You can solve the error “Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher” by checking the setting in the tsconfig.json file and setting the target optional to es5 to match the condition to use the accessors. So let’s go into detail.
The error happens when you try to get property from a Class with a ‘private’ modifier, like the getter and setter method.
Example of how the error happens:
class Employee { private id: number = 0; // ERROR: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. get ID() { return; } // ERROR: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. set ID(id: number) { = id; } }
Here I am coding with es3, which does not support the accessors method yet, so I will get the error.
The solution for this error
Setting target optional
To solve the error, you can set the target optional in the tsconfig.json file. This setting will help you to indicate that you will work with modern environment that allows using the accessors method. The minimal version that supports accessors method is es5.
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "es5", // Another code line } }
// After using es5 class Account { private id: number = 0; // getter method get ID() { return; } // setter method set ID(id: number) { = id; } } const user1 = new Account() console.log(user1.ID) const user2 = new Account() user2.ID = 2 console.log(user2.ID)
[LOG]: 0
[LOG]: 2
But you should set it to the es6 version because the browser almost supports all the es6 features.
You can see some modern features that introduce in es6:
// Default parameters function logInfor(name: string , age: number ,country: string = 'England'){ // Template Literals console.log( `${name} is ${age} years old and come from ${country}`) } logInfor('Tommy', 24)
[LOG]: "Tommy is 24 years old and comes from England"
As you see, es6 provides some new features like default parameters that we can set a default value for parameters by assigning it with an equal symbol, and you can use template literals by using ${expression}
syntax inside the grave accent pair.
Setting target in terminal
You can set the target optional by using a terminal command like this:
tsc src/index.ts --target es6
This command line means it will set –target optional to es6 for index.ts file in folder src.
In this article, I showed you how to solve the error “Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher”. You can set the target optional in the tsconfig.json file to solve it. Hope it is helpful to you.
Maybe you are interested:
- Property is private and only accessible within class in TypeScript
- The left-hand side of assignment expression may not be an optional property access
Hello, guys! I hope that my knowledge in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, Python, MySQL, and npm computer languages may be of use to you. I’m Brent Johnson, a software developer.
Name of the university: HOU
Major: IT
Programming Languages: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, ReactJS, MongoDB, PyThon, MySQL, npm
Current Behavior
When building my bluidable/publishable react library I get semantic error TS1056: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher.
Even though my tsconfig.base.json
has "target": "es2015",
set. My library tsconfig.lib.json
and tsconfig.json
do not override this value.
From what I can tell this issue #3601 & this fix #3661 seem to be the cause. It appears that setting target to undefined
when the format is ‘esm’ prevents the rollup plugin from inheriting the target correctly.
If I change that line of code to something more like:
const compilerOptionsESM = {
rootDir: options.entryRoot,
allowJs: false,
declaration: true,
paths: compilerOptionPaths
const compilerOptionsOther = {
rootDir: options.entryRoot,
allowJs: false,
declaration: true,
paths: compilerOptionPaths,
target: 'es5',
const plugins = [
targets: convertCopyAssetsToRollupOptions(options.outputPath, options.assets),
check: true,
tsconfig: options.tsConfig,
tsconfigOverride: {
compilerOptions: config.format === 'esm' ? compilerOptionsESM : compilerOptionsOther
packageJsonPath: options.project,
inject: true,
extract: options.extractCss,
autoModules: true,
plugins: [autoprefixer],
preferBuiltins: true,
extensions: fileExtensions,
cwd: path_1.join(context.workspaceRoot, sourceRoot),
rootMode: 'upward',
babelrc: true,
extensions: fileExtensions,
babelHelpers: 'bundled',
exclude: /node_modules/,
plugins: [
config.format === 'esm'
? undefined
: 'babel-plugin-transform-async-to-promises',
the target value gets inherited correctly
Expected Behavior
Target should be correctly inherited from tsconfig.base.json
Steps to Reproduce
Create a buildable/publishable react library that has ES5+ features and try to build it.
Failure Logs
using verbosity: 3
with the rollup typescript plugin the target is not set in the parsed tsconfig
with my fix "target": 2,
(es2015) in the parsed tsconfig
I am trying to run this code, but it is giving me the following errors:
Animal.ts(10,13): error TS1056: Accessors are only available when
targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. Animal.ts(14,13): error TS1056:
Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher.
interface IAnimal{
name : string;
class AnimalImpm implements IAnimal{
private _name : string = '[Animal]';
get name():string{
return this._name;
set name(name:string){
this._name = name;
constructor(name:string){ = name;
sayName():string {
console.log(`My name is ${}`);
return "Hello";
The only thing which worked for me was to specify the Target
on macOS and Windows. Please note the parameter -t
is standing for Target.
tsc -t es5 script.ts
You can run the command on your terminal.
