Странная ошибка текстур в майнкрафт!
Это довольно известная проблема, вызванная обновлённым графическим движком. Начиная с версии 1.17 (а точнее, со снапшота 21w10a) моджанги ̶в̶к̶о̶н̶е̶ц̶ ̶с̶л̶о̶м̶а̶л̶и̶ попытались улучшить графический движок, чтобы решить ситуацию с низкой производительностью графики. Но так как у разработчика, создающего графический движок, руки растут не из того места, получилось то, что получилось – подобные графические артефакты на некоторых устройствах и сильное падение производительности на слабых видеокартах. Зато люди с новыми видеокартами имеют немного больше fps.
Сама проблема вызвана устаревшими драйверами для некоторых видеокарт, которые каким-то чудом в принципе умудрились запустить 1.17. На официальном багтрекере Minecraft уже создано более 120 заявок, описывающих эту проблему, а пост в официальном сабреддите так вообще набрал более 1,500 апвоутов. Тем не менее, разработчики продолжают упорно игнорировать эту проблему и закрывать все заявки на багтрекере с причиной «Решено».
На данный момент у проблемы нет другого решения, кроме устранения проблемы аппаратно.
Однако мне известен случай, когда человеку помогла установка мода Sodium, который представляет собой отдельный графический движок, в несколько раз более производительный, чем ванильный, который адаптируется к вашему графическому оборудованию.
Второй способ, который, в теории, может помочь – установка пакета совместимости для OpenGL. Правда, сделать это смогут лишь пользователи Windows 10. В теории, это должно помочь, однако точных результатов собственных тестов у меня нет.
Третий способ, который я недавно обнаружил – искусственное понижение требуемой версии драйвера при помощи мода GLdown. Хотя я не уверен, что это может как-то исправить проблему, так как мод лишь понижает требования игры к OpenGL до версии 3.1 без существенных преобразований в графическом движке. Тем не менее, попробовать стоит.
Minecraft Forums
[SOLVED] Rendering screen crash on startup with texture pack greater than 64x
I’m having an issue while trying to use HD texture packs. I’m trying to use 256x or 512x texture packs and my rig is more than powerful enough for 512x but the game crashes on startup.
Chassis: Silverstone RV03 Raven 3
Mobo: Asus Rampage 3 Black
CPU: i7 960 OC to 4GHz
CPU Cooling: Corsair H80
RAM: 8GB Mushkin Enhanced DDR3-2000 CL7
Sound card: Asus Xonar Xense
GPU: 2x Asus ENGTX580 DCII in SLI
PSU: Enermax SGalaxy EVO 1250W
SSD: Corsair Force 3 240GB
HDD: Western Digital 750GB for storage
I know the solution to OutOfMemory errors is to allocate more RAM to Minecraft which I did. I allocated 4GB through the Java control panel, a .cmd file with the proper command(s) and using MCPatcher but it’s as if none of these methods are working. Minecraft still can’t get enough RAM to launch with anything greater than a 64x texture pack and it appears as if the crash report is saying I’m only allocating 512MB with a max of 1024MB which is just not true. Anyone have any idea?
EDIT: I wasn’t sure what support sub forum this belonged to. My Minecraft is not modded beyond MCPatcher for HD textures. In other words, I ran MCPatcher but no other mods are installed. If this is in the wrong forum I apologize.
The error:
—- Minecraft Crash Report —-
// Ooh. Shiny.
