Error stray 241 in program

Greetings, i am trying to compile an example program for raknet with a shared library, the code work well when the source is included, but i would kinda prefer using the shared library, beacause the sources include ALOT of file, so its dirty... also, it is to test if the shared library actualy work since i compiled it myself. I must say, i NEVER programmed by including a binary library before, so i might be extremely wrong, but couldnt find anything on google... anyway here is the code.
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  1. Include a shared library

    Greetings, i am trying to compile an example program for raknet with a shared library, the code work well when the source is included, but i would kinda prefer using the shared library, beacause the sources include ALOT of file, so its dirty… also, it is to test if the shared library actualy work since i compiled it myself.

    I must say, i NEVER programmed by including a binary library before, so i might be extremely wrong, but couldnt find anything on google… anyway here is the code.


    #include <stdio.h>
    #include ""
    #define MAX_CLIENTS 10
    #define SERVER_PORT 60000
    using namespace RakNet;
    int main(void)
        char str[512];
        RakNet::RakPeerInterface *peer = RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance();
        bool isServer;
        printf("(C) or (S)erver?n");
        if ((str[0]=='c')||(str[0]=='C'))
            SocketDescriptor sd;
            peer->Startup(1,&sd, 1);
            isServer = false;
        } else {
            SocketDescriptor sd(SERVER_PORT,0);
            peer->Startup(MAX_CLIENTS, &sd, 1);
            isServer = true;
        // TODO - Add code body here
        return 0;

    And here is everyone’s nightmare…. the compiling errors…


    -------------- Build: Debug in testrak ---------------
    Compiling: main.cpp
    In file included from /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp:3:0:
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �177� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �2� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �3� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �3� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �360� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �5� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �@� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �240� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �227� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �21� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �@� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �7� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �@� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �35� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �34� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �5� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �241� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �21� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �241� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �21� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �6� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �330� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �21� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �330� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �330� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �230� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �230� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �2� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �6� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �21� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �320� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �320� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �10� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �4� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �4� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �310� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �310� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �310� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �1� in program
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ warning: null character(s) ignored [enabled by default]
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/ error: stray �4� in program

    Working under codeblock and ubuntu 11.10 by the way

  2. Re: Include a shared library

    There are two main problems that I can see with your code.

    1: You are ‘including’ the binary file. The #include directive is meant for including header files (.h files), which contain C or C++ definitions of functions and data types. The include directive basically works by taking the file specified and sticking it at the top of the file. In this case, you are including a binary file, not C code, which is why the compiler is reporting a bunch of random stray characters. If you want to link to the library, the proper way is to include the corresponding header file, and then link the library like this gcc -o executable … -llibraryname. This will cause the linker to link the library in the linking stage.

    2: The RakNet Library you are using appears to be written in C++, not C. However, most of your code is in C, eg, printf, gets (don’t use gets, but that is another topic), etc. This makes me think that the compiler may be getting confused. I know that gcc is supposed to compile correctly based on the filetype, but somehow this has never worked for me for C++. I would recommend trying to compile with g++, and changing the program so that it is written more in C++ rather than C.

  3. Re: Include a shared library

    Quote Originally Posted by gardnan
    View Post

    2: The RakNet Library you are using appears to be written in C++, not C. However, most of your code is in C, eg, printf, gets (don’t use gets, but that is another topic), etc. This makes me think that the compiler may be getting confused. I know that gcc is supposed to compile correctly based on the filetype, but somehow this has never worked for me for C++. I would recommend trying to compile with g++, and changing the program so that it is written more in C++ rather than C.

    Thanks alot for the clarification on how to use a dynamic lib, i started to read on google a few things with gave me much worse solution….

    About my code, it is actualy raknet’s tutorial’s sample, and it works 100% fine with the source include (i changed the raknet include to a binary include, thats it).

    Now though, i tried to add the library to the codeblock’s project links, give me errors, does not recognise the library it seems…


    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|6|error: �RakNet� is not a namespace-name|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|6|error: expected namespace-name before �;� token|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp||In function �int main()�:|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|10|error: �RakNet� has not been declared|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|10|error: �peer� was not declared in this scope|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|10|error: �RakNet� has not been declared|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|17|error: �SocketDescriptor� was not declared in this scope|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|17|error: expected �;� before �sd�|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|18|error: �sd� was not declared in this scope|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|21|error: �SocketDescriptor� was not declared in this scope|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|21|error: expected �;� before �sd�|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|22|error: �sd� was not declared in this scope|
    /home/pierrick/programming/testrak/main.cpp|29|error: �RakNet� has not been declared|
    ||=== Build finished: 12 errors, 0 warnings ===|

    Sincerely, thanks for your help, i’m struggleing at making raknet work since a few weeks, and trying to find a suitable network library to program with on linux since years (last time i actualy did some programming with result was like 5 years ago on windows with winsock, when i switched to linux, never made it to get a working networking library )

  4. Re: Include a shared library

    Sorry for the delay.
    Well, comparing your code and that of the tutorial, it appears like your code should work.