Try setting up a tsconfig.json file in your project:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5"
"files": []
That will tell the TypeScript compiler to target a version specifically.
I was having the same problem. What I read from the docs is that the tsconfig.json file is ignored if you specify the files.
My tsconfig.json file
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5"
"include": [
And I run it from command line
tsc && node *.js
In Windows, the
tsc --target es5 filename.ts
options can be: ‘es3’, ‘es5’, ‘es6’, ‘es2015’, ‘es2016’, ‘es2017’, or ‘esnext’ (without » (single quotes)).
If you’re dealing with a single file you could do this:
tsc your-file.ts --target ES2016 --watch
If you want it inside your tsconfig.json for the entire project configuration:
{ "compilerOptions": { "target": "ES2016" } "files": [] }
You may want to use either ECMAScript numeric «es6», «es7», «es8» or the year of release, like «ES2015», «ES2016», «ES2017».
ESNext targets the latest supported ES proposed features.
In my case, I only needed to add the target.
tsc *.ts --target ES5 && node *.js
I think that the solution below could be a very helpful command for all developers here.
You can easily solve it using this command in your Terminal, command prompt, Git Bash, etc.:
tsc --target ES2016 Animal.ts --watch
tsc --target es5 Animal.ts --watch
is optional and means that you don’t need to compile your code in each modification.
I had the same issue and got it to work with this… for a single file!
tsc -target "es5" filename && node filename
with quotes -
need not mention file extensions
tsc -target "es5" filename
— transpiles the typescript to «es5» JavaScript -
node filename
— runs the transpiled JavaScript file
I targetted esnext
and even with this I got the error.
But for me it helped, targeting the .vue files in tsconfig.json
"include": [
"*.vue" // << added
Here is a simple solution:
tsc file.ts --target ES5 && node file.js
Note: Ensure you make use of your file name. This would only be applicable for you if the name of your .ts file is file.
I think a cleaner way of writing that code would have been this
class AnimalImpm {
constructor(private _name?:string){ = name;
get name():string{
return this._name;
set name(name:string){
this._name = name;
sayName():string {
console.log(`My name is ${}`);
return "Hello";
let data = new AnimalImpm('Animal');; = 'newAnimal';
I had the same problem trying to compile TypeScript code with Visual Studio Code.
This solved the issue:
1) tsconfig.json — add the target
in the compilerOptions
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es5", // <-- here!
"module": "commonjs",
"sourceMap": true
2) tasks.json — add the target
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"taskName": "build",
"type": "process",
"command": "tsc",
"args": [
"--outDir", "js",
"--target", "es5" // <-- here!
"group": {
"kind": "build",
"isDefault": true
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always"
"problemMatcher": "$tsc"
It finally worked out for me. Run the file, and then state the target flag:
tsc script.ts --t es5
Build target not working from tsconfig.json #12645
There isn’t any need to specify the extension:
tsc -target "es5" filename && node filename
If using Visual Studio 2017:
- Solution Explorer → right-click on the project
- Add → New Item
- (Search section → type this → typescript)
- Select «TypeScript Json Configuration File»
That’s it. At the end of these steps, tsconfig.json will be added to the project with the default set applied to ES5.
You don’t have to change anything. Just recompile your project and the error is going to be out.
tsc .main.components.ts --target ES5
Simply set the «es5» in your tsconfig.json file:
target: "es5"
And that all.
Here you need to pass the switch to the TypeScript compiler, so it targets the ECMAScript file. To do that, enter the below code in the terminal:
tsc (your TypeScript file).ts —target ES5
And run your build JavaScript file:
node (your JavaScript file)
Try using tsc myTS.ts --target ES5
This is because TypeScript should target the ECMAScript 5 compiler.
Comments Section
Welcome to StackOverflow and thanks for your help. You might want to make your answer even better by adding some explanation.
typescript doesn’t give any result in the search box. Any idea?
The answer is spread across a couple of different responses here. @jagdish you should answer it yourself!
I cam across the same error, when running the recommended added flag targeting es5 that works for me: tsc script.ts —t es5 However, I would like just to have this configured in my tsconfig.json file. I have pasted my tsconfig.json below. Replacing es2017 by es5 in the target value does not resolve the error for me. By the way targeting es2017 which is higher than es5 anyway and should work as well if I am not mistaken. What am I doing wrong? «compilerOptions»: { «lib»: [«es2017», «dom»], «module»: «commonjs», «target»: «es2017»,
It’s hard to tell with just seeing the config in a comment. The comment itself is not complete, for example, because there’s a trailing comma and no closing }. Start with a very basic test and config and then build the config up with the example. Once that works drop it in your project maybe?
As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center (/help/how-to-answer).
this works for me. set target to «es6», warnings are all gone.
