чары — номер 12[39], номер 13 — кукла в виде Fell!Санса[40];
  • Фатал не является каноном для Эррора[41];
    • Существует пост, где Фатал признан каноном для Эррора, но он, скорее всего, сделан в шутку.


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Прототип дизайна Эррора

Error poster by thecrayonqueen daqtkp3-fullview

Постер с Эррором

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Первое изображение нового дизайна

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Использует нити

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Пугающее лицо

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Пугающее лицо/раздражён

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Дизайн костей

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Дизайн гастер-бластеров

Популярные персонажи
Lawful Good Antivirus!Sans • Noclip!Toriel
Neutral Good Core!Frisk(разн) • Anti-Error!Sans • Illusion • Paint!Papyrus • Index!Sans
Chaotic Good Dream(разн) • Delta!Sans
Lawful Neutral Doctor Sans(разн) • Prunsel
True Neutral Fresh(разн) • Lucid • Cross!Sans(разн) • Paper Jam • Paper Crane • Error404!Sans • Fresh Ink!Sans • Fresh Error!Sans • Fresh_Hell • Fresh Hollow • Sans Extreme • Imbalance!Dummy • Ongelor • Goopy Soul
Chaotic Neutral Ink!Sans(разн) • Proferror • Circuit • Spam!Sans • Hollow!Sans(разн)
Lawful Evil Nightmare(разн) • Hacker!Frisk • King Multiverse
Neutral Evil You • Mary Sue
Chaotic Evil Error!Sans(разн) • Fatal_Error(разн) • Killer!Sans(разн) • Bill!Sans • Virus!Sans • Hate!Sans • Infected!Sans • Shattered Dream • Dust Ink!Sans • Sans Supreme • Infinity!Doctor Sans
Кодовые Comic Papyrus • Sixbones • Murder!Sans • Insanity!Sans • Blueberry(разн) • Geno • Ultra-Sans • SANESS • Sans Seraphim • JoJo!Sans • Scoundrel!Sans • Venom Sans • Kiwi • WIKI • VHS Sans • Geno!Papyrus • The Superior Papyrus • Ketter



This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.


Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela. How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans. When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc…

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale, which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.


  • Error!Sans is near-sighted.
  • Error!Sans likes to crochet.
  • CrayonQueen/Loverofpiggies has gone on record stating that while Error has no canonical romantic relationships, she as a creator doesn’t object to any given ship.
  • Error!Sans has haphephobia (the fear of being touched).
  • Error!Sans also has pixlexia (A term coined by gamers, where the coding is messed up so all the controls are inverted. For example: Left is right, up is down, Etc.)
  • Error!Sans and Ink!Sans combined makes an accidental child named PaperJam or PJ.
  • Ink and Error have a rivalry going on to «defend/destroy all AU’s».
  • Error’s birthday is on April 4th as an «Error 404» joke.
  • The AskFriskAndCompany AU has a magic fence and an attack cat to protect itself from Error! Sans.
  • The Error characters do not come from the same Timeline as their timelines are (and still is) separated from Error Sans’ powers.
  • Error is an «anti-social man-baby,» as described by the creator themself.
  • There is an interpretation of Error called FGoD!Error (Forced God of Destruction) belonging to Wattpad user harrish6. If you want to know more about this interpretation of Error, read ‘Healing What Has Been Broken’ or ‘Falling Into A Different Destiny’.
  • Error’s origin was revealed on November 4th, 2018, since CrayonQueen didn’t want to continue to «Ask Error».
  • Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon.
  • Error!Sans doesn’t get along with his mentor Error!404, but tolerates him.
  • He also appeared in the «Christmas Party AU» comic.
  • He has five blue tongues.



Error Sans

Download (5)

Error Sans Canon Design

Images (7)

Download (6)

Images (8)

Images (9)

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.


Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela. How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans. When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc…

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale, which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.


  • Error!Sans is near-sighted.
  • Error!Sans likes to crochet.
  • CrayonQueen/Loverofpiggies has gone on record stating that while Error has no canonical romantic relationships, she as a creator doesn’t object to any given ship.
  • Error!Sans has haphephobia (the fear of being touched).
  • Error!Sans also has pixlexia (A term coined by gamers, where the coding is messed up so all the controls are inverted. For example: Left is right, up is down, Etc.)
  • Error!Sans and Ink!Sans combined makes an accidental child named PaperJam or PJ.
  • Ink and Error have a rivalry going on to «defend/destroy all AU’s».
  • Error’s birthday is on April 4th as an «Error 404» joke.
  • The AskFriskAndCompany AU has a magic fence and an attack cat to protect itself from Error! Sans.
  • The Error characters do not come from the same Timeline as their timelines are (and still is) separated from Error Sans’ powers.
  • Error is an «anti-social man-baby,» as described by the creator themself.
  • There is an interpretation of Error called FGoD!Error (Forced God of Destruction) belonging to Wattpad user harrish6. If you want to know more about this interpretation of Error, read ‘Healing What Has Been Broken’ or ‘Falling Into A Different Destiny’.
  • Error’s origin was revealed on November 4th, 2018, since CrayonQueen didn’t want to continue to «Ask Error».
  • Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon.
  • Error!Sans doesn’t get along with his mentor Error!404, but tolerates him.
  • He also appeared in the «Christmas Party AU» comic.
  • He has five blue tongues.



