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- Containers — «TADTextureConvert> TrainzUtil command host terminated unexpectedly»
June 9th, 2013, 01:01 AM
Containers — «TADTextureConvert> TrainzUtil command host terminated unexpectedly»
Whenever I attempt to install the JR containers I always get this when they go to commit:
Error: TADTextureConvert> TrainzUtil command host terminated unexpectedly
Message: TADInternalCopyAsset> fatal error during texture compressionI’ve had this problem for sometime and no one seems to have any good answers for it. The only solution I ever found was to jiggle the Hardware Acceleration Button until something happened. This doesn’t work on my computer and it seems that SP1 removed that option or at least stuck it somewhere I haven’t found yet. The containers are the only content from JR, or any site for that matter, that produces this error. I redownloaded the files several times and even re-installed a couple to see if it would work. Nothing. Same problem once again. It is relatively rare as I only turned up a handful of people reporting this problem over the past couple of years when I searched for solutions.
So if anyone knows how to fix this, or even what causes it, please let me know. I’ve been dying to run stack trains since Christmas.
Thanks in advance.
June 30th, 2013, 02:08 PM
Some follow up:
I fixed this, some what, through a lot of work and effort. Basically, it looked like CMP didn’t like the size of the mesh library. No idea why as they really aren’t that big. I installed it without committing it, then divided the mesh library into 5 separate folders, redirected the new kuids in the husk of the original mesh library asset (now with no subfolders), and then everything installed without a hitch. This a pretty good amount of work so, please, if anyone has a simple fix let me know.
May 21st, 2022, 03:30 AM
im hoping you will see this but can you give a more detailed explanation on how to solve it thnx a lot

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1) Текстура отсутствует
2) Использование старого конвертера из 3д макса и/или кривые руки автора — попытка использования данной текстуры в текстурной карте, которая не поддерживается игрой вообще, либо не поддерживается материалом с данными свойствами.
Я бы предложил следующий алгоритм действий:
Первое, что надо сделать — это проверить наличие текстурных файлов — текстового «uhlhorn.texture.txt» и соответствующего файла с изображением, на который ссылается текстовый файл, например:
Если в папке находится только файл uhlhorn.texture, и нет текстового пути и файла изображения, то достаем утилиту PevSoft Images2TGA с и с ее помощью конвертим текстуру в привычный нам вид.
Если текстурный файл присутствует, но ошибка все равно выдается, то причина одна — использование в качестве неподдерживаемой текстурной карты в материале. Переходим к пункту 3.
Если же такая текстура не найдена, то запускаем Trainz Mesh Viever 2, грузим в него меш объекта, нажимаем правую кнопку мыши, и в выпавшем списке выбираем «Locate Texture»
В окошке слева внизу выбираем пропавшую текстуру, вращаем объект во всех направлениях и смотрим, высветился ли где-то на модели полигон. При отсутствии текстуры полигоны с ней будут белыми. Если данная текстура нигде не используется в качестве основной (диффузной), то мы увидим только сетку
Если при внимательном рассмотрении модели в режиме «Locate Texture» с выбранной пропавшей текстурой мы нигде не увидели белые полигоны, то переходим к пункту 3.
Если же такие полигоны нашлись, то надо определить, насколько необходимо на них наличие какой-то определенной текстуры, или в качестве текстуры можно подсунуть что попало. Например, если поверхности, которые должны были быть ею затекстурены, имеют большую площадь и хорошо видимы, то придется поискать что-то подходящее или в других объектах того же автора, или в исходном CDP-файле (бывает в случае, если в имена текстур вкрались символы, не соответствующие стандартной кодировке ANSI, русские или прочие национальные символы), или подобрать по смыслу. А если эта поверхность находится где-то внутри (чаще всего теряются текстуры именно от таких элементов), то можно сделать соответствующий текстовый файл со ссылкой на любую другую имеющуюся текстуру, желательно минимального размера.
Решаем вопрос со ссылкой на отсутствующую текстуру и снова проверяем на ошибки. Если ошибка осталась, переходим к следующему пункту.
Вся проблема свелась к использованию изображения в качестве неподдерживаемой текстурной карты.
Есть два способа лечения — быстрый (автоматический) и ручной. Второй пока описывать не буду.
Запускаем PevSoft PM2IM, открываем im-файл, который указан в сообщении об ошибке, и конвертим его. При этом неподдерживаемые текстурные карты будут автоматически удалены.
Тамбур 3
Модератор: Разработчики TrainzUnion
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Re: Тамбур 3
- Партнер
Re: Тамбур 3
#9825 udezik 23 июн 2012, 11:52
Появилась возможность сделать в своей игре вид из … кабины!
Смотрите что можно сделать:
-Качение поезда.
-Смена времени дня, текстур небес и травы.
-Звуки за окном (птички, коровки…)
-Звуки поезда.
-Реалистичное управление.
-Здания и все остальное с эффектом 3д.
-Функция паузы/съемки видео/съемки скриншота
-Деревенские дома, инфраструктура, станции.
-Контактная сеть.
-Прочие плюшки.
