Error that port is already in use django

To do that, run python runserver The new Django project should be served on port 9000, and the old Django project should be served using the default port, 8000.

It must be frustrating when you run the Django local server, and you get the “Error: That port is already in use.” You cannot serve your new Django project on a local development setup.

The main cause of the error is serving more than one Django project using the same default port, 8000.

Fortunately, solving the error is a very straightforward process.

To solve the  “error: that port is already in use” in Django, you need to stop the currently running server on port 8000 and free the port for the new Django project.

Here are three ways to solve “Error: That port is already in use” in Django:

1. Locate the Terminal that you have other Django runserver running and press CTRL + C to quit the server.

That way, you allow another Django project to use the port to serve your new Django project.

2. Specify the port you want to serve your Django project when running the local server, Django runserver.

To do that, run python runserver The new Django project should be served on port 9000, and the old Django project should be served using the default port, 8000. You may use any port number you may want. Using this method, you can run more than two Django projects on the same local machine.

3. By opening the Terminal and typing htop, press function key F3, type ‘runserver’ and press function key F9.

The process kills the Django server running in the background. If you want to stop the old Django runserver process, but you do not have access to the Terminal that it is running, you may use htop to kill the runserver background process. 

Let’s see how we can implement the three methods to solve “Error: That port is already in use” in detail.

Method 1: How to quit Django local development server

Locate the port that you have your Django local server running. 

The Terminal window should look like this:

How to run Django local server on Linux

Press CTRL + C to quit the Django local development server.

It is as simple as that – nothing else that you need to do.

Open another Terminal for the new Django project and try running python runserver.

Django’s local development server should run successfully because you only have one Django project on port 8000.

There should be no more than one runserver instances running concurrently. Thus, the “Error: That port is already in use” should not show again.

Method 2: How to serve a Django project on a different port

Another way to solve “Error: That port is already in use” is to serve your new Django project on another port different from the default port 8000.

To do that, open a new Terminal window and activate the virtual environment you have installed the new Django project.

Run python runserver and the error should not appear.

The new Django project should be served using port 9000.

You may use any other port to serve your new Django project.

However, do not serve your Django project on ports already used by other services such as databases. For example, if you use port 5432, which is used by PostgreSQL databases, you will still get the “Error: That port is already in use.”

Serving a new Django project on a different port has its advantage because you can serve different Django projects on the same local machine. Provided you do not have two projects sharing the same port – that is impossible.

As you can see in the screenshot below, I am serving two Django projects, the Django project in the left pane on default port 8000 and the right pane running another Django project on port 9000.

How to serve two Django projects on a local development server (Linux)

When you access each Django project on the browser, you must specify the specific port number used to serve the Django project.

So, if you are serving a Django project on port 9000, you should open in your browser.

Similarly, if you have another project on port 4000, you should type in the address bar.

The screenshot below shows how to access two Django projects running on ports 8000 and 4000 in the same local machine on a browser.

How to serve two Django websites on different ports

Method 3: How to kill Django runserver process running in the background

To kill the background Django runserver process, you need to use htop to browse the process in the background and send a signal to kill it. That way, no Django server instances are running on default port 8000.

The final method involves killing the runserver process running in the background. The reasons that could have led to the Django runserver running in the background would be:

  1. Pressing CTRL + Z, which suspends the server.
  2. Closing the Terminal running the Django server.

By suspending or closing the Terminal window with the Django project, you can only quit the Django development server using htop. htop is a utility you can use to manage background processes running on your Linux machine.

Let’s see how you use htop to quit the Django server running in the background.

But first, you must install the utility before using it. 

Here’s how to install htop on your Linux machine:

Open a new Terminal window and type the following:

sudo apt update 

sudo apt install htop

After a successful install, htop should be ready to use.

Using the same Terminal window or a new one, type htop and press Enter.

How to run htop on Linux

Press function key F3 to search the Django server running in the background.

Type ‘runserver’ and you should see the active Django background process highlighted in a bright color.

How to search a background process using htop on Linux

Press function key F9 to kill the Django development server process.

Use the up-down keys and use signal 9 SIGKILL to quit the Django development server.

Press Enter to kill the process.

How to kill a Django background process using htop on Linux

Managing Django “Error: That port is already in use is as easy as that.

You may choose to serve only one Django project using the default server.

Alternatively, you may choose to server more than one Django project on different port numbers. 

When serving Django projects on different ports, you should not have two Django projects sharing the same port.

Besides, avoid using port numbers used by other services such as databases.

If you have a PostgreSQL database, then port 5432 should not be used to serve Django websites on a local machine.

And that’s it basically for this article.

See you next time, Dev!


