TL;DR: There really isn’t a straightforward way to fix this error, or a way to guarantee success. This usually involves a very detailed hands-on troubleshooting session, because everything is dependent on everything and even tiny screws could lead to a significant change and often the underlying issues are worse than toggling a switch (or adding a keyword).
What does the error Error termination request processed by link 9999. actually mean?
Gaussian often isn’t very straight forward with its errors. There are multiple explanation sites of common errors on the internet because of this. The description of it is actually given many lines above. If you look up link 9999 on the gaussian online manual, then you’ll find:
- L9999: Finalizes calculation and output
So that’s the something-went-wrong-catch-all of Gaussian. That usually means Gaussian’s internal procedures set a flag to prevent it from terminating normally.
In your specific case (and I experienced none other) it simply means the optimiser didn’t find a stationary point within the allocated resources.
Anyone can reproduce this error quickly with the following minimal example:
#P PM6 opt(maxcycle=3)
L9999 error producing input
O 0. 0. 0.
H 1. 0. 0.
H 0. 1. 0.
! Blank line at the end
Obviously, the above example forces the error for demonstration purposes only. BTW, the !
is the comment character; these lines will be ignored. (The last line is there because SE decides to remove crucial blank lines automagically. So the example is copy-pastable with the comment.)
Now, Gaussian isn’t the best at communicating. You’ll find (as you did) the following:
Optimization stopped.
-- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 3
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
! Non-Optimized Parameters !
! (Angstroms and Degrees) !
-------------------------- --------------------------
There it tells you that at NStep= 3
the number of steps is exceeded (more to that end later), and that’ll reset some flag to prevent something. That’s actually the internal procedure to cause the final message.
Steps and Cycles.
Apparently Gaussian isn’t very consistent in its terminology. Steps may be called cycles. So the keyword option maxcycle=
sets the maximum NStep
Unfortunately, the L9999 error isn’t as much an error as it is a message to you: Basically the program is trying to tell you that it failed to reach what you have asked of it. The underlying issue is somewhere in the set-up of your calculation.
Fixing the ‘error’
You need to perform a deep-dive into the nitty-gritty details of your calculation.
In the most common case, your starting guess simply was too far away from the stationary point. You can plot the convergence with each cycle to see what is going on. Most molecular viewers have that built in.
In the best case, you are a few cycles away from convergence. You can then simply restart the calculation. I recommend setting up a new calculation to prevent accidental overwriting. For the example above, this would be (in the same directory, requires > G09 D.01):
#P PM6 opt(maxcycle=300, restart)
L9999 error restart
O 0. 0. 0.
H 1. 0. 0.
H 0. 1. 0.
! Blank line at the end
So increasing the maxcycle
value might already fix the ‘error’. Note that the default is 128
, so you need to set something higher than that if you restart
. Another common way is to simply extract the last coordinates and start a new calculation.
In most cases on tight
optimisation criteria and a reasonably well-behaved molecule, the default cycles will suffice. You can always save time by running pre-optimisations first. I recommend starting with semi-empirics, then increase to a pure functional with a split valence basis set. The new Gaussian versions in conjunction with a queueing system can handle chaining those calculations easily (use %oldchk
), so you don’t waste time.
Everything beyond that is magic.
Often, when you get to know your molecules, you will also know whether the default number of cycles will suffice and you can adjust your default route section.
Your example is a bit more than the default as you are trying to converge to verytight
. The first question you need to ask yourself is why you are doing this and whether this is really necessary. In my personal and very subjective experience, it takes about thrice the time (and cycles) to converge from tight
to verytight
as it takes from loose
to tight
In order to get to convergence in fewer cycles, tighten the integration grid. The default is int(ultrafine)
so you do not need to specify this. If you are running on a smaller grid, then your calculations are not reliable (Get Ready to Recalculate by Derek Lowe). If you are doing benchmark tests, and you want them to be benchmarks for the method not the grid, then use int(superfine)
. It might also be a good idea to force tighter SCF convergence with scf(conver=9)
The estimation or calculation of the step and step direction is directly influenced by the quality of the wave function/ density matrix. If that’s too coarse, you likely circle around the minimum.
You can adjust the step size to force it to go slower, opt(maxstep=10)
, the default is 30
. Whenever you do that, you should increase the cycles appropriately. An okay rule of thumb is by halving the step size to double the cycles. This is usually a good idea when trying to converge transition states.
Sometimes, the estimation of the Hessian is not good enough. You might want to start your calculation with something better than a guess, then use opt(calcFC)
. Alternatively, you can run a frequency calculation of your guess structure and analyse that before doing anything else. This might help identifying lower lying issues in the molecular structure. If you do, opt(RCFC)
will be your friend.
If you really, really want it, and you know exactly what you are doing (or you don’t care anymore), then calculating force constants at every step is the brute-force method, i.e. opt(calcall)
. I do not recommend this, it is very, very wasteful. There are intermediate options to do these things, so study the manual for more.
I always recommend using redundant coordinates. Often enough the default is good enough. In rare cases they won’t. The evil ones are near 0 or 180° angles, sometimes rings, cages, strongly delocalised parts of the molecule, long bonds, dispersive interactions, etc., the list is long. You can build your own redundant coordinates and that might help in those cases.
If you are not yet doing it, you should switch to generalised internal coordinates (requires G16): geom=GIC
. If you need examples, browse on Chemistry.SE.
If you really, really want to add more brute to your force, you can try optimising in cartesian coordinates. Note that you will not take advantage of many features of the Berny algorithm, you’ll introduce more constraints, and you will need more cycles. (For a well-behaved molecule I’d add about 25% to be safe, but that is again as subjective as it gets.)
If you are still convinced that what you are looking for exists, you can try a different algorithm. I have never used it, but I heard about people using it.
The final failure
In most cases, if you get the L9999 error and it cannot easily be fixed (and I would include increasing the grid here), there is a deep-lying issue. You should check whether other methods produce sensible results. If your optimisations with very tight criteria succeed at BP86, PBE, TPSS, B3LYP, PBE0, TPSSh, etc., but not on M06-2X, then the problem might be that the Minnesota functional doesn’t describe your system well enough. (I’ve only picked that because of the example. B3LYP is much more likely to fail producing sensible results. Statistically speaking.)
The usual way to go about that is to look for benchmarks studies in that field. Many things have been done already and you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. (If only I could remember some of the quality review articles. I’m sure [or at least hopeful] someone will comment them below.)
The post-final Hoorah!
There are alternative programs to Gaussian. It might not be a terrible idea to cross-validate.
- Parent page: Gaussian
This list was originally assembled by Professor Cory C. Pye.
Normal termination of Gaussian
Normally Gaussian will terminate with a line such as
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 26 minutes 18.3 seconds. Elapsed time: 0 days 0 hours 6 minutes 43.3 seconds. Normal termination of Gaussian 16 at Tue Nov 14 15:31:56 2017.
If a job does not end with these lines and no other error message is produced, it usually means thatː
- your disk quota was exceeded (see File quotas and policies);
- the job exceeded the time requested from the scheduler (
); - the job exceeded the memory requested (
) (see Monitoring jobs); or - the job produced more data that can fill up the local disk on the compute node.
Erroneous Write
- Description of error
Near the end of the output, it reads something similar to
Erroneous write. write 122880 instead of 4239360. fd = 3 Erroneous write. write 122880 instead of 4239360. fd = 3 writwa writwa: File exists
Erroneous write. write -1 instead of 3648000. fd = 4 writwa writwa: No space left on device
Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 8192 Probably out of disk space. Write error in NtrExt1
- Explanation of error
Typically, this occurs when you have run out of disk space. This could occur if you have exceeded your quota, if a disk is physically full, or (more rarely) a network drive is unavailable because of a communication time out.
- Fixing the error
- Check your disk quota with
. Delete unnecessary files. - Your job may simply be too big to run on current hardware. Try using a smaller basis set.
Link 9999
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Error termination request processed by link 9999. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l9999.exe.
A few pages above, the following lines appear:
Maximum Force 0.020301 0.000450 NO RMS Force 0.007068 0.000300 NO Maximum Displacement 0.078972 0.001800 NO RMS Displacement 0.023716 0.001200 NO Predicted change in Energy=-3.132299D-05 Optimization stopped. -- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 34 -- Flag reset to prevent archiving. ---------------------------- ! Non-Optimized Parameters ! ! (Angstroms and Degrees) !
- Explanation of error
This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally for some reason internal to Gaussian. The most common cause is that a geometry optimization has not converged.
- Fixing the error
Geometry optimizations usually fail to converge for one of these reasons:
- If your initial starting structure is not good, can you provide a better starting structure? For example, optimize the structure at a lower level of theory and use that as the new starting structure. However, if it looks as if the structure is converging to what you want, as seen in your visualizer of choice, then restart the optimization from the last step, for example by using
in the route line. It may also be a good idea to useopt=CalcFC
in these situations if it is not too expensive. It is probably not too expensive at the HF or DFT level of theory. - If your starting force constants matrix (Hessian) is poor, use a better one. This typically manifests itself when the force constants vary a lot between levels, or if there is a large geometry change during the optimization. One can carry out a series of linked jobs using
. If you have a previous job, then usuallyOpt=ReadFC
works well, but occasionallyOpt=CalcFC
, or rarelyOpt=CalcAll
are needed. In these cases, the forces are often converged, but the step sizes are not, and the final output will look like
Item Value Threshold Converged? Maximum Force 0.000401 0.000450 YES RMS Force 0.000178 0.000300 YES Maximum Displacement 0.010503 0.001800 NO RMS Displacement 0.003163 0.001200 NO
- Rarely, the coordinate system itself may be at fault. If coordinates are specified with a z-matrix, it is easy to make poor choices which result in three of the four atoms used to define a torsion angle (also called a dihedral angle) being collinear, meaning the angle is close to 0 or 180 degrees. This can cause the optimization algorithm to fail. In this case you should either formulate a better z-matrix or use the default redundant internal coordinates.
- If these methods fail, another option is to change the optimization method from the default to another type, such as
(if the number of variables is less than 50) oropt=gdiis
(for floppy molecules).
angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l716.exe.
The lines above will be a z-matrix, above which will contain lines such as
Error on Z-matrix card number 9 angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180. Conversion from Z-matrix to cartesian coordinates failed: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Z-MATRIX (ANGSTROMS AND DEGREES) CD Cent Atom N1 Length/X N2 Alpha/Y N3 Beta/Z J ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ... 9 9 H 8 0.962154( 8) 1 -1.879( 16) 2 0.000( 23) 0 ...
- Explanation of error
This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally because an angle x in the z-matrix changed to become outside the allowed range of 0 < x < 180.
- Fixing the error
This can happen if there are large geometry changes in a molecule, especially one composed of interacting fragments. Re-define the z-matrix, or use a different coordinate system.
Reading basis center
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
End of file reading basis center. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l301.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.9 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 10 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You are attempting to read in a general basis set but you forgot to put in the basis set.
- Fixing the error
Put in the basis set, or remove the gen
from the route line and specify an internal basis set.
Operation on file out of range
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Error termination in NtrErr: NtrErr Called from FileIO.
Above this, you have something like
Operation on file out of range. FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)=-19999 Len= 1829888 IPos= -900525056 Q= 4352094416 dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles = 109 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 1024 defal = T LstWrd = 7437256704 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
…followed by a lot of numbers.
- Explanation of error
This typically happens when you try to retrieve something from the checkpoint file (with Opt=ReadFC
or guess=read
or geom=allcheck/modify
) that is not there, either because you did not calculate it previously, or you ran out of disk space or time while running the earlier job and the information needed wasn’t written to the checkpoint file.
- Fixing the error
Re-calculate or type in the information required.
End of file in GetChg
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Symbolic Z-matrix: End of file in GetChg. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 11 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
You have specified an input in which the charge/multiplicity line is required, but you forgot to put it in. Alternatively, you meant to read the charge/multiplicity from the checkpoint, but forgot to put geom=allcheck
in the route section.
- Fixing the error
Put the charge/multiplicity line in, or put geom=allcheck
in the route section.
Change in point group or standard orientation
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Stoichiometry CdH14O7(2+) Framework group C2[C2(CdO),X(H14O6)] Deg. of freedom 30 Full point group C2 NOp 2 Omega: Change in point group or standard orientation. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l202.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 3 hours 35 minutes 40.8 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 58 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 19 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
During the optimization process, either the standard orientation or the point group of the molecule has changed. If the former, a visualization program will show this as a sudden flipping of the structure, typically by 180 degrees. This error is a lot less common since Gaussian 03 was released.
- Fixing the error
- This can indicate that your z-matrix is not correctly specified, if you go from a point group (e.g C2v) to a subgroup of the point group (C2 or Cs or C1).
- If the point group here is correct, it could indicate that your starting structure had too high symmetry and you should desymmetrize it.
- Rarely: If the point group here is incorrect (of higher symmetry), then your z-matrix should be reformulated with more symmetry.
- If you don’t care about symmetry, then you could turn symmetry completely off.
Unrecognized atomic symbol
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
General basis read from cards: (6D, 7F) Unrecognized atomic symbol ic2 Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l301.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.6 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 12 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
You are reading in a general basis set, but the atom specified (in the above example, ic2
) does not match any standard atomic symbol. This can also happen in a link job if a previous step uses default coordinates (which wipes the z-matrix) and then you try to modify the z-matrix with geom=modify
. The z-matrix variable section is ignored, but Gaussian may attempt to interpret it as basis set information.
- Fixing the error
Type in the correct atomic symbol.
Convergence failure — run terminated
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
>>>>>>>>>> Convergence criterion not met. SCF Done: E(RHF) = -2131.95693715 A.U. after 257 cycles Convg = 0.8831D-03 -V/T = 2.0048 S**2 = 0.0000 Convergence failure -- run terminated. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l502.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 5 minutes 0.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 15 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
>>>>>>>>>> Convergence criterion not met. SCF Done: E(UHF) = -918.564956094 A.U. after 65 cycles Convg = 0.4502D-04 -V/T = 2.0002 S**2 = 0.8616 Annihilation of the first spin contaminant: S**2 before annihilation 0.8616, after 0.7531 Convergence failure -- run terminated. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l502.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 3 minutes 56.2 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
The SCF (self-consistent field) procedure has failed to converge.
- Fixing the error
The SCF procedure might fail to converge if a poor guess is provided for the molecular orbitals.
- Try using a better guess (
) by carrying out an SCF using the same starting structure, but at a lower level of theory such as HF/STO-3G. - If this doesn’t work, try using an alternate SCF converger such as
In some cases, a poor geometry can result in an unconverged SCF, if a bond is way too long or too short.
- Fixing the initial geometry may fix the problem.
In some cases, the optimizer itself takes a bad step, resulting in this error.
- Resubmitting the job with the penultimate (or earlier) geometry and a newly evaluated Hessian can fix this.
FOPT requested but NVar= XX while NDOF= YY
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
FOPT requested but NVar= 29 while NDOF= 15. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l202.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.3 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
You have requested a full optimization (FOpt), including checking the variables to make sure the correct number are present. The check indicates that there is an error.
- Fixing the error
If NDOF is less than NVar, then it means that the molecule is being run in a lower symmetry than it actually is, and you should consider running it with higher symmetry.
If NVar is less than NDOF, it usually means that your z-matrix has too many constraints, not appropriate to the actual symmetry.
You can bypass the check using Opt
instead of FOpt
, but this is not recommended.
Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals.
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Initial guess read from the checkpoint file: BiAq7_3+_C2.chk Unable to project full set of read-in orbitals. Projecting just the 36 occupied ones. Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l401.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 29.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 18 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 17 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
You are reading in a molecular-orbital guess from the checkpoint file, but the projection from the old to the new basis set has failed. This can happen if certain pseudopotential basis sets (CEP-121G*) are used with polarization functions where no polarization functions actually exist. In some cases Gaussian uses placeholder polarization functions with zero exponent.
- Fixing the error
- Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question. They are the same for many elements.
- A workaround is not to use the guess. in GetRSB
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
(rs|ai) integrals will be sorted in core. in GetRSB. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l906.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 32.7 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 514 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 10 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
The MP2 calculation has failed. It may be related to the pseudopotential problem above.
- Fixing the error
Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question. They are the same for many elements.
Symbol XXX not found in Z-matrix
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Symbol "H3NNN" not found in Z-matrix. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 14 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You have typed in a variable name (in the above example, H3NNN
) that is not in the z-matrix.
- Fixing the error
Either type the correct symbol, or add it to the z-matrix, as appropriate.
Variable X has invalid number of steps.
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Scan the potential surface. Variable Value No. Steps Step-Size -------- ----------- --------- --------- Variable 1 has invalid number of steps -1. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l108.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.7 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 13 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You are attempting to do a generate rigid potential energy scan. Most likely, you have two blank lines instead of one between the z-matrix and the variables.
- Fixing the error
Delete the extra blank line.
Problem with the distance matrix.
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Problem with the distance matrix. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l202.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 9 hours 11 minutes 14.3 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 634 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 10 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This can be an input error. At least two atoms are too close together, with the list given above.
Rarely, this can be a program error, particularly when one of the distances is NaN. This can happen when trying to optimize diatomics and you start off with too large a distance.
- Fixing the error
You will need to check variables and the z-matrix of the atoms in question to make sure there are no atoms close together. This can be a result of a missing minus sign in a torsion angle for molecules with planes of symmetry, in which the two atoms related by the plane of symmetry are now coincident, that is, they have distance 0 between them.
End of file in ZSymb
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Symbolic Z-matrix: Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1 End of file in ZSymb. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.6 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 9 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. Gaussian can’t find the z-matrix. There are two common causes:
- You may have omitted the blank line at the end of the geometry specification.
