Error script returned exit code 1

I've run my configuration without using dockers and it works. So it seems that docker-workflow issue.

I’ve run my configuration without using dockers and it works. So it seems that docker-workflow issue.

Make sure you have updated all relevant plugins, especially durable-task, as there have been diagnostic improvements. Typically the problem is that the Docker daemon does not share a filesystem with the client, which is a prerequisite for Image.inside to work.

jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2016-07-25 17:55 Make sure you have updated all relevant plugins, especially durable-task , as there have been diagnostic improvements. Typically the problem is that the Docker daemon does not share a filesystem with the client, which is a prerequisite for Image.inside to work.

Not enough information here.

I’m seeing a similar issue where the sh command inside a docker.image block always terminates after some delay. The point in the sh command that jenkins errors out varies which leads me to believe that jenkins is causing the problem. I’m on the latest version of jenkins and all plugins. Any tips on how to debug this?

benm Ben Mathews
added a comment — 2016-10-31 17:26 I’m seeing a similar issue where the sh command inside a docker.image block always terminates after some delay. The point in the sh command that jenkins errors out varies which leads me to believe that jenkins is causing the problem. I’m on the latest version of jenkins and all plugins. Any tips on how to debug this?

Typically it means workspace sharing between host & container is failing. If the agent itself is inside a container, make sure —volumes-from is included on the command line; if not, nothing will work.

jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2016-10-31 18:42 Typically it means workspace sharing between host & container is failing. If the agent itself is inside a container, make sure —volumes-from is included on the command line; if not, nothing will work.

The workspace is getting mounted (—volumes-from param is present) and is being interacted with. I’ve got a shell script that should take a couple minutes to complete. But within a couple seconds, the script will terminate and jenkins returns the above mentioned

ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Finished: FAILURE

The Jenkins log has the call stack

hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code -1
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.DurableTaskStep$Execution.check(
	at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.DurableTaskStep$
	at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(
	at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$

Looking at the pipeline code in the call stack, it appears that Jenkins thinks my process is exiting. But (a) it never fails when I launch the process directly w/ «docker run …» and (b) it fails at a different spot every time.

I’ve replaced my script w/ «for i in `seq 1 20`; do echo $i;date;sleep 5;done» and it never fails. So, it is apparent that something in the interaction between jenkins and my script is failing.

FWIW, the script is a series of «python develop» commands.

benm Ben Mathews
added a comment — 2016-11-01 21:02 The workspace is getting mounted (—volumes-from param is present) and is being interacted with. I’ve got a shell script that should take a couple minutes to complete. But within a couple seconds, the script will terminate and jenkins returns the above mentioned

ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Finished: FAILURE

The Jenkins log has the call stack

hudson.AbortException: script returned exit code -1
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.DurableTaskStep$Execution.check(
at org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.durable_task.DurableTaskStep$
at java.util.concurrent.Executors$
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$ScheduledFutureTask.access$201(
at java.util.concurrent.ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$
at java.lang. Thread .run( Thread .java:745)

Looking at the pipeline code in the call stack, it appears that Jenkins thinks my process is exiting. But (a) it never fails when I launch the process directly w/ «docker run …» and (b) it fails at a different spot every time.

I’ve replaced my script w/ «for i in `seq 1 20`; do echo $i;date;sleep 5;done» and it never fails. So, it is apparent that something in the interaction between jenkins and my script is failing.

FWIW, the script is a series of «python develop» commands.

benm Hmm, does not sound like a familiar issue. The fake exit status -1 means that Jenkins cannot find the PID of the controller sh script which tracks the output and exit code of your actual script (also sh, unless you specified a #!/bin/command). The typical reason for the failure to find this PID when using Image.inside is that the container does not share the right mount with the agent, for example because —volumes-from was not passed when it should have been. But in your case it was, and you say other shell scripts work, so something trickier is happening. If you can narrow it down to a reproducible test case, that would help a lot of course. Otherwise you will need to inspect the process tree inside the container, to see if the wrapper script is really still running or not; and inspect the …job@tmp sibling workspace that holds the control directory with the PID, output, and exit code.

jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2016-11-01 21:49 benm Hmm, does not sound like a familiar issue. The fake exit status -1 means that Jenkins cannot find the PID of the controller sh script which tracks the output and exit code of your actual script (also sh , unless you specified a #!/bin/command ). The typical reason for the failure to find this PID when using Image.inside is that the container does not share the right mount with the agent, for example because —volumes-from was not passed when it should have been. But in your case it was, and you say other shell scripts work, so something trickier is happening. If you can narrow it down to a reproducible test case, that would help a lot of course. Otherwise you will need to inspect the process tree inside the container, to see if the wrapper script is really still running or not; and inspect the …job@tmp sibling workspace that holds the control directory with the PID, output, and exit code.

An update….

I cut the problem down to this repo

stage('run unit tests') {
      node() {
        docker.image("centos:6.7").inside() {
          sh 'for i in `seq 1 50`; do echo $i;date;sleep 2;done'

This fails on both a docker using and jenkins installed on my ubuntu laptop via apt-get.

Before creating a ticket, I made one final test on our production jenkins server and it passed with flying colors four times consecutively. Obviously, something is strange with my box. Not sure what though. Any ideas would be appreciated. I’ll keep poking around

$ uname -a
Linux mathewslaptop 4.4.0-45-generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 19 14:12:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cat /etc/os-release 
VERSION="16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus)"
PRETTY_NAME="Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS"
$ docker -v
Docker version 1.12.1, build 23cf638

benm Ben Mathews
added a comment — 2016-11-03 17:11 An update….

I cut the problem down to this repo

stage( ‘run unit tests’ ) {
node() {
docker.image( «centos:6.7» ).inside() {
sh ‘ for i in `seq 1 50`; do echo $i;date;sleep 2;done’

This fails on both a docker using and jenkins installed on my ubuntu laptop via apt-get.

Before creating a ticket, I made one final test on our production jenkins server and it passed with flying colors four times consecutively. Obviously, something is strange with my box. Not sure what though. Any ideas would be appreciated. I’ll keep poking around

$ uname -a
Linux mathewslaptop 4.4.0-45- generic #66-Ubuntu SMP Wed Oct 19 14:12:37 UTC 2016 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ cat /etc/os-release
NAME= «Ubuntu»
VERSION= «16.04.1 LTS (Xenial Xerus)»
PRETTY_NAME= «Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS»
VERSION_ID= «16.04»
HOME_URL= «http: //»
SUPPORT_URL= «http: //»
BUG_REPORT_URL= «http: //»
$ docker -v
Docker version 1.12.1, build 23cf638

Are you using a (remote) agent on the production server but not in the test environment, or vice-versa? Generally should not matter except to the extent that it is the functioning of the docker command on the agent where the build is running which matters.

jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2016-11-08 18:01 Are you using a (remote) agent on the production server but not in the test environment, or vice-versa? Generally should not matter except to the extent that it is the functioning of the docker command on the agent where the build is running which matters.

The production server is running the builds on a centos 7 slave. My test environment is running jenkins in a docker container that is mounting /var/run/docker.sock from my laptop.

benm Ben Mathews
added a comment — 2016-12-24 16:36 The production server is running the builds on a centos 7 slave. My test environment is running jenkins in a docker container that is mounting /var/run/docker.sock from my laptop.

benm did you eventually solve this problem?  I’m seeing the same problem

where sh scripts are failing with -1.

I am also using:

docker.image(….).inside {


As a further note, my Jenkins instance is also a docker container.

rodrigc Craig Rodrigues
added a comment — 2017-03-16 01:58 benm did you eventually solve this problem?  I’m seeing the same problem

where sh scripts are failing with -1.


I am also using:

docker.image(….).inside {



As a further note, my Jenkins instance is also a docker container.


Sorry, I should have followed up back in Dec. I’ve forgotten what happened with this. I stopped trying to do development locally, so I probably never resolved it.

benm Ben Mathews
added a comment — 2017-03-16 17:13 Sorry, I should have followed up back in Dec. I’ve forgotten what happened with this. I stopped trying to do development locally, so I probably never resolved it.

benm fair enough.  I’m running into the same problem so was just curious.

My understanding of the problem is that if your Jenkins server is running inside a Docker container, and then you try to start a docker container on the same server (so you are doing Docker container inside Docker container), then that doesn’t work so well.

The Durable Task plugin used by the pipeline **sh step has some complicated logic for how it figures out the process ID (pid) of the shell script that has been executed, and this logic gets confused when you do Docker inside Docker, and returns -1, even though your shell script is still running.  I ran into the -1 problems in JENKINS-32264 , (not in a Docker context).

rodrigc Craig Rodrigues
added a comment — 2017-03-16 19:20 benm fair enough.  I’m running into the same problem so was just curious.

My understanding of the problem is that if your Jenkins server is running inside a Docker container, and then you try to start a docker container on the same server (so you are doing Docker container inside Docker container), then that doesn’t work so well.

The Durable Task plugin used by the pipeline **sh step has some complicated logic for how it figures out the process ID (pid) of the shell script that has been executed, and this logic gets confused when you do Docker inside Docker, and returns -1, even though your shell script is still running.  I ran into the -1 problems in  JENKINS-32264 , (not in a Docker context).


I have been having the same problems as benm with the shell script returning -1 if it is run inside a docker.inside block in a pipeline.

I took Ben’s testcase here:

and could reproduce the problem.

