Error typed files cannot contain reference counted types

[solved] Saving a datarecord: Error: Typed files cannot contain reference...

Topic: [solved] Saving a datarecord: Error: Typed files cannot contain reference…  (Read 14828 times)

Im trying to save a datarecord (Variable-record?) into a file, but the compiler stops and gives me this error:

variablar.pas(22,24) Error: Typed files cannot contain reference-counted types.

This is the unit’s code:

unit variablar;

{$mode objfpc}{$H+}


uses  TextStrings,Classes, SysUtils;

data = Record
   ledig,inne : boolean;
   fnavn,enavn,plass,tlf : String;
   addr,merknad : TStrings;
   nummer : integer;

 nummer,i : integer;
 nykjel : array [1..100] OF data;
 datafil : File OF data;       //THIS IS WHERE IT STOPS



This used to work in Turbo-Pascal, and the regular «text-mode FPC» as well, but not in Lazarus.
I’m guessing that there’s a somewhat different approach to this in Lazarus?

« Last Edit: May 08, 2012, 07:47:32 pm by varg300 »


String(s) in FPC are pointers.  They are valid in a record, but not in a record used with File Of.  (if it were allowed, you would only be writing out a pointer which would probably point to an invalid address when you read it back in.

For strings to be used in a record that is to be written to a file you need to specify the (maximum) number of bytes in the string:

  Addr:    String[24];


Windows 7, Lazarus 1.0.8, FPC 2.6.2, SQLite 3

Thanks, that might work.
What is the maximum string size allowed for File OF Record?
The record is using some TStrings as well, as i can understand they can hold several «lines» in one string, is that correct? Will they work with the datafile?

By the way, i’ve done some research and found that i might be better to use a TDataStream and PackedRecord instead of Record and FileOf Record, may that be a better way to do it?
I have no experience with using datastreams though, so i might need some explanation in how to do that


What is the maximum string size allowed for File OF Record?

Doing string[size] basically is saying use shortstring.

Shortstring max size is 255.



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Длина строки при объявлении записи

17.08.2014, 12:09. Показов 3910. Ответов 6

Метки нет (Все метки)

Здравствуйте. Подскажите новичку как правильно исправить ошибку.
Учусь работать с записями и файлами. Выскакивает такая ошибка: unit1.pas(38,22) Error: Typed files cannot contain reference-counted types. Получилось исправить добавив длину строки в record:

TStr = record
    s : string;

Но как быть если строка может содержать русские симоволы и превышать длину 255?

Весь код:

unit Unit1;
{$mode objfpc}{$H+}
  Classes, SysUtils, FileUtil, Forms, Controls, Graphics, Dialogs, StdCtrls,
  ExtCtrls, Grids;
  { TForm1 }
  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    Bevel1: TBevel;
    Bevel2: TBevel;
    CreateFileBtn: TButton;
    OpenDialog: TOpenDialog;
    OpenFileBtn: TButton;
    CloseFileBtn: TButton;
    AddRowBtn: TButton;
    DelRowBtn: TButton;
    Edit: TEdit;
    SaveDialog: TSaveDialog;
    StringGrid: TStringGrid;
    procedure CreateFileBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
    { private declarations }
    { public declarations }
  TStr = record
    s : string;
  FStr = file of TStr;
  Form1: TForm1;
  FN : string;
  f : FStr;
{$R *.lfm}
{ TForm1 }
procedure TForm1.CreateFileBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
  if FN <> ''
           if SaveDialog.Execute
                    FN := UTF8ToSys(SaveDialog.FileName);

Помощь в написании контрольных, курсовых и дипломных работ, диссертаций здесь


Почетный модератор

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17.08.2014, 12:38


А зачем вообще запись с одним полем?

Добавлено через 24 минуты
А длинные строки в типизированных файлах не пойдут, ибо сказано

В качестве типов не могут фигурировать динамические структуры, такие как динамические массивы, длинные строки или любые указатели, поскольку все записи должны быть одинаковой длины и не должны указывать на внешние данные. Для обработки таких данных надо использовать не типизированные файлы.



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Сообщений: 285

17.08.2014, 12:53



А зачем вообще запись с одним полем?

Тренируюсь. Можно так:

TBook = record
    title : string[200];
    avtor : string[50];
    description : string[255];

Не динамическую строку, а скажем длины до 1000 символов, к примеру, для описания. Но я не могу написать description : string[1000]; т.к. выскакивает ошибка: unit1.pas(35,21) Error: string length must be a value from 1 to 255


Почетный модератор

64272 / 47571 / 32739

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17.08.2014, 12:56


Правильно пишет, ибо shortstring до 255 символов.



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17.08.2014, 13:07



Правильно пишет, ибо shortstring до 255 символов.

В интернетах нашел:

Если указать директиву {$H-}, тогда String воспринимается, как ShortString. По умолчанию, действует директива {$H+} – AnsiString.


TStr = record
    s : AnsiString[1000];

Ошибка: unit1.pas(35,25) Error: Error in type definition

Решение по идее простое, а я что-то гоню
Возможно ли вообще превысить длину строки в 255 символов?




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17.08.2014, 13:09


Лучший ответ Сообщение было отмечено Памирыч как решение



description : array[0 .. 1255] of char;

используй, это испытанный метод, заменить строку на массив символов…


61 / 59 / 23

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17.08.2014, 13:21



Спасибо. Работает.


В этом разделе описаны сообщения синтаксического анализатора. Синтаксический анализатор выполняет работу по проверке семантики вашего языка, то есть проверяет правильность языковых конструкций Pascal.



Error: Parser -Syntax Error

Ошибка Turbo Pascal была обнаружена. Это обычно происходит, если неправильный символ найден в исходном файле.

Error: INTERRUPT procedure can’t be nested

Процедура INTERRUPT должна быть глобальной.

Warning: Procedure type «Сообщение» ignored

Указанная процедурная директива игнорируется программами FPC.

Error: Not all declarations of «Сообщение» are declared with OVERLOAD

Если вы хотите использовать директиву OVERLOAD, то все объявления должны объявляться с OVERLOAD.

Error: Duplicate exported function name «Сообщение»

Экспортируемые имена функций в указанной DLL не должны совпадать.

Error: Invalid index for exported function

Индекс функции DLL должен быть в диапазоне 1..$FFFF.

Warning: Relocatable DLL or executable arg1 debug info does not work, disabled

В данный момент невозможно включить отладочную информацию в перемещаемую DLL.

Warning: To allow debugging for win32 code you need to disable relocation with -WN option

Попытка включить отладочную информацию в перемещаемую DLL или EXE — файл. Используёте ‑WN, если хотите отлаживать исполняемые файлы Win32.

Error: Constructor name must be INIT

Вы объявили конструктор объекта, имя которого не инициализировано, а переключатель -Ss установлен. См. опцию -Ss (раздел «(*) 5.1.5. Параметры для исходных кодов (опции языка)»).

Error: Destructor name must be DONE

Вы объявили деструктор объекта, имя которого не завершено, а переключатель -Ss установлен. См. опцию -Ss (раздел «(*) 5.1.5. Параметры для исходных кодов (опции языка)»).

Error: Procedure type INLINE not supported

Вы пытаетесь компилировать программу с стилем С++, но забыли указать опцию -Si (-Si, см. раздел «5.1.5. Параметры для исходных кодов (опции языка)»). По умолчанию компилятор не поддерживает стиль С++.

Warning: Constructor should be public

Конструктор должен быть в разделе public объявления объекта (класса).

Warning: Destructor should be public

Деструктор должен быть в разделе public объявления объекта (класса).

Note: Class should have one destructor only

Вы должны объявлять только один деструктор для класса.

Error: Local class definitions are not allowed

Классы должны быть объявлены глобально. Они не могут быть объявлены внутри процедуры или функции.

Fatal: Anonymous class definitions are not allowed

Было обнаружено неправильное объявление объекта (класса), например, объект или класс без методов, не являются рпоизводными от другого объекта. Пример:

Type o = object
 a : longint;

вызовет ошибку.

Note: The object «Сообщение» has no VMT

Это замечание означает, что объявленный объект не имеет таблицы виртуальных методов.

Error: Illegal parameter list

Вы вызываете функцию с параметрами, которые отличаются от параметров, указанных при объявлении функции.

Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to «Сообщение»

Это ошибка в списке параметров функции или процедуры – неправильное количество параметров.

Error: overloaded identifier «Сообщение» isn’t a function

Компилятор обнаружил идентификатор с именем, которое совпадает с именем перегружаемой функции, но этот идентификатор не является функцией, которая может быть перегружаемой.

Error: overloaded functions have the same parameter list

Вы объявили перегружаемые функции, но с одинаковым списком параметров. Перегружаемая функция должна иметь не менее 1 отличия в параметрах от объявленной функции.

Error: function header doesn’t match the previous declaration «Сообщение»

Вы объявили функцию с одинаковыми параметрами, но тип результата отличается.

Error: function header «Сообщ1» doesn’t match forward : var name changes Сообщ2 => Сообщ3

Вы объявили функцию в интерфейсной части, или с директивой forward, но с различным списком параметров.

Note: Values in enumeration types have to be ascending

Free Pascal допускает перечисления как в С. Проверьте следующие два объявления:

type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=200);
type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=4);

Второе объявление вызовет ошибку, потому что значение A_UAS должно быть больше, чем A_E, то есть не меньше 7.

Error: With cannot be used for variables in a different segment

Локальная переменная записывается в стек, но это невозможно, если переменная принадлежит другому сегменту.

Error: function nesting > 31

Вы можете объявлять вложенные функции только до 31 уровня в глубину.

Error: range check error while evaluating constants

Константы находятся за пределами допустимого диапазона.

Warning: range check error while evaluating constants

Константы находятся за пределами допустимого диапазона.

Error: duplicate case label

Вы указали одну и ту же метку 2 раза в конструкции case.

Error: Upper bound of case range is less than lower bound

Верхняя граница метки в конструкции case меньше, чем нижняя граница, а это неправильно.

Error: typed constants of classes or interfaces are not allowed

Вы не можете объявить константу типа класса или объекта.

Error: functions variables of overloaded functions are not allowed

Вы пытаетесь назначить перегружаемую функцию процедурной переменной. Это не допускается.

Error: string length must be a value from 1 to 255

Длина shortstring в Pascal ограничена 255 символами. Вы пытаетесь объявить строку длиной меньше 1 или больше 255 символов.

Warning: use extended syntax of NEW and DISPOSE for instances of objects

Если вы имеете указатель на объектный тип, то оператор new(a) не будет инициализировать объект (то есть конструктор не вызывается), даже если имеется свободное место для выделения памяти. Вы должны использовать оператор new(a,init). Он выделит память и вызовет конструктор объекта.

Warning: use of NEW or DISPOSE for untyped pointers is meaningless

Использование NEW или DISPOSE для нетипизированных указателей не имеет смысла.

Error: use of NEW or DISPOSE is not possible for untyped pointers

Вы не можете использовать new(p) или dispose(p), если p – это нетипизированный указатель, потому что для него нельзя определить размер. Это принято для совместимости с режимами TP и DELPHI, но компилятор предупредит вас, если найдёт такую конструкцию.

Error: class identifier expected

Это сообщение появляется, если компилятор обнаружил объявление процедуры, которая содержит точку, то есть метод объекта или класса, но тип перед точкой не известен компилятору.

Error: type identifier not allowed here

Вы не можете использовать тип внутри выражения.

Error: method identifier expected

Идентификатор не является методом. Это сообщение появляется, если компилятор обнаружил объявление процедуры, которая содержит точку, то есть метод объекта или класса, но имя процедуры не является процедурой данного типа.

Error: function header doesn’t match any method of this class «Сообщение»

Идентификатор не является методом. Это сообщение появляется, если компилятор обнаружил объявление процедуры, которая содержит точку, то есть метод объекта или класса, но имя процедуры не является процедурой данного типа.

procedure/function Сообщение

Если используется переключатель -vd, то компилятор сообщает вам, когда он начинает выполнять процедуру или функцию.

Error: Illegal floating point constant

Компилятор ожидал увидеть выражение с плавающей точкой, но получил нечто другое.

Error: FAIL can be used in constructors only

Вы использовали ключевое слово fail вне метода конструктора.

Error: Destructors can’t have parameters

Вы объявили деструктор со списком параметров. Методы деструктора не могут иметь параметры.

Error: Only class methods can be referred with class references

Эта ошибка возникает в ситуации, подобной следующей:

Type :
Tclass = Class of Tobject;
Var C : TClass;

Free – это не метод класса и, следовательно, не может быть вызван со ссылкой на класс.

Error: Only class methods can be accessed in class methods

Это связано похоже на предыдущую ошибку. Вы не можете вызвать метод объекта из внутреннего метода класса. Следующий код вызовет такую ошибку:

class procedure tobject.x;
begin free

Так как free – это нормальный метод класса, он не может быть вызван из метода класса.

Error: Constant and CASE types do not match

Одна из меток конструкции CASE имеет тип, отличный от типа переменной переключателя CASE.

Error: The symbol can’t be exported from a library

Вы можете экспортировать процедуры и функции, только когда вы пишите библиотеку. Вы не можете экспортировать переменные и константы.

Warning: An inherited method is hidden by «Сообщение»

Метод, который объявлен как virtual в классе-предке, должен быть перезаписан в классе-потомке с директивой override. Если вы не укажете директиву override, вы скроете метод предка.

Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: «Сообщение»

Вы пытаетесь переписать директивой override виртуальный метод класса- предка, который не существует.

Error: No member is provided to access property

Вы не указали директиву read для свойства.

Warning: Stored property directive is not yet implemented

Это сообщение больше не используется, так как записанная директива была выполнена.

Error: Illegal symbol for property access

Это ошибка директив read или write для свойства типа массива. Если вы объявляете свойство-массив, вы можете получить доступ к нему только с помощью процедуры или функции. Следующий код вызовет такую ошибку:

tmyobject = class
i : integer;
property x [i : integer]: integer read I write i;

Error: Cannot access a protected field of an object here

Поля, которые объявлены в разделе protected объекта или класса, не могут быть доступны из другого модуля.

Error: Cannot access a private field of an object here

Поля, которые объявлены в разделе private объекта или класса, не могут быть доступны из другого модуля.

Error: Overridden methods must have the same return type: «Сообщение2» is overriden by «Сообщение1» which has another return

Если вы объявили перегружаемые методы в определении класса, они должны иметь одинаковый тип возвращаемого результата.

Error: EXPORT declared functions can’t be nested

Вы не можете объявить функцию или процедуру внутри функции или процедуры, которая была объявлена как экспортная процедура.

Error: Methods can’t be EXPORTed

Вы не можете объявить процедуру, которая является методом для экспортируемого объекта.

Error: Call by var for arg no. Сообщ1 has to match exactly: Got «Сообщ2» expected «Сообщ3»

Если вызывающая функция объявлена с параметрами var, то переменные в вызываемой функции должны иметь точно такой же тип. Они не преобразуются автоматически.

Error: Class isn’t a parent class of the current class

Когда вызываются наследуемые методы, вы пытаетесь вызвать метод не связанный с классом. Вы можете только вызвать метод класса- предка.

Error: SELF is only allowed in methods

Вы пытаетесь использовать параметр self вне метода объекта. Только методы могут получать параметры self.

Error: Methods can be only in other methods called direct with type identifier of the class

Конструкция, подобная следующей: НекийТип.НекийМетод допускается только для методов.

Error: Illegal use of ’:’

Вы использовали формат : (двоеточие) 2 раза в выражении, которое не предусматривает такой формат.

Error: range check error in set constructor or duplicate set element

Объявление множества содержит ошибку. Какой-то элемент находится вне диапазона или имеется два одинаковых элемента.

Error: Pointer to object expected

Вы указали неправильный тип в операторе new. Расширенный синтаксис new требует параметра типа объект.

Error: Expression must be constructor call

Когда используете расширенный синтаксис new, вы должны указать метод конструктора объекта, когда пытаетесь его создать. Процедура, которую вы указали, не является конструктором.

Error: Expression must be destructor call

Когда используете расширенный синтаксис dispose, вы должны указать метод деструктора объекта, когда пытаетесь его разрушить. Процедура, которую вы указали, не является деструктором.

Error: Illegal order of record elements

При объявлении записи-константы вы указали поля в неправильном порядке.

Error: Expression type must be class or record type

Для оператора with необходим аргумент, который имеет тип записи или класса. Вы используете выражение, которое не относится ни к одному из данных типов.

Error: Procedures can’t return a value

В Free Pascal вы можете указать возвращаемое значение для функции, когда используете оператор exit. Эта ошибка случается, если вы пытаетесь сделать то же самое с процедурой. Процедура не может возвращать значение.

Error: constructors and destructors must be methods

Вы объявили процедуру как конструктор или деструктор, когда процедура не является методом класса.

Error: Operator is not overloaded

Вы пытаетесь использовать перегружаемый оператор, когда он не является перегружаемым для этого типа.

Error: Impossible to overload assignment for equal types

Вы не можете перегрузить аргумент для типов, которые компилятор рассматривает как эквивалентные.

Error: Impossible operator overload

Комбинация оператор/аргумент/возвращаемое значение является несовместимой.

Error: Re-raise isn’t possible there

Вы пытаетесь вызвать исключение там, где это недопустимо. Вы можете вызвать исключение только в блоке except.

Error: The extended syntax of new or dispose isn’t allowed for a class

Вы не можете создать экземпляр класса с расширенным синтаксисом new. Для этого должен использоваться конструктор. По тем же соображениям вы не можете использовать вызов dispose для уничтожения экземпляра класса. Для этого нужно использовать деструктор.

Error: Procedure overloading is switched off

Если используется переключатель –So, то перегрузка процедур отключена. Turbo Pascal не поддерживает перегрузку функций.

Error: It is not possible to overload this operator. Related overloadable operators (if any) are: Сообщение

Вы пытаетесь перегрузить оператор, который не может быть перегружен. Следующие операторы не могут быть перегружаемыми: +, -, *, /, =, >, <, <=, >=, is, as, in, **, :=

Error: Comparative operator must return a boolean value

Если перегружающий оператор – это =, то функция должна возвращать логическое значение.

Error: Only virtual methods can be abstract

Вы объявили метод как абстрактный, когда он не объявлен как виртуальный.

Fatal: Use of unsupported feature!

Вы пытаетесь форсировать компилятор, когда он к этому не готов.

Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn’t allowed

Вы не можете порождать объекты, классы и интерфейсы (objects, classes, cppclasses и interfaces) друг от друга. Например, класс не может быть предком объекта и наоборот.

Warning: Unknown procedure directive had to be ignored: «Сообщение»

Вы указали неизвестную процедурную директиву.

Error: absolute can only be associated to one variable

Вы не можете указать более одной переменной перед директивой absolute. Таким образом, следующая конструкция вызовет эту ошибку:

Var Z : Longint;
X,Y : Longint absolute Z;

Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const

Адрес директивы absolute может только указывать на переменную или константу. Таким образом, следующий код вызовет эту ошибку:

Procedure X;
var p : longint absolute x;

Error: Only one variable can be initialized

Вы не можете указать более одной переменной с начальным значением в режиме Delphi.

Error: Abstract methods shouldn’t have any definition (with function body)

Абстрактные методы можно только объявлять. Вы не можете их выполнить. Они должны быть перегружены в классе-потомке.

Error: This overloaded function can’t be local (must be exported)

Вы определили перегружаемую функцию в разделе implementation модуля, но она не ссылается на объявление в разделе interface.

Warning: Virtual methods are used without a constructor in «Сообщение»

Если вы определили объекты или классы, содержащие виртуальные методы, то вам необходимо иметь конструктор и деструктор для их инициализации. Компилятор нашёл объект или класс с виртуальными методами, которые не имеют пары конструктор/деструктор.

Macro defined: Сообщение

Если используется –vc, то компилятор сообщает вам, если он определяет макрос.

Macro undefined: Сообщение

Если используется –vc, то компилятор сообщает вам, если он не определяет макрос.

Macro Сообщение1 set to Сообщение2

Если используется –vc, то компилятор сообщает вам, когда макрос получает значения.

Info: Compiling Сообщение

Если вы включили информационные сообщения (-vi), компилятор сообщает вам, что модули перекомпилированы.

Parsing interface of unit Сообщение

Сообщение о том, что начато чтения интерфейсной части модуля.

Parsing implementation of Сообщение

Сообщение о том, что начато чтения исполняемой части модуля, библиотеки или программы.

Compiling Сообщение for the second time

Если вы запросили отладочную информацию (-vd), компилятор сообщает вам, что он повторно перекомпилировал модули.

Error: No property found to override

Вы хотите перегрузить свойство существующего класса-предка, но там такого свойства нет.

Error: Only one default property is allowed

Вы указали свойство как Default, но класс уже имеет свойство по умолчанию, а класс может иметь только одно такое свойство.

Error: The default property must be an array property

Только массив свойств класса может быть сделан свойствами по умолчанию.

Error: Virtual constructors are only supported in class object model

Вы не можете иметь виртуальные конструкторы в объектах. Это допускается только для классов.

Error: No default property available

Вы пытаетесь получить доступ к свойству класса по умолчанию, но этот класс (или один из его предков) не имеет свойства по умолчанию.

Error: The class can’t have a published section, use the {$M+} switch

Если вы хотите определить в классе раздел published, вы должны использовать переключатель {$M+}, который включает генерацию информации.

Error: Forward declaration of class «Сообщение» must be resolved here to use the class as ancestor

Чтобы иметь возможность использовать объект как объект-предок, его нужно сначала определить. Эта ошибка случается в следующей ситуации:

Type ParentClas = Class;
ChildClass = Class(ParentClass)


где ParentClass объявлен, но не определён.

Error: Local operators not supported

Вы не можете перегружать локальные операторы, то есть внутри определения процедуры или функции.

Error: Procedure directive «Сообщение» not allowed in interface section

Эта процедурная директива не допускается в разделе interface модуля. Вы можете использовать её только в разделе implementation.

Error: Procedure directive «Сообщение» not allowed in implementation section

Эта процедурная директива не допускается в разделе implementation модуля. Вы можете использовать её только в разделе interface.

Error: Procedure directive «Сообщение» not allowed in procvar declaration

Эта процедурная директива не может быть частью объявления процедурного типа или типа функции.

Error: Function is already declared Public/Forward «Сообщение»

Вы получите эту ошибку, если функция дважды объявлена как forward. Или если она имеется в разделе interface, а затем имеется объявление forward в разделе implementation.

Error: Can’t use both EXPORT and EXTERNAL

Эти две процедурные директивы являются взаимно исключающими.

Warning: «arg1» not yet supported inside inline procedure/function

Встроенные процедуры не поддерживают это объявление.

Warning: Inlining disabled

Встроенные процедуры отключены.

Info: Writing Browser log Сообщение

Если информационные сообщения включены, то компилятор предупреждает вас, когда записывает лог обозревателя (генерируемый переключателем {$Y+ }).

Hint: may be pointer dereference is missing

Компилятор предполагает, что указатель нужно разыменовать.

Fatal: Selected assembler reader not supported

Выбранный ассемблер (с {$ASMMODE xxx} не поддерживается. Компилятор может работать с или без поддержки редкого ассемблера.

Error: Procedure directive «Сообщение» has conflicts with other directives

Вы указали процедурную директиву, которая конфликтует с другой директивой. Например, cdecl и pascal являются взаимно исключающими, то есть несовместимыми.

Error: Calling convention doesn’t match forward

Эта ошибка случается, когда вы объявляете функцию или процедуру, например, с cdecl, но пропускаете эту директиву в разделе implementation, или наоборот. Соглашение о вызовах – это часть объявления функции, которая должна быть повторена в определении функции.

Error: The default value of a property must be constant

Значение по умолчанию объявленного свойства должно быть известно во время компиляции. Значение, которое вы указали, будет известно только во время выполнения. Эта ошибка случается, например, если вы указали имя переменной как значение по умолчанию.

Error: Symbol can’t be published, can be only a class

Только переменные типа класса могут быть в разделе published класса, если они не объявлены как свойства.

Error: This kind of property can’t be published

Свойства в разделе published не могут быть массивом. Они должны быть перемещены в раздел public. Свойства в разделе published должны быть порядкового, вещественного, строкового типа или множеством.

Error: An import name is required

Некоторые целевые платформы требуют имени для импортируемой процедуры или спецификатора cdecl.

Error: Division by zero

Было обнаружено деление на ноль.

Error: Invalid floating point operation

Операция с двумя значениями вещественного типа вызвала переполнение или деление на ноль.

Error: Upper bound of range is less than lower bound

Верхняя граница объявленного массива меньше, чем нижняя граница, а это недопустимо.

Warning: string «Сообщение1» is longer than «Сообщение2»

Размер строковой константы больше, чем размер, указанный вами при определении строкового типа.

Error: string length is larger than array of char length

Размер строковой константы больше, чем размер, указанный вами при определении Array[x..y] of char.

Error: Illegal expression after message directive

Free Pascal поддерживает только целочисленные или строковые значения в качестве констант для сообщений.

Error: Message handlers can take only one call by ref. parameter

Метод, объявленный с директивой message как обработчик сообщения, может принять только один параметр, который должен быть передан по ссылке. Параметры, передаваемые по ссылке, используют директиву var.

Error: Duplicate message label: «Сообщение»

Метка для сообщения используется дважды в одном объекте/классе.

Error: Self can only be an explicit parameter in methods which are message handlers

Параметр Self может передаваться ТОЛЬКО в метод, который объявлен как обработчик сообщения.

Error: Threadvars can be only static or global

Потоковые переменные должны быть статическими или глобальными. Вы не можете объявить локальный поток для процедуры. Локальные переменные являются всегда локальными в потоке, потому что каждый поток свой собственный стек и локальные переменные записываются в стек.

Fatal: Direct assembler not supported for binary output format

Вы не можете использовать ассемблер напрямую, если используете бинарный писатель. Вы берите другой выходной формат или используйте другой ассемблер.

Warning: Don’t load OBJPAS unit manually, use n{n$mode objfpcn} or n{n$mode delphin} instead

Вы пытаетесь загрузить модуль ObjPas вручную из раздела uses. Это плохая идея. Используйте директивы {$MODE OBJFPC} или {$mode delphi}, которые загружают этот модуль автоматически.

Error: OVERRIDE can’t be used in objects

Override не поддерживается для объектов, используйте virtual вместо этого для перегрузки метода объекта-предка.

Error: Data types which require initialization/finalization can’t be used in variant records

Некоторые типы данных (например, ansistring) требуют кода инициализации/финализации, который полностью генерируется компилятором. Такие типы данных нельзя использовать в вариантной части записи.

Error: Resourcestrings can be only static or global

Строка ресурсов не может быть объявлена локально, только глобально или с директивой static.

Error: Exit with argument can’t be used here

Выход из блока с аргументом для возвращаемого значения не может здесь использоваться. Эта ошибка может случиться, например, в блоке try..except или try..finally.

Error: The type of the storage symbol must be boolean

Если вы указали символ storage в объявлении свойства, то оно должно быть логического типа.

Error: This symbol isn’t allowed as storage symbol

Вы не можете использовать этот типа символа как спецификатор storage в объявлении свойства. Вы можете использовать только методы результатом логического типа, логическими полями класса или логическими константами.

Error: Only classes which are compiled in $M+ mode can be published

Поле типа класса в разделе published класса может быть только классом, который был скомпилирован в {$M+} или который является потомком такого класса. Обычно такой класс должен быть потомком от TPersistent.

Error: Procedure directive expected

Эта ошибка случается, если вы имеете директиву {$Calling} без указанного условия вызова. Это также случается, если процедура объявлена в блоке констант и вы используете точку с запятой (;) после объявления процедуры, которое должна следовать за процедурной директивой. Правильное объявление:

p : procedure;stdcall=nil;
p : procedure stdcall=nil;

Error: The value for a property index must be of an ordinal type

Значение, которое вы используете для индекса свойства, должно быть порядкового типа.

Error: Procedure name too short to be exported

Длина имени процедуры или функции должна быть не менее 2 символов. Это потому, что имеется ошибка в dlltool, который неправильно распознаёт файлы .def с именами длиной в 1 символ.

Error: No DEFFILE entry can be generated for unit global vars

Нет вхождений DEFFILE, которые могут быть сгенерированы для глобальных переменных модуля.

Error: Compile without -WD option

Вам нужно компилировать этот файл без опции –WD в командной строке.

Fatal: You need ObjFpc (-S2) or Delphi (-Sd) mode to compile this module

Вам нужно использовать {$MODE OBJFPC} или {$MODE DELPHI} для компиляции этого файла. Или использовать соответствующую опцию командной строки, любую из -objfpc или -MDelphi.

Error: Can’t export with index under Сообщение

Экспортирование функций или процедур с указанным индексом не поддерживается данной целевой платформой.

Error: Exporting of variables is not supported under Сообщение

Экспортирование переменных не поддерживается данной целевой платформой.

Error: Improper GUID syntax

Код GUID имеет неправильный синтаксис. Он должен иметь формат:


Где каждый X – шестнадцатиричное число.

Warning: Procedure named «Сообщ1» not found that is suitable for implementing the Сообщ2.Сообщ3

Компилятор не может найти подходящую процедуру, которая выполняет данный метод интерфейса. Процедура с таким именем найдена, но параметры не совпадают.

Error: interface identifier expected

Это сообщение появляется, если компилятор сканирует объявление класса, который содержит interface функции, подобно следующему:

TMyObject = class(TObject, IDispatch)
function IUnknown.QueryInterface=MyQueryInterface;

а interface не перечислен в списке потомков.

Error: Type «Сообщение» can’t be used as array index type

Типы, подобные qword или int64, не допускается использовать в индексах массивов.

Error: Con-and destructors aren’t allowed in interfaces

Объявления конструктора и деструктора не допускаются в интерфейсах. В большинстве случаев метод QueryInterface интерфейса IUnknown можно использовать для создания нового интерфейса.

Error: Access specifiers can’t be used in INTERFACEs and OBJCPROTOCOLs

Спецификаторы доступности public, private, protected и published нельзя использовать в интерфейсах, Objective-C протоколов и категорий потому что все методы интерфейса/протокола/категории должны быть доступны (public).

The access specifiers public, private, protected and published can’t be used in interfaces, Objective-C protocols and categories because all methods of an interface/protocol/category must be public.

В спецификаторы доступа public, private, protected и published не могут быть использованы в интерфейсах, Objective-C протоколов и категорий, так как все методы интерфейсного / протокола / категории должен быть публичным.

Error: An interface can’t contain fields

Error: An interface, helper or Objective-C protocol or category cannot contain fields

Объявления полей не допускаются в интерфейсах. Интерфейс может содержать только методы и свойства с методом чтения/записи и спецификатором доступа.

Declarations of fields are not allowed in interfaces, helpers and Objective-C protocols and categories. An interface/helper/protocol/category can contain only methods and properties with method read/write specifiers.

Заявления полей не допускаются в интерфейсах, помощников и Objective-C протоколов и категорий.Интерфейс / помощник / протокол / категория может содержать только методы и свойства с помощью метода чтения / записи спецификаторов.

Error: Can’t declare local procedure as EXTERNAL

Объявление локальных процедур как внешних невозможно. Локальные процедуры получают скрытые параметры, которые делают вероятность ошибки очень высокой.

Warning: Some fields coming before «Сообщение» weren’t initialized

В режиме Delphi не все поля записи-константы могут быть инициализированы, компилятор предупреждает вас, когда обнаруживает такую ситуацию.

Error: Some fields coming before «Сообщение» weren’t initialized

Во всех режимах синтаксиса, кроме режима Delphi, вы не можете инициализировать некоторые поля в середине записи-константы.

Warning: Some fields coming after «Сообщение» weren’t initialized

Вы можете инициализировать некоторые поля в конце записи-константы (компилятор их инициализирует со значением 0 автоматически). Это может вызвать труднонаходимые проблемы.

Error: VarArgs directive (or ’…’ in MacPas) without CDecl/CPPDecl/MWPascal and External

Директива varargs (или ‘…’ параметр varargs в режиме MacPas) может использоваться только с процедурами и функциями, которые объявлены как external и одним из cdecl, cppdecl или mwpascal. Эта функциональность поддерживается только для совместимости интерфейса функций C, подобных printf.

Error: Self must be a normal (call- by-value) parameter

Вы не можете объявить Self как параметр const или var, он должен быть всега параметром, передаваемым по значению.

Error: Interface «Сообщение» has no interface identification

Если вы хотите назначить интерфейс для константы, то интерфейс должен иметь значение GUID.

Error: Unknown class field or method identifier «Сообщение»

Свойства должны ссылаться на поле или метод в этом же классе.

Warning: Overriding calling convention «Сообщение1» with «Сообщение2»

Имеются две директивы в объявлении процедуры, которые определяют соглашение о вызовах. Только последняя директива будет использоваться.

Error: Typed constants of the type «procedure of object» can only be initialized with NIL

Вы не можете связать адрес метода с типизированной константой, которая имеет тип «процедура объекта», потому что такая константа требует два адреса: для метода (который известен во время компиляции) и для объекта или класса (который неизвестен во время компиляции).

Error: Default value can only be assigned to one parameter

Невозможно указать значение по умолчанию для нескольких параметров. Следующий пример неправильный:

Procedure MyProcedure (A,B : Integer = 0);

Вместо этого вы должны написать так:

Procedure MyProcedure (A : Integer = 0; B : Integer = 0);

Error: Default parameter required for «Сообщение»

Указанный параметр требует значения по умолчанию.

Warning: Use of unsupported feature!

Вы пытаетесь заставить компилятор выполнить какое-либо действие, которое он пока не может выполнить.

Hint: C arrays are passed by reference

Какой-то массив, переданный в функцию С, является переданным по ссылке.

Error: C array of const must be the last argument

Вы не можете добавить какой-либо другой параметр после массива констант для функции cdecl, так как размер стека для этого параметра неизвестен.

Hint: Type «Сообщение» redefinition

Это сообщение указывает на то, что ранее объявленный тип был переопределён как-то иначе. Это может быть (а может и не быть) потенциально ошибкой исходного кода.

Warning: cdecl’ared functions have no high parameter

Функции, объявленные с модификатором cdecl, не имеют дополнительного явного параметра.

Warning: cdecl’ared functions do not support open strings

Openstring не поддерживается для функций, которые имеют модификатор cdecl.

Error: Cannot initialize variables declared as threadvar

Переменные, объявленные как threadvar, не могут быть инициализированы с значением по умолчанию. Такие переменные всегда обнуляются при старте нового потока.

Error: Message directive is only allowed in Classes

Директива message поддерживается только для типов Class.

Error: Procedure or Function expected

Метод класса может быть указан только для процедур и функций.

Warning: Calling convention directive ignored: «Сообщение»

Некоторые соглашения о вызовах поддерживаются только определёнными процессорами. Например, большинство не i386 портов поддерживаются только стандартным соглашением о вызовах ABI.

Error: REINTRODUCE can’t be used in objects

reintroduce не поддерживается для объектов. Objective-C classes and Objective-C protocols.

Error: Each argument must have its own location

Если размещение для аргументов указано явно, как того требуют некоторые соглашения системных вызовов (syscall), то каждый аргумент должен иметь своё собственное размещение. Мысли, подобные этим

procedure p(i,j : longint r1’);


Error: Each argument must have an explicit location

Если для одного аргумента указано явно размещение, то все аргументы процедуры должны иметь явно указанное размещение.

Error: Unknown argument location

Размещение, указанное для аргумента, не распознаётся компилятором.

Error: 32 Bit-Integer or pointer variable expected

libbase для MorphOS/AmigaOS можно получить только как переменную longint, dword или любой указатель.

Error: Goto statements aren’t allowed between different procedures

Не допускается использовать оператор goto, ссылающийся на метку, которая находится за пределами текущей процедуры. Следующий пример показывает эту проблему:

procedure p1;
  procedure p2;
    goto l1; // Такой переход не допускается


Fatal: Procedure too complex, it requires too many registers

Тело вашей процедуры слишком большое для компилятора. Вы должны разделить процедуру на несколько меньших процедур.

Error: Illegal expression

Это может случиться во многих ситуациях. Обычно происходит при попытке вычислить выражение с константами.

Error: Invalid integer expression

Вы написали выражение, которое не является целочисленным, а компилятор ожидал целочисленный результат.

Error: Illegal qualifier

Один из следующих вариантов:

Вы пытаетесь получить доступ к полю переменной, которая не является записью

Вы индексируете переменную, которая не является массивом.

Вы разыменовываете переменную, которая не является указателем.

Error: High range limit < low range limit

Вы объявили поддиапазон, где верхний предел меньше, чем нижний предел диапазона.

Error: Exit’s parameter must be the name of the procedure it is used in

Не локальный выход не допускается. Эта ошибка случается только в режиме MacPas.

Error: Illegal assignment to for-loop variable «Сообщение»

Тип переменной цикла for должен быть порядковым. Переменные цикла не могут быть строками или вещественными числами. Вы также не можете назначать значения переменным цикла внутри этого цикла (кроме режимов Delphi и TP). Используйте циклы while или repeat вместо цикла for, если вам необходимо снять вышеописанные ограничения.

Error: Can’t declare local variable as EXTERNAL

Объявление локальных переменных как external не допускается. Только глобальные переменные могут быть связаны с внешними переменными.

Error: Procedure is already declared EXTERNAL

Процедура уже объявлена с директивой EXTERNAL в объявлении interface или forward.

Warning: Implicit uses of Variants unit

Тип Variant используется в каком-либо модуле без подключения модуля Variants. Компилятор требует явно указывать модуль Variants в разделе uses. Для удаления этого сообщения модуль Variants должен быть добавлен в список модулей в разделе uses.

Error: Class and static methods can’t be used in INTERFACES

Спецификатор class и директива static не могут использоваться в интерфейсах, потому что все методы интерфейса должны быть общедоступными.

