- pagemaker 7 и acrobat 7 объясните плиз ошибку
- biz_ua
- Shlyapa
- Paulot
- PostScript error: typecheck
- Most common causes
- Offending command “dF3(!2xT” (or other random characters)
- Also check
- 8 thoughts on “ PostScript error: typecheck ”
- Как исправить ошибку Setlinecap команды Typecheck Offending
- Метод 1. Используйте окно в режиме инкогнито
- Метод 2 — отправьте файл в программу для чтения PDF-файлов
- Метод 3 — очистка кеша
- Метод 4 — измените настройки принтера
pagemaker 7 и acrobat 7 объясните плиз ошибку
Добрый день,
стоит pagemaker 7.0.1a и acrobat 7, при печати в пдф создается txt с ошибкой:
%%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: get; ErrorInfo: MetricsCount —nostringval— ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
спасибо, а если печатаю в .ps говорит, что печать невозможна , т.к. исходный файл adistill.ppd был заменен.
подскажите, пожалуйста, что к чему
Ответ: pagemaker 7 и acrobat 7 объясните плиз ошибку
Попробуй вывести в EPS(-ы), а потом перегнать их в PDF. Этого бывает достаточно, чтобы обойти глюк.
Если не поможет, то «try replacing your fonts and open all images and resave them again in the originating application».
Shit happens. (Forrest Gump)
Человек без веры в бога — всё равно, что рыба без велосипеда.
Ответ: pagemaker 7 и acrobat 7 объясните плиз ошибку
У меня подобное случилось, когда в чужой верстке затесался ЕПС с некривленным шрифтом. ПМ6.5 молча прожевал печать в файл (под ХП СП2, линотроник, вроде, 930), отдистиллилось без ругани, но текст кое-где просто пропал. На РИПЕ вылезла как раз ошибка Get. Нашел картинку, скривил, все стало ОК
PostScript error: typecheck
A PostScript error: typecheck is one of the most common PostScript errors. It signals that the RIP encounters an operand of a wrong type – i.e. an operator expected one type of data and got something else.
Most common causes
- Typecheck errors are usually caused by corrupted data.
- This may indicate a problem with the printer driver. Try reinstalling it if the error occurs printing from various applications. Check the network and/or server if the error persists.
- Try copying and pasting your data to a new document.
- Try opening and resaving all images and drawings.
Offending command “dF3(!2xT” (or other random characters)
If the offending command contains random characters, it may indicate a problem with the communications link or driver. This problem may also occur when PostScript files are transferred from one computer platform to another. Try using an ‘ASCII’ or ‘Text only’ format instead of a binary format when saving.
Also check
Lots of PostScript operators can cause a typecheck error. Make sure you know the offending command that caused the error and click on it in this list: aload, CCRun, div, get, image, imagemask, pdfmark, setcolor, setflat, sethalftone, setoverprint, settransfer, sh(PDF), S(PDF), stack, status.
8 thoughts on “ PostScript error: typecheck ”
Most od PostScript operators can fail with a /typecheck error. Little more can be determined without a sample file.
Please contact Coscript Consulting for professional resolution of PostScript and PDF issies: [email protected] or +1 (610) 529 3475.
I ran into this problem on a Outlook email in HTML format. When I saw the original comment about a “bad” character, I selected all text in the email and just set everything to a specific font, Calibri since I like that style. I didn’t change anything else – and bingo, it prints to PDF fine now.
Thought I’d mention this is something to try. The “solution” is not very explicit in the above comments and it might work for you too.
Как исправить ошибку Setlinecap команды Typecheck Offending
Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой Typecheck Offending Command Setlinecap, это означает, что проблема с печатью в ваших PDF-файлах из Chrome. Пока удобно распечатать наши PDF файлы прямо из нашего браузера Chrome может появиться этот тип ошибки.
Google подтвердил, что с их новой версией Chrome возникли проблемы, особенно когда речь идет о файлах PDF. Тем не мение, Google выпустила обновление, которое устранит эту ошибку и упростит процесс печати. Тем не менее, есть несколько способов исправить ошибку.
Как решить проблему с ошибкой Setlinecap команды проверки типа?
Метод 1. Используйте окно в режиме инкогнито
Программы для Windows, мобильные приложения, игры — ВСЁ БЕСПЛАТНО, в нашем закрытом телеграмм канале — Подписывайтесь:)
Окно инкогнито — это функция приватного просмотра в браузере, которая обеспечивает конфиденциальность вашего веб-поиска. При использовании окна в режиме инкогнито веб-сайты, которые вы посетили, и файлы данных не сохраняются в окнах.
Использование окна в режиме инкогнито при открытии и входе на веб-сайт обновит процесс, что приведет к минимизации ошибок. Эта функция доступна во всех основных браузерах, таких как Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari или Brave.
Метод 2 — отправьте файл в программу для чтения PDF-файлов
Отправка файла PDF за пределами Google Chrome может помочь избежать ошибки. Вы можете установить PDF Reader как Adobe Acrobat Reader который откроет ваш PDF-файл вместо того, чтобы открывать его через Chrome. Из PDF Reader вы можете без проблем отправить его на свой принтер.
Метод 3 — очистка кеша
Имейте в виду, что очистка кеша также приведет к удалению настроек, которые вы сохранили на некоторых веб-сайтах. Вы можете сначала проверить эти сайты, прежде чем решите очистить весь кеш.
- Открытым Гугл Хром.
- Нажмите на три точки в правом верхнем углу или кнопку «Еще».
- Выберите Дополнительные инструменты.
- Выберите Очистить данные просмотра.
- Отрегулируйте временной диапазон или выберите «Все время», если хотите удалить все данные.
- Установите флажок Файлы cookie и другие данные сайта.
- Установите флажок Кэшированные изображения и файлы.
- Затем нажмите Очистить данные.
Метод 4 — измените настройки принтера
Драйвер Postscript часто находится в настройках принтера, что вызывает ошибку. Что вы можете сделать, так это изменить его на драйвер PCL. В настройках печати перейдите в раздел «Дополнительно» в настройках принтера. Отключите сквозную передачу PostScript и сохраните изменения.
Какой из вышеперечисленных методов сработал для вас? Мы хотели бы узнать ваш опыт. Расскажите нам в разделе комментариев ниже.
Программы для Windows, мобильные приложения, игры — ВСЁ БЕСПЛАТНО, в нашем закрытом телеграмм канале — Подписывайтесь:)
Если вы столкнулись с ошибкой Typecheck Offending Command Setlinecap, это означает, что проблема с печатью в ваших PDF-файлах из Chrome. Пока удобно распечатать наши PDF файлы прямо из нашего браузера Chrome может появиться этот тип ошибки.
Google подтвердил, что с их новой версией Chrome возникли проблемы, особенно когда речь идет о файлах PDF. Тем не мение, Google выпустила обновление, которое устранит эту ошибку и упростит процесс печати. Тем не менее, есть несколько способов исправить ошибку.
Как решить проблему с ошибкой Setlinecap команды проверки типа?
Метод 1. Используйте окно в режиме инкогнито
Окно инкогнито — это функция приватного просмотра в браузере, которая обеспечивает конфиденциальность вашего веб-поиска. При использовании окна в режиме инкогнито веб-сайты, которые вы посетили, и файлы данных не сохраняются в окнах.
Использование окна в режиме инкогнито при открытии и входе на веб-сайт обновит процесс, что приведет к минимизации ошибок. Эта функция доступна во всех основных браузерах, таких как Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Opera, Safari или Brave.
Метод 2 — отправьте файл в программу для чтения PDF-файлов
Отправка файла PDF за пределами Google Chrome может помочь избежать ошибки. Вы можете установить PDF Reader как Adobe Acrobat Reader который откроет ваш PDF-файл вместо того, чтобы открывать его через Chrome. Из PDF Reader вы можете без проблем отправить его на свой принтер.
Метод 3 — очистка кеша
Имейте в виду, что очистка кеша также приведет к удалению настроек, которые вы сохранили на некоторых веб-сайтах. Вы можете сначала проверить эти сайты, прежде чем решите очистить весь кеш.
- Открытым Гугл Хром.
- Нажмите на три точки в правом верхнем углу или кнопку «Еще».
- Выберите Дополнительные инструменты.
- Выберите Очистить данные просмотра.
- Отрегулируйте временной диапазон или выберите «Все время», если хотите удалить все данные.
- Установите флажок Файлы cookie и другие данные сайта.
- Установите флажок Кэшированные изображения и файлы.
- Затем нажмите Очистить данные.
Метод 4 — измените настройки принтера
Драйвер Postscript часто находится в настройках принтера, что вызывает ошибку. Что вы можете сделать, так это изменить его на драйвер PCL. В настройках печати перейдите в раздел «Дополнительно» в настройках принтера. Отключите сквозную передачу PostScript и сохраните изменения.
Какой из вышеперечисленных методов сработал для вас? Мы хотели бы узнать ваш опыт. Расскажите нам в разделе комментариев ниже.
%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
94xufd not found, using Courier.
%%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: show ]%%
%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
I saw it in the log folder where the Adobe PDF print went wrong.
error due to missing font
correction steps: go to the control panel — printer — PDF printer — right click — Adobe PDF Settings — Rely on system fonts only; Do not use Document Fonts option removed.
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7 февраля 2020 года компания Google выпустила очередное обновление для Chrome. К сожалению, с этого момента при отправке PDF-документа непосредственно из Chrome на принтер появлялась ошибка. Все, кто использовал Chrome для печати PDF, получали ошибку «Typecheck Offending Command Setlinecap».
Иногда принтер успевал напечатать первые пару страниц до появления ошибки. В других случаях ошибка появлялась сразу после отправки документа на принтер. Google вскоре подтвердил, что в новой версии Chrome произошла пара ошибок во внутренней программе просмотра PDF-файлов браузера.
