Error term это

1 error term
  • 1
    error term

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > error term

  • 2
    error term

    The English-Russian dictionary general scientific > error term

  • 3
    error term

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > error term

  • 4
    error term

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > error term

  • 5
    error term

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > error term

  • 6
    error term

    The English-Russian dictionary on reliability and quality control > error term

  • 7
    random error term

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > random error term

  • 8
    standard deviation of the random error term

    Англо-русский экономический словарь > standard deviation of the random error term

  • 9

    2) матем. член

    3) терм; элемент; составляющая

    5) мн. ч. условия

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > term

  • 10

    1) ошибка; погрешность

    to hold measurement errors to… — удерживать погрешности измерений в пределах…;

    error of position — 1. погрешность в определении положения или местоположения 2. геод. координатная невязка

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > error

  • 11

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > term

  • 12
    error correction term

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > error correction term

  • 13
    error correction term

    English-Russian electronics dictionary > error correction term

  • 14
    basic term

    English-Russian base dictionary > basic term

  • 15
    exchange term

    English-Russian base dictionary > exchange term

  • 16
    feedforward term

    English-Russian base dictionary > feedforward term

  • 17
    general term

    English-Russian base dictionary > general term

  • 18
    remainder term

    English-Russian base dictionary > remainder term

  • 19
    absolute term

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > absolute term

  • 20
    feedback term

    English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > feedback term


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5

См. также в других словарях:

  • Error Term — A variable in a statistical and/or mathematical model, which is created when the model does not fully represent the actual relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable. As a result of this incomplete relationship,… …   Investment dictionary

  • Error catastrophe — is a term used to describe the extinction of an organism (often in the context of microorganisms such as viruses) as a result of excessive RNA mutations. The term specifically refers to the predictions of mathematical models similar to that… …   Wikipedia

  • error — error, mistake, blunder, slip, lapse, faux pas, bull, howler, boner are comparable when they denote something (as an act, statement, or belief) that involves a departure from what is, or what is generally held to be, true, right, or proper. Error …   New Dictionary of Synonyms

  • error — [er′ər] n. [ME & OFr errour < L error < errare: see ERR] 1. the state of believing what is untrue, incorrect, or wrong 2. a wrong belief; incorrect opinion 3. something incorrectly done through ignorance or carelessness; mistake 4. a… …   English World dictionary

  • error theory — Term due to the 20th century philosopher J. L. Mackie, describing a theory according to which everyday thought in some area is sufficiently infected by mistaken philosophical views to be widely in error. Mackie believed that ordinary moral… …   Philosophy dictionary

  • Error function — Plot of the error function In mathematics, the error function (also called the Gauss error function) is a special function (non elementary) of sigmoid shape which occurs in probability, statistics and partial differential equations. It is defined …   Wikipedia

  • Error — The word error has different meanings and usages relative to how it is conceptually applied. The concrete meaning of the Latin word error means wandering or straying . To the contrary of an illusion, an error or a mistake can sometimes be… …   Wikipedia

  • Error exponent — In information theory, the error exponent of a channel code or source code over the block length of the code is the logarithm of the error probability. For example, if the probability of error of a decoder drops as e – n α, where n is the block… …   Wikipedia

  • Error (baseball) — In baseball [statistics] , an error is the act, in the judgment of the official scorer, of a fielder misplaying a ball in a manner that allows a batter or baserunner to reach one or more additional bases, when such an advance should have been… …   Wikipedia

  • error — errorless, adj. errorlessly, adv. /er euhr/, n. 1. a deviation from accuracy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or speech: His speech contained several factual errors. 2. belief in something untrue; the holding of mistaken opinions. 3. the… …   Universalium

  • Error card — In the trading card collecting hobby, an error card is a card that shows incorrect information or some other unintended flaw. Depending on whether the manufacturer noticed the problem while the cards were still being produced, a card may exist in …   Wikipedia

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Assumptions about the error term determine whether we speak of fixed effects or random effects.

Допущения по поводу погрешности определяют имеем ли мы ввиду фиксированные нами эффекты или же случайные эффекты.

The error term should be normal, but it isn’t.

Величина погрешности должна быть нормальной, однако таковой не является.

This method was chosen because its underlying hypotheses (i.e., identical and independent distribution of the error term with zero mean and constant variance) were considered to be satisfied.

Этот метод был избран потому, что лежащие в его основе гипотезы (т.е. идентичное и независимое распределение погрешности с нулевым средним значением и постоянной дисперсией) считались удовлетворенными.

