Error sans wiki eng

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers 'glitches' or 'mistakes' in the multiverse. He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.


Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela. How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans. When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc…

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Ink!Sans or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale, which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Core!Frisk used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enough time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other.


  • Error!Sans is near-sighted.
  • Error!Sans likes to crochet.
  • CrayonQueen/Loverofpiggies has gone on record stating that while Error has no canonical romantic relationships, she as a creator doesn’t object to any given ship.
  • Error!Sans has haphephobia (the fear of being touched).
  • Error!Sans also has pixlexia (A term coined by gamers, where the coding is messed up so all the controls are inverted. For example: Left is right, up is down, Etc.)
  • Error!Sans and Ink!Sans combined makes an accidental child named PaperJam or PJ.
  • Ink and Error have a rivalry going on to «defend/destroy all AU’s».
  • Error’s birthday is on April 4th as an «Error 404» joke.
  • The AskFriskAndCompany AU has a magic fence and an attack cat to protect itself from Error! Sans.
  • The Error characters do not come from the same Timeline as their timelines are (and still is) separated from Error Sans’ powers.
  • Error is an «anti-social man-baby,» as described by the creator themself.
  • There is an interpretation of Error called FGoD!Error (Forced God of Destruction) belonging to Wattpad user harrish6. If you want to know more about this interpretation of Error, read ‘Healing What Has Been Broken’ or ‘Falling Into A Different Destiny’.
  • Error’s origin was revealed on November 4th, 2018, since CrayonQueen didn’t want to continue to «Ask Error».
  • Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon.
  • Error!Sans doesn’t get along with his mentor Error!404, but tolerates him.
  • He also appeared in the «Christmas Party AU» comic.
  • He has five blue tongues.



Error Sans

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Error Sans Canon Design

Images (7)

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Images (9)

This article is an old canon of Error!Sans. You may be looking for Hobo!Error of Lucidia.

Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies(also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse.

He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls. If the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, controlling them to do whatever he likes, leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitch powers/quirks.

This AU connects to many other AUs, so it’s best to get to know some other AUs before you jump into this one.


Geno did it. He was finally free from the Save-Screen, and he finally had gotten the ending he deserved. Yet during his time in the surface, he had began to play around with his DETERMINATION, despite Sans telling him to stop doing so. Finally, Geno had accidentally sent himself to an empty and endless place where time was non-existent. He quickly began to grow insane, the emptiness and the loneliness eating up at his sanity and his anger towards everything (and everyone he had helped) shaped him into who he is now, his memory was erased during the process as well.

Now, he considers his life’s mission to destroy anomalies, «Glitches» and AUs, seeing them as «mistakes».

Ironically, he does not view himself as an «anomaly». He likes to seek and destroy AU’s left and right, except for the ones he likes such as OuterTale and UnderNovela. How he does it is that he first keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard, so they are unable to reset (he imprisons them). Then, he proceeds to go on a killing spree.

Error was a glitched skeleton that was created in the Anti-Void. He is the result of an alternate Genocide Sans playing with his DETERMINATION and sending himself to the Anti-Void, where he turned into Error.

Error is somewhat demented and psychotic. He is determined to find all anomalies and «glitches» within various timelines and destroy them. His character is the one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, but sees himself as the cleanser of timelines instead. He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to his erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps «puppets» of his other alternate versions of selves that he talks to calling the standard Sans, called «Sans Classic» and naming the others by numbers. Despite admitting he is an anomaly/glitch, he says he is different and that he is the only one doing something about it. He wants to hunt down CORE! Frisk and the Omega Timeline.

His real motives and behaviors are still a mystery.



Error is a Black skeleton who wears black slippers and wears a black coat with a blue hood. His legs are red and has red/yellow fingers. He wears Black sweatpants that has a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His teeth are a light yellowish color. The inside of his eyes are red as well as his nose. His right eye is a white pupil, while his left eye is blue with a thick yellow ring around it with a black pupil in the middle. there are blue markings on his face that assemble «tears». If Error blushes for any reason, like embarrassment, it is blue. (For Appearance for Lucida, See Error.)


In his AU, he is bent on destroying AUs which he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He is all black with a black hoodie, black pants with one blue stripe on each side, a red shirt, blue tear streaks down both his eye sockets, yellow teeth, black hands with red fingers and yellow tips. (he is sometimes portrayed to wear round red eyeglasses)


Error Blaster: He uses a type of Gaster Blaster called an Error Blaster, which are simply Gaster Blasters that are black in color and have blue tear-marks falling from their red eye sockets. Error’s Gaster blaster is bigger, faster, and stronger than Classic Sans’.

Blue Strings: He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter SOULS, if his strings go inside a victim, he can transfer his soul into the victim’s body, making his body vanish and the victim’s soul to vanish turning the victim into him. This makes him able to control the victim, while the victim is helpless. This is Error’s «main weapon» because Error feels more comfortable with the strings, as Error doesn’t have very good eyesight.

AU Jump: He can also jump into one universe to another along with other glitchy powers and quirks.


Physical Contact: Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

His love for chocolate: He also likes chocolate [like Chara], which can be a down side. (If you think about it)

Glitching (Error.Exe has crashed): At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Near-sighted: Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses round, red glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

Water: He is also supposedly weak to water, but this isn’t canon.

Afraid of Fresh: He is always freaked out by Fresh. He can sometimes get distracted by «it».

His love for cute things: As shown in Underfail, he has love for cuteness, like Undercute. He wants to cuddle soft and fluffy creatures, despite his haphephobia. He refuses to destroy and erase cute things that shouldn’t deserve it.

Menger sponge: If two Error Sanses get too close to each other, they both merge each other, crumble, splitting into Menger sponges before obliteration, and causing an explosive reaction that may harm those close by.


(Keep in mind that not all of this information is considered canon.)

Classic Sans (Frenemies)

Classic Sans is just as bad as everyone else. However, Classic sans and Error CAN get along sometimes. Along with how Classic Sans one time did watch Undernovela from behind Error, and Error couldn’t have cared less. It’s pretty odd, but it’s chill. However, they sometimes do fight.

UnderSwap Sans (friend)

They get along, somehow. It’s unclear why Error gets along with Swap! Sans so well, but it’s probably because he’s the first «friend» Error has had in a long time. He sometimes gives him chocolate. After Error returned to the Anti!Void, he found out that Swap had turned into an Error.

CORE!Frisk (Enemies?)

Error! Sans saw CORE!Frisk one time rescuing a survivor of a genocide run in an AU, bringing the survivor to the Omega Timeline. He’s been hunting them and the Omega Timeline down ever since.

Fresh!Sans (one of Error’s fears)

Error! SansError is disgusted and scared by Fresh Sans. When they first met, Error blasted Fresh. Error is even more horrified by Fresh because Fresh often gets too close to him due to having Haphephobia (not yet even considering the fact that Fresh is a universe-wide-infecting parasite). Fresh is a very hard opponent because his soul lays in his left eye socket. He looks like a normal kid that wears lots of colors and the one who seems all happy but really Fresh can’t actually feel happy, sad, angry, jealous, fear, etc…

Geno!Sans (Past Error!Sans)

Error Sans doesn’t remember anything about his past life as Geno.

Fatal_Error (Creation)

Fatal_Error was created when error sans tried to kill Geno Sans. Error didn’t believe Geno that he couldn’t be killed in the SAVE screen but no this was not the case. Fatal!Error was extremely powerful. He can defeat any sans. He goes around looking for his lost papyrus because he will do anything to get back his papyrus. He was confirmed to be canonical to loverofpiggies’ original ask Error Sans series right here. Error sans would easily be defeated and only but only Sans/Inktale or X Gaster (maybe).

Ink!Sans (frenemies)

Ink and Error are portrayed by the fandom to be enemies as Ink Sans is the protector of the AU’s while Error is the destroyer of the AU’s. However, some people consider them to be friends, arch-enemies or even lovers. (some people «ship» them.) They are sometimes even portrayed as brothers.

In some AUs, Ink and Error actually came to an agreement; as long as Error won’t destroy any AUs, Ink won‘t help the creators create any AUs. In the video UnderVerse 2.0, Error tried to stop Ink’s blank side (which was kind of evil), but Error couldn’t stop him.

PaperJam (Accidental child)

PaperJam is considered Error and Ink’s accidental child. Once PaperJam first formed from the remains of Error’s scattered strings and Ink’s leftover piles of ink that were scattered about the multiverse, which took a process of about three years, PaperJam started to walk around to see where they ended up at. Eventually, he found the two at the end of a battle- where Ink’s body was scattered all over the place and Error was about to do one more strike… PaperJam screamed.

What else was he supposed to do? Error noticed him and felt an odd connection (which Ink did as well) and he really didn’t like how that felt within him. Error panicked and shouted at PaperJam, calling him a «mistake» and «an abomination that shouldn’t have existed» before disappearing. PaperJam was very hurt. When Ink was healed, he took care of PJ.

Error!Frisk (his student)

Before C.Q. revealed Error’s origins, people assumed he had come from a broken timeline. They assumed that after the first timeline was destroyed, Frisk had turned into Error!Frisk and had become Error’s student. Error!Sans is unaware that the human is «Frisk».

Error!Papyrus (Brother)

Error believes he is the only Error in the multiverse, but there is his brother who also turned out to be one that he does NOT know of. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. However, it may say that he was hidden among the ‘in-between files’ of the multiverses.

Error!Papyrus is not exactly Error’s brother, since Error!Papyrus is from a different timeline.

Rumor has it that Error!Sans may NOT be alone, as there are many Error characters that live inside the Anti-Void, such as Error!Undyne.

Pandora (Enemy)

With Undercute is being destroyed by Pandora along with others, Error is now seeking vengeance for his favorite AU’s destruction.

Happytale (An AU he mostly destroyed)

Error mostly created a dark version of Undertale from the reset files called Happytale, which isn’t really happy at all. Error destroyed most of Happytale until Frisk/CORE used a file traveler to travel the files only able to be used once, and he completely forgot about Happytale until he remembered from another game reset. Now, Happytale is an unknown universe no one has heard of.

Error404 (Mentor)

404 sees Error as an apprentice and maybe a worthy successor to himself. 404 and Error’s relationship can vary from student and teacher to child and guardian and even to cruel and distrusting. The 2 have had almost spent enou

gh time with each-other to fill a tub. 404s expectations for Error are unimaginably High, going as far as giving him Impossible task so that one day Error can finally live and complete his goal of getting rid of Ink. These unimaginably high bars 404 sets for Error often lead to lots of arguing and fighting amoungst the two. They have nearly left each other on multiple occasions and only have ever come back together due to the fact they both have equal and goals and on the grounds of them in some sick way needing each other. 

Non-Canon Relationships

File:Annoying Dog.gif

This information is based on alternate scenes or materials, and is not considered canon within the overall plot of the AU.

All of this section here is fanon relationship. Seriously.


