Error sans вконтакте

По мне Эррор - самый классный в мире Санс! Я являюсь его самым преданным фанатом и знаю о нём абсолютно всё! Считаешь также? Хм... Тогда посмотрим, как ты справишься с моим тестом, в который я включила все интересные моменты этого Санса.Вопрос 1. Хех, ну что-ж, привет всем фанатам Оши. Кстати, почему его так называют? Это …

По мне Эррор — самый классный в мире Санс! Я являюсь его самым преданным фанатом и знаю о нём абсолютно всё! Считаешь также? Хм…

Тогда посмотрим, как ты справишься с моим тестом, в который я включила все интересные моменты этого Санса.

Вопрос 1.

Хех, ну что-ж, привет всем фанатам Оши. Кстати, почему его так называют?

Это просто прозвище придуманное фанатами

Это сокращённо от слова ОШИБКА

Это микс из других его прозвищ

Так его называет Инк

Это перевод с английского

Это не его прозвище

Вопрос 2.

Отлично, с этим разобрались. А теперь скажи мне: что заставляет его крашнуться?


Сильный испуг




Любые яркие эмоции

Подходит несколько


Вопрос 3.

Вопрос, на котрый оветят только углублённые фанаты: сколько у него языков?









Вопрос 4.

А какя его любимая еда?






Вопрос 5.

Когда он стал ходить в этом стиле?

До Х ивента

После Х ивента

Во время Х ивента

Это его не канонный стиль

Вопрос 6.

Правда, что Эррор носит очки?


Не правда

Вопрос 7.

Если так, то какой глаз у него хуже видит? (уж это-то знают только истиные фанаты)



Он не носит очки и обладает хорошим зрением

Вопрос 8.

Хммммм… вот ещё один необычный вопросик: какого цвета его кости? (кроме черепа и кистей рук)



Чёрные с синим

Чёрные с синим и жёлтым


Чёрные с красным

Красные с жёлтым

Вопрос 9.

Знаешь ли ты, что будет с Эррором после того, как он уничтожит все АУ?

Не знаю)

Он станет королём всех альтернативных вселенных

Он сможет создавать свои

Он сможет попасть в мир людей

Он самоуничтожится

Он попадёт в параллельный мир

Ничего осбеннонго

Вопрос 10.

Правда ли, что если умрёт оригинальный Санс, то умрёт и он?


Не правда

Он не умрёт, а пострадант частично

Вопрос 11.

А какая у него фобия?






У него нет фобий

Вопрос 12.

В свободное время, Эррор любит наблюдать за событиями одной АУ про которую он высказываеться так: «Это АУ также ничтожна как и все остальные, но мне настолько нравяться события происходящие в ней, что я её не уничтожаю.» Что это за АУ?







Вопрос 13.

Ещё вопросик: как долго длится перезагрузка Эррора?

Около 15 минут

Около 20 минут

Около часа

Совсем быстро, меньше минуты

Смотря в чём её причина

Вопрос 14.

В чём разница состояния Эррора во время перезагрузки и крашнутости?

Крашнутость длиться дольше перезагрузки

Перезагрузка происходит дольше крашнутости

Перезагрузку можно отменить, а крашнутость нельзя

Во время крашнутости Эррор может управлять собой, в отличии от перезагрузки

Эррор может управлять перезагруской, а крашнутостью нет

Вопрос 15.

Есть ли у него Гастер-Бластеры?


Да, есть

Нет, их придумали фанаты

Вопрос 16.

Помимо Эррор Санса возможно существование таких персонажей как:

Эррор Папайрус, Эррор Андайн

Эррор Гастер, Папайрус и Андайн

Эррор Фриск и Чара

Эррор Флауи и Эррор Азгор

Нет других эрроров

Вопрос 17.

Помимо нитей и (возможно) Гастер-Бластеров в бою он использует:


Других сансов

Огннные заряды

Специальные глюки

Он использует только нити и (возможно) Гастер-Бластеры

Вопрос 18.

Входит ли он в команду плохих Сансов? (Bad Guys’ов)



Несколько раз связывался с ними но не входит в их число

Вопрос 19.

Довольно лёгкий вопрос: кто является его главным противником?

Bad Guys

Оригинальный Санс

Star Sanses (Звёздные Сансы)


Все Сансы

Вопрос 20.

