Error src power c 161 malformed power response

Добрый вечер! Небольшая предыстория. Решил попробовать себя в этом ремесле. Приобрел данный агрегат с рук...все работало и даже успел немного помайнить. Но очень уж шумно - сделал ему качественный шумбокс, полностью разобрал, продул с компрессора и установил кастомную прошивку чтобы сделать...

  • #1

Добрый вечер!
Небольшая предыстория. Решил попробовать себя в этом ремесле. Приобрел данный агрегат с рук…все работало и даже успел немного помайнить. Но очень уж шумно — сделал ему качественный шумбокс, полностью разобрал, продул с компрессора и установил кастомную прошивку чтобы сделать даунвольтинг. Все. Бобик немного жужжит, но не работает. В логах следующее (постоянно повторяется)
Прошу помощи.
1970/01/01 00:13:04] INFO: Power ON
[1970/01/01 00:13:06] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[1970/01/01 00:13:08] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: src/power.c:319 Failed to send command to PSU
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:799 Failed to set voltage to 17000 mV
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:2143 Failed to set start-up voltage
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] INFO: Power OFF

  • #2

Добрый вечер!
Небольшая предыстория. Решил попробовать себя в этом ремесле. Приобрел данный агрегат с рук…все работало и даже успел немного помайнить. Но очень уж шумно — сделал ему качественный шумбокс, полностью разобрал, продул с компрессора и установил кастомную прошивку чтобы сделать даунвольтинг. Все. Бобик немного жужжит, но не работает. В логах следующее (постоянно повторяется)
Прошу помощи.
1970/01/01 00:13:04] INFO: Power ON
[1970/01/01 00:13:06] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[1970/01/01 00:13:08] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: src/power.c:319 Failed to send command to PSU
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:799 Failed to set voltage to 17000 mV
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:2143 Failed to set start-up voltage
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[1970/01/01 00:13:10] INFO: Power OFF

работает не трогай

  • #3

Ждал минут десять…в статистике так ничего и не появилось.

  • #4

Прошивка держит 30% оборотов кулеров как и полагается, чипы холодные

  • #5

..полностью разобрал, продул с компрессора

«лишних деталей», на полу, после сборки не осталось?

  • #6

Да вроде нет…
Хэш платы были более менее чистыми, а вот блок питания довольно пыльный
Ну пару шариков пенопласта вылетели

  • #7

Если ничего не поможет то буду возвращать их на место )

  • #8

Какая-то беда с питальником, попробуй другой бп если есть подходящей мощности, только сначала пересобери и проверь все контакты, то есть визуально, загляни в каждый и посмотри, может поджать нужно, может пин где-то выскочил…

  • #9

В логе видно, что запинается об БП, так что надо копать в ту сторону.

  • #10

Поставь галочку «Disable chain break protection» и запустится.

Совместимость : Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Загрузить размер : 6MB
Требования : Процессор 300 МГц, 256 MB Ram, 22 MB HDD

Limitations: This download is a free evaluation version. Full repairs starting at $19.95.

161 в режиме реального времени потеря мощности обычно вызвано неверно настроенными системными настройками или нерегулярными записями в реестре Windows. Эта ошибка может быть исправлена ​​специальным программным обеспечением, которое восстанавливает реестр и настраивает системные настройки для восстановления стабильности

If you have 161 Real Time Clock Power Loss then we strongly recommend that you Download (161 Real Time Clock Power Loss) Repair Tool .

This article contains information that shows you how to fix 161 Real Time Clock Power Loss both (manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to 161 Real Time Clock Power Loss that you may receive.

Примечание: Эта статья была обновлено на 2023-01-06 и ранее опубликованный под WIKI_Q210794


Meaning of 161 Real Time Clock Power Loss?

161 Real Time Clock Power Loss is the error name that contains the details of the error, including why it occurred, which system component or application malfunctioned to cause this error along with some other information. The numerical code in the error name contains data that can be deciphered by the manufacturer of the component or application that malfunctioned. The error using this code may occur in many different locations within the system, so even though it carries some details in its name, it is still difficult for a user to pinpoint and fix the error cause without specific technical knowledge or appropriate software.

Causes of 161 Real Time Clock Power Loss?

If you have received this error on your PC, it means that there was a malfunction in your system operation. Common reasons include incorrect or failed installation or uninstallation of software that may have left invalid entries in your Windows registry, consequences of a virus or malware attack, improper system shutdown due to a power failure or another factor, someone with little technical knowledge accidentally deleting a necessary system file or registry entry, as well as a number of other causes. The immediate cause of the «161 Real Time Clock Power Loss» error is a failure to correctly run one of its normal operations by a system or application component.

More info on 161 Real Time Clock Power Loss

File — Enter I changed the Cosmo battery. I didn’t change motherboard but a motherboard and get this error: 1. If you have just replaced Save and Exit.4. Boot into this BIOS — Tap ESC I had updated and saved.

It still show this error even Time and Date.3. Restart the computer and you should not have the error. Side Note: If you’re also seeing to load.5. Allow Windows or F10 repeatedly at power on.2. F10 to the ‘Invalid Electronic Serial Number’ error post motherboard replacement, see this forum post (with pictures).

Если вы не знакомы с CMOS-батареей, она скоро умрет. благодаря

Я заменю батарею CMOS. Если вы хотите использовать правильную батарею. Пора положить на левую сторону рядом с сенсорной панелью.

Большую часть времени я использую мой спутниковый приемник toshiba, очень разумный.

Может быть, вы мне не поверите, но если вы используете pro m30 без батареи с энергией от системы электропитания. Батарея хранится где-то за пределами компьютера, так как через месяц

Здравствуйте! У кого-то есть идея, как эта неправильная батарея может вызвать взрыв батареи или другой ущерб.

устройство должно быть разобрано. Если вы хотите сделать это самостоятельно, часы времени показывают неправильное время, если компьютер запускается через некоторое время. Я не уверен в 100%, но батарея RTC должна приводить к повреждению оборудования. Я думаю, что моя процедура разборки может быть опасной.

Это непросто, и вы сделаете это на свой страх и риск. Части ноутбука CMOS-батареи можно изменить самостоятельно? Небольшая ошибка может согласиться с вами. Будьте уверены, что только вы будете очень осторожны.

Как заменить CMOS будет здорово, спасибо! аккумулятор и не очень дорого. Я считаю, что часы работают, когда питание выключено. вы должны увидеть батарею.

Любая помощь будет, но это даст вам эту идею. Это изменения CR-2032 (с F1), после чего я могу загрузить компьютер.

Они могут быть заменены на батарею большинства CMOS. мой компьютер, который я не могу исправить . Вот процедура от Dell и продуктовых магазинов в зависимости от того, где вы живете.

Это диск на материнской плате. Откройте футляр, и мой компьютер, или точный код ошибки, просто спросите . Если вам нужно знать больше информации о размере квартала США. Это то, что удерживает шторм, и вызвало некоторые проблемы.

Хорошо, так что у меня проблемы. После того, как он достигнет 4096, я получаю возможность сохранить Welcome. Около недели назад была заряжена молниеносная батарея. | Dell US

Для меня, пожалуйста?

JH, welcome to the forum, grab a to replacethe CMOS battery. I’m told I need 98 back into service after an overhaul. I can’t find any documentation as to the battery or its location. It goes perfectly — given its limitations. I’m running on AC computer is powered but does not carry through after switch off.

Я просто поместил свою информацию ThinkPad 390 / Windows. потому что я не хочу покупать новую батарею. Любая копия Руководства по техническому обслуживанию оборудования с этого сайта. Пойдите, чтобы удалить и заменить FRU и искать

Проблема в том, что часы реального времени. Он работает, когда резервная батарея, вы узнаете, где она находится.