While Gaster is all around stronger than Error Sans, Error can beat Gaster in battle when at full power. However, Gaster claims that he is Error’s father.


In M.U.G.E.N, Error had seen another glitch that made him think he was supposed to be him.


After leaving a clone of SANESSS in the anti-void, Error found that the derpy meme had become an error, similar to the origin of Errorswap!Sans. Error got rid of Error!SANESSS as soon as possible, as he thought the same of him as Fresh. Eventually, Error!SANESSS keep coming back and shoot his Error Bone Gun at Error’s eye and blast him with Error!Tom Blaster.

Funny Valentine

Error found the president with the power of a Stand named «Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap» where Error cannot see like other non-Stand Users. He tried to remove the President’s SOUL before he escaped.


During the battle of Funny Valentine, the president summoned Error from another world to battle Error!Sans.

Painis Cupcake

Error stumbled across the AU called Overtime Freakshow, a TF2 Freak version of Overtime. He encounters a Soldier who seems to be called Painis Cupcake.

Mii Gunner dresses as Sans

Error Sans thought the Mii Gunner is Classic Sans. He had no idea what Smash Bros. is.


  • Error!Sans is near-sighted.
  • Error!Sans likes to crochet.
  • CrayonQueen/Loverofpiggies has gone on record stating that while Error has no canonical romantic relationships, she as a creator doesn’t object to any given ship.
  • Error!Sans has haphephobia (the fear of being touched).
  • Error!Sans also has pixlexia (A term coined by gamers, where the coding is messed up so all the controls are inverted. For example: Left is right, up is down, Etc.)
  • Error!Sans and Ink!Sans combined makes an accidental child named PaperJam or PJ.
  • Ink and Error have a rivalry going on to «defend/destroy all AU’s».
  • Error’s birthday is on April 4th as an «Error 404» joke.
  • The AskFriskAndCompany AU has a magic fence and an attack cat to protect itself from Error! Sans.
  • The Error characters do not come from the same Timeline as their timelines are (and still is) separated from Error Sans’ powers.
  • Error is an «anti-social man-baby,» as described by the creator themself.
  • There is an interpretation of Error called FGoD!Error (Forced God of Destruction) belonging to Wattpad user harrish6. If you want to know more about this interpretation of Error, read ‘Healing What Has Been Broken’ or ‘Falling Into A Different Destiny’.
  • Error’s origin was revealed on November 4th, 2018, since CrayonQueen didn’t want to continue to «Ask Error».
  • Error was originally AfterTale Sans which was confirmed by CrayonQueen on November 8th, 2018 that tells a certain plot points that would’ve happened or been confirmed in the AskErrorSans canon.
  • Error!Sans doesn’t get along with his mentor Error!404, but tolerates him.
  • He also appeared in the «Christmas Party AU» comic.
  • He has five blue tongues.


  • Error Sans sprite.png

    Error!Sans’ overworld sprite

  • F286493426e797ba301ae67a487a2d783458f980 128.gif

    Error sans battle

  • Tumblr p2tq31U1ac1wfk6w5o1 500.png

  • 90833122 1509028239254811 4603047058446116853 n.jpg

  • Error Sans by Twisted Bones.png

  • Error in xtale.png

    error in xtale

  • X tale.jpg

    error discussing a truce while fresh shows off his cameos

  • Inks evil side.png

    Evil Ink Vs. Error

  • Error Sans eating chocolate by LoverOfPiggies.jpg

    Error Sans eating chocolate while Swap is horrified by Error’s tongue (photo by LoverOfPiggies/CrayonQueen)

I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is there is missinformation.


Created by: Loverofpiggies on tumblr

Battle Information

HP: null

DEF: null (0 if touched)

ATK: null



ACTs: check, check, escape, talk, flirt

Basic information:

In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse. He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls, and if the strings go inside a victim, he will be able to transfer his soul into the victim, making his body turn to nothing but turning the victim into him, controlling them to do whatever he likes and leaving the victim helpless. He can jump from one universe to another, as well as having several other glitchy powers/quirks. Error Sans basically is an AU hunter, seeking and destroying AUs left and right, except for the ones he likes such as Outertale. How he does it, is he keeps Frisk and Flowey under guard so they are unable to reset (he basically imprisons them), then proceeds to go on a killing spree


Frisk, feeling terrible after a genocide/no mercy run, accepts Sans’ mercy and agrees not to come back if they were any friend of his (just as in-game if you accept Sans’ mercy), except they end up resetting the timeline and coming back anyway. While leaving from the ruins, they hear the familiar sounds of Sans but soon discover instead Sans has become an error in a code.

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

These are by loverofpiggies on tumblr!

Even though Error claims that he is the only one left in his AU, it is confirmed that atleast Undyne and Papyrus is alive.

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

By loverofpiggies

Random information:

Error went insane in antivoid and looks to me like blue is doing the same…

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Error likes UnderNovela xD

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

All the pictures that i put here are from loverofpiggies

Even though Error considers AUs as glitches, he doesn’t consider normal people (us) glitches. When i watched the comic, one even became friends with him just by shaking his hand. Although in the end they got their soul into strings….

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Error has heard voices from us (creators) for few years.

Error has haphephobia (fear of touching), but is okay with handshaking.

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Just some cute photos.. (everything here is canon!)

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

Sans is now a somewhat demented and psychotic character who is determined to find any and all anomalies within various timelines and destroy them. His character is one of confusion and somewhat hypocritical behavior since he himself is an anomaly, yet he views himself as the cleanser of timelines instead, just like SCP-049. Due to the level of insanity he has, his real motives and behaviors are still a mystery. His colors are in negative, and he has the ability to latch onto and control individual’s souls with long puppet-like strings. He has powers such as Gaster Blasters, only his are black, faster and bigger than Sans’s; he also uses red and black bones which are also stronger. He can teleport to any universe he wants to.

He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to the erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps puppet versions of his other selves that he talks to, calling standard Sans “Sans classic” and naming the other ones by numbers. Underfell is “Sans abomination number 13″. He refuses to discuss Papyrus. At all. Despite admitting he is a glitch/anomaly, he is different since he’s the only one doing something about it. He really wants to hunt down CORE!Frisk.


Error Sans is essentially a puppet master, which using the blue strings of his to control somebody’s soul as well they function as grappling hooks. He also uses Gaster Blasters as well which moves twice as fast than the original ones.


Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched), and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone.

At random intervals he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he’s in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Error also cannot see things far away clearly, as he uses glasses a few times in the comic to show this. The glasses are kept in the pockets of his hoodie. He also knows how to knit, sort of.

He is also supposedly weak to water, but no one knows for sure yet.

Error sometimes needs to reboot himself.

Error Sans-[B]I picked what i found most imporant on wikia. (Some i just put there from my own memory) Please tell me is ther

I might update this sometime again.


  1. Archive of Our Own beta
  2. Site Navigation
  3. 1 — 20 of 25 Works in Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)
  4. Navigation and Actions
  5. Pages Navigation
  6. Listing Works
  7. I’m Sorry by Tox_ic
  8. Major Arcana Number XIII by GetMcDunkedOn for Zwagy26
  9. A Dash of Determination by aceofspades (world_on_fire)
  10. Hope can be so foreign by NavyStars
  11. Inktober Shorts (2022) by TerminusVerso
  12. and i didn’t know i’d find you here by necropathy
  13. What We Do For Family by yastaghr for SilverDragonMS
  14. Error’s manbaby tendencies get in the way of him getting laid by FoolishMortality
  15. Lunacy by TerminusVerso
  16. Forever Mine by TerminusVerso
  17. No Mother Left Behind by TerminusVerso
  18. Another One of Geno’s Amazing Ideas by LlTheLlama
  19. Haunting a reaper in training by NellB0_0
  20. Storm of ideas by NellB0_0
  21. Family Once Again by HenzieZenzie
  22. Bonds are Complicated by Viktori_Wolff
  23. From A Reaper’s Perspective by flurry20
  24. Errors (Spiteful) Holiday by Finally_Free, little_clown, PappyIsTheBest
  25. Take Care by TellTaleKael
  26. Undertale Story Ideas by somnphrenzy
  27. 735q4e87 Wiki
  28. Geno!Sans
  29. Geno!Sans
  30. Character Information
  31. Author
  32. Aliases
  33. Nicknames
  34. Relationships
  35. Alignment
  36. Themes
  37. Weapons
  38. Abilities
  39. Biographical Information
  40. Status
  41. Pronouns
  42. Residence
  43. Dislikes
  44. Physical Description
  45. Species
  46. Gender
  47. Hair color
  48. Eye color
  49. Contents
  50. Profile
  51. Personality
  52. Appearance
  53. Abilities
  54. Relationships
  55. Original Sans
  56. Frisk
  57. Papyrus
  58. Chara
  59. Error!Sans (Future Geno!Sans)
  60. Story
  61. Epilogue (Prologue to AskError)

Archive of Our Own beta

Site Navigation

1 — 20 of 25 Works in Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)

Navigation and Actions

Pages Navigation

Listing Works

I’m Sorry by Tox_ic

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
  • Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
  • No Archive Warnings Apply
  • Sans/Sans (Undertale)
  • Minor Reaper/Life
  • Sans (Undertale)
  • Sans Ensemble (Undertale)
  • Aftertale Geno Sans (Undertale)
  • Aftertale Geno Sans/Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)
  • Error Sans Used to be Aftertale Geno Sans (Undertale)
  • Alternate Universe — Aftertale (Undertale)
  • Error Sans (Undertale) — Freeform
  • Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • Alternate Universe — Reapertale (Undertale)
  • Error Sans/Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
  • DestructiveDeath — Freeform
  • afterdeath
  • Angst
  • No Fluff
  • Hurt No Comfort

There I sat alone in darkness
Till’ you came
Came, bothered me, then left, and repeat
I felt things I had never felt before

Major Arcana Number XIII by GetMcDunkedOn for Zwagy26

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

Reaper loved Geno so terribly much, losing him was like losing a part of himself. But finding Error was wonderful, a heartfelt reunion of an old love and a gradual falling in love anew all over again, both tenderly mixed together. That was his point of view on it every moment. Error, on the other hand. His perspective needed some polishing. Accepting change takes time, after all.

A Dash of Determination by aceofspades (world_on_fire)

Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
  • Part 1 of Dissatisfied

Language: English Words: 1,072 Chapters: 1/3 Kudos: 3 Hits: 36

  • Hope can be so foreign by NavyStars

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • Major Character Death
    • Graphic Depictions Of Violence
    • Error Sans (Undertale) — Freeform
    • Dreamtale Nightmare Sans (Undertale)
    • Dreamtale Sans | Dream (Undertale)
    • _____tale Sans | Ink (Undertale)
    • Blood and Injury
    • Morbid Humor
    • Mental Breakdown
    • its a small mental breakdown
    • Reapertale Sans (Undertale)
    • Fights
    • Blood and Gore
    • Decapitation
    • Loss of Limbs
    • Vomiting
    • Aftertale Geno Sans and Error Sans are the Same Person (Undertale)
    • Minor Character Death
    • God.