Какого-же цвета на самом деле полоски под его глазами? На одних артах синие, на других голубые, на последних бирюзовые…




Нет канонного цвета

Вопрос 21.

Ну, и последний вопросик перед нашим прощанием: Какое из этих прозвищ НЕ являеться его?





Все являются

Ни одно не является

Переключитесь на темный режим, который приятнее для глаз в ночное время.

Переключитесь на светлый режим, который приятнее для глаз в дневное время.



Переключитесь на темный режим, который приятнее для глаз в ночное время.

Переключитесь на светлый режим, который приятнее для глаз в дневное время.

Suzzy - тесты и викторины онлайн

Кто ты из Сансов



10.04.2021, 18:52

109 комментариев

Тест о том, кто ты из Сансов:^

  • Вопрос из

    Для начала, какой твой любимый цвет?

    • Чувак, ты серьёзно думаешь что это важный вопрос?

    • Всё что не напоминает мне о моём состоянии.

  • Вопрос из

    Какая черта характера тебе подходит?

  • Вопрос из

    Если бы ты был человеком, как бы ты поступил, встретившись с местным сансом?

    • Убежал как можно быстрее испугавшись его вида

    • Попросил бы помощи, он выглядит через чур хорошим, я ему верю.

    • Посчитал бы его слишком наивным, и довериться бы, он вреда не причинит.

    • Что-то он какой-то не разговорчивый….


    • Мне бы не очень понравилась перспектива быть… Что? Аааа!

    • Ммммм, улыбающяяся мусорка. У него нет глаз, он стрёмный.

    • Я хочу жить!! Я ПРОСТО ХОЧУ ЖИТЬ! Я НЕ ХОЧУ БЫТЬ КУ….!!!

    • Я бы захлебнулся в «этом» не успев подумать куда бежать.

    • Я потерялся, а он мне помог вернуться обратно в мою АУ.

    • Я бы попросил его показать мне звёзды.

    • Я не хочу быть следующим кого убьёт этотпсих из-за своих расстройств.


    • Я бы промолчал, потому что ему явно сейчас не до меня.

    • А как сбежать? Люди, помогите, это какой-то цветастый кошмар!

  • Вопрос из

    С кем бы тебя шиперили?

  • Вопрос из

    На тебя напали, чем бы ты защищался из лежащих рядом с тобой предметов или же из своей магии?

    • Первое, что попало под руку.

    • Под моими руками лежат коты, они сами всех расцарапают.

    • Что нибудь длинное и осторое

    • Хм, ну, я отлично стреляют из лука.

    • Я художник я оболью врага краской))))

    • У меня нет врагов, меня почему-то и без оружия боятся.

    • Эм…. А на меня может кто-то напасть?

    • Я отлично справлюсь своей магией, не зря же я повышал УР

    • Я никогда не дерусь в ближнем бою, это так сказать, немного опасно мне для жизни.

    • Мне и так хреново, а на меня ещё и кто-то нападает? Да он помрёт от одного моего вида, я ж урод.

  • Вопрос из

    Чаще всего ты…?

    • Обнимаешь своего кота/кошку

    • Делаешь вид что с тобой всё в порядке.

    • Чем по-твоему может заниматься такой как я?

  • Вопрос из

    В какой ситуации ты чувствуешь себя спокойно?

    • Когда можно шутить и немного за это огребать

    • Коода вокруг много позитива

    • Среди моих пушистых друзей

    • Ну, наверное, когда всё вокруг чем-нибудь заставлено и нет свободного места и я всегда знаю где что лежит.

    • Там где темно и мрачно, и оде меня боятся

    • Я бы хотел попасть в девяностые, там бы я чувствовал себя спокойно

    • Там где меня не найдёт босс

  • Вопрос из

    Какую ты любишь одежду?

    • Что-то чёрноё, балахонистое и длинное, и желательно с капюшоном.