Time: 07/05/13 1:46 AM
Description: Rendering screen
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at bio.b(SourceFile:256)
at bir.b(SourceFile:154)
at bge.d(SourceFile:350)
at bge.c(SourceFile:301)
at bjx.a(SourceFile:146)
at axt.a(SourceFile:175)
at bjw.a(SourceFile:109)
at bfq.b(SourceFile:768)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.K(SourceFile:597)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:526)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
— Head —
at bio.b(SourceFile:256)
at bir.b(SourceFile:154)
at bge.d(SourceFile:350)
at bge.c(SourceFile:301)
at bjx.a(SourceFile:146)
at axt.a(SourceFile:175)
at bjw.a(SourceFile:109)
— Screen render details —
Screen name: bjw
Mouse location: Scaled: (240, 127). Absolute: (960, 519)
Screen size: Scaled: (480, 257). Absolute: (1920, 1028). Scale factor of 4
at bfq.b(SourceFile:768)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.K(SourceFile:597)
at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.run(SourceFile:526)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
— System Details —
Minecraft Version: 1.5.2
Operating System: Windows 7 (amd64) version 6.1
Java Version: 1.7.0_21, Oracle Corporation
Java VM Version: Java HotSpot™ 64-Bit Server VM (mixed mode), Oracle Corporation
Memory: 264525336 bytes (252 MB) / 950009856 bytes (906 MB) up to 954466304 bytes (910 MB)
JVM Flags: 2 total; -Xms512m -Xmx1024m
AABB Pool Size: 2931 (164136 bytes; 0 MB) allocated, 0 (0 bytes; 0 MB) used
Suspicious classes: [com.prupe.mcpatcher.MCPatcherUtils, Config, MCLogger, . ], [com.prupe.mcpatcher.mod.ColorizeItem, AAHelper, TessellatorUtils, . ]
IntCache: cache: 0, tcache: 0, allocated: 1, tallocated: 63
LWJGL: 2.4.2
OpenGL: GeForce GTX 580/PCIe/SSE2 GL version 4.3.0, NVIDIA Corporation
Is Modded: Very likely; Jar signature invalidated
Type: Client (map_client.txt)
Texture Pack: Inter Realistic Texture Pack 256 V1.0.zip
Profiler Position: N/A (disabled)
Vec3 Pool Size:
Both of those suggestions result in an identical crash report.
But I DID get it working using Magic Launcher. I didn’t even know about it until 10 minutes before typing this post. Here is what I did in case anyone else has this issue with HD Texture Packs. This works on Windows, but there may be a version of MagicLauncher for Mac or Linux. I haven’t looked so I’m not positive.
Minecraft Forums
MC TEXTURE PACK ERROR! INVISIBLE SWORD GLITCH OR ERROR. ‘o’ herro i ned ur hlp plz i fna :/
- li» data-page-inline=»False» data-scroll-inline=»False»>
- Out of the Water
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- Iron Miner
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- Coal Miner
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- Out of the Water
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They may not be transparent to you btw. When I use them in the pack the originally came in, they were fine, but when I moved it to my pack that’s when they turned transparent. Above are the links provided for the fishing rod.
- Out of the Water
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The swords I wanted to use are from this texture pack
- Iron Miner
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- Out of the Water
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- Out of the Water
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i know how to fix this error, i fixed it on mine, it takes a little time but i can fix my files and have them ready around next week and send you a link o download the fixed ones if you want, and only the swords right? because on mine the pickaxes are like that also.
- Out of the Water
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i know how to fix this error, i fixed it on mine, it takes a little time but i can fix my files and have them ready around next week and send you a link o download the fixed ones if you want, and only the swords right? because on mine the pickaxes are like that also.
- Newly Spawned
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If you want to remove the hole in the sword use optifine it removes it but anyone know how to use optifine while having the hole on the sword?
- Newly Spawned
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Try to use GIMP
Open the texture which has the problem
Click Image and make sure the mode is set to RGB (It’s usually set on RGB already but sometimes it would be different)
Click Layer, go to Transparency and click Threshold Alpha
When the window opens, don’t do anything and just click Ok
Export the image and.. You’re done.
If this doesn’t work then it’s probably a glitch in 1.8 that I don’t know how to fix :/
Hope this helped
Troubleshooting Minecraft Missing Texture
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This tutorial will help you fix Minecraft texture missing problem.
1) Download the latest Windows 10 update and restart your computer. Microsoft has finally released a fix for this issue so make sure to get it as soon as possible!. If that doesn’t work, try installing an older version of Windows or one without these features (see below).2) There are two ways to install windows: by using an installation disc or downloading it from Microsoft directly3) You can download the 32-bit edition at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-downloads 4) Install “windows10_enterprise” manually on your PC5) Make sure you’ve installed all updates after the new OS is set up6)”Windows Update Troubleshooting Guide for Users Unable to Connect”: http://support.microsoftedge…l?ie=UTF8&kbid=9368903 7)(Optional): Delete parts of C:UsersYourPCName
Topic: What Is The Purpose Of A Blockchain?
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The “minecraft missing texture resource pack download” is a tool that allows users to download and install the missing texture packs. It has been created by Mojang, the developer of Minecraft.
When Minecraft detects that a texture for a block is missing, the block is given a unique magenta and black grid color.