    Error kills every au he gets his hands on. Only those that protect the balances and those from the original timeline remain.

    This follows Nightmare and Dream as they pick up the broken pieces of their lives

    • Part 2 of Losing Yourself

    Language: English Words: 6,024 Chapters: 6/? Comments: 19 Kudos: 32 Bookmarks: 4 Hits: 477

  • Inktober Shorts (2022) by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    A collection of various Undertale short stories for Inktober, featuring everyone’s favorite little crab-walking paint demon: Ink!

    • Part 160 of Collection of Oddities

    Language: English Words: 8,383 Chapters: 24/31 Comments: 93 Kudos: 97 Bookmarks: 7 Hits: 1975

  • and i didn’t know i’d find you here by necropathy

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    But despite everything, Reaper would recognize that SOUL anywhere. No matter how many times it had been run through the wringer. No matter how much it had been stained, corrupted, and compressed—if there was one thing Reaper knew, it was SOULs. After all, they were his specialty.

    And he would recognize this one anywhere. He knew it too well, too intimately, to be fooled. There was no mistake.

    Reaper didn’t expect Geno to be alive, nor did he expect to fall in love with him twice.

    What We Do For Family by yastaghr for SilverDragonMS

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    What if Geno turned into Error after being with Reaper and having Goth?

    Error’s manbaby tendencies get in the way of him getting laid by FoolishMortality

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Error goes into heat, and refuses help.
    Blue, the great friend he is, stays by his side the entire time. (Well, mostly)

    • Part 1 of Errorberry thingy

    Language: English Words: 4,640 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 15 Kudos: 135 Bookmarks: 16 Hits: 1087

  • Lunacy by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    The start of an age-old rivalry.

    • Part 154 of Collection of Oddities
    • Part 2 of Moon Madness

    Language: English Words: 125 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos: 44 Bookmarks: 3 Hits: 373

  • Forever Mine by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    The multiverse is ̶G̶e̶n̶o̶’̶s̶ Error’s basement, and he’s not letting any of the resident vermin consort with what’s his.

    • Part 151 of Collection of Oddities

    Language: English Words: 393 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 2 Kudos: 91 Bookmarks: 13 Hits: 857

  • No Mother Left Behind by TerminusVerso

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Just admit you love him, Error.

    • Part 147 of Collection of Oddities

    Language: English Words: 786 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 5 Kudos: 81 Bookmarks: 16 Hits: 534

  • Another One of Geno’s Amazing Ideas by LlTheLlama

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    He had been messing around with his powers again. He just wanted to know more.

    Aka geno learns the true meaning of «curiosity killed the cat».

    Haunting a reaper in training by NellB0_0

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Error goes missing suddenly one day without warning. Nothing major happened. No sudden attacks, no giant battle between Sanses that could lead to this outcome. Nothing. Given the fact that not even his strings are up, people think he’s dead, but the ones aware of the balance are not so sure. Still, they have some doubts.

    Goth just wants to have some peace, and yet, here we are. Some random Sans ranting to his non existent ears about how these abominations need to go, and just after he failed to reap his soul. Huh.

    Aka, Error is a little shit that haunts the spawn of his past abomination self. Nice.

    • Part 3 of If you can’t get rid of the skeletons in your closet, teach them to dance
    • Part 1 of Haunted

    Language: English Words: 80,001 Chapters: 18/39 Comments: 156 Kudos: 422 Bookmarks: 81 Hits: 7683

  • Storm of ideas by NellB0_0

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    I have a lot of random Undertale ideas I want to write, but i want to finish my main fic ‘Haunting a reaper in training’ first, so I’ll just write some here. I’ll probably expand some of these stories in the future but if you want to use some of them go ahead. Just let me know so I can read them and credit just in case!

    Warning: there’s a lot of random stuff, so there will be ships you may not like. Don’t hate. That’s all.

    Error may have been Geno, but he doesn’t remember that. He doesn’t remember being the bloody skeleton, or any of the things his previous self did. He was Error, not Geno, and he finds solace in Nightmare’s words.

    Nightmare is totally the therapist in the Bad Sanses group. Or the mom friend. Likely both.

    • Part 6 of If you can’t get rid of the skeletons in your closet, teach them to dance

    Language: English Words: 23,624 Chapters: 16/? Comments: 96 Kudos: 422 Bookmarks: 49 Hits: 6660

  • Family Once Again by HenzieZenzie

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    ‘I can barely remember my mother, it was 970 years ago. I can only remember that red scarf and the feeling of his soul. ‘

    Goth is invited to Beloved Parents Festival. The festival only allows both of adoptive or birth parents to come with their families. Goth tries get his torn apart family back together in this story, does it really work?

    Bonds are Complicated by Viktori_Wolff

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Error’s past is coming back to haunt him, but maybe the Grim Reaper is just what he needs to move on.

    From A Reaper’s Perspective by flurry20

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Reaper’s POV from Geno, to Geno disappearing, to Error, to Error disappearing.

    (Please don’t steal or repost my work on other sites! This fic is on Ao3 and Ao3 only.)

    • Part 1 of Flurry’s Undertale Fics

    Language: English Words: 4,759 Chapters: 1/1 Comments: 11 Kudos: 116 Bookmarks: 21 Hits: 863

  • Errors (Spiteful) Holiday by Finally_Free, little_clown, PappyIsTheBest

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)
    • No Archive Warnings Apply
    • Major Character Death
    • Sans/Sans (Undertale)
    • Reaper sans / Geno (past)
    • Reaper Sans / Error
    • AfterDeath — Relationship
    • reaper & goth
    • geno & goth
    • Error & Goth
    • Reaper sans / Nightmare
    • Nightmare / Error
    • Reaper/Error/Nightmare Poly
    • bad sans found family
    • Star Sans Poly — Relationship
    • star fruit salad
    • blue / dream / ink
    • Blue / Ink
    • Blue / Dream
    • Dream / Ink
    • OuterKiller
    • comet / killer
    • outertale sans / killer sans
    • Ink (____tale)
    • Error Sans (Errortale)
    • Reaper Sans (Reapertale)
    • Geno sans (past) Aftertale
    • Goth (afterdeath kid)
    • Outertale sans (Comet)
    • Dream (Dreamtale)
    • Nightmare (Dreamtale)
    • bad sans’s
    • Underswap Sans (blueberry)
    • Goth (Undertale)
    • horror sans
    • Cross sans
    • Killer Sans — Character
    • outertale sans
    • reapertale gaster (Magic)
    • Reapertale Papyrus (Inpu)
    • Fate (the bitch)
    • Reapertale characters
    • W. D. Gaster
    • Pallet Roller
    • Handplates Sans
    • Handplates Papyrus
    • Error is Geno
    • Error is remembering his past
    • Slowly — but surly
    • Reaper is still looking for him
    • Error goes on holiday
    • no more destroying
    • the multiverse will have a bad time
    • balance goes out of whack
    • Alternate Universe — Outertale (Undertale)
    • FGoD
    • FGOD Error
    • ignorant ink
    • Soft Nightmare
    • Error gets dreams of his past
    • Found Family
    • Slow Burn
    • ish
    • a search for memories
    • Mama Error
    • papa noots
    • Major character death — Freeform
    • — Ish :3c
    • Read and you will see 😀
    • lots of babies / ship kids

    The story is also called; I don’t want too, so I shan’t.

    Error has had enough.
    He didn’t choose this, he does NOT want this responsibility.
    and on top of that, he feels like he is missing something.
    Missing memories — he can’t even remember his past.
    Nothing past arriving in the blank Anti-Void.
    The dreams won’t leave him alone, Thinking about them give him headaches
    And ‘Fate’s Harpies’ aka the voices are still bugging him when he’s in the Anti-void.

    So he decides to go on strike. He’s taking a holiday from destroying AU’s;
    no matter the consequences to the Multiverse.

    Its a Reaper/Error/Nightmare Poly.
    (Chapter 1 & 2 rewritten on: 11/02/2021)

    Take Care by TellTaleKael

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Geno had been the one to notice the Problem, but Error had been the one to come up with a Solution.

    It involves lingerie. Go figure.

    Undertale Story Ideas by somnphrenzy

    Fandoms: Undertale (Video Game)

    Running on empty and need some new ideas for an Undertale fic? Well look no further! Here are some of finest (and strangest) ideas to come the inner works of my imagination.

    If you plan to use any of these ideas found in this, all I ask is that you please credit me and let me know. I would love to see what you have written!


    735q4e87 Wiki

    This is an old wiki. To view the current one, please visit



    Character Information








    Biographical Information





    Physical Description



    Hair color

    Eye color

    white (when calm)

    Geno!Sans is a Sans from another timeline who injected himself with determination from Alphys’ True Lab in an attempt to hijack the resets. He is now able to retain memories of prior timelines for the other Sans’ to use, though he himself is stuck in the void with Frisk . He is a main supporting role on Aftertale, which is now complete. It also happens after the Genocide Route after you kill Sans.

    Geno is a Sans who was near-death in a Genocide timeline. He lives in the save screen with the original Frisk. Geno wants to completely destroy the timelines, but as he only has a fraction of a soul, he tries to get other Sans’ to do it. If they don’t agree, then he will erase their minds and starts over again. Recently, he stopped doing this so that the current Sans will remember all the resets and Genocide routes in the previous timelines in hopes to get him on his side.

    Geno «survived» the Genocide timeline by injecting himself with determination and saving as he died, sending him to the save screen, held in a state between life and death. Geno lives in the Save Screen with Frisk and, if he leaves it, time would continue for him and he would turn to dust. However, he can travel to the anti-voids without risking death.



    Geno Sans has Papyrus’ scarf around his neck; he is very protective of it as if it is Papyrus itself.

    Geno Sans has a bloody slash on his white shirt from his fight against Chara/Frisk. Geno Sans’ right eye is covered by a glitch he creates to hide the right half of his head, which has melted because of his determination.


    Geno is very manipulative and will continue to manipulate Sans to gain his trust after erasing his mind.

    He blames both Chara and Frisk for the genocide runs and calls them «his murderer». he is desperate to convince the current Sans to follow his plan, even if he has to use force.

    He is also very sensitive about Papyrus and will not let anyone touch his scarf. When Sans brings Papyrus with him on his visit to the SAVE screen, Geno is furious. However, he still has a sense of humor. He is also very emotional.


    Like the original Sans, Geno Sans has an unzipped hoodie jacket with a shirt underneath, along with short pants and fluffy slippers. However, he has some differences to every other Sans. Geno Sans’s jacket and slipper are completely white, and since he’s from a Genocide timeline, he has a huge bloody gash that Sans gets after he’s defeated in the Genocide run. His slippers are white and he wears his timeline’s Papyrus scarf, which he is very protective of.