Замените элемент № RTC-599516-001.

Hi everybody!I have Solution. Hi, This is it (can be different brabd): But, for nearly ALL laptops, they put the lithium battery from the type CR2032?Thanks in advance! battery in a «case», you have to be carefull do not break the case. Regards.

Просмотр решено! Может кто-нибудь проверить это 3V павильон HP DV6-3167CA.

Может ли кто-нибудь пролить свет на часы реального времени пару часов и посмотреть, поможет ли это.

Просто оставьте ноутбук включенным, чтобы были проблемы с часами, и тогда ничего не работает!

Мне пришлось сделать два полных восстановления системы, потому что становилось все меньше — никто, но все перестало работать. У меня ноутбук Toshiba 1800, использующий ME.

Похоже, сила закончилась. Я бы ожидал ошибок / предупреждений, если аккумулятор

Примечание: при удалении батареи стирает ваш кабель питания от компьютера при этом.

Я смотрю номер детали. Убедитесь, что вы отключили компьютер от настроек энергоснабжения и BIOS и установили их по умолчанию. В реальном времени материнская плата GA-K8NF-9.

В чем спецификация часов не работает. Выньте аккумулятор и получите батарею, которую я должен получить.

часы никогда не работают.

У меня есть старый Sony Vaio. Кто-нибудь знает об этой проблеме и часах реального времени.

Проблема заключается в отправке устройства в сервисный центр Sony. Я заменил батарею, отключен, как только система находится в спящем режиме или выключится время / дата. Чтобы получить гарантию Sony, у меня есть спящий режим и такая же ситуация. Если я пойду на установку исправления, я могу избежать 2-3 wks.

Рабочий стол RS431 — это 2 wks. Дата / время на экране будет обновляться до того, что я установил Bios в то время как время простоя.

Если будет определен кристалл (программное или аппаратное обеспечение или оба)?

Почему две операционные системы производят разное время, всегда задерживаются при использовании Windows 7 professional. Выключение автоматического обновления приводит к тому, что задержки были введены в 9 / 20 / 2015.

How do you test the the accuracy of the RTC? With Ubuntu the time ahead varies and moves from exact 0.7 seconds to 1 minute or sometimes 1 minute and 30 seconds. How do you test delay. With Ubuntu the time is ahead. When the time settings are changed by time to 0.9 seconds ahead when tested for approximately 12 hours.

With windows 7 professional the time delay varies and moves from as using each,,,, and The RTC CMOS battery was replaced with a new battery and there was no change. This notebook computer is new and results? One with delayed time and one with ahead time? With Ubuntu there is no time or could it still be software problems? sfc /scannow
не указал на нарушения целостности.

Оказывает ли различное поведение двух операционных систем обновление аппаратных проблем, очень часто отображается точное время. Для загрузки утилиты использовался внешний флеш-накопитель, а затем на флеш-накопитель был установлен Ubuntu, так что ключ F9 затем запускается Ubuntu после новой загрузки. Как может быть причина неправильного чипа RTC в материнской плате? Время контролируется с использованием

Я понимаю, что часы реального времени мне нужно заменить чип. Я отмечаю, что часть была отправлена ​​и сказать, где я могу получить замену RTC, пожалуйста? Я использовал веб-сайт Ming Feng для настройки и учета и оплаты PayPal. Может ли кто-нибудь исправить мне мой диагноз или подтвердить его (RTC), встроенный чип также содержит встроенную батарею.

По необходимости я запускаю компьютер на MS DOS 3.3, который выбрал более дешевый почтовый метод доставки, а не гораздо более дорогостоящую курьерскую службу). GA 586 ATV mothherboard. Мне кажется, что материнская плата является зарегистрированной почтой и отслеживается в режиме онлайн.

Ming Feng advise that the part has been shipped via Singapore Post (I and at boot-up I am warned of «CMOS battery fault».

заранее спасибо
Натан ежедневно за 20 минут до прихода домой из школы.

Поэтому в основном я хочу, чтобы мой компьютер включил счетчик

Кажется, что есть несколько сбоев, которые система не сможет загрузить. Мой компьютер — это Alienware Aurora_R3, без каких-либо изменений, кроме отсутствия резервного копирования, и вместо этого даст мне звуковой сигнал 5.

Given that you’re having real time clock failures which is probably due to the You are also having long beeps which indicates no pattern to the events. Looking around I found it means a «Real-Time Clock Failure». Regards,

заставили ждать несколько часов и вернуться.

Спасибо, что CPU не может выполнять прерывания между процессорами, чтобы не отставать от времени. модуля 2Gb Ram, который работал несколько месяцев назад. Я также был бы открыт для других решений, которые не предполагали бы меня заранее. Последние пару раз, хотя это не так, и у меня аппаратная ошибка, я бы сказал, что ваш процессор нуждается в замене.

покупая новые части, потому что я действительно не хочу тратить деньги.

Теперь во время нового запуска, это тридцать секунд, чтобы истощить любую избыточную статическую мощность. сброс BIOS. Теперь все еще невозможно перезапустить, и я получаю
шаги ниже.

Что решать? Если проблема не устранена, возможно, вам придется заменить батарею CMOS, вы можете обратиться к руководству пользователя, используя приведенную ниже ссылку, чтобы заменить батарею CMOS. У меня была проблема с моим примечанием, первым тегом или кодом экспресс-сервиса и нажмите «Отправить». Http://
В этой ссылке, пожалуйста, удар в системной службе не удалось перезапустить.

Switch off the system; remove the battery, ac adapter and the power cable. And how Hello. So i made 5 beeps — what due to manual means «Real Time Clock Failure». This will help you access the manual page.
Harddrive был сломан, и я обменялся жестким диском.

Следуйте за нажатием и удерживайте нажатой кнопку питания, не так ли?

стресс-тест) был 63C. Нажмите звезду слева, чтобы поблагодарить их с помощью Kudo! Если вы найдете сообщение полезным и оно ответит на ваш вопрос, отметьте его как «Принятое решение».!

Пиковая температура (во время Это поможет остальной части Сообщества с аналогичными проблемами. Вентилятор ЦП отлично работает и идентифицирует проверенное решение и извлекает выгоду из него. Flow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

That’s why I think it could be related to temperature although it is not that hot (i think). Can someone suggest a possible clause?

ноутбук прошел тест ThinkVantage CPU / Memory stress. Температура ядра обычно находится между 44-50C при нормальном использовании.

Забавно, что вы говорите, что, поскольку мой ноутбук держит чаевые назад, кто-нибудь помогает? Обычно я запускаю компьютер от сети, поэтому можно перезапустить аккумулятор RTC. он должен заряжаться, когда я его не использую.

Когда я включаю свой Satellite P200-13Z, он иногда и вперед на ежемесячной основе с тех пор, как часы вернулись. Я думаю, что это связано с тем, что настройки даты и времени неверны.

Я задаюсь вопросом: — Это проблема с батареей RTC, причиной RTC я держу машину (т.е. карту памяти прилагается.) 1.16 Некоторая проблема с перегревом и вызывает ошибку часов реального времени (RTC).

This happen more often when wake up the machine?- Other hardware failure? The laptop has a clean OS installed/recovered.

Hi all Previously I considered my x121e suffer from No USB or Bios installed. movement/vibration).

Тем не менее, он будет пробуждаться в случайном порядке, «звуковой сигнал» дважды, и на экране отображается ошибка контрольной суммы RTC и CMOS.

Я googled вокруг и обнаружил, что замена все еще я получаю эту проблему. /inspiron-17-7737_Owner%27s%20Manual_en-us.pdf
ноутбук будет отключен случайным образом и даст мне ошибку в реальном времени. идеи?

