Error sans vampire

Vampire-Verse is an AU created by TheGreatRouge on Tumblr. In this AU, Error!Sans is a vampire named "Fallacy" and Ink!Sans is a French artist known as "Encre" (translates to Ink in English). Jasper is Fallacy's son, and the Paperjam of the AU and Fresh!Sans is a butler to Fallacy and Jasper named "Suave" The main story for the AU is still in progress, but what is known is that Fallacy has had a fascination with Encre for quite some time. The story for the AU is still in progress, so not much is

* But nobody came.

* This article contains information that is from a cancelled AU, an AU that has been put on an «Indefinite Hiatus», or an AU that has not had a story update in a year. As such, some information here may not be found in any established story, and could be considered non-canon.

Time of Last Story Update: Unknown

Time of Cancellation: Unknown



Unfortunately, this AU’s original author has removed a lot of their work from existence, or some other entity has removed the AU. Therefore, the original source of the AU might not be available anymore, or the info might be scattered throughout the internet. So take everything you read here with a little grain of salt.

And if you happen to find anything from the original canon, please add it to the page along with a link so it can be easily accessed again.

Vampire-Verse is an AU created by TheGreatRouge on Tumblr. In this AU, Error!Sans is a vampire named «Fallacy» and Ink!Sans is a French artist known as «Encre» (translates to Ink in English). Jasper is Fallacy’s son, and the Paperjam of the AU and Fresh!Sans is a butler to Fallacy and Jasper named «Suave»

The main story for the AU is still in progress, but what is known is that Fallacy has had a fascination with Encre for quite some time.

The story for the AU is still in progress, so not much is known as of now.

What is known:
Fallacy and his best maid created Jasper, but sadly this maid, Calamimi, got incredibly ill and died. (it has been confirmed by Rouge that Fallacy was depressed for a while after her death)

Fallacy has been interested in Encre since Encre was young. There are some stories made by Rouge saying how Fallacy met Encre when he was a child and was asked to be sketched.

There are numerous other characters such as Undyne as «Eterna», a well-known vampire hunter in the nearby village and Alphys as «Dr Lofty».

Cross!Sans is named «Cruzar» and Nightmare!Sans as «Macabre», both being Spanish thieves. These two aren’t commonly brought up in the AU.

Frisk plays as a maid «Fibi» and Chara plays as «Carlos» who is a young vampire. These two are sometimes shipped together despite the uncommon use of the two.

There is still quite a bit of information of this AU that is yet to be known, and once some of it is, feel free to add it into this article.


Fallacy vampire error by thegreatrouge-da856xo

Fallacy (Error) by TheGreatRouge

Encre artist ink by thegreatrouge-da87o5l

Encre (Ink) by TheGreatRouge

Jasper and Suave

Suave (Fresh) and Jasper (Paperjam) by TheGreatRouge

DrLofty and Eterna

Eterna (Undyne) and Dr Lofty (Alphys) by TheGreatRouge

Macabre and Cruzar

Macabre (Nightmare) and Cruzar (Cross) by TheGreatRouge


Azure (Blue) by TheGreatRouge


Rufous (Red) by TheGreatRouge

Fibi and carlos

Fibi (Frisk) and Carlos (Chara) by TheGreatRouge

Simon and orion

Orion (Outer) and Simon (Science) by TheGreatRouge


Calamimi by TheGreatRouge


Basic Change

Story Overhaul AllTale’s • AsylumTale (Blackroses113) • BioTale • Delta Experiment • Faithtale • Haunted Hearts • Hotarubitale • ImmortalTale • Kenotale • Nightmare Story • Omega Timeline: Poppy’s Story • ParanormalTale • Reapertale • SealTale • Summontale • The Great Detective Papyrus Mysteries • Underbeats • Underblank • UnderMafia • UnderMaze • Undertale — No Mercy • Undertale: Project Sigma • UnderWAR
Theme Overhaul Applefell • ArsonFell • Caninetale • Crimsontale • DanceFell • Dancetale • Deltafell • Desperate Times • Farmtale • Flowerfell • Gamertale • GhostTale • Hungertale • If Undertale had a Flirting Route • If Undertale Was Realistic • Infinitetale • Kiwitale • LanternDay • Littletale • Lockfell • Magitale • Murdertale • Negatale • Negativetale • Oceantale • Outertale • OW!Underfell • PS!Outertale • RUAM! Underfell • Taoyuan-Tale • Teatale • Under Sleep • Under(her)tail • Undercooked • Underfail • Underfell • Underfell (Kaitogirl) • Underfell GG • Underfoil • UnderLove • Underpants • UnderRacer • Undersail • Undertail • Undertale The Musical • Undertale: PaperStory • Undertinge • Undertomb • UnderWorld • Unofficial Underfell • When You Become Frisk
World Overhaul Afterthought • Blind Art • Collapsed Timelines • Deltarune • Dreamtale • Godverse • HaCkErTaLe • REverse Nightmare(s) • Template and Pale • Undertable • Vampire-Verse
Same Person Charatale • Christmas Party • Dreamswap • Eternal Starvation • Frogtale • GasterGang • Momma CQ • Temmietale • The Villain Sans Squad • Waningverse

Chapter Text

Error ran through the dark woods, eyelights trained on dodging the trees while also rapidly looking around. He’s been running for hours now, and for what? To escape something he shouldn’t even fear?

Oh but he does.

That thing he’s escaping from is almost as fast and strong as he is.

And he saw how that thing drained someone else’s life by biting into their necks.

He doesn’t want that to happen to him. Simply because of physical contact and pain. Two things that he hates.

He’s seen how painful the bite was.

And he doesn’t want to be caught in it.

He then looked up above and then narrowed his eyesockets. There’s a building up ahead. Maybe he could use his strings to swing up and wait it out for a bit and-

Error lets out a glitched gasp when he stumbled a bit. Oh nononono- Error then lets out a cry when he got tackled to the ground.

«You’ve been proven quite… Hard to catch…» The thing sneered and Error hissed and then quickly used his strings to push the thing off, standing up and turning before stumbling back a bit. It was the sans of this AU.

And boy was he in for a ride once this sans spreads to the other copies that he had made Error, the destroyer of AUs, fear him.

But then again.

He was only forced to do his job to live, afterall.

«S-StAy BaCk.» Error sneered, the Sans snickering as he unsheathed his fangs. «Oh, what’s this? The destroyer of worlds scared? Ha! Who knee he’d be scared of vampires!» He cackled a bit as Error took a step back, glancing wildly around for a bit before moving his hand to open a portal. «Oh no you don’t!» He yelled, in a flash, he was in front of Error and punched him between the eyesockets. Normally, that wouldn’t phase Error, but since this was a vampire with a shit ton of strength, it caused his eyesight to be a bit blurry.

Error hissed a bit and quickly brought out his strings, weakly attacking the vampire, but with his slightly blurry eyesight and loopy movements, it was proven to be quite futile.

He heard the Sans chuckle lightly and saw the even blurrier figure slowly walking towards him. Error hissed lowly and began to back away, humiliating, but he needs his life at the moment thank you very much, he has friends and family, even though he knew he can’t die.

«Look at that… You look pretty delicious quivering underneath me.» He laughed and Error shuddered a bit, growling and quickly trying to attack again, only to receive a kick. Error coughing out a bit.

Error still kept doing his best to fight off the intruder, but with the fact that he’s very loopy and currently defenseless. He knew he was done for. Especially when he felt his hands pinned down and scarf moved, as well as his head.

Then he felt it.

Pointy fangs sinking into his ‘neck’ as Error lets out a glitched scream of both fear and pain.

He didn’t knew how long it lasted.

He didn’t even knew when and how he passed out.

All he knew was that he was out after that.


Error lets out a small groan as he began to wake up, letting out a small glitched hiss when he felt pain in his neck. Slowly opening his eyes, blinking lightly when he stared at a sky. An unfamiliar yet familiar surrounding. Then he felt it. Creator magic. Error quickly sprang up in a sitting position before yelping at the sudden pain, gritting his teeth and slowly putting his boney hand on his neck before quickly looking around. He was in a house. «Oh, you’re awake! Finally.» Error jumped when he heard the familiar voice, eyesockets widening a bit in fear of the creator. «Woah uh- H-He-Hey. I’m not gonna hurt you. I’m weaponless.» Ink raised his hands in the multiversal sign of ‘I’m not gonna hurt you.’ Error just stared at Ink, feeling a crash already coming on, but he forced it down in fear that Ink might do something funny…

Then again.

He should’ve already done that before taking him to his own house.

Error kept staring at Ink, who slowly began to back away. «I uhh… Bandaged you and stuff…» Ink slowly said. Error blinked and looked down at himself. Now noticing that he wore different clothing, as well as the bandages all around him. «WhA- WhErE-» «Your clothes is in my room, all cleaned from the washing machine since it was too dusty and bloody.» Ink happily informed, Error just stared at him. «WaShInG mAcHiNe…?» Error slowly asked and Ink blinked. «Yeah…? The… Square electronic device that… Cleans clothes?» Ink raised a bonebrow, thinking that Error was playing with him. When he noticed that Error was actually confused still, Ink’s eyesockets slowly widened. «Do you know what a Washing Machine is in general…?» Ink felt his nonexistent soul drop when Error slowly shook his head. «U-Uhh… What about TVs?» Ink motioned to the TV, Error flinching a bit and Ink quickly stopped. When Error noticed that Ink wasn’t gonna attacked, he forced himself to relax once more and slowly shook his head. «… WhY aRe YoU dAnCiNg..?» Ink just… Stared at Error as if he just found out that Broomie was snapped in half. «Oh geez…» Ink muttered lightly before staring at Error, feeling a rise of panic when he saw Error suddenly wince.

Error gently held a hand over his throat, feeling a bit parched and hungry now. Which was weird, as he never felt hungry in all of the years of him not eating. «Are- Are you okay…?» Ink hesitantly asked. «WhAt’s It To Ya? YoU nEvEr CaReD sO wHy NoW?» Error snapped at Ink, who was the one to flinch this time. «I- uhh…» Ink then trailed off before looking away. «I just… I found something about me, and now I regret all of the things I’ve done to you…» Ink muttered. Error blinking lightly. «Oh ReAlLy NoW?» Error sarcastically asked. «Error please, I truly am sorrryyyy…» Ink whined lightly. Error just staring at him before wincing again. «Just- Let’s talk about me later, we need to talk about you and whatever pain you’re experiencing… Uh- Can I step closer?» Ink slowly asked, Error staring at him some more before hesitantly nodding. Ink then slowly walking before pulling his scarf and looking at it with narrowed eyes. «WhY aM i HeRe AnYwAyS?» Error slowly asked, eyeing Ink warily when he stopped right in front of him.

«Actually… I saved you from Vampire!Sans.» Ink slowly rubbed the back of his skull. «He was draining you out, but since I remembered you kinda have endless magic supply, he just… Did something to your body. I don’t know what it is either, but whatever it was, you’re most likely experiencing it now.» Ink explained before blinking a bit. «I uhh… Can you uhh… Move your hand so I can look at your wound?» Error then looked at him with wide eyes, a bit scared of what Ink will do. «I won’t touch! I won’t touch.» Ink raised his hands again. Error stared at him before wincing and groaning lightly, but did moved his hand away, Ink looking and biting his bottom ‘lip’. «Geez… You got two puncture wounds on your neck… Even after a month, it still didn’t come off…» Ink muttered. «W-WaIt- DiD- dId YoU sAy AfTeR a MoNtH?!» Error yelped, Ink blinked before nodding.

«Yep! You were like- In a coma for a month. Don’t worry! I made sure no one came into this AU so that they wouldn’t randomnly attack you!» Ink grinned at Error, who blinked in surprise before slowly descending into panic. «Oh No… Of FuCk- FuCk FuCk FuCk…» Error muttered lightly and quickly opened a portal to the Multiverse’s codes, catching Ink by surprise. Error scrolled and his eyes widened even more at the amount of AUs that has appeared. The balance was so close to tipping!

