Error starting pdflatex

Environment TeXstudio: 2.2.18 Qt: 5.14.0 OS: macOS Catalina TeX distribution: texlive Hi, installed TeXStudio 2.12.18 and want to compile my tex document. The process is starting but nothing happen...



  • TeXstudio: 2.2.18
  • Qt: 5.14.0
  • OS: macOS Catalina
  • TeX distribution: texlive


installed TeXStudio 2.12.18 and want to compile my tex document. The process is starting but nothing happends (see screenshot attached). Type pdflatex MyFile.tex in terminal works fine. Any ideas?

Kind regards,



try to check with help/check installation


This is the output

`which pdflatex:

PDFLATEX: pdflatex -version

Environment variables:

Path : /Applications/
Program call: /Applications/
Setting file: /Users/patrick/.config/texstudio/texstudio.ini

Command configuration in TeXstudio:
DVI->PDF Chain (dvi-pdf-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///dvipdf | txs:///view-pdf
Ghostscript (gs): gs «?»
DVI Chain (dvi-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///view-dvi
External PDF Viewer (view-pdf-external): open %.pdf > /dev/null
Texindy (texindy): texindy %.idx
SVNADMIN (svnadmin):
PDF Viewer (view-pdf): Interner PDF-Betrachter (als Fenster)
Biber (biber): biber %
BibTeX (bibtex): bibtex %.aux
Makeindex (makeindex): makeindex %.idx
Default Bibliography Tool (bibliography): BibTeX
LaTeX (latex) (r): latex -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Metapost (metapost): mpost -interaction=nonstopmode ?me)
Asymptote (asy): asy ?m*.asy
Internal Precompile (internal-pre-compile): txs:///pre-compile | txs:///conditionally-recompile-bibliography
PDF Chain (pdf-chain): txs:///pdflatex | txs:///view-pdf
DviPng (dvipng): dvipng -T tight -D 120 %.dvi
Default Viewer (view): PDF Betrachter
DVI Viewer (view-dvi): open %.dvi > /dev/null
Default Index Tool (index): txs:///makeindex
PS Chain (ps-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///dvips | txs:///view-ps
Asymptote DVI Chain (asy-dvi-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///asy | txs:///latex | txs:///view-dvi
PS Viewer (view-ps): open > /dev/null
Latexmk (latexmk): latexmk -pdf -silent -synctex=1 %
XeLaTeX (xelatex) (r): xelatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Makeglossaries (makeglossaries): makeglossaries %
Build & View (quick): Erstellen & Anzeigen (mit ausgewählten Standardprogrammen)
Default Glossary Tool (glossary): txs:///makeglossaries
PdfLaTeX (pdflatex) (r): pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
SVN (svn): svn
Asymptote PDF Chain (asy-pdf-chain): txs:///pdflatex | txs:///asy | txs:///pdflatex | txs:///view-pdf
DviPdf (dvipdf): dvipdfmx %.dvi
DviPs (dvips): dvips -o %.dvi
Precompile (pre-compile):
LuaLaTeX (lualatex) (r): lualatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Default Compiler (compile) (r): PdfLaTeX
Ps2Pdf (ps2pdf): ps2pdf
Recompile Bibliography (recompile-bibliography): txs:///compile | txs:///bibliography | txs:///compile
BibTeX 8-Bit (bibtex8): bibtex8 %.aux
DVI->PS->PDF Chain (dvi-ps-pdf-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///dvips | txs:///ps2pdf | txs:///view-pdf

Additional Search Paths:
Command: /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/x86_64-darwin



when I start pdflatexand then stop, the attached messages appears


when I start pdflatexand then stop, the attached messages appears

Please, instead of screenshot, right click to copy the messages and just paste them here (TXS being in English could help non German speaking people to help you).


It seems that TeXstudio cannot find pdflatex, that is it is not in the search path. We have already seen it in the past on macOS where programs started from shell and from launchpad have different PATH environment variables.

Can you try the following:

  1. Start terminal.
  2. Run which pdflatex from the terminal command-line. Please paste the output from which pdflatex here.
  3. Run texstudio from the terminal command-line, then try to compile a document from TeXstudio.
    Does TeXstudio work (compile successfully when run from the command-line?


Ok, here’s the output:

Run texstudiofrom command line takes no effect. Same result.

I’ve changed under Options the command pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex into /Library/TeX/texbin/pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex. PdfLaTeX doesn’t start.


You could try txs 3.0.0alpha1 for testing


Indeed trying version 3.0.0 is a good idea.

Also try adding /Library/TeX/texbin/ to the Additional Search Paths / Commands ($PATH). You can set it from
Options/Configure TeXstudio…
then enable «Show advanced options»
then go to Build / Additional Search Paths / Commands ($PATH)
and set it to /Library/TeX/texbin/

Does that make a difference?


Ok, I’ve downloaded the file Can’t start TXS. In Additional Search Paths: I’ve changed Commands ($PATH) from /usr/local/texlive/2012/bin/x86_64-darwin to /Library/TeX/texbin/. It doesn’t make any difference.

The following output appears in the Messages window:
Process started: PdfLaTeX

Error: Command crashed: PdfLaTeX

Process exited with error(s)

latex or pdflatex works fine for me with i.e. TeXShop or from command line.


Ok, I’ve found a solution/workaround. The commands Build & View (F5), Compile (F6) and View (F7) doesn’t work. So I run the commands from menu directly Tools > Commands > PdfLaTeX, Tools > Commands > View PDF. This works fine.

After that I go to Preferences > Build and changes the entries under Build & View, Default Compiler, Default Viewer and PDF Viewer. Now it is possible to compile and view from toolbar or press the shortcuts F5, F6 and so on. No idea why the entries where changed, but now it’s all fine.



I confirm that this is still an issue on macOS X (Catalina) with TeXstudio 3.0.1. @doctorrerumnaturalium’s workaround works like a charm. Thank you!

This is what I get with Help>check latex installation:

where pdflatex:

PDFLATEX: pdflatex -version

Environment variables:
CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:Program Files (x86)Common Files
PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 58 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
CommonProgramW6432=C:Program FilesCommon Files
ProgramFiles(x86)=C:Program Files (x86)
Path=C:Program Files (x86)NVIDIA CorporationPhysXCommon;C:ProgramDataOracleJavajavapath;C:xpressmpbin;C:WINDOWSsystem32;C:WINDOWS;C:WINDOWSSystem32Wbem;C:WINDOWSSystem32WindowsPowerShellv1.0;C:Program Files (x86)Windows Kits8.1Windows Performance Toolkit;C:Program Files (x86)SkypePhone;C:Program FilesPython35Scripts
ProgramFiles=C:Program Files (x86)
ProgramW6432=C:Program Files
CommonProgramFiles=C:Program Files (x86)Common Files

Path : C:Program Files (x86)TeXstudiotexstudio.exe
Program call: C:Program Files (x86)TeXstudiotexstudio.exe
Setting file: C:UsersRobAppDataRoamingtexstudiotexstudio.ini

