Posted 17 August 2022 — 11:13 am
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In response to post #113378038. #113425228 is also a reply to the same post.
Привет. Скажи пожалуйста, как ты решил эту проблему?
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Posted 17 August 2022 — 02:21 pm
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In response to post #113346083. #113425213 is also a reply to the same post.
i fill the lines with texts and select the categories but when i try to go to second page, it doesn’t allow me and it says mod file couldn’t find
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Posted 19 August 2022 — 01:10 pm
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In response to post #113378038. #113425228, #113484903 are all replies on the same post.
Мне помогло заменить этот файл из оригинального мода
Edited by Maks987, 19 August 2022 — 01:19 pm.
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Posted 24 August 2022 — 10:14 am
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Последняя версия перевода не работает с игрой версии 1.7.2, пришлось искать более раннюю версию перевода на других сайтах(
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Posted 01 September 2022 — 08:52 pm
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In response to post #113378038. #113425228, #113484903, #113607553 are all replies on the same post.
То же самое.
XML path: … zCaptivityEvents/ModuleData/module_strings.xml
Если оставить оригинальный zCaptivityEvents (без перевода) — то запускается.
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Posted 19 September 2022 — 10:49 am
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In response to post #113378038. #113425228, #113484903, #113607553, #114296563 are all replies on the same post.
Попробуй удалить из файла <base> строчки. Если сравнить оригинальный файл и этот — это единственное отличие.
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Posted 29 September 2022 — 08:40 am
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Люди,подскажите пожалуйста,как выставить все настройки сразу,а не для каждого события?
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Posted 29 September 2022 — 05:55 pm
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Здравствуйте хотел бы спрросить есть мод на версия
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Posted 22 October 2022 — 01:20 pm
In response to post #115612133.
Добрый день. Поидее они должны быть совместимы. Если нет — постараюсь на следующей неделе допилить текущую версию.
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Posted 22 October 2022 — 01:23 pm
Господа! На Нексусе появился «Нормальный человеческий русский перевод!»
Вопрос, нужен ли мой перевод в связи с этим? Там, я уверен, действительно хороший перевод.�
Либо могу убрать перевод основных модов, но оставить перевод дополнительных модов (SadSun и TB).�
Или оставить как есть, и пусть кто хочет сами выбирают?�
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Hello, just getting started with XML files and the validation of them, using VS2010, Windows Forms and VB.Net.
I created a simple xml file programmatically:
Private Sub SaveFilter() Dim serializer As New XmlSerializer(GetType(List(Of FilterRow))) Dim stream = New StreamWriter("C:Tempfilter.xml") Using stream serializer.Serialize(stream, m_RowCollection) End Using End Sub
m_RowCollection is a List(Of FilterRow)
FilterRow is a simple class:
Public Class FilterRow Public RowIndex As Integer Public ColumnName As String Public Operand As String Public Value As String Public Conjunction As String End Class
So I populate an instance of FilterRow and throw it into an xml file using the above SaveFilter method. The resulting file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <ArrayOfFilterRow xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"> <FilterRow> <RowIndex>0</RowIndex> <ColumnName>Driver Code</ColumnName> <Operand>Equals</Operand> <Value>OPTA</Value> <Conjunction>End</Conjunction> </FilterRow> </ArrayOfFilterRow>
Then I opened the xml file in VS2010 and, using the XML Editor Toolbar, clicked Create Schema. The resulting xsd file:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <xs:schema xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" attributeFormDefault="unqualified" elementFormDefault="qualified"> <xsd:element name="ArrayOfFilterRow"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="FilterRow"> <xsd:complexType> <xsd:sequence> <xsd:element name="RowIndex" type="xsd:unsignedByte" /> <xsd:element name="ColumnName" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="Operand" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="Value" type="xsd:string" /> <xsd:element name="Conjunction" type="xsd:string" /> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xsd:sequence> </xsd:complexType> </xsd:element> </xs:schema>
I then attempted to validate the xml file against the xsd file. This resulted in an error, written to console: «ERROR: The ‘ArrayOfFilterRow’ element is not declared.»
I’m validating with the following routines:
In a Form:
Dim validator = New XMLValidation validator.Validate(path, validator.GetSandGridFilterSchema)
…where path = the full path to the xml file I’m retrieving from disk.