«AgH- i HaVe To GeT bAcK tO dEsTRoYiNg…!» Error hissed as he attempted to stand up, but yelp when Ink stopped him, hovering a hand over him causing him to freeze. «No can do Error, you’re still in pain… And why do you need to destroy anyways?» Ink tilted his head in confusion, his left eyelight changing to a yellow question mark. «YoU dOn’T uNdErStaNd InKy! I nEeD tO dEsTrOy! ThE bAlAnCe Is TiPpIng AnD-» «… Balance?» Error looked at Ink in shock. Eyesockets wide as he stared at the Inky creator. «Do… Do YoU eVeN kNoW tHaT… tHiS mUlTiVeRsE hAs A bAlAnCe?» Error slowly asked. Ink blinking once more and slowly shaking his head as Error slumped. «It… AlL mAkEs SeNsE nOw…» Error muttered, just sitting still for a bit. «Can… Can I ask what kind of balance?» Ink sheepishly asked, Error stared at Ink before he began to explain.

«OkAy, ThE mUlTiVeRsE hAs FoUr BaLaNcEs. GoOd AnD eViL, PoSiTiViTy and NeGaTiViTy, LiFe AnD dEaTh AnD cReAtIoN aNd DeStRuCtIoN. OnE cAnNoT eXiSt WiThOuT tHe OtHeR. NoW tHaT wE GoT tHaT oUt Of ThE wAy, LeTs Go On ThE tOpIc On WhY i DeStRoY aUs, SiNcE yOu HaVe SwIsS cHeEsE fOr BrAiNs-» «Hey! … But true-» «SeE? eVeN yOu AdMiT iT. AnYwAyS, iF tHe MuLtIvErSe GeTs OvErCrOwDeD, tHe AuS wIlL cOlLiDe AnD dEsTrOy ThEmSeLvEs… ThAt’S wHy I dEsTrOy…» Error explained, watching as Ink’s look slowly turned to horrified. «Oh- Oh stars…» Ink then looked down, covering his mouth. «I- I am so so- so so so sorry Error I-I…» Ink then began to tear up a bit as Error blinked. «H-hE-eY… nO- nO nEeD tO cRy…» Error panicked a bit, not knowing how to comfort Ink without touching him, so he just resorted to using his strings on gently pat Ink’s back. «It- It’S oKaY, yOu Uh- YoU dIdN’t KnEw.» Error attempted. «B-But I could’ve asked earlier! I could’ve… Maybe stopped this madness! I attacked you without knowing your purpose!» Ink retorted as Error continued to gently pat Ink’s back. «YeAh, ThAt wAs A dUmB mOvE… B u T. iF yOu’Re ReAlLy SorRy… ThEn mAyBe StOp CrEaTiNg?» Error looked up at Ink, who sniffled as he wiped his tears. «I- I ca-an’t…» Ink whimpered, Error was about to retort when Ink’s words rang in his skull. Can’t. Not won’t. «CaN’t?» Ink slowly nodded, sniffling lightly. «It- It’s one of the things I f-found about myself… That…» Ink trailed off and Ink blinked. «I’ll- I’ll just show you my notes.» Ink muttered, then rushed upstairs a bit. Error waited in confusion before wincing and placing a hand on his throat again, feeling a bit more parched now while starting to see red at the corners of his eyesockets. Soon enough, Ink came back, but stopped when he saw Error’s condition.

«E-Error! Are you alright?!» Ink yelped, rushing after Error while holding a differently colored scarf. One that was very much a pure white.

«I… i hOnEsTlY DoN’T KnOw… I JuSt… FeEl aN OvErWhElMiNg dRyNeSs iN My… ThRoAt…? lIkE… wHaT WaS ThE WoRd… PaRcHeD? i- I DoN’T KnOw- AnD- aNd i’m sEeInG ReD… iNkY WhAt’s hApPeNiNg tO Me…?!» Error looked at Ink in a panicked state, ERROR signs starting to cloud his eyesockets and Ink’s eyes widened in horror. «Oh no… Oh- Oh geez-» Ink blinked before looking at the bite, then Error clutching his throat, and slowly his stomach as well, and the hostility that’s starting to radiate off of him. Ink then concluded one thing.

Error’s hungry!

And that he’s a vampire.

Ink then began to look around in a panicked state before seeing his phone, quickly grabbing it, he then went to the Multinet and scrolled through, searching for a solution.

Ink then slowly turned towards Error once he began to hear growls and whimpers coming from the glitch. Ink then looked back at his phone, then around before taking a deep breath in, then out, then rushed to the kitchen and grabbed his knife. Oh lawd he gonna do it-


Error felt his ERROR signs clearing up, and a sweet liquid going down his throat. His surroundings starting to clear now before blinking a bit and saw that Inky was facing him worriedly. «Oh great, you’re finally back…» Inky sighed in relief before wincing, pretty much looking a bit loopy. Error was gonna talk before looking down and quickly pulled away with a yelp, why was he biting on Ink’s arm- WHY WAS HE DRINKING INK’S MARROW?!

«WhAt tHe fUcK?!» Error yelled out, backing away as Ink just gave him finger guns. «You were… Thirsty… Searched up what’s wrong and says that you’ve… Became a vampire when the sans bit on you…» Ink said, swaying a bit and Error reached his strings to wrap around Inky and keep him in place. Since he had no intent to hurt Ink, it didn’t hurt him. «WhAt dO YoU MeAn i’vE BeCaMe a vAmPiRe?! InKy!» Ink then blinked a bit before staring at Error. «Okay… Lemme start from the top. I went to go and check the AU you were on, because I simply thought you were destroying! Buuut, when I got there, I saw a Sans that has his head latched on your neck. Dunno what came over me to… Erm… Accidentally dust the monster but… I did. You had passed out and you were dribbling marrow everywhere so I took you here to my home.» Ink began to explain, Error’s eyesockets slowly widening in surprise. «YoU DuStEd sOmEoNe?» «Out of everything I told, that was your concern?» Ink giggled a bit and Error rolled his eyes. «YoU’Re tHe cReAtOr iNkY, tHoUgHt yOh cArEd aBoUt yOuR CrEaTiOnS MoRe tHaN Me, ThE DeStRoYeR Of aUs, KiLlEr oF MiLlIoNs. YaDa yAdA YaDa.» «Well… That’s… Another thing I wanted to talk about…» Ink then motioned to the dropped scarf on the floor. «There’s notes there that I think that you, of all monsters, should read. Especially since you’re… The other half of the balance.» Inky sheepishly smiled. «Also uhh… Can you… Let go of me now? I don’t think I’m gonna collapse anytime soon…» And Error did exactly just that. And guess what happened?

G u e s s.

Ink fell. Surprise surprise. Error blinked lightly before facepalming a bit. Ink was quick to scurry to his feet though, stumbling a bit but ended up sitting besides Error, but not touching him. Surprisingly remembering that Error hates touch… For some reason, but he won’t question it for now.

Ink watched as Error’s expression slowly contorted to confusion before slowly turning to shock, staring at Ink before turning back down at the scarf he has in his hands. «YoU’Re… YoU’Re kIdDiNg rIgHt? ThErE’S… nO WaY…» Error trailed off as Ink slowly shrugged. «Guess we’re both in the dark ever since I started beinf SOULless…» Ink nervously laughed as Error stared at Ink again. «It…. iT KiNdA MaKeS SeNsE NoW… tHe wAy i sOmEtImEs fEeL A NeW Au fOrMiNg wHiLe yOu’rE StIlL FiGhTiNg mE… aNd hOw… YoUr mAgIc sOmEtImEs fEeLs lIkE It’s… MiSsInG SoMeThInG… iT- iT AlL MaKeS SeNsE!» Error looks up at Ink. «YoUr tItLe aS ThE GoD Of cReAtIoN Is fAlSe! YoUr mOrOn oF A FoRgEtFuL BrAiN JuSt mAdE YoU ThInK YoU WeRe aNd tHe aCtUaL CrEaToRs mAdE YoU BeLiEvE It… BuY ThEn- BuT WhAt kInD Of gOd aRe yOu tHeN?» Error raised a bonebrow at Inky, who blinked a bit and then grabbed his scarf and looked through it. «Uhh… Oh! I’m apparently a God of Souls aaaand a Guardian of the Multiverse!» Ink chirped lightly, smiling at Error who blinked a bit. «GuArDiAn oF SoUlS…. BuT ThEn tHaT MuSt mEaN ThAt yOu cReAtE SoUlS! wHaT’S So dIfFeReNt aBoUt tHaT AnD BeInG ThE CrEaToR Of aUs? AnD If yOu aRe tHe gOd oF SoUlS, tHeN WhY HaVeN’T YoU MaDe yOuR OwN SoUl fOr yOuRsElF?» Error raised a bonebrow at the false creator.

«Well… From what my notes tell me, the differences is that creator of AUs is… As it is, creator of AUs, whereas I only create SOULs… The creators can create their own AUs with their own codes, but it appears that some other AUs needs my help, because only I can create unique SOULs!» Ink began to explain. «Take Reapertale and Dreamtale for example. I was the reason why the main Reapertale characters are gods- because their SOULs are uniquely made! Same as with Dreamtale, as the brothers only have apple SOULs rather than the usual inverted hearts like the other monsters!» Ink chirped lightly. «And for your last question… What was it again?» Ink blinked and Error deadpanned a bit. «AnD ThErE CoMeS InK’S InFaMoUs eLePhAnT MeMoRy pRoBlEm… I AsKeD YoU On wHy dIdN’T YoU JuSt mAdE A SoUl fOr yOuRsElF If yOu hAvE ThE PoWeR To?» Error repeated and Ink blinked, going back to his scarf. «Oh- uhh… Says here that I can’t do that. The SOUL I have to make has to be powerful enough to take my God and Guardian magic. And I can’t make a SOUL that reaches that level of casing or shield that would keep my magic inside… Not without outside help from another powerful God according to past me.» Ink said, reading off what was said in the scarf. «CaN i SeE tHaT sCaRf?» Error asked, outstretching his hand and Ink nodded, handing it to Error. Error took it and began to read from it. Error blinking. «ShEeSh, HoW LoNg aGo wAs tHiS ScArF FoR YoU To fInD ThIs jUsT NoW?» «Uhh… Probably eons. I found it from the very back of my closet, so it’s pretty old.» Ink shrugged lightly and pouted a bit.

«… YoU ReAlLy nEeD HeLp wItH YoUr mEmOrY PrObLeMs iNkY.» «I know…» Ink sheepishly laughed before watching as Error opened a window and then began to type something into it. Keys popping up and disappearing whenever Error touched one. «What are you doing?» Ink curiously asked. «I’M MaKiNg iT So tHaT I HaVe a lIsT To sHoW YoU In cAsE YoU FoRgOt aBoUt tHeSe tHiNgS- kNoWiNg yOu hAvInG BaD MeMoRy. It wOn’t tAkE LoNg bEfOrE YoU StArT ThInKiNg yOu aRe tHe cReAtOr aGaIn.» «Oh… Okay! You do that.» Ink grinned lightly. «I’Ll aLsO MaKe iT So yOu hAvE A CoPy oF ThIs LiSt. I’M AdDiNg bAlAnCe As WeLl On YoUr ThInGs tO ReMeMbEr… So yOu aCtUaLlY UnDeRsTaNd wHy i dEsTrOy eVeRyTiMe yOu fOrGeT AnD We Go fIgHt In An Au.» Error added, Ink nodding once more. «Aaand… How do you plan on giving me a copy?» Ink asked, watching as Error pause a bit, blinking as his face morphed into a deadpanned stare before he then made another screen, and another. He then began to multitask with whatever he’s doing, Ink just watching in awe.

