Error too many materials used max 32

Export QC + Model command window error: Too many materials used

I’m new to Wall Worm and 3DS Max and am trying to make a map for Source Filmmaker using models (imported from Sam & Max: Season One, if you want to know). My current approach to accomplishing this is to render each model and assemble the location from Sam & Max in a Source Filmmaker project.

Here’s my problem: When I run the model exporter, it comes up with this error:

QuoteERROR: Too many materials used, max 32

(image is attached)

First off, if there is a maximum of 32, do I just have to render separate selections of less than 32 materials? And if this is the case, is there any way to quickly compile these models at the same time as compiling a VMF with them already in it?

If anyone knows a better approach to doing this, help would be much appreciated!  :P

Thank you!


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It’s a bit hard to tell what you’re doing, but I’m assuming you’re exporting the entire level as a single model, which isn’t really a good idea. The best way is probably to convert the level geometry itself into brushes (you’ll want to use the Anvil tab for this), either doing it manually or via a plugin such as ShellVex, and then compiling it as a .bsp. I’m not too sure how detailed it is, though, so it might be better to provide some screenshots of your scene to understand what’s happening better.

Well, for starters, this is the result I am aiming for:

And the image attached is what I am attempting to compile.

I see what you mean by converting some of the level geometry into brushes, but that would only include non-complex geometry such as the walls and floors.
Is there a setting for compiling models that retain their placement to the origin? ??? I’m pretty sure there is.

I’ve got a document coming soon on ways to convert scenes from other games into Source. That document should be helpful.

Thanks, that should be helpful!  :D
I hope you update the WWMT document to say that you can’t compile more than 32 meshes at once :P

I’m at the «Converting Elements to Models» step of your «Porting Levels into Source» document. I have a few questions:

1.) What are explicit normals, and how do I know if I have them?

2.) The second step tells me to «Separate/Combine each mesh that should be it’s own model». How do I combine meshes? Does it require each model to be physically connected, or can they be separated?

3.) What WWMTs? And what are their connection to WWMT Proxies?

4.) In the asterisk, you stated «The steps above do not address re-usable props. The steps above do not address re-usable props. If the scene includes props that should be instances of a single prop, then you will need to take some extra steps.»
Does this apply to me at this point? I’m going to try creating models that include elements such as the ones I have in the image attached:

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GUIStudioMdl ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32

All of the changelog:

Code: Select all

Loaded QC file - "C:UsersRafaDesktopmodels_dmdldecompiler.qc"

Created command line: "C:Program FilesSteamsteamappsmaestro_fenixsourcesdkbinsource2007binstudiomdl.exe" -game "c:program filessteamSteamAppsSourceModsobsidian" -nop4 -nox360 C:UsersRafaDesktopmodels_dmdldecompiler.qc

qdir:    "c:usersrafadesktopmodels_d"
gamedir: "c:program filessteamSteamAppsSourceModsobsidian"
g_path:  "C:UsersRafaDesktopmodels_dmdldecompiler.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "mdldecompiler.qc"
SMD MODEL C:UsersRafaDesktopmodels_d/Adrian.smd
ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'playerAdrian_Shepard.mdl'
WARNING: Leaking 1 elements

I count the .vtf files and the total number is 41.

This error is not appear on Kathar´s website, and only is mencionated without a solution in the «Mario´s guide of Ragdolling».

No more results in the entire internet.

Rukifellth said that maybe will work if i put together the texture images into one larger image, and try to wrap that texture correctly into the model, but i can´t see textures on my model editor (3ds 2010).

The interesting is this: The model is a custom HD model from a GoldSrc mod. What significate this, in GoldSrc don´t exist this limit?

Maybe is caused because i aggrupate in one model five different models? (these parts are for example, their head or their backpack). If is yes, how can do it? (i see the $modelblahblah… command, but i don´t know use it).


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Re: GUIStudioMdl ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32


by MaestraFénix » Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:44 am

fug4life wrote:adrian shepard, your in contact with fighter right? please ask him where mah drill instructer model is @?

Edited: I wrote a lot of words about how you knew it, but i see that in the .qc code is their name (LOLFAIL).

I don’t know. Yesterday i talked with him about my problem with the Kit Ballard model. The next time i’ll ask him.