Figure 9 — normal quantiles plot of the error term.

график с нормальными квантилями величины погрешности.

The data label allows the system to compute an error term, the degree to which the system fails to produce the label, which can then be used as feedback to correct the learning process (reduce/minimize the error).

Пометки данных позволяют системе вычислить величину погрешности, то есть уровень, при превышении которого система не может воспроизвести пометку, кроме того, величина погрешности может затем быть использована как обратная реакция для корректировки процесса обучения (уменьшить/минимизировать ошибку).

As a result of this incomplete relationship, the error term is the amount at which the equation may differ during empirical analysis.

В результате такого неполного отношения, ошибки перспективе это сумма, на которых уравнение может отличаться в ходе эмпирического анализа.

Then the measurement result depicts up-direction directly (acceleration may be presumed as an error term).

Этот результат измерения непосредственно описывает верхнее направление (ускорение можно принимать как погрешность).

Assuming that the error term is normally distributed, the

Так как предполагается, что распределение погрешностей нормальное, то они

The error term is also known as the residual, disturbance or remainder term.

Ошибка термин также известен как «остаточную», или «остальные» срок.

Under the further assumption that the population error term is normally distributed, the researcher can use these estimated standard errors to create confidence intervals and conduct hypothesis tests about the population parameters.

При дальнейшем предположении, что ошибка популяции обычно распространяется, исследователь может использовать эти оценки стандартных ошибок для создания доверительных интервалов и проведения проверки гипотез о ее параметрах.

the variance of the random error term is constant for all observations

Дисперсия случайной ошибки уравнения регрессии является постоянной для всех наблюдений:.

where At is a random error term at time t.

Our cost function is J of theta0 through theta n which is given by this usual sum of square of error term.

Наша целевая функция J(тета 0… тета n) которая дает эту обычную сумму квадратов отклонений.

However, we do this at the expense of the first error term, since we’re now shifting the point away from the original x.

Тем не менее, мы делаем это за счет первой ошибки, так как мы сейчас смещаем точку от первоначального х.

In figure 5, we see there is a definite pattern, rather than a random scattering, indicating a there is significant non-constant variance in the error term (i.e. heteroscedasticity).

На рисунке 5 мы наблюдаем определённый паттерн, а не случайное рассеяние, что указывает на значительное непостоянство дисперсии в величине погрешности (т.е. на гетероскедастичность).

Further, the linear effect could be tested using the pure error term, thus providing a more sensitive test of the linear effect independent of any possible nonlinear effect.

Далее линейный эффект можно было бы проверить с помощью чистой ошибки, тем самым обеспечивая более чувствительный критерий линейного эффекта независимым от любых возможных нелинейных эффектов.

Pierre de Fermat, claiming that he borrowed from Diophantus, introduced the concept of adequality, which represented equality up to an infinitesimal error term.

Пьер Ферма, утверждая, что он заимствовал это из Диофанта, ввёл понятие «квази-равенства» (англ. adequality), которое представляло собой равенство с точностью до бесконечно малой ошибки.

When the actual Y differs from the Y in the model during an empirical test, then the error term will not be equal to 0, which means there are other factors that influence Y.

При фактическом У отличается от У в модели ходе эмпирического испытания, а затем ошибка перспективе не будет равна 0, что означает Есть и другие факторы, которые влияют на Ю.

where e is a small error term (small relative to 2), and represents a drawing from some probability distribution.

где е — небольшая ошибка (небольшая относительно 2), представляет некоторое вероятностное распределение.

In particular, no bound on the error term of the form 1 — ε for any ε > 0 is currently known that does not assume the Riemann Hypothesis.

В частности, неизвестны границы поправки вида 1 — ε для любого ε > 0, если не принимать гипотезу Римана.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 35. Точных совпадений: 35. Затраченное время: 173 мс


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What Is an Error Term?

An error term is a residual variable produced by a statistical or mathematical model, which is created when the model does not fully represent the actual relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. As a result of this incomplete relationship, the error term is the amount at which the equation may differ during empirical analysis.

The error term is also known as the residual, disturbance, or remainder term, and is variously represented in models by the letters e, ε, or u.

Key Takeaways

  • An error term appears in a statistical model, like a regression model, to indicate the uncertainty in the model.
  • The error term is a residual variable that accounts for a lack of perfect goodness of fit.
  • Heteroskedastic refers to a condition in which the variance of the residual term, or error term, in a regression model varies widely.