The environment I used to reproduce the problem was:

  • host environment was a VM running Debian stretch
  • docker version:Client:

Version:      1.13.1

API version:  1.26

Go version:   go1.7.5

Git commit:   092cba372

Built:        Wed Feb  8 06:44:30 2017

OS/Arch:      linux/amd64


Version:      1.13.1

API version:  1.26 (minimum version 1.12)

Go version:   go1.7.5
Git commit:   092cba372
Built:        Wed Feb  8 06:44:30 2017
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

So the host environment, and the docker container are on the same machine and sharing the same file system.

rodrigc Craig Rodrigues
added a comment — 2017-03-20 23:28 I have been having the same problems as benm with the shell script returning -1 if it is run inside a docker.inside block in a pipeline.

I took Ben’s testcase here:

and could reproduce the problem.


The environment I used to reproduce the problem was:

host environment was a VM running Debian stretch
docker version:Client:

Version:      1.13.1

API version:  1.26

Go version:   go1.7.5

Git commit:   092cba372

Built:        Wed Feb  8 06:44:30 2017

OS/Arch:      linux/amd64



Version:      1.13.1

API version:  1.26 (minimum version 1.12)

Go version:   go1.7.5
Git commit:   092cba372
Built:        Wed Feb  8 06:44:30 2017
OS/Arch:      linux/amd64

So the host environment, and the docker container are on the same machine and sharing the same file system.

I’m also using:

  • Jenkins 2.51
  • Pipeline 2.5
  • Durable task plugin 1.13
  • Docker pipeline 1.10

I’m seeing this as well. It only shows whenever there is a failing build, though.

I’m experiencing the same issue and it seems to depend on the docker image being used

I have a simple pipeline setup:

node('docker') {
    stage('test') {
        docker.image('r-base:3.4.0').inside() {
            sh(script: 'ping -c 2')

which fails in all of about 100 test runs.

Log output:

Started by user Mathias Rühle
[Pipeline] node
Running on slave-2 in /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (test)
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ docker inspect -f . r-base:3.4.0
[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
slave-2 does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1007:1007 -w /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:rw -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:rw -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** --entrypoint cat r-base:3.4.0
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ ping -c 2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=44 time=163.801 ms
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 352151927bb3d4123f3bcfc467ab1a137b2829599a623807d22e18f9497cc742
$ docker rm -f 352151927bb3d4123f3bcfc467ab1a137b2829599a623807d22e18f9497cc742
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Finished: FAILURE

When I change the image version to 3.1.2:

node('docker') {
    stage('test') {
        docker.image('r-base:3.1.2').inside() {
            sh(script: 'ping -c 2')

it succeeds in all of 20 test runs.

Log output:

Started by user Mathias Rühle
[Pipeline] node
Running on slave-2 in /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (test)
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ docker inspect -f . r-base:3.1.2
[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
slave-2 does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1007:1007 -w /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:rw -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:rw -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** --entrypoint cat r-base:3.1.2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ ping -c 2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=44 time=163.756 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=163.624 ms
--- ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 163.624/163.690/163.756/0.066 ms
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop --time=1 443c8c93c17cc07d08c85be69304100b306191772ff4d5770537d1074b9d3679
$ docker rm -f 443c8c93c17cc07d08c85be69304100b306191772ff4d5770537d1074b9d3679
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

Another working docker image for me is perl:5.24.1.

I used 2 different setups. The first on my development maching running jenkins via

and having a docker container (customized imaged base on ubuntu:14.04) with ssh daemon as slave node. The slave node contains a statically linked docker executable ( and the DOCKER_HOST environment variable is set to the docker network bridge ip (the actual host machine). I would this consider a docker-in-docker setup.

The second setup is a jenkins instance running inside docker using the image jenkins:2.46.2. The jenkins slave is a separate vm running ubuntu 14.04 and having docker 1.12.1 installed. In my opinion this is not a docker-in-docker setup because of the jenkins slave being a real vm.

I get the same results on both setups.

mruehle Mathias Rühle
added a comment — 2017-05-11 12:04edited I’m experiencing the same issue and it seems to depend on the docker image being used

I have a simple pipeline setup:

node( ‘docker’ ) {
    stage( ‘test’ ) {
        docker.image( ‘r-base:3.4.0’ ).inside() {
            sh(script: ‘ping -c 2’ )

which fails in all of about 100 test runs.

Log output:

Started by user Mathias Rühle
[Pipeline] node
Running on slave-2 in /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (test)
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ docker inspect -f . r-base:3.4.0
[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
slave-2 does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1007:1007 -w /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:rw -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:rw -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** —entrypoint cat r-base:3.4.0
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ ping -c 2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=44 time=163.801 ms
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop —time=1 352151927bb3d4123f3bcfc467ab1a137b2829599a623807d22e18f9497cc742
$ docker rm -f 352151927bb3d4123f3bcfc467ab1a137b2829599a623807d22e18f9497cc742
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Finished: FAILURE

When I change the image version to 3.1.2:

node( ‘docker’ ) {
    stage( ‘test’ ) {
        docker.image( ‘r-base:3.1.2’ ).inside() {
            sh(script: ‘ping -c 2’ )

it succeeds in all of 20 test runs.

Log output:

Started by user Mathias Rühle
[Pipeline] node
Running on slave-2 in /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (test)
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ docker inspect -f . r-base:3.1.2
[Pipeline] withDockerContainer
slave-2 does not seem to be running inside a container
$ docker run -t -d -u 1007:1007 -w /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test:rw -v /home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:/home/jenkins/workspace/pipeline-test@tmp:rw -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** -e ******** —entrypoint cat r-base:3.1.2
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
[pipeline-test] Running shell script
+ ping -c 2
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=44 time=163.756 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=44 time=163.624 ms
— ping statistics —
2 packets transmitted, 2 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 163.624/163.690/163.756/0.066 ms
[Pipeline] }
$ docker stop —time=1 443c8c93c17cc07d08c85be69304100b306191772ff4d5770537d1074b9d3679
$ docker rm -f 443c8c93c17cc07d08c85be69304100b306191772ff4d5770537d1074b9d3679
[Pipeline] // withDockerContainer
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // stage
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // node
[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
Finished: SUCCESS

Another working docker image for me is  perl:5.24.1 .

I used 2 different setups. The first on my development maching running jenkins via

mvn hpi:run

and having a docker container (customized imaged base on ubuntu:14.04) with ssh daemon as slave node. The slave node contains a statically linked docker executable ( and the DOCKER_HOST environment variable is set to the docker network bridge ip (the actual host machine). I would this consider a docker-in-docker setup.

The second setup is a jenkins instance running inside docker using the image jenkins:2.46.2 . The jenkins slave is a separate vm running ubuntu 14.04 and having docker 1.12.1 installed. In my opinion this is not a docker-in-docker setup because of the jenkins slave being a real vm.

I get the same results on both setups.


Encountered the same bug (at least, that is what I’m suspecting). By digging further and debugging the plugin into Eclipse, I was wondering if the docker plugin was faulty, or if it was not in the durable-task plugin instead, ending up my debugging onto the exitStatus() from ShellController class (see org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BournShellScript class).

Actually, I found out that this bug seemed to appear from our side after the recent Debian Stretch release, and suprisingly:

$ docker run -it --rm debian:stretch ps
docker: Error response from daemon: Container command 'ps' not found or does not exist..
$ docker run -it --rm debian:jessie ps 
1 ? 00:00:00 ps

The durable-task makes the assumption that it has the ps command to check if the process is still alive, which does not seem to be the case in new debian:stretch image. Note that if the sh command finishes before Jenkins has the need to control whether the process is still alive, then you won’t encounter the issue.

pmauduit Pierre Mauduit
added a comment — 2017-06-29 12:00 Encountered the same bug (at least, that is what I’m suspecting). By digging further and debugging the plugin into Eclipse, I was wondering if the docker plugin was faulty, or if it was not in the durable-task plugin instead, ending up my debugging onto the exitStatus() from ShellController class (see org.jenkinsci.plugins.durabletask.BournShellScript class).

Actually, I found out that this bug seemed to appear from our side after the recent Debian Stretch release, and suprisingly:

$ docker run -it —rm debian:stretch ps
docker: Error response from daemon: Container command ‘ps’ not found or does not exist..
$ docker run -it —rm debian:jessie ps
1 ? 00:00:00 ps

The durable-task makes the assumption that it has the ps command to check if the process is still alive, which does not seem to be the case in new debian:stretch image. Note that if the sh command finishes before Jenkins has the need to control whether the process is still alive, then you won’t encounter the issue.

pmauduit Pierre Mauduit
added a comment — 2017-06-29 16:23 Following my previous comment, I think that even with the ps command available into the underlying docker container, the Java code in ShellController might fail to detect the process return code, I am getting some commands returning -2 as status code where they are not supposed to, so I suspect to fall into the following condition:


jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2017-06-29 20:08 pmauduit yes that is the well-known  JENKINS-40101 . For now these images are not supported for inside .

jglick is there any docker image that can be used to circumvent the issue ?

I can reproduce even with images having ps installed

Something really weird (at least, I cannot explain): first clicking «scan repository now» before launching the actual build seems to solve my issue.

[edit]actually, it still failing after other build attempts

pmauduit Pierre Mauduit
added a comment — 2017-07-17 16:09edited Something really weird (at least, I cannot explain): first clicking «scan repository now» before launching the actual build seems to solve my issue.