What’s the deal with my Minecraft world being purple and black? If your Minecraft world appears purple and black, it’s because a resource pack is out of date or you’re missing a texture pack. Update or delete the faulty bundle to resolve the issue.
So, if you see a magenta and black block, it means a texture in the game is missing, doesn’t exist, or was removed unintentionally.
It may also indicate that specific objects or blocks are glitched or were inserted into the game via NBT Editing or command blocks.
The texture bricks that are missing are significantly bigger than normal blocks.
Fun fact: If you delete every texture in the game, your environment would consist only of magenta and black blocks.
Okay, now that we’ve discussed these strange-looking blocks, let’s look at how to solve the issue.
Fix for missing textures in Minecraft
Delete the JSON blockstate files (method 1)
To solve this problem quickly, open your texture pack’s “blockstates” file and remove any JSONs concerning wall blocks. Removing these files will force the game to use the default ones, which will resolve the problem.
Check whether everything is functioning properly after reloading your texture pack.
Method 2: See whether any of the blocks have been renamed.
Minecraft believes the texture is missing if any of your blocks have been renamed. As a consequence, the default texture pack will be used by the game.
A solution may be to wait for the resource pack to be updated. However, this takes a lot of time and patience.
If you prefer to take things into your own hands, use an unzipping software like 7Zip to open the Minecraft jar.
To speed things up, you can also use a command line tool such as Info-ZIP. Run a command such as: unzip -l 18w11a.jar > files.txt.
Then find and drag out the assets folder, which contains the default resource pack.
A list of filenames will appear. Analyze the filenames in files.txt with Notepad or another text editor if you like, and see what needs to be changed.
Method 3 – Make sure your texture pack is up to date.
This issue may be exacerbated if the pack you’re using is out of date. Make sure you have the most recent Minecraft texture pack installed. Mojang distributes texture pack updates on a regular basis, so make sure you’re up to date.
If none of the troubleshooting techniques worked, contact Mojang support and tell them what you tried so far.
It’s Beneficial to Know
Why are the textures that are missing purple and black? Minecraft utilizes purple and black to symbolize missing textures because this color combination is prominent, and players will notice if their textures are missing fast.
Many other games utilize the purple and black grid for uniformity, making it easy for players to see the problem.
We’re hoping for some assistance.
Watch This Video-
The “minecraft textures not working” is a problem that many players have encountered. The fix for the issue is to use the “forge profile”.
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my Minecraft Texture Pack not show up?
A: Most likely, you have to update your Minecraft texture pack in order to see it. That is all there is to it!
How do I fix the texture pack glitch?
A: Unfortunately, there is currently no solution to the texture pack glitch. This issue seems to be affecting a large number of users across all platforms with the exception of Samsung Galaxy devices.
What is the missing texture in Minecraft?
Related Tags
- how to fix missing textures in minecraft bedrock
- minecraft missing texture block
- minecraft missing texture skin
- minecraft bedrock missing textures
- missing texture gmod
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Sep 5, 2013
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Sep 5, 2013
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Screens? It’s my surprise, so Try it Now!
Yeah, no, you’re going to post screenshots. We have rules for a reason.
Sep 5, 2013
Yeah, no, you’re going to post screenshots. We have rules for a reason.
Apparently that rule doesn’t apply to Texture Discussion. Odd but true.
I’m still not interested without pictures, though, and it’s unlikely that anyone else will be either.
Besides, what do you want to bet that this is just one big blue bucket fill with some white text.
Sep 5, 2013
Plus, how do we know that we’re not just downloading a virus?
Sep 5, 2013
Plus, how do we know that we’re not just downloading a virus?
He uploaded it to Curse, which unlike most file hosts does actually check that content of the .zip file, and has strict restrictions about what file types are allowed. For once, this isn’t actually much of a concern.
Sep 5, 2013
He uploaded it to Curse, which unlike most file hosts does actually check that content of the .zip file, and has strict restrictions about what file types are allowed. For once, this isn’t actually much of a concern.
Oops, didn’t notice that.
Scratch that!
Sep 5, 2013
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Apparently that rule doesn’t apply to Texture Discussion. Odd but true.
I’m still not interested without pictures, though, and it’s unlikely that anyone else will be either.
Besides, what do you want to bet that this is just one big blue bucket fill with some white text.
I believe they changed the rule to apply to any files put up for download. Feel free to correct me on that, but I remember seeing that there was an update to the rules applying to file downloads.