Understanding an Error Term

An error term represents the margin of error within a statistical model; it refers to the sum of the deviations within the regression line, which provides an explanation for the difference between the theoretical value of the model and the actual observed results. The regression line is used as a point of analysis when attempting to determine the correlation between one independent variable and one dependent variable.

Error Term Use in a Formula

An error term essentially means that the model is not completely accurate and results in differing results during real-world applications. For example, assume there is a multiple linear regression function that takes the following form: 















Constant parameters





Independent variables



Error term

begin{aligned} &Y = alpha X + beta rho + epsilon \ &textbf{where:} \ &alpha, beta = text{Constant parameters} \ &X, rho = text{Independent variables} \ &epsilon = text{Error term} \ end{aligned}

Y=αX+βρ+ϵwhere:α,β=Constant parametersX,ρ=Independent variablesϵ=Error term

When the actual Y differs from the expected or predicted Y in the model during an empirical test, then the error term does not equal 0, which means there are other factors that influence Y.

What Do Error Terms Tell Us?

Within a linear regression model tracking a stock’s price over time, the error term is the difference between the expected price at a particular time and the price that was actually observed. In instances where the price is exactly what was anticipated at a particular time, the price will fall on the trend line and the error term will be zero.

Points that do not fall directly on the trend line exhibit the fact that the dependent variable, in this case, the price, is influenced by more than just the independent variable, representing the passage of time. The error term stands for any influence being exerted on the price variable, such as changes in market sentiment.

The two data points with the greatest distance from the trend line should be an equal distance from the trend line, representing the largest margin of error.

If a model is heteroskedastic, a common problem in interpreting statistical models correctly, it refers to a condition in which the variance of the error term in a regression model varies widely.

Linear Regression, Error Term, and Stock Analysis

Linear regression is a form of analysis that relates to current trends experienced by a particular security or index by providing a relationship between a dependent and independent variables, such as the price of a security and the passage of time, resulting in a trend line that can be used as a predictive model.

A linear regression exhibits less delay than that experienced with a moving average, as the line is fit to the data points instead of based on the averages within the data. This allows the line to change more quickly and dramatically than a line based on numerical averaging of the available data points.

The Difference Between Error Terms and Residuals

Although the error term and residual are often used synonymously, there is an important formal difference. An error term is generally unobservable and a residual is observable and calculable, making it much easier to quantify and visualize. In effect, while an error term represents the way observed data differs from the actual population, a residual represents the way observed data differs from sample population data.

What Is an Error Term?

An error term is a residual variable produced by a statistical or mathematical model, which is created when the model does not fully represent the actual relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. As a result of this incomplete relationship, the error term is the amount at which the equation may differ during empirical analysis.

The error term is also known as the residual, disturbance, or remainder term, and is variously represented in models by the letters e, ε, or u.

Key Takeaways

  • An error term appears in a statistical model, like a regression model, to indicate the uncertainty in the model.
  • The error term is a residual variable that accounts for a lack of perfect goodness of fit.
  • Heteroskedastic refers to a condition in which the variance of the residual term, or error term, in a regression model varies widely.

Understanding an Error Term

An error term represents the margin of error within a statistical model; it refers to the sum of the deviations within the regression line, which provides an explanation for the difference between the theoretical value of the model and the actual observed results. The regression line is used as a point of analysis when attempting to determine the correlation between one independent variable and one dependent variable.

Error Term Use in a Formula

An error term essentially means that the model is not completely accurate and results in differing results during real-world applications. For example, assume there is a multiple linear regression function that takes the following form: 















Constant parameters





Independent variables



Error term

begin{aligned} &Y = alpha X + beta rho + epsilon \ &textbf{where:} \ &alpha, beta = text{Constant parameters} \ &X, rho = text{Independent variables} \ &epsilon = text{Error term} \ end{aligned}

Y=αX+βρ+ϵwhere:α,β=Constant parametersX,ρ=Independent variablesϵ=Error term

When the actual Y differs from the expected or predicted Y in the model during an empirical test, then the error term does not equal 0, which means there are other factors that influence Y.

What Do Error Terms Tell Us?

Within a linear regression model tracking a stock’s price over time, the error term is the difference between the expected price at a particular time and the price that was actually observed. In instances where the price is exactly what was anticipated at a particular time, the price will fall on the trend line and the error term will be zero.

