Error text data outside of root node

Node.js crash on Windows when no read permissions for the disk root. #3977 Comments Node.js will crash with the error «Error: EPERM, operation not permitted ‘C:'» if read permissions to the disk root are disabled. This situation happens often in a shared hosting environment since users only have permissions for certain folders and not […]


  1. Node.js crash on Windows when no read permissions for the disk root. #3977
  3. Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read #658
  5. Error: Text data outside of root node. #118
  7. Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read #658

Node.js crash on Windows when no read permissions for the disk root. #3977

Node.js will crash with the error «Error: EPERM, operation not permitted ‘C:’» if read permissions to the disk root are disabled. This situation happens often in a shared hosting environment since users only have permissions for certain folders and not the entire hard drive.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Can you not give «read attributes» permission to users?

This is a requirement if you build a shared hosting on Windows with IIS and want to host Node.js apps. Most hosting control panels will remove C: (disk root) read permissions to prevent users from reading other’s folders, like on this page:
I think there should be at least some try/catch near the fs.js:520 line to prevent node from crashing.
Node is running fine if you execute it from command line with your user (admin) permissions, but when you start it form IIS web server to host a web site it will be started with restricted permissions and crash.

In order to find the full path to node.exe and app.js , node lstat()s all directories in it’s path (so c: , c:program files , c:program filesnodejs ). Node does this to (a) fill out the process.execPath property and (b) use the correct module loading semantics.

In order to make node work, allow all users to «read file attributes» on the 3 paths I mentioned. This is not a security risk.

Er, you’ll probably want to select «apply to this file/folder only».

It is not the problem that node cannot find an app.js script. In fact it can.. or it would if it wouldn’t crash before on trying accessing optional c: I understand that node is searching for scripts and modules in many optional locations, but why would it crash if any of these optional locations is inaccessible because of permissions? I think it needs to gracefully move to the next possible location without crash.

@govorunov @rukeba The problem is that node tries to resolve any symlinks in the path of the main module.


Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read #658

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?
A bug I think.

What is the current behavior?

I have an project which is a react native project called th_views.rn and in the project there’s a folder which is still a react native project named examples

Then I run npm run android in examples which run the react-native run-android . Then the error show:

which the code around is node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph/ModuleResolution.js :

And the folder which perform read on is: /my_porject_path/th_views.rn/examples/.

It’s strange that perform read on . . How can I debug or fix this. Thank you.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Got the same issue

i am getting the same issue running on iOS. my app is hanging on splash screen with the same error message.
@huhuang03 did you find any fix for this ?

Got the same issue

It seems like that the error occurs when I open Devtools.

@huhuang03 : did you find any solution for this. we are struggling to get the solution. Please let us know if you got anything

@huhuang03 Disable the Google debugging tool JavaScript Source Maps and CSS Source Map,
The error goes away

Same here, trying to upgrade an app from Expo SDK 40 to 41.

An error in devtools related to source maps:

This is just annoying to have a console stacktrace on expo start , but it does not prevent the app to run in my case.

It seems like that the error occurs when I open Devtools.

Can you share the link to the answer to be more accurate?
Also it is true, I can only reproduce while debugging. if not the issue does not arise.

Go to the developer tools (F12 in the browser), then select the three dots in the upper right corner, and go to Settings.
Then, look for Sources, and disable the options: «Enable javascript source maps» «Enable CSS source maps»

Same issue here; assuming the stackoverflow url posted above is the quote above — this did not work. Same experience though, when I am not debugging the error magically goes away.

I’m facing the sam issue. If this is gonna help somebody — attaching the debugger via react-native-debugger app works like a charm.

@lpetka please can you expatiate on your suggestion? How did you attach the debugger via react-native-debugger?

I have installed expo@41.0.1 and this fixed my issues (after all warnings resolved and recommended versions installed)

I have installed expo@42.0.1 and the issue still persists 🙁
MacOs Big Sur

Same here, failing to resolve /my-root/. originating in requestProcessor()

node v14.18.0
npm v8.0.0

still got the same issue

i am stuck since 2 days. can anyone please post a solution.

For what it’s worth. I still see this error and i’ve continued to ignore it. Everything in my app is working fine, my store builds work fine so until it breaks something I’ll unfortunately continue to ignore it. I may try the solution mentioned by @lpetka; as it appears to be related to the debugger.

I’ve the same issue. I’ve solve it by adding to metro.config.js next lines :

I hope this can help you

i solved by this link here ,react-native-reanimated no support on debug mode , some of the plugin no support debug mode, don’t forget to check the plugin you install

I got the same issue:

node v16.14.0
yarn v1.22.17
MacOs Big Sur

But in my case I also can see this issue in my build.
How can I fix this. Thank you.

bit of a old thread but i just solved this exact issue on a server I am running.

my issue was that i was using «readFileSync», when it came across a Directory and not a file, it threw that error.

my solution was simply re organize my file structure so that it does not come across a folder, for others you may want to implement some logic to not read a Directory’s only files.