Wow schizo. I mean I’m old and sort of hate that node/ts/etc. don’t really have a standard dialect (ts-node notwithstanding) but then tsc turns around and silently adopts a useless confusing mode when you try to run it over a single file, cute
Please review Why not upload images of code/errors when asking a question? (e.g., «Images should only be used to illustrate problems that can’t be made clear in any other way, such as to provide screenshots of a user interface.») and do the right thing (it covers answers and any kind of text as well). Thanks in advance.
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Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher #25
deryl27 commented Jul 27, 2015
How to provide target to ES5 while using ts-loader ??
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
jbrantly commented Jul 27, 2015
jbrantly commented Jul 27, 2015
You would want something like this:
deryl27 commented Jul 27, 2015
@jbrantly Thanks It works
jakeNiemiec commented Mar 2, 2017 •
Thank you. This is currently the highest google result for the error message.
For me, this migration guide for angular-cli is missing «target»: «es5» in tsconfig.json
attilacsanyi commented Mar 7, 2017
@jakeNiemiec you are right that the main (in root folder) tsconfig.json does not contain the «target»: «es5» , but cli have specific derived and tsconfig.spec.json configs specified under src which both contained the target.
BTW I had to specify the «target»: «es5» in the root to make it work in VSCode and remove the specific target lines from the derived once.
Thanks for the hint anyway.
dmijatovic commented Mar 8, 2017
I had same problem after updating angular-cli as jakeNiemiec. In my case I only needed to add the target line in tsconfig.json in the root folder and restart VSC.
SOHELAHMED7 commented Sep 30, 2017
If you are dealing with just a single file and not a project set —target ES2016 . For eg
Аксессоры доступны только при таргетинге на ECMAScript 5 и выше.
Я пытаюсь запустить этот код, но он выдает следующие ошибки:
Animal.ts(10,13): error TS1056: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher. Animal.ts(14,13): error TS1056: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher.
Единственное, что у меня сработало, — это указать в Target macOS и Windows. Обратите внимание, что этот параметр -t означает Target.
Вы можете запустить команду на своем терминале.
попробуйте настроить файл tsconfig.json в своем проекте:
это укажет компилятору машинописного текста на конкретную версию.
У меня была такая же проблема. Я прочитал из документации , что файл tsconfig.json игнорируется, если вы указываете файлы.
Мой файл tsconfig.json
И я запускаю его из командной строки
Возможные варианты: es3, es5, es6, es2015, es2016, es2017, esnext. (без »)
Если вы имеете дело с одним файлом, вы можете сделать это
tsc your-file.ts —target ES2016 —watch
Если вы хотите внутри своего tsconfig.json для всей конфигурации проекта
Вы можете использовать числовые значения ECMAScript «es6», «es7», «es8» или год выпуска, например «ES2015», «ES2016», «ES2017» .
ESNext нацелен на последние поддерживаемые функции, предлагаемые ES.
Я знаю, что это старый разговор, но я думаю, что приведенное ниже решение может быть очень полезной командой для всех здесь разработчиков.
Вы можете легко решить эту проблему с помощью этой команды в своем терминале, командной строке, Git Bash и т. Д .:
tsc —target ES2016 Animal.ts —watch
tsc —target es5 Animal.ts —watch
—watch является необязательным и означает, что вам не нужно компилировать код в каждой модификации.
В моем случае мне нужно было только добавить цель.
Была такая же проблема, сработало ли это . для одного файла!
tsc -target «es5» filename && node filename
не нужно упоминать расширения файлов
tsc -target «es5» filename — переводит машинописный текст в «es5» JavaScript
node filename — запускает транспилированный файл javascript
У меня была такая же проблема при попытке скомпилировать код TypeScript с помощью Visual Studio Code. Это решило проблему:
1) tsconfig.json — добавьте target в compilerOptions :
2) tasks.json — добавьте target аргумент:
Вот простое решение
Примечание. Убедитесь, что вы используете имя файла. Это применимо только для вас, если имя вашего файла .ts — file .
Я думаю, что более понятным способом написания этого кода был бы такой
Используете Visual Stido 2017?
1- Обозреватель решений> Щелкните правой кнопкой мыши по проекту
2- Добавить> Новый элемент
3- (Раздел поиска> введите этот> машинописный текст)
4- Выберите «Файл конфигурации TypeScript Json»,
это будет
в конце этих шагов, tsconfig.json будет добавлен для проецирования с настройками по умолчанию, примененными к ES5
вам не нужно ничего менять. просто перекомпилируйте свой проект, и ошибка исчезнет.
lint-staged ignores tsconfig.json when it called through husky hooks #825
SerkanSipahi commented Apr 2, 2020
lint-staged ignores tsconfig.json when it called through husky hooks (see «Steps to reproduce»)
Steps to reproduce
Create these files (test.js, tsconfig, package.json):
Then on command line write:
// everything works fine (it uses tsconfig.json)!
tsc —noEmit
// throw an error because it ignores tsconfig.json
git commit // error TS1056: Accessors are only available when targeting ECMAScript 5 and higher
- OS: macOS Catalina
- Node.js: v13
- lint-staged : v10.1.0
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
iiroj commented Apr 2, 2020
Can you try explicitly setting the config file for tsc?