Points that do not fall directly on the trend line exhibit the fact that the dependent variable, in this case, the price, is influenced by more than just the independent variable, representing the passage of time. The error term stands for any influence being exerted on the price variable, such as changes in market sentiment.

The two data points with the greatest distance from the trend line should be an equal distance from the trend line, representing the largest margin of error.

If a model is heteroskedastic, a common problem in interpreting statistical models correctly, it refers to a condition in which the variance of the error term in a regression model varies widely.

Linear Regression, Error Term, and Stock Analysis

Linear regression is a form of analysis that relates to current trends experienced by a particular security or index by providing a relationship between a dependent and independent variables, such as the price of a security and the passage of time, resulting in a trend line that can be used as a predictive model.

A linear regression exhibits less delay than that experienced with a moving average, as the line is fit to the data points instead of based on the averages within the data. This allows the line to change more quickly and dramatically than a line based on numerical averaging of the available data points.

The Difference Between Error Terms and Residuals

Although the error term and residual are often used synonymously, there is an important formal difference. An error term is generally unobservable and a residual is observable and calculable, making it much easier to quantify and visualize. In effect, while an error term represents the way observed data differs from the actual population, a residual represents the way observed data differs from sample population data.


  1. Error Term: Definition, Example, and How to Calculate With Formula
  2. What Is an Error Term?
  3. Key Takeaways
  4. Understanding an Error Term
  5. Error Term Use in a Formula
  6. What Do Error Terms Tell Us?
  7. Linear Regression, Error Term, and Stock Analysis
  8. The Difference Between Error Terms and Residuals
  9. error term
  10. См. также в других словарях:
  11. Gaussian error messages
  12. Содержание
  13. Normal termination of Gaussian
  14. Erroneous Write
  15. Link 9999
  16. angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180
  17. Reading basis center
  18. Operation on file out of range
  19. End of file in GetChg
  20. Change in point group or standard orientation
  21. Unrecognized atomic symbol
  22. Convergence failure — run terminated
  23. FOPT requested but NVar= XX while NDOF= YY
  24. Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals.
  25. in GetRSB
  26. Symbol XXX not found in Z-matrix
  27. Variable X has invalid number of steps.
  28. Problem with the distance matrix.
  29. End of file in ZSymb
  30. Linear search skipped for unknown reason
  31. Variable index of 3000 on card XXX is out of range, NVar=XX
  32. Unknown center XXX
  33. Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed
  34. malloc failed
  35. Charge and multiplicity card seems defective:
  36. Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol «XXXXX»
  37. Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB
  38. galloc: could not allocate memory
  39. No such file or directory

Error Term: Definition, Example, and How to Calculate With Formula

Adam Hayes, Ph.D., CFA, is a financial writer with 15+ years Wall Street experience as a derivatives trader. Besides his extensive derivative trading expertise, Adam is an expert in economics and behavioral finance. Adam received his master’s in economics from The New School for Social Research and his Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in sociology. He is a CFA charterholder as well as holding FINRA Series 7, 55 & 63 licenses. He currently researches and teaches economic sociology and the social studies of finance at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem.

Investopedia / Jiaqi Zhou

What Is an Error Term?

An error term is a residual variable produced by a statistical or mathematical model, which is created when the model does not fully represent the actual relationship between the independent variables and the dependent variables. As a result of this incomplete relationship, the error term is the amount at which the equation may differ during empirical analysis.

The error term is also known as the residual, disturbance, or remainder term, and is variously represented in models by the letters e, ε, or u.

Key Takeaways

  • An error term appears in a statistical model, like a regression model, to indicate the uncertainty in the model.
  • The error term is a residual variable that accounts for a lack of perfect goodness of fit.
  • Heteroskedastic refers to a condition in which the variance of the residual term, or error term, in a regression model varies widely.

Understanding an Error Term

An error term represents the margin of error within a statistical model; it refers to the sum of the deviations within the regression line, which provides an explanation for the difference between the theoretical value of the model and the actual observed results. The regression line is used as a point of analysis when attempting to determine the correlation between one independent variable and one dependent variable.

Error Term Use in a Formula

An error term essentially means that the model is not completely accurate and results in differing results during real-world applications. For example, assume there is a multiple linear regression function that takes the following form:

When the actual Y differs from the expected or predicted Y in the model during an empirical test, then the error term does not equal 0, which means there are other factors that influence Y.

What Do Error Terms Tell Us?