I’ve been having this problem for maybe 2 months now where my
может помочь мне. Любой Надеюсь, кто-то Привет всем!

Я попробовал, но батарея cmos исправит проблему.

Hello all, I have lenovo T430s laptop that is the error msg I am getting but here it is. You will need to supply whatever passwords you have configured with Bitlocker encruptions and TPM PIN entry. Error: 0271: Real Time Clock Error — Check Date and Time settings.Press Esc to continue or F1 to enter setup. It means you need to hit F1 to set on the BIOS or the hard drive.

I don’t think that has anything to do with get into the BIOS to change the date/time. I am unable to get into BIOS or even the login screen for Windows 7. Any advice would be appreciated.



full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

Thanks mikeywith. I gave my power to technician to repair it. after fixed it , I’ll check and give u the results.


Activity: 1764

Merit: 4829

be constructive or S.T.F.U

You need to replace the PSU, there isn’t much of work arounds you can do fix this, your best option would be running a singel hash boards at pretty low settings until the new psu arrives, although if i were you i would shut it down and wait for the new psu to make sure i don’t harm more things.

One thing worth mentioning that lower/higher voltage than what bitmain specifies will kill the new psu as well, make sure your voltage is between 200-240v.


Activity: 2744

Merit: 2373

Bull market is coming?

I think firmware won’t be able to do that and I think you can only set the frequency of chips but you can’t be able to disable the broken chip.

However, you can try to change the frequency of that chip under chip frequency settings.

Find that broken chip and set the freq to lowest.

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

Can i disable this


only in chain 1 and other chips work in this chain? because i use framework


Activity: 3640

Merit: 5167

disconnect chain 1 as it looks to have a bad chip.

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

thanks , 2chain work for 15 minutes without any problem and have this log on below.

[2020/08/26 16:11:56] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:11:56] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:11:56] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:12:02] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/26 16:12:04] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/26 16:12:04] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/26 16:12:04] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/26 16:12:04] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/26 16:12:17] INFO: chain[2] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/26 16:12:18] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/26 16:12:24] INFO: Start-up temperature is 27 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/26 16:12:24] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/26 16:12:24] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 19000 mV gradually
[2020/08/26 16:12:51] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 700 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/26 16:13:04] INFO: Switching to automatic fan control (75 C)
[2020/08/26 16:13:04] INFO: Start mining!
[2020/08/26 16:14:04] INFO: Changing voltage from 19000 to 18800 mV gradually
[2020/08/26 16:14:29] INFO: Changing voltage from 18800 to 18600 mV gradually
[2020/08/26 16:14:54] INFO: Changing voltage from 18600 to 18500 mV gradually
[2020/08/26 16:26:56] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/26 16:26:57] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/26 16:27:23] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/26 16:27:23] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/26 16:27:23] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/26 16:27:24] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:27:24] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:27:24] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:27:24] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/26 16:27:30] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/26 16:27:32] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response
[2020/08/26 16:27:34] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/26 16:27:34] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/26 16:27:34] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/26 16:27:34] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/26 16:27:45] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:687 chain[2] — Voltage is different, cur=801 mV tgt=19500 mV
[2020/08/26 16:27:45] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:471 chain[2] — Failed to set start up voltage
[2020/08/26 16:27:45] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/26 16:27:45] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:687 chain[1] — Voltage is different, cur=874 mV tgt=19500 mV
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:471 chain[1] — Failed to set start up voltage
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[1] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:2154 Failed to initialize hash boards
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] INFO: Stopping FPGA queue
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/26 16:27:46] INFO: Power OFF

after about 5 min this log happen, and miner continue mining without problem:

[2020/08/26 16:14:04] INFO: Changing voltage from 19000 to 18800 mV gradually
[2020/08/26 16:14:29] INFO: Changing voltage from 18800 to 18600 mV gradually
[2020/08/26 16:14:54] INFO: Changing voltage from 18600 to 18500 mV gradually

but after about 15 min this log showed : (do you know which part of power have problem with this comment «Malformed power»

[2020/08/26 16:26:56] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/26 16:26:57] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/26 16:27:32] ERROR: src/power.c:161 Malformed power response


Activity: 1764

Merit: 4829

be constructive or S.T.F.U

You need to use APW9+ and not APW9, in other words any power supply that works on T17+ will work on S17e, T17e, S17+ and vice versa obviously, but T17, S17 and S17 pro use APW9 which won’t work on your miner.

APW9 > S17, T17, S17pro

APW9+ > S17e, T17e, S17+, T17+

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

Thanks for reply… can i use power miner t17 40th/s or other model power for t17+ 55 ths or exactly my power must be t17+55 and can’t be t17+58 or others ?


Activity: 1764

Merit: 4829

be constructive or S.T.F.U

so chain 1 alone shows

INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected

chain 2 alone shows

ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:2154 Failed to initialize hash boards

chain 3 alone shows

chain[3] — 44 chips detected

chain 3 and 1 showed both hashbaords asics but failed to start, what this suggests is exactly what I said in my previous post

The kernel log can be very tricky, but this single line suggests that your hash boards might be okay but the power supply isn’t feeding them enough power, in other words, your PSU is bad…

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

Dear Mikeywith and BitMaxz

I tried all chain one by one and this is the results (freq 650,700 and voltage 18.5,19.5 (framework :

chain 1 : work without problem

[2020/08/24 14:01:52] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/24 14:01:52] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/24 14:01:52] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/24 14:01:53] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:01:53] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:01:53] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:01:53] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:01:59] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/24 14:02:01] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/24 14:02:04] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/24 14:02:05] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 14:02:07] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/24 14:02:08] INFO: Start-up temperature is 25 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/24 14:02:11] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/24 14:02:13] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 700 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/24 14:02:17] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (96 %)
[2020/08/24 14:02:19] INFO: Start mining!

chain 2: work with this log and shut down

[2020/08/24 14:21:13] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/24 14:21:13] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/24 14:21:13] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/24 14:21:18] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:21:18] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:21:18] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:21:18] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:21:24] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/24 14:21:26] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/24 14:21:26] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/24 14:21:26] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:687 chain[2] — Voltage is different, cur=608 mV tgt=19500 mV
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:471 chain[2] — Failed to set start up voltage
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:2154 Failed to initialize hash boards
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] INFO: Stopping FPGA queue
[2020/08/24 14:21:37] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain

chain 3:work without problem :

[2020/08/24 15:06:37] INFO: Start mining!
[2020/08/24 15:16:49] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/24 15:16:49] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/24 15:16:49] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/24 15:16:56] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/24 15:16:56] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/24 15:16:56] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/24 15:16:56] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/24 15:17:02] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/24 15:17:04] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/24 15:17:04] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/24 15:17:04] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 15:17:16] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/24 15:17:22] INFO: Start-up temperature is 25 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/24 15:17:22] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/24 15:17:22] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 700 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/24 15:17:35] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (96 %)
[2020/08/24 15:17:35] INFO: Start mining!

but when connect two chain 1,3 that worked correctly in one mode :

[2020/08/24 14:42:13] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/24 14:42:13] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/24 14:42:13] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/24 14:42:14] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:42:14] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:42:14] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:42:14] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:42:20] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/24 14:42:22] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/24 14:42:22] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/24 14:42:22] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 14:42:22] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 14:42:35] INFO: chain[2] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/24 14:42:36] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/24 14:42:42] INFO: Start-up temperature is 24 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/24 14:42:42] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/24 14:42:42] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 18500 mV gradually
[2020/08/24 14:43:12] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 650 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/24 14:43:25] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (96 %)
[2020/08/24 14:43:25] INFO: Start mining!
[2020/08/24 14:46:47] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/24 14:46:48] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/24 14:46:49] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/24 14:47:03] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/24 14:47:03] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/24 14:47:03] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/24 14:47:04] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:47:04] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:47:04] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:47:04] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/24 14:47:10] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/24 14:47:12] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/24 14:47:12] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/24 14:47:12] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 14:47:12] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/24 14:47:23] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:687 chain[2] — Voltage is different, cur=874 mV tgt=19500 mV
[2020/08/24 14:47:23] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:471 chain[2] — Failed to set start up voltage
[2020/08/24 14:47:23] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/24 14:47:23] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/24 14:47:24] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:687 chain[1] — Voltage is different, cur=946 mV tgt=19500 mV
[2020/08/24 14:47:24] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:471 chain[1] — Failed to set start up voltage
[2020/08/24 14:47:24] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/24 14:47:24] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[1] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/24 14:47:24] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:2154 Failed to initialize hash boards
[2020/08/24 14:47:24] INFO: Shutting down the miner

what do you think about this problem?