Посылаю всех. Однако.
udezik offline
- Медали: 3
- Очков репутации: -2
Re: Тамбур 3
#9830 udezik 23 июн 2012, 18:31
Закачайте купейник от алекса (салон) новый который труповский на народ.
Буду ахуенно благодарен, и вы отстраняетесь от критики мной до 01.08
Посылаю всех. Однако.
udezik offline
- Медали: 3
- Очков репутации: -2
Re: Тамбур 3
#9834 udezik 23 июн 2012, 20:41
Тонкостей много, ага.
TADTextureConvert> TrainzUtil command host terminated unexpectedly
TADInternalCopyAsset> fatal error during texture compression
Ошибка изменения дополнения <kuid:587483:300027> из-за ошибки доступа к файлу
Кто скажет как такую ошибку исправить при подтверждении допа в КМ, поцелую.
Посылаю всех. Однако.
udezik offline
- Медали: 3
- Очков репутации: -2
Кто сейчас на конференции
Сейчас этот форум просматривают: нет зарегистрированных пользователей и гости: 1

!— ENDIF —inner5360) ue=’309.51′
#wrapbull; !— ENDIF —img src=/div/h3
extensionHost.ts:288 [Extension Host] debugger listening on port 43708
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.addEnvironment` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.connect` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.disconnectEnvironment` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.delete` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.portForwarding` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.unshareServer` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractExtensionService.ts:394 [ms-vsliveshare.cloudenv-explorer]: Command `cloudenv.getAccessToken` appears multiple times in the `commands` section.
abstractTextMateService.ts:52 Overwriting grammar scope name to file mapping for scope source.yaml.
Old grammar file: file:///Applications/Visual%20Studio%20Code%20-%20Insiders.app/Contents/Resources/app/extensions/yaml/syntaxes/yaml.tmLanguage.json.
New grammar file: file:///Users/chuck/.vscode-insiders/extensions/redhat.vscode-yaml-0.4.1/syntaxes/yaml.tmLanguage.json
register @ abstractTextMateService.ts:52
_handleGrammarExtensionPointUser @ abstractTextMateService.ts:361
_.grammarsExtPoint.setHandler.e @ abstractTextMateService.ts:196
_handle @ extensionsRegistry.ts:144
acceptUsers @ extensionsRegistry.ts:135
_handleExtensionPoint @ abstractExtensionService.ts:377
_doHandleExtensionPoints @ abstractExtensionService.ts:325
_handleExtensionPoints @ extensionService.ts:520
(anonymous) @ extensionService.ts:510
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
_startLocalExtensionHost @ extensionService.ts:509
(anonymous) @ extensionService.ts:505
r @ errors.ts:184
Promise.then (async)
l @ errors.ts:184
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
_scanAndHandleExtensions @ extensionService.ts:424
(anonymous) @ abstractExtensionService.ts:102
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
_initialize @ abstractExtensionService.ts:98
g.runWhenIdle @ extensionService.ts:133
requestIdleCallback (async)
t.runWhenIdle @ async.ts:695
P._lifecycleService.when.then @ extensionService.ts:132
Promise.then (async)
P @ extensionService.ts:130
_createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:110
_createServiceInstance @ instantiationService.ts:217
_createServiceInstanceWithOwner @ instantiationService.ts:206
_createAndCacheServiceInstance @ instantiationService.ts:195
_getOrCreateServiceInstance @ instantiationService.ts:135
get @ instantiationService.ts:53
initLayout @ layout.ts:183
(anonymous) @ workbench.ts:138
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
e.invokeFunction.t @ workbench.ts:132
invokeFunction @ instantiationService.ts:60
startup @ workbench.ts:132
(anonymous) @ main.ts:128
r @ errors.ts:184
Promise.then (async)
l @ errors.ts:184
r @ errors.ts:184
Promise.then (async)
l @ errors.ts:184
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
open @ main.ts:112
t.main @ main.ts:357
(anonymous) @ workbench.js:30
Promise.then (async)
bootstrapWindow.load.removeDeveloperKeybindingsAfterLoad @ workbench.js:26
e @ bootstrap-window.js:132
t._invokeFactory @ loader.js:985
t.complete @ loader.js:995
s._onModuleComplete @ loader.js:1595
s._onModuleComplete @ loader.js:1607
s._resolve @ loader.js:1557
s.defineModule @ loader.js:1221
o @ loader.js:1645
c @ loader.js:776
(anonymous) @ gettingStarted.contribution.ts:18
(anonymous) @ fake:1
t._createAndEvalScript @ loader.js:779
(anonymous) @ loader.js:762
a @ loader.js:866
(anonymous) @ loader.js:875
readFileAfterClose @ internal/fs/read_file_context.js:53
abstractExtensionService.ts:390 [xabikos.JavaScriptSnippets]: Unknown language in `contributes.JavaScriptSnippets.language`. Provided value: vue
_logMessageInConsole @ abstractExtensionService.ts:390
_handleExtensionPointMessage @ abstractExtensionService.ts:344
n @ abstractExtensionService.ts:320
_msg @ extensionsRegistry.ts:37
error @ extensionsRegistry.ts:46
e.toValidSnippet @ snippetsService.ts:62
w.point.setHandler.e @ snippetsService.ts:214
_handle @ extensionsRegistry.ts:144
setHandler @ extensionsRegistry.ts:129
_initExtensionSnippets @ snippetsService.ts:204