- You may have intended to get the z-matrix and parameters from the checkpoint file, but forgot to type
- Fixing the error
Add a blank line at the end or add geom=check
Linear search skipped for unknown reason
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
RFO could not converge Lambda in 999 iterations. Linear search skipped for unknown reason. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l103.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 7 hours 9 minutes 17.0 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 21 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 6 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
The rational function optimization was not successful during a linear search. Most likely the Hessian is no longer valid.
- Fixing the error
Restart optimization using Opt=CalcFC
Variable index of 3000 on card XXX is out of range, NVar=XX
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Variable index of 3000 on card 15 is out of range, NVar= 42. Termination in UpdVr1. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You forgot to add a variable in your Z-matrix to your list. In the above example, it is a variable which defines atom #15.
- Fixing the error
Add the variable.
Unknown center XXX
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Unknown center X Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You are trying to define an atom in a Z-matrix using another non-existent atom (in the above example, X)
- Fixing the error
Fix the atom name.
Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Error termination request processed by link 9999. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l9999.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 1 hours 53 minutes 10.4 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 20 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 11 Scr= 1
and just before
Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed. Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed. NNew= 6.03366976D+01 NOld= 5.07835896D+01 Diff= 9.55D+00
- Explanation of error
The conversion from redundant internal coordinates to Z-matrix coordinates failed because of the dummy atoms. You will have to make do with Cartesian coordinates.
- Fixing the error
The geometry optimization converged, but Gaussian couldn’t convert back to the input z-matrix.
malloc failed
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
malloc failed.: Resource temporarily unavailable malloc failed.
- Explanation of error
This is not strictly a Gaussian error. It typically means that the computer has run out of memory, perhaps because you asked for too much memory in the %mem
- Fixing the error
- Reduce the amount specified with
. - Or, increase the amount of memory requested in the job script with
Charge and multiplicity card seems defective:
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
---- -2 1 ---- Z-Matrix taken from the checkpoint file: oxalate_2-_Aq1_C2.chk Charge and multiplicity card seems defective: Charge is bogus. WANTED AN INTEGER AS INPUT. FOUND A STRING AS INPUT. CX = 0.7995 ? Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. If the title line is forgotten when using geom=modify
, then it interprets the charge/multiplicity line (in the above example, «-2 1») as the title, and then tries to interpret the variable list as the charge/multiplicity line.
- Fixing the error
Put in a title line.
Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol «XXXXX»
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
O2WXC 90. Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol "O2WXC". Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You are attempting a geom=modify
, but a variable whose value you are attempting to replace is not in the checkpoint file.
- Fixing the error
Either specify the correct checkpoint file or the correct variable.
Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB
- Description of error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Standard basis: 3-21G (6D, 7F) Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB. Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l301.exe. Job cpu time: 0 days 3 hours 46 minutes 57.4 seconds. File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 245 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 11 Scr= 1
- Explanation of error
This is an input error. You have had a change in point group, and you specified iop(2/15=4,2/16=2,2/17=7)
to try to avoid program crashing.
- Fixing the error
Be very careful with iop
, or remove altogether.
galloc: could not allocate memory
- Description of error
In the output file, you get
galloc: could not allocate memory
- Explanation of error
This is a memory allocation error due to lack of memory. Gaussian handles memory in such a way that it actually uses about 1GB more than %mem
- Fixing the error
The value for %mem
should be at least 1GB less than the value specified in the job submission script. Conversely, the value specified for --mem
in your job script should be at least 1GB greater than the amount specified in the %mem
directive in your Gaussian input file. The exact increment needed seems to depend on the job type and input details; 1GB is a conservative value determined empirically.
No such file or directory
- Description of error
In the job output file you get something like
PGFIO/stdio: No such file or directory PGFIO-F-/OPEN/unit=11/error code returned by host stdio - 2. File name = /home/johndoe/scratch/Gau-12345.inp In source file ml0.f, at line number 181 0 0x42bb41 Error: segmentation violation, address not mapped to object
- Explanation of error
The file named in the third line doesn’t exist, possibly because the containing directory does not exist. This happens, for example, if you set GAUSS_SCRDIR
to a directory that doesn’t exist.
- Fixing the error
Create the directory with mkdir
, or change the definition of GAUSS_SCRDIR
to name an existing directory.
Here, I will put continuously the error messages of Gaussian program and its solution. I collect all these from the internet, mailing list, and also my experiences when I use Gaussian.
Physical-related error:
1. Estimate disk for full transformation -677255533 words. Semi-Direct transformation. Bad length for file. You can set the MaxDisk keyword ( or you can split the RWF file using %RWF=loc1,size1,loc2,size2, … 1 word means 8 bytes.
2. Error due to memory usage:
IMax=3 JMax=2 DiffMx= 0.00D+00
Unable to allocate space to process matrices in G2DrvN:
NAtomX= 58 NBasis= 762 NBas6D= 762 MDV1= 6291106 MinMem= 105955841.
It shows that Gaussian has 6 MW free memory but the computational requres 106 MW. Put the higher value of memory (at least 106 MW (848 MBytes)) in the input file of ‘mem’.
Convergence error:
1. Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/intel/g03/l9999.exe at Thu =
Jun 1 16:23:59 2006.
Job cpu time: 0 days 5 hours 22 minutes 24.2 seconds.
There are many reasons caused by this error. Usually, this error shows that the iteration is not convergence. First, check the maximum iteration number, if it is exceed the number, means the iteration is not yet finish. You can repeat the iteration from the latest geometry with keyword Geom=check and add maxcyc=100 for example.
2. … Annihilation of the first spin contaminant:. S**2 before annihilation 1.0036, after 0.0288.
This caused by incorrect spin calculation. Also there are many reasons for this one. First, check the mehtod that you used whether you use restricted or unresctricted method. In my experince, this problem is usually occured when I used ‘small’ method, for example HF for relatively complex system. Second, it can be happen due to very bad input geometry. It will create worse initial guess and cause this problem.
3. … Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
Common error of the calculation when it exceed the maximum limit of the ‘maxcyc’. Continue the iteration by Geom=check or change the structure to get better initial guess.
Input file error
Please check the input file because there is an error on it. Usually, it will come another noticement below this line
Please check your method or basis set.
3. No pseudopotential information found on rwf file.
The combination of multiplicity 1 and 9 electrons is impossible.
There are two errors in this case, the first is related with the old .chk file which used in the currect calculation. The .chk file probably give the different infromation that you need. The second is related to the multiplicity and charge written in the input file which could be wrong.
4. The error due to the number of variable in the input structure
This can be happen when you do a calculation using CASSCF or opt(ES) and putting too much variable on the input structure. That is the limitation of current version algorithm and could be solved by limiting your variable max to 50, i.e. make others become frezee.
Troubleshooting Steps
- Check the end of the log file (
tail $FILENAME.log
) - Check the $FILENAME.err and $FILENAME.out files (
cat $FILENAME.{out,err}
) - Check your email for emails from XSEDE if there are any problems going on with the supercomputer (you might have to check over the course of a few hours).
- Check your gjf and job files for obvious errors.
- Wrong names or paths used in either file
- Wrong options used in gjf file
- Incorrect path for
option - Wrong charge/spin specifications
- Bad pairings of job options (
, multiple bases or functionals)
- Incorrect path for
- Try rerunning the job (This sometimes fixes random errors).
- If there is a still a problem, triple check all the files involved ($FILENAME.log, $FILENAME.gjf, $FILENAME.err, $FILENAME.job, $FILENAME.out) and look for anything that seems odd.
- If all else fails, try restarting from the begining (rebuild the molecule, job, etc)
qsub: submit filter returned an error code, aborting job submission.
Running job as user dlwhee93
Your job will not run
Invalid project-account number 'ios103' for queue 'normal', valid accounts for user 'dlwhee93' are:
ung100 on SDSC XSEDE Gordon: all queues (STGGORD)
This means that one of two things has happened.
1. Your user account is not on the allocation you put in the job file.
2. All the hours on the allocation you put in the job file have been used up.
- Request to get added to the allocation.
- Use another allocation that has not been used up.
When submitting a job the following error is returned.
-l nodes=...:ppn=<procs per node>:... is required
qsub: submit filter returned an error code, aborting job submission.
Sometimes the job files require an added ppn=16
on with the nodes specification (mainly just Trestles).
This problem can be fixed by adding that option to the job file. This can either be done with a text editor, or with sed
sed -i $JOBFILE -e 's/nodes=1/nodes=1:ppn=16/'
The supercomputer sent an email with a status code that
which: no g09 in (/opt/gaussian/g09:/opt/gnu/bin:/opt/gnu/gcc/bin:/opt/mvapich2/intel/ib/bin:/opt/intel/composer_xe_2013.1.117/bin/intel64:/usr/lib64/qt-3.3/bin:/usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/usr/java/latest/bin:/opt/maui/bin:/opt/torque/bin:/opt/torque/sbin:/opt/torque/bin:/opt/torque/sbin:/state/partition1/catalina/bin:/opt/pdsh/bin:/opt/rocks/bin:/opt/rocks/sbin:/home/servers/gordon/bin:/home/dlwhee93/bin:/opt/maui/bin:/opt/torque/bin:/opt/torque/sbin:/opt/torque/bin:/opt/torque/sbin:/state/partition1/catalina/bin:/home/servers/gordon/bin:/home/dlwhee93/bin)
Gaussian requires that you accept their terms of service before you will be able to use their software, so for each of the supercomputers you will need to accept their terms of service. Without accepting the terms of service the Gaussian module will not load.
You will need to fill out the required forms for that supercomputer to get access. For example, here is the link for the Blacklight form.
%chk=C:UsersresearchDocumentsMy SugarSyncgjfsoct_010_2.chk
The %chk
specification in the gjf is not correct. The path that is specified there must correspond to a path on the supercomputer (in most cases this should just be the name of the file without any folders).
Change the %chk
to be a proper path (remove the C:Users...
part and leave the $FILENAME.chk part)
Post job file processing error; job on host trestles-9-10/15+trestles-9-10/14+trestles-9-10/13+trestles-9-10/12+trestles-9-10/11+trestles-9-10/10+trestles-9-10/9+trestles-9-10/8+trestles-9-10/7+trestles-9-10/6+trestles-9-10/5+trestles-9-10/4+trestles-9-10/3+trestles-9-10/2+trestles-9-10/1+trestles-9-10/0Unknown resource type REJHOST=trestles-9-10.local MSG=invalid home directory '/home/ccollins' specified, errno=2 (No such file or directory)
Generally, this happens when there is a problem with the supercomputer. In this specific case, the File system on Trestles went bad and there was an email sent out from XSEDE within a few hours saying that there was a problem.
This problem can also be caused by a bad job file.
Wait and see if XSEDE sends out an email saying that the supercomputer has been fixed. Or if it is the other problem, then check and make sure all the paths/filenames are correct in the job file.
galloc: could not allocate memory.
The supercomputer was unable to allocate memory for your current job.
There are two possible fixes for this problem:
1. Try rerunning the job (this might have to be done multiple times). It seems that sometimes the supercomputer is just unable to allocate memory. This problem can seem to pop up at random.
2. Try lowering the %mem
option in the gjf file to a lower number.
Empty log file
This means that the job had an error before the execution of Gaussian. To get an exact answer to what the problem is you will have to check your email about the job, the $FILENAME.err
file, and the $FILENAME.out
file. In one of those places it should give you a clue to where the problem might be.
Fixes for these kind of problems will be completely dependent on what is seen in your email, the $FILENAME.err
file, or the $FILENAME.out
Aborted by PBS Server
Job exceeded its walltime limit. Job was aborted
See Administrator for help
Initial convergence to 1.0D-05 achieved. Increase integral accuracy.
Integral accuracy reduced to 1.0D-05 until final iterations.
Calling FoFJK, ICntrl= 2127 FMM=T ISym2X=0 I1Cent= 0 IOpClX= 0 NMat=1 NMatS=1 NMatT=0.
No special actions if energy rises.
These sorts of messages are symptomatic of a calculation getting cut off part way through (e.g. reaching the walltime). You will notice that all of these «errors» can be seen inside of a normal log file. This implies that the calculation was cut off while running.
This can also be confirmed by checking your email for for the walltime error message.
Move the incomplete log files back to your computer from the supercomputer and load them in Gaussian. Then from there save them as new gjfs and resubmit those on the supercomputer.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /opt/gaussian/g09/l401.exe
If you make the gjf files on windows there is a chance that windows will tack on the windows line endings instead of the ones that are required for unix/linux. This is just a problem of convention differences in the two operating systems. You can see if this is actually the problem if you open one of the gjf files in vim
on the supercomputer. If the lines end with a ^M
then they will have this problem.
Run the dos2unix utility to fix all the line endings.
dos2unix $FILENAME
End of file in ZSymb.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/diag/opt/gaussian/g09/l101.exe
Gaussian requires that all the gjf files end with a single blank line for whatever reason. If this condition is not met then it will return this error in the log file.
Add a newline to the end of the file.
Route card not found.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /usr/local/Dist/g09/l1.exe at Thu Dec 19 17:38:29 2013.
Gaussian requires that all job files have the route card information line (the line with the #). If that line is not there then it will return an error.
Add the route card line with the proper parameters.
Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /global/apps/gaussian/g03.e01/g03/l9999.exe
When running Gaussian, there are two kinds of ways the job can run for too long. The first is a walltime, the second is when Gaussian reaches the max number of iterations. This is the latter case.
Just like with a walltime error, move the incomplete log files back to your computer from the supercomputer and load them in Gaussian. Then from there save them as new gjfs and resubmit those on the supercomputer.
Normal Termination of Gaussian XX
Normally Gaussian will terminate with a line such as
Job cpu time: 0 days 6 hours 57 minutes 42.2 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 4743 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 9 Scr= 1
Normal termination of Gaussian 98.
If a job fails without producing an error message (but with a normal looking output), it usually means that the job exceeded the allocated time (h_rt=HH:MM:SS) or, more rarely, that your disk quota has been exceeded.
Erroneous Write
Description of Error
Near the end of the output, it reads something similar to
Erroneous write. write 122880 instead of 4239360.
fd = 3
Erroneous write. write 122880 instead of 4239360.
fd = 3
writwa: File exists
Erroneous write. write -1 instead of 3648000.
fd = 4
writwa: No space left on device
Erroneous write during file extend. write -1 instead of 8192
Probably out of disk space.
Write error in NtrExt1
Explanation of Error
Typically, this occurs when you have run out of disk space. This could potentially occur if the disk is physically full, or if you have exceeded your quota, or (more rarely) a network drive is unavailable because of a communications disruption.
Fixing the Error
- Check your disk quota (quota) and disk space (df -k, du -sk). Delete unnecessary files, or
- Your job may simply be too big to run on current hardware. Try using a smaller basis set.
Link 9999
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l9999.exe.
A few pages above, you get a line such as
Maximum Force 0.020301 0.000450 NO
RMS Force 0.007068 0.000300 NO
Maximum Displacement 0.078972 0.001800 NO
RMS Displacement 0.023716 0.001200 NO
Predicted change in Energy=-3.132299D-05
Optimization stopped.
-- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 34
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
! Non-Optimized Parameters !
! (Angstroms and Degrees) !
Explanation of Error
This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally in some fashion. Typically, it means that a geometry optimization has not converged.
Fixing the Error
Geometry optimizations usually fail to converge for one of a few reasons.
If your initial starting structure is not good, then you should ask if you can provide a better starting structure, for example, one optimized at a lower level of theory. However, if it looks as if the structure is converging to what you want, as seen in your visualizer of choice, then one should restart the optimization from the last step, for example by using geom=allcheck in the route line, and it generally is a good idea to also use opt=CalcFC in these situations if it is not too expensive (say HF or DFT).
If your starting force constants matrix (Hessian) is poor, use a better one. This typically manifests itself when they vary a lot between levels, or if there is a large geometry change during the optimization. One can carry out a series of linked jobs (—Link1—). If you have a previous job, then usually Opt=ReadFC works well, but occasionally Opt=CalcFC, or rarely Opt=CalcAll are needed. In these cases, the forces are often converged, but the steps are not, and the final output will look like
Item Value Threshold Converged? Maximum Force 0.000401 0.000450 YES RMS Force 0.000178 0.000300 YES Maximum Displacement 0.010503 0.001800 NO RMS Displacement 0.003163 0.001200 NO
Rarely, the coordinate system itself may be at fault. If z-matrix coordinates are being used, then in some cases, poor choices can be made, which result in angles, or three consecutive atoms of the four atoms used to define a torsion angle (dihedral angle) may be collinear (the angle is close to 0 or 180 degrees), which can give problems. In this case one can either formulate a better z-matrix or use the default redundant internal coordinates.
If these methods fail, another option would be to change the optimization method from the default to another type, such as opt=ef (if the number of variables is less than 50) or opt=gdiis (for floppy molecules).
angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l716.exe.
The lines above will be a z-matrix, above which will contain lines such as
Error on Z-matrix card number 9
angle Alpha is outside the valid range of 0 to 180.
Conversion from Z-matrix to cartesian coordinates failed:
CD Cent Atom N1 Length/X N2 Alpha/Y N3 Beta/Z J
9 9 H 8 0.962154( 8) 1 -1.879( 16) 2 0.000( 23) 0
Explanation of Error
This means that the Gaussian job terminated abnormally because an angle x in the z-matrix optimized to become outside the allowed range of 0 < x < 180.
Fixing the Error
This can happen if there are large geometry changes in a molecule, especially one composed of interacting fragments, and one must either re-define the z-matrix, or use a different coordinate system.
Reading basis center
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
End of file reading basis center.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l301.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.9 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 10 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You are attempting to read in a general basis set but you forgot to put in the basis set.
Fixing the Error
Put in the basis set, or remove the gen from the route line and specify an internal basis set.