About the model, Xeno, i’ll don’t post any image until the release of the V3. Too of my playermodels had been «discovered» when i posted here my problems about every else.

Reading the old and original .qc file, i discovered that the creator used the command $body to attach the different models in the principal model, so i’ll try it.

And if after that don’t work, i’ll send a pm, ok?.


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Re: GUIStudioMdl ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32


by MaestraFénix » Fri Oct 22, 2010 7:31 pm

Doublepost permitied:

I failed. I made it same the older (5 SMD than 1) and used the same code. Still appearing the error. I send you a pm with the SMD and an Image. I think that the fix is re-asignating the textures of the model in the program, but i don´t know do it (yes, is pressing «m», but i don´t know how to continue).

I´ll make your Sergeant when i back to my holidays, Fug.


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Re: GUIStudioMdl ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32


by xenoaisam » Fri Oct 22, 2010 8:39 pm

sorry Maestro Fénix… i cant give the file because i’m way too busy…

but i’ve test and see it in max… shepard body is only total 19 texture + head is total 6 texture…

i suggest you to import and compile this 2 smd file….

give it a try!


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Re: GUIStudioMdl ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32


by MaestraFénix » Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:14 pm

xenoaisam wrote:sorry Maestro Fénix… i cant give the file because i’m way too busy…

but i’ve test and see it in max… shepard body is only total 19 texture + head is total 6 texture…

i suggest you to import and compile this 2 smd file….

give it a try!

Ok, i understand you. I´ll try tomorrow, hope i have time to do it.

About the sergeant, i didn´t yet (i was very boring, and when Andrax17 get offline, went to play Blade Kitten).


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Re: GUIStudioMdl ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32


by MaestraFénix » Tue Oct 26, 2010 4:53 pm

Any idea how to see the textures of the model? I see after pressing «m» and exploring that all are in multi/syb objects. I´m trying all to load the textures, but don´t work. I tried load the .bmp of textures, but don´t work too.

I decided release the complete model, so i decide reduce the number of textures (grouping most of then in a few files), so i´m investigating all refered to skinning (i know how to put textures into a new model, but i don´t know how to see it in an existant model).

I’m trying to port these.

Human Grunt models for use in Half-Life: Source.

The only issue is that it stops compiling and gives me this error.

[code]qdir: «c:userscharliedocumentsdecompiled modelshlsromka’s gruntshgrunt»
gamedir: «c:program filessteamsteamappsshotgunguy49half-life 2hl2»
g_path: «Hgrunt»
Working on «Hgrunt.qc»
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/hgrunt_torso.smd
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/Hgrunt_mask.smd
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/Hgrunt_beret.smd
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/Hgrunt_shotgun.smd
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/Hgrunt_grunt.smd
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/M16_reference.smd
SMD MODEL C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt/deployed_SPAS12_reference.smd
ERROR: Too many materials used, max 32
ERROR: Aborted Processing on ‘Hgrunt.mdl’
The only problem is that the model doesn’t even have 32 textures…

It doesn’t give any information on how to fix the error, so I’m asking if you guys know what to do.


If it helps at all, here’s the .qc.
[code]$cd «C:UsersCharlieDocumentsDecompiled modelshlsRomka’s gruntsHgrunt»
$modelname «Hgrunt.mdl»
$cdmaterials «modelshgrunt»
$cdmaterials «modelsv_9mmar»
$cdmaterials «modelsw_shotgun»
$scale 1.0

$bbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$cbox 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$eyeposition 0.000000 0.000000 73.000000

//reference mesh(es)
$body «body» «hgrunt_torso»

$bodygroup «heads»
studio «Hgrunt_mask»
studio «Hgrunt_beret»
studio «Hgrunt_shotgun»
studio «Hgrunt_grunt»

$bodygroup «weapons»
studio «M16_reference»
studio «deployed_SPAS12_reference»

// 2 skin families
$texturegroup skinfamilies
{ «hgrunt_arms.vmt» «mask_sheet.vmt» «Hgrunt_cmdr.vmt» }
{ «hgrunt_arms_blk.vmt» «mask_sheet_blk.vmt» «Hgrunt_blk.vmt» }