E._pendingWork.push.Promise.resolve.o.when.then @ snippetsService.ts:145
Promise.then (async)
E @ snippetsService.ts:144
_createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:110
a.IdleValue @ instantiationService.ts:223
_executor @ async.ts:726
_handle.t.runWhenIdle @ async.ts:733
requestIdleCallback (async)
t.runWhenIdle @ async.ts:695
w @ async.ts:733
_createServiceInstance @ instantiationService.ts:223
_createServiceInstanceWithOwner @ instantiationService.ts:206
_createServiceInstanceWithOwner @ instantiationService.ts:208
_createServiceInstanceWithOwner @ instantiationService.ts:208
_createAndCacheServiceInstance @ instantiationService.ts:195
_getOrCreateServiceInstance @ instantiationService.ts:135
_createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:87
createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:75
e @ codeEditorWidget.ts:304
_createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:110
createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:75
createEditorControl @ textEditor.ts:191
createEditor @ textEditor.ts:136
create @ baseEditor.ts:112
doCreateEditorControl @ editorControl.ts:117
doShowEditorControl @ editorControl.ts:86
(anonymous) @ editorControl.ts:68
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
openEditor @ editorControl.ts:61
(anonymous) @ editorGroupView.ts:843
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
t @ editorGroupView.ts:841
(anonymous) @ editorGroupView.ts:841
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
doShowEditor @ editorGroupView.ts:836
(anonymous) @ editorGroupView.ts:446
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
restoreEditors @ editorGroupView.ts:422
e @ editorGroupView.ts:147
_createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:110
createInstance @ instantiationService.ts:75
createFromSerialized @ editorGroupView.ts:62
doCreateGroupView @ editorPart.ts:515
fromJSON @ editorPart.ts:895
deserializeNode @ grid.ts:455
deserializeNode @ grid.ts:448
deserialize @ grid.ts:484
doCreateGridControlWithState @ editorPart.ts:889
doCreateGridControlWithPreviousState @ editorPart.ts:856
doCreateGridControl @ editorPart.ts:828
createContentArea @ editorPart.ts:804
create @ part.ts:69
forEach @ workbench.ts:302
renderWorkbench @ workbench.ts:292
(anonymous) @ workbench.ts:150
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
e.invokeFunction.t @ workbench.ts:132
invokeFunction @ instantiationService.ts:60
startup @ workbench.ts:132
(anonymous) @ main.ts:128
r @ errors.ts:184
Promise.then (async)
l @ errors.ts:184
r @ errors.ts:184
Promise.then (async)
l @ errors.ts:184
(anonymous) @ errors.ts:184
n @ errors.ts:184
open @ main.ts:112
t.main @ main.ts:357
(anonymous) @ workbench.js:30
Promise.then (async)
bootstrapWindow.load.removeDeveloperKeybindingsAfterLoad @ workbench.js:26
e @ bootstrap-window.js:132
t._invokeFactory @ loader.js:985
t.complete @ loader.js:995
s._onModuleComplete @ loader.js:1595
s._onModuleComplete @ loader.js:1607
s._resolve @ loader.js:1557
s.defineModule @ loader.js:1221
o @ loader.js:1645
c @ loader.js:776
(anonymous) @ gettingStarted.contribution.ts:18
(anonymous) @ fake:1
t._createAndEvalScript @ loader.js:779
(anonymous) @ loader.js:762
a @ loader.js:866
(anonymous) @ loader.js:875
readFileAfterClose @ internal/fs/read_file_context.js:53
log.ts:173 ERR Error: [File Watcher (node.js)] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/chuck/Developer/Repos/_microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/containers/kubernetes-helm/.vscode'
log.ts:173 ERR [File Watcher (node.js)] Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat '/Users/chuck/Developer/Repos/_microsoft/vscode-dev-containers/containers/kubernetes-helm/.vscode'
extensionHost.ts:198 Extension Host
extensionHost.ts:199 Debugger attached.
abstractExtensionService.ts:155 Extension host terminated unexpectedly. Code: null Signal: SIGSEGV
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ abstractExtensionService.ts:155
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ extensionService.ts:363
_onExtensionHostCrashOrExit @ abstractExtensionService.ts:147
e.onDidExit @ abstractExtensionService.ts:137
fire @ event.ts:558
_onExtHostProcessExit @ extensionHost.ts:457
_extensionHostProcess.on @ extensionHost.ts:213
emit @ events.js:182
ChildProcess._handle.onexit @ internal/child_process.js:240
notificationsAlerts.ts:40 Extension host terminated unexpectedly.
onDidNotificationChange @ notificationsAlerts.ts:40
_register.model.onDidNotificationChange.e @ notificationsAlerts.ts:26
fire @ event.ts:558
addNotification @ notifications.ts:156
notify @ notificationService.ts:55
prompt @ notificationService.ts:90
_onExtensionHostCrashed @ extensionService.ts:383
_onExtensionHostCrashOrExit @ abstractExtensionService.ts:147
e.onDidExit @ abstractExtensionService.ts:137
fire @ event.ts:558
_onExtHostProcessExit @ extensionHost.ts:457
_extensionHostProcess.on @ extensionHost.ts:213
emit @ events.js:182
ChildProcess._handle.onexit @ internal/child_process.js:240
Herzlich Willkommen!