Command configuration in TeXstudio:
Texindy (texindy): texindy.exe %.idx
PS Chain (ps-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///dvips | txs:///view-ps
XeLaTeX (xelatex) (r): xelatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
Biber (biber): biber.exe %
DVI Viewer (view-dvi): «C:texlive2015binwin32dviout.exe» «?am.dvi»
Asymptote (asy): asy.exe ?m*.asy
Ghostscript (gs): «C:texlive2015binwin32rungs.exe» «?»
DviPng (dvipng): dvipng.exe -T tight -D 120 %.dvi
Internal Precompile (internal-pre-compile): txs:///pre-compile | txs:///conditionally-recompile-bibliography
Asymptote PDF Chain (asy-pdf-chain): txs:///pdflatex | txs:///asy | txs:///pdflatex | txs:///view-pdf
DviPdf (dvipdf): dvipdfm.exe %.dvi
PDF Viewer (view-pdf): txs:///view-pdf-internal —embedded
LaTeX (latex) (r): latex.exe -src -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
SVNADMIN (svnadmin):
PS Viewer (view-ps): «C:texlive2015binwin32psv.exe» «?»
DVI->PS->PDF Chain (dvi-ps-pdf-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///dvips | txs:///ps2pdf | txs:///view-pdf
Default Index Tool (index): txs:///makeindex
Default Bibliography Tool (bibliography): txs:///bibtex
BibTeX (bibtex): bibtex.exe %
Recompile Bibliography (recompile-bibliography): txs:///compile | txs:///bibliography | txs:///compile
PDF Chain (pdf-chain): txs:///pdflatex | txs:///view-pdf
Build & View (quick): txs:///compile | txs:///view
Default Glossary Tool (glossary): txs:///makeglossaries
Asymptote DVI Chain (asy-dvi-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///asy | txs:///latex | txs:///view-dvi
Makeglossaries (makeglossaries): makeglossaries.exe %
Precompile (pre-compile):
PdfLaTeX (pdflatex) (r): pdflatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
DVI Chain (dvi-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///view-dvi
Default Viewer (view): txs:///view-pdf
DviPs (dvips): dvips.exe -o %.dvi
DVI->PDF Chain (dvi-pdf-chain): txs:///latex | txs:///dvipdf | txs:///view-pdf
Default Compiler (compile) (r): txs:///pdflatex
Makeindex (makeindex): makeindex.exe %.idx
Latexmk (latexmk): latexmk -pdf -silent -latexoption=»-synctex=1″ %
LuaLaTeX (lualatex) (r): lualatex.exe -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex
External PDF Viewer (view-pdf-external): «C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAcrobat Reader DCReaderAcroRd32.exe» «?am.pdf»
Metapost (metapost): mpost.exe -interaction=nonstopmode ?me)
Ps2Pdf (ps2pdf): ps2pdf.exe
BibTeX 8-Bit (bibtex8): bibtex8.exe %
SVN (svn):

Additional Search Paths:

And this is whay I get with the help>check active completion files:
C:/Users/Rob/AppData/Local/Temp/System Report.txt:
tex.cwl, latex-document.cwl, latex-mathsymbols.cwl