And the class I use to perform validation in:
Imports System.Xml Imports System.Xml.Schema Imports System.IO Public Class XMLValidation Public Sub Validate(ByVal xmlPath As String, ByVal xsd As XmlSchema) Dim settings = New XmlReaderSettings settings.Schemas.Add(xsd) settings.ValidationType = ValidationType.Schema AddHandler settings.ValidationEventHandler, New ValidationEventHandler(AddressOf XMLValidationEventHandler) Dim reader = XmlReader.Create(xmlPath, settings) While reader.Read End While End Sub Private Sub XMLValidationEventHandler(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As ValidationEventArgs) Select Case e.Severity Case XmlSeverityType.Warning Console.Write("WARNING: ") Console.WriteLine(e.Message) Case XmlSeverityType.Error Console.Write("ERROR: ") Console.WriteLine(e.Message) End Select End Sub Public Function GetSandGridFilterSchema() As XmlSchema Dim reader = New XmlTextReader(New StringReader(My.Resources.SandGridFilterSchemaDefinition)) Dim schema As New XmlSchema schema = XmlSchema.Read(reader, AddressOf XMLValidationEventHandler) Return schema End Function End Class
Can anyone tell me why this simple arrangement fails, please? I don’t understand it, because the ArrayOfFilterRow element is declared.
Thanks for any help.
Edited by
Thursday, February 21, 2013 3:23 PM
Edited for clarity
I get the same error when I run the Nunit tests. The only change «out of the box» is that I had to recompile using an Nunit reference for my version of Nunit to work. I recompiled using #develop. This is the only error I get besides a 404 error on the _HTTPGET test; which is not set-up on my server atm.
[Start Nunit error:]
<test-case name=»org.nxbre.test.ie.TestAdapter.RuleML086SaveFacts» executed=»True» success=»False» time=»0.671″ asserts=»0″>
<message><![CDATA[System.Xml.Schema.XmlSchemaException : The ‘http://www.ruleml.org/0.86/xsd:rulebase’ element is not declared. An error occurred at file:///c:/Nxbre/nxbre-2_2_1/Temp/outfacts.ruleml, (3, 2).]]></message>
<stack-trace><![CDATA[ at System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.InternalValidationCallback(Object sender, ValidationEventArgs e)
at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.SendValidationEvent(XmlSchemaException e, XmlSeverityType severity)
at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.SendValidationEvent(String code, String arg)
at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.PushElementDecl(String ns, String prefix, Int32 depth)
at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.ProcessElement()
at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.Validate()
at System.Xml.Schema.Validator.Validate(ValidationType valType)
at System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.ReadWithCollectTextToken()
at System.Xml.XmlValidatingReader.Read()
at System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument.ReadChildNodes(XPathContainer parent, String parentBaseUri, XmlReader reader, PositionInfo positionInfo)
at System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XPath.XPathDocument..ctor(XmlReader reader)
at org.nxbre.ie.adapters.RuleML086NafDatalogAdapter.Init(Stream streamRuleML, String uriRuleML, FileAccess mode) in c:Nxbrenxbre-2_2_1SourceorgnxbreieadaptersRuleML086NafDatalogAdapter.cs:line 316
at org.nxbre.ie.adapters.RuleML086NafDatalogAdapter..ctor(String uriRuleML, FileAccess mode) in c:Nxbrenxbre-2_2_1SourceorgnxbreieadaptersRuleML086NafDatalogAdapter.cs:line 140
at org.nxbre.test.ie.TestAdapter.RuleML086SaveFacts() in c:Nxbrenxbre-2_2_1SourceorgnxbretestieTestAdapter.cs:line 147
[End Nunit Error]
[Start outfacts]
<?xml version=»1.0″ encoding=»utf-8″ standalone=»no»?>
<!— Generated by org.nxbre.ie.adapters.RuleML086NafDatalogAdapter —>
<rulebase xmlns=»http://www.ruleml.org/0.86/xsd» xsi:schemaLocation=»http://www.ruleml.org/0.86/xsd ruleml-0_86-nafdatalog.xsd» xmlns:xsi=»http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance» direction=»forward»>
<ind>NxBRE RuleML Test File</ind>
<ind>Peter Miller</ind>
<ind>min 5000 euro</ind>
<ind>previous year</ind>
<ind>Porsche Luxury</ind>
<ind>Honda Regular</ind>
[End outfacts]
hi everybody.