Within a linear regression model tracking a stock’s price over time, the error term is the difference between the expected price at a particular time and the price that was actually observed. In instances where the price is exactly what was anticipated at a particular time, the price will fall on the trend line and the error term will be zero.

Points that do not fall directly on the trend line exhibit the fact that the dependent variable, in this case, the price, is influenced by more than just the independent variable, representing the passage of time. The error term stands for any influence being exerted on the price variable, such as changes in market sentiment.

The two data points with the greatest distance from the trend line should be an equal distance from the trend line, representing the largest margin of error.

If a model is heteroskedastic, a common problem in interpreting statistical models correctly, it refers to a condition in which the variance of the error term in a regression model varies widely.

Linear Regression, Error Term, and Stock Analysis

Linear regression is a form of analysis that relates to current trends experienced by a particular security or index by providing a relationship between a dependent and independent variables, such as the price of a security and the passage of time, resulting in a trend line that can be used as a predictive model.

A linear regression exhibits less delay than that experienced with a moving average, as the line is fit to the data points instead of based on the averages within the data. This allows the line to change more quickly and dramatically than a line based on numerical averaging of the available data points.

The Difference Between Error Terms and Residuals

Although the error term and residual are often used synonymously, there is an important formal difference. An error term is generally unobservable and a residual is observable and calculable, making it much easier to quantify and visualize. In effect, while an error term represents the way observed data differs from the actual population, a residual represents the way observed data differs from sample population data.


error term

1 error term

2 error term

transposed the term — перенес член; перенесенный член

transposed a term — перенес член; перенесенный член

3 error term

4 error term

5 error term

6 error term

7 random error term

8 standard deviation of the random error term

9 term

10 error

11 term

12 error correction term

13 error correction term

14 basic term

15 exchange term

16 feedforward term

17 general term

18 remainder term

19 absolute term

20 feedback term

См. также в других словарях:

Error Term — A variable in a statistical and/or mathematical model, which is created when the model does not fully represent the actual relationship between the independent variable(s) and the dependent variable. As a result of this incomplete relationship,… … Investment dictionary

Error catastrophe — is a term used to describe the extinction of an organism (often in the context of microorganisms such as viruses) as a result of excessive RNA mutations. The term specifically refers to the predictions of mathematical models similar to that… … Wikipedia

error — error, mistake, blunder, slip, lapse, faux pas, bull, howler, boner are comparable when they denote something (as an act, statement, or belief) that involves a departure from what is, or what is generally held to be, true, right, or proper. Error … New Dictionary of Synonyms

error — [er′ər] n. [ME & OFr errour < L error < errare: see ERR] 1. the state of believing what is untrue, incorrect, or wrong 2. a wrong belief; incorrect opinion 3. something incorrectly done through ignorance or carelessness; mistake 4. a… … English World dictionary

error theory — Term due to the 20th century philosopher J. L. Mackie, describing a theory according to which everyday thought in some area is sufficiently infected by mistaken philosophical views to be widely in error. Mackie believed that ordinary moral… … Philosophy dictionary

Error function — Plot of the error function In mathematics, the error function (also called the Gauss error function) is a special function (non elementary) of sigmoid shape which occurs in probability, statistics and partial differential equations. It is defined … Wikipedia

Error — The word error has different meanings and usages relative to how it is conceptually applied. The concrete meaning of the Latin word error means wandering or straying . To the contrary of an illusion, an error or a mistake can sometimes be… … Wikipedia

Error exponent — In information theory, the error exponent of a channel code or source code over the block length of the code is the logarithm of the error probability. For example, if the probability of error of a decoder drops as e – n α, where n is the block… … Wikipedia

Error (baseball) — In baseball [statistics] , an error is the act, in the judgment of the official scorer, of a fielder misplaying a ball in a manner that allows a batter or baserunner to reach one or more additional bases, when such an advance should have been… … Wikipedia

error — errorless, adj. errorlessly, adv. /er euhr/, n. 1. a deviation from accuracy or correctness; a mistake, as in action or speech: His speech contained several factual errors. 2. belief in something untrue; the holding of mistaken opinions. 3. the… … Universalium

Error card — In the trading card collecting hobby, an error card is a card that shows incorrect information or some other unintended flaw. Depending on whether the manufacturer noticed the problem while the cards were still being produced, a card may exist in … Wikipedia


Gaussian error messages

This site replaces the former Compute Canada documentation site, and is now being managed by the Digital Research Alliance of Canada.

