Error syntaxerror offending command nostringval

Для решения различных проблем с ПК мы рекомендуем DriverFix:
Это программное обеспечение будет поддерживать ваши драйверы в рабочем состоянии, тем самым защищая вас от распространенных компьютерных ошибок и сбоев оборудования. Проверьте все свои драйверы сейчас за 3 простых шага:

  1. Скачать DriverFix (проверенный файл загрузки).
  2. Нажмите Начать сканирование найти все проблемные драйверы.
  3. Нажмите Обновите драйверы чтобы получить новые версии и избежать сбоев в работе системы.
  • DriverFix был загружен 0 читатели в этом месяце.

Если вы используете Postscript принтер, при печати документов вы можете столкнуться с синтаксической ошибкой принтера, вызывающей ошибку команды. Полная ошибка гласит: ERROR: syntaxerror OFFENDING COMMAND: –nostringval– STACK: mark

Эта ошибка может возникать при печати из программы просмотра фотографий или редактирования, а также текстовых редакторов, таких как Microsoft Wordpad.

Если вас также беспокоит эта ошибка, вот несколько советов по устранению неполадок, которые помогут вам разрешить команду, нарушающую синтаксическую ошибку принтера в Windows 10.

Как исправить синтаксическую ошибку вызывающей команду на принтерах

1. Конвертируйте файл в PDF

Ошибка синтаксиса принтера, вызывающая ошибку

  1. Откройте документ в MS Word.
  2. Нажмите на Файл и выберите Сохранить как.
  3. Щелкните раскрывающееся меню для Сохранитьв виде и выберите PDF из вариантов.
  4. Введите имя и сохраните файл.
  5. Откройте PDF-файл в программе просмотра PDF-файлов и попробуйте распечатать файл. Принтер должен успешно распечатать файл.

Несколько пользователей сообщили, что преобразование текстового документа в файл PDF помогло им решить проблему. Хотя это всего лишь обходной путь, он должен помочь вам при необходимости сделать распечатку.

Ищете хороший принтер как для дома, так и для офиса? Ознакомьтесь с этим руководством, чтобы найти лучшие из доступных.

2. Удалите и повторно добавьте принтер

Ошибка синтаксиса принтера, вызывающая ошибку

  1. Нажмите на Начинать и выберите Настройки.
  2. Перейти к Устройств.
  3. Выбирать Принтерыи сканеры.
  4. Прокрутите вниз до списка установленных принтеров.
  5. Выберите свой принтер и нажмите Удалить устройство.
  6. Нажмите да для подтверждения действия.

2.1 Удаление программного обеспечения

Драйвер печати PSL6

  1. Нажмите Клавиша Windows + R, чтобы открыть Run.
  2. Тип контроль и нажмите ОК.
  3. в Панель управления окно, перейдите в Программы> Программы и компоненты.
  4. Выберите приложение для принтера из списка приложений-установщиков.
  5. Нажмите на Удалить. Нажмите да если будет предложено ОАК.
  6. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы удалить программное обеспечение.

2.2. Добавить принтер

Ошибка синтаксиса принтера, вызывающая ошибку

  1. Загрузите последнюю версию программного обеспечения вашего принтера. Вы можете скачать его с сайта производителя.
  2. Установите программное обеспечение принтера.
  3. Далее нажмите на Пуск> Настройки и выберите Устройство.
  4. Нажмите на Принтеры и сканеры.
  5. Нажмите на Добавлятьапринтер или сканер.
  6. Следуйте инструкциям на экране, чтобы установить принтер.
  7. Теперь попробуйте распечатать, используя только что добавленный принтер, и проверьте, нет ли улучшений.

3. Используйте универсальные драйверы печати HP

Драйвер печати PSL6

  1. нажмите Окна ключ и поиск управления.
  2. Нажмите и откройте Панель управления.
  3. Перейти к Оборудование и звук> Устройства и принтеры.
    Драйвер печати PSL6
  4. Выберите свой принтер из списка и нажмите Свойства сервера печати.
  5. В окне «Свойства сервера печати» выберите драйвер принтера.
  6. Щелкните значок Удалять кнопка. Нажмите да для подтверждения действия.
  7. Закройте окно «Свойства» и панель управления.

3.1 Загрузить универсальные драйверы печати HP

Драйвер печати PSL6

  1. Перейдите на страницу загрузки программного обеспечения и драйверов HP.
  2. Загрузите и установите последнюю версию Универсальный драйвер печати HP.
  3. Убедитесь, что вы повторно добавили принтер, и проверьте наличие улучшений.
    • Обратитесь к методу 2

Команда, нарушающая синтаксическую ошибку принтера, является распространенной ошибкой, которая может возникать по разным причинам. В этой статье мы перечислили обходной путь, а также несколько быстрых исправлений, которые помогут вам решить проблему.

Если вам известно о другом исправлении или обходном пути для этой ошибки принтера, сообщите нам об этом, оставив сообщение в разделе комментариев ниже.

Часто задаваемые вопросы

  • Что такое ошибка PostScript?

