Error target label does not exist

Hi I get the following message when I start poe-trademacro. It has come after an update. Have tried the various suggestions from this forum and from FAQ but nothing helps.

Hi Eruyome
Thanks for your help. I really appreciate it.

I have copied the version 3.0 script Run_TradeMacro.ahk. I hope that’s what you’re looking for, because I do not quite understand what you mean by (invisible) _TradeMacro.ahk.

; #####################################################################################################################
; # This script merges TradeMacro, TradeMacroInit, PoE-ItemInfo and AdditionalMacros into one script and executes it.
; # We also have to set some global variables and pass them to the ItemInfo/TradeMacroInit scripts.
; # This is to support using ItemInfo as dependancy for TradeMacro.
; #####################################################################################################################
#Include, %A_ScriptDir%resourcesVersionTrade.txt

TradeMsgWrongAHKVersion := «AutoHotkey v» . TradeAHKVersionRequired . » or later is needed to run this script. nnYou are using AutoHotkey v» . A_AhkVersion . » (installed at: » . A_AhkPath . «)nnPlease go to to download the most recent version.»
If (A_AhkVersion < TradeAHKVersionRequired)
MsgBox, 16, Wrong AutoHotkey Version, % TradeMsgWrongAHKVersion

arguments := «»
Loop, %0% ; For each parameter
arguments .= » » Trim(%A_Index%)

If (!InStr(arguments, «-noelevation», 0)) {
If (InStr(arguments, «-nosplash», 0)) {
skipSplash := 1
} Else {
skipSplash := 0

If (!PoEScripts_CreateTempFolder(A_ScriptDir, «PoE-TradeMacro»)) {

Set ProjectName to create user settings folder in A_MyDocuments
projectName := «PoE-TradeMacro»
FilesToCopyToUserFolder := [«resourcesconfigdefault_config_trade.ini», «resourcesconfigdefault_config.ini», «resourcesahkdefault_AdditionalMacros.txt», «resourcesahkdefault_MapModWarnings.txt»]
overwrittenFiles := PoEScripts_HandleUserSettings(projectName, A_MyDocuments, projectName, FilesToCopyToUserFolder, A_ScriptDir)
isDevelopmentVersion := PoEScripts_isDevelopmentVersion()
userDirectory := A_MyDocuments . «» . projectName . isDevelopmentVersion

PoEScripts_CompareUserFolderWithScriptFolder(userDirectory, A_ScriptDir, projectName)

merge all scripts into _TradeMacroMain.ahk and execute it.
FileRead, info , %A_ScriptDir%resourcesahkPOE-ItemInfo.ahk
FileRead, tradeInit , %A_ScriptDir%resourcesahkTradeMacroInit.ahk
FileRead, trade , %A_ScriptDir%resourcesahkTradeMacro.ahk
FileRead, addMacros , %userDirectory%AdditionalMacros.txt

info := «nrnr» . info . «nrn
addMacros := «#IfWinActive Path of Exile ahk_class POEWindowClass ahk_group PoEexe» . «nrnr» . addMacros . «nrn
addMacros .= AppendCustomMacros(userDirectory)

FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%_ItemInfoMain.ahk
FileCopy, %A_ScriptDir%resourcesahkTradeMacroInit.ahk, %A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk

FileAppend, %info% , %A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk
FileAppend, %addMacros% , %A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk
FileAppend, %trade% , %A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk

; set script hidden
FileSetAttrib, +H, %A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk
; pass some parameters to TradeMacroInit
Run «%A_AhkPath%» «%A_ScriptDir%_TradeMacroMain.ahk» «%projectName%» «%userDirectory%» «%isDevelopmentVersion%» «%overwrittenFiles%» «isMergedScript» «%skipSplash%»


; ####################################################################################################################
; # functions
; ####################################################################################################################

DetectHiddenWindows On
SetTitleMatchMode RegEx
IfWinExist, i)%Name%.* ahk_class AutoHotkey
WinWaitClose, i)%Name%.* ahk_class AutoHotkey, , 2
If ErrorLevel
Return «Unable to close » . Name
Return «Closed » . Name
Return Name . » not found»

