Error the ista p folder you have selected is corrupt or incomplete

My ista p loader no longer starts for some reason. When I click on ista p a window appears asking for location of it. When I say C bmw/ ista p folder it says it's corrupt or incomplete. Anyone any ide


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10-22-2017, 08:45 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-23-2017, 02:23 AM by tdibooster.)

My ista p loader no longer starts for some reason.
When I click on ista p a window appears asking for location of it. When I say C bmw/ ista p folder it says it’s corrupt or incomplete.
Anyone any ideas?
How can I find out what’s missing etc?
Been told I need to change loader to earlier version and re-add data procurement data. Anyone have this?

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11-04-2017, 03:17 AM

(10-22-2017, 08:45 PM)tdibooster Wrote: My ista p loader no longer starts for some reason.
When I click on ista p a window appears asking for location of it. When I say C bmw/ ista p folder it says it’s corrupt or incomplete.
Anyone any ideas?
How can I find out what’s missing etc?
Been told I need to change loader to earlier version and re-add data procurement data. Anyone have this?

I had the same problem and was able to fix it by replacing the contents of the ISTA-P folder in the «C» Drive (Except the «BMW» Folder; leave that one alone) they get corrupt, if you don’t have access to a fresh folder from another computer let me know

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11-05-2017, 12:44 PM

show the new path and all will works

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11-06-2017, 07:19 AM

(10-22-2017, 08:45 PM)tdibooster Wrote: My ista p loader no longer starts for some reason.
When I click on ista p a window appears asking for location of it. When I say C bmw/ ista p folder it says it’s corrupt or incomplete.
Anyone any ideas?
How can I find out what’s missing etc?
Been told I need to change loader to earlier version and re-add data procurement data. Anyone have this?

I had the same problem. I believe it happened when i accidentally rebooted when ISTA-P loader was not done shutting down. Somehow it corrupted the ISTA-P folder. I wouldn’t mess with trying to find out «whats bad» in the folder. Too risky, you don’t wan’t your programming sessions to crash unexpectedly. Hopefully you can do what i did and just unpack the ISTA-P files again, delete the original folder, and drop in a brand new untouched one. Restart the Loader, point it to the folder, and you’re good to go.

Good Luck,


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11-08-2017, 03:48 PM

Solution is HERE

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11-08-2017, 11:49 PM

(10-22-2017, 08:45 PM)tdibooster Wrote: My ista p loader no longer starts for some reason.
When I click on ista p a window appears asking for location of it. When I say C bmw/ ista p folder it says it’s corrupt or incomplete.
Anyone any ideas?
How can I find out what’s missing etc?
Been told I need to change loader to earlier version and re-add data procurement data. Anyone have this?

solution here


В данной инструкции описаны самые распространённые ошибки при установке ISTA P и ISTA D (установке Rheingold) и их пути их устранения.  

Рассмотрим ошибку, которая зачастую возникает при установке ISTA D из-за не всех установленных программ-приложений из папки Tools. Она имеет следующее название:

Failed to start ISTA.

Please make sure your ISTA configuration is valid.

In doubt reset any non standard ISTA configuration and reinstall ISTA.

Первая ошибка

Исправляется следующими действиями:

— Не установлены или установлены не все приложения VCRedist 2005-2019 x64 и VCRedist 2005-2019 x86 из папки vcredist, которая находиться в папке Tools. Установите данные программы.

— Также перезапустите приложение RCleanerV4.4 из папки Tools. Возможно плохо вычистился реестр.

— Очистите файл hosts от блокировки серверов BMW.

— Возможно отсутствуют базы SQLiteDBs из скачанной папки BMW. Заново распакуйте файлы из папки SQLiteDBs по следующему пути — D:BMWRheingoldSQLiteDBs.

Ошибка соединения с базой данных!

Не удалось установить соединение с одной из требуемых баз данных. Свяжитесь с локальной службой поддержки (DSS #00046632EN).