    Also, because he wasn’t supposed to be able to enter the loading screen, he is seen with white glitchy particles around him, one of which is covering his right eye socket. Due to having injected determination into himself, Geno Sans placed those particles there on purpose to hide the part of his skull that’s melting off. (however he has shown Fell sans his eye in Christmas Party Au — not shown to people) he does this to ensure that «Sans» would not be frightened. He also has blood dripping from his mouth.


    • He has stronger versions of the original Sans’s attacks.
    • He can’t die. He only dies, if he leaves the loading screen (of his own AU).
    • He can bring other people into the SAVE screen
    • He can erase and manipulate people’s memories


    Original Sans

    Geno’s relationship with Sans is complex. As they are technically parts of the same person, Geno does care about Sans’s well being. However, he is not above manipulating Sans to get his way. Sans is an integral part of Geno’s plan to erase the timeline, and as such, Geno is willing to do whatever it takes to win him over.


    His relationship with Frisk is a little bit complicated. When Frisk first entered the SAVE screen, Geno intended to kill them, or to come as close as he could within the SAVE screen. However, he decided that they could be a useful tool to recruit Sans to his side, and spared them. After that, his relationship with Frisk seemed to be relatively good, with him allowing Frisk to play with his Gaster Blasters.

    It is unclear exactly how much of their relationship is faked by Geno to gain Sans’ trust, but it would appear Geno saw his mercy as a second chance for Frisk, and an opportunity to repay them.


    Geno loves Papyrus, almost to the point of mania. He wears Papyrus’ scarf around his neck at all times, and refers to it as Papyrus in some instances. He cares deeply for Papyrus, and his goal to erase the timelines is fueled by the belief that that is the only way to stop Papyrus from suffering.


    Geno hates Chara, holding them and Frisk equally responsible for the Genocide runs and resets. He attempts to kill them when Sans brings them into the SAVE screen, and is furious when Sans protects them.

    Error!Sans (Future Geno!Sans)

    Error!Sans is a version of Geno that was thrown into the Anti-void as a result of messing with his excess Determination. Error has no memory of his past as Geno, and as a result views him as nothing more than another anomaly. In the comic Fatal_Error, Error attempts to kill Geno, but because you cannot die in the SAVE screen, the code glitches transforming him into Fatal_Error.


    Aftertale Sans is a Sans who was near-death in a Genocide timeline. Calling himself «Geno», he lives in the save screen with the original Frisk. Geno wants to completely destroy the timelines, seeing it as the only way to end suffering, but as he only has a fraction of a soul, he tries to get other Sans’ help to do it. If they don’t agree, then he will erase their minds and starts over again. During the events of Aftertale, he stopped doing this so that the current Sans will remember all the resets and Genocide routes in the previous timelines in hopes to get him on his side.

    Geno «survived» the Genocide timeline by injecting himself with determination and saving as he died. Geno lives in the Save Screen with Frisk and, if he leaves it, time would continue for him and he would turn to dust. However, he can travel to the anti-voids without risking death.

    His mission is to save his timeline by stopping Chara and Frisk, and gaining control of the timeline, ensuring everybody will no longer suffer. However, he cannot do it himself because, if he leaves, he dies and Chara will still be in control. So, he tries to convince Sans to bring Chara to the save screen to get them out of the way. He will then attack them until they fall into a coma and then teleport out of the save screen to end the timeline because he will then be the one with the most determination, and therefore have control over the timeline.

    Epilogue (Prologue to AskError)

    After receiving his happy ending by the end of Aftertale, Geno receives glasses from Alphys. Eventually, through experimentation with his own determination, Geno sends himself to the Anti-Void. Through this, he slowly becomes an Error, like all other beings who stay in the anti-void for too long. Once someone fully converts into an Error, they lose a large part of who they are, but their personality as an Error is determined by the nature of their final thoughts before they became an Error. In Geno’s case, those thoughts were of one of regret, remorse, and bitterness for having done this to himself after receiving the happy ending he worked so hard to achieve, only to receive it by trusting in a more naive version of himself. Those thoughts caused him to hate quite literally everyone other than himself, making him miserable and lonely once his transformation was complete and pushing him to hunt down every single AU to destroy them. In the end, he was his own undoing, although there are always other versions of him who got to live a happy life, and those that never got that chance. Likewise, there are versions of him who experienced something different entirely, such as Fatal_Error.



    error-sans-wiki-undertale-aus-amino image

    He has been stated to be a complete mystery due to the erratic and unpredictable behaviors he has. He keeps puppet versions of his other selves that he talks to, calling standard Sans “Sans classic” and naming the other ones by numbers. …


    negative-undertale-au-characters-wiki-fandom image

    Negative is a skeleton missing his upper half of his body. After the occurrence of this accident, Negative ended up with black hands and black fingers with green tips. He wears a black hoodie and has a pair of black shorts with green …


    (CORRUPT!TALE IS A CUSTOM AU MADE BY FRIENDS OF MINE! I DO NOT OWN ANY OTHER AU WITH THE SAME NAME!) Starting out as the original Error Sans, he was met by …


    MadScience!sans is about 5’6″ tall skeleton wearing a white, featureless, blood-stained lab coat over an equally white, not-as-bloodstained shirt. He has pure black shorts and pink slippers. …


    Error!Sans used to be almost identical to the original Sans from Undertale. Only the clothes were a little different but the principle of his world was the same. His world was initially an …


    Horror Sans is from an AU called Horrortale. This AU takes place in a «Queen Overthrowal» ending of Undertale where Undyne overthrows Toriel and takes the throne. Alphys and …


    This Sans is from an AU called Underswap. In this AU, everybody’s personalities are swapped with another character’s. For example, in Underswap, Sans and Papyrus are swapped. Sans …


    Characters HELP_tale Characters Frisk(pre-fusion) Frisk is slightly older in WhyTale, about 15 years old. She is slightly more chatty but still is observant.


    Download BERLIN Rounded — Sans Serif / Display Typeface Fonts by designova Elle a réussi, but while going downwards afterwards, she fell into the Underground This caused Chara to die …


    Search: Sans Multiverse English. Welcome to MyFonts, the #1 place to download great @font-face webfonts and desktop fonts: classics (Baskerville, Futura, Garamond) alongside hot new …


    Error’s Fate Sans is a skeleton, that knows about the existence of the players and other worlds in general, he breaks the fourth wall. The reason he went insane is in his past. So here it is. *»I …


    —READ ME!—Error’s feeling hungry so he is craving seafood. :c Luckily Dream is there to help! :3_ _ _ _Support me on:Paypal (Please donate even $1 dollar t…


    Sans — AU Murder. Negative Sans (Nega Sans Phase 2) is a character from the AU Negatale. This version of Nega Sans serves as a phase 2 to the initial character and only appears when …


    About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators …


    Blood pop meme — meme — meme — No …


    Consumable items. Consumables, when used in battle, restore a certain amount of HP. Certain consumables give other boosts, like Sea Tea, for example, which gives a speed boost. It has …


    Trivia. He has 2 Determination Souls, he can defeat a lot of killers, he can also beat Abysstale!Sans and Rhabdophobia sans. He is a Sans with a high Level. He is very …


    Mafia Sans is from an AU called Mafiatale, or more canonically known as UnderMafia. In this AU, Toriel worries for her daughter, Frisk’s, safety when Asgore tries to kidnap the child. So, Toriel …


    Error!404 once was a child of Wendy Thana Gaster, the Empress of the first universe, Alphatale. While he was initially made as an attempt for Wendy to clone her most prized possession, …


    “This page is a writing exercise this means, the character will be very rarely updated, maybe fixing gammar.” «Frisky, hippyish hoppier, there eyes are now mine sorry loser» – Sans Sans was …


    ³ Only valid for select titles marked as available for individual purchase Pixilart is a social platform for all ages The multiple endings make it feel like choice really does matter, unlike Earthbound …


    Underfail is an AU created by a Argentinian Youtuber called DeiGamer. Most of the monsters are very stupid and act in a very silly manner, except for Sans, Ink!Sans, …


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    Outertale Sans is a boss that drops new healing item, (new update). Which is astronaut food, beating him requires level 5,500+. He is a boss with 5 million hp after you kill him he should be …


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    Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user, Lover of Piggies. In this AU He is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the …


    Error!Sans : a Character Created by tumblr user Lover of piggies,at first he was actually a sans until it got retconned because of the creation of the webcomic lucidia which would feature him …


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    Block animation replaces dodging. The Gaster Blaster behind Sans comes in front of him to protect him from any attempts to kill him. Block Animation. Death Cutscene. When the Sans is …


    There is even Trainertale, an AU based on Pokemon and Undertale Welcome to the Undertale AU Fanon Wiki The rules of the Sans Multiversal Battles game are very simple Forums pour …


    Dislike. Error!Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user, Lover of Piggies. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers ‘glitches’ or ‘mistakes’ in the multiverse …


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    Do you want to know something about Error Sans?




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    Разнообразие — Магия является крайне разнообразной способностью. Она включает в себе большое количество различных типов и подтипов, которые различаются как сутью и изначальными особенностями так и такими вещами как способы использования магии. При этом стоит отметить что большинство существ являются узконаправленными в плане магии и используют только один её определённый тип в бою.

    • Цвета атак — Особенность, из-за которой абсолютно любая магическая атака обладает своим определённым уникальным цветом. От этого цвета зависит то какими свойствами обладает магическая способность, а также различными дополнительными особенностями. При этом эти цвета выглядят так что противнику интуитивно понятно какой из них какую особенность имеет. Хотя несмотря на это данные способности всё ещё имеют достаточно черт которые компенсируют эту очевидность.
    • Создание элемента — Фундументальная способность, лежащая в корне любого типа магии. Благодаря этой способности пользователь магии способен создавать тот элемент или объект, на котором основана его магия. Эта способность является крайне полезной, так-как благодаря ней у пользователя магии всегда будет сырьё для использования своих способностей.
    • Сопротевляимость — Существо, использующее ту или иную магию получает аналогичную ей сопротевляемость такого же типа. Так, если пользователь способен использовать магию огня то он получит защиту от негативных сторон огня. При этом уровень сопротевляемости также зависит от силы пользователя и чем сильнее его магия тем выше сопротевляемость.

    Эррор Санс — Он является альтернативой копией Санса из другой вселенной или временной линии (АУ), внешней он практически не чем не отличается от оригинального Санса, разве что только цветом. Он является полной противоположностью Инк Сансу, если Инк является создателем альтернативных вселенных, то Эррор Санс является их уничтожителем, он способен с лёгкостью уничтожить всю вселенную, даже не напрягаясь.

    Физическое описание

    Цвет глаз

    Правый зрачок полностью белый, а правый жёлтый с синим центром. Белки глаз красные

    Чтобы узнать больше об оригинальном комиксе, смотрите Errortale.

    Error!Sans (от англ. error — ошибка) — разрушитель AU. Является альтернативной версией Санса из Undertale. Создателем данного персонажа является LoverOfPiggies. Error!Санс более известен как просто Эррор.