——————- Package tex.cwl: ———————
Package not cached (normal for global packages)
possible commands
%definition: newif, let
normal: muskipdef, raggedleft, abovedisplayskip, eject, pageno, string, newtoks, dots, par, vtop, message, scriptscriptfont, chardef, ifodd, font, firstmark, meaning, hfilneg, hrulefill, floatingpenalty, mathop, day, unpenalty, hphantom, bigbreak, newmuskip, parskip, ifinner, lowercase, hfill, everycr, newread, mathpunct, tracingpages, errhelp, delimiterfactor, vfil, endinput, pagefillstretch, pagefilstretch, showboxbreadth, offinterlineskip, showboxdepth, mathstrut, everypar, rightskip, folio, protect, omit, textindent, interdisplaylinepenalty, openout, patterns, shipout, adjdemerits, immediate, mathrel, outer, topskip, unvcopy, displayindent, unhbox, hfil, tracingfonts, everymath, cleaders, prevdepth, pagedepth, endcsname, tracingcommands, finalhypendemerits, prevgraf, pausing, romannumeral, thickmuskip, vfill, medskipamount, unitlength, ifvbox, margin, empty, else, newwrite, lastskip, pagegoal, closeout, skip, vfuzz, overfullrule, openin, newbox, bigskipamount, repeat, vbadness, belowdisplayshortskip, vskip, def, month, botmark, delcode, displaystyle, tracingonline, cleartabs, bordermatrix, leaders, everydisplay, underbar, jobname, splitfirstmark, moveright, postdisplaypenalty, vfilneg, edef, box, scriptstyle, displaywidth, choose, ifnum, mathchardef, brokenpenalty, copyright, ifdim, skipdef, hbox, leqno, nointerlineskip, thinspace, widowpenalty, showbox, valign, noexpand, magnification, mag, kern, mathaccent, showlists, abovedisplayshortskip, quad, eqalignno, tracingmacros, vfilll, output, pretolerance, llap, ifhmode, smallskip, magstep, doublehyphendemerits, atopwithdelims, defaultskewchar, spacefactor, mathopen, the, endgraf, if, escapechar, toksdef, crcr, scriptscriptstyle, xspaceskip, endlinechar, limits, predisplaypenalty, vss, interlinepenalty, matrix, mathchoice, tracingrestores, unhcopy, catcode, raggedright, tracingparagraphs, defaulthyphenchar, insertpenalties, fontname, pagefilllstretch, topmark, showhyphens, csname, bye, uchyph, futurelet, setbox, displaywidowpenalty, pageinsert, fi, mathinner, penalty, medbreak, closing, pageshrink, deadcycles, mathsurround, maxdeadcycles, afterassignment, belowdisplayskip, nolimits, ifx, ifeof, removelastskip, smallbreak, mark, gdef, skewchar, hskip, medmuskip, leavevmode, centering, accent, fontdimen, cases, tracingoutput, vsplit, newhelp, bigskip, skew, ifcase, mathord, read, endgroup, halign, interfootnotelinepenalty, newdimen, uccode, pmatrix, TeX, global, ifcat, hrule, topins, unvbox, proclaim, displaylines, hangafter, cal, overwithdelims, parshape, obeyspaces, relax, radical, multiply, dash, ifmmode, slash, joinrel, allowhyphens, frenchspacing, nonscript, begingroup, dimendef, mathbin, over, multispan, clubpenalty, iffalse, danger, lower, newlinechar, atop, ignorespaces, vbox, copy, hfuzz, footnoterule, iftrue, span, scriptfont, voffset, muskip, errmessage, egroup, eqno, mathchar, write, lccode, everyhbox, strut, columns, uppercase, negthinspace, noindent, hoffset, maxdimen, tabskip, leftskip, mkern, insert, vsize, hangindent, vphantom, hyphenchar, textstyle, mathclose, qquad, looseness, exhyphenpenalty, ifundefined, number, textfont, everyjob, newif, moveleft, indent, line, unkern, active, tolerance, footnote, baselineskip, enskip, showthe, noalign, sfcode, parindent, spaceskip, delimiter, lastkern, hyphenpenalty, ifvoid, countdef, raggedbottom, fam, splittopskip, errorstopmode, displaylimits, nobreak, raise, footins, eqalign, mskip, hsize, ifdefined, ifvmode, lastbox, dimen, advancepageno, boxmaxdepth, nulldelimiterspace, annotations, right, hbadness, let, newskip, nullfont, left, buildrel, overrightarrow, splitbotmark, discretionary, expandafter, lastpenalty, ifhbox, tracingstats, vrule, long, lineskiplimit, enspace, relpenalty, linepenalty, phantom, parfillskip, lineskip, closein, delimitershortfall, pagestretch, xdef, overleftarrow, obeylines, batchmode, special, toks, year, count, nonstopmode, vadjust, newcount, char, rlap, maxdepth, nonfrenchspacing, xleaders, above, globaldefs, mathcode, thinmuskip, scriptspace, unskip, advance, bgroup, tracinglostchars, everyvbox, show, predisplaysize, raggedcenter, abovewithdelims, scrollmode, splitmaxdepth, allowbreak, fill, outputpenalty, medskip, nopagenumbers, smallskipamount, dotfill, divide, aftergroup, vcenter
special def commands
special treatment commands
option Commands:
kinds: muskipdef(::), raggedleft(::), abovedisplayskip(::), eject(::), pageno(::), string(::), newtoks(::), dots(::), par(::), vtop(::), message(::), scriptscriptfont(::), chardef(::), ifodd(::), font(::), firstmark(::), meaning(::), hfilneg(::), hrulefill(::), floatingpenalty(::), mathop(::), day(::), unpenalty(::), hphantom(::), bigbreak(::), newmuskip(::), parskip(::), ifinner(::), lowercase(::), hfill(::), everycr(::), newread(::), mathpunct(::), tracingpages(::), errhelp(::), delimiterfactor(::), vfil(::), endinput(::), pagefillstretch(::), pagefilstretch(::), showboxbreadth(::), offinterlineskip(::), showboxdepth(::), mathstrut(::), everypar(::), rightskip(::), folio(::), protect(::), omit(::), textindent(::), interdisplaylinepenalty(::), openout(::), patterns(::), shipout(::), adjdemerits(::), immediate(::), mathrel(::), outer(::), topskip(::), unvcopy(::), displayindent(::), unhbox(::), hfil(::), tracingfonts(::), everymath(::), cleaders(::), prevdepth(::), pagedepth(::), endcsname(::), tracingcommands(::), finalhypendemerits(::), prevgraf(::), pausing(::), romannumeral(::), thickmuskip(::), vfill(::), medskipamount(::), unitlength(::), ifvbox(::), margin(::), empty(::), else(::), newwrite(::), lastskip(::), pagegoal(::), closeout(::), skip(::), vfuzz(::), overfullrule(::), openin(::), newbox(::), bigskipamount(::), repeat(::), vbadness(::), belowdisplayshortskip(::), vskip(::), def(::), month(::), botmark(::), delcode(::), displaystyle(::), tracingonline(::), cleartabs(::), bordermatrix(::), leaders(::), everydisplay(::), underbar(::), jobname(::), splitfirstmark(::), moveright(::), postdisplaypenalty(::), vfilneg(::), edef(::), box(::), scriptstyle(::), displaywidth(::), choose(::), ifnum(::), mathchardef(::), brokenpenalty(::), copyright(::), ifdim(::), skipdef(::), hbox(::), leqno(::), nointerlineskip(::), thinspace(::), widowpenalty(::), showbox(::), valign(::), noexpand(::), magnification(::), mag(::), kern(::), mathaccent(::), showlists(::), abovedisplayshortskip(::), quad(::), eqalignno(::), tracingmacros(::), vfilll(::), output(::), pretolerance(::), llap(::), ifhmode(::), smallskip(::), magstep(::), doublehyphendemerits(::), atopwithdelims(::), defaultskewchar(::), spacefactor(::), mathopen(::), the(::), endgraf(::), if(::), escapechar(::), toksdef(::), crcr(::), scriptscriptstyle(::), xspaceskip(::), endlinechar(::), limits(::), predisplaypenalty(::), vss(::), interlinepenalty(::), matrix(::), mathchoice(::), tracingrestores(::), unhcopy(::), catcode(::), raggedright(::), tracingparagraphs(::), defaulthyphenchar(::), insertpenalties(::), fontname(::), pagefilllstretch(::), topmark(::), showhyphens(::), csname(::), bye(::), uchyph(::), futurelet(::), setbox(::), displaywidowpenalty(::), pageinsert(::), fi(::), mathinner(::), penalty(::), medbreak(::), closing(::), pageshrink(::), deadcycles(::), mathsurround(::), maxdeadcycles(::), afterassignment(::), belowdisplayskip(::), nolimits(::), ifx(::), ifeof(::), removelastskip(::), smallbreak(::), mark(::), gdef(::), skewchar(::), hskip(::), medmuskip(::), leavevmode(::), centering(::), accent(::), fontdimen(::), cases(::), tracingoutput(::), vsplit(::), newhelp(::), bigskip(::), skew(::), ifcase(::), mathord(::), read(::), endgroup(::), halign(::), interfootnotelinepenalty(::), newdimen(::), uccode(::), pmatrix(::), TeX(::), global(::), ifcat(::), hrule(::), topins(::), unvbox(::), proclaim(::), displaylines(::), hangafter(::), cal(::), overwithdelims(::), parshape(::), obeyspaces(::), relax(::), radical(::), multiply(::), dash(::), ifmmode(::), slash(::), joinrel(::), allowhyphens(::), frenchspacing(::), nonscript(::), begingroup(::), dimendef(::), mathbin(::), over(::), multispan(::), clubpenalty(::), iffalse(::), danger(::), lower(::), newlinechar(::), atop(::), ignorespaces(::), vbox(::), copy(::), hfuzz(::), footnoterule(::), iftrue(::), span(::), scriptfont(::), voffset(::), muskip(::), errmessage(::), egroup(::), eqno(::), mathchar(::), write(::), lccode(::), everyhbox(::), strut(::), columns(::), uppercase(::), negthinspace(::), noindent(::), hoffset(::), maxdimen(::), tabskip(::), leftskip(::), mkern(::), insert(::), vsize(::), hangindent(::), vphantom(::), hyphenchar(::), textstyle(::), mathclose(::), qquad(::), looseness(::), exhyphenpenalty(::), ifundefined(::), number(::), textfont(::), everyjob(::), newif(:27:), moveleft(::), indent(::), line(::), unkern(::), active(::), tolerance(::), footnote(::), baselineskip(::), enskip(::), showthe(::), noalign(::), sfcode(::), parindent(::), spaceskip(::), delimiter(::), lastkern(::), hyphenpenalty(::), ifvoid(::), countdef(::), raggedbottom(::), fam(::), splittopskip(::), errorstopmode(::), displaylimits(::), nobreak(::), raise(::), footins(::), eqalign(::), mskip(::), hsize(::), ifdefined(::), ifvmode(::), lastbox(::), dimen(::), advancepageno(::), boxmaxdepth(::), nulldelimiterspace(::), annotations(::), right(::), hbadness(::), let(:27 48:), newskip(::), nullfont(::), left(::), buildrel(::), overrightarrow(::), splitbotmark(::), discretionary(::), expandafter(::), lastpenalty(::), ifhbox(::), tracingstats(::), vrule(::), long(::), lineskiplimit(::), enspace(::), relpenalty(::), linepenalty(::), phantom(::), parfillskip(::), lineskip(::), closein(::), delimitershortfall(::), pagestretch(::), xdef(::), overleftarrow(::), obeylines(::), batchmode(::), special(::), toks(::), year(::), count(::), nonstopmode(::), vadjust(::), newcount(::), char(::), rlap(::), maxdepth(::), nonfrenchspacing(::), xleaders(::), above(::), globaldefs(::), mathcode(::), thinmuskip(::), scriptspace(::), unskip(::), advance(::), bgroup(::), tracinglostchars(::), everyvbox(::), show(::), predisplaysize(::), raggedcenter(::), abovewithdelims(::), scrollmode(::), splitmaxdepth(::), allowbreak(::), fill(::), outputpenalty(::), medskip(::), nopagenumbers(::), smallskipamount(::), dotfill(::), divide(::), aftergroup(::), vcenter(::)
all commands: ; TeX; above; abovedisplayshortskip; abovedisplayskip; abovewithdelims; accent; active; adjdemerits; advance; advancepageno; afterassignment; aftergroup; allowbreak; allowhyphens; annotations; atop; atopwithdelims; baselineskip; batchmode; begingroup; begingroup..endgroup; belowdisplayshortskip; belowdisplayskip; bgroup; bgroup..egroup; bigbreak; bigskip; bigskipamount; bordermatrix; botmark; box; boxmaxdepth; brokenpenalty; buildrel; bye; cal; cases; catcode; centering; char; chardef; choose; cleaders; cleartabs; closein; closeout; closing; clubpenalty; columns; copy; copyright; count; countdef; crcr; csname; danger; dash; day; deadcycles; def; defaulthyphenchar; defaultskewchar; delcode; delimiter; delimiterfactor; delimitershortfall; dimen; dimendef; discretionary; displayindent; displaylimits; displaylines; displaystyle; displaywidowpenalty; displaywidth; divide; dotfill; dots; doublehyphendemerits; edef; egroup; eject; else; empty; endcsname; endgraf; endgroup; endinput; endlinechar; enskip; enspace; eqalign; eqalignno; eqno; errhelp; errmessage; errorstopmode; escapechar; everycr; everydisplay; everyhbox; everyjob; everymath; everypar; everyvbox; exhyphenpenalty; expandafter; fam; fi; fill; finalhypendemerits; firstmark; floatingpenalty; folio; font; fontdimen; fontname; footins; footnote; footnoterule; frenchspacing; futurelet; gdef; global; globaldefs; halign; hangafter; hangindent; hbadness; hbox; hfil; hfill; hfilneg; hfuzz; hoffset; hphantom; hrule; hrulefill; hsize; hskip; hyphenchar; hyphenpenalty; if;;; ifcase;;; ifcat;;; ifdefined; ifdim;;; ifeof;;; iffalse;;; ifhbox;;; ifhmode;;; ifinner;;; ifmmode;;; ifnum;;; ifodd;;; iftrue;;; ifundefined; ifvbox;;; ifvmode;;; ifvoid;;; ifx;;; ignorespaces; immediate; indent; insert; insertpenalties; interdisplaylinepenalty; interfootnotelinepenalty; interlinepenalty; jobname; joinrel; kern; lastbox; lastkern; lastpenalty; lastskip; lccode; leaders; leavevmode; left; left..right; leftskip; leqno; let; limits; line; linepenalty; lineskip; lineskiplimit; llap; long; looseness; lower; lowercase; mag; magnification; magstep; margin; mark; mathaccent; mathbin; mathchar; mathchardef; mathchoice; mathclose; mathcode; mathinner; mathop; mathopen; mathord; mathpunct; mathrel; mathstrut; mathsurround; matrix; maxdeadcycles; maxdepth; maxdimen; meaning; medbreak; medmuskip; medskip; medskipamount; message; mkern; month; moveleft; moveright; mskip; multiply; multispan; muskip; muskipdef; negthinspace; newbox; newcount; newdimen; newhelp; newif{}; newlinechar; newmuskip; newread; newskip; newtoks; newwrite; noalign; nobreak; noexpand; noindent; nointerlineskip; nolimits; nonfrenchspacing; nonscript; nonstopmode; nopagenumbers; nulldelimiterspace; nullfont; number; obeylines; obeyspaces; offinterlineskip; omit; openin; openout; outer; output; outputpenalty; over; overfullrule; overleftarrow; overrightarrow; overwithdelims; pagedepth; pagefilllstretch; pagefillstretch; pagefilstretch; pagegoal; pageinsert; pageno; pageshrink; pagestretch; par; parfillskip; parindent; parshape; parskip; patterns; pausing; penalty; phantom; pmatrix; postdisplaypenalty; predisplaypenalty; predisplaysize; pretolerance; prevdepth; prevgraf; proclaim; protect; qquad; quad; radical; raggedbottom; raggedcenter; raggedleft; raggedright; raise; read; relax; relpenalty; removelastskip; repeat; right; rightskip; rlap; romannumeral; scriptfont; scriptscriptfont; scriptscriptstyle; scriptspace; scriptstyle; scrollmode; setbox; sfcode; shipout; show; showbox; showboxbreadth; showboxdepth; showhyphens; showlists; showthe; skew; skewchar; skip; skipdef; slash; smallbreak; smallskip; smallskipamount; spacefactor; spaceskip; span; special; splitbotmark; splitfirstmark; splitmaxdepth; splittopskip; string; strut; tabskip; textfont; textindent; textstyle; the; thickmuskip; thinmuskip; thinspace; toks; toksdef; tolerance; topins; topmark; topskip; tracingcommands; tracingfonts; tracinglostchars; tracingmacros; tracingonline; tracingoutput; tracingpages; tracingparagraphs; tracingrestores; tracingstats; uccode; uchyph; underbar; unhbox; unhcopy; unitlength; unkern; unpenalty; unskip; unvbox; unvcopy; uppercase; vadjust; valign; vbadness; vbox; vcenter; vfil; vfill; vfilll; vfilneg; vfuzz; voffset; vphantom; vrule; vsize; vskip; vsplit; vss; vtop; widowpenalty; write; xdef; xleaders; xspaceskip; year