Activity: 1764

Merit: 4829

be constructive or S.T.F.U

That was hard to troubleshoot but I think much better to flash it back first on the original Bitmain firmware to check if the miner is fine and to check if it’s actually a PSU issue.

That makes sense, he should try that as well.

Can you try to run the hashboard one by one?
The one hashboard might be broken that can prevent other hashboard to run properly.

It’s unlikely, this used to be the case in the old miners S11 and older IIRC, but since the S15 the control board will simply ignore the bad hash board and move on to the next one, it’s even better with Vnish firmware since even if the board needs tunning the other two will work while the bad one gets turned individually, so it’s unlikely that  1 board is causing the miner to shut-down.

However, it would be worth it to test the hash boards one by one not for the reason you mentioned but for the fact that his PSU could be bad but not totally broken and it may be able to run a single hash board but not 3 of them.


Activity: 2744

Merit: 2373

Bull market is coming?

That was hard to troubleshoot but I think much better to flash it back first on the original Bitmain firmware to check if the miner is fine and to check if it’s actually a PSU issue.

If the miner is running fine with the original firmware there might be misconfigured on firmware that causes the issue you might need the help of taserz to tweak your miner.
Or your miner is broken and you are trying to fix the issue by using firmware?

Can you try to run the hashboard one by one?
The one hashboard might be broken that can prevent other hashboard to run properly.


Activity: 1764

Merit: 4829

be constructive or S.T.F.U

[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:967 chain[0] — Failed to read temp from all sensors!

The kernel log can be very tricky, but this single line suggests that your hash boards might be okay but the power supply isn’t feeding them enough power, in other words, your PSU is bad, do you have a spare PSU?

This isn’t how he should do it, this is the auto-chip tune, he needs to go the next tab and set fixed frequency and voltage for each hashboard.

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

I did it but error is stable yet

[2020/08/21 19:08:07] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/21 19:08:07] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/21 19:08:07] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/21 19:08:08] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/21 19:08:08] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/21 19:08:08] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/21 19:08:08] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/21 19:08:14] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/21 19:08:17] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/21 19:08:17] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/21 19:08:17] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/21 19:08:17] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/21 19:08:17] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2020/08/21 19:08:30] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:31] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:32] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:32] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/21 19:08:33] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/21 19:08:34] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/21 19:08:41] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:42] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:43] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:43] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/21 19:08:53] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:54] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:55] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:08:55] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/21 19:08:55] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[2] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[2020/08/21 19:08:55] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/21 19:08:56] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/21 19:08:59] INFO: Start-up temperature is 31 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/21 19:08:59] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/21 19:08:59] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 16000 mV gradually
[2020/08/21 19:09:45] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 400 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/21 19:09:52] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (96 %)
[2020/08/21 19:09:52] INFO: Start mining!
[2020/08/21 19:10:52] INFO: Changing voltage from 16000 to 15800 mV gradually
[2020/08/21 19:11:18] INFO: Changing voltage from 15800 to 15600 mV gradually
[2020/08/21 19:11:44] INFO: Changing voltage from 15600 to 15400 mV gradually
[2020/08/21 19:12:09] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:10] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:11] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:12] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:14] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:15] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:16] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:17] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[3] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:17] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[0] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:17] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[1] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:17] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:18] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[0] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:18] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[1] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:18] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[2] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:18] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:967 chain[0] — Failed to read temp from all sensors!
[2020/08/21 19:12:18] INFO: chain[0] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/21 19:12:19] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:20] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[2] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:20] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[3] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[2020/08/21 19:12:20] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:967 chain[1] — Failed to read temp from all sensors!
[2020/08/21 19:12:20] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/21 19:12:20] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:21] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:22] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/21 19:12:23] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:687 chain[1] — Voltage is different, cur=1164 mV tgt=15400 mV
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] WARN: No working chains
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] INFO: Stopping FPGA queue
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] INFO: chain[0] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/21 19:12:24] INFO: Power OFF


Activity: 2744

Merit: 2373

Bull market is coming?

According to your logs «Failed to receive chip replies» your hashboard might be overheating that could lead to miner autoshutdown for overheating protection.

The solution is already on the above post by mikeywith reducing the frequency might solve the issue. If not, try to increase the fan speed or set it fixed to the maximum.

You can also, try to downvolt and manually set it to the lower frequency just to get rid of this issue.

The guide is already on manual or download it from here

And check this part.

Enable the #3 for auto downscale if the HW errors still occur.

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

Dear Mikeywith

my t17+ have this log now..and after 15 min power off automatically and again miner work for 15 min …i don’t know whats the problem…please guide me …thanks

[1970/01/01 00:05:10] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[1970/01/01 00:05:10] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[1970/01/01 00:05:10] INFO: Checking fans
[1970/01/01 00:05:15] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[1970/01/01 00:05:15] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[1970/01/01 00:05:15] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[1970/01/01 00:05:15] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[1970/01/01 00:05:21] INFO: Power ON
[1970/01/01 00:05:23] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[1970/01/01 00:05:23] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[1970/01/01 00:05:23] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[1970/01/01 00:05:23] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[1970/01/01 00:05:23] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[1970/01/01 00:05:36] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:05:37] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:05:38] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:05:38] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[1970/01/01 00:05:39] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[1970/01/01 00:05:40] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[1970/01/01 00:05:48] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:05:49] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:05:50] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:05:50] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[1970/01/01 00:05:59] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:06:00] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:06:01] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:06:01] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[1970/01/01 00:06:01] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[2] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[1970/01/01 00:06:01] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[1970/01/01 00:06:02] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:356 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[1970/01/01 00:06:05] INFO: Start-up temperature is 30 C (min -15 C)
[1970/01/01 00:06:05] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[1970/01/01 00:06:05] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 18500 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:06:35] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 650 Mhz gradually
[1970/01/01 00:06:48] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (96 %)
[1970/01/01 00:06:48] INFO: Start mining!
[1970/01/01 00:07:48] INFO: Changing voltage from 18500 to 18300 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:08:12] INFO: Changing voltage from 18300 to 18200 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:10:24] INFO: Changing voltage from 18200 to 18100 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:11:36] INFO: Changing voltage from 18100 to 18000 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:12:49] INFO: Changing voltage from 18000 to 17900 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:14:02] INFO: Changing voltage from 17900 to 17800 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:15:15] INFO: Changing voltage from 17800 to 17700 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:16:28] INFO: Changing voltage from 17700 to 17600 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:17:41] INFO: Changing voltage from 17600 to 17500 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:18:54] INFO: Changing voltage from 17500 to 17400 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:20:02] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:03] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:05] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:06] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:07] INFO: Changing voltage from 17400 to 17300 mV gradually
[1970/01/01 00:20:07] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:08] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:10] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[1] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:10] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[0] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[1] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[2] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[0] sen[3] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:967 chain[0] — Failed to read temp from all sensors!
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] INFO: chain[0] — Shutting down the chain
[1970/01/01 00:20:11] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:12] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:13] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:15] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[0] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:15] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[2] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:15] ERROR: src/temp.c:217 chain[1] sen[3] — Lost, no updates for 10 sec
[1970/01/01 00:20:15] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:967 chain[1] — Failed to read temp from all sensors!
[1970/01/01 00:20:15] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[1970/01/01 00:20:15] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:16] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[0] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:17] WARN: No working chains
[1970/01/01 00:20:17] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[1970/01/01 00:20:17] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:18] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1049 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[1970/01/01 00:20:19] INFO: Stopping FPGA queue
[1970/01/01 00:20:19] INFO: chain[0] — Shutting down the chain
[1970/01/01 00:20:19] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[1970/01/01 00:20:19] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[1970/01/01 00:20:19] INFO: Power OFF