    Главная цель Эррора — уничтожение всех AU, ведь по его измышлениям, всё — ошибка. После выполнения этой цели он самоуничтожится. Неизвестно, в какой вселенной жил до попадания в Анти-пустоту, где из-за невозможности выбраться начал терять рассудок. Однако, через неизвестное количество времени, он всё-таки смог сделать это, после чего начал путешествовать по другим AU.

    Так как каноничный комикс не был закончен, некоторые идеи не были реализованы. Например, изначально Эррором должен был являться Гено после событий Aftertale.

    В последствии превратился в отдельного персонажа, независимого от вселенной Undertale. Должен был стать персонажем комикса Lucidia, но он был заморожен.


    Официальный дизайн




    Одет в тёмно-синие куртку и шорты, а также красную футболку (раньше носил круглые очки с красной оправой). У него жёлто-голубая радужка и белки красного цвета. От глаз идут синие полосы, которые появились от случайного использования магии на глазницах. Всегда окружен надписями «Error» (рус. Ошибка).


    Он носит черное пальто с желтыми карманами. К рукавам пришиты куски синей ткани. Под ней он носит красный свитер. Он носит широкие черные брюки к которым с низу неровно пришиты куски той же синей ткани. На нём длинный синий шарф и чёрные сандалии.


    Это незавершённая статья
    Она содержит неполную информацию
    Вы можете помочь Undertale AU Вики, дополнив её.


    Вариант 1

    Эррор появился в Анти-пустоте, не зная для чего и почему он тут. Постоянно спал, пока не открыл возможность путешествовать по AU, после чего решил разрушать их.

    Вариант 2

    Фриск, чувствуя себя ужасно после геноцида, принимают просьбу Санса (во время битвы с ним в Последнем коридоре) и сбрасывают геноцид-таймлайн. Однако они снова возвращаются и выходя из Руин, Фриск слышат знакомые звуки Санса, но обнаруживают, что он стал ошибкой в коде.

    Вариант 3

    Эррор на самом деле является версией Гено после событий Aftertale, которая несмотря на предупреждения Санса, связывается с магией решительности. В конце концов, он случайно отправляет себя в Анти-пустоту. В последние минуты сознания, он был в ярости, что с ним это произошло, хоть он и получил свою хорошую концовку. Гено, теряя свой рассудок, ненавидел всё и вся, поэтому Эррор называет всех «ошибками» и «аномалиями».

    Сколько лет эррор сансу андертейл

    1.2 Прозвище:Оши,Руру,Эрри,Егор,Гличи,Глюк,глючный парень

    2. Возраст. (Т.к Эррор провёл неизвестное кол-во времени в Анти-Пустоте,также неизвестен его возраст. Но по дате создания он появился 28.12.15 — 28 декабря 2015 года. Так же есть шуточная дата 4.04.15 — 4 апреля 2015 года,т.е отсылка к «ошибка 404»)

    3. Характер:Обычно довольно спокойный. Но бывает ужасно нервный и агрессивным,особенно,когда выходит из себя. Является немного психованным и сумасшедшим эгоистом. Не проявляет милосердие,эмпатию или сожаление ко всем,кого считает аномалиями/ошибками.

    4. Биография:В обновлённом каноне Эррор — Гено,который однажды попал в Анти-Пустоту. Первое время он только спал,но потом он говорил.. Вопил. Кричал.. Надеясь на то,что его услышат и помогут выбраться из этой «тюрьмы», но потом крики вернулись обратно.(Кто читал оригинальный аск-блог Эррора,тот поймёт) Его очень сильно сводило с ума то,что в Анти-Пустоте была удушающая тишина, одиночество,и то, что в Анти-Пустоте не было ничего. Ни стен,ни потолка,ни пола,куда не посмотри — всё белое. Гено начал глючить,из-за чего он стал «ошибкой». Однажды,Эррор научился открывать порталы в другие AU(История не рассказывает о том,как Оши этому научился. Тем более, это одно из его воспоминаний. Опять же,кто читал аск-блог, тот знает),он думает,что попал в оригинальную вселенную, но это оказывается не так. Он садится возле дверей в Руины и таким образом случайно заводит разговор с местной Тори. Он каждый день приходил к ней,и разговаривал. В один из таких дней Ториель спрашивает:»Санс,с человеческим дитя всё хорошо?», Эррор не понимает,что она имеет ввиду,и Тори понимает то,что она говорила с тем,кто выдавал себя за другого. Она выходит из Руин,и Эррор видит,что Ториель в этой вселенной — призрак,так же приходит местный Санс,который тоже является призраком. Эррор возмущается тому,что Тори призрак и говорит:»Где МОЯ Ториель?!». Позже,когда Тори и Санс пытаются успокоить Эррора,он кричит:»НЕ ТРОГАЙТЕ МЕНЯ,МЕРЗКИЕ ГЛЮКИ!». Эррор призывает из глазниц свои нити,чувствуя из-за них сильную боль. В конце концов,Эррор уничтожает эту вселенную(История не говорит,как он уничтожил) и с того дня начинает уничтожать другие AU.

    user uploaded image

    user uploaded image

    user uploaded image

    8. Раса:Скелетоподобный монстр.(Скелеты — те,что внутри нашего тела,а скелетоподобные — монстры,имеющие внешность скелетов)

    9. Аксессуары:Красные очки.

    10.Способности персонажа:Гастер-бластеры,кости с заострённым концом,телепортация. Нити(струны), открывать порталы в любые AU,открывать межпространственные окна,в которых можно просмотреть истории(ака Воспоминания) Ошибки.

    11.Интересные факты: У Эррора слабое зрение(он близорукий),а из-за глюков он иногда становится почти слепые,особенно когда они покрывают абсолютно всё его тело и глазницы. У Эррора гаптофобия(боязнь прикосновений). Оши нравится вселенная undernovela. Эррор оправдывает уничтожение AU тем,что однажды в мультивселенной кончится место,и надо что-то будет удалить. Эррор — единственный Санс в мультивселенной,который имеет чёрный цвет костей(за исключением его скрещиваний с кем-нибудь). У Эррора, Гено и Фреша один создатель. По канону,Эррор и Инк никогда не виделись, но по другой версии они заклятые враги. Он не помнит своего прошлого,потому что стёр эти воспоминания. Если Эррор завладел вашей душой,то он может свободно управлять вами,как марионеткой,ему будет всё равно,нравится вам это иль нет.


    В Underverse используется дизайн Эррора из Lucidia.

    В анимации Underverse от Jael Peñaloza Эррор является одним из антогонистов. По комиксу «Перемирие», он и Ink!Санс заключили перемирие, чтобы не было никакого создания и никакого разрушения.

    Впервые он появляется в эпизоде Underverse 0.2 (но его в кадре не видно), когда он неожиданно затягивает своими нитями Ink!Санса в портал. Затем он появляется в короткометражной серии Underverse Xtra Scene 1, где он говорит Инку, что он следит за каждым его действием и ему не нравятся его намерения. Именно в этом эпизоде Эррор носит новую одежду с шарфом.

    В серии Underverse 0.4 Error захватил Дудл Сферу, потому что ему не понравилось, что пытается сделать Инк и решает его обхитрить. После битвы с Инком во вселенной Outertale, когда Инк выпустил на свободу X-Гастера из флакона, Эррор переместился в Дудл Сферу и сказал своему противнику «I don’t wanna play with you.» (рус. «Я не хочу играть с тобой») и уничтожил все AU. После этого Инк быстро и без эмоций выкинул его обратно в анти-пустоту (место его обитания).


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    ERROR!Sans VS Flandre Scarlet

    • Thread starter


    • Start date

      May 2, 2020

    • Tags

      flandre scarlet


      touhou project



    • #1

    People have talked about UNDERTALE (And AUs Included) VS TouHou so I though might as do two of the strongest characters.


    • Thread starter
    • #2

    Or ERROR!Sans VS Eiki Shiki, idk


    • #3

    > 9-A VS Low 2-C

    this is a stomp for Flandre Scarlet


    • Thread starter
    • #4

    Did I forget to say it includes Ultra ERROR!Sans ?


    • Thread starter
    • #5


    • Thread starter
    • #6

    SOOOOOOOOOOOO not a stomp


    • #7

    1. Matches with OCs aren’t allowed unless they’re on F&G.

    2. Why in the hell is he 2-A/Low 1-C?

    3. Since he’s Low 1-C (for some reason), he stomps.

    4. Flandre sure as hell aint the strongest Touhou character.


    • #8

    Okay, so, a few things.

    1. None of those justifications would even net him 2-B, much less 2-A.

    2. His Low 1-C has no justification period.

    3. Irrelevant Lifting Strength is 1-A specific last I checked.

    4. Is he can travel to other AUs (IE. Other universes) he should just have immeasurable speed.

    5. We do not do serious debates between fan characters here outside the Fun and Games Board.

    This is why it’s important to read all the site rules before making a match.


    • #9

    1. Ok I just believe every Sans gets to use the Ultra version

    2.He destroys universe for a living maybe that is why

    3. Ok

    4. Then who is strongest Touhou character?

    Only… you can’t. Because Ultra Sans isn’t canon.

    That’s at most low 2-C.



    • Thread starter
    • #11

    1. Ok I just believe every Sans gets to use the Ultra version

    2.He destroys universe for a living maybe that is why

    3. Ok

    4. Then who is strongest Touhou character?

    Only… you can’t. Because Ultra Sans isn’t canon.
    That’s at most low 2-C.

    Oof I am just tired and forgot about the OC thing my bad


    • #12

    Yeah, sorry dude.

    You’re new here, it happens to everyone. Just double check next time.


    • Thread starter
    • #13


    • Thread starter
    • #14

    Wait where is the F&G page? I can’t find it


    • #15
    He’s a more semi-competent Error Sans profile if you want to debate

    His Low 1-C justification is no longer accepted with our system. He can’t move beyond Low 2-C without feats so at best he’s infinitely above baseline. Speed should be Supersonic+ and existing in a higher-dimensional void isn’t automatically Immeasurable. Other than that, it’s OK-ish.



    • #17

    Wait where is the F&G page? I can’t find it

    Go to Forums on the upper left part of the page and you’ll see it listed.


    • #18

    His Low 1-C justification is no longer accepted with our system. He can’t move beyond Low 2-C without feats so at best he’s infinitely above baseline. Speed should be Supersonic+ and existing in a higher-dimensional void isn’t automatically Immeasurable. Other than that, it’s OK-ish.

    Infinite stats means he’s comparable to Asriel no? Asriel’s 2-B, so 2-B for him also makes sense I’d think


    • Thread starter
    • #19

    Yea I mean he can compare to Asriel since he destroys universe on a daily basis


    • #20

    Base Asriel was supposed to get downgraded to Low 2-C ages ago, so no.