——————- Package latex-document.cwl: ———————
Package not cached (normal for global packages)
possible commands
tabular: cline, hline
%structure0: part, part
%cite: cite, nocite
normal: plus, newblock, date, textparagraph, pagename, fontencoding, end{picture}, dag, textcompwordmark, setlength, textbraceright, bibliographystyle, end{center}, frame, partname, sbox, shortstack, part, width, linewidth, linethickness, hrulefill, end{verbatim
}, figurename, nocorrlist, subparagraph, listtablename, bibitem, appendixname, nouppercase, contentsline, listfigurename, today, fontseries, hfill, makeglossary, begin{}, nonumber, frac, textbraceleft, descriptionlabel, enlargethispage, glossary, flushright, end{eqnarray}, subsection, verb, end{table}, textwidth, hyphenation, end{document}, markright, begin{enumerate}, textellipsis, paragraphmark, subsection, vline, end{abstract}, stepcounter, renewcommand, grq, normalfont, begin{verbatim}, begin{Huge}, end{theindex}, begin{tabular}, textendash, i, lefteqn, end{list}, frqq, big, subitem, pagenumbering, end{flushright}, suppressfloats, sffamily, cleardoublepage, Large, marginpar, pagebreak, rule, includeonly, end{scriptsize}, ae, it, unboldmath, textrm, family, end{tabular}, sf, begin{minipage}, indexspace, textless, fontsubfuzz, hspace, end{quotation}, textbar, clearpage, ensuremath, caption, textquestiondown, AA, pagestyle, flushleft, end{}, documentclass, textsterling, Big, thispagestyle, Huge, end{tabbing}, end{pmatrix}, begin{tabbing}, tt, appendix, end{Large}, textasteriskcentered, fontshape, newcommand, begin{thebibliography}, flq, begin{theorem}, linebreak, itshape, textasciitilde, pageref, begin{alltt}, small, rmfamily, renewenvironment, hlinefill, part, textnormal, index, textsuperscript, textgreater, end{enumerate}, alph, fontsize, textmd, textregistered, overline, listoftables, begin{scriptsize}, em, quad, hspace, newlength, ttfamily, pounds, begin{tiny}, texttrademark, bibliography, rightmark, end{figure}, textunderscore, end{filecontents}, flqq, textemdash, nocorr, end{Vmatrix}, r, upshape, arabic, textcopyright, end{lrbox}, newline, textsf, makelabels, glq, begin{verse}, onecolumn, textdagger, begin{table}, begin{quotation}, end{trivlist}, ddag, obeycr, textheight, sc, Alph, begin{Large}, smash, vspace, addcontentsline, begin{figure}, end{table}, begin{LARGE}, textup, subsubsection, author, textquoteleft, begin{description}, begin{filecontents}, circle, thinlines, paragraph, tiny, end{titlepage}, begin{theindex}, end{displaymath}, and, tablename, begin{tabular}, thanks, include, time, framebox, columnwidth, textvisiblespace, label, chapter, end{quote}, symbol, begin{flushright}, huge, bigskip, MakeLowercase, begin{table}, end{array}, printindex, vspace, textbf, nofiles, begin{itemize}, markboth, textbardbl, end{vmatrix}, textperiodcentered, bigg, begin{math}, fbox, maketitle, textquoteright, end{flushleft}, oe, subsubsectionmark, begin{list}, hrule, pagetotal, subsectionmark, newcommand, begin{quote}, end{bmatrix}, textsl, chaptermark, cal, circle, enlargethispage, footnotetext, depth, begin{equation}, bfseries, textquotedblright, boldmath, begin{small}, begin{trivlist}, makeindex, stackrel, end{verse}, subsubitem, righthyphenmin, end{filecontents}, normalcolor, begin{figure}, space, thicklines, begin{large}, mbox, rm, newenvironment, end{itemize}, samepage, glossaryentry, indexname, %<%:TEXSTUDIO-GENERIC-ENVIRONMENT-TEMPLATE%>, newpage, fontfamily, chaptername, footnotesize, renewcommand, section, textit, begin{document}, end{normalsize}, end{verbatim}, nocite, sectionmark, AE, nolinebreak, parbox, mathversion, listparindent, scshape, begin{footnotesize}, stop, bf, Bigg, frq, Roman, MakeUppercase, end{Bmatrix}, botfigrule, abstractname, begin{displaymath}, sl, textbackslash, OE, typeout, qquad, normalsize, pdfinfo, textsc, ldots, textexclamdown, end{Huge}, fnsymbol, begin{filecontents}, line, section, textdaggerdbl, end{equation}, footnote, end{large}, normalmarginpar, title, language, newtheorem, end{minipage}, mdseries, makelabel, listoffigures, end{math}, providecommand, null, multicolumn, footnotemark, end{description}, end{small}, begin{abstract}, begin{titlepage}, begin{verbatim}, LaTeX, oddsidemargin, begin{flushleft}, subparagraph, usepackage, overrightarrow, textsection, makeatletter, tableofcontents, begin{picture}, textasciicircum, end{footnotesize}, inputlineno, end{figure}, end{theorem}, nopagebreak, end{tabular}, cite, rightmargin, large, LARGE, subparagraphmark, glqq, vdots, newlabel, emph, roman, end{alltt}, begin{lrbox}, subsubsection, overleftarrow, LaTeXe, oldstylenums, selectfont, slshape, aa, input, end{LARGE}, ref, scriptsize, newtheorem, textbullet, twocolumn, iterate, listfiles, flushbottom, end{matrix}, typein, begin{eqnarray}, end{thebibliography}, end{huge}, texttt, overbrace, underline, end{tiny}, textquotedblleft, textcircled, chapter, paragraph, begin{huge}, makeatother, item, lefthyphenmin, refname, begin{center}, textdollar, hss, medskip, contentsname, grqq, begin{normalsize}
%structure2: section, section