Ce site remplace l’ancien site de documentation de Calcul Canada et est maintenant géré par l’Alliance de recherche numérique du Canada.

This list was originally assembled by Professor Cory C. Pye.


Normal termination of Gaussian

Normally Gaussian will terminate with a line such as

If a job does not end with these lines and no other error message is produced, it usually means thatː

  • your disk quota was exceeded (see File quotas and policies);
  • the job exceeded the time requested from the scheduler ( —time=HH:MM:SS );
  • the job exceeded the memory requested ( —mem= ) (see Monitoring jobs); or
  • the job produced more data that can fill up the local disk on the compute node.

Erroneous Write

Near the end of the output, it reads something similar to

Explanation of error

Typically, this occurs when you have run out of disk space. This could occur if you have exceeded your quota, if a disk is physically full, or (more rarely) a network drive is unavailable because of a communication time out.

Fixing the error

  • Check your disk quota with quota . Delete unnecessary files.
  • Your job may simply be too big to run on current hardware. Try using a smaller basis set.

Link 9999

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

A few pages above, the following lines appear:

Explanation of error

This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally for some reason internal to Gaussian. The most common cause is that a geometry optimization has not converged.

Fixing the error

Geometry optimizations usually fail to converge for one of these reasons:

  • If your initial starting structure is not good, can you provide a better starting structure? For example, optimize the structure at a lower level of theory and use that as the new starting structure. However, if it looks as if the structure is converging to what you want, as seen in your visualizer of choice, then restart the optimization from the last step, for example by using geom=allcheck in the route line. It may also be a good idea to use opt=CalcFC in these situations if it is not too expensive. It is probably not too expensive at the HF or DFT level of theory.
  • If your starting force constants matrix (Hessian) is poor, use a better one. This typically manifests itself when the force constants vary a lot between levels, or if there is a large geometry change during the optimization. One can carry out a series of linked jobs using —Link1— . If you have a previous job, then usually Opt=ReadFC works well, but occasionally Opt=CalcFC , or rarely Opt=CalcAll are needed. In these cases, the forces are often converged, but the step sizes are not, and the final output will look like
  • Rarely, the coordinate system itself may be at fault. If coordinates are specified with a z-matrix, it is easy to make poor choices which result in three of the four atoms used to define a torsion angle (also called a dihedral angle) being collinear, meaning the angle is close to 0 or 180 degrees. This can cause the optimization algorithm to fail. In this case you should either formulate a better z-matrix or use the default redundant internal coordinates.
  • If these methods fail, another option is to change the optimization method from the default to another type, such as opt=ef (if the number of variables is less than 50) or opt=gdiis (for floppy molecules).

angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

The lines above will be a z-matrix, above which will contain lines such as

Explanation of error

This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally because an angle x in the z-matrix changed to become outside the allowed range of 0 Fixing the error

This can happen if there are large geometry changes in a molecule, especially one composed of interacting fragments. Re-define the z-matrix, or use a different coordinate system.

Reading basis center

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You are attempting to read in a general basis set but you forgot to put in the basis set.

Fixing the error

Put in the basis set, or remove the gen from the route line and specify an internal basis set.

Operation on file out of range

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Above this, you have something like

. followed by a lot of numbers.

Explanation of error

This typically happens when you try to retrieve something from the checkpoint file (with Opt=ReadFC or guess=read or geom=allcheck/modify ) that is not there, either because you did not calculate it previously, or you ran out of disk space or time while running the earlier job and the information needed wasn’t written to the checkpoint file.

Fixing the error

Re-calculate or type in the information required.

End of file in GetChg

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Explanation of error

You have specified an input in which the charge/multiplicity line is required, but you forgot to put it in. Alternatively, you meant to read the charge/multiplicity from the checkpoint, but forgot to put geom=allcheck in the route section.

Fixing the error

Put the charge/multiplicity line in, or put geom=allcheck in the route section.

Change in point group or standard orientation

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Explanation of error

During the optimization process, either the standard orientation or the point group of the molecule has changed. If the former, a visualization program will show this as a sudden flipping of the structure, typically by 180 degrees. This error is a lot less common since Gaussian 03 was released.

Fixing the error

  • This can indicate that your z-matrix is not correctly specified, if you go from a point group (e.g C2v) to a subgroup of the point group (C2 or Cs or C1).
  • If the point group here is correct, it could indicate that your starting structure had too high symmetry and you should desymmetrize it.
  • Rarely: If the point group here is incorrect (of higher symmetry), then your z-matrix should be reformulated with more symmetry.
  • If you don’t care about symmetry, then you could turn symmetry completely off.