Operation on file out of range
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
Above this, you have something like
Operation on file out of range.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)=-19999 Len= 1829888 IPos= -900525056 Q= 4352094416
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles = 109 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 1024
defal = T LstWrd = 7437256704 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
… a lot of numbers
Explanation of Error
This typically happens when you try to retrieve something from the checkpoint file (Opt=ReadFC or guess=read or geom=allcheck/modify) that is not there, either because you did not calculate it previously, or you ran out of disk space/time in the middle of a job and the information needed wasn’t written to the checkpoint file.
G09 Rev D.01 有时会出现 “Operation on file out of range” 的提示信息。
如果从底部往回搜索NBsUse, 发现最后两个数值不一致,这就是G09 Rev D.01的一个Bug,将在高斯下一个版本中修复。下文中详细描述了该错误出现的位置和原因,以及应对措施:
Operation on file out of range 错误在这里出现,程序试图通过对比两组猜测 (Guess)来生成新的猜测:
B after Tr= 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Rot= ..............................
Guess basis will be translated and rotated to current coordinates.
B after Tr= 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
Rot= ................................
Guess basis will be translated and rotated to current coordinates.
CkInt1: FT= 1.11D-01
Max alpha theta= 11.111 degrees.
Operation on file out of range.
出错的原因是两组猜测中的线性独立基函数(basis function)数目不一致。
如果你在输出文件中从末尾往前搜索»NBsUse»,在最后一个结构(即出错的那个结 构)中线性独立基函数数目是1111
NBasis= 1234 RedAO= T EigKep= 1.01D-06 NBF= 1234
NBsUse= 1111 1.00D-06 EigRej= 6.66D-07 NBFU= 1111
如果继续往前搜索,上一个结构(最后一个正常完成优化的结构)线性独立基函数 数目是1110
NBasis= 1234 RedAO= T EigKep= 1.01D-06 NBF= 1234
NBsUse= 1110 1.00D-06 EigRej= 6.66D-07 NBFU= 1110
两个结构的线性独立基函数数目不一致,Link 401无法处理这种情况,所以报错。
A) 减少弥散函数数目。另外Pople基组容易出现这种问题,而较新的Dunning基组 不容易出现
B) 从chk文件读取几何结构重新进行几何优化。不过在接下的优化步骤中还可能出 现同样问题,需要再重复该步骤。
C) 使用“Guess=Always”,每步都重新生成猜测。不过只推荐用于基态SCF比较容易 得到的体系。复杂体系,比如需要使用broken symmetry SCF的体系就不推荐。
D) 使用开壳层波函数,比如 «UB3LYP» 代替 «B3LYP»。这可以完全避免出现该问 题,不过计算量要增大很多。
Fixing the Error
Don’t ask for the information in the checkpoint file (i.e. re-calculate or type in what you need)
End of file in GetChg
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Symbolic Z-matrix:
End of file in GetChg.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 11 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
You have specified an input in which the charge/multiplicity line is required, but you forgot to put it in. Alternatively, you meant to read the charge/multiplicity from the checkpoint, but forgot to put geom=allcheck in the route section.
Fixing the Error
Put the charge/multiplicity line in, or put geom=allcheck in the route section.
Change in point group or standard orientation
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
Stoichiometry CdH14O7(2+)
Framework group C2[C2(CdO),X(H14O6)]
Deg. of freedom 30
Full point group C2 NOp 2
Omega: Change in point group or standard orientation.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l202.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 3 hours 35 minutes 40.8 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 58 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 19 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
During the optimization process, either the standard orientation or the point group of the molecule has changed. If the former, a visualization program will show this as a sudden flipping of the structure (typically by 180 degrees). This error is a lot less common since Gaussian 03 was released.
Fixing the Error
- This can indicate that your z-matrix is not correctly specified, if you go from a point group (e.g C2v) to a subgroup of the point group (C2 or Cs or C1).
- If the point group here is correct, it could indicate that your starting structure had too high symmetry and you should desymmetrize it.
- (Rare) If the point group here is incorrect (of higher symmetry), then your z-matrix should be reformulated with more symmetry.
- If you don’t care about symmetry, then you could turn symmetry completely off.
Unrecognized atomic symbol
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
General basis read from cards: (6D, 7F)
Unrecognized atomic symbol ic2
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l301.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.6 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 12 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
You are reading in a general basis set, but the atom specified (in the above example, ic2) does not match any standard atomic symbol. This can also happen in a link job if a previous step uses default coordinates (which wipes the z-matrix) and then you try to modify the z-matrix with geom=modify. The z-matrix variable section is ignored, but it may be attempted to be interpreted as basis set information.
Fixing the Error
Type in the correct atomic symbol.
Convergence failure — run terminated
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
>>>>>>>>>> Convergence criterion not met.
SCF Done: E(RHF) = -2131.95693715 A.U. after 257 cycles
Convg = 0.8831D-03 -V/T = 2.0048
S**2 = 0.0000
Convergence failure -- run terminated.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l502.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 5 minutes 0.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 15 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
>>>>>>>>>> Convergence criterion not met.
SCF Done: E(UHF) = -918.564956094 A.U. after 65 cycles
Convg = 0.4502D-04 -V/T = 2.0002
S**2 = 0.8616
Annihilation of the first spin contaminant:
S**2 before annihilation 0.8616, after 0.7531
Convergence failure -- run terminated.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l502.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 3 minutes 56.2 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
The SCF (self-consistent field) procedure has failed to converge.
Fixing the Error
The SCF procedure might fail to converge if a poor guess is provided for the molecular orbitals.
- Try using a better guess (guess=read) by carrying out an SCF using the same starting structure, but at a lower level of theory such as HF/STO-3G.
- If this doesn’t work, one could try using an alternate SCF converger such as SCF=QC or SCF=XQC (if you expect difficulties before you start running).
In some cases, a poor geometry can result in an unconverged SCF, if a bond is way too long or too short. - Fixing the initial geometry may fix the problem.
In some cases, the optimizer itself takes a bad step, resulting in this error. - Resubmitting the job with the penultimate (or another) point and a newly evaluated Hessian can fix this.
FOPT requested but NVar= XX while NDOF= YY
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get a line such as
FOPT requested but NVar= 29 while NDOF= 15.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l202.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.3 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
You have requested a full optimization (FOpt), including checking the variables to make sure the correct number are present. The check indicates that there is an error.
Fixing the Error
If NDOF is less than NVar, then it means that the molecule is being run in a lower symmetry than it actually is, and you should consider running it with higher symmetry. If NVar is less than NDIF, it usually means that your z-matrix has too many constraints, not appropriate to the actual symmetry. You can bypass the check using Opt instead of FOpt, but this is not recommended.
Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals.
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Initial guess read from the checkpoint file:
Unable to project full set of read-in orbitals.
Projecting just the 36 occupied ones.
Unable to project read-in occupied orbitals.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l401.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 29.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 18 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 17 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
You are reading in a molecular-orbital guess from the checkpoint file, but the projection from the old to the new basis set has failed. This can happen if certain pseudopotential basis sets (CEP-121G*) are used with polarization functions where no polarization functions actually exist. In some cases Gaussian uses a placeholder polarization functions with zero exponent.
Fixing the Error
- Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question (it is the same as CEP-121G for many elements)
- A workaround is not to use the guess. in GetRSB
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
(rs|ai) integrals will be sorted in core. in GetRSB.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l906.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 32.7 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 514 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 10 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
The MP2 calculation has failed. It may be related to the pseudopotential problem above.
Fixing the Error
Don’t use CEP-121G*, use CEP-121G for the elements in question (it is the same as CEP-121G for many elements)
Symbol XXX not found in Z-matrix
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Symbol "H3NNN" not found in Z-matrix.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 14 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You have typed in a variable name (in the above example, H3NNN) that is not in the z-matrix.
Fixing the Error
Either type the correct symbol, or add it to the z-matrix, as required.
Variable X has invalid number of steps.
#### Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Scan the potential surface.
Variable Value No. Steps Step-Size
-------- ----------- --------- ---------
Variable 1 has invalid number of steps -1.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l108.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.7 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 13 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You are attempting to do a generate rigid potential energy scan. Most likely, you have two blank lines instead of one between the z-matrix and the variables.
Fixing the Error
Delete the extra blank line.
Problem with the distance matrix.
####Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Problem with the distance matrix.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l202.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 9 hours 11 minutes 14.3 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 634 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 10 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This can be an input error. At least two atoms are too close together, with the list given above. (Rare) Sometimes this can be a program error, particularly when one of the distances is NaN. This can happen when trying to optimize diatomics and you start off with too large a distance.
Fixing the Error
You will need to check variables and the z-matrix of the atoms in question to make sure there are no atoms closed together. This can be a result of a missing minus sign in a torsion for molecules with planes of symmetry, in which the two atoms related by the plane of symmetry are now coincident (if distance is exactly 0).
End of file in ZSymb
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Symbolic Z-matrix:
Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1
End of file in ZSymb.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.6 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 9 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. It can’t find the z-matrix. Most likely you intended to get the z-matrix and parameters from the checkpoint file, but forgot to type geom=check.
Fixing the Error
Add geom=check.
Linear search skipped for unknown reason
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
RFO could not converge Lambda in 999 iterations.
Linear search skipped for unknown reason.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l103.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 7 hours 9 minutes 17.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 21 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 6 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
The rational function optimization was not successful during a linear search. Most likely the Hessian is no longer valid.
#### Fixing the Error
Restart optimization using Opt=CalcFC.
Variable index of 3000 on card XXX is out of range, NVar=XX
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Variable index of 3000 on card 15 is out of range, NVar= 42.
Termination in UpdVr1.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 11 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You forgot to add a variable in your Z-matrix to your list. In the above example, it is a variable which defines atom #15.
Fixing the Error
Add the variable.
Unknown center XXX
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Unknown center X
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You are trying to define an atom in a Z-matrix using another non-existent atom (in the above example, X)
Fixing the Error
Fix the atom name.
Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Error termination request processed by link 9999.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l9999.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 1 hours 53 minutes 10.4 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 20 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 11 Scr= 1
and just before
Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed.
Determination of dummy atom variables in z-matrix conversion failed.
NNew= 6.03366976D+01 NOld= 5.07835896D+01 Diff= 9.55D+00
Explanation of Error
The conversion from redundant internal coordinates to Z-matrix coordinates failed because of the dummy atoms. You will have to make do with the Cartesion coordinates.
Fixing the Error
The geometry optimization converged, but Gaussian couldn’t convert back to the input z-matrix.
malloc failed
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
malloc failed.: Resource temporarily unavailable
malloc failed.
Explanation of Error
This is not strictly a Gaussian error. It typically means that the computer has run out of memory, perhaps because you asked for too much memory in the %mem line.
Fixing the Error
Reduce the amount of memory.
Charge and multiplicity card seems defective:
Description of Error
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
-2 1
Z-Matrix taken from the checkpoint file:
Charge and multiplicity card seems defective:
Charge is bogus.
CX = 0.7995
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. If the title line is forgotten when using geom=modify, then it interprets the charge multiplicity line (in the above example, «-2 1») as the title, and then tries to interpret the variable list as the charge/multiplicity line.
Fixing the Error
Put in the title line.
Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol «XXXXX»
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
O2WXC 90.
Attempt to redefine unrecognized symbol "O2WXC".
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l101.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.5 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 6 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 8 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You are attempting a geom=modify, but a variable whose value you are attempting to replace does not exist in the checkpoint file.
Fixing the Error
Either specify the correct checkpoint file or variable.
Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB
At the end of your output, you get lines such as
Standard basis: 3-21G (6D, 7F)
Inconsistency #2 in MakNEB.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /disc30/g98/l301.exe.
Job cpu time: 0 days 3 hours 46 minutes 57.4 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 245 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 11 Scr= 1
Explanation of Error
This is an input error. You have had a change in point group, and you specified iop(2/15=4,2/16=2,2/17=7) to try to avoid program crashing.
Fixing the Error
Be very careful with iop, or remove altogether.
galloc: could not allocate memory
In the output file, you get
galloc: could not allocate memory
Explanation of Error
This is a memory allocation error due to lack of memory. Gaussian handles memory in such a way that it actually uses about 1G more than %MEM.
Fixing the Error
The value for %MEM should be at least 1GB less than the value specified in the job submission script. Conversely, the value specified for h_vmem in your job script should be at least 1GB greater than the amount specified in the %MEM directive in your Gaussian input file. The exact increment needed seems to depend on the job type and input details; 1GB is a conservative value determined empirically.
CConnectionGLOD:Orient_Dipole_Derivative() Unable to orient dipole derivatives
Explanation and Fixing the Error
There is no matter! This message comes often for linear molecules. Gaussview cannot modify your output results. It is a visualization software, although it help building input files. Calculations have normal terminated.
###Predicted change in Energy= 0.000000D+00
Item Value Threshold Converged?
Maximum Force 0.087447 0.000450 NO
RMS Force 0.004143 0.000300 NO
Maximum Displacement 0.000000 0.001800 YES
RMS Displacement 0.000000 0.001200 YES
Predicted change in Energy= 0.000000D+00
Optimization aborted.
-- No acceptable step.
Explanation and Fixing the Error
This may happen when the potential well is sharp enough,according to my physical intuition.Under this situation,you have a large force but small displacement.
Bend failed for angle
Berny optimization.
Using GEDIIS/GDIIS optimizer.
Bend failed for angle 3 - 6 - 5
Tors failed for dihedral 7 - 3 - 6 - 5
Tors failed for dihedral 4 - 5 - 6 - 3
Tors failed for dihedral 21 - 5 - 6 - 3
FormBX had a problem.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /ichec/packages/gaussian/09d01/l103.exe at
Wed Aug 27 23:51:19 2014.
Job cpu time: 5 days 21 hours 58 minutes 55.8 seconds.
Explanation and Fixing the Error
It seems you have some linear bends around the 3-5-6 angle. You can try several options:
You can kill all the dihedrals related to the 3-6-5 angle or make an explicit definition of the linear bends involved.
A simpler option is to restart the optimization at point it has stopped reading the current geometry and forcing Gaussian to rebuild the set of red. internals using geom=(checkpoint,newdefinition)
Solutions for Gaussian Error Messages (translation in progress ⏳)
This is an article containing reliable explanations and solutions for almost all error messages in the Gaussian quantum chemistry programs. This is a per-request English translation for a long blog in Chinese I wrote a few years back.
I wrote this as there is almost no reliable list of how to solve the errors. Similar online resources online are neither comprehensive nor accurate.
This blog is for people with basic knowledge of how Gaussian works, what’s the basic structure of Gaussian files, and a basic understanding of quantum chemistry. So do not ask questions like «what do you mean by add XXXX keyword?».
Using (including part of) this blog in a commercial setting (or for any profitable action) is prohibited. Otherwise, feel free to use this material as long as you mention the source before the usage, and link to this article.
I’m not related to Gaussian Inc. in any way.
List of errors
General errors
- Severe Error Message # 2070 (Windows) ✔️
- segmentation violation/segmentation fault (Linux) ✔️
Errors raised by specific links
- L1,ntrex1 ⏳
- L1,Illegal IType or MSType generated by parse. ⏳
- L1,QPErr — A syntax error was detected in the input line. ⏳
- L101,End of file in ZSymb. ⏳
- L101,Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error ⏳
- L103,Error in internal coordinate system ⏳
- L103,Linear angle in Bend; Linear angle in Tors ⏳
- L103,FormBX had a problem ⏳
- L103,NRF ne Abs NRFX ⏳
- L103,New curvilinear step not converged. Error imposing constraints. ⏳
- L103,Bad arguments to LAPack or BLAS routine. ⏳
- L123,Max corrector steps exceded ⏳
- L123,GS2 Optimization Failure. ⏳
- L123,GetHes: LRWHes > LHess! ⏳
- L202,Problem with the distance matrix. ⏳
- L202,Atoms too close. ⏳
- L301,The combination of multiplicity X and XXX electrons is impossible. ⏳
- L301,End of file reading basis center. ⏳
- L301,EOF while reading ECP pointer card. ⏳
- L301,No solvent atoms in DisRep. ⏳
- L301,Atomic number out of range for XXX basis set. ⏳
- L301,R6DS8: Unable to choose the S8 parameter ⏳
- L301,R6DRCv: No RCov radius available for IA=XX ⏳
- L301,R6DC6: No C6 coefficient available for IA=XX ⏳
- L401,Diagonalization in DiagDN via DSPEV failed. ⏳
- L502,Convergence failure ✔️
- L502,Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu. ⏳
- L502,Inv3 failed in PCMMkU ⏳
- L508,Convergence failure ⏳
- L508,Inv3 failed in PCMMkU ⏳
- L602,GetVDW: no radius for atom XX atomic number XX. ⏳
- L801,Excessive mixing of core and valence orbitals. ⏳
- L801, Fatal Problem: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is XXXXXX ⏳
- L906,Internal consistency failure #1 in GetIJB. ⏳
- L913,*MAX. CYCLES* ⏳
- L914,XXXXXX words are not enough for AIAXAO. ⏳
- L914,Unable to match L and R vectors in BiOrth ⏳
- L1002,Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu. ⏳
- L1002,No func 3rd derivs with XXX. ⏳
- L1002,NIJ > Max2 in MMCore. ⏳
- L1002,XXXXXX words are not enough for AIAXAO. ⏳
- L1014,Tx not orthogonal to T ⏳
- L9999,Optimization stopped. ⏳
Computer/OS related errors
- Error: illegal instruction, illegal opcode ⏳
- Internal input file was deleted! ⏳
- open-new-file ⏳
- Error Message # 2066. Can’t create file Temp input file ‘gxx.inp’ ⏳
Hard drive
- Erroneous write ⏳
- g_write ⏳
- needs more words of memory ⏳
- Not enough memory to run at all ⏳
- Out-of-memory error in routine XXX ⏳
- galloc: could not allocate memory. ⏳
Difficult cases
- NtrErr Called from XXXXXX. ⏳
What does a Gaussian Bug look like
- Is it a bug? ⏳
Abnormal situations that don’t give an error message
- IRC job stopped prematurely, or goes in another direction ⏳
- One or more small imaginary frequencies after optimization ⏳
- G09 Windows exit at L1.exe without an error message ⏳
- Abnormal bonding / unbonding in GaussView ⏳
- Viewing IRC jobs in GaussView, it gives an abnormally low energy point at the X=0 point ⏳
Normal outputs that could be mistaken as errors
- Warning!!: The largest alpha MO coefficient is… ⏳
- Warning!!: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is… ⏳
- Error on total polarization charges ⏳
- This type of calculation cannot be archived. ⏳
- No special actions if energy rises. ⏳
- DIIS: error ⏳
- End of XXXXXX F.D. properties file XXX does not exist. ⏳
Other common questions
- «Missing or bad data: Alpha Orbital Energies» when opening chk or fchk files with GaussView ⏳
- “How long will this calculation takes?” ⏳
- How to generate an initial guess for transition state geometry optimization with flexible scan ⏳
- “How to put a charge / electron on this atom / fragment?» ⏳
- How to calculate activation-strain (distortion-interaction) energy ⏳
Explanation and solution for the errors
For ones who would like to read this in whole, the order of the following sections is different from the list of errors above. Use the anchor links if you would like to navigate to specific errors.