«You’re so good at this!» Ink complimented and Error blinked. «Uh… ThAnKs…? iT’S SoRtA NaTuRaL At tHiS PoInT.» Error said, ignoring the fact that a small, embarrassed lemon yellow blush appeared on his face. Ink watching in more awe as a white border appeared around one of the screen-portal thingy and then Error grabbed it and handing it to Ink. Ink blinking and slowly grabbing it, turning it over and eyes widening when he saw the backside. Written in big, bold impact letters was the name ‘INK’. «HeRe’s a tAbLeT ThAt yOu cAn cOnTiNuOuSlY LoOk aT. iT’Ll oNlY OpEn tO YoU AnD Me, NoT AnYoNe eLsE. nOt eVeN ThE BeSt hAcKeR In tHe eNtIrE MuLtIvErSe cAn aCcEsS It uNlEsS YoU GiVe tHeM PeRmIsSiOn bEfOrEhAnD. iT WoN’T AlSo bE BrOkEn sInCe i tEcHnIcAlLy fUsEd tHe sCrEeN-PoRtAl iNtO It aS WeLl.» Error explained, watching as Ink’s eyelights just shone with happiness and excitement. «Ohhhh myyy staaars…. This is so amazing! I’m so thankful and happy you-» And Ink gagged. Error quickly looked away when he heard Ink throw up his black sustenance. «S-Sorry about that… It should disappear in a few minutes- Thank you for this Error!» Ink grinned as Error slowly turned to face Ink. Watching the excited and curious Inkblot examine and use the tablet Error gave him. «I’m honestly very surprised that you can create!» Ink exclaimed happily, Error looking down. «WeLl… I MeAn… WhO CaN’T? tHeRe’s aLl fOrMs oF CrEaTiOn aNd… NoT EvEn dEsTrOyErS CaN AvOiD CrEaTiNg sOmEtHiNg fOrEvEr… I’Ve… AcTuAlLy bEeN PrAcTiCiNg wItH CoDiNg bAcK ThEn wHeNeVeR I HaD ThE TiMe, So i lEaRnEd oN UsInG CoDeS To cReAtE WhAt i wAnT.» Error softly admitted and Ink looks up at Error happily. «Thank you thank you thank you!» Ink happily exclaimed, Error staring at Ink and feeling a small smile tug at his lips before it quickly disappeared. He was not gonna let Ink see him smiling now, no matter how much Error wanted to laugh genuinely at how Ink acted like a complete child.

In a way, it sorta refreshed him.

Reminding him of his younger self-proclaimed brother, Fresh, when he first came into the Anti-Void. Just eyes filled with sheer excitement and curiosity to explore the area.

«ThErE’S AlSo aLaRm sYsTeMs iN It, So yOu cAn sEt aLaRmS On wHeN YoU’Ll nEeD To tAkE YoUr vIaL AnD StUfF.» Error pointed, Ink blinking a bit. «I really thank you for this Error- this is already too much for me and I really really appreciate this! I shouldn’t even get such a thing from you considering how I’ve been to you ever since we met…» Ink’s excitement faded  bit, glancing down at the tablet and Error hesitantly used his strings to pat Ink on the head. «I AlReAdY FoRgAvE YoU InK. rEmEmBeR ThAt. YoU’Re sTuPiD, a mOrOn aNd hAs a mEmOrY Of aN ElEpHaNt, YeS- bUt… YoU’Re tRyInG To rEpAy mE, yOu aLrEaDy dId rEpAiD SoMe dEbTs bY SaViNg mE FrOm tHaT VaMpIrE In tHe aU… tHoUgH I DiDn’t gEt oUt cOmPlEtElY UnScAtHeD, yOu sTiLl sAvEd mE. gUrAnTeEd yOu dIdN’T KnEw aBoUt tHe bAlAnCe, BuT At lEaSt yOuR CoNsCiOuSnEsS SoRtA DiDn’t wAnTeD Me tO DiE. eItHeR BeCaUsE YoU WaNtEd tO KiLl mE By yOuRsElF Or yOu wErE UnCoMfOrTaBlE WiTh tHaT VaMpIrE SaNs sUcKiNg mArRoW FrOm mY NeCk, YoU StIlL GoT Me oUt.» «You’re repeating…» «ThAt’s bEcAuSe i wAnT YoU To eNgRaVe wHaT I SaId iNtO YoUr tHiCk-aSs sKuLl iNkY.» «Heyyy…!» Ink whined lightly, but smiled lightly and nodded. «You’re too forgiving. That shouldn’t be a quality about you, but it is.» «WeLl i cAn’t hElP It. HoNeStY Is sOmEtHiNg i’m rEaLlY GoOd aT.» Error snickered lightly and Ink nodded, going back to his tablet and then blinking a bit. «Can I do some decorating on it?» «Go AhEaD. NoThInG’s StOpPiNg YoU… ThOuGh, Do KeEp YoUr NaMe ViSiBlE oN tHe BaCk.» Error commented and Ink quickly nodded, grabbing a smaller paintbrush and turning the tablet over, staring to paint it. Error watched him before sighing and then feeling his teeth a bit and pulling away. Seeing as there was still some leftover marrow, he couldn’t help but lick it off.

He was not gonna admit that Ink’s blood tasted sweet.

He then glanced over at Ink’s wrist, seeing the bite he had made on it. He was now worried that he had turned Ink into a vampire too. What’s he gonna do when Ink turns into a vampire as well? Inky doesn’t look like he was passing out so maybe he was okay? He doesn’t know anymore.

The two Gods just sat in silence on the other’s colorful couch. Just enjoying the peacefulness for now.


Error walked down the area, strings everywhere, as well as monster dusts. He looked around waterfall with his hands stuffed in his pockets. He had finished destroying all of the residents in waterfall and was just currently strolling around. Looking down at the water below, he heard footsteps approaching. Blinking, he looked up and turned. «Heya Error!» Ah, it was Inky. «Ah, HeLlO InKy. WhAt bRiNgS YoU HeRe?» «A monster called for me, saying you were in the area. I would usually ignore it to leave ya to do your duty, but I’m bored.» Ink playfully snuck his rainbow tongue out. Error blinking lightly before letting out a snicker and then looking back at the area, flicking his string and killing a monster that dared watch them. «Nice shot.» Ink muttered, glancing at the monster dust. «WeLl, I OnLy hAvE HoTlAnD AnD NeW HoMe lEfT BeFoRe i’m fInIsHeD WiTh tHiS Au, I AlSo hAvE TwO MoRe aUs lEfT To dEsTrOy, ThEn aFtEr tHaT I HaVe aT LeAsT A MoNtH BeFoRe i hAvE To dEsTrOy aGaIn.» Error told his buddy and Ink blinked. «Can I help?» Ink grinned and Error blinked. «WiTh dEsTrOyInG Or…» «With the monsters, that way, you’re done faster!» Ink chirped. Error shrugging. «Go aHeAd, AnD HeRe, WeAr tHiS So yOuR RePuTaTiOn iSn’t rUiNeD.» Error stuck his hand through a portal and tossed a black clothing to Ink. Ink took it and puts it on, covering his skull and body with it and then cheering as he ran away to help. Error shook his head with a small smile and then began to follow.


Ink sat boredly in the council’s table. Dream was the one who asked for a meeting this time. Ink glanced at Blue, who also looked bored, but quickly turned back to his hyper self when he noticed Ink looking his way. Ink then glanced over to Geno, who was quietly speaking to Outer and Classic. Ink knew that those three were with Nightmare and Error, and were actually spies. He was surprised when he first found that out… Mostly by accident, he asked Error about it and Error just spilled the tea… Literally and metaphorically. They were having a tea party that time because he wanted to show Error how fun it was.

He also noticed that Error didn’t seem to tell them that he and Ink were friends now. Ink didn’t understand why at first, but when Error asked him to also keep it a secret, telling him that it’ll be funny once they find out on their own, he accepted. What? He like surprises.

Ink blinked when he noticed that everyone had settled down after G gave them all a glare. «Okay, let’s start!» Dream chirped. «Why are we here again, Dream?» Classic asked, seemingly close to falling asleep. Classic Classic. «I want to talk about how Error seems to be… Faster and far more stronger than before… That and the rumors of Error having a helper in his destruction.» «But Dream, Error always has helpers! The bad sanses!» Red yelled and Dream shook his head. «Ah, but this is different. This helper is not a bad sans, and his identity is sealed. Hidden. They’re far more powerful than any of the bad sanses… I don’t know about Nightmare, but that monster isn’t my brother either. It’s an entirely new one.» Dream stated. Ink glanced at the spies of the team, watching as they seem to perk up in curiosity. «How do you know that they’re more powerful than those bad sanses?» Dance asked. «I’ve felt them. They used Error’s strings to kill, but not the way Error does it. And we all know that Error’s strings kills any monster it touches.» Dream deadpanned, the sanses that’s actually on the ‘dark’ side had to contain their laughter. They knew that Error’s strings only hurt when he intended it to hurt.

«But isn’t magic supposed to be all about intent? How would Error’s strings kill?» Ink spoke in confusion, watching as everyone looked at him in surprise. «Well duh! He always has intent to kill if that’s the case!» Cherry, Swapfell Sans, asked. «Then whyyyy didn’t you die when he had his strings wrapped around you that one time?» Ink asked, still faking confusion. «Well-» Swapfell quickly cut himself off, eyes widening. «Why didn’t I?» And he was left to ponder. ‘Success.’ Ink thought, ignoring the surprised looks he got from the four spies. «Ink, shouldn’t you, of all sanses, know that Error’s a bad sans?» Red grumbled lightly. «What’s are the bad sanses again?» Ink scratched his skull in fake confusion. There, he heard the table groan in annoyance. Having forgotten about Ink’s memory problem.

The meeting went on as usual, with the occasional suggestion of how to attack Error and kill him once and for all, only to be turned down by others since it has already been tried.

Soon enough, the meeting was adjourned and everyone was now going home… Well, except for a select few. «See ya Dream! I’ll meet with you tomorrow!» Ink waved at the leaving Dream, who nods, waves back and left. Ink then turned to Blue, Geno, Outer and Classic. Ah yes, the spies. «Heeeyy Inky- Ink. I wanna ask something.» Classic grinned lazily, Ink tilting his head as he pulled out his phone. «Yes?» Ink asked as Geno just kept his eyes narrowed at the Inkblot. «Why’d you protect Error when Swapfell yelled about Error alwys having the intent to kill?» Classic asked, the other three watching Ink in curiosity. «Mmm… Lemme try and remember why…» Ink narrowed his eyes before grabbing his scarf, hiding his phone in it as if he’s trying to read. When he’s actually texting Error. ‘Act dumb huh?’ «I can’t find anything here that explains why, sorry.» Ink then grinned at the four, who groaned. «Ink come on… There must be something?» Blueberry urged, Ink turning back at his scarf before shaking his head and letting the scarf go. «Nope! Sorry.» Ink smiled at them before blinking. «Whoops, gotta bail. Error’s destroying AUs again.» Ink grumbled a bit before waving and quickly teleporting away before any of them could protest.

«Dammit, we were so close.» Outer sighed softly. «Yeah… But I have hope that Ink will eventually see why Error destroys! I just know it!» Blue exclaimed. «To be honest? I’m also hoping as well… Maybe then, Error’s vacation days would extend.» Geno said softly. «And he gets to hang out with us more! But I’m curious… Who is Error’s new helper?» Blue began to ponder. «Well whoever it is, I’m hoping that Ink nor Dream would stop him… If he’s helping Error, that’s enough for us.» Classic said, the other three agreeing before opening portals to their own AUs and leaving.

Ink blinked before feeling a smile on his lips, pretty happy that the four already approved of him before opening a portal to the Anti-Void and leaving to there.

«Erry!» Ink cheered as he entered, walking towards Error’s beanbag and sitting down on it and looking up, waving at Error, who was currently putting a pink SOUL amongst other SOULs. «HeY InKy, BaCk sO SoOn hUh? WhAt’s tHe mEeTiNg aBoUt tHiS TiMe?» Error asked as he then dropped down next to Ink and them pulling down another bean bag and setting it besides his own. Ink was quick to roll on it. Ever since he has met Error, Error has helped Ink with his fear of the white, and Ink has helped Error with his fear of touch. A fair trade.

Though Error was still pretty much — very much — weary when it comes to touching. Ink was pretty happy when Error improved around Ink… He got used to it to the point that the gang could touch Error. Error found it quite funny when they accidentally touch him and Error didn’t even react. Just blinked and glanced at them before he continued. It was quite funny when the gang freaked put about it. Told Ink and he couldn’t help but smile when Ink practically beamed in happiness. Even if it was from a vial, he knew that emotion was genuine.

