Error src refspec development does not match any

When working with Git, you may come across an error that says "src refspace master does not match any". Here's what the error means and how you can solve it. What Does src refspec master does not match any Mean in Git? You may get this error when you try to trigger a push from a local repository to a master repository like this: git push origin master This error can occur for different reasons. The most likely reason this error will occur is that the master branch does not exist. Perhaps

Error: src refspec master does not match any – How to Fix in Git

When working with Git, you may come across an error that says «src refspace master does not match any».

Here’s what the error means and how you can solve it.

You may get this error when you try to trigger a push from a local repository to a master repository like this:

git push origin master

This error can occur for different reasons.

The most likely reason this error will occur is that the master branch does not exist.

Perhaps you cloned a new repository and the default branch is main, so there’s no master branch when you try to push for it.

You can display the remote branches connected to a local repository using the git branch -b command like this:

git branch -b

# results
#  origin/main
#  origin/feat/authentication
#  origin/other branches ...

With the above results, you can see that there is no master repository (origin/master). So when you try to push to that repository, you will get the «respec error».

This result also applies to any other branch that does not exist. Let’s say, for example, I make changes and push to a remote hello branch that does not exist:

git add .
git commit -m "new changes"
git push origin hello

This command will produce the following error:

error: src refspec hello does not match any

How to Fix the «src refspec master does not match any» Error

Now you are aware that the master branch does not exist. The solution to this error is to either create a local and remote master branch that you can push the commit to or to push the commit to an existing branch – maybe main.

You can create a remote master branch on a Git managed website (like GitHub) or you can do that directly from your terminal like this:

git checkout -b master

# add commit

git push origin master

These commands will create a master branch locally. And by pushing to origin master, the master branch will also be created remotely.

But if you do not want to create a master branch, you can use the existing default branch (which may be main) instead.

Wrapping up

So if you get the Error: src refspec master does not match any error when you try to push to master, the most viable reason is that the master branch does not exist.

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fix git error:src refspec origin does not match any

This post talks about how to fix a git error.

error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to ‘url.git’.

Possible causes for this error for the below use cases

  • Create and commit changes to the remote repository
  • Push the existing repository from the command line

Here are the steps and commands for creating and cloning and committing the repository

  • git init
  • git add
  • git commit -m “Initial Changes”.
  • git remote add origin
  • git push -u origin master

error: src refspec master does not match any error: failed to push some refs to ‘url.git’

There are two use cases success and error flow.

Let’s see how we can reproduce these error use cases.

These are the not correct way of adding commits and pushing changes but given an example use case how we can reproduce this error?

  • I have a local project created angular-crud-mock-api in the b:\githubwork directory.

  • Create an empty repository in my repository url.
  • Now want to commit angular-curd-mock-api code changes into the Repository url
    existing local application created `angular-crud-mock-api which is not synced with the GitHub repository.
  • Let’s see how to add these changes to the remote repository
:githubworkangular-crud-mock-api>git remote add origin
  • Issue git push command and throws an error
B:githubworkangular-crud-mock-api>git push -u origin master
error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to ''

That means, we have to add the first files or directory before pushing changes.

  • Add the files and directories using the below command git add .
B:githubworkangular-crud-mock-api>git add .
warning: LF will be replaced by CRLF in angular-crud-mock-api/.browserslistrc.
The file will have its original line endings in your working directory.

It adds the changes to the local repository in git.

Now, Let’s try to push changes to the remote repository using the git push command.

  • Next, push changes using the git push command.
B:githubworkangular-crud-mock-api>git push -u origin master
error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to ''

This error throws an error and you need to use the commit command before pushing the Command.

  • commit changes
    Here are the committed changes to the local repository.
B:githubworkangular-crud-mock-api>git commit -m "Initial changes"
[master (root-commit) 96c6c0c] Initial changes
 29 files changed, 30724 insertions(+)

How to add add,commit push Success Flow in Github

Let’s see how we can reproduce these success use cases.