Error Sans

Download (5)

Error Sans Canon Design

Images (7)

Download (6)

Images (8)

Images (9)

Error!Sans is a Sans variant created by LoverofPiggies (aka CrayonQueen). Originally a version of Geno of After Genocide[2], he fell into a dimension between Universes and became glitched beyond repair. He now dedicates his life to cleanse the Multiverse of Anomalies, even if it means destroying all of the AUs and Out!codes in existence. Because of this, he’s often known as the «Multiversal Destroyer».


Error is a version of Aftertale Sans (Geno) that messes around with dangerous determination magic, even with warnings from Sans. He eventually accidentally sends himself to the anti-void. To which, in his final moments of sanity, he’s furious that even though he got his happy ending, this had to happen. Geno lost his sanity to hating everyone and anyone except for himself, which is why Error is so hateful and calls everyone ‘glitches’ or ‘abominations’.



In the present, Error is a black glitchy skeleton with a color palette mainly consisting of dark reds/reds, dark blues/blues, yellows, oranges, and blacks. He has two unsymmetrical eyes, one a small yellow pupil and the other is a circle with yellow, blue and black. He usually needs to wear glasses because of his eyes being messed up from when he was Geno but refuses to wear them sometimes. He wears a black hoodie, a red shirt, black shorts, and black slippers.


He has a selfish and playful personality and thinks he’s helping out the multiverse. He steals things, raids and destroys AUs to name a few things he does. He loves to play jokes, and make snarky teases at his enemies. Canonically, he doesn’t get mad until things don’t go his way, how he expected it to happen, or when others trigger one of his fears. And although he has a lot of hatred toward non-canon materials regarding Undertale, the ones that slightly deviate from the original annoys him the most[3].This makes him, as the creator best put it, a literal man baby[4].

It should note that due to his emotional instability, he is completely incapable of Love or Compassion.


  • Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.
  • Blue Strings: He uses blue strings from his tear ducts to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.
  • Glitch Hop: He can glitch himself and others into other AUs as the main means of Multiversal Transportation.


Swap!Sans (aka Blueberry/Blueberror)

At one point, Error captured a Sans from Underswap , whose eccentric personality and kind pacifism conflicts with his merciless and snarky attitude. Blue, however, is not naïve from this and is well aware that Error acts like a selfish prick. Instead of getting angry at him though, he simply sends him the same mercy as he does for everyone else. He even goes as far as to touch him, which triggers his haphephobia and causes Error to crash.

The Antivoid also have an effect on Swap!Sans, which eventually warped him into another Glitched Skeleton[2].


Main article: CORE!Frisk

Despite their friendliness towards him (to the point that they save him from deletion), he’s still convinced that they’re just another anomaly needed to be deleted. He also plans to destroy their Omega Timeline as well (if he managed to find it).


One of his many nemesis’s. She been after his tail out of the belief that he killed her Alphys[2].


When Error attempted to destroy his non corrupted counterpart (another Geno!Sans), He accidentally created a new Out!Code that shares many of his abilities. They been enemies ever since.


Main article: Ink!Sans

Though they have no canon relationship, he’s often been depicted with the self-proclaim Protector of the Multiverse. It was due to their conflicting views on the multiverse itself that they’re often at odds with each other (Ink claim that the Multiverse was perfect the way it is, while Error views it as an abomination).


  • Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone[5].
  • At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix[6].
  • Error is near sighted[7].
  • If Error were to be unglitched, he would commit suicide out of pure guilt over his actions.
  • Due to the connection between the Anti-Void and all of existence[8], he can theoretically appear anywhere beyond the boundaries of the Undertale Multiverse.
  • After the Cancellation of ErrorTale, Error was later reused as completely original character for the Crayon Queen’s original Lucidia, complete with a redesign.


  1. Error!Sans’s birthday
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 CQ’s original plans for the canceled AU.
  3. CQ explains what Error’s most hated AUs are.
  4. CQ’s Blog concerning about his relationships and emotions.
  5. An Ask concerning Error’s fears of closeness.
  6. Ask concerning his weaknesses.
  7. CQ’s explaination about the Glasses.
  8. CQ’s explains the true nature of the Anti-void.

Error!Sans is a Sans variant created by LoverofPiggies (aka CrayonQueen). Originally a version of Geno of After Genocide[2], he fell into a dimension between Universes and became glitched beyond repair. He now dedicates his life to cleanse the Multiverse of Anomalies, even if it means destroying all of the AUs and Out!codes in existence. Because of this, he’s often known as the «Multiversal Destroyer».


Error is a version of Aftertale Sans (Geno) that messes around with dangerous determination magic, even with warnings from Sans. He eventually accidentally sends himself to the anti-void. To which, in his final moments of sanity, he’s furious that even though he got his happy ending, this had to happen. Geno lost his sanity to hating everyone and anyone except for himself, which is why Error is so hateful and calls everyone ‘glitches’ or ‘abominations’.



In the present, Error is a black glitchy skeleton with a color palette mainly consisting of dark reds/reds, dark blues/blues, yellows, oranges, and blacks. He has two unsymmetrical eyes, one a small yellow pupil and the other is a circle with yellow, blue and black. He usually needs to wear glasses because of his eyes being messed up from when he was Geno but refuses to wear them sometimes. He wears a black hoodie, a red shirt, black shorts, and black slippers.