Sep 5, 2013
I don’t know what I expected.
Sep 5, 2013
I believe they changed the rule to apply to any files put up for download. Feel free to correct me on that, but I remember seeing that there was an update to the rules applying to file downloads.
Sorry, but I’m going to have to contradict you. Wish I didn’t because I think it’s a good idea.
The only changes regarding downloads are:
+## File Guidelines + +When a topic offers a downloadable file, the topic and file must follow these rules: + + * Topics must inform users if their file does any of the following: + - "Call home", or contact a server to check their version or to automatically update + - Send information to a remote service, such as email or server + - Downloads additional files
None of these apply to resource packs anyway. In addition there’s:
+ * Topics must explain what their file does and how to use it (this includes installing if needed)
Which if taken literally means that all pack download posts must contain install instructions. This is probably a good thing since most people don’t seem to get how easy it is.
And then there’s just common sense:
+ * Files must not be malicious or harmful in nature, this includes malware and stealing information like account details + * Files must not contain any copyrighted material unless permission is given and is posted
So yea, unfortunately, the posting pictures if textures were changed thing still only applies to the Texture and Resource Packs forum proper. Unfortunately.
I don’t know what I expected.
It makes me sad that the idea that I had in total sarcasm would have been better.
Sep 6, 2013
Isn’t that the ‘unused texture’ in the old terrain.png?
Now if Swap had a Mob template that was easier to read in this and perhaps a GUI template with various color coded things… then maybe this would be slightly* useful. Buuuuuuuuut. The fact he’s trying to garner some curse points for this crap… [walks away]
Oct 23, 2013
So, you want to have screens? OK!
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Oct 24, 2013
It’s a bit late for that, don’t you think?
Umm, yeah. But I’m just a starter, you know?
I made this just because I want to SHARE my work, not ADVERTISE it
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Oct 24, 2013
I made this just because I want to SHARE my work, not ADVERTISE it
You know your work is just copying and pasting a square on everything, right?
Oct 24, 2013
Saying No pics no clicks is considered as spam. Please read the Minecraft forum rules. http://rules.mcf.li/
Plus, how do we know that we’re not just downloading a virus?
Having screenshots doesn’t mean it’s not a virus you know. Just because you have pictures doesn’t mean it’s a virus.
Oct 24, 2013
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- Iron Miner
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This is well… Umm… It’s very pink??? Well sir, There’s one thing I can say for sure about your pack, it has rendered me speechless. But seriously, this isn’t the craziest resource pack ever, it’s the laziest resource pack ever. You literally just changed all the textures to pink and green squares, and what’s worse? They’re not even your pick and green squares! I know your a beginner but you should really wait until your texturing skills are better before post on the forum to avoid this kind of awkward situation. I know it’s tempting to just make your first attempt at a resource pack public for the world to see, but it really pays off if you wait and improve first. It saves you a lot of embarrassment.
Oct 25, 2013
Then, this work (A.K.A Crap) is worthless? Then why many people are downloading this «crap»?
This is well… Umm… It’s very pink??? Well sir, There’s one thing I can say for sure about your pack, it has rendered me speechless. But seriously, this isn’t the craziest resource pack ever, it’s the laziest resource pack ever. You literally just changed all the textures to pink and green squares, and what’s worse? They’re not even your pick and green squares! I know your a beginner but you should really wait until your texturing skills are better before post on the forum to avoid this kind of awkward situation. I know it’s tempting to just make your first attempt at a resource pack public for the world to see, but it really pays off if you wait and improve first. It saves you a lot of embarrassment.
Well, tmt97, if you hate the pink , sorry for that.
You know your work is just copying and pasting a square on everything, right?
Not a «square», but a GUI Template. That GUI Template is, umm…, a template!
For the other guys who help me to fix answering the comments, thank you then
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Oct 25, 2013
Then, this work (A.K.A Crap) is worthless? Then why many people are downloading this «crap»?
I think a lot of people downloaded because they were tired of waiting for screenshots. Download count can mean next to nothing if the feedback isn’t so great, nor does it speak of a project’s success, similar to how a cruddy videogame could sell extremely well with all the promotion, but get poor reviews once it’s played.
Oct 25, 2013
A download count of 5-6 downloads a day is not «many people». :/
Really? Or it maybe meant 1-2?