Как только Google подтвердил ошибку, он начал работать над ее решением. Всего через пару дней новое стабильное обновление для Chrome было доступно для распространения. В версии 80.0.3987.100 удалось решить проблему с печатью PDF из Chrome.
Хотя в период между версиями .87 и .100 пользователи не могли выполнить это действие, существовали альтернативные способы сделать это.
Использование PDF-ридеров
Первое, что приходит на ум, довольно очевидно. Вы можете загрузить нужный PDF-файл через Chrome. Теперь достаточно дважды щелкнуть по этому документу, и он откроется в вашей программе PDF по умолчанию.
Если у вас нет такой программы, вы всегда можете установить бесплатный Adobe Acrobat Reader или любую другую программу, которая работает с этим типом файлов. После открытия PDF-файла вне Chrome вы сможете отправить его на принтер без каких-либо проблем.
Используйте другие браузеры
Еще один способ избежать использования Google Chrome в этом сценарии — открыть PDF-файл в другом интернет-браузере. Для этого лучше всего использовать Mozilla Firefox или Opera.
Если вы работаете под Windows, вы также можете использовать Microsoft Edge. Если вы пользователь Mac, вы можете перейти в Safari и открыть его оттуда. Какой бы браузер вы ни выбрали, у вас не должно возникнуть никаких проблем при попытке распечатать документы PDF таким способом.
Изменение предпочтений печати
Некоторые замечают, что если у вас принтер Xerox, есть способ заставить печать PDF работать из Google Chrome. Поскольку ваша операционная система взаимодействует с принтером через несколько драйверов, вы можете попробовать изменить эти настройки.
По умолчанию все запросы на печать обрабатывает драйвер PostScript. К счастью, это не единственный вариант. Если вы измените драйвер PostScript на драйвер PCL, вы сможете продолжать печатать PDF-файлы непосредственно из встроенной программы просмотра PDF-файлов Google Chrome.
Другое, что вы можете попробовать, это зайти в «Параметры печати» вашего принтера и открыть меню «Дополнительные» настройки. Там вы должны увидеть параметр «PostScript pass-through». Отключите его и сохраните изменения.
Бесплатные программы для чтения PDF
Если вам интересно, какие еще бесплатные программы для чтения PDF существуют, вот некоторые из самых популярных. Обратите внимание, что они работают как на компьютерах Mac, так и на PC.
Foxit Reader
Foxit Reader существует уже более 15 лет. По сути, это золотой стандарт бесплатного программного обеспечения для работы с PDF. Будучи довольно мощным инструментом, он позволяет читать, редактировать и создавать PDF-файлы. Кроме того, все, что вы создаете с помощью Foxit, остается в специальном облачном хранилище для вашего удобства.
С помощью Foxit вы можете создавать PDF-файлы из сканов или любых инструментов Microsoft Office. Будь то документ Word, лист Excel или презентация Power Point, Foxit сделает все это. Более того, вы можете даже объединить несколько PDF в один файл или удалить страницы из многостраничного документа.
Javelin PDF Reader
Это довольно простая программа для чтения PDF, загружаемая всего за два мегабайта. Тем не менее, Javelin позволяет открывать и печатать документы PDF — именно тот тип работы, который выполняет большинство людей. Помимо основных функций, вы также можете добавлять закладки, аннотации и выделения в документы.
Javelin может не обладать возможностями редактирования, как Foxit или Adobe Acrobat Pro, но он очень хорош в том, что делает. Его простой и дружественный интерфейс позволяет легко освоиться с ним. А благодаря сверхбыстрой обработке PDF-файлов, это приложение определенно идеально подходит для вашей повседневной работы.
Google Drive
Возможно, вы не хотите устанавливать дополнительное программное обеспечение. Или вы просто не можете сделать это на своем рабочем компьютере по соображениям безопасности. В любом случае, Google Drive — это ваш онлайн-ключ к большинству ваших потребностей в PDF, если не ко всем. Вам просто нужно иметь учетную запись Google и все.
Google Drive позволяет открывать PDF-файлы и хранить их в онлайн-хранилище Drive. Бесплатный аккаунт Google предоставляет 15 ГБ пространства, чего вполне достаточно. Если вам нужно преобразовать документ в PDF, вы можете сделать и это. Это касается изображений, текстовых документов, файлов презентаций и электронных таблиц.
Проблема решена
Надеемся, что обновленная версия Google Chrome решила проблемы с печатью PDF из браузера. Независимо от этого, теперь вы знаете еще несколько способов, которые помогут вам решить проблему, если вы столкнетесь с подобными проблемами в будущем.
Использовали ли вы один из этих вариантов печати PDF-файлов до того, как Google решил проблему? Есть ли у вас другие советы, которые могут помочь в подобных ситуациях? Пожалуйста, поделитесь своим опытом в разделе комментариев ниже.
YouTube видео: Как решить ошибку Typecheck Offending Command Setlinecap
Добрый день,
стоит pagemaker 7.0.1a и acrobat 7, при печати в пдф создается txt с ошибкой:
%%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: get; ErrorInfo: MetricsCount —nostringval— ]%%
-mark-%%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
%%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
что это значит?
спасибо, а если печатаю в .ps говорит, что печать невозможна , т.к. исходный файл adistill.ppd был заменен.
подскажите, пожалуйста, что к чему
Ответ: pagemaker 7 и acrobat 7 объясните плиз ошибку
pagemaker 7.0.1a и acrobat 7, при печати в пдф
PM не выводит прямиком в PDF, как это делает свежий адобовский софт. При выводе из PM-а «экспортом» в PDF или печатью на принтер Adobe PDF создаётся временный PS-файл, который по завершении создания PDF-а автоматически удаляется.
%%[ Error: typecheck; OffendingCommand: get; ErrorInfo: MetricsCount —nostringval— ]%%
Попробуй вывести в EPS(-ы), а потом перегнать их в PDF. Этого бывает достаточно, чтобы обойти глюк.
Если не поможет, то «try replacing your fonts and open all images and resave them again in the originating application».
Ответ: pagemaker 7 и acrobat 7 объясните плиз ошибку
У меня подобное случилось, когда в чужой верстке затесался ЕПС с некривленным шрифтом. ПМ6.5 молча прожевал печать в файл (под ХП СП2, линотроник, вроде, 930), отдистиллилось без ругани, но текст кое-где просто пропал. На РИПЕ вылезла как раз ошибка Get. Нашел картинку, скривил, все стало ОК
Click here follow the steps to fix Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow and related errors.
To Fix (Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow) error you need to |
Step 1: |
Download (Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow) Repair Tool |
Step 2: |
Click the «Scan» button | |
Step 3: |
Click ‘Fix All‘ and you’re done! | |
Limitations: |
Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow Error Codes are caused in one way or another by misconfigured system files
in your windows operating system.
If you have Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow errors then we strongly recommend that you
Download (Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow) Repair Tool.
This article contains information that shows you how to fix
Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow
(manually) and (automatically) , In addition, this article will help you troubleshoot some common error messages related to Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error code that you may receive.
This article was updated on 2023-02-03 and previously published under WIKI_Q210794
- 1. What is Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error?
- 2. What causes Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error?
- 3. How to easily fix Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow errors
What is Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error?
The Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error is the Hexadecimal format of the error caused. This is common error code format used by windows and other windows compatible software and driver vendors.
This code is used by the vendor to identify the error caused. This Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error code has a numeric error number and a technical description. In some cases the error may have more parameters in Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow format .This additional hexadecimal code are the address of the memory locations where the instruction(s) was loaded at the time of the error.
What causes Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error?
The Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error may be caused by windows system files damage. The corrupted system files entries can be a real threat to the well being of your computer.
There can be many events which may have resulted in the system files errors. An incomplete installation, an incomplete uninstall, improper deletion of applications or hardware. It can also be caused if your computer is recovered from a virus or adware/spyware
attack or by an improper shutdown of the computer. All the above actives
may result in the deletion or corruption of the entries in the windows
system files. This corrupted system file will lead to the missing and wrongly
linked information and files needed for the proper working of the
How to easily fix Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow error?
There are two (2) ways to fix Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow Error:
Advanced Computer User Solution (manual update):
1) Start your computer and log on as an administrator.
2) Click the Start button then select All Programs, Accessories, System Tools, and then click System Restore.
3) In the new window, select «Restore my computer to an earlier time» option and then click Next.
4) Select the most recent system restore point from the «On this list, click a restore point» list, and then click Next.
5) Click Next on the confirmation window.
6) Restarts the computer when the restoration is finished.
Novice Computer User Solution (completely automated):
1) Download (Productname Distiller Error Typecheck Offendingcommand Xshow) repair utility.
2) Install program and click Scan button.
3) Click the Fix Errors button when scan is completed.
4) Restart your computer.
How does it work?
This tool will scan and diagnose, then repairs, your PC with patent
pending technology that fix your windows operating system registry
basic features: (repairs system freezing and rebooting issues , start-up customization , browser helper object management , program removal management , live updates , windows structure repair.)
Several common HP printer errors give users a lot of headaches. Therefore, in this detailed article, we will look at some of these errors, and their meanings and also provide solutions to them.
How to Fix Most HP Printer Errors
Although there are different kinds of HP printer errors, most of them can be fixed by following the troubleshooting steps below:
1. Ensure that All Connections are in Place
You need to check that all the cables are connected properly. If you aren’t sure about their connection, you can turn off your HP printer, and then unplug all the cables. After that, plug the cables back into their appropriate places. You can now turn on your printer to check if the problem has been resolved.
If you use a network or wireless computer, then you need to ensure that the connection between your HP printer and your router is in place.
2. Check the State of your Cartridge
A good number of HP printer errors are due to an issue with the cartridge. Below are some of the errors associated with ink or toner cartridges:
i. HP Printer Error Damaged Cartridge
This error occurs when your cartridge is damaged. Therefore, when checking the cartridges, if you notice that any is damaged, then you need to replace them.
ii. HP Printer Error Depleted Cartridge
When the ink or toner in your cartridge is depleted, this error will appear. Some folks choose to refill the ink or toner in their cartridge when they run out. While this will save you money if you choose this option, you should know that it might lead to other errors.