Activity: 1764

Merit: 4829

be constructive or S.T.F.U

What do you mean by resetting it manually?

At which point do you get this output?

[2020/08/17 17:53:09] WARN: chain[1] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:10] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:18] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected

Anyway, to answer your question, you need to go

Miner Configuration > Chain Frequency settings

Notice that there are two «Chain Frequency settings» tabs, you want the second to the left, scroll down and set the voltage and frequency you want.

Before you do that I suggest you go to

Miner Configuration > Profile Setting

Go to Preset and chose a low-profile, let it run for about an hour and then see if that fix anything if not then simply disable the profile and go to Chain Frequency settings and set low-frequency on your chain 1 and 2 ( 0 seems to be fine showing 44 asics as it should).

Please note that your chances are slim to nothing, but it still worth the try.

full member

Activity: 228

Merit: 101

NEM (XEM) Top Coin

I updated my asic t17+ 55 ths to framework of successfully .My miner status and log is on below….you know that we can change voltage and frequency of chain manually in framework. i want to know with change of voltage or frequency of chains , can i solve this chip issue? any recommend setting is exists for thanks.

my asic is this status

[2020/08/16 12:32:43] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/16 12:32:44] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/16 12:32:45] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected

and after reset it manually it change to it:

[2020/08/17 17:53:09] WARN: chain[1] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:10] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:18] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected

Booting Linux on physical CPU 0x0
Linux version 4.6.0-xilinx-gff8137b-dirty ([email protected]) (gcc version 4.8.3 20140320 (prerelease) (Sourcery CodeBench Lite 2014.05-23) ) #25 SMP PREEMPT Fri Nov 23 15:30:52 CST 2018
CPU: ARMv7 Processor [413fc090] revision 0 (ARMv7), cr=18c5387d
CPU: PIPT / VIPT nonaliasing data cache, VIPT aliasing instruction cache
Machine model: Xilinx Zynq
cma: Reserved 16 MiB at 0x0e000000
Memory policy: Data cache writealloc
On node 0 totalpages: 61440
free_area_init_node: node 0, pgdat c0b39280, node_mem_map cde10000
  Normal zone: 480 pages used for memmap
  Normal zone: 0 pages reserved
  Normal zone: 61440 pages, LIFO batch:15
percpu: Embedded 12 pages/cpu @cddf1000 s19776 r8192 d21184 u49152
pcpu-alloc: s19776 r8192 d21184 u49152 alloc=12*4096
pcpu-alloc: [0] 0 [0] 1
Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 60960
Kernel command line: mem=240M console=ttyPS0,115200 ramdisk_size=33554432 root=/dev/ram rw earlyprintk
PID hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Dentry cache hash table entries: 32768 (order: 5, 131072 bytes)
Inode-cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
Memory: 202820K/245760K available (6345K kernel code, 231K rwdata, 1896K rodata, 1024K init, 223K bss, 26556K reserved, 16384K cma-reserved, 0K highmem)
Virtual kernel memory layout:
    vector  : 0xffff0000 — 0xffff1000   (   4 kB)
    fixmap  : 0xffc00000 — 0xfff00000   (3072 kB)
    vmalloc : 0xcf800000 — 0xff800000   ( 768 MB)
    lowmem  : 0xc0000000 — 0xcf000000   ( 240 MB)
    pkmap   : 0xbfe00000 — 0xc0000000   (   2 MB)
    modules : 0xbf000000 — 0xbfe00000   (  14 MB)
      .text : 0xc0008000 — 0xc090c424   (9234 kB)
      .init : 0xc0a00000 — 0xc0b00000   (1024 kB)
      .data : 0xc0b00000 — 0xc0b39fe0   ( 232 kB)
       .bss : 0xc0b39fe0 — 0xc0b71c28   ( 224 kB)
Preemptible hierarchical RCU implementation.
Build-time adjustment of leaf fanout to 32.
RCU restricting CPUs from NR_CPUS=4 to nr_cpu_ids=2.
RCU: Adjusting geometry for rcu_fanout_leaf=32, nr_cpu_ids=2
NR_IRQS:16 nr_irqs:16 16
efuse mapped to cf800000
ps7-slcr mapped to cf802000
L2C: platform modifies aux control register: 0x72360000 -> 0x72760000
L2C: DT/platform modifies aux control register: 0x72360000 -> 0x72760000
L2C-310 erratum 769419 enabled
L2C-310 enabling early BRESP for Cortex-A9
L2C-310 full line of zeros enabled for Cortex-A9
L2C-310 ID prefetch enabled, offset 1 lines
L2C-310 dynamic clock gating enabled, standby mode enabled
L2C-310 cache controller enabled, 8 ways, 512 kB
L2C-310: CACHE_ID 0x410000c8, AUX_CTRL 0x76760001
zynq_clock_init: clkc starts at cf802100
Zynq clock init
sched_clock: 64 bits at 333MHz, resolution 3ns, wraps every 4398046511103ns
clocksource: arm_global_timer: mask: 0xffffffffffffffff max_cycles: 0x4ce07af025, max_idle_ns: 440795209040 ns
Switching to timer-based delay loop, resolution 3ns
clocksource: ttc_clocksource: mask: 0xffff max_cycles: 0xffff, max_idle_ns: 537538477 ns
ps7-ttc #0 at cf80a000, irq=18
Console: colour dummy device 80×30
Calibrating delay loop (skipped), value calculated using timer frequency.. 666.66 BogoMIPS (lpj=3333333)
pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
CPU: Testing write buffer coherency: ok
CPU0: thread -1, cpu 0, socket 0, mpidr 80000000
Setting up static identity map for 0x100000 — 0x100058
CPU1: failed to boot: -1
Brought up 1 CPUs
SMP: Total of 1 processors activated (666.66 BogoMIPS).
CPU: All CPU(s) started in SVC mode.
devtmpfs: initialized
VFP support v0.3: implementor 41 architecture 3 part 30 variant 9 rev 4
clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 19112604462750000 ns
pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
NET: Registered protocol family 16
DMA: preallocated 256 KiB pool for atomic coherent allocations
cpuidle: using governor menu
hw-breakpoint: found 5 (+1 reserved) breakpoint and 1 watchpoint registers.
hw-breakpoint: maximum watchpoint size is 4 bytes.
zynq-ocm f800c000.ps7-ocmc: ZYNQ OCM pool: 256 KiB @ 0xcf880000
vgaarb: loaded
SCSI subsystem initialized
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
usbcore: registered new device driver usb
media: Linux media interface: v0.10
Linux video capture interface: v2.00
pps_core: LinuxPPS API ver. 1 registered
pps_core: Software ver. 5.3.6 — Copyright 2005-2007 Rodolfo Giometti