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Oct 25, 2013
Really? Or it maybe meant 1-2?
Thank you for reporting my original not really inflammatory post, then insulting me afterwards. That’s was very rude. :/
My apparently horrible insult about your download count aside, if you want to be taken seriously as a artist you should make a pack with actual content. All you are doing is taking a default texture and throwing a color shift on it. It’s really not all that hard of work.
But I’m unsure of your goals at this point, the way you have responded, being subtly insulting to a lot of us *and* decided to report me for saying something a lot less insulting than what you’re telling us, makes me think you’re just a kid trolling us and you don’t want any actual feedback.
So, good day to you.
Oct 27, 2013
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This page documents all known cases where missing textures and models are or were used in vanilla Java Edition.
For this page, due to the nature and intended use of missing textures and missing models, «vanilla» is defined in a much more strict sense than normal: alongside having no mods installed, use of non-default texture packs or resource packs, as well as non-default data packs, are also forbidden, as these can allow for the arbitrary occurrence of error handling assets.
This section only covers cases where the texture arises due to a texture being absent or invalid. Cases where the texture appears due to a model being absent or invalid are documented in the missing model subsection.
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.5 (13w03a) |
1.7.2 (13w41a) |
Feature removed | No texture defined | Locked Chest | MC-1561[n 1] | Did not use the missing texture in 13w02a and 13w02b, despite it existing. This resulted in crashes. This is a missing texture issue and not a missing model issue as custom models were added in 1.8, despite locked chests being removed in 1.7. |
1.8 (14w06b) |
1.8 (14w17a) |
Fixed | No texture defined | Potted End Portal | |||
1.15 (19w36a) |
1.15 (19w37a) |
Fixed | Nonexistent texture referenced | Beehive, when full | MC-160456 | Game tries to load «textures/block/bee_hive_top.png» and «textures/block/bee_hive_bottom.png» |
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.5 (13w03a) |
1.5 (13w04a) |
Fixed | No texture defined | Redstone Wire (direct item form) | MC-8149 | Did not use the missing texture in 13w02a and 13w02b, despite it existing. This resulted in crashes. | |
1.5 (13w03a) |
1.5 (13w04a) |
Fixed | No texture defined | Oak Door (direct item form) | Did not use the missing texture in 13w02a and 13w02b, despite it existing. This resulted in crashes. | ||
1.5 (13w03a) |
1.5 (13w04a) |
Fixed | No texture defined | Iron Door (direct item form) | Did not use the missing texture in 13w02a and 13w02b, despite it existing. This resulted in crashes. | ||
1.7.2 (13w38b) |
1.7.2 (13w38c) |
Feature removed | No texture defined | Air (direct item form) | |||
1.8 (14w05a) |
1.8 (14w25a) |
Feature removed | No texture defined | End Portal (direct item form) | MC-48102 | ||
1.14 (18w45a) |
1.14 (18w46a) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Spruce Sign | MC-138984 | Some other signs had missing planes here.[more information needed] |
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.9 (15w31a) |
1.9 (15w31b) |
Fixed | Nonexistent texture referenced | Spectral Arrow | MC-82809 | Game tries to load «textures/entity/projectiles/tracer_arrow.png» | |
1.16 (20w07a) |
1.16 (Pre-release 3) |
Fixed | Nonexistent texture referenced | Turtle Shell, when worn by a Piglin | MC-172110 | Game tries to load «textures/models/armor/turtle_piglin_helmet.png» |
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.14 (19w08a) |
1.14 (19w08b) |
Fixed | Nonexistent texture referenced | Instant Health Instant Damage |
MC-144463 | Game tries to load «textures/mob_effect/instant_health.png» and «textures/mob_effect/instant_damage.png» |
- Block and item particles (breaking, broken, sprinting on, falling on, iron golem walking on, eating, …)
From 13w02a to 13w17a, the missing texture was positioned at the very top-left of the texture atlas. As such, it was used in multiple cases not due to it being the missing texture, but due to it being at the top-left. Only cases in which the texture is used due to being the missing texture are listed here; cases where it is used due to its position are listed at Java Edition default texture uses.