  1. Ошибка сервера Django: порт уже используется
  2. On local server start error says the port is already in use #740
  4. Spring Boot – APPLICATION FAILED TO START: Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use.
  5. OSError: Address «» already in use. #33
  7. Full error:
  8. Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use.
  9. Exception
  10. Root Cause
  11. Solution 1
  12. Solution 2

Ошибка сервера Django: порт уже используется

Перезапуск сервера Django отображает следующую ошибку:

Эта проблема возникает именно в Ubuntu, а не в других операционных системах. Как я могу освободить порт для перезагрузки сервера?

Более простое решение просто введите sudo fuser -k 8000/tcp .
Это должно убить все процессы, связанные с портом 8000.

Для пользователей osx вы можете использовать sudo lsof -t -i tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9

Он покажет что-то вроде этого.

Теперь просто закройте порт, в котором запущен Django/python, убив связанный с ним процесс.

Теперь запустите приложение Django.

Мы не используем эту команду Потому что он закрывает все вкладки… Вы должны использовать

ps -ef | grep python (показать весь процесс с id)

kill -9 11633
(11633 – это идентификатор процесса для: -/bin/python runningerver)

Это расширение на ответ Мунира. Я добавил bash script, который охватывает это для вас. Просто запустите ./scripts/ вместо ./ runserver , и он будет работать точно так же.

По умолчанию команда runserver запускает сервер разработки с внутреннего IP-адреса на порту 8000.

Если вы хотите изменить порт сервера, передайте его в качестве аргумента командной строки. Например, эта команда запускает сервер на порту 8080:

ps aux | grep manage

ubuntu 3438 127.0.0 2.3 40256 14064 pts/0 T 06:47 0:00 python runningerver

Кажется, что IDE, VSCode, Puppeteer, nodemon, express и т.д. Вызывают эту проблему, вы запустили процесс в фоновом режиме или просто закрыли область отладки [браузер, терминал и т.д.] Или что-то еще, во всяком случае, я ответил на тот же вопрос раньше, вот ты это ссылка

Для меня это происходит потому, что мой запрос API в Postman перехватывается точкой останова отладчика в моем приложении… оставляя запрос зависшим. Если я отменю запрос в Postman перед тем, как убить сервер приложений, ошибка не возникнет.

→ Так что попробуйте отменить любые открытые запросы, которые вы делаете в других программах.

В macOS я использовал sudo lsof -t -i tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9 sudo lsof -t -i tcp:8000 | xargs kill -9 когда я забываю отменить открытый запрос http для решения error = That port is already in use. Это также завершает закрытие моего приложения Почтальон, поэтому мое первое решение лучше.


On local server start error says the port is already in use #740

  • While restarting the Django development server the error comes up which says that the port is already in use
  • Server should restart normally as it does on cmd
  • Server doesn’t restart
  • Windows build number — 14393.10

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

When you run in another cmd.exe:

Do you see the port being occupied? If you run in bash:

Can you see who is using that port?

I also have this issue, but with redis. lsof -i :6379 doesn’t report that anything is already using the port. netstat -anb from cmd.exe confirms the same.

Output from running a newly built redis-server (with default configuration) states:
Creating server TCP listening socket *:6379: bind: Address already in use

Same OS build number (14393.10), Windows 10 x64 Anniversary Update.

Could you provide repro steps along with strace please, so I can look more into it?

Of course! I can open a separate ticket if you think the issues are unrelated.

Here is the gist containing the strace created with strace redis-server &> redis-server-strace.txt

And here are the steps I used to install redis (taken from their website, and slightly modified to get around some issues I ran into). So to reproduce, from start to finish:

Here’s the console output from redis-server , at that point:

And just to reconfirm, the following two commands result in empty outputs (I also looked through the netstat by hand, just in case I was misremembering how findstr worked);

Any info on what’s the expected time of fix release? I’m experiencing the same exact issue as the guys.

This looks related to #996. Essentially, the problem is lack of full support for IPV6_V6ONLY. See #996 for detailed analysis. Apologize for the inconvinience. We are actively working with the Windows networking team to address this issue and expect it to be fixed shortly. But as a workaround, you can try using only IPV4 or different ports for IPV4 and IPV6.

From the trace shared by @dvlsg
setsockopt(4, SOL_IPV6, **IPV6_V6ONLY**, [1], 4) = 0 setsockopt(4, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, [1], 4) = 0 bind(4, , 28) = 0 socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP) = 5 setsockopt(5, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, [1], 4) = 0 bind(5, , 16) = -1 EADDRINUSE (Address already in use)

With the help of the Windows networking team, we were able to fully implement the IPV6_V6ONLY flag. I was able to get the redis-server up and running by following the repro about by @dvlsg. The fix is still in our dev branch, but should soon hit the release branch.


Spring Boot – APPLICATION FAILED TO START: Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use.

This is most commonly occurring error that troubles Spring Boot Beginners.