Newer HP printers are designed to detect when a refill cartridge is used instead of a new one. When you use such a cartridge, your HP printer might not recognize it and will still be in error state.
Therefore, the best solution is to replace the depleted cartridge with a genuine HP cartridge instead of refilling the ink cartridge to avoid further issues.
Also, if you see “HP printer error ink cartridge must be replaced” displayed, then it means the cartridge is depleted.
The tri-color cartridge below works with HP OfficeJet 8702, HP OfficeJet Pro 7720, 7740, 8210, 8710, 8720, 8730, and 8740 Series.
iii. HP Printer Error Incompatible Cartridge
HP printer error incompatible ink cartridge displays when you are not using genuine HP cartridge. It might be that you made a replacement with a refilled or non-HP cartridge. If you did so, then the solution will be to use a genuine HP cartridge.
iv. HP Printer Error Replace Cartridge
This happens when the ink or toner in the cartridge is almost depleted. You can choose to ignore this error for a while. However, you need to replace the cartridge as soon as you can to avoid further problems.
v. HP Printer Error No Print Cartridge
You will encounter this error if there is no cartridge or a cartridge is missing in the printer. In LaserJet printers, once the toner cartridge is missing, the HP printer will display this error.
Most Inkjet printers are designed to work with all ink cartridges present. Therefore, if one of the cartridges is taken out, it could lead to this error.
Therefore, you need to check if all the cartridges are in the printer. If any is missing, you have to reinstall that cartridge to get your HP printer to function normally.
vi. HP Printer Cartridge Jam Error
A cartridge jam error is another error associated with your cartridge that could put your HP printer in error state.
How to Fix HP Printer Cartridge Jam Error
The steps below will guide you on how to fix the HP printer cartridge jam error:
Step 1: Turn off your HP printer. Wait for a minute and then turn it on again. Print out a self-test report to see if the issue has been fixed. If it is not, then continue to step 2.
Step 2: Open the printer’s back access door and take out any paper that is jammed in the printer. If there was no paper jam, you should skip this step.
To remove the printer’s back access door, press down the release tabs (there are 2 of them). Then remove any paper you find carefully. Ensure that you don’t leave any piece no matter how small it might be. Once you’ve done that, you can then fix back the access door.
Step 3: Turn on your HP printer. Remove all the cables attached to the printer including the power, USB, and Ethernet cables. Raise the access door at the front of your printer. Then look for any foreign objects or paper in the path of the cartridge and remove them.
Step 4: Move the ink cartridge manually from the left to the right. After that, connect the power cable back into the rear of the printer. Turn on your HP printer if it doesn’t come on automatically. You can now print out a self-test report to determine if the error has been resolved. If it hasn’t then you can move on to step 5.
Step 5: Connect the printer’s power cord directly into an electric wall outlet. Plug in the USB and Ethernet cables into their slots on the printer. Try printing again. If it doesn’t print, then move to step 6.
Step 6: Turn off your HP printer. Remove the power cable from the printer and the wall outlet. After that, wait for about 30 seconds. Once the seconds are complete, connect the power cable into the outlet and to your HP printer. Turn on your printer and print out a self-test report.
If the above steps don’t fix the HP printer cartridge jam error, then we recommend you contact HP.
vii. HP Printer Cartridge Error After Refill
This is a common error for folks who use refill cartridges. As we said earlier, some HP printers are designed not to recognize such cartridges. Hence, this is the reason your printer is displaying the HP printer error “used or counterfeit cartridge detected.”
Nevertheless, there is a way to get an HP printer to recognize refilled cartridges.
How to Get HP Printer to Recognize a Refilled Cartridge
Step 1: Turn off your HP printer and then after 60 seconds, turn it back on.
Step 2: Take out the cartridge from your printer.
Step 3: Check if your cartridge’s contacts need to be cleaned. If it does need cleaning, then you can clean the contacts using an alcohol-based wipe.
Step 4: You should also clean your printer printhead’s contacts.
Step 5: Once you are done with the cleaning, reinstall the cartridge into your printer. Ensure that it snaps back in place as a confirmation that it is firmly in place.
This process of cleaning can also fix the HP printer error “remove and reinstall the indicated ink cartridge”.
Check if the printer now recognizes the cartridge. If it doesn’t, there are other things you still need to consider.
1. Some Cartridges can’t be refilled
There are different types of cartridges and some are only meant to be used once and not refilled or reused. Such cartridges that can’t be refilled are referred to as disposable cartridges. Hence, you can’t reuse them even if you refill them.
To confirm the type of cartridge you are using, look for “Intended for single use only” on the body of the cartridge. If you find such an indication, then you need to get a refillable cartridge as the one in your hands can’t be reused.
2. Your HP Printer Remembers an Empty Cartridge that has been used
New cartridges are made with chip codes that can be read by newer models of HP printers. Hence, when you refill a cartridge that the printer has already registered as empty thanks to the chip code on it, you might end up with the error under discussion. This is majorly responsible for the HP printer error “used black cartridge in use” or the HP printer error “used supply in use”.
However, you can bypass this by doing the following:
Step 1: Take out the empty printer cartridge from your HP printer.
Step 2: Refill the cartridge carefully. If you don’t know how to refill an ink cartridge, we recommend you read this: How to refill ink in printer cartridge at home.
Step 3: Install another full cartridge into your HP printer.
Step 4: Turn on your HP printer and wait a bit for the cartridge to be recognized.
Step 5: Take out the full cartridge which you just inserted.
Step 6: Print an alignment page.
Step 7: Turn on your HP printer and wait a bit as it prints a setup page.
Step 8: Insert the cartridge you refilled into your printer.
Step 9: Turn on your HP printer
These steps should help you bypass your HP printer’s ability to recognize an empty cartridge that has already been used.
The steps will also work if you are wondering how to override HP printer cartridge error on Mac.
3. The Ink you poured was Excess
Another reason why your HP printer will not recognize a refillable cartridge is when excess ink was poured into the cartridge. Therefore, before refilling your cartridge, ensure that you know what you are doing. If you don’t know the maximum amount of ink you should refill into the cartridge, it is better to put in less than excess.
4. Your Cartridge is clogged or dry
If you are seeing a printer ink error message after you refill the cartridge, then it could be a result of a dried or clogged cartridge.
To fix this issue, simply clean the cartridge with a cloth that is lint-free and moistened with isopropyl alcohol. When you wipe the cartridge, avoid touching the metal areas of the cartridge as well as the chip. This will prevent the electrical contacts from being damaged.
viii. HP Printer Error Do Not Use Setup Cartridges
This error will appear on your HP printer if you failed to carry out the initialization and calibration of your new printer that came with a SETUP ink cartridge. If a non-setup or non-HP cartridge is used before this initialization and calibration are done, then this error will be displayed.
To solve this error, the first thing you need to do is to identify what type of cartridge your HP printer makes use of. Below, we will deal with how to resolve this error for the three main types of HP ink cartridges.
How to Fix the HP printer error do not use setup cartridges for Type 1 Cartridges
The cartridges that fall under type 1 include 935, 934, 920, 919, 918, 917, 916, 915, 914, 912, 910, 909, 908, 907, 906, 905, 904, 903, 902, 862, 655, 564, 364, and 178.
Do the following to fix the error with type 1 HP cartridge:
Check your HP Ink Cartridges
Step 1: Turn your HP printer on.
Step 2: Open the cartridge access door.
Step 3: Wait for the carriage to become silent and idle before proceeding.
Step 4: Verify that there is “SETUP” labeled on the cartridge.
If your brand new HP printer didn’t come with these SETUP cartridges, then you have to return it to the store you bought it from. These kinds of cartridges are only available from retailers and are packaged in the printer box or the kits of some replacement printhead.
If you had installed the SETUP cartridges and then inserted new cartridges into your printer and the error is still displayed, you should move to step 5.
Step 5: Push in the tab that is on the cartridge, and then raise it out of its slot.
Step 6: Reinstall the cartridge into its proper slot, and then press it down firmly. You can confirm it is well-installed when you hear a snap.
Step 7: Do the same for other cartridges.
Step 8: Close the cartridge access door.
Reset your HP Printer
Step 1: If your HP printer uses a rechargeable battery, you have to remove it.
Step 2: Remove the power cable from your HP printer while it is still on.
Step 3: Unplug the power cable from the electrical wall outlet.
Step 4: Wait for about 60 seconds.
Step 5: Reconnect the printer’s power cable to your electrical wall outlet.
Step 6: Reconnect the power cable to your HP printer.
Step 7: Turn on your HP printer. This final action will reset your printer.
Reach out to HP Customer Support
Step 1: Go to this site.
Step 2: Type the serial number of your HP printer. This will display your warranty status, and you change your location if it is necessary.
Step 3: Choose the type of support you want.
How to Fix the HP printer error do not use setup cartridges for Type 2 Cartridges
The cartridges that fall under type 2 include 969, 968, 987, 966, 965, 964, 963, 963, 959, 958, 957, 956, 955, 954, 953, 952, 951, 950, 933, and 932 cartridges.
Do the following to fix the error with type 1 HP cartridge:
Check your HP Ink Cartridges
Step 1: Turn your HP printer on.
Step 2: Open the cartridge access door.
Step 3: Wait for the carriage to become silent and idle before proceeding.
Step 4: Verify that there is “SETUP” labeled on the cartridge.
If your brand new HP printer didn’t come with these SETUP cartridges, then you have to return it to the store you bought it from. These kinds of cartridges are only available from retailers and are packaged in the printer box or the kits of some replacement printhead.
If you had installed the SETUP cartridges and then inserted new cartridges into your printer and the error is still displayed, you should move to step 5.
Step 5: To remove the cartridge, push it.
Step 6: Push the cartridge into the slot. Ensure that it snaps perfectly into its slot.