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w26a) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Barrier | MC-57883 | This concerns the breaking particles. | |
1.11 (16w32a) |
1.11 (16w32b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Structure Void | MC-105970 | ||
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.13 (17w49a) |
Fixed | No model defined | Moving Piston | MC-58189 MC-58556 |
Produces no particles as of 17w49a, but no actual model existed until 1.13-pre3 | |
1.13 (18w15a) |
1.13 (18w20b) |
Fixed | No model defined | Conduit | MC-128234 | ||
1.13 (18w20a) |
1.13 (pre2) |
Fixed | No model defined | Bubble Column | MC-130059 | ||
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.13 (pre3) |
Fixed | No model defined | End Portal | MC-48089 | End portals now use obsidian particles. | |
1.9 (15w31a) |
1.13 (pre3) |
Fixed | No model defined | End Gateway | MC-48089 | End gateways now use obsidian particles. | |
1.14 (18w46a) |
1.14 (18w50a) |
Fixed | No texture defined | Jigsaw Block | MC-139428 | ||
[needs testing] | Current | Current | No texture defined | Air | MC-122177 | Requires the /particle command with minecraft:item in 17w47a or later, or minecraft:iconcrack in 17w46a and earlier.
1.17 [needs testing] |
Current | Current | No texture defined | Spyglass | MC-206684 | Can also be reproduced, if far less hilariously, using /particle minecraft:item spyglass . Also occurs when breaking spyglass item blocks in Java Edition 22w13oneBlockAtATime.
- Other particles
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Barrier | MC-57041 | This concerns the handheld particles. | |
1.18 (21w42a) |
Current | Current | No texture defined | Air Cave Air Void Air |
MC-239407 | Requires the /particle command with minecraft:block_marker .
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Fire screen effect | MC-56852 | [more information needed] | |
1.13 (18w20a) |
1.13 (18w20b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Fire screen effect | MC-129616 | [more information needed] | |
1.13 (18w20b) |
1.13 (18w20c) |
Fixed | Nonexistent texture referenced | Breaking entity-rendered blocks | MC-129709 | Affected chests, shulker boxes, beds and signs. Game tries to load «blocks/destroy_stage_<0-9>» | |
1.13 (pre5) |
1.13 (pre6) |
Fixed | Nonexistent texture referenced | Ender Crystal beam | MC-132278 | Game tries to load «textures/entity/end_crystal/end_rcrystal_beam.png» |
Missing model
This section is missing information about
- Powered downwards dispensers: 14w10a only
- Shrub — MC-50447.
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
- Blocks and variants accessible through normal gameplay
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Wheat | MC-50232 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Carrots | MC-50232 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Potatoes | MC-50232 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Nether Wart (all stages) | MC-50276 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Saplings (second stage) | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Dispenser facing up | MC-50259 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Jukebox containing a music disc | MC-50226 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Snow with 8 layers | MC-50254 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10c) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Nether Wart (fully grown) | MC-50276 | ||
1.14 (18w44a) |
1.14 (18w50a) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Bell (wall attachment) | MC-138587 | Unfinished state; not yet accessible |
- Blocks and variants accessible via commands, intentional
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Oak Wood | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Birch Wood | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Spruce Wood | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Jungle Wood | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Acacia Wood | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Dark Oak Wood | |||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Smooth Stone | MC-50233 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10c) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Smooth Sandstone | MC-50351 | ||
1.8 (14w10a) |
1.8 (14w10c) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Smooth Quartz |
- Blocks and variants accessible via commands, unintentional
Main article: § Invalid data value blocks and items
This section is missing information about MC-85723 — unbreakable(?).
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
- Valid data values
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Barrier | MC-57041 | ||
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Dragon Egg | MC-56947 | ||
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Maps over ID 0 | MC-56868 | ID 0 maps appear normally. | |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.9 (15w31a) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Farmland | MC-58073 | ||
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.9 (15w49a) |
Feature removed | [more information needed] | Lit Furnace (direct item form) | MC-59234 | ||
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.13 (17w47a) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Petrified Oak Slab | MC-65019 |
- Invalid data values
Main article: § Invalid data value blocks and items
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Splash Potion | MC-56880 |
This section is missing information about Test custom blocks in minecarts and as falling block entities.
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
From | Until | Change type | Error type | Use case | Result | Tickets | Notes |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Some blocks moved by pistons | MC-56982 | Affects all 17 glass panes, both fences, both walls, fence gates, all 12 stairs, and grass blocks. The status of iron bars is unknown. | |
1.8 (14w25a) |
1.8 (14w25b) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Grass Blocks held by Endermen | MC-56898 | Command-summoned endermen holding other blocks currently untested. | |
1.11 (16w32a) |
1.11 (16w44a) |
Fixed | [more information needed] | Structure Voids moved by pistons | MC-109086 |
Invalid data value blocks and items
Invalid item data values tend to almost exclusively use the missing model in the later versions of their existence.