General errors
▶️ Severe Error Message # 2070 (Windows)
▶️ segmentation violation/segmentation fault (Linux)
➤ Example:
Error: segmentation violation
rax 0000000000000000, rbx 000000000060c640, rcx ffffffffffffffff
rdx 0000000000007f57, rsp 0000007fbffed948, rbp 0000007fbffed970
rsi 000000000000000b, rdi 0000000000007f57, r8 0000002a9558af40
r9 0000000000000000, r10 0000007fbffed801, r11 0000000000000206
r12 0000000000615890, r13 0000000000640398, r14 0000000000640398
r15 0000000000640398
➤ Explanation
This is just a message saying «Something is wrong» without any specific information.
➤ Solution
As there is no info on the specific error, any method you got online for «how to solve the Gaussian 2070 error» is nonsense. You should look at the (end of the) output file to see the specific reason for the error.
On the windows version of the Gaussian, the output might not update when the error happened, so you might see an empty window. In this case, you need to open the output file itself or wait some time to see the text in the main UI.
SCF Convergence
▶️ L502,Convergence failure
➤ Example:
Cycle 128 Pass 1 IDiag 1:
RMSU= 9.02D-07 CP: 1.00D+00 9.48D-01 3.00D+00 1.61D+00 1.30D+00
CP: 1.61D+00 1.46D+00
E= -14914.8006510842 Delta-E= 0.000260457560 Rises=F Damp=F
DIIS: error= 1.39D-02 at cycle 128 NSaved= 20.
NSaved=20 IEnMin=16 EnMin= -14923.1431281454 IErMin= 8 ErrMin= 8.37D-03
ErrMax= 1.39D-02 0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 8.92D-01 BMatP= 4.53D-01
IDIUse=2 WtCom= 0.00D+00 WtEn= 1.00D+00
EnCoef did 94 forward-backward iterations
Coeff-En: 0.837D-01 0.000D+00 0.544D-01 0.287D+00 0.818D-03 0.000D+00
Coeff-En: 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.149D+00 0.485D-05 0.228D-01 0.144D-03
Coeff-En: 0.903D-02 0.129D-03 0.778D-04 0.393D+00 0.216D-03 0.313D-03
Coeff-En: 0.237D-03 0.376D-03
Coeff: 0.837D-01 0.000D+00 0.544D-01 0.287D+00 0.818D-03 0.000D+00
Coeff: 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.149D+00 0.485D-05 0.228D-01 0.144D-03
Coeff: 0.903D-02 0.129D-03 0.778D-04 0.393D+00 0.216D-03 0.313D-03
Coeff: 0.237D-03 0.376D-03
Gap= 0.015 Goal= None Shift= 0.000
RMSDP=1.87D-06 MaxDP=3.06D-04 DE= 2.60D-04 OVMax= 8.02D-05
>>>>>>>>>> Convergence criterion not met.
Error on total polarization charges = ********
SCF Done: E(RPBE1PBE) = -14914.8006511 A.U. after 129 cycles
NFock=128 Conv=0.19D-05 -V/T= 4.2204
KE= 4.631417055578D+03 PE=-4.911726716823D+04 EE= 7.213578297303D+03
SMD-CDS (non-electrostatic) energy (kcal/mol) = -6.81
(included in total energy above)
Convergence failure -- run terminated.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /gpfs/share/home/1501110295/g16/l502.exe at Tue Mar 31 23:16:51 2020.
Job cpu time: 7 days 18 hours 47 minutes 16.6 seconds.
Elapsed time: 0 days 5 hours 57 minutes 42.6 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 3744 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 176 Scr= 32
➤ Explanation
This is one of the most common problems in daily operations. The SCF (self-consistent field) iteration is not converged to below the threshold you designated (scf=conv=XX, default 1D-8) within the maximum number of cycles (scf=maxcyc=XX, default 128 cycles) you designated.
➤ Identify the problem
Before finding solutions, you need to identify specifically how is the convergence going. To do this, you need to replace the #
to #p
in your route card to show details of SCF iteration (I suggest always doing this, except for special jobs like ONIOM with a large molecule). You can plot the E = -XXX.XXXXX
in each cycle, zoom in to the graph so that the changes in the later cycles are clearly visible (referred to as «the curve» later). From the curve, you may find a few scenarios, and you should deal with each one of them separately:
- [Fluctuation at initial stage]: The curve is fluctuating, and the convergence (given by
NFock=128 Conv=XXXXD-XX
in the output) is far from the threshold (usually larger than 10^-3 hartree). The fluctuation can be somewhat chaotic:
or can also be oscillating with a fixed period:
(please ignore the vertical axis, this is an output of my QM Monitor
program, and the vertical axis does not linearly correspond to energy.)
[Fluctuation at later stage]: same with above, just the convergence is closer to the threshold, like 10^-5 hartree or below
[Monotonous decline]: The curve is monotonously declining (it’s ok to have a few points as exceptions to the monotonous trend), but doesn’t converge at maxcyc. This situation is exceedingly rare. I believe I’ve only encountered this less than 5 times in all my calculations, and interestingly, most of them involves lanthanide atoms.
[SCF (curve shape irrelevant) with drastically different electronic energy for similar structures] (for example, during optimization). For example, the image and output below represent a job that ends with an SCF convergent failure. The last step has an SCF energy several hundred hartree higher than previous ones. Reviewing the optimization process (Image below, right), you can see the optimization kinda goes haywire (the forces and displacements don’t look right) at around step 39. This is reflexed in the jump of his SCF energy (despite it has converged). Steps 50 and 56 (highlighted with arrow) also have energy tens of hartrees above the normal ones. This usually indicated a deeper problem than just SCF convergence problem and could be raised from dividing a very small number and results in a very large numerical error. The small number could be caused by the linear dependency of the basis sets or solvation cavity issues (see the section L502/L508,Inv3 failed in PCMMkU).
Opt Step 37: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13282335 A.U. after 12 cycles Opt Step 38: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13719799 A.U. after 11 cycles --> Opt Step 39: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.10522704 A.U. after 13 cycles Opt Step 40: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13602726 A.U. after 12 cycles Opt Step 41: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13709759 A.U. after 8 cycles Opt Step 42: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13718461 A.U. after 7 cycles Opt Step 43: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13719706 A.U. after 1 cycles Opt Step 44: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13719791 A.U. after 1 cycles Opt Step 45: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13222362 A.U. after 12 cycles Opt Step 46: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13968083 A.U. after 12 cycles Opt Step 47: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13599635 A.U. after 13 cycles Opt Step 48: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13662431 A.U. after 12 cycles Opt Step 49: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13636208 A.U. after 12 cycles --> Opt Step 50: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3845.72449495 A.U. after 54 cycles Opt Step 51: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13665330 A.U. after 20 cycles Opt Step 52: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13647203 A.U. after 23 cycles Opt Step 53: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13594059 A.U. after 26 cycles Opt Step 54: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13482223 A.U. after 26 cycles Opt Step 55: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13408631 A.U. after 35 cycles --> Opt Step 56: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3888.91182114 A.U. after 73 cycles Opt Step 57: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13665328 A.U. after 22 cycles Opt Step 58: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13647358 A.U. after 25 cycles Opt Step 59: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13595614 A.U. after 26 cycles Opt Step 60: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13490799 A.U. after 27 cycles Opt Step 61: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13382018 A.U. after 30 cycles --> Opt Step 62: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -4207.17296836 A.U. after 129 cycles
➤ Solution
First, there is almost no keyword that can systematically increase the chance of convergence in everyday calculation. I suggest against adding any additional SCF-related keywords to your input file (i.e., keep it as the default).
(Many of the following content in this section referenced this Chinese post by Sobereva.)
For [Monotonous decline] ONLY, use
(choose a number larger than 128) to increase the maximum number of cycles. As I mentioned before, this is a rare situation, and this keyword is heavily abused on the internet. Use this keyword in any other situations will only cause you unnecessary CPU times. And it is a sign of ignorance if you see someone write this option as his «default option» (i.e. write this to all the input files). -
For [Fluctuation at initial stage], first try one or a combination of several of the keywords below:
: In L502 output, you can see this sentenceInitial convergence to 1.0D-05 achieved. Increase integral accuracy.
(example below), which means before this step, as the SCF is far from convergent, Gaussian will use a lower integration accuracy to save time. However, this may cause SCF fluctuation, in that case, disabling it may solve the problem. Adding this keyword will almost never cause a convergent SCF to become divergent, but it will likely cause an increase in the computation time.Coeff: 0.113D+00 0.365D+00 0.534D+00 Gap= 0.125 Goal= None Shift= 0.000 RMSDP=9.29D-06 MaxDP=3.04D-03 DE=-3.18D-03 OVMax= 3.90D-03 Cycle 10 Pass 0 IDiag 1: RMSU= 6.05D-06 CP: 9.87D-01 6.50D-01 1.65D-01 6.63D-02 6.41D-01 CP: 6.58D-01 7.67D-01 8.17D-01 7.24D-01 E= -13297.5461801855 Delta-E= -0.000664594365 Rises=F Damp=F DIIS: error= 2.05D-04 at cycle 10 NSaved= 10. NSaved=10 IEnMin=10 EnMin= -13297.5461801855 IErMin=10 ErrMin= 2.05D-04 ErrMax= 2.05D-04 0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 1.37D-04 BMatP= 8.51D-04 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 9.98D-01 WtEn= 2.05D-03 Coeff-Com: -0.513D-03 0.181D-02-0.342D-02 0.137D-02-0.404D-02-0.120D-01 Coeff-Com: 0.518D-02 0.669D-01 0.176D+00 0.769D+00 Coeff-En: 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 Coeff-En: 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.100D+01 Coeff: -0.511D-03 0.180D-02-0.341D-02 0.137D-02-0.404D-02-0.120D-01 Coeff: 0.517D-02 0.668D-01 0.176D+00 0.769D+00 Gap= 0.123 Goal= None Shift= 0.000 RMSDP=4.95D-06 MaxDP=6.20D-04 DE=-6.65D-04 OVMax= 1.54D-03 --> Initial convergence to 1.0D-05 achieved. Increase integral accuracy. Cycle 11 Pass 1 IDiag 1: E= -13297.5469692442 Delta-E= -0.000789058700 Rises=F Damp=F DIIS: error= 2.66D-04 at cycle 1 NSaved= 1. NSaved= 1 IEnMin= 1 EnMin= -13297.5469692442 IErMin= 1 ErrMin= 2.66D-04 ErrMax= 2.66D-04 0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 3.14D-04 BMatP= 3.14D-04 IDIUse=3 WtCom= 9.97D-01 WtEn= 2.66D-03 Coeff-Com: 0.100D+01 Coeff-En: 0.100D+01 Coeff: 0.100D+01 Gap= 0.117 Goal= None Shift= 0.000 RMSDP=4.95D-06 MaxDP=6.20D-04 DE=-7.89D-04 OVMax= 4.47D-03 Cycle 12 Pass 1 IDiag 1: RMSU= 7.87D-05 CP: 1.00D+00 E= -13297.5470667379 Delta-E= -0.000097493670 Rises=F Damp=F
: Incremental Fock matrix build is an acceleration technique where the Fock matrix is computed recursively using the difference density of the last 2 SCF cycles. This could drastically lower the scaling of the Fock matrix build. However, this may cause fluctuation, especially when diffuse functions are used. To solve this, useSCF=NoIncFock
turns off incremental Fock matrix build. This will result in higher cost of each SCF cycle. -
: By default, Gaussian will rebuild the Fock matrix in full for every 20 cycles of SCF iteration:IOp(5/37)=20
by default. This is shown asFock matrices will be formed incrementally for 20 cycles.
andRestarting incremental Fock formation.
in the Gaussian output (example of output below). You can select an N<20, and involve the IOp(5/37=N) option to form the Fock matrix every N SCF cycles. The relationship betweenSCF=NoIncFock
are similar toopt=CalcAll
.Requested convergence on energy=1.00D-06. No special actions if energy rises. --> Fock matrices will be formed incrementally for 20 cycles. Cycle 1 Pass 1 IDiag 1: FoFJK: IHMeth= 1 ICntrl= 0 DoSepK=F KAlg= 0 I1Cent= 0 FoldK=F IRaf= 990000000 NMat= 1 IRICut= 1 DoRegI=T DoRafI=F ISym2E= 0 IDoP0=0 IntGTp=1. FoFCou: FMM=T IPFlag= 0 FMFlag= 100000 FMFlg1= 2001 ... ... ... Coeff: -0.634D-05 0.481D-03-0.104D-02 0.243D-02-0.167D-02 0.429D-02 Coeff: 0.217D-02 0.976D-02-0.371D-01-0.324D-01 0.394D-02 0.132D+00 Coeff: 0.254D+00 0.663D+00 Gap= 0.029 Goal= None Shift= 0.000 RMSDP=1.13D-03 MaxDP=7.30D-02 DE=-4.18D-04 OVMax= 1.76D-02 Cycle 21 Pass 1 IDiag 1: --> Restarting incremental Fock formation. E= -1315.53915604307 Delta-E= -0.000105907567 Rises=F Damp=F DIIS: error= 1.06D-04 at cycle 21 NSaved= 20. NSaved=20 IEnMin=20 EnMin= -1315.53915604307 IErMin=20 ErrMin= 1.06D-04 ... ... ... Coeff: 0.627D-01 0.170D+00-0.268D+00-0.291D+00-0.212D+01 0.175D+01 Coeff: -0.254D+01 0.241D+01-0.587D+00 0.111D+01 0.166D+01-0.269D+01 Coeff: -0.561D+01 0.530D+01-0.209D+01 0.473D+01 Gap= 0.052 Goal= None Shift= 0.000 RMSDP=7.12D-04 MaxDP=8.59D-02 DE=-5.43D-03 OVMax= 4.24D-03 Cycle 41 Pass 1 IDiag 1: --> Restarting incremental Fock formation. E= -5974.52121524936 Delta-E= -0.000886211828 Rises=F Damp=F DIIS: error= 8.43D-03 at cycle 41 NSaved= 17. NSaved=17 IEnMin=11 EnMin= -5976.91129255226 IErMin=10 ErrMin= 6.51D-03 ```
:- Use level shift to virtually increase the HOMO-LUMO gap.
shifts orbital energies by N*0.001 hartree. You can usually use a value of 200~500. This does NOT affect the final converged results. It’s most effective to systems with small gaps, like (multicore) transition metal complexes. Use this if other method fails.
- Use level shift to virtually increase the HOMO-LUMO gap.
:- A black box mixed method uses Fermi broadening, damping and level shifting dynamically. Use this if other method fails.
Make sure you have a qualitatively correct wavefunction:
There are situations where the guess you provided to the program is qualitatively incorrect.
For example, the guess for the system of [HSO3-]…[NO2·] could have an incorrect fragment charge population and corresponds to [HSO3·]…[NO2-], causing SCF problems (even if you got a converged wavefunction, the result would be meaningless for your purpose). Similar situation could arise from spin population: the most common problem is a closed shell guess was given for a spin polarized system; more complicated situation could be the spin population for dual-transition metal complexes.
For these situations, the most effective way to solve this is a fragmented guess, where a two-step Gaussian job is called, and the first step only generates a guess (where the wavefunction for each fragment is converged, then put together without further optimization).
The following input file is for the calculation of [HSO3-]…[NO2·]. In the second step,
cause Gaussian to read the wavefunction from the chk file generated above;guess=always
let Gaussian read the guess.chk at every optimization step, this can sometimes prevent the drift-away from the wavefunction you want during optimization.pop=always
asks Gaussian to calculate Mulliken population for every step of the optimization, so that you can check that the wavefunction is always correct.%rwf=/path/to/your/temp/temp.rwf %nosave %chk=/path/to/your/work_dir/guess.chk #p PBE1PBE def2SV guess=fragment=2 Generate fragmented wavefunction -1 2 -1 1 0 2 <-- The charge/multiplicity for the whole system, for [HSO3-] (Fragment 1), and for [NO2·] (Fragment 2) respectively H(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX S(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX N(fragment=2) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=2) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=2) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX --link1-- %rwf=/path/to/your/temp/temp.rwf %nosave %oldchk=/path/to/your/work_dir/guess.chk %chk=/path/to/your/work_dir/calculation.chk #p PBE1PBE def2SV guess=(read,always) opt freq pop=always Read fragmented wavefunction for the calculation -1 2 <-- The charge/multiplicity for the whole system only H(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX S(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=1) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX N(fragment=2) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=2) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX O(fragment=2) XX.XXXX XX.XXXX XX.XXXX
Be aware there are more complicated situations, but it is out of scope of this document.