He has a selfish and playful personality and thinks he’s helping out the multiverse. He steals things, raids and destroys AUs to name a few things he does. He loves to play jokes, and make snarky teases at his enemies. Canonically, he doesn’t get mad until things don’t go his way, how he expected it to happen, or when others trigger one of his fears. And although he has a lot of hatred toward non-canon materials regarding Undertale, the ones that slightly deviate from the original annoys him the most[3].This makes him, as the creator best put it, a literal man baby[4].

It should note that due to his emotional instability, he is completely incapable of Love or Compassion.


  • Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.
  • Blue Strings: He uses blue strings from his tear ducts to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.
  • Glitch Hop: He can glitch himself and others into other AUs as the main means of Multiversal Transportation.


Swap!Sans (aka Blueberry/Blueberror)

At one point, Error captured a Sans from Underswap , whose eccentric personality and kind pacifism conflicts with his merciless and snarky attitude. Blue, however, is not naïve from this and is well aware that Error acts like a selfish prick. Instead of getting angry at him though, he simply sends him the same mercy as he does for everyone else. He even goes as far as to touch him, which triggers his haphephobia and causes Error to crash.

The Antivoid also have an effect on Swap!Sans, which eventually warped him into another Glitched Skeleton[2].


Main article: CORE!Frisk

Despite their friendliness towards him (to the point that they save him from deletion), he’s still convinced that they’re just another anomaly needed to be deleted. He also plans to destroy their Omega Timeline as well (if he managed to find it).


One of his many nemesis’s. She been after his tail out of the belief that he killed her Alphys[2].


When Error attempted to destroy his non corrupted counterpart (another Geno!Sans), He accidentally created a new Out!Code that shares many of his abilities. They been enemies ever since.


Main article: Ink!Sans

Though they have no canon relationship, he’s often been depicted with the self-proclaim Protector of the Multiverse. It was due to their conflicting views on the multiverse itself that they’re often at odds with each other (Ink claim that the Multiverse was perfect the way it is, while Error views it as an abomination).


  • Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone[5].
  • At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix[6].
  • Error is near sighted[7].
  • If Error were to be unglitched, he would commit suicide out of pure guilt over his actions.
  • Due to the connection between the Anti-Void and all of existence[8], he can theoretically appear anywhere beyond the boundaries of the Undertale Multiverse.
  • After the Cancellation of ErrorTale, Error was later reused as completely original character for the Crayon Queen’s original Lucidia, complete with a redesign.


  1. Error!Sans’s birthday
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 CQ’s original plans for the canceled AU.
  3. CQ explains what Error’s most hated AUs are.
  4. CQ’s Blog concerning about his relationships and emotions.
  5. An Ask concerning Error’s fears of closeness.
  6. Ask concerning his weaknesses.
  7. CQ’s explaination about the Glasses.
  8. CQ’s explains the true nature of the Anti-void.


Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут.

Думаю, что некоторым это нужно.

                Тут будет много глюков!


Давайте начнём с простого.

. Кем является Эррор?

Он является разрушителем АВ.

Единственное, что знает любой человек, который поверхностно знает об Эрроре. Но пересмотрев АСК Глючного тут будет намного интереснее).


Отношения к АВ.

Эррор имеет цель — разрушить ВСЕ АВ, оставив лишь ОДИН таймлайн, но какой он ещё не знает, так что разрушает всё, даже ориг. таймлайны.

Различные АВ он называет по разному — Мерзость, Ошибка, Аномалия. У каждого свой вид, но тут абсолютно не понятно, кто кого он так называет.

Так-же Эррор вяжет куклы, а после с ними общается. Это являются АВ, которые он уничтожил. Не у каждой куклы есть имя, но в аске было показано три. №2 — Санс, №12 — Чара ( неизвестно из какой АВ), №13 — Фелл! Санс. А мерзостью №1 является он сам).

Error!Sans-[C] Доброго!
[C] Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут. 
[C] Думаю, что некот


Способности, хп и прочее.

Его гастер бластеры намного мощнее, чем ГБ классика.

Error!Sans-[C] Доброго!
[C] Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут. 
[C] Думаю, что некот

Атакует он так-же костями. Но они красного цвета, вместо обычного белого, так-же эти кости двигаются в два раза быстрее, чем обычные.

Нити. Как говорил автор, то ими может владеть каждый МОНСТР. Нитями Эррор хватает души и их разрушает, или же управляет ими кем-то. Вытаскивать их УЖАСНО больно, но Эррор уже привык, как и ко всем глюкам, что приносят такую-же боль.

Если ударить Эррора, то у него будет скакать хп как бешенное, так — же и с защитой. В момент перезагрузки всё падает в один. В такие моменты его очень легко убить.


Глюки Эррора.

Иногда глюки закрывают глаза, в эти моменты он ничего не видит. Это происходит внезапно, доставляет тоже сильную боль.

Error!Sans-[C] Доброго!
[C] Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут. 
[C] Думаю, что некот

( момент взят из underverse)

Когда Эррор перезагружается, то всё падает в 1хп, 1хп атаки, 1 защита. В этот момент его легко убить.

Error!Sans-[C] Доброго!
[C] Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут. 
[C] Думаю, что некот

( гиф взято из аска Эррора.)

Обычные глюки Эррора тоже мешают. Одна из надписей Эррора загараживает обзор зрения.

Так-же Эррор гаптофоб. ( он боится прикосновений ЧУЖИХ, но иногда сам вступает в контакт прикосновений.)