I got same error, but all going well after I yarn global remove wml

that save my life

if you have never install wml , just consider some other related global libs

I got the error again even I uninstall wml staff, but I found my issue’s root cause was the watchman , after run brew uninstall watchman , all going well

@huhuang03 Disable the Google debugging tool JavaScript Source Maps and CSS Source Map, The error goes away

This is not a valid answer. The issue isn’t about displaying an error. It’s about the debugger preventing the app from loading, in my case.

I’m facing the sam issue. If this is gonna help somebody — attaching the debugger via react-native-debugger app works like a charm.

I’m glad it worked for you although I can’t see how it did. RN Debugger is built on Chrome Devtools. If open, it redirects the app launch away from Devtools. I thought I’d try your solution hoping it’d work for me. Sadly, it did not.

For what it’s worth. I still see this error and i’ve continued to ignore it. Everything in my app is working fine, my store builds work fine so until it breaks something I’ll unfortunately continue to ignore it. I may try the solution mentioned by @lpetka; as it appears to be related to the debugger.

Unlike the OP, my app runs fine and I don’t receive this error message as long as I don’t try to launch a debugger. Once in debug mode, the app hangs at the splash screen. If I close the debugger, then app refreshes and works as intended. The really weird part of this is that this error just started appearing about 2 days ago. Before that, I used the debugger daily. No frikin idea what’s going on.

What’s even more surprising is that this issue has remained open for over a year now.
UPATE: I guess in my case, the problem resides with the react-native-reanimated library. There’s a known bug that breaks the debugger.


Error: Text data outside of root node. #118

When parsing I occasionally receive this:

I am using the module in the «Shoot-and-forget» method:

Am I missing something or is this a bug?

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

This looks like your XML data is invalid. Could it be that it looks like this?

Oh I’m sure that the XML is screwed up, but I’m wondering why it’s throwing an error event instead of using the returned «err» object? If this is intended behavior, how do I handle this parsing error so bad XML doesn’t crash my program?

Hey man, could you take a look at my previous question and advise? I’d just like to be able to handle this XML parsing error.

Same issue here. We have to parse XML coming from outside sources and some of that external XML is bad.

Looks like the exception originates in sax:

Well you could wrap it in a try-catch. But I agree, this looks quite like a bug in xml2js and should be handled by the err parameter. Will look into it, thanks for the report.

Found it. It’s a subtle thing in the interaction with Sax.

I can do a pull request if you wish.

Here’s the sequence of events as I understand it: Sax begins parsing bad XML which has multiple errors. It throws its custom error event (not a Node EventEmitter event) and xml2js catches it, decides if it has already thrown a single error for this sax parser, and then throws its own error event accordingly. But the Sax error isn’t cleared by calling saxParser.resume() so that the next time Sax enters write(), it throws a JS error (as it does when a previous error hasn’t been cleared by resume() ).

Additionally, xml2js does not throw an end event when the saxParser emits an onend, causing parseString() to hang forever. To fix that I added a handler for Sax’s end event in xml2js.

@toddrbryan 👍 If you add a regression test, I’d be more than happy to merge your pull request!


Error: EISDIR: illegal operation on a directory, read #658

Do you want to request a feature or report a bug?
A bug I think.

What is the current behavior?

I have an project which is a react native project called th_views.rn and in the project there’s a folder which is still a react native project named examples

Then I run npm run android in examples which run the react-native run-android . Then the error show:

which the code around is node_modules/metro/src/node-haste/DependencyGraph/ModuleResolution.js :

And the folder which perform read on is: /my_porject_path/th_views.rn/examples/.

It’s strange that perform read on . . How can I debug or fix this. Thank you.

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Got the same issue

i am getting the same issue running on iOS. my app is hanging on splash screen with the same error message.
@huhuang03 did you find any fix for this ?

Got the same issue

It seems like that the error occurs when I open Devtools.

@huhuang03 : did you find any solution for this. we are struggling to get the solution. Please let us know if you got anything

@huhuang03 Disable the Google debugging tool JavaScript Source Maps and CSS Source Map,
The error goes away

Same here, trying to upgrade an app from Expo SDK 40 to 41.

An error in devtools related to source maps:

This is just annoying to have a console stacktrace on expo start , but it does not prevent the app to run in my case.

It seems like that the error occurs when I open Devtools.

Can you share the link to the answer to be more accurate?
Also it is true, I can only reproduce while debugging. if not the issue does not arise.

Go to the developer tools (F12 in the browser), then select the three dots in the upper right corner, and go to Settings.
Then, look for Sources, and disable the options: «Enable javascript source maps» «Enable CSS source maps»

Same issue here; assuming the stackoverflow url posted above is the quote above — this did not work. Same experience though, when I am not debugging the error magically goes away.

I’m facing the sam issue. If this is gonna help somebody — attaching the debugger via react-native-debugger app works like a charm.