Step 7: Do the same steps for the remaining cartridges.
Step 8: Close the cartridge access door.
Other ways to fix the error is to reset your printer and reach out to HP Customer Support. You can follow the steps shared above to do both.
How to Fix the HP printer error do not use setup cartridges for Type 3 Cartridges
The cartridges that fall under type 3 include 805, 804, 803, 682, 680, 667, 664, 653, 652, 305, 304, 303, 302, 123, 67, 65, 64, and 63 cartridges.
Do the following to fix the error with type 3 HP cartridge:
Check your HP Ink Cartridges and Initialize your HP Printer
Step 1: Turn your HP printer on.
Step 2: Open the cartridge access door.
Step 3: Check if the cartridges are labeled with either “Instant Ink Ready” or “SETUP”.
If the Instant Ink Ready or SETUP cartridges aren’t installed in your HP printer, you should check the packaging box of your printer for them. Once you find them and confirm that they are new and not used, then install them into your printer to initiate the initialization.
If the Instant Ink Ready of SETUP cartridges weren’t delivered with your HP printer, then you need to return the product to the store you got it from. This is crucial since you cannot purchase this kind of cartridge from a retailer; they are only packaged with new printers or sometimes replacement printhead kits.
If you still find an error being displayed after installing the Instant Ink Ready or SETUP cartridges, then you can continue to the step below.
Step 4: Take out the cartridges.
If the cartridge has a latch, open the cartridge latch, then pull the ink cartridge out of its slot.
If the cartridge doesn’t have a latch, press the cartridge down to free it, then pull the ink cartridge out of its slot.
Step 5: Install the black ink cartridge into the printer.
Step 6: Shut the cartridge’s access door.
If a message is displayed showing single-cartridge mode, confirm it to initiate the printer’s initialization. The printer will then print an alignment page to confirm that the problem has been fixed. After that, insert the other ink cartridges to go ahead with printing.
If the printer still displays the error, move to step 7.
Step 7: Take out the black ink cartridge.
Step 8: Install the tri-color cartridge.
Step 9: Shut the cartridge’s access door.
If a message is displayed showing single-cartridge mode, confirm it to initiate the printer’s initialization. The printer will then print an alignment page to confirm that the problem has been fixed. After that, insert the other ink cartridges to go ahead with printing.
If there is still an HP printer error in the printing, move to step 10.
Step 10: Contact HP Customer Support.
ix. HP Printer Error Remove And Check Cartridge On Right
If this error is displayed on your HP printer, then it means something is wrong with the right cartridge. It could be that an incompatible cartridge has been installed or the cartridge is dirty or damaged.
Therefore, to fix this, take out the right cartridge from the printer and examine it to see if it is damaged. Ensure that you check it thoroughly. If you find any damage to the cartridge, you have to replace it.
Also, if you are using an incompatible cartridge, you can fix the issue by purchasing a genuine HP ink cartridge which you will then insert into your printer.
If you are sure that the cartridge is genuine and there are no damages to the cartridge, cleaning it will be another way to fix the problem.
To clean the printer cartridge, follow the instructions shared earlier in this article under the “How to Get HP Printer to Recognize a Refilled Cartridge” subsection.
While cleaning the cartridge’s contacts, ensure that you don’t touch the nozzles.
x. HP Printer Error The Following Ink Cartridge Must Be Replaced
If you get this error message on your printer, then one of your cartridges must be defective or incompatible. In most cases, it is usually an HP printer error tri-color cartridge problem. Therefore, confirm this and then replace the cartridge as required.
xi. HP Printer Error Install Black Cartridge
When you get this error message, it means that the black toner cartridge isn’t installed, it is incompatible/non-genuine, or there is a jam within the printer that is preventing the cartridge from being detected.
You can fix this error by doing the following:
i. Use genuine cartridges.
ii. Check for any paper or material jam inside the printer.
iii. Clean the contacts of the toner cartridge.
iv. Reset your HP printer.
v. Replace the cartridge.
vi. Service your HP printer.
If your HP printer says cartridge error, then it could be a result of any of the following which we have just discussed.
3. Check the Printhead
The HP printer error “cannot print” could be due to printhead issues. You can fix the HP printhead error by following the solutions below.
How Do I Fix the Printhead Error on My HP Printer? [Solved]
The HP printer error “printhead appears to be missing” can be fixed by:
i. Resetting your HP Printer
The HP printer error printhead missing can be fixed by resetting your printer. To do this turn your HP printer on, and then unplug the printer’s power cable from the printer. After that, unplug the cable from the wall outlet.
Wait for some minutes before reconnecting the cable. Then turn on your printer after you have plugged the power cable.
ii. Reseat the Printhead
How to Reseat HP Printer Printhead
Do the following to reseat the printhead to fix the HP printer error with printhead:
Step 1: Open the cartridge’s access door.
Step 2: Unplug the power cable from the printer. This action will prevent the cartridge carriage from moving.
Step 3: Lift the latch located at the cartridge’s right side.
Step 4: Slightly pull out your printer’s printhead from the carriage. Ensure you don’t remove it completely.
Step 5: Reseat the printhead on the cartridge and ensure it is firm.
Step 6: Flick down the latch.
Step 7: Shut the cartridge’s access door.
Step 8: Plug back the power cable to your printer.
Step 9: Turn your HP printer on.
The HP 8600 printhead below works with HP Officejet Pro 8100, 8600, 8620, 251DW, and 276DW.
iii. Clean the Cartridge
Cleaning the cartridge can fix the HP printer error “missing or failed printhead”.
To clean the printer cartridge, follow the instructions shared earlier in this article under the “How to Get HP Printer to Recognize a Refilled Cartridge” subsection.
iv. Update your Printer Firmware
Updating the printer firmware can fix the HP printer error message “missing or failed printhead”.
How to Update HP Printer Firmware
To update your HP printer firmware, do the following steps:
Step 1: Go to this site on your browser.
Step 2: Click on “Printers”.
Step 3: Enter your HP printer model number.
Step 4: Click the button labeled “Submit”.
Step 5: Expand the category for Firmware still on the software webpage.
Step 6: Click on “Download”. This will save your printer’s firmware in a folder.
Step 7: Go to the folder where the firmware was downloaded.
Step 8: Open the downloaded firmware file to install the firmware.
v. Replace Non-Genuine HP Cartridges
If none of the above solutions work, then you might be using a non-genuine HP cartridge. Therefore, you need to replace it with a genuine cartridge.
4. Verify if your HP Printer is Online
HP printer in error state can be as a result of your printer being offline. Hence, if you are wondering how to get an HP printer out of error state, then bringing it back online is one way to solve the problem.
How to Set HP Printer Online
To set your HP printer online and fix the HP printer error “offline”, do the following:
Step 1: Press the Windows button on your keyboard.
Step 2: Type “Control Panel” and click on it when it appears in the result.
Step 3: Click on “View devices and printers” under “Hardware and Sound”.
Step 4: Click on your HP printer in the list to confirm if its status is “Ready”.
Step 5: If it is not “Ready”, then right-click on the printer icon.
Step 6: Select “Use Printer Online”. This action should change the printer’s status to “Ready”. It should also clear the HP printer offline error on Windows 10.
We recommend you check this article: HP Printer Offline [Issues & Solutions] to learn more about HP printer offline issues and how you can fix them.
5. Confirm that your HP Printer is set as the Default
A reason your HP printer is in error state is that it isn’t set as your default printer. Hence, to fix it, you need to set your HP printer as default.
How to Set your HP Printer as Default
Do the following to set your HP printer as default:
Step 1: Press the Windows button on your keyboard.
Step 2: Type “Control Panel” and click on it when it appears in the result.
Step 3: Click on “View devices and printers” under “Hardware and Sound”.
Step 4: Right-click on your HP printer in the list
Step 5: Select “Set as default printer”.
6. Ensure that You Loaded Paper in the Print Tray
Another reason your HP printer is in error state is that you forgot or failed to load paper in the print tray.
Therefore, the HP printer error “no paper” can be fixed by turning off the printer first of all. After that, load paper in the print tray before turning your printer back on.
You should wait for a few minutes to enable the printer to enter a ready state. You can then check if the HP printer error “out of paper” message has been cleared.
7. Confirm Printer Spooler Services Settings
The printer spooler services settings could be another reason your HP printer is in an error state. Hence, you need to confirm the settings of this service and ensure it is running on automatic mode.
How to Confirm Printer Spooler Services Settings
Do the following to confirm printer spooler services settings:
Step 1: Go to your computer’s search bar.
Step 2: Type “run” and click on the app in the search results.
Step 3: In the Run App’s dialog box, type “services.msc”.
Step 4: Scroll down and look for the spooler option. When you find it, confirm that the service is running.
Step 5: Set the services to “Automatic Mode” by double-clicking on the option. If it is set to “manual mode”, ensure it is set to “Automatic”.
Step 6: Click “Apply”.
Step 7: Click the tab labeled “Recovery”.
Step 8: Choose “Restart the Service:” under the option “First failure”.
Step 9: Click “Apply”.
Confirm if your HP printer in error mode has been resolved. No matter the outcome, you need to clean the printer spooler files.
How to Clean Printer Spooler Files
Do the following to clean printer spooler files on your computer to fix HP printer error on Windows 10:
Step 1: Follow this directory on your computer: “Local Disk (C)>Windows>System32>Spool>Printers”.
Step 2: Delete all the files you find in the folder.
Step 3: Follow this directory “Local Disk(C)>Windows>System32>Spool>Drivers>w32x86”.
Step 4: Delete all the files in the folder.
Step 5: Go back to the “Print Spooler” service option.
Step 6: Right-click on the option and select “Restart”.
8. Reinstall Your Printer Drivers
You can get your HP printer out of error state by reinstalling its drivers. To reinstall the drivers, do the following steps:
Step 1: Go to the website for HP support based on your location.
Step 2: Search for your HP printer model in the section for downloads.
Step 3: Click “Download” for the recommended driver.