I have an XML that looks like this
<InterOpMessage xmlns=»http://www.apl.ro/interop»>
<InterOpDetails />
<Body />
and an xsd schema that I want to validate the xml. the schema is
<?xml version=»1.0″ ?>
<xsd:schema targetNamespace=»http://www.apl.ro/interop» xmlns:xsd=»http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema»
xmlns:gt=»http://www.apl.ro/interop» attributeFormDefault=»unqualified» elementFormDefault=»qualified» version=»2.0″
<xsd:element name=»interOpMessage»>
<xsd:element name=»EnvelopeVersion» type=»xsd:string» />
<xsd:element name=»Header»>
<xsd:element name=»MessageDetails»>
<xsd:element name=»Class»>
<xsd:maxLength value=»32″ />
<xsd:minLength value=»4″ />
<xsd:element name=»Timestamp» type=»xsd:dateTime»
minOccurs=»0″ />
<xsd:element name=»SenderDetails» minOccurs=»0″>
<xsd:element ref=»gt:IDAuthentication» minOccurs=»0″
<xsd:element name=»InterOpDetails»>
<xsd:element name=»Keys» minOccurs=»0″>
<xsd:element name=»Key» minOccurs=»0″
name=»Type» type=»gt:UnicodeNameString» use=»required» />
<xsd:element name=»Body» minOccurs=»0″>
<xsd:element name=»Data» minOccurs=»0″>
<xsd:any namespace=»##any» processContents=»lax»
minOccurs=»0″ maxOccurs=»unbounded» />
<xsd:anyAttribute namespace=»##any» />
<xsd:element name=»IDAuthentication»>
<xsd:element name=»SenderID» type=»xsd:string» minOccurs=»0″ />
<xsd:simpleType name=»UnicodeNameString»>
<xsd:restriction base=»xsd:string»>
<xsd:pattern value=»[p{L}p{Nd}_-(){}]*» />
i’m using VS 2003 and when I try to validate the xml I get the following error:
The ‘http://www.apl.ro/interop:InterOpMessage’ element is not declared. An error occurred at , (1, 2).
«two wrongs don’t make a right, but three lefts do» — the unknown sage
- I have a class called SUS_WindowsComputerMP, that is an extension of the Microsoft class, Microsoft.Windows.Computer
- I’m trying to import CSV data into this extended class and to the base class as well.
- What am I doing wrong? I have a feeling that the Import CSV Format file is different for importing data into *extended* classes like mine, because the XML structure below would work for non-extended classes.
«…Creating new CSVImporter
Data Filename: D:PeterCMDB IIExported MPsTestMPsSUS_WindowsComputer.csv
Format Filename: D:PeterCMDB IIExported MPsSUS_WindowsComputerMP.xml
Validating against XSD schema…
The ‘ManagementPack’ element is not declared.
Validation completed.
Format file D:PeterCMDB IIExported MPsSUS_WindowsComputerMP.xml contains an invalid root element. Expected: root node with name «CSVImportFormat»
Could not initialize a Management Object Creator from format file D:PeterCMDB IIExported MPsSUS_WindowsComputerMP.xml. Import thread exiting.
- My import format XML is this:
<CSVImportFormat> <Class Type="ClassExtension_a3ae3e0f_d578_43dc_aa3e_9037a094763c" > <Property ID="WindowsServerID" /> <Property ID="PrincipalName" /> <Property ID="NetbiosComputerName" /> <Property ID="IPAddress" /> <Property ID="NetbiosDomainName" /> <Property ID="DNSName" /> <Property ID="OSVersionDisplayName" /> <Property ID="SerialNo" /> <Property ID="ServerDescription" /> <Property ID="AssetTagNo" /> <Property ID="ServerNameRow" /> <Property ID="ChassisType" /> <Property ID="InstallDate" /> <Property ID="IsVirtualMachine" /> <Property ID="BusinessUnitCustomersEnum" /> <Property ID="RegionLocationEnum" /> <Property ID="OtherFunctionRoleEnum" /> <Property ID="ProductTypeEnum" /> <Property ID="ObjectStatus" /> <Property ID="AssetStatus" /> <Property ID="CriticalityEnum" /> <Property ID="EnvironmentEnum" /> <Property ID="CostCodeClassEnum" /> <Property ID="DataClassificationEnum" /> <Property ID="Manufacturer" /> </Class> </CSVImportFormat>