Sometimes even after stopping the Spring Boot application from IDE, process running on a particular port (in this case 8080) is not killed and following error occurs.


It can be resolved by following given steps(in accordance with your OS):


1. Open command prompt & Check what processes are running at available ports

We get following kind of output:

i.e. Port Numbers and what Process Id they are listening to

2. Stop process running at your port number. (In this case it is 8080 & Process Id is 12704)

Please mention correct PID, otherwise you might end up killing some other important process.

Other solution could be:

1. Go to Task Manager and kill java(Java(TM) Platform SE binary) process (It will close your IDE, which might not be desired)

2. Restart your IDE


1. Open Terminal & Check what process is running at port in error

We get following kind of output (using lsof):

i.e. Process Ids that are running on port.

2. Stop process running at your port number. (In this case it is 8080 & Process Id is 12704)

Please mention correct PID, otherwise you might end up killing some other important process.


It is same as that of MacOS

1. Open Terminal & Check what process is running at port in error

We get following kind of output(using lsof):

i.e. Process Ids that are running on port.

2. Stop process running at your port number. (In this case it is 8080 & Process Id is 12704)

Please mention correct PID, otherwise you might end up killing some other important process.

Hope this post helps you !

In case you have any better solutions please add your comments 😊


OSError: Address «» already in use. #33

I’m running into an error when trying to run app.run_server(mode=’external’)

Even if I kill all ports, and even if I change the port to a random number (for instance: app.run_server(mode=’external’, port=2000) ), the error still persists. I don’t know how to resolve this. Help would be appreciated! Thanks!

Full error:

The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:

Help needed, I got the same Error too, thanks

Unfortunately, the code always print that error regardless of the true reason of the failure. I also got that error but the true cause was that jupyter-dash was trying to test for success (access the _alive url) in a hostname that is not available in my enviroinment (#32).

You can easily fix it inside the code of your module, and that’s probably the workaround for now because the authors of this library don’t seem to be very responsive.

ccdavid, could i trouble you to detail your fix/workaround with sample code? thanks

I have the same issue. No matter what I do I get the «Address already in use» error. I am running jupyterlab on a server and am port-forwarding to local machine. More info:

Jupyterlab has been rebuilt
Running the following (in individual cells):

produces no error. Output from last two lines is

However, app.run_server() always throws «OSError: Address ‘’ already in use», no matter the mode or port number.

I am having the same issue. Whatever port i put, it displays the error: «OSError: Address ‘’ already in use»
@ccdavid could you please tell us what solution you’ve found?

@jonmmease , do you have any idea about this?

Error that we are encountering is as @ccdavid mentioned default error anytime python context cannot connect to the spawned dash server. As seen in the

After you call app.run_server(mode=’external’, port=8050) (or other mode, it does not matter) it should spawn dash server. You can chceck by sudo netstat -nlp | grep 8050 if the server is running you should see something like this:

Second option is to curl localhost with correct port to see if it’s accessible curl http://localhost:8050 should return dash-like response for example:

If dash server is running successfully and you are getting error mentioned above there is an issue with connecting from python to the localhost. Solution will depend on your setup. My problem was that container in which I run jupyter lab used proxy and was connecting to different localhost. Ignoring proxy for localhost solved my problem.

had the same error no matter what mode was used. The link to the address that is said to be already in use leads to an error page of the Flask server. The page displays a message that no layout was set in the app. The following snippet led to success:

Is the port already in use by another service at the OS level? See how 2000 is in use but 2194-2196 are blank?

For my case, whatever port i’ve used it gave me that error.

I’m running into the same issue. Its happening on Windows 10, Python 3.7 x64. Latest versions of JupyterLab Dash and JupyterDash. Once you run the cell in the notebook the dash server is started and I can navigate to it externally where everything works, but it does not show up inline and just gives the error regardless of the mode argument.

Hey folks, not sure if my solution helps because my error is «NoLayout Exception» even though I did create them, but there is the same message «OSError: Address ‘’ already in use. Try passing a different port to run_server.» at the bottom.

I am working on Google Colab. I just restarted the Colab, and things got solved.

What versions of dash and Jupyter and python are you using?

I tested the same code in Linux Virtual environment with same results on Python 3.8 and latest versions of Dash and Jupyter.

What versions of dash and Jupyter and python are you using?

I tested the same code in Linux Virtual environment with same results on Python 3.8 and latest versions of Dash and Jupyter.

I am just using the default Google Colab settings for Python and Jupyter. I think Colab is using Python 3.6.9. For Dash, I am !pip install jupyter-dash every time I reconnect to Colab so I guess it is the latest version.

so just pass different parameter port=? port number which is valid and not used I tried this it work for me
OSError: Address ‘’ already in use.
Try passing a different port to run_server.