Step 4: Double-click on the executable file you downloaded and then extract the printer driver to your preferred directory on your PC.
Step 5: Go to that directory, and locate “.msi” file.
Step 6: Run the printer driver installer by double-clicking the “.msi” file.
Step 7: The installer app will then update the driver.
Step 8: Once the installation is complete, restart your PC as well as your HP printer.
After that, check if your HP printer error state has been fixed.
If it isn’t, get HP printer error support by reaching out to HP.
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How to Fix Specific HP Printer Errors
1. How to Fix HP Printer Error Attention Required
If you get the “attention required” error on your HP printer, then it could be due to an issue with the software such as a broken driver.
To fix this, do the following:
i. Update your HP printer drivers.
ii. Use a different web browser if you are printing from the web.
iii. Run the Windows troubleshooter.
iv. Check for and update your Windows version.
v. Restart the printer’s print spooler service.
vi. Assign your HP printer a static IP address if your machine is a network printer.
vii. Confirm that you have sufficient ink in your cartridges.
viii. Ensure that the printer is installed properly.
The above solutions should be tried one after the other to fix the HP printer error attention required. If one solution resolves the error, then you shouldn’t move to the next solution.
2. How to Fix HP Printer Error All Lights Blinking
If all the lights on your HP printer are blinking, then you can fix it by resetting your printer. If resetting the printer doesn’t resolve the error, then you have to service the printer.
If the HP printer error “lights are on” is displayed, then it could mean that there is an issue with one or all of your cartridges. Hence, you need to replace the one with the issue. But before replacement, try to reinsert the cartridges into the printer to see if that will resolve the error.
3. How to Fix HP Printer Authentication Error
This error is displayed on your computer when you install a new toner cartridge. To fix this error, try any of the following:
i. Use new genuine HP cartridges.
ii. Update your HP printer firmware.
You can either do this via the printer or from HP’s official website.
iii. Service your HP printer.
4. How to Fix HP Printer Error Door Open
The “door open” on HP printer error occurs when the front or rear door is open or not completely closed. Therefore, to fix this error, try the following:
i. Close the access doors.
HP printer error rear door open occurs if the rear door is open.
ii. Check if the printer’s cartridge door is obstructed in any way.
iii. Service your HP printer.
5. How to Fix HP Printer Error Driver Is Unavailable
If this error appears, then it could be a result of your Windows not being up-to-date, or your printer drivers having an issue.
Therefore to fix this error, you can try these solutions:
i. Update your Windows version.
ii. Reinstall your HP printer driver.
6. How to Fix HP Printer Error Device Is Busy
This error occurs when any of the cables connected to your HP printer is loosely connected; damaged or broken. You can fix this error using the solutions below:
i. Perform a Hard Printer Reset
How to Perform a Hard Printer Reset
Follow the steps below to perform a hard printer reset:
Step 1: Sign off your HP printer.
Step 2: Unplug the power cord from your printer.
Step 3: Disconnect the USB cable if any is connected to the printer.
Step 4: After some minutes, plug the power cord into your HP printer.
Step 5: Press down the printer’s power button for about 30 seconds.
Step 6: Wait for your printer to become idle before using it.
ii. Update the Printer Firmware
Updating the firmware of your printer is another way to resolve this error. To update the printer firmware, we recommend you follow the instructions we shared earlier in this article under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
7. How to Fix HP Printer Error Firmware Corrupt Ready 2 Download
When the HP printer error “ready 2 download” is displayed, it means that something is wrong with your firmware. Hence, you will have to download the firmware again.
Simply go to this site, and follow the instructions on the screen to download the firmware. After that, install it on your printer.
8. How to Fix HP Printer Error Failed To Open A Connection to the Device (-21345)
To fix this error, you will have to reset your Mac computer’s printing system as this error is common to Mac computers.
How to Reset Printing System
Do the following to reset your Mac computer’s printing system:
Step 1: Click on the Apple icon.
Step 2: Click on “System Preferences”.
Step 3: Click on “Print & Fax”.
Step 4: Move the cursor to the Printers list.
Step 5: Right-click or press the control key while clicking your mouse.
Step 6: Click on “Reset printing system”.
Step 7: Restart the Mac.
The steps above will fix your HP printer error with Mac, but it will remove your HP printer as well as scanner queues. However, your drivers will still be intact. Hence, all you need to do is add the printers and scanners again.
Resetting the printing system will also fix HP printer error 21345.
To read more awesome articles, click any of the links below…
HP Printer Offline [Issues & Solutions]
How To Install HP Printer [Detailed Guide]
HP Printer Black Ink [Issues & Solutions]
HP Printer Blue Screen [How To Fix]
HP Printer Printing Blank Pages [Solved]
HP Printer Flashing [Issues & Solutions]
Your HP Printer Copying Problems Fixed
9. How to Fix HP Printer Error Watchdog
To fix HP printer error code HW watchdog c, do the following:
i. Hard reset your HP printer.
ii. Upgrade the printer firmware.
iii. Service your HP printer.
If the HP printer error code 0x00829c98 is displayed on your printer, it means the same thing as the resolved error.
10. How to Fix HP Printer Error Load Tray 1
The load tray 1 HP printer error can be fixed by selecting tray 2 in the settings for your printer driver instead of tray 1. Tray 1 for some HP LaserJet printer models is for manual paper feeding. Therefore, if that tray is selected in your driver, the load tray 1 error will appear.
11. How to Fix HP Printer Error Load Tray 1 Plain Letter
To fix this error, you will have to locate the tabs that are at the tray’s right side on the outside that activates certain switches within the printer. When you locate the tabs, slide the blue plastic backstop to activate the tabs. This action will adjust the paper the tray’s paper size.
If the tabs are not activated, your HP printer will not recognize the paper in tray 1.
12. How to Fix HP Printer Error nos_loader_app
This error occurs when the power cord of the printer is connected to a power strip/bar. To fix this error, try the solutions below:
Solution 1
Step 1: Disconnect the power cable from your printer.
Step 2: Unplug the power cord from the electric wall outlet.
Step 3: Disconnect your USB cable from your printer.
Step 4: Wait for some minutes while you press down the printer’s power button.
Step 5: Reconnect the power and USB cables to the printer and outlet.
Step 6: Turn your HP printer on.
Check if the error is resolved; if it is not, go to the next solution.
Solution 2
Step 1: Unplug the power and USB cables from your HP printer and computer.
Step 2: Ensure that your HP printer remains on.
Step 3: Turn your wireless router off.
Step 4: Wait for one minute.
Step 5: Reconnect the power and USB cables to your computer and HP printer.
Step 6: Turn on your router.
Check if the error is resolved.
13. How to Fix HP Printer Error Not Connected
Do the following to fix this error:
i. Check all your printer’s connections.
ii. Update the printer driver.
iii. Restart your computer’s print spooler service.
14. How to Fix HP Printer Error Only One Set Of Instant Ink
This error occurs when you are using starter cartridges in your HP printer after it has been initialized. Therefore, you need to check the body of the cartridges if they are labeled as “Trial Subscription”.
If you find such a label, then you need to replace the cartridge as it was designed for the setup of another printer. Cartridges with Instant Ink are labeled as “Subscription”.
15. How to Fix HP Printer Error Processing Command
This error occurs as a result of a broken computer system registry or a missing system file. To resolve this error, try the following solutions:
i. Restart the print spooler services.
ii. Cancel pending documents.
iii. Install the updated version of your HP printer’s drivers and software.
iv. Install antivirus as well as antimalware.
v. Replace damaged cables.
Try the solutions above in the order they are arranged. If any fixes the error, then you don’t have to move to the next solution.
16. How to Fix HP Printer Queue Error
To fix the HP printer print queue error, try the following solutions:
1. Delete the Print Spooler Files Jobs and then Restart your Computer and HP Printer
To delete the print spooler files, refer to the instructions shared here: HP Printer Error Documents Waiting – How to Clear Print Spooler.
You can then restart your computer and printer and check if the issue is fixed.
If it is not fixed, move to the solution below.
2. Use the Print and Scan Doctor
To use the Print and Scan Doctor, refer to the instructions shared here: HP Printer Error Documents Waiting – Run HP Print and Scan Doctor.
3. Reinstall your HP Printer Driver
To reinstall your HP printer driver, refer to the instructions shared earlier in this article under the “Reinstall Your Printer Drivers” section.
If the HP printer error in the queue persists, try using another account on your Windows computer. Sometimes, permission settings on the account that have issues might prevent you from printing.
If this still doesn’t work, then you need to contact HP for further assistance.
17. How to Fix HP Printer Error Reflash 12345
To fix this error, try the following solutions:
1. Hard Reset your HP Printer
To hard reset your printer, simply unplug the power cable from it and then wait for about 60 seconds before reconnecting the cable. After that, turn your HP printer on.
If this doesn’t work, you should remove the cartridge before doing the above instructions.
2. Update your HP Printer Firmware
To update your HP printer firmware, refer to the instructions shared earlier in this article under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
If the above solutions do not work, contact HP.
18. How to Fix HP Printer Error Spooling
The HP printer error spooling can be fixed via any of these methods:
1. Start the Print Spooler
To start the print spooler, refer to the instructions in this link: HP Printer Error Documents Waiting – How to Clear Print Spooler.
2. Clear the Print Queue
How to Clear the Print Queue
Do the following to clear the print queue:
Step 1: Go to your computer’s control panel.
Step 2: Go to “Printers and Devices”.
Step 3: Right-click on your HP printer from the device list.
Step 4: Click on “See what’s printing”.
Step 5: Click on each item, and then click on cancel.
Ensure that you do this for all items.
3. Update your HP Printer Driver
To update your printer driver, go to the HP website, search your printer model, and then download the full/basic driver. After that, install it on your computer.
19. How to Fix HP Printer Error Spool Area Full
To fix this error, try any of the following methods below:
1. Restart your Computer and HP Printer
Sometimes, this error can be fixed by simply restarting your computer and your HP printer.