%structure1: chapter, chapter
%structure5: paragraph
, paragraph
%color: gray, red, black, cyan, blue, yellow, white, green
%verbatimEnv: verbatim, verbatim
%structure4: subsubsection, subsubsection

%include: input, include
math: mathnormal, mathtt, mathcal, mathrm, mathgroup, sqrt, begin{vmatrix}, begin{array}, mathunderscore, mathit, mathbf, right, mathsterling, begin{bmatrix}, begin{Bmatrix}, left, begin{matrix}, begin{pmatrix}, begin{Vmatrix}, mathds, mathellipsis, mathscr, mathsf
tabbing: poptabs, kill, pushtabs
array: cline, hline
%structure3: subsection, subsection
%structure6: subparagraph, subparagraph

picture: oval, vector, put, bezier, multiput
%ref: ref, pageref
special def commands
special treatment commands
option Commands: section, overline, textrm, mathit, overleftarrow, mathrm, part, footnote, section, subsubsection, MakeLowercase, subparagraph, textsc, thanks, fbox, emph, overrightarrow, date, subsection, subsubsection, textit, textup, mathsf, twocolumn, texttt, subparagraph, title, subsection, underline, MakeUppercase, framebox, textmd, mathcal, part, mathbf, textbf, overbrace, caption, chapter, glossaryentry, mathds, mbox, glossary, textsf, mathtt, footnotetext, textsl, ensuremath, paragraph, chapter, frame, paragraph, mathnormal
kinds: plus(::), newblock(::), date(:24:), textparagraph(::), pagename(::), fontencoding(:45:), multiput(:45 45:45 45), dag(::), textcompwordmark(::), setlength(:27 30:), textbraceright(::), bibliographystyle(:45:), frame(:24:), partname(:45:), sbox(24:27:), begin{vmatrix}(:26:), shortstack(31:45:), part(33:33:), width(::), linewidth(::), linethickness(:45:), hrulefill(::), figurename(:45:), nocorrlist(:45:), subparagraph
(:33:), listtablename(:45:), bibitem(45:53:), nouppercase(::), appendixname(::), contentsline(:45 24 45:), listfigurename(:45:), today(::), fontseries(:45:), hfill(::), makeglossary(::), oval(45::45), begin{}(::), nonumber(::), frac(:45 45:), textbraceleft(::), descriptionlabel(:45:), enlargethispage(:45:), glossary(:24:), flushright(::), mathit(:24:), subsection(:33:), verb(::), textwidth(::), hyphenation(:45:), markright(:45:), mathsf(:24:), begin{enumerate}(:26:), textellipsis(::), end(:25:), paragraphmark(::), subsection(33:33:), vline(::), stepcounter(:45:), renewcommand(46 47:27 48:), grq(::), normalfont(::), begin{verbatim}(:26:), begin{Huge}(:26:), begin{tabular}(45:26 30 32:), textendash(::), i(::), mathunderscore(::), lefteqn(::), frqq(::), big(45::), subitem(::), pagenumbering(:45:), suppressfloats(31::), sffamily(::), cleardoublepage(::), Large(::), marginpar(45:45:), pagebreak(45::), rule(45:30 45:), includeonly(:45:), ae(::), it(::), unboldmath(::), textrm(:24:), family(::), sf(::), begin{minipage}(31:26 30:), indexspace(::), textless(::), fontsubfuzz(::), hspace(:30:), textbar(::), clearpage(::), ensuremath(:24:), caption(45:24:), textquestiondown(::), mathtt(:24:), mathsterling(::), begin{bmatrix}(:26:), AA(::), pagestyle(:45:), flushleft(::), begin{pmatrix}(:26:), documentclass(20:35:), textsterling(::), Big(45::), thispagestyle(:45:), begin(:26:), Huge(::), begin{tabbing}(:26:), tt(::), appendix(::), textasteriskcentered(::), fontshape(:45:), newcommand(46 47:27 48:), begin{thebibliography}(:26 45:), flq(::), begin{theorem}(45:26:), linebreak(45::), itshape(::), textasciitilde(::), pageref(:28:), begin{alltt}(:26:), small(::), rmfamily(::), renewenvironment(46 47:45 48 48:), part(:33:), hlinefill(::), begin{Bmatrix}(:26:), textnormal(::), index(:45:), textsuperscript(::), textgreater(::), alph(:45:), fontsize(:45 45:), textmd(:24:), textregistered(::), overline(:24:), listoftables(::), begin{scriptsize}(:26:), em(::), quad(::), hspace(:30:), mathgroup(::), newlength(:49:), ttfamily(::), pounds(::), begin{tiny}(:26:), texttrademark(::), bibliography(:19:), rightmark(::), (::), textunderscore(::), flqq(::), textemdash(::), nocorr(::), begin{matrix}(:26:), r(:45:), upshape(::), arabic(:45:), textcopyright(::), newline(::), textsf(:24:), mathrm(:24:), makelabels(:45:), glq(::), onecolumn(::), begin{verse}(:26:), textdagger(::), begin{table}(31:26:), begin{quotation}(:26:), obeycr(::), ddag(::), textheight(::), sc(::), Alph(:45:), begin{Large}(:26:), bezier(:45:45 45 45), smash(::), vspace(:30:), addcontentsline(:17 45 45:), begin{figure}(31:26:), begin{LARGE}(:26:), put(:24:45), textup(:24:), subsubsection(33:33:), author(:45:), textquoteleft(::), begin{description}(:26:), begin{filecontents}(:26:), circle(:45:), thinlines(::), paragraph(33:33:), tiny(::), begin{theindex}(:26:), and(::), tablename(:45:), begin{tabular}(45:26 32:), mathbf(:24:), mathellipsis(::), thanks(:24:), include(:17:), time(::), framebox(30 31:24:), columnwidth(::), textvisiblespace(::), label(:15:), chapter(:33:), symbol(:45:), begin{flushright}(:26:), huge(::), poptabs(::), bigskip(::), MakeLowercase(:24:), begin{table}(31:26:), printindex(::), vspace(:30:), textbf(:24:), nofiles(::), mathds(:24:), begin{itemize}(:26:), markboth(:45 45:), textbardbl(::), textperiodcentered(::), bigg(45::), mathcal(:24:), begin{math}(:26:), fbox(:24:), maketitle(::), textquoteright(::), sqrt(45:45:), oe(::), subsubsectionmark(:45:), pagetotal(::), begin{list}(:26 45 45:), hrule(::), subsectionmark(:45:), newcommand(46 47:27 48:), begin{quote}(:26:), textsl(:24:), chaptermark(:45:), cal(::), vector(:30:45), circle(:45:), enlargethispage(:45:), footnotetext(45:24:), depth(::), begin{equation}(:26:), bfseries(::), textquotedblright(::), boldmath(::), begin{small}(:26:), begin{trivlist}(:26:), makeindex(::), stackrel(:45 45:), subsubitem(::), righthyphenmin(::), normalcolor(::), begin{figure}(31:26:), space(::), thicklines(::), begin{large}(:26:), mbox(:24:), rm(::), newenvironment(46 47:45 48 48:), samepage(::), glossaryentry(:24 45:), indexname(:45:), mathnormal(:24:), newpage(::), fontfamily(:45:), chaptername(:45:), footnotesize(::), begin{array}(45:26 32:), renewcommand(46 47:27 48:), section(:33:), textit(:24:), begin{document}(:26:), nocite(:16:), sectionmark(:45:), mathscr(::), AE(::), nolinebreak(45::), parbox(31:30 24:), mathversion(::), listparindent(::), scshape(::), begin{footnotesize}(:26:), stop(::), bf(::), Bigg(45::), frq(::), Roman(:45:), MakeUppercase(:24:), botfigrule(::), abstractname(:45:), begin{displaymath}(:26:), sl(::), textbackslash(::), pushtabs(::), OE(::), typeout(:45:), qquad(::), normalsize(::), pdfinfo(:45:), textsc(:24:), ldots(::), textexclamdown(::), fnsymbol(:45:), begin{filecontents}(:26:), line(:30:45), section(33:33:), textdaggerdbl(::), footnote(45:24:), normalmarginpar(::), title(:24:), begin{Vmatrix}(:26:), language(::), newtheorem(45:52 45:), cline(:45:), mdseries(::), makelabel(::), listoffigures(::), providecommand(46 47:27 48:), null(::), multicolumn(:32 45 24:), footnotemark(45::), begin{abstract}(:26:), begin{titlepage}(:26:), begin{verbatim}(:26:), LaTeX(::), oddsidemargin(::), begin{flushleft}(:26:), subparagraph(33:33:), right(::), left(45::), usepackage(37:29:), overrightarrow(:24:), textsection(::), makeatletter(::), tableofcontents(::), begin{picture}(:26:45 45), textasciicircum(::), inputlineno(::), nopagebreak(45::), cite(45:16:), rightmargin(::), large(::), LARGE(::), subparagraphmark(:45:), hline(::), glqq(::), vdots(::), newlabel(::), emph(:24:), roman(:45:), begin{lrbox}(:26:), subsubsection(:33:), overleftarrow(:24:), oldstylenums(::), LaTeXe(::), selectfont(::), slshape(::), aa(::), input(:17:), ref(:28:), scriptsize(::), newtheorem(:52 45:), textbullet(::), twocolumn(24::), iterate(::), listfiles(::), flushbottom(::), typein(27:45:), begin{eqnarray}(:26:), kill(::), texttt(:24:), overbrace(:24:), underline(:24:), textquotedblleft(::), textcircled(::), chapter(33:33:), paragraph(:33:), begin{huge}(:26:), makeatother(::), item(45::), lefthyphenmin(::), refname(:45:), begin{center}(:26:), textdollar(::), hss(::), medskip(::), contentsname(:45:), grqq(::), begin{normalsize}(:26:)