[edit] actually, it still failing after other build attempts


I am using docker.image.inside() with a centos:7.3.1611 image for building maven project.

It was working perfect when my docker host was installed with Fedora 25.

I changed the docker host os from fedora to centos 7 and i started seeing this issue.

  • The centos image has ps inside.
  • The Jenkins server is running as docker container
  • The pipeline is executed on a jenkins slave that runs on the same server

I can reproduce the issue with the example code from above:

node('build') {
   docker.image("builder-centos-7.3.1611-maven-3.5-jdk-8:2.2.0").inside() {
          sh 'for i in `seq 1 50`; do echo $i;date;sleep 2;done'

The image above is based on cent os 7 but has jdk and maven installed.

Any hints? My whole environment is down right now…..

pgeorgiev Pavel Georgiev
added a comment — 2017-08-10 08:00edited Hi,

I am using docker.image.inside() with a centos:7.3.1611 image for building maven project.

It was working perfect when my docker host was installed with Fedora 25 .

I changed the docker host os from fedora to centos 7 and i started seeing this issue.

The centos image has ps inside.
The Jenkins server is running as docker container
The pipeline is executed on a jenkins slave that runs on the same server

I can reproduce the issue with the example code from above:


node( ‘build’ ) {
   docker.image( «builder-centos-7.3.1611-maven-3.5-jdk-8:2.2.0» ).inside() {
          sh ‘ for i in `seq 1 50`; do echo $i;date;sleep 2;done’

The image above is based on cent os 7 but has jdk and maven installed.


Any hints? My whole environment is down right now…..

My issue was resolved by either rebooting the server or making sure that the home folder of the user running the jenkins slave is exactly the same as the folder inside the centos image.

Hope that helps someone.


The example code above also passes the command was executed 50 times without failure.

pgeorgiev Pavel Georgiev
added a comment — 2017-08-10 09:44 My issue was resolved by either rebooting the server or making sure that the home folder of the user running the jenkins slave is exactly the same as the folder inside the centos image.


Hope that helps someone.




The example code above also passes the command was executed 50 times without failure.

pgeorgiev, what do you mean by

home folder of the user running the jenkins slave is exactly the same as the folder inside the centos image

My setup is as follows:

node(‘alpine-node’) {
        docker.withServer('tcp://dockerhost:2375') {
            docker.image('centos-slave’).inside('--net=bridge') {
                sh '''
                    for i in $(seq 3); do sleep 1; echo $i; done

alpine-node is run from the same dockerhost as the centos-slave.

Should I map the home folder from dockerhost to the centos-slave?

emishas Misha Yesiev
added a comment — 2017-08-17 14:01 pgeorgiev , what do you mean by
home folder of the user running the jenkins slave is exactly the same as the folder inside the centos image
My setup is as follows:

node(‘alpine-node’) {
        docker.withServer( ‘tcp: //dockerhost:2375’ ) {
            docker.image( ‘centos-slave’).inside(‘ —net=bridge’) {
                sh »’
                    for i in $(seq 3); do sleep 1; echo $i; done

alpine-node is run from the same dockerhost as the centos-slave .

Should I map the home folder from dockerhost to the centos-slave ?

Do not do such one-off mapping.

Probably this is a bug, possibly duplicate. The workaround is as always to just avoid inside. You can accomplish similar goals more portably and transparently using plain docker CLI commands.

jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2017-08-21 16:05 Do not do such one-off mapping.

Probably this is a bug, possibly duplicate. The workaround is as always to just avoid inside . You can accomplish similar goals more portably and transparently using plain docker CLI commands.

emishas Misha Yesiev
added a comment — 2017-08-23 19:25 jglick , thanks for your response.

I managed to fix the issue by rebuilding the Durable Task plugin with the following change:

emishas thanks for the tip. After compiling the plugin with pr#40 Durable Task is able to keep track of the mvn process in my use case, and the pipeline jobs executes properly.

brunodi Bruno Didot
added a comment — 2017-08-23 20:44 emishas thanks for the tip. After compiling the plugin with pr#40 Durable Task is able to keep track of the mvn process in my use case, and the pipeline jobs executes properly.


The workaround is as always to just avoid inside. You can accomplish similar goals more portably and transparently using plain docker CLI commands.

This does work when I just use ‘sh’ inside the .inside{}, then it would be like:

docker -H <dockerhost> exec <container> curl blablabla

But how do I execute other DSLs (like archiveArtifacts) inside the container?

emishas Misha Yesiev
added a comment — 2017-09-07 18:25 jglick ,

The workaround is as always to just avoid inside. You can accomplish similar goals more portably and transparently using plain docker CLI commands.
This does work when I just use ‘sh’ inside the .inside{}, then it would be like:

docker -H <dockerhost> exec <container> curl blablabla

But how do I execute other DSLs (like archiveArtifacts) inside the container?

how do I execute other DSLs (like archiveArtifacts) inside the container?

You cannot, but you docker-cp files outside, etc.

jglick Jesse Glick
added a comment — 2017-09-18 20:46 how do I execute other DSLs (like archiveArtifacts) inside the container?
You cannot, but you docker-cp files outside, etc.

I am encountering this same problem as well. I see there is at least one pull request associated with this issue emishas. Has the fix been released into an updated plugin somewhere?

leedega Kevin Phillips
added a comment — 2017-09-20 12:35 I am encountering this same problem as well. I see there is at least one pull request associated with this issue emishas . Has the fix been released into an updated plugin somewhere?

Just to be clear, here are a few specifics of the behavior I’m seeing in our production environment in case it helps isolate the problem further:

  • for some reason we only started experiencing this issue about 2 weeks ago. What’s even stranger is the instigating factor seems to be a server reboot of our Jenkins master instance. Based on my review, the agents remained unchanged during this outage, and the master remained the same (same core version, same plugin versions, same OS packages, same pipeline DSL code, etc.) but for some reason the reboot has caused this problem to start happening.
  • For an example of the DSL code we’re using, see this issue I created — and resolved as a duplicate of this one: JENKINS-46969
  • our environment is building a Docker image from a Dockerfile in the workspace and running the build operations inside a container launched from this image — which is slightly different than pulling an existing image from a Docker registry.
  • our Docker image is based off a RHEL 7.2 base image
  • I’ve confirmed our container has the ‘ps’ command line tool installed (there were some mentions that the Jenkins Docker APIs require this tool to be installed to work correctly)
  • Using the exact same docker image and pipeline code results in successful builds about 75% of the time, so the failures are intermittent …. and yet frequent enough to be affecting production work
  • We’ve reproduced the bug on 2 different Jenkins farms, one running core v2.43.3 and the other running v2.60.2. There are a variety of plugins installed on each of our farms, so if there are particular plugins that may play a part in this bug feel free to let me know and I’ll compile a list of the versions of those plugins for review.
  • The agents attached to these masters are running one of the following host OSes: Centos 7.3, RHEL 7.3, RHEL 7.4
  • The agents are running one of the following versions of Docker: 17.03.1-ce, 17.06.0-ce

As mentioned, these failures are affecting our production builds so any assistance with resolving them would be appreciated.

leedega Kevin Phillips
added a comment — 2017-09-20 12:51 Just to be clear, here are a few specifics of the behavior I’m seeing in our production environment in case it helps isolate the problem further:

for some reason we only started experiencing this issue about 2 weeks ago. What’s even stranger is the instigating factor seems to be a server reboot of our Jenkins master instance. Based on my review, the agents remained unchanged during this outage, and the master remained the same (same core version, same plugin versions, same OS packages, same pipeline DSL code, etc.) but for some reason the reboot has caused this problem to start happening.
For an example of the DSL code we’re using, see this issue I created — and resolved as a duplicate of this one: JENKINS-46969
our environment is building a Docker image from a Dockerfile in the workspace and running the build operations inside a container launched from this image — which is slightly different than pulling an existing image from a Docker registry.
our Docker image is based off a RHEL 7.2 base image
I’ve confirmed our container has the ‘ps’ command line tool installed (there were some mentions that the Jenkins Docker APIs require this tool to be installed to work correctly)
Using the exact same docker image and pipeline code results in successful builds about 75% of the time, so the failures are intermittent …. and yet frequent enough to be affecting production work
We’ve reproduced the bug on 2 different Jenkins farms, one running core v2.43.3 and the other running v2.60.2. There are a variety of plugins installed on each of our farms, so if there are particular plugins that may play a part in this bug feel free to let me know and I’ll compile a list of the versions of those plugins for review.
The agents attached to these masters are running one of the following host OSes: Centos 7.3, RHEL 7.3, RHEL 7.4
The agents are running one of the following versions of Docker: 17.03.1-ce, 17.06.0-ce

As mentioned, these failures are affecting our production builds so any assistance with resolving them would be appreciated.

jglick I do appologize if this comment comes across as cynical, but telling people to just not use the built-in docker APIs provided by the Jenkins Pipeline infrastructure doesn’t seem very helpful to me. Cloudbees seems to have made it very clear that they are expecting everyone to adopt the new Pipeline subsystem as a new standard for Jenkins automation, and as part of that infrastructure are APIs for orchestrating Docker containers. Suggesting that these APIs are unstable and should simply not be used seems to contradict that stance. Further, as emishas has already pointed out, trying to get other build steps / plugins to interact correctly with a docker container managed in this way is going to be fragile at best, and impossible at worst. While this might be a reasonable workaround for the trivial case of running simple shell commands within the container, it does not seem to me to be a reasonable workaround for the general case.

leedega Kevin Phillips
added a comment — 2017-09-20 13:00 jglick I do appologize if this comment comes across as cynical, but telling people to just not use the built-in docker APIs provided by the Jenkins Pipeline infrastructure doesn’t seem very helpful to me. Cloudbees seems to have made it very clear that they are expecting everyone to adopt the new Pipeline subsystem as a new standard for Jenkins automation, and as part of that infrastructure are APIs for orchestrating Docker containers. Suggesting that these APIs are unstable and should simply not be used seems to contradict that stance. Further, as emishas has already pointed out, trying to get other build steps / plugins to interact correctly with a docker container managed in this way is going to be fragile at best, and impossible at worst. While this might be a reasonable workaround for the trivial case of running simple shell commands within the container, it does not seem to me to be a reasonable workaround for the general case.