«Well, it was about your speed and strength… As well as your new ‘helper’.» Inky made quotation marks with his his fingers. Error snickering softly. «It honestly sorta got boring. Though I did hinted you not being all bad at some point… Like, Cherry was telling us how you always have intent to kill, I pointed out that why would he be alive if that was the case? Since I do remember your ‘fight’ with him that time.» Ink grinned lightly, Error nodding as Ink then grabbed a knife from his pocket. «Anyway, you need marrow today or you’ll go loco crazy for it… I forgot to put my marrow in a vial so uhh… Hope biting will do? Unless you don’t want bite?» Ink motioned the knife. «I DoN’T KnOw… I MeAn, I’M GeTtInG UsEd tO BiTiNg yOu aT ThIs pOiNt… BuT SlIcInG WoUlD MaKe iT LoOk lIkE YoU SeLf hArM RaThEr tHaN AcTuAlLy hElPiNg a dEsTrOyEr tUrNeD VaMpIrE.» «Well, I have arm warmers! And bandages! They won’t suspect a thing!» Ink grinned lightly, Error just staring at Ink before sighing. «WeLl, It’s yOuR ChOiCe… YoU’Re tHe oNe wHo wAnTs tO HeLp… As mUcH As i dOn’t lIkE ThIs.» Error pouts lightly and Ink smiled a bit. «Arright, knife wound it is!» Ink exclaimed, pressing the knife against his radius and then making a slice, quickly moving it and pushing it against Error’s mouth, where he then was quick to suck the marrow out. Ink softly humming to himself as he pulled out his tablet and setting it on his lap so he could also check on what the others were doing while he was out.

Hanging out with Error was very nice. He wondered why his old self never bothered to stop and think on why Error was like this.

Oh yeah.

He was a big ass idiot and a moron back then.


In all of the scenes Blue was expecting. He was expecting a big fight to break out, marrow and bone attacks everywhere, singed trees and grass. Pretty much a brutal battle.

That’s what he expected when Outer called Blue, saying that he saw Error and Ink in his AU, coming in seperately, from two different directions.

Blue quickly rushed to Outertale at that and met up with Outer. There, they planned to try and keep the two apart, except…

They were too late.

And were surprised to see the results.

Outer and Blue were on their way to the usual cliff, where they saw Ink heading there when they stopped once Ink saw Error. Outer and Blue swore a lot and just resorted to hiding in the bushes. Planning to step out if the fight got too bad.

What the two didn’t expected was Ink to walk up to Error, unsheathing his brush, then turning it small? Since when can Ink do that? Ink then puts the smaller brush into his holster by his belt and then pulled out his own phone as he went to Error, mouth moving as if he was muttering. Error just typing away in his own phone when Ink looked up, blinking in ‘surprise’ upon seeing the destroyer.

Blue then went to move when Outer stopped him. «Outer…!» Blue whisper-hissed, Outer shaking his head. «We shouldn’t interfere, it will most likely only worsen Error’s condition, and we’ll blow our cover.» Outer whispered back and Blue sighed, but nodded and turned to watch.

«Well well well. I see the big bad destroyer is enjoying himself… ‘destroooyiing’ this AU.» Ink grinned lightly, Error rolling his eyes. «NiCe to SeE you ToO inkY.» Error snickered softly as Ink laughed a bit to himself as he removed his vials, only to move it to place it on his waist, beneath the tied jacket.

«This seat taken?» Ink asked and Error shook his head. Ink grinning before flopping besides Error… Then flopped on his lap. «WhaaaAt aRe yoU dOiNg?» Error asked. «Taking the seat.» Ink snuck his rainbow tongue up at Error, who rolled his eyelights. «Of CourSe.» «Do I hear your voice glitching less now?» Ink smiled up at the glitch, who shrugged lightly. «MaaaYbE?» Error boops Ink on his nasal bone. «Hey!» And Ink booped Error back, who playfully scrunched up his nasal bone… Somehow. «Anyways… What trick did you do this time?» Ink asked, pulling his tablet out.

Blue and Outer blinking in surprise at how… Natural the two were. What surprised Blue is the fact that Ink was lying down on Error’s lap and Error isn’t glitching or freaking out like he usually does! What surprised Outer is the fact that those two isn’t fighting and are acting as if they were friends! Pretty sure that was also the same thing for Blue. It’s pretty unnatural to see two skeletons who were sworn enemies, just chilling in an AU with no intent to battle.

«I gotta show this to Nightmare.» Blue whispered, grabbing and pulling out his phone and beginning to record the whole scenario.

The two ‘archnemesis’ continued to talk in a hushed whisper this time. Blue and Outer confused and surprised, normally Error couldn’t even control his voice levels. How much secrets has Error been keeping now? «CuriouS, bUt how did yoU eXaCtly finD Me herE?» Error asked, tapping his fingers on Ink’s skull while he drank a chocolate smoothie that Ink had seemingly brought out of nowhere. «I got a call saying that ‘Ink come quick! Big bad meanie destwoyer is in our sacred premises! Pls halp!» Ink whined in a weird voice, making Error laugh at that. Outer and Blue had to hold their laughs in, they gotta admit that imitation was funny. Especially if it was mocking someone who called them.

«Who Do you tHiNk calleD Then?» Error asked as Ink blinked. «Dunno, doubt it’s Outer. He wasn’t there when I arrived.» Ink hummed. «And he never really called me whenever you’re in here so he’s crossed out.» Ink shrugged lightly. «Maybe a sans that was roaming the area and happened to see you?» Ink looked back up at Error, who shrugged. «CoulD Be a pOssibiLity, No one reaLly knowS of OuR WeirD ReLationShIp.» Error playfully flicked Ink’s skull. «Heeeyyyy!» Ink whined before muttering something, causing Error to snicker at that. «Anyways, got any plans when our next ‘fight’ comes up? Was thinking of gaster blasters.» Ink called and Error shrugged. «DunnO, i jusT UsuallY UsE my sTrings. DiD YoU ForgEt aboUt tHaT Inky?» «Nawh.» Ink snuck his tongue out before blinking and looking back down at his beeping tablet, before looking up and watching Error wince again. «New AU or New Copy?» «NeW copy…. HaS the crEatOrs MentiOneD anytHinG to You yEt?» Error asked, looking down at Ink, who blinked and narrowing his eyes. «They’re talking about more AU possibilities… And by possibilities, what ifs on the AUs… Might have a copy spree again. There’s also some who’s asking for my help with special SOULs on some AUs.» Ink pouts lightly and Error rolled his eyes. «Of coUrsE.» Error muttered as he began to pet Ink, who hummed and leaned against Error’s hand before he got up. «Welp, we should part before anyone… Sees us.» Ink paused before smiling lightly, a hint  mischievousness before looking around. Error nodding and then getting up as well. «ANti-VoID?» «See you there later.» Ink gave finger guns, the two opening portals and both staring at a direction, looking at each other then leaving.

After that, Blue and Outer looked at each other, before freezing a bit when they saw Error and Ink stare at their direction. Do they know? They only relaxed when they stepped into the portals.

«This just opened up new possibilities and new theories… Come on, let’s go to Nightmare.» Blue whispered, opening a portal and the two sanses entered.

Upon arriving, they saw that everyone was having a hangout day. «Guys guys guys!» Blue exclaimed, causing a few to jump. «What is it Blue?» Cross whined as he then glanced at the skeleton in blue armor. «You guys won’t believe what me and Outer found out.» Blue exclaimed and Nightmare raised a bonebrow at that. «What would we not believe?» Geno asked. He was conveniently staying with them because he was waiting for Error for a bit, same with Fresh, as they had a brotherly hang out tonight… They still have time anyways. «Ink and Error were hanging out. No fighting, no battles, just two skeletons sitting under the stars!» Outer yelled and a few of the bad sanses sputtered out. «You’re joking?!» Dust yelled. «I told you you wouldn’t believe us… But! We got it on video!» Blue exclaimed. «Well what are you waiting for? Connect it to the TV!» Cross yelled, Blue doing exactly just that.

Lo and behold, the video was, indeed, about Error and Ink hanging out. «What the? No wonder I sensed minimum negativity from him earlier.» Nightmare commented, it was sorta rare to see Error smile back then. «Error’s smiling!» Killer pointed out, indeed he was. Heck, even they shared a laugh. Having to also laugh at Ink’s imitation, what? He surprisingly imitates good. It was a very odd sight indeed. But then the few last parts came on.

«Creators…? Why is that rainbow [rad]hole talking about creators as if they were separate beings?» Geno scoffed lightly, Fresh watching in silent. «Error-brah is also not referring that unradical Inky as the creator, something’s up my broskis. Error-brah’s definitely hiding somethin'» Fresh commented.

«Maybe whatever Inky and Error are hiding, would probably tie to all the weird things that’s happened with Error?» Nightmare suggested, the group nodding. «We need to solve the case… But to do that, we need to spy on them more.» Killer added, Cross and the rest nodding. «You three, tell Classic about this and start keeping an eye on Ink. I don’t think Ink defending Error that time with the strings was accidental now that we have this information.» Nightmare said, Blue, Geno and Outer nodding. «Fresh, keep an eyesocket on both of them whenever you can.» «Can’t we just ask Error?» Blue pouts. «Knowing him, he won’t tell and just smile at us… He knows something and he wants us to find out ourselves… That [rad]hole.» Nightmare pouts a bit, Fresh laughing while Geno rolled his eyes. «I mean, finding things about Error has always been fun, and Error loves surprising us… Same goes for Inky now that I think about it.» Geno said, putting two fingers under his chin to think.

«There’s also the fact that Error’s glitching lessened and Ink asked about what trick was used…» Outer pointed out. «That too.» Blue shrugged and Nightmare stared at the TV, where the video has ended. «I have a feeling that Error and Inky are hiding a secret together… And as much as I hate voicing that out, that’s the only conclusion I can think off.» Nightmare huffed lightly and the rest agreed. «What’s so important about the secret that caused two major enemies to actually bond is my question.» Geno commented as Blue disconnected his ohone from the TV, just in time too because the staticky sound of a portal opening brought their attention. Error stepping through the portal. «Error-ski!» Fresh exclaimed happily, jumping up and hugging Error, who blinked and snickered, hugging back and patting his head. «HeLlo to You tOo FresH.» Error smiled. Ever since they had found out that Error doesn’t glitch as much when he was touched, Fresh took the time to hug Error as much as possible now.

«WhAt are YoU twO doinG heRe thOuGh?» Error asked, glancing at Blue and Outer, who blinked a bit. «Uhh… We came to hang out!» Blue exclaimed quickly, Error raising an bonebrow. «ReaLly?» «Yeah, don’t worry. I asked them to hang out with us.» Nightmare smiled lazily at Error, who nodded and smiling lightly back. «What brings you here?» Horror asked, glancing at the glitching boi. «CaMe for GeNo and Fresh, Can’T fOrgEt that I’m GonNa hAnG out wiTh tHem foR thE reSt oF the NiGht!» Error hummed as Geno jumped up. «Oh yeaah, let’s go then!» Geno exclaimed as Fresh cheered. Error nodding and opening a portal, waving bye to the rest before leaving.

The gang then looked at each other and all knew of one thing.

Never tell Error that he was recorded.


It was now time for battle, Error was in the middle of destroying an AU with Nightmare and his gang. The two just letting them have their fun in the AU when the ‘Star sanses’ came in. «Error stop destroying for your own sick pleasure!» Ink yelled, pointing his brush at Error, who just sighed. «InKy… I kEeP tElLiNg YoU… I cAn’T…» Error replied, Blue frowning a bit as he readied his magic to ‘fight’ the guys.

It’s been a few months since they’ve been on their investigation, and even then, the gang was still confused. Whenever Error and Ink were in the battle field, they act as if they have never hanged out, just kept repeating their cycles of battles over and over, and it always ends up with neither side winning.

But they’ve had a few more spies and during outside the fight, they were never seen together again after that. And if they were, they were just sitting or walking in silence. It was like the video of them hanging out, talking and laughing happily never happened.

The group of both spies and the gang had asked both Ink and Error seperately, and all they received was either a sad smile and a shrug and a ‘That happened? I don’t remember’.

It was starting to get on their non-existent nerves… And made them even more curious and determined to know why the two were so secretive.

Right now, the fight had broke out with Ink swinging first, like always. Error dodging effortlessly. The gang and Blue watched the battle while they fought off Dream and Blue had noticed one thing.

Ink wasn’t giving his all in fighting, more rather, he was doing it half heartedly. Same thing goes for Error, it was like they have practiced the fight and know how to dodge and how to attack…

Like as if the fighr was scripted.