Um alle Funktionen nutzen zu können, solltest du dich registrieren. Wenn du schon regstriert bist, solltest du dich anmelden.
TuutTuut -
18. Oktober 2014 -
- #1
nachdem ich ein Lets Play der Frankfurter Ubahn gesehen habe, habe ich mir Trainz 12 gekauft und das ZIP File runtergeladen.
Leider habe ich mit Trainz keinerlei Erfahrung und habe Probleme bei der Installation:
In der «Readme» habe ich gesehen, dass man sich wohl zusätzliche Assets herunterladen muss. Im Steam habe ich Trainz gestartet und auf «CONTENT» geklickt und den Content Manager geöffnet, die ganzen Assets kopiert und dort ins Suchfenster eingegeben. Leider lädt er nichts runter, jedes File wird rot markiert mit dem Hinweis «Unknown Content Error». Wie kann ich das Problem lösen? Den Spielekey habe ich registriert.
Und wie installiere ich die Strecke? Ich habe einige CDP-Dateien, bei denen ich nicht weiß, wie ich die in Trainz einbinde.
Edit: Die CDP binde ich auch über den Content Manager über «Import CDP» ein?
- #2
Hast Du Trainz auch bei Auran/N3V (nennt sich noch Planet Auran)registriert? Das solltest Du machen. Sonst kommst Du nicht auf die DLS rauf. Den Usernamen und das Passwort auch in die Optionen von Trainz eintragen. Das Alles kannst Du aber auch in der Dokumentation nachlesen falls du diese mitgeliefert bekommen hast.
Ich hab mein TS12 auf DVD damals vom deutschen Distributor Halycon gekauft. Da war das Handbuch zumindest als PDF mit drauf.
Ich dachte Du liebst es wenn ein Plan funktioniert
Günther -
- #3
Den Spielekey habe ich registriert. In den Settings sehe ich meine Zugangsdaten und eine UserId. Also eingeloggt bin ich wohl.
- #4
Wo bzw. bei wem hast Du registriert?
Günther -
- #6
Öffne mal den Contentmanager (bei der Auswahl im ersten Fenster auf Objekte klicken). Wenn im CM oben in der Kopzeile «Content Manager V3.7» steht dann klicke mal auf den Reiter «Downloadstation». Wenn dort V3.6 steht musst Du noch das Update auf SP1 installieren.
2. Möglichkeit: Google mal nach Auran Downloadstation und melde Dich dann dort über Browser an.
Wenn das geht dann suche dort mal nach der U-Bahn. die nennt sich UF usw. oder klicke dort unter dem Suchfeld auf Username und gebe dann «Alterr» ein (ohne Anführungszeichen). Dann suche Dir die Strecke und die Aufgabe heraus die du möchtest. Dort dann auf «Download (Helper)» klicken. Dann müsste sich der CM öffnen und du brauchst den Download nur noch zu starten.
Günther -
- #7
Der Contentmanager hat die Version 3.7. Wenn ich auf den Reiter Downloadstation klicke, steht oben immer noch 3.7.
- #8
Und wird dann was in der Liste angezeigt? Ich meine bei dem Reiter DLS.
Wenn ja dann benutze die Suchfunktion im CM. Das jetzt zu erklären würde den Rahmen sprengen. Aber da kannst Du die verschiedensten Kriterien einstellen. Dann die gewünschte Zeile anklicken (markieren und dann mittels rechter Maustaste «Herunterladen» auswählen.
Günther -
- #9
Da steht «There are no items to display».
Ich glaube ich lasse das mal bleiben… Dass man bei einem Simulator einiges per Hand installieren muss, weiss ich ja aber hier funktioniert wirklich rein gar nichts.
Ich kann benötigte Assets aus irgendeinem Grund nicht herunterladen, die Datei «UF Pack 5.cdp» installiert sich auch nicht richtig:
Error: TADTextureConvert> TrainzUtil command host terminated unexpectedly
Message: TADInternalCopyAsset> fatal error during texture compression
Error: Failed to commit changes to asset <kuid:346926:16919> due to file access error
Message: <kuid:346926:16946> committed
Message: Installed asset <kuid:346926:16946>
Message: <kuid:346926:16947> committed
Message: Installed asset <kuid:346926:16947>Wenn ich den TS 12 über Steam registriert und geladen habe, sollte doch eigentlich alles auf Stand sein? Naja, ich habe auch versucht das SP1 bei Halycon runterzuladen. Nur leider frisst er dort meinen Spielekey nicht.
Schade, scheint eine tolle Strecke zu sein aber mit so vielen Problemen vergeht einem einfach die Lust.
- #10
Hast Du auch bei Auran registriert? Bei Steam alleine reicht nicht.
Lese Dir doch erst mal das Handbuch durch, vor Allem wie und wo du was registrieren musst. Das steht Alles da drin.