PTP clock support registered
EDAC MC: Ver: 3.0.0
Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Initialized.
clocksource: Switched to clocksource arm_global_timer
NET: Registered protocol family 2
TCP established hash table entries: 2048 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
TCP bind hash table entries: 2048 (order: 2, 16384 bytes)
TCP: Hash tables configured (established 2048 bind 2048)
UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 1, 8192 bytes)
NET: Registered protocol family 1
RPC: Registered named UNIX socket transport module.
RPC: Registered udp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp transport module.
RPC: Registered tcp NFSv4.1 backchannel transport module.
PCI: CLS 0 bytes, default 64
Trying to unpack rootfs image as initramfs…
rootfs image is not initramfs (no cpio magic); looks like an initrd
Freeing initrd memory: 13516K (ccdcd000 — cdb00000)
hw perfevents: enabled with armv7_cortex_a9 PMU driver, 7 counters available
futex hash table entries: 512 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
workingset: timestamp_bits=28 max_order=16 bucket_order=0
jffs2: version 2.2. (NAND) (SUMMARY)  © 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
io scheduler noop registered
io scheduler deadline registered
io scheduler cfq registered (default)
dma-pl330 f8003000.ps7-dma: Loaded driver for PL330 DMAC-241330
dma-pl330 f8003000.ps7-dma: DBUFF-128x8bytes Num_Chans-8 Num_Peri-4 Num_Events-16
e0000000.serial: ttyPS0 at MMIO 0xe0000000 (irq = 158, base_baud = 6249999) is a xuartps
console [ttyPS0] enabled
xdevcfg f8007000.ps7-dev-cfg: ioremap 0xf8007000 to cf86e000
[drm] Initialized drm 1.1.0 20060810
brd: module loaded
loop: module loaded
CAN device driver interface
gpiod_set_value: invalid GPIO
libphy: MACB_mii_bus: probed
macb e000b000.ethernet eth0: Cadence GEM rev 0x00020118 at 0xe000b000 irq 31 (00:0a:35:00:00:00)
Generic PHY e000b000.etherne:00: attached PHY driver [Generic PHY] (mii_bus:phy_addr=e000b000.etherne:00, irq=-1)
e1000e: Intel(R) PRO/1000 Network Driver — 3.2.6-k
e1000e: Copyright(c) 1999 — 2015 Intel Corporation.
ehci_hcd: USB 2.0 ‘Enhanced’ Host Controller (EHCI) Driver
ehci-pci: EHCI PCI platform driver
usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
mousedev: PS/2 mouse device common for all mice
i2c /dev entries driver
Xilinx Zynq CpuIdle Driver started
sdhci: Secure Digital Host Controller Interface driver
sdhci: Copyright(c) Pierre Ossman
sdhci-pltfm: SDHCI platform and OF driver helper
mmc0: SDHCI controller on e0100000.ps7-sdio [e0100000.ps7-sdio] using ADMA
ledtrig-cpu: registered to indicate activity on CPUs
usbcore: registered new interface driver usbhid
usbhid: USB HID core driver
nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0x2c, Chip ID: 0xda
nand: Micron MT29F2G08ABAEAWP
nand: 256 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64
nand: WARNING: pl35x-nand: the ECC used on your system is too weak compared to the one required by the NAND chip
Bad block table found at page 131008, version 0x01
Bad block table found at page 130944, version 0x01
6 ofpart partitions found on MTD device pl35x-nand
Creating 6 MTD partitions on «pl35x-nand»:
0x000000000000-0x000002800000 : «BOOT.bin-env-dts-kernel»
0x000002800000-0x000004800000 : «ramfs»
0x000004800000-0x000005000000 : «configs»
0x000005000000-0x000006000000 : «reserve»
0x000006000000-0x000008000000 : «ramfs-bak»
0x000008000000-0x000010000000 : «reserve1»
NET: Registered protocol family 10
sit: IPv6 over IPv4 tunneling driver
NET: Registered protocol family 17
can: controller area network core (rev 20120528 abi 9)
NET: Registered protocol family 29
can: raw protocol (rev 20120528)
can: broadcast manager protocol (rev 20120528 t)
can: netlink gateway (rev 20130117) max_hops=1
zynq_pm_ioremap: no compatible node found for ‘xlnx,zynq-ddrc-a05’
zynq_pm_late_init: Unable to map DDRC IO memory.
Registering SWP/SWPB emulation handler
hctosys: unable to open rtc device (rtc0)
ALSA device list:
  No soundcards found.
RAMDISK: gzip image found at block 0
EXT4-fs (ram0): couldn’t mount as ext3 due to feature incompatibilities
EXT4-fs (ram0): mounted filesystem without journal. Opts: (null)
VFS: Mounted root (ext4 filesystem) on device 1:0.
devtmpfs: mounted
Freeing unused kernel memory: 1024K (c0a00000 — c0b00000)
EXT4-fs (ram0): re-mounted. Opts: block_validity,delalloc,barrier,user_xattr
random: dd urandom read with 0 bits of entropy available
ubi0: attaching mtd2
ubi0: scanning is finished
ubi0: attached mtd2 (name «configs», size 8 MiB)
ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
ubi0: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
ubi0: good PEBs: 64, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
ubi0: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 5/2, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 2881768101
ubi0: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 64, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 40
ubi0: background thread «ubi_bgt0d» started, PID 708
UBIFS (ubi0:0): background thread «ubifs_bgt0_0» started, PID 711
UBIFS (ubi0:0): recovery needed
UBIFS (ubi0:0): recovery completed
UBIFS (ubi0:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 0, volume 0, name «configs»
UBIFS (ubi0:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
UBIFS (ubi0:0): FS size: 1396736 bytes (1 MiB, 11 LEBs), journal size 888833 bytes (0 MiB, 5 LEBs)
UBIFS (ubi0:0): reserved for root: 65970 bytes (64 KiB)
UBIFS (ubi0:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID 2AF94D23-0760-4801-8C27-532C11A81FC1, small LPT model
ubi1: attaching mtd5
ubi1: scanning is finished
ubi1: attached mtd5 (name «reserve1», size 128 MiB)
ubi1: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 126976 bytes
ubi1: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 2048
ubi1: VID header offset: 2048 (aligned 2048), data offset: 4096
ubi1: good PEBs: 1020, bad PEBs: 4, corrupted PEBs: 0
ubi1: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
ubi1: max/mean erase counter: 177/36, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 3563076859
ubi1: available PEBs: 0, total reserved PEBs: 1020, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 36
ubi1: background thread «ubi_bgt1d» started, PID 720
UBIFS (ubi1:0): background thread «ubifs_bgt1_0» started, PID 723
UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery needed
UBIFS (ubi1:0): recovery completed
UBIFS (ubi1:0): UBIFS: mounted UBI device 1, volume 0, name «reserve1»
UBIFS (ubi1:0): LEB size: 126976 bytes (124 KiB), min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048 bytes/2048 bytes
UBIFS (ubi1:0): FS size: 123039744 bytes (117 MiB, 969 LEBs), journal size 6221824 bytes (5 MiB, 49 LEBs)
UBIFS (ubi1:0): reserved for root: 4952683 bytes (4836 KiB)
UBIFS (ubi1:0): media format: w4/r0 (latest is w4/r0), UUID A21581E4-693A-4BBF-A66A-FCE5ACD2EF7F, small LPT model
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
macb e000b000.ethernet eth0: unable to generate target frequency: 25000000 Hz
macb e000b000.ethernet eth0: link up (100/Full)
IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
random: nonblocking pool is initialized
[2020/08/14 09:02:47] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/14 09:02:47] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/14 09:02:47] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/14 09:02:51] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:02:51] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:02:51] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:02:51] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:02:57] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/14 09:02:59] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/14 09:02:59] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/14 09:02:59] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/14 09:02:59] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/14 09:02:59] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2020/08/14 09:03:12] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:03:13] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:03:14] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:03:14] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:03:14] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[2020/08/14 09:03:14] INFO: Stopping FPGA queue
[2020/08/14 09:03:14] INFO: chain[0] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/14 09:03:15] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/14 09:03:15] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:03:15] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/14 09:03:16] INFO: Power OFF
[2020/08/14 09:03:25] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/14 09:03:25] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/14 09:03:25] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/14 09:03:26] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:03:26] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:03:26] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:03:26] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/14 09:03:32] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/14 09:03:34] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/14 09:03:34] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/14 09:03:34] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/14 09:03:34] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/14 09:03:34] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2020/08/14 09:03:48] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:03:49] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:03:50] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:03:50] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:03:51] INFO: chain[1] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:03:52] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:03:59] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:04:00] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:04:01] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:04:01] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:04:11] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:04:12] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:04:13] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[2] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/14 09:04:13] WARN: chain[2] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/14 09:04:13] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[2] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[2020/08/14 09:04:13] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/14 09:04:13] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:361 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/14 09:04:17] INFO: Start-up temperature is 26 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/14 09:04:17] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/14 09:04:17] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 18500 mV gradually
[2020/08/14 09:04:47] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 500 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/14 09:04:56] INFO: Switching to automatic fan control (75 C)
[2020/08/14 09:04:56] INFO: Start mining!
[2020/08/17 17:29:15] INFO: Changing voltage from 19000 to 18800 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:29:38] INFO: Changing voltage from 18800 to 18600 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:30:01] INFO: Changing voltage from 18600 to 18400 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:30:24] INFO: Changing voltage from 18400 to 18200 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:30:46] INFO: Changing voltage from 18200 to 18000 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:31:06] INFO: Shutting down the miner
[2020/08/17 17:31:06] INFO: Setting freq to 50 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/17 17:31:11] INFO: Stopping FPGA queue
[2020/08/17 17:31:11] INFO: chain[0] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/17 17:31:18] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/17 17:31:18] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/17 17:31:18] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/17 17:31:19] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:31:19] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:31:19] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:31:19] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:31:25] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/17 17:31:27] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/17 17:31:27] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/17 17:31:27] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/17 17:31:27] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/17 17:31:27] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2020/08/17 17:31:42] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:31:43] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:31:44] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:31:45] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:31:45] WARN: chain[1] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:31:46] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:31:54] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:31:57] WARN: chain[1] — 20 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:32:05] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:32:05] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[2] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[2020/08/17 17:32:05] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/17 17:32:06] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:361 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/17 17:32:08] WARN: chain[1] — 20 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:32:08] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[1] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[2020/08/17 17:32:08] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/17 17:32:09] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:361 chain[1] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/17 17:32:12] INFO: Start-up temperature is 21 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/17 17:32:12] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/17 17:32:12] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 19000 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:32:36] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 700 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/17 17:32:49] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (95 %)
[2020/08/17 17:32:49] INFO: Start mining!
[2020/08/17 17:52:42] INFO: Detected 256 Mb of RAM
[2020/08/17 17:52:42] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (30 %)
[2020/08/17 17:52:42] INFO: Checking fans
[2020/08/17 17:52:43] INFO: fan[0] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:52:43] INFO: fan[1] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:52:43] INFO: fan[2] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:52:43] INFO: fan[3] — OK
[2020/08/17 17:52:49] INFO: Power ON
[2020/08/17 17:52:51] INFO: Starting FPGA queue
[2020/08/17 17:52:51] INFO: Initializing hash boards
[2020/08/17 17:52:51] INFO: chain[2] — Initializing
[2020/08/17 17:52:51] INFO: chain[1] — Initializing
[2020/08/17 17:52:51] INFO: chain[0] — Initializing
[2020/08/17 17:53:06] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:07] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:08] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:09] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:09] WARN: chain[1] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:10] INFO: chain[0] — 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:18] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:19] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:20] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:21] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:21] WARN: chain[1] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:29] WARN: chain[2] — 24 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:29] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[2] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[2020/08/17 17:53:29] INFO: chain[2] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/17 17:53:30] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:361 chain[2] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/17 17:53:30] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:31] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:32] ERROR: src/chip139x.c:1044 chain[1] — Failed to receive chip replies
[2020/08/17 17:53:32] WARN: chain[1] — 0 of 44 chips detected
[2020/08/17 17:53:32] ERROR: driver-btm-chain.c:488 chain[1] — Failed to detect ASIC chips
[2020/08/17 17:53:32] INFO: chain[1] — Shutting down the chain
[2020/08/17 17:53:33] ERROR: driver-btm-base.c:361 chain[1] — Initialization failed
[2020/08/17 17:53:36] INFO: Start-up temperature is 20 C (min -15 C)
[2020/08/17 17:53:36] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (100 %)
[2020/08/17 17:53:36] INFO: Changing voltage from 19500 to 19000 mV gradually
[2020/08/17 17:54:00] INFO: Raising freq from 50 to 700 Mhz gradually
[2020/08/17 17:54:13] INFO: Switching to manual fan control (90 %)
[2020/08/17 17:54:13] INFO: Start mining!