    Please post your revised #include line so that we can verify that it is correct.

    I would say to post your compilation line so that we can check that too, but since you are using Code::Blocks I don’t really know how to ensure that you are linking the program correctly.

  5. Re: Include a shared library

    I tried to compile it directly with gcc, just so we can realy see whats wrong. here are my few try, the library file is named by the way


    gcc main.cpp -lraknet -o rak


    gcc main.cpp -o rak


    gcc main.cpp -l -o rak

    here the output, same for every different attempt i’ve made


    main.cpp: In function ‘int main()’:
    main.cpp:10:2: error: ‘RakNet’ has not been declared
    main.cpp:10:28: error: ‘peer’ was not declared in this scope
    main.cpp:10:35: error: ‘RakNet’ has not been declared
    main.cpp:17:3: error: ‘SocketDescriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    main.cpp:17:20: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘sd’
    main.cpp:18:20: error: ‘sd’ was not declared in this scope
    main.cpp:21:3: error: ‘SocketDescriptor’ was not declared in this scope
    main.cpp:21:20: error: expected ‘;’ before ‘sd’
    main.cpp:22:31: error: ‘sd’ was not declared in this scope
    main.cpp:29:2: error: ‘RakNet’ has not been declared

    and finaly, here is the exact code of main.cpp


    #include <stdio.h>
    #define MAX_CLIENTS 10
    #define SERVER_PORT 60000
    int main(void)
            char str[512];
            RakNet::RakPeerInterface *peer = RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance();
            bool isServer;
            printf("(C) or (S)erver?n");
            if ((str[0]=='c')||(str[0]=='C'))
                    SocketDescriptor sd;
                    peer->Startup(1,&sd, 1);
                    isServer = false;
            } else {
                    SocketDescriptor sd(SERVER_PORT,0);
                    peer->Startup(MAX_CLIENTS, &sd, 1);
                    isServer = true;
            // TODO - Add code body here
            return 0;

    the code is a plain copy/paste of…alsample1.html

    minus the source include that i removed (the original source miss a namespace raknet for some reason, but realy, that is not the actual issue considering it doesnt recognise the fully declared functions too)

    And if you or anyone else feel like doing in-deep test, i’ve uploaded my files on a server, here the links

    here is the project i used to make the .so
    (just need to add the source folder of raknet)

    Last edited by Pierrick584; February 20th, 2012 at 06:32 PM.

  6. Re: Include a shared library

    It does not appear that you are including the header file associated with the library. So, the way that linked libraries usually work is through two components, the header file (.h file), and the object file, the .so file in this case. In order to use the library, you want to ‘include’ the header file to declare all of the functions, namespaces, objects, and whatever, and then you want to link to the library using the -l compiler option. When I said that #include»» was wrong, I meant that you should be including the header file instead. So, according the the RakNet tutorial, I believe you should have a header file called «RaknetPeerInterface.h» that you need to include in order to get the definitions of the objects contained in the library.

  7. Re: Include a shared library

    Ohh… i see! Ill try that when i get home, thanks alot



Posting Permissions

Topic: don’t compile a small Cpp language with Code::Block  (Read 17762 times)

I am a freshman about Code::Block. I can run the code by itself in the Code::Block, produce »Hello  world!».  However, don’t run the small code, as follow:

    int i,j,k;
    for(i=1; i<5; i++)
        for(j=1; j<5; j++)¡¡
            for (k=1; k<5; k++)
                if (i!=k&&i!=j&&j!=k)

The Block Log says that:

mingw32-g++.exe   -c ji.cpp -o ji.o
ji.cpp:6:9: error: stray '302' in program
         for(j=1; j<5; j++)隆隆
ji.cpp:6:9: error: stray '241' in program
ji.cpp:6:9: error: stray '302' in program
ji.cpp:6:9: error: stray '241' in program
ji.cpp: In function 'int main()':
ji.cpp:4:16: error: 'printf' was not declared in this scope
Process terminated with status 1 (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))
5 error(s), 0 warning(s) (0 minute(s), 0 second(s))

 -------------- Run: Debug in xz (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

Checking for existence: C:UsersAdministratorDesktopxzbinDebugxz.exe
Executing: "C:CodeBlocks/cb_console_runner.exe" "C:UsersAdministratorDesktopxzbinDebugxz.exe"  (in C:UsersAdministratorDesktopxz.)
Process terminated with status -1073741510 (0 minute(s), 2 second(s))

 -------------- Run: Debug in xz (compiler: GNU GCC Compiler)---------------

Checking for existence: C:UsersAdministratorDesktopxzbinDebugxz.exe
Executing: "C:CodeBlocks/cb_console_runner.exe" "C:UsersAdministratorDesktopxzbinDebugxz.exe"  (in C:UsersAdministratorDesktopxz.)
Process terminated with status -1073741510 (0 minute(s), 1 second(s))

 I have no idea about this! Could you tell me how can run the small code correctly? 