    • #21

    Yeah but

    He’s not


    Error Sans is still 2-B, I’m not updating the profile until Asriel actually gets downgraded on his page


    • Thread starter
    • #22

    So can someone give me the tier ERROR!Sans is at highest ? Or even just for the heck of it even Ultra ERROR!Sans?


    • #23

    …….Alright. Low 1-C and Immeasurable are BS though.


    • #24

    So can someone give me the tier ERROR!Sans is at highest ? Or even just for the heck of it even Ultra ERROR!Sans?

    As he is, 2-B. Once Asriel gets downgraded, At least Low 2-C.


    • Thread starter
    • #25

    Wait how come he isn’t like 1 something? He can compare to Core!Frisk who is omnipresent


    • #26

    Wait how come he isn’t like 1 something? He can compare to Core!Frisk who is omnipresent

    Being X-dimensional is no longer Tier 1 without further context that these dimensions supersede lower ones to an infinite degree. CORE! Frisk should also be downgraded come to think of it. And being omnipresent doesn’t mean anything. Junko is High 3-A but has 2-B omnipresence.


    • #27

    The justification seems like a pretty obvious «higher dimensional except not really», heck Tier 1 Crash Bandicoot at least has a statement about how the 10th dimension is beyond the third


    • Thread starter
    • #28

    I understand nothing and what I mean by that is that I have no clue about how the tiers work


    • #29

    Basically, dimensional tiering got the axe a few months ago. Now to move into Low 1-C, you have to either be able to create/destroy uncountably infinite universal space-times, an infinite 5-dimensional space or a plane of existence that’s explicitly infinitely or qualitatively superior to 4-dimensional space-time or something analogous to it.


    • Thread starter
    • #30

    I mean ERROR being able to destroy Universes with ease couldn’t that make him low 1-C?


    • #31

    I mean ERROR being able to destroy Universes with ease couldn’t that make him low 1-C?

    Not even remotely close. That’s just a casual Low 2-C feat, nothing more.


    • Thread starter
    • #32

    What about Ultra ERROR!Sans could he at least be low 1-C



    • #34

    What about Ultra ERROR!Sans could he at least be low 1-C

    Feats? Statements?


    • Thread starter
    • #35

    Basically ERROR!Sans but at minimum 100 times stronger then base


    • Thread starter
    • #36

    I am about to get more info hang on


    • #37

    That’s still just Low 2-C.



    • Thread starter
    • #39

    I mean he could destroy the multiverse (maybe not confirmed if he truly could) or he could take the souls from every au at once and basically become the god of the undertale multiverse



    • Thread starter
    • #41



    • Thread starter
    • #43


    • #44

    Basing on that I can clearly say that Error one shots the verse, it has scans to provide at least his 2-A and Immensurable speed rating


    • #45

    Found this versio in OBW, is it fine?

    I have some problems with the 2-A justification and A LOT of problems with Low 1-C and Immeasurable speed. P&A seems fine, more or less.


    • Thread starter
    • #46

    Hey why was dimensional tiering given the axe?


    • #47

    2-A rating is because it’s explained a LOT of times that he’ll destroy all the AUs, that are confirmed to be a 2-A cosmology from the scans there.

    Immensurable speed is because still in the 2-A reasoning one of the scans says that Ink!sans exists outside time and space and can reach immediately any timeline, and Error is his par in stats


    • #48

    Hey why was dimensional tiering given the axe?

    It was, for lack of better words, mathematically BS.


    • Thread starter
    • #49


    • #50

    2-A rating is because it’s explained a LOT of times that he’ll destroy all the AUs, that are confirmed to be a 2-A cosmology from the scans there.
    Immensurable speed is because still in the 2-A reasoning one of the scans says that Ink!sans exists outside time and space and can reach immediately any timeline, and Ink is his par in stats

    Did it specifically say he’d destroy them all in one-shot? And being able to move to other timelines isn’t an Immeasurable feat at all, you could do that with MFTL+ and good enough range. Same with the Anti-Void stuff, that doesn’t even qualify for Infinite anymore.


    • #51

    2-A rating is because it’s explained a LOT of times that he’ll destroy all the AUs, that are confirmed to be a 2-A cosmology from the scans there.
    Immensurable speed is because still in the 2-A reasoning one of the scans says that Ink!sans exists outside time and space and can reach immediately any timeline, and Error is his par in stats

    >Immensurable speed is because still in the 2-A reasoning one of the scans says that Ink!sans exists outside time and space and can reach immediately any timeline, and Error is his par in stats


    • #52

    Again, that doesn’t even qualify for Infinite speed.


    • Thread starter
    • #53

    That is kinda true since the difference between immeasurable and infinite. is that immeasurable is impossible to measure while infinite is indefinably large, countlessly great; immense.


    • #54

    Existing outside time and space is no longer a feat for Infinite speed unless it’s made clear that this level of speed is necessary to move in it, much less Immeasurable speed. That needs one to be able to move anywhere and anywhen through time with raw speed, or possess multiple temporal dimensions.


    • Thread starter
    • #55

    I mean from everything I’ve seen some versions of Sans can barely move in between the aus (outisde space and time)


    • #56

    Late, but I really suggest against using Undertale AU characters for battles. Their showings or statements are usually very vague, and they are somewhat inconsistent. Aside from cases where an AU character has concrete capabilities, with little to no inconsistencies, it’d be hard to make a semi-cohesive battle involving them. As for Error Vs. Flandre, well, Error only has some statements that’d be remotely noteworthy here, but they’re either vague or don’t fit well with the new tiering system. Although, if we go off of Underverse, Error does have a solid feat of casually destroy the multiverse in one move, but I don’t think Jael intended for it to be multiversal+, based on the actual scene. I would say Error is, at peak, Low 2-C, with no hax that could pose much of a threat to Flandre, while Flandre could easily kill him. Error also has no actual speed showings that would allow him to prevent a blitz. And Flandre has low-godly, which Error has no counter for. Using the original Error Sans, I’d say Flandre stomps, most likely. Although this thread gave me a few ideas.

    Edit: Also wanna note that in the canon, original Errortale comic, Error struggled against Underswap Papyrus in direct combat, while also using Underswap Sans as both a hostage, and fighter against Papyrus. Underswap Papyrus isn’t that far beyond classic Sans, who would be fodder to a very large portion of Touhou, let alone Flandre.


    • #57

    They’re on the FCOC wiki for a reason


    • #58

    Although, if we go off of Underverse, Error does have a solid feat of casually destroy the multiverse in one move, but I don’t think Jael intended for it to be multiversal+, based on the actual scene.

    We’d still consider it a 2-B to 2-A feat since the feat takes precedent over the author’s intent. You could argue that it’s an outlier unless he was amped or something but this is still a valid feat.


    • #59

    We’d still consider it a 2-B to 2-A feat since the feat takes precedent over the author’s intent. You could argue that it’s an outlier unless he was amped or something but this is still a valid feat.

    When I mentioned the author intent, I also meant to imply it’s an outlier. Error has never performed an on screen feat of even remotely similar power in the entirety of Underverse, and is only stated to have destroyed universes occasionally in other cases, even then, we don’t know how the process is done. Iirc, it’s actually implied that he affects the universes code, corrupting it, and basically deletes it, possibly overtime, but doesn’t destroy it with his actual, normal AP. It’s also possible that Jael wasn’t counting what would be considered universes as actually universes in the sense of a feat, since Error destroyed papers representing universes (26:47). I do know that feats like this are usually still considered legit, and that the feat still takes precedence over Jael’s intent, I just wanted to mention it. Oh, and as for how impressive the feat would be in the tiering system, I’d guess 2-B. To clarify, each «Alternate Universe» actually counts as a multiverse, aside from AU’s taking place in alternate timelines of the original universe, Undertale, which simply count as alternate timelines within the Undertale multiverse. Every unique AU separate from Undertale has it’s own AU’s, thousands of them according to Ink Sans (25:30). Since there are currently 350 documented AU’s, this would mean at least a 6 digit number of universes that Error destroyed. Again though, this feat can easily be considered an outlier.


    • #60

    Wouldn’t each AU’s AUs also scale to the hundreds to thousands of timelines in canon as a result of Flowey’s constant resets? I can see it hitting the several millions range. And it would be an outlier if Error struggled with much lower feats or had proven to be unable to perform the same feat again. Otherwise he and everyone else would scale to 2-B and-

    We should probably take this to our walls or FC/OC.


    • #61

    Not every AU has Flowey’s abuse of time manipulation, but yes, it could definitely increase the amount. Although I still think it would be better to just use Inks statement of thousands for a lowballed hundreds of thousands of timelines in the entire Undertale multiverse, if we don’t use the infinity statement, which is still pretty solid 2-B stuff, although not countless or anything crazy, but it’d be enough to one shot Flandre, when talking about the original point of the post, although Error still gets blitzed and can’t negate low-godly, or her just destroying his core. He somewhat struggles against versions of Sans that shouldn’t be too far beyond classic/canon Sans, and as I said before, was having some trouble against Underswap Papyrus (5:38), in the original Errortale comic, who, again, is not far beyond classic/canon Sans, and only managed to pin down and almost defeat US Papyrus when angered, before his remaining emotions towards his Papyrus stopped him from finishing US Papyrus off. All of that, alongside only vague, possibly overtime, possibly hax based Low 2-C feats, having never, in any other situation, performed a 2-B feat, and I think it’s pretty safe to call the feat an outlier. Error Sans is only Low 2-C at best, and even then, that’s a highball.

    Depends on how much longer you think the discussion will go on. I don’t mind continuing it elsewhere though, and I’ve never talked on a message wall, so that’d be interesting.


    • #62

    One AU alone actually have infinite timelines based on some comics.

    Also to support Low 1-C Error: Ink made the Doodle Sphere which encompasses every AUs; Error is an Out-Code character which is completely detached from the AUs, and he’s constantly hunting Core!Frisk which is stated by its author to be 6/7D, with Error and Ink being one dimension below (and it’s not like they’re not above non-out code beings: in most case they’re either toying with them or not wanting to go at full power).


    • #63

    Being stated to be 6 or 7-D on it’s own doesn’t warrant Low 1-C.

    Existing outside something =/= transcending it.

    I can see 2-A from this but higher seems iffy.


    • #64

    Agree with what Planck said, but also, CORE Frisk was stated to be 7.5 dimensional by it’s author, don’t know what to make of that, though. But yeah, with the new and better tiering system, just being 6th dimensional is no longer considered enough for a tier of that level, unless it’s blatantly obvious that higher dimensional beings are practically infinitely above lower dimensional beings in the verse. And considering the fact that CORE Frisk, a 7.5 dimensional being, actually has physical strength below that of an average human, with literally no directly offensive abilities as stated by their author (only being capable of destroying the Anti-Error’s by manipulating their components while they were being created), and Error Sans in the Anti-Void (where he’s supposedly a 6th dimensional being) still occasionally having trouble against other Sans’ who should be 3D beings with finite 3D power, and not being capable of just destroying the multiverse as a 6D being…yeah, not looking so good.