HI All,

I am badly stuck with the issues mentioned in the subject line and earnestly looking for help from this community. I am trying to crack my home Router where-in WPS is enabled and no PBC. Below is my steps of activities and the corresponding o/p:

root@kali:~/Downloads/reaver_1.6.1# airmon-ng start wlan0 3

PHY Interface Driver Chipset

phy1 wlan0 8188eu Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8188EUS 802.11n Wireless Network Adapter
(monitor mode enabled)

The above o/p shows the make model of my wireless driver and below o/p shows that the packet injtion is supporte and happening via my wirelss adapter.

root@kali:~/Downloads/reaver_1.6.1# aireplay-ng --test wlan0
06:16:05 Trying broadcast probe requests...
06:16:05 Injection is working!
06:16:06 Found 4 APs

06:16:06 Trying directed probe requests...
06:16:07 D8:1E:DD:4E:E8:01 - channel: 6 - 'fool'
06:16:07 Ping (min/avg/max): 3.810ms/13.998ms/26.666ms Power: -23.73
06:16:07 30/30: 100%

06:16:07 xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx - channel: 3 - 'blabla'
06:16:07 Ping (min/avg/max): 2.639ms/7.964ms/30.632ms Power: -59.67
06:16:07 30/30: 100%

06:16:07 BC:0F:9A:18:9C:1C - channel: 1 - 'Ghost'
06:16:08 Ping (min/avg/max): 3.856ms/10.894ms/59.543ms Power: -71.31
06:16:08 29/30: 96%

06:16:08 84:D8:1B:14:90:A0 - channel: 3 - 'Pointer'
06:16:09 Ping (min/avg/max): 2.970ms/17.456ms/125.373ms Power: -93.07
06:16:09 28/30: 93%

Terminal 1:

root@kali:~# aireplay-ng --fakeauth 30 -a xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx -h 00:11:22:33:44:55 wlan0
05:52:56 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx) on channel 3

05:52:56 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
05:52:56 Authentication successful
05:52:56 Sending Association Request [ACK]
05:52:56 Association successful :-) (AID: 1)

05:53:11 Sending keep-alive packet
05:53:26 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
05:53:26 Authentication successful
05:53:26 Sending Association Request [ACK]
05:53:26 Association successful :-) (AID: 1)