Use a converged wavefunction as initial guess:
A converged wavefunction (if selected wisely) could be a much better guess than the initial guess generated by Harris or other guess method, avoiding fluctuation at initial stage. Possible choice includes:
If you are doing calculation with a large basis set (especially when there are diffuse functions), use converged function at smaller basis set (or without diffuse functions). You can use a looser SCF convergent threshold in the initial guess step. The following file generates a guess with def2-SV(P) basis set, and use it as initial guess for calculation at ma-TZVP level:
%rwf=/path/to/your/temp/temp.rwf %nosave %chk=/path/to/your/work_dir/guess.chk #p PBE1PBE def2SV SCF=conv=5 Generate guess wavefunction 0 1 [coordinates] --link1-- %rwf=/path/to/your/temp/temp.rwf %nosave %oldchk=/path/to/your/work_dir/guess.chk %chk=/path/to/your/work_dir/calculation.chk #p PBE1PBE gen guess=(read) opt freq Read converged wavefunction at smaller basis set for the calculation 0 1 [coordinates] @/path/to/your/ma-TZVP.basis
If you are doing a calculation with an anion (-1 1), use the cation (2-electron less, 1 1) as the guess. This could work with neutral molecules, where you use the (2 1) state as the guess, but that has a lesser effect than the anion to cation case.
If you are doing calculation with a radical (0 2), use the closed shell cation as the guess (1 1).
If you know a similar but different geometry that can results in a converged SCF, use that as a guess. This usually works when a bond is being broken, while a longer or shorter bond distance could work. Also be aware of potential polarized singlet problem. And sometimes just randomly change the geometry also works (if that is the case, be vigilant whether there are problems about solvent cavity)
If you are running a calculation with solvation, use vacuum SCF wavefunction as a guess.
If you are running a calculation with pure functional, or a hybrid functional with low Hartree-Fock percentage, try to converge a wavefunction with Hartree-Fock, and use it as the guess. HF is easier to converge as it has a larger (overestimate) gap.
If you are calculating an ROHF (ROKS) state, use UHF (UKS) wavefunction as a guess.
Use a different guess method:
- Use keywords
. However, I found this to be rarely useful.
- Use keywords
- For [Fluctuation at later stage]:
:- 【When it is useful】For methods that use a grid-based numerical integration (DFT only), insufficient grid quality could cause small numerical error that’s just larger than the convergent threshold of SCF (and for the same reason, this is not likely to help fluctuations at early stage of SCF). The Minnesota functionals are kinda notorious for their higher requirement for grid quality. Thus, this is the prime recommendation if that is the case. I have examples where this keyword help with other functionals, but it’s rarer than the Minnesota functionals.
- 【G16】Note that since Gaussian 16, the default option has already become
. So unless you specifically lowered it toInt=Fine
, there is no need to write Int=Ultrafine explicitly. - 【Comparablity】Energies at different integration grid is not comparable. If you raise the integration grid for one structure, you need to re-run all the calculations for which you are getting a difference in energy with that structure. One exception is that you can optimize the structure with Int=UltraFine grid, but do an Int=Find grid single point calculation to get the correct electronic energy, and add the later electronic energy with the thermodynamic correction at Int=UltraFine grid (This is because theintegrationn grid is not likely to greatly affect the PES). You need to clearly state what integration grid you used in the Supporting Information of your publication (for repeatability).
- 【About SuperFine】There is a higher grid
, however Int=UltraFine is usually good enough, and it is unlikely that SuperFine grid will solve SCF divergence, unless you are requiring some uncommon SCF threshold.
- See above
- See above
- Danger zone
:- Asks the use of quadratically convergent method (for
, the QC is invoked only if ordinary SCF failed after (by default) 32 steps). SCF=QC has a significant better chance of convergence. However, it’s (1) far more expensive, (2) more likely to result in a local minimum or unconverged wavefunction (do sanity check with wavefunctional analysis, or at least do astable
calculation, especially with ONLY SCF=QC could converge but not any other method).
- Asks the use of quadratically convergent method (for
:- Use coarser criteria for SCF convergence. Default is 8, so choose a number smaller than 8. The specific meaning is to converge the RMS of the density matrix to below 10-N and converge the maximum change of the density matrix and the change of electronic energy to below 10-N+2. For single point calculations, you can set it to
with reasonable result. However, do not use this in optimization or frequency missions. As if you converge the SCF wavefunction to 10-6, the gradient would be only be converged to at about 10-3 ~ 10-4. The default optimization convergence criteria for gradient is on the order of 10-4, which means you may never be able to converge a geometry optimization.
- Use coarser criteria for SCF convergence. Default is 8, so choose a number smaller than 8. The specific meaning is to converge the RMS of the density matrix to below 10-N and converge the maximum change of the density matrix and the change of electronic energy to below 10-N+2. For single point calculations, you can set it to
:- This IOp suppress the checking for SCF convergence. The program will carry out the following reaction no matter what’s the situation of the SCF convergence. This should almost NEVER be used. The result is likely to be qualitatively wrong. If anyone suggests this as a solution to a L502 error, or use this option in his «default input file template», he should not be trusted to give any advice for Gaussian, and all of this computational result should be checked before interpretation.
- Some people say you can use it in a geometry optimization, as if one of the steps is not converged, the next step could, and finally leads to a reasonable result. However, this is nonsense. If the SCF is not converged, the gradient has a much larger error than the energy, which means the following optimization step is basically a random move. If this solves the convergence problem, you may as well do this by yourself. Also, one may well be forgot to check EVERY optimization mission that the SCF is indeed converged in the last step, and report a meaningless result.
▶️ L508,Convergence failure ⏳
Density matrix breaks symmetry, PCut= 6.91D-03
Density matrix has no symmetry -- integrals replicated.
Iteration 80 EE= -1377.03506721338 Delta-E= -0.001137227868 Grad=4.268D-02
Gradient too large for Newton-Raphson -- use scaled steepest descent instead.
Convergence failure.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl508.exe at Mon Jun 26 19:36:04 2017.
成因:用 QC 方法时SCF不收敛
解决方法:去掉SCF=qc、SCF=xqc、SCF=yqc 关键词进行计算。如果继而出现 L502, Convergence Failure问题,参照上文解决,只不过绕开涉及 scf=qc 的方案即可。
Post-HF Convergence
▶️ L913,*MAX. CYCLES* ⏳
Iteration Nr. 50
DD1Dir will call FoFMem 1 times, MxPair= 2
NAB= 1 NAA= 0 NBB= 0.
Norm of the A-vectors is 4.0812478D-03 conv= 1.00D-05.
RLE energy= -0.0380878830
DE(Corr)= -0.37790236E-01 E(CORR)= -1.1531999202 Delta=-1.55D-03
NORM(A)= 0.10071894D+01
Largest amplitude= 4.58D-02
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl913.exe at Sun Mar 05 10:12:08 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 22 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
Iteration Nr. 50
DD1Dir will call FoFMem 1 times, MxPair= 2
NAB= 1 NAA= 0 NBB= 0.
Norm of the A-vectors is 4.3269814D+01 conv= 1.00D-05.
RLE energy= -9.6293060152
DE(CI)= 5.1143514 E(CI)= 4.3978787385
NORM(A)= 0.36740722D+02
S.C.C.= 0.00000000D+00 E(CI,SIZE)= -0.71597715082D+00
Dominant configurations:
Spin Case I J A B Value
AA 1 3 -0.354624D+01
ABAB 1 1 23 23 0.147097D+00
Largest amplitude= 1.84D+01
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl913.exe at Sat Jun 11 03:43:10 2016.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 2.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 23 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
成因:高斯用某种迭代方法求解 CISD 和 CCSD(CCSD(T)),而该迭代过程也会不收敛,在默认循环(50步)或设定的循环内未收敛即会报此错误。(注意CISD报出 Max Cycles 错误之后还会吐一堆组态,真正报错在它上面)
如下»>>>»标出的一行所示,计算过程中会输出每步迭代后的CCSD / CISD相关能(DE(corr)),CCSD还会输出本轮迭代的能量变化(Delta,即本轮的 DE(corr) 减去上一轮的 DE(corr)),需观察前者是否有稳定的收敛至某一值、后者是否逐渐趋近于0,以判断是否有收敛趋势。
DD1Dir will call FoFMem 1 times, MxPair= 380
NAB= 190 NAA= 0 NBB= 0.
Norm of the A-vectors is 1.2424967D-05 conv= 1.00D-05.
RLE energy= -1.1041652032
>>> DE(Corr)= -1.1041652 E(CORR)= -236.55647322 Delta=-7.56D-08
NORM(A)= 0.11814199D+01
Iteration Nr. 12
如果上述能量有收敛趋势,增加CCSD、CCSD(T)、CISD迭代循环的最大值,默认为50,应大于此值,语法如 CCSD(T) 改为 CCSD(T, maxcyc=100)
如果最终震荡的幅度很小,例如能量的默认收敛限为1E-7,最终Delta一直在 nE-7的水平,到不了E-8,可以用诸如 CCSD(T,conver=6) 将收敛阈值提高至 1E-6。(注意如果是在热力学组合方法中遇到这个问题,就不应该写CCSD(T,conver=6),而应该只写CCSD(conver=6)。
Geometry Optimization Convergence
▶️ L9999,Optimization stopped. ⏳
Error termination via Lnk1e in l9999.exe
此报错需查看输出文件中的额外信息,自结尾处向上检索“Optimization stop”可见如下几种情况
Optimization stopped.
-- Wrong number of Negative eigenvalues: Desired= 1 Actual= 4
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
解决:将NoEigenTest关键词加入到opt的选项中,如 opt=(TS, CalcFC, NoEigenTest)
Optimization stopped.
-- Number of steps exceeded, NStep= 100
-- Flag reset to prevent archiving.
文中的众多解决方法中,我个人倾向于找到能量较低、4个收敛标准离收敛限较近,且结构合理的某点为新的初猜,并首先尝试在 opt 选项中加上(MaxStep=5, NoTrustUpdate, GDIIS) 选项;如果有计算频率的资源,可再加上opt=calcfc选项。特别仅对于对称性较高的结构,如T、C3 等群的复杂分子,若反复调整关键词后仍然震荡,可以尝试构建或破坏具有对称性的初猜结构,分别结合opt=Cartesian 优化,如 opt=(MaxStep=5,NoTrustUpdate,Cartesian), 有时有效果。
注意上一段仅是我个人首先尝试的建议,不要仅仅试了这一个不行就又把问题拿出来问。应该继续尝试 的其他办法。
▶️ L123,Max corrector steps exceded ⏳
▶️ L123,GS2 Optimization Failure. ⏳
Delta-x Convergence NOT Met
Maximum number of corrector steps exceded.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l123.exe at Sun Sep 6 07:30:18 2015.
GS2 Optimization Failure.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l123.exe
Geometry Manipulation
▶️ L103,Error in internal coordinate system ⏳
▶️ L103,Linear angle in Bend; Linear angle in Tors ⏳
▶️ L103,FormBX had a problem ⏳
Bend failed for angle 1 - 11 - 3
Tors failed for dihedral 9 - 1 - 11 - 3
Tors failed for dihedral 10 - 1 - 11 - 3
Tors failed for dihedral 12 - 1 - 11 - 3
Tors failed for dihedral 14 - 3 - 11 - 1
Tors failed for dihedral 17 - 3 - 11 - 1
FormBX had a problem.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe
(Enter /home/gauuser/g09/l103.exe)
Berny optimization.
Using GEDIIS/GDIIS optimizer.
Linear angle in Bend.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/gauuser/g09/l103.exe at Sun Feb 5 05:25:49 2017.
NTrRot= -1 NTRed= 798 NAtoms= 66 NSkip= 606 IsLin=F
Error in internal coordinate system.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l103.exe
Berny optimization.
Using GEDIIS/GDIIS optimizer.
Linear angle in Tors.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/program/g09/l103.exe at Thu Jun 25 22:29:51 2015.
解决: (0) 检查轨迹、当前结构、冻结(柔性扫描)变量设置是否合理
(1) opt=cartesian
这一方法可从原理上彻底解决此问题,但 opt=cartesian 在多数情况下会增加优化至相应极小点所需的步数,如果体系不非常耗时可以直接用其至优化收敛。
如果体系接近自己计算能力的极限,可以用 opt=cartesian 计算两三步之后终止计算,保存坐标后重新写一个输入文件,换回默认的opt方法。
(2) 有时直接保存最末结构后,重新opt也能解决此问题,Gaussian 实际上会自动为接近直线的原子添加一些 Linear Bend,但并不总是有效。
(3) 部分情况下,人为增加一 Linear bend 冗余内坐标,输入为在冗余内坐标段落加入如 L 1 2 3 -1 B 的表述,并启用Modredundant,其中 1 2 3 为 “Bend failed for angle” 的三个原子,如以上图报错来说,若原输入文件为:
#p B3LYP/genecp opt freq
0 1
#p B3LYP/genecp opt=modredundant freq
0 1
L 1 11 3 -1 B
其中 “[自出错的输出文件中提取的、出错前一步结构的原子坐标们]” 可以用GaussView打开之前出错的输出文件,随便另存为一个gjf输入文件,用文本编辑器打开,把坐标部分拷出来。
此处用 genecp 并添加相应自定义基组、赝势的段落是为了说明输入文件中各段落的顺序。
▶️ L103,New curvilinear step not converged. Error imposing constraints. ⏳
Iteration 96 RMS(Cart)= 0.00000206 RMS(Int)= 0.00542712
Iteration 97 RMS(Cart)= 0.00000193 RMS(Int)= 0.00542766
Iteration 98 RMS(Cart)= 0.00000180 RMS(Int)= 0.00542817
Iteration 99 RMS(Cart)= 0.00000169 RMS(Int)= 0.00542865
Iteration100 RMS(Cart)= 0.00000158 RMS(Int)= 0.00542909
New curvilinear step not converged.
Error imposing constraints
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/gauuser/g09/l103.exe at Mon Jul 17 10:21:34 2017.
成因:进行需要做限制性优化的任务(如opt=modredundant 的 F 和 S、QST2等),Optimizer 不知道在当前限制条件下该把结构初猜摆成什么样子。
Nonsense Input File (Formatting / Structure / Route)
▶️ L101,End of file in ZSymb. ⏳
▶️ L301,End of file reading basis center. ⏳
▶️ L301,EOF while reading ECP pointer card. ⏳
C -1.21995 2.13345 0.
End of file in ZSymb.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l101.exe
End of file reading basis center.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/gauuser/g09/l301.exe at Wed Mar 1 20:50:57 2017.
Pseudopotential Parameters
Center Atomic Valence Angular Power
Number Number Electrons Momentum of R Exponent Coefficient SO-Coeffient
EOF while reading ECP pointer card.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/gauuser/g09/l301.exe at Wed Mar 1 20:43:41 2017.
成因:Gaussian需要读到换行表示的段落结尾才认为相应输入段落结束,若当前段落最后一个字符后,没有空行,Gaussian会读入一个EOF(End of File)特殊字符,不明白啥意思就跪了。这两个问题的提示不同是因为输入文件中分别以原子坐标段落(没有gen)、混合基组定义(gen)、和赝势定义(genecp)的段落为末尾,从而在读取不同信息时报错了。
Wanted an integer as input.
Found a string as input.
H 0. 0. 0.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl101.exe at Sun Mar 26 17:48:52 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 5 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
成因:输入文件格式错误。高斯会检查特定段落的变量类型是否正确,诸如电荷、多重度应为整数(如 “1”),坐标应为浮点数(如 “1.0”),还有文本类型诸如Title段落等等,若不正确即报此错误。
#p B3LYP/6-31G(d)
H 0. 0. 0.
由报错提示“H 0. 0. 0. ”可知Gaussian在这一行想读到其他东西,而不是坐标,仔细思考就知道是缺少了电荷和多重度,都是整型变量,读到了“H”是文本型变量,故而报错,修改正确即可:
#p B3LYP/6-31G(d)
0 2
H 0. 0. 0.
▶️ L101,Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error ⏳
Title Card Required
Symbolic Z-matrix:
Charge = 0 Multiplicity = 1
Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error
There are no atoms in this input structure !
Please fix the molecule specification section of your input and try again.
Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error Input Error
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl101.exe at Wed Jan 16 20:26:00 2019.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 5 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
解决:检查:(1)是不是真没写结构;(2)是不是忘了写geom=check, geom=allcheck;(3)是不是多了/少了空行,使高斯读入了空段落。
▶️ L1,Illegal IType or MSType generated by parse. ⏳
#p sp freq
Illegal IType or MSType generated by parse.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl1.exe at Thu Dec 07 13:58:19 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 1 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
解决:别犯傻。(不要自己乱组合, 不要让 sp 和 freq,force 和 freq 等矛盾的任务设定在一条计算路径里出现)
▶️ L1,QPErr — A syntax error was detected in the input line. ⏳
#p M06-2X/6-31G(d)
QPErr --- A syntax error was detected in the input line.
#p M06-2X/6-31G(d)
Last state= "GCL"
TCursr= 3656 LCursr= 7
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl1.exe at Wed Mar 06 14:19:36 2019.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.0 seconds.
成因:关键词或语法错误,错误的位置由下一行的 “ ’ ” 标记给出了
▶️ L301,The combination of multiplicity X and XXX electrons is impossible. ⏳
(Enter C:G09Wl301.exe)
Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
Ernie: Thresh= 0.10000D-02 Tol= 0.10000D-05 Strict=F.