ShellExecute := A_IsUnicode ? «shell32ShellExecute»:»shell32ShellExecuteA»
If Not A_IsAdmin
If A_IsCompiled
DllCall(ShellExecute, uint, 0, str, «RunAs», str, A_ScriptFullPath . » » . arguments, str, A_WorkingDir, int, 1)
DllCall(ShellExecute, uint, 0, str, «RunAs», str, A_AhkPath, str, «»»» . A_ScriptFullPath . «»»» . » » . arguments, str, A_WorkingDir, int, 1)


StartSplashScreen() {
SplashTextOn, , 20, PoE-TradeMacro, Merging and starting Scripts…

If(!InStr(FileExist(userDirectory «CustomMacros»), «D»)) {
FileCreateDir, %userDirectory%CustomMacros

appendedMacros := "`n`n"
extensions := "txt,ahk"
Loop %userDirectory%CustomMacros*
	If A_LoopFileExt in %extensions% 
		FileRead, tmp, %A_LoopFileFullPath%
		appendedMacros .= "; appended custom macro file: " A_LoopFileName " ---------------------------------------------------"
		appendedMacros .= "`n" tmp "`n`n"

Return appendedMacros



Eruyome wrote:


I am from Bangladesh. No, I am using broadband connection. Never seen this kind of issue. Today morning I got a captcha while browsing but I didn’t get the captcha again after that. But poe trade macro is not working. It is showing connection failure everytime. though I can browse without any captcha in chrome, internet explorer or even microsoft edge. I updated poe trade macro last night to the latest version. Before it was working fine. 4th august POE is getting an update and now my trade macro isn’t working. I am so sad :(

Version 2.3.4 should still work. Most changes since then are a few fixes/improvements and the switch to using cURL instead of WinHttpRequest for all Http requests.

If you need cookies (cloudflare has to be bypassed) both versions should work, though I may have to solve issues with the new version. Once you got the captcha you won’t need it again until your cookies expire or are deleted, both scripts are reading those cookies from Internet Explorer. Solving the captcha there or in the browser of your choice should be sufficient, if not you can also try to use the manual cookies (settings menu).

Anyway, for some reason cURL can’t get through to and I probably won’t have the time to solve that for now since I’ll be on vacation for a few days. In the meantime the older versions should work almost as good as the newest one.

This is the last thing I could do before I’m gone for a few days:
Here’s a development version, it may help with some issues (no connection to possible).

And here is a batch script to seperately test a curl request, it’s improved over the requests that version 2.3.6 has and if needed you can edit it and set your cloudflare cookies, instructions are inside, just edit it with some text editor. It has to be placed in the TradeMacro root directory and saves it’s output to outresult.txt.

Just downloaded development version. But same result. No connection. Then I downloaded again 2.3.4 version. It’s working again. Though it can’t read my cookie data so can’t use ctrl+D shortcut to see the overlay prices. But at least this is better than before. Don’t know what is the problem with new curl thing in the new update. Hope it will be solved in the next update. I’ll keep it posted if I find anything new. And thank you for the temporary solution though :)


Posted by
on Aug 3, 2017, 1:40:31 PM

Grand Conquest Supporter

Crusader Supporter

Blood Guardian Supporter

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Updated the script, gives me error, updated ahk, still gives me error, deleted script and downloaded again, same error. Restarted pc, same error.

Error: Target label does not exist

Specifically AM_AssignHotkeys

Line 2243

Now using 2.3.4 as someone suggested.

I am the light of the morning and the shadow on the wall, I am nothing and I am all.