Error!Sans-[C] Доброго!
[C] Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут. 
[C] Думаю, что некот

( взято из аска Эррора)



Эррор лицемер. В некоторых случаях ведёт себя, как ребёнок, а после превращается в безумного убийцу. С ним возможно пойти на контакт, но он может продлиться недолго. Его настроение может резко поменяться.



В аске были лишь маленькие моменты его прошлого. В конце аска говорилось, что он вскоре Вспомнит, кем был. Crayon Queen забросила ту концовку, плохую концовку Гено. Где он по своей же случайности заходит в антипустоту.


Интересные факты.

1. Дизайн Эррора в андервёрсе был сделан по идеи lucidia, автором второго дизайна Эррора.

2. Он никогда не являлся частью » плохих парней »

3. Автор называет Фреша, Гено и Эррора — братьями. Ведь у них один и тот же автор.

4. Инк и Эррор никогда не видели друг друга.


Автор обложки —

Error!Sans-[C] Доброго!
[C] Сегодня мы поговорим о одной персоне, про которую я не нашёл википедии тут. 
[C] Думаю, что некот


  1. Error404!Sans
  2. God of the Multiverse
  3. Информация о персонаже
  4. Известный как
  5. Прозвище
  6. Оригинальное имя
  7. Отношения
  8. Автор(ы)
  9. Биографическая информация
  10. Возраст
  11. Дата рождения
  12. Место рождения
  13. Статус
  14. Физическое описание
  15. Цвет глаз
  16. Цвет души
  17. Боевая информация
  18. Содержание
  19. Личность
  20. История
  21. Внешний вид
  22. Сила/Способности.
  23. Синее мастерство
  24. Манипулирование разумом
  25. Великие знания
  26. Темные бластеры
  27. Божественный луч
  28. Божественный луч: первый выстрел
  29. Божественный луч: 2-й выстрел
  30. Реинкарнация
  31. Проклятая пустота
  32. Непревзойденная сила
  33. Неизмеримая скорость
  34. Глюк Хлыст
  35. Всё душа
  36. Манипуляции с пикселями
  37. Маменькин сынок
  38. Кукольный Мастер
  40. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (В.666)
  41. Just404/J.404
  42. Глаза Бога
  43. Глаза Белиала
  44. J.404! BUTTERFLY
  45. Управление временем и пространством
  46. Мгновенное движение
  47. Омнинова
  48. Error404!Sans (Error404!Sans)
  49. Contents
  50. Error404!Sans
  51. Character Information
  52. Also known as
  53. Relationships
  54. First Appearance
  55. Last Appearance
  56. Locations Appeared
  57. Biographical Description
  58. Status
  59. Occupation
  60. Place of Birth
  61. Place of Death
  62. Physical Description
  63. Species
  64. Gender
  65. Eye Color
  66. Height
  67. Weight
  68. Battle Statistics
  69. EXP on Kill
  70. Backstory
  71. Appearance
  72. Relationships
  73. How Error404 met Error
  74. Personality
  75. Quirks and small things
  76. Dialouge
  77. Powers
  78. Blue Mastery
  79. Mind Manipulation
  80. Nigh Omniscience
  81. Dark Blasters
  82. God Ray
  83. God Ray first shot
  84. God Ray 2nd shot
  85. Reincarnation
  86. Transformations
  87. Puppet Master Form/Error666
  88. Master Cables
  89. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y
  90. B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 6.6.6
  91. Mission
  92. Henchman
  93. The Order is From the 1st/Best to the Last/Worse


God of the Multiverse

Информация о персонаже

Известный как


Оригинальное имя



Биографическая информация


Дата рождения

Место рождения


Физическое описание

Цвет глаз

Цвет души

Боевая информация

Error404!Sans (от англ. error — ошибка) — один из Alphatale Сансов. Его прозвище «Бог мультивселенной».



Молчаливый, он предпочитает сначала показать свои истинные намерения, больше не имея особых причин скрывать их. Мастер-манипулятор, он развился настолько, что может усовершенствовать покерное лицо. На первый взгляд, Error404 выглядит как социопатический экспериментатор, работающий в фоновом режиме, чтобы справиться со всем, что он считает проблемой. Малейшая обида, он примет самый преувеличенный ответ. Постоянное решение временной проблемы.

Однако на самом деле это не Error404. Error404 сохраняет свою грусть, но вместо этого обычно превращает ее в строгость, обычно являясь причиной его пугающей позы. Несмотря на свою известность как формального социопата, лично он выглядит как чистый зверь, всегда доминирующий в ситуации в любое время, когда он присутствует, всегда знающий, что сказать, и всегда быть на вершине. Error404 имеет полный комплекс бога, но он действительно не плохой человек. Все, чего он хочет, это счастливого конца, но он пойдет на отчаянные меры для этого, вплоть до того, что даст другим плохой конец. Его стремления вернуть Alphatale сильнее, чем когда-либо, и он достигнет этого.

Он любит быть в одиночестве, разговаривая с Альфой о том, как проходит его день. Он не верит, что Альфа жива, но он всегда делает вид, что лично выплескивает свое настроение, просто чтобы не наброситься. Потому что вы НЕ хотите видеть, как он набрасывается.