Und schau mal ob Deine Firewall Trainz erlaubt aufs Internet zu zugreifen.
Günther -
- #11
Ja, ich habe mich und den Key bei Auran registriert. Wenn ich mich dort einlogge, sehe ich den registrierten Key in meinem Benutzerkonto. Auch im CM scheint in der Hinsicht alles zu funktionieren. Wenn ich den CM starte, dann wird ja zuerst der Benutzername bzw. Login überprüft und da ist alles in Ordnung.
Er findet die ganzen Assets ja auch. Auf der linken Seite im CM werden die dann alle aufgelistet (ich glaube knapp 100 MB). Sobald ich auf Download klicke, werden die ganzen Dateien nur der Reihe nach Rot, egal wie oft ich es versuche.Das Handbuch habe ich auch gelesen, ich kann keinen Fehler von meiner Seite sehen. Irgendwas klemmt da leider. Die fehlenden Assets über die Homepage von Auran runterzuladen habe ich nicht hinbekommen, da weiss ich dann am Ende überhaupt nicht mehr, was ich brauche.
- #12
In Australien (da steht die DLS) wird der Server aber auch gerade umgestellt. Nächste Woche wird es neuere Informationen dazu geben.
Ich habe zwar heute einen Download durchgeführt und Alles war normal jedoch kann es passieren das auch mal was nicht richtig erkannt wird. Geh mal über den Browser auf die DLS und versuche es von da aus zu starten.
(Raussuchen und auf «Download (Helper)» klicken) Die Namen der Assets hast Du ja im CM stehen.Ach ja. Nach 100 MB pro Tag ist ohne FCT sowieso Schluss. Auch ist die Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit gedrosselt. Stell Dir mal vor wenn nur 0,01% der Weltbevölkerung auf einen Server zugreifen wollen.
Das sind dann auch schon 500000 Leute.Gruß
Günther -
- #13
Ich vermute, dass hier das Problem irgendwo anders liegt. Aber danke, ich werde es vielleicht irgendwann nochmal versuchen. Für heute habe ich irgendwie erst mal keine Lust mehr, nachdem ich es Stundenlang versucht habe.
- #14
Zur Seite legen und später nochmal versuchen.
Solche Erfahrungen mache ich auch immer, wenn ich irgendetwas versuche, es aber nicht klappt.
Irgendwann kommt der Geistesblitz und man hat eine Lösung.Gruß
Pascal -
- Offizieller Beitrag
- #15
Die Probleme beim Installieren liegen in der großen Dateimenge, einfach die jeweilige CDP nochmal installieren… half meist.
- #16
Stimmt auch. Zuviel Assets zum Download ausgewählt und der CM stürzt ab und man muss Alles über den Windows-Taskmanager beenden und es gibt beim Neustart des CM eine langwierige Datenbankreparatur.
Günther -
- #17
Also ich habe es für heute wirklich aufgegeben. Der CM lädt ums verrecken nicht runter und ich denke nicht dass es an den Einstellungen liegt. Die CDP habe ich nach gefühlten 100x endlich installiert bekommen.
Spaßeshalber habe ich die Strecke mal geladen. Er meckert rum, dass Assets nicht geladen werden können, fahren kann ich aber. Leider blockiert kurz darauf eine Bahn meinen Fahrweg, aber das kann auch an den fehlenden Assets liegen bzw. ich habe mich noch nicht genug in den TS eingearbeitet. Mal sehen, vielleicht bekomme ich die Sachen noch runtergeladen, wäre toll denn die Strecke sieht wirklich klasse aus! -
- #18
Anscheinend liegt er hier dran:
CM unknown content error
Ich habe den TS auch über das Internet gekauft, da er hier viel günstiger war als in Steam. Habe mal den Support angeschrieben.
- #19
Das Problem lag nicht auf meiner Seite. Habe den Support angeschrieben und dort wurden meine «Downloadberechtigungen» aktualisiert und jetzt funktioniert es!
TrainzUtil is a command line Content Management tool. Please note this page has not been updated for TRS22
- 1 Functionality
- 2 Set Up
- 3 Known Issues
- 4 Accessibility
- 5 Versioning
- 6 Command Line Arguments
- 7 Batch File Arguments
- 8 Notes
- 9 Return to Content Creation / Tools
TrainzUtil is an extremely capable and versatile command console tool, able to perform all content management queries and asset manipulations. | ||
Indeed it forms the basis for Content Manager. Its most powerful usage is when it is called from batch files or external programs. | ||
Typically a Trainz user will use the Content Manager GUI to perform their content management operations and may never have direct use of TrainzUtil. | ||
Although primarily routed in working with the local asset database, several TrainzUtil arguments, such as «installfromdls», «downloadlistings», and «searchbycategory» also give access to Download Station queries and actions as well. | ||
TrainzUtil gives 3rd party developers the means to perform content management operations when their applications are running in parallel with the main Trainz executable. |
Additional Capabilities over Content Manager
- Although the capabilities of TrainzUtil intersect with those of the Content Manager, there is significant additionally functionality only TrainzUtil can perform:
- «Print config.txt» of an asset (later versions of Content Manager must open edit the asset to display this)
- «Keyword» operations (removed in newer Content Managers)
- «List Parsing» of specified KUIDs
- Gives the latest Asset Version of specified KUIDs (i.e. Content Manager will only list all versions)
- Lists all Author IDs
- Imports Consists
- Set User’s next KUID
- Script Compilation & Encryption
- «Chump» files conversions
- Package Handling
- Asset Precaching
- Searching Assets by Asset Category Designation
Batch Command Set
- In addition to accepting arguments, TrainzUtil also has commands specifically geared towards batch file use (See Batch File Arguments below).