Error: Overflow in arithmetic operation

Операция с двумя целочисленными значениями вызвала переполнение.

Error: Protected or private expected

strict можно использовать только совместно с protected или private.

Error: SLICE can’t be used outside of parameter list

slice можно использовать только для аргументов, принимающих параметр открытого массива.

Error: A DISPINTERFACE can’t have a parent class

DISPINTERFACE – это специальный тип интерфейса, который не может иметь класса-предка.

Error: A DISPINTERFACE needs a guid

DISPINTERFACE всегда требует идентификации интерфейса (GUID).

Warning: Overridden methods must have a related return type. This code may crash, it depends on a Delphi parser bug

Если вы объявили перегружаемые методы в определении класса, они должны иметь одинаковый тип возвращаемого результата. Некоторые версии Delphi позволяют изменять тип возвращаемого результата методов интерфейса, и даже заменять процедуры на функции, но в результате код может оказаться неработоспособен на используемых типах и вызываемых методах.

Error: Dispatch IDs must be ordinal constants

Ключевое слово dispid должно следовать за константой порядкового типа (индекс dispid).

Error: The range of the array is too large

Несмотря на правильно указанный размер, количество элементов в массиве не может быть более чем high(ptrint). Кроме того, тип, определяющий диапазон массива, должен быть поддиапазоном ptrint.

Error: The address cannot be taken of bit packed array elements and record fields

Если вы объявили массив или запись как packed в режиме Mac Pascal (или как packed в любом режиме с {$bitpacking on}), то он будет запакован до битового уровня. Это означает, что невозможно будет получить индивидуальный адрес элемента массива или поля записи. Исключение из этого правила возможно только в том случае, если размер упаковки кратен 8.

Error: Dynamic arrays cannot be packed

Только стандартные (и возможно в будущем – открытые) массивы могут быть упакованы.

Error: Bit packed array elements and record fields cannot be used as loop variables

Если вы объявили массив или запись как packed в режиме Mac Pascal (или как packed в любом режиме с {$bitpacking on}), то он будет запакован до битового уровня. Это означает, что для работы с таким массивом нельзя будет использовать циклы.

Error: VAR and TYPE are allowed only in generics

Использование VAR и TYPE для объявлений новых типов допускается только внутри generics.

Error: This type can’t be a generic

Только классы, объекты, интерфейсы и записи могут использоваться как generic.

Warning: Don’t load LINEINFO unit manually, Use the -gl compiler switch instead

Не используйте модуль lineinfo напрямую. Используйте переключатель ‑gl, который правильно и автоматически добавляет этот модуль для чтения выбранного типа отладочной информации. Модуль, который требуется для использования отладочной информации соответствующего типа, используется, когда компилируется бинарный файл.

Error: No function result type specified for function «Сообщение»

Когда вы объявляете функцию первый раз, вы должны объявлять её в полной форме, то есть со всеми параметрами и типом результата.

Error: Specialization is only supported for generic types

Типы, не являющиеся generics, не могут быть специализированы.

Error: Generics can’t be used as parameters when specializing generics

Если специализация generic, то только не-generic типы могут использоваться как параметры.

Error: Constants of objects containing a VMT aren’t allowed

Если объект требует VMT, потому что он содержит конструктор или виртуальные методы, то не допускается создавать в нём константы. В режимах TP и Delphi это разрешено для совместимости.

Error: Taking the address of labels defined outside the current scope isn’t allowed

Не допускается брать адрес метки за пределами текущей процедуры.

Error: Cannot initialize variables declared as external

Переменные, объявленные как external, не могут быть инициализированы значением по умолчанию.

Error: Illegal function result type

Некоторые типы, например, файловые, не могут использоваться как результат, возвращаемый функцией.

Error: No common type possible between «Сообщ1» and «Сообщ2»

Для выполнения операций с целыми числами компилятор преобразовал оба операнда в их общий тип, который оказался неправильным. Для определения общего типа операндов, компилятор берёт минимум из минимальных значений обоих типов, а затем максимум из максимальных значений обоих типов. Общий тип получается минимум..максимум.

Error: Generics without specialization cannot be used as a type for a variable

Generics должен быть всегда специализирован перед использованием как тип переменной.

Warning: Register list is ignored for pure assembler routines

Если используется чисто ассемблерная процедура, то список с изменёнными регистрами игнорируется.

Error: Implements property must have class or interface type

Свойство, которое принадлежит интерфейсу, должно быть типа класса или интерфейса.

Error: Implements-property must implement interface of correct type, found «Сообщ1» expected «Сообщ2»

Свойство, которое принадлежит интерфейсу, на самом деле принадлежит другому интерфейсу.

Error: Implements-property must have read specifier

Свойство, которое принадлежит интерфейсу, должно иметь, по меньшей мере, спецификатор read.

Error: Implements-property must not have write-specifier

Свойство, которое принадлежит интерфейсу, может не иметь спецификатор write.

Error: Implements-property must not have stored-specifier

Свойство, которое принадлежит интерфейсу, может не иметь спецификатора stored.

Error: Implements-property used on unimplemented interface: «Сообщение»

Интерфейс, которому принадлежит свойство, не принадлежит классу.

Error: Floating point not supported for this target

Компилятор проанализировал выражение с плавающей точкой, но оно не поддерживается.

Error: Class «Сообщ1» does not implement interface «Сообщ2»

Делегированный интерфейс не принадлежит классу, данному в разделе implements.

Error: Type used by implements must be an interface

Ключевое слово implements должно применяться с типом interface.

Error: Variables cannot be exported with a different name on this target, add the name to the declaration using the «export»

На большинстве целевых платформ невозможно изменять имена, под которыми переменные экспортируются внутри операторов exports библиотеки. В таком случае вам нужно указать экспортируемое имя в точке, где объявлена переменная, используя export и директиву alias.

Error: Weak external symbols are not supported for the current target

Символ «weak external» – это символ, который может существовать, а может и нет (при static или dynamic) во время компоновки. Эта концепция может быть недоступна (или ещё не работать) на текущей платформа или процессоре.

Error: Forward type definition does not match

Классы и интерфейсы с объявлением forward должны иметь одинаковые типы с implemented. Интерфейс forward не может быть изменён в классе.

Note: Virtual method «Сообщ1» has a lower visibility (Сообщ2) than parent class Сообщ3 (Сообщ4)

Виртуальный метод перегружает метод, который объявлен с более высокой видимостью. Это может дать непредвиденные результаты.

Error: Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition, start a new visibility section first

Однажды определив метод или свойство в классе или объекте, вы не можете определить какие-либо поля впоследствии без начального раздела видимости (такого как public, private и т.п.).

The reason is that otherwise the source code can appear ambiguous to the compiler, since it is possible to use modifiers such as default and register also as field names.

Причина в том, что в противном случае исходный код может оказаться неоднозначной в компилятор, так как можно использовать модификаторы, такие как умолчанию и регистрации также в качестве имен полей.

Error: Parameters cannot contain local type definitions. Use a separate type definition in a type block.

В Pascal нельзя передавать определения типов в качестве параметров, даже если они семантически эквивалентны простым типам. Переменные или параметры должны быть одинакового типа, если они ссылаются на определения одинаковых типов. В результате это не позволяет объявлять новые типы внутри списка параметров, потому что тогда возможны ссылки на то же определение типа в заголовке процедуры в разделах interface и implementation модуля (оба заголовка процедуры определены с разными типами). Помните, что выражения, такие как file of byte или “string[50] также должны определяться как новый тип. Например, вы не можете объявить процедуру:

Procedure MyProc(st : string[50]);

Это приведёт к данной ошибке. Правильно будет так:

Type TMyStr = string[50];
Procedure MyProc(st : TMyStr);

Error: ABSTRACT and SEALED conflict

ABSTRACT и SEALED не могут использоваться вместе в одном объявлении.

Error: Cannot create a descendant of the sealed class «Сообщение»

Неизвестный метод этого класса не может быть унаследован другим классом.

Error: SEALED class cannot have an ABSTRACT method

Неизвестный метод этого класса не может быть унаследован. Следовательно, ни один класс не способен перегрузить абстрактный метод в неизвестном классе.

Error: Only virtual methods can be final

Вы объявили метод как финальный, когда он не объявлен как виртуальный.

Error: Final method cannot be overridden: «Сообщение»

Вы пытаетесь перегрузить виртуальный метод родительского класса, который не существует.

Error: Invalid enumerator identifier: «Сообщение»

Только идентификаторы перечислений «MoveNext» и «Current» поддерживаются.

Error: Enumerator identifier required

Идентификатор «MoveNext» или «Current» должен сопровождать модификатор нумератора.

Error: Enumerator MoveNext pattern method is not valid.

Метод должен быть функцией с результатом типа Boolean, а соответствующий нумератор «MoveNext« должен быть функцией с результатом типа Boolean и не требовать аргументов.

Error: Enumerator Current pattern property is not valid. Property must have a getter.

Нумератор «Current» соответствующего свойства должен быть больше.

Error: Only one enumerator MoveNext method is allowed per class/object

Класс или объект может иметь только один нумератор MoveNext.

Error: Only one enumerator Current property is allowed per class/object

Класс или объект может иметь только один нумератор Current.

Error: For in loop cannot be used for the type «Сообщение»

For в цикле может использоваться не для всех типов. Например, он не может использоваться для нумераторов.

Error: Objective-C messages require their Objective-C selector name to be specified using the ”message” directive.

Objective-C messages require their Objective-C name (selector name) to be specified using the message ‘someName:’ procedure directive. While bindings to other languages automatically generate such names based on the identifier you use (by replacing all underscores with colons), this is unsafe since nothing prevents an Objective-C method name to contain actual colons.

Objective-C сообщения требуют свое имя Objective-C (имя селектора), который будет указан с помощью сообщения ‘SomeName:’ Директива процедура. Хотя привязки на другие языки автоматически генерировать такие имена, основанные на идентификатор вы используете (путем замены всех подчеркивает двоеточиями), это небезопасно, так как ничто не мешает Objective-C имя метода, чтобы содержать фактические двоеточия.

Error: Objective-C does not have formal constructors nor destructors. Use the alloc, initXXX and dealloc messages.

The Objective-C language does not have any constructors or destructors. While there are some messages with a similar purpose (such as init and dealloc), these cannot be identified using automatic parsers and do not guarantee anything like Pascal constructors/destructors (e.g., you have to take care of only calling “designated” inherited “constructors”). For these reasons, we have opted to follow the standard Objective-C patterns for instance creation/destruction.

Язык Objective-C не имеет конструкторов и деструкторов. Хотя есть некоторые сообщения, с той же целью (например, инициализации и dealloc), они не могут быть определены с помощью автоматических анализаторов и ничего не гарантирует, как Pascal конструкторов / деструкторов (например, вы должны заботиться о только называя «назначен» в наследство «конструкторы «). По этим причинам, мы решили следовать стандартным образцам Objective-C, например создания / уничтожения.

Error: Message name is too long (max. 255 characters)

Due to compiler implementation reasons, message names are currently limited to 255 characters

Error: Objective-C message symbol name for ”arg1” is too long

Due to compiler implementation reasons, mangled message names (i.e., the symbol names used in the assembler code) are currently limited to 255 characters.

Hint: Defining a new Objective-C root class. To derive from another root class (e.g., NSObject), specify it as the parent class.

If no parent class is specified for an Object Pascal class, then it automatically derives from TObject. Objective-C classes however do not automatically derive from NSObject, because one can have multiple root classes in Objective-C. For example, in the Cocoa framework both NSObject and NSProxy are root classes. Therefore, you have to explicitly define a parent class (such as NSObject) if you want to derive your Objective-C class from it.

Error: Objective-C classes cannot have published sections.

In Object Pascal, “published” determines whether or not RTTI is generated. Since the Objective-C runtime always needs RTTI for everything, this specified does not make sense for Objective-C classes.

Fatal: This module requires an Objective-C mode switch to be compiled

This error indicates the use of Objective-C language features without an Objective-C mode switch active. Enable one via the -M command line switch, or the $modeswitch x directive.

Error: Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C, add ”override” (inherited method defined in arg1)

Hint: Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C, add ”override” (inherited method defined in arg1)

It is not possible to reintroduce methods in Objective-C like in Object Pascal. Methods with the same name always map to the same virtual method entry. In order to make this clear in the source code, the compiler always requires the override directive to be specified when implementing overriding Objective-C methods in Pascal. If the implementation is external, this rule is relaxed because Objective-C does not have any override-style keyword (since it’s the default and only behaviour in that language), which makes it hard for automated header conversion tools to include it everywhere. The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either be an objcclass or an objccategory.

Error: Message name ”arg1” in inherited class is different from message name ”arg2” in current class.

An overriding Objective-C method cannot have a different message name than an inherited method. The reason is that these message names uniquely define the message to the Objective-C runtime, which means that giving them a different message name breaks the “override” semantics.

Error: It is not yet possible to make unique copies of Objective-C types

Duplicating an Objective-C type using type x = type y; is not yet supported. You may be able to obtain the desired effect using type x = objcclass(y) end; instead.

Error: Objective-C categories and Object Pascal class helpers cannot be used as types

It is not possible to declare a variable as an instance of an Objective-C category or an Object Pascal class helper. A category/class helper adds methods to the scope of an existing class, but does not define a type by itself. An exception of this rule is when inheriting an Object Pascal class helper from another class helper.

Error: Categories do not override, but replace methods. Use ”reintroduce” instead.

Error: Replaced methods can only be reintroduced in Objective-C, add ”reintroduce” (replaced method defined in arg1).

Hint: Replaced methods can only be reintroduced in Objective-C, add ”reintroduce” (replaced method defined in arg1).

A category replaces an existing method in an Objective-C class, rather than that it overrides it. Calling an inherited method from an category method will call that method in the extended class’ parent, not in the extended class itself. The replaced method in the original class is basically lost, and can no longer be called or referred to. This behaviour corresponds somewhat more closely to reintroduce than to override (although in case of reintroduce in Object Pascal, hidden methods are still reachable via inherited). The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either be an objcclass or an objccategory.

Error: Getter for implements interface must use the target’s default calling convention.

Interface getters are called via a helper in the run time library, and hence have to use the default calling convention for the target (register on i386 and x86_64, stdcall on other architectures).

Error: Typed files cannot contain reference-counted types.

The data in a typed file cannot be of a reference counted type (such as ansistring or a record containing a field that is reference counted).

Error: Operator is not overloaded: arg2 ”arg1”

You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for this type.

Error: Operator is not overloaded: ”arg1” arg2 ”arg3”

You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for this type.

Error: Expected another arg1 array elements

When declaring a typed constant array, you provided to few elements to initialize the array

Error: String constant too long while ansistrings are disabled

Only when a piece of code is compiled with ansistrings enabled ({$H+}), string constants longer than 255 characters are allowed.

Error: Type cannot be used as univ parameter because its size is unknown at compile time: ”arg1”

univ parameters are compatible with all values of the same size, but this cannot be checked in case a parameter’s size is unknown at compile time.

Error: Only one class constructor can be declared in class: ”arg1”

You are trying to declare more than one class constructor but only one class constructor can be declared.

Error: Only one class destructor can be declared in class: ”arg1”

You are trying to declare more than one class destructor but only one class destructor can be declared.

Error: Class constructors can’t have parameters

You are declaring a class constructor with a parameter list. Class constructor methods cannot have parameters.

Error: Class destructors can’t have parameters

You are declaring a class destructor with a parameter list. Class destructor methods cannot have parameters.

Fatal: This construct requires the {$modeswitch objectivec1} mode switch to be active

Objective-Pascal constructs are not supported when {$modeswitch ObjectiveC1} is not active.

Error: Unicodechar/string constants cannot be converted to ansi/shortstring at compile-time

It is not possible to use unicodechar and unicodestring constants in constant expressions that have to be converted into an ansistring or shortstring at compile time, for example inside typed constants. The reason is that the compiler cannot know what the actual ansi encoding will be at run time.

Error: For-in Objective-Pascal loops require {$modeswitch ObjectiveC2} to be active

Objective-C “fast enumeration” support was added in Objective-C 2.0, and hence the appropriate modeswitch has to be activated to expose this feature. Note that Objective-C 2.0 programs require Mac OS X 10.5 or later.

Error: The compiler cannot find the NSFastEnumerationProtocol or NSFastEnumerationState type in the CocoaAll unit

Objective-C for-in loops (fast enumeration) require that the compiler can find a unit called CocoaAll that contains definitions for the NSFastEnumerationProtocol and NSFastEnumerationState types. If you get this error, most likely the compiler is finding and loading an alternate CocoaAll unit.

Error: Typed constants of the type ’procedure is nested’ can only be initialized with NIL and global procedures/functions

A nested procedural variable consists of two components: the address of the procedure/function to call (which is always known at compile time), and also a parent frame pointer (which is never known at compile time) in case the procedural variable contains a reference to a nested procedure/function. Therefore such typed constants can only be initialized with global functions/procedures since these do not require a parent frame pointer.

Fatal: Declaration of generic class inside another generic class is not allowed

At the moment, scanner supports recording of only one token buffer at the time (guarded by internal error 200511173 in tscannerfile.startrecordtokens). Since generics are implemented by recording tokens, it is not possible to have declaration of generic class inside another generic class.

Error: Forward declaration of objcprotocol ”arg1” must be resolved before an objcclass can conform to it

An objcprotocol must be fully defined before classes can conform to it. This error occurs in the following situation:

  Type MyProtocol = objcprotoocl;

      ChildClass = Class(NSObject,MyProtocol)



where MyProtocol is declared but not defined.

Error: Record types cannot have published sections

Published sections can be used only inside classes.

Error: Destructors aren’t allowed in records or helpers

Destructor declarations aren’t allowed in records or helpers.

Error: Class methods must be static in records

Class methods declarations aren’t allowed in records without static modifier. Records have no inheritance and therefore non static class methods have no sence for them.

Error: Constructors aren’t allowed in records or record helpers

Constructor declarations aren’t allowed in records or record helpers

Error: Either the result or at least one parameter must be of type ”arg1”

It is required that either the result of the routine or at least one of its parameters be of the specified type. For example class operators either take an instance of the structured type in which they are defined, or they return one.

Error: Type parameters may require initialization/finalization — can’t be used in variant records

Type parameters may be specialized with types which (e.g. ansistring) need initialization/finalization code which is implicitly generated by the compiler.

Error: Variables being declared as external cannot be in a custom section

A section directive is not valid for variables being declared as external

Error: Non-static and non-global variables cannot have a section directive

A variable placed in a custom section is always statically allocated so it must be either a static or global variable.

Error: ”arg1” is not allowed in helper types

Some directives and specifiers like ”virtual”, ”dynamic”, ”override” aren’t allowed inside helper types in mode ObjFPC (they are ignored in mode Delphi), because they have no meaning within helpers. Also ”abstract” isn’t allowed in either mode.

Error: Class constructors aren’t allowed in helpers

Class constructor declarations aren’t allowed in helpers.

Error: The use of ”inherited” is not allowed in a record

As records don’t suppport inheritance the use of ”inherited” is prohibited for these as well as for record helpers (in mode ”Delphi” only).

Error: Type declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records

Records with types must be defined globally. Types cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a procedure or function or in anonymous records.

Error: Duplicate implements clause for interface ”arg1”

A class may delegate an interface using the ”implements” clause only to a single property. Delegating it multiple times is a error.

Error: Interface ”arg1” can’t be delegated by ”arg2”, it already has method resolutions

Method resolution clause maps a method of an interface to a method of the current class. Therefore the current class has to implement the interface directly. Delegation is not possible.

Error: Interface ”arg1” can’t have method resolutions, ”arg2” already delegates it

Method resoulution is only possible for interfaces that are implemented directly, not by delegation.