    • Нежных оттенков и с фартуком

    • Пуховик жёлто-синих цветов

    • Фоюутболку, куртку и тапочки

    • Ну, я люблю много разной одежды, мне сложно сказать что именно мне нравится да и нашу я обычно сразу кучу всего…

    • Что-то что не будет мешать мне работать

    • Ненавижу тапочки, они слетают с ног и потом приходится их искать

    • Белое. В моей одежде, в основном всё белое и красного чуть-чуть

    • Плащь что-нибудь такое, в чём не сложно бегать

    • Вся моя одежда голубая, я люблю этот цвет

    • Обычная цветная толстовка и цветные шорты

    • Чёрная куртка с золотыми полосками

    • Топики, длинные безрукавки с пушистым мехом, открытая одежда и, о, да! Сапоги на каблуках

  • Вопрос из

    Что тебя раздражает?

    • Плохое отношение к людям не похожим на других

    • Тупизна окружающих меня людей

    • Звук капающей воды как в пещере

    • Когда меня кто-то трогает

    • Бессмысленность чужих действий

    • Мои друзья, но я обычно всегда спокоен

    • Люди не умеющие нормально обращаться с котами

    • Когда кто-то нарушает мой сон


UnderTaleUndertale AU

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— Error expressing his hatred toward the Doodle Sphere

Error!Sans is a major character in Underverse. With both him and Ink!Sans deprived of fighting each other, Error sternly tells Ink not to create any more AUs and that he won’t destroy any more of them. With The X-Event on the loose, Error sees the truce he created did nothing to stop Ink, and ends it shortly after his discovery.


Error!Sans was created by Lover of Piggies, or CrayonQueen, as a corrupted counterpart of Geno. In an alternate timeline from Aftertale, Geno messes around with his determination powers after being freed, which the Sans of that timeline warns him not to. Ignoring the warning, his determination power pulls him into the antivoid, and his time from being stuck has resulted in his personality changing drastically.[1]

Error!Sans’ original comic was the AskError series, where Tumblr users would ask Error!Sans a multitude of questions. The series often features Error!Sans talking over his other selves from Underswap, Underfell, and Undertale. The former managed to be taken away by Error!Sans in spite of Underswap!Papyrus’s efforts. Error!Sans also has to deal with Fresh!Sans, another Sans made from CrayonQueen.

Within the Undertale AU fandom, Error!Sans and Ink!Sans are often paired together due to both having involvements within the Undertale multiverse. The creators of both AUs have acknowledged the ships between the two, with myebi expressing her fondness for the ship.[2]


Before Underverse

With half of the multiverse gone, Error!Sans takes this tied battle as his own gamble against Ink. He forces Ink to abide by his truce of having no more creation and destruction.

One day, while waiting for Ink to come back, Cross is surprised by Error’s appearance. He takes his soul, and once Ink arrives, Error tells him he can’t save him. Telling him to stop, Error fires his blasters on Cross; Ink gets the hit instead when he frees him from Error’s string. His soul, however, is now stolen, and with that, both Cross and Cross!Chara are fighting for control, leaving Ink injured.


Xtra Scene 1

After the fight against Cross, Ink is pulled over by Error, and he informs him that he still has Cross’s original soul because of the truce, bluntly telling him that he’ll have fun if he finds out that he broke the truce.

Xtra Scene 2

While he takes a break from finding the Omega Timeline, Ink arrives in Error’s world, telling him he had a long day, and needed a break before he overthrows him. The two watch Undernovela, but as it continues, Error notices that Cross has entered the AU, taking Undernovela!Frisk in order for Cross!Chara to have a human soul. Once Asgoro and Sins barge in to save the day, the two are met by Ink, who uses his vial to erase the pair. Ink gratefully thanks Error for joining his game, and as soon as he wakes up, he enters the Doodle Sphere and proceeded to tie up all the AUs.

He enters XTale when he glanced towards its page, not aware that Fresh had also made it here as well, protecting it from outsiders like him until Ink «comes back». While Fresh provided him the details that Ink had left for Underswap, Error is stunned by the fact that Underfell’s Snowdin and Underswap’s characters had landed in this AU. Knowing it was all Ink’s doing, he officially proclaimed that the truce was over.


After Nightmare!Sans relocates himself, X-Event!Chara, and Killer!Sans to Outertale, Error barges in to demand Ink’s location, in which Nightmare redirected Error towards Sans and Outertale!Sans, also finding Ink. While he does fail to get them the first time, he ties up the souls of Sans, Underfell!Sans, and Underswap!Sans the next time he strikes. His recklessness leads Ink to where Error was holding everyone hostage.