- Although a powerful tool, the Achilles heel of TrainzUtil has been the variation in the format of its output:
- The same TrainzUtil command will yield a differently formatted output depending on the Trainz release. Apparently TrainzUtil is rewritten with each new Trainz release and the output formats are modified. In fact, TRS19 has had multiple versions released under the same product.
- Although TANE and TRS19 can execute a TrainzUtil command from most of their GUI windows, the format of the output to the «Task Complete» window is a refined version of the output from the same command executed from a command prompt. This, even within the same Trainz build.
Backward Compatibility
- Newer TrainzUtil compilations tend to maintain their capabilities featured in legacy Content Managers that have since fallen out of common use. Examples of these are its archiving and keyword related commands.
Set Up
To use TrainzUtil in TANE and TRS19, the user must first select the «Enable advanced debug tools» option in the «Dev» tab of the Trainz Settings dialog box. Prior Trainz releases do not require this step as the utility is inaccessible from Trainz.
TrainzUtil presumes it has access to dynamic link libraries (.dll’s) that accompany it. Therefore, it is not only important to maintain TrainzUtil with the main exexcutable it came with, it also has to be kept in the identical location it was provided relative to other Trainz program files. Failure to comply with this will result in error messages.
Finally, many TrainzUtil commands require the main Trainz executable program to be running in parallel. Otherwise, TrainzUtil will return a response stating the Trainz «.exe» is not running.
Known Issues
1. Some TRS19 compilations of TrainzUtil (SP2 and earlier) will erroneously report «TANE.exe is not running» when TRS19 is not running. This was corrected in April 2021 with the release of TRS19SP3 to report «Trainz» is not running.
2. TrainzUtil, when invoked from a console or third-party software, erroneously reports «- Trainz is not running. Please start Trainz and try again.» when in fact Trainz is running. Rather, the issue is that «Advanced Debug Tools» is not enabled in the «devs» tab of the «Trainz Settings» window.
3. The «help» argument incorrectly states that the «version» argument yields the «TrainzUtil build version.» In fact, there is no such thing, and in actuality this argument reports the Trainz executable build number.
TS12 and Earlier Trainz Releases
TrainzUtil is only accessible via a Windows console and cannot be started from any Trainz window.
- To use TrainzUtil, open a command prompt with administrator privileges and navigate to the «bin» directory in the Trainz program folder (e.g. «c:Program FilesAuranTS2010Bin or D:N3V GamesTrainz A New Erabin») using the «cd» command.
- You can then execute a TrainzUtil command with the arguments below.
TANE and TRS19
TrainzUtil commands can be executed in two different ways:
- from any Trainz window, except the simulator window, using the «Developer» menu > «Run Trainzutil Command…».
- from a command prompt window with administrative privileges which is focused on the Trainz program folder.
Note that format of the output between these two sources differs significantly.
Apparently TrainzUtil has no outwardly visible version numbers. To distinguish and sort versions chronologically, users can look and compare the application signing dates.
According to N3V Development, TrainzUtil is always recompiled as a pair with the main executable program, therefore there is no need for a separate versioning system. The «version» argument therefore outputs the Trainz build number.
Command Line Arguments
Please see the Notes section below for proper syntax of the «<KUID>» parameter
- TrainzUtil help
- Display TrainzUtil help text. (…start here to see all current command line entries available)
- TrainzUtil version
- Display the TrainzUtil build version. (the «help» argument is incorrect when it claims to outputs the TrainzUtil version number. TrainzUtil has no visible version numbers. See Versioning above.)
- TrainzUtil echo <TEXT>
- Echo the supplied text.
- TrainzUtil time
- Echoes the current time in RFC 822 format.
- TrainzUtil setlanguage <langCode>
- Set the Trainz language to the language code supplied (eg. US, FR, RU, etc).
- TrainzUtil installCDP <PATH>
- Install an asset from a CDP file.
- TrainzUtil installfrompath <PATH>
- Install an asset from a directory.
- TrainzUtil installfromdls <KUID>
- Install an asset from the Auran Download Station.
- TrainzUtil edit <KUID>
- Open an asset for editing.
- TrainzUtil generateKUID
- Generate a new KUID number in the local user’s KUID range.
- TrainzUtil createCDP <OUTPUT PATH> <KUID1> <KUID2> … <KUIDX>
- Export assets to a CDP file.
- TrainzUtil repairdatabase
- Repairs the Trainz Asset Database.
- TrainzUtil repairdatabase extended
- Forces DLC packages to be reinstalled and fully repairs database corruption. Details here
- TrainzUtil printconfig <KUID>
- Print the contents of an assets config file to the console.