    Ошибки PostScript возникают, когда интерпретатор не может прочитать код PostScript или код PostScript превышает ограничения на языке описания страницы.

  • Что означает оскорбительная команда?

    Оскорбительная команда — это сообщение об ошибке, указывающее на команду, которая вызвала конкретную проблему. Вы можете использовать эту информацию, чтобы изучить первопричины проблемы при попытке ее устранения.

  • Как исправить ошибки PostScript?

    Вот как можно исправить ошибки PostScript при печати: попробуйте распечатать тот же документ еще раз, используйте другой компьютер, установите последние обновления драйвера принтера, запустите встроенное средство устранения неполадок принтера в Windows 10 и сбросьте принтер.

by Tashreef Shareef

Tashreef Shareef is a software developer turned tech writer. He discovered his interest in technology after reading a tech magazine accidentally. Now he writes about everything tech from… read more

Updated on December 13, 2021


To fix various PC problems, we recommend DriverFix:
This software will keep your drivers up and running, thus keeping you safe from common computer errors and hardware failure. Check all your drivers now in 3 easy steps:

  1. Download DriverFix (verified download file).
  2. Click Start Scan to find all problematic drivers.
  3. Click Update Drivers to get new versions and avoid system malfunctionings.
  • DriverFix has been downloaded by 0 readers this month.

If you are using a Postscript printer, when printing documents you may encounter printer syntax error offending command error. The full error reads: ERROR: syntaxerror OFFENDING COMMAND: –nostringval– STACK: mark

This error can occur while printing from a photo viewer or editing software as well as word processors like Microsoft Wordpad.

If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the Printer syntax error offending command in Windows 10.

How to fix syntax error offending command on printers

1. Convert the file to PDF

Printer syntax error offending command
  1. Open the document in MS Word.
  2. Click on File and select Save as.
  3. Click the drop-down menu for Save as and select PDF from the options.
  4. Enter a name and save the file.
  5. Open the PDF file in a PDF viewer and try to print the file. The printer should print the file successfully.

Several users have reported that converting the word document to a PDF file as helped them resolve the issue. While this is just a workaround, it should help you to take a printout when required.

2. Remove and re-add the printer

Printer syntax error offending command
  1. Click on Start and select Settings.
  2. Go to Devices.
  3. Select Printers and Scanners.
  4. Scroll down to your installed printer list.
  5. Select your printer and click on Remove device.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the action.

2.1 Uninstall the software

PSL6 print driver
  1. Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
  2. Type control and click OK.
  3. In the Control Panel window, go to Programs > Programs and Features.
  4. Select your printer app from the list of installer apps.
  5. Click on Uninstall. Click Yes if prompted by the UAC.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions to remove the software.

2.2. Add the printer

Printer syntax error offending command
  1. Download the latest version of your printer’s software. You can download it from the manufacturer’s website.
  2. Install the printer software.
  3. Next, click on Start > Settings and select Device.
  4. Click on Printers and scanners.
  5. Click on Add a printer or scanner.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions to install the printer.
  7. Now try to print using the newly added printer and check for any improvements.

2.3. Use an automatic tool

To save time and ensure the process is performed correctly, we recommend using a third-party tool that downloads and installs printer drivers automatically.

In order to benefit from this valuable service, then you should get the latest printer drivers to resolve functionality errors for good.

Plus, it offers the warranty of installing and updating the right drivers, without causing system issues on your PC.

Get DriverFix

3. Use HP universal print drivers

PSL6 print driver
  1. Press the Windows key and search for control.
  2. Click and open Control Panel.
  3. Go to Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers.
    PSL6 print driver
  4. Select your printer from the list and click on Print server properties.
  5. In the Print Server Properties window, select the printer driver.
  6. Click the Remove button. Click Yes to confirm the action.
  7. Close the Properties window and the Control Panel.

3.1 Download HP Universal Print Drivers

PSL6 print driver
  1. Go to HP software and driver download page.
  2. Download and install the latest version of the HP Universal Print driver.
  3. Make sure you re-add the printer and check for any improvements.
    • Refer to Method 2

The printer syntax error offending command is a common error that can occur due to various reasons. In this article, we have listed a workaround as well as some quick fixes to help you resolve the issue.

If you’re aware of another fix or workaround for this printer error, let us know about it by leaving a message in the comments section below.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


If the advices above haven’t solved your issue, your PC may experience deeper Windows problems. We recommend downloading this PC Repair tool (rated Great on to easily address them. After installation, simply click the Start Scan button and then press on Repair All.

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  1. You experience Print Spooler error messages after you install or upgrade a Third-Party print driver
  2. Symptoms
  3. Cause
  4. Resolution
  5. Fix: Windows Cannot Connect to the Shared Printer
  6. 0x00000002 – Printer Connectivity Error
  7. Error 0x0000011b: Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer
  8. Error from print server
  9. Лучший отвечающий
  10. Вопрос
  11. Error from print server
  12. Лучший отвечающий
  13. Вопрос
  14. FIX: Printer syntax error offending command in Windows
  15. How to fix syntax error offending command on printers
  16. 1. Convert the file to PDF
  17. 2. Remove and re-add the printer
  18. 3. Use HP universal print drivers

You experience Print Spooler error messages after you install or upgrade a Third-Party print driver

This article provides a solution to fix Print Spooler errors that occurs after you install or upgrade a Third-Party print driver.