If this doesn’t fix the error, try the next method.
2. Reset the Printing System
To reset the printing system, follow the instructions we shared earlier in this article under the “How to Reset Printing System” section.
3. Repair Disk Permissions
To reset the printing system, follow the instructions we shared earlier in this article under the “Repair Disk Permissions” section.
4. Uninstall and Reinstall the Printer Software
Another way you can fix this error is to uninstall your printer software, then reinstall it again.
To reinstall the software, you will need to go to the HP website and download the Full Feature Software and Driver. This will ensure that the software you download is up-to-date. After downloading the software, you can then install it on your computer.
20. How to Fix HP Printer Error Typecheck Offending Command Known
To fix the HP Printer Error typecheck offending command known, follow the steps below:
Step 1: Recognize the cause of the error. In most cases, it is caused by a system file that has been misconfigured or a computer registry problem.
Step 2: Download “RegCure Pro”. This software can repair the misconfigured file and the registry problem.
Step 3: After downloading RegCure Pro, install it on your computer.
Step 4: Scan your computer using the software.
Step 5: Click on “Repair All”.
Step 6: Download the “Spyhunter Malware Tool”.
Step 7: Install it on your computer after downloading it.
Step 8: Optimize your computer by deleting every trace of malware, spyware, and adware.
Step 9: Select the “Start New Scan” option.
Step 10: Click on “Repair All”.
Step 11: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the repair.
21. How to Fix HP Printer Error Unsupported Personality Unknown
The “Unsupported Personality Unknown” error occurs on an HP printer when you try printing with either a PCL5e or a PCL6 driver, whereas, the HP printer isn’t PCL printing supported.
To fix this error, you need to install the right HP LaserJet Host-Based Printer Driver. Alternatively, you can install the HP LaserJet printing system software for your printer model.
All you need to do is visit the HP drivers and software download page to get the drivers which you will then install on your computer.
22. How to Fix HP Printer WPS Error
Do the following to resolve this error:
Step 1: On your router, access the “Wireless” menu.
Step 2: Go to “Wireless Settings”.
Step 3: Select “Restore Defaults”.
Step 4: On your HP printer, initiate the WPS mode.
Step 5: Less than 2 minutes after doing the above, push your router’s WPS button.
23. How to Fix HP Printer PCL XL Error Missing Attribute
To fix this error, do the following:
Step 1: Go to the device list on your computer.
Step 2: Right-click on your HP printer.
Step 3: Select “Properties”.
Step 4: Click on the tab labeled “Advanced”.
Step 5: Uncheck the “enabled printing features” option.
Step 6: Click on the tab labeled “General”.
Step 7: Click “Printing preferences”.
Step 8: Click on the tab labeled “Advanced”.
Step 9: Disable “print optimizations”.
Another way you can resolve this issue is to use a PostScript driver or a PCL5 driver instead of a PCL6.
If you experience the HP printer PCL XL error “missing data”, using a PostScript or PCL5 driver will fix the error.
24. How to Fix HP Printer PCL XL Error Line Number 710
To fix this error, you need to check the operating system of your computer as this might be the issue. You will have to reset the operating system of the computer to resolve any error it has.
Another way to fix this error is to use a PostScript or PCL5 driver instead of a PCL6 driver.
25. How to Fix HP Error Your Printer Cannot Connect the Server
To fix the HP printer error “cannot connect to server”, try the following troubleshooting methods:
1. Run HP Print and Scan Doctor
To run HP Print and Scan Doctor, follow the instructions we provided here: HP Printer Error Documents Waiting – Run HP Print and Scan Doctor” section.
2. Assign a Manual IP Address to your HP Printer
To assign a manual IP address to your HP printer, follow the instructions we shared earlier in the article under the “Assign your HP Printer an IP Address – Step 5” section.
The HP printer errors covered in this article aren’t the only ones that users have encountered/reported. Hence, we have provided the links to other articles on this site that provide solutions to those other HP printer errors in detail below.
How to Fix HP Printer Error Blue Screen [Quick Guide]
How to Fix HP Printer Error Please Turn Printer Off and Then On [Quick Guide]
HP Printer Error User Intervention [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Unable To Connect To Web Services [How to Fix]
HP Printer Fatal Error During Installation Windows 10 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Documents Waiting [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 49 Service Error [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Ink System Failure [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Filter Failed [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error No Paper Pickup [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Nostringval [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Remove Shipping Lock [How to Fix]
HP Printer Assistant Error [How to Fix]
HP Printer Assistant Error Opening External Application [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Insufficient Memory [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Illegal Attribute Value [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Rangecheck [How to Fix]
HP Printer Fuser Error [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Illegaltag [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Last Used [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error No Filtering [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Not Bootable [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Paper Mismatch [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Typecheck Offending Command Setlinecap [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Undefined Offending Command New [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error the Handle Is Invalid [How to Fix]
HP Printer Errors with AutoCAD [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Clear Output Tray Area [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error in Use [How to Fix]
HP Printer An Error Occurred during Port Configuration [How to Fix]
HP Printer Paper Error [Issues & Solutions]
HP Printer Error Output Bin Is Full [How to Fix]
HP Printer PCL XL Error Kernel Unsupported Protocol [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Failed to Find Driver Packages to Process [How to Fix]
HP Printer Driver Fatal Error During Installation [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error PCL XL Error [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Limitcheck [How to Fix]
HP Printer Validation Error [How to Fix]
HP Printer Solution Center Flash Player Error [Reason & Solutions]
HP Printer Unknown USB Flash Drive Error [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Codes [How to Fix]
In this section, we will examine several HP printer error codes and how you can fix them.
1. How to Fix HP Printer Error B305dff9
To fix the HP printer error code b305dff9, you will need to perform a power reset on your HP printer. To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
If that doesn’t resolve the HP printer error message b305dff9, then you should upgrade the printer’s firmware, and then carry out a factory reset on your printer.
To upgrade the firmware of your printer, follow the instructions we shared earlier under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
To factory reset your HP printer, refer to the instructions we shared here: HP Printer Error Unable to Connect to Web Services – Restore your Printer to Factory Defaults.
The following HP printer error codes can be fixed with the above solutions: Error b305a901, error b8a2f2e8, error b8d767e6, error b336ec67, error b80009bc, and error b805d8a0.
2. How to Fix HP Printer Error B898c1f4
To fix this error, try the steps below. After trying each step, check if the error is resolved before moving to the next one.
1. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
After resetting the printer, try to print a document.
If the error persists, move to the next solution.
2. Remove the Printer’s Ink Cartridges, after that reset your Printer
According to your printer’s design, open the printer door and take out the cartridges. After that, reset your HP printer using the instructions shared in the link above. Reinstall the cartridges back into your printer and then try printing a document.
If the error persists, move to the next solution.
3. Service your HP Printer
If none of the steps above resolves the issue, you need to contact HP support. They will fix a date for either a repair or a replacement.
The following HP printer error codes can also be fixed with the solutions above: Error code oxc4eb827f hw_micci2 c and error code oxb32fff1c.
3. How to Fix HP Printer Error oxb8519ca6
The error oxb8519ca6 can be resolved by carrying out a factory reset on your HP printer.
To factory reset your HP printer, refer to the instructions we shared here: HP Printer Error Unable to Connect to Web Services – Restore your Printer to Factory Defaults under the “Restore your Printer to Factory Defaults” section.
4. How to Fix HP Printer Error 01
This error code appears when there is no paper in your HP printer’s input tray. When this error (also known as “ER/01”) is displayed, your printer’s Attention light will blink.
To fix this error, all you need to do is put paper into your printer’s input tray.
5. How to Fix HP Printer Error 2
This error also known as “ER/02” is displayed when the access door of the toner cartridge is not completely closed. This error will cause the Attention LED to blink while the Ready LED will stay on.
To fix this error, all you need to do is to install the cartridge correctly by following the steps below. If there is no cartridge in the printer, skip to the “Install toner cartridge” step
1. Remove and then Reinstall Toner Cartridge
Open the printer’s scanner assembly as well as the top cover. Take out the toner cartridge and then reinstall it.
Try printing a document to check if the error has been resolved. If it isn’t resolved, move to the step below.
2. Install Toner Cartridge
Get a new genuine HP toner cartridge that is compatible with your HP printer. After that, install the cartridge into your HP printer.
Then check if the error has been resolved. If it isn’t resolved, then you need to service your printer.
6. How to Fix HP Printer Error 3d910c8
The HP printer error 3d910c8 is caused by a failure in communication between your printer and your computer. Triggers responsible for this error include:
i. Broken information transfer
ii. Null print commands
iii. False procedures
iv. Registry errors on your computer system
To resolve this error, try the following solutions:
1. Update your HP Printer Driver
To update the driver of your HP printer, go to the official HP website and download the latest printer driver for your printer. After downloading the driver, install it on your computer.
2. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
3. Reinstall your HP Printer
To reinstall your HP printer, go to the printer folder on your computer and then uninstall your printer. After that, reinstall your printer using an installation CD or via the device manager, or download it from the HP website.
4. Repair your Computer’s Registry
To repair your computer’s registry, you will need a registry cleaner. You can go to the internet and download one. After installing it, run the application to carry out the registry repair.
7. How to Fix HP Printer Error 05
This error code also known as “ER/05” displays whenever a paper is jammed in your HP printer. When this error is displayed, your printer’s Attention light will blink while the Ready light will remain on.
To fix this error, simply locate and remove the paper that is jammed in your printer. If you can’t find any paper jam, then you should reset your HP printer to clear the error.
The HP printer error 06 and HP printer error 4 are also caused by a paper jam and can be fixed with the solutions we just shared.
8. How to Fix HP Printer Error 62019ea
Try the solutions below to fix the error 62019ea:
1. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
2. Update your HP Printer Firmware
To update the printer firmware, we recommend you follow the instructions we shared earlier under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
If none of the solutions above work, you should contact HP support.