// 3 attachment(s)
$attachment 0 «Bip01 R Hand» 32.000000 2.500000 8.500000
$attachment 1 «Bip01 R Hand» 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
$attachment 2 «Bip01 Head» 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000

// 2 bone controller(s)
$controller 0 «Bip01 Head» XR -70.000000 70.000000
$controller 4 «Mouth» ZR 0.000000 20.000000

// 17 hit box(es)
$hbox 3 «Bip01 Pelvis» -3.640000 -6.050000 -8.070000 6.340000 8.410000 8.300000
$hbox 6 «Bip01 L Thigh» 0.000000 -6.350000 -6.050000 16.309999 5.570000 3.840000
$hbox 6 «Bip01 L Calf» 0.000000 -5.190000 -4.440000 22.150000 5.680000 4.780000
$hbox 6 «Bip01 L Foot» -1.080000 -1.900000 -3.240000 3.230000 11.210000 2.860000
$hbox 7 «Bip01 R Thigh» 0.000000 -6.350000 -4.060000 16.309999 5.570000 5.820000
$hbox 7 «Bip01 R Calf» 0.000000 -5.190000 -5.010000 22.150000 5.680000 4.220000
$hbox 10 «Bip01 Spine1» -4.570000 -9.990000 -10.520000 11.490000 8.420000 10.750000
$hbox 10 «Bip01 Spine2» 0.000000 -10.510000 -11.440000 14.050000 9.260000 12.420000
$hbox 4 «Bip01 L UpperArm» -2.810000 -1.990000 -4.740000 12.060000 4.780000 3.500000
$hbox 4 «Bip01 L Forearm» 0.000000 -1.430000 -2.150000 10.210000 4.010000 2.980000
$hbox 4 «Bip01 L Hand» -0.270000 -2.650000 -2.750000 7.580000 1.890000 1.800000
$hbox 5 «Bip01 R UpperArm» -2.830000 -1.990000 -3.460000 12.030000 4.780000 4.780000
$hbox 5 «Bip01 R Forearm» 0.000000 -1.430000 -2.940000 10.190000 4.000000 2.180000
$hbox 5 «Bip01 R Hand» -0.160000 -2.040000 -1.790000 7.500000 2.400000 2.760000
$hbox 11 «Bip01 Head» 9.000000 -5.220000 -4.590000 15.150000 7.560000 6.010000
$hbox 11 «Bip01 Head» 1.700000 -5.220000 -4.590000 9.000000 1.000000 6.010000
$hbox 1 «Bip01 Head» 1.700000 1.000000 -4.590000 9.000000 7.560000 6.010000
$surfaceprop «flesh»
$eyeposition -0.000 0.000 73.000
$illumposition -3.441 10.717 36.650
$sequence ragdoll «ragdoll» ACT_DIERAGDOLL 1 fps 1.00
// 85 animation sequence(s)
$sequence «walk1» «walk1» LX fps 35 loop ACT_WALK 1 {
{ event 1004 4 «common/npc_step2.wav» }
{ event 1004 25 «common/npc_step4.wav» }
{ event 1004 46 «common/npc_step1.wav» }
{ event 1004 67 «common/npc_step3.wav» }
$sequence «run» «run» LX fps 40 loop ACT_RUN 1 { event 1004 1 «common/npc_step2.wav» } { event 1004 13 «common/npc_step4.wav» }
$sequence «victorydance» «victorydance» fps 21 ACT_VICTORY_DANCE 1
$sequence «cower» «cower» fps 14 ACT_COWER 1
$sequence «smflinch» «smflinch» fps 20 ACT_SMALL_FLINCH 5
$sequence «leftlegsmflinch» «leftlegsmflinch» fps 22 ACT_FLINCH_LEFTLEG 1
$sequence «rightlegsmflinch» «rightlegsmflinch» fps 22 ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTLEG 1
$sequence «rightarmflinch» «rightarmflinch» fps 22 ACT_FLINCH_RIGHTARM 1
$sequence «leftarmflinch» «leftarmflinch» fps 22 ACT_FLINCH_LEFTARM 1
$sequence «launchgrenade» «launchgrenade» fps 30 ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2 1 { event 8 24 }
$sequence «throwgrenade» «throwgrenade» fps 30 ACT_RANGE_ATTACK2 1 { event 7 34 }
$sequence «idle1» «idle1» fps 15 loop ACT_IDLE 1