all commands: ; AA; AE; Alph{}; Big; Big[Big]; Big(Big); Bigg; Bigg[Bigg]; Bigg(Bigg); Bigg|Bigg|; Big|Big|; Huge; LARGE; LaTeX; LaTeXe; Large; MakeLowercase{}; MakeUppercase{}; OE; Roman{}; aa; abstractname{}; addcontentsline{}{}{}; ae; alph{}; and; appendix; appendixname; arabic{}; author{}; begin{}end{}; begin{Bmatrix}end{Bmatrix}; begin{Huge}end{Huge}; begin{LARGE}end{LARGE}; begin{Large}end{Large}; begin{Vmatrix}end{Vmatrix}; begin{abstract}end{abstract}; begin{alltt}end{alltt}; begin{array}{}end{array}; begin{array}[]{}end{array}; begin{bmatrix}end{bmatrix}; begin{center}end{center}; begin{description}item[] end{description}; begin{displaymath}end{displaymath}; begin{document}end{document}; begin{enumerate}item end{enumerate}; begin{eqnarray}end{eqnarray}; begin{equation}end{equation}; begin{figure}end{figure}; begin{figure}[]end{figure}; begin{figure}end{figure}; begin{figure}[]end{figure}; begin{filecontents}end{filecontents}; begin{filecontents}end{filecontents}; begin{flushleft}end{flushleft}; begin{flushright}end{flushright}; begin{footnotesize}end{footnotesize}; begin{huge}end{huge}; begin{itemize}item end{itemize}; begin{large}end{large}; begin{list}{}{}end{list}; begin{lrbox}end{lrbox}; begin{math}end{math}; begin{matrix}end{matrix}; begin{minipage}{}end{minipage}; begin{minipage}[]{}end{minipage}; begin{normalsize}end{normalsize}; begin{picture}()end{picture}; begin{picture}()()end{picture}; begin{pmatrix}end{pmatrix}; begin{quotation}end{quotation}; begin{quote}end{quote}; begin{scriptsize}end{scriptsize}; begin{small}end{small}; begin{tabbing}end{tabbing}; begin{table}end{table}; begin{table}[]end{table}; begin{table}end{table}; begin{table}[]end{table}; begin{tabular}{}end{tabular}; begin{tabular}[]{}end{tabular}; begin{tabular}{}{}end{tabular}; begin{tabular}{}[]{}end{tabular}; begin{thebibliography}{}end{thebibliography}; begin{theindex}end{theindex}; begin{theorem}end{theorem}; begin{theorem}[]end{theorem}; begin{tiny}end{tiny}; begin{titlepage}end{titlepage}; begin{trivlist}end{trivlist}; begin{verbatim}end{verbatim}; begin{verbatim}end{verbatim}; begin{verse}end{verse}; begin{vmatrix}end{vmatrix}; bezier{}()()(); bf; bfseries; bibitem{}; bibitem[]{}; bibliography{}; bibliographystyle{}; big; big[big]; big(big); bigg; bigg[bigg]; bigg(bigg); bigg|bigg|; bigskip; big|big|; boldmath; botfigrule; cal; caption{}; caption[]{}; chapter{}; chapter[]{}; chapter{}; chaptermark{}; chaptername{}; circle{}; circle{}; cite{@}; cite[]{}; cleardoublepage; clearpage; cline{}; columnwidth; contentsline{}{}{}; contentsname{}; dag; date{}; ddag; depth; descriptionlabel{}; documentclass{}; documentclass[]{}; em; emph{}; end{}; end{Bmatrix}; end{Huge}; end{LARGE}; end{Large}; end{Vmatrix}; end{abstract}; end{alltt}; end{array}; end{bmatrix}; end{center}; end{description}; end{displaymath}; end{document}; end{enumerate}; end{eqnarray}; end{equation}; end{figure}; end{figure}; end{filecontents}; end{filecontents}; end{flushleft}; end{flushright}; end{footnotesize}; end{huge}; end{itemize}; end{large}; end{list}; end{lrbox}; end{math}; end{matrix}; end{minipage}; end{normalsize}; end{picture}; end{pmatrix}; end{quotation}; end{quote}; end{scriptsize}; end{small}; end{tabbing}; end{table}; end{table}; end{tabular}; end{tabular}; end{thebibliography}; end{theindex}; end{theorem}; end{tiny}; end{titlepage}; end{trivlist}; end{verbatim}; end{verbatim}; end{verse}; end{vmatrix}; enlargethispage{}; enlargethispage{}; ensuremath{}; family; fbox{}; figurename{}; flq; flqq; flushbottom; flushleft; flushright; fnsymbol{}; fontencoding{}; fontfamily{}; fontseries{}; fontshape{}; fontsize{}{}; fontsubfuzz; footnote{}; footnote[]{}; footnotemark; footnotemark[]; footnotesize; footnotetext{}; footnotetext[]{}; frac{}{}; frame{}; framebox[]{}; framebox[][]{}; framebox(){}; framebox()[]{}; frq; frqq; glossary{}; glossaryentry{}{}; glq; glqq; grq; grqq; hfill; hline; hlinefill; hrule; hrulefill; hspace{}; hspace{}; hss; huge; hyphenation{}; i; include{}; includeonly{}; index{}; indexname{}; indexspace; input{}; inputlineno; it; item; item[] ; iterate; itshape; kill; label{}; language; large; ldots; left; left[right]; left(; left(right); left); left.; left/; leftDownarrow; leftUparrow; leftUpdownarrow; leftbackslash; leftdownarrow; leftlangle; leftlbrace; leftlceil; leftlfloor; leftrangle; leftrbrace; leftuparrow; leftupdownarrow; left|; left]; lefteqn; lefthyphenmin; left|right|; line(){}; linebreak; linebreak[]; linethickness{}; linewidth; listfigurename{}; listfiles; listoffigures; listoftables; listparindent; listtablename{}; makeatletter; makeatother; makeglossary; makeindex; makelabel; makelabels{}; maketitle; marginpar{}; marginpar[]{}; markboth{}{}; markright{}; mathbf{}; mathcal{}; mathds{}; mathellipsis; mathgroup; mathit{}; mathnormal{}; mathrm{}; mathscr; mathsf{}; mathsterling; mathtt{}; mathunderscore; mathversion; mbox{}; mdseries; medskip; multicolumn{}{}{}; multiput()(){}{}; newblock; newcommand{}{}; newcommand{}[]{}; newcommand{}[][]{}; newcommand{}{}; newcommand{}[]{}; newcommand{}[][]{}; newenvironment{}{}{}; newenvironment{}[]{}{}; newenvironment{}[][]{}{}; newlabel; newlength{}; newline; newpage; newtheorem{}{}; newtheorem{}{}[]; newtheorem{}[]{}; newtheorem{}{}; nocite{@}; nocorr; nocorrlist{}; nofiles; nolinebreak; nolinebreak[]; nonumber; nopagebreak; nopagebreak[]; normalcolor; normalfont; normalmarginpar; normalsize; nouppercase; null; obeycr; oddsidemargin; oe; oldstylenums; onecolumn; oval(); oval()[]; overbrace{}; overleftarrow{}; overline{}; overrightarrow{}; pagebreak; pagebreak[]; pagename; pagenumbering{}; pageref{}; pagestyle{}; pagetotal; paragraph{}; paragraph[]{}; paragraph{}; paragraphmark; parbox{}{}; parbox[]{}{}; part{}; part[]{}; part{}; partname{}; pdfinfo{}; plus; poptabs; pounds; printindex; providecommand{}{}; providecommand{}[]{}; providecommand{}[][]{}; pushtabs; put(){}; qquad; quad; r{}; ref{}; refname{}; renewcommand{}{}; renewcommand{}[]{}; renewcommand{}[][]{}; renewcommand{}{}; renewcommand{}[]{}; renewcommand{}[][]{}; renewenvironment{}{}{}; renewenvironment{}[]{}{}; renewenvironment{}[][]{}{}; right; right[; right(; right); right.; right/; rightDownarrow; rightUparrow; rightUpdownarrow; rightbackslash; rightdownarrow; rightlangle; rightlbrace; rightrangle; rightrbrace; rightrceil; rightrfloor; rightuparrow; rightupdownarrow; right|; right]; righthyphenmin; rightmargin; rightmark; right|; rm; rmfamily; roman{}; rule{}{}; rule[]{}{}; samepage; sbox{}[]; sc; scriptsize; scshape; section{}; section[]{}; section{}; sectionmark{}; selectfont; setlength{}{}; sf; sffamily; shortstack{}; shortstack[]{}; sl; slshape; small; smash; space; sqrt{}; sqrt[]{}; stackrel{}{}; stepcounter{}; stop; subitem; subparagraph{}; subparagraph[]{}; subparagraph{}; subparagraphmark{}; subsection{}; subsection[]{}; subsection{}; subsectionmark{}; subsubitem; subsubsection{}; subsubsection[]{}; subsubsection{}; subsubsectionmark{}; suppressfloats; suppressfloats[]; symbol{}; tablename{}; tableofcontents; textasciicircum; textasciitilde; textasteriskcentered; textbackslash; textbar; textbardbl; textbf{}; textbraceleft; textbraceright; textbullet; textcircled; textcompwordmark; textcopyright; textdagger; textdaggerdbl; textdollar; textellipsis; textemdash; textendash; textexclamdown; textgreater; textheight; textit{}; textless; textmd{}; textnormal; textparagraph; textperiodcentered; textquestiondown; textquotedblleft; textquotedblright; textquoteleft; textquoteright; textregistered; textrm{}; textsc{}; textsection; textsf{}; textsl{}; textsterling; textsuperscript; texttrademark; texttt{}; textunderscore; textup{}; textvisiblespace; textwidth; thanks{}; thicklines; thinlines; thispagestyle{}; time; tiny; title{}; today; tt; ttfamily; twocolumn[]; typein{}; typein[]{}; typeout{}; unboldmath; underline{}; upshape; usepackage{}; usepackage[]{}; vdots; vector(){}; verb||; vline; vspace{}; vspace*{}; width