While Ink is monologuing, Error manages to steal the vial from Ink by tying it up, sending it high up into his web. Ink then spontaneously attacks Error, who defends himself by sending the three tied Sanses after Ink and breaking Ink’s brush. However, Ink frees them and then tries to steal the vial, but X-Event!Chara intervenes. When Ink finally manages to get the vial, Error is ready to steal it back, but then Underfell!Sans blasts both Ink and Error, not knowing which to trust.

This leads to all of the Sanses teleporting onto the now floating ground, but Ink is now out of reach, and is able to drop and subsequently break the vial, releasing XGaster. Realizing that Ink’s game is in motion, Error rejects Ink’s game, destroying all of the AUs except for XTale and the Omega Timeline. XGaster recreates Ink’s paintbrush, which Ink uses to paint Error’s web to tie him up, and send Error into his realm.

XGaster then uses more of Ink’s paint to finally reclaim the other half of his soul, killing X-Event!Chara, however XGaster quickly revives them and Cross. He then kills Underswap!Sans and Underfell!Sans, and sends Sans back to Undertale. XGaster then states his plan to make a combined universe with the best of all of the AUs, before eyeing the Overwrite button and offering the newly revived Cross to join him.

In a different place, Nightmare!Sans and Killer!Sans are seen battling Dream!Sans and Cross, the battle ending with Dream and Cross escaping to the Omega Timeline, where Core!Frisk is waiting. Nightmare and Killer are left defeated, staring at nothing.



Before Xtra Scene 1, his appearance is similar to a Sans; his head is completely black, with blue streams running from his eyes, which his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue. His exposed legs are red, his slippers, pants, and jacket are in blue, yellow, and black, and his fingers are yellow. With the advent of Lucidia, he was redesigned to match that of Lucidia. His pants and jacket now feature blue stitches, and he now has a scarf, which Ink seems to like when he first encounters this design. Both designs feature the word «ERROR» all around him, with some minor glitching included.


Error may have a sensitive feeling towards others, but he’s often shown to be remorseless, wanting to destroy all the AUs Ink cared about so much. Even though the truce was made, Error still had a negative feeling with Ink, especially when he started talking about his new friend. He even extracts Cross’s soul without Ink’s consent, but he still decided to keep it intact to stay loyal with the truce. Once he makes the discovery, though, he feels confident that he’ll beat Ink and destroy his precious AUs.

He often collects the SOULS of monsters from various AUs before he destroys them, and places them into the Anti-Void, likely as trophies. He has also made dolls out of Fell and Classic Sans and referred to them as «loyal», meaning he possibly sees them as the ideal versions of them: unable to do anything on their own, but still being present to serve Error’s whims.

  • As a side note: unlike many other portrayals of Error, Jakei’s seems to show Error having some level of respect, possibly even a small like, of Undernovela, and it would seem it’s the last one he would destroy once he had stopped Ink and finally destroyed the rest of the AUs.


Error!Sans can not only fire Gaster Blasters and summon bones at his will, but can shoot out strings called «Gaster Graspers» to tie up his victim. These strings can be used to extract the souls of the victim itself. He’s even able to destroy AUs, and as of Xtra Scene 2, he is able to perform this feature due to the truce being over.

He can travel between universes with portals.

In Xtra Scene 1, he implies that he can use his strings to possess everyone from every AU and make them into puppets. In that same episode, he showed the capability of going into the Doodle Sphere and destroying every universe within.

It is likely that he destroyed universes while he was inside them or from the Anti-Void somehow, since Ink would likely have put a stop to his efforts if he could only do it when he was in the Doodle Sphere.


  1. CrayonQueen (November 8, 2018). «Ask Error — My ideas on how it would have concluded». Tumblr. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  2. myebi (November 11, 2015). «It’s cute! People are creative with their dynamic. I’m glad you guys are having fun, that’s the whole point! Any shipping is welcome!». Tumblr. Retrieved April 20, 2021.