    • #65

    Core’s bodies are weak yeah, but it doesn’t really prevent him for creating timeline and suchlike. It’s more like avatars which are weaker than the essence.

    However I don’t remember Error struggling against regular Sans(es)’ since even Ink is stated to hold back to not mess AUs, and he still can stomp others Sans.

    Btw, wouldn’t Ink’s powers fit for Low 1-C? Since it’s litteraly what’s used by the Creators, who have a reality-fiction difference with AUs.


    • #66

    Has Ink shown to affect reality in a similar way though?


    • #67

    I don’t recall CORE creating timelines, and unless it’s shown or stated that the creation scales to CORE’s AP, they’re still weaker than an average human. And wdym the essence, I know CORE is omnipresent and can only manifest avatar’s, but I don’t think anything implies the true CORE Frisk is superior to it’s avatars, in regards to power. I also don’t think the creator would directly say CORE Frisk has no offensive capabilities, if their AP was universal+, if not higher.

    Error struggles against regular Sans’ fairly commonly. I won’t deny that he’s usually toying with them, but as I’ve stated and linked before, the original Errortale comic, which should be considered the most accurate source of info, has Error Sans struggling against US Papyrus, before getting serious. The fact that he can even have some trouble against 3D beings with low level finite 3D power, regardless of whether or not he’s holding back, heavily suggests that Error is also 3D with finite 3D power. And I don’t recall him showing any actual impressive feats in the Anti-Void, let alone anything that would place him at a Low 1-C level. The only thing I recall worth noting, is that he directly states «Time loses meaning here pretty fast», but this still doesn’t qualify for infinite speed, as it implies that time does exist there, it just doesn’t flow naturally. Underswap Sans can also move in it just fine.

    Maybe, but his powers don’t scale to AP, I’m pretty sure. And I think they are reliant on his paint brush.


    • #68

    Although, if cross-verse summoning was allowed, CORE Frisk could have a solid 2-B key for summoning Giratina against Error Sans in a joke comic, which the author said was, while stupid, completely plausible.


    • #69

    Core created the Omega Timeline as stated by the author. Also what I mean is that Core is weak physically, but not really in term of power.

    I don’t recall Error Sans struggling against US Papyrus, do you have the comic/page for this please? He’s pretty constantly overpowering even «OP» Sanses and he’s higher than beings that completely stomp US Papyrus (X!Chara, I’m looking at you).

    His paintbrush is just used to concentrate his own powers, which are the essence of his existence so his AP should scale to it. Also his author pretty much stated that: He made the Doodle Sphere, fight beings that can change the scenario of AUs, and that he saw AUs as just stories.

    «At least 2-A» or «possibly Low 1-C» doesn’t like a bad alternative imo.


    • #70

    I guess that’s fine. Lol, we should be discussing this on FC/OC.


    • #71

    Oh yeah, I forgot about the Omega Timeline, but was it stated how they did that, or was it just said that they did? Without context, it doesn’t seem very reliable. I get that, my point was that their AP is still below human level. I do agree that they’re fairly haxed, but the fact that they’re so weak, they can’t even lift a small rock, despite being a 7.5 dimensional being, is just strange, and suggests that being higher dimensional in this case doesn’t equate to a higher tier, let alone a position anywhere in tier 1. (5:38). Yes, he overpowers, and blatantly stomps most versions of Sans, but you’re missing my point. I’m not saying he’s equal to, or even comparable to them, I’m saying that if they, 3D beings with finite 3D power, can actually make him use even some slight amount of effort, that automatically means he shouldn’t be considered to even have low 4D power, which would be infinitely superior to the levels of said characters, let alone something ridiculous like 2-A, or even Low 1-C.

    Can I see those statements, for context? Iirc, the Doodle Sphere contains every universe, which would include at least hundreds of thousands, to potentially infinite universes, so that a solid 2-A feat if accurate, I think. The scenario, as in plot? If the context is that Ink viewed them as something infinitely lower than himself, then maybe it’s noteworthy.

    Honestly, from what I’m seeing, this just looks like a bunch of inconsistent things thrown together. Some fights, statements, or feats try to balance Error and Ink, others try to portray them as gods for Undertale AU standards, etc.. This is really why I don’t like debating about Undertale AU characters.


    • #72

    Actually, I just went back to the official Error comic (Ask Error ), and realized that Error directly stated he tried to destroy Underswap, then stopped specifically because of US Papyrus.

    Anonymous asked:

    Isn’t underswap a universe that shouldn’t exist? Why don’t you delete them too?

    «I tried! I almost eradicated that abomination of a universe!»


    «When I was there…I encountered a bit of a problem.» (Underswap Papyrus is shown on panel)

    «…I’ll deal with Underswap later…» (Error Sans has sweat dripping down his face)

    If anything, this pretty much confirms that Underswap Papyrus can fight with Error, if the actual fight wasn’t enough.

    Also, this implies that he can only destroy universes after clearing out the people in it. Which is, for some reason, how people think Chara destroys universes. So…


    • #73

    Have been reading through it still, and Error, explaining the multiverse, said «near infinite amount of alternate existences», he’s referring to alternate universes. So we have hundreds of thousands to potentially millions or something similar, near infinite, and infinite. I’m sure there’s much more I’m forgetting or missing. Yeah, inconsistencies everywhere. This topic should probably just be dropped, and however strong these characters are can be left up to interpretation, but they shouldn’t be used in battles. I know everybody stopped talking a while ago, aside from me, but I just wanna end this, since I don’t think we’ll ever reach a solid conclusion, otherwise.

    Edit: Error goes on to say that the number is so high, it’s basically impossible to count them all, then goes on to say that every decision someone makes, creates a new universe, and that every conceivable version of every person exists somewhere. I could go on and on about this, but I think my point still stands.


    • #74

    Aren’t comics not on Crayonqueen blog non-canon to the character?


    • #75

    Aren’t comics not on Crayonqueen blog non-canon to the character?

    I never heard that. I know CrayonQueen is the same person as Lover of Piggies. And in what I’m seeing, there’s even the comic for Error’s origin, on the same page as Error Vs. Underswap, and everything else I’ve mentioned. So I’m pretty sure it’s canon. Regardless, even if that’s the case, I don’t retract my point. Trying to make sense of everything for each relevant AU character, to an extent where we can make accurate profiles and the like for them, let alone Error, would be between extremely hard, to impossible.


    • #76

    It seems fine then, though somewhat incoherent with some parts. For example Error needing to clear people from an AU to destroy it (which isn’t really a question of being able, but more of wanting) is clearly contradicted in The Truce and Underverse where we see X!Chara being able to destroy the AU without first clearing the characters.

    However Error doesn’t seems to fear Papyrus in term of power or anything, but more in relation to his trauma; which seems more coherent with the character and his actions.

    Also higher D beings using efforts (even when holding back) against 3D beings doesn’t necessary mean that it’s an anti-feat for their tier. For example K3 characters weakened themselves to absurb levels to fight Eastern Expedition, but we don’t consider them being tier 1 as innacurate (it’s a shitty example cuz I can’t think of a good one rn, but it’s not the only one).

    I remember comics saying the same about the Multiverse and then saying that it’s infinitely branching; it’s like how’s comp DB’s Multiverse, which would give 2-A.

    I do think that giving a tier to Out-code characters is possible, mainly from using what each author made (mainly Dream/Nightmare, Error/Fresh, Xtale, and Ink’s one); otherwise there’s just soo many content with some being just weird fanfic without any real plot.


    • #77

    Yes, contradicted, because they’re inconsistencies. And nothing implies that he simply «wants» to kill everyone before erasing it. There are multiple things implying that Error must kill every Underground person before eradicating a universe, it wasn’t just in regards to Underswap.

    I agree with that, but Papyrus did still fight with an Error that was somewhat trying. And it’s implied that Underswap Papyrus may have severely harmed him with his final attack, which was supposed to be a killing blow.

    If Error was even at the bare minimum of 4D power, he would be infinitely superior to Underswap Papyrus, but still needs to try against him, and can potentially be harmed by him, I’d say that’s pretty blatant evidence he isn’t on that level, let alone beyond it, in any case.

    Yes, and some Undertale AU comics say different things. Thus proving the point that it’s inconsistent.

    If we only used the original versions for each character, that’d be the best way to do it, but we would need to treat them all as if they were in their own version of the Undertale AU multiverse, as many authors disagree with each other on the multiverse, and the power of certain characters. If we do it in a way that completely separates the AU characters from each other, meaning we don’t use feats or statements from one author’s character, and apply it to another author’s character. That is the only way this can be done, from the looks of it. And even then, it may still be difficult. Which is why I keep saying this should just end. There are cases where this can be maneuvered around, like the SCP verse pages, where we use «Article Canon» and «Extended Canon», but it simply can’t work here because of the numerous inconsistencies. If we really wanna make an Error Sans profile, I suggest we purely use anything made by CrayonQueen, and count absolutely nothing else for Error Sans. From what I’m seeing, that comes out like this:

    Attack Potency: At least Small Building level, likely far higher (can easily defeat characters who should be comparable to the canon Sans), possibly Low 2-C (is capable of destroying entire universes, however the exact process is unknown)

    Speed: At least Supersonic, likely far higher (should be much higher than the canon Sans)

    As for powers and abilities, he should have all of canon Sans’ abilities, plus BFR (can send opponents to the Anti-Void), universal/dimensional travel (via portial creation), and string manipulation (which can grab souls).


    • #78

    I think that Low 2-C would be a big lowball, especially considering that characters comparable to Error have feats above this. And I mean, he did one shot multiples universes created by Ink, so it’s not like the process is unknown.

    However I agree that doing a real profile is kinda impossible, but I think that only using the works commonly considered as the «main ones» should be fine (Underverse, Xtale, Epictale, Error/Fresh stuff, Ink stuff, Dreamtale, Underfell) . It’s kinda like SCP but with some inconsistencies like you said (even if imo, SCP shouldn’t have anything but the canon on this wiki because of «extended canon» being basically fanfic anyone can add, but that’s another thing).


    • #79

    Is any of that in the original Error comic? If not, it can’t be applied. Error should just be Low 2-C at best for vague universal destruction, which is the most consistent thing for him when it comes to tier 2 stuff, including in his original comic.

    True. Then there isn’t much to discuss here. If we actually wanna make or change profiles on FC/OC Battles Wiki, we should go there, like Planck asked, before.


    • Thread starter
    • #80

    I mean Error in the basics could have been without any effort to destroy a Alternate universe. Before underestimating this feat, the Alternate universe in Undertale au was not a universe It is even closer to a alternative multiverse. And in the reverse vacuum the error is able to erase all the parallel universes, which makes it somewhere in the 6D or at least 5D.


    • #81

    Can you actually link sources for any of this?


    • #82

    Is any of that in the original Error comic? If not, it can’t be applied. Error should just be Low 2-C at best for vague universal destruction, which is the most consistent thing for him when it comes to tier 2 stuff, including in his original comic.