1) never send me a private message with the same question… Please post it in the forum…
2) you have still a mall encoding or you add some cryptic unicode characters to your file. as you can see in the build log, gcc finds some cryptic Japanese characters at the end of the for loop. You have to remove them…
2.1) to fix the encoding Edit->File Encoding-> ASCHII or UTF-8 . Now delete all malformed characters
3) You don’t have included stdio (if you are compiling only c code,what you code is at the moment, please use the file extension .c not .cpp)



ji.cpp:4:16: error: ‘printf’ was not declared in this scope

You need to at least add some include headers. But I think this is a C language related question, you can asked such questions on C Board — Cprogramming .com.


If some piece of memory should be reused, turn them to variables (or const variables).
If some piece of operations should be reused, turn them to functions.
If they happened together, then turn them to classes.

Hello, BlueHazzard and ollydbg! The bug is resolved by your suggestions. Thank you very much!


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  • error: stray ‘342’ in program

error: stray ‘342’ in program

trying a code for a simple game i downloaded. when i run it i get lines and lines of this error:
error stray ‘200’ in program (with different numbers)
— i’m using code::blocks, in case that matters….

what does this mean??
here are the first lines of the code. the first error (one in subject) points to line 36

//Mine Field
#include <iostream> 
#include <exception> 
#include <string> 
#include <vector> 
#include <cstdlib> 
#include <ctime> 

using std::string;
using std::vector; 
using std::srand;
using std::time;

class StepOnMine {}; 
class FailedDisarm {}; 
class MineField 
	vector<bool> minefield; 

	//stores where the player has been 
	vector<bool> beenThere; 
	//current location of player
	int location; 

	int menu(string choices[], int numChoices)
		using std::cout;
		using std::cin;

		int choice;
		do {
			for (int i = 0; i < numChoices; i++)
				cout << i+1 << “) “ << choices[i] << “n”;
			cin << choice;
		while (choice < 1 || choice > numChoices);
		return choice;

thank you!!

Last edited on

Well, it is because there are “ and ” instead of » (note the slant!), and these characters are not valid.

………. it’s always the little things that matter :)

cin >> not <<

wow i guess there’s a lot wrong with this code.

I just got the same error doing something different now. In another example, i need to use this line:

#import «C:\Program Files\O2Gfxcore.dll»

does that mean the line is wrong or is the .dll library wrong?

Do you not notice the single backslash before fxcore.dll?

still getting the same error. I even moved the file to c: and used:

#import "C:\fxcore.dll"

and still same error

Could you copy and paste the error exactly?

Switch to forward slash / instead of double-backslashes. It works on Win, and means you don’t have to worry about double-slashes.

Which compiler (and preprocessor) are you using? Does it recognise #import? It’s not part of the C++ standard.

the code (i tried include in place of import, same problem):

#include <iostream>
#import "C:\fxcore.dll"

using namespace std;

int main()
   cout << "It works!!!n";
    return 0;

the error:


Compiling: main.cpp
C:UsersSebastianDesktopcpp projectsranyatestmain.cpp:2:2: warning: #import is a deprecated GCC extension
In file included from C:UsersSebastianDesktopcpp projectsranyatestmain.cpp:2:
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '220' in program
In file included from C:UsersSebastianDesktopcpp projectsranyatestmain.cpp:2:
C:\fxcore.dll:1:4: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '3' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:6: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '4' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:10: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '377' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '377' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:15: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '270' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:18: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '@' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:26: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '20' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '1' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:63: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '16' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '37' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '272' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '16' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1:69: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '264' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '315' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '270' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '1' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:1: error: stray '315' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3:2: warning: null character(s) ignored
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '20' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '311' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '365' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '265' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '267' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '267' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '241' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '345' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '267' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '241' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '3' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '267' in program
C:\fxcore.dll:3: error: stray '232' in program

warning: #import is a deprecated GCC extension

Um…why are you using #import in that case?

Last edited on

Don’t use import. It seems that your preprocessor doesn’t recognise it.

Don’t #include a dll file. It’s meaningless. #include literally copies the entire file you want to include, and puts it into the place where you wrote #include .

Do not #include a dll file. I know I already said that, but I get the feeling saying it twice will help.

Why are you trying to #include a dll file? I think you must have misunderstood what a dll file is.

Last edited on

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