$sequence «idle2» «idle2» fps 10 loop ACT_IDLE 1
$sequence «combatidle» «combatidle» fps 20 loop ACT_IDLE_ANGRY 1
$sequence «frontkick» «frontkick» fps 35 ACT_MELEE_ATTACK1 1 { event 3 13 } { event 2010 13 }
$sequence «crouching_idle» «crouching_idle» fps 15 loop
$sequence «crouching_wait» «crouching_wait» fps 15 ACT_CROUCH 0
$sequence «crouching_mp5» «crouching_mp5_blend1» «crouching_mp5_blend2» blend XR -45 45 fps 20 loop ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 1 {
{ event 4 1 }
{ event 5 5 }
{ event 6 9 }
{ event 5001 1 «50» }
{ event 5001 5 «50» }
{ event 5001 9 «50» }
$sequence «standing_mp5» «standing_mp5_blend1» «standing_mp5_blend2» blend XR -45 45 fps 20 loop {
{ event 4 1 }
{ event 5 5 }
{ event 6 9 }
{ event 5001 1 «50» }
{ event 5001 5 «50» }
{ event 5001 9 «50» }
$sequence «reload_mp5» «reload_mp5» fps 36 ACT_RELOAD 1 { event 2 41 }
$sequence «crouching_shotgun» «crouching_shotgun_blend1» «crouching_shotgun_blend2» blend XR -45 45 fps 20 ACT_RANGE_ATTACK1 1 { event 4 1 } { event 5001 1 «51» }
$sequence «standing_shotgun» «standing_shotgun_blend1» «standing_shotgun_blend2» blend XR -45 45 fps 20 { event 4 1 } { event 5001 1 «51» }
$sequence «reload_shotgun» «reload_shotgun» fps 36 { event 2 41 }
$sequence «advance_signal» «advance_signal» fps 25 ACT_SIGNAL1 1 { event 10 7 }
$sequence «flank_signal» «flank_signal» fps 19 ACT_SIGNAL2 1
$sequence «retreat_signal» «retreat_signal» fps 25 ACT_SIGNAL3 1
$sequence «drop_grenade» «drop_grenade» fps 40 ACT_SPECIAL_ATTACK1 1 { event 9 31 }
$sequence «limpingwalk» «limpingwalk» LX fps 30 loop ACT_WALK_HURT 1
$sequence «limpingrun» «limpingrun» LX fps 30 loop ACT_RUN_HURT 1
$sequence «180L» «180L» fps 12 ACT_TURN_LEFT 1
$sequence «180R» «180R» fps 12 ACT_TURN_RIGHT 1
$sequence «strafeleft» «strafeleft» LX LY fps 30 loop ACT_STRAFE_LEFT 1
$sequence «straferight» «straferight» LX LY fps 30 loop ACT_STRAFE_RIGHT 1
$sequence «dieback1» «dieback1» X fps 25 ACT_DIEBACKWARD 1 { event 11 5 } { event 2001 17 }
$sequence «dieforward_1» «dieforward_1» X fps 26 ACT_DIEFORWARD 1 { event 11 12 } { event 2001 19 }
$sequence «dieforward_2» «dieforward_2» X fps 30 ACT_DIEFORWARD 1 { event 11 12 } { event 2001 19 }
$sequence «diesimple» «diesimple» X fps 15 ACT_DIESIMPLE 1 { event 11 3 } { event 2001 10 }
$sequence «diebackwards» «diebackwards» X fps 30 ACT_DIEBACKWARD 1 { event 11 6 } { event 2001 12 }
$sequence «dieheadshot» «dieheadshot» X fps 30 ACT_DIE_HEADSHOT 1 { event 11 1 } { event 2001 20 }
$sequence «diegutshot» «diegutshot» X fps 30 ACT_DIE_GUTSHOT 1 { event 11 0 } { event 2001 29 }
$sequence «barnacled1» «barnacled1» fps 40 ACT_BARNACLE_HIT 1
$sequence «barnacled2» «barnacled2» fps 40 loop ACT_BARNACLE_PULL 1 {
{ event 1008 1 «hgrunt/gr_die1.wav» }
{ event 4 9 }
{ event 5001 9 «50» }
{ event 5 11 }
{ event 5001 11 «50» }
{ event 1008 13 «hgrunt/gr_pain4.wav» }
{ event 6 13 }
{ event 5001 13 «50» }
{ event 5 15 }
{ event 5001 15 «50» }
{ event 6 23 }
{ event 5001 23 «50» }
{ event 4 24 }
{ event 5001 24 «50» }