@lpetka please can you expatiate on your suggestion? How did you attach the debugger via react-native-debugger?

I have installed expo@41.0.1 and this fixed my issues (after all warnings resolved and recommended versions installed)

I have installed expo@42.0.1 and the issue still persists 🙁
MacOs Big Sur

Same here, failing to resolve /my-root/. originating in requestProcessor()

node v14.18.0
npm v8.0.0

still got the same issue

i am stuck since 2 days. can anyone please post a solution.

For what it’s worth. I still see this error and i’ve continued to ignore it. Everything in my app is working fine, my store builds work fine so until it breaks something I’ll unfortunately continue to ignore it. I may try the solution mentioned by @lpetka; as it appears to be related to the debugger.

I’ve the same issue. I’ve solve it by adding to metro.config.js next lines :

I hope this can help you

i solved by this link here ,react-native-reanimated no support on debug mode , some of the plugin no support debug mode, don’t forget to check the plugin you install

I got the same issue:

node v16.14.0
yarn v1.22.17
MacOs Big Sur

But in my case I also can see this issue in my build.
How can I fix this. Thank you.

bit of a old thread but i just solved this exact issue on a server I am running.

my issue was that i was using «readFileSync», when it came across a Directory and not a file, it threw that error.

my solution was simply re organize my file structure so that it does not come across a folder, for others you may want to implement some logic to not read a Directory’s only files.

I got same error, but all going well after I yarn global remove wml

that save my life

if you have never install wml , just consider some other related global libs

I got the error again even I uninstall wml staff, but I found my issue’s root cause was the watchman , after run brew uninstall watchman , all going well

@huhuang03 Disable the Google debugging tool JavaScript Source Maps and CSS Source Map, The error goes away

This is not a valid answer. The issue isn’t about displaying an error. It’s about the debugger preventing the app from loading, in my case.

I’m facing the sam issue. If this is gonna help somebody — attaching the debugger via react-native-debugger app works like a charm.

I’m glad it worked for you although I can’t see how it did. RN Debugger is built on Chrome Devtools. If open, it redirects the app launch away from Devtools. I thought I’d try your solution hoping it’d work for me. Sadly, it did not.

For what it’s worth. I still see this error and i’ve continued to ignore it. Everything in my app is working fine, my store builds work fine so until it breaks something I’ll unfortunately continue to ignore it. I may try the solution mentioned by @lpetka; as it appears to be related to the debugger.

Unlike the OP, my app runs fine and I don’t receive this error message as long as I don’t try to launch a debugger. Once in debug mode, the app hangs at the splash screen. If I close the debugger, then app refreshes and works as intended. The really weird part of this is that this error just started appearing about 2 days ago. Before that, I used the debugger daily. No frikin idea what’s going on.

What’s even more surprising is that this issue has remained open for over a year now.
UPATE: I guess in my case, the problem resides with the react-native-reanimated library. There’s a known bug that breaks the debugger.


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Иногда я получаю сообщение об ошибке при попытке установить любой плагин Cordova ionic (обычно примерно после 18:00 по Гринвичу + 0).

Это с плагинами как от npm, так и от GitHub, и я получаю следующую ошибку:

Error: Text data outside of root node.
Line: 155
Column: 1
Char: "

Команда установки будет выглядеть примерно так:

ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-network-information@1.3.1

На самом деле не имеет значения, какой это плагин, потому что, как уже упоминалось, для некоторых из них это происходит, все они получают одну и ту же ошибку. Он будет работать нормально утром, а потом внезапно отключается.

Я пробовал на нескольких компьютерах, на нескольких отдельных подключениях к Интернету (из Великобритании), и у меня даже есть сценарий, который повторно запускает команды, если они терпят неудачу, поэтому он будет пытаться установить около 20 подключаемых модулей непрерывно, пока они не будут установлены в течение того времени, пока я запустите мой скрипт. Запускал час постоянно, ни одной не установил.

Я также проверил статус npm и GitHub, если они, возможно, не работают, но, похоже, они работают как обычно …

Благодарим за любую идею

2 ответа

Лучший ответ

* На основе моего комментария, который помог пользователю, задавшего вопрос, и который меня попросили опубликовать в качестве ответа: *

Я вообще не знаю ionic, но у меня есть некоторый опыт работы с Cordova, и у меня никогда не было проблем с установкой плагинов, даже в корпоративной сети.

Попробуйте установить плагин без ионика.

cordova plugin add


Chris Neve
7 Дек 2017 в 13:07

Эта ошибка может быть вызвана недопустимым файлом AndroidManifest.xml. После установки подключаемого модуля с использованием ionic corvoda мой AndroidManifest.xml получил синтаксическую ошибку, и у меня возникла эта проблема при создании APK. После исправления синтаксической ошибки сборка завершилась успешно.


Amir Ajorloo
16 Май 2020 в 15:14

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