The combination of multiplicity 1 and 1 electrons is impossible.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl301.exe at Sun Mar 26 18:00:32 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 1.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 5 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
成因:完全没正确设置/理解自旋多重度或电荷。自旋多重度定义如下,即 Alpha电子数 — Beta电子数 + 1,一个电子要么是 alpha 电子,要么是 beta 电子。故可知偶数电子的体系,自旋多重度只能是奇数(1,3,5,7…),反之亦然。
▶️ L202,Problem with the distance matrix. ⏳
Small interatomic distances encountered: 6 1 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5
Problem with the distance matrix.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl202.exe at Wed Jan 16 20:33:11 2019.
▶️ L202,Atoms too close. ⏳
Small interatomic distances encountered:
2 1 5.00D-02
Atoms too close.
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl202.exe at Wed Jan 16 20:38:12 2019.
成因:原子间距离太近,小于高斯认为正常结构应有的阈值(但不很接近于0)。例如上述例子中报错是2号原子和1号原子之间距离太近,2号和1号的距离是 0.05A。
解决:一般情况下,应该检查结构,确认其正常,拉远相应的原子;如果是在进行扫描键长的任务、扫描曲线某一端刻意要求某两个原子离得很近,可以使用Geom=NoCrowd关闭这个检查,但注意即使是在扫描里,这么近的地方一般也没什么意义;在其他任务里用 Geom=NoCrowd 就更掩耳盗铃了。如果是在例如优化等过程中走了几步变成这样了,一定是级别(方法、基组)或其他设置有低级错误,诸如某个原子未给定基组之类,应仔细检查。
▶️ L301,Atomic number out of range for XXX basis set. ⏳
Rotational constants (GHZ): 0.0817250 0.0474806 0.0408748
Standard basis: 6-31G(d) (6D, 7F)
Atomic number out of range for 6-31G basis set.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /data2/G09/g09/l301.exe at Fri Mar 24 20:58:27 2017.
详解Gaussian中混合基组、自定义基组和赝势基组的输入爬虫并处理后的离线EMSL基组库 … hlight=%BB%F9%D7%E9
▶️ L301,R6DS8: Unable to choose the S8 parameter ⏳
IExCor= 408 DFT=T Ex=B Corr=PW91 ExCW=0 ScaHFX= 0.000000
ScaDFX= 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 ScalE2= 1.000000 1.000000
IRadAn= 0 IRanWt= -1 IRanGd= 0 ICorTp=0 IEmpDi=141
NAtoms= 1 NActive= 1 NUniq= 1 SFac= 1.00D+00 NAtFMM= 60 NAOKFM=F Big=F
Integral buffers will be 262144 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
R6DS8: Unable to choose the S8 parameter, IExCor= 408 IXCFnc= 0 ScaHFX= 0.000000 IDFTD=4
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl301.exe at Wed Jul 12 20:20:24 2017.
成因:使用 empiricaldispersion=GD3 或 empiricaldispersion=GD3BJ 时程序未存有相应泛函的D3色散校正参数。
解决:(1) 确认在D3或D3BJ中选择的正确,例如米尼苏达系列泛函没有D3-BJ参数,不能用empiricaldispersion=GD3BJ,只能用empiricaldispersion=GD3 (2) 换一个有色散校正的泛函 (3) 自定义色散校正参数(往往来源于较新的文献),可以参考《Gaussian中非内置的理论方法和泛函的用法》(一文中2.2节的做法,以及手册中的相应部分 (4) 不用色散校正
▶️ L301,R6DRCv: No RCov radius available for IA=XX ⏳
▶️ L301,R6DC6: No C6 coefficient available for IA=XX ⏳
Integral buffers will be 262144 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
R6DC6: No C6 coefficient available for IA= 96
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl301.exe at Sat Mar 17 13:56:16 2018.
Integral buffers will be 262144 words long.
Raffenetti 2 integral format.
Two-electron integral symmetry is turned on.
R6DRCv: No RCov radius available for IA= 96
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl301.exe at Sat Mar 17 13:57:31 2018.
成因:使用了色散校正(empiricaldispersion=GD3,empiricaldispersion=GD3BJ,empiricaldispersion=GD2,以及使用了自带DFT-D的泛函比如wB97xD),且程序中没有相应元素的参数。上文的两个例子分别是在使用DFT-D2和DFT-D3时,分子中有锔原子(IA=XX 即为相应的元素序数)时的报错。例如对 DFT-D3 来说,原文只为 1-94 号元素(H-Pu)做了参数化,对 96 号元素使用 DFT-D3 当然会缺参数。
▶️ L301,No solvent atoms in DisRep. ⏳
Solvent : n,n-DiMethylFormamide, Eps= 37.219000 Eps(inf)= 2.046330
RSolv= 0.000000 Ang.
Warning! Inconsistent VMol and RSolv for this solvent, using VMol= 0.00 Ang**3.
No solvent atoms in DisRep.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/igors/g09/l301.exe at Fri May 19 02:16:27 2017
# opt() freq m062x/6-311G(2df,p) SCRF(CPCM, solvent=AceticAcid, read)
Title Card Required
0 1
O 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.11813800
H 0.00000000 0.75681000 -0.47255200
H 0.00000000 -0.75681000 -0.47255200
即使用PCM溶剂模型时使用 “Dis Rep Cav” 考虑了非极性部分,而所使用的相应溶剂在高斯中并没有定义非极性部分的参数。高斯列表支持的溶剂当中(G09 或 G16 有约180种)只有 G03 年代就支持的约20种有相应参数支持以这样的方式考虑非极性部分(可参考 G03 的说明书),其他均会报此错误。
解决:高斯或许可能有方法自定义 Dis Rep Cav 的参数,但未在说明书中给出。可以用SMD模型考虑非极性部分(对自定义溶剂可见:;或是不考虑非极性部分。
▶️ L602,GetVDW: no radius for atom XX atomic number XX. ⏳
(Enter /home/software/g09D01/g09/l602.exe)
FitSet: NAtFit= 76 NAtPot= 76 NAtFrz= 0 MDM= 80 TotChg= 0.00000
Merz-Kollman atomic radii used.
GetVDW: no radius for atom 2 atomic number 29.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/software/g09D01/g09/l602.exe at Mon Dec 26 13:57:24 2016.
Job cpu time: 0 days 4 hours 6 minutes 15.9 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 856 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 31 Scr= 1
原因:使用pop=CHELPG 拟合静电势时没有内置相应元素的半径(上面例子中是第29号元素Cu)。
#p (其他关键词) pop=(CHELPG,ReadRadii)
C H N P Cl 0
Cu 0
Cu 0
Cu 1.4
▶️ L1002,No func 3rd derivs with XXX. ⏳
Isotropic polarizability for W= 0.000000 12.56 Bohr**3.
No func 3rd derivs with HSE.
Error termination via Lnk1e in D:Program Files (x86)g09G09Wl1002.exe at Sun Mar 26 11:50:16 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 5.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 5 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
Energies, analytic gradients, and analytic frequencies; ADMP calculations.
Third order properties such as hyperpolarizabilities and Raman intensities are not available for functionals for which third derivatives are not implemented: the exchange functionals Gill96, P (Perdew86), BRx, PKZB, TPSS, wPBEh and PBEh; the correlation functionals PKZB and TPSS; the hybrid functionals OHSE1PBE and OHSE2PBE.
(1)用 polar=Numerical 计算数值方法的极化率α
FullF1: Do perturbations 1 to 3.
>>> SCF Polarizability for W= 0.000000:
>>> 1 2 3
>>> 1 0.311786D+02
>>> 2 0.214915D+01 0.273009D+02
>>> 3 -0.264577D-04 0.351431D-04 0.193900D+02
Isotropic polarizability for W= 0.000000 25.96 Bohr**3.
No func 3rd derivs with HSE.
Error termination via Lnk1e in D:Program Files (x86)G09G09Wl1002.exe at Thu Apr 13 08:57:29 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 14.0 seconds.
▶️ L103,NRF ne Abs NRFX ⏳
Cartesian Forces: Max 0.101934913 RMS 0. 010471640
Leave Link 716 at Sun Jul 3 00:08:55 2016, MaxMem= 1073741824 cpu:0.7
(Enter /home/export/base/fanyu/apps/g09/1103.exe)
Berny optimization.
Internal Forces: Max 0.077268082 RMS 0.018267038
Search for a local minimum.
Step number 1 out of a maximum of 202
All quantities printed in internal units (Hartrees-Bohrs-Radians)
Error termination via Lnkle in /home/export/base/fanyu/apps/g09/1103.exe at Sun Jul 3 00:08:57 2016.
成因:在ONIOM计算中冻结不合理。此例中其冻结了所有 Low layer 而放开了所有 High layer。
对 Link atom 进行处理时,由于Link atom的种类在两层中不同(如 Si-O 键打断,用 Si-H 封端),两层中的键长应当不同;所以 Link atom 和它在 High layer 里连接的原子要么都冻结、要么都放开。
- link atom和其连接的原子用相同方式处理
- 对于中等大小的体系(<300个原子),可以使用Opt=NoMicro来取消MicroIteration
Computer / OS Related Problems
▶️ Error: illegal instruction, illegal opcode ⏳
这一错误不在输出文件中报错,而是在 Linux 终端中显示,常见样式如下:
Error: illegal instruction, illegal opcode
rax 000000001b23ef84, rbx 0000000000730438, rcx 000000001b23ef84
rdx 00007fffa89b0b10, rsp 00007fffa89b0b40, rbp 00007fffa89b0b50
rsi 00000000007c29f0, rdi 00007fffa89b0b10, r8 0000003e2d78fee8
r9 0000000000000001, r10 00007fffa89b0880, r11 0000000000000202
r12 00007fffa89c7878, r13 00007fffa89c7848, r14 0000000000000000
r15 0000000000000000
/lib64/ [0x3e2e00f710]
/home/gauss/g09/l1.exe() [0x4a72e1]
/home/gauss/g09/l1.exe() [0x41d295]
/home/gauss/g09/l1.exe() [0x403745]
Entering Gaussian System, Link 0=g09
Initial command:
/home/gauss/g09/l1.exe "/home/gauss/g09/tmp/Gau-4412.inp" -scrdir="/home/gauss/g09/tmp/"
自己的CPU支持什么指令集可以在Linux上使用命令“cat /proc/cpuinfo”查看,若Gaussian的版本是“AVX2-enabled”,则仅当 “/proc/cpuinfo” 文件的 flags 字段中支持AVX2时才能使用,否则应该更换其他指令集版本的Gaussian程序,如 Legacy 即 pre-SSE4.2 版本
更换Gaussian的可执行文件的指令集版本,如将Gaussian 09 E.01 X86_64(AVX2-enabled) (兼容性差、但性能高) 更换为 Gaussian 09 E.01 X86_64(“Legacy”-pre-SSE4.2)(下兼容性好,但性能稍差)
▶️ Internal input file was deleted! ⏳
Leave Link 703 at Wed Mar 1 20:23:53 2017, MaxMem= 18983419904 cpu: 101.8
Internal input file was deleted!
Error termination via Lnk1e at Wed Mar 1 20:23:53 2017.
成因:Gaussian似乎需要一个完整的(没有“@”)、当前步的输入文件来完成Link之间的交接,这个临时文件存储于 $GAUSS_SCRDIR 环境变量下,文件名和路径都会在输出文件中写明,如下面的任务中,该临时文件就是“/home/gauuser/g09/scratch/Gau-16535.inp”。这个报错的原因是这个文件somehow在运行之中被删掉了。
Initial command:
/home/gauuser/g09/l1.exe "/home/gauuser/g09/scratch/Gau-16535.inp" -scrdir="/home/gauuser/g09/scratch/"
Entering Link 1 = /home/gauuser/g09/l1.exe PID= 16536.
解决:重算(或视任务类型,从当前步骤Restart),并尝试指认这个临时文件被删除的原因并解决它。遇到过的情况包括:使用了一些奇怪的脚本、如在某任务 A 结束后清除临时文件夹,但却误将任务 B 的临时文件也清除了;队列控制、文件系统等问题;当然还包括自己、或使用同一机器的其他人手贱→_→。
▶️ open-new-file ⏳
Gaussian 09: IA32W-G09RevD.01 24-Apr-2013
fname=C:gtestC6H5NO2.chk fd = -1
原因:高斯无法创建、访问 %chk(或其他Link0指令)指向的文件(本例中是 C:gtestC6H5NO2.chk)
确认相应目录确实存在(此例中是 C:gtest 目录)。
确认高斯对其有读写权限(Windows下赋予高斯(G09W.exe)管理员权限,Linux 下对调用高斯的用户调整相应文件夹所有权与权限)。
▶️ L1,ntrex1 ⏳
▶️ Error Message # 2066. Can’t create file Temp input file ‘gxx.inp’ ⏳
解决:确认Gaussian 09W File-Preference 中的 Scratch Path 目录存在;确认Gaussian对该目录有读写权限(可以尝试修改至系统盘之外的其他磁盘;或给予 Gaussian09w.exe 管理员权限);确认磁盘未满。
▶️ Erroneous write ⏳
Erroneous write. Write -1 instead of 4096.
fd = 4
orig len = 4096 left = 4096
▶️ g_write ⏳
▶️ L914,XXXXXX words are not enough for AIAXAO. ⏳
▶️ L1002,XXXXXX words are not enough for AIAXAO. ⏳
▶️ needs more words of memory ⏳
▶️ Not enough memory to run at all ⏳
▶️ Out-of-memory error in routine XXX ⏳
Out-of-memory error in routine FoFDir-SEAll (IEnd= 1 MxCore= -1974194264)
Use %mem=1915MW to provide the minimum amount of memory required to complete this step.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l914.exe at Tue Mar 08 15:32:05 2016.
Iteration 1 Dimension 60 NMult 60
Cannot handle 2e integral symmetry, ISym2E=1.
CISAX needs 2533811 more words of memory.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l914.exe
Not enough memory to run at all: LenERI= 2254414
Increase memory by 1247333 words.
Error termination via Lnk1e in d:gaussian03l804.exe
GetIJB would need an additional 555279372 words of memory to use all 12 processors.
JobTyp=2 Pass 1: I= 41 to 74 NPSUse= 3 ParTrn=F ParDer=T DoDerP=T.
Generate precomputed XC quadrature information.
Solving linear equations simultaneously, MaxMat= 72.
AlAXAO: NMat= 690 NPMax= 1 NPMax1= 0 MaxMat= 72.
33484188 words are not enough for AlAXAO.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /cluster/gaussian-09.C.01-amd64-sse4a//g09/l1002.exe at Tue Jan 6 15:17:39 2015.
Convergence on wavefunction: 0.001000000000000
Iteration 1 Dimension 128 NMult 0 NNew 128
AlAXAO: NMat= 128 NPMax= 1 NPMax1= 0 MaxMat= 0 Max3X=F.
33548910 words are not enough for AlAXAO.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /public/home/qsh/g09/l914.exe at Tue Jul 11 13:23:34 2017.
对某些情况,如“need an additional words of memory to use all XX processors.”,若没有足够的内存提供,可以减少运行核数(%nprocshared)。若仍然不够,加内存条 or 降低计算机别
▶️ galloc: could not allocate memory. ⏳
Leave Link 1 at Fri Mar 8 01:49:58 2013, MaxMem=17716740096 cpu: 0.8
galloc: could not allocate memory.
解决:将输入文件中 %mem 命令后的内存量设置为当前系统剩余的内存量,并留下足够的余量(防止运行途中剩余内存减少而又出现这个问题)。在Windows下查看剩余内存可用任务管理器;在 Linux 下用 top 命令查看;若同时运行多个任务,也需额外注意内存分配问题。
▶️ L502/L1002,Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu. ⏳
Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l502.exe
Inaccurate quadrature in CalDSu.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe
Error termination via Lnk1e in C:G09Wl114.exe at Sun Mar 26 16:57:35 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 0.0 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 5 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 1 Scr= 1
按下面 Sobereva 的 PPT 处理:
▶️ L801,Excessive mixing of core and valence orbitals. ⏳
Largest valence mixing into a core orbital is 5.06D-01
Largest core mixing into a valence orbital is 4.89D-01
Excessive mixing of frozen core and valence orbitals.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l801.exe
(2)做其他的冻芯设定、可见Gaussian手册对Frozen Core的说明(
▶️ L801, Fatal Problem: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is XXXXXX ⏳
(Enter /home/bjwang/g09/l801.exe)
Range of M.O.s used for correlation: 1 264
NBasis= 264 NAE= 114 NBE= 114 NFC= 0 NFV= 0
NROrb= 264 NOA= 114 NOB= 114 NVA= 150 NVB= 150
**** Fatal Problem: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is -0.78537370D-01
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/bjwang/g09/l801.exe at Mon Jan 31 18:17:13 2011.
成因:在TDDFT、post-HF 中做积分变换时涉及分子轨道的能量差为分母的项,若分子轨道Gap太小(“alpha delta epsilon” 即两个α轨道的△ε),分母接近0,得到一个大数会导致数值不稳定性问题。具体参看本文后面关于“Warning!!: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is…”的章节。
▶️ L502/L508,Inv3 failed in PCMMkU ⏳
(Enter /home/g16/l502.exe)
Integral symmetry usage will be decided dynamically.
Closed shell SCF:
Using DIIS extrapolation, IDIIS= 1040.
NGot= 18983288832 LenX= 18982597916 LenY= 18982263254
Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within 128 cycles.
Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
Requested convergence on energy=1.00D-06.
No special actions if energy rises.
Fock matrices will be formed incrementally for 20 cycles.
Cycle 1 Pass 1 IDiag 1:
FoFJK: IHMeth= 1 ICntrl= 0 DoSepK=F KAlg= 0 I1Cent= 0 FoldK=F
IRaf= 990000000 NMat= 1 IRICut= 1 DoRegI=T DoRafI=F ISym2E= 0 IDoP0=0 IntGTp=1.