Here is a sequence of commands you need to run to avoid the error.

git remote add origin
git add .
git commit -m "Initial changes".
git push -u origin master

Here is the output of push changes

B:githubworkangular-crud-mock-api>git push -u origin master
Enumerating objects: 38, done.
Counting objects: 100% (38/38), done.
Delta compression using up to 4 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (34/34), done.
Writing objects: 100% (38/38), 260.09 KiB | 5.20 MiB/s, done.
Total 38 (delta 1), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (1/1), done.
 * [new branch]      master -> master
Branch 'master' set up to track remote branch 'master' from 'origin'.

fix git error:src refspec origin does not match any

You have to carefully check the below things to avoid this error, if you create new repo or push an existing repository,

  • You forgot to add the files before pushing changes to the master or branch

  • Missing or skipping the git add .or git commit command throws an error

Here are steps for adding the files or directories

  • git commit message enclosed in double quotes instead of single quotes


git commit -m "initial changes"


git commit -m 'initial commit'
  • Please check the branch name with the push command

Usually, we will push changes using the below command.

git push -U origin `branchame`

push command push changes from the local repo to the remote repository branchname
Please make sure that branchname exists.

‘master ‘ is the default branch.

Here is a correct command

git push -U origin master

Possible reasons

  • Branch name not found
  • Branch name spelling mistake or case insensitive

How to create a new repo to avoid this error in Git

here is a list of commands to avoid this error

git init
git add .
git commit -m 'message'
git push -u origin master


In this tutorial, Learn how to fix the git error:src refspec origin does not match any while working with git repositories.

Did you try to push changes to master with the following?

$ git push origin master

But received an error that says:

error: src refspec master does not match any

The most common reason for this is that “master” isn’t called “master” anymore. To fix the issue, replace “master” with “main“.

$ git push origin main

Didn’t help?

This is a comprehensive guide to fixing the “error: src refspec master does not match any” -error. You will find easy fixes with explanations as to what’s going wrong.

Reasons for the “src refspec does not match any” -Error

Let’s have a closer look at the problems that might be causing the src refspec error.

1. The “master” Branch Isn’t Called “master”

Recently, Git replaced the name “master” with “main”. This means the default branch of your project is no longer called “master” by default but “main” instead.

Pushing changes to the non-existent “master” branch will cause issues. This is one of the most common explanations as to why you might see “error: src refspec master does not match any” when pushing.

In this case, you can try pushing to “main” instead.

$ git push origin main

If this doesn’t fix the issue, your default branch might have a different name than “main” or “master“.

To figure out what the “master” or “main” is called in your case, run the following:

$ git show-ref

The default branch is one of these references. Pick the one that’s your default branch and push the changes to it.

2. You Forgot to Commit

Another common reason why you might get the “error: src refspec master does not match any” error when pushing in Git is you haven’t made a commit.

For example, let’s start by creating an example repository and try to push it to GitHub:

$ mkdir example
$ cd example
$ echo "# Just another github repo" >>
$ git init
$ git add
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin main

When running these commands, you will see an error:

error: src refspec main does not match any

This happens because you didn’t commit anything to the repository yet. In technical terms, a branch doesn’t exist before there’s at least one commit in the repository.

So make sure you’ve committed the changes before trying to push!

For instance, in the above, we forgot to commit the new file after adding it. To fix this, create a commit and push again:

$ git commit -m "Initial commit"


The most common reason for the “error: src refspec master does not match any” -error is that you’re trying to push to “master” which these days is called “main“. In other words, you’re trying to push to a branch that doesn’t exist.

Another reason this error might occur is that your branch is empty and doesn’t exist. This can happen if you’ve initialized your repo, and added changes with git add but forgot to commit the changes with git commit. Before the initial commit, the branch doesn’t technically exist, and pushing will fail!

Thanks for reading. Happy coding!

About the Author

I’m an entrepreneur and a blogger from Finland. My goal is to make coding and tech easier for you with comprehensive guides and reviews.

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Table of Contents
  1. When does git throws error: src refspec master does not match any?
    1. Scenario 1 – Pushing the changes to master or remote branch
    2. Solution for error: src refspec master does not match any.
    3. Scenario 2 – Check if a remote branch exists.
    4. Scenario 3 – Mismatch in Local and remote branch
    5. Scenario 4 – Committing and pushing Empty Directory in Git

There are quite a few reasons Git throws an error: src refspec master does not match any. Let us look at each of these cases and the solution to it.

Scenario 1 – Pushing the changes to master or remote branch

Let’s say you have created a git repository and added all the files from your local branch, but before committing the files, you try to push them into the remote branch or master branch.

mkdir repo && cd repo
git remote add origin /path/to/origin.git
git add .