If you go in your variable browser after executing the «faulty» code and you see your app (instance of dash.Dash), you might just type «del app» to delete this instance. Afterwards it worked for me.

So I after trying a lot of different ports I checked the rest of the code.
And I noticed that I wrote:

Now it works perfectly in mode=’inline’ and mode=’external’ with all the ports 8050, 30000, 5000, etc..

So basically because I forgot to put the external stylesheet URL in a list I had the «OSError: Address ‘http://. ‘ already in use. Try passing a different port to run_server.».

Conclusion, the error message is not necessarily due to wrong ip/port address.

The port busy error can also arise when you have two or more layout components that have the same id assigned. Usually the traceback will indicate a «DuplicateIdError» as well, but if you are importing layouts (e.g. from other python files) the only error that you might see is the «Address . already in use» error.

Hey all, I had the above error in Google Colab. Restarting the kernel worked for me.

Hope this helps you too!

I would prefer to have a python command to elegantly close the port as the code is shutdown, instead of leaving it open and giving an error the next time the program is run. However i find the following command is useful to close any blocking port (just replace 8050 with whatever port is causing a problem)

sudo lsof -t -i tcp:8050 | xargs kill -9

After spending a few days with jupyter-dash , it feels like the «port already in use» is really just the app hanging due to uncaught errors (e.g. bad stylesheet assignment) during initialization.

It’s like the webserver half of the program is waiting for the app half of the program to be ready. then either failing to release the port when the app building fails or just claiming that error because it doesn’t know what else to do. An error isn’t being caught on the app side.

# Wait for app to respond to _alive endpoint

I can rerun an app on the same port repeatedly without a problem.

Could the url be pushed to the server rather than pulled?


Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use.

The spring boot Web server failed to start. Port 8080 was already in use. error occurs because port 8080 is already configured with another application, or port 8080 has not been released yet. The spring boot application is trying to configure port 8080 to start a web server. Since the port can not be used, this error is thrown. The action is Identify and stop the process that’s listening on port 8080 or configure this application to listen on another port.

The Spring boot application uses tomcat as a web server. The default tomcat port is 8080. If any application listens to port 8080 and if you start the spring boot application, this exception is thrown as tomcat can not use port 8080.


Root Cause

Tomcat is running on port 8080. Spring boot application uses tomcat as the default web server. The port 8080 is currently being used by the application and tomcat is trying to listen to port 8080. A different application may be used for port 8080. Or the current application is already running. You ‘re trying to get started again.

Solution 1

You’ve already started and running the spring boot application. Now you’re trying to run the spring boot application again. Stop all the instance or restart your IDE.

You may be running an instance on a terminal or command line, or run as a service. Now you’re trying to get your IDE started again. Check all the applications that can use port 8080 and make sure the application is not started.

Solution 2

Some external applications already use port 8080. Check the running application in the task manager, stop the application that listen to port 8080.

The running application can be identified by the process commands. Identify the process that uses port 8080. Stop the application so that port 8080 is released to the other application to be used. Run the command below in linux to find the application that uses port 8080, and then kill the process if you want to stop it.


Beginner question here. Its probably obvious to someone who does this stuff all the time. But I’m having difficulty setting up django running on an EC2 bitnami instance.

I setup my server and I’m able to log in. Just to test this I setup the polls example. Below are the commands I executed to get this running.


  • What am I doing wrong here?
  • How do I get my basic polls page to show?
  • Also, is there any best practices I should follow to configure a live server?

Any step-by-steps are greatly appreciated.


$ cd /opt/bitnami/projects/Project  #directory already exists
$ sudo python startapp polls
$ sudo chown -R bitnami * # tired of doing sudo.. Good move or not?
$ vim polls/  # matches the example
$ vim polls/  #see below
$ vim   # added: (r'^polls/$', 'polls.views.index'),
$ vim  #added polls
$ python syncdb  # tables created successfully
$ python runserver  # server started

# Now I open my browser and go to:
# also tried ports 8080 and 80
# Error: unable to connect


# Create your views here.
from django.http import HttpResponse

def index(request):
    return HttpResponse("Hello, world. You're at the poll index.")

I also tried comments stated below without success.

Port 80

$ sudo python runserver
Django version 1.3, using settings 'Project.settings'
Development server is running at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
Error: That port is already in use.

Port 8000

$ python runserver
#also tried python manage runserver (same results)
Django version 1.3, using settings 'Project.settings'
Development server is running at

in browser:
result:  Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at
in browser:
result:  same Firefox can't establish a connection


$ netstat -aon
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       Timer
tcp6       0      0 :::80                   :::*                    LISTEN      off (0.00/0/0)
# I don't know what this means exactly and why I can't see this server from the browser

Any ideas why its not working?

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