Is there any way to generate verbose output from Jenkins and / or Docker to help debug this issue more effectively? 

For example, there are some mentions above that Jenkins may be doing some ‘ps’ operations to detect whether the scripts running within the container have finished execution or not. Is there any way to get details as to what commands are being run, what their command line options are at the time they are run, what their stdout/stderr messages are, what their returns codes are, etc.? Similarly, if there are Docker tools being used to orchestrate these operations, is there any way to see which commands are being issued and when, and what their inputs/outputs are at runtime?

Based on my current evaluation, none of the system logs provide any sort of feedback in this regard. I’ve enabled verbose logging for Jenkins and Docker, examined their logs on both the master and the agents, I’ve looked as the sys logs, etc. and none of them give any indication of how or why the containers are being closed. In fact the only indication of any error happening at all is that message in the build log «ERROR: script returned exit code -1» which is misleading at best. It appears that the script — as in, the one being run as part of the ‘sh’ build step — isn’t actually returning that error code. Perhaps it’s an error code produced by a Docker command run by the Jenkins API under the hood. Not sure. Either way it appears to be of little to no help in debugging this problem.

Any suggestions on how to gather more intel on the problem would be appreciated.

leedega Kevin Phillips
added a comment — 2017-09-20 13:42 Is there any way to generate verbose output from Jenkins and / or Docker to help debug this issue more effectively? 

For example, there are some mentions above that Jenkins may be doing some ‘ps’ operations to detect whether the scripts running within the container have finished execution or not. Is there any way to get details as to what commands are being run, what their command line options are at the time they are run, what their stdout/stderr messages are, what their returns codes are, etc.? Similarly, if there are Docker tools being used to orchestrate these operations, is there any way to see which commands are being issued and when, and what their inputs/outputs are at runtime?

Based on my current evaluation, none of the system logs provide any sort of feedback in this regard. I’ve enabled verbose logging for Jenkins and Docker, examined their logs on both the master and the agents, I’ve looked as the sys logs, etc. and none of them give any indication of how or why the containers are being closed. In fact the only indication of any error happening at all is that message in the build log «ERROR: script returned exit code -1» which is misleading at best. It appears that the script — as in, the one being run as part of the ‘sh’ build step — isn’t actually returning that error code. Perhaps it’s an error code produced by a Docker command run by the Jenkins API under the hood. Not sure. Either way it appears to be of little to no help in debugging this problem.

Any suggestions on how to gather more intel on the problem would be appreciated.

I had the same issue in my build where a Jenkins container, is running a Jenkinsfile which in turn runs commands inside another container, based on the latest ubuntu one, with the withDockerContainer or docker.image.inside command. A script that would take a few minutes checking out some git repositories would prematurely end with the ERROR: script returned exit code -1.

There is some discussion in Stackoverflow where it is mentioned that this issue is related with ps not installed in the container you want to run commands inside in. Indeed manually running my container with docker exec -it mycontainer bash, I noticed that running ps was failing with a command not found. I am not sure what the exact connection is but I can confirm that adding apt-get install -y procps in the Dockerfile of the container that I want to run commands inside, solved that issue for me, at least as a temporary workaround.

iiosifidis Ioannis Iosifidis
added a comment — 2017-10-24 15:19 I had the same issue in my build where a Jenkins container, is running a Jenkinsfile which in turn runs commands inside another container, based on the latest ubuntu one, with the withDockerContainer or docker.image.inside command. A script that would take a few minutes checking out some git repositories would prematurely end with the ERROR: script returned exit code -1.

There is some discussion in Stackoverflow where it is mentioned that this issue is related with ps not installed in the container you want to run commands inside in. Indeed manually running my container with docker exec -it mycontainer bash, I noticed that running ps was failing with a command not found. I am not sure what the exact connection is but I can confirm that adding apt-get install -y procps in the Dockerfile of the container that I want to run commands inside, solved that issue for me, at least as a temporary workaround.


I’m seeing this issue in Jenkins ver. 2.63.  I am running a python script inside a docker container and getting:

[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Publish Classes)
[Pipeline] sh
[***] Running shell script
+ ./
ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Finished: FAILURE

I’ve tried to reproduce it with a simpler script, but I can’t.  It happens only with certain builds.


The docker container I was building didn’t contain ps (thank you iiosifidis for your message above). After adding ps, it fixed the issue.

cstroe Cosmin Stroe
added a comment — 2018-06-08 04:30edited I’m seeing this issue in Jenkins ver. 2.63.  I am running a python script inside a docker container and getting:

[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (Publish Classes)
[Pipeline] sh
[***] Running shell script
+ ./

ERROR: script returned exit code -1
Finished: FAILURE

I’ve tried to reproduce it with a simpler script, but I can’t.  It happens only with certain builds.



The docker container I was building didn’t contain ps (thank you iiosifidis for your message above). After adding ps, it fixed the issue.

I had the same issue,and I had checked my docker container,“ps” command can run in it,so I thought it had no relation with the cmmand “ps” installed in docker image,any other solutions?

weilan wei lan
added a comment — 2018-09-26 06:38 I had the same issue,and I had checked my docker container,“ps” command can run in it,so I thought it had no relation with the cmmand “ps” installed in docker image,any other solutions?

There could be many reasons, not necessarily related to one another.


  • 1 External
  • 2 Internal
  • 3 Scripted Pipeline
    • 3.1 Scripted Pipeline at Runtime
    • 3.2 Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling
  • 4 Declarative Pipeline
    • 4.1 Declarative Pipeline Directives
      • 4.1.1 environment
      • 4.1.2 parameters
    • 4.2 Declarative Pipeline Failure Handling
  • 5 Parameters
  • 6 Environment Variables
  • 7 Pipeline Steps
    • 7.1 node
    • 7.2 stage
    • 7.3 parallel
    • 7.4 sh
      • 7.4.1 sh — Script Return Status
      • 7.4.2 sh — Script stdout
      • 7.4.3 sh — Obtaining both the Return Status and stdout
      • 7.4.4 sh — Obtaining stdout and Preventing the Pipeline to Fail on Error
      • 7.4.5 sh — Label
    • 7.5 ws
    • 7.6 build
    • 7.7 junit
    • 7.8 checkout
      • 7.8.1 Git Plugin
    • 7.9 withCredentials
    • 7.10 Basic Steps
      • 7.10.1 echo
      • 7.10.2 error
      • 7.10.3 stash
      • 7.10.4 input
      • 7.10.5 timeout
      • 7.10.6 withEnv
      • 7.10.7 catchError
    • 7.11 Basic Steps that Deal with Files
      • 7.11.1 dir
      • 7.11.2 deleteDir
      • 7.11.3 pwd
      • 7.11.4 readFile
      • 7.11.5 writeFile
      • 7.11.6 fileExists
      • 7.11.7 findFiles
    • 7.12 Core
      • 7.12.1 archiveArtifacts
      • 7.12.2 fingerprint
  • 8 Obtaining the Current Pipeline Build Number
  • 9 FlowInterruptedException
  • 10 Navigating the Project Model Hierarchy
  • 11 Passing an Environment Variable from Downstream Build to Upstream Build
  • 12 @NonCPS
  • 13 Build Summary
  • 14 Dynamically Loaded Classes and Constructors
  • 15 Fail a Build
  • 16 Dynamically Loading Groovy Code from Repository into a Pipeline
  • 17 Groovy on Jenkins Idiosyncrasies
    • 17.1 Prefix Static Method Invocations with Declaring Class Name when Calling from Subclass




  • Jenkins Concepts
  • Writing a Jenkins Pipeline
  • Simple Pipeline Configuration

Scripted Pipeline

Scripted Pipeline is classical way of declaring Jenkins Pipeline, preceding Declarative Pipeline. Unlike the Declarative Pipeline, the Scripted Pipeline is a general-purpose DSL built with Groovy. The pipelines are declared in Jenkinsfiles and executed from the top of the Jenkinsfile downwards, like most traditional scripts in Groovy. Groovy syntax is available directly in the Scripted Pipeline declaration. The flow control can be declared with if/else conditionals or via Groovy’s exception handling support with try/catch/finally.

The simplest pipeline declaration:

A more complex one:

node('some-worker-label') {
  echo 'Pipeline logic starts'
  stage('Build') {
    if (env.BRANCH_NAME == 'master') {
      echo 'this is only executed on master'
    else {
       echo 'this is executed elsewhere'
  stage('Test') {
    // ...
  stage('Deploy') {
    // ...
  stage('Example') {
    try {
      sh 'exit 1'
    catch(ex) {
      echo 'something failed'

The basic building block of the Scripted Pipeline syntax is the step. The Scripted Pipeline does not introduce any steps that are specific to its syntax. The generic pipeline steps, such as node, stage, parallel, etc. are available here: Pipeline Steps.