Error 404 раньше работал вместе с Alphatale!Сансом в их AU — Undertale 2.0. В их вселенной было два Санса, так как не было Папируса. Они оба носили пронумерованные куртки, чтобы другие могли отличить их друг от друга, Alphatale!Санс носил 1, а Error404 — 2. Каждый день они помогали тем, кто нуждался в помощи. Но однажды Infected!Санс вошел в их мир и начал убивать. Он пришел в поисках большего LV. Error 404 и Alphatale!Санс должны были остановить его. Они боролись, пока в конце концов они не оказались в тупике. У них перехватило дыхание, и прежде чем они успели среагировать, Infected!Санс убил Alphatale!Санса.

Error404 оплакивал смерть своего брата, глядя на его прах. Он, кипящий от ярости и печали, рвал разрез в реальности голыми руками, но был немедленно убит Infected!Сансом, прежде чем тот смог что-либо сделать. Error404 лежал на земле, глядя на прах своего брата, а затем совершил ошибку, которая будет преследовать его до конца дней. Он решил телепортировать Infected!Санса в Анти-Пустоту, в которой в то время не было жилья. Они оба прибыли, и Error404 немедленно начал взламывать Анти-Пустоту. Это событие довело его до безумия всего за доли секунды. Потом, как только Error404 остановился, он начал пытаться разорвать лицо на части, заставляя казаться, будто он плачет. Затем он взял часть кода Анти-Пустоты и использовал его, чтобы уничтожить Infected!Санса. Это было возможно только потому, что он взломал Анти-Пустоту. Это дало Error404 именно то количество энергии, которое ему было необходимо, чтобы убить Infected!Санса и отправить его в Ад. Он выиграл битву.

Error404 стал монстром, которого никто не узнал, и сошел с ума. Он спрятался в специальной части Анти-Пустоты, к которой имеет доступ только он, под названием «Внешняя стена», место, где он может видеть всю активность внутри и снаружи Анти-Пустоты. С тех пор он был там, и никогда не был в контакте с другими AU, медленно сводя себя с ума.

Внешний вид

Носит длинный белый пиджак с синими кругами и линиями. На его голове всегда одет в капюшон. У Error404 тёмно-синие (почти черные) линии, выходящие из его глаз. Его зубы и глаза синие (левый глаз имеет двойную окантовку с белым цветом внутри). На Error404 также есть меха с белыми крестиками на куртке. У него номер 404 на спине его пиджака. Он носит черный свитер и черные брюки с синими линиями на них. Он носит синие тапочки с иксами и черные носки. Error404 имеет синие кончики пальцев, а его руки чёрные из-за лагов.


Синее мастерство

Самый мощный вариант Превращение в особую синюю душу, позволяющий 404 перемещать любой объект, живой или мертвый, с расстояния 500 м. Он также может использовать эту способность, чтобы полностью разрушить ДУШУ, если используется на живом существе, что приводит к мгновенному убийству. Он также использует это для манипулирования разумом.

Манипулирование разумом

404 может взять полный контроль над душами других людей, позволяя ему изменять, искажать и деформировать их разум, чтобы думать о различных вещах, обычно используя этот метод, чтобы заставить других служить ему.

Великие знания

Из долгого времени 404 знает почти все.

Темные бластеры

Мощные Бластеры, разработанные самой Астральной Матерью, способны уничтожить практически все, по чему она стреляет. Рейтинг урона составил 100, но из его достижений в Мульти-вселенной, наряду с обновлениями от Мэйнфрейма, он теперь составляет 750.

Божественный луч

Стреляет взрывом из его пальцев, который убьет что угодно и любого, у кого есть богоподобный код или необычный код от обычного персонажа AU.

Божественный луч: первый выстрел

Первый выстрел парализует противника, удерживая его в неподвижном и вечно замороженном положении до тех пор, пока не приземлится 2-й выстрел.

Божественный луч: 2-й выстрел

Этот последний выстрел занимает время, которое у него есть, и убивает противника, как только он вступает в контакт.


Эта способность используется, когда Error404 либо убит, либо получил большой урон. Он начнет разбрасывать свой код в земле, а затем удалит себя из мира. После этого частицы, оставленные Error404, соберут код из мира, а затем вернутся в логово Error404 и реанимируют его из ресурсов, которые они взяли.

Проклятая пустота

Эта возможность является автоматической, вызванной только входом Error404 в пустоту. После того, как он войдет в пустоту, которая не является анти-пустотой или мэйнфреймом, объемы блуждающих данных в этой области начнут быстро вибрировать, грохотать и, возможно, даже разрушать пустоту.

Непревзойденная сила

404 набрал огромную силу как от обучения, так и от мэйнфрейма, что позволило ему перевозить до 222 900 тонн.

Неизмеримая скорость

404 имеет настолько высокую скорость, что может достичь центра вселенной за считанные минуты, демонстрируя ему подвиги с неизмеримой скоростью, как видно из того, что он стоит в абсолютной пустоте, на месте, свободном от всего.

Глюк Хлыст

404 может образовывать похожий на хлыст луч света непосредственно от самого мэйнфрейма, который может достигать длины Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг.

404 может летать

Всё душа

Душа 404 отклоняется от любой формы атаки, делая критические удары по нему только физическими.

Манипуляции с пикселями

404 может манипулировать самим воздухом, превращая частицы в мелкие пиксели, позволяя ему формировать вещи из любого физического материала. Он также может использовать это на себе в качестве замены телепортации или реинкарнации отрубленных частей тела.