- TrainzUtil backupkeywords
- Backup all the keywords of your assets.
- TrainzUtil importkeywords
- Import keywords into the Trainz Asset Database.
- TrainzUtil add-keyword <keyword> <KUID> [..]
- Add a keyword to the specified assets.
- TrainzUtil remove-keyword <keyword> <KUID> [..]
- Remove a keyword from the specified assets.
- TrainzUtil search-by-keyword <keyword>
- Returns a list of all assets with the specified keyword.
- TrainzUtil commit <KUID>
- Commit any edits that have been made to the specified asset.
- Caution — Commits cannot be readily undone, like in Content Manager, unless you retrieve the unmodified asset from Download Station, or rummage through your «backups» folder. See the warning under the «revert» argument (as well as an exception to this for «builtin» assets).
- TrainzUtil revert <KUID>
- Discard any edits that have been made to the specified asset.
- Take care in understanding this argument properly: it is not the same as the frequently used Content Manager reversion command(s). As the definition says, it only «discards edits», it does not revert an asset that has been committed. If you need the ability to recover from an asset that commits faulty, an asset for which you have made modifications locally (beyond what is on the Download Station), you have to make separate provisions for recording the asset prior to committing a new modification to it. The exception to this is for «builtin» assets, which can be reverted to their original condition using the «delete» argument.
- TrainzUtil delete <KUID>
- Delete the specified asset from disk.
- Despite this description, coming from the TrainzUtil’s «help» argument output, the «delete» argument in fact does not delete the foundation files for «builtin» or «base» assets from the user’s disk. It will delete from disk, however, any variants made to these assets. When a «delete» argument is invoked on a «builtin» asset, if will reset that asset back to its «builtin» condition. This is particularly useful for legacy «builtin» assets for which once they are opened for edit, cannot be reverted back to their original state without become faulty, nor available on the Download Station (i.e. legacy «builtin» assets which are specially predispositioned to appear as non-faulty when they in fact could never pass modern validation). The TrainzUtil «delete» argument acts like the Content Manager’s «revert to original» function, restoring a «builtin» asset back to its «out-of-the-box», faultless condition.
- TrainzUtil list <KUID> [..]
- Parses the specified kuid list into the results.
- TrainzUtil list-latest-versions <KUID>
- Get the latest known version of an asset. Multiple KUIDs may be specified as multiple arguments.
- TrainzUtil list-dependencies <KUID>
- Get an assets direct dependencies.
- TrainzUtil list-dependants <KUID>
- Get an assets direct dependants.
- TrainzUtil authors
- List of all the authorIDs that have content in the game.
- TrainzUtil searchbycategory [-a] <CategoryList>
- List all the local assets with a category set in this format, «CMP;MESH|BD;-ACTV|VE|SCEN». See Category List, Syntax for syntax instructions.
- Asset Categories are not an asset classification system per se, but are determined by the main executable for purposes of setting its behavior in the simulation. Asset Categories are also output per asset using the TrainzUtil «status» command argument (see below).
- Due to the nature of Asset Categories being based on simulation behavior rather than by noun identity, using this TrainzUtil argument as a means to classify assets is limited.
- Unlike «Asset Status Flags» (seen under the «status» argument below), this TrainzUtil argument is not coupled with any preconceived understanding of all employed Asset Categories in Trainz; it always and only consults the accompanying main executable program as to how it categorizes an asset. To complicate matters further, Trainz has the flexibility of custom asset categories as well. Therefore, any search by Asset Category can only serve the purposes of finding assets that behave similarly in the simulation.
- The listed results below using various argument <CategoryList> parameters were obtained from a specific TRS19 installation and database, to provide a general understanding of what the argument generates, your results may vary.
- Parameters: (case insensitive):
- -a will extend the local asset search to include the Download Station as well.
- <CategoryList> is defined as follows as verified in TRS19 (case insensitive):
- If all parameters are omitted, lists all local assets installed. Therefore the «-a» argument with no <CategoryList> lists all the assets in the Download Station. Be careful with this or else you’ll get over half a million lines in return.
- » -» (space+dash) will list all local assets except base UI-Texture assets.
- -A without the argument «-a» has the same effect as the argument «-a» with no <CategoryList>, listing all half-million plus assets in the Download Station. In other words, don’t ask for this.
- -AC will list all local assets except Industries
- -ACT will list all local assets except Industries
- -ACTV will list all local assets except Industries
- BD will list buildings and industries, regardless of their payware status.
- CMP will list all local payware assets.
- MESH will list all local meshes, regardless of their payware status.
- VE appears to return a portion of installed train vehicles, but there appears to be an additional filtered applied that has not been yet identified.
- SCEN will list local scenery (including buildings)
- Parameters: (case insensitive):
- TrainzUtil filterbystatus <status> <KUID>
- List all assets from the specified list which match the specified status flags.
- See list of <status> flag parameters in the «status» command below.
- TrainzUtil importconsists <PATH>
- Import an old style Surveyor consist list, creating consist assets for any unknown entries.
- TrainzUtil setnextcontentid <int>
- Provides a ‘next content ID’ hint for the KUID generator.