%%% Reordering of errores.msg respective to errore.msg %%% Contains all comments from errores.msg # **************** don’t edit! ******************* # edit erroresu.msg and convert it to iso-8859-15 # by e.g. # recode utf-8..iso-8859-15 # and save it as errores.msg # ************************************************ # # This file is part of the Free Pascal Compiler # Copyright (c) 1999-2018 by the Free Pascal Development team # # Spanish Language File for Free Pascal # # See the file COPYING.v2, included in this distribution, # for details about the copyright. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # # CodePage 28605 # # The constants are build in the following order: # <part>_<type>_<txtidentifier> # # <part> is the part of the compiler the message is used # asmr_ assembler parsing # asmw_ assembler writing/binary writers # unit_ unit handling # scan_ scanner # parser_ parser # type_ type checking # general_ general info # exec_ calls to assembler, linker, binder # # <type> the type of the message it should normally used for # f_ fatal error # e_ error # w_ warning # n_ note # h_ hint # i_ info # l_ add linenumber # u_ used # t_ tried # c_ conditional # d_ debug message # x_ executable informations # # # General # # 01016 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % section{General compiler messages} % This section gives the compiler messages which are not fatal, but which % display useful information. The number of such messages can be % controlled with the various verbosity level var{-v} switches. % begin{description} general_t_compilername=01000_T_Compilador: $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you what compiler % is used. general_d_sourceos=01001_D_SO del host: $1 % When the var{-vd} switch is used, this line tells you what the source % operating system is. general_i_targetos=01002_I_SO de destino: $1 % When the var{-vd} switch is used, this line tells you what the target % operating system is. general_t_exepath=01003_T_Usando la ruta para ejecutables: $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for its binaries. general_t_unitpath=01004_T_Usando la ruta para unidades: $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for compiled units. You can set this path with the var{-Fu} general_t_includepath=01005_T_Usando la ruta para inclusiones: $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for its include files (files used in var{{$I xxx}} statements). % You can set this path with the var{-I} option. general_t_librarypath=01006_T_Usando la ruta para bibliotecas: $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for the libraries. You can set this path with the var{-Fl} option. general_t_objectpath=01007_T_Usando la ruta para objetos: $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, this line tells you where the compiler % looks for object files you link in (files used in var{{$L xxx}} statements). % You can set this path with the var{-Fo} option. general_i_abslines_compiled=01008_I_$1 Líneas compiladas, $2 seg % When the var{-vi} switch is used, the compiler reports the number % of lines compiled, and the time it took to compile them (real time, % not program time). general_f_no_memory_left=01009_F_No queda suficiente memoria disponible % The compiler doesn’t have enough memory to compile your program. There are % several remedies for this: % begin{itemize} % item If you’re using the build option of the compiler, try compiling the % different units manually. % item If you’re compiling a huge program, split it up in units, and compile % these separately. % item If the previous two don’t work, recompile the compiler with a bigger % heap (you can use the var{-Ch} option for this, seeo{Ch}) % end{itemize} general_i_writingresourcefile=01010_I_Escribiendo archivo de recursos de tabla de cadenas: $1 % This message is shown when the compiler writes the Resource String Table % file containing all the resource strings for a program. general_e_errorwritingresourcefile=01011_E_Escribiendo archivo de recursos de tabla de cadenas: $1 % This message is shown when the compiler encountered an error when writing % the Resource String Table file general_i_fatal=01012_I_Fatal: % Prefix for Fatal Errors general_i_error=01013_I_Error: % Prefix for Errors general_i_warning=01014_I_Aviso: % Prefix for Warnings general_i_note=01015_I_Nota: % Prefix for Notes general_i_hint=01016_I_Consejo: % Prefix for Hints general_e_path_does_not_exist=01017_E_La ruta «$1» no existe % The specified path does not exist. general_f_compilation_aborted=01018_F_Compilation aborted % Compilation was aborted. general_text_bytes_code=01019_bytes code % The size of the generated executable code, in bytes. general_text_bytes_data=01020_bytes data % The size of the generated program data, in bytes. general_i_number_of_warnings=01021_I_$1 warning(s) issued % Total number of warnings issued during compilation. general_i_number_of_hints=01022_I_$1 hint(s) issued % Total number of hints issued during compilation. general_i_number_of_notes=01023_I_$1 note(s) issued % Total number of notes issued during compilation. general_f_ioerror=01024_F_I/O error: $1 % During compilation an I/O error happened which allows no further compilation. general_f_oserror=01025_F_Operating system error: $1 % During compilation an operating system error happened which allows no further compilation. % end{description} # # Scanner # # 02098 is the last used one # % section{Scanner messages.} % This section lists the messages that the scanner emits. The scanner takes % care of the lexical structure of the pascal file, i.e. it tries to find % reserved words, strings, etc. It also takes care of directives and % conditional compilation handling. % begin{description} scan_f_end_of_file=02000_F_Final de fichero inesperado % this typically happens in one of the following cases : % begin{itemize} % item The source file ends before the final var{end.} statement. This % happens mostly when the var{begin} and var{end} statements aren’t % balanced; % item An include file ends in the middle of a statement. % item A comment was not closed % end{itemize} scan_f_string_exceeds_line=02001_F_La cadena excede la línea % There is a missing closing ‘ in a string, so it occupies % multiple lines. scan_f_illegal_char=02002_F_Caracter inválido % An illegal character was encountered in the input file. scan_f_syn_expected=02003_F_Error de sintaxis, se esperaba «$1» pero se encontró «$2» % This indicates that the compiler expected a different token than % the one you typed. It can occur almost everywhere where you make a % mistake against the pascal language. scan_t_start_include_file=02004_TL_Empezando a leer el fichero incluido $1 % When you provide the var{-vt} switch, the compiler tells you % when it starts reading an included file. scan_w_comment_level=02005_W_Nivel de comentario anidado $1 encontrado % When the var{-vw} switch is used, then the compiler warns you if % it finds nested comments. Nested comments are not allowed in Turbo Pascal % and can be a possible source of errors. scan_n_ignored_switch=02008_N_Directiva de compilación $1 ignorado % With var{-vn} on, the compiler warns if it ignores a switch scan_w_illegal_switch=02009_W_Directiva de compilación $i inválida % You included a compiler switch (i.e. var{{$… }}) which the compiler % does not recognise scan_w_switch_is_global=02010_W_Esta opción de compilacion tiene un efecto global % The compiler switch is misplaced, and should be located at % the start of the unit or program. scan_e_illegal_char_const=02011_E_Constante de caracter inválido % This happens when you specify a character with its ASCII code, as in % var{#96}, but the number is either illegal, or out of range. scan_f_cannot_open_input=02012_F_No se puede abrir el fichero «$1» % fpc cannot find the program or unit source file you specified on the % command line. scan_f_cannot_open_includefile=02013_F_No se puede abrir el fichero de inclusion «$1» % fpc cannot find the source file you specified in a var{{$include ..}} % statement. scan_e_illegal_pack_records=02015_E_Illegal record alignment specifier «$1» % You are specifying var{{$PACKRECORDS n} } or var{{$ALIGN n} } % with an illegal value for var{n}. For $PACKRECORDS valid alignments are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, C, % NORMAL, DEFAULT, and for $ALIGN valid alignments are 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, ON, % OFF. Under mode MacPas $ALIGN also supports MAC68K, POWER and RESET. scan_e_illegal_pack_enum=02016_E_Illegal enum minimum-size specifier «$1» % You are specifying the var{{$PACKENUM n}} with an illegal value for % var{n}. Only 1,2,4, NORMAL or DEFAULT is valid here. scan_e_endif_expected=02017_E_$1 esperado para $2 definido en la línea $3 % Your conditional compilation statements are unbalanced. scan_e_preproc_syntax_error=02018_E_Error de sintaxis mientras se procesaba una expresión de compilación condicional % There is an error in the expression following the var{{$if ..}}, $ifc or $setc compiler % directives. scan_e_error_in_preproc_expr=02019_E_Evaluando una expresión de compilación condicional % There is an error in the expression following the var{{$if ..}}, $ifc or $setc compiler % directives. scan_w_macro_cut_after_255_chars=02020_W_El contenido de las macros esta limitado a 255 caracteres de longitud % The contents of macros cannot be longer than 255 characters. scan_e_endif_without_if=02021_E_ENDIF sin IF(N)DEF % Your var{{$IFDEF ..}} and {{$ENDIF}} statements aren’t balanced. scan_f_user_defined=02022_F_Error de usuario: $1 % A user defined fatal error occurred. see also the progref scan_e_user_defined=02023_E_Error de usuario: $1 % A user defined error occurred. see also the progref scan_w_user_defined=02024_W_Aviso de usuario: $1 % A user defined warning occurred. see also the progref scan_n_user_defined=02025_N_Nota de usuario: $1 % A user defined note was encountered. see also the progref scan_h_user_defined=02026_H_Consejo de usuario: $1 % A user defined hint was encountered. see also the progref scan_i_user_defined=02027_I_Informacion de usuario: $1 % User defined information was encountered. see also the progref scan_e_keyword_cant_be_a_macro=02028_E_Palabra clave redefinida como macro no tiene efecto % You cannot redefine keywords with macros. scan_f_macro_buffer_overflow=02029_F_Desbordamiento del buffer de macro durante la lextura o expansión % Your macro or its result was too long for the compiler. scan_w_macro_too_deep=02030_W_Expanding of macros exceeds a depth of 16. % When expanding a macro, macros have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. scan_w_wrong_styled_switch=02031_W_Las directivas de compilacióon no estan soportadas en comentarios estilo // % Compiler switches should be in normal pascal style comments. scan_d_handling_switch=02032_DL_Manejando la directiva «$1» % When you set debugging info on (var{-vd}) the compiler tells you when it % is evaluating conditional compile statements. scan_c_endif_found=02033_CL_ENDIF $1 encontrado % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifdef_found=02034_CL_IFDEF $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifopt_found=02035_CL_IFOPT $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_if_found=02036_CL_IF $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_ifndef_found=02037_CL_IFNDEF $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_else_found=02038_CL_ELSE $1 encontrado, $2 % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements. scan_c_skipping_until=02039_CL_Omitiendo hasta… % When you turn on conditional messages(var{-vc}), the compiler tells you % where it encounters conditional statements, and whether it is skipping or % compiling parts. scan_i_press_enter=02040_I_Presione <retorno> para continuar % When the var{-vi} switch is used, the compiler stops compilation % and waits for the var{Enter} key to be pressed when it encounters % a var{{$STOP}} directive. scan_w_unsupported_switch=02041_W_Conmutador «$1» no soportado % When warnings are turned on (var{-vw}) the compiler warns you about % unsupported switches. This means that the switch is used in Delphi or % Turbo Pascal, but not in fpc scan_w_illegal_directive=02042_W_Directiva de compilación «$1» inválida % When warings are turned on (var{-vw}) the compiler warns you about % unrecognised switches. For a list of recognised switches, progref scan_t_back_in=02043_TL_Vuelve en $1 % When you use (var{-vt}) the compiler tells you when it has finished % reading an include file. scan_w_unsupported_app_type=02044_W_Tipo de aplicación no soportada: «$1» % You get this warning, if you specify an unknown application type % with the directive var{{$APPTYPE}} scan_w_app_type_not_support=02045_W_APPTYPE no es soportado por el SO de destino % The var{{$APPTYPE}} directive is supported by certain operating systems only. scan_w_description_not_support=02046_W_DESCRIPTION no es soportado por el SO de destino % The var{{$DESCRIPTION}} directive is not supported on this target OS scan_n_version_not_support=02047_N_VERSION no es soportado por el SO de destino % The var{{$VERSION}} directive is not supported on this target OS scan_n_only_exe_version=02048_N_VERSION sólo para EXEs o DLLs % The var{{$VERSION}} directive is only used for executable or DLL sources. scan_w_wrong_version_ignored=02049_W_Formato erroneo para la directiva VERSION: «$1» % The var{{$VERSION}} directive format is majorversion.minorversion % where majorversion and minorversion are words. scan_e_illegal_asmmode_specifier=02050_E_Estilo de ensamblador inváalido especificado: «$1» % When you specify an assembler mode with the var{{$ASMMODE xxx}} % the compiler didn’t recognize the mode you specified. scan_w_no_asm_reader_switch_inside_asm=02051_W_No es posible cambiar el lector dentro de una sentencia asm. «$1» solo sera efectivo en los siguientes % It is not possible to switch from one assembler reader to another % inside an assembler block. The new reader will be used for next % assembler statements only. scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle=02052_E_Modificador de conmutador erróneo, use ON/OFF o +/- % You need to use ON or OFF or a + or — to toggle the switch scan_e_resourcefiles_not_supported=02053_E_Los ficheros de recursos no son soportados por la plataforma de destino % The target you are compiling for doesn’t support resource files. scan_w_include_env_not_found=02054_W_Variable de entorno incluida «$1» no encontrada. % The included environment variable can’t be found in the environment, it will % be replaced by an empty string instead. scan_e_invalid_maxfpureg_value=02055_E_Valor inválido para el registro de la FPU % Valid values for this directive are 0..8 and NORMAL/DEFAULT scan_w_only_one_resourcefile_supported=02056_W_La plataforma de destino solo soporta un archivo de recursos % The target you are compiling for supports only one resource file. % The first resource file found is used, the others are discarded. scan_w_macro_support_turned_off=02057_W_El soporte para macros ha sido deshabilitado % A macro declaration has been found, but macro support is currently off, % so the declaration will be ignored. To turn macro support on compile with % -Sm on the commandline or add {$MACRO ON} in the source scan_e_invalid_interface_type=02058_E_El tipo de interfaz especificado es inválido. Debe ser COM, CORBA o DEFAULT % The interface type that was specified is not supported scan_w_appid_not_support=02059_W_APPID solo esta soportado para PalmOS % The var{{$APPID}} directive is only supported for the PalmOS target. scan_w_appname_not_support=02060_W_APPNAME solo esta soportado para PalmOS % The var{{$APPNAME}} directive is only supported for the PalmOS target. scan_e_string_exceeds_255_chars=02061_E_Las constantes de cadena no pueden ser de mas de 255 caracteres de longitud % A single string constant can contain at most 255 chars. Try splitting up the % string in multiple smaller parts and concatenate them with a + operator. scan_f_include_deep_ten=02062_F_La inclusion de archivos no puede exceder 16 niveles % When including include files the files have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. scan_e_too_many_push=02063_F_Demasiados niveles de PUSH % A maximum of 20 levels is allowed. This error occurs only in mode MacPas. scan_e_too_many_pop=02064_E_A POP sin un PUSH previo % This error occurs only in mode MacPas. scan_e_error_macro_lacks_value=02065_E_Macro o variable de compilación «$1» no tiene ningún valor % Thus the conditional compiling expression cannot be evaluated. scan_e_wrong_switch_toggle_default=02066_E_Valor invalido para el conmutado, use ON/OFF/DEFAULT o +/-/* % You need to use ON or OFF or DEFAULT or a + or — or * to toggle the switch scan_e_mode_switch_not_allowed=02067_E_No esta permitido cambiar de modo a «$1» aqui % A mode switch has already been encountered, or, in case of option -Mmacpas, % a mode switch occur after UNIT. scan_e_error_macro_undefined=02068_E_Variable en tiempo de compilación «$1» no ha sido definida. % Thus the conditional compile time expression cannot be evaluated. % end{description} # # Parser # # 03192 is the last used one # % section{Parser messages} % This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the % semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your pascal constructs % are correct. % begin{description} scan_e_utf8_bigger_than_65535=02069_E_UTF-8 code greater than 65535 found % fpc handles UTF-8 strings internally as widestrings, i.e. the char codes are limited to 65535. scan_e_utf8_malformed=02070_E_Malformed UTF-8 string % The given string isn’t a valid UTF-8 string. scan_c_switching_to_utf8=02071_C_UTF-8 signature found, using UTF-8 encoding % The compiler found a UTF-8 encoding signature ($ef, $bb, $bf) at the beginning of a file, % so it interprets it as a UTF-8 file. scan_e_compile_time_typeerror=02072_E_Compile time expression: Wanted $1 but got $2 at $3 % The type-check of a compile time expression failed. scan_n_app_type_not_support=02073_N_APPTYPE is not supported by the target OS % The var{{$APPTYPE}} directive is supported by certain operating systems only. scan_e_illegal_optimization_specifier=02074_E_Illegal optimization specified «$1» % You specified an optimization with the var{{$OPTIMIZATION xxx}} directive, % and the compiler didn’t recognize the optimization you specified. scan_w_setpeflags_not_support=02075_W_SETPEFLAGS is not supported by the target OS % The var{{$SETPEFLAGS}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_w_imagebase_not_support=02076_W_IMAGEBASE is not supported by the target OS % The var{{$IMAGEBASE}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_w_minstacksize_not_support=02077_W_MINSTACKSIZE is not supported by the target OS % The var{{$MINSTACKSIZE}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_w_maxstacksize_not_support=02078_W_MAXSTACKSIZE is not supported by the target OS % The var{{$MAXSTACKSIZE}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scanner_e_illegal_warn_state=02079_E_Illegal state «$1» for $WARN directive % Only ON and OFF can be used as state with a var{{$WARN}} compiler directive. scan_e_only_packset=02080_E_Illegal set packing value % Only 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, DEFAULT and NORMAL are allowed as packset parameters. scan_w_pic_ignored=02081_W_PIC directive or switch ignored % Several targets, such as windows, do not support nor need PIC, % so the PIC directive and switch are ignored. scan_w_unsupported_switch_by_target=02082_W_The switch «$1» is not supported by the currently selected target % Some compiler switches like $E are not supported by all targets. scan_w_frameworks_darwin_only=02084_W_Framework-related options are only supported for Darwin/Mac OS X % Frameworks are not a known concept, or at least not supported by FPC, % on operating systems other than Darwin/Mac OS X. scan_e_illegal_minfpconstprec=02085_E_Illegal minimal floating point constant precision «$1» % Valid minimal precisions for floating point constants are default, 32 and 64, % which mean respectively minimal (usually 32 bit), 32 bit and 64 bit precision. scan_w_multiple_main_name_overrides=02086_W_Overriding name of «main» procedure multiple times, was previously set to «$1» % The name for the main entry procedure is specified more than once. Only the last % name will be used. scanner_w_illegal_warn_identifier=02087_W_Illegal identifier «$1» for $WARN directive % Identifier is not known by a var{{$WARN}} compiler directive. scanner_e_illegal_alignment_directive=02088_E_Illegal alignment directive % The alignment directive is not valid. Either the alignment type is not known or the alignment % value is not a power of two. scanner_f_illegal_utf8_bom=02089_F_It is not possible to include a file that starts with an UTF-8 BOM in a module that uses a different code page % All source code that is part of a single compilation entity (program, library, unit) must be encoded % in the same code page scanner_w_directive_ignored_on_target=02090_W_Directive «$1» is ignored for the current target platform % Some directives are ignored for certain targets, such as changing the % packrecords and packenum settings on managed platforms. scan_w_unavailable_system_codepage=02091_W_Current system codepage «$1» is not available for the compiler. Switching default codepage back to «$2». % The current system codepage is not known by the compiler. % The compiler is compiled with support for several codepages built-in. % The codepage of the operation system is not in that list. You will need to recompile % the compiler with support for this codepage. scan_w_setpeoptflags_not_support=02092_W_SETPEOPTFLAGS is not supported by the target OS % The var{{$SETPEOPTFLAGS}} directive is not supported by the target OS. scan_e_illegal_peflag=02093_E_Illegal argument for SETPEFLAGS % The given argument for SETPEFLAGS is neither a correct named value nor an % ordinal value scan_e_illegal_peoptflag=02094_E_Illegal argument for SETPEOPTFLAGS % The given argument for SETPEOPTFLAGS is neither a correct named value nor an % ordinal value scan_e_unsupported_switch=02095_E_Directive $1 is not supported on this target % Not all compiler directives are supported on all targets. scan_w_invalid_stacksize=02096_W_The specified stack size is not within the valid range for the platform. Setting the stack size ignored. % The valid range for the stack size is 1024 — 67107839 on 32-bit and 64-bit % platforms and 1024 — 65520 on 16-bit platforms. Additionally, for Turbo Pascal 7 % compatibility reasons, specifying a stack size of 65521 on 16-bit platforms % actually sets the stack size to 65520. scan_w_heapmax_lessthan_heapmin=02097_W_The specified HeapMax value is smaller than the HeapMin value. Setting HeapMax ignored. % The HeapMax value (if specified) must be greater than or equal to the HeapMin % value. Otherwise, the HeapMax value is ignored. scan_e_illegal_hugepointernormalization=02098_E_Illegal argument for HUGEPOINTERNORMALIZATION % The only allowed values for HUGEPOINTERNORMALIZATION are BORLANDC, MICROSOFTC % and WATCOMC. % end{description} # # Parser # # 03339 is the last used one # % section{Parser messages} % This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the % semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your Pascal constructs % are correct. % begin{description} parser_e_syntax_error=03000_E_Analizador — Error de sintaxis % An error against the Turbo Pascal language was encountered. This happens % typically when an illegal character is found in the sources file. parser_e_dont_nest_interrupt=03004_E_Los procedimientos INTERRUPT no pueden ser anidados % An var{INTERRUPT} procedure must be global. parser_w_proc_directive_ignored=03005_W_Tipo de procedimiento «$1» ignorado % The specified is ignored by FPC programs. parser_e_no_overload_for_all_procs=03006_E_No todas las declaraciones de «$1» llevan OVERLOAD % When you want to use overloading using the var{OVERLOAD} directive, then % all declarations need to have var{OVERLOAD} specified. parser_e_export_name_double=03008_E_Nombre de funcion exportada «$1» duplicado % Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different parser_e_export_ordinal_double=03009_E_Indice de funcion exportada «$1» duplicado % Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different parser_e_export_invalid_index=03010_E_Indice de funcion exportada inválido % DLL function index must be in the range var{1..$FFFF} parser_w_parser_reloc_no_debug=03011_W_La informacion de depurado $1 para ejecutables o DLLs reubicables no funciona. Desactivado. % It is currently not possible to include debug information in a relocatable DLL. parser_w_parser_win32_debug_needs_WN=03012_W_Para permitir el depurado en win32 las reubicaciones deben ser desactivadas con la opcion -WN % Stabs info is wrong for relocatable DLL or EXES use -WN % if you want to debug win32 executables. parser_e_constructorname_must_be_init=03013_E_El nombre del constructor debe ser INIT % You are declaring an object constructor with a name which is not var{init}, and the % var{-Ss} switch is in effect. See the var{-Ss} switch (seeo{Ss}). parser_e_destructorname_must_be_done=03014_E_El nombre del destructor debe ser DONE % You are declaring an object destructor with a name which is not var{done}, and the % var{-Ss} switch is in effect. See the var{-Ss} switch (seeo{Ss}). parser_e_proc_inline_not_supported=03016_E_Procedimientos tipo INLINE no soportados % You tried to compile a program with C++ style inlining, and forgot to % specify the var{-Si} option (seeo{Si}). The compiler doesn’t support C++ % styled inlining by default. parser_w_constructor_should_be_public=03018_W_El constructor debería ser público % Constructors must be in the ‘public’ part of an object (class) declaration. parser_w_destructor_should_be_public=03019_W_El destructor debería ser público % Destructors must be in the ‘public’ part of an object (class) declaration. parser_n_only_one_destructor=03020_N_Una clase debería tener solo un destructor % You can declare only one destructor for a class. parser_e_no_local_objects=03021_E_Las definiciones de clases locales no están permitidas % Classes must be defined globally. They cannot be defined inside a % procedure or function parser_f_no_anonym_objects=03022_F_Las definiciones de clases anónimas no están permitidas % An invalid object (class) declaration was encountered, i.e. an % object or class without methods that isn’t derived from another object or % class. For example: % begin{verbatim} % Type o = object % a : longint; % end; % end{verbatim} % will trigger this error. parser_n_object_has_no_vmt=03023_N_El objeto «$1» no tiene VMT % This is a note indicating that the declared object has no % virtual method table. parser_e_illegal_parameter_list=03024_E_Lista de parámetros inválida % You are calling a function with parameters that are of a different type than % the declared parameters of the function. parser_e_wrong_parameter_size=03026_E_Numero de parámetros incorrecto % There is an error in the parameter list of the function or procedure, % the number of parameters is not correct. parser_e_overloaded_no_procedure=03027_E_el identificador sobrecargado «$1» no es una función % The compiler encountered a symbol with the same name as an overloaded % function, but it is not a function it can overload. parser_e_overloaded_have_same_parameters=03028_E_funciones sobrecargadas tienen los mismos par metros % You’re declaring overloaded functions, but with the same parameter list. % Overloaded function must have at least 1 different parameter in their % declaration. parser_e_header_dont_match_forward=03029_E_la cabecera de la función no concuerda con la declaración posterior «$1» % You declared a function with same parameters but % different result type or function modifiers. parser_e_header_different_var_names=03030_E_la cabecera de la funcion «$1» no concuerda con la posterior declaración : el nombre de la variable cambia $2 => $3 % You declared the function in the var{interface} part, or with the % var{forward} directive, but define it with a different parameter list. parser_n_duplicate_enum=03031_N_el orden de los valores en una enumeracion debe ser ascendente % fpc allows enumeration constructions as in C. Given the following % declaration two declarations: % begin{verbatim} % type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=200); % type a = (A_A,A_B,A_E:=6,A_UAS:=4); % end{verbatim} % The second declaration would produce an error. var{A_UAS} needs to have a % value higher than var{A_E}, i.e. at least 7. parser_e_no_with_for_variable_in_other_segments=03033_E_With no puede ser usado con variables en segmentos diferentes % With stores a variable locally on the stack, % but this is not possible if the variable belongs to another segment. parser_e_too_much_lexlevel=03034_E_Anidado de funciones > 31 % You can nest function definitions only 31 times. parser_e_range_check_error=03035_E_error en la comprobación de rangos mientras se evaluaban constantes % The constants are out of their allowed range. parser_w_range_check_error=03036_W_error en la comprobacion de rangos mientras se evaluaban constantes % The constants are out of their allowed range. parser_e_double_caselabel=03037_E_etiqueta de caso duplicada % You are specifying the same label 2 times in a var{case} statement. parser_e_case_lower_less_than_upper_bound=03038_E_El líimite superior del caso es menor que el inferior % The upper bound of a var{case} label is less than the lower bound and this % is useless parser_e_type_const_not_possible=03039_E_no se permiten constantes con tipo de clases % You cannot declare a constant of type class or object. parser_e_no_overloaded_procvars=03040_E_no se permite asignar a variables de funcion funciones sobrecargadas % You are trying to assign an overloaded function to a procedural variable. % This is not allowed parser_e_invalid_string_size=03041_E_la longitud de una cadena tiene que ser un valor entre 1 y 255 % The length of a shortstring in Pascal is limited to 255 characters. You are % trying to declare a string with length lower than 1 or greater than 255 parser_w_use_extended_syntax_for_objects=03042_W_use la sintaxis estendida de DISPOSE y NEW para instancias de objetos % If you have a pointer var{a} to a class type, then the statement % var{new(a)} will not initialize the class (i.e. the constructor isn’t % called), although space will be allocated. you should issue the % var{new(a,init)} statement. This will allocate space, and call the % constructor of the object parser_w_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers=03043_W_el uso de NEW o DISPOSE para punteros sin tipo no tiene sentido parser_e_no_new_dispose_on_void_pointers=03044_E_el uso de NEW o DISPOSE no es posible con punteros sin tipo % You cannot use var{new(p)} or var{dispose(p)} if var{p} is an untyped pointer % because no size is associated to an untyped pointer. % Accepted for compatibility in var{tp} and var{delphi} modes. parser_e_class_id_expected=03045_E_identificador de clase esperado % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, % i.e., a object or class method, but the type in front of the dot is not % a known type. parser_e_no_type_not_allowed_here=03046_E_identificador de tipo no permitido aquí % You cannot use a type inside an expression. parser_e_methode_id_expected=03047_E_identificador de método esperado % This identifier is not a method. % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., a object or class method, but the procedure name is not a % procedure of this type. parser_e_header_dont_match_any_member=03048_E_la cabecera de la funcion no concuerda con ningún método de esta clase «$1» % This identifier is not a method. % This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains % a dot, i.e., a object or class method, but the procedure name is not a % procedure of this type. parser_d_procedure_start=03049_DL_proceduimiento/función $1 % When using the var{-vd} switch, the compiler tells you when it starts % processing a procedure or function implementation. parser_e_error_in_real=03050_E_Constante de punto flotante inválida % The compiler expects a floating point expression, and gets something else. parser_e_fail_only_in_constructor=03051_E_FAIL solo puede ser usado en constructores % You are using the var{fail} keyword outside a constructor method. parser_e_no_paras_for_destructor=03052_E_Los destructores no pueden tener parámetros % You are declaring a destructor with a parameter list. Destructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_e_only_class_members_via_class_ref=03053_E_Only class methods, class properties and class variables can be referred with class references % This error occurs in a situation like the following: % begin{verbatim} % Type : % Tclass = Class of Tobject; % % Var C : TClass; % % begin % … % % end{verbatim} % var{Free} is not a class method and hence cannot be called with a class % reference. parser_e_only_class_members=03054_E_Only class methods, class properties and class variables can be accessed in class methods % This is related to the previous error. You cannot call a method of an object % from inside a class method. The following code would produce this error: % begin{verbatim} % class procedure tobject.x; % % begin % free % end{verbatim} % Because free is a normal method of a class it cannot be called from a class % method. parser_e_case_mismatch=03055_E_Los tipos de la constante y del CASE no concuerdan % One of the labels is not of the same type as the case variable. parser_e_illegal_symbol_exported=03056_E_El símbolo no puede ser exportado de una librería % You can only export procedures and functions when you write a library. You % cannot export variables or constants. parser_w_should_use_override=03057_W_Un método heredado ha sido ocultado por «$1» % A method that is declared var{virtual} in a parent class, should be % overridden in the descendent class with the var{override} directive. If you % don’t specify the var{override} directive, you will hide the parent method; % you will not override it. parser_e_nothing_to_be_overridden=03058_E_No hay un método en una clase antepasada para ser substituido: «$1» % You are trying to var{override} a virtual method of a parent class that does % not exist. parser_e_no_procedure_to_access_property=03059_E_No se suministro un miembro para acceder a propiedad % You specified no var{read} directive for a property. parser_w_stored_not_implemented=03060_W_La directiva de propiedad Stored no esta implementada aún % The var{stored} directive is not yet implemented parser_e_ill_property_access_sym=03061_E_símbolo inváalido para el acceso a la propiedad % There is an error in the var{read} or var{write} directives for an array % property. When you declare an array property, you can only access it with % procedures and functions. The following code woud cause such an error. % begin{verbatim} % tmyobject = class % i : integer; % property x [i : integer]: integer read I write i; % end{verbatim} % parser_e_cant_access_protected_member=03062_E_No se puede acceder a un campo protegido de un objeto aquí % Fields that are declared in a var{protected} section of an object or class % declaration cannot be accessed outside the module wher the object is % defined, or outside descendent object methods. parser_e_cant_access_private_member=03063_E_No se puede acceder a un campo privado de un objeto aquí % Fields that are declared in a var{private} section of an object or class % declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the class is % defined. parser_e_overridden_methods_not_same_ret=03066_E_los métodos reemplazados deben tener el mismo tipo de dato devuelto: «$2» es reemplazado por «$1» que devuelve otro tipo % If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must % have the same return type. parser_e_dont_nest_export=03067_E_Las funciones declarados como EXPORT no pueden estar anidados % You cannot declare a function or procedure within a function or procedure % that was declared as an export procedure. parser_e_methods_dont_be_export=03068_E_los métodos no pueden ser EXPORTados % You cannot declare a procedure that is a method for an object as % var{export}ed. parser_e_call_by_ref_without_typeconv=03069_E_en llamadas con parámetros VAR los tipos deben coincidir exactamente. Se recibio «$1» cuando se esperaba «$2» % When calling a function declared with var{var} parameters, the variables in % the function call must be of exactly the same type. There is no automatic % type conversion. parser_e_no_super_class=03070_E_La clase no es un ancestor de la clase actual % When calling inherited methods, you are trying to call a method of a non-related % class. You can only call an inherited method of a parent class. parser_e_self_not_in_method=03071_E_SELF solo está permitido en métodos % You are trying to use the var{self} parameter outside an object’s method. % Only methods get passed the var{self} parameters. parser_e_generic_methods_only_in_methods=03072_E_los métodos solo pueden estar en otros métodos llamados directamente con el tipo identificador de la clase % A construction like var{sometype.somemethod} is only allowed in a method. parser_e_illegal_colon_qualifier=03073_E_Uso inválido de ‘:’ % You are using the format var{:} (colon) 2 times on an expression that % is not a real expression. parser_e_illegal_set_expr=03074_E_Error en la comprobación de rangos en el constructor del set, o elemento duplicado en el set % The declaration of a set contains an error. Either one of the elements is % outside the range of the set type, either two of the elements are in fact % the same. parser_e_pointer_to_class_expected=03075_E_Se esperaba un puntero a objeto % You specified an illegal type in a var{new} statement. % The extended syntax of var{new} needs an object as a parameter. parser_e_expr_have_to_be_constructor_call=03076_E_La expresión tiene que ser una llamada al constructor % When using the extended syntax of var{new}, you must specify the constructor % method of the object you are trying to create. The procedure you specified % is not a constructor. parser_e_expr_have_to_be_destructor_call=03077_E_La expresión tiene que ser una llamada al destructor % When using the extended syntax of var{dispose}, you must specify the % destructor method of the object you are trying to dispose of. % The procedure you specified is not a destructor. parser_e_invalid_record_const=03078_E_Orden de los campos del registro incorrecto % When declaring a constant record, you specified the fields in the wrong % order. parser_e_false_with_expr=03079_E_El tipo de la expresión tiene que ser class o record % A var{with} statement needs an argument that is of the type var{record} % or var{class}. You are using var{with} on an expression that is not of % this type. parser_e_void_function=03080_E_Los procedimientos no pueden devolver ningún valor % In fpc, you can specify a return value for a function when using % the var{exit} statement. This error occurs when you try to do this with a % procedure. Procedures cannot return a value. parser_e_only_methods_allowed=03081_E_constructores, destructors y class operators deben ser métodos % You’re declaring a procedure as destructor, constructor or class operator, when the % procedure isn’t a class method. parser_e_operator_not_overloaded=03082_E_El operador no esta sobrecargado % You’re trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_no_such_assignment=03083_E_Imposible sobrecargar operador de asignacion para tipos iguales % You can not overload assignment for types % that the compiler considers as equal. parser_e_overload_impossible=03084_E_Sobrecarga de operador imposible % The combination of operator, arguments and return type are % incompatible. parser_e_no_reraise_possible=03085_E_Re-lanzamiento de la excepcion no es posible aquí % You are trying to raise an exception where it is not allowed. You can only % raise exceptions in an var{except} block. parser_e_no_new_or_dispose_for_classes=03086_E_La sintaxis extendida de new o dispose no está permitida para una clase % You cannot generate an instance of a class with the extended syntax of % var{new}. The constructor must be used for that. For the same reason, you % cannot call var{dispose} to de-allocate an instance of a class, the % destructor must be used for that. parser_e_procedure_overloading_is_off=03088_E_La sobrecarga de funciones no esta activada % When using the var{-So} switch, procedure overloading is switched off. % Turbo Pascal does not support function overloading. parser_e_overload_operator_failed=03089_E_No es posible sobrecargar este operador (sobrecarge en cambio «=» ) % You are trying to overload an operator which cannot be overloaded. % The following operators can be overloaded : % begin{verbatim} % +, -, *, /, =, >, <, <=, >=, is, as, in, **, := % end{verbatim} parser_e_comparative_operator_return_boolean=03090_E_Operador comparativo tiene que devolver un valor booleano % When overloading the var{=} operator, the function must return a boolean % value. parser_e_only_virtual_methods_abstract=03091_E_Solo los métodos virtuales pueden ser abstractos % You are declaring a method as abstract, when it is not declared to be % virtual. parser_f_unsupported_feature=03092_F_Uso de característica no soportada! % You’re trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. parser_e_mix_of_classes_and_objects=03093_E_No se permite la mezcla de objetos de diferentes tipos (class, object, interface, etc) % You cannot derive var{objects}, var{classes}, var{cppclasses} and var{interfaces} interttwined . E.g. % a class cannot have an object as parent and vice versa. parser_w_unknown_proc_directive_ignored=03094_W_Directiva de procedimiento desconocida fue ignorada: «$1» % The procedure directive you specified is unknown. parser_e_directive_only_one_var=03095_E_$1 can be associated with only one variable % You cannot specify more than one variable before the var{absolute}, var{export}, var{external}, % var{weakexternal}, var{public} and var{cvar} directives. % As a result, for example the following construct will provide this error: % begin{verbatim} % Var Z : Longint; % X,Y : Longint absolute Z; % end{verbatim} parser_e_absolute_only_to_var_or_const=03096_E_absolute solo puede ser asociado con var o const % The address of a var{absolute} directive can only point to a variable or % constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error: % begin{verbatim} % Procedure X; % % var p : longint absolute x; % end{verbatim} % parser_e_initialized_only_one_var=03097_E_Solo una variable puede ser inicializada % You cannot specify more than one variable with a initial value % in Delphi mode. parser_e_abstract_no_definition=03098_E_Métodos abstractos no deberían tener ninguna definición (con el cuerpo de la función) % Abstract methods can only be declared, you cannot implement them. They % should be overridden by a descendant class. parser_e_overloaded_must_be_all_global=03099_E_Esta función sobrecargada no puede ser local (debe ser exportada) % You are defining a overloaded function in the implementation part of a unit, % but there is no corresponding declaration in the interface part of the unit. parser_w_virtual_without_constructor=03100_W_Métodos virtuales están siendo usados sin un constructor en «$1» % If you declare objects or classes that contain virtual methods, you need % to have a constructor and destructor to initialize them. The compiler % encountered an object or class with virtual methods that doesn’t have % a constructor/destructor pair. parser_c_macro_defined=03101_CL_Macro definido: $1 % When var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you when it defines macros. parser_c_macro_undefined=03102_CL_Macro indefinido: $1 % When var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you when it undefines macros. parser_c_macro_set_to=03103_CL_Macro $1 asignado a $2 % When var{-vc} is used, the compiler tells you what values macros get. parser_i_compiling=03104_I_Compilando $1 % When you turn on information messages (var{-vi}), the compiler tells you % what units it is recompiling. parser_u_parsing_interface=03105_UL_Interpretando interfaz de la unidad $1 % This tells you that the reading of the interface % of the current unit starts parser_u_parsing_implementation=03106_UL_Interpretando implementacion de la unidad $1 % This tells you that the code reading of the implementation % of the current unit, library or program starts parser_d_compiling_second_time=03107_DL_Compilando $1 por segunda vez % When you request debug messages (var{-vd}) the compiler tells you what % units it recompiles for the second time. parser_e_no_property_found_to_override=03109_E_No se encontro la propiedad a reemplazar % You want to overrride a property of a parent class, when there is, in fact, % no such property in the parent class. parser_e_only_one_default_property=03110_E_Sólo se permite una única propiedad por defecto % You specified a property as var{Default}, but the class already has a % default property, and a class can have only one default property. parser_e_property_need_paras=03111_E_La propiedad por defecto tiene que ser un array % Only array properties of classes can be made var{default} properties. parser_e_constructor_cannot_be_not_virtual=03112_E_Solo las clases soportan constructores virtuales % You cannot have virtual constructors in objects. You can only have them % in classes. parser_e_no_default_property_available=03113_E_No hay propiedad por defecto disponible % You are trying to access a default property of a class, but this class (or one of % its ancestors) doesn’t have a default property. parser_e_cant_have_published=03114_E_La clase no puede tener una sección published, use el conmutador {$M+} % If you want a var{published} section in a class definition, you must % use the var{{$M+}} switch, whch turns on generation of type % information. parser_e_forward_declaration_must_be_resolved=03115_E_Declaración posterior de la clase «$1» tiene que ser resuelta aquí para usar la clase como antepasado % To be able to use an object as an ancestor object, it must be defined % first. This error occurs in the following situation: % begin{verbatim} % Type ParentClas = Class; % ChildClass = Class(ParentClass) % … % end; % end{verbatim} % Where var{ParentClass} is declared but not defined. parser_e_no_local_operator=03116_E_Operadores locales no soportados % You cannot overload locally, i.e. inside procedures or function % definitions. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_interface=03117_E_Directiva de procedimiento «$1» no permitida en la sección de interfaz % This procedure directive is not allowed in the var{interface} section of % a unit. You can only use it in the var{implementation} section. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_implementation=03118_E_Directiva de procedimiento «$1» no permitida en la sección de implementacion % This procedure directive is not defined in the var{implementation} section of % a unit. You can only use it in the var{interface} section. parser_e_proc_dir_not_allowed_in_procvar=03119_E_Directiva de procedimiento «$1» no permitida en la declaración de tipo % This procedure directive cannot be part of a procedural or function % type declaration. parser_e_function_already_declared_public_forward=03120_E_La función esta actualmente declarada como Public/Forward «$1» % You will get this error if a function is defined as var{forward} twice. % Or it is once in the var{interface} section, and once as a var{forward} % declaration in the var{implmentation} section. parser_e_not_external_and_export=03121_E_No se pueden usar ambos EXPORT y EXTERNAL % These two procedure directives are mutually exclusive parser_h_not_supported_for_inline=03123_H_»$1″ aún no soportado en procedimientos/funciones inline % Inline procedures don’t support this declaration. parser_h_inlining_disabled=03124_H_Inlining deshabilitado % Inlining of procedures is disabled. parser_i_writing_browser_log=03125_I_Escribiendo Browser log $1 % When information messages are on, the compiler warns you when it % writes the browser log (generated with the var{{$Y+ }} switch). parser_h_maybe_deref_caret_missing=03126_H_podría ser que falte la de-referencia del puntero % The compiler thinks that a pointer may need a dereference. parser_f_assembler_reader_not_supported=03127_F_Lector del ensamblador seleccionado no soportado % The selected assembler reader (with var{{$ASMMODE xxx}} is not % supported. The compiler can be compiled with or without support for a % particular assembler reader. parser_e_proc_dir_conflict=03128_E_Directiva de procedimiento «$1» causa conflicto con otras directivas % You specified a procedure directive that conflicts with other directives. % for instance var{cdecl} and var{pascal} are mutually exclusive. parser_e_call_convention_dont_match_forward=03129_E_La convencion de llamada actual no concuerda con la definida anteriormente % This error happens when you declare a function or procedure with % e.g. var{cdecl;} but omit this directive in the implementation, or vice % versa. The calling convention is part of the function declaration, and % must be repeated in the function definition. parser_e_property_cant_have_a_default_value=03131_E_La propiedad no puede tener un valor por defecto % Set properties or indexed properties cannot have a default value. parser_e_property_default_value_must_const=03132_E_El valor por defecto de una propiedad tiene que ser constante % The value of a var{default} declared property must be known at compile % time. The value you specified is only known at run time. This happens % .e.g. if you specify a variable name as a default value. parser_e_cant_publish_that=03133_E_El símbolo no puede ser published, solo puede ser una clase % Only class type variables can be in a var{published} section of a class % if they are not declared as a property. parser_e_cant_publish_that_property=03134_E_Este tipo de propiedad no puede ser published % Properties in a var{published} section cannot be array properties. % they must be moved to public sections. Properties in a var{published} % section must be an ordinal type, a real type, strings or sets. parser_e_empty_import_name=03136_E_Se requiere un nombre de importación % Some targets need a name for the imported procedure or a var{cdecl} specifier parser_e_division_by_zero=03138_E_Division por cero % There is a divsion by zero encounted parser_e_invalid_float_operation=03139_E_Operacion de punto flotante no válida % An operation on two real type values produced an overflow or a division % by zero. parser_e_array_lower_less_than_upper_bound=03140_E_Límite superior del rango es menor que el límite inferior % The upper bound of a an array declaration is less than the lower bound and this % is not possible parser_w_string_too_long=03141_W_La cadena «$1» es mas larga que $2 % The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in % string type definition parser_e_string_larger_array=03142_E_La longitud de la cadena es mayor que el tamaño array de carácteres % The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in % the array[x..y] of char definition parser_e_ill_msg_expr=03143_E_Expresión inválida tras la directiva de mensaje % fpc supports only integer or string values as message constants parser_e_ill_msg_param=03144_E_Los méetodos de manejo de mensajes deben tener un único parámetro por referencia % A method declared with the var{message}-directive as message handler % can take only one parameter which must be declared as call by reference % Parameters are declared as call by reference using the var{var}-directive parser_e_duplicate_message_label=03145_E_Etiqueta de mensaje duplicada: «$1» % A label for a message is used twice in one object/class parser_e_self_in_non_message_handler=03146_E_Self solo puede ser un parámetro explícito en manejadores de mensajes % The self parameter can only be passed explicitly to a method which % is declared as message handler. parser_e_threadvars_only_sg=03147_E_Threadvars sólo pueden ser globales o estáticos % Threadvars must be static or global, you can’t declare a thread % local to a procedure. Local variables are always local to a thread, % because every thread has its own stack and local variables % are stored on the stack parser_f_direct_assembler_not_allowed=03148_F_Ensamblador directo no soportado para formato binario de salida % You can’t use direct assembler when using a binary writer, choose an % other outputformat or use another assembler reader parser_w_no_objpas_use_mode=03149_W_No carges manuamente la unidad OBJPAS, usa {$mode objfpc} o {$mode delphi} % You are trying to load the ObjPas unit manually from a uses clause. This is % not a good idea. Use the var{{$mode objfpc}} or % var{{$mode delphi}} % directives which load the unit automatically parser_e_no_object_override=03150_E_OVERRIDE no puede ser usado en objetos % Override is not supported for objects, use var{virtual} instead to override % a method of a parent object parser_e_cant_use_inittable_here=03151_E_Tipos de datos que requieran inicializacion/finalizacion no pueden ser usados en registros variables % Some data type (e.g. var{ansistring}) needs initialization/finalization % code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. Such data types % can’t be used in the variant part of a record. parser_e_resourcestring_only_sg=03152_E_Resourcestrings solo pueden ser globales o estáaticos % Resourcestring can not be declared local, only global or using the static % directive. parser_e_exit_with_argument_not__possible=03153_E_Exit con parámetro no puede ser usado aquí % an exit statement with an argument for the return value can’t be used here, this % can happen e.g. in var{try..except} or var{try..finally} blocks parser_e_stored_property_must_be_boolean=03154_E_El tipo del símbolo en stored debe ser de tipo booleano % If you specify a storage symbol in a property declaration, it must be of % the type boolean parser_e_ill_property_storage_sym=03155_E_Este símbolo no puede ser usado en storage para una propiedad % You can’t use this type of symbol as storage specifier in property % declaration. You can use only methods with the result type boolean, % boolean class fields or boolean constants parser_e_only_publishable_classes_can_be_published=03156_E_Only classes which are compiled in $M+ mode can be published % A class-typed field in the published section of a class can only be a class which was % compiled in var{{$M+}} or which is derived from such a class. Normally % such a class should be derived from var{TPersistent}. parser_e_proc_directive_expected=03157_E_Directiva de procedimiento esperada % When declaring a procedure in a const block you used a ; after the % procedure declaration after which a procedure directive must follow. % Correct declarations are: % begin{verbatim} % const % p : procedure;stdcall=nil; % p : procedure stdcall=nil; % end{verbatim} parser_e_invalid_property_index_value=03158_E_El valor para el índice de una propiedad debe ser de tipo ordinal % The value you use to index a property must be of an ordinal type, for % example an integer or enumerated type. parser_e_procname_to_short_for_export=03159_E_Nombre del procedimiento demasiado corto para ser exportado % The length of the procedure/function name must be at least 2 characters % long. This is because of a bug in dlltool which doesn’t parse the .def % file correct with a name of length 1. parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem=03160_E_No se puede generar una entrada DEFFILE para las variables globales de la unidad parser_e_dlltool_unit_var_problem2=03161_E_Compile sin la opcion -WD % You need to compile this file without the -WD switch on the % commandline parser_f_need_objfpc_or_delphi_mode=03162_F_Se requiere el modo ObjFpc (-S2) o Delphi (-Sd) para compilar este módulo % You need to use {$mode objfpc} or {$mode delphi} to compile this file. % Or use the equivalent commandline switches -S2 or -Sd. parser_e_no_export_with_index_for_target=03163_E_No se pueden exportar funciones o procedimientos por indice en $1 % Exporting of functions or procedures with a specified index is not % supported on this target. parser_e_no_export_of_variables_for_target=03164_E_Exportar variables no esta soportado en $1 % Exporting of variables is not supported on this target. parser_e_improper_guid_syntax=03165_E_Sintaxis de GUID incorrecta % The GUID indication does not have the proper syntax. It should be of the form % begin{verbatim} % {XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX} % end{verbatim} % Where each var{X} represents a hexadecimal digit. parser_w_interface_mapping_notfound=03168_W_No se encontro el procedimiento de nombre «$1» apropiado para implementar $2.