Вторая ошибка

Самая распространенная ошибка при наполнении языковых баз при установке ISTA D или установке Rheingold. Скорее всего не полностью распакованы базы. Также данная ошибка появляется при первом запуске ISTA D, если в папке D:BMWRheingoldSQLiteDBs не базы EN 4.20.30, так как по умолчанию язык интерфейса Rheingold английский. В настройках ISTA D изменить язык на русский. И если папка RU 4.20.30 с русскими базами распакована в вышеуказанную папку, то ошибка больше не появиться. В Windows 10 также может быть ограничение прав доступа, если установка Rheingold установлена на локальный диск C. Для исправления требуется перенести папку Rheingold в папку со следующим адресом: C:users”user name” (в Вашем случае будет выбранное Вами название при установке Windows (Имя компьютера).   

Если не отображается версия Rheingold в строке «Data»

Третья ошибка

Скорее всего вы не применили ISTA-D_Reg_Fix_ для своей разрядности из папки Tools. Повторно и правильно применяем данные файлы в соответствии с Вашей разрядностью.

Если не отображается версия Rheingold в строке «Data», «Global Data», «Language Data»

четвертая ошибка

Снова проверяем наполнение языковых баз SQLiteDBs для ISTA D.

Квадраты с крестиками вместо изображений в программе для сканеров БМВ ISTA D или ISTA+.

Пятая ошибка

Данная ошибка возникает из-за того, что имя пользователя Вашего компьютера на русском языке. Большинство программ кириллицу не воспринимают. Выхода два либо создаем второго пользователя с именем с латинскими буквами, либо переустанавливаем Windows.   

Предостережение. С введением ISTA 4 появились новые минимальные требования к системе, которым ваша система не соответствует.

Либо неисправность с пустым окном.

Шестая ошибка

Эти две неисправности говорят о том, что на Ваш компьютер невозможно установить ISTA D или ISTA+, а также ISTA P. Изображение слева (без описания неисправности) гласит что на Вашем компьютере не хватает свободного места в объеме 150 Гб и более. Данную ошибку возможно обойти, нажав на крестик в правом верхнем углу (не жать на кнопку «ОК»).

Ошибку справа возможно вылечить заменой компьютера.

Неисправность. При выполнении мероприятия возникла ошибка.

94201 Не удалось инициализировать профильную службу.

Седьмая ошибка

Ошибка возникает при не правильной настройке BMW INPA K Dcan. Гласит, что нет связи со сканером БМВ. Еще раз пройти настройку подключения с помощью EDIABAS или NetworkTool. Если не помогло, то Ваш BMW INPA неисправен.


Восьмая ошибка

Обновляем прошивку ICOM или переустанавливаем ISTA P с использованием 7-zip.

После запуска ISTAGUI (ISTA D или Rheingold) ничего не происходит. Проверьте установлен ли Net Framework 4.7.2, без него ISTA D не запуститься.

ISTAGui has stopped working

Девятая ошибка

При возникновении такой ошибки требуется обновить Windows. Зачастую относиться к Windows 7.


05-18-2020, 01:17 AM




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Did a little bit of pursuing elsewhere in the .msi files. password is qk8vREu44SBrhfRTSCB6 for the 3.67 and 3.67.1 .zip files

Thanks for the info about 3.67. I’ll go see if that helps.


05-18-2020, 01:28 AM



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BMW-TOYOTA SUPRA J29 psdzdata_light_4.22.32 + Full ISTA setup

Has been added, Techstream has to installed first for it to work.
Then you have to alter a reg key.


05-18-2020, 01:08 PM




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Thanks for the clarification, unpacked 3.67 and finally saw what the «2-hours» comment on the install guide was talking about. Unfortunately I must be doing something wrong as when I do the «manual search» from loader 6.4 and point to the INPA-P folder it tells me:

«The ISTA-P folder you have selected is corrupt or incomplete. Please check/reinstal ISTA-P and try again.»