{ event 1008 24 «hgrunt/gr_die2.wav» }
{ event 6 25 }
{ event 5001 25 «50» }
{ event 4 41 }
{ event 5001 41 «50» }
{ event 5 43 }
{ event 5001 43 «50» }
{ event 6 47 }
{ event 5001 47 «50» }
{ event 5 60 }
{ event 5001 60 «50» }
{ event 1008 62 «hgrunt/gr_die1.wav» }
{ event 4 62 }
{ event 5001 62 «50» }
{ event 5 64 }
{ event 5001 64 «50» }
{ event 6 67 }
{ event 5001 67 «50» }
{ event 4 68 }
{ event 5001 68 «50» }
$sequence «barnacled3» «barnacled3» fps 18 ACT_BARNACLE_CHOMP 1
$sequence «barnacled4» «barnacled4» fps 15 loop ACT_BARNACLE_CHEW 1
$sequence «dead_on_stomach» «dead_on_stomach» fps 10
$sequence «deadstomach» «deadstomach» fps 10
$sequence «deadside» «deadside» fps 10
$sequence «deadsitting» «deadsitting» fps 10
$sequence «repel_jump» «repel_jump» fps 22 ACT_HOVER 1
$sequence «repel_repel» «repel_repel» fps 18 loop ACT_GLIDE 1
$sequence «repel_shoot» «repel_shoot_blend1» «repel_shoot_blend2» blend XR -90 45 fps 18 loop ACT_FLY 1 {
{ event 4 0 }
{ event 5 2 }
{ event 6 4 }
{ event 5001 0 }
{ event 5001 2 }
{ event 5001 4 }
$sequence «repel_land» «repel_land» fps 20 ACT_LAND 1
$sequence «repel_die» «repel_die» fps 12
$sequence «dragholeidle» «dragholeidle» fps 10 loop
$sequence «draghole» «draghole» fps 5 { event 1000 1 } { event 1004 20 «debris/bustflesh1.wav» }
$sequence «bustwall» «bustwall» fps 20 { event 1000 1 }
$sequence «hoprail» «hoprail» fps 22
$sequence «converse1» «converse1» fps 14 loop
$sequence «converse2» «converse2» fps 14 loop
$sequence «startleleft» «startleleft» fps 12
$sequence «startleright» «startleright» fps 12
$sequence «divecover» «divecover» fps 22
$sequence «defuse» «defuse» fps 14 loop
$sequence «corner1» «corner1» fps 14 loop
$sequence «corner2» «corner2» fps 10 loop
$sequence «stone_toss» «stone_toss» fps 15
$sequence «cliffdie» «cliffdie» AX AY AZR fps 36 { event 1001 0 } { event 1000 0 }
$sequence «WM_button» «WM_button» AX AY AZR fps 30
$sequence «WM_moatjump» «WM_moatjump» AX AY AZR fps 30
$sequence «bustwindow» «bustwindow» fps 24 { event 1003 5 «break» }
$sequence «dragright» «dragright» LX fps 28 loop
$sequence «dragleft» «dragleft» LX fps 28 loop
$sequence «trackwave» «trackwave» fps 24 loop
$sequence «trackdive» «trackdive» fps 28 { event 1003 38 «switch» }
$sequence «flyback» «flyback» fps 25 { event 1003 29 «zap» } { event 1008 25 «weapons/electro4.wav» }
$sequence «impaled» «impaled» fps 10 { event 1000 1 }
$sequence «jumptracks» «jumptracks» fps 30
$sequence «pipetoss» «pipetoss» fps 30
$sequence «plunger» «plunger» fps 22
$sequence «soldier_dump» «soldier_dump» fps 28
$sequence «soldier_dump_idle» «soldier_dump_idle» fps 28 loop
$sequence «soldier_shoot_ahead» «soldier_shoot_ahead» fps 32 loop {
{ event 4 1 }
{ event 5 6 }
{ event 6 12 }
{ event 5001 1 «50» }
{ event 5001 6 «50» }
{ event 5001 12 «50» }
$sequence «soldier_kick» «soldier_kick» fps 35 { event 1003 13 «00xy_frontkick» }
$sequence «cap_gordon_idle» «cap_gordon_idle» fps 10 loop
$sequence «cap_gordon» «cap_gordon» fps 27
$collisionjoints «phymodel.smd» {