This section is missing information about IDs to test:
- 147 Light Weighted Pressure Plate
- 148 Heavy Weighted Pressure Plate
- State 6 buttons
- Determine which remaining blocks are currently inaccessible in Survival.
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
ID | Block | Version range | Affected metadata variants | Obtainability in Survival | Notes | Examples | |
First | Last | ||||||
001 | Stone | 14w10a | 14w25b | 7-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
002 | Grass Block | 14w10a | 14w21b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | Uses the correct model in 14w25a and 14w25b | Video |
003 | Dirt | 14w10a | 14w25b | 3-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
004 | Cobblestone | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
005 | Planks | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
006 | Saplings | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Dropped by IDV leaves2[verify] | Item form has a tendency to crash the game in later versions. | |
007 | Bedrock | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
012 | Sand | 14w10a | 14w25b | 2-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
013 | Gravel | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
014 | Gold Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
015 | Iron Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
016 | Coal Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
019 | Sponge | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | 1 later became used for the wet sponge. | |
020 | Glass | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
021 | Lapis Lazuli Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | 4 uses the normal model from 14w18a to 14w25b | |
022 | Block of Lapis Lazuli | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
023 | Dispenser | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
024 | Sandstone | 14w10a | 14w25b | 3-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
025 | Note Block | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
027 | Powered Rail | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Door transmutation, powering | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
028 | Detector Rail | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Door transmutation, activation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached, and also appear to have a tendency to crash from large distances. | |
029 | Sticky Piston | 14w17a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
030 | Cobweb | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 1-15 | [more information needed] | ||
031 | Grass | 14w10a | 14w25b | 3-15 | [more information needed] | MC-50447 | |
032 | Dead Bush | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | [more information needed] | ||
033 | Piston | 14w17a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | Video |
034 | Piston Head | 14w17a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation[verify] | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | Video |
037 | Dandelion | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | [more information needed] | ||
038 | Other flowers | 14w10a | 14w25b | 9-15 | [more information needed] | ||
039 | Brown Mushroom | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | [more information needed] | ||
040 | Red Mushroom | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | [more information needed] | ||
041 | Block of Gold | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
042 | Block of Iron | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
045 | Bricks | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
046 | TNT | 14w10a | 14w25b | 2-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
047 | Bookshelf | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
048 | Mossy Cobblestone | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
049 | Obsidian | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
050 | Torch | 14w06b | 14w25b[verify] | 0,[verify] 6-15 | Door transmutation (0, 6, 7 only) | 0 randomly converts to a valid state. | MC-47653 Video |
052 | Spawner | 14w18a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation[verify] | Flames are still visible: |
056 | Diamond Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
057 | Block of Diamond | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
058 | Crafting Table | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
059 | Wheat | 14w10a | 14w25b | 8-15 | Infdev preserved DV transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
060 | Farmland | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 8-15 | Arrow transmutation[verify] | ||
061 | Furnace | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1, 6-9, 14-15 | Door and arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
062 | Lit Furnace | 14w10a | 14w25b | 0-1,[more information needed] 6-9, 14-15 | Door and arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
065 | Ladder | 14w07a | 14w25b[verify] | 0, 6-15 | Door transmutation (0, 1,[verify] 6 and 7 only)[verify] | MC-51025 | |
066 | Rail | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 10-15 | Merge transmutation | Must be created before Beta 1.9 Prerelease 6. Crash testing required. | |
070 | Stone Pressure Plate | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 2-15 | Door transmutation (4 only)[verify] | ||
072 | Oak Pressure Plate | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 2-15 | Door transmutation (4 only)[verify] | ||
073 | Redstone Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
074 | Lit Redstone Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
075 | Unlit Redstone Torch | 14w07a | 14w25b[verify] | 0,[verify] 6-15 | Door transmutation (0, 6, 7 only) | 0 randomly converts to a valid state. | |
076 | Redstone Torch | 14w06b | 14w25b[verify] | 0,[verify] 6-15 | Door transmutation (0, 6, 7 only) | 0 randomly converts to a valid state. | MC-48233 Video |
077 | Stone Button | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 6-7,[verify] 14-15 | Door transmutation, pressing | ||