9. How to Fix HP Printer Error 7
This error also known as “ER/07” is displayed when the printer’s toner cartridge is not correctly installed or missing. This error will cause the Attention LED and Supply LED to blink while the Ready LED will stay on.
Therefore, to fix this error, you need to install the toner cartridge correctly.
10. How to Fix HP Printer Error 8
Error 8 also known as “ER/08” occurs when your toner cartridge becomes very low whereas the printer’s Very Low Supply setting is on “Continue”.
Although you can continue printing, the print quality will continue to depreciate with each usage until you have to replace the cartridge.
Once you replace the cartridge, the error will be resolved.
However, if the error is unresolved after replacing the cartridge, then it means you have to service your HP printer.
11. How to Fix HP Printer Error 83c00009
To fix the HP printer error 83c00009, simply follow the steps in any of the solutions below:
Solution 1
Step 1: Turn off your HP printer by pulling the power cord from the wall outlet.
Step 2: Press the “Cancel” button on your HP printer.
Step 3: Turn on your HP printer by plugging the power cord back into the outlet.
Step 4: Continue pressing the “Cancel” button until the printer does a kind of reset.
Solution 2
Press down the “Copy” and “Photo” buttons on your HP printer while it is powered on. This action will cause the printer to enter self-diagnosis mode. You’ll have to wait for about 10 minutes as the printer conducts a self-check.
After the 10-minute wait, a self-diagnostic page will be printed out. This should return your HP printer to its normal printing condition.
12. How to Fix HP Printer Error Code 89e60250
To fix the HP printer error 89e60250, you need to update the firmware of your HP printer. To update the printer firmware, we recommend you follow the instructions we shared earlier under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
After updating the firmware, you should unplug the power cord from the outlet and the printer. Turn off your computer, and then wait for a few minutes before turning on your computer.
Once your computer is on, reconnect the power cord and then turn on your HP printer.
This process should fix the error.
13. How to Fix HP Printer Error 13
This error is also known as HP scanner error 13. It occurs when your scanner motor is unable to fetch the home position. Therefore, the only way to resolve this error is to replace the scanner motor.
14. How to Fix HP Printer Error 13.03.01
To fix the HP printer error 13.03.01, do the following steps:
Step 1: Open the Tray 2.
Step 2: Pull the tray out of your HP printer completely.
Step 3: Take out any damaged or jammed paper from the opening of the Tray 2.
Step 4: Reinsert Tray 2 and close it.
When you load paper into the tray, ensure that you adjust the paper guides to fit the paper size being loaded.
15. How to Fix HP Printer Error 13.09.14
This error is usually a result of a jam error in either the fuser area or the rear door. To fix this error, do the following steps:
Step 1: Turn off your HP printer, unplug the power cord from the outlet and allow the printer to cool down.
This is important because the fuser area or the rear door is usually hot. Therefore, to avoid burns, stick to this vital step.
Step 2: Open the printer’s rear door.
Step 3: Pull out the jammed paper gently from the print rollers.
Step 4: Close the printer’s rear door.
Step 5: Turn on your HP printer.
16. How to Fix HP Printer Error 17
This error is also known as HP scanner error 17. It occurs when the scanner motor’s position is incorrect.
Therefore, to fix this error, all you need to do is to examine the scanning carriage for any foreign object that is blocking the scan head.
17. How to Fix HP Printer Error 21.00.00
The error 21.00.00 is a print failure error. In other words, your HP printer is unable to print a job due to an internal issue.
To fix this error, simply turn off your HP printer, and then turn it on again. You can now try to print a document. If this doesn’t fix the error, you will need to get another printer driver.
To get another printer driver, go to the HP website and download a different driver from the one you are currently using.
18. How to Fix HP Printer Error 22
This error also known as HP scanner error 22 occurs when you try scanning from your HP printer. The reason for this error is the extra pressure or weight that the scanner glass has to deal with. Hence, such pressure or weight can halt the scanner’s moving part.
To fix this issue, all you need to do is reset your HP printer. To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
If resetting the printer doesn’t resolve the error, then you should contact HP support.
19. How to Fix HP Printer Error 23
This printer error takes place during the calibration of the scanner. To fix this error, you need to examine all the flat and flexible cables. Check if any of them is disconnected. If you find any of such, simply reconnect the cable or cables as the case may be.
If the above doesn’t solve the error, then you should check the formatter card and replace it.
20. How to Fix HP Printer Error 27
Error 27 is a fan motor error and can be resolved by trying the troubleshooting tips below:
i. Turn off and then Turn on your HP Printer
ii. Turn off your HP printer. After that, reseat the fan and intermediate PCB connection.
iii. Change the fan.
iv. Change the Engine Controller Assembly.
21. How to Fix HP Printer Error 28
This error happens when the printer drivers are not installed properly. Therefore, to fix this error, you need to install the driver properly.
To do this, simply follow the instructions we shared earlier in this article under the “Reinstall Your Printer Drivers” section.
22. How to Fix HP Printer Error 30
To fix the HP printer error 30, try the following:
1. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
2. Update your HP Printer Firmware
To update the printer firmware, we recommend you follow the instructions we shared earlier under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
23. How to Fix HP Printer Error 35
Error 35 indicates that you need to replace the cartridge. Hence, your printer will stop when the cartridge level is low. To fix this error, simply replace your cartridge. Also, you can adjust the printer settings to enable you to print even though the cartridge level is low.
24. How to Fix HP Printer Error 41.10.22
To fix the error 41.10.22, you need to change the DC controller. This solution applies to a restart printer device. However, if it is a new printer, you need to contact HP to resolve the error.
25. How to Fix HP Printer Error 46.23.3c
To fix this error, try any of the solutions below:
i. Turn off your HP printer and then turn it on again.
ii. Confirm that your HP printer is connected to the wireless network.
iii. Confirm that the correct printer driver is installed.
iv. Upgrade the printer firmware.
26. How to Fix HP Printer Error 49.4a.04
To fix this error, you need to clear your print jobs that have queued up. In most cases, the error 49.4a.04 happens due to a corrupted print job; especially PDFs.
27. How to Fix HP Printer Error 51.23
The error 51.23 occurs on an HP printer when the yellow laser scanner has an issue. In such a case, you will have to service your printer where the technician will then replace the yellow laser scanner assembly.
However, if you are tech-savvy and your product is no longer under warranty, you can do it yourself. Simply follow the steps we shared in this article: HP Printer Error 51.10 – Solution 2- Take away the Laser Scanner Unit to remove the laser scanner assembly and then replace it.
28. How to Fix HP Printer Error 55.0602
The error 55.0602 indicates an NVRAM access issue. Therefore, to fix this error, you need to reinitialize and reset the NVRAM.
You will need to consult your printer’s user manual to find out how to do so as the steps vary for each HP printer model. However, generally, resetting the NVRAM involves turning off the printer and then holding down the reset button for a minimum of 30 seconds while you turn on your printer.
29. How to Fix HP printer error 58.04
This error usually occurs when the power supply voltage is low. Therefore, the steps below will guide you on how to fix this error:
Step 1: Reset your HP printer by turning it off and then wait for some seconds.
Step 2: Turn on your HP printer and allow it to initialize.
Step 3: Ensure that your printer’s power cord is plugged directly into an electric wall outlet.
Step 4: Ensure that your printer is not connected to a UPS.
Step 5: Turn your printer off and unplug anything that is connected to it.
Step 6: Detach every accessory from your printer such as the tray, etc.
Step 7: Let your printer be in that state for about 30 minutes.
Step 8: Plug your HP printer into an electric wall outlet.
If the error isn’t displayed, then you should reattach the accessories you removed one after the other.
Step 9: Use another power source like another wall outlet in a different room to confirm that the error is resolved.
30. How to Fix HP Printer Error 59.c0
The error 59.c0 indicates an error with Developer motor rotation. As a result, you will have to replace the product.
However, before you do that, you should, first of all, take out all the toner cartridges and then turn your printer on. You can then check for the error.
If the error doesn’t appear after doing the above, reinstall one of the toner cartridges into the printer and then check for the error. If the error doesn’t appear, keep reinstalling each toner cartridge and check for the error.
If the error appears when any of the toner cartridges is reinstalled, then such cartridge is responsible for the error. Therefore, you need to replace that cartridge.
31. How to Fix HP Printer Error 61
Error 61 indicates an error with the memory or formatter. It could be that the memory wasn’t fitted correctly or the memory SIMMS is faulty.
To fix this error, you need to reseat the memory chips. If that doesn’t resolve the error, then the memory chips should be replaced.
Also, if the formatter board has an issue, it has to be replaced to get rid of the error message.
32. How to Fix HP Printer Error 62.11.53
The error 62.11.53 occurs when there is a pen ink pump failure. Therefore, to fix this error, simply turn off your HP printer and then turn it back on.
If the above action doesn’t resolve the error, then you should contact HP Support for further assistance.
33. How to Fix HP Printer Error 79.00fe
The error 79.00fe occurs when your firmware version is out of date. Therefore, the simple way to resolve this error is to update the firmware to the latest version.
To update the printer firmware, we recommend you follow the instructions we shared earlier in this article under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
34. How to Fix HP Printer Error 79.8109
The error 79.8109 occurs when you use a printer driver that isn’t compatible with your printer. This is usually the case when the HP Universal PCL6 driver is used with older HP printer models.
Therefore, to fix this error, you’ll need to downgrade to a PCL5 or Postscript driver. To downgrade to a PCL5 or PS driver, follow the steps we shared earlier in this link: HP Printer Error Illegal Attribute Value – How to Downgrade HP Printer Driver.
35. How to Fix HP Printer Error Code 81.09.00
To fix the error code 81.09.00, try the solutions below:
i. Run a power cycle on your HP printer.
To power cycle the printer, follow the steps we shared earlier in this article under the “How to Run a Power Cycle on your HP Printer” subsection.
ii. Change the formatter.