Last edited by Crackmonster on Aug 7, 2017, 10:46:26 AM


Posted by
on Aug 7, 2017, 10:35:32 AM

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How i can fix this

2267: Gosub,AM_AssingHotkeys

Last edited by EvgenicaS on Aug 7, 2017, 3:39:49 PM


Posted by
on Aug 7, 2017, 3:39:42 PM

Sunstone Supporter

Faithsworn Supporter

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Not working for currency ratios in Hardcore Harbinger league. Works for items but just full empty when using Ctrl+D for currency. Rest leagues are fine. In 2.3.6 and in 2.3.7 too

Last edited by Singerality on Aug 7, 2017, 11:43:19 PM


Posted by
on Aug 7, 2017, 11:42:49 PM

Master Undertaker Supporter

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Switch league isn’t working for me. on version 2.3.7


Posted by
on Aug 8, 2017, 10:24:26 AM

Ancient Dread Supporter

Annihilator Supporter

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@Crackmonster and @EvgenicaS: This issue is described on the FAQ, number 16.

@Umn1k and @typoto: I’ll take a look at those issues tomorrow.


Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 3:50:29 AM

Vaal Supporter

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Quote this Post

Hi all, great script.
Some questions:
1. What is the difference in average and median price. Which to consider?
2. Does scrip evaluate rare items through Ctr+D or only give idea on sockets and links. I mean does it evaluate rolls and stats?


Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 11:25:13 AM

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_CEBEP_ wrote:

Hi all, great script.
Some questions:
1. What is the difference in average and median price. Which to consider?
2. Does scrip evaluate rare items through Ctr+D or only give idea on sockets and links. I mean does it evaluate rolls and stats?

1. The «mean/average» is the «average» you’re used to, where you add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers. The «median» is the «middle» value in the list of numbers. If you have 12 results (only seeing 10 of them) and all are «2» except the last one which is «10000» then the average is very skewed, the median is still «2». If the average vastly differs from what you can see on the tooltip you know that you should take a closer look at it on, either the item has a big price range or there are a lot of price fixers. If the median is still close to what you’re seeing despite having a vastly differing average and having 99 results then there probably are just a few very mispriced items at the end of the list. Interpeting this can be a bit hard to describe, in general it’s just so that you can see if there are any big differences between all results.

2. It doesn’t consider rolls and mods on rares or uniques, you have to use ctrl + alt + d instead.


Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 1:50:45 PM

Vaal Supporter

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Eruyome wrote:


_CEBEP_ wrote:

Hi all, great script.
Some questions:
1. What is the difference in average and median price. Which to consider?
2. Does scrip evaluate rare items through Ctr+D or only give idea on sockets and links. I mean does it evaluate rolls and stats?

1. The «mean/average» is the «average» you’re used to, where you add up all the numbers and then divide by the number of numbers. The «median» is the «middle» value in the list of numbers. If you have 12 results (only seeing 10 of them) and all are «2» except the last one which is «10000» then the average is very skewed, the median is still «2». If the average vastly differs from what you can see on the tooltip you know that you should take a closer look at it on, either the item has a big price range or there are a lot of price fixers. If the median is still close to what you’re seeing despite having a vastly differing average and having 99 results then there probably are just a few very mispriced items at the end of the list. Interpeting this can be a bit hard to describe, in general it’s just so that you can see if there are any big differences between all results.

2. It doesn’t consider rolls and mods on rares or uniques, you have to use ctrl + alt + d instead.

Thank you very much and it’s pretty for me know.
Could you please also clarify:
1. When you talk about average or median you consider all trade lots or only part of it (if part please suggest the algorithm how script figure it out of total lots).
2. Under «tooltip» you mean the following img?


Posted by
on Aug 9, 2017, 3:05:59 PM

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Hello. Today I ran macro as always and all was fine. Until restarting it. After that I recieved a message about connection failure during cookies recieving.

Curl test:
HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 20:10:08 GMT
Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Connection: close
Cache-Control: max-age=2
Expires: Sat, 12 Aug 2017 20:10:10 GMT
X-Frame-Options: SAMEORIGIN
Server: cloudflare-nginx
CF-RAY: 38d6138d4544275c-FRA

I tried to get cookies manualy from Mozilla, Edge, IE, but nothing in result.

useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.2; Win64; x64; Trident/7.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

cf_clearance is missing or something? When I tried to manualy get cookies there were another data, for example Mozilla 5 in useragent.