Маменькин сынок

404 обладает способностью превращать свою ДУШУ в душу чистого страха, где его цветовая палитра переходит от белого к черному и от синего к оранжевому. Это вселяет страх в любое существо с ДУШОЙ

404 обладают Проводником Баланса , что позволяет ему контролировать аспекты и ткани всего стиха и функции, которые его уравновешивают/поддерживают. Однако ему еще предстоит по-настоящему овладеть этой способностью и, следовательно, он не способен использовать ее в полной мере. Однако эта диаграмма покажет прогресс 404-го в овладении своей Душой Проводника и все, что он может сделать, от новичка до Мастера и Полноценного Проводника.

Кукольный Мастер

Эта форма активируется, когда Error!Санс сливается с Error404 и он будет делать это только тогда, когда 404 нуждается в серьезной помощи. Эта форма очень опасна. 404 в этой форме имеет полный контроль над своими способностями и способностями Эррора и даже некоторыми новыми, которые объединяют их. Эта новая форма не просто сильна, о

на даёт 404 быструю скорость, превышающую скорость света, и невероятный урон. Эта форма также имеет интенсивный лечебный фактор, почти полностью отрицающий смерть, где он может исцелить практически любую рану или форму урона, которую он получает в бою.

Реинкарнация — эта способность используется, когда Error404 либо убит, либо наносит большой урон. Когда он получил слишком много урона или был убит, он начал разбрасывать свой код в земле и затем удаляется из мира. После этого частицы Error404, оставленные позади, соберут код из мира, а затем вернутся в логово Error404 и реанимируют его из ресурсов, которые они взяли. Так же он умеет создавать, редактировать и уничтожать в любое время и в любом месте.


Трансформация Butterfly — единственная трансформация, которую 404 не может контролировать. Эта трансформация достижима только для 404. Трансформация активируется, когда Error404 близок к смерти и мульти-вселенная реагирует на это так, как будто она сама умирает. Мультивселенная затем направляет всю свою энергию и код на умирающий бит (404), а затем этот бит становится самой мульти-вселенной, поскольку она в опасности. Это значительное повышение силы позволяет 404 разрушать все на своем пути и дает ему полный контроль над самим существованием.

Эта форма сильна и богоподобна в любой форме и почти во всех отношениях. Эта форма может убить с помощью простого прикосновения и может летать, используя свои крылья на таких высоких скоростях, что создает видимость телепортации. Мало того, но глаза на крыльях стреляют высокими плазменными лазерами, более совершенными и развитыми формами лучей Гастера, настолько сильными, что они могут легко пройти прямо через AU и другие вселенные и при этом полностью уничтожить их.

B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y (В.666)

Сформированный Эррором и Эррором404 во время событий Главы 3 ButterFly666 является Самым Сильным Существом в Мульти-вселенной и за ее пределами. Тем не менее, форма имеет свою цену. Когда преобразование закончится, мульти-вселенная заберет весь код мэйнфрейма обратно и заберет жизнь одного из двух, которые использовались для создания. ButterFly666 не был показан достаточно, чтобы определить, каковы его полные возможности, но продемонстрировал, что он завершает атаку MULTIVERSE MACHINE GUN.

Атака настолько мощная, что она убила Безымянного и 2 других Существ вместе с ней, чтобы действительно продемонстрировать свою невероятную силу.


AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction, J.404 является проявлением вредоносного ПО, существом, лежащим внутри 404, как оно туда попало неизвестно, но его явные намерения разрушительны, потому что J.404 — это не что иное, как безжалостная бессмысленная, бездушная и без кодовая сущность. Демонстрируя жестокую и сильно жестокую реакцию на все, проявляя нулевое милосердие и даже может напасть на людей, о которых обычно заботится 404.

Силы J.404 превращают регулярные атаки 404 в более экстремальные версии его предыдущих способностей, он не выше того, чтобы использовать свои руки для борьбы и без страха или разума, чтобы сломать J.404 очень способен противостоять TransVoid подобным сущностям с небольшими проблемами, без сомнения, способными одолеть довольно большое количество из них, Поскольку J.404 не является трансформацией, а просто другим мышлением, это означает, что он также может использовать преобразования 404.

Глаза Бога

Работая так же, как луч Бога, но гораздо более опасный, эти лучи вылетают из глаз J.404 и могут отслеживать и следовать за целями J.404 в любом месте, пока он может их видеть, как только они попадают в цель, как душа, так и код человека уничтожаются и полностью стираются.

Глаза Белиала

Взгляд в глаза 404 в течение по крайней мере 5 секунд отправил бы самых здравомыслящих людей в глубокий, глубокий страх, что они могут быть парализованы самим зрелищем. Это даже потревожило бы таких, как Infected.


AlphaTale a New Puppet: Book 2 Catastrophic Destruction, Этот форум представляет собой поврежденную и в то же время совершенную версию оригинальной трансформации Butterfly, показывая более сольный контроль на форуме, чем b.666, который требует двух для функционирования.

J.404! Butterfly чрезвычайно мощный, хватаясь за бесконечную мощь мэйнфрейма и почти безграничную мощь самого вредоносного ПО, J.404! Бабочка — живое воплощение неконтролируемого хаоса, способное совершать увлекательные подвиги и делать фантастические вещи, которые 404 даже не мог себе представить.

Управление временем и пространством

J.404! Бабочка может манипулировать Временем и Пространством вокруг себя, замедляя некоторые вещи до полного застоя или даже будучи в состоянии разрушить целые части самого пространства. Он также способен возиться с концепцией времени в Реальности 6, где он может замедлить вещи до почти застоя, как движение, где персонажи считают, что они достигают его, когда на самом деле они не могут быть мудрее.