Scripted Pipeline at Runtime

When the Jenkins server starts to execute the pipeline, it pulls the Jenkinsfile either from a repository, following a checkout sequence similar to the one shown here, or from the pipeline configuration, if it is specified in-line. Then the Jenkins instance instantiates a WorkflowScript ( instance. The «script» instance can be used to access the following state elements:

  • pipeline parameters, with this.params, which is a Map.

Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling

Scripted pipeline fail when an exception is thrown and reached the pipeline layer. The pipeline code can use try/catch/finally semantics to control this behavior, by catching the exceptions and preventing them from reaching the pipeline layer.

stage('Some Stage') {
  try {
    throw new Exception ("the build has failed")
  catch(Exception e) {
    // squelch the exception, the pipeline will not fail

The pipeline also fails when a command invoked with sh exits with a non-zero exit code. The underlying implementation throws an exception and that makes the build fail. It is possible to configure sh to not fail the build automatically on non-zero exit code, with its returnStatus option.
The first failure in a sequential execution will stop the build, no subsequent stages will be executed. The stage that caused the failure will be shown in red in Blue Ocean (in the example below, there were three sequential stages but stage3 did not get executed):

Failed Jenkins Stage.png

In this case the corresponding stage and the entire build will be marked as ‘FAILURE’.

A build can be programmatically marked as fail by setting the value of the currentBuild.result variable:

currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'

The entire build will be marked as failed (‘FAILURE’, ‘red’ build), but the stage in which the variable assignment was done, stage2 in this case, will not show as failed:

Programmatic Jenkins Red Build.png

The opposite behavior of marking a specific stage as failed (‘FAILURE’), but allowing the overall build to be successful can be obtained by using the catchError basic step:

stage('stage2') {
  catchError(buildResult: 'SUCCESS', stageResult: 'FAILURE') {
    throw new RuntimeException("synthetic")

The result is a failed ‘stage2’ but a successful build:

Programmatic Jenkins Red Stage.png

A stage result and the entire build result may be also influenced by the JUnit test report produced for the stage, if any. If the test report exists and it is processed by the junit step, and if the report contains test errors and failures, they’re both handled as «instability» of the build and the corresponding stage and the entire build will be marked as UNSTABLE. The classic view and Blue ocean will render a yellow stage and build:

Unstable and Stable Jenkins Stages.png

Also see junit below and:


Declarative Pipeline

Declarative Pipeline is a new way of declaring Jenkins pipelines, and consists in a more simplified and opinionated syntax. Declarative Pipeline is an alternative to Scripted Pipeline.

 pipeline { 
     agent any 
     options {
     stages {
         stage('Build') { 
             steps { 
                 sh 'make' 
             steps {
                 sh 'make check'
                 junit 'reports/**/*.xml' 
         stage('Deploy') {
             steps {
                 sh 'make publish'

Declarative Pipeline Directives



Jenkins Pipeline Environment Variables



Jenkins Pipeline Parameters

Declarative Pipeline Failure Handling



Jenkins Pipeline Parameters

Environment Variables

Jenkins Pipeline Environment Variables

Pipeline Steps


Allocates an executor or a node, typically a worker, and runs the enclosed code in the context of the workspace of that worker. Node may take a label name, computer name or an expression. The labels are declared on workers when they are defined in the master configuration, in their respective «clouds».

String NODE_LABEL = 'infra-worker'

node(NODE_LABEL) {
  sh 'uname -a'


The stage step defines a logical stage of the pipeline. The stage creates a labeled block in the pipeline and allows executing a closure in the context of that block:

stage('stage A') {
  print 'pipeline> in stage A'
stage('stage B') {
  print 'pipeline> in stage B'

Jenkins Pipeline Stages.png

Embedded stages as in this example are possible, and they will execute correctly, but they do not render well in Blue Ocean (Stage A.1 and Stage A.2 are not represented, just Stage A and B):

stage('stage A') {
  print('pipeline> in stage A')
    stage('stage A.1') {
      print('pipeline> in stage A.1')
    stage('stage A.2') {
      print('pipeline> in stage A.1')
  stage('stage B') {
    print('pipeline> in stage B')

To control failure behavior at stage level, use catchError step, described below.


Takes a map from branch names to closures and an optional argument failFast, and executes the closure code in parallel.

parallel firstBranch: {
  // do something
}, secondBranch: {
  // do something else
failFast: true|false
stage("tests") {
    "unit tests": {
      // run unit tests 
    "coverage tests": {
      // run coverage tests

Allocation to different nodes can be performed inside the closure:

def tasks = [:]
tasks["branch-1"] = {
  stage("task-1") {
    node('node_1') {
       sh 'echo $NODE_NAME'
tasks["branch-2"] = {
  stage("task-2") {
    node('node_1') {
       sh 'echo $NODE_NAME'
parallel tasks

Playground sh

Execute a shell script command, or multiple commands, on multiple lines. It can be specified in-line or it can refer to a file available on the filesystem exposed to the Jenkins node. It needs to be enclosed by a node to work.

The metacharacter $ must be escaped: ${LOGDIR}, unless it refers to a variable form the Groovy context.

Example: """
    mkdir -p ${LOGDIR}/something
  """.stripIndent() '''
    mkdir -p ${LOGDIR}/something

Both """...""" and '''...''' Groovy constructs can be used. For more details on enclosing representing multi-line strings with """ or ''', see:

Groovy | Multi-Line_Strings
sh — Script Return Status

By default, a script exits with a non-zero return code will cause the step and the pipeline to fail with an exception:

ERROR: script returned exit code 1

To prevent that, configure returnStatus to be equal with true, and the step will return the exit value of the script, instead of failing on non-zero exit value. You may then compare to zero and decide whether to fail the pipeline (throw an exception) or not from the Groovy layer that invoked sh.

int exitCode = sh(returnStatus: true, script: './bin/do-something')
if (exitCode != 0) throw new RuntimeException('my script failed')

The pipeline log result on failure looks similar to:

[Pipeline] End of Pipeline
java.lang.RuntimeException: my script failed

Also see Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling section above.

sh — Script stdout

By default, the standard output of the script is send to the log. If returnStdout is set to true, the script standard output is returned as String as the step value. Call trim() to strip off the trailing newline.

The script’s stderr is always sent to the log.

String result = sh(returnStdout: true, script: './bin/do-something').trim()
sh — Obtaining both the Return Status and stdout

If both returnStatus and returnStdout are turned on, returnStatus takes priority and the function returns the exit code. ⚠️ The stdout is discarded.

sh — Obtaining stdout and Preventing the Pipeline to Fail on Error

In case you want to use the external shell command to return a result to the pipeline, but not fail the pipeline when the external command fails, use this pattern:

try {
  String stdout = sh(returnStdout: true, returnStatus: false, script: 'my-script')
  // use the content returned by stdout in the pipeline
  print "we got this as result of sh invocation: ${stdout.trim()}"
catch(Exception e) {
  // catching the error will prevent pipeline failure, both stdout and stderr are captured in the pipeline log
  print "the invocation failed"

If the command fails, both its stdout and stderr are captured in the pipeline log.

sh — Label

If a «label» argument is specified, the stage will render that label in the Jenkins and Blue Ocean logs:

sh(script: './bin/do-something', label: 'this will show in logs')


Allocate workspace.


This is how a main pipeline launches in execution a subordinate pipeline.

This is how we may be able to return the result:


Jenkins understands the JUnit test report XML format (which is also used by TestNG). To use this feature, set up the build to run tests, which will generate their test reports into a local agent directory, then specify the path to the test reports in Ant glob syntax to the JUnit plugin pipeline step junit:

stage.junit '**/target/*-report/TEST-*.xml'

⚠️ Do not specify the path to a single test report file. The junit step will not load the file, even if it exists and it is a valid report, and will print an error message similar to:

[Pipeline] junit
Recording test results
No test report files were found. Configuration error?

Always use Ant glob syntax to specify how the report(s) are to be located:

Jenkins uses this step to ingest the test results, process them and provide historical test result trends, a web UI for viewing test reports, tracking failures, etc.

Both JUnit errors and failures are reported by the junit step as «failures», even if the JUnit XML report indicates both errors and failures. The following JUnit report:

<testsuite name="testsuite1" tests="2" errors="1" failures="1">
  <testcase name="test1" classname="test1">
    <error message="I have errored out"></error>
  <testcase name="test2" classname="test2">
    <failure message="I have failed"></failure>

produces this Jenkins report:

Jenkins JUnit Errors and Failures.png

The presence of at least one JUnit failure marks the corresponding stage, and the entire build as «UNSTABLE». The stage is rendered in the classical view and also in Blue Ocean in yellow:

Unstable Jenkins Stage.png

Also see: Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling above.


The «checkout» step is provided by the pipeline «SCM» plugin.