The steps we shared here: HP Printer Error 61.00.00 – How to Check Formatter Connections on your HP Printer will guide you on how to change your HP printer’s formatter.
iii. If none of the above works, contact HP Support.
36. How to Fix HP Printer Error 84 error 1d31
This error occurs when the formatter gets damaged. Therefore, the solution is to replace the formatter.
37. How to Fix HP Printer Error 98.00.00
The error 98.00.00 occurs due to an error with the internal firmware. To fix this error, do the following:
i. Turn off your HP printer and then turn it back on.
ii. Go to the Preboot menu and utilize the item “Format Disk”.
This action will clear every firmware file, operating system, and other files.
iii. Reload the printer firmware.
iv. Contact HP Support if none of the above works.
38. How to Fix HP Printer Error 98.00.0c
To fix the printer error 98.00.0c, you have to change the SSD hard disk. Before you install a new hard disk, ensure that you save the latest version of your firmware on a USB flash drive as replacement disks don’t come preloaded with firmware.
39. How to Fix HP Printer Error 99.09.64
The error 99.09.64 indicates that there is a serious problem with the printer’s disk drive. To solve this problem do the solutions below:
i. Confirm that the hard disk is installed correctly and properly. Slide out the formatter board and confirm that all the hard disk connections are okay.
You will need to check your printer’s user manual to learn how to remove the disk drive.
ii. Replace the disk drive if the above solution does not resolve the error.
40. How to Fix HP Printer Error 2753
The error 2753 will display on your HP printer when the installation script cannot install Pml Driver HPZ12 (C:WindowsSystem32HPZipm12.dll) or Net Driver HPZ12 (C:WindowsSystem32HPZinw12.dll).
To fix this error, do the steps below:
Step 1: Open your computer’s “Windows Explorer”.
Step 2: Go to the “System32” folder.
Step 3: Find these files: “HPZipm12.dll” and “HPZinw12.dll”.
Step 4: Rename or delete the files.
Step 5: Install your HP printer again.
41. How to Fix HP Printer Error 74740
To fix this error, do the following:
1. Wait for Some Days
Many HP printer users have reported that this error fixes automatically after some days. Therefore, if you aren’t in a hurry to use the printer, just let it be for a few days and then try using it again.
However, if you want a quick fix, try the next option.
2. Move your HP Printer to a Different Location
Since the error 74740 is a network error that occurs when scanning, it could be that the printer’s location is affecting the network. Therefore, moving your printer to a different location could resolve the error.
42. How to Fix HP Printer Error 9923
The HP printer error 9923 occurs on Mac computers that are connected to HP printers that make use of IPv6. To fix this error, do the following solutions:
1. Download and Install the Latest Printer Driver Version
All you need to do is go to the HP official website and download the latest driver version for your HP printer model. After downloading it, install it on your Mac computer.
After installing the driver, check if the error is resolved. If it is not, then you should try the next solution.
2. Set the Scanner on your Mac Computer
How to Set the Scanner on your Mac Computer
To set the scanner on your Mac computer, do the following steps:
Step 1: Click on the “Apple” icon.
Step 2: Click on “System Preference”.
Step 3: Click on “Print & Scan”.
Step 4: Click on the plus sign.
Step 5: Choose your HP printer from the list of available printers.
Step 6: Click on “Print Using” or “Use”.
Step 7: Click “Select Printer Software” from the new drop-down menu.
Step 8: Choose your HP printer.
Step 9: Click “OK” to confirm your selection.
Step 10: Add your HP printer.
Step 11: Try to print using the configured print queue.
HP Easy Scan can now be used to scan your documents.
43. How to Fix HP Printer Error A
When your HP printer displays an “A” error message, it means that an alignment page was printed and the printer is in waiting to scan that printed alignment page in order to complete the process.
Therefore, to clear this error, do the following:
Step 1: Raise the lid of your printer’s scanner.
Step 2: Put the already printed alignment page on the scanner glass. Ensure that the printed side is on the scanner glass and the paper is positioned on the glass’s right-front edge.
Step 3: Close the printer’s scanner lid.
Step 4: Press the button labeled “Start Copy Color” on your printer.
44. How to Fix HP Printer Error dc18
The error dc18 is an error that occurs when you try to download the HP Photo Creation App. The App was retired on November 30, 2019. Hence, the software and all its projects are not supported anymore.
Therefore, you won’t have the error dc18 if you don’t try to download the app. We recommend you use HP Smart for Windows instead if you are using a Windows 10 computer.
45. How to Fix HP Printer Error E
To fix the error code “E” on your HP printer, you need to reset your printer. To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
If resetting the printer doesn’t clear the error, then you should connect your printer’s power cord directly to an electric wall outlet if you are using a surge protector.
If after doing that and the error still appears, then you should check your printer for more specific error codes. In other words, check if there is a number that is displayed after “E” on your HP printer. You should also check what LED indicators are blinking on your HP printer. Knowing these will help you resolve the error.
Below, we discuss some specific code “e” errors and their solutions.
46. How to Fix HP Printer Error e1
To fix the error e1 on your HP printer, try these solutions:
1. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
2. Clear Paper Jam
To clear paper jam in your HP printer, follow the instructions we shared in this link: HP Printer General Error 0x61000f6 – How to Clear Jammed Paper in your HP Printer.
47. How to Fix HP Printer Error Code e2
The HP printer error e2 can be resolved using any of the methods below:
1. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
2. Update your HP Printer Firmware
To update the printer firmware, we recommend you follow the instructions under the “Update your Printer Firmware” subsection.
3. Cancel Current Print Job
This method requires you to cancel the current print job and then change the print settings.
To cancel the current print job, simply press your HP printer’s “Cancel” button.
After doing that, change paper settings to match the paper that is in the input print tray. To change paper settings, follow the instructions we shared earlier in the article under the “How to Change the Size Settings of the Paper” subsection.
Also, you should check the paper source settings. Follow the instructions in the “How to Check the Settings of the Paper Source” subsection of this article.
48. How to Fix HP Printer Error e5
Your HP printer will display the “E5” error when there is an issue during scanning. This error will also cause all the LED indicators on the printer’s control panel to blink.
You can fix this error by following the steps below:
Step 1: Turn your HP printer off.
Step 2: Wait for about 15 seconds.
Step 3: Turn your HP printer on.
Step 4: Check if the LED indicators have stopped blinking.
Step 5: Try scanning again.
If the error isn’t resolved after the above, you will have to service the printer.
If you are using a network connection, then you need to check all your network connections. After checking your connections and the error remains, then you will have to service the printer.
If the error occurred and you weren’t scanning, then you will have to service the printer as well.
49. How to Fix HP Printer Error e6
If your HP printer enters into an error state, “E6” will be displayed and all the LED indicators will blink.
To fix the error, do the steps below:
1. Reset your HP Printer
To reset your HP printer, follow the instructions under the “Reset your HP printer” subsection of this article.
2. Plug your HP Printer into a Wall Outlet
If your printer is plugged into a surge protector or a power strip, you need to unplug your printer’s power cord from such connections. Then plug the cord into a wall outlet directly.
After that, turn on your printer and check if the error is fixed. If it is not, try another outlet; if the error remains, then you need to service the printer.
50. How to Fix HP Printer Error e9
You will get an “E9” error when your HP printer detects that it requires Ink System Maintenance. Hence, an Ink System Maintenance page will be printed. In it, you will find instructions that tell you how to resolve this error.
To resolve the HP printer error 9, simply open and then close the printer’s printhead access lid/cover about 3 to 4 times. This will remove any ink that has built up and also maintain the print quality.
51. How to Fix HP Printer Error F
To fix the HP printer error F, you need to contact HP support for further assistance as it is a peculiar error.
52. How to Fix HP Printer H1 Error
To fix the HP printer H1 error, try the following solutions:
1. Install the Latest Version of the Application you are printing from
If the H1 error occurs when you try to print from a particular application let’s say Adobe reader, then you should confirm if the error only occurs with that application alone. Therefore, you should try printing from other programs.
If the error doesn’t occur when printing from other programs, then the issue is with the original application you printed from. Hence, you need to uninstall the program, and then download and install the most recent version.
2. Disable Duplex Printing
In most cases, the H1 error occurs when you try duplex printing. In such a case, the solution is to manually insert the paper into the printer and disable duplex printing.
53. How to Fix HP Printer Error u1-2320
The error u1-2320 is an error that indicates that the temperature of the fuser is abnormal. It is usually due to fuser failure or bad power supply.
To fix this error, you will have to replace the fuser unit. We recommend you contact HP support to help you with the repair if your product is still under warranty. However, if your product is no longer under warranty, then you can ask a qualified technician to help you replace the fuser unit.
Other HP Printer Error Codes
Apart from the HP error codes above that we provided solutions to, there are other HP printer error codes we didn’t discuss because they required a separate article to enable us to discuss them in detail.
Therefore, below are the links to other HP printer error codes articles on this site that we didn’t cover in this article:
HP Printer Error e4 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error B0605 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Code 0xc19a0003 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 13.b2.d2 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 59.f0 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 63.00.41 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 79 [How to Fix]
HP Printer General Error 0x61000f6 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 61.00.00 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 51.10 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 33.05.05 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Code 0xc19a0013 [How to Fix ]
HP Printer Error 0x61011bed [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Oxc19a0040 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 10.00.10 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 12 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 30.03.45 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 49.4c02 [How to Fix]
HP printer error 59.70 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 60.02 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 62.80.15 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 99.09.66 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 346 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 388 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 901 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error e0 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Code e3 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error e8 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error ff04 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 11 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 49.38.07 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 49.38.0c [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 76 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 82.0180 eio 2 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 72234 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 9923 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error c4eba341[How to Fix]
HP Printer Error d80774ec [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error Code 0x83c0000a [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 0x61011beb [How to Fix]
HP Printer Error 3d910c8 [How to Fix]
HP Printer Flashing E Error Codes [How to Fix]
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