Applies to: В Windows 10 — all editions, Windows Server 2012 R2
Original KB number: В 2793718


You may experience any of the following symptoms on your Windows-based client computer:

During the install or upgrade of a third-party print driver, you may receive the following error messages:

  • Operation failed with error 0x00000057
  • Printer driver was not installed. Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000057)
  • Operation failed with error 0x000005b3
  • Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000bc4). No printers were found.
  • Windows cannot connect to the printer. Operation could not be completed (error 0x00000002)

When you try to start or stop the Print Spooler service, you may receive the following error message:

Spooler subsystem app has encountered a problem and needs to close

When you click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes in Windows XP, or Devices and Printers in Windows Vista or later, you may receive the following error message:

Spooler subsystem app has encountered an error and needs to close

When you click Start, and then click Printers and Faxes in Windows XP, or Devices and Printers in Windows Vista or later to try to view your printers, no printers appear. This issue may occur even if you have printers installed.


These issues may occur if a third-party printer driver or service affects the functionality of an existing or newly installed printer.


To clear and reset the print spooler, follow these steps:

  1. In the search box on the taskbar, type services, and then select Services in the list of results.
  2. Select the Standards tab, and then double-click Print Spooler in the list of services.
  3. Select Stop, and then select OK.
  4. In the search box on the taskbar, enter %WINDIR%system32spoolprinters, select %WINDIR%system32spoolPRINTERS in the list of results, and then delete all files in the folder.
  5. In the search box on the taskbar, search for services, and then select Services in the list of results.
  6. Select the Standards tab, and the double-click Print Spooler in the list of services.
  7. Select Start, select Automatic in the Startup Type box, and then select OK.


In this article, we provide solutions to common Windows errors (0x0000011b and 0x00000002) that can occur when connecting a shared network printer from a remote computer (print server). Find the error that appears when connecting a printer in the list below and proceed to the fix.

0x00000002 – Printer Connectivity Error

Error 0x00000002 can occur when trying to connect a shared network printer (from the Print Server or the local TCP/IP port) in both Windows 10 and Windows 7. After you have opened the list of shared printers on a remote computer (via UNC path \computername ), and clicked the Connect button, an error appears

Windows cannot connect to the printer.

Operation failed with error 0x00000002.

The error 0x00000002 means that the driver of this printer installed on the computer is corrupted. First of all, you should try to remove this driver from the driver store (like in the case of error 0x00000057).

Run this command:

printui.exe /s /t2

In the list of installed drivers, find the printer driver you want to reinstall and remove it by clicking Remove and select the Remove driver and driver package option.

Remove-PrinterDriver -Name «HP Universal Printing PCL 5»

cscript «C:WindowsSystem32Printing_Admin_Scriptsen-USprndrvr.vbs» -d -m «HP Universal Printing PCL 5» -e «Windows x64» -v 3

Restart the spooler ( net stop spooler & net start spooler ) and try to connect your printer again.

It is likely that the driver will be installed and the printer will connect successfully.

Otherwise, try the following:

  1. Remove this registry key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerPendingFileRenameOperations;
  2. If there are any subfolders with the names from 1 to 499 in c:WindowsSystem32spoolprtprocsx64 , delete all of them except winprint.dll;
  3. Delete all Print Processors and drivers (except winprint) from the reg key HKLMSYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPrintEnvironments;
  4. Restart your computer and connect to the shared printer.

As a workaround, if the previous methods haven’t helped, connect your printer via UNC path following the instructions in the article How to Print on Windows 10 Network Printer from XP.

Error 0x0000011b: Windows Cannot Connect to the Printer

The mass issue with connecting shared network printers with error 0x0000011b started after installing Windows security updates from September 15, 2021.

When connecting a shared printer from a remote computer an error appears:

This issue is related to the latest security updates in which Microsoft is trying to close the Print Nightmare vulnerability. Unfortunately, the updates are not fully tested and cause massive errors 0x0000011b.

To solve the problem, you need to remove the last security update on the computer where the printer is shared (!). Depending on the version and build of Windows on the computer sharing the printer, you need to uninstall one of the following updates:

  • KB5005565 — Windows 10 2004. 20H2 and 21H1
  • KB5005566 – Windows 10 1909
  • KB5005568 – Windows 10 1809 and Windows 10 LTSC
  • KB5005030 — Windows Server 2019
  • KB5005573 – Windows Server 2016
  • KB5005613, KB5005627 — Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8.1
  • KB5005563 – Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 (who has an Extended Security Updates subscription for Windows 7 and Serve 2008 R2)

To remove an update, go to Start -> Settings -> Update & Security -> View Update History -> Uninstall updates. Select the recently installed update based on your version/build of Windows (for example, Security Update for Microsoft Windows (KB5005565) ) and click Uninstall.
Or use the wusa command (specify the update number for your Windows build):

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:5005565

Restart your computer and try to connect your network printer manually or using Group Policy. Note that if users cannot connect network printers without local administrator permissions (due to the PrintNightmare vulnerability fix), you can temporarily allow non-admin users to install printers by running the command:

reg add «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwarePoliciesMicrosoftWindows NTPrintersPointAndPrint» /v RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f

Then the user will be able to connect the shared printer and you must set the value to RestrictDriverInstallationToAdministrators = 1 .