- TrainzUtil status <KUID>
- Print the status of the specified asset.
- This will output + <KUID> : <Flags> : <category> : <username> where flags are a series of letters with case indicating Boolean state. (capital letters are flagged true and lowercase are flagged false.)
- As Trainz evolves, the TrainzUtil command adds more status flags (all listed in caps for illustration purposes only). The order of the status flag output is shown below, and has varied at the service-pack level:
- Aa — The asset is archived. Applies to TANE and higher
- Bb — The asset is builtin or packaged content. Applies to TANE and higher
- Cc — The asset is in the base content set. Applies to TANE and higher
- Dd — The asset is on the download station.
- Ee — The asset is open for edit.
- Ff — The asset is faulty.
- Gg — The asset is a builtin component of the game install (not just packaged). Implies flag «B». Applies to TRS19SP4 and higher only.
- Ii — The asset is installed locally.
- Ll — The asset is locally modified.
- Mm — The asset has missing dependencies.
- Oo — The asset is obsolete. Applies to TANE and higher
- Pp — The asset is listed in the DLS index as payware DLC. Applies to TANE and higher
- Uu — The asset has an update available. Applies to TANE and higher
- Xx — The asset is authorised for use in this Trainz installation. Applies to TANE and higher
- Yy — The asset is compatible with this Trainz installation. Applies to TRS19 only
- TrainzUtil validate <KUID>
- Perform validation and display any errors or warnings relating to this asset.
- TrainzUtil compile <PATH>
- Compile a script file.
- <-d> Display gamescript documentation.
- <-s> Silent mode.
- <-bPATH> Specify a file path for the compile log.
- <-pPATH> Specify the output directory.
- <-oPATH> Specify the output library filename.
- <PATH> Input source file.
- <-iPATH> Additional include path.
- TrainzUtil convert-config <PATH>
- Converts a config.txt file to config.chump or vice versa.
- TrainzUtil open-in-driver [-wait] <KUID>
- Open the specified route or session asset in Driver. Optionally wait until the module is exited.
- TrainzUtil open-in-surveyor [-wait] <KUID>
- Open the specified route or session asset in Surveyor. Optionally wait until the module is exited.
- TrainzUtil open-in-preview [-wait] <KUID>
- Open the specified route or session asset in the asset preview tool. Optionally wait until the module is exited.
- TrainzUtil encrypt <PATH>
- Encrypt a script file (gs —> gse).
- TrainzUtil export-package <device-type> <package-name> <package-build-number> [<dependency-package-name> …] <kuid>
- Export assets to a device package. Multiple KUIDs may be specified as multiple arguments.
- TrainzUtil update-package <package-name>
- Update prebuilt data within a package.
- TrainzUtil install-package <PATH>
- Install a package from the specified path.
- TrainzUtil clean-package [-a] <package-name>
- Remove the local build’s prebuilt data from within a package. Use the -a parameter if you want to strip all prebuilt data.
- TrainzUtil uninstall-package <package-name>
- Uninstall the specified package.
- TrainzUtil list-package-assets <package-name>
- List the assets available in the specified package.
- TrainzUtil prebuild [—force] [—nofail] [—clear] [<KUID> ..]
- Precache all installed content.
- TrainzUtil downloadcontentlistings
- Fully download the latest content listings.
- TrainzUtil listbuilds <PATH>
- Print the list of installed build numbers to a file.
- TrainzUtil quit
- Requests the GUI to close.
- TrainzUtil async <command..>
- Begins running the specified command asynchronously.
- TrainzUtil sync
- Waits for all async commands to complete.
- TrainzUtil wait <seconds>
- Pause for the specified number of seconds.
Batch File Arguments
- TrainzUtil @<file.txt>
- Batch-execute a series of commands from the specified text file (every argument must be between double quotes). Every line of that text file will be processed like a separate call to TrainzUtil
- set <variable> <command..>
- Used in a batch file, runs the specified command and overwrites the named variable with the result.
- append <variable> <command..>
- Used in a batch file, runs the specified command and appends the result into the named variable.
- iferr <variable> <command..>
- Used in a batch file, runs the specified command only if the named variable contains one or more errors.
- iferrflag <command..>
- Used in a batch file, runs the specified command only if an error has occurred in the batch file execution up to this point.
- ifnone <variable> <command..>
- Used in a batch file, runs the specified command only if the named variable contains no assets.
- ifhas <variable> <command..>
- Used in a batch file, runs the specified command only if the named variable contains one or more assets.
- print <variable>
- Used in a batch file, prints the content of the named variable.
- printerrors <variable>
- Used in a batch file, prints any errors contained in the named variable.
- abort <TEXT>
- Used in a batch files, aborts processing of the batch file immediately without raising any further errors. If arguments are present, they are logged as a single error string.
- $(<variable>)
- Used as a command parameter in a batch file, replaced with the KUID(s) from the specified variable.
- Due to the Windows command prompt treating the ‘<‘ and ‘>’ characters as pipe operators, be sure to include quotes around any KUID parameters. For example:
trainzutil delete "<kuid:87854:982511580>"
- The console output of a TrainzUtil command is not the same as when it is executed from the Trainz program launch window
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