Unrecognized atomic symbol

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Explanation of error

You are reading in a general basis set, but the atom specified (in the above example, ic2 ) does not match any standard atomic symbol. This can also happen in a link job if a previous step uses default coordinates (which wipes the z-matrix) and then you try to modify the z-matrix with geom=modify . The z-matrix variable section is ignored, but Gaussian may attempt to interpret it as basis set information.

Fixing the error

Type in the correct atomic symbol.

Convergence failure — run terminated

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Explanation of error

The SCF (self-consistent field) procedure has failed to converge.

Fixing the error

The SCF procedure might fail to converge if a poor guess is provided for the molecular orbitals.

  • Try using a better guess ( guess=read ) by carrying out an SCF using the same starting structure, but at a lower level of theory such as HF/STO-3G.
  • If this doesn’t work, try using an alternate SCF converger such as SCF=QC or SCF=XQC .

In some cases, a poor geometry can result in an unconverged SCF, if a bond is way too long or too short.

  • Fixing the initial geometry may fix the problem.

In some cases, the optimizer itself takes a bad step, resulting in this error.

  • Resubmitting the job with the penultimate (or earlier) geometry and a newly evaluated Hessian can fix this.

FOPT requested but NVar= XX while NDOF= YY

At the end of your output, you get a line such as

Explanation of error

You have requested a full optimization (FOpt), including checking the variables to make sure the correct number are present. The check indicates that there is an error.

Fixing the error

If NDOF is less than NVar, then it means that the molecule is being run in a lower symmetry than it actually is, and you should consider running it with higher symmetry. If NVar is less than NDOF, it usually means that your z-matrix has too many constraints, not appropriate to the actual symmetry. You can bypass the check using Opt instead of FOpt , but this is not recommended.

Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals.

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

You are reading in a molecular-orbital guess from the checkpoint file, but the projection from the old to the new basis set has failed. This can happen if certain pseudopotential basis sets (CEP-121G*) are used with polarization functions where no polarization functions actually exist. In some cases Gaussian uses placeholder polarization functions with zero exponent.

Fixing the error

  • Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question. They are the same for many elements.
  • A workaround is not to use the guess. in GetRSB

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

The MP2 calculation has failed. It may be related to the pseudopotential problem above.

Fixing the error

Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question. They are the same for many elements.

Symbol XXX not found in Z-matrix

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You have typed in a variable name (in the above example, H3NNN ) that is not in the z-matrix.

Fixing the error

Either type the correct symbol, or add it to the z-matrix, as appropriate.

Variable X has invalid number of steps.

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You are attempting to do a generate rigid potential energy scan. Most likely, you have two blank lines instead of one between the z-matrix and the variables.

Fixing the error

Delete the extra blank line.

Problem with the distance matrix.

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This can be an input error. At least two atoms are too close together, with the list given above. Rarely, this can be a program error, particularly when one of the distances is NaN. This can happen when trying to optimize diatomics and you start off with too large a distance.

Fixing the error

You will need to check variables and the z-matrix of the atoms in question to make sure there are no atoms close together. This can be a result of a missing minus sign in a torsion angle for molecules with planes of symmetry, in which the two atoms related by the plane of symmetry are now coincident, that is, they have distance 0 between them.

End of file in ZSymb

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. Gaussian can’t find the z-matrix. There are two common causes:

  1. You may have omitted the blank line at the end of the geometry specification.
  2. You may have intended to get the z-matrix and parameters from the checkpoint file, but forgot to type geom=check .

Fixing the error

Add a blank line at the end or add geom=check .

Linear search skipped for unknown reason

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

The rational function optimization was not successful during a linear search. Most likely the Hessian is no longer valid.

Fixing the error

Restart optimization using Opt=CalcFC .

Variable index of 3000 on card XXX is out of range, NVar=XX

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You forgot to add a variable in your Z-matrix to your list. In the above example, it is a variable which defines atom #15.

Fixing the error

Add the variable.

Unknown center XXX

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You are trying to define an atom in a Z-matrix using another non-existent atom (in the above example, X)

Fixing the error

Fix the atom name.

Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

The conversion from redundant internal coordinates to Z-matrix coordinates failed because of the dummy atoms. You will have to make do with Cartesian coordinates.