After uninstalling the update, you need to hide it from the installation. In this case, it won’t be automatically installed on the next Windows Update scan cycle.

You can hide updates with the official tool wushowhide.diagcab or using the PowerShell PSWindowsUpdate module:

$HideList = «KB5005565», «KB5005566», «KB5005568»
Hide-WindowsUpdate -KBArticleID $HideList -Verbose

If you are unable to uninstall the update, as a workaround, you can connect a network printer through the local port. For example, the local port name for connecting a printer from a remote computer might look like this: \pcname123HP1220

Another workaround is to set the reg key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlPrintRpcAuthnLevelPrivacyEnabled to .


Error from print server

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Лучший отвечающий


Доброго времени суток.

Windows 2008R2 Standard, развернута служба печати. Проблемный принтер HP 9050, драйвера HP Laser Jet 9050 PS x86 и x64. При печати документов вперемешку с напечатанными нормально листами (напечатанные нормально — редкость) вылезают листы с казяброй, 1-2 строки на лист. На многих листах есть примерно такие сообщения:

это же вообще заголовок win .exe файла, такое ощущение что кто-то открыл exe блокнотом и отправил на печать, но в журнале событий PrintServiceРаботает нет записей с печатью .exe. Есть запись с пробой печати — при переходе на него есть козябра из 2х строк, но при попытке печати сразу на стороне клиента выдается ошибка. Если добавить до .htm — то там обычная таблица.

Иногда появляются события типа:

Хотя изоляция не настраивалась.

В журнале PrintService Администратор были ошибки аля:

однако, она больше не появляется, хотя проблемы продолжают появляться.

Принтер выключался/включался, очищалась очередь, каталог %windir%system32spool очищался — не помогает.

До инцидента принтер нормально работал месяца полтора-два. Также есть еще 2 таких же принтера, использующих эти же драйвера, на них проблем не наблюдается.


Error from print server

Этот форум закрыт. Спасибо за участие!

Лучший отвечающий


Доброго времени суток.

Windows 2008R2 Standard, развернута служба печати. Проблемный принтер HP 9050, драйвера HP Laser Jet 9050 PS x86 и x64. При печати документов вперемешку с напечатанными нормально листами (напечатанные нормально — редкость) вылезают листы с казяброй, 1-2 строки на лист. На многих листах есть примерно такие сообщения:

это же вообще заголовок win .exe файла, такое ощущение что кто-то открыл exe блокнотом и отправил на печать, но в журнале событий PrintServiceРаботает нет записей с печатью .exe. Есть запись с пробой печати — при переходе на него есть козябра из 2х строк, но при попытке печати сразу на стороне клиента выдается ошибка. Если добавить до .htm — то там обычная таблица.

Иногда появляются события типа:

Хотя изоляция не настраивалась.

В журнале PrintService Администратор были ошибки аля:

однако, она больше не появляется, хотя проблемы продолжают появляться.

Принтер выключался/включался, очищалась очередь, каталог %windir%system32spool очищался — не помогает.

До инцидента принтер нормально работал месяца полтора-два. Также есть еще 2 таких же принтера, использующих эти же драйвера, на них проблем не наблюдается.


FIX: Printer syntax error offending command in Windows

If you are using a Postscript printer, when printing documents you may encounter printer syntax error offending command error. The full error reads: ERROR: syntaxerror OFFENDING COMMAND: –nostringval– STACK: mark

This error can occur while printing from a photo viewer or editing software as well as word processors like Microsoft Wordpad.

If you are also troubled by this error, here are a couple of troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the Printer syntax error offending command in Windows 10.

How to fix syntax error offending command on printers

1. Convert the file to PDF

  1. Open the document in MS Word.
  2. Click on File and select Save as.
  3. Click the drop-down menu for Saveas and select PDF from the options.
  4. Enter a name and save the file.
  5. Open the PDF file in a PDF viewer and try to print the file. The printer should print the file successfully.

Several users have reported that converting the word document to a PDF file as helped them resolve the issue. While this is just a workaround, it should help you to take a printout when required.

2. Remove and re-add the printer

  1. Click on Start and select Settings.
  2. Go to Devices.
  3. Select Printersand Scanners.
  4. Scroll down to your installed printer list.
  5. Select your printer and click on Remove device.
  6. Click Yes to confirm the action.

2.1 Uninstall the software

  1. Press Windows Key + R to open Run.
  2. Type control and click OK.
  3. In the Control Panel window, go to Programs > Programs and Features.
  4. Select your printer app from the list of installer apps.
  5. Click on Uninstall. Click Yes if prompted by the UAC.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions to remove the software.