——————- Package latex-mathsymbols.cwl: ———————
Package not cached (normal for global packages)
possible commands
math: psi, sinh, xi, pm, arrowvert, bigtriangledown, biguplus, rightarrow, Bigr, delta, coth, breve, varrho, arctan, dot, Delta, bullet, infty, max, biggr, leftarrow, epsilon, frac, ll, setminus, lceil, arccos, leftharpoondown, preceq, sqsupseteq, Pi, eta, Pr, lmoustache, bracevert, Im, clubsuit, Theta, Arrowvert, bigl, rfloor, Psi, int_, oslash, triangleleft, aleph, diamond, diamondsuit, Phi, bigcup, hbar, grave, hookrightarrow, ddagger, Longrightarrow, Leftrightarrow, imath, rbrack, tan, smile, bigodot, arg, coprod, natural, mid, dfrac, otimes, Omega, Re, amalg, sum, widetilde, alpha, Vert, doteq, lambda, forall, rightharpoonup, ge, Bigm, lgroup, check, omega, asymp, longleftrightarrow, chi, nwarrow, inf, varphi, supseteq, backslash, mathring, bigm, ddot, triangleright, Longleftrightarrow, dd, overline, bigvee, cdot, perp, Lambda, in, prod, circ, surd, bot, prec, hom, lor, exp, rbrace, Sigma, parallel, exists, sigma, cot, kappa, downarrow, cong, spadesuit, dashv, bigwedge, beta, oplus, arcsin, limits, sec, deg, Updownarrow, notin, bigtriangleup, leq, approx, longmapsto, acute, le, varsigma, updownarrow, zeta, longleftarrow, leftharpoonup, rho, upsilon, ni, neg, bigcap, widehat, ln, sqcup, underbrace, vartheta, Rightarrow, wp, land, cup, div, Biggl, rmoustache, sharp, gets, wr, partial, ne, Gamma, cap, neq, lbrace, leftrightarrow, tau, longrightarrow, iota, ker, colon, cosh, hat, prod_, uplus, pi, ominus, gg, rceil, det, Upsilon, sin, sum_, lfloor, varepsilon, triangle, bar, geq, wedge, rightharpoondown, Biggr, vec, ddots, biggl, bigcirc, vert, gamma, nu, dim, iff, mp, csc, searrow, rightleftharpoons, top, prime, emptyset, lnot, tanh, int, uparrow, odot, supset, flat, min, liminf, nearrow, tilde, sim, frown, mapsto, langle, Xi, gcd, bigsqcup, simeq, propto, ell, to, Uparrow, times, jmath, swarrow, Longleftarrow, subseteq, sup, rgroup, log, Downarrow, subset, Biggm, lg, equiv, cos, biggm, rangle, oint, vee, succ, models, lbrack, cdots, star, bigr, bigoplus, Bigl, heartsuit, nabla, vdash, bigotimes, dagger, overbrace, angle, ast, limsup, Leftarrow, phi, mu, not, lim, theta, hookleftarrow, succeq, varpi
special def commands
special treatment commands
option Commands: overline, underbrace, overbrace
kinds: psi(::), sinh(::), xi(::), pm(::), arrowvert(::), bigtriangledown(::), biguplus(::), rightarrow(::), Bigr(::), delta(::), coth(::), breve(:45:), varrho(::), arctan(::), dot(:45:), Delta(::), bullet(::), infty(::), max(::), biggr(::), leftarrow(::), epsilon(::), frac(:45 45:), ll(::), setminus(::), lceil(::), arccos(::), leftharpoondown(::), preceq(::), sqsupseteq(::), Pi(::), eta(::), Pr(::), lmoustache(::), bracevert(::), Im(::), clubsuit(::), Theta(::), Arrowvert(::), bigl(::), rfloor(::), Psi(::), int_(:45:), oslash(::), triangleleft(::), aleph(::), diamond(::), diamondsuit(::), Phi(::), bigcup(::), hbar(::), grave(:45:), hookrightarrow(::), ddagger(::), Longrightarrow(::), Leftrightarrow(::), imath(::), rbrack(::), tan(::), smile(::), bigodot(::), arg(::), coprod(::), natural(::), mid(::), dfrac(:45 45:), otimes(::), Omega(::), Re(::), amalg(::), sum(::), widetilde(:45:), alpha(::), Vert(::), doteq(::), lambda(::), forall(::), rightharpoonup(::), ge(::), Bigm(::), lgroup(::), check(:45:), omega(::), asymp(::), longleftrightarrow(::), chi(::), nwarrow(::), inf(::), varphi(::), supseteq(::), backslash(::), mathring(:45:), bigm(::), ddot(:45:), triangleright(::), Longleftrightarrow(::), dd(::), overline(:24:), bigvee(::), cdot(::), perp(::), Lambda(::), in(::), prod(::), circ(::), surd(::), bot(::), prec(::), hom(::), lor(::), exp(::), rbrace(::), Sigma(::), parallel(::), exists(::), sigma(::), cot(::), kappa(::), downarrow(::), cong(::), spadesuit(::), dashv(::), bigwedge(::), beta(::), oplus(::), arcsin(::), limits(::), sec(::), deg(::), Updownarrow(::), notin(::), bigtriangleup(::), leq(::), approx(::), longmapsto(::), acute(:45:), le(::), varsigma(::), updownarrow(::), zeta(::), longleftarrow(::), leftharpoonup(::), rho(::), upsilon(::), ni(::), neg(::), bigcap(::), widehat(:45:), ln(::), sqcup(::), underbrace(:24:), vartheta(::), Rightarrow(::), wp(::), land(::), cup(::), div(::), Biggl(::), rmoustache(::), sharp(::), gets(::), wr(::), partial(::), ne(::), Gamma(::), cap(::), neq(::), lbrace(::), leftrightarrow(::), tau(::), longrightarrow(::), iota(::), ker(::), colon(::), cosh(::), hat(:45:), prod_(:45:), uplus(::), pi(::), ominus(::), gg(::), rceil(::), det(::), Upsilon(::), sin(::), sum_(:45:), lfloor(::), varepsilon(::), triangle(::), bar(:45:), geq(::), wedge(::), rightharpoondown(::), Biggr(::), vec(:45:), ddots(::), biggl(::), bigcirc(::), vert(::), gamma(::), nu(::), dim(::), iff(::), mp(::), csc(::), searrow(::), rightleftharpoons(::), top(::), prime(::), emptyset(::), lnot(::), tanh(::), int(::), uparrow(::), odot(::), supset(::), flat(::), min(::), liminf(::), nearrow(::), tilde(:45:), sim(::), frown(::), mapsto(::), langle(::), Xi(::), gcd(::), bigsqcup(::), simeq(::), propto(::), ell(::), to(::), Uparrow(::), times(::), jmath(::), swarrow(::), Longleftarrow(::), subseteq(::), sup(::), rgroup(::), log(::), Downarrow(::), subset(::), Biggm(::), lg(::), equiv(::), cos(::), biggm(::), rangle(::), oint(::), vee(::), succ(::), models(::), lbrack(::), cdots(::), star(::), bigr(::), bigoplus(::), Bigl(::), heartsuit(::), nabla(::), vdash(::), bigotimes(::), dagger(::), overbrace(:24:), angle(::), ast(::), limsup(::), Leftarrow(::), phi(::), mu(::), not(::), lim(::), theta(::), hookleftarrow(::), succeq(::), varpi(::)
all commands: ; Arrowvert; Biggl; Biggl..Biggr; Biggm; Biggr; Bigl; Bigl..Bigr; Bigm; Bigr; Delta; Downarrow; Gamma; Im; Lambda; Leftarrow; Leftrightarrow; Longleftarrow; Longleftrightarrow; Longrightarrow; Omega; Phi; Pi; Pr; Psi; Re; Rightarrow; Sigma; Theta; Uparrow; Updownarrow; Upsilon; Vert; Xi; acute{}; aleph; alpha; amalg; angle; approx; arccos; arcsin; arctan; arg; arrowvert; ast; asymp; backslash; bar{}; beta; bigcap; bigcirc; bigcup; biggl; biggl..biggr; biggm; biggr; bigl; bigl..bigr; bigm; bigodot; bigoplus; bigotimes; bigr; bigsqcup; bigtriangledown; bigtriangleup; biguplus; bigvee; bigwedge; bot; bracevert; breve{}; bullet; cap; cdot; cdots; check{}; chi; circ; clubsuit; colon; cong; coprod; cos; cosh; cot; coth; csc; cup; dagger; dashv; dd; ddagger; ddot{}; ddots; deg; delta; det; dfrac{}{}; diamond; diamondsuit; dim; div; dot{}; doteq; downarrow; ell; emptyset; epsilon; equiv; eta; exists; exp; flat; forall; frac{}{}; frown; gamma; gcd; ge; geq; gets; gg; grave{}; hat{}; hbar; heartsuit; hom; hookleftarrow; hookrightarrow; iff; imath; in; inf; infty; int; intlimits_{}^{}; int_{}^{}; iota; jmath; kappa; ker; lambda; land; langle; lbrace; lbrack; lceil; le; leftarrow; leftharpoondown; leftharpoonup; leftrightarrow; leq; lfloor; lg; lgroup; lim; limlimits_{}; liminf; limits; limsup; ll; lmoustache; ln; lnot; log; longleftarrow; longleftrightarrow; longmapsto; longrightarrow; lor; mapsto; mathring{}; max; mid; min; models; mp; mu; nabla; natural; ne; nearrow; neg; neq; ni; not; notin; nu; nwarrow; odot; oint; omega; ominus; oplus; oslash; otimes; overbrace{}; overline{}; parallel; partial; perp; phi; pi; pm; prec; preceq; prime; prod; prodlimits_{}^{}; prod_{}^{}; propto; psi; rangle; rbrace; rbrack; rceil; rfloor; rgroup; rho; rightarrow; rightharpoondown; rightharpoonup; rightleftharpoons; rmoustache; searrow; sec; setminus; sharp; sigma; sim; simeq; sin; sinh; smile; spadesuit; sqcup; sqsupseteq; star; subset; subseteq; succ; succeq; sum; sumlimits_{}^{}; sum_{}^{}; sup; supset; supseteq; surd; swarrow; tan; tanh; tau; theta; tilde{}; times; to; top; triangle; triangleleft; triangleright; underbrace{}; uparrow; updownarrow; uplus; upsilon; varepsilon; varphi; varpi; varrho; varsigma; vartheta; vdash; vec{}; vee; vert; wedge; widehat{}; widetilde{}; wp; wr; xi; zeta