Also tried to use 2.3.8 and master’s version of 2.3.9.


Posted by
on Aug 12, 2017, 11:39:08 PM

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  • You’ll need to install this on your Windows box to make it work:

    This is my media.ahk autohotkey script:

    Gosub, %1%

    Send {Media_Next}

    Send {Media_Prev}

    Send {Media_Play_Pause}

    Send {Media_Play_Pause}

    Send {Media_Stop}

    Send {Volume_Up}

    Send {Volume_Down}

    Send {Volume_Mute}

    These are the corresponding commands.json entries:

    {«trigger»:»Mute»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk mute»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»mute»},
    {«trigger»:»Volume Up»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk volup»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»volume up»},
    {«trigger»:»Volume Down»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk voldown»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»volume down»},
    {«trigger»:»Media Next»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk next»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»next»},
    {«trigger»:»Media Stop»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk stop»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»stop»},
    {«trigger»:»Media Previous»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk previous»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»previous»},
    {«trigger»:»Media Play Pause»,»command»:»start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk pause»,»ground»:»foreground»,»voice»:»pause»},

    NOTE: You don’t need a Play and a Pause because they do the same thing — they just toggle between play and pause.

    This is optional, but I’m also using my Raspberry Pi based IR receiver to trigger the above commands with a VCR remote.

    I have these entries in my /etc/lirc/lircrc file on the Pi:

           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_1
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ play downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_2
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ notepad downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_PLAY
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Media Play Pause" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_PAUSE
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Media Play Pause" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_RIGHT
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Media Next" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_LEFT
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Media Previous" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_STOP
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Media Stop" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_UP
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Volume Up" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_DOWN
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Volume Down" downstairs
           prog = irexec
           button = KEY_MUTE
           config = export HOME=/root ; /root/ "Mute" downstairs
  • @Russ
    Thanks for this! The volup and voldown was unnoticable, only moving 2 on the 1-100 vol scale. I ended up making mine this and now it moves 16 in either direction when I tell my google home to volume up or down.

    Send {Volume_Up 8}

    Send {Volume_Down 8}

  • @Tim-S, good idea, I like it. Thanks for sharing.

  • Question/Need help —

    I just ran across triggercmd (WOW — great service) and subscribed for a year; however, I have found a very challenging issue. It goes like this :

    Goal: Use my Alexa service to control my itunes application on a remote PC that is connected to my home audio system. Basically I want to trigger things like next track, previous, pause, volume up/down, etc from my echo DOT (I know I can control via my iphone using itunes remote but I want to use Alexa).

    Situation: I have it working with triggercmd and AHT; however, when I disconnect my console (via RDP) my AHT commands don’t work — they do fire and log correctly, but they don’t do next track, previous, etc. Here are the details:

    • I have a music server that I use to play my music via itunes
    • It is a windows 7 32bit OS (I know, old machine but it works), so I used the manual install of triggercmd (worked fine) and also installed AHT
    • I have the setup working perfectly when I have am RDP’d into the windows 7 machine; however, when I minimize or close the console window the command fires but takes no action.
    • What I have noticed is that either via Alexa or the web triggercmd screen commands via AHT (next, previous, etc) only work when the RDP window is open and showing (minimized fails as well)
    • Strange part is I kept the default triggers like calc and notepad and they work perfectly at all times — even when my RDP session is disconnected. This is the STRANGE part

    So, basically unless my RDP window is up my AHT commands for next, previous, etc won’t work even though the the log shows they fire fine.

    Any thoughts??? Also, let me know if you need configs, etc.


  • @drosenth,

    I think the Autohotkey commands would work if you used VNC to connect to the console instead of using RDP.

    Autohotkey is simulating keystrokes which I think are blocked because RDP somehow knows there’s no actual keyboard. Maybe it’s a Windows security feature.

    Nice job getting the 32bit agent to work. Not everyone can figure that out.