FoFCou: FMM=T IPFlag= 0 FMFlag= 100000 FMFlg1= 2001
NFxFlg= 0 DoJE=F BraDBF=F KetDBF=F FulRan=T
wScrn= 0.000000 ICntrl= 0 IOpCl= 0 I1Cent= 0 NGrid= 0
NMat0= 1 NMatS0= 1 NMatT0= 0 NMatD0= 1 NMtDS0= 0 NMtDT0= 0
Symmetry not used in FoFCou.
FMM levels: 10 Number of levels for PrismC: 9
Inv3: Mode=1 IEnd= 55186563.
Iteration 1 A*A^-1 deviation from unit magnitude is 2.18D-11 for 1454.
Iteration 1 A*A^-1 deviation from orthogonality is 1.36D-11 for 4245 1454.
Iteration 1 A^-1*A deviation from unit magnitude is 2.55D-11 for 1454.
Iteration 1 A^-1*A deviation from orthogonality is 2.25D-10 for 4227 3067.
Iteration 2 A*A^-1 deviation from unit magnitude is 7.03D-07 for 4227.
Iteration 2 A*A^-1 deviation from orthogonality is 8.89D-07 for 2879 1454.
Iteration 2 A^-1*A deviation from unit magnitude is 1.00D-06 for 1454.
Iteration 2 A^-1*A deviation from orthogonality is 9.53D-07 for 4227 1454.
Iteration 10 A*A^-1 deviation from unit magnitude is 7.97D-07 for 2943.
Iteration 10 A*A^-1 deviation from orthogonality is 1.08D-06 for 2943 1454.
Iteration 10 A^-1*A deviation from unit magnitude is 3.30D-07 for 4227.
Iteration 10 A^-1*A deviation from orthogonality is 6.08D-07 for 4227 2061.
Inv3 failed in PCMMkU.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/g16/l502.exe at Mon Sep 4 11:33:20 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 18 minutes 30.5 seconds.
Elapsed time: 0 days 0 hours 0 minutes 42.9 seconds.
这一报错发生于SCF的第一次迭代(含正常的 L502 和 QC 的 L508)。
Gaussian Help 回复大意如下(译自英文):
这个问题与溶剂模型的溶质空腔有关。高斯中为构建SMD溶质空腔的默认选项是为中等大小的溶质分子设置的(注:默认是范德华表面 surface=vdW),它是由以原子为中心、一定的原子半径的一些球构成的。其中用于构建空腔的默认原子半径较小,对较大的溶质分子会造成溶剂空腔长得像“奶酪”,有很多数学形式上暴露于溶剂中的孔洞、沟槽,但在实际体系中这些位置并不能接触溶剂。这会造成上述为 PCM 矩阵求逆迭代过程中不收敛的问题,也是你另一封邮件中提到SCF能量异常的本质原因(我同时发送了两封邮件,下文将提到)。
理想情况下,使用溶剂排斥表面(Solvent-excluding surface, SES)是更好的选择。SES 首先以原子位置为中心,构建出范德华表面;之后再用一些原点不在原子上的球面进行平滑,就消除了上述不能被溶剂够到的孔洞、沟槽,解决此问题。但其劣势在于这个方法做出的表面不随构象的改变而连续变化,造成势能面不连续、不平滑,难以进行几何优化。
另一个可能是用溶剂可及表面(Solvent-accessible surface,SAS)构建空腔。溶剂可及表面和 vdW 表面一样都是由以原子为中心的球构成的,但其半径是[原子半径+溶剂半径](注,这个时候溶剂半径才有用,默认选项下自定义溶剂时设半径没什么用)。SAS 表面没有“奶酪问题”,且势能面连续。但其问题是半径太大,空腔扣的太多,相比 vdW 和 SES 表面会低估溶剂化效应。
一个较好的解决方法是用 SAS 表面做优化,然后用 SES 表面做单点。或者在 SAS 表面做优化后再用其结果为初猜做 SES 表面下的单点(以期待 SES 在极小点附近可能没有不连续性)。这两种做法都比在气相优化的结果好一些。
更换溶剂表面的类型用 scrf=read 关键词启用溶剂化控制的段落,并在相应段落声明 surface=xxx,如 surface=SAS。
#p pbe1pbe/genecp opt freq
0 1
C 1.629576 -0.586781 1.988383
H 3.604870 -0.932068 -2.049232
[Basis set definition]
[Pseudopotential definition]
对 surface=SES,还需添加 AddSph 选项。即将上述文件中的 “surface=sas” 换为 “surface=SES AddSph”
如果需要,可以用 geom=allcheck 等语句接续下一步计算切换为其他表面做单点/优化。
这个问题也有可能不报错,但造成 SCF 能量明显异常。这个错误比较隐蔽,当出现能量明显不对的时候应该检查。
例如我在一次优化中发现有两次 SCF 迭代后的能量(用>>>标出)低了好几十个 Hartree,明显是不对的,SCF 迭代所需的次数也明显较多。这也是上面所述的溶剂空腔问题。
Line 68580: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13599635 A.U. after 13 cycles
Line 69843: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13662431 A.U. after 12 cycles
Line 71105: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13636208 A.U. after 12 cycles
>>> Line 73188: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3845.72449495 A.U. after 54 cycles
Line 74770: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13665330 A.U. after 20 cycles
Line 76261: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13647203 A.U. after 23 cycles
Line 77804: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13594059 A.U. after 26 cycles
Line 79343: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13482223 A.U. after 26 cycles
Line 81098: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13408631 A.U. after 35 cycles
>>> Line 83672: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3888.91182114 A.U. after 73 cycles
Line 85289: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13665328 A.U. after 22 cycles
Line 86819: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13647358 A.U. after 25 cycles
Line 88367: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13595614 A.U. after 26 cycles
Line 89942: SCF Done: E(RB-P86) = -3825.13490799 A.U. after 27 cycles
▶️ L123,GetHes: LRWHes > LHess! ⏳
******** Start new reaction path calculation ********
RCFC Option Requested - Data Read From Chk File:
Energy From Chk = -2089.1954828
Current Structure is TS -> form Hessian eigenvectors.
Diagonalizing Hessian.
Supplied step size of 0.1000 bohr.
Integration on MW PES will use step size of 0.2173 sqrt(amu)*bohr.
Point Number: 0 Path Number: 1
Leave Link 716 at Wed Jun 28 18:41:00 2017, MaxMem= 18666618880 cpu: 0.5
(Enter /home/gauuser/g09/l123.exe)
******** Start new reaction path calculation ********
LRWHes = 0 LHess = ***
GetHes: LRWHes > LHess!
Error termination via Lnk1e in /home/gauuser/g09/l123.exe at Wed Jun 28 18:41:00 2017.
Job cpu time: 0 days 0 hours 56 minutes 39.2 seconds.
成因:此错误较为罕见,未能获得更多的错误样本。仅有的一个例子中,经分析是由于 1.读取了前一步 opt=TS freq 的Hessian,2. 该Hessian无虚频(注意前面有“WARNING: NO IMAGINARY FREQUENCIES AT TS!”提示)。
Difficult cases
▶️ NtrErr Called from XXXXXX. ⏳
Structure from the checkpoint file: "sideroidide_CS_1_opt.chk"
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)= -584 Len= 36 IPos= 0 Q= 47012767336112
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles = 33 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 1206272 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0 501 502 503 507 511
Base 216576 43520 72192 180736 181760 196608
End 1206272 44520 76297 180821 181925 197835
End1 1206272 44544 76800 181248 182272 198144
Wr Pntr 216576 43520 72192 180736 181760 196608
Rd Pntr 216576 44520 72192 180736 181760 196608
Length 989696 1000 4105 85 165 1227
Number 551 552 561 562 575 579
Base 213504 212480 214016 205824 183808 212992
End 213542 212501 214017 212016 196499 213016
End1 214016 212992 214528 212480 196608 213504
Wr Pntr 213504 212480 214016 205824 183808 212992
Rd Pntr 213504 212480 214016 205824 183808 212992
Length 38 21 1 6192 12691 24
Number 598 603 665 672 674 698
Base 76800 216064 181248 183296 182784 215040
End 76802 216065 181684 183506 182924 215112
End1 77312 216576 181760 183808 183296 215552
Wr Pntr 76800 216064 181248 183296 182784 215040
Rd Pntr 76800 216064 181248 183296 182784 215040
Length 2 1 436 210 140 72
Number 700 701 730 761 801 989
Base 215552 198144 182272 214528 180224 44544
End 215842 205553 182514 214529 180230 64544
End1 216064 205824 182784 215040 180736 65024
Wr Pntr 215842 198144 182272 214528 180224 44544
Rd Pntr 215552 198144 182502 214528 180224 44544
Length 290 7409 242 1 6 20000
Number 991 992 993 994 995 996
Base 65536 65024 43008 40448 42496 41472
End 72098 65033 43208 40478 42516 41672
End1 72192 65536 43520 40960 43008 41984
Wr Pntr 65536 65024 43008 40448 42496 41472
Rd Pntr 72098 65033 43208 40478 42516 41672
Length 6562 9 200 30 20 200
Number 997 998 999
Base 41984 40960 77312
End 42274 41160 179816
End1 42496 41472 180224
Wr Pntr 41984 40960 77312
Rd Pntr 42274 41160 79816
Length 290 200 102504
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 2 NFiles = 1 SizExt = 0 WInBlk = 512
defal = F LstWrd = 65536 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0
Base 40448
End 65536
End1 65536
Wr Pntr 40448
Rd Pntr 40448
Length 25088
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 3 NFiles = 1 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 65536 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0
Base 40448
End 65536
End1 65536
Wr Pntr 40448
Rd Pntr 40448
Length 25088
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)= -584 Len= 36 IPos= 0 Q= 47012767336112
Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
Bad file opened by FileIO: Unit=2 I= 2 FPrev=40960 FCur= 0.
FileIO: IOper= 9 IFilNo(1)= 2 Len= 0 IPos= 0 Q= 135419884
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles = 1 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 65536 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0
Base 20480
End 65536
End1 65536
Wr Pntr 20480
Rd Pntr 20480
Length 45056
Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
NtrErr Called from XXXXXX的报错成因非常复杂,且真实报错离末尾较远,初学者常只贴 Error termination in NtrErr: NtrErr Called from XXXXXX. 乃至最后一屏幕等,实际上在其上的一堆数字之上,例如最开始的案例的实际报错是,后面一堆乱码一样的文字对用户没啥用:
Structure from the checkpoint file: "sideroidide_CS_1_opt.chk"
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
(5)如果实在找不到本质、应当先去除所有需要用到chk文件做输入的因素后重试,例如放弃使用geom=allcheck, guess=read之类的关键词从头开始算试试,可解决一大部分报错。这在本文一开始的部分也提到过。
Gaussian 09: ES64L-G09RevE.01 30-Nov-2015
Will use up to 14 processors via shared memory.
#p m062x/genecp opt=(nofreeze,noeigentest,readfc,gdiis,maxstep=10,notr
ust,ts,restart) int=ultrafine freq empiricaldispersion=gd3 5d 7f scrf=
Berny optimization.
Restoring state from the checkpoint file "/home/gauuser/Gaussian/PhS_Rad_Cyc/4_5
ONIOM data not found on unit 2.
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)= -997 Len= 20 IPos= 0 Q= 140735655680592
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles = 12 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 596480 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 3 NFiles = 1 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 65536 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0
Base 40448
End 65536
End1 65536
Wr Pntr 40448
Rd Pntr 40448
Length 25088
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)= -997 Len= 20 IPos= 0 Q= 140735655680592
Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
按上面方法看似实际有效的报错为“ONIOM data not found on unit 2.”,但其实这根本不是个ONIOM任务,输入文件与ONIOM毫无关系。
其看似报出ONIOM错误的原因是,在正常的opt=restart任务中,程序会在尝试读取 ONIOM data 之后进行标题和Route的读取(见下面的样例),故上述错误很可能是在此处读取这些信息时出错。故也可通过不读取chk文件解决。分析出这个问题需要了解类似的正常任务中“将会有什么输出”,难度较大。
Restoring state from the checkpoint file "/home/gauuser/Gaussian/PhS_Rad_Cyc/2_Z
ONIOM data not found on unit 2.
Title: TS [EXTRACT_GEOM]:2,7,12
Route: #p m062x/genecp opt=(noeigentest,ts,calcfc,nofreeze) int=ultrafine freq
empiricaldispersion=gd3 geom=allcheck 5d 7f scrf=(smd,solvent=acetonitrile) gues
FncErr=1.00D-07 GrdErr=1.00D-06
还有些杂七杂八的情况,诸如我在做片段初猜的计算时,误将多重度 0 1 0 2 0 -2 输入为 0 1 0 3 0 -3,结果即有如下的错误
(Enter /home/gauuser/g09/l122.exe)
Structure from the checkpoint file: "sideroidide_CS_1_opt.chk"
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)= -584 Len= 36 IPos= 0 Q= 47012767336112
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 1 NFiles = 33 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 1206272 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0 501 502 503 507 511
Base 216576 43520 72192 180736 181760 196608
End 1206272 44520 76297 180821 181925 197835
End1 1206272 44544 76800 181248 182272 198144
Wr Pntr 216576 43520 72192 180736 181760 196608
Rd Pntr 216576 44520 72192 180736 181760 196608
Length 989696 1000 4105 85 165 1227
dumping /fiocom/, unit = 3 NFiles = 1 SizExt = 524288 WInBlk = 512
defal = T LstWrd = 65536 FType=2 FMxFil=10000
Number 0
Base 40448
End 65536
End1 65536
Wr Pntr 40448
Rd Pntr 40448
Length 25088
FileIO operation on non-existent file.
FileIO: IOper= 2 IFilNo(1)= -584 Len= 36 IPos= 0 Q= 47012767336112
Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
(6)Gaussian Bug,如果排查了上述问题、做了化简,换了新版本、机器、跑多次都能重复这个错误,参阅下文关于Gaussian Bug的说明。
Probably known bugs
▶️ What does a Gaussian Bug look like? ⏳
Raff turned off since only 57.62% of shell-pairs survive.
Unable to match L and R vectors in BiOrth.
Coeff: 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.000D+00 0.100D+01
Logic error in SftOpn.
Error termination in NtrErr:
NtrErr Called from FileIO.
反思自己有没有瞎搞高斯的临时文件。诸如:跑着跑着临时文件被删了;两个文件用同一个CHK、RWF文件名及路径在同时跑(将某个输入文件复制改写为其他结构时常常发生);用脚本比较深层次的控制高斯可能引起的一些奇怪问题(比如用脚本调用 Gaussian external 读梯度时若两个临时文件冲突,会诱发 L601 的 RdWrB1 read garbage pointers 报错。)
首先应更换当前最新Gaussian版本(发稿时为Gaussian09 E.01)
Some known bugs:
- L103,Bad arguments to LAPack or BLAS routine.
- L401,Diagonalization in DiagDN via DSPEV failed.
- L906,Internal consistency failure #1 in GetIJB.
- L914,Unable to match L and R vectors in BiOrth
- L1002,NIJ > Max2 in MMCore.
Estimated number of processors is: 10
Inverted reduced A of dimension 2103 with in-core refinement.
NIJ > Max2 in MMCore.
Error termination via Lnk1e in l1002.exe at Thu Jun 2 11:12:43 2016.
成因:已知Bug,自G09 C.01版本之后已修复
(G09 C.01 Release Note:“A memory allocation bug for very large systems, which could cause a failure with the message “NIJ > Max2 in MMCore,” was fixed”)
解决:更换G09 C.01或之后版本。
- L1014,Tx not orthogonal to T
- Some of the situations involving
NtrErr Called from FileIO
Normal outputs that could be mistanken as errors ⏳
Warning!!: The largest alpha MO coefficient is… ⏳
Warning!!: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is… ⏳
(Enter /home/ki/g09/l801.exe)
Windowed orbitals will be sorted by symmetry type.
ExpMin= 2.53D-02 ExpMax= 3.74D+05 ExpMxC= 1.18D+03 IAcc=3 IRadAn= 5 AccDes= 0.00D+00
HarFok: IExCor= 205 AccDes= 0.00D+00 IRadAn= 5 IDoV=-2 UseB2=F ITyADJ=14
ICtDFT= 12500011 ScaDFX= 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
Largest valence mixing into a core orbital is 4.82D-04
Largest core mixing into a valence orbital is 1.44D-04
Range of M.O.s used for correlation: 6 101
NBasis= 101 NAE= 9 NBE= 9 NFC= 5 NFV= 0
NROrb= 96 NOA= 4 NOB= 4 NVA= 92 NVB= 92
**** Warning!!: The largest alpha MO coefficient is 0.21049552D+02
**** Warning!!: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is 0.84363472D-01
Leave Link 801 at Mon Sep 8 14:14:12 2014, MaxMem= 805306368 cpu: 0.7
(Enter /home/ki/g09/l804.exe)
(3) 参见上文中关于“L801,Fatal problem: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is XXXXX”的解决方案。
某些错误常会在该提示后面发生,而Warning前后有空行,颇引人注意,因而常有人误以为这是错误的根源。例如如下段落的报错是“EpsInf not defined for this solvent.”,而不是几个硕大的Warning。
**** Warning!!: The largest alpha MO coefficient is 0.30204407D+03
**** Warning!!: The smallest alpha delta epsilon is 0.88447585D-01
**** Warning!!: The largest beta MO coefficient is 0.30099143D+03
**** Warning!!: The smallest beta delta epsilon is 0.91819897D-01
Leave Link 801 at Fri Nov 6 19:09:46 2015, MaxMem= 1048576000 cpu: 0.3
(Enter /software/gs09/g09/l1002.exe)
Minotr: UHF open shell wavefunction.
NEqPCM: Using equilibrium solvation (IEInf=0, Eps= 13.8200, EpsInf= 0.0000)
EpsInf not defined for this solvent.