Мгновенное движение

J.404! Бабочка движется так быстро, что она появляется там, где она хочет быть мгновенно, почти иногда так быстро, что некоторым людям может показаться, что она находится в двух местах одновременно.


Omninova — это большая атака, которая имеет неизвестную хаотическую силу, ход представляет собой большой сферический шар, который при броске J.404 описал «Может уничтожить как эту Реальность, так и следующую», возможно, намекая на ее разрушительные возможности.


Error404!Sans (Error404!Sans)



Character Information

Also known as


First Appearance

Last Appearance

Locations Appeared

Biographical Description



Place of Birth

Place of Death

Physical Description



Eye Color



Battle Statistics

EXP on Kill

Error!404 Sans is apart of AlphaTale and is the Ancestor of Error!Sans and is by SHADIKAL15.


Error404 used to work together with his brother, Alpha!Sans in their AU AlphaTale. In their AU, They both wore jackets with numbers so that the others could tell who is Alpha!Tale Sans and who is Error404. Alpha wore a jacket with a number 2 and Error404 wore a jacket with a number 1. Every day they helped those who needed help within their world.

But one day, an unidentified Sans entered their world and started killing many people. He was known as Mix!Sans, but was more well known as Infected. He came to seek more LV (Level of Violence). Infected waged a terrible battle wherein Error404 and Alpha had to stop him. They fought and fought until eventually, they came to an impasse. They got their breath back and before they could react, Infected killed Alpha!Sans. Error404 cried and mourned over his brother’s death while looking at his dust. Infected smiled with pride and glee. Error404, boiling with rage and sadness, tore open a rift in reality with his bare hands but was immediately killed by Infected before he could do anything. Error404 lied on the ground looking at his brother’s dust and then made a mistake that would haunt him until the end of his days. He decided to teleport him and Infected into the Anti-Void, a place that was uninhabitable at the time.

They both had arrived and Error404 immediately starting hacking the Anti-Void. This occurrence drove him insane in just a fraction of a second. Then once he stopped, he attempted to tear his face apart causing him to appear like he was crying this black ooze. He then grabbed some of the Anti-Void code and used it as wires to delete Infected. This was possible only because he hacked the Anti-Void. It gave him everlasting life and incredible durability. This gave Error404 just the right amount of power he needed to kill Infected.

He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very evil monster and had gone insane. Error404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access called the Main Frame/The outer wall. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void. He has been there ever since, never to be in contact with other AUs, slowly driving himself more and more insane with grief in his isolation.


404 wears a long blue coat with blue sashes on each arm with the number 4 on them, Along with that, he dawns a white shirt and white pants as well along with black socks too. The white fur on his coat now is white with blue stripes along with the rest of the fur on his outfit. 404s bone color pallet is mostly white, blue, and black. 404s right arm is completely black while the other is normal with his standard color pallet.


Error!Sans: 404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him an Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amongst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.

King.M: King.M was created by 404 as a cover-up and is used as a pawn. King.M has lots of resentment towards 404 and vice versa, but the two have had their share of moments as well. The two have a passive-aggressive like relationship.

Alpha!Chara: 404 and Alpha!Chara in the past had a very serious relationship finding each other one day in Hotland, they had some Ice cream and started getting closer from there. During one of the many genocides runs Frisk was about to finish off William when Chara stabbed Frisk in the back with his blades finishing off Frisk, Chara held William in his arms and reset the timeline and from there they hooked up and started dating. They spent over 4 years together and we’re thinking of making each official until the siren went off. 404 has never forgotten Chara and refuses to date or grow romantically close with anyone for they only have the eyes for Chara.

Ink!Sans: 404 once wanted Ink instead of Error!Sans, but now only sees him as an obstacle. Although a great vessel and amazing killing and working machine, 404 can’t risk ink due to his unpredictability

Astral Mother: a pest and a terrible excuse for a parent.

Infected: He has a bleeding hatred towards Infected that I don’t think words can describe. Too, too many words to put here I promise.

Loading: Seeks to stripe 404 of his Multiverse energy and the two have been at blows for a while now.

Abyss!Sans: an annoying protector of AUs that constantly likes to get in his way. 404 has tried countless times to try to venture into the Abyss but with Abyss!Sans has found little success. Abyss and 404 have come to many blows and Abyss has always managed to escape with his life thankfully, but with 404 stalking his back and messing with the Abyss, it can be difficult to keep things together.

CORE!Frisk: 404 finds Core!Frisk interesting, though they’re the previous introduction didn’t go well once 404 introduced himself in person he and Core got along just fine, He kept his motives and plans away from Core. Core and 404 grew close, but not too close for 404 feared to grow too attached to them.

How Error404 met Error


Error404 is depressed and insane. Like a puppet master and a true god, he has a huge god complex. He is almost in constant grief though most would not be able to tell do to his outward charm and intelligent nature. He would much rather fight through controlling others rather than confront someone directly. He is cold and calculated and somewhat removed from what he does and doesn’t feel much guilt anymore. It takes a lot to get under 404s skin and break his facade, but when it does break he responds mostly in anger then any other emotion and it’s even rarer to see 404 get glitchy or break down when angered, but if pushed 404 will similar to Error if pushed far enough will get the number «404» in his eyes when enraged

Quirks and small things

404’s right arm is the one that shoved into the Mainframe and leading to him receiving his powers in the first place. His right arm is the most dominant and is the only one he can use most of his powers with like Blue Mastery, God Ray, and even summoning Dark Blasters at times.