Fixing the error

The geometry optimization converged, but Gaussian couldn’t convert back to the input z-matrix.

malloc failed

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is not strictly a Gaussian error. It typically means that the computer has run out of memory, perhaps because you asked for too much memory in the %mem line.

Fixing the error

  • Reduce the amount specified with %mem .
  • Or, increase the amount of memory requested in the job script with —mem= .

Charge and multiplicity card seems defective:

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. If the title line is forgotten when using geom=modify , then it interprets the charge/multiplicity line (in the above example, «-2 1») as the title, and then tries to interpret the variable list as the charge/multiplicity line.

Fixing the error

Put in a title line.

Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol «XXXXX»

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You are attempting a geom=modify , but a variable whose value you are attempting to replace is not in the checkpoint file.

Fixing the error

Either specify the correct checkpoint file or the correct variable.

Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB

At the end of your output, you get lines such as

Explanation of error

This is an input error. You have had a change in point group, and you specified iop(2/15=4,2/16=2,2/17=7) to try to avoid program crashing.

Fixing the error

Be very careful with iop , or remove altogether.

galloc: could not allocate memory

In the output file, you get

Explanation of error

This is a memory allocation error due to lack of memory. Gaussian handles memory in such a way that it actually uses about 1GB more than %mem .

Fixing the error

The value for %mem should be at least 1GB less than the value specified in the job submission script. Conversely, the value specified for —mem in your job script should be at least 1GB greater than the amount specified in the %mem directive in your Gaussian input file. The exact increment needed seems to depend on the job type and input details; 1GB is a conservative value determined empirically.

No such file or directory

In the job output file you get something like

Explanation of error

The file named in the third line doesn’t exist, possibly because the containing directory does not exist. This happens, for example, if you set GAUSS_SCRDIR to a directory that doesn’t exist.

Fixing the error

Create the directory with mkdir , or change the definition of GAUSS_SCRDIR to name an existing directory.


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    error term


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    Substituting (33) into (14) after taking logarithms of both sides of (14) and adding the error term εijkt leads to the following linear generalized dummy variable hedonic regression model:
    Подставив (33) в (14) после взятия логарифмов обеих частей (14) и добавив ошибку ?ijkt, получим следующую линейную обобщенную модель гедонической регрессии с фиктивной переменной:

    The second way of deriving the unit value estimator for the representative period t price ρt using a hedonic regression is to multiply both sides of equation k in (50) by the square root of the quantity sold of model k in period t, (qkt) 1/2, and then add an error term, εkt.
    Второй способ получения оценки удельной стоимости для репрезентативной цены ?t за период t с использованием гедонической регрессии- перемножить обе части уравнения k в (50) на квадратный корень количества проданных моделей k в период t, (qkt) 1/2, и затем добавить ошибку, ?kt.

    The policy’s official launch was a flub: At a Geneva news conference in March 2009, Clinton presented Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov with a mounted red button emblazoned with the word “reset” in English and the Russian word “peregruzka” — a translation error by the U.S. team that left the bewildered Lavrov puzzling over a term meaning “overload.”
    Официальный старт политики перезагрузки был ознаменован нелепой ошибкой: на пресс-конференции в Женеве в марте 2009 года Клинтон предложила министру иностранных дел России Сергею Лаврову нажать на символическую кнопку «перезагрузки», на которой было написано «перегрузка» — ошибка переводчиков, которая на несколько мгновений поставила Лаврова в тупик.

    The term was coined by Edward Thorndike in a 1920 paper, «The Constant Error in Psychological Ratings,» but came to prominence with publication of Phil Rosenzweig’s 2007 book, «The Halo Effect (and Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers).»
    Этот термин был предложен Эдвардом Торндайком (Edward Thorndike) в его работе 1920 года «Постоянная ошибка в психологических оценках» («The Constant Error in Psychological Ratings»), однако широкое распространение он получил после публикации в 2007 году книги Фила Розенцвейга (Phil Rosenzweig) под названием «Эффект ореола… и другие восемь иллюзий, вводящие менеджеров в заблуждение» («The Halo Effect (and Other Business Delusions That Deceive Managers»)).

    a The secretariat uses the term “confidence levels” in compiling data provided by Parties using different terms: uncertainties, error range, accuracy, etc.
    а Секретариат использует термин » уровни доверия » при компилировании данных, представленных Сторонами, применяя различные термины: неопределенности, диапазон ошибки, точность и т.д.


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