Blue then rushed towards Nightmare, pretending to swing when he actually whispered what he found out. Nighrmare glanced over and nodded a bit and then thought for a bit. He secretly nudged Cross and motioned him towards Ink, Cross summoned knives and threw it towards the shorter god. And right as it was about to hit- strings were wrapped around Ink’s arm and he was flung away. Ink yelping before quickly balancing and attacking.

«They’re both fighting and protecting each other.» Nightmare whispered, noticing how a light arrow was about to hit Error when Ink kicked him by his legs, Error stumbling back and narrowly avoiding the arrow.

«There really is something going on between them.» Blue whispered back as he then watched as Error and Ink made eye contact and Ink was quick to rush towards Dream to help him. Error quickly rushing after Ink and throwing bone attacks, Ink missing and throwing inky ones of his own. It really looked like a dance.

The fight continued on normally, well, that is when Error suddenly froze and shuddered a bit. He couldn’t help but notice that his senses has suddenly heightened. Specifically, his sense of smell. He smells blood, blood, so much blood. Looking around, he saw so much blood, it was already starting to drive him crazy. Ink stopped when he noticed that Error did. Watching as he shuddered before quickly eyeing the battlefield. Ink knew that look. His eyesockets widening when he saw a flash of malicious hunger in Error’s eyelights. The blue in the middle of Error’s right pupil flashing red.

‘When was the last time Error drank?!’ Was Ink’s panicked question before he began to count the equation, rushing towards Error. ‘Oh my fucking- That was three months ago- shit shit shit how could I forget?! God dammit Inky you moron!’ Ink mentally yelled at himself as he quickly rushed towards Error. Dodging attacks left and right before picking Error up bridal style and then was quick to dash towards the trees.

Nightmare glanced over and his eyesockets widened when he saw Ink pick Error up. «Cross! Killer! After Ink!» Nightmare yelled, the two mentioned Sanses were quick to nod and run off after the retreating Ink.

Ink yelped a bit as he dodged a knife, cursing under his breath and looking down at Error, who was starting to cover his own mouth. «You’re gonna have to bite now Error.» Ink deadpanned and Error sputtered a bit. «N-No..! You MigHt tRip!» Error whisper-hissed at Ink and Ink shook his head. «Okay okay! But how are we gonna lose them?!» Ink whisper yelled back at Error, glancing behind him and watching two angery sans chasing after them, throwing bone attacks left and right.

«PlAy dIrty.» Error replied, Ink blinked before nodding, he then moved a bit and began to focus before he then quickly held Error close to him and just practically barfed ink besides him and then turning. Watching as Cross and Killer yelped as they slid across the ink puddle.

«… I didN’t MeAn lIterAlly InkY.» «Could’ve said that, then they would have avoided the inky situation.» Ink managed a small smile and Error snickered a bit before wincing as he felt his fangs grow out. Ink noticed and then rushed to a cave.

«I juSt reAliZed… But whY didn’T yoU jUst telePoRt?» Error asked as Ink pulled his arm warmers and began to unwrap the bandages. «… Oh yeah… My memory still isn’t that good okay?» Ink whined, Error rolling his eyelights playfully before wincing again. «I’m hurrying, shh.» Ink softly said, fully removing the bandages and then putting his radius into Error’s mouth, Error mumbling something before sinking his fangs into the bone. Ink, having done this with Error for a lot of times now, didn’t really flinched at this point. Having used to it already.

After a bit of walking, the group managed to find a cave. «Do you think Ink took him here?» Blue whispered to Dream, knowing that Nightmare’s group was following behind. «Yep… This is where I sense the positive emotions anyways, and both of us know that there’s only one other person who has actual positive emotions… I’m surprised it’s more positive than negative this time.» Dream whispered back as they then stepped close, only for both to freeze in surprise, heck even the gang stalking behind them.

There, they see Error lying down on Ink’s lap, head against Ink’s sternum and the rest on the ground cuz he’s taller than Inky. Ink’s arm in Error’s mouth while Error knitted. The gang pretty much knows that Error knits when he’s comfortable. So that was a surprise. The next surprise was that Ink doesn’t seem to mind that Error was literally biting down on his arm, as there was stray blood trails coming out of Error’s mouth. Ink’s brush was nowhere to be found and they’re just… Relaxed and not fighting.

«What the heck?» Blue muttered in surprise. «Wh…» Dream blinked a bit and continued to stare.

After about a literal minute later, Ink looked down at Error as Error released Ink’s arm from the mighty grip of his jaws, where they see sharp as hell fangs shrinking back to their regular size as Error wiped his mouth with his sleeve. Ink then grabbed some bandages from his subspace and began to wrap it around his radius and ulna while Error then puts his knitting supplies back in his inventory. «How long were we gone?» Ink asked, patting Error on the skull, who blinked a bit. «You’Re LitErAlly AsKing Me tHat? SoMeonE wHo haS no ConCepT of TimE aT all?» Error deadpanned up at the Inkblot. «I was mostly expecting your sense of time to improve ever since I’ve been visiting you more often.» Ink snickered lightly and Error playfully rolled his eyelights. «ThAt’s diFferent InkY.» Error said, sitting up and stretching a bit while Ink just snuck his rainbow tongue out and got up. «Should we go back or nah?» «At thiS poinT, TheY’re probAbly lOokIng For us.» Error shrugged lightly. «Or they probably already found us and have been spying in the bushes.» Ink snickered and Error smirked a bit, both Gods glancing at the direction of the bushes, knowing of the spying eyes.

The group froze a bit before sighing and stepping out embarrasingly, Nightmare just strolling right out with his arms crossed and looking at Error and Ink expectantly, Blue looking the same.

«Alright, you caught us spying on you… But I don’t think we’re letting you place the spotlight on us.» Nightmare said. «What even is the meaning of this Ink? You and Error hate each other!» «HatE iS a sTroNg wOrd.» «You get my point!» Dream huffed lightly, agitated. Ink and Error looked at each other a bit, Error still sitting down while Ink was standing. Looking at them now, they could notice that Ink’s height actually grew, surprisingly. Usually he would be at Error’s head while Error’s sitting down, but this time, he was a head taller.

«Actually… We sorta… Stopped fighting a century or two ago.» Ink started, cue the group sputtering in surprise. «What?!» Blue yelped. «Why?!» Cross was the one who asked this time as Ink then went behind Error and placed his elbows on top of Error’s shoulders, intertwining his fingers together and placing his chin on top of it. «Simple.» Ink smiled lightly, looking down at Error. «I learned the truth of who I really am, and why Error’s important to the Multiverse… Also because of another incident but that’s Error’s story.» Ink shrugged lightly.

«The truth…?» Dream blinked lightly. «I’m not the creator of AUs… That’s the first thing.» Ink smiled, watching as everyone got shocked again. «Wait wait wait- what do you mean you’re not the creator?! Error do you know of this?!» Horror yelled and Error blinked. «I was tHe fiRst oNe Ink ToLd thIs abOut, beCause He Knew That mY mEmOry was bEttEr thAn hIs.» Error smiled innocently. «After that, we just ended up keeping it a secret for fun… Also because I sometimes forget.» Ink shrugged. «AtlEasT yoUr memOry hAs beEn imProviNg.» «Yeeeah you should give yourself credit for that.» Ink boops Error’s cheekbones. «What other truths have you found…?» Blue slowly asked. «Well there’s the Balance of the multiverse… Which, by the way, I’m helping Error with now… And…»


«That took longer than I thought.» Ink huffed, flopping on his couch while Error hummed a nod and then opening a portal, watching as Nightmare and Blue went to Geno, Outer, Fresh and Classic to tell them what the two told them. «You still have yet to tell them that you’re a half vampire now.» Ink glanced at Error, who pouts lightly. «TheY’ll ProBabLy hAte mE iF I do.» Error muttered and Ink pats him on the back gently. «I doubt they will Error… And if they did ended up hating you, I will smack them behind their skulls and yell at them what a great monster you are and that they are pieces of assholes just for thinking you were different.» Ink huffed, Error blinking before chuckling softly. «You know… You AcT lIke an AnnoYinG proteCtiVe bIg Brother At thIs poInt.» «I am older than you…» «TruE…» Error smiled gently and leaned back, sighing softly. «You still have to tell them that you’re a vampire though.» «I’lL tEll tHem whEn thE tiMe comEs.«

Обновлено: 08.02.2023

Errortale (или Ask Error!Sans) (англ. Error — Ошибка) — AU созданная пользователем Tumblr Loverofpiggies. Она была создана 30 декабря 2015 года. История происходит в блоге askerrorsans, где анонимные или обычные пользователи продвигают сюжет, задавая вопросы Эррору. Комикс начинается достаточно просто, но затем Эррор рассказывает историю о том, как он похитил Swap!Санса во время Геноцид битвы против Underswap Папируса. Так что появляется Swap!Санс, чтобы ответить на вопросы, а также сюжет продолжает развиваться.

8 ноября 2018 года CQ сообщает определенные сюжетные моменты, которые произошли бы или были подтверждены в каноне askerrorsans. Это включает то, что Errortale является продолжением Aftertale, и что Эррор является более старой версией Гено. Другой момент, который подтверждается, состоял в том, что Блу будет поврежден в ошибку и будет преобразован в Blueberror (Блуберрора). Другая информация записана в посте.

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A New World || An Fgod Story || REWRITE IS UP!

Error decides that if the multiverse wouldn’t bother to learn why he destroyed it wasn’t worth staying around. So he ‘ended’ his life by jumping into the void when he was in Outertale. And Destiny sends him to a different multiverse. What will happen to our former destroyer? Will he ever see any of his friends again.

MultiTube [Hiatus]

As Ink wanted everyone to share and communicate, he made Science Sans make MultiTube where everyone can watch, donate, stream, record, subscribe, like/dislike, on each other’s videos. The gang makes Error do it as a stress relief. •Cover will be added later lmao•

Spying On Destruction || An Error!Sans Story || FINISHED

Ink and the council decide to place of cameras and other types of spy gear in Error’s anti-void, and even Nightmare’s mansion. They do this to figure out why Error destroys Ink’s creations. What will they find out about the ‘SOULESS’ destroyer? ೋ❀❀ೋ═══ • ═══ೋ❀❀ೋ ⊳I do not own any characters or art work in this book! T.

FGOD ERROR-_-The painful truth that never gets told. or will it?

I cant write these I will update this as much as I can,if you read this comment and say ‘HEBLEH’ XD dont ask maybe errormare dont like? dont read. On hiatus/ discontinued for now

Family from another multiverse

This is well. another mr. erratum story and everything is after he jumps into the void but this isn’t a very good story because it was made by. well me and pj is also with erratum as I mean the pj that was in the original multiverse because in my brain life works weird so. ok ima jus get ta da story mah broskis

Error Sans Oneshots (Read First Chapter for Information)

Edited October 18th 2020: For those of you who read the descriptions, Requests are CLOSED. See more on the first chapter NOBODY READS FRIGGIN DESCRIPTIONS, LOL. I’m just checking to see who will comment on the first chapter that they read the descript.

All Is Fair In LoVe And War

Nightmare and error had ever gotten a long, especially after what happened during the X-vent. But after dream had found out that ink didn’t care for anything but making aus they got in a huge argument that left dream very weak and ink emotionless for days, blue, not remembering the events of the X-vent (thanks x-gaste.

little world destroyer (On Hold)

⚠Warnings!⚠ -Suicide tough -suicide -soul eating -Ink -Fgod -Blood -Broken bones/body -Bad english MoonPaint, the child of the Destroyer himself, Error Everything was perfect, Error teached him how to destroy, but he fond odd that he can Create and sense negative emotions, but through it thinking it was something earn.


The concept to this version of Error belongs to harrish6! Please, go check them out! The fighting between Ink, Error, and the Balance continued on and on. Ink just wants to stop Error, PERMANENTLY. But, Ink’s morals get in the way. Ink must know why Error does this, the mystery can’t go on for any longer. If Ink w.

Misjudged and Mistreated(a sanscest multiship story)

(Art not mine) Error has always been misjudged as a destroyer who likes to kill for fun. But he is just as pained as anyone else to see the AUs be destroyed Nightmare was mistreated by all but his brother, which led to him eating a black apple. But he hurts whenever he has to fight his brother whom he loved so dearly .