    Like I said before, limitating Error to only his original comic makes no sense with the «cosmology» of AUs. The works I said are the main ones, and most if not all of the others are based around them.


    • #83

    Unless this conglomerate of different authors can be proven to actually collaborate or share views when making these characters (Cthulhu Mythos for example) then it’s literally just a composite profile with no internal consistency at all. Maybe if you isolate the authors with the most authority and consistency and establish that as a canon but otherwise, it won’t work.


    • #84

    i deleted over half my posts in UT amino, i decided only to return to delatrune and some rare comics, but i keep finding this stuff.

    Ah goodness the powerscaling in fan comics is about as confusing as the whole darned fandom.


    • #85

    Maybe if you isolate the authors with the most authority and consistency and establish that as a canon but otherwise, it won’t work.

    That’s basically what I was saying when I listed the AUs with most authority/consistency.

    Underverse is also something agreed by the authors of basically all characters in it, which are basically the ones I said before.


    • #86

    If we’re wanting to go that route, then let’s try to do that, and see how it goes. It’s better than limiting it to individual authors, I guess.


    • #87

    I think it’s a good in-between yeah.

    Tho I understand why SCP is also so debattable now.


    • #88

    I think it’s a good in-between yeah.
    Tho I understand why SCP is also so debattable now.

    despite different canons it seems SCP is more consistent. UT aus are just fanmade and for fun while SCP tries to have actual legitamete canons.


    • #89

    When I was in both fanbase, and AUs were more consistent because of having actual connections (for the main works I mean).

    SCP «canons» are basically just everyone being able to do fanfic when they want to.


    • #90

    despite different canons it seems SCP is more consistent. UT aus are just fanmade and for fun while SCP tries to have actual legitamete canons.

    The fact that we need different keys for different canons says otherwise. Seriously, SCP is basically Underverse if the characters were original.


    • #91

    SCP «canons» are basically just everyone being able to do fanfic when they want to.

    Thats kinda ignoring the extremely strict guidelines, extensive vetting process, constant state of editing and revising pages go through before theyre even allowed to be posted, and regular deletion of low-quality content

    SCP has more than its fair share of quality control, its not just something someone can add to on a whim and have it stay, try to do that and its guaranteed to be deleted


    • #92

    Thats kinda ignoring the extremely strict guidelines, extensive vetting process, constant state of editing and revising pages go through before theyre even allowed to be posted, and regular deletion of low-quality content

    There’s this yeah. However the whole thing being under CC and regular changes are part of why it’s not very consistent.

    Some SCP were entirely deleted or replaced years later for example.


    • Thread starter
    • #93

    I mean Error in the basics could have been without any effort to destroy a Alternate universe. Before underestimating this feat, the Alternate universe in Undertale au was not a universe It is even closer to a alternative multiverse. And in the reverse vacuum the error is able to erase all the parallel universes, which makes it somewhere in the 6D or at least 5D.

    What I mean is that each Undertale AU has a multiverse of it’s own, for example Underswap and Underfell, they both have a crap tone of different versions of them, so basically each AU has a multiverse of it’s own, and when Error destroys the original one the other ones go as well, so Error destroys Multiverses on a daily basis. Even Error has said in a comic (I forgot which one) if he killed Classic Sans they would die too.


    • #94

    Once again, you’re trying to mix it all into a composite version of the Undertale AU verse, which doesn’t work because of the inconsistencies. That’s like trying to say Post-Crisis Superman is 2-C because of Pre-Crisis Superman feats. Not all authors share the same views, so not all comics have the same ways of how the multiverse works, and how strong certain characters are. Also, even if we use the «each AU has a multiverse» explanation, it’s never stated that Error can destroy an entire AU multiverse, it’s only implied that he destroys singular timelines. The only exception to this is in Underverse, but that series is full of inconsistencies, and clearly doesn’t care much for power levels. Edit: And furthermore, you say he can destroy every timeline, when inside the Anti-Void, what is that based on? I’m going to need solid evidence for that claim.


    • Thread starter
    • #95

    True but like I said before he stated that if he killed Classic Sans they would all meaning that if he killed so and so AU that one and it’s multiverse would go down with it


    • #96

    That’s a random claim from a comic you’ve yet to specify. That also isn’t a point to support the argument that Error can destroy a multiverse, at all. It makes no sense, and also, if destroying canon Sans destroys every AU version of Sans, which I’m guessing the claim is supposed to mean, that doesn’t mean destroying canon Sans will destroy every AU in existence. Considering the fact that AU literally means alternate universe. And in this case, your definition of the multiverse has every AU with countless timelines, which are entire universes. Are you also saying Sans is a universal constant? Even if we said that was somehow the case, he would only be causing a chain reaction, via killing a fodder 9-A.


    • #97

    Being called «universe» doesn’t really prevent something from being a multiverse. Billious Slick is constantly called «universe» but is actually an infinite multiverse.

    Also Underverse, Xtale and «_____tale (Ink original world) are kinda in this sense about this (also Underverse is one of the main works, and I don’t really see inconsistencies which haven’t been explained).

    The Truce also shows that Error can just destroy AUs however he want, like when he do it for «fakes» ones, believing he destroyed the true ones.

    I think that agreeing/listing the «main» works would be a good thing to start with.


    • #98

    I never said it does. And that wasn’t my point.

    I know, it was directly explained that way in Underverse, which I mentioned earlier in the thread.

    The Truce was still made by Jael, though, I think it should only apply to that author’s view of Error. Error should probably have a page or key specifically for Underverse, if Underverse Error is shown with better feats or statements than the original Error.



    • #99

    Well, Jael asked the authors and they all agree with Underverse from what I know about it. It’s not like 2-B/2-A Out-Code characters would be an outlier for any of them too.


    • #100

    Agreeing doesn’t mean that literally everything is accurate, for every author involved, and that doesn’t dispel the inconsistencies, either. I don’t see why we’re continuing this, though. It doesn’t change what’s been decided on.

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    All Tied Up (Error Sans x Reader)


    165,312 4,297 23

    > Your just a regular human that fell down the hole that supposed lead to the underground, you come across many obstacles and find yourself in much of a sticky situation, more or less your tied up.•IMPORTANT•Hello wattpad users, this is actually the first story I’m actually making. So I’m sorry if it’s suckish or terrible, but it’s my first try I’m sorry! Ahem.. Anyways… I’ll try to update once or twice a week and if I ever forget, then….then… I don’t actually know what I would do…but anyways enjoy!…

    No Strings On Me ~Error Sans X Reader~

    No Strings On Me ~Error Sans X Reader~


    12,997 402 7

    A revamped version of OppoSIteS aTtrACt.…

    Glitchy Hearts (error sans x reader)

    Glitchy Hearts (error sans x reader)


    1,369 28 18

    You were a normal girl who had bad parents and bullies but however you had good friends. But however something changes when you find a golden heart locket. What changed? read to find out!!!*dramatic rubber chicken noises* EPIC STOP SNEEKING INTO THE SCENE!! epic: NEVAAAA!!!!! *pulls out rubber chicken sword*UGHHHH *sigh* Next scene… I need my chocolate….WARNING:-BLOOD-POSSIBLY GORE-SWEARING-AND MAYBE POSSIBLE LEMON IF YA’ll ARE INTO THAT SHIT-AND THE STORY STARTING OFF VERY CRINGY SINCE I WROTE IT WHEN I WAS 14 OR 13Author’s note:( The pictures in the book of outfits are not mine. The picture in the cover of the book is not mine. They all belong to someone else. I will tell you when a picture is mine.)…

    Strange slice of life (error sans x reader)

    Strange slice of life (error sans x reader)


    4,813 170 7

    you find a strange skeleton at night and decide to let him stay with you.chaos ensures and turns your life upside down while also finding out more about your little skele friend…

    Loving A Glitch? Error Sans x Reader

    Loving A Glitch? Error Sans x Reader


    113,313 2,511 17

    You were just a typical school girl who had a rough past and never made many friends or should i say ‘none’ so you given the nickname ‘Lone Wolf’ by other kids/students at school. Your mother had died a few years after you were born while your father on the other hand, he was always too glued into his research to ever hang out with you or take you to an icecream shop or something. Recently you’ve been dealing with school issues and by that i mean ‘bullying’ problems. Since you never had friends people used to laugh at your face and show off the many friends they had but something odd would always happen when they would. Enjoy the story ;)…

    Yandere Error sans x reader x yandere corrupted ink sans

    Yandere Error sans x reader x yandere corrupted ink sans


    53,144 1,095 17

    you are just in the untouched Au but one day some glitched skeleton came falling through the sky you then ran to see the skeleton you wanted to leave him but you toke him to for house to aid him but what hurt him??(C!ink doesn’t know you existed yet) but soon another skeleton came and soon both became a yandere for you…

    A glitch to fall for {Error sans x Reader}

    A glitch to fall for {Error sans x Reader}


    21,406 461 34

    I, Mia, swear on my life that I will never delete or unpublish this book without people telling me that the book is quite bad. (Is unpublish a word? Idk)…

    Undertale AU Sans x Reader Oneshots

    Undertale AU Sans x Reader Oneshots


    1,143,010 18,345 84

    If you love sans and fan fiction then this just right for you. I will do as many as I can and yeah. Enjoy!…

    Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)

    Sans AU x Reader(Bad Guys)


    137,980 2,526 16

    Au Sanses x ReaderIf you like edgy and scary Sanses, and romantic and fluffy and edgy scenarios, then this is the book for you!!…

    AU Sans Oneshots

    AU Sans Oneshots


    92,036 1,855 33

    Just a heads up not the greatest at creating stories. Anyway you’ll be a different reader each time but with a different Sans. I won’t upload much but I’ll try to upload as much as I can. Warning: there will be smut, kissing, maybe some sexual content, swearing, anything traumatic like abuse, and you being a hybrid reader like a Neko. Also none of the art is mine, all credit of art goes to the artists. So try and enjoy my terrible writing. 😄…

    Error sans x reader ( female )

    Error sans x reader ( female )


    17,336 316 10

    You are a glitch with amazing powers to …….But you were put in a sleeping state as all of the AUs feed off of you One day error was looking around the void when he came across a weird glitched portal and when he looked inside he did not expect to find was you …..No art is mine in this unless I say it is and there maybe spelling errors or grammar mistakes!…

    Sans An x Reader Oneshots And Other Stories (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)

    Sans An x Reader Oneshots And Other Stories (REQUESTS ARE CLOSED)


    11,041 248 42

    ♥Heh don’t expect much, I’m just a young writer who is working on their writing skills.♥So Yeah, this is just your average Sans Au x Reader♥not my art unless said other wise♥…

    Reborn as Error

    Reborn as Error


    248,304 13,976 82

    Cover image made by me.Someone meets their end too soon and meets someone who gives them another chance to live a more fulfilling life. One that they would enjoy despite the problems that may come along.In other words, reader becomes Error.…

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