2.2. Add the printer

  1. Download the latest version of your printer’s software. You can download it from the manufacturer’s website.
  2. Install the printer software.
  3. Next, click on Start > Settings and select Device.
  4. Click on Printers and scanners.
  5. Click on Addaprinter or scanner.
  6. Follow on-screen instructions to install the printer.
  7. Now try to print using the newly added printer and check for any improvements.

2.3. Use an automatic tool

To save time and ensure the process is performed correctly, we recommend using a third-party tool that downloads and installs printer drivers automatically.

In order to benefit from this valuable service, then you should get the latest printer drivers to resolve functionality errors for good.

Plus, it offers the warranty of installing and updating the right drivers, without causing system issues on your PC.

3. Use HP universal print drivers

  1. Press the Windows key and search for control.
  2. Click and open Control Panel.
  3. Go to Hardware and Sound > Devices and Printers.

  4. Select your printer from the list and click on Print server properties.
  5. In the Print Server Properties window, select the printer driver.
  6. Click the Remove button. Click Yes to confirm the action.
  7. Close the Properties window and the Control Panel.

3.1 Download HP Universal Print Drivers

  1. Go to HP software and driver download page.
  2. Download and install the latest version of the HP Universal Print driver.
  3. Make sure you re-add the printer and check for any improvements.
    • Refer to Method 2

The printer syntax error offending command is a common error that can occur due to various reasons. In this article, we have listed a workaround as well as some quick fixes to help you resolve the issue.

If you’re aware of another fix or workaround for this printer error, let us know about it by leaving a message in the comments section below.

Still having issues? Fix them with this tool:


5 Replies

  • Author Gabe Fasbender

    The first page is blank, or maybe a very small non relevant image such as a partial border.

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  • Author Joel Radon

    The only thing that I find when looking at that error is driver issues. Since you have eliminated that as a possibility I am not sure what to recommend other than a new printer. Laserjet 2300 is an old printer, anyways

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  • Author Gabe Fasbender

    Dont know what fixed it but had a guy who I work with print from it with his mac…it worked…and then all of the sudden it worked for me…I dont get.  Oh well.

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  • Author A.J. Stringham

    Check driver, the physical connection and power. What OS is it? What driver type are you using? PCL5, PCL6, PS? If it’s a newer OS, it may or may not be compatible. Also, if you are using a machine specific driver, try the HP Universal Print driver. I’ve seen that work when others don’t. Also, is this running through a print server? If it’s running through a switch, are any other devices unable to be pinged that are on that same switch. Just trying to narrow down where the problem may lie.

    1 found this helpful

  • Author Robert Wilkinson

    This same thing happened to me on a Mac with this same printer. I solved it by going into System Preferences>Printers>select the printer and delete it with the — button, then hit the +  button to add the printer again. This worked for me, as when I printed the page afterward, it worked fine.

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Dov Isaacs

Aug 02, 2012
Aug 02, 2012

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There could be any number of reasons for getting a PostScript error from Freehand or any other application.

You gave no details about the type of printer you are printing to other than the implied fact that it is a printer that supports PostScript in one manner or another. Some printers are known to not fully and/or properly support the full PostScript specification and thus yield PostScript errors with perfectly fine PostScript files.

Another possibility could be not enough memory in your printer, although that is unlikely given the error that you describe.

You could have a printer that only supports PostScript language level 2 and the PostScript file itself is generated for language level 3. Or one of the placed EPS files requires language level 3.

You may have placed a corrupted or defective EPS graphics file into your FreeHand file.

Or you may have encountered a bug in the method by which Freehand generates PostScript.

You would probably be best off reposting this problem in the Freehand forum and see if any remaining Freehand users recognize the symptom.

          — Dov

— Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 — May 30, 2021)

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Aug 02, 2012
Aug 02, 2012

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In Response To Dov Isaacs

Hi Dov,

Thanks for your response.

Let me put more details:-

The printer that I have been using with my pc is Xerox model 1257 GA. Which works pretty well with my pc and prints were fine until yesterday. I believe my printer is supporting PostScript Language Level 2 because it can be printed before.

There are plenty of memories as the pc was just reformatted to factory default.

My pc has now installed Xerox latest universal printer driver, adobe laster printer driver, generatic driver to tackle the problems, still,

unfortunately the error is there.

I was printing the blank sheet from freehand without using any fonts, but still shows the error.

I have the lastest version of anti virus which scans the whole pc everyday, it ain’t the bug problem.

Hope this helps.

Thanks and many thanks!!!



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Dov Isaacs

Aug 02, 2012
Aug 02, 2012

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In Response To HenryLwin

By memory, I was referring to the memory in the printer, not the memory in the PC. But even if a blank page yields this error, then it obviously has nothing to do with printer memory.

A bug in Freehand has nothing to do with viruses that may or may not be on your computer and scanning for same.

Can you print succesfully to that printer from other applications? If not, the problem is probably in the printer (the model is very old) itself, the communications of data from the PC to the printer, or in the driver.