$3 % The compiler cannot find a suitable procedure which implements the given method of an interface. % A procedure with the same name is found, but the arguments do not match. parser_e_interface_id_expected=03169_E_identificador de interfaz esperado % This happens when the compiler scans a var{class} declaration that contains % var{interface} function name mapping code like this: % begin{verbatim} % type % TMyObject = class(TObject, IDispatch) % function IUnknown.QueryInterface=MyQueryInterface; % …. % end{verbatim} % and the var{interface} before the dot not listed in the inheritance list. parser_e_type_cant_be_used_in_array_index=03170_E_El tipo «$1» no puede ser usado como indice en arrays % Types like var{qword} or var{int64} aren’t allowed as array index type parser_e_no_con_des_in_interfaces=03171_E_No se permiten constructores/destructores en interfaces % Constructor and destructor declarations aren’t allowed in interface % In the most cases the method var{QueryInterface} of var{IUnknown} can % be used to create a new interface. parser_e_no_access_specifier_in_interfaces=03172_E_No se permiten especificadores de acceso en interfaces % The access specifiers var{public}, var{private}, var{protected} and % var{pusblished} can’t be used in interfaces because all methods % of an interfaces must be public. parser_e_no_vars_in_interfaces=03173_E_Una interfaz no puede contener campos % Declarations of fields aren’t allowed in interfaces. An interface % can contain only methods parser_e_no_local_proc_external=03174_E_No se puede declarar un procedimiento local como externo % Declaring local procedures as external is not possible. Local procedures % get hidden parameters that will make the chance of errors very high parser_w_skipped_fields_before=03175_W_Algunos campos anteriores a «$1» no fueron inicializados % In Delphi mode, not all fields of a typed constant record have to be % initialized, but the compiler warns you when it detects such situations. parser_e_skipped_fields_before=03176_E_Algunos campos anteriores a «$1» no fueron inicializados % In all syntax modes but Delphi mode, you can’t leave some fields uninitialized % in the middle of a typed constant record parser_w_skipped_fields_after=03177_W_Algunos campos tras «$1» no fueron inicializados % You can leave some fields at the end of a type constant record uninitialized % (the compiler will initialize them to zero automatically). This may be the cause % of subtle problems. parser_e_varargs_need_cdecl_and_external=03178_E_Directiva VarArgs sólo es válida con CDecl o External % The varargs directive can only be used with procedures or functions % that are declared with var{cdecl} and var{external} directives. The varargs directive % is only meant to provide a compatible interface to C functions like printf. parser_e_self_call_by_value=03179_E_Self debe ser un parámetro normal por valor % You can’t declare self as a const or var parameter, it must always be % a call-by-value parameter parser_e_interface_has_no_guid=03180_E_La interfaz «$1» no tiene identificacion % When you want to assign an interface to a constant, then the interface % must have a GUID value set. parser_e_illegal_field_or_method=03181_E_Campo de la clase o método desconocido «$1» % Properties must refer to a field or method in the same class. parser_w_proc_overriding_calling=03182_W_Varias convenciones de llamada especificadas, «$1» ignorado al especificar «$2» % There are two directives in the procedure declaration that specify a calling % convention. Only the last directive will be used parser_e_no_procvarobj_const=03183_E_constantes con tipo de tipo Procedure/Function (…) of Object solo pueden ser inicializados a NIL % You can’t assign the address of a method to a typed constant which has a % ‘procedure of object’ type, because such a constant requires two addresses: % that of the method (which is known at compile time) and that of the object or % class instance it operates on (which can not be known at compile time). parser_e_default_value_only_one_para=03184_E_Sólo se puede asignar valor por defecto a un parámetro % It is not possible to specify a default value for several parameters at once. % The following is invalid: % begin{verbatim} % Procedure MyProcedure (A,B : Integer = 0); % end{verbatim} % Instead, this should be declared as % begin{verbatim} % Procedure MyProcedure (A : Integer = 0; B : Integer = 0); % end{verbatim} parser_e_default_value_expected_for_para=03185_E_Parámetro por defecto requerido para «$1» % The specified parameter requires a default value. parser_w_unsupported_feature=03186_W_¡Uso de una caracteristica no soportada! % You’re trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. parser_h_c_arrays_are_references=03187_H_Arrays tipo C son pasados por referencia % Any array passed to a C functions is passed % by a pointer (i.e. by reference). parser_e_C_array_of_const_must_be_last=03188_E_Array tipo C de const debe ser el ultimo parámetro % You can not add any other argument after an var{array of const} for % var{cdecl} functions, as the size pushed on stack for this argument is % not known. parser_h_type_redef=03189_H_Redefinición del tipo «$1» % This is an indicator that a previously declared type is % being redefined as something else. This may, or may not % be, a cause for errors. parser_w_cdecl_has_no_high=03190_W_Procedimientos y funciones declarados como cdecl no reciben de parámetro el límite superior % Functions declared with cdecl modifier do not pass an extra implicit parameter. parser_w_cdecl_no_openstring=03191_W_open strings no son soportados en funciones cdecl % Openstring is not supported for cdecl’ared functions. parser_e_initialized_not_for_threadvar=03192_E_No se pueden inicializar variables declaradas como threadvar % Variables declared as threadvar can not be initialized with a default value. % The variables will always be filled with zero at the start of a new thread. parser_e_msg_only_for_classes=03193_E_La directiva Message sólo es valida en clases % The message directive is only supported for Class types. parser_e_procedure_or_function_expected=03194_E_Se esperaba un procedimiento o funcion % A class method can only be specified for procedures and functions. parser_e_illegal_calling_convention=03195_W_Directiva de convención de llama «$1» ignorada % Some calling conventions are supported only by certain CPUs. I.e. most non-i386 ports support % only the standard ABI calling convention of the CPU. parser_e_no_object_reintroduce=03196_E_REINTRODUCE no puede ser utilizado en objetos % var{reintroduce} is not supported for objects. parser_e_paraloc_only_one_para=03197_E_Cada parámetro debe tener su propia posición % If locations for arguments are specified explicitly as it is required by % some syscall conventions, each argument must have it’s only location, things % like var{procedure p(i,j : longint ‘r1’);} aren’t allowed parser_e_paraloc_all_paras=03198_E_Cada parámetro debe tener su propia posición % If one argument has an explicit argument location, all arguments of a procedure % must have one. parser_e_illegal_explicit_paraloc=03199_E_Localizacón en el segmento desconocida % The location specified for an argument isn’t recognized by the compiler parser_e_32bitint_or_pointer_variable_expected=03200_E_Se esperaba una variable entera de 32 bits o un puntero % The libbase for MorphOS/AmigaOS can be give only as var{longint}, var{dword} or any pointer variable. parser_e_goto_outside_proc=03201_E_No se puede usar Goto para saltar a otro procedimiento % It isn’t allowed to use the var{goto} statements referencing labels outside the % current procedure. The following example shows the problem: % begin{verbatim} % … % procedure p1; % label % l1; % % procedure p2; % begin % goto l1; // This goto ISN’T allowed % end; % % begin % p2 % l1: % end; % … % % end{verbatim} parser_f_too_complex_proc=03202_F_Procedimiento demasiado complejo. Se requieren demasiados registros % Your procedure body is too long for the compiler. You should split the % procedure into multiple smaller procedures. parser_e_illegal_expression=03203_E_Expresión inválida % This can occur under many circumstances. Mostly when trying to evaluate % constant expressions. parser_e_invalid_integer=03204_E_La expresión no evalua un número entero % You made an expression which isn’t an integer, and the compiler expects the % result to be an integer. parser_e_invalid_qualifier=03205_E_calificador inválido % One of the following is happening : % begin{itemize} % item You’re trying to access a field of a variable that is not a record. % item You’re indexing a variable that is not an array. % item You’re dereferencing a variable that is not a pointer. % end{itemize} parser_e_upper_lower_than_lower=03206_E_El limite superior especificado es menor que el inferior % You are declaring a subrange, and the lower limit is higher than the high % limit of the range. parser_e_macpas_exit_wrong_param=03207_E_El parámetro de Exit debe ser el nombre del mismo procedimiento en el que está % Non local exit is not allowed. This error occurs only in mode MacPas. parser_e_illegal_assignment_to_count_var=03208_E_Asignación inválida a la variable de bucle «$1» % The type of a var{for} loop variable must be an ordinal type. % Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. parser_e_no_local_var_external=03209_E_No se puede declarar una variable local como externa % Declaring local variables as external is not allowed. Only global variables can reference % to external variables. parser_e_proc_already_external=03210_E_El procedimiento ya ha sido declarado como externo con anterioridad % The procedure is already declared with the EXTERNAL directive in an interface or % forward declaration. parser_w_implicit_uses_of_variants_unit=03211_W_Uso implícito de la unidad Variants % The Variant type is used in the unit without any used unit using the Variants unit. The % compiler has implicitly added the Variants unit to the uses list. To remove this warning % the Variants unit needs to be added to the uses statement. parser_e_no_static_method_in_interfaces=03212_E_Clases y métodos estáticos no pueden ser utilizados en interfaces % The specifier var{class} and directive var{static} can’t be used in interfaces % because all methods of an interfaces must be public. parser_e_arithmetic_operation_overflow=03213_E_Desbordamiento en la operación aritmética % An operation on two integers values produced an overflow % end{description} # # Type Checking # # 04049 is the last used one # % section{Type checking errors} % This section lists all errors that can occur when type checking is % performed. % begin{description} parser_e_protected_or_private_expected=03214_E_Protected or private expected % var{strict} can be only used together with var{protected} or var{private}. parser_e_illegal_slice=03215_E_SLICE cannot be used outside of parameter list % var{slice} can be used only for arguments accepting an open array parameter. parser_e_dispinterface_cant_have_parent=03216_E_A DISPINTERFACE cannot have a parent class % A DISPINTERFACE is a special type of interface which cannot have a parent class. Dispinterface always derive from IDispatch type. parser_e_dispinterface_needs_a_guid=03217_E_A DISPINTERFACE needs a guid % A DISPINTERFACE always needs an interface identification (a GUID). parser_w_overridden_methods_not_same_ret=03218_W_Overridden methods must have a related return type. This code may crash, it depends on a Delphi parser bug («$2» is overridden by «$1» which has another return type) % If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must % have the same return type. Some versions of Delphi allow you to change the % return type of interface methods, and even to change procedures into % functions, but the resulting code may crash depending on the types used % and the way the methods are called. parser_e_dispid_must_be_ord_const=03219_E_Dispatch IDs must be ordinal constants % The var{dispid} keyword must be followed by an ordinal constant (the dispid index). parser_e_array_range_out_of_bounds=03220_E_The range of the array is too large % Regardless of the size taken up by its elements, an array cannot have more % than high(ptrint) elements. Additionally, the range type must be a subrange % of ptrint. parser_e_packed_element_no_var_addr=03221_E_The address cannot be taken of bit packed array elements and record fields % If you declare an array or record as var{packed} in Mac Pascal mode % (or as var{packed} in any mode with var{{$bitpacking on}}), it will % be packed at the bit level. This means it becomes impossible to take addresses % of individual array elements or record fields. The only exception to this rule % is in the case of packed arrays elements whose packed size is a multiple of 8 bits. parser_e_packed_dynamic_open_array=03222_E_Dynamic arrays cannot be packed % Only regular (and possibly in the future also open) arrays can be packed. parser_e_packed_element_no_loop=03223_E_Bit packed array elements and record fields cannot be used as loop variables % If you declare an array or record as var{packed} in Mac Pascal mode % (or as var{packed} in any mode with var{{$bitpacking on}}), it will % be packed at the bit level. For performance reasons, they cannot be % used as loop variables. parser_e_type_var_const_only_in_records_and_classes=03224_E_VAR, TYPE and CONST are allowed only in records, objects and classes % The usage of VAR, TYPE and CONST to declare new types inside an object is allowed only inside % records, objects and classes. parser_e_cant_create_generics_of_this_type=03225_E_This type cannot be a generic % Only Classes, Objects, Interfaces and Records are allowed to be used as generic. parser_w_no_lineinfo_use_switch=03226_W_Don’t load LINEINFO unit manually, Use the -gl compiler switch instead % Do not use the file{lineinfo} unit directly, Use the var{-gl} switch which % automatically adds the correct unit for reading the selected type of debugging % information. The unit that needs to be used depends on the type of % debug information used when compiling the binary. parser_e_no_funcret_specified=03227_E_No function result type specified for function «$1» % The first time you declare a function you have to declare it completely, % including all parameters and the result type. parser_e_special_onlygenerics=03228_E_Specialization is only supported for generic types % Types which are not generics cannot be specialized. parser_e_no_generics_as_params=03229_E_Generics cannot be used as parameters when specializing generics % When specializing a generic, only non-generic types can be used as parameters. parser_e_type_object_constants=03230_E_Constants of objects containing a VMT are not allowed % If an object requires a VMT either because it contains a constructor or virtual methods, % it’s not allowed to create constants of it. In TP and Delphi mode this is allowed % for compatibility reasons. parser_e_label_outside_proc=03231_E_Taking the address of labels defined outside the current scope isn’t allowed % It isn’t allowed to take the address of labels outside the % current procedure. parser_e_initialized_not_for_external=03233_E_Cannot initialize variables declared as external % Variables declared as external cannot be initialized with a default value. parser_e_illegal_function_result=03234_E_Illegal function result type % Some types like file types cannot be used as function result. parser_e_no_common_type=03235_E_No common type possible between «$1» and «$2» % To perform an operation on integers, the compiler converts both operands % to their common type, which appears to be an invalid type. To determine the % common type of the operands, the compiler takes the minimum of the minimal values % of both types, and the maximum of the maximal values of both types. The common % type is then minimum..maximum. parser_e_no_generics_as_types=03236_E_Generics without specialization cannot be used as a type for a variable % Generics must be always specialized before being used as variable type. parser_w_register_list_ignored=03237_W_Register list is ignored for pure assembler routines % When using pure assembler routines, the list with modified registers is ignored. parser_e_implements_must_be_class_or_interface=03238_E_Implements property must have class or interface type % A property which implements an interface must be of type class or interface. parser_e_implements_must_have_correct_type=03239_E_Implements-property must implement interface of correct type, found «$1» expected «$2» % A property which implements an interface actually implements a different interface. parser_e_implements_must_read_specifier=03240_E_Implements-property must have read specifier % A property which implements an interface must have at least a read specifier. parser_e_implements_must_not_have_write_specifier=03241_E_Implements-property must not have write-specifier % A property which implements an interface may not have a write specifier. parser_e_implements_must_not_have_stored_specifier=03242_E_Implements-property must not have stored-specifier % A property which implements an interface may not have a stored specifier. parser_e_implements_uses_non_implemented_interface=03243_E_Implements-property used on unimplemented interface: «$1» % The interface which is implemented by a property is not an interface implemented by the class. parser_e_unsupported_real=03244_E_Floating point not supported for this target % The compiler parsed a floating point expression, but it is not supported. parser_e_class_doesnt_implement_interface=03245_E_Class «$1» does not implement interface «$2» % The delegated interface is not implemented by the class given in the implements clause. parser_e_class_implements_must_be_interface=03246_E_Type used by implements must be an interface % The var{implements} keyword must be followed by an interface type. parser_e_cant_export_var_different_name=03247_E_Variables cannot be exported with a different name on this target, add the name to the declaration using the «export» directive (variable name: $1, declared export name: $2) % On most targets it is not possible to change the name under which a variable % is exported inside the var{exports} statement of a library. % In that case, you have to specify the export name at the point where the % variable is declared, using the var{export} and var{alias} directives. parser_e_weak_external_not_supported=03248_E_Weak external symbols are not supported for the current target % A «weak external» symbol is a symbol which may or may not exist at (either static % or dynamic) link time. This concept may not be available (or implemented yet) % on the current cpu/OS target. parser_e_forward_mismatch=03249_E_Forward type definition does not match % Classes and interfaces being defined forward must have the same type % when being implemented. A forward interface cannot be changed into a class. parser_n_ignore_lower_visibility=03250_N_Virtual method «$1» has a lower visibility ($2) than parent class $3 ($4) % The virtual method overrides an method that is declared with a higher visibility. This might give % unexpected results. E.g., in case the new visibility is private then a call to «inherited» in a % new child class will call the higher-visible method in a parent class and ignores the private method. parser_e_field_not_allowed_here=03251_E_Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition, start a new visibility section first % Once a method or property has been defined in a class or object, you cannot define any fields afterwards % without starting a new visibility section (such as var{public}, var{private}, etc.). The reason is % that otherwise the source code can appear ambiguous to the compiler, since it is possible to use modifiers % such as var{default} and var{register} also as field names. parser_e_no_local_para_def=03252_E_Parameters or result types cannot contain local type definitions. Use a separate type definition in a type block. % In Pascal, types are not considered to be identical simply because they are semantically equivalent. % Two variables or parameters are only considered to be of the same type if they refer to the % same type definition. % As a result, it is not allowed to define new types inside parameter lists, because then it is impossible to % refer to the same type definition in the procedure headers of the interface and implementation of a unit % (both procedure headers would define a separate type). Keep in mind that expressions such as % «file of byte» or «string[50]» also define a new type. parser_e_abstract_and_sealed_conflict=03253_E_ABSTRACT and SEALED conflict % ABSTRACT and SEALED cannot be used together in one declaration parser_e_sealed_descendant=03254_E_Cannot create a descendant of the sealed class «$1» % Sealed means that class cannot be derived by another class. parser_e_sealed_class_cannot_have_abstract_methods=03255_E_SEALED class cannot have an ABSTRACT method % Sealed means that class cannot be derived. Therefore no one class is able to override an abstract method in a sealed class. parser_e_only_virtual_methods_final=03256_E_Only virtual methods can be final % You are declaring a method as final, when it is not declared to be % virtual. parser_e_final_can_no_be_overridden=03257_E_Final method cannot be overridden: «$1» % You are trying to var{override} a virtual method of a parent class that does % not exist. parser_e_multiple_messages=03258_E_Only one message can be used per method. % It is not possible to associate multiple messages with a single method. parser_e_invalid_enumerator_identifier=03259_E_Invalid enumerator identifier: «$1» % Only «MoveNext» and «Current» enumerator identifiers are supported. parser_e_enumerator_identifier_required=03260_E_Enumerator identifier required % «MoveNext» or «Current» identifier must follow the var{enumerator} modifier. parser_e_enumerator_movenext_is_not_valid=03261_E_Enumerator MoveNext pattern method is not valid. Method must be a function with the Boolean return type and no required arguments. % «MoveNext» enumerator pattern method must be a function with Boolean return type and no required arguments parser_e_enumerator_current_is_not_valid=03262_E_Enumerator Current pattern property is not valid. Property must have a getter. % «Current» enumerator pattern property must have a getter parser_e_only_one_enumerator_movenext=03263_E_Only one enumerator MoveNext method is allowed per class/object % Class or Object can have only one enumerator MoveNext declaration. parser_e_only_one_enumerator_current=03264_E_Only one enumerator Current property is allowed per class/object % Class or Object can have only one enumerator Current declaration. parser_e_for_in_loop_cannot_be_used_for_the_type=03265_E_For in loop cannot be used for the type «$1» % For in loop can be used not for all types. For example it cannot be used for the enumerations with jumps. parser_e_objc_requires_msgstr=03266_E_Objective-C messages require their Objective-C selector name to be specified using the «message» directive. % Objective-C messages require their Objective-C name (selector name) to be specified using the var{message `someName:’} procedure directive. % While bindings to other languages automatically generate such names based on the identifier you use (by replacing % all underscores with colons), this is unsafe since nothing prevents an Objective-C method name to contain actual % colons. parser_e_objc_no_constructor_destructor=03267_E_Objective-C does not have formal constructors nor destructors. Use the alloc, initXXX and dealloc messages. % The Objective-C language does not have any constructors or destructors. While there are some messages with a similar % purpose (such as var{init} and var{dealloc}), these cannot be identified using automatic parsers and do not % guarantee anything like Pascal constructors/destructors (e.g., you have to take care of only calling «designated» % inherited «constructors»). For these reasons, we have opted to follow the standard Objective-C patterns for % instance creation/destruction. parser_e_message_string_too_long=03268_E_Message name is too long (max. 255 characters) % Due to compiler implementation reasons, message names are currently limited to 255 characters. parser_e_objc_message_name_too_long=03269_E_Objective-C message symbol name for «$1» is too long % Due to compiler implementation reasons, mangled message names (i.e., the symbol names used in the assembler % code) are currently limited to 255 characters. parser_h_no_objc_parent=03270_H_Defining a new Objective-C root class. To derive from another root class (e.g., NSObject), specify it as the parent class. % If no parent class is specified for an Object Pascal class, then it automatically derives from TObject. % Objective-C classes however do not automatically derive from NSObject, because one can have multiple % root classes in Objective-C. For example, in the Cocoa framework both NSObject and NSProxy are root classes. % Therefore, you have to explicitly define a parent class (such as NSObject) if you want to derive your % Objective-C class from it. parser_e_no_objc_published=03271_E_Objective-C classes cannot have published sections. % In Object Pascal, «published» determines whether or not RTTI is generated. Since the Objective-C runtime always needs % RTTI for everything, this specified does not make sense for Objective-C classes. parser_f_need_objc=03272_F_This module requires an Objective-C mode switch to be compiled % This error indicates the use of Objective-C language features without an Objective-C mode switch % active. Enable one via the -M command line switch, or the {$modeswitch x} directive. parser_e_must_use_override=03273_E_Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C and Java, add «override» (inherited method defined in $1) parser_h_should_use_override=03274_H_Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C and Java, add «override» (inherited method defined in $1). % It is not possible to var{reintroduce} methods in Objective-C or Java like in Object Pascal. Methods with the same % name always map to the same virtual method entry. In order to make this clear in the source code, % the compiler always requires the var{override} directive to be specified when implementing overriding % Objective-C or Java methods in Pascal. If the implementation is external, this rule is relaxed because Objective-C and Java % do not have any var{override}-style keyword (since it’s the default and only behaviour in these languages), % which makes it hard for automated header conversion tools to include it everywhere. % The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either % be an objcclass or an objccategory in case of Objective-C. parser_e_objc_message_name_changed=03275_E_Message name «$1» in inherited class is different from message name «$2» in current class. % An overriding Objective-C method cannot have a different message name than an inherited method. The reason % is that these message names uniquely define the message to the Objective-C runtime, which means that % giving them a different message name breaks the «override» semantics. parser_e_unique_unsupported=03276_E_It is not yet possible to make unique copies of Objective-C or Java types % Duplicating an Objective-C or Java type using var{type x = type y;} is not yet supported. You may be able to % obtain the desired effect using var{type x = objcclass(y) end;} resp.{} var{type x = class(y) end;} instead. parser_e_no_category_as_types=03277_E_Objective-C categories and Object Pascal class helpers cannot be used as types % It is not possible to declare a variable as an instance of an Objective-C % category or an Object Pascal class helper. A category/class helper adds % methods to the scope of an existing class, but does not define a type by % itself. An exception of this rule is when inheriting an Object Pascal class % helper from another class helper. parser_e_no_category_override=03278_E_Categories do not override, but replace methods. Use «reintroduce» instead. parser_e_must_use_reintroduce_objc=03279_E_Replaced methods can only be reintroduced in Objective-C, add «reintroduce» (replaced method defined in $1). parser_h_should_use_reintroduce_objc=03280_H_Replaced methods can only be reintroduced in Objective-C, add «reintroduce» (replaced method defined in $1). % A category replaces an existing method in an Objective-C class, rather than that it overrides it. % Calling an inherited method from an category method will call that method in % the extended class’ parent, not in the extended class itself. The % replaced method in the original class is basically lost, and can no longer be % called or referred to. This behaviour corresponds somewhat more closely to % var{reintroduce} than to var{override} (although in case of var{reintroduce} % in Object Pascal, hidden methods are still reachable via inherited). % The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either % be an objcclass or an objccategory. parser_e_implements_getter_not_default_cc=03281_E_Getter for implements interface must use the target’s default calling convention. % Interface getters are called via a helper in the run time library, and hence % have to use the default calling convention for the target (var{register} on % i386 and x86_64, var{stdcall} on other architectures). parser_e_no_refcounted_typed_file=03282_E_Typed files cannot contain reference-counted types. % The data in a typed file cannot be of a reference counted type (such as % var{ansistring} or a record containing a field that is reference counted). parser_e_operator_not_overloaded_2=03283_E_Operator is not overloaded: $2 «$1» % You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_operator_not_overloaded_3=03284_E_Operator is not overloaded: «$1» $2 «$3» % You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for % this type. parser_e_more_array_elements_expected=03285_E_Expected another $1 array elements % When declaring a typed constant array, you provided to few elements to initialize the array parser_e_string_const_too_long=03286_E_String constant too long while ansistrings are disabled % Only when a piece of code is compiled with ansistrings enabled (var{{$H+}}), string constants % longer than 255 characters are allowed. parser_e_invalid_univ_para=03287_E_Type cannot be used as univ parameter because its size is unknown at compile time: «$1» % var{univ} parameters are compatible with all values of the same size, but this % cannot be checked in case a parameter’s size is unknown at compile time. parser_e_only_one_class_constructor_allowed=03288_E_Only one class constructor can be declared in class: «$1» % You are trying to declare more than one class constructor but only one class constructor can be declared. parser_e_only_one_class_destructor_allowed=03289_E_Only one class destructor can be declared in class: «$1» % You are trying to declare more than one class destructor but only one class destructor can be declared. parser_e_no_paras_for_class_constructor=03290_E_Class constructors cannot have parameters % You are declaring a class constructor with a parameter list. Class constructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_e_no_paras_for_class_destructor=03291_E_Class destructors cannot have parameters % You are declaring a class destructor with a parameter list. Class destructor methods % cannot have parameters. parser_f_modeswitch_objc_required=03292_F_This construct requires the {$modeswitch objectivec1} mode switch to be active % Objective-Pascal constructs are not supported when {$modeswitch ObjectiveC1} % is not active. parser_e_widestring_to_ansi_compile_time=03293_E_Unicodechar/string constants cannot be converted to ansi/shortstring at compile-time % It is not possible to use unicodechar and unicodestring constants in % constant expressions that have to be converted into an ansistring or shortstring % at compile time, for example inside typed constants. The reason is that the % compiler cannot know what the actual ansi encoding will be at run time. parser_e_objc_enumerator_2_0=03294_E_For-in Objective-Pascal loops require {$modeswitch ObjectiveC2} to be active % Objective-C «fast enumeration» support was added in Objective-C 2.0, and % hence the appropriate modeswitch has to be activated to expose this feature. % Note that Objective-C 2.0 programs require Mac OS X 10.5 or later. parser_e_objc_missing_enumeration_defs=03295_E_The compiler cannot find the NSFastEnumerationProtocol or NSFastEnumerationState type in the CocoaAll unit % Objective-C for-in loops (fast enumeration) require that the compiler can % find a unit called CocoaAll that contains definitions for the % NSFastEnumerationProtocol and NSFastEnumerationState types. If you get this % error, most likely the compiler is finding and loading an alternate CocoaAll % unit. parser_e_no_procvarnested_const=03296_E_Typed constants of the type ‘procedure is nested’ can only be initialized with NIL and global procedures/functions % A nested procedural variable consists of two components: the address of the % procedure/function to call (which is always known at compile time), and also % a parent frame pointer (which is never known at compile time) in case the % procedural variable contains a reference to a nested procedure/function. % Therefore such typed constants can only be initialized with global % functions/procedures since these do not require a parent frame pointer. parser_f_no_generic_inside_generic=03297_F_Declaration of generic class inside another generic class is not allowed % At the moment, scanner supports recording of only one token buffer at the time % (guarded by internal error 200511173 in tscannerfile.startrecordtokens). % Since generics are implemented by recording tokens, it is not possible to % have declaration of generic class inside another generic class. parser_e_forward_intf_declaration_must_be_resolved=03298_E_Forward declaration «$1» must be resolved before a class can conform to or implement it % An Objective-C protocol or Java Interface must be fully defined before classes can conform to it. % This error occurs in the following situation (example for Objective-C, but the same goes for Java interfaces): % begin{verbatim} % Type MyProtocol = objcprotoocl; % ChildClass = Class(NSObject,MyProtocol) % … % end; % end{verbatim} % where var{MyProtocol} is declared but not defined. parser_e_no_record_published=03299_E_Record types cannot have published sections % Published sections can be used only inside classes. parser_e_no_destructor_in_records=03300_E_Destructors are not allowed in records or helpers % Destructor declarations are not allowed in records or helpers. parser_e_class_methods_only_static_in_records=03301_E_Class methods must be static in records % Class methods declarations are not allowed in records without static modifier. % Records have no inheritance and therefore non static class methods have no sense for them. parser_e_no_parameterless_constructor_in_records=03302_E_Parameterless constructors are not allowed in records or record/type helpers % Constructor declarations with no arguments are not allowed in records or record/type helpers. parser_e_at_least_one_argument_must_be_of_type=03303_E_Either the result or at least one parameter must be of type «$1» % It is required that either the result of the routine or at least one of its parameters be of the specified type. % For example class operators either take an instance of the structured type in which they are defined, or they return one. parser_e_cant_use_type_parameters_here=03304_E_Type parameters may require initialization/finalization — cannot be used in variant records % Type parameters may be specialized with types which (e.g. var{ansistring}) need initialization/finalization % code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. parser_e_externals_no_section=03305_E_Variables being declared as external cannot be in a custom section % A section directive is not valid for variables being declared as external. parser_e_section_no_locals=03306_E_Non-static and non-global variables cannot have a section directive % A variable placed in a custom section is always statically allocated so it must be either a static or global variable. parser_e_not_allowed_in_helper=03307_E_»$1″ is not allowed in helper types % Some directives and specifiers like «virtual», «dynamic», «override» are not % allowed inside helper types in mode ObjFPC (they are ignored in mode Delphi), % because they have no meaning within helpers. Also «abstract» isn’t allowed in % either mode. parser_e_no_class_constructor_in_helpers=03308_E_Class constructors are not allowed in helpers % Class constructor declarations are not allowed in helpers. parser_e_inherited_not_in_record=03309_E_The use of «inherited» is not allowed in a record % As records don’t support inheritance the use of «inherited» is prohibited for % these as well as for record helpers (in mode «Delphi» only). parser_e_no_types_in_local_anonymous_records=03310_E_Type declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records % Records with types must be defined globally. Types cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a % procedure or function or in anonymous records. parser_e_duplicate_implements_clause=03311_E_Duplicate implements clause for interface «$1» % A class may delegate an interface using the «implements» clause only to a single property. Delegating it multiple times % is a error. parser_e_mapping_no_implements=03312_E_Interface «$1» cannot be delegated by «$2», it already has method resolutions % Method resolution clause maps a method of an interface to a method of the current class. Therefore the current class % has to implement the interface directly. Delegation is not possible. parser_e_implements_no_mapping=03313_E_Interface «$1» cannot have method resolutions, «$2» already delegates it % Method resolution is only possible for interfaces that are implemented directly, not by delegation. parser_e_invalid_codepage=03314_E_Invalid codepage % When declaring a string with a given codepage, the range of valid codepages values is limited % to 0 to 65535. parser_e_final_only_const_var=03315_E_Only fields (var-sections) and constants can be final in object types % A final (class) field must be assigned a single value in the (class) constructor, and cannot % be overwritten afterwards. A final (typed) constant is read-only. parser_e_final_only_external=03316_E_Final fields are currently only supported for external classes % Support for final fields in non-external classes requires a full data flow % analysis implementation in FPC, which it currently still lacks. parser_e_no_typed_const=03317_E_Typed constants are not allowed here, only formal constants are % Java interfaces define a namespace in which formal constant can be defined, % but since they define no storage it is not possible to define typed constants % in them (those are more or less the same as initialised class fields). parser_e_java_no_inherited_constructor=03318_E_Constructors are not automatically inherited in the JVM; explicitly add a constructor that calls the inherited one if you need it % Java does not automatically add inherited constructors to child classes, so that they can be hidden. % For compatibility with external Java code, FPC does the same. If you require access to the same % constructors in a child class, define them in the child class and call the inherited one from % there. parser_d_internal_parser_string=03319_D_Parsing internally generated code: $1 % The compiler sometimes internally constructs Pascal code that is subsequently % injected into the program. These messages display such code, in order to help % with debugging errors in them. parser_e_feature_unsupported_for_vm=03320_E_This language feature is not supported on managed VM targets % Certain language features are not supported on targets that are managed virtual machines. parser_e_jvm_invalid_virtual_constructor_call=03321_E_Calling a virtual constructor for the current instance inside another constructor is not possible on the JVM target % The JVM does not natively support virtual constructor. Unforunately, we are not aware of a way to % emulate them in a way that makes it possible to support calling virtual constructors % for the current instance inside another constructor. parser_e_method_lower_visibility=03322_E_Overriding method «$1» cannot have a lower visibility ($2) than in parent class $3 ($4) % The JVM does not allow lowering the visibility of an overriding method. parser_e_nostackframe_without_assembler=03323_E_Procedure/Function declared with call option NOSTACKFRAME but without ASSEMBLER % nostackframe call modifier is supposed to be used in conjunction with assembler. parser_e_nostackframe_with_locals=03324_E_Procedure/Function declared with call option NOSTACKFRAME but local stack size is $1 % nostackframe call modifier used without assembler modifier % might still generate local stack needs. parser_e_cannot_generate_property_getter_setter=03325_E_Cannot generate property getter/setter $1 because its name clashes with existing identifier $2 % Automatically generated getters/setters cannot have the same name as existing % identifiers, because this may change the behaviour of existing code. parser_w_overriding_property_getter_setter=03326_W_Automatically generated property getter/setter $1 overrides the same-named getter/setter in class $2 % Automatically generated property getters/setters on the JVM platform are virtual methods, because % the JVM does not support non-virtual methods that can be changed in child classes. This means % that if a child class changes an inherited property definition, the behaviour of that property % can change compared to native targets since even if a variable is declared as the parent type, % by calling the virtual method the getter from the child will be used. This is different from % the behaviour on native targets or when not activating automatically generated setters/getters, % because in that case only the declared type of a variable influences the property behaviour. parser_w_case_difference_auto_property_getter_setter_prefix=03327_W_Case mismatch between declared property getter/setter $1 and automatically constructed name $2, not changing declared name % If a property’s specified getter/setter already corresponded to the naming convention specified % by the automatic getter/setter generation setting except in terms of upper/lowercase, the % compiler will print a warning because it cannot necessarily change that other declaration itself % not can it add one using the correct case (it could conflict with the original declaration). % Manually correct the case of the getter/setter to conform to the desired coding rules. % var{TChild} overrides parser_e_no_consts_in_local_anonymous_records=03328_E_Constants declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records % Records with constants must be defined globally. Constants cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a % procedure or function or in anonymous records. parser_e_no_methods_in_local_anonymous_records=03329_E_Method declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records % Records with methods must be defined globally. Methods cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a % procedure or function or in anonymous records. parser_e_no_properties_in_local_anonymous_records=03330_E_Property declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records % Records with properties must be defined globally. Properties cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a % procedure or function or in anonymous records. parser_e_no_class_in_local_anonymous_records=03331_E_Class member declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records % Records with class members must be defined globally. Class members cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a % procedure or function or in anonymous records. parser_e_not_allowed_in_record=03332_E_Visibility section «$1» not allowed in records % The visibility sections var(protected) and var(strict protected) are only % useful together with inheritance. Since records do not support that they are % forbidden. parser_e_dir_not_allowed=03333_E_Directive «$1» not allowed here % This directive is not allowed in the given context. E.g. «static» % is not allowed for instance methods or class operators. parser_e_no_assembler_in_generic=03334_E_Assembler blocks not allowed inside generics % The use of assembler blocks/routines is not allowed inside generics. parser_e_property_only_sgr=03335_E_Properties can be only static, global or inside structured types % Properties cannot be declared local, only global, using the static % directive or inside structured types. parser_e_overloaded_have_same_mangled_name=03336_E_Overloaded routines have the same mangled name % Some platforms, such as the JVM platform, encode the parameters in the routine name in % a prescribed way, and this encoding may map different Pascal types to the same encoded % (a.k.a. «mangled») name. This error can only be solved by removing or changing the % conflicting definitions’ parameter declarations or routine names. parser_e_default_value_val_const=03337_E_Default values can only be specified for value, const and constref parameters % A default parameter value allows you to not specify a value for this parameter % when calling the routine, and the compiler will instead pass the specified % default (constant) value. As a result, default values can only be specified % for parameters that can accept constant values. parser_w_ptr_type_ignored=03338_W_Pointer type «$1» ignored % The specified pointer type modifier is ignored, because it is not supported on % the current platform. This happens, for example, when a far pointer is % declared on a non-x86 platform. parser_e_global_generic_references_static=03339_E_Global Generic template references static symtable % A generic declared in the interface section of a unit must not reference symbols that belong % solely to the implementation section of that unit. parser_u_already_compiled=03340_UL_Unit $1 has been already compiled meanwhile. % This tells you that the recursive reading of the uses clauses triggered already % a compilation of the current unit, so the current compilation can be aborted. % % % % end{description} % # Type Checking # # 04123 is the last used one # % section{Type checking errors} % This section lists all errors that can occur when type checking is % performed. % begin{description} type_e_mismatch=04000_E_Los tipos no concuerdan % This can happen in many cases: % begin{itemize} % item The variable you’re assigning to is of a different type than the % expression in the assignment. % item You are calling a function or procedure with parameters that are % incompatible with the parameters in the function or procedure definition. % end{itemize} type_e_incompatible_types=04001_E_Tipos incompatibles: se encontró «$1» esperado «$2» % There is no conversion possible between the two types % Another possiblity is that they are declared in different % declarations: % begin{verbatim} % Var % A1 : Array[1..10] Of Integer; % A2 : Array[1..10] Of Integer; % % Begin % A1:=A2; { This statement gives also this error, it % is due the strict type checking of pascal } % End. % end{verbatim} type_e_not_equal_types=04002_E_Los tipos $1 y $2 no concuerdan % The types are not equal type_e_type_id_expected=04003_E_Identificador de tipo esperado % The identifier is not a type, or you forgot to supply a type identifier. type_e_variable_id_expected=04004_E_Identificador de variable esperado % This happens when you pass a constant to a routine (such as var{Inc} var or var{Dec}) % when it expects a variable. You can only pass variables as arguments to these functions. type_e_integer_expr_expected=04005_E_expression entera esperada, pero se encontró «$1» % The compiler expects an expression of type integer, but gets a different % type. type_e_boolean_expr_expected=04006_E_Expresion booleana esperada, pero se encontró «$1» % The expression must be a boolean type, it should be return true or % false. type_e_ordinal_expr_expected=04007_E_Espresión ordinal esperada % The expression must be of ordinal type, i.e., maximum a var{Longint}. % This happens, for instance, when you specify a second argument % to var{Inc} or var{Dec} that doesn’t evaluate to an ordinal value. type_e_pointer_type_expected=04008_E_Se esperaba un tipo puntero, pero se encontró «$1» % The variable or expression isn’t of the type var{pointer}. This % happens when you pass a variable that isn’t a pointer to var{New} % or var{Dispose}. type_e_class_type_expected=04009_E_Se esperaba un tipo de clase, pero se encontró «$1» % The variable of expression isn’t of the type var{class}. This happens % typically when % begin{enumerate} % item The parent class in a class declaration isn’t a class. % item An exception handler (var{On}) contains a type identifier that % isn’t a class. % end{enumerate} type_e_cant_eval_constant_expr=04011_E_No se puede evaluar la espresión constante % This error can occur when the bounds of an array you declared does % not evaluate to ordinal constants type_e_set_element_are_not_comp=04012_E_Elementos de sets incompatibles % You are trying to make an operation on two sets, when the set element types % are not the same. The base type of a set must be the same when taking the % union type_e_set_operation_unknown=04013_E_Operación no implementada para sets % several binary operations are not defined for sets % like div mod ** (also >= <= for now) type_w_convert_real_2_comp=04014_W_Conversion automática de tipo de punto flotante a COMP el cual es un tipo entero % An implicit type conversion from a real type to a var{comp} is % encountered. Since var{comp} is a 64 bit integer type, this may indicate % an error. type_h_use_div_for_int=04015_H_usa DIV para tener un resultado entero % When hints are on, then an integer division with the ‘/’ operator will % procuce this message, because the result will then be of type real type_e_strict_var_string_violation=04016_E_Tipos de cadena no concuerdan por la presencia de la opción $V+ % When compiling in var{{$V+}} mode, the string you pass as a parameter % should be of the exact same type as the declared parameter of the procedure. type_e_succ_and_pred_enums_with_assign_not_possible=04017_E_No se permite el uso de Succ o Pred en enumeraciones que tienen valores asignados explícitamente % When you declared an enumeration type which has assignments in it, as in C, % like in the following: % begin{verbatim} % Tenum = (a,b,e:=5); % end{verbatim} % you cannot use the var{Succ} or var{Pred} functions on them. type_e_cant_read_write_type=04018_E_No se puede leer o escribir variables de este tipo % You are trying to var{read} or var{write} a variable from or to a % file of type text, which doesn’t support that. Only integer types, % reals, pchars and strings can be read from/written to a text file. % Booleans can only be written to text files. type_e_no_readln_writeln_for_typed_file=04019_E_No se puede utilizar readln o writeln en ficheros con tipo % var{readln} and var{writeln} are only allowed for text files. type_e_no_read_write_for_untyped_file=04020_E_No se pueden usar read o write en ficheros sin tipo % var{read} and var{write} are only allowed for text or typed files. type_e_typeconflict_in_set=04021_E_El set contiene un elemento que no es de tipo compatible % There is at least one set element which is of the wrong type, i.e. not of % the set type. type_w_maybe_wrong_hi_lo=04022_W_lo/hi(longint/dword) devuelve la parte superior/inferior de tipo word % fpc supports an overloaded version of var{lo/hi} for var{longint/dword/int64/qword} % which returns the lower/upper word/dword of the argument. TP always uses % a 16 bit var{lo/hi} which returns always bits 0..7 for var{lo} and the % bits 8..15 for var{hi}. If you want the TP behavior you have % to type cast the argument to var{word/integer} type_e_integer_or_real_expr_expected=04023_E_Espresión entera o real esperada % The first argument to var{str} must a real or integer type. type_e_wrong_type_in_array_constructor=04024_E_Tipo «$1» erróneo en el constructor del array % You are trying to use a type in an array constructor which is not % allowed. type_e_wrong_parameter_type=04025_E_Tipo incompatible para el parámetro número $1: Se recibió «$2», cuando se esperaba «$3» % You are trying to pass an invalid type for the specified parameter. type_e_no_method_and_procedure_not_compatible=04026_E_Variables de tipo método y procedimiento no son compatibles entre si % You can’t assign a method to a procedure variable or a procedure to a % method pointer. type_e_wrong_math_argument=04027_E_Constante pasada a la función matematica interna no válida % The constant argument passed to a ln or sqrt function is out of % the definition range of these functions. type_e_no_addr_of_constant=04028_E_No se puede obtener una dirección de una constante % It is not possible to get the address of a constant, because they % aren’t stored in memory, you can try making it a typed constant. type_e_argument_cant_be_assigned=04029_E_No se puede asignar un valor al parámetro % Only expressions which can be on the left side of an % assignment can be passed as call by reference argument % Remark: Properties can be only % used on the left side of an assignment, but they cannot be used as arguments type_e_cannot_local_proc_to_procvar=04030_E_No se puede asignar un prodecimiento o funcion local a una variable % It’s not allowed to assign a local procedure/function to a % procedure variable, because the calling of local procedure/function is % different. You can only assign local procedure/function to a void pointer. type_e_no_assign_to_addr=04031_E_No se puede asignar un valor a una dirección % It is not allowed to assign a value to an address of a variable,constant, % procedure or function. You can try compiling with -So if the identifier % is a procedure variable. type_e_no_assign_to_const=04032_E_No se pueden asignar valores a variables constantes % It’s not allowed to assign a value to a variable which is declared % as a const. This is normally a parameter declared as const, to allow % changing the value make the parameter as a value parameter or a var. type_e_array_required=04033_E_Se requiere un array para usar [ ] % If you are accessing a variable using an index ‘[<x>]’ then % the type must be an array. In FPC mode also a pointer is allowed. type_e_interface_type_expected=04034_E_Se esperaba «interface» pero se encontró «$1» % The compiler expected to encounter an interface type name, but got something else. % The following code would produce this error: % begin{verbatim} % Type % TMyStream = Class(TStream,Integer) % end{verbatim} type_h_mixed_signed_unsigned=04035_H_Mixing signed expressions and longwords gives a 64bit result % If you divide (or calculate the modulus of) a signed expression by a longword (or vice versa), % or if you have overflow and/or range checking turned on and use an arithmetic % expression (+, -, *, div, mod) in which both signed numbers and longwords appear, % then everything has to be evaluated in 64-bit arithmetic which is slower than normal % 32-bit arithmetic. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the result type of the other one. type_w_mixed_signed_unsigned2=04036_W_Mezclar operando con signo y sin signo aqui puede causar errores de comprobación de rango % If you use a binary operator (and, or, xor) and one of % the operands is a longword while the other one is a signed expression, then, % if range checking is turned on, you may get a range check error because in % such a case both operands are converted to longword before the operation is % carried out. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the result type of the other one. type_e_typecast_wrong_size_for_assignment=04037_E_La conversión de tipos ($1 -> $2) en la asignación tiene diferentes tamaños % Type casting to a type with a different size is not allowed when the variable is % used for assigning. type_e_array_index_enums_with_assign_not_possible=04038_E_No se pueden usar enums con asignaciones como indices de arrays % When you declared an enumeration type which has assignments in it, as in C, % like in the following: % begin{verbatim} % Tenum = (a,b,e:=5); % end{verbatim} % you cannot use it as index of an array. type_e_classes_not_related=04039_E_Las clases u objetos «$1» y «$2» no están relacionados % There is a typecast from one class or object to another while the class/object % are not related. This will probably lead to errors type_w_classes_not_related=04040_W_Los tipos de clases «$1» y «$2» no están relacionados % There is a typecast from one class or object to another while the class/object % are not related. This will probably lead to errors type_e_class_or_interface_type_expected=04041_E_Se esperaba una clase o interfaz, pero se encotró «$1» % The compiler expected a class or interface name, but got another type or identifier. type_e_type_is_not_completly_defined=04042_E_El tipo «$1» no esta definido completamente aún % This error occurs when a type is not complete: i.e. a pointer type which points to % an undefined type. type_w_string_too_long=04043_W_La cadena contiene mas caracteres que los admitidos por una cadena corta % The size of the constant string, which is assigned to a shortstring, % is longer than the maximum size of the shortstring type_w_comparison_always_false=04044_W_Comparison might be always false due to range of constant and expression % There is a comparison between a constant and an expression where the constant is out of the % valid range of values of the expression. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % false. Explicitly typecast the constant or the expression to the correct range to avoid this warning % if you think the code is correct. type_w_comparison_always_true=04045_W_Comparison might be always true due to range of constant and expression % There is a comparison between a constant and an expression where the constant is out of the % valid range of values of the expression. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % true. Explicitly typecast the constant or the expression to the correct range to avoid this warning % if you think the code is correct. type_w_instance_with_abstract=04046_W_Constuyendo un objeto de clase «$1» que contiene métodos abstractos % An instance of a class is created which contains non-implemented abstract % methods. This will probably lead to a runtime error 211 in the code if that % routine is ever called. All abstract methods should be overridden. type_h_in_range_check=04047_H_El operando a la izquierda de IN debe ser de tamaño un byte % The left operand of the var{in} operator is not an ordinal or enumeration which fits % within 8-bits, this may lead to range check errors. The var{in} operator % currently only supports a left operand which fits within a byte. In the case of % enumerations, the size of an element of an enumeration can be controlled with % the var{{$PACKENUM}} or var{{$Zn}} switches. type_w_smaller_possible_range_check=04048_W_Diferencia del tamaño de los tipos puede causar pérdida de datos o errores de comprobación de rango % There is an assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that % this may cause a range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data. type_h_smaller_possible_range_check=04049_H_Diferencia del tamaño de los tipos puede causar pérdida de datos o errores de comprobación de rango % There is an assignment to a smaller type than the source type. This means that % this may cause a range-check error, or may lead to possible loss of data. type_e_cant_take_address_of_abstract_method=04050_E_No se puede obtener la dirección de un método abstracto % An abstract method has no body, so the address of an abstract method can’t be taken. type_e_assignment_not_allowed=04051_E_Assignments to formal parameters and open arrays are not possible % You are trying to assign a value to a formal (untyped var, const or out) % parameter, or to an open array. type_e_constant_expr_expected=04052_E_Se esperaba una expresió constante % The compiler expects an constant expression, but gets a variable expression. type_e_operator_not_supported_for_types=04053_E_La operacion «$1» no está soportada para los tipos «$2» y «$3» % The operation is not allowed for the supplied types type_e_illegal_type_conversion=04054_E_No es posible realizar una conversión de «$1» a «$2» % When doing a type-cast, you must take care that the sizes of the variable and % the destination type are the same. type_h_pointer_to_longint_conv_not_portable=04055_H_La conversion entre punteros y ordinales no es portable % If you typecast a pointer to a longint (or vice-versa), this code will not compile % on a machine using 64-bit for pointer storage. type_w_pointer_to_longint_conv_not_portable=04056_W_La conversion entre punteros y ordinales no es portable % If you typecast a pointer to a ordinal type of a different size (or vice-versa), this can % cause problems. This is a warning to help finding the 32bit specific code where cardinal/longint is used % to typecast pointers to ordinals. A solution is to use the ptrint/ptruint types instead. type_e_cant_choose_overload_function=04057_E_No se pudo determinar que funcion sobrecargada llamar % You’re calling overloaded functions with a parameter that doesn’t correspond % to any of the declared function parameter lists. e.g. when you have declared % a function with parameters var{word} and var{longint}, and then you call % it with a parameter which is of type var{integer}. type_e_illegal_count_var=04058_E_Variable de contador inválida % The type of a var{for} loop variable must be an ordinal type. % Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. % end{description} # # Symtable # # 05055 is the last used one # % section{Symbol handling} % This section lists all the messages that concern the handling of symbols. % This means all things that have to do with procedure and variable names. % begin{description} type_w_double_c_varargs=04059_W_Converting constant real value to double for C variable argument, add explicit typecast to prevent this. % In C, constant real values are double by default. For this reason, if you % pass a constant real value to a variable argument part of a C function, FPC % by default converts this constant to double as well. If you want to prevent % this from happening, add an explicit typecast around the constant. type_e_class_or_cominterface_type_expected=04060_E_Class or COM interface type expected, but got «$1» % Some operators, such as the AS operator, are only applicable to classes or COM interfaces. type_e_no_const_packed_array=04061_E_Constant packed arrays are not yet supported % You cannot declare a (bit)packed array as a typed constant. type_e_got_expected_packed_array=04062_E_Incompatible type for arg no. $1: Got «$2» expected «(Bit)Packed Array» % The compiler expects a (bit)packed array as the specified parameter. type_e_got_expected_unpacked_array=04063_E_Incompatible type for arg no. $1: Got «$2» expected «(not packed) Array» % The compiler expects a regular (i.e., not packed) array as the specified parameter. type_e_no_packed_inittable=04064_E_Elements of packed arrays cannot be of a type which need to be initialised % Support for packed arrays of types that need initialization % (such as ansistrings, or records which contain ansistrings) is not yet implemented. type_e_no_const_packed_record=04065_E_Constant packed records and objects are not yet supported % You cannot declare a (bit)packed array as a typed constant at this time. type_w_untyped_arithmetic_unportable=04066_W_Arithmetic «$1» on untyped pointer is unportable to {$T+}, suggest typecast % Addition/subtraction from an untyped pointer may work differently in var{{$T+}}. % Use a typecast to a typed pointer. type_e_cant_take_address_of_local_subroutine=04076_E_Can’t take address of a subroutine marked as local % The address of a subroutine marked as local cannot be taken. type_e_cant_export_local=04077_E_Can’t export subroutine marked as local from a unit % A subroutine marked as local cannot be exported from a unit. type_e_not_automatable=04078_E_Type is not automatable: «$1» % Only byte, integer, longint, smallint, currency, single, double, ansistring, % widestring, tdatetime, variant, olevariant, wordbool and all interfaces are automatable. type_h_convert_add_operands_to_prevent_overflow=04079_H_Converting the operands to «$1» before doing the add could prevent overflow errors. % Adding two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger type, you % could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the addition. type_h_convert_sub_operands_to_prevent_overflow=04080_H_Converting the operands to «$1» before doing the subtract could prevent overflow errors. % Subtracting two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger type, you % could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the subtraction. type_h_convert_mul_operands_to_prevent_overflow=04081_H_Converting the operands to «$1» before doing the multiply could prevent overflow errors. % Multiplying two types can cause overflow errors. Since you are converting the result to a larger type, you % could prevent such errors by converting the operands to this type before doing the multiplication. type_w_pointer_to_signed=04082_W_Converting pointers to signed integers may result in wrong comparison results and range errors, use an unsigned type instead. % The virtual address space on 32-bit machines runs from $00000000 to $ffffffff. % Many operating systems allow you to allocate memory above $80000000. % For example both windows and linux allow pointers in the range $0000000 to $bfffffff. % If you convert pointers to signed types, this can cause overflow and range check errors, % but also $80000000 < $7fffffff. This can cause random errors in code like «if p>q». type_e_interface_has_no_guid=04083_E_Interface type $1 has no valid GUID % When applying the as-operator to an interface or class, the desired interface (i.e. the right operand of the % as-operator) must have a valid GUID. type_e_invalid_objc_selector_name=04084_E_Invalid selector name «$1» % An Objective-C selector cannot be empty, must be a valid identifier or a single colon, % and if it contains at least one colon it must also end in one. type_e_expected_objc_method_but_got=04085_E_Expected Objective-C method, but got $1 % A selector can only be created for Objective-C methods, not for any other kind % of procedure/function/method. type_e_expected_objc_method=04086_E_Expected Objective-C method or constant method name % A selector can only be created for Objective-C methods, either by specifying % the name using a string constant, or by using an Objective-C method identifier % that is visible in the current scope. type_e_no_type_info=04087_E_No type info available for this type % Type information is not generated for some types, such as enumerations with gaps % in their value range (this includes enumerations whose lower bound is different % from zero). type_e_ordinal_or_string_expr_expected=04088_E_Ordinal or string expression expected % The expression must be an ordinal or string type. type_e_string_expr_expected=04089_E_String expression expected % The expression must be a string type. type_w_zero_to_nil=04090_W_Converting 0 to NIL % Use NIL rather than 0 when initialising a pointer. type_e_protocol_type_expected=04091_E_Objective-C protocol type expected, but got «$1» % The compiler expected a protocol type name, but found something else. type_e_objc_type_unsupported=04092_E_The type «$1» is not supported for interaction with the Objective-C and the blocks runtime. % Objective-C and Blocks make extensive use of run time type information (RTTI). This format % is defined by the maintainers of the run time and can therefore not be adapted % to all possible Object Pascal types. In particular, types that depend on % reference counting by the compiler (such as ansistrings and certain kinds of % interfaces) cannot be used as fields of Objective-C classes, cannot be % directly passed to Objective-C methods or Blocks, and cannot be encoded using var{objc_encode}. type_e_class_or_objcclass_type_expected=04093_E_Class or objcclass type expected, but got «$1» % It is only possible to create class reference types of var{class} and var{objcclass} type_e_objcclass_type_expected=04094_E_Objcclass type expected % The compiler expected an var{objcclass} type type_w_procvar_univ_conflicting_para=04095_W_Coerced univ parameter type in procedural variable may cause crash or memory corruption: $1 to $2 % var{univ} parameters are implicitly compatible with all types of the same size, % also in procedural variable definitions. That means that the following code is % legal, because var{single} and var{longint} have the same size: % begin{verbatim} % {$mode macpas} % Type % TIntProc = procedure (l: univ longint); % % procedure test(s: single); % begin % writeln(s); % end; % % var % p: TIntProc; % begin % p:=test; % p(4); % end. % end{verbatim} % This code may however crash on platforms that pass integers in registers and % floating point values on the stack, because then the stack will be unbalanced. % Note that this warning will not flag all potentially dangerous situations. % when var{test} returns. type_e_generics_cannot_reference_itself=04096_E_Type parameters of specializations of generics cannot reference the currently specialized type % Recursive specializations of generics like var{Type MyType = specialize MyGeneric<MyType>;} are not possible. type_e_type_parameters_are_not_allowed_here=04097_E_Type parameters are not allowed on non-generic class/record/object procedure or function % Type parameters are only allowed for methods of generic classes, records or objects type_e_generic_declaration_does_not_match=04098_E_Generic declaration of «$1» differs from previous declaration % Generic declaration does not match the previous declaration type_e_helper_type_expected=04099_E_Helper type expected % The compiler expected a var{class helper} type. type_e_record_type_expected=04100_E_Record type expected % The compiler expected a var{record} type. type_e_class_helper_must_extend_subclass=04101_E_Derived class helper must extend a subclass of «$1» or the class itself % If a class helper inherits from another class helper the extended class must % extend either the same class as the parent class helper or a subclass of it type_e_record_helper_must_extend_same_record=04102_E_Derived record or type helper must extend «$1» % If a record helper inherits from another record helper it must extend the same % record that the parent record helper extended. type_e_procedures_return_no_value=04103_E_Invalid assignment, procedures return no value % This error occurs when one tries to assign the result of a procedure or destructor call. % A procedure or destructor returns no value so this is not % possible. type_w_implicit_string_cast=04104_W_Implicit string type conversion from «$1» to «$2» % An implicit type conversion from an ansi string type to an unicode string type is % encountered. To avoid this warning perform an explicit type conversion. type_w_implicit_string_cast_loss=04105_W_Implicit string type conversion with potential data loss from «$1» to «$2» % An implicit type conversion from an unicode string type to an ansi string type is % encountered. This conversion can lose data since not all unicode characters may be represented in the codepage of % destination string type. type_w_explicit_string_cast=04106_-W_Explicit string typecast from «$1» to «$2» % An explicit typecast from an ansi string type to an unicode string type is % encountered. This warning is off by default. You can turn it on to see all suspicious string conversions. type_w_explicit_string_cast_loss=04107_-W_Explicit string typecast with potential data loss from «$1» to «$2» % An explicit typecast from an unicode string type to an ansi string type is % encountered. This conversion can lose data since not all unicode characters may be represented in the codepage of % destination string type. This warning is off by default. You can turn it on to see all the places with lossy string % conversions. type_w_unicode_data_loss=04108_W_Unicode constant cast with potential data loss % Conversion from a WideChar to AnsiChar can lose data since now all unicode characters may be represented in the current % system codepage % You can nest function definitions only 31 levels deep. type_e_range_check_error_bounds=04109_E_range check error while evaluating constants ($1 must be between $2 and $3) type_w_range_check_error_bounds=04110_W_range check error while evaluating constants ($1 must be between $2 and $3) % The constants are outside their allowed range. type_e_type_not_allowed_for_default=04111_E_This type is not supported for the Default() intrinsic % Some types like for example Text and File Of X are not supported by the Default intrinsic. type_e_java_class_method_not_static_virtual=04112_E_JVM virtual class methods cannot be static % Virtual class methods cannot be static when targeting the JVM platform, because % the self pointer is required for correct dispatching. type_e_invalid_final_assignment=04113_E_Final (class) fields can only be assigned in their class’ (class) constructor % It is only possible to assign a value to a final (class) field inside a (class) constructor of its owning class. type_e_no_managed_formal_assign_typecast=04114_E_It is not possible to typecast untyped parameters on managed platforms, simply assign a value to them instead. % On managed platforms, untyped parameters are translated by the compiler into % the equivalent of var{var x: BaseClassType}. Non-class-based types passed to % such parameters are automatically wrapped (or boxed) in a class, and after the % call the potentially modified value is assigned back to the original variable. % On the caller side, changing untyped var/out parameters happens by simply assigning % values to them (either class-based or primitive ones). On the caller side, % they will be extracted and if their type does not match the original variable’s, % an exception will be raised. type_e_no_managed_assign_generic_typecast=04115_E_The assignment side of an expression cannot be typecasted to a supertype on managed platforms % Managed platforms guarantee type safety at the bytecode level. This means that the virtual machine must be able % to statically determine that no type-unsafe assignments or operations occur. By assigning a parent class type to a % variable of a child type by typecasting the assignment side to the parent class type, the type safety would no % longer be guaranteed and the generated code would fail verification at run time time. type_w_interface_lower_visibility=04116_-W_The interface method «$1» raises the visibility of «$2» to public when accessed via an interface instance type_e_interface_lower_visibility=04117_E_The interface method «$1» has a higher visibility (public) than «$2» % All methods in an interface have always public visibility. That means that if % an interface method is implemented using a (strict) protected or private method, % this method is actually publicly accessible via the interface. On the JVM % target this situation results in an error because the JVM rejects such % attempts to circumvent the visibility rules. On other targets this is a % warning that is disabled by default because such situations are common % practice, but it can be enabled in case you are concerned with keeping your % code compilable for the JVM target. type_e_typeof_requires_vmt=04118_E_TYPEOF can only be used on object types with VMT % Typeof() intrinsic returns pointer to VMT of its argument. It cannot be used on object types that do not have VMT. type_e_invalid_default_value=04119_E_It is not possible to define a default value for a parameter of type «$1» % Parameters declared as structured types, such as files, variants, non-dynamic % arrays and TP-style objects, cannot have a default value. type_e_type_not_allowed_for_type_helper=04120_E_Type «$1» cannot be extended by a type helper % Types like procedural variables cannot be extended by type helpers type_e_procedure_must_be_far=04121_E_Procedure or function must be far in order to allow taking its address: «$1» % In certain i8086 memory models (medium, large and huge), procedures and functions % have to be declared ‘far’ in order to allow their address to be taken. type_w_instance_abstract_class=04122_W_Creating an instance of abstract class «$1» % The specified class is declared as var{abstract} and thus no instance of this class % should be created. This is merely a warning for Delphi compatibility. type_e_function_reference_kind=04123_E_Subroutine references cannot be declared as «of object» or «is nested», they can always refer to any kind of subroutine % Subroutine references can refer to any kind of subroutine and hence do not % require specialisation for methods or nested subroutines. type_e_anonymous_function_unsupported=04999_E_Function references are not yet supported, only blocks (add «cdecl;» at the end) % Remove this error message once Delphi-style anonymous are implemented. It has % number 4999 so as not to result in a gap in the error message numbering once % it’s removed. % end{description} # # Symtable # # 05095 is the last used one # % section{Symbol handling} % This section lists all the messages that concern the handling of symbols. % This means all things that have to do with procedure and variable names. % begin{description} sym_e_id_not_found=05000_E_Identificador no encontrado «$1» % The compiler doesn’t know this symbol. Usually happens when you misspel % the name of a variable or procedure, or when you forgot to declare a % variable. sym_f_internal_error_in_symtablestack=05001_F_Error interno en SymTableStack() % An internal error occurred in the compiler; If you encounter such an error, % please contact the developers and try to provide an exact description of % the circumstances in which the error occurs. sym_e_duplicate_id=05002_E_Identificador duplicado «$1» % The identifier was already declared in the current scope. sym_h_duplicate_id_where=05003_H_El identificador ya está definido en $1 en la línea $2 % The identifier was already declared in a previous scope. sym_e_unknown_id=05004_E_Identificador desconocido «$1» % The identifier encountered has not been declared, or is used outside the % scope where it is defined. sym_e_forward_not_resolved=05005_E_Declaración posterior no solucionada «$1» % This can happen in two cases: % begin{itemize} % item This happens when you declare a function (in the var{interface} part, or % with a var{forward} directive, but do not implement it. % item You reference a type which isn’t declared in the current var{type} % block. % end{itemize} sym_e_error_in_type_def=05007_E_Error en definición de tipo % There is an error in your definition of a new array type: % item One of the range delimiters in an array declaration is erroneous. % For example, var{Array [1..1.25]} will trigger this error. sym_e_forward_type_not_resolved=05009_E_Tipo posterior no resuelto «$1» % A symbol was forward defined, but no declaration was encountered. sym_e_only_static_in_static=05010_E_Solo las variables estáticas pueden ser usadas en métodos estáticos o fuera de métodos % A static method of an object can only access static variables. sym_e_type_must_be_rec_or_object_or_class=05012_E_Record or object or class type expected % The variable or expression isn’t of the type var{record} or var{object} or var{class}. sym_e_no_instance_of_abstract_object=05013_E_No se permiten instancias de clases u objetos con un métodos abstractos % You are trying to generate an instance of a class which has an abstract % method that wasn’t overridden. sym_w_label_not_defined=05014_W_Etiqueta no definida «$1» % A label was declared, but not defined. sym_e_label_used_and_not_defined=05015_E_Etiqueta «$1» usada pero no definida % A label was declared and used, but not defined. sym_e_ill_label_decl=05016_E_Declaración inválida de la etiqueta % This error should never happen; it occurs if a label is defined outside a % procedure or function. sym_e_goto_and_label_not_supported=05017_E_GOTO y LABEL no son soportados (debe ser habilitado con -Sg) % You must compile a program which has var{label}s and var{goto} statements % with the var{-Sg} switch. By default, var{label} and var{goto} aren’t % supported. sym_e_label_not_found=05018_E_Etiqueta no encontrada % A var{goto label} was encountered, but the label isn’t declared. sym_e_id_is_no_label_id=05019_E_el identificador no es una etiqueta % The identifier specified after the var{goto} isn’t of type label. sym_e_label_already_defined=05020_E_Etiqueta ya definida % You are defining a label twice. You can define a label only once. sym_e_ill_type_decl_set=05021_E_Definicion de tipo set inválida % The declaration of a set contains an invalid type definition. sym_e_class_forward_not_resolved=05022_E_Definición posterior de la clase «$1» no resuelta % You declared a class, but you did not implement it. sym_n_unit_not_used=05023_H_Unidad «$1» no utilizada en $2 % The unit referenced in the var{uses} clause is not used. sym_h_para_identifier_not_used=05024_H_Parámetro «$1» no usado % The identifier was declared (locally or globally) but % was not used (locally or globally). sym_n_local_identifier_not_used=05025_N_Variable local no usada «$1» % You have declared, but not used a variable in a procedure or function % implementation. sym_h_para_identifier_only_set=05026_H_Valor asignado a «$1» pero no utilizado % The identifier was declared (locally or globally) % set but not used (locally or globally). sym_n_local_identifier_only_set=05027_N_Valor asignado a la variable local «$1» no utilizado % The variable in a procedure or function % implementation is declared, set but never used. sym_h_local_symbol_not_used=05028_H_Símbolo local $1 «$2» no utilizado % A local symbol is never used. sym_n_private_identifier_not_used=05029_N_Campo privado $1.$2 no utilizado % The indicated private field is defined, but is never used in the code. sym_n_private_identifier_only_set=05030_N_Valor asignado al campo privado $1.$2 pero nunca es utilizado % The indicated private field is declared and assigned to, but never read. sym_n_private_method_not_used=05031_N_Método privado $1.$2 no utilizado % The indicated private method is declared but is never used in the code. sym_e_set_expected=05032_E_Tipo set esperado % The variable or expression is not of type var{set}. This happens in an % var{in} statement. sym_w_function_result_not_set=05033_W_El resultado de la función puede no haber sido asignado % You can get this warning if the compiler thinks that a function return % value is not set. This will not be displayed for assembler procedures, % or procedures that contain assembler blocks. sym_w_wrong_C_pack=05034_W_El tipo «$1» no esta correctamente alineado para C % Arrays with sizes not multiples of 4 will be wrongly aligned % for C structures. sym_e_illegal_field=05035_E_Identificador de campo de registro desconocido: «$1» % The field doesn’t exist in the record/object definition. sym_w_uninitialized_local_variable=05036_W_La variable local «$1» no parace haber sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_w_uninitialized_variable=05037_W_La variable «$1» no parece haber sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_e_id_no_member=05038_E_El identificador «$1» no identifica ningún miembro % This error is generated when an identifier of a record, % field, or method is accessed while it is not defined. sym_h_param_list=05039_H_Declaracion encontrada: $1 % You get this when you use the var{-vh} switch. In case an overloaded % procedure is not found, then all candidate overloaded procedures are % listed, with their parameter lists. sym_e_segment_too_large=05040_E_Segmento de datos demasiado grande % You get this when you declare a data element whose size exceeds the % prescribed limit (2 Gb on 80386+/68020+ processors) sym_e_no_matching_implementation_found=05042_E_No se encontro una implementación para el método «$1» de la interfaz % There was no matching method found which could implement the interface % method. Check argument types and result type of the methods. sym_w_deprecated_symbol=05043_W_Símbolo «$1» desaconsejado % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc…) which is % declared as var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated symbols may no longer % be available in newer versions of the unit / library. Usage of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_non_portable_symbol=05044_W_El símbolo «$1» no es portable % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc…) which is % declared as var{platform} is used. This symbol’s value, usage % and availability is platform specific and should not be used % if the source code must be portable. sym_w_non_implemented_symbol=05055_W_El símbolo «$1» no está implementado % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc…) which is % declared as var{unimplemented} is used. This symbol is defined, % but is not yet implemented on this specific platform. sym_e_cant_create_unique_type=05056_E_No se puede crear un tipo único a partir de este tipo % Only simple types like ordinal, float and string types are supported when % redefining a type with var{type newtype = type oldtype;}. sym_h_uninitialized_local_variable=05057_H_La variable local «$1» no parece haber sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) sym_h_uninitialized_variable=05058_H_La variable «$1» no parece haber sido inicializada % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. appears in the right-hand-side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assigment) % end{description} # # Codegenerator # # 06040 is the last used one # % section{Code generator messages} % This section lists all messages that can be displayed if the code % generator encounters an error condition. % begin{description} sym_w_function_result_uninitialized=05059_W_Function result variable does not seem to initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. before it appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). sym_h_function_result_uninitialized=05060_H_Function result variable does not seem to be initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. it appears in the left-hand side of an % assignment) sym_w_identifier_only_read=05061_W_Variable «$1» read but nowhere assigned % You have read the value of a variable, but nowhere assigned a value to % it. sym_h_abstract_method_list=05062_H_Found abstract method: $1 % When getting a warning about constructing a class/object with abstract methods % you get this hint to assist you in finding the affected method. sym_w_experimental_symbol=05063_W_Symbol «$1» is experimental % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc…) which is % declared as var{experimental} is used. Experimental symbols % might disappear or change semantics in future versions. Usage of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_forward_not_resolved=05064_W_Forward declaration «$1» not resolved, assumed external % This happens if you declare a function in the var{interface} of a unit in macpas mode, % but do not implement it. sym_w_library_symbol=05065_W_Symbol «$1» is belongs to a library % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc…) which is % declared as var{library} is used. Library symbols may not be % available in other libraries. sym_w_deprecated_symbol_with_msg=05066_W_Symbol «$1» is deprecated: «$2» % This means that a symbol (a variable, routine, etc…) which is % declared as var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated symbols may no longer % be available in newer versions of the unit / library. Use of this symbol % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_e_no_enumerator=05067_E_Cannot find an enumerator for the type «$1» % This means that compiler cannot find an appropriate enumerator to use in the for-in loop. % To create an enumerator you need to define an operator enumerator or add a public or published % GetEnumerator method to the class or object definition. sym_e_no_enumerator_move=05068_E_Cannot find a «MoveNext» method in enumerator «$1» % This means that compiler cannot find a public MoveNext method with the Boolean return type in % the enumerator class or object definition. sym_e_no_enumerator_current=05069_E_Cannot find a «Current» property in enumerator «$1» % This means that compiler cannot find a public Current property in the enumerator class or object % definition. sym_e_objc_para_mismatch=05070_E_Mismatch between number of declared parameters and number of colons in message string. % In Objective-C, a message name automatically contains as many colons as parameters. % In order to prevent mistakes when specifying the message name in FPC, the compiler % checks whether this is also the case here. Note that in case of messages taking a % variable number of arguments translated to FPC via an var{array of const} parameter, % this final var{array of const} parameter is not counted. Neither are the hidden % var{self} and var{_cmd} parameters. sym_n_private_type_not_used=05071_N_Private type «$1.$2» never used % The indicated private type is declared but is never used in the code. sym_n_private_const_not_used=05072_N_Private const «$1.$2» never used % The indicated private const is declared but is never used in the code. sym_n_private_property_not_used=05073_N_Private property «$1.$2» never used % The indicated private property is declared but is never used in the code. sym_w_deprecated_unit=05074_W_Unit «$1» is deprecated % This means that a unit which is % declared as var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated units may no longer % be available in newer versions of the library. Use of this unit % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_deprecated_unit_with_msg=05075_W_Unit «$1» is deprecated: «$2» % This means that a unit which is % declared as var{deprecated} is used. Deprecated units may no longer % be available in newer versions of the library. Use of this unit % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_w_non_portable_unit=05076_W_Unit «$1» is not portable % This means that a unit which is % declared as var{platform} is used. This unit use % and availability is platform specific and should not be used % if the source code must be portable. sym_w_library_unit=05077_W_Unit «$1» is belongs to a library % This means that a unit which is % declared as var{library} is used. Library units may not be % available in other libraries. sym_w_non_implemented_unit=05078_W_Unit «$1» is not implemented % This means that a unit which is % declared as var{unimplemented} is used. This unit is defined, % but is not yet implemented on this specific platform. sym_w_experimental_unit=05079_W_Unit «$1» is experimental % This means that a unit which is % declared as var{experimental} is used. Experimental units % might disappear or change semantics in future versions. Usage of this unit % should be avoided as much as possible. sym_e_formal_class_not_resolved=05080_E_No complete definition of the formally declared class «$1» is in scope % Objecive-C and Java classes can be imported formally, without using the unit in which it is fully declared. % This enables making forward references to such classes and breaking circular dependencies amongst units. % However, as soon as you wish to actually do something with an entity of this class type (such as % access one of its fields, send a message to it, or use it to inherit from), the compiler requires the full definition % of the class to be in scope. sym_e_interprocgoto_into_init_final_code_not_allowed=05081_E_Gotos into initialization or finalization blocks of units are not allowed % Gotos into initialization or finalization blockse of units are not allowed. sym_e_external_class_name_mismatch1=05082_E_Invalid external name «$1» for formal class «$2» sym_e_external_class_name_mismatch2=05083_E_Complete class definition with external name «$1» here % When a class is declared using a formal external definition, the actual external % definition (if any) must specify the same external name as the formal definition % (since both definitions refer to the same actual class type). sym_w_library_overload=05084_W_Possible library conflict: symbol «$1» from library «$2» also found in library «$3» % Some OS do not have library specific namespaces, for those % OS, the function declared as «external ‘libname’ name ‘funcname'», % the ‘libname’ part is only a hint, funcname might also be loaded % by another library. This warning appears if ‘funcname’ is used twice % with two different library names. sym_e_duplicate_id_create_java_constructor=05085_E_Cannot add implicit constructor ‘Create’ because identifier already used by «$1» % Java does not automatically add inherited constructors to child classes, so that they can be hidden. % However, if a class does not explicitly declare at least one constructor, the compiler is % required to add a public, parameterless constructor. In Java, constructors are nameless, % but in FPC they are all called «Create». Therefore, if you do not add a constructor to % a Java class and furthermore use the «Create» identifier for another entity (e.g., a field, % or a parameterless method), the compiler cannot satisfy this requirement. sym_e_no_matching_inherited_parameterless_constructor=05086_E_Cannot generate default constructor for class, because parent has no parameterless constructor % Java does not automatically add inherited constructors to child classes, so that they can be hidden. % However, if a class does not explicitly declare at least one constructor, the compiler is % required to add a public, parameterless constructor. This compiler must then call % the parameterless constructor from the parent class inside this added constructor. % This is however impossible if the parent class does not declare such a constructor. % In this case you must add a valid constructor yourself. sym_d_adding_helper_for=05087_D_Adding helper for $1 % A helper for the mentioned type is added to the current scope sym_e_param_list=05088_E_Found declaration: $1 % This message shows all overloaded declarations in case of an error. sym_w_uninitialized_managed_local_variable=05089_W_Local variable «$1» of a managed type does not seem to be initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). Since the variable is managed, i. e. implicitly initialized by the compiler, this might be intended behaviour and % does not necessarily mean that the code is wrong. sym_w_uninitialized_managed_variable=05090_W_Variable «$1» of a managed type does not seem to be initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). Since the variable is managed, i. e. implicitly initialized by the compiler, this might be intended behaviour and % does not necessarily mean that the code is wrong. sym_h_uninitialized_managed_local_variable=05091_H_Local variable «$1» of a managed type does not seem to be initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. it did not appear in the left-hand side of an % assignment). Since the variable is managed, i. e. implicitly initialized by the compiler, this might be intended behaviour and % does not necessarily mean that the code is wrong. sym_h_uninitialized_managed_variable=05092_H_Variable «$1» of a managed type does not seem to be initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that a variable will % be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) when it % was not initialized first (i.e. t did not appear in the left-hand side of an % assignment). Since the variable is managed, i. e. implicitly initialized by the compiler, this might be intended behaviour and % does not necessarily mean that the code is wrong. sym_w_managed_function_result_uninitialized=05093_W_function result variable of a managed type does not seem to initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. before it appeared in the left-hand side of an % assignment). Since the variable is managed, i. e. implicitly initialized by the compiler, this might be intended behaviour and % does not necessarily mean that the code is wrong. sym_h_managed_function_result_uninitialized=05094_H_Function result variable of a managed type does not seem to be initialized % This message is displayed if the compiler thinks that the function result % variable will be used (i.e. it appears in the right-hand side of an expression) % before it is initialized (i.e. it appears in the left-hand side of an % assignment). Since the variable is managed, i. e. implicitly initialized by the compiler, this might be intended behaviour and % does not necessarily mean that the code is wrong. sym_w_duplicate_id=05095_W_Duplicate identifier «$1» % The identifier was already declared in an Objective-C category that’s in the % same scope as the current identifier. This is a warning instead of an error, % because while this hides the identifier from the category, there are often % many unused categories in scope. % end{description} # # Codegenerator # # 06049 is the last used one # % section{Code generator messages} % This section lists all messages that can be displayed if the code % generator encounters an error condition. % begin{description} cg_e_parasize_too_big=06009_E_El tamaño de la lista de par metros excede 65535 bytes % The I386 processor limits the parameter list to 65535 bytes (the var{RET} % instruction causes this) cg_e_file_must_call_by_reference=06012_E_Los tipos File deben ser pasados por referencia % You cannot specify files as value parameters, i.e. they must always be % declared var{var} parameters. cg_e_cant_use_far_pointer_there=06013_E_El uso de punteros «far» no esta permitido aqií % Free Pascal doesn’t support far pointers, so you cannot take the address of % an expression which has a far reference as a result. The var{mem} construct % has a far reference as a result, so the following code will produce this % error: % begin{verbatim} % var p : pointer; % … % p:=@mem[a000:000]; % end{verbatim} cg_e_dont_call_exported_direct=06015_E_las funciones declaradas como EXPORT no pueden ser llamadas % No longer in use. cg_w_member_cd_call_from_method=06016_W_Posible llamada inválida de un constructor o destructor % The compiler detected that a constructor or destructor is called within a % a method. This will probably lead to problems, since constructors / destructors % require parameters on entry. cg_n_inefficient_code=06017_N_código ineficiente % Your statement seems dubious to the compiler. cg_w_unreachable_code=06018_W_El código no será ejecutado nunca % You specified a construct which will never be executed. Example: % begin{verbatim} % while false do % begin % {.. code …} % end; % end{verbatim} cg_e_cant_call_abstract_method=06020_E_Los métodos abstractos no pueden ser llamados directamente % You cannot call an abstract method directy, instead you must call a % overriding child method, because an abstract method isn’t implemented. cg_d_register_weight=06027_DL_Registro $1 peso $2 $3 % Debugging message. Shown when the compiler considers a variable for % keeping in the registers. cg_d_stackframe_omited=06029_DL_Se omite generar stack frame % Some procedure/functions do not need a complete stack-frame, so it is omitted. % This message will be displayed when the {-vd} switch is used. cg_e_unable_inline_object_methods=06031_E_Métodos de objetos o clases no pueden ser inline % You cannot have inlined object methods. cg_e_unable_inline_procvar=06032_E_Variables de procedimiento o función no pueden ser inline % A procedure with a procedural variable call cannot be inlined. cg_e_no_code_for_inline_stored=06033_E_No hay código almacenado para procedimientos inline % The compiler couldn’t store code for the inline procedure. cg_e_can_access_element_zero=06035_E_No se puede acceder al elemento 0 de cadenas largas, use SetLength/Length % You should use var{setlength} to set the length of an ansi/wide/longstring % and var{length} to get the length of such a string types cg_e_cannot_call_cons_dest_inside_with=06037_E_No se pueden llamar a constructores o destructores en with % Inside a var{with} clause you cannot call a constructor or destructor for the % object you have in the var{with} clause. cg_e_cannot_call_message_direct=06038_E_No se pueden llamar a métodos manejadores de mensajes directamente % A message method handler method cannot be called directly if it contains an % explicit self argument cg_e_goto_inout_of_exception_block=06039_E_Salto fuera de un bloque de excepción % It is not allowed to jump in or outside of an exception block like var{try..finally..end;}: % begin{verbatim} % label 1; % % … % % try % if not(final) then % goto 1; // this line will cause an error % finally % … % end; % 1: % … % end{verbatim} cg_e_control_flow_outside_finally=06040_E_No se admiten instrucciones de control de flujo en un bloque finally % It isn’t allowed to use the control flow statements var{break}, % var{continue} and var{exit} % inside a finally statement. The following example shows the problem: % begin{verbatim} % … % try % p; % finally % … % exit; // This exit ISN’T allowed % end; % … % % end{verbatim} % If the procedure var{p} raises an exception the finally block is % executed. If the execution reaches the exit, it’s unclear what to do: % exiting the procedure or searching for another exception handler cg_w_parasize_too_big=06041_W_El tamaño del parámetro excede el límite de algunas CPU % This indicates that you are declaring more than 64K of parameters, which % might not be supported on other processor targets. cg_w_localsize_too_big=06042_W_El tamaño de las variables locales excede el límite de algunas CPU % This indicates that you are declaring more than 32K of lcoal variables, which % might not be supported on other processor targets. cg_e_localsize_too_big=06043_E_El tamaño de las variables locales excede el límite de la CPU de destino % This indicates that you are declaring more than 32K of lcoal variables, which % is not supported by this processor. cg_e_break_not_allowed=06044_E_BREAK no permitido aquí % You’re trying to use var{break} outside a loop construction. cg_e_continue_not_allowed=06045_E_CONTINUE no permitido aquí % You’re trying to use var{continue} outside a loop construction. % end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Assembler reader # # 07097 is the last used one # cg_f_unknown_compilerproc=06046_F_Unknown compilerproc «$1». Check if you use the correct run time library. % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains certain subroutines. If you see this error % and you didn’t change the runtime library code, it’s very likely that the runtime library % you’re using doesn’t match the compiler in use. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a subroutine which the compiler needs for internal use. cg_f_unknown_system_type=06047_F_Cannot find system type «$1». Check if you use the correct run time library. % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains certain type definitions. If you see this error % and you didn’t change the runtime library code, it’s very likely that the runtime library % you’re using doesn’t match the compiler in use. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a type which the compiler needs for internal use. cg_h_inherited_ignored=06048_H_Inherited call to abstract method ignored % This message appears only in Delphi mode when you call an abstract method % of a parent class via var{inherited;}. The call is then ignored. cg_e_goto_label_not_found=06049_E_Goto label «$1» not defined or optimized away % The label used in the goto definition is not defined or optimized away by the % unreachable code elemination. cg_f_unknown_type_in_unit=06050_F_Cannot find type «$1» in unit «$2». Check if you use the correct run time library. % The compiler expects that the runtime library contains certain type definitions. If you see this error % and you didn’t change the runtime library code, it’s very likely that the runtime library % you’re using doesn’t match the compiler in use. If you changed the runtime library this error means % that you removed a type which the compiler needs for internal use. cg_e_interprocedural_goto_only_to_outer_scope_allowed=06051_E_Interprocedural gotos are allowed only to outer subroutines % Gotos between subroutines are only allowed if the goto jumps from an inner to an outer subroutine or % from a subroutine to the main program cg_e_labels_cannot_defined_outside_declaration_scope=06052_E_Label must be defined in the same scope as it is declared % In ISO mode, labels must be defined in the same scope as they are declared. cg_e_goto_across_procedures_with_exceptions_not_allowed=06053_E_Leaving procedures containing explicit or implicit exceptions frames using goto is not allowed % Non-local gotos might not be used to leave procedures using exceptions either implicitly or explicitly. Procedures % which use automated types like ansistrings or class constructurs are affected by this too. cg_e_mod_only_defined_for_pos_quotient=06054_E_In ISO mode, the mod operator is defined only for positive quotient % In ISO pascal, only positive values are allowed for the quotient: var{n mod m} is only valid if var{m>0}. cg_d_autoinlining=06055_DL_Auto inlining: $1 % Due to auto inlining turned on, the compiler auto inlines this subroutine. cg_e_function_not_support_by_selected_instruction_set=06056_E_The function used, is not supported by the selected instruction set: $1 % Some functions cannot be implemented efficiently for certain instruction sets, one example is fused multiply/add. % To avoid very inefficient code, the compiler complains in this case, so either select another instruction set % or replace the function call by alternative code cg_f_max_units_reached=06057_F_Maximum number of units ($1) reached for the current target % Depending of target architecture, the number of units is limited. This limit % has been reached. A unit counts only if it contains initialization or finalization count. % % end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Assembler reader # # 07125 is the last used one # asmr_d_start_reading=07000_DL_Iniciando interpretado de ensamblador de estilo $1 % This informs you that an assembler block is being parsed asmr_d_finish_reading=07001_DL_Finalizado interpretado de ensamblador de estilo $1 % This informs you that an assembler block has finished. asmr_e_none_label_contain_at=07002_E_Una patrón que no es una etiqueta contiene @ % A identifier which isn’t a label can’t contain a @. asmr_e_building_record_offset=07004_E_Error construyendo desplazamiento de registro (record) % There has an error occured while building the offset of a record/object % structure, this can happend when there is no field specified at all or % an unknown field identifier is used. asmr_e_offset_without_identifier=07005_E_OFFSET usado sin identificador % You can only use OFFSET with an identifier. Other syntaxes aren’t % supported asmr_e_type_without_identifier=07006_E_TYPE usado sin identificador % You can only use TYPE with an identifier. Other syntaxes aren’t % supported asmr_e_no_local_or_para_allowed=07007_E_No es posible usar una variable local o parámetro aquí % You can’t use a local variable or parameter here, mostly because the % addressing of locals and parameters is done using the frame pointer register so the % address can’t be obtained directly. asmr_e_need_offset=07008_E_Es necesario el uso de OFFSET aquí % You need to use OFFSET <id> here to get the address of the identifier. asmr_e_need_dollar=07009_E_Es necesario el uso de $ auqí % You need to use $<id> here to get the address of the identifier. asmr_e_cant_have_multiple_relocatable_symbols=07010_E_No es posible utilizar varios símbolos reubicables % You can’t have more than one relocatable symbol (variable/typed constant) % in one argument. asmr_e_only_add_relocatable_symbol=07011_E_Símbolos reubicables solo pueden ser añadidos % Relocatable symbols (variable/typed constant) can’t be used with other % operators. Only addition is allowed. asmr_e_invalid_constant_expression=07012_E_Espresió constante inválida % There is an error in the constant expression. asmr_e_relocatable_symbol_not_allowed=07013_E_Símbolo reubicable no permitido % You can’t use a relocatable symbol (variable/typed constant) here. asmr_e_invalid_reference_syntax=07014_E_Sintaxis de referencia inválida % There is an error in the reference. asmr_e_local_para_unreachable=07015_E_No se puede llegar a $1 desde este código % You can not read directly the value of local or para % of a higher level in assembler code (except for % local assembler code without parameter nor locals). asmr_e_local_label_not_allowed_as_ref=07016_E_No está permitido el uso símbolos locales o etiquetas como referencias % You can’t use local symbols/labels as references asmr_e_wrong_base_index=07017_E_Uso inválido de registros indice y base % There is an error with the base and index register, they are % probably incorrect asmr_w_possible_object_field_bug=07018_W_Posible error en el manejo de campos de objetos % Fields of objects or classes can be reached directly in normal or objfpc % modes but TP and Delphi modes treat the field name as a simple offset. asmr_e_wrong_scale_factor=07019_E_Factor de escala erróneo % The scale factor given is wrong, only 1,2,4 and 8 are allowed asmr_e_multiple_index=07020_E_Uso de multiples registros índice % You are trying to use more than one index register asmr_e_invalid_operand_type=07021_E_Tipo del operando no válido % The operand type doesn’t match with the opcode used asmr_e_invalid_string_as_opcode_operand=07022_E_Cadena no vólida como operando de esta instrucción: $1 % The string specified as operand is not correct with this opcode asmr_w_CODE_and_DATA_not_supported=07023_W_@CODE y @DATA no son soportados % @CODE and @DATA are unsupported and are ignored. asmr_e_null_label_ref_not_allowed=07024_E_Referencias a etiqueta nula no permitida asmr_e_expr_zero_divide=07025_E_Division entre cero en el evaluador de ensamblador % There is a division by zero in a constant expression asmr_e_expr_illegal=07026_E_Expresión inválida % There is an illegal expression in a constant expression asmr_e_escape_seq_ignored=07027_E_Sequencia de escape ignorada: $1 % There is a C-styled string, but the escape sequence in the string % is unknown, and is therefore ignored asmr_e_invalid_symbol_ref=07028_E_Referencia a símbolo inválida asmr_w_fwait_emu_prob=07029_W_Fwait puede causar problemas de emulación con emu387 asmr_w_fadd_to_faddp=07030_W_$1 sin operando interpretado como $1P asmr_w_enter_not_supported_by_linux=07031_W_La instruccion ENTER no está soportada por el kernel de Linux % ENTER instruction can generate a stack page fault that is not % caught correctly by the i386 Linux page handler. asmr_w_calling_overload_func=07032_W_Llamando a una funcion sobrecargada desde ensamblador % There is a call to an overloaded method in the assembler block, % this might be the sign there is a problem asmr_e_unsupported_symbol_type=07033_E_Tipo de símbolo no soportado para el operando asmr_e_constant_out_of_bounds=07034_E_Valor de la constante fuera de rango asmr_e_error_converting_decimal=07035_E_Error convirtiendo decimal $1 % A constant decimal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_octal=07036_E_Error convirtiendo octal $1 % A constant octal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_binary=07037_E_Error convirtiendo binario $1 % A constant binary value does not have the correct syntax asmr_e_error_converting_hexadecimal=07038_E_Error convirtiendo hexadecimal $1 % A constant hexadecimal value does not have the correct syntax asmr_h_direct_global_to_mangled=07039_H_$1 traducido a $2 asmr_w_direct_global_is_overloaded_func=07040_W_$1 esta asociado a una función sobrecargada asmr_e_cannot_use_SELF_outside_a_method=07041_E_No se puede usar SELF fuera de un método % There is a reference to the var{self} symbol while it is not % allowed. var{self} can only be referenced inside methods asmr_e_cannot_use_OLDEBP_outside_nested_procedure=07042_E_No se puede usar OLDEBP fuera de un procedimiento anidado % There is a reference to the var{oldebp} symbol while it is not % allowed. var{oldebp} can only be referenced inside nested routines asmr_e_void_function=07043_W_No es posible devolver un valor en procedimientos desde código asm % Trying to return a value while in a procedure. A procedure % does not have any return value asmr_e_SEG_not_supported=07044_E_SEG no soportado asmr_e_size_suffix_and_dest_dont_match=07045_E_No concuerdan el tamaño del prefijo y el del origen o destino % The register size and the opcode size suffix don’t match. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_size_suffix_and_dest_dont_match=07046_W_No concuerdan el tamaño del prefijo y el del origen o destino % The register size and the opcode size suffix don’t match. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_e_syntax_error=07047_E_Error de sintaxis de ensamblador % There is an assembler syntax error asmr_e_invalid_opcode_and_operand=07048_E_Combinación inválida de operacion y operandos % The opcode cannot be used with this type of operand asmr_e_syn_operand=07049_E_Error de sintaxis de ensamblador en operando asmr_e_syn_constant=07050_E_Error de sintaxis de ensamblador en constante asmr_e_invalid_string_expression=07051_E_Espresión de cadena noáv lida asmr_w_const32bit_for_address=07052_W_constante con la direccion del símbolo $1 que no es un puntero % A constant expression represents an address which does not fit % into a pointer. The address is probably incorrect asmr_e_unknown_opcode=07053_E_Instrucción $1 no reconocida % This opcode is not known asmr_e_invalid_or_missing_opcode=07054_E_Falta la instrucción o no es válida asmr_e_invalid_prefix_and_opcode=07055_E_Combinación de prefijo y operación inválidos: $1 asmr_e_invalid_override_and_opcode=07056_E_Combinación de sobrecarga y operación inválidos: $1 asmr_e_too_many_operands=07057_E_Demasiados operandos en la línea % There are too many operands for this opcode. Check your % assembler syntax asmr_w_near_ignored=07058_W_NEAR ignorado asmr_w_far_ignored=07059_W_FAR ignorado asmr_e_dup_local_sym=07060_E_Símbolo local duplicado $1 asmr_e_unknown_local_sym=07061_E_Símbolo local indefinido $1 asmr_e_unknown_label_identifier=07062_E_Identificador de etiqueta desconocido $1 asmr_e_invalid_register=07063_E_Nombre de registro incorrecto % There is an unknown register name used as operand. asmr_e_invalid_fpu_register=07064_E_Nombre de registro de punto flotante no válido % There is an unknown register name used as operand. asmr_w_modulo_not_supported=07066_W_Modulo no soportado asmr_e_invalid_float_const=07067_E_Constante de punto flotante no válida $1 % The floating point constant declared in an assembler block is % invalid. asmr_e_invalid_float_expr=07068_E_Espresión de punto flotante no válida % The floating point expression declared in an assembler block is % invalid. asmr_e_wrong_sym_type=07069_E_Tipo de símbolo erróneo asmr_e_cannot_index_relative_var=07070_E_No se puede indexar una var. local o un parámetro con un registro % Trying to index using a base register a symbol which is already relative % to a register. This is not possible, and will probably lead to crashes. asmr_e_invalid_seg_override=07071_E_Espresión reemplazo de segmento inválida asmr_w_id_supposed_external=07072_W_Identificador $1 se supone externo % There is a reference to an undefined symbol. This will not result % in an error, since the symbol might be external, but may cause % problems at link time if the symbol is not defined anywhere. asmr_e_string_not_allowed_as_const=07073_E_Cadenas no permitidas como constantes % Character strings are not allowed as constants. asmr_e_no_var_type_specified=07074_E_No hay tipo de variable especificado % The syntax expects a type idenfitifer after the dot, but % none was found. asmr_w_assembler_code_not_returned_to_text=07075_E_Código ensamblador no devuelto a sección de texto % There was a directive in the assembler block to change sections, % but there is a missing return to the text section at the end % of the assembler block. This might cause errors during link time. asmr_e_not_directive_or_local_symbol=07076_E_No es una directiva o un símbolo local $1 % This symbol is unknown. asmr_w_using_defined_as_local=07077_E_Usando un nombre definido como una etiqueta local asmr_e_dollar_without_identifier=07078_E_Tóken de dólar usado sin identificador % A constant expression has an identifier which does not start with % the $ symbol. asmr_w_32bit_const_for_address=07079_W_Constante de 32 bits creada para la dirección % A constant was used as an address. This is probably an error, % since using absolute addresses will probably not work. asmr_n_align_is_target_specific=07080_N_.align es dependiente de la plataforma, use .balign o .p2align % Using the .align directive is platform specific, and its meaning will vary % from one platform to another. asmr_e_cannot_access_field_directly_for_parameters=07081_E_No se puede acceder directamente a los campos de los parámetros % You should load the parameter first into a register and then access the % fields using that register. asmr_e_cannot_access_object_field_directly=07082_E_No se puede acceder directamente a los campos de objetos o clases % You should load the self pointer first into a register and then access the % fields using the register as base. By default the self pointer is available % in the esi register on i386. asmr_e_unable_to_determine_reference_size=07083_E_No se especificó un tamaño y no es posible determinar el tamaño del operando % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. asmr_e_cannot_use_RESULT_here=07084_E_No se puede utilizar RESULT en esta función % Some functions which return complex types cannot use the var{result} % keyword. asmr_w_adding_explicit_args_fXX=07086_W_»$1″ sin operando traducido como «$1 %st,%st(1)» asmr_w_adding_explicit_first_arg_fXX=07087_W_»$1 %st(n)» traducido como «$1 %st,%st(n)» asmr_w_adding_explicit_second_arg_fXX=07088_W_»$1 %st(n)» traducido como «$1 %st(n),%st» asmr_e_invalid_char_smaller=07089_E_El carácter < no está permitido aquí % The shift operator requires the << characters. Only one % of those characters was found. asmr_e_invalid_char_greater=07090_E_El carácter > no está permitido aqui % The shift operator requires the >> characters. Only one % of those characters was found. asmr_w_align_not_supported=07093_W_ALIGN no es soportado asmr_e_no_inc_and_dec_together=07094_E_Inc y Dec no pueden estar juntos en la misma instrucción % Trying to use an increment and a decrement within the same % opcode on the 680×0. This is impossible. asmr_e_invalid_reg_list_in_movem=07095_E_Lista de registros inválida para movem % Trying to use the var{movem} opcode with invalid registers % to save or restore. asmr_e_invalid_reg_list_for_opcode=07096_E_Lista de registros inválida para la instrucción asmr_e_higher_cpu_mode_required=07097_E_Se requiere un modo de CPU superior ($1) % Trying to use an instruction which is not supported in the current % cpu mode. Use a higher cpu generation to be able to use this % opcode in your assembler block asmr_w_unable_to_determine_reference_size_using_dword=07098_W_No se especificó el tamaño del operando y no pudo ser determinado. Se utilizará DWORD por defecto % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. This warning is only used in Delphi mode where % it falls back to use DWORD as default. asmr_e_illegal_shifterop_syntax=07099_E_Error de sintaxis tratando de interpretar un operando de desplazamiento % ARM only; ARM assembler supports a so called shifter operand. The used syntax isn’t % a valid shifter operand. Example for an operation with shifter operand: % begin{verbatim} % asm % orr r2,r2,r2,lsl #8 % end; % end{verbatim} # # Assembler/binary writers # # 08018 is the last used one # asmr_e_packed_element=07100_E_Address of packed component is not at a byte boundary % Packed components (record fields and array elements) may start at an arbitrary % bit inside a byte. On CPU which do not support bit-addressable memory (which % includes all currently supported CPUs by FPC) you will therefore get an error % message when trying to index arrays with elements whose size is not a multiple % of 8 bits. The same goes for accessing record fields with such an address. % multiple of 8 bits. asmr_w_unable_to_determine_reference_size_using_byte=07101_W_No size specified and unable to determine the size of the operands, using BYTE as default % You should specify explicitly a size for the reference, because % the compiler is unable to determine what size (byte,word,dword,etc.) it % should use for the reference. This warning is only used in Delphi mode where % it falls back to use BYTE as default. asmr_w_no_direct_ebp_for_parameter=07102_W_Use of +offset(%ebp) for parameters invalid here % Using direct 8(%ebp) reference for function/procedure parameters is invalid % if parameters are in registers. asmr_w_direct_ebp_for_parameter_regcall=07103_W_Use of +offset(%ebp) is not compatible with regcall convention % Using direct 8(%ebp) reference for function/procedure parameters is invalid % if parameters are in registers. asmr_w_direct_ebp_neg_offset=07104_W_Use of -offset(%ebp) is not recommended for local variable access % Using -8(%ebp) to access a local variable is not recommended asmr_w_direct_esp_neg_offset=07105_W_Use of -offset(%esp), access may cause a crash or value may be lost % Using -8(%esp) to access a local stack is not recommended, as % this stack portion can be overwritten by any function calls or interrupts. asmr_e_no_vmtoffset_possible=07106_E_VMTOffset must be used in combination with a virtual method, and «$1» is not virtual % Only virtual methods have VMT offsets asmr_e_need_pic_ref=07107_E_Generating PIC, but reference is not PIC-safe % The compiler has been configured to generate position-independent code % (PIC), but there are position-dependent references in the current % handwritten assembler instruction. asmr_e_mixing_regtypes=07108_E_All registers in a register set must be of the same kind and width % Instructions on the ARM architecture that take a register set as argument require that all registers % in this set are of the same kind (e.g., integer, vfp) and width (e.g., single precision, double precision). asmr_e_empty_regset=07109_E_A register set cannot be empty % Instructions on the ARM architecture that take a register set as argument require that such a set % contains at least one register. asmr_w_useless_got_for_local=07110_W_@GOTPCREL is useless and potentially dangerous for local symbols % The use of @GOTPCREL supposes an extra indirection that is % not present if the symbol is local, which might lead to wrong assembler code asmr_w_general_segment_with_constant=07111_W_Constant with general purpose segment register % General purpose register should not have constant offsets % as OS memory allocation might not be compatible with that. asmr_e_bad_seh_directive_offset=07112_E_Invalid offset value for $1 % Win64 SEH directives have certain restrictions on possible offset values, e.g. they should % be positive and have 3 or 4 low bits clear. asmr_e_bad_seh_directive_register=07113_E_Invalid register for $1 % Win64 SEH directives accept only 64-bit integer registers or XMM registers. asmr_e_seh_in_pure_asm_only=07114_E_SEH directives are allowed only in pure assembler procedures % Win64 SEH directives are allowed only in pure assembler procedures, not in assembler % blocks of regular procedures. asmr_e_unsupported_directive=07115_E_Directive «$1» is not supported for the current target asmr_e_complex_function_result_location=07116_E_This function’s result location cannot be encoded directly in a single operand when «nostackframe» is used % Functions declared with the var{nostackframe} modifier do not have a stack frame, and hence % do not have a local variable to hold the temporary function result. Accesses to the function % result in such routines directly go to the registers or memory location that will be used % to return their result to the caller. In some cases this result may be spread over multiple % registers, in which case it is not possible to access the location via its symbolic name. % You have to directly use the appropriate register names in this case. asmr_e_wrong_gotpcrel_intel_syntax=07117_E_GOTPCREL references in Intel assembler syntax cannot contain a base or index register, and their offset must 0. % The syntax for a gotpcrel PIC memory expression in Intel assembler syntax is % verb*[global_symbol wrt ..gotpcrel]* asmr_e_no_gotpcrel_support=07118_E_The current target does not support GOTPCREL relocations % Not all targets support position-independent code using a global offset table. % Use a different way to access symbols in a position-indepent way in these cases. asmr_w_global_access_without_got=07119_W_Exported/global symbols should be accessed via the GOT % Global symbols (symbols from the unit interface, or defined in a program % or library) should be accessed via the GOT when generating position-indepent code. asmr_w_check_mem_operand_size=07120_W_Check size of memory operand «$1» % The size of memory operand is possible invalid. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_check_mem_operand_size3=07121_W_Check size of memory operand «$1: memory-operand-size is $2 bits, but expected [$3 bits]» % The size of memory operand is possible invalid. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_check_mem_operand_size_offset=07122_W_Check size of memory operand «$1: memory-operand-size is $2 bits, but expected [$3 bits + $4 byte offset]» % The size of memory operand is possible invalid. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_check_mem_operand_negative_offset=07123_W_Check «$1: offset of memory operand is negative «$2 byte» % The offset of memory operand is possible invalid. This is % probably an error in the assembler statement asmr_w_check_mem_operand_automap_multiple_size=07124_W_Check «$1: size of memory operand is empty, but es exists different definitions of the memory size =>> map to $2 (smallest option)» % The size of memory operand is empty and we have different definitions of possible memory sizes. Check it! asmr_e_invalid_ref_register=07125_E_Invalid register used in memory reference expression: «$1» % FPU, vector and sometimes integer registers cannot be used in memory reference % expressions, due to limitations of the cpu architecture or simple because % it is not meaningful. # # Assembler/binary writers # # 08029 is the last used one # asmw_f_too_many_asm_files=08000_F_Demasiados archivos de ensamblador abiertos % With smartlinking enabled, there are too many assembler % files generated. Disable smartlinking. asmw_f_assembler_output_not_supported=08001_F_Salida a ensamblador seleccionada no soportada asmw_f_comp_not_supported=08002_F_Comp no soportado asmw_f_direct_not_supported=08003_F_Direct no soportado por escritores binarios % Direct assembler mode is not supported for binary writers. asmw_e_alloc_data_only_in_bss=08004_E_Sólo esta permitido alojar datos en la seccion bss asmw_f_no_binary_writer_selected=08005_F_No hay seleccionado un escritor binario asmw_e_opcode_not_in_table=08006_E_Asm: Opcode $1 no está en la tabla asmw_e_invalid_opcode_and_operands=08007_E_Asm: $1 combinacion inválida de opcode y operandos asmw_e_16bit_not_supported=08008_E_Asm: Referencias de 16 Bit no soportadas asmw_e_invalid_effective_address=08009_E_Asm: Dirección efectiva no válida asmw_e_immediate_or_reference_expected=08010_E_Asm: Inmediato o referencia esperado asmw_e_value_exceeds_bounds=08011_E_Asm: $1 valor excede los límites $2 asmw_e_short_jmp_out_of_range=08012_E_Asm: Salto corto es fuera de rango $1 asmw_e_undefined_label=08013_E_Asm: Etiqueta no definida $1 asmw_e_comp_not_supported=08014_E_Asm: El tipo Comp no está soportado en esta plataforma asmw_e_extended_not_supported=08015_E_Asm: El tipo Extended no está soportado en esta plataforma asmw_e_duplicate_label=08016_E_Asm: Etiquita $1 duplicada asmw_e_redefined_label=08017_E_Asm: Etiqueta $1 redefinida asmw_e_first_defined_label=08018_E_Asm: Se definió por primera vez aquí asmw_e_invalid_register=08019_E_Asm: Registro $1 inválido # # Executing linker/assembler # # 09034 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % % section{Errors of assembling/linking stage} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % begin{description} asmw_e_16bit_32bit_not_supported=08020_E_Asm: 16 or 32 Bit references not supported asmw_e_64bit_not_supported=08021_E_Asm: 64 Bit operands not supported asmw_e_bad_reg_with_rex=08022_E_Asm: AH,BH,CH or DH cannot be used in an instruction requiring REX prefix % x86_64 only: instruction encoding of this platform does not allow using % 8086 high byte registers (AH,BH,CH or DH) together with REX prefix in a single instruction. % The REX prefix is required whenever the instruction operand size is 64 bits, or % when it uses one of extended x86_64 registers (R8-R15 or XMM8-XMM15). asmw_e_missing_endprologue=08023_E_Missing .seh_endprologue directive % x86_64-win64 only: Normally, SEH directives are handled internally by compiler. % However, in pure assembler procedures .seh_endprologue directive is required % if other SEH directives are present. asmw_e_prologue_too_large=08024_E_Function prologue exceeds 255 bytes % x86_64-win64: .seh_prologue directive must be placed within 255 bytes from function start. asmw_e_handlerdata_no_handler=08025_E_.seh_handlerdata directive without preceding .seh_handler % x86_64-win64: If .seh_handlerdata directive is used, then a .seh_handler directive must be % present earlier in the same function. asmw_f_too_many_relocations=08026_F_Relocation count for section $1 exceeds 65535 % Legacy COFF targets limit number of relocations per section to 65535 because they use a 2-byte field % to store the relocation count. Targets using newer PECOFF format do not have this limitation. asmw_w_changing_bind_type=08027_N_Change of bind type of symbol $1 from $2 to $3 after use asmw_h_changing_bind_type=08028_H_Change of bind type of symbol $1 from $2 to $3 after use % An assembler symbol bind type has been altered after use, which can lead to wrong code. % First version is reserved for changig to local label, which is the most probable cause % of wrong code generation, but currently set to Note level as it appears inside % the compiler compilation. asmw_e_32bit_not_supported=08029_E_Asm: 32 Bit references not supported # # Executing linker/assembler # # 09035 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % % section{Errors of assembling/linking stage} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % begin{description} exec_w_source_os_redefined=09000_W_Sistema operativo de origen redefinido % The source operating system is redefined. exec_i_assembling_pipe=09001_I_Ensamblando (pipe) $1 % Assembling using a pipe to an external assembler. exec_d_cant_create_asmfile=09002_E_No se puede crear fichero ensamblador $1 % The mentioned file can’t be created. Check if you have got % access permissions to create this file exec_e_cant_create_objectfile=09003_E_No se puede crear fichero objeto: $1 % The mentioned file can’t be created. Check if you’ve % got access permissions to create this file exec_e_cant_create_archivefile=09004_E_No se puede crear fichero de archivado: $1 % The mentioned file can’t be created. Check if you’ve % access permissions to create this file exec_e_assembler_not_found=09005_E_Ensamblador $1 no encontrado, cambiando a ensamblado externo % The assembler program was not found. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link the program. exec_t_using_assembler=09006_T_Usando ensamblador: $1 % An informational message saying which assembler is being used. exec_e_error_while_assembling=09007_E_Error mientras se ensamblaba, codigo de terminación $1 % There was an error while assembling the file using an external assembler. % Consult the documentation of the assembler tool to find out more information % on this error. exec_e_cant_call_assembler=09008_E_No se pudo llamar al ensamblador, error $1. Cambiando a ensamblador externo % An error occurred when calling an external assembler. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link the program. exec_i_assembling=09009_I_Ensamblando $1 % An informational message stating which file is being assembled. exec_i_assembling_smart=09010_I_Assembling con enlazado inteligente $1 % An informational message stating which file is being assembled using smartlinking. exec_w_objfile_not_found=09011_W_Objeto $1 no encontrado, el enlazado podria fallar! % One of the object file is missing, and linking will probably fail. % Check your paths. exec_w_libfile_not_found=09012_W_Librería $1 no encontrada, el enlazado podria fallar! % One of the library file is missing, and linking will probably fail. % Check your paths. exec_e_error_while_linking=09013_E_Error durante el enlazado % Generic error while linking. exec_e_cant_call_linker=09014_E_No se puede llamar al enlazador, cambiando a enlazado externo % An error occurred when calling an external linker. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link the program. exec_i_linking=09015_I_Enlazando $1 % An informational message, showing which program or library is being linked. exec_e_util_not_found=09016_E_Utilidad $1 no encontrada, cambiando a enlazado externo % An external tool was not found. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble and link or postprocess the program. exec_t_using_util=09017_T_Utilizando utilidad $1 % An informational message, showing which external program (usually a postprocessor) is being used. exec_e_exe_not_supported=09018_E_Creacion de ejecutables no soportado % Creating executable programs is not supported for this platform, because it was % not yet implemented in the compiler. exec_e_dll_not_supported=09019_E_Creacion de librerías dinámicas/compartidas no soportado % Creating dynamically loadable libraries is not supported for this platform, because it was % not yet implemented in the compiler. exec_e_static_lib_not_supported=09035_E_Creation of Static Libraries not supported % Creating static libraries is not supported for this platform, because it was % not yet implemented in the compiler. exec_i_closing_script=09020_I_Cerrando script $1 % Informational message showing when writing of the external assembling and linking script is finished. exec_e_res_not_found=09021_E_Compilador de recursos no encontrado, cambiando a modo externo % An external resource compiler was not found. The compiler will produce a script that % can be used to assemble, compile resources and link or postprocess the program. exec_i_compilingresource=09022_I_Compilando resource $1 % An informational message, showing which resource is being compiled. exec_t_unit_not_static_linkable_switch_to_smart=09023_T_La unidad $1 no puede ser enlazada estáticamente, cambiando a enlazado inteligente % Static linking was requested, but a unit which is not statically linkable was used. exec_t_unit_not_smart_linkable_switch_to_static=09024_T_La unidad $1 no puede ser enlazada inteligentemente, cambiando a enlazado estático % Smart linking was requested, but a unit which is not smart-linkable was used. exec_t_unit_not_shared_linkable_switch_to_static=09025_T_La unidad $1 no admite enlazado compartido, cambiando a enlazado estático % Shared linking was requested, but a unit which is not shared-linkable was used. exec_e_unit_not_smart_or_static_linkable=09026_E_La unidad $1 no puede ser enlazada estática o inteligentemente % Smart or static linking was requested, but a unit which cannot be used for either was used. exec_e_unit_not_shared_or_static_linkable=09027_E_La unidad $1 no admite enlazado compartido o estático %end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Executable information # exec_d_resbin_params=09028_D_Calling resource compiler «$1» with «$2» as command line % An informational message showing which command line is used for the resource compiler. exec_e_error_while_compiling_resources=09029_E_Error while compiling resources % The resource compiler or converter returned an error. exec_e_cant_call_resource_compiler=09030_E_Can’t call the resource compiler «$1», switching to external mode % An error occurred when calling a resource compiler. The compiler will produce % a script that can be used to assemble, compile resources and link or % postprocess the program. exec_e_cant_open_resource_file=09031_E_Can’t open resource file «$1» % An error occurred resource file cannot be opened. exec_e_cant_write_resource_file=09032_E_Can’t write resource file «$1» % An error occurred resource file cannot be written. exec_n_backquote_cat_file_not_found=09033_N_File «$1» not found for backquoted cat command % The compiler did not find the file that should be expanded into linker parameters exec_w_init_file_not_found=09034_W_»$1″ not found, this will probably cause a linking failure % The compiler adds certain startup code files to the linker only when they are found. % If they are not found, they are not added and this might cause a linking failure. % %end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Executable information # # 09134 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % section{Executable information messages.} % This section lists all messages that the compiler emits when an executable program is produced, % and only when the internal linker is used. % begin{description} execinfo_f_cant_process_executable=09128_F_No se puede post-procesar el ejecutable $1 % Fatal error when the compiler is unable to post-process an executable. execinfo_f_cant_open_executable=09129_F_No se puede abrir el ejecutable $1 % Fatal error when the compiler cannot open the file for the executable. execinfo_x_codesize=09130_X_Tamaño de Código: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the size of the produced code section. execinfo_x_initdatasize=09131_X_Tamaño de datos inicializados: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the size of the initialized data section. execinfo_x_uninitdatasize=09132_X_Tamaño de datos sin inicializar: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the size of the uninitialized data section. execinfo_x_stackreserve=09133_X_Espacio reservado para la pila: $1 bytes % Informational message showing the stack size that the compiler reserved for the executable. execinfo_x_stackcommit=09134_X_Stack space commited: $1 bytes # # Unit loading # # 10041 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % section{Unit loading messages.} % This section lists all messages that can occur when the compiler is % loading a unit from disk into memory. Many of these messages are % informational messages. % begin{description} link_f_executable_too_big=09200_F_Executable image size is too big for $1 target. % Fatal error when resulting executable is too big. link_w_32bit_absolute_reloc=09201_W_Object file «$1» contains 32-bit absolute relocation to symbol «$2». % Warning when 64-bit object file contains 32-bit absolute relocations. % In such case an executable image can be loaded into lower 4Gb of % address space only. %end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Unit loading # # 10062 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % section{Unit loading messages.} % This section lists all messages that can occur when the compiler is % loading a unit from disk into memory. Many of these messages are % informational messages. % begin{description} unit_t_unitsearch=10000_T_Buscando unidad: $1 % When you use the var{-vt}, the compiler tells you where it tries to find % unit files. unit_t_ppu_loading=10001_T_Cargando PPU $1 % When the var{-vt} switch is used, the compiler tells you % what units it loads. unit_u_ppu_name=10002_U_PPU Nombre: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the unit name is shown. unit_u_ppu_flags=10003_U_PPU Banderas: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the unit flags are shown. unit_u_ppu_crc=10004_U_PPU CRC: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the unit CRC check is shown. unit_u_ppu_time=10005_U_PPU Fecha: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the time the unit was compiled is shown. unit_u_ppu_file_too_short=10006_U_Fichero PPU demasiado corto % The ppufile is too short, not all declarations are present. unit_u_ppu_invalid_header=10007_U_Cabecera PPU inválida (no comienza por PPU) % A unit file contains as the first three bytes the ascii codes of var{PPU} unit_u_ppu_invalid_version=10008_U_Versión $1 inválida % This unit file was compiled with a different version of the compiler, and % cannot be read. unit_u_ppu_invalid_processor=10009_U_PPU está compilada para otro procesador % This unit file was compiled for a different processor type, and % cannot be read unit_u_ppu_invalid_target=10010_U_PPU está compilada para otra plataforma % This unit file was compiled for a different target, and % cannot be read unit_u_ppu_source=10011_U_Origen PPU: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the unit CRC check is shown. unit_u_ppu_write=10012_U_Escribiendo $1 % When you specify the var{-vu} switch, the compiler will tell you where it % writes the unit file. unit_f_ppu_cannot_write=10013_F_No se puede escribir el fichero PPU % An error occurred when writing the unit file. unit_f_ppu_read_error=10014_F_Error leyendo fichero PPU % This means that the unit file was corrupted, and contains invalid % information. Recompilation will be necessary. unit_f_ppu_read_unexpected_end=10015_F_Fin de fichero inesperado % Unexpected end of file. This may mean that the PPU file is % corrupted. unit_f_ppu_invalid_entry=10016_F_Entrada inválida en fichero PPU: $1 % The unit the compiler is trying to read is corrupted, or generated with a % newer version of the compiler. unit_f_ppu_dbx_count_problem=10017_F_Problema en el contador PPU Dbx % There is an inconsistency in the debugging information of the unit. unit_e_illegal_unit_name=10018_E_Nombre de unidad inválido: $1 % The name of the unit does not match the file name. unit_f_too_much_units=10019_F_Demasiades unidades % fpc has a limit of 1024 units in a program. You can change this behavior % by changing the var{maxunits} constant in the file{fmodule.pas} file of the % compiler, and recompiling the compiler. unit_f_circular_unit_reference=10020_F_Referencia circular entre unidades $1 y $2 % Two units are using each other in the interface part. This is only allowed % in the var{implementation} part. At least one unit must contain the other one % in the var{implementation} section. unit_f_cant_compile_unit=10021_F_No se puede compilar la unidad $1, no hay código fuente disponible % A unit was found that needs to be recompiled, but no sources are % available. unit_f_cant_find_ppu=10022_F_No se puede encontrar la unidad $1 % You tried to use a unit of which the PPU file isn’t found by the % compiler. Check your configuration file for the unit paths unit_w_unit_name_error=10023_W_La unidad $1 no pudo ser encontrada, pero $2 existe % This error message is no longer used. unit_f_unit_name_error=10024_F_Se buscó la unidad $1 pero se encontró $2 % Dos truncation of 8 letters for unit PPU files % may lead to problems when unit name is longer than 8 letters. unit_w_switch_us_missed=10025_W_Compilar la unidad System requiere el conmutador -Us % When recompiling the system unit (it needs special treatment), the % var{-Us} must be specified. unit_f_errors_in_unit=10026_F_Hubo $1 errores compilando el modulo, parando % When the compiler encounters a fatal error or too many errors in a module % then it stops with this message. unit_u_load_unit=10027_U_Cargado de $1 ($2) unidad $3 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, which unit is loaded from which unit is % shown. unit_u_recompile_crc_change=10028_U_Recompilando $1, checksum cambiado por $2 % The unit is recompiled because the checksum of a unit it depends on has % changed. unit_u_recompile_source_found_alone=10029_U_Recompilando $1, solo se encontró el código fuente % When you use the var{-vu} flag, these messages tell you why the current % unit is recompiled. unit_u_recompile_staticlib_is_older=10030_U_Recompilando unidad, la lib estática es más antigua que la ppu % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the static library % of the unit are older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_sharedlib_is_older=10031_U_Recompilando unidad, la lib compartida es más antigua que la ppu % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the shared library % of the unit are older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_obj_and_asm_older=10032_U_Recompilando unidad, obj y asm son más antiguos que ppu % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler or % object file of the unit are older than the unit file itself. unit_u_recompile_obj_older_than_asm=10033_U_Recompilando unidad, obj es más antiguo que asm % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns if the assembler % file of the unit is older than the object file of the unit. unit_u_parsing_interface=10034_U_Interpretando interfaz de $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % parsing the interface part of the unit unit_u_parsing_implementation=10035_U_Interpretando implementacion de $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % parsing the implementation part of the unit unit_u_second_load_unit=10036_U_Segunda carga para la unidad $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % recompiling a unit for the second time. This can happend with interdepend % units. unit_u_check_time=10037_U_Chequeo de fichero PPU $1 fecha $2 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler show the filename and % date and time of the file which a recompile depends on ### The following two error msgs is currently disabled. #unit_h_cond_not_set_in_last_compile=10038_H_Conditional $1 was not set at startup in last compilation of $2 #% when recompilation of an unit is required the compiler will check that #% the same conditionals are set for the recompiliation. The compiler has #% found a conditional that currently is defined, but was not used the last #% time the unit was compiled. #unit_h_cond_set_in_last_compile=10039_H_Conditional $1 was set at startup in last compilation of $2 #% when recompilation of an unit is required the compiler will check that #% the same conditionals are set for the recompiliation. The compiler has #% found a conditional that was used the last time the unit was compiled, but #% the conditional is currently not defined. unit_w_cant_compile_unit_with_changed_incfile=10040_W_No se pudo recompilar la unida $1, pero se encontraron ficheros de inclusió modificados % A unit was found to have modified include files, but % some source files were not found, so recompilation is impossible. unit_u_source_modified=10041_U_File $1 is newer than the one used for creating PPU file $2 % A modified source file for a compiler unit was found. unit_u_ppu_invalid_fpumode=10042_U_Se esta utilizando una unidad que no fue compilada con el modo de FPU correcto % Trying to compile code while using units which were not compiled with % the same floating point format mode. Either all code should be compiled % with FPU emulation on, or with FPU emulation off. unit_u_loading_interface_units=10043_U_Cargando unidades de interfaz de $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the units defined in the interface part of the unit. unit_u_loading_implementation_units=10044_U_Cargando unidades de implementación de $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the units defined in the implementation part of the unit. unit_u_interface_crc_changed=10045_U_CRC de la interfaz de la unidad $1 cambiado % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it the % CRC calculated for the interface has been changed after the implementation % has been parsed. unit_u_implementation_crc_changed=10046_U_CRC de la implementacion de la unidad $1 cambiado % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it the % CRC calculated has been changed after the implementation % has been parsed. unit_u_finished_compiling=10047_U_Finalizando compilado de la unidad $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has finished compiling the unit. unit_u_add_depend_to=10048_U_Añadida dependencia de $1 a $2 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has added a dependency between the two units. unit_u_no_reload_is_caller=10049_U_No hay recarga, es llamada de: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has will not reload the unit because it is the unit that wants % to load this unit unit_u_no_reload_in_second_compile=10050_U_No hay recarga, ya se esta en la segunda compilación de: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has will not reload the unit because it is already in a second recompile unit_u_flag_for_reload=10051_U_Marcado para recarga: $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has to reload the unit unit_u_forced_reload=10052_U_Recarga forzada % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has is reloading the unit because it was required unit_u_previous_state=10053_U_Estado anterior de $1: $2 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler shows the % previous state of the unit unit_u_second_compile_unit=10054_U_Ya se está compilando $1, estableciendo segunda compilación % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % recompiling a unit for the second time. This can happend with interdepend % units. unit_u_loading_unit=10055_U_Cargando unidad $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it starts % loading the unit. unit_u_finished_loading_unit=10056_U_Carga de la unidad $1 completada % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it finished % loading the unit. unit_u_registering_new_unit=10057_U_Registrando nueva unidad $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it has % found a new unit and registers it in the internal lists. unit_u_reresolving_unit=10058_U_Re-resolviendo unidad $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % has to recalculate the internal data of the unit unit_u_skipping_reresolving_unit=10059_U_Saltando re-resolución de $1, aún se estan cargando las unidades utilizadas % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it % skips to recalculate the internal data of the unit because there % is no data to recalculate % end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Options # # 11039 is the last used one # unit_u_unload_resunit=10060_U_Unloading resource unit $1 (not needed) % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that it is unloading the % resource handling unit, since no resources are used. unit_e_different_wpo_file=10061_E_Unit $1 was compiled using a different whole program optimization feedback input ($2, $3); recompile it without wpo or use the same wpo feedback input file for this compilation invocation % When a unit has been compiled using a particular whole program optimization (wpo) feedback file (var{-FW<x>} var{-OW<x>}), % this compiled version of the unit is specialised for that particular compilation scenario and cannot be used in % any other context. It has to be recompiled before you can use it in another program or with another wpo feedback input file. unit_u_indirect_crc_changed=10062_U_Indirect interface (objects/classes) CRC changed for unit $1 % When you use the var{-vu} flag, the compiler warns that the % indirect CRC calculated for the unit (this is the CRC of all classes/objects/interfaces/$ldots$ % in the interfaces of units directly or indirectly used by this unit in the interface) has been changed after the % implementation has been parsed. unit_u_ppu_invalid_memory_model=10063_U_PPU is compiled for another i8086 memory model % This unit file was compiled for a different i8086 memory model and % cannot be read. % end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Options # # 11057 is the last used one # option_usage=11000_O_$1 [opciones] <fichero_entrada> [opciones] # BeginOfTeX % % section{Command-line handling errors} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is processing the % command line or handling the configuration files. % begin{description} option_only_one_source_support=11001_W_Solo es soportado un fichero fuente % You can specify only one source file on the command line. The first % one will be compiled, others will be ignored. This may indicate that % you forgot a var{‘-‘} sign. option_def_only_for_os2=11002_W_Fichero DEF solo puede ser creado para OS/2 % This option can only be specified when you’re compiling for OS/2 option_no_nested_response_file=11003_E_Ficheros de respuesta anidados no son soportados % you cannot nest response files with the var{@file} command-line option. option_no_source_found=11004_F_No hay fichero fuente en la línea de comandos % The compiler expects a source file name on the command line. option_no_option_found=11005_N_No hay opciones en el archivo de configuración $1 % The compiler didn’t find any option in that config file. option_illegal_para=11006_E_Parámetro incorrecto: $1 % You specified an unknown option. option_help_pages_para=11007_H_-? escribe las páginas de ayuda % When an unknown option is given, this message is diplayed. option_too_many_cfg_files=11008_F_Demasiados ficheros de configuración anidados % You can only nest up to 16 config files. option_unable_open_file=11009_F_Imposible abrir fichero $1 % The option file cannot be found. option_reading_further_from=11010_D_Leyendo opciones adicionales de $1 % Displayed when you have notes turned on, and the compiler switches % to another options file. option_target_is_already_set=11011_W_Destino está ya puesto a: $1 % Displayed if more than one var{-T} option is specified. option_no_shared_lib_under_dos=11012_W_Librerías compartidas no soportadas en la plataforma DOS, regresando a estáticas % If you specify var{-CD} for the dos platform, this message is displayed. % The compiler supports only static libraries under dos option_too_many_ifdef=11013_F_demasiados IF(N)DEFs % the var{#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the var{#ENDIF} statements. option_too_many_endif=11014_F_demasiados ENDIFs % the var{#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the var{#ENDIF} statements. option_too_less_endif=11015_F_condicional abierto al final del fichero % the var{#IF(N)DEF} statements in the options file are not balanced with % the var{#ENDIF} statements. option_no_debug_support=11016_W_La generación de información de depuración no es soportada por este ejecutable % It is possible to have a compiler executable that doesn’t support % the generation of debugging info. If you use such an executable with the % var{-g} switch, this warning will be displayed. option_no_debug_support_recompile_fpc=11017_H_Prueba recompilando con -dGDB % It is possible to have a compiler executable that doesn’t support % the generation of debugging info. If you use such an executable with the % var{-g} switch, this warning will be displayed. option_obsolete_switch=11018_E_Estas usando el conmutador obsoleto $1 % this warns you when you use a switch that is not needed/supported anymore. % It is recommended that you remove the switch to overcome problems in the % future, when the switch meaning may change. option_obsolete_switch_use_new=11019_E_Estás usando el conmutador obsoleto $1, porfavor usa $2 % this warns you when you use a switch that is not supported anymore. You % must now use the second switch instead. % It is recommended that you change the switch to overcome problems in the % future, when the switch meaning may change. option_switch_bin_to_src_assembler=11020_N_Cambiando a ensamblador de escritura de código fuente por defecto % this notifies you that the assembler has been changed because you used the % -a switch which can’t be used with a binary assembler writer. option_incompatible_asm=11021_W_La salida de ensamblador «$1» no es compatible con «$2» option_asm_forced=11022_W_Forzado el uso de ensamblador «$1» % The assembler output selected can not generate % object files with the correct format. Therefore, the % default assembler for this target is used instead. option_using_file=11026_T_Leyendo opciones del fichero $1 % Options are also read from this file option_using_env=11027_T_Leyendo opciones del entorno $1 % Options are also read from this environment string option_handling_option=11028_D_Procesando pción «$1» % Debug info that an option is found and will be handled option_help_press_enter=11029__*** presione retorno *** % Message shown when help is shown page per page. When pressing the ENTER % Key, the next page of help is shown. If you press q and then ENTER, the % compiler exits. option_start_reading_configfile=11030_H_Inicio de lectura del archivo de configuración $1 % Starting of config file parsing. option_end_reading_configfile=11031_H_Fin de lectura del archivo de configuración $1 % End of config file parsing. option_interpreting_option=11032_D_Interpretando opción «$1» % The compiler is interpreting an option option_interpreting_firstpass_option=11036_D_Interpretando primera pasada de la opción «$1» % The compiler is interpreting an option for the first time. option_interpreting_file_option=11033_D_Interpretando opción de archivo «$1» % The compiler is interpreting an option which it read from the configuration file. option_read_config_file=11034_D_Leyendo archivo de configuración «$1» % The compiler is starting to read the configuration file. option_found_file=11035_D_encontrado nombre del archivo fuente «$1» % Additional infos about options, displayed % when you have debug option turned on. option_code_page_not_available=11039_E_Código de página desconocido %end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Logo (option -l) # option_config_is_dir=11040_F_Config file $1 is a directory % Directories cannot be used as configuration files. option_confict_asm_debug=11041_W_Assembler output selected «$1» cannot generate debug info, debugging disabled % The selected assembler output cannot generate % debugging information, debugging option is therefore disabled. option_ppc386_deprecated=11042_W_Use of ppc386.cfg is deprecated, please use fpc.cfg instead % Using ppc386.cfg is still supported for historical reasons, however, for a multiplatform % system the naming makes no sense anymore. Please continue to use fpc.cfg instead. option_else_without_if=11043_F_In options file $1 at line $2 #ELSE directive without #IF(N)DEF found % An var{#ELSE} statement was found in the options file without a matching var{#IF(N)DEF} statement. option_unsupported_target=11044_F_Option «$1» is not, or not yet, supported on the current target platform % Not all options are supported or implemented for all target platforms. This message informs you that a chosen % option is incompatible with the currently selected target platform. option_unsupported_target_for_feature=11045_F_The feature «$1» is not, or not yet, supported on the selected target platform % Not all features are supported or implemented for all target platforms. This message informs you that a chosen % feature is incompatible with the currently selected target platform. option_dwarf_smart_linking=11046_N_DWARF debug information cannot be used with smart linking on this target, switching to static linking % Smart linking is currently incompatible with DWARF debug information on most % platforms, so smart linking is disabled in such cases. option_ignored_target=11047_W_Option «$1» is ignored for the current target platform. % Not all options are supported or implemented for all target platforms. This message informs you that a chosen % option is ignored for the currently selected target platform. option_debug_external_unsupported=11048_W_Disabling external debug information because it is unsupported for the selected target/debug format combination. % Not all debug formats can be stored in an external file on all platforms. In particular, on % Mac OS X only DWARF debug information can be stored externally. option_dwarf_smartlink_creation=11049_N_DWARF debug information cannot be used with smart linking with external assembler, disabling static library creation. % Smart linking is currently incompatble with DWARF debug information on most % platforms, so smart linking is disabled in such cases. option_invalid_macosx_deployment_target=11050_E_Invalid value for MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable: $1 option_invalid_iphoneos_deployment_target=11051_E_Invalid value for IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable: $1 % On Mac OS X, the MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET/IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET environment variable can be % used to set the default target OS version. In case of Mac OS X, it has to be of the format % XY.Z or XY.Z.AB with X, Y,Z , A and B all digits from 0-9. % In case of iOS, it has to be X.Z.A, where X, Z and A can all be either 1 or 2 % digits from 0-9. option_illegal_fpu_eabihf=11052_E_You must use a FPU type of VFPV2, VFPV3 or VFPV3_D16 when using the EABIHF ABI target % The EABIHF (VFP hardfloat) ABI target can only be used with VFP FPUs. option_w_unsupported_debug_format=11053_W_The selected debug format is not supported on the current target, not changing the current setting % Not all targets support all debug formats (in particular, Stabs is not supported on 64 bit targets). option_missing_arg=11054_E_argument to «$1» is missing % Displayed when parameter must be followed by an argument. option_malformed_para=11055_E_malformed parameter: $1 % Given argument is not valid for parameter. option_smart_link_requires_external_linker=11056_W_Smart linking requires external linker option_com_files_require_tiny_model=11057_E_Creating .COM files is not supported in the current memory model. Only the tiny memory model supports making .COM files. %end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Whole program optimization # # 12019 is the last used one # # BeginOfTeX % % section{Whole program optimization messages} % This section lists errors that occur when the compiler is performing % whole program optimization. % begin{description} wpo_cant_find_file=12000_F_Cannot open whole program optimization feedback file «$1» % The compiler cannot open the specified feedback file with whole program optimization information. wpo_begin_processing=12001_D_Processing whole program optimization information in wpo feedback file «$1» % The compiler starts processing whole program optimization information found in the named file. wpo_end_processing=12002_D_Finished processing the whole program optimization information in wpo feedback file «$1» % The compiler has finished processing the whole program optimization information found in the named file. wpo_expected_section=12003_E_Expected section header, but got «$2» at line $1 of wpo feedback file % The compiler expected a section header in the whole program optimization file (starting with %), % but did not find it. wpo_no_section_handler=12004_W_No handler registered for whole program optimization section «$2» at line $1 of wpo feedback file, ignoring % The compiler has no handler to deal with the mentioned whole program optimization information % section, and will therefore ignore it and skip to the next section. wpo_found_section=12005_D_Found whole program optimization section «$1» with information about «$2» % The compiler encountered a section with whole program optimization information, and according % to its handler this section contains information usable for the mentioned purpose. wpo_no_input_specified=12006_F_The selected whole program optimizations require a previously generated feedback file (use -Fw to specify) % The compiler needs information gathered during a previous compilation run to perform the selected % whole program optimizations. You can specify the location of the feedback file containing this % information using the -Fw switch. wpo_not_enough_info=12007_E_No collected information necessary to perform «$1» whole program optimization found % While you pointed the compiler to a file containing whole program optimization feedback, it % did not contain the information necessary to perform the selected optimizations. You most likely % have to recompile the program using the appropriate -OWxxx switch. wpo_no_output_specified=12008_F_Specify a whole program optimization feedback file to store the generated info in (using -FW) % You have to specify the feedback file in which the compiler has to store the whole program optimization % feedback that is generated during the compilation run. This can be done using the -FW switch. wpo_output_without_info_gen=12009_E_Not generating any whole program optimization information, yet a feedback file was specified (using -FW) % The compiler was instructed to store whole program optimization feedback into a file specified using -FW, % but not to actually generated any whole program optimization feedback. The classes of to be % generated information can be specified using -OWxxx. wpo_input_without_info_use=12010_E_Not performing any whole program optimizations, yet an input feedback file was specified (using -Fw) % The compiler was not instructed to perform any whole program optimizations (no -Owxxx parameters), % but nevertheless an input file with such feedback was specified (using -Fwyyy). Since this can % indicate that you forgot to specify an -Owxxx parameter, the compiler generates an error in this case. wpo_skipping_unnecessary_section=12011_D_Skipping whole program optimization section «$1», because not needed by the requested optimizations % The whole program optimization feedback file contains a section with information that is not % required by the selected whole program optimizations. wpo_duplicate_wpotype=12012_W_Overriding previously read information for «$1» from feedback input file using information in section «$2» % The feedback file contains multiple sections that provide the same class of information (e.g., % information about which virtual methods can be devirtualized). In this case, the information in last encountered % section is used. Turn on debugging output (-vd) to see which class of information is provided by each section. wpo_cannot_extract_live_symbol_info_strip=12013_E_Cannot extract symbol liveness information from program when stripping symbols, use -Xs- % Certain symbol liveness collectors extract the symbol information from the linked program. If the symbol information % is stripped (option -Xs), this is not possible. wpo_cannot_extract_live_symbol_info_no_link=12014_E_Cannot extract symbol liveness information from program when when not linking % Certain symbol liveness collectors extract the symbol information from the linked program. If the program is not % linked by the compiler, this is not possible. wpo_cannot_find_symbol_progs=12015_F_Cannot find «$1» or «$2» to extract symbol liveness information from linked program % Certain symbol liveness collectors need a helper program to extract the symbol information from the linked program. % This helper program is normally ‘nm’, which is part of the GNU binutils. wpo_error_reading_symbol_file=12016_E_Error during reading symbol liveness information produced by «$1» % An error occurred during the reading of the symbol liveness file that was generated using the ‘nm’ or ‘objdump’ program. The reason % can be that it was shorter than expected, or that its format was not understood. wpo_error_executing_symbol_prog=12017_F_Error executing «$1» (exitcode: $2) to extract symbol information from linked program % Certain symbol liveness collectors need a helper program to extract the symbol information from the linked program. % The helper program produced the reported error code when it was run on the linked program. wpo_symbol_live_info_needs_smart_linking=12018_E_Collection of symbol liveness information can only help when using smart linking, use -CX -XX % Whether or not a symbol is live is determined by looking whether it exists in the final linked program. % Without smart linking/dead code stripping, all symbols are always included, regardless of whether they are % actually used or not. So in that case all symbols will be seen as live, which makes this optimization ineffective. wpo_cant_create_feedback_file=12019_E_Cannot create specified whole program optimisation feedback file «$1» % The compiler is unable to create the file specified using the -FW parameter to store the whole program optimisation information. %end{description} # EndOfTeX # # Logo (option -l) # option_logo=11023_[ Free Pascal Compiler version $FPCFULLVERSION [$FPCDATE] for $FPCCPU Copyright (c) 1993-2018 by Florian Klaempfl and others ] # # Info (option -i) # option_info=11024_[ Free Pascal Compiler versión $FPCVERSION Fecha del Compilador : $FPCDATE CPU de destino : $FPCCPU Plataformas soportadas: $OSTARGETS Sets de instrucciones de la CPU soportados: $INSTRUCTIONSETS Sets de instrucciones de la FPU soportados: $FPUINSTRUCTIONSETS Este programa esta bajo la licencia GNU General Public Licence Para mas informació lea COPYING.v2 Para informar de errores, sugerencias, etc: ] # # Help pages (option -? and -h) # # The first character on the line indicates who will display this # line, the current possibilities are : # * = every target # 3 = 80×86 targets # 6 = 680×0 targets # e = in extended debug mode only # P = PowerPC targets # S = Sparc targets # V = Virtual machine targets # The second character also indicates who will display this line, # (if the above character was TRUE) the current possibilities are : # * = everyone # g = with GDB info supported by the compiler # O = OS/2 # L = UNIX systems # The third character represents the indentation level. # option_help_pages=11025_[ **0*_ponga + tras un conmutador booleano para activarlo, — para desactivarlo **1a_el compilador no borra los ficheros de ensamblador generados **2al_incluir los números de línea del codigo fuente en el archivo ensamblador **2an_incluir la informacion de nodos en el archivo ensamblador generado *L2ap_usar tuberías (pipes) en lugar de crear archivos de ensamblado temporales **2ar_incluir reserva y liberació de registros en el archivo ensamblador **2at_incluir informacion de reserva y liberación temporales en el archivo ensamblador **1A<x>_formato de salida: **2Adefault_usar ensamblador por defecto 3*2Aas_ensamblar usando GNU AS 3*2Anasmcoff_coff (Go32v2) usando Nasm 3*2Anasmelf_elf32 (Linux) usando Nasm 3*2Anasmwin32_objeto Win32 usando Nasm 3*2Anasmwdosx_objeto Win32/WDOSX usando Nasm 3*2Awasm_fichero obj usando Wasm (Watcom) 3*2Anasmobj_fichero obj usando Nasm 3*2Amasm_fichero obj usando Masm (Microsoft) 3*2Atasm_fichero obj usando Tasm (Borland) 3*2Aelf_elf32 (Linux) usando escritor interno 3*2Acoff_coff (Go32v2) usando escritor interno 3*2Apecoff_pecoff (Win32) usando escritor interno 4*2Aas_ensamblar usando GNU AS 6*2Aas_archivo o de Unix usando GNU AS 6*2Agas_ensamblador GNU Motorola 6*2Amit_Sintaxis MIT (GAS antiguo) 6*2Amot_Ensamblador Motorola estándar A*2Aas_ensamblar usando GNU AS P*2Aas_ensamblar usando GNU AS S*2Aas_ensamblar usando GNU AS **1b_generar informacion de navegado **2bl_generar informació de símbolos locales **1B_construir(build) todos los modulos **1C<x>_opciones de generado de código: **2Cc<x>_cambiar la convencion de llamada por defecto a <x> **2CD_crear adicionalmente una librería dinámica (no soportado) **2Ce_Compilar con opcodes de punto flotante emulados **2Cf<x>_Cambiar el set de instrucciones de la FPU usado, fpc -i para posibles valores<x> **2Cg_Generar código PIC **2Ch<n>_<n> bytes heap (entre 1023 y 67107840) **2Ci_Comprobación de E/S **2Cn_omitir etapa de enlazado **2Co_comprobar desbordamiento en operaciones de enteros **2Cp<x>_Cambiar el set de instrucciones usado, fpc -i para posibles valores **2Cr_comprobación de rango **2CR_verificar validez de objetos de llamada **2Cs<n>_definir el tamaño de la pila a <n> **2Ct_comprobación de pila **2CX_crear adicionalmente una librerí con enlazado inteligente **1d<x>_define el símbol <x> **1D_generar fichero DEF **2Dd<x>_establece la descripción a <x> **2Dv<x>_establece la version de la DLL a <x> *O2Dw_Aplicación PM **1e<x>_establecer ruta al ejecutable **1E_igual que -Cn **1F<x>_establecer ficheros y rutas: **2Fa<x>[,y]_para hacer que el programa cargue las unidades <x> e [y] antes de procesar su uses **2Fc<x>_establece el código de pagina de la entrada a <x> **2FD<x>_establece la ruta donde buscar las utilidades del compilador **2Fe<x>_redirige la salida de errores a <x> **2FE<x>_establece la ruta de destino de exe/unidades a <x> **2Fi<x>_añade <x> a las rutas de inclusión **2Fl<x>_añade <x> a las rutas de librerías **2FL<x>_usa <x> como enlazador dinámico **2Fo<x>_añade <x> a las rutas de objetos **2Fr<x>_load error message file <x> **2Fu<x>_adds <x> a las rutas de unidades **2FU<x>_establece la ruta de salida de unidades a <x>, reemplaza -FE anteriores *g1g_generar información de depurado: *g2gc_generar comprobación de punteros *g2gd_usar dbx *g2gg_usar gsym *g2gh_usar unidad de trazado de memoria (para depurar pérdidas de memoria) *g2gl_usar informacion de líneas de las unidades para la traza de ejecución (backtrace) *g2gv_genera programas trazables con valgrind *g2gw_generar información de depurado dwarf **1i_información **2iD_devuelve la fecha del compilador **2iV_devuelve la versión del compilador **2iSO_devuelve el SO del compilador **2iSP_devuelve el procesador del compilador **2iTO_devuelve el SO de destino **2iTP_devuelve el procesador de destino **1I<x>_añade <x> a las rutas de iclusión **1k<x>_Pasar <x> al enlazador **1l_mostrar logo **1M<x>_establecer modo del lenguaje a <x> **2Mfpc_dialecto de free pascal(default) **2Mobjfpc_activar algunas extensiones de Delphi 2 **2Mdelphi_tratar de ser compatible con Delphi **2Mtp_tratar de ser compatible con TP/BP 7.0 **2Mgpc_tratar de ser compatible con gpc **2Mmacpas_tratar de ser compatible con dialectos de macintosh pascal **1n_no leer la configuración por defecto **1o<x>_cambiar el nombre del ejecutable producido a <x> **1O<x>_optimizaciones: 3*2Og_generar código más pequeño 3*2OG_generar código más rápido (defecto) **2Or_mantener algunas variables en registros 3*2Ou_activar optimizaciones inseguras (ver docs) 3*2O1_optimizaciones nivel 1 (optimizaciones rápidas) 3*2O2_optimizaciones nivel 2 (-O1 + optimizaciones más lentas) 3*2O3_optimizaciones nivel 3 (-O2 repetidamente, max 5 veces) 3*2Op<x>_procesador de destino: 3*3Op1_establecer procesador de destino a 386/486 3*3Op2_establecer procesador de destino a Pentium/PentiumMMX ™ 3*3Op3_establecer procesador de destino a PPro/PII/c6x86/K6 ™ 6*2Og_generar código más pequeño 6*2OG_generatr código más rápido (defecto) 6*2Ox_optimizar al máximo (AUN CON ERRORES!!!) 6*2O0_establecer procesador de destino a MC68000 6*2O2_establecer procesador de destino a MC68020+ (defecto) **1pg_generar código de perfilado gprof (define FPC_PROFILE) **1R<x>_estilo de lectura de ensamblador: **2Rdefault_usar ensamblador por defecto 3*2Ratt_leer ensamblador estilo AT&T 3*2Rintel_leer ensamblador estilo Intel 4*2Ratt_leer ensamblador estilo AT&T 4*2Rintel_leer ensamblador estilo Intel 8*2Ratt_leer ensamblador estilo AT&T 8*2Rintel_leer ensamblador estilo Intel 6*2RMOT_leer ensamblador estilo Motorola **1S<x>_opciones de sintaxis: **2S2_igual que -Mobjfpc **2Sc_soportar operadores estilo C (*=,+=,/= and -=) **2Sa_incluir código de aserción. **2Sd_igual que -Mdelphi **2Se<x>_opciones de error. <x> es una combinación de los siguientes: **3*_<n> : detener el compilador tras <n> errores (por defecto 1) **3*_w : detener también tras avisos **3*_n : detener también tras notas **3*_h : detener también tras consejos **2Sg_permitir LABEL y GOTO **2Sh_Usar cadenas largas (ansistrings) **2Si_soportar INLINE estilo C++ **2SI<x>_establecer estilo de interfaz a <x> **3SIcom_interfaces compatibles COM (defecto) **3SIcorba_interfaces compatibles CORBA **2Sm_soportar macros tipo C (global) **2So_igual que -Mtp **2Sp_igual que -Mgpc **2Ss_el nombre del constructor debe ser init (el destructor debe ser done) **1s_no llamar al ensamblador ni enlazador **2sh_Generar script para enlazar en host **2st_Generar script para enlazar en destino **2sr_Saltar fase de reserva de registros (usar con -alr) **1T<x>_Sistema operativo de destino: 3*2Temx_OS/2 usando EMX (incluyendo extensor EMX/RSX) 3*2Tfreebsd_FreeBSD 3*2Tgo32v2_Version 2 de DJ Delorie DOS extender 3*2Tlinux_Linux 3*2Tnetbsd_NetBSD 3*2Tnetware_Novell Netware Module (clib) 3*2Tnetwlibc_Novell Netware Module (libc) 3*2Topenbsd_OpenBSD 3*2Tos2_OS/2 / eComStation 3*2Twatcom_extensor DOS compatible Watcom 3*2Twdosx_extensor WDOSX DOS 3*2Twin32_Windows 32 Bit 4*2Tlinux_Linux 6*2Tamiga_Commodore Amiga 6*2Tatari_Atari ST/STe/TT 6*2Tlinux_Linux-68k 6*2Tmacos_Macintosh m68k (no soportado) 6*2Tpalmos_PalmOS A*2Tlinux_Linux P*2Tdarwin_Darwin y MacOS X en PowerPC P*2Tlinux_Linux en PowerPC P*2Tmacos_MacOS (clásico) en PowerPC P*2Tmorphos_MorphOS S*2Tlinux_Linux **1u<x>_elimina la definición del símbolo <x> **1U_opciones de unidad: **2Un_no comprobar el nombre de la unidad **2Ur_generar unidades para distribución (release) **2Us_compilar la unidad System **1v<x>_Mostrar detalles. <x> es una combinación de las siguientes letras: **2*_e : Mostrar errores (defecto) 0 : No mostrar nada (excepto errores) **2*_w : Mostrar avisos u : Mostrar info. de la unidad **2*_n : Mostrar notas t : Mostrar archivos usados / intentados **2*_h : Mostrar consejos c : Mostrar condicionales **2*_i : Mostrar info. general d : Mostrar info. de depurado **2*_l : Mostrar num de lineas r : Modo compatible con Rhide/GCC **2*_a : Mostrar todo x : Info. del ejecutable (Win32 solo) **2*_v : escribe fpcdebug.txt con p : Escribir el árbol de parser en tree.log **2*_ mucha informacón de depurado 3*1W<x>_opciones de Win32 o similares 3*2WB<x>_Establece la dirección hex de base a <x> 3*2WC_Especifica que la aplicación es de consola 3*2WD_Usa DEFFILE para exportar funciones de la DLL o EXE 3*2WF_Especifica aplicación de pantalla completa (OS/2 sólo) 3*2WG_Especifica que la aplicación es para entorno gráfico 3*2WN_No generar código de reubicación (necesario para depurar) 3*2WR_Generar código de reubicación P*2WC_Especifica aplicación de colnsola (MacOS sólo) P*2WG_Especifica aplicación gráfica (MacOS sólo) P*2WT_Especifica aplicación de tipo herramienta (herramienta MPW, MacOS sólo) **1X_opciones de ejecutable: **2Xc_pasar —shared al enlazador (Unix sólo) **2Xd_no utilizar la ruta de librería por defecto (necesario para compilación cruzada) **2XD_tratar de enlazar dinámicamente (define FPC_LINK_DYNAMIC) **2XP<x>_pone <x> delante de los nombres de binutils **2Xr<x>_establece la ruta de librerías a <x> (necesario para compilación cruzada) **2Xs_eliminar todos los símbolos del ejecutable **2XS_tratar de enlazar estáticamente (defecto) (define FPC_LINK_STATIC) **2Xt_enlazar con librerias estáticas (-static es pasado al enlazador) **2XX_tratar de enlazar inteligentemente (define FPC_LINK_SMART) **1*_ **1?_muestra esta ayuda **1h_muestra esta ayuda sin esperas ] # # The End… %%% general_e_compilation_aborted=01018_E_Compilación abortada % end{description} # # Scanner # # 02063 is the last used one # % section{Scanner messages.} % This section lists the messages that the scanner emits. The scanner takes % care of the lexical structure of the pascal file, i.e. it tries to find % reserved words, strings, etc. It also takes care of directives and % conditional compiling handling. % begin{description} %%% scan_w_only_pack_records=02015_W_Los campos de los registros pueden ser alineados solo a 1, 2, 4 o 16 bytes % You are specifying the var{{$PACKRECORDS n} } with an illegal value for % var{n}. Only 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 32 are valid in this case. %%% scan_w_only_pack_enum=02016_W_Los tipos enumerados solo pueden ser almacenados en 1, 2 o 4 bytes % You are specifying the var{{$PACKENUM n}} with an illegal value for % var{n}. Only 1,2 or 4 are valid in this case. %%% can_w_macro_too_deep=02030_W_La expansión de macros excede una profundidad de 16. % When expanding a macro, macros have been nested to a level of 16. % The compiler will expand no further, since this may be a sign that % recursion is used. %%% parser_e_only_class_methods_via_class_ref=03053_E_Solo los métodos de clases pueden ser referidos con referencias de clase % This error occurs in a situation like the following: % begin{verbatim} % Type : % Tclass = Class of Tobject; % % Var C : TClass; % % begin % … % % end{verbatim} % var{Free} is not a class method and hence cannot be called with a class % reference. %%% parser_e_only_class_methods=03054_E_Los métodos de clase solo pueden ser acceder a otros métodos de clase % This is related to the previous error. You cannot call a method of an object % from a inside a class method. The following code would produce this error: % begin{verbatim} % class procedure tobject.x; % % begin % free % end{verbatim} % Because free is a normal method of a class it cannot be called from a class % method. %%% parser_e_absolute_only_one_var=03095_E_absolute solo puede estar asociado a una variable % You cannot specify more than one variable before the var{absolute} directive. % Thus, the following construct will provide this error: % begin{verbatim} % Var Z : Longint; % X,Y : Longint absolute Z; % end{verbatim} % item [ absolute can only be associated a var or const ] % The address of a var{absolute} directive can only point to a variable or a % typed constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error: % begin{verbatim} % Procedure X; % % var p : longint absolute x; % end{verbatim} % %%% parser_e_only_publishable_classes_can__be_published=03156_E_Solo clases compiladas en $M+ pueden ser publicadas % In the published section of a class can be only class as fields used which % are compiled in var{{$M+}} or which are derived from such a class. Normally % such a class should be derived from TPersitent %%% type_w_mixed_signed_unsigned=04035_W_Operaciones mezclando enteros de 32 bits con signo son convertidas a 64 bits % If you divide (or calculate the modulus of) a signed expression by a longword (or vice versa), % or if you have overflow and/or range checking turned on and use an arithmetic % expression (+, -, *, div, mod) in which both signed numbers and longwords appear, % then everything has to be evaluated in 64bit which is slower than normal % 32bit arithmetic. You can avoid this by typecasting one operand so it % matches the result type of the other one. %%% type_w_signed_unsigned_always_false=04044_W_La comparación es siempre falsa debido a los rangos de los valores % There is a comparison between an unsigned value and a signed constant which is % less than zero. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % false. Exlicitly typecast the constant to the correct range to avoid this problem. %%% type_w_signed_unsigned_always_true=04045_W_La comparación es siempre verdadera debido a los rangos de los valores % There is a comparison between an unsigned value and a signed constant which is % less than zero. Because of type promotion, the statement will always evaluate to % true. Exlicitly typecast the constant to the correct range to avoid this problem. %%% type_e_operator_not_allowed=04051_E_El operador no es aplicable con los operandos especificados % You are trying an operator that is not available for the type of the % operands %%% unit_h_source_modified=10041_H_El fichero $1 es mas moderno que la versión Release del archivo PPU $2 % A modified source file for a unit was found that was compiled with the % release flag (-Ur). The unit will not implicitly be recompiled because % this release flag is set.