Git Plugin
  $class: 'GitSCM',
  branches: [[name: 'develop']],
  doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
  extensions: [
    [$class: 'GitLFSPull'],
    [$class: 'CloneOption', noTags: true, reference: '', timeout: 40, depth: 1],
    [$class: 'PruneStaleBranch']
  submoduleCfg: [],
  userRemoteConfigs: [
    [url: '',
     credentialsId: 'someCredId']

The simplest configuration that works:

        $class: 'GitSCM',
        branches: [[name: 'master']],
        userRemoteConfigs: [
                [url: '']

The step checks out the repository into the current directory, in does not create a top-level directory (‘some-project’ in this case). .git will be created in the current directory. If the current directory is the workspace, .git will be created in the workspace root.


A step that allows using credentials defined in the Jenkins server. See:

Jenkins Credentials Binding Plugin

Basic Steps

These basic steps are used invoking on stage.. In a Jenkinsfile, and inside a stage, invoke on this. or simply invoking directly, without qualifying.


echo "pod memory limit: ${params.POD_MEMORY_LIMIT_Gi}"
                      echo """
Run Configuration:

    something: ${SOMETHING}
    something else:         ${SOMETHING_ELSE}


This step signals an error and fails the pipeline.

Alternatively, you can simply:

throw new Exception("some message")



In its basic form, renders a «Proceed»/»Abort» input box with a custom message. Selecting «Proceed» passes the control to the next step in the pipeline. Selecting «Abort» throws a org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException, which produces «gray» pipelines.

    id: 'Proceed1',
    message: 'If the manual test is successful, select 'Proceed'. Otherwise, you can abort the pipeline.'


Upon timeout, an org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException is thrown from the closure that is being executed, and not from the timeout() invocation. The code shown below prints «A», «B», «D»:

timeout(time: 5, unit: 'SECONDS') {

     echo "A"

     try {

           echo "B"

           doSometing(); // this step takes a very long time and will time out

           echo "C"
     catch(org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.FlowInterruptedException e) {

            // if this exception propagates up without being caught, the pipeline gets aborted

           echo "D"


Sets one more more environment variables within a block, making them available to any external process initiated within that scope. If a variable value contains spaces, it does need to be quoted inside the sequence, as shown below:

node {
  withEnv(['VAR_A=something', 'VAR_B=something else']) {
    sh 'echo "VAR_A: ${VAR_A}, VAR_B: ${VAR_B}"'

catchError {
  sh 'some-command-that-might-fail'

If the body throws an exception, mark the build as a failure, but continue to execute the pipeline from the statement following catchError step. If an exception is thrown, the behavior can be configured to:

  • print a message
  • set the build result other than failure
  • change the stage result
  • ignore certain kinds of exceptions that are used to interrupt the build

If catchError is used, there’s no need for finally, as the exception is caught and does not propagates up.

The alternative is to use plain try/catch/finally blocks.

catchError(message: 'some message', stageResult: 'FAILURE'|'SUCCESS'|... , buildResult: 'FAILURE'|'SUCCESS'|..., catchInterruptions: true) {
  sh 'some-command-that-might-fail'
  • message an an optional String message that will be logged to the console. If the stage result is specified, the message will also be associated with that result and may be shown in visualizations.
  • stageResult an optional String that will set as stage result when an error is caught. Use SUCCESS or null to keep the stage result from being set when an error is caught.
  • buildResult an optional String that will be set as overall build result when an error is caught. Note that the build result can only get worse, so you cannot change the result to SUCCESS if the current result is UNSTABLE or worse. Use SUCCESS or null to keep the build result from being set when an error is caught.
  • catchInterruptions If true, certain types of exceptions that are used to interrupt the flow of execution for Pipelines will be caught and handled by the step. If false, those types of exceptions will be caught and immediately rethrown. Examples of these types of exceptions include those thrown when a build is manually aborted through the UI and those thrown by the timeout step.

The default behavior for catchInterruptions is «true»: the code executing inside catchError() will be interrupted, whether it is an external command or pipeline code, and the code immediately following catchError() closure is executed.

stage('stage1') {
  catchError() {
    sh 'jenkins/pipelines/failure/long-running'
  print ">>>> post catchError()"
[Pipeline] stage
[Pipeline] { (stage1)
[Pipeline] catchError
[Pipeline] {
[Pipeline] sh
entering long running ....
sleeping for 60 secs
Aborted by ovidiu
Sending interrupt signal to process
jenkins/pipelines/failure/long-running: line 6:  5147 Terminated              sleep ${sleep_secs}
done sleeping, exiting long running ....
[Pipeline] }
[Pipeline] // catchError
[Pipeline] echo
>>>> post catchError()

However, it seems that the same behavior occurs if catchError() is invoked with catchInteruptions: true, so it’s not clear what is the difference..

Probably the safest way to invoke is to use this pattern, this way we’re sure that even some exceptions bubble up, the cleanup work will be performed:

stage('stage1') {
  try {
    catchError() {
      sh 'jenkins/pipelines/failure/long-running'
  finally {
    print ">>>> execute mandatory cleanup code"

Also see Scripted Pipeline Failure Handling section above.

Basic Steps that Deal with Files


Change current directory, on the node, while the pipeline code runs on the master.

If the dir() argument is a relative directory, the new directory available to the code in the closure is relative to the current directory before the call, obtained with pwd():

dir("dirA") {
  // execute in the context of pwd()/dirA", where pwd() 
  // is the current directory before and a subdirectory of the workspace

If the dir() argument is an absolute directory, the new directory available to the code in the closure is the absolute directory specified as argument:

dir("/tmp") {
  // execute in /tmp

In both cases, the current directory is restored upon closure exit.

Also see:

Pipeline and Files


To recursively delete a directory and all its contents, step into the directory with dir() and then use deleteDir():

dir('tmp') {
  // ...

This will delete ./tmp content and the ./tmp directory itself.


Return the current directory path on node as a string, while the pipeline code runs on the master.


tmp (boolean, optional) If selected, return a temporary directory associated with the workspace rather than the workspace itself. This is an appropriate place to put temporary files which should not clutter a source checkout; local repositories or caches; etc.

println "current directory: ${pwd()}"
println "temporary directory: ${pwd(tmp: true)}"

Also see:

Pipeline and Files


Read a file from the workspace, on the node this operation is made in context of.

String versionFile = readFile("${stage.WORKSPACE}/terraform/my-module/VERSION")

If the file does not exist, the step throws java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: /no/such/file.txt


writeFile will create any intermediate directory if necessary.

To create a directory, dir() into the inexistent directory then create a dummy file writeFile(file: '.dummy', text: ):

dir('tmp') {
  writeFile(file: '.dummy', text: '')

Alternatively, the directory can be created with a shell command:

Also see:

Pipeline and Files


Also see:

Pipeline and Files

fileExists can be used on directories as well. This is how to check whether a directory exists:

dir('dirA') {
  if (fileExists('/')) {
     println "directory exists"
  else {
     println "directory does not exist"

fileExists('/'), fileExists('.') and fileExists('') are equivalent, they all check for the existence of a directory into which the last dir() stepped into. The last form fileExists('') issues a warning, so it’s not preferred:

The fileExists step was called with a null or empty string, so the current directory will be checked instead.


Find files in workspace:

def files = findFiles(glob: '**/Test-*.xml', excludes: '')

Uses Ant style pattern:
Returns an array of instance for which the following attributes are available:

  • name: the name of the file and extension, without any path component (e.g. «test1.bats»)
  • path: the relative path to the current directory set with dir(), including the name of the file (e.g. «dirA/subDirA/test1.bats»)
  • directory: a boolean which is true if the file is a directory, false otherwise.
  • length: length in bytes.
  • lastModified: 1617772442000


dir('test') {
  def files = findFiles(glob: '**/*.bats')
  for(def f: files) {
    print "name: ${}, path: ${f.path}, directory: ${}, length: ${f.length}, lastModified: ${f.lastModified}"





Archives the build artifacts (for example, distribution zip files or jar files) so that they can be downloaded later. Archived files will be accessible from the Jenkins webpage. Normally, Jenkins keeps artifacts for a build as long as a build log itself is kept. Note that the Maven job type automatically archives any produced Maven artifacts. Any artifacts configured here will be archived on top of that. Automatic artifact archiving can be disabled under the advanced Maven options.


Obtaining the Current Pipeline Build Number

def buildNumber = currentBuild.rawBuild.getNumber()


throw new FlowInterruptedException(Result.ABORTED)

Navigating the Project Model Hierarchy

String branch="..."
String projectName = JOB_NAME.substring(0, JOB_NAME.size() - JOB_BASE_NAME.size() - 1)
WorkflowMultiBranchProject project = Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName("${projectName}")
if (project == null) {
WorkflowJob job = project.getBranch(branch)
if (job == null) {
WorkflowRun run = job.getLastSuccessfulBuild()
if (run == null) {
List<Run.Artifact> artifacts = run.getArtifacts()

Passing an Environment Variable from Downstream Build to Upstream Build

Upstream build:

def result = build(job: jobName,  parameters: params, quietPeriod: 0, propagate: true, wait: true);

Downstream build:

env.SOME_VAR = "something"


Jenkins Concepts | CPS

Build Summary

   // write /tmp/summary-section-1.html

   def summarySection1 = util.catFile('/tmp/summary-section-1.html')
   if (summarySection1) {
     def summary = manager.createSummary('document.png')
     summary.appendText(summarySection1, false)

   // write /tmp/summary-section-2.html

   def summarySection2 = util.catFile('/tmp/summary-section-2.html')
   if (summarySection2) {
     def summary = manager.createSummary('document.png')
     summary.appendText(summarySection2, false)

Dynamically Loaded Classes and Constructors

If classes are loaded dynamically in the Jenkinsfile, do not use constructors and new. Use MyClass.newInstance(…).