078 | Snow | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 8-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
079 | Ice | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
080 | Snow Block | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
081 | Jukebox | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 2-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
082 | Clay | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
086 | Carved Pumpkin | 14w10a | 14w25b | 4-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
087 | Netherrack | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
088 | Soul Sand | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
089 | Glowstone | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
091 | Jack o’Lantern | 14w10a | 14w25b | 4-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
092 | Cake | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 7-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
097 | Infested blocks | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
098 | Stone Bricks | 14w10a | 14w25b | 4-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
099 | Brown Mushroom Block | 14w25a | 14w25b[verify] | 11-13 | Arrow transmutation | ||
100 | Red Mushroom Block | 14w25a | 14w25b[verify] | 11-13 | Arrow transmutation | ||
103 | Melon | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
106 | Vines | 14w07a | 14w08a | 0 | Door transmutation | Tinted: |
MC-48539 |
110 | Mycelium | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
112 | Nether Bricks | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
114 | Nether Wart | 14w10a | 14w25b | 4-15 | Door transmutation (4-7 only)[verify] | 7 renders normally in 14w10a.[verify] Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
116 | Enchanting Table | 14w18a | 14w25b[verify] | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | Book is still visible: |
117 | Brewing Stand | 14w11a | 14w25b[verify] | 8-15 | Arrow transmutation | 9-15 seem to revert to 0 when loaded in 14w25a.[needs testing] | |
118 | Cauldron | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 4-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
120 | End Portal Frame | 14w07a | 14w25b[verify] | 8-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
121 | End Stone | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
122 | Dragon Egg | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
123 | Redstone Lamp | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
124 | Lit Redstone Lamp | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
125 | Double wooden slabs | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
126 | Wooden slabs | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 6-7, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
127 | Cocoa | 14w07a | 14w25b[verify] | 12-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
129 | Emerald Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
133 | Block of Emerald | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
137 | Command Block | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 2-15 | Block not obtainable in survival | ||
138 | Beacon | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
141 | Carrots | 14w10a | 14w25b | 8-15 | No currently known methods | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
142 | Potatoes | 14w10a | 14w25b | 8-15 | No currently known methods | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
143 | Oak Button | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 6-7,[verify] 14-15 | Door transmutation, pressing | ||
145 | Anvil | 14w10a | 14w25b | 12-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
152 | Block of Redstone | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | MC-50314 | |
153 | Nether Quartz Ore | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
154 | Hopper | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1, 6-7, 9, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. Data values 6, 7, 14 and 15 are also known to render worlds unopenable; caution strongly advised. | |
155 | Block of Quartz | 14w10a | 14w25b | 5-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
157 | Activator Rail | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Door transmutation, powering | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
158 | Dropper | 14w10a | 14w25b | 6-7, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
161 | Leaves | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 2-3, 6-7, 10-11, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
162 | Logs | 14w10a | 14w25b[verify] | 2-3, 6-7, 10-11, 14-15 | Arrow transmutation | Crashes 14w25a and 14w25b if approached. | |
165 | Slime Block | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
168 | Prismarine | 14w25a | 14w25b[verify] | 3-15 | [more information needed] | ||
169 | Sea Lantern | 14w25a | 14w25b[verify] | 1-15 | [more information needed] | ||
170 | Hay Bale | 14w10a | 14w25b | 12-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
172 | Terracotta | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
173 | Block of Coal | 14w11b | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation | ||
174 | Packed Ice | 14w10a | 14w25b | 1-15 | Arrow transmutation |
This section is missing information about
- MC-58445 — main ticket for invalid DV items
- MC-58287, MC-58445, MC-59326, MC-63344, MC-88105 — also include invalid DV items
- MC-70806 could also be considered an invalid DV item issue
- more specific tickets for invalid DV items:
- MC-67824 — snow
- MC-70590 — sandstone
- MC-72961 — map(?)
- MC-76072 — skull
- MC-86633 — command block.
Please expand the section to include this information. Further details may exist on the talk page.
The vast majority of item-damage combinations will have an absent model from versions 14w25a to 17w46a. A section detailing this in more specifics is pending.
- ↑ Ticket originally referred to using placeholder spots in terrain.png, however tickets regarding the missing texture have since been resolved into it