Sweet dreams small one( child error and monster nootmare)

Error was a small child, people liked to torcher him, Nightmare protected the small bean

A New Existence

He came into existence here, in the blankness of nowhere. He had no clue of how he came to be or why he was alone. If he and the Voices exsisted, then should that also show that there could be much more than just the blankness of him and this place? @harrish6

Tangled Strings of an Error

They had did it. They had finally did it. They had finished the God Of Destruction. They were happy, relived. They can finally have their ‘Peace’. A new ‘Life’. A new ‘Hope’. The feeling of ‘Euphoria’ has boiled up inside of them. The ‘Contentment’. Oh how they loved that feeling. But little did they know. Tha.

The One Death Cannot Kill (Discontinued)

After Error had stopped destrying AUs the multiverse had been peaceful. Until Geno, Error’s brother and Ink’s lover, died. After that there had been multiple reports of disapearances or deaths of different Sanses. Afriad for the safty of the multiverse, Ink and Error search for the reason why this is happening, but a.

My Little One

This is a remake of melonfantasy story Little One. I’m pretty much writing my own story based off of hers. Mainly I’ll be changing some plot and character choices. But the over all theme will be there. There will be themes of harrish6 Forced destroyer concept but it’s not the main focus. Enjoy! — Error finds somethi.

(Sanscest) Omitted Destroyer

«The Creator is a coward, his creation are fools. If this Multiverse would not accept me as a part of its own, then just let me fade away than suffer more on the hands of the people who would never even let me call this expansive space as ‘home’.» Every beginning has it’s end, and all end bring on a new beginning. Aft.

Error is the destroyer of aus. He’s obviously the villain right? Or is there something more.


Our lovely couple, Error and Ink, were living a happy life together. The war between them had ended and there was peace over the Multi-Verse. Yes, their life was happy and peaceful. until one day Error suddenly goes missing. Will Ink ever find Error and go back to their happy life or will Error forever remain in the.

The Roles have Swapped [A Vampire!Ink X Vampire Hunter Error]

A young Vampire Hunter named Error has decided to place traps in the forests of vampires. He’s been doing it for a while yet what he didn’t know was that his actions would affect his future drastically as he went back to his empty home in hope to catch a ‘Normal Vampire’ Ink, the Vampire king/protector has been notici.

I have rewritten this book in here so head to the second Prologue to start the story or read the whole book Error FGOD belongs to harrish6

Error Sans One-ShotsSssSsS

read the title mate- Slow updates Requests are always open! 🤡✨ maybe A/N Mon, Aug 17: SORRY SORRY- my motivation went: HmHmHmH- bYe bItcH- so ye, that’s that But I had a cupcake So ye- motivation

Undertale AU Oneshots

Mostly FGoD Error-centric one-shots, but with others sprinkled in here and there. Warning: Contains Angst. __-_-__ Fgod Error concept belongs to harrish6, and Undertale to Toby Fox. Error, Fresh, and Geno belong to CrayonQueen/loverofpiggies, Ink to Myebi, Dream and Nightmare to Joku. The cover is mine.

This is a, Error FGod of destruction! Now I do not own FGod Of Destruction! (I wish I did). But I find it incredibly fascinating! Now if only I could remember the name of the creator of FGOD. Anyway, I am extremely sorry if this book does not make ANY sense. I am a new writer, and frankly. I am terrified of what other.

error? (fgod) (Really Slow Update)

Error is the forced god of destruction but what happens when everyone finds out?

It’s an error story, As you seen from the title Art not mine


Error Sans forced god of destruction never believe he could find someone to call family. On his way doing his job destructing AUs he founds a girl trap in a empty Au by herself who knows how long. Join Error as he finds something to live for. Ok the force god of destruction belong to @harrish6 Got inspired by Harrish.

Mislabeled Errors

Error had had enough. He didn’t want to feel anymore. Day in and day out it was always the same. He wanted to finally make it all stop. What will Error do if he gets a way out. (Cringe I know. Cover is not mine. Nothing is mine except teh plot, MY Art, and any OC’s. Credit to harrish6 for the forced god of destruction.

Mr. Erratum. Second chance for better life. (DestructiveDeath/ ErrorxReaper)

God of Destruction and God of Death they are same but different in same time. Both of them hate each other. But what would happend if one of his friends/brother. Help them to know each other? What would happend if they would be friends? What would happend if they starts dating? What would happend if ‘Destr.

Feeling Reborn

Error, the Forced God of Destruction, had always wanted a peaceful life. Unfortunately, with his role in the Multiverse, and Fate’s control over his life, that wasn’t possible. After a deadly battle with Ink and practically everyone who lived in the worlds Ink created, Error was ready to give up. However, before jump.

A happy family (an Fgod Error story) (Discontinued, Adopted)

it’s an fgod error story witch belongs to @harrish6 (i think i spelled that nick good) and cover by meh error was forced by fate to destroy ink’s creation, he was tired of this all, then ink decided to KILL error, but there was a few people who saved him.. (yeah i suck at making books and description so it might be ba.

Sweetheart (Errorink) от Seidro

70.4K 3.3K 47

Ink accidentally made a new AU too close to the other, causing a chain of AUs to collapse. The rest of the Multiverse hears about this and comes to the conclusion that I.

My destiny (Fgod error student version) от xx_crying_child_xx

20.4K 1K 24

The cover of this book is made by ♡͙♡͚ɢʀaɖɨɛռt♡͚♡͙ on Pinterest. Error had enough of the violence in his multiverse so he decided to jump into the void in hopes to commi.

Growing Up [✔] от Mondi06

3.8K 185 12

(Finished! :3) Heya! This is my first book, but I hope you enjoy. This isn’t Fgod, by the way it’s my own creation. CM!Error, or should I say. Childmind!Error? Ahem.

Glitched Hero от fuck-you12345

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Error lands in the MCU close to Avengers. I don’t think Error will like anyone there. Let’s find out! Warning: Cursing

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What if..someone from our world was reborn as fellswap sans? But an accident when he was young leads to becoming blind for a long time and papyrus feels guilty about not.

Error is ink in another multiverse от KarmaAkabane425

10.8K 473 7

What another multiverse. error became ink in the past after falling into the void? What if error aka ink names himself a different name? At least officially but.

young destroyer от randomname12p

1K 22 21

|so like any story i make i dont know what im doing so im just winging it| (Had to change the description cuz it didnt make sense in the story) error is a young boy who.

Last Hope (Fgod Error) от Dont-Mind_Meh

27.9K 923 15

What if Error’s allies turn their back on him when he needed him the most? What if his DESTINY wasn’t to fall to the void, nor his FATE to suffer? KARMA is coming to th.

2.8K 243 10

Error finally got his happy ending. No more fighting, no more senseless fighting, no more unneeded attention. Except for the fact everyone sees him as a hero now, oh, an.

What Love Does to the Best of Us (Error x Core!Frisk) от Turtlleee

6.8K 154 11

Core!Frisk had finally captured Error’s heart, something she had been attempting to do for the last few months. Error, despite seeming to be capable of being nothing mo.


В данной AU главным персонажем является Санс, кроме него известны только Error!Папирус и Error!Андайн.

Главная цель — уничтожение всех AU. После выполнения этой цели он самоуничтожится.

Неизвестно, в какой вселенной жил до попадания в Анти-пустоту, где из-за невозможности выбраться начал терять рассудок. Однако, через неизвестное количество времени он всё-таки смог сделать это, после чего начал путешествовать по другим AU.

Error!Санс в очках

Папирус и Андайн

Одет в тёмно-синие куртку и шорты, а также в красную футболку. Обладает очень плохим зрением, поэтому ему надо время от времени надевать круглые очки с красной оправой, которые он носит в кармане. У него жёлто-голубая радужка и белки красного цвета. От глаз идут синие полосы, которые появились от случайного использования магии на глазницах. Всегда окружён надписями «Error» (рус. Ошибка).

Атаки с костями и Бластеры Гастера красного цвета, но в основном использует синие нити, благодаря которым он может захватывать души персонажей.

Также известно, что он гаптофоб (гаптофобия — боязнь прикосновения окружающих).


Про него, как и про Error!Андайн, ничего не известно, так как они появлялись только на нескольких страницах. К сожалению, эти персонажи (Error!Андайн и Error!Папирус) почти не присутствуют, поскольку были уничтожены Error!Сансом. Есть также мнение, что именно обезумевший Error!Санс уничтожил свою же вселенную и переместился в Антипустоту. Также в хороших отношениях с Error!Андайн.






Главные персонажи

Error!Санс (Бывший Гено)

Эррор на самом деле является версией Гено после событий Aftertale, которая несмотря на предупреждения Санса связывается с магией решительности. В конце-концов он случайно отправляет себя в Анти-пустоту. В последние минуты сознания, он был в ярости, что с ним это произошло, хоть он и получил свою хорошую концовку. Гено, теряя свой рассудок, ненавидел всё и вся, поэтому Эррор называет всех «ошибками» и «глюками».

В настоящее время Эррор — это черный глючный скелет с цветовой палитрой, состоящей в основном из темно-красных/красных, темно-синих/синих, желтых, оранжевых и черных. У него есть два несимметричных глаза, один маленький желтый зрачок, а другой — круг с желтым, синим и черным. Он обычно должен носить очки из-за того, что его глаза были испорчены, когда он был Гено, но часто отказывается их носить. Он носит черную толстовку, красную рубашку, черные шорты и черные тапочки. От глаз идут синие полосы, которые появились от случайного использования магии на глазницах. Всегда окружён надписями «Error» (рус. Ошибка).

У него эгоистичный и игривый характер, и он думает, что помогает мультивселенной. Он крадет вещи, совершает набеги и разрушает AU. Он любит шутить, и сделать язвительные заявления о своих врагах. Канонически он не злится, пока все не идет не так, как он ожидал, или когда другие заставляют его бояться. Также известно, что он гаптофоб (гаптофобия — боязнь прикосновения окружающих).

Атакует костями и Гастер Бластерами красного цвета, но в основном использует синие нити, благодаря которым он может захватывать души персонажей.


Санс уро

Swap!Санс (Блуберри)

Underswap Санс (или Блуберри / Блу) — это эксцентричная личность, которая желает только лучшего для людей. Он пацифист и всегда старается идти по пути милосердия и доброты. Противопоставлен безжалостной и язвительной личности Эррора. Блу, однако, не наивен от этого и хорошо знает, что Эррор действует из эгоистичных побуждений. Вместо того, чтобы сердиться на него, он просто посылает ему такую же милость, как и всем остальным. Он даже доходит до того, чтобы прикоснуться к нему, что вызывает гаптофобию Эррора и вызывает у него сбой.

Он представляет собой ярко-белого скелета с палитрой, состоящей в основном из темно-синих/синих, серых, белых и золотых цветов. У него голубые глаза, которые обычно имеют форму звёзд, и носит наплечники, серую рубашку, синие брюки, заправленные в темно-синие сапоги. Он также носит плащ, который завязан спереди. У него есть надежда когда-нибудь захватить человека, но эта мечта была разрушена, когда Эррор взял его в анти-пустоту и в конечном итоге оставил его там.



Второстепенные персонажи

Underswap Папирус

Underswap Папирус — это брат Underswap Санса. Он сражался с Эррором, чтобы спасти Блу от похищения после того, как Эррор полностью стер всех монстров из AU Папируса. Во время битвы, где он пытался захватить Эррора, чтобы он перестал использовать Блу в качестве марионетки. Ведь Эррор заставлял Блу бороться за него. В конце концов, проиграв битву и потеряв своего брата, Папирус канонически ищет его в Омега Таймлайне после того, как его находит Core!Фриск.

Underswap Папирус — это высокий, ленивый белый скелет, который имеет палитру, состоящую из оранжевых, серых и черных цветов. Одет в оранжевую толстовку, черные шорты и серые кроссовки. Хотя по его внешнему отношению к остальным может показаться, что он беззаботен, но на самом деле Папирус глубоко заботится о своем брате и будет бороться за его жизнь.



Core!Frisk — это монохромная версия Фриск, которая была сброшена в Ядро. Подобно Гастеру, Фриск стирается из времени и пространства. Благодаря своим силам, вместо того, чтобы быть полностью стертой из существования, становится внекодовым персонажем, который осознает все временные линии. Теперь они выполняют роль хранителя Омега Таймлайна и набирают людей и монстров, у которых нет дома.