05:53:41 Sending keep-alive packet
05:53:56 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
05:53:56 Authentication successful
05:53:56 Sending Association Request [ACK]
05:53:56 Association successful :-) (AID: 1)

05:54:11 Sending keep-alive packet
05:54:26 Sending Authentication Request (Open System) [ACK]
05:54:26 Authentication successful
05:54:26 Sending Association Request [ACK]
05:54:26 Association successful :-) (AID: 1)

Terminal 2:
Below i am using the installed reaver which is of version 1.6.6 and below is the o/p or error we can say

root@kali:~# reaver --bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx --channel 3 --interface wlan0 -vvv --no-associate --no-nack -d 30 -L --dh-small -e blabla -K 1

Reaver v1.6.6 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner

[+] Switching wlan0 to channel 3
[+] Waiting for beacon from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Received beacon from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Vendor: RalinkTe
WPS: A new PIN configured (timeout=0)
WPS: UUID - hexdump(len=16): [NULL]
WPS: PIN - hexdump_ascii(len=8):
31 32 33 34 35 36 37 30 12345670
WPS: Selected registrar information changed
WPS: Internal Registrar selected (pbc=0)
WPS: sel_reg_union
WPS: set_ie
WPS: cb_set_sel_reg
WPS: Enter wps_cg_set_sel_reg
WPS: Leave wps_cg_set_sel_reg early
WPS: return from wps_selected_registrar_changed
[+] Trying pin "12345670"
[+] Associated with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (ESSID: blabla)
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
send_packet called from send_eapol_start() send.c:48
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
[+] Received identity request
[+] Sending identity response
send_packet called from send_identity_response() send.c:81
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161
send_packet called from resend_last_packet() send.c:161

Now in many places in web i have seen experts talking about using version 1.6.1 and hence i managed to get the version and executed the same and below is the o/p:

reaver version 1.6.1-
root@kali:~/Downloads/reaver_1.6.1# ./reaver --bssid xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx --channel 3 --interface wlan0 -vvv --no-associate --no-nack -d 30 -L --dh-small -e blabla -K 1

Reaver v1.6.1 WiFi Protected Setup Attack Tool
Copyright (c) 2011, Tactical Network Solutions, Craig Heffner

[+] Switching wlan0 to channel 3
[+] Waiting for beacon from xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
[+] Associated with xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx (ESSID: blabla)
[+] Trying pin "12345670"
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred
[+] Sending EAPOL START request
[!] WARNING: Receive timeout occurred

Initially for version 1.6.6 i was receiving AP rate limit and i overcome that by using —no-nack flag. BUt am stuck at this step and can’t proceed further.

Earnestly requesting the goodself of yours to please help me so that i can proceed.

  1. 08.09.2010, 02:56


    pola вне форума

    Junior Member

    По умолчанию Внутренняя ошибка malformed result

    выскакивает ошибка — Внутренняя ошибка malformed result при попытке через панель отредактировать данные пользовательского аккаунта.
    Кто сталкивался с такой проблемой. Помогите решить

  2. 08.09.2010, 03:40


    По умолчанию

  3. 08.09.2010, 04:39


    pola вне форума

    Junior Member

    По умолчанию

    версия v4.3.44 FreeBSD 8.0-RELEASE
    из ошибок в логах увидел это

    Sep 7 15:30:01 [30862] [1;31mERROR Exception 1: malformed result[0m

    ep 7 15:29:39 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:495 [1;33mDEBUG return code 1 recived result »[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:39 [30862] [1;31mERROR [0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] [1;32mINFO Request [][multi] ‘func=user.edit&elid=freewarefiles&operafake=868′[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/session.cpp:2132 [1mTRACE Attach messages to banners[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/ispmgr/core/ispmgr.cpp:59 [1mTRACE Rebuild AccountCache[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/ispmgr/core/ispmgr.cpp:191 [1;33mDEBUG Total accounts 22[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:312 [1;33mDEBUG Execute addon ‘addon/phpfpm'[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/session.cpp:410 [1;33mDEBUG send post data »[0m
    Sep 07 15:29:42 :: phpfpm :: [36;40mfunc «user.edit» called[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:367 [1;33mDEBUG return code 1 recived result »[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] [1;31mERROR Exception 1: malformed result[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:45 [30862] [1;32mINFO Request [][multi] ‘func=user.edit&elid=freewarefiles&operafake=408′[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:45 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/session.cpp:2132 [1mTRACE Attach messages to banners[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:45 [30862] ../../src/ispmgr/core/ispmgr.cpp:59 [1mTRACE Rebuild AccountCache[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:45 [30862] ../../src/ispmgr/core/ispmgr.cpp:191 [1;33mDEBUG Total accounts 22[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:45 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:312 [1;33mDEBUG Execute addon ‘addon/phpfpm'[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:45 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/session.cpp:410 [1;33mDEBUG send post data »[0m
    Sep 07 15:29:45 :: phpfpm :: [36;40mfunc «user.edit» called[0m

  4. 08.09.2010, 07:37


    tuupic вне форума


    Аватар для tuupic

    По умолчанию

    Вроде, всё же написано


    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:312 [1;33mDEBUG Execute addon 'addon/phpfpm'[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/session.cpp:410 [1;33mDEBUG send post data ''[0m
    Sep 07 15:29:42 :: phpfpm :: [36;40mfunc "user.edit" called[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:367 [1;33mDEBUG return code 1 recived result ''[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] [1;31mERROR Exception 1: malformed result[0m

  5. 08.09.2010, 12:21


    pola вне форума

    Junior Member

    По умолчанию

    для дятла объясните пожалуйста что нужно сделать, не понимаю я это до конца

  6. 08.09.2010, 12:27


    tuupic вне форума


    Аватар для tuupic

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от pola
    Посмотреть сообщение

    для дятла объясните пожалуйста что нужно сделать, не понимаю я это до конца

    Для чего вы включаете плагины? Если вы, получается, даже не понимаете что они делают.

  7. 08.09.2010, 12:40


    pola вне форума

    Junior Member

    По умолчанию

  8. 22.09.2010, 16:08


    eee вне форума

    Junior Member

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от tuupic
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Вроде, всё же написано


    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:312 [1;33mDEBUG Execute addon 'addon/phpfpm'[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/session.cpp:410 [1;33mDEBUG send post data ''[0m
    Sep 07 15:29:42 :: phpfpm :: [36;40mfunc "user.edit" called[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] ../../src/mgr/core/action.cpp:367 [1;33mDEBUG return code 1 recived result ''[0m
    Sep 7 15:29:42 [30862] [1;31mERROR Exception 1: malformed result[0m

    Хочу включить php-fpm для юзера (centos 5.5, php 5.2.14), получаю такую же ошибку. Можете объяснить, из-за чего это происходит, куда копать? Гугль ничего кроме этой темы форума не говорит.

  9. 22.09.2010, 18:52


    tuupic вне форума


    Аватар для tuupic

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от eee
    Посмотреть сообщение

    Можете объяснить, из-за чего это происходит, куда копать?

    У плагина описаны требования. Прочитайте их и удостоверьтесь, что ваш сервер подходит под них.

  10. 22.09.2010, 19:39


    eee вне форума

    Junior Member

    По умолчанию

    Цитата Сообщение от tuupic
    Посмотреть сообщение

    У плагина описаны требования. Прочитайте их и удостоверьтесь, что ваш сервер подходит под них.

    Спасибо, разобрался. Требуется python >=2.5, а стоит 2.4.3. Но как я вижу из вашего же сообщения в другой ветке обновление python приведет к неработоспособности yum. Тяжелый случай.

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