After adding the files from the local branch, if you do git push, you will get an error: src refspec master does not match any. error: failed to push some refs to master.

git push -u origin master
error: src refspec master does not match any.

Solution for error: src refspec master does not match any.

All you need to perform is git commit with a proper message and then do git push to the remote origin to avoid any errors.

mkdir repo && cd repo
git remote add origin /path/to/origin.git
git add .

git commit -m "initial commit"
git push origin master

Scenario 2 – Check if a remote branch exists.

If you are working with Github, they have replaced the master branch with the main branch. Hence, in these circumstances, the local branch and remote branch ref will differ, and when you try to push the changes, git will throw an error since the remote branch itself is not present.

Solution First, check what refs you have, and once you find that, make a git push to the specific remote branch.

# To get all the ref 
git show-ref

# replace with your branch name according to ref 
git push origin HEAD:<branch>

Scenario 3 – Mismatch in Local and remote branch

Generally, even the typo in the branch name while pushing the commit to the remote branch will lead to a refspec error. 

Solution  Validate and check if you have given the right branch name while pushing the code to the remote branch.

Scenario 4 – Committing and pushing Empty Directory in Git

A certain version of Git like GitHub, bitbucket does not track the empty directories, so if a directory is empty and you are trying to commit and push, it will lead to an error: src refspec master does not match any.

Solution – Add a file to your directory before pushing it to a remote branch. 

Avatar Of Srinivas Ramakrishna

Srinivas Ramakrishna is a Solution Architect and has 14+ Years of Experience in the Software Industry. He has published many articles on Medium, Hackernoon, and solved many problems in StackOverflow. He has core expertise in various technologies such as Microsoft .NET Core, Python, Node.JS, JavaScript, Cloud (Azure), RDBMS (MSSQL), React, Powershell, etc.

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Я создал новый проект с одним файлом
И сделал команду

git clone
git add .
git commit -m "v.01"
git push origin master

Но получаю ошибку

error: src refspec master does not match any
error: failed to push some refs to

Я вводил
git show-ref

3deeeb53dda70bea0809cff5e4032011ba45ac7d refs/heads/main
27383695f3f76e87254687449d73250254560bbb refs/remotes/origin/HEAD
27383695f3f76e87254687449d73250254560bbb refs/remotes/origin/main
3deeeb53dda70bea0809cff5e4032011ba45ac7d refs/remotes/origin/master

И делал так

Maybe you just need to commit. I ran into this when I did:

mkdir repo && cd repo
git remote add origin /path/to/origin.git
git add .

Oops! Never committed!

git push -u origin master
error: src refspec master does not match any.

All I had to do was:

git commit -m «initial commit»
git push origin master


Я пытался еще так
git push origin HEAD:master
Но хоть загрузка и произошла но файлы не загрузились в github

Но это не помогло что мне делать как исправить

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    более двух лет назад

  • 18021 просмотр

Нет ветки master, вот и ругается. Ветка по умолчанию на GitHub теперь называется main.

Команда git branch -vv покажет какие ветки есть локально и с какими внешними ветками связаны.
* main 0e02250 [origin/main] v.01

Надо было делать git push origin main
Либо просто git push т. е. отправить текущую ветку в связанную с ней ветку на внешнем репозитории.
В нашем случае текущая ветка main (помеченная звёздочкой)
отслеживает исходную ветку main в репозитории обозначенном как origin

Что скрывается за сокращением origin покажет команда git remote -v

origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Пригласить эксперта

Ввожу git branch -vv — никакого ответа
git push -u origin main не работает хотя связь с удаленным репозиторием установлена

работает так
Для отправки в удаленный репозиторий
git push origin master:master

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13 февр. 2023, в 16:58

25000 руб./за проект

13 февр. 2023, в 16:52

5000 руб./за проект

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As you already know git is an open and free version control system that allows you to handle small to large projects in an efficient way. But while making changes to the file locally or server you will generally face errors like the error: src refspec master does not match any. If you are getting this type of error then you have come to the right place. In this entire tutorial, you will different scenarios where you will get this type of error and how you can solve it using the provided solution.

Before going to different scenarios let’s first create a sample project folder and initialize git for it. Make sure you must have git installed in your system.

Execute the following line of code to initialize the git for the project folder.