В этом комиксе Core соглашается помочь Папирусу найти своего брата и сообщает ему о том, насколько силен Эррор на самом деле. Предоставляет Папирусу доступ к Омега Таймлайну, чтобы он смог начать поиск Блу вместе с Core.



Error!Папирус, по слухам, является братом Эррора, хотя это никогда не подтверждалось. Он также похож на Эррора цветовой палитрой и физическими чертами, но ничем больше. Его одноразовое появление не показывает много о том, кто этот персонаж. Он, кажется, имеет более мягкую версию личности, но все же эгоистичен. Эррор считает, что он — единственный Error, и он не знает, но предполагает о возможности существования Папируса. Он отказывается его обсуждать.

CQ не может вспомнить, что он планировал для Папса.

Error Paps


Error!Андайн также, по слухам, связана с Эррором в некотором роде, но, как указано выше, это никогда не подтверждалось. Она схожа с Error!Сансом и Error!Папирусом, своей цветовой палитрой и теми же глючными чертами, но ничем больше. Между тем, Андайн имеет более агрессивную версию личности Эрроров. Она не играет или рассказывает шутки и, казалось бы, ни в чём не сомневается.

Error!Андайн стала бы огромной проблемой. Когда-то случайно увидев Эррора в его очках, заставляет Андайн иррационально полагать, что эти очки принадлежали Альфис. Это привело бы Error!Андайн в убийственную ярость, став настоящей угрозой для всех. В то время как Эррор гораздо менее опасен, чем кажется, Андайн – это другое дело. Она — реальная угроза.

Errortale (англ. Error — ошибка) — AU по Undertale.

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    «I’ll always follow you…»
    -Tanjiro Kamado
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  • MultiTube [Hiatus]


    As Ink wanted everyone to share and communicate, he made Science Sans make MultiTube where everyone can watch, donate, stream, record, subscribe, like/dislike, on each other’s videos. The gang makes Error do it as a stress relief.
    •Cover will be added later lmao•

  • Family from another multiverse


    This is well… another mr. erratum story and everything is after he jumps into the void but this isn’t a very good story because it was made by…well me and pj is also with erratum as I mean the pj that was in the original multiverse because in my brain life works weird so… ok ima jus get ta da story mah broskis

  • Error Sans Oneshots (Read First Chapter for Information)


    Edited October 18th 2020: For those of you who read the descriptions, Requests are CLOSED. See more on the first chapter
    I’m just checking to see who will comment on the first chapter that they read the descript.

  • Ew Cringe.


    -Suicide tough
    -soul eating
    -Broken bones/body
    -Bad english
    MoonPaint, the child of the Destroyer himself, Error
    Everything was perfect, Error teached him how to destroy, but he fond odd that he can Create and sense negative emotions, but through it thinking it was something earn…


  • Misunderstanding


    The concept to this version of Error belongs to harrish6! Please, go check them out!
    The fighting between Ink, Error, and the Balance continued on and on. Ink just wants to stop Error, PERMANENTLY. But, Ink’s morals get in the way. Ink must know why Error does this, the mystery can’t go on for any longer. If Ink w…


  • Misjudged and Mistreated(a sanscest multiship story)


    (Art not mine)
    Error has always been misjudged as a destroyer who likes to kill for fun. But he is just as pained as anyone else to see the AUs be destroyed
    Nightmare was mistreated by all but his brother, which led to him eating a black apple. But he hurts whenever he has to fight his brother whom he loved so dearly

  • A New Existence


    He came into existence here, in the blankness of nowhere. He had no clue of how he came to be or why he was alone.
    If he and the Voices exsisted, then should that also show that there could be much more than just the blankness of him and this place?

  • Tangled Strings of an Error


    They had did it. They had finally did it…
    They had finished the God Of Destruction.
    They were happy, relived.
    They can finally have their ‘Peace’. A new ‘Life’. A new ‘Hope’…
    The feeling of ‘Euphoria’ has boiled up inside of them. The ‘Contentment’.
    Oh how they loved that feeling…
    But little did they know…


  • The One Death Cannot Kill (Discontinued)


    After Error had stopped destrying AUs the multiverse had been peaceful. Until Geno, Error’s brother and Ink’s lover, died. After that there had been multiple reports of disapearances or deaths of different Sanses. Afriad for the safty of the multiverse, Ink and Error search for the reason why this is happening, but a…

  • My Little One


    This is a remake of melonfantasy story Little One.
    I’m pretty much writing my own story based off of hers.
    Mainly I’ll be changing some plot and character choices. But the over all theme will be there.
    There will be themes of harrish6 Forced destroyer concept but it’s not the main focus.

    Error finds somethi…


  • KiDnApPeD


    Our lovely couple, Error and Ink, were living a happy life together. The war between them had ended and there was peace over the Multi-Verse. Yes, their life was happy and peaceful…until one day Error suddenly goes missing. Will Ink ever find Error and go back to their happy life or will Error forever remain in the…


  • The Roles have Swapped [A Vampire!Ink X Vampire Hunter Error]


    A young Vampire Hunter named Error has decided to place traps in the forests of vampires. He’s been doing it for a while yet what he didn’t know was that his actions would affect his future drastically as he went back to his empty home in hope to catch a ‘Normal Vampire’
    Ink, the Vampire king/protector has been notici…

  • We’re Family


    I have rewritten this book in here so head to the second Prologue to start the story or read the whole book
    Error FGOD belongs to harrish6

  • Error Sans One-ShotsSssSsS


    read the title mate-
    Slow updates
    Requests are always open! 🤡✨ maybe
    A/N Mon, Aug 17: SORRY SORRY- my motivation went: HmHmHmH- bYe bItcH-
    so ye, that’s that
    But I had a cupcake
    So ye- motivation

  • Undertale AU Oneshots


    Mostly FGoD Error-centric one-shots, but with others sprinkled in here and there.
    Warning: Contains Angst.
    Fgod Error concept belongs to harrish6, and Undertale to Toby Fox.
    Error, Fresh, and Geno belong to CrayonQueen/loverofpiggies, Ink to Myebi, Dream and Nightmare to Joku.
    The cover is mine.

  • » I wasn’t always bad. » () Error FGod Of destruction


    This is a, Error FGod of destruction! Now I do not own FGod Of Destruction! (I wish I did). But I find it incredibly fascinating! Now if only I could remember the name of the creator of FGOD. Anyway, I am extremely sorry if this book does not make ANY sense. I am a new writer, and frankly. I am terrified of what other…

  • Shelter(old)


    Error Sans forced god of destruction never believe he could find someone to call family.
    On his way doing his job destructing AUs he founds a girl trap in a empty Au by herself who knows how long.
    Join Error as he finds something to live for.
    Ok the force god of destruction belong to @harrish6
    Got inspired by Harrish…


  • Mr. Erratum. Second chance for better life. (DestructiveDeath/ ErrorxReaper)


    God of Destruction and God of Death they are same but different in same time.
    Both of them hate each other.
    But what would happend if one of his friends/brother. Help them to know each other?
    What would happend if they would be friends?
    What would happend if they starts dating?
    What would happend if ‘Destr…


  • Feeling Reborn


    Error, the Forced God of Destruction, had always wanted a peaceful life. Unfortunately, with his role in the Multiverse, and Fate’s control over his life, that wasn’t possible.
    After a deadly battle with Ink and practically everyone who lived in the worlds Ink created, Error was ready to give up. However, before jump…


  • A happy family (an Fgod Error story) (Discontinued, Adopted)


    it’s an fgod error story witch belongs to @harrish6 (i think i spelled that nick good) and cover by meh
    error was forced by fate to destroy ink’s creation,
    he was tired of this all, then ink decided to KILL error,
    but there was a few people who saved him..
    (yeah i suck at making books and description so it might be ba…


  • What if Error came back? (Fgod Error story)*discontinued yet has been rewritten*


    to the new people that have come across this, it is very cringe apologies ig
    also to. the new people why do u read this it clearly says discontinued you masochists-
    there’s also only ten actual chapters so sry if u got ur hopes up or smthn l o l
    5 years ago Error threw himself into the void finally giving up… but he…


  • We Are A Family (Multiversal FGOD Error Fanfic)


    This picture does not belong to me, it belongs to Iyoth737 on deviantart.
    This is inspired by @harrish6 and their «Falling Into A Different Destiny» NaJ story. Read HWHBB and FiaDD before this. Thank you. Enjoy (or not)!

  • FGOD Error — The Limited Space


    FGOD Error — The Limited Space
    Story by: UnderPlayer1Player
    Concept by:harrish6
    Inspired by: ???
    Originality:The story will be containing original scripts(Kinda?) but the concept is not by me.
    Book up for adoption?: Nope.
    Q&A before you read:
    Q:Will this story have logic?
    A:Depends on my mood.
    Q:Are you…

  • Another FGod Error story!


    Credit to artist who made this drawing…. this is just another FGod story…. please read.

  • The Student With 2 Kids(Fgod Error)(DISCONTINUED LADS)


    This is a world where Error is forced to be a destroyer, Everyone is blind(except for Blue and a few charas((judgemental-wise))), and Error falls into the void to escape his pain, his two adopted sons following after him. They land in the «NaJ» universe, but this time, Error is a STUDENT. What will happen when Error’…



  1. a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Story Archive
  2. Для этого и создано приложение.
  3. a Fatal_Error has Occurred
  4. Story Archive
  5. a Fatal_Error has Occurred — About Fatal_Error
  6. Для этого и создано приложение.
  7. a Fatal_Error has Occurred
  8. About Fatal_Error
  9. Fatal_Error
  10. Fatal_Error
  11. Информация о персонаже
  12. Известный как
  13. Отношения
  14. Автор(ы)
  15. Биографическая информация
  16. Статус
  17. Мировоззрение
  18. Физическое описание
  19. Содержание
  20. Биография
  21. Части
  22. Предыстория
  23. Глава 1
  24. Глава 2
  25. Глава 3
  26. Глава 4
  27. Глава 5 ( В разработке )
  28. Внешность
  29. Способности
  30. Кости
  31. Бластеры
  32. Телепортация.
  33. Бессмертие
  34. Копирование и вставка
  35. Порталы
  36. Двоичное зрение
  37. a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Dithering — PART 2 (END) > a Fatal_Error has.
  38. Для этого и создано приложение.
  39. a Fatal_Error has Occurred
  40. Dithering — PART 2 (END)
  41. New Undertale Fanon AU Wiki
  42. Error Sans
  43. Error!Sans
  44. Aliases
  45. Relatives
  46. Affiliation
  47. Occupation
  48. Biographical information
  49. Marital status
  50. Date of birth
  51. Place of birth
  52. Date of death
  53. Physical description
  54. Species
  55. Gender
  56. Height
  57. Eye color
  58. Appearances
  59. Appears in
  60. Debut
  61. Contents
  62. Origin
  63. Profile
  64. Appearance
  65. Personality
  66. Abilities
  67. Weaknesses
  68. Relationships
  69. Classic Sans (Frenemies)
  70. UnderSwap Sans (friend)
  71. CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)
  72. Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)
  73. Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)
  74. Fatal_Error (Creation)
  75. Ink!Sans (frenemies)
  76. PaperJam (Accidental child)
  77. Error!Frisk (his student)
  78. Error!Papyrus (Brother)
  79. Pandora (Enemy)
  80. Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)
  81. Error404 (Mentor)

a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Story Archive

Для этого и создано приложение.

a Fatal_Error has Occurred

Story Archive

Here, you’ll find links to each and every comic, image, and other various story elements that directly pertains to the development of the Fatal_Error AU storyline (snazzy accompanying images to come — this page is still a work in progress!)

// MAIN COMIC — a Fatal_Error has Occurred //

The main storyline that explores the aftermath of ErrorSans confronting GenoSans in Aftertale. All side comics and additional story elements tie back to this storyline in one way or another. This comic will be updated as frequently as possible.

// THE BEGINNING (Prologue)Complete!

// CHAPTER ONEComplete!

// CHAPTER TWO — Complete!

// CHAPTER THREE — Complete!

// CHAPTER FOUR — Complete!