Beiträge: 55
Registriert: Do 1. Aug 2013, 15:11

[gelöst] typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


in meinem Prog. soll der user die Möglichkeit haben, einzelne Wörter und Zeilen eines Textes zu kommentieren. Die Einträge werden in einer Datei abgelegt. Ich definiere also:

Code: Alles auswählen

  Kommentar = record
    Zeile: Integer;
    Wort: Integer;
    Bemerkung: string;

nun zwingt mich Lazarus aber («Error: Typed files cannot contain reference-counted types.») dem string eine Länge zuzuweisen — bsp. string[255]. Mein Problem ist nun, dass ich im Voraus einfach nicht sagen kann, wie groß der String sein wird (1-2 Seiten Text? 30 chars, wie auch immer…).

Wie umgehe ich dieses Problem? Klar, ne zweite text-file wäre technisch möglich, aber dann habe ich einen riesigen Aufwand, wenn es darum geht, die beiden files synchron zu halten (wenn beispielsweise der Eintrag in der typed-file verändert, gelöscht oder erweitert wird usw..)

Danke schonmal :>

[update: (Juni 214)] ich habe mich nun doch in die Filestreams eingearbeitet — ist langfristig die sauberste Lösung

Zuletzt geändert von mulcheo am So 29. Jun 2014, 22:04, insgesamt 2-mal geändert.


Beiträge: 2503
Registriert: Di 19. Jun 2012, 12:54

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von Michl » Fr 16. Aug 2013, 10:50

Ich sehe, da nicht wirklich viele Möglichkeiten:

1. Wie geschrieben, «Kommentarlänge» zu definieren, z.B. max 200 Zeichen «Bemerkung:String[200]». Allerdings wird in der Datei dann immer die 200 Stellen «Platz gehalten», egal, ob der Kommentar=» oder Kommentar.length=200 ist!

2. Record nicht als «File of Record» speichern, sondern z.B. «.txt» (Speichern -> Record in String umwandeln, Separator definieren, Einlesen -> Separator gibt Länge der Recordvariable an -> StrToRecord.Teil). Evtl. könnte man dafür auch eine fertige typisierte Datei z.B. «.xml» nehmen, man müsste da dann allerdings den Record in die Daten dieser typisierten Datei umwandeln.

