Error syntax error at or near group

Hi, what is "alq.assetStatus " and " alq.asset"? Is it a table name? syntax for referring column is "tablename.columnname" . …


what is «alq.assetStatus » and » alq.asset»? Is it a table name?

syntax for referring column is «tablename.columnname» .

We need to use column names in the group by clause.

I think you need to check query syntax and you have not used assetStatus
table in the query.

On Mon, 2009-12-28 at 16:40 +0800, Premila Devi wrote:
> select sum(alq.quantity + alq.locked),,
> from AssetLocationQuantity alq inner join alq.asset asset inner join
> asset.assetModel model inner join model.category category
> group by category,;
> Error :
> ERROR: syntax error at or near «group»
> LINE 3: group by category,;
> ^
> ********** Error **********
> ERROR: syntax error at or near «group»
> SQL state: 42601
> Character: 201
> Warmest Regards,
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  Last tested: Feb 2021


This SQL error generally means that somewhere in the query, there is invalid syntax.
Some common examples:

  • Using a database-specific SQL for the wrong database (eg BigQuery supports DATE_ADD, but Redshift supports DATEADD)
  • Typo in the SQL (missing comma, misspelled word, etc)
  • Missing a sql clause (missed from, join, select, etc)
  • An object does not exist in the database or is not accessible from the current query (eg referencing when there is no orders table joined in the current query, etc)

In some circumstances, the database error message may display extra detail about where the error was raised, which can be helpful in narrowing down where to look.

Error Message

SQL ERROR: syntax error at or near


This should generally be the first step to troubleshoot any SQL syntax error in a large query: iteratively comment out blocks of SQL to narrow down where the problem is.

TIP: To make this process easier, change the group by clause to use position references
eg: group by 1,2,3,4,5 instead of group by orders.status,, to_char(...)...
as well as separate the where and having clauses onto multiple lines.

So for example, say we have the following query:


WITH cte AS (
select id, status, sales_amountfrom orders
select status,, sum(cte.sales_amount), count(*) from cte
join foo on =
group by status,
order by 3 desc

We could start by running just the portion in the CTE:


-- WITH cte AS (
select id, status, sales_amountfrom orders
-- )
-- select status,, sum(cte.sales_amount), count(*)
-- from cte
-- join foo on =
-- group by 1, 2
-- order by 3 desc

Then strip out the aggregates and portions related to them


WITH cte AS (
select id, status, sales_amountfrom orders
select status,, -- sum(cte.sales_amount), count(*)
from cte
join foo on =
-- group by 1, 2
-- order by 3 desc

Iteratively stripping out / adding back in portions of the query until you find the minimum query to trigger the error.

  • Lookup functions and syntax If the query is small enough, or if we’ve narrowed the scope enough with 1, google all the functions used in the query and verify that they exist and are being used correctly.

  • Verify all objects exist Verify that you’ve joined all tables used in the select, where, and having clause, and that those tables exist in the db. Once we’ve narrowed things down from 1, also check that each column exists in the table specified.

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ERROR: syntax error at or near «group» at character 599969


When I try to run the ANALYZE_CONSTTAINTS() function I get a weird error:

Code: Select all

dbadmin=> select analyze_constraints('');
ERROR:  syntax error at or near "group" at character 599969

Anyone know what this is? I am running Vertica 5.


Thank you!

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Re: ERROR: syntax error at or near «group» at character 599


by JimKnicely » Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:03 pm


This is a bug in Vertica 5 that has been fixed in Vertica 6…

Issue: VER-22148
Component: Front end — Parse & Analyze
Description: Vertica displayed an incorrect error message «ERROR: syntax error at or near «having» at character 91379″ after the statement «select analyze_constraints(»);» in previous releases. This issue has been resolved.

Jim Knicely


Note: I work for Vertica. My views, opinions, and thoughts expressed here do not represent those of my employer.

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Re: ERROR: syntax error at or near «group» at character 599


by Josh » Sun Jul 22, 2012 8:09 am

Thanks, we upgraded to Vertica 6, release 3 and the error went away.

Thank you!

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