// CHAPTER FIVE — In progress!


The events that occur in these side comics are meant to provide some extra story to supplement the main story. They are listed in no particular order of when they actually occur in the story — feel free to figure that out for yourself 🙂

// FILE NOT FOUND — Complete!

// YOLO.exe — In Progress

// Hello World — In Progress

// Five Nights at Fatal’s — Complete!

// Dithering — Complete!

> Comic Cover


a Fatal_Error has Occurred — About Fatal_Error

Для этого и создано приложение.

a Fatal_Error has Occurred

About Fatal_Error

First and foremost: Fatal_Error’s design is based off of two pre-existing Sans/AUs: Error!Sans from Errortale, and GenoSans from Aftertale, both of which completely belong to loverofpiggies, aka the Crayon Queen, aka CQ.

I do not, nor ever will, claim to own them.

Fatal_Error’s redesign and all of the non-cannon (to those AUs) things I have/will/plan on developing, however, are mine. I feel comfortable in saying that. If my wording still isn’t quite right, or if CQ ever reads this (if she does, HI CQ! *waves*) and my wording should be adjusted, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me. I don’t want to offend or hurt anyone. As a fellow artist, storyteller, and decent human being, that is literally the last thing I want to do.

Secondly, I would suggest checking out/reading/enjoying both Errortale and Aftertale, not only because they are both phenomenal and amazeballs, but also because things that happen within this AU will make more sense if you know what I’m referencing:

Lastly, about the blue raspberry himself!

Fatal_Error originally began as a design idea that I had, as a mashup between CQ’s Error!Sans and GenoSans. I love the design of both of those characters, and had the thought hey, what if there was some sort of amalgamate of the two of them? What if the red lines on Geno’s mouth worked like the blue lines under Error’s eyes? What if Geno was completely nuts?. And like all horrifying superb thoughts, it demanded a drawing.

And I INSTANTLY fell in love with the character.

From there, I expanded on the character. Instead of being simply a crossover between the two designs, what if he was his own character? What if he had depth and a backstory?

And then BOOM! he became, in my little alternate universe, what happened when Error found Geno, they fought, and Geno lost…everything. Including his damn mind.



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Физическое описание

Fatal_Error (рус. Фатальная ошибка/Критическая ошибка) — результат попытки Эррора уничтожить Гено.





Его история начинается с того, что после долгой битвы Эррор всё-таки побеждает и схватывает Гено. Эррор заявляет, что он не впечатлён Гено, он считает его таким же глюком как и все остальные АУ, а ведь найти Гено было крайне не просто. В ходе немного скучного разговора Гено пытается спросить у Эррора, нет ли у того брата Папируса, как нет и у него самого. Этим он намекает, что сущности Гено и Эррора чем-то похожи (возможно это намёк на то, что Эррор — бывший Гено из другой концовки, где тот телепортировал себя в Анти-пустоту). Эррор злится на прерывание разговора а также ответные каламбуры, хотя и сам употребляет такие как «всё ТЯГОТЕНИЕ его положения». Внезапно в Гено просыпается нечто вроде ненавистной сущности, которая заявляет, что ждала чего-то нового, хорошего, а дождалась Эррора. Это действительно пугает уничтожителя вселенных, но не достаточно. После 5 минут взаимных выслушиваний друг друга Эррор объявляет Гено самым помоешным глюком в коде и открыто намеревается его ликвидировать. Тот пытается объяснить, что на загрузочном экране его нельзя убить, и что ему стоило застать его в концовке получше, однако Эррор не верит, всё равно стирая/пытаясь стереть его. Перед этим ненавистная сущность Гено приказывает Эррору немедленно уйти, но после отрицательного ответа лишь говорит : «Я убил всех, и ты (Эррор) — следующий».

Глава 1

При попытке стирания, Гено вместо смерти попадает в Анти-пустоту, параллельно начиная разваливаться на код из-за взаимодействия его души с кодом Эррора. Там, ещё будучи без сознания, он впервые слышит голос Гастер-цветка, задающий Фаталу вопрос о том, как он попал сюда. Очнувшись, он обнаруживает на себе множество нитей Эррора, из-за касаний которых у Фатала начинается паническая атака. В процессе неё, Фатал решает во что бы-то ни стало найти Эррора, а также случайно телепортировался/создал свою копию в Outertale. (Неизвестно точно, поскольку судя по комиксу подходят оба варианта). Там, Фатал встречает Outer!Санса, Outer!Папируса и Outer!Фриск.

Глава 2

После короткого разговора с ними, Фатал вновь впадает в паническую атаку (Либо от того, что увидел живого Папируса, либо от того, что его реальная сущность в Анти-пустоте посмотрела на нити Эррора, что висели наверху). Во время неё он опять слышит голос Гастер-цветка, спрашивающий, когда Фатал последний раз чувствовал себя наполненным надеждой. Прямо поперёк этой галлюцинации, Фатала ненароком будит Underswap!Санс (Далее Свап). Судя по тому, что он говорит, Фатал был здесь до того, как очнулся от панической атаки. Свап говорит, чтобы Фатал не снимал с себя подобие пледа, которым он его укрыл, иначе он опять посмотрит на нити наверху. Спустя некоторое время, Свап ненароком убеждает Фатала пойти на «поиски» его Папируса, а затем умоляет остаться, ссылаясь на то, что в одиночестве он сойдет с ума. Однако Фатал неверно воспринимает это и ломает Свапу кисть правой руки, сжимая её в своей. Он начинает в очередной раз бредить, называя Свапа «слабым идиотом, пытающимся манипулировать другими». Когда Свап пытается исправить ситуацию, говоря, что всё будет хорошо, Фатал только больше бредит, заявляя что он «помнит абсолютно всё». Он говорит, что видит код своего Папируса в каждом существующем Сансе и Папирусе, Затем, отшвырнув Свапа, он говорит, что разговаривал не с ним, а со своим Папирусом. В приступе ярости он смотрит наверх, из-за чего вновь видит нити Эррора.

Глава 3

По непонятной причине, нити меняют цвет на цвет нитей Фатала — красный, а он сам окончательно сходит с ума. Пока голос Гастер-цветка спрашивает, почему он больше ничего не чувствует, две копии Фатала/Фатал в разное время убивает Свапа, Оутера и Underfell!Санса, чтобы забрать из них код своего Папируса. Далее, под аккомпанемент монолога Гастер-цветка, Фатал ломает одну из своих костей и начинает при помощи обломка и своих нитей сшивать из фрагментов кода Папируса. Поняв, что ничего не выходит, Фатал сжигает свое творение выстрелом из бластера. Между Гастер-цветком и Фаталом завязывается жаркий спор о том, как нужно воскресить Папируса. Фатал утверждает что способ цветка (уничтожение всех, кто владеет кодом Папируса) является ужасным.. Но когда он слышит, что он, видимо, не любит Папируса, Фатал срывается на истерику, крича о том что вернет Папируса, даже если это его убьет. и получает 999999999999999999 урона. По неизвестной причине он не погибает, а вместо этого телепортируется в заглючивший таймлайн оригинального Санса, где встречает Эррора и Инка. Между Эрорром и Фаталом завязывается бой, в ходе которого Эррор даже не узнаёт его и не понимает причины его сражения. В результате битвы Фатал почти ломает Эррору руку и вновь впадает в паническую атаку. А затем, когда Эррор сбегает, он телепортируется в Анти-пустоту, где решает начать поиски всех кусков кода Папируса. И поиски Эррора.

Глава 4

Фатал находится у Лавендер!Санса, который рассказывает ему о цветах. Паралельно их диалогу идут картинки Fell!Sans-а и Cross!Sans-а в пустоте, а также диалоги Underswap!Санса. Вдруг Лавендер!Санс пытается положить венок на Фатала, но их неожиданно атакует другой Лавендер!Санс, который пытается заставить оригинального Лавендера отойти от Фатала, говоря что Лавендер обещал верить ему. Фатал собирается атаковать Лавендера, в то время как его пытается отговорить оригинальный Лавендер. Однако, появляется Лавендер!Папирус, который бежит за Фаталом, позже исчезая. В итоге, Лавендер оказывается в Анти-Пустоте, где Фатал его убивает, и начинает скреплять из кусочков кода Санса своего Папируса, убивая других Сансов(Cross!Sans-а, Underfell!Sans-а) и забирая у них код. Из этого получается Patch — глючащий Папирус, который сохранил все черты характера Папируса.

Глава 5 ( В разработке )

Фатал занимается своими делами, и в тоже время приходит Patch, который просит Фатала послушать его новый рецепт. Фатал слушает, и указывает на ошибку: Patch забыл корицу. После этого, Patch спрашивает, нужна ли Фаталу помощь. Фатал глючит, и отказывается от помощи. Папирус уходит.


Fatal_Error одет в белую куртку, черные шорты, черную футболку и носит красный шарф. Он весь покрыт полупрозрачными глюками, а прежние белые глюки исчезли. Один глаз Фатала стал красным со строчками кода, а второй — синим экраном смерти (В спокойном состоянии оба глаза синие, что проводит аналогию со светящимся глазом оригинального Санса, а в момент наибольшей агрессии-оба красные, аналогия с пустыми глазницами у оригинала). К тому же, его правый глаз все еще течет, хоть это теперь и красная жидкость с кодом, и Фатал не может его закрывать. То, что раньше было кровью изо рта Гено, ныне превратилось в красные нити, которые Фатал может использовать как оружие.



Его кости имеют красный и синий цвет, на подобие разных вариаций ошибок Windows.

Его красные нити могут захватывать любое существо, которое имеет код.


Фатал умеет призывать немного изуродованные, покрытые полупрозрачными глюками Гастер-бластеры, чьи пасти и глаза содержат строчки кода.


Фатал обладает способностью телепортироваться, как и все Сансы. Иногда, он начинает видеть коды отдельных предметов или существ — особенно это выражается, когда Фатал смотрит на нити Эррора, поскольку это вгоняет его в паническую атаку. Возможно, может существовать сразу в одной АУ и в Анти-Пустоте.


Судя по тому, что даже он сам не смог себя убить, он является бессмертным или по крайней мере очень прочным.

Копирование и вставка

Фатал способен копировать код того кого он коснулся. Также он может вставлять его, создавая копию персонажа, у которого тот скопировал код.


Способен создавать порталы.

Двоичное зрение

Фатал несознательно видит код во всём окружении себя, в том числе на своих нитях и одежде. Это может вызвать у него паническую атаку или бред, а также прилично мешает его зрению, которое и так перекрывается голубыми и красными помехами и белым шумом.


a Fatal_Error has Occurred — Dithering — PART 2 (END) > a Fatal_Error has.

Для этого и создано приложение.

a Fatal_Error has Occurred

Dithering — PART 2 (END)

> a Fatal_Error has Occurred Side Comic

Did you know? Dithering is a process that can be applied to both digital images and audio files. For digital images, dithering adds graphical noise, or graininess to the image to smooth out the transitions between colors. With digital audio, dithering adds digital noise to audio tracks, which smooths out the waveform and therefore the sound. The process of dithering is typically used to improve the appearance or sound of low quality digital files.

It might be a fun experiment to save a file with and without dithering and see if you can notice the difference.

So fun fact, 85% of why the scenario with Error’s arm happened in the first place was to give Error a reason to change his outfit XD Back when CQ announced his new design I knew I was gonna switch him over, I just wanted to wait so that there was a smooth, logical transition in-comic as to why he got some new duds, haha. So to the dozens of questions I’ve gotten about this over the years, sorry to stress ya’ll out, haha XD I promise I always had it covered 🙂

I actually had this side comic scheduled as being released a little later after some others BUT when Ink got his new redesign I thought it’d be a perfect opportunity to kill two birds with one stone and have them both transition smoothly into their new looks ^_^ And double fun fact, I had a slight outfit change planned for Ink in a later side comic that now got bumped up to this one instead. So it all works out!

Error Sans belongs to @loverofpiggies, Ink Sans belongs to @comyet!


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Error Sans






Biographical information

Marital status

Date of birth

Place of birth

Date of death

Physical description




Eye color

Right: a red sclera with a white pupil.


Appears in


This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia .

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.



Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela . How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh : He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail , he has love for cuteness, like Undercute . He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans . When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc.

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale , which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.


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