If you had no problems printing anything from Freehand up until yesterday and today you cannot even print a blank page from Freehand points to either a sudden problem with your printer or some corruption in the Freehand program itself or its data files.

Again, you may want to post in the Freehand forum.

          — Dov

— Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 — May 30, 2021)

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Aug 02, 2012
Aug 02, 2012

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In Response To Dov Isaacs

Printing from other applications is no problem.

I believe it is a adobe postscript error which has nothing to do with freehand.

Kindly help.



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Dov Isaacs

Aug 03, 2012
Aug 03, 2012

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In Response To HenryLwin

Since Freehand generates its own PostScript, it is very unlikely to be the driver. And since the error occurs according to you even with a totally blank page sent to print, the problem is most likely in some corruption of your Freehand configuration. If I recall correctly, Freehand requires you to identify which PPD file is appropriate for your printer. Have you checked that?

          — Dov

— Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 — May 30, 2021)

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Aug 05, 2012
Aug 05, 2012

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In Response To Dov Isaacs

I tried the solution which you mentioned.

But I have other PC on the same network, which also installed the Freehand has no problem printing directly from Freehand.

If, PPD has the problem, this PC would has a problem printing as well.

Installing the driver and Freehand is done for 2 PCs with the same installing method.

Kindly help advise.

I am run out of the …..



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Dov Isaacs

Aug 05, 2012
Aug 05, 2012

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In Response To HenryLwin


If both computers are trying to print to the same printer with the same software installation and one works and the other doesn’t, there is clearly some system configuration problem on the system that doesn’t print. It could be a permissions problem (ownership and access privileges to some data or software directory), a corrupted file someplace, etc. Having diagnosed problems of these types for many years, I can tell you that it is exceptionally difficult to diagnose your problem remotely without hands on to your systems, both the one that works and the one that doesn’t. And I don’t have such access.

At this point I would look at one other setting in the driver on both systems. And that is Output Protocol setting in the Device Settings in the Printer Properties. A stringval problem could be indicative of a misconfiguration here. To be safe, use the ASCII protocol as opposed to any Binary, TCP, or TBCP setting. Normally, that setting does default to ASCII but something could be resetting it.

Beyond that, I really recommend that you post on the Freehand forum and see if anyone there can assist you.

          — Dov

— Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 — May 30, 2021)

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John Hawkinson



Aug 05, 2012
Aug 05, 2012

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In Response To Dov Isaacs

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Dov Isaacs

Aug 05, 2012
Aug 05, 2012

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In Response To John Hawkinson

He already is getting an error handler report reporting nostringval. Doesn’t need any further error handler support. It is already there.

          — Dov

— Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 — May 30, 2021)

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John Hawkinson



Aug 05, 2012
Aug 05, 2012

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In Response To Dov Isaacs

Well, one would like to have the stack and line number…

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Dov Isaacs

Aug 05, 2012
Aug 05, 2012

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In Response To John Hawkinson

Since the error handler is already producing output, maybe Henry can advise as to exactly what else appears on the error handler output page. Based on my experience, given the symptoms provided and that another supposedly similarly-configured system doesn’t have the problem, I sounds like corruption of the data stream or misconfiguration of the data protocol, hence my request to check whether ASCII or any of the other protocols is being used.

          — Dov

— Dov Isaacs, former Adobe Principal Scientist (April 30, 1990 — May 30, 2021)

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Aug 06, 2012
Aug 06, 2012

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In Response To Dov Isaacs


Herewith, please see the compete error code:-

POSTSCRIPT ERROR: syntaxerror   OFFENDING COMMAND —nostringval—

VMSTATUS max: 101378560 avail: 101034616 level: 3

Many thanks and appreciated for the kind efforts.



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  • I am getting error while making pdf from the indesign file through acrobat distiller, though I have installed all fonts in Indesign, Please advise

    %%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: definefont; ErrorInfo: UniqueID 2.14748e+09 ]%%


    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
    Distill Time: 1 seconds (00:00:01)
    #### End of Job ####

  • Hello,
    I hope you can help out.
    When I print a document I get next error.
    What can I do or were is the problem?
    Error Name: stackunderflow
    offending command: –run–
    operand Stack: 14

    Thanks in advance,

  • ‘configurationerror’ means that the configuration request cannot be satisfied. All important details are in the file.

    ‘unregistered’ is a really bad error. Something happened in the RIP firmware that was not mapped to the standard set of errors. Perhaps, other printers will give a better message.

    PostScript messages are usually insufficient to idfentify the problem. Please contact Coscript Consulting and have a sample file ready, if you want a professional assistance with PostScript and PDF issues. Call us +1 (610) 529 3475 or write to [email protected] .

  • When one of my customers uses startx on a Linux system and prints my document to a Xerox WorkCentre pro 35 with the GDP PS v2.1 Xerox Driver, they get the following error:

    ERROR: unregistered OFFINGING COMMAND: show STACK:

  • I got this error:


    First I got this error printing .ps file (I convert to .pdf to solve), after also .txt, now all file type on all printers I have access on my working society. The error is always the same with the exceptions of number after the dot that can be missing.