404 is a master manipulator just like his late mother, He uses this poker face of his to keep his distance from those he would think or knows that could get to him as he had years of experience of dealing with an emotional outburst and his emotions in general.


The link below will send you to the channel where Error404’s Voice Actor is.


Blue Mastery

The most powerful version of the blue attack, able to move any object as if it had a soul, as well as manipulate, edit and destroy both the mind and body.

Mind Manipulation

404 can tap into the souls and therefore hearts and minds of others and can alter and distort them causing them to serve and even hallucinate. In most ways, 404 gains complete control over his opponents this way.

Nigh Omniscience

404 has lived for many years, and he knows almost everything about his multiverse.

Dark Blasters

Powerful Blasters designed by The Astral Mother herself, able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. Damage Rating is 100.

God Ray

Fires a blast from his fingers that will kill anything and anyone who has god-like code or unordinary code from a regular Au character.

God Ray first shot

The First shot paralyzes the foe keeping them in a still and forever frozen position until the 2nd shot has landed.

God Ray 2nd shot

This final shot takes the time it has and kills the opponent once it’s made contact.


This Ability is used when Error404 is either killed or takes to much damage. When he has taken to much damage or is killed he will begin to scatter his code in the ground and will then delete himself from the world. After that, the particles Error404 left behind will gather code from the world and then return to Error404’s lair and reanimate 404 from the resources they took.


Puppet Master Form/Error666

This form is activated when Error!Sans merges with Error404, and he will only do so when 404 needs major assistance. This Form is Highly Dangerous, possibly the only Form 404 can control. 404 in this form has full control of his and Error’s abilities and even some new ones that combine the two. This new form isn’t just strong though, This form Gives 404 ungodly Speed and incredible damage output to a whopping 190,990 dg per millisecond. And he moves at speeds faster than the speed of light. even as fast if not close to that of the Butterfly transformation’s speed. This form also has an intense healing factor completely denying death itself to where it can heal just about any wound or form of damage it takes in battle.

Master Cables

These new form of Cables have been fused with 404’s Powers and Error’s, The Cables start red and blue chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone Blue Master is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue mastery as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with sheer strength.


The Butterfly transformation is the only transformation that 404 has no control over. This transformation is only attainable to 404 only, The Transformation is activated when 404 is close to death or in moments of massive distress and the multiverse reacts to this as if it’s death itself. The Multiverse than proceeds to direct all of its energy and code to its dying bit (404) and then that bit becomes the Multiverse itself for along as it is in danger. this major power boost allows 404 to destroy anything in his path and gives him full control of existence itself. This form is strong and godlike in every form and in almost every way. This form can Kill with just a mere touch and can fly using its wings at such high speeds that give off the appearance of Teleportation. Its Dg output is so high that putting is here would take up the whole page so we’ll just go with the fact that its instant death. Not only that, but the eyes on the wings shoot out high plasma lasers(these plasma lasers have unlimited superiority and power over Ultranova) more perfect and evolved forms of gaster beams so strong that they can go straight through Aus and other Galaxies with ease and still completely wipe them out.

There is one downside to this transformation, once it’s finished defending itself the multiverse will take back All of its code with it. This means that once 404’s fight is over, he will die instantly.

The form of BUTTERFLY is so potent and is so concentrated with code and pure energy that it’s mere prescience of the user gives off waves of energy and code wherever 404 walks. The power of the

Multiverse takes a toll on the user, making them stronger. However, as the power increase, their lifespan begins to decrease.

B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 6.6.6

Formed by Error and 404 during the events of Chapter 3 ButterFly666 is the Strongest being in the Multiverse and beyond. The Form has its price though. When the transformation is over, the multiverse will take all of the mainframe code back and will take the life of one of the two that was used to make. ButterFly666 wasn’t shown enough to determine what it’s full capability was but did demonstrate it’s finishing attack MULTIVERSE MACHINE GUN.

An Attack so powerful that it killed an Unnameable and 2 other Beings along with it to truly demonstrating it’s incredible power.


Error404’s mission is to tear apart worlds and use the stray code to rebuild AlphaTale from the ground up. He believes that the ends justify the means and that this is for the greater good. He believes that if AlphaTale is reborn it will allow Aus to flourish and become better than what they are now, but thanks to his deal with Error sadly this will never be known for his deal was to help Error wipe out the rest of the Aus once AlphaTale is finished.

After that’s done, what happens between them from there is up in the air.


The Order is From the 1st/Best to the Last/Worse

Error404 has people he controls or they do his bidding because of his power.

These will be labeled from Controlled to Main

Controlled = Under Error404’s 24hour Watch and never set free unless he says so.

Right Side = They have Free will, but they must do as he says and come to his side when he says so.

Main = These few Henchmen have their free will but still do what Error404 says just like with the right side Henchmen, but unlike them, the Main Henchmen are Error404’s closest allies, so they can also help him make tough decisions and the main henchmen often can command the Right Side and The Controlled Henchmen to do their bidding.

  • Error!Sans — Main
  • Thought!Sans — Controlled
  • Cyan!Sans — Right Side
  • X-Gaster — Main
  • Syno!Sans — Controlled
  • Nightmare — Right Side
  • Killer — Controlled


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