05-18-2020, 02:45 PM



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Been added today

Dr Gini — includes versions 14 / 20 / 21
iTool Radar (x64)
iTool Radar

BMW Standard Tools + Updater

This is something Ive made to update the program.
Its an ongoing little project, I can add more to if there’s an interest.
It can be found in the J0K3R5 Software folder


05-19-2020, 03:48 PM



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DrGini-B022-v22.4.0.5-patched added today


05-20-2020, 06:56 PM



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ISTA_v4.23.16.20835 added today


05-24-2020, 07:56 AM



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BMW EVO North America 2020 added

Pass: BMW_EVO_North_America_2020-1.7z

Last edited by J0K3R5; 05-25-2020 at 04:18 AM..


05-24-2020, 11:22 PM


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Thanks for the 2020 EVO upload.

However, the 7z file is password protected…

Do you have the password?



05-25-2020, 04:18 AM



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Originally Posted by Cole122
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Thanks for the 2020 EVO upload.

However, the 7z file is password protected…

Do you have the password?


Pass: BMW_EVO_North_America_2020-1.7z


05-25-2020, 09:04 AM


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Thanks for the password. With the password the multi 7z can be opened and the files are listed. Upon extraction still having issues with 7Z stating corrupt file or wrong password. Redownloaded archive(s) and attempted to combine before extraction, both did not work.

Are you able to re-upload without a password or preferably in a single archive file like the other maps?

Edit: Attached is what is happening, archive opens but upon extraction a large chunk of the «1» folder files refuse to extract. By the time it finishes it is unable to extract anything.

Attached Images



05-25-2020, 10:16 AM



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Sorry with the hassle your having, Im working on a fix for you.
Hopefully re-uploaded in the next day or 2


05-25-2020, 12:19 PM



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Hi, I used the updater to update Inpa and stuff, now the gdaten folder is locked with no way to access it, any fix to this?


05-26-2020, 04:32 AM



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BMW Road Map North America EVO 2020-1 re-uploaded


05-26-2020, 04:35 AM



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I need more info to replicate this problem.

Did you right click and select «RUN AS ADMIN» on the coding tools app
What system are you using ?


05-27-2020, 07:10 AM



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Originally Posted by J0K3R5
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I need more info to replicate this problem.

Did you right click and select «RUN AS ADMIN» on the coding tools app
What system are you using ?

Thank you for getting back to me, I am.using win 10. Somehow, retrying the updater released the locked folder and everything is good now. Thank you. One more thing, if possible: do you know how to overcome the error from bimmercode app, I get something like database needs to be updated. I have no ideea how to update it without using the original app. Is there any way to have the updated code database and the full version of the app? Other than paying for it in full . All the best, stay safe, Alex!


05-31-2020, 11:05 PM



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If I’m only planning on running the service functions for my F10, I assume ISTA-D is all I really need and I don’t need the full Rheingold?


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06-01-2020, 02:51 PM



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Originally Posted by Unspec
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If I’m only planning on running the service functions for my F10, I assume ISTA-D is all I really need and I don’t need the full Rheingold?



06-09-2020, 06:22 PM



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I keep getting an «Unknown Terminal Voltage» error whenever running ISTA. I installed it using the standalone installer. It pops up whenever I launch any service functions. Service functions that don’t care about voltage seem to work fine, but the steering angle calibration service function cares and I can’t seem to run it, and I believe it’s due to this error.


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06-09-2020, 07:44 PM



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Originally Posted by Unspec
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I keep getting an «Unknown Terminal Voltage» error whenever running ISTA. I installed it using the standalone installer. It pops up whenever I launch any service functions. Service functions that don’t care about voltage seem to work fine, but the steering angle calibration service function cares and I can’t seem to run it, and I believe it’s due to this error.

Installation instructions:
1. Go to Ediabas folder. For INPA its normaly C:EdiabasBin, for ISTA+ its in EdiabasBin folder with ISTA+ directory.
1. If you are using STD:OBD rename existing obd32.dll to obd32.ebas.dll. Users of other cable types rename respective dll (for example STD:CAN users rename can32.dll to can32.ebas.dll).
2. Extract the downloaded file.
3. Copy included obd32.dll to EdiabasBin. For other cable types rename it to respective name first (for example can32.dll).
4. For ISTA+ only: copy included NodeISTAVoltageControl.dll to EdiabasBin folder within ISTA+ installation.
5. For ISTA+ v4.05 (and above) only:
a) replace existing IstaOperation.exe within ISTA+’s TesterGUIBinRelease folder by included one (from respective folder based on ISTA+ version).
b) run included AllowFakeISTAOperation.reg file (choose x86 or x64 depending on your system being 32 or 64 bit respectively).