  • Russ,

    THANKS for the quick response — I should have followed-up back when I read this response. I will give VNC a try. The strange thing is even with just a minimized RDP window the AHK commands won’t fire. It needs to be visible. But I will try VNC as if I get this working your product solves one of my biggest home automation issues!

    Again, AWESOME product! So very well thought out and versatile — professional all the way!!!

    Dave R

  • Thank you @drosenth !

    I appreciate the feedback.

  • Russ,

    Great news — A simple search of AHK and RDP turned up others having the same issue. I’ll find a workaround, for sure, and thanks again FOR AN AWESOME PRODUCT!!

    Your solution is a best kept secret!!! Get the word out!! You have truly taken a great idea and developed nice add-on components that make if very usable (example, the Alexa piece is simple and cool, plus your subscription model — nice).

    So, again, thanks and great work. I will figure this out.

    And if you ever compile your code for Win7 32bit I would be glad to test. The GUI would be nice, but it works great as-is.


    Link to AHT and RDP issue:

  • Thank you @drosenth. I’ll take any help I can get spreading the word.

  • Hi Russ, thanks for this.

    I spent the last 5 hours setting up AHK commands for Kodi control and now I’m curious about backing up my triggers.

    On a Windows machine, does backing up the AppData folder suffice?

    If I reformat my PC or accidentally remove a trigger, will the triggers be saved in the cloud? Is there a way to make a backup of them? I created 120 of them and I really don’t want to have to do that all again should the worst happen haha.


  • @username6, good question. You take a copy of commands.json in the .triggercmddata folder in your profile folder (c:usersusername.triggercmddata).

  • Hey Russ,

    I have been having trouble with this. I tried getting the directory right but it either cant find the file without using «» or it just opens a CMD with the directory as the title and does not execute code.

    Does the directory have to use before the media.ahk and can this be in another directory separate from the C:Drive?

    I am new to this program and cant seem to get the AHK scripts working yet.

  • @concretesurfer, this might be the issue:

    When I wrote «start C:\autohotkeyscripts\media.ahk stop» above, the context was the commands.json file, but if you’re using the GUI Editor, you can skip the double \’s.

    Just use «start C:autohotkeyscriptsmedia.ahk stop» in the GUI Editor.

    Or «start G:autohotkeyscriptsmedia.ahk stop», if you’re using the G: drive.

  • @russ It works now! It must have been the spaces in my directory.

  • @concretesurfer, awesome. Yea if you have spaces you need quotes around your path.

  • First off, I apologize for any stupid things I may say I’m a noob to such things. I’m just trying to learn new and different ways I can control things with Alexa 🙂

    I got autohotkey, made the script and made sure all commands are linked to the correct script. It didn’t do anything even when I’d trigger it manually. I tried running the script and it just gives me an error «Target label does not exist» for «Gosub, %1%.

    Did I miss something or do it wrong?

  • @sailoreffinmoon, I get that «Target label does not exist» for «Gosub, %1%.» error if I run the ahk script with no parameter.

    So maybe you just need to add one of the parameters, like mute to the command line.

    Example command:

    start C:autohotkeyscriptsmedia.ahk mute

    EDIT: I just learned that some scripts require you to run the AutoHotKey.exe directly instead of using «start», so the command would be:

    «C:Program FilesAutoHotkeyAutoHotkey.exe» C:autohotkeyscriptsmedia.ahk mute

  • Another way to play/pause is to simulate pressing the space bar with a command like this:
    wscript c:scriptsspace.vbs

    The contents of c:scriptsspace.vbs would look like this:

    Dim Wsh
    Set Wsh = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
    Wsh.SendKeys "{ }"
  • So, I tell alexa to execute this command but open cmd and say that she couldn’t find such a directory. I tried to do without the «start» at the beginning but nothing happens. If you can help me I would appreciate it, I am new to this branch of TriggerCMD, I started yesterday to tell the truth. sorry about my English

  • @Chabetico I tested it and triggercmd does not execute the command, I sent him to write a letter through AHK, but nothing came out

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