    I have read the “configurationerror” and “nostringval” but I don’t know what to do.

    I’m using Debian Wheezy with cups.
    Now I’m able to print only using a Debian Stable form a virtualbox machine.

  • Printng from a word 2010 document, receiving this error message…..”error message printing string”

    anny sollution please advice

  • Running a HPL3015N on a samba (print server Linux to 40 WinXP workstations). Cups is updated.
    Drivers installed on Cups for this printer seems to be correct ((Driver: HP LaserJet p3010 Series hpijs pcl3, 3.10.6 (color, 2-sided printing))

    If printer is on, from time to time (random) it ejects 2 sheets of paper.
    One clear and one with following:

    ERROR: undefined

    Hope you can help or suggest something to solve the issue.

  • %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

  • Anyone ever seen this PostScript error before?

    %%[ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: ”0″š%%

  • when i am printig my document i am getting backgrond message and that is “unregistered”.now what should i do now?

  • %%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: ifelse ]%%

    {–pop– –currentoverprint– {false} {SeparateInColor {0 0 0 0
    SetCmyk_5 true} {1 SetGry true} –ifelse–} –ifelse–}
    {/set_color dexec true}
    [0.0 -8.33333 -8.33333 0.0 2600.85 3421.82]

    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

    what does that mean?

  • I print my emails to PDF and will sometimes get this error:

    %%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
    %%[Page: 1]%%
    %%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: ifelse ]%%

    {–dup– /Encoding –get– –dup– StandardEncoding –eq– {–pop– T}
    {{ISOLatin1Encoding} –stopped– {–pop– F} {–eq–} –ifelse–
    {T} {–dup– –begin– T 32 1 127 {Encoding 1 –index– –get–
    StandardEncoding 3 -1 –roll– –get– –eq– –and–} –for– –end–}
    –ifelse–} –ifelse–}

    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

  • and it doesnt print what i told it to

    it does work once every day though

  • my printer says
    ERROR: undefined


  • Hi!
    would you please help me, i’ve got an error on ms word 2003, whe can’t update to an earlier version of ms office, the error is “#0” every time i try to print an inform from the erp system in my work, i can’t figured why.
    I´ve got to add that the word woksheet are combined to an access file and says in the error, “couldn’t find file” or something similar.
    I’m a beginner in this so don’t be to hard on me and my ignorance. 😀

    Thank you!


  • Hi Guy’s

    When I print from UNIX to a Canon device, and the print job are about 1500 duplex pages, normally at the end of the print job apear some PS error’s in some pages, but the print sequence continue normally after that.
    The PS error’s are:
    “ERROR: undefined

    “Error: syntaxerror
    OFFENDING COMMAND: –nostringval–

    “ERROR: syntaxerror
    OFFENDING COMMAND: cvt , <fpgm

    can anyone help me?

    any suggestion will be appreciate

    thanks in advance


    1. That first error seems to point to a communication problem with the ‘begin’ command getting cut off in the middle. Of course it could also be the printer not having enough memory to store the entire file – although I would expect another type of error in that case.
      Try printing the job in two or three times. Sending smaller files to the printer likely gets around the issue.

  • on computer says pstopdfilter

    1. That is not really a PostScript error. As far as I know the error message ‘The process “pstopdffilter” terminated unexpectedly at signal XX’, with XX being 10 or 11 seems to be a system message that appears when you try to print a job to a non-PostScript device. There are a couple of work-arounds that get mentioned on various forums:

      • If the error appears when printing from Adobe Reader or Adobe Acrobat, try activating the ‘Print as Image’ option in Acrobat’s ‘Advanced..’ options of the print dialog window. Another work-around is printing the PDF from the Preview application that comes bundled with OS X, instead of printing from Reader.
      • The error can also pop up in other Adobe apps. The work-around is similar: activate the ‘Print as Bitmap’ checkbox and select an appropriate high DPI value in the Advanced print options.
      • The problem occurs more in OS 10.4.10 and .11 than it does in previous releases. Reverting back to an older version of the OS might help. The problem might also be fixed in newer OS version that use an updated print architecture. I haven’t found any references about this though.
  • postsript error “~”

    anyone know this one?

  • With CS2 I am getting the error Invalid Paper size Offending command
    Stack 1

    I have printed using bluebeam PDF revue and works fine
    and I have checked paper sizes etc

  • %%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
    %%[ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: > ]%%

    [447.22 412.265 448.22 412.265]

    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

  • Hi all,

    I would appreciate some help about a problem I can’t solve myself.

    Is is about sending the same PS file to different printservers. First time, it prints on all of them, but the process, deppending on the printserver, blocks the printer.

    I’ve cought the error in that cases:


    Thanks a lot!!

  • Hi, I need your help in solving a problem with AI file. Illustrator can’t open the file and I get the following message:
    offending operator: ”,”
    context: %0eP.&/i=b(1,U1,0d&)(2′?0I5!C)Q4s2L92B[*^F_)[K2DcO5/heD34s3$Q+?ht30/4S/+?
    Would you help me please.