We have a couple of issues like this, and I can’t say for certain what causes it. I assume it might be a wrong working directory.
iiroj commented Apr 2, 2020
Also, please post your debug logs by enabling them:
iiroj commented Apr 2, 2020
Do you by chance have tsc installed locally in the project, or globally? This might be something that affects it.
antoinerousseau commented Apr 27, 2020
It’s because you get the filenames passed as an argument. Try using the function syntax.
This is what I use:
sombreroEnPuntas commented Aug 16, 2020
Similar issue with tsc .
Passing files AND project config is not possible.
When invoked from husky, it does not find the project folder or configuration :$
When invoked from bash, it finds the project folder. but the config prevents passing files as args.
Here’s my setup. It works as long as all changes are staged 😛
mercury-oe commented Sep 2, 2020
@sombreroEnPuntas thank you! it’s working for me
or2008 commented Nov 14, 2020 •
adding bash fixed it for me, thanks @sombreroEnPuntas
ivancuric commented Nov 20, 2020
@antoinerousseau thanks! using it in a js file with a function syntax works.
Hardcoding bash is not really a good solution for crossplatform development.
SerkanSipahi commented Nov 22, 2020
iiroj commented Nov 22, 2020
Seems to have been solved. If someone wants to open a PR about adding this to the README, we’d appreciate it!
ikushlianski commented Apr 27, 2021
The bash solution helped me. Please don’t forget to add single qoutes around the command itself (after bash -c )
stephanoparaskeva commented May 11, 2021
basch -c tsc —noEmit I think this means that it’s not only running tsc on the staged files but the whole project right?
jantimon commented May 11, 2021
mad-gav commented Jul 2, 2021
I’ve tried lots of different ways to get this working on a project (gatsby)
but when i run this i get weird react native errors when the project isn’t react native
dbgordon09 commented Aug 5, 2021
I managed to get around this by emulating the config with the appropriate flags for the tsc command.
Not the most elegant solution 😅 But works like a charm telling the TypeScript compiler to only compile files that are staged, while mapping onto the output of your actual tsconfig.json .
Also! You’ll notice the string escaping of the file names. 👀 That is to get around issues on Windows where paths to the files contain spaces. (In my case my username)
haixiangyan commented Jan 10, 2022
I know it’s little bit late for this issue, but I want to share my solution for this problem.
First of all, there are only 2 ways to use tsc to do type checking:
- tsc xxx.ts —noEmit only for some specific files
- tsc -p ./tsconfig.json for those files that defined in the include field
When you use lint-staged , it will append the key (which is like **/*.ts ) to your command, it would be like this tsc —noEmit **/.*.ts , which is perfectly fine for the first case I said.
But here’s the thing: if you only changing one file like people.ts that has the import syntax: import Button from ‘button’ , and the command will looks like this tsc —noEmit people.ts , and it will ignore the button.ts file! That would cause the problem even if you know it was right.
Some people would suggest the second case to do the type checking, like changing the setting to be:
So that it would ignore the **/*.ts pattern, but tsc would scan the whole project to slow down your commit.
Support ECMAScript 5 (Accessors)? #9
Bartvds commented Feb 1, 2014
Would be nice if getters/setters would work:
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered:
lbovet commented Feb 1, 2014
I think that accessors can be declared only in classes and not in interfaces. Typson uses interfaces as source.
I see accessors as a way to implement a property, not as something to be part of the interface. Both should be separated:
Bartvds commented Feb 1, 2014
Yea, you can only declare them classes. But conceptually a type is a type right?
For checking signatures the way the compiler (or json-schema itself) do it doesn’t really matter which is which.
I never generate really separate interfaces for my classes, it is a hassle to maintain. And unnecessary in TS; as type is about shape of object, not the named type.
I sometimes even switch my code between interface or class when I describe JSON objects, it is handy top get a default object for that interface. (class maybe without methods, or only static helpers).
So there are two things:
- support ES5 is so far as to extract the code for interfaces but not balk over ES5 features in untouched parts of code. Maybe this already works?
- actually support he ES5 features themselves. They could be used by the types described by the interfaces so we’d need a model.
Basically 1 is sort of essential to work in real projects (who uses ES3 still?), 2 is more of an enhancement.