To manually control the voltage start included NodeEdiabasVoltageControl.exe application. This application can be placed in a different folder if wanted. Voltage can be adjusted by moving sliders or switched off using check boxes. Unchecking check box has the same effect as moving slider to 0V.

Version 2.0 of this tool has been released. New features:
1. It now checks the actual interface type setting in ISTA during runtime, so if you switch from Ediabas to ICOM it will stop interfering and resume operation as soon as interface type is set back to Ediabas.
2. It now supports K+DCAN cables which have an ability to detect clamp states (probably most higher quality cables). To use this feature control application should be closed. It will then read actual clamp states and update ISTA voltage states accordingly without any manual actions required. Starting control application will switch the operation to manual control. Closing it will resume automatic recognition.

Version 3.0 of this tool has been released. New features:
1. Control application can now be minimized.
2. Support for ISTA+ v4.05 (and hopefully above).

System requirements: Visual Studio 2015 x86 runtime must be installed (same as required for last versions of ISTA+).

P.S. This voltage control utility is not designed to and will not influence voltages reported by ICOM.
P.P.S. This utility works without any issues with original ISTA+, standalone not necessary.

Last edited by J0K3R5; 06-09-2020 at 07:59 PM..


06-09-2020, 07:45 PM



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Last edited by J0K3R5; 06-09-2020 at 07:52 PM..


06-09-2020, 08:33 PM



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Originally Posted by J0K3R5
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Installation instructions:
1. Go to Ediabas folder. For INPA its normaly C:EdiabasBin, for ISTA+ its in EdiabasBin folder with ISTA+ directory.
1. If you are using STD:OBD rename existing obd32.dll to obd32.ebas.dll. Users of other cable types rename respective dll (for example STD:CAN users rename can32.dll to can32.ebas.dll).
2. Extract the downloaded file.
3. Copy included obd32.dll to EdiabasBin. For other cable types rename it to respective name first (for example can32.dll).
4. For ISTA+ only: copy included NodeISTAVoltageControl.dll to EdiabasBin folder within ISTA+ installation.
5. For ISTA+ v4.05 (and above) only:
a) replace existing IstaOperation.exe within ISTA+’s TesterGUIBinRelease folder by included one (from respective folder based on ISTA+ version).
b) run included AllowFakeISTAOperation.reg file (choose x86 or x64 depending on your system being 32 or 64 bit respectively).

To manually control the voltage start included NodeEdiabasVoltageControl.exe application. This application can be placed in a different folder if wanted. Voltage can be adjusted by moving sliders or switched off using check boxes. Unchecking check box has the same effect as moving slider to 0V.

Version 2.0 of this tool has been released. New features:
1. It now checks the actual interface type setting in ISTA during runtime, so if you switch from Ediabas to ICOM it will stop interfering and resume operation as soon as interface type is set back to Ediabas.
2. It now supports K+DCAN cables which have an ability to detect clamp states (probably most higher quality cables). To use this feature control application should be closed. It will then read actual clamp states and update ISTA voltage states accordingly without any manual actions required. Starting control application will switch the operation to manual control. Closing it will resume automatic recognition.

Version 3.0 of this tool has been released. New features:
1. Control application can now be minimized.
2. Support for ISTA+ v4.05 (and hopefully above).

System requirements: Visual Studio 2015 x86 runtime must be installed (same as required for last versions of ISTA+).

P.S. This voltage control utility is not designed to and will not influence voltages reported by ICOM.
P.P.S. This utility works without any issues with original ISTA+, standalone not necessary.

I’m assuming this applies to the F10 as well? Using an ENET cable


2015 BMW 535xi
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Last edited by Unspec; 06-09-2020 at 08:39 PM..


06-09-2020, 10:58 PM



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