Create a Sample Folder

mkdir sample-project

Go to the created folder

cd sample-project

Initialize the git for the current folder

git init

Initializing version control for Sample Project Folder

Initializing version control for Sample Project Folder

Different Scenarios when Git throw error :src refspec master does not match any error

Case 1: Pushing the empty directory

The first case for getting this error: src refspec master does not match any is when there is nothing in your directory and you are pushing the changes to the remote branch.


The solution to this error is very simple to try to first create a file inside that directory and then commit and push to the remote server.

Case 2:  Push to the master branch before committing

The second case when this error came is when you are pushing the changes directory to the master branch.


The solution for this case is that you should commit all changes and then push to the master branch. You will not get any errors.

Case 3: No branch in remote exists and getting the error src refspec master does not match any error

The third case for getting this error is when there is no branch in the remote with the same name in your local host. For example, if I push the changes to the master branch then I will get this error. Because there is no master branch in the remote.

master branch doesnot exist

master branch does not exist


The solution of the case is to first find all the references to the branches and then push to that remote branch. To get the references you have to use

git show-ref

References for all the branch

References for all the branch

You can see I was pushing to the master branch but in the remote the branch name was main. So to remove the error src refspec master does not match any error, push changes to the main branch.

Pushing the changes to the main branch

Pushing the changes to the main branch

Case 4: Not matching the name of local and remote branch

If your local branch name is different from the remote branch name then you will get this type of error. For example, my remote branch name is main and but I am trying to push the changes to main branch.

Name mismatch for branch name

Name mismatch for branch name


The solution for this case is very simple. Check the name of the local and remote branches before pushing the changes. You will not see any errors.

Main branch

Main branch


These are the different scenarios when you can get git error “error: src refspec master does not match any“. If you carefully apply the solution then this error will be solved. The most common error comes from case 4. I hope you have liked this tutorial. If you still facing this error then you can contact us for more help.

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Something went wrong.

You need to add a file to a commit before you can push your changes to a remote Git repository. If you create a new repository and forget to add a file to a commit, you may encounter the “src refspec master does not match any” error.

In this guide, we discuss what this error means and why it is raised. We walk through an example of this error so you can figure out how to fix it on your computer.

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src refspec master does not match any

When you first create a Git repository, the repository has no commit history. If you want to push a change into a repository, you must first make a commit.

The workflow for pushing a change to a repository looks like this:

  1. Change a file
  2. Add the file to the staging area
  3. Create a commit

Once you have created a commit, you can push it to a remote server. If you forget the third step and try to push your code to a remote server, Git will raise an error. This is because Git will be unsure about what changes need to be made to the remote repository.

An Example Scenario

We’re going to create a Git repository for a new HTML project. To start, let’s create the directory structure for our project:

mkdir html-project
cd html-project

We have created a directory called html-project and then we have moved into that directory.

Now that we have our folder ready, we can initialize a Git repository:

This command creates a hidden folder called .git/ which contains the configuration for our repository. Next, we create our first project file. We’re going to call this file index.html and add the following contents:

This file only contains one tag because we are still setting up our project. Now that we have a file in our repository, we’re going to link it up to a remote repository.

Our remote repository is hosted on GitHub. This will let us keep track of our project using the GitHub platform. To connect our local repository to the GitHub repository, we must add a remote reference to the GitHub repository:

git remote add origin

After running this command, Git will know where our commits should go when we push them to our remote repository. Now we can add our changed file to our project:

Our index.html file is now in the staging area. To display this file on our remote repository, we can push it to the origin repository we just defined:

git push -u origin master

Let’s see what happens when we run this command:

error: src refspec master does not match any.

An error is returned.

The Solution

The git add command does not create a commit. The git add command moves files to the staging area. This is a triage space where files go before they are added to a commit. You can remove and add files from the staging area whenever you want.

This error is common if you try to push changes to a Git ref before you have created your first commit to your local repo or remote repo.

We need to create an initial commit before we push our code to our remote repository:

git commit -m "feat: Create index.html"

This will create a record of the repository at the current point in time, reflecting all the changes we added to the staging area. Now, let’s try to push our code.

Our code is successfully pushed to our remote repository.


The “src refspec master does not match any” error occurs if you have forgotten to add the files you have changed to a commit and try to push those changes to a remote repository before you make the first commit in your repository.

To solve this error, create a commit using the git commit command and then try to push your changes to the remote repository. Now you have the knowledge you need to fix this error like a professional coder!

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