$mass 115.0
$inertia 10.00
$damping 0.01
$rotdamping 1.50
$rootbone «bip01»

$jointconstrain «bip01 spine» x limit -20.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 spine» y limit -25.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 spine» z limit -25.00 30.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 r upperarm» x limit -30.00 30.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r upperarm» y limit -45.00 80.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r upperarm» z limit -110.00 40.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 r forearm» x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r forearm» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r forearm» z limit -90.00 4.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 l upperarm» x limit -30.00 30.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l upperarm» y limit -80.00 45.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l upperarm» z limit -110.00 40.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 l forearm» x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l forearm» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l forearm» z limit -90.00 4.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 l hand» x limit -60.00 60.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l hand» y limit 0.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l hand» z limit -35.00 35.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 r hand» x limit -60.00 60.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r hand» y limit -20.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r hand» z limit -35.00 35.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 r thigh» x limit -25.00 30.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r thigh» y limit -40.00 20.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r thigh» z limit -37.00 63.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 r calf» x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r calf» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r calf» z limit -95.00 4.00 0.00

$jointrotdamping «bip01 head» 5.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 head» x limit -40.00 40.00 0.04
$jointconstrain «bip01 head» y limit -25.00 25.00 0.04
$jointconstrain «bip01 head» z limit -13.00 30.00 0.04

$jointconstrain «bip01 l thigh» x limit -30.00 25.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l thigh» y limit -20.00 40.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l thigh» z limit -37.00 63.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 l calf» x limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l calf» y limit 0.00 0.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l calf» z limit -95.00 4.00 0.04

$jointconstrain «bip01 l foot» x limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l foot» y limit -5.00 5.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 l foot» z limit -15.00 35.00 0.00

$jointconstrain «bip01 r foot» x limit -10.00 10.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r foot» y limit -5.00 5.00 0.00
$jointconstrain «bip01 r foot» z limit -15.00 35.00 0.04

Are you using lots of alternate skins? Because when I tried to make a model with around 6 skins with 5 textures each (which adds up to 30 not 32 you’ll notice), I also got that error.

[QUOTE=Silver Spirit;17834697]Are you using lots of alternate skins? Because when I tried to make a model with around 6 skins with 5 textures each (which adds up to 30 not 32 you’ll notice), I also got that error.[/QUOTE]

Well, the model has exactly 30 .bmp files…

Ah I know what it might be, it sometimes doesn’t like having lots of texture path with lots of textures I think it may think (as much as a piece of code can think) it’s looking for 90 textures instead of 30 for some reason (as compilers aren’t the smartest of creatures ¬.¬)

Well, I got past the texture error by re-doing the UV map.
but now I have this issue.


Ignore the missing textures.

Hmm its seems you have stuffed the rig. Try re-rigging the arms.

Well It worked, Thanks for the help. :buddy:


Sorry i know it’s a bump, but can i have those models? pleeassssse


The model was released in the [url=]HL:S HD SVN[/url].

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    7 Мар 2022

  • #1

появляется при компиляции в crowboard как решить

1. Комментарии в стиле «крутой аддон», «спасибо, давно искал» и тп. будут удаляться в соответствии с правилом форума 6.7.

2. Не нужно писать в чат, чтобы Ваш ресурс проверили. Модераторы ВСЕГДА видят, если ресурс на проверке

3. Будьте бдительны и всегда проверяйте аддоны/моды/скрипты на подозрительный код/обфускацию. Модераторы не могут уследить за всем сразу.

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