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Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 17:53 


При попытке преобразовать запустить программу, выдает ошибку: «Не могу запустить команду.
pdflatex -synctex=1 -interaction=nonstopmode %.tex». Вот такая программа:


Hello, world!


самая элементарная. Подскажите пожалуйста в чем ошибка?



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 18:17 

Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя


Подскажите пожалуйста в чем ошибка?

Я подозреваю, что ТеХ у вас неустановлен, а есть какой-то фронтэнд, который с ТеХом связаться не может. Вы должны дать необходимую информацию: какой фронтэнд, какой дистрибутив ТеХа, …



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 19:07 


Не знаю, у меня установлен только ТеХmaker



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 19:17 

Заслуженный участник


Не знаю, у меня установлен только ТеХmaker

Т.е. предположение правильное — у вас просто нет TeX’а, есть только оболочка.



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 20:59 


Не подскажете тогда где скачать? И какой посоветуете?



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 21:08 


Под linux стандартный пакет ставится.
Под windows я ставил TeXworks.



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 21:20 


Не подскажите как его настроить?



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 21:32 


Деталей не помню.
Наверно просто скачиваете установщик TeXworks, запускаете его и всё готово.
Поначалу русские буквы не работали, поискал как настроить, сделал, всё заработало.



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 21:57 

Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя


Не подскажете тогда где скачать? И какой посоветуете?

Что скачать? ТеХ? Какая у вас ОС?

Под windows я ставил TeXworks.

У ТС нет ТеХа, а вы ему предлагаете еще одну оболочку. Работать что будет-то?



 Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 22:04 


Работать что будет-то?

У меня под windows всё работает.
Наверно это MiKTeX ставился.

— 25.09.2021, 22:10 —

Да, я себе MiKTeX ставил. TeXworks туда входит.



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 23:18 


Да, Tex. Операционная система — windows 10.



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 23:29 


Ставьте MiKTeX. С ним за компанию (уже в его архиве) идёт редактор и среда TeXworks.
Всё сразу работает.
Если не изменяет память, то для русских букв надо будет ещё что-то доставить (если оно конечно надо).



Re: Ошибка в LaTex

Сообщение25.09.2021, 23:46 

Заслуженный участник
Аватара пользователя



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