 V  T  E 


XTale: XGaster | XTale!Alphys | XTale!Asriel | XTale!Asgore | XTale!Toriel | XTale!Muffet | XTale!Undyne | The X-Event (XTale!Chara | XTale!Frisk) | XTale!Mettaton | XTale!Papyrus | XTale!Sans/Cross | Galett

Undertale: Sans | Frisk | Chara | Papyrus | Undyne | Alphys | Toriel | Asgore | Mettaton | Muffet | Gaster

Alternate Universes: Ink!Sans | Error!Sans | Core!Frisk | Underfell!Sans | Underswap!Sans | Underswap!Papyrus | Underswap!Chara | Fresh!Sans | Dream!Sans | Nightmare!Sans | Killer!Sans | Geno | Fatal_Error | Fresh!Ink | Epic!Sans

— Error expressing his hatred toward the Doodle Sphere

Error!Sans is a major character in Underverse. With both him and Ink!Sans deprived of fighting each other, Error sternly tells Ink not to create any more AUs and that he won’t destroy any more of them. With The X-Event on the loose, Error sees the truce he created did nothing to stop Ink, and ends it shortly after his discovery.


Error!Sans was created by Lover of Piggies, or CrayonQueen, as a corrupted counterpart of Geno. In an alternate timeline from Aftertale, Geno messes around with his determination powers after being freed, which the Sans of that timeline warns him not to. Ignoring the warning, his determination power pulls him into the antivoid, and his time from being stuck has resulted in his personality changing drastically.[1]

Error!Sans’ original comic was the AskError series, where Tumblr users would ask Error!Sans a multitude of questions. The series often features Error!Sans talking over his other selves from Underswap, Underfell, and Undertale. The former managed to be taken away by Error!Sans in spite of Underswap!Papyrus’s efforts. Error!Sans also has to deal with Fresh!Sans, another Sans made from CrayonQueen.

Within the Undertale AU fandom, Error!Sans and Ink!Sans are often paired together due to both having involvements within the Undertale multiverse. The creators of both AUs have acknowledged the ships between the two, with myebi expressing her fondness for the ship.[2]


Before Underverse

With half of the multiverse gone, Error!Sans takes this tied battle as his own gamble against Ink. He forces Ink to abide by his truce of having no more creation and destruction.

One day, while waiting for Ink to come back, Cross is surprised by Error’s appearance. He takes his soul, and once Ink arrives, Error tells him he can’t save him. Telling him to stop, Error fires his blasters on Cross; Ink gets the hit instead when he frees him from Error’s string. His soul, however, is now stolen, and with that, both Cross and Cross!Chara are fighting for control, leaving Ink injured.


Xtra Scene 1

After the fight against Cross, Ink is pulled over by Error, and he informs him that he still has Cross’s original soul because of the truce, bluntly telling him that he’ll have fun if he finds out that he broke the truce.

Xtra Scene 2

While he takes a break from finding the Omega Timeline, Ink arrives in Error’s world, telling him he had a long day, and needed a break before he overthrows him. The two watch Undernovela, but as it continues, Error notices that Cross has entered the AU, taking Undernovela!Frisk in order for Cross!Chara to have a human soul. Once Asgoro and Sins barge in to save the day, the two are met by Ink, who uses his vial to erase the pair. Ink gratefully thanks Error for joining his game, and as soon as he wakes up, he enters the Doodle Sphere and proceeded to tie up all the AUs.

He enters XTale when he glanced towards its page, not aware that Fresh had also made it here as well, protecting it from outsiders like him until Ink «comes back». While Fresh provided him the details that Ink had left for Underswap, Error is stunned by the fact that Underfell’s Snowdin and Underswap’s characters had landed in this AU. Knowing it was all Ink’s doing, he officially proclaimed that the truce was over.


After Nightmare!Sans relocates himself, X-Event!Chara, and Killer!Sans to Outertale, Error barges in to demand Ink’s location, in which Nightmare redirected Error towards Sans and Outertale!Sans, also finding Ink. While he does fail to get them the first time, he ties up the souls of Sans, Underfell!Sans, and Underswap!Sans the next time he strikes. His recklessness leads Ink to where Error was holding everyone hostage.

While Ink is monologuing, Error manages to steal the vial from Ink by tying it up, sending it high up into his web. Ink then spontaneously attacks Error, who defends himself by sending the three tied Sanses after Ink and breaking Ink’s brush. However, Ink frees them and then tries to steal the vial, but X-Event!Chara intervenes. When Ink finally manages to get the vial, Error is ready to steal it back, but then Underfell!Sans blasts both Ink and Error, not knowing which to trust.