  • DEar all
    i require to tackle postscript error while converting pagemaker file to pdf & i m not able to solve this problem by using solution on available on net.pls help me to come our of this problem to manage my work

    1. Without stating which exact problem you have, which procedure you are using to create PDFs and what you have already tried, nobody will be capable of helping you. Your chances of getting help are far larger if you post all of this information on a forum such as the Adobe support forums or the b4print forums.

  • Am on macbook pro Version 10.5.8

    I have microsoft office 2008 installed and Adobe CS 4 (if am not mistaken)

    When I print a pdf file I get the following error:

    %% [ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: undef ]%%
    %% [ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    When I print a word doc i get the following error message:

    ERROR: undefined
    OFFENDING COMMAND: languagelevel



    Printer is HP Laser 2100 Series PCL 6, I seem to be the only person to have issue with the printer, the issue must come from my laptop.



    1. It looks like your driver is using PostScript 3 but a quick search on the web only showed references to the HP 2100 supporting PostScript 2. Try finding a way to set your driver to level 2 or else try reinstalling the driver (or using the correct one?)

  • I was trying to open an AI file, and it’ says offending operator: ” ” context: %AI10-BeginSymoiList

    when i have other people to open the file, they were able to open and by select “PDF compatible”, and saved it, then i was able to open myself. Would you help to explain this issue for me ?

    thanks a lot.

  • I got an error “PS error : stop”

    1. I don’t think that there actually is a PostScript error called ‘Stop’. Check the PostScript error and the reported offending command a bit better – either of them is bound to show up in the overview of errors on this site.

  • Hi, I take this error when I try to print a preview view for a database report.

    Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: Sign

    I was searching for internet but I didnt found nothing.

    Thanks for all and sorry for my english.

  • We are trying to print different dot tone for a 4 color process screen print job and we have a screen writer 4 Xante. It gives us a post script error of

    Could you help me out with how I can fix it

    1. It can be difficult to troubleshoot PostScript errors. Without knowing the actual error and offending command it is next to impossible. I think you need to take a new look at the error message since you omitted the most important part.

  • The first error is trivial: PostScript requires decimal point, not comma. The second is an Illustrator error rather than a PostScript error. You can contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions.

    1. Thanks Alex – that first one is so obvious I should have noticed it myself. I’ll add a note to the ‘Undefined’ error description for this type of error.

  • I have an Illustrator file that I created and I made a change to a gradient and then saved the file. When I tried to reopen the file I got the error message listed below. Thanks for your help:

    Offending operator: “Bg”

    -293.6436 3.81445 -303.502 -12.5605 -314.9639 -24.0186 c


    1 (Unnamed gradient 2) 0 0 90 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 Bg

  • when i am trying to make a pdf file from a .prn file which was generated by coreldraw, i get the following error. from corel draw i use a printer with name xitron RIP.

    thank you,

    %%[ Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: -0,00709 ]%%
    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%

  • Good morning. I am a desktop support engineer for a large company here in the UK. I have an issue with 3500 printers syntax erroring on random documents. I am told by our problem management that there is nothing we can do as the printers are rubbish, but I dont belive this.

    Users are receiving errors when printing documents to Xerox 3500 Printers, some of these have been seen on 7400’s too.

    On a 3500 — Printing PS3 is displayed on the printer for around 30 seconds maybe more. Nothing prints and error printing is displayed on the user’s computer. Rebooting the printer seems to resolve this however the issue will return.

    Sometimes only half of a document will print (This includes windows test pages). Sometimes the page will duplex and display the following error message on the reverse side –


    ERROR: Syntaxerror

    OFFENDING COMMAND:               cvt                 <      fpgm: `1     <glyfc~  8   O   zhead   O





    On other occasions this is what is printed –

    ERROR: undefined




    ERROR: stackunderflow




    ERROR: undefined

    OFFENDING COMMAND: Pscript_WinNT_Compat



    ERROR: undefined




    ERROR: stackunderflow

    OFFENDING COMMAND: putinterval

    STACK: (glyx) ,


    ERROR: syntaxerror

    OFFENDING COMMAND:  —nostringval—









    ERROR: undefined




    ERROR: ioerror




    ERROR: stackunderflow




    ERROR: syntaxerror

    OFFENDING COMMAND:  —nostringval—





    ERROR: syntaxerror

    OFFENDING COMMAND:           ;   ,   .   ;   ,   @   ;    »   7   [   K   ]         +    $






    I have read Adobes ‘Troubleshoot Postscript Errors’ web page and my first thoughts are that this problem is occuring at the system level as it occurs from random documents and not specific documents.

    Basically is there anyone here who has seen these before or can confirm that this is not a problem with the printers? I have even reloaded the firmware and replaced the mainboard but still the issue remains. Another point to note is that if I swap the printer, the issue is still there. If users print to another 3500 on a different floorplate then it prints! I seem to be running round in circles here.

    Many Thanks for reading and I hope someone can help.


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