Fail a Build

See error above.

Dynamically Loading Groovy Code from Repository into a Pipeline

This playground example shows how to dynamically load Groovy classes stored in a GitHub repository into a pipeline.

The example is not complete, in that invocation of a static method from Jenkinsfile does not work yet.

Groovy on Jenkins Idiosyncrasies

Prefix Static Method Invocations with Declaring Class Name when Calling from Subclass

Prefix the static method calls with the class name that declares them when calling from a subclass, otherwise you’ll get a:

hudson.remoting.ProxyException: groovy.lang.MissingMethodException: No signature of method: java.lang.Class.locateOverlay() is applicable for argument types: (WorkflowScript, playground.jenkins.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster, playground.jenkins.PlatformVersion, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) values: [WorkflowScript@1db9ab90, <playground.jenkins.kubernetes.KubernetesCluster@376dc438>, ...]

Я определяю конвейер с помощью Jenkins Blue Ocean.

Я пытаюсь сделать простое соглашение о кодировании python pep8, но если я захожу в оболочку и набираю команду напрямую, она работает нормально.

Но когда та же команда выполняется в конвейере, она выполняется, но в конце отображается «сценарий возвратил код выхода 1». Из-за этого кода ошибки переход к следующему шагу не выполняется.

Есть ли обходной путь?

using credential github
 > git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree # timeout=10
Fetching changes from the remote Git repository
 > git config remote.origin.url # timeout=10
Cleaning workspace
 > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10
Resetting working tree
 > git reset --hard # timeout=10
 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10
Fetching without tags
Fetching upstream changes from
 > git --version # timeout=10
using GIT_ASKPASS to set credentials GitHub Access Token
 > git fetch --no-tags --progress -- +refs/heads/master:refs/remotes/origin/master # timeout=10
Checking out Revision fe49ddf379732305a7a50f014ab4b25f9382c913 (master)
 > git config core.sparsecheckout # timeout=10
 > git checkout -f fe49ddf379732305a7a50f014ab4b25f9382c913 # timeout=10
 > git branch -a -v --no-abbrev # timeout=10
 > git branch -D master # timeout=10
 > git checkout -b master fe49ddf379732305a7a50f014ab4b25f9382c913 # timeout=10
Commit message: "Added Jenkinsfile"
 > git rev-list --no-walk bc12a035337857b29a4399f05d1d4442a2f0d04f # timeout=10
Cleaning workspace
 > git rev-parse --verify HEAD # timeout=10
Resetting working tree
 > git reset --hard # timeout=10
 > git clean -fdx # timeout=10
+ ls
+ python3.7 --version
Python 3.7.3
+ python3.7 -m flake8 jenkins-retest
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 0
jenkins-retest/ E303 too many blank lines (4)
jenkins-retest/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
jenkins-retest/ E999 SyntaxError: invalid syntax
jenkins-retest/ E228 missing whitespace around modulo operator
jenkins-retest/ E402 module level import not at top of file
jenkins-retest/ W291 trailing whitespace
jenkins-retest/ E302 expected 2 blank lines, found 1
jenkins-retest/ E305 expected 2 blank lines after class or function definition, found 0
jenkins-retest/ W291 trailing whitespace
jenkins-retest/ E402 module level import not at top of file
jenkins-retest/ W291 trailing whitespace
jenkins-retest/ E714 test for object identity should be 'is not'
jenkins-retest/ W291 trailing whitespace
jenkins-retest/ E501 line too long (95 > 79 characters)
script returned exit code 1

3 ответа

Лучший ответ

Я удивлен, что больше людей ищут эту проблему, чем я думаю.

Используйте set +e, если вы намерены игнорировать код ошибки выхода 1 кода, выполняемого как сценарий оболочки.


26 Ноя 2020 в 05:11

При удаче? @ 윤태일 испытывает что-то похожее, когда оно терпит неудачу только в рамках конвейера, но всегда успешно, когда выполняется вручную.


20 Авг 2020 в 08:02

У меня была такая же проблема с пакетным скриптом, вызывающим исполняемый файл, статус возврата которого был 1 в случае успеха и 0 в случае ошибки.

Это было проблемой для Дженкинса, как и для Дженкинса, код ошибки успеха равен 0, а любой другой код состояния означает сбой, поэтому задание останавливается со следующим сообщением: script returned exit code 1

Мое обходное решение: проверьте последний код ошибки и инвертируйте возвращаемое значение скрипта:

stages {        
    stage("My stage") {            
        steps {
            bat label: 'My batch script',
                script: ''' @echo off
                            return_1_if_success.exe   // command which returns 1 in case of success, 0 otherwise
                            IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 (exit /B 0) ELSE (exit /B 1)'''


IF %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 1 (exit /B 0) ELSE (exit /B 1)
// if previous command returned 1 (meaning success for this command), 
// then we exit with return code 0 (meaning success for Jenkins),
// otherwise we exit with return code 1 (meaning failure for Jenkins)

В Windows cmd %ERRORLEVEL% содержит последний код ошибки, обнаруженный в терминале cmd.exe или в заданной точке пакетного сценария.

Для PowerShell вы можете захотеть проверить $? вместо ERRORLEVEL, я позволю вам проверить эквивалент этого для другой оболочки и платформы.


Muhammad Tariq
26 Дек 2020 в 18:59

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I’m trying to setup Jenkins to build my Unity project but am running into some problems. The editor command line is called successfully but then waits for about 1min30sec and exits with a code of 1. I’m sure that the environment variable is real since I use it to call the editor in the first place. To get more info about the issue I tried running all the commands manually but alas, not$$anonymous$$ng.

The unity install folder is in the path.
I am not using the unity3d-builder plugin.

The log is as follows:

 [Pipeline] withEnv
 [Pipeline] {
 [Pipeline] stage
 [Pipeline] { (Build Windows)
 [Pipeline] bat
 [rojectBright_game-CGUF3OHWBZNNV2VWAACJWLXACIDF7UD33WABSV4VPGISISZS6HYA] Running batch script
 C:Program Files (x86)JenkinsworkspacerojectBright_game-CGUF3OHWBZNNV2VWAACJWLXACIDF7UD33WABSV4VPGISISZS6HYA>Unity.exe -batchmode -executeMethod BOCBuild.BuildWindows -projectPath "C:Program Files (x86)JenkinsworkspacerojectBright_game-CGUF3OHWBZNNV2VWAACJWLXACIDF7UD33WABSV4VPGISISZS6HYA" -logfile 
 [Pipeline] }
 [Pipeline] // stage
 [Pipeline] stage
 [Pipeline] { (Arc$$anonymous$$ve Windows)
 Stage 'Arc$$anonymous$$ve Windows' skipped due to earlier failure(s)
 [Pipeline] }
 [Pipeline] // stage
 [Pipeline] }
 [Pipeline] // withEnv
 [Pipeline] }
 [Pipeline] // node
 [Pipeline] End of Pipeline
 GitHub has been notified of t$$anonymous$$s commit’s build result
 ERROR: script returned exit code 1
 Finished: FAILURE

And the Jenkinsfile is:

 pipeline {
   agent any
   stages {
     stage('Build Windows') {
       steps {
         bat 'Unity.exe -batchmode -executeMethod BOCBuild.BuildWindows -projectPath "%WORKSPACE%" -logfile'
     stage('Arc$$anonymous$$ve Windows') {
       steps {
         arc$$anonymous$$veArtifacts 'Build\BOC-Windows*'

And the BOCBuild class is:

 using System.Collections;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using UnityEngine;
 using UnityEditor;
 public class BOCBuild {
     public static void BuildWindows () {
         System.Console.WriteLine("Beginning Windows Build");
         string path = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WORKSPACE");
         if (path == null) EditorApplication.Exit(1);
         BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(EditorBuildSettings.scenes, path + @"BuildBOC-Windows.exe", BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, BuildOptions.None);

Thanks for your help.

@MattDahEpic Did you ever find out the reason for this? I’m seeing this in 2019.3 and I can’t figure out why; running the exact same batch command from command-line works fine, but in Jenkins the log just disappears.

@RG_Keith I ended up switching to using the linux docker continers provided by and using GitLab’s built in CI runner. There have been some people finding success with using those containers under Jenkins though, so that might be the way to go.

Ok fair enough. Thanks for letting me know!

1 Reply

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Answer by cudreaUdev · Sep 28, 2017 at 07:28 AM

I cannot use the unity3d-builder as it does not work with the most recent version of jenkins and has not been updated in 2 years. I am looking for a pure jenkins only solution if possible.

With the current -logfile argument, Unity is supposed to pipe its output to stdout. There is no localappdata unity editor folder.

Then it’s likely caused by your command lacking the «-quit» argument.

Remember to add «-nographics» if you run Jenkins as a headless user (i.e: macOS or limited windows user).

Also, it’s possible Unity might pipe some messages to stderr as well so add «2>&1» just to be sure.

Final command would be:

 "Unity.exe -quit -batchmode -nographics -executeMethod BOCBuild.BuildWindows -projectPath "%WORKSPACE%" -logfile 2>&1"

EDIT: You should crash if the build fails. Maybe even print the error.

 string error = BuildPipeline.BuildPlayer(EditorBuildSettings.scenes, path + @"BuildBOC-Windows.exe", BuildTarget.StandaloneWindows64, BuildOptions.None);
 if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( error ) )
     EditorApplication.Exit( 0 );
     EditorApplication.Exit( 1 );

Damn this comment editor sucks.