This leads to all of the Sanses teleporting onto the now floating ground, but Ink is now out of reach, and is able to drop and subsequently break the vial, releasing XGaster. Realizing that Ink’s game is in motion, Error rejects Ink’s game, destroying all of the AUs except for XTale and the Omega Timeline. XGaster recreates Ink’s paintbrush, which Ink uses to paint Error’s web to tie him up, and send Error into his realm.

XGaster then uses more of Ink’s paint to finally reclaim the other half of his soul, killing X-Event!Chara, however XGaster quickly revives them and Cross. He then kills Underswap!Sans and Underfell!Sans, and sends Sans back to Undertale. XGaster then states his plan to make a combined universe with the best of all of the AUs, before eyeing the Overwrite button and offering the newly revived Cross to join him.

In a different place, Nightmare!Sans and Killer!Sans are seen battling Dream!Sans and Cross, the battle ending with Dream and Cross escaping to the Omega Timeline, where Core!Frisk is waiting. Nightmare and Killer are left defeated, staring at nothing.



Before Xtra Scene 1, his appearance is similar to a Sans; his head is completely black, with blue streams running from his eyes, which his scleras are red, his comea are yellow, and his pupils are blue. His exposed legs are red, his slippers, pants, and jacket are in blue, yellow, and black, and his fingers are yellow. With the advent of Lucidia, he was redesigned to match that of Lucidia. His pants and jacket now feature blue stitches, and he now has a scarf, which Ink seems to like when he first encounters this design. Both designs feature the word «ERROR» all around him, with some minor glitching included.


Error may have a sensitive feeling towards others, but he’s often shown to be remorseless, wanting to destroy all the AUs Ink cared about so much. Even though the truce was made, Error still had a negative feeling with Ink, especially when he started talking about his new friend. He even extracts Cross’s soul without Ink’s consent, but he still decided to keep it intact to stay loyal with the truce. Once he makes the discovery, though, he feels confident that he’ll beat Ink and destroy his precious AUs.

He often collects the SOULS of monsters from various AUs before he destroys them, and places them into the Anti-Void, likely as trophies. He has also made dolls out of Fell and Classic Sans and referred to them as «loyal», meaning he possibly sees them as the ideal versions of them: unable to do anything on their own, but still being present to serve Error’s whims.

  • As a side note: unlike many other portrayals of Error, Jakei’s seems to show Error having some level of respect, possibly even a small like, of Undernovela, and it would seem it’s the last one he would destroy once he had stopped Ink and finally destroyed the rest of the AUs.


Error!Sans can not only fire Gaster Blasters and summon bones at his will, but can shoot out strings called «Gaster Graspers» to tie up his victim. These strings can be used to extract the souls of the victim itself. He’s even able to destroy AUs, and as of Xtra Scene 2, he is able to perform this feature due to the truce being over.

He can travel between universes with portals.

In Xtra Scene 1, he implies that he can use his strings to possess everyone from every AU and make them into puppets. In that same episode, he showed the capability of going into the Doodle Sphere and destroying every universe within.

It is likely that he destroyed universes while he was inside them or from the Anti-Void somehow, since Ink would likely have put a stop to his efforts if he could only do it when he was in the Doodle Sphere.


  1. CrayonQueen (November 8, 2018). «Ask Error — My ideas on how it would have concluded». Tumblr. Retrieved April 20, 2021.
  2. myebi (November 11, 2015). «It’s cute! People are creative with their dynamic. I’m glad you guys are having fun, that’s the whole point! Any shipping is welcome!». Tumblr. Retrieved April 20, 2021.

 V  T  E 


XTale: XGaster | XTale!Alphys | XTale!Asriel | XTale!Asgore | XTale!Toriel | XTale!Muffet | XTale!Undyne | The X-Event (XTale!Chara | XTale!Frisk) | XTale!Mettaton | XTale!Papyrus | XTale!Sans/Cross | Galett

Undertale: Sans | Frisk | Chara | Papyrus | Undyne | Alphys | Toriel | Asgore | Mettaton | Muffet | Gaster

Alternate Universes: Ink!Sans | Error!Sans | Core!Frisk | Underfell!Sans | Underswap!Sans | Underswap!Papyrus | Underswap!Chara | Fresh!Sans | Dream!Sans | Nightmare!Sans | Killer!Sans | Geno | Fatal_Error | Fresh!Ink | Epic!Sans

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