Error termination via Lnk1e in /public/software/gauss/g09/l1002.exe at Mon May 11 07:58:05 2015.
Gaussian tests the values of the MO coefficients and orbital energies after each SCF calculation. When you get a warning about the smallest delta epsilon, the warning is referring to the difference between orbital energies. Since some of the equations in post-HF methods include a term in the numerator which has the MO coefficients to some positive integer and a difference in orbital energies in the denominator, the calculations can become numerically unstable if the numerator is too large (e.g. MO coefficients too large) or the denominator is too small (orbital energy difference too small). So, this is a warning that the post-HF results may be affected. However, the criteria for these warnings are fairly strict, so the vast majority of the calculations that have these warning messages do not actually suffer from numerical instabilities. If you have results that don't seem to make sense, and these warnings are present, it would be a good idea to repeat the calculation with a different basis set (these problems tend to be worse for basis sets with many diffuse functions) to verify the results.
Error on total polarization charges ⏳
Cycle 11 Pass 1 IDiag 1:
RMSU= 6.48D-09 CP: 1.00D+00 1.01D+00 1.00D+00 1.05D+00 1.06D+00
CP: 9.80D-01 9.86D-01 1.06D+00 1.10D+00 9.43D-01
E= -12097.4433058840 Delta-E= 0.000000000164 Rises=F Damp=F
DIIS: error= 4.95D-08 at cycle 11 NSaved= 11.
NSaved=11 IEnMin=10 EnMin= -12097.4433058841 IErMin=11 ErrMin= 4.95D-08
ErrMax= 4.95D-08 0.00D+00 EMaxC= 1.00D-01 BMatC= 9.84D-12 BMatP= 5.98D-11
IDIUse=1 WtCom= 1.00D+00 WtEn= 0.00D+00
Coeff-Com: -0.204D-04 0.138D-05 0.105D-03 0.650D-03 0.539D-03-0.301D-02
Coeff-Com: -0.154D-01-0.324D-01 0.431D-01 0.322D+00 0.684D+00
Coeff: -0.204D-04 0.138D-05 0.105D-03 0.650D-03 0.539D-03-0.301D-02
Coeff: -0.154D-01-0.324D-01 0.431D-01 0.322D+00 0.684D+00
Gap= 0.206 Goal= None Shift= 0.000
RMSDP=3.88D-09 MaxDP=5.72D-07 DE= 1.64D-10 OVMax= 1.85D-06
Error on total polarization charges = 0.03783
SCF Done: E(RM052X) = -12097.4433059 A.U. after 11 cycles
NFock= 11 Conv=0.39D-08 -V/T= 2.0073
KE= 1.200978298414D+04 PE=-6.824880392971D+04 EE= 2.436187738767D+04
SMD-CDS (non-electrostatic) energy (kcal/mol) = -8.14
(included in total energy above)
Leave Link 502 at Sat Feb 11 02:31:20 2017, MaxMem= 18352963584 cpu: 8769.1
认为它是报错其实是英语问题。。。此处 Error 分别指总极化电荷和DIIS的误差,而不是错误。
This type of calculation cannot be archived. ⏳
(Enter /home/gauuser/g09/l9999.exe)
This type of calculation cannot be archived.
Job cpu time: 1 days 8 hours 55 minutes 51.4 seconds.
File lengths (MBytes): RWF= 1896 Int= 0 D2E= 0 Chk= 138 Scr= 1
Normal termination of Gaussian 09 at Sat Feb 11 03:43:47 2017.
此“报错”出现于任务正常结束前。“Archive” 表示的是Gaussian在一般任务的最后常会输出一大段乱码一样的文本、用于存储任务的各种关键信息。这里“cannot be archived”仅表示 Gaussian 对于 IRC 等类型任务未使其输出存档段信息。
1|0||# opt freq b3lyp/6-311+g(d,p) geom=connectivity||CH4 OPT FREQ||0,
ipole=0.,0.,0.|Quadrupole=0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,0.|PG=TD [O(C1),4C3(H1)]||@
No special actions if energy rises. ⏳
(Enter gpfs/share/home/g16/l502.exe)
Keep R1 ints in memory in canonical form, NReq=136241796.
FoFCou: FMM=F IPFlag= 0 FMFlag= 0 FMFlg1= 0
NFxFlg= 0 DoJE=F BraDBF=F KetDBF=F FulRan=T
wScrn= 0.000000 ICntrl= 600 IOpCl= 0 I1Cent= 0 NGrid= 0
NMat0= 1 NMatS0= 14878 NMatT0= 0 NMatD0= 1 NMtDS0= 0 NMtDT0= 0
Symmetry not used in FoFCou.
Two-electron integral symmetry not used.
Closed shell SCF:
Using DIIS extrapolation, IDIIS= 1040.
NGot= 9895542784 LenX= 9784774425 LenY= 9784735568
Requested convergence on RMS density matrix=1.00D-08 within 128 cycles.
Requested convergence on MAX density matrix=1.00D-06.
Requested convergence on energy=1.00D-06.
【No special actions if energy rises.】
Cycle 1 Pass 1 IDiag 1:
Inv3: Mode=1 IEnd= 1030188.
Iteration 1 A*A^-1 deviation from unit magnitude is 3.00D-15 for 375.
Iteration 1 A*A^-1 deviation from orthogonality is 2.66D-15 for 435 266.
Iteration 1 A^-1*A deviation from unit magnitude is 2.66D-15 for 375.
Iteration 1 A^-1*A deviation from orthogonality is 2.66D-15 for 379 156.
这一语句的选项可以由 IOp(5/86) 控制,例如设置 IOp(5/86=101202) 时会输出下列内容(默认为 IOp(5/86=101100)):
Reduce DIIS space if energy rises from previous iteration.
Dynamic level shift is off after energy rises.
初学者常以为这句话是报错的原因是程序在输出这句话之后会进行SCF迭代,耗时较长,如果初学者不加#p输出SCF迭代的详细信息,那输出文件末尾会保留在“No special actions if energy rises”很久,令初学者误以为出错了。平时计算时都应该加上#p来输出具体SCF信息。
DIIS: error ⏳
End of XXXXXX F.D. properties file XXX does not exist. ⏳
FullF1: Do perturbations 1 to 3.
Isotropic polarizability for W= 0.000000 466.35 Bohr**3.
End of Minotr F.D. properties file 721 does not exist.
End of Minotr F.D. properties file 722 does not exist.
End of Minotr F.D. properties file 788 does not exist.
Leave Link 1002 at Fri May 3 18:59:51 2019, MaxMem= 10995105792 cpu: 153536.8 elap: 4809.4
(Enter /gpfs/share/home/1501110295/g16/l601.exe)
G2PCM: DoFxE=T DoFxN=T DoGrad=T DoDP/DQ/DG/TGxP=FFFF NFrqRd= 0 IEInf=0 SqF1=F DoCFld=F IF1Alg=4.
GePol: Maximum number of non-zero 1st derivatives = 301
End of G2Drv F.D. properties file 721 does not exist.
End of G2Drv F.D. properties file 722 does not exist.
End of G2Drv F.D. properties file 788 does not exist.
Leave Link 1110 at Fri May 3 06:07:58 2019, MaxMem= 10995105792 cpu: 17529.5 elap: 549.1
(Enter /gpfs/share/home/1501110295/g16/l1002.exe)
Abnormal situations that doesn’t give an error message
Abnormal situations that don’t give an error message
▶️ IRC job stopped prematurely, or goes in the other direction ⏳
▶️ One or more small imaginary frequencies after optimization ⏳
(1) 使用的是Gaussian 09 E.01之前的版本,如Gaussian 09 D.01
(2) 使用了D3BJ色散校正(关键词为empiricaldispersion=GD3BJ)
(1) 换用Gaussian 09 E.01或之后版本
(2) 换用empiricaldispersion=GD3
(3) 不用色散校正
▶️ G09 Windows exit at L1.exe without an error message ⏳
成因:目前网上能找到的G09W都是32位程序,故最多可设置使用约1300MB内存(%mem=1300MB,实际极限在1380~1600之间),4 核并行,16GB 硬盘(切割Scratch file无效)。如果超过此值可能触发不报错退出。如上图即为故意将内存设为 %mem=1500MB 时的“无报错错误输出”。
有钱的去买64位的Windoes G09 程序( ╮(╯▽╰)╭ 然后打个包给大家就更好了)
▶️ Abnormal bonding / unbonding in GaussView ⏳
Gaussview 中的显示的成键状态(在未人为规定时)是用原子间距离判断的,即两原子间键长在这对儿元素(比如 C 和 C )对应的某个范围内(如145 pm-165 pm),即判定为相应键级的成键(如C-C单键),这个成键情况的判断显然是十分粗糙的,不必在意。
下图中H2O2是优化后,O-O 键键长变得较长,显示 O-O 之间断键了,但测量 O-O 原子间距离可知仅 145pm,做进一步的其他键级分析也可以得出其中显然有一个共价键,故 “O-O断键” 只是显示问题而已,并非结构优化等过程有错。
第三个例子较为特殊,其打开的是一个fchk(或chk)文件。在优化过程中,Gaussian会在fchk文件中保存第一步优化/IRC 时判断出的成键信息 / 或 geom=connectivity 定义的连接信息,故不论后续优化过程如何进行,打开时GaussView都会显示优化/IRC 刚刚开始时的成键信息。第三个例子就是一个IRC过程,在初始结构中,1-2两个氮原子很近,根据原子间距离判断图中1-2两个氮原子间有单键,IRC/优化后虽然 1-2 两个氮原子远离,但第一步的键连关系被保留,显示为一根异常长的单键。观察这个结果中的键长、键角,根据常识判断是合理的,说明其也是正确的,不说明计算有问题。如果打开的是Log文件,且没有记录geom=connectivity则没有这个显示问题
解决:GaussView (及其他很多软件,如Spartan)显示的成键情况很粗糙,不论是否出现未预期的结果,都应自己通过化学常识判断几何优化过程、显示的成键情况等是否合理。另外可以用Multiwfn计算Mayer键级来辅助判断。
▶️ Viewing IRC jobs in GaussView, it gives an abnormally low energy point at the X=0 point ⏳
症状为在 GaussView 中打开 Result — IRC/Path 时,在反应坐标零点处附近出现一低能点,使图形看起来是“第一个点就掉下去了”:
成因:GaussView 显示 Bug。

其原因在于 GaussView 在读取未正常结束的(尚未跑完、跑出错)的 IRC 时,当前点的反应坐标尚未计算出(如下面段落所示的信息缺失),但当前结构及其能量却已经得到并被GaussView读取,故GaussView 默认其横坐标为0,导致点的顺序出错,显示为这一问题。
# OF STEPS = 1
▶️ «Missing or bad data: Alpha Orbital Energies» when opening chk or fchk files with GaussView ⏳
解决:两种方法 (1) 先将chk转换为fch文件,用Multiwfn软件载入fch文件,用主功能100-选项2转换为fch文件给GaussView读入。或者:(2)先将chk转换为fch文件,然后用文本编辑器打开fch文件,看看里面的Number of basis functions和Number of independent functions是否一致。如果不同,将independent改成independant
Other common entry-level questions
▶️ “How long will this calculation takes?” ⏳
加速或“减速”设定(如RI, int=ultrafine等);
其他理论方法:一些有解析梯度、频率的 post-HF方法(含双杂化泛函如B2PLYP),其解析梯度和频率耗时与单点的比例一般高于HF和DFT方法,解析梯度可至单点的几倍,解析频率
使用特殊选项:诸如使用 scf=xqc时,有时可以用常规方法收敛,有时不行;如果使用了qc,会使得一次SCF收敛的时间大大增长,以往的“SCF需要多少步”的经验也不再适用
▶️ How to generate an initial guess for transition state geometry optimization with flexible scan ⏳
随后需要调整键长。这个反应中涉及两个键、分别是 S-H 和 H-C 键,但我们只需扫描其一,因为在优化过程中另一个键长会随之弛豫变化。
我个人建议,对新手来说、如果自己对过渡态中的键长没有较好把握的话,做两次扫描,均以自己猜想的过渡态为起点,这有两点好处,一是可以在扫描过程中监测扫描过程,发现已有最高点时可立即停止计算,节约计算量;二是这样在优化过程中另一边不会“飞掉”,如本例中,若 C-H 键键长较小,这个体系就变成了分子间弱相互作用体系,只用一次扫描时容易在开始阶段优化不收敛、或因为初猜原因跑到不希望要的构型上。
这个反应中我们以扫描反应中涉及的 C-H 键为例,正常得C-H键键长在110 pm左右,过渡态中势必会较长,假设我们猜过渡态中 C-H 键键长为 1.7A 左右。
随后在 Edit-Redundant Coordinate 中设置柔性扫描 C-H 键,扫 5 步,每步 15 pm (即 170 ~ 245 pm 的 6 个结构),用 B3LYP/6-31G(d) 为例提交运算;再重新设置每步为 -15pm,扫描 3 步(即 125 ~ 170 pm 的 4 个结构),提交运算。
#p opt=modredundant freq b3lyp/6-31g(d)
Title Card Required
0 2
C -3.01654961 -1.31556721 -0.25719647
H -2.65989518 -2.32437721 -0.25719647
H -2.65987677 -0.81116902 -1.13084798
H -4.08654961 -1.31555402 -0.25719647
H -2.44987313 -0.51418690 1.13084798
S -2.01319891 0.10334733 2.20045870
H -2.44953630 1.33854341 2.20102655
B 5 1 S 5 0.150000
其中 opt=modredundant 是进行柔性扫描的关键词,分子段落后面的 “B 5 1 S 5 -0.150000” 表示增加一个冗余内坐标,内容是一根化学键(B),在 原子 5 和 原子 1 之间,模式为扫描(S),共扫描 5 步,步长为向减小键长方向的 0.15 A。
计算完后可在 GaussView 中 Result-Scan 分别查看两次任务的曲线。为方便考察,这里将两个结果做到一条曲线上:
可见其最高点在 1.7 A 处。故我们在 GaussView 中取 1.7 A 的扫描结果作为过渡态初猜,用opt=TS,在同一水平下找过渡态,近4步优化就找到了正确的过渡态,过渡态 C-H 键键长 1.675 A。
#p opt=(calcfc,ts,noeigentest) freq b3lyp/6-31g(d)
Title Card Required
0 2
(如果你完全按上述设置,会发现扫描时最左侧一点时会遇到了L9999 的 opt 未收敛错误,可以按照本帖上面提到的方法解决,但也可无视,因为此时打开输出文件可见路径上的最高点已经找到了,就不用算更多点了)
该方法应作为寻找过渡态的备用方法(比如上面反应的自己画初猜用 opt=TS 其实也容易找到),而不是每次找过渡态都用它。该方法较为耗时,但还可以接受。例如扫描时取10个点时,因为后续的优化是用前面的结构做初猜的,其并不等于做十个优化任务,而只有第一步是完整的优化、后续优化步大概只需要一般优化任务的一半甚至更少的步数和时间,故柔性扫描10个点一般也只是25倍优化任务所需的时间,对不十分大的任务还是容易接受的。
做柔性扫描的级别可以比实际寻找过渡态的级别稍低,但不能太差。例如过渡态用PBE0/def-TZVP计算,则柔性扫描最低可以在 PBE0/def2-SV(P)、或B3LYP/6-31G(d)级别下做;而如果用HF/6-31G(d)这样的级别耗时不低、得到的结果却帮助有限。
步长 10 pm 左右基本是够用的,如果势能面比较复杂,对初猜十分敏感,也可以先用较宽的步长扫描,然后对感兴趣的区间用更小的步长扫描(如上述例子中、可以最后再用0.03的步长在1.51.8之间扫描)
本文的扫描和过渡态寻找都用 B3LYP/6-31G(d) 只是举个例子,实际计算中应当选取合适的计算级别。扫描和寻找过渡态可以用不同的级别,但如果两种方法的势能面差别太大,可能效果不好,若体系、级别很耗时,可如先用 B3LYP/6-31G(d) 做上述扫描,最后再用高级别在最高点附近确认三个点,如在本例中用 M06-2X/def-TZVP 重新确认 1.6 A, 1.7 A, 1.8 A 三个点,确认大小关系正确(方法是在 Edit-Redundant Coordinate 中选择 Freeze 而不是 Scan)。
▶️ “How to put a charge / electron on this atom / fragment?» ⏳
看 一文第六节
▶️ How to calculate activation-strain (distortion-interaction) energy ⏳
Activation Strain 模型和 Distortion-Interaction 完全是一个东西。前者由 Bickelhaupt (1999) 基于前人的一些想法建立起来,提出 Activation Strain 模型的名称;后来 K. N. Houk 在 2007 年 JACS 上发表了一篇文章,未引用 Bickelhaupt,只引用之前更早的一些文章,称之为 Distortion-Interaction,内容与 Bickelhaupt 是完全相同的,没有任何新东西。但或许只是因为他有名,故而大家多称之为 Distortion-Interaction Model。在此鄙视这种行为。
Distortion-Interaction 模型是一种对活化能进行能量分解的方案。对于一个双/多分子反应(单分子反应不适用),distortion能量定义为过渡态各组分在过渡态构型下、无相互作用时的能量与稳定底物之间的电子能差,此值一般为正值;interaction 定义为前述无相互作用体系与真实的过渡态电子能差,此值一般为负值。二者之和应精确等于活化能。
活化能 Ea = E5-E1-E2;
Distortion Energy = E3 + E4 — E1 — E2;
Interaction Energy = E5 — E3 — E4。
可见 Ea = Interaction Energy + Distortion Energy,是一个精确地能量分解。
除了对过渡态做这件事之外,也可以对IRC上的每个点做完全一样的能量分解。观察 distortion 和 interaction 在“反应过程中”的变化。