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David Aldrich


Oct 18, 2017, 12:45:29 PM10/18/17

to jenkins…


I have a declarative script that runs a ‘bat’ step. That step builds some VS Studio projects on a Windows slave by calling msbuild:

            steps {

                bat »’

                    call «%VSMSBUILDCMD%»

                    msbuild %WORKSPACE%\MSVC\<proj> /p:Configuration=config_0 /p:Platform=»Win32″ /flp:logfile=Output.log /verbosity:normal

                    msbuild %WORKSPACE%\MSVC\<proj> /p:Configuration=config_1 /p:Platform=»Win32″ /flp:logfile=Output.log /verbosity:normal

                    msbuild %WORKSPACE%\MSVC\<proj> /p:Configuration=config_2 /p:Platform=»Win32″ /flp:logfile=Output.log /verbosity:normal



The second msbuild command is failing (due to missing header files) and reports ‘Build Failed’, but the script step succeeds and the post stage executes the ‘success’ code.

Any idea why the step is not failing please?

Best regards


David Aldrich


Oct 18, 2017, 2:04:30 PM10/18/17

to jenkins…

A follow-up to this:

I ran the failing msbuild command from the command line (in the workspace) and checked the errorlevel, it was 1.

I then replayed the declarative script with some extra code:

msbuild %WORKSPACE%\MSVC\<proj> /p:Configuration=config_2 /p:Platform=»Win32″ /flp:logfile=ZodiacOutput.log /verbosity:normal

if errorlevel 1 (

   echo Failure Reason Given is %errorlevel%

   exit /b %errorlevel%


The Jenkins output was then:

Failure Reason Given is 1

Post stage

[Pipeline] script

[Pipeline] {


[Pipeline] End of Pipeline

ERROR: script returned exit code 1

Finished: FAILURE

So I had to explicitly check the errorlevel to detect the failure. Does this mean there is this a bug in the declarative script plugin?

Best regards




Oct 18, 2017, 4:24:28 PM10/18/17

to Jenkins Users

Where is «script» in the original example?



Oct 18, 2017, 4:25:30 PM10/18/17

to Jenkins Users

>    bat »’

What type of quote(s) is that?  Three single quotes?

David Aldrich


Oct 18, 2017, 4:35:03 PM10/18/17

to jenkins…

Here’s a better view of my script:

pipeline {

    agent none

    options { buildDiscarder(logRotator(numToKeepStr:
’20’)) }

    triggers {

        pollSCM(‘H/5 * * * *’)


    stages {


            <snip —
this stage runs on a
Linux node>



            agent { label
«jenkinswin10» }

            environment {

                VSMSBUILDCMD =
‘C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\Common7\Tools\VsMSBuildCmd.bat’


            steps {


                    call «%VSMSBUILDCMD%»

                    msbuild %WORKSPACE%\MSVC\myproj.sln /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=»Win32″ /flp:logfile=ZodiacOutput.log



            post {








Oct 18, 2017, 4:40:59 PM10/18/17

to Jenkins Users

So you don’t mean «script», you mean using «bat» as you would «sh».   Is that right?

stage('Build') {
steps {
script {

David Aldrich


Oct 18, 2017, 4:46:05 PM10/18/17

to jenkins…

Yes, that’s right. Sorry for using wrong term.



Oct 18, 2017, 9:21:29 PM10/18/17

to Jenkins Users

Take care batch error level only is valid for the last command and not a cumulative flag. So every msbuild command you run should check the error level result and exit batch according to it with proper error code. This will make the bat command failed properly. I personnaly would suggest, you run run each msbuild command into separated bat command so you will known which one failed, but that’s totally up to you. Also make sure you give the proper  bat argument returnStatus into your pipeline scripts.

David Aldrich


Oct 19, 2017, 11:10:41 AM10/19/17

to jenkins…

Thanks very much for your reply.

> Take care batch error level only is valid for the last command and not a cumulative flag.

Yes, that was exactly the issue. I followed your advice and the script works correctly now.

> Also make sure you give the proper  bat argument returnStatus into your pipeline scripts.

I partly understand this. Where should I specify the returnStatus argument? (Note this is declarative).



Oct 19, 2017, 5:36:08 PM10/19/17

to Jenkins Users

Not sure about declarative pipeline (I haven’t played with them yet). but for normal pipeline I use it this way:

bat returnStatus: false, script: ""${bcad.msbuild_current}" ${bcad.msbuild_solution_name} ${bcad.msbuild_default_arg} /t:Build"

You can find the doc here:

returnStatus can be check or not if you want, if you don’t want to end the script for warnings like my above example. You can then use msbuild parser for example

step([$class: 'WarningsPublisher', canRunOnFailed: true, consoleParsers: [[parserName: 'MSBuild']]])

David Aldrich


Oct 19, 2017, 5:57:41 PM10/19/17

to jenkins…

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  • Question

  • Hi,

    I’m having a problem trying to install DQS when runnning DQSInstaller.exe for Sql Server 2012 RC0. It aborts reporting that the «Script process returned unexpected exit code: ‘1’»

    By running each line separately from recreate_schema.bat I can see that the line that’s failing is

        SQLCMD -b -a32767 -S»%DQS_DB_HOST%» -d»%DQS_DB%» -idbpopulate_default_kbs.sql

    and this is because there is no populate_default_kbs.sql in the db folder. Here’s the output from the extraction

    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: dbcreate_core_db_objects.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: dbcreate_logic_db_objects.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: dbcreate_transient_db_objects.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: dbstatic_data.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: dbdrop_dq_databases.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: helperDeleteSchemaDs.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqldrop_all_assemblies.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlcreate_databases.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqldrop_databases.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqldrop_all_tables.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqldrop_database_properties.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlmaster_create.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlmaster_recreate.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlregister_assemblies.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlregister_assemblies_tsql.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlregister_dq_assemblies.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqlcreate_service_broker_objects.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: sqldrop_service_broker_objects.sql
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: recreate_schema.bat
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: drop_databases.cmd
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: register_dlls.cmd
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: unregister_dlls.cmd
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: assembly_paths_retail.txt
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: DQS_Data.dqs
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Extracting script: DefaultKbs.xml
    [15/02/2012 14:16:07] Total scripts extracted: 25

    So, I’m not sure why that file wasn’t extracted and if it wasn’t then whether or not it’s needed.

    When I try to launch the Data Quality Client I get the error «The SQL Server instance that you are trying to connect to does not include an installation of Data Quality Services. To finalize the installation of Data Quality Services please run the DQS installer

    Any help would be much appreciated and thanks in advance,


    • Edited by

      Monday, February 27, 2012 12:13 PM


  • I’ve looped in the developers to take a look for other ideas.

    The caller code looks strictly at process.ExitCode from the child process:

          cmd.exe /C recreate_schema.bat WPRI1225 DQS SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS

    When the Exit code is non-zero it logs that message. «Script process returned unexpected exit code: ‘1’.»

    The only other thing I can imagine is that the WaitForExit() call is happening but the cmd is slow to actually exit, some small timing condition if the computer is very slow (VM?) or if there is some 3rd party monitoring for process exits (antivirus, spyware

    If you could see the cmd.exe command line in task manager, it may reveal something we haven’t seen (any rogue switch or something) but I am doubtful of that. I remember you said you couldn’t find the command line before. Did you click the button to show
    tasks from all users? I see they use an external cmd.exe process in the code, but maybe I’m wrong.

    Process Monitor should show us the Thread Exit and Process Exit events, and in the exit of cmd.exe we should be able to verify the exit code. Put an include filter on ProcessName=DQSInstaller.exe and ProcessName=CMD.exe

    Example of observing Process Exit in Process Monitor:

    By the way, are you clicking the icon to launch the DQSInstaller, or are you using an elevated Admin command prompt?

    Thanks, Jason

    Didn’t get enough help here? Submit a case with the Microsoft Customer Support team for deeper investigation —

    • Proposed as answer by
      JasonHowellMicrosoft employee
      Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:15 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:55 AM

  • Hi Jason, I’ve fixed it!

    Using process monitor I was able to see that cmd.exe was exiting with an exit status of 1. So then I tried a bat file that didn’t do anything and that also had the same error of having an exit status of 1. By changing the path to have nothing in it and running
    process monitor again and with a little trial and error, I could see that the file cmd.exe was trying to open was c:tempansi32x64ansicon.exe. A quick search in the registry showed it at

    HKCUSystemMicrosoftCommand ProcessorAutoRun Reg_SZ: «c:tempansi32x64ansicon.exe» -p

    and that file doesn’t exist. I’ve removed the registry entry and now DQSInstaller.exe has completed successfully.

    I’m not sure what put that entry there and I don’t have that exe on my machine and I certainly didn’t install it. It’s all very strange.

    Thanks so much for your help in diagnosing what was wrong, you’ve been a great help and that was a great tip about looking at the exit code using process monitor.

    Thanks again,


    • Edited by
      Tuesday, February 28, 2012 10:55 AM
    • Proposed as answer by
      JasonHowellMicrosoft employee
      Wednesday, February 29, 2012 12:15 AM
    • Marked as answer by
      Wednesday, February 29, 2012 9:55 AM

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