3. Verwendung einer Datenbank

Code: Alles auswählen

  TLiveSelection = (lsMoney, lsChilds, lsTime);
  TLive = Array[0..1] of TLiveSelection; 


Beiträge: 3444
Registriert: Mo 11. Sep 2006, 10:24
OS, Lazarus, FPC: svn (Window32, Linux x64, Linux ARM (QNAP) (cross+nativ)
CPU-Target: X32 / X64 / ARMv5
Wohnort: Krefeld

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von mschnell » Fr 16. Aug 2013, 11:47

Ich denke, am einfachsten definierst Du ein Fluchtsymbol, da im normalen Text nicht vorkommen darf. Nach dem Fluchtsymbol folgt dann der «Kommentar», der dann z.B. mit einem (u.U. anderen) Fluchtsymbol angeschlossen wird.

Beim «normalen» Anzeigen des Textes musst Du natürlich die Kommentare entfernen. Dabei kann die TStrinList «Komma» Funktion helfen.



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Registriert: Di 19. Jun 2012, 12:54

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von Michl » Fr 16. Aug 2013, 12:15

mschnell hat geschrieben:Ich denke, am einfachsten definierst Du ein Fluchtsymbol, da im normalen Text nicht vorkommen darf. Nach dem Fluchtsymbol folgt dann der «Kommentar», der dann z.B. mit einem (u.U. anderen) Fluchtsymbol angeschlossen wird.

Beim «normalen» Anzeigen des Textes musst Du natürlich die Kommentare entfernen. Dabei kann die TStrinList «Komma» Funktion helfen.


Das stimmt, hilft aber dem OP sofern nicht weiter, dass er alle Kommentare auch wieder in einer separaten Datei speichern muss, wo er nicht weiss, wie lang der jeweilige Kommentar ist, es sei denn er typisiert die Datei (Ausgangsproblem).

Außerdem sollte noch erwähnt werden, dass nach dem «Fluchtsymbol» ein Link oder eine IP folgen muss, damit der jeweilige Kommentar eindeutig zugeordnet werden kann.

Eine Speicherung dieser IPs könntest du mit einer Textdatei realisieren, in der du eine IP mit einer fixen Länge als erstes speicherst, dann den Kommentar:
Somit könntest du die IPs (oder auch dein Record) zeilenweise in eine Textdatei speichern. Beim Auslesen brauchst du nur die IP am Anfang vom String entfernen und du hast den Kommentar. Achtung im Kommentar selber dürften dann keine Zeilenumbrüche stattfinden!!!

Code: Alles auswählen

  TLiveSelection = (lsMoney, lsChilds, lsTime);
  TLive = Array[0..1] of TLiveSelection; 


Beiträge: 768
Registriert: Mo 4. Mai 2009, 13:24
OS, Lazarus, FPC: Arch Linux, Lazarus 1.3 r44426M FPC 2.6.4
CPU-Target: x86_64-linux-qt/gtk2

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von Scotty » Fr 16. Aug 2013, 13:56

Wie wäre es mit einem «Text:array of char/widechar» plus «NumberOfChars:longword»?


Beiträge: 298
Registriert: Di 23. Nov 2010, 23:41
OS, Lazarus, FPC: Ubuntu/Win, Lazarus trunk, FPC trunk
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Wohnort: Geldern

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von gocher » Fr 16. Aug 2013, 23:29

Also ich würde es so angehen:

Code: Alles auswählen

  Kommentar = record
    Zeile: Integer;
    Wort: Integer;
    Bemerkung: Integer; //Index der TList oder array Element
  Kommentare: array of Kommentar;
  Bemerkungen: TList; //oder array of string

MfG Gocher
akt. Projekt: Webserver(HTTPS HTTP/2) mit integrierten CMS in Free Pascal —


Beiträge: 55
Registriert: Do 1. Aug 2013, 15:11

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von mulcheo » Sa 17. Aug 2013, 15:49

Auf TStream war ich bin meiner Recherche auch öfter schon gestoßen, leider fehlt mir da jedes Vorwissen. Wenn ich aber die Zeit finde, mich nochmals tiefer in das Thema einzuarbeiten, schau ich da auf jeden Fall mal rein. Ich habe mich jetzt tatsächlich dafür entschieden, die stringlastigen Teile in eine Textfile auszulagern und mir Fluchtsymbole zu definieren. Die Routinen dazu funktionieren auch schon, so dass das Problem damit (mehr oder minder unelegant) gelöst ist.

Das Problem mit dem Zeilenumbruch bleibt natürlich: Wenn das Memo (mein Eingabefeld) selbst schon Zeilenumbruch generiert muss ich ja darauf reagieren können… Ich kann nun alle Zeilen des Memo auslesen und zunächst zu einem string zusammenketten, dann sind die künstlichen Zeilenumbrüche wieder einkassiert aber leider auch alle, die vom User (via Enter) selbst kommen. Hat jemand noch eine elegante Idee, wie ich zwischen den Memo- und den User-generierten ‘Zeilenumbrüchen’ unterscheiden kann?

[edit]: hat sich als Pseudoproblem entpuppt. Mit Memo1.Lines.SaveToFile(); macht er die Unterscheidung automatisch :>

Zuletzt geändert von mulcheo am So 18. Aug 2013, 11:15, insgesamt 1-mal geändert.


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Registriert: Mo 11. Sep 2006, 10:24
OS, Lazarus, FPC: svn (Window32, Linux x64, Linux ARM (QNAP) (cross+nativ)
CPU-Target: X32 / X64 / ARMv5
Wohnort: Krefeld

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von mschnell » Sa 17. Aug 2013, 18:32

theo hat geschrieben:I

Dann sind die «int» Werte quasi die Fluchtsymbole.

Wie teilt TStream einem denn mit ob der nächste Wert ein String oder ein int (oder was auch immer) ist, damit man beim lesen die korrekte Abfolge einhält ? ?




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Registriert: Mo 11. Sep 2006, 19:01

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von theo » Sa 17. Aug 2013, 18:55

mschnell hat geschrieben:Wie teilt TStream einem denn mit ob der nächste Wert ein String oder ein int (oder was auch immer) ist, damit man beim lesen die korrekte Abfolge einhält ? ?

Das Beispiel oben ist für den Datapacker. Es liest einen String, dann einen Integer und noch einen String.
TStream teilt einem gar nichts mit, das muss man so auslesen wie man’s reingeschrieben hat, wie bei File of Record auch.
Er kann aber u.A. einen beliebig langen String speichern und lesen mit WriteAnsiString und ReadAnsiString.


Beiträge: 3444
Registriert: Mo 11. Sep 2006, 10:24
OS, Lazarus, FPC: svn (Window32, Linux x64, Linux ARM (QNAP) (cross+nativ)
CPU-Target: X32 / X64 / ARMv5
Wohnort: Krefeld

Re: typed files mit beliebig langen strings?


von mschnell » Sa 17. Aug 2013, 20:41

theo hat geschrieben:TStream teilt einem gar nichts mit, das muss man so auslesen wie man’s reingeschrieben hat, wie bei File of Record auch.
Er kann aber u.A. einen beliebig langen String speichern und lesen mit WriteAnsiString und ReadAnsiString.

OK. TStream ist ja sowieso virtuell und nur seine Nachkommen sind lebendig (z.B. TMemoryStream, TFilestream , …) Es könnte also TStream Ableitungen geben — oder man könnte eine machen — , die eine solche Funktionalität haben. TDataPacker bietet dafür offensichtlich schon den größten Teil der notwendigen Software.

Genau das könnte sein, was hier gebraucht wird.


Error typed files cannot contain reference counted types

This section lists all parser messages. The parser takes care of the semantics of you language, i.e. it determines if your Pascal constructs are correct. Error: Parser — Syntax Error
An error against the Turbo Pascal language was encountered. This typically happens when an illegal character is found in the source file. Error: INTERRUPT procedure cannot be nested
An INTERRUPT procedure must be global. Warning: Procedure type ”arg1” ignored
The specified procedure directive is ignored by FPC programs. Error: Not all declarations of ”arg1” are declared with OVERLOAD
When you want to use overloading using the OVERLOAD directive, then all declarations need to have OVERLOAD specified. Error: Duplicate exported function name ”arg1”
Exported function names inside a specific DLL must all be different. Error: Duplicate exported function index arg1
Exported function indexes inside a specific DLL must all be different. Error: Invalid index for exported function
DLL function index must be in the range 1.. $ FFFF . Warning: Relocatable DLL or executable arg1 debug info does not work, disabled.
It is currently not possible to include debug information in a relocatable DLL. Warning: To allow debugging for win32 code you need to disable relocation with -WN option
Stabs debug info is wrong for relocatable DLL or EXES. Use -WN if you want to debug win32 executables. Error: Constructor name must be INIT
You are declaring an object constructor with a name which is not init , and the -Ss switch is in effect. See the switch -Ss (see page 123 ). Error: Destructor name must be DONE
You are declaring an object destructor with a name which is not done , and the -Ss switch is in effect. See the switch -Ss (see page 123 ). Error: Procedure type INLINE not supported
You tried to compile a program with C++ style inlining, and forgot to specify the -Si option ( -Si (see page 122 )). The compiler doesn’t support C++ styled inlining by default. Warning: Constructor should be public
Constructors must be in the ’public’ part of an object (class) declaration. Warning: Destructor should be public
Destructors must be in the ’public’ part of an object (class) declaration. Note: Class should have one destructor only
You can declare only one destructor for a class. Error: Local class definitions are not allowed
Classes must be defined globally. They cannot be defined inside a procedure or function. Fatal: Anonymous class definitions are not allowed
An invalid object (class) declaration was encountered, i.e. an object or class without methods that isn’t derived from another object or class. For example:

will trigger this error. Note: The object ”arg1” has no VMT
This is a note indicating that the declared object has no virtual method table. Error: Illegal parameter list
You are calling a function with parameters that are of a different type than the declared parameters of the function. Error: Wrong number of parameters specified for call to ”arg1”
There is an error in the parameter list of the function or procedure – the number of parameters is not correct. Error: overloaded identifier ”arg1” isn’t a function
The compiler encountered a symbol with the same name as an overloaded function, but it is not a function it can overload. Error: overloaded functions have the same parameter list
You’re declaring overloaded functions, but with the same parameter list. Overloaded function must have at least 1 different parameter in their declaration. Error: function header doesn’t match the previous declaration ”arg1”
You declared a function with the same parameters but different result type or function modifiers. Error: function header ”arg1” doesn’t match forward : var name changes arg2 =ї arg3
You declared the function in the interface part, or with the forward directive, but defined it with a different parameter list. Note: Values in enumeration types have to be ascending
Free Pascal allows enumeration constructions as in C. Examine the following two declarations:

The second declaration would produce an error. A _UAS needs to have a value higher than A _E , i.e. at least 7. Error: With cannot be used for variables in a different segment
With stores a variable locally on the stack, but this is not possible if the variable belongs to another segment. Error: function nesting ї 31
You can nest function definitions only 31 levels deep. Error: range check error while evaluating constants
The constants are out of their allowed range. Warning: range check error while evaluating constants
The constants are out of their allowed range. Error: duplicate case label
You are specifying the same label 2 times in a case statement. Error: Upper bound of case range is less than lower bound
The upper bound of a case label is less than the lower bound and this is useless. Error: typed constants of classes or interfaces are not allowed
You cannot declare a constant of type class or object. Error: functions variables of overloaded functions are not allowed
You are trying to assign an overloaded function to a procedural variable. This is not allowed. Error: string length must be a value from 1 to 255
The length of a shortstring in Pascal is limited to 255 characters. You are trying to declare a string with length less than 1 or greater than 255. Warning: use extended syntax of NEW and DISPOSE for instances of objects
If you have a pointer a to an object type, then the statement new(a) will not initialize the object (i.e. the constructor isn’t called), although space will be allocated. You should issue the new(a,init) statement. This will allocate space, and call the constructor of the object. Warning: use of NEW or DISPOSE for untyped pointers is meaningless
Error: use of NEW or DISPOSE is not possible for untyped pointers
You cannot use new(p) or dispose(p) if p is an untyped pointer because no size is associated to an untyped pointer. It is accepted for compatibility in TP and DELPHI modes, but the compiler will still warn you if it finds such a construct. Error: class identifier expected
This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the type in front of the dot is not a known type. Error: type identifier not allowed here
You cannot use a type inside an expression. Error: method identifier expected
This identifier is not a method. This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the procedure name is not a procedure of this type. Error: function header doesn’t match any method of this class ”arg1”
This identifier is not a method. This happens when the compiler scans a procedure declaration that contains a dot, i.e., an object or class method, but the procedure name is not a procedure of this type. procedure/function arg1
When using the -vd switch, the compiler tells you when it starts processing a procedure or function implementation. Error: Illegal floating point constant
The compiler expects a floating point expression, and gets something else. Error: FAIL can be used in constructors only
You are using the fail keyword outside a constructor method. Error: Destructors cannot have parameters
You are declaring a destructor with a parameter list. Destructor methods cannot have parameters. Error: Only class methods, class properties and class variables can be referred with class references
This error occurs in a situation like the following:

Type :
Tclass = Class of Tobject;

Free is not a class method and hence cannot be called with a class reference. Error: Only class methods, class properties and class variables can be accessed in class methods
This is related to the previous error. You cannot call a method of an object from inside a class method. The following code would produce this error:

class procedure tobject.x;

Because free is a normal method of a class it cannot be called from a class method. Error: Constant and CASE types do not match
One of the labels is not of the same type as the case variable. Error: The symbol cannot be exported from a library
You can only export procedures and functions when you write a library. You cannot export variables or constants. Warning: An inherited method is hidden by ”arg1”
A method that is declared virtual in a parent class, should be overridden in the descendant class with the override directive. If you don’t specify the override directive, you will hide the parent method; you will not override it. Error: There is no method in an ancestor class to be overridden: ”arg1”
You are trying to override a virtual method of a parent class that does not exist. Error: No member is provided to access property
You specified no read directive for a property. Warning: Stored property directive is not yet implemented
This message is no longer used, as the stored directive has been implemented. Error: Illegal symbol for property access
There is an error in the read or write directives for an array property. When you declare an array property, you can only access it with procedures and functions. The following code would cause such an error.

Error: Cannot access a protected field of an object here
Fields that are declared in a protected section of an object or class declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the object is defined, or outside descendent object methods. Error: Cannot access a private field of an object here
Fields that are declared in a private section of an object or class declaration cannot be accessed outside the module where the class is defined. Error: Overridden methods must have the same return type: ”arg2” is overridden by ”arg1” which has another return type
If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must have the same return type. Error: EXPORT declared functions cannot be nested
You cannot declare a function or procedure within a function or procedure that was declared as an export procedure. Error: Methods cannot be EXPORTed
You cannot declare a procedure that is a method for an object as export ed. Error: Call by var for arg no. arg1 has to match exactly: Got ”arg2” expected ”arg3”
When calling a function declared with var parameters, the variables in the function call must be of exactly the same type. There is no automatic type conversion. Error: Class isn’t a parent class of the current class
When calling inherited methods, you are trying to call a method of a non-related class. You can only call an inherited method of a parent class. Error: SELF is only allowed in methods
You are trying to use the self parameter outside an object’s method. Only methods get passed the self parameters. Error: Methods can be only in other methods called direct with type identifier of the class
A construction like sometype.somemethod is only allowed in a method. Error: Illegal use of ’:’
You are using the format : (colon) 2 times on an expression that is not a real expression. Error: range check error in set constructor or duplicate set element
The declaration of a set contains an error. Either one of the elements is outside the range of the set type, or two of the elements are in fact the same. Error: Pointer to object expected
You specified an illegal type in a new statement. The extended syntax of new needs an object as a parameter. Error: Expression must be constructor call
When using the extended syntax of new , you must specify the constructor method of the object you are trying to create. The procedure you specified is not a constructor. Error: Expression must be destructor call
When using the extended syntax of dispose , you must specify the destructor method of the object you are trying to dispose of. The procedure you specified is not a destructor. Error: Illegal order of record elements
When declaring a constant record, you specified the fields in the wrong order. Error: Expression type must be class or record type, got arg1
A with statement needs an argument that is of the type record or class . You are using with on an expression that is not of this type. Error: Procedures cannot return a value
In Free Pascal, you can specify a return value for a function when using the exit statement. This error occurs when you try to do this with a procedure. Procedures cannot return a value. Error: constructors, destructors and class operators must be methods
You’re declaring a procedure as destructor, constructor or class operator, when the procedure isn’t a class method. Error: Operator is not overloaded
You’re trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for this type. Error: Impossible to overload assignment for equal types
You cannot overload assignment for types that the compiler considers as equal. Error: Impossible operator overload
The combination of operator, arguments and return type are incompatible. Error: Re-raise isn’t possible there
You are trying to re-raise an exception where it is not allowed. You can only re-raise exceptions in an except block. Error: The extended syntax of new or dispose isn’t allowed for a class
You cannot generate an instance of a class with the extended syntax of new . The constructor must be used for that. For the same reason, you cannot call dispose to de-allocate an instance of a class, the destructor must be used for that. Error: Procedure overloading is switched off
When using the -So switch, procedure overloading is switched off. Turbo Pascal does not support function overloading. Error: It is not possible to overload this operator. Related overloadable operators (if any) are: arg1
You are trying to overload an operator which cannot be overloaded. The following operators can be overloaded :

Error: Comparative operator must return a boolean value
When overloading the = operator, the function must return a boolean value. Error: Only virtual methods can be abstract
You are declaring a method as abstract, when it is not declared to be virtual. Fatal: Use of unsupported feature: ”arg1”.
You’re trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. Error: The mix of different kind of objects (class, object, interface, etc) isn’t allowed
You cannot derive objects , classes , cppclasses and interfaces intertwined. E.g. a class cannot have an object as parent and vice versa. Warning: Unknown procedure directive had to be ignored: ”arg1”
The procedure directive you specified is unknown. Error: arg1 can be associated with only one variable
You cannot specify more than one variable before the absolute , export , external , weakexternal , public and cvar directives. As a result, for example the following construct will provide this error:

Error: absolute can only be associated with a var or const
The address of an absolute directive can only point to a variable or constant. Therefore, the following code will produce this error:

var p : longint absolute x;

Error: Only one variable can be initialized
You cannot specify more than one variable with a initial value in Delphi mode. Error: Abstract methods shouldn’t have any definition (with function body)
Abstract methods can only be declared, you cannot implement them. They should be overridden by a descendant class. Error: This overloaded function cannot be local (must be exported)
You are defining an overloaded function in the implementation part of a unit, but there is no corresponding declaration in the interface part of the unit. Warning: Virtual methods are used without a constructor in ”arg1”
If you declare objects or classes that contain virtual methods, you need to have a constructor and destructor to initialize them. The compiler encountered an object or class with virtual methods that doesn’t have a constructor/destructor pair. Macro defined: arg1
When -vc is used, the compiler tells you when it defines macros. Macro undefined: arg1
When -vc is used, the compiler tells you when it undefines macros. Macro arg1 set to arg2
When -vc is used, the compiler tells you what values macros get. Info: Compiling arg1
When you turn on information messages ( -vi ), the compiler tells you what units it is recompiling. Parsing interface of unit arg1
This tells you that the reading of the interface of the current unit has started Parsing implementation of arg1
This tells you that the code reading of the implementation of the current unit, library or program starts Compiling arg1 for the second time
When you request debug messages ( -vd ) the compiler tells you what units it recompiles for the second time. Error: No property found to override
You want to override a property of a parent class, when there is, in fact, no such property in the parent class. Error: Only one default property is allowed
You specified a property as Default , but the class already has a default property, and a class can have only one default property. Error: The default property must be an array property
Only array properties of classes can be made default properties. Error: Virtual constructors are only supported in class object model
You cannot have virtual constructors in objects. You can only have them in classes. Error: No default property available
You are trying to access a default property of a class, but this class (or one of its ancestors) doesn’t have a default property. Error: The class cannot have a published section, use the < $ M+ >switch
If you want a published section in a class definition, you must use the < $ M+ >switch, which turns on generation of type information. Error: Forward declaration of class ”arg1” must be resolved here to use the class as ancestor
To be able to use an object as an ancestor object, it must be defined first. This error occurs in the following situation:

where ParentClass is declared but not defined. Error: Local operators not supported
You cannot overload locally, i.e. inside procedures or function definitions. Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” not allowed in interface section
This procedure directive is not allowed in the interface section of a unit. You can only use it in the implementation section. Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” not allowed in implementation section
This procedure directive is not allowed in the implementation section of a unit. You can only use it in the interface section. Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” not allowed in procvar declaration
This procedure directive cannot be part of a procedural or function type declaration. Error: Function is already declared Public/Forward ”arg1”
You will get this error if a function is defined as forward twice. Or if it occurs in the interface section, and again as a forward declaration in the implementation section. Error: Cannot use both EXPORT and EXTERNAL
These two procedure directives are mutually exclusive. Hint: ”arg1” not yet supported inside inline procedure/function
Inline procedures don’t support this declaration. Hint: Inlining disabled
Inlining of procedures is disabled. Info: Writing Browser log arg1
When information messages are on, the compiler warns you when it writes the browser log (generated with the < $ Y+ >switch). Hint: may be pointer dereference is missing
The compiler thinks that a pointer may need a dereference. Fatal: Selected assembler reader not supported
The selected assembler reader (with < $ ASMMODE xxx >is not supported. The compiler can be compiled with or without support for a particular assembler reader. Error: Procedure directive ”arg1” cannot be used with arg2
You specified a procedure directive that conflicts with other directives. For instance cdecl and pascal are mutually exclusive. Error: Calling convention doesn’t match forward
This error happens when you declare a function or procedure with e.g. cdecl; but omit this directive in the implementation, or vice versa. The calling convention is part of the function declaration, and must be repeated in the function definition. Error: Property cannot have a default value
Set properties or indexed properties cannot have a default value. Error: The default value of a property must be constant
The value of a default declared property must be known at compile time. The value you specified is only known at run time. This happens e.g. if you specify a variable name as a default value. Error: Symbol cannot be published, can be only a class
Only class type variables can be in a published section of a class if they are not declared as a property. Error: This kind of property cannot be published
Properties in a published section cannot be array properties. They must be moved to public sections. Properties in a published section must be an ordinal type, a real type, strings or sets. Error: An import name is required
Some targets need a name for the imported procedure or a cdecl specifier. Error: Division by zero
A division by zero was encountered. Error: Invalid floating point operation
An operation on two real type values produced an overflow or a division by zero. Error: Upper bound of range is less than lower bound
The upper bound of an array declaration is less than the lower bound and this is not possible. Warning: string ”arg1” is longer than ”arg2”
The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in string type definition. Error: string length is larger than array of char length
The size of the constant string is larger than the size you specified in the Array[x..y] of char definition. Error: Illegal expression after message directive
Free Pascal supports only integer or string values as message constants. Error: Message handlers can take only one call by ref. parameter
A method declared with the message directive as message handler can take only one parameter which must be declared as call by reference. Parameters are declared as call by reference using the var -directive. Error: Duplicate message label: ”arg1”
A label for a message is used twice in one object/class. Error: Self can only be an explicit parameter in methods which are message handlers
The Self parameter can only be passed explicitly to a method which is declared as message handler. Error: Threadvars can be only static or global
Threadvars must be static or global; you cannot declare a thread local to a procedure. Local variables are always local to a thread, because every thread has its own stack and local variables are stored on the stack. Fatal: Direct assembler not supported for binary output format
You cannot use direct assembler when using a binary writer. Choose an other output format or use another assembler reader. Warning: Don’t load OBJPAS unit manually, use < $ mode objfpc >or < $ mode delphi >instead
You are trying to load the ObjPas unit manually from a uses clause. This is not a good idea. Use the < $ MODE OBJFPC >or < $ mode delphi >directives which load the unit automatically. Error: OVERRIDE cannot be used in objects
Override is not supported for objects, use virtual instead to override a method of a parent object. Error: Data types which require initialization/finalization cannot be used in variant records
Some data types (e.g. ansistring ) need initialization/finalization code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. Such data types cannot be used in the variant part of a record. Error: Resourcestrings can be only static or global
Resourcestring cannot be declared local, only global or using the static directive. Error: Exit with argument cannot be used here
An exit statement with an argument for the return value cannot be used here. This can happen for example in try..except or try..finally blocks. Error: The type of the storage symbol must be boolean
If you specify a storage symbol in a property declaration, it must be a boolean type. Error: This symbol isn’t allowed as storage symbol
You cannot use this type of symbol as storage specifier in property declaration. You can use only methods with the result type boolean, boolean class fields or boolean constants. Error: Only classes which are compiled in $ M+ mode can be published
A class-typed field in the published section of a class can only be a class which was compiled in < $ M+ >or which is derived from such a class. Normally such a class should be derived from TPersistent . Error: Procedure directive expected
This error is triggered when you have a < $ Calling >directive without a calling convention specified. It also happens when declaring a procedure in a const block and you used a ; after a procedure declaration which must be followed by a procedure directive. Correct declarations are:

Error: The value for a property index must be of an ordinal type
The value you use to index a property must be of an ordinal type, for example an integer or enumerated type. Error: Procedure name too short to be exported
The length of the procedure/function name must be at least 2 characters long. This is because of a bug in dlltool which doesn’t parse the .def file correctly with a name of length 1. Error: No DEFFILE entry can be generated for unit global vars
Error: Compile without -WD option
You need to compile this file without the -WD switch on the command line. Fatal: You need ObjFpc (-S2) or Delphi (-Sd) mode to compile this module
You need to use < $ MODE OBJFPC >or < $ MODE DELPHI >to compile this file. Or use the corresponding command line switch, either -Mobjfpc or -MDelphi. Error: Cannot export with index under arg1
Exporting of functions or procedures with a specified index is not supported on this target. Error: Exporting of variables is not supported under arg1
Exporting of variables is not supported on this target. Error: Improper GUID syntax
The GUID indication does not have the proper syntax. It should be of the form

Where each X represents a hexadecimal digit. Warning: Procedure named ”arg1” not found that is suitable for implementing the arg2.arg3
The compiler cannot find a suitable procedure which implements the given method of an interface. A procedure with the same name is found, but the arguments do not match. Error: interface identifier expected
This happens when the compiler scans a class declaration that contains interface function name mapping code like this:

and the interface before the dot is not listed in the inheritance list. Error: Type ”arg1” cannot be used as array index type
Types like qword or int64 are not allowed as array index type. Error: Con- and destructors are not allowed in interfaces
Constructor and destructor declarations are not allowed in interfaces. In the most cases method QueryInterface of IUnknown can be used to create a new interface. Error: Access specifiers cannot be used in INTERFACEs and OBJCPROTOCOLs
The access specifiers public , private , protected and published cannot be used in interfaces, Objective-C protocols and categories because all methods of an interface/protocol/category must be public. Error: An interface, helper or Objective-C protocol or category cannot contain fields
Declarations of fields are not allowed in interfaces, helpers and Objective-C protocols and categories. An interface/helper/protocol/category can contain only methods and properties with method read/write specifiers. Error: Cannot declare local procedure as EXTERNAL
Declaring local procedures as external is not possible. Local procedures get hidden parameters that will make the chance of errors very high. Warning: Some fields coming before ”arg1” were not initialized
In Delphi mode, not all fields of a typed constant record have to be initialized, but the compiler warns you when it detects such situations. Error: Some fields coming before ”arg1” were not initialized
In all syntax modes but Delphi mode, you cannot leave some fields uninitialized in the middle of a typed constant record. Warning: Some fields coming after ”arg1” were not initialized
You can leave some fields at the end of a type constant record uninitialized (The compiler will initialize them to zero automatically). This may be the cause of subtle problems. Error: VarArgs directive (or ’. ’ in MacPas) without CDecl/CPPDecl/MWPascal/StdCall and External
The varargs directive (or the “. ” varargs parameter in MacPas mode) can only be used with procedures or functions that are declared with external and one of cdecl , cppdecl , stdcall and mwpascal . This functionality is only supported to provide a compatible interface to C functions like printf. Error: Self must be a normal (call-by-value) parameter
You cannot declare Self as a const or var parameter, it must always be a call-by-value parameter. Error: Interface ”arg1” has no interface identification
When you want to assign an interface to a constant, then the interface must have a GUID value set. Error: Unknown class field or method identifier ”arg1”
Properties must refer to a field or method in the same class. Warning: Overriding calling convention ”arg1” with ”arg2”
There are two directives in the procedure declaration that specify a calling convention. Only the last directive will be used. Error: Typed constants of the type ”procedure of object” can only be initialized with NIL
You cannot assign the address of a method to a typed constant which has a ’procedure of object’ type, because such a constant requires two addresses: that of the method (which is known at compile time) and that of the object or class instance it operates on (which cannot be known at compile time). Error: Default value can only be assigned to one parameter
It is not possible to specify a default value for several parameters at once. The following is invalid:

Instead, this should be declared as

Error: Default parameter required for ”arg1”
The specified parameter requires a default value. Warning: Use of unsupported feature!
You’re trying to force the compiler into doing something it cannot do yet. Hint: C arrays are passed by reference
Any array passed to a C function is passed by a pointer (i.e. by reference). Error: C array of const must be the last argument
You cannot add any other argument after an array of const for cdecl functions, as the size pushed on stack for this argument is not known. Hint: Type ”arg1” redefinition
This is an indicator that a previously declared type is being redefined as something else. This may, or may not be, a potential source of errors. Warning: cdecl’ared functions have no high parameter
Functions declared with the cdecl modifier do not pass an extra implicit parameter. Warning: cdecl’ared functions do not support open strings
Openstring is not supported for functions that have the cdecl modifier. Error: Cannot initialize variables declared as threadvar
Variables declared as threadvar cannot be initialized with a default value. The variables will always be filled with zero at the start of a new thread. Error: Message directive is only allowed in Classes
The message directive is only supported for Class types. Error: Procedure or Function expected
A class method can only be specified for procedures and functions. Warning: Calling convention directive ignored: ”arg1”
Some calling conventions are supported only by certain CPUs. I.e. most non-i386 ports support only the standard ABI calling convention of the CPU. Error: REINTRODUCE cannot be used in objects
reintroduce is not supported for objects, Objective-C classes and Objective-C protocols. Error: Each argument must have its own location
If locations for arguments are specified explicitly as it is required by some syscall conventions, each argument must have its own location. Things like

are not allowed. Error: Each argument must have an explicit location
If one argument has an explicit argument location, all arguments of a procedure must have one. Error: Unknown argument location
The location specified for an argument isn’t recognized by the compiler. Error: 32 Bit-Integer or pointer variable expected
The libbase for MorphOS/AmigaOS can be given only as longint , dword or any pointer variable. Error: Goto statements are not allowed between different procedures
It isn’t allowed to use goto statements referencing labels outside the current procedure. The following example shows the problem:

procedure p2;
goto l1; // This goto ISN’T allowed

Fatal: Procedure too complex, it requires too many registers
Your procedure body is too long for the compiler. You should split the procedure into multiple smaller procedures. Error: Illegal expression
This can occur under many circumstances. Usually when trying to evaluate constant expressions. Error: Invalid integer expression
You made an expression which isn’t an integer, and the compiler expects the result to be an integer. Error: Illegal qualifier
One of the following is happening :

  • You’re trying to access a field of a variable that is not a record.
  • You’re indexing a variable that is not an array.
  • You’re dereferencing a variable that is not a pointer.

Error: High range limit Ў low range limit
You are declaring a subrange, and the high limit is less than the low limit of the range. Error: Exit’s parameter must be the name of the procedure it is used in or of a surrounding procedure
The parameter of a exit call in macpas mode must be either the name of the current subroutine or of a surrounding one Error: Illegal assignment to for-loop variable ”arg1”
The type of a for loop variable must be an ordinal type. Loop variables cannot be reals or strings. You also cannot assign values to loop variables inside the loop (Except in Delphi and TP modes). Use a while or repeat loop instead if you need to do something like that, since those constructs were built for that. Error: Cannot declare local variable as EXTERNAL
Declaring local variables as external is not allowed. Only global variables can reference external variables. Error: Procedure is already declared EXTERNAL
The procedure is already declared with the EXTERNAL directive in an interface or forward declaration. Warning: Implicit uses of Variants unit
The Variant type is used in the unit without any used unit using the Variants unit. The compiler has implicitly added the Variants unit to the uses list. To remove this warning the Variants unit needs to be added to the uses statement. Error: Class and static methods cannot be used in INTERFACES
The specifier class and directive static cannot be used in interfaces because all methods of an interface must be public. Error: Overflow in arithmetic operation
An operation on two integer values produced an overflow. Error: Protected or private expected
strict can be only used together with protected or private . Error: SLICE cannot be used outside of parameter list
slice can be used only for arguments accepting an open array parameter. Error: A DISPINTERFACE cannot have a parent class
A DISPINTERFACE is a special type of interface which cannot have a parent class. Dispinterface always derive from IDispatch type. Error: A DISPINTERFACE needs a guid
A DISPINTERFACE always needs an interface identification (a GUID). Warning: Overridden methods must have a related return type. This code may crash, it depends on a Delphi parser bug (”arg2” is overridden by ”arg1” which has another return type)
If you declare overridden methods in a class definition, they must have the same return type. Some versions of Delphi allow you to change the return type of interface methods, and even to change procedures into functions, but the resulting code may crash depending on the types used and the way the methods are called. Error: Dispatch IDs must be ordinal constants
The dispid keyword must be followed by an ordinal constant (the dispid index). Error: The range of the array is too large
Regardless of the size taken up by its elements, an array cannot have more than high(ptrint) elements. Additionally, the range type must be a subrange of ptrint. Error: The address cannot be taken of bit packed array elements and record fields
If you declare an array or record as packed in Mac Pascal mode (or as packed in any mode with < $ bitpacking on >), it will be packed at the bit level. This means it becomes impossible to take addresses of individual array elements or record fields. The only exception to this rule is in the case of packed arrays elements whose packed size is a multiple of 8 bits. Error: Dynamic arrays cannot be packed
Only regular (and possibly in the future also open) arrays can be packed. Error: Bit packed array elements and record fields cannot be used as loop variables
If you declare an array or record as packed in Mac Pascal mode (or as packed in any mode with < $ bitpacking on >), it will be packed at the bit level. For performance reasons, they cannot be used as loop variables. Error: VAR, TYPE and CONST are allowed only in records, objects and classes
The usage of VAR, TYPE and CONST to declare new types inside an object is allowed only inside records, objects and classes. Error: This type cannot be a generic
Only Classes, Objects, Interfaces and Records are allowed to be used as generic. Warning: Don’t load LINEINFO unit manually, Use the -gl compiler switch instead
Do not use the lineinfo unit directly, Use the -gl switch which automatically adds the correct unit for reading the selected type of debugging information. The unit that needs to be used depends on the type of debug information used when compiling the binary. Error: No function result type specified for function ”arg1”
The first time you declare a function you have to declare it completely, including all parameters and the result type. Error: Specialization is only supported for generic types
Types which are not generics cannot be specialized. Error: Generics cannot be used as parameters when specializing generics
When specializing a generic, only non-generic types can be used as parameters. Error: Constants of objects containing a VMT are not allowed
If an object requires a VMT either because it contains a constructor or virtual methods, it’s not allowed to create constants of it. In TP and Delphi mode this is allowed for compatibility reasons. Error: Taking the address of labels defined outside the current scope isn’t allowed
It isn’t allowed to take the address of labels outside the current procedure. Error: Cannot initialize variables declared as external
Variables declared as external cannot be initialized with a default value. Error: Illegal function result type
Some types like file types cannot be used as function result. Error: No common type possible between ”arg1” and ”arg2”
To perform an operation on integers, the compiler converts both operands to their common type, which appears to be an invalid type. To determine the common type of the operands, the compiler takes the minimum of the minimal values of both types, and the maximum of the maximal values of both types. The common type is then minimum..maximum. Error: Generics without specialization cannot be used as a type for a variable
Generics must be always specialized before being used as variable type. Warning: Register list is ignored for pure assembler routines
When using pure assembler routines, the list with modified registers is ignored. Error: Implements property must have class or interface type
A property which implements an interface must be of type class or interface. Error: Implements-property must implement interface of correct type, found ”arg1” expected ”arg2”
A property which implements an interface actually implements a different interface. Error: Implements-property must have read specifier
A property which implements an interface must have at least a read specifier. Error: Implements-property must not have write-specifier
A property which implements an interface may not have a write specifier. Error: Implements-property must not have stored-specifier
A property which implements an interface may not have a stored specifier. Error: Implements-property used on unimplemented interface: ”arg1”
The interface which is implemented by a property is not an interface implemented by the class. Error: Floating point not supported for this target
The compiler parsed a floating point expression, but it is not supported. Error: Class ”arg1” does not implement interface ”arg2”
The delegated interface is not implemented by the class given in the implements clause. Error: Type used by implements must be an interface
The implements keyword must be followed by an interface type. Error: Variables cannot be exported with a different name on this target, add the name to the declaration using the ”export” directive (variable name: arg1, declared export name: arg2)
On most targets it is not possible to change the name under which a variable is exported inside the exports statement of a library. In that case, you have to specify the export name at the point where the variable is declared, using the export and alias directives. Error: Weak external symbols are not supported for the current target
A ”weak external” symbol is a symbol which may or may not exist at (either static or dynamic) link time. This concept may not be available (or implemented yet) on the current cpu/OS target. Error: Forward type definition does not match
Classes and interfaces being defined forward must have the same type when being implemented. A forward interface cannot be changed into a class. Note: Virtual method ”arg1” has a lower visibility (arg2) than parent class arg3 (arg4)
The virtual method overrides an method that is declared with a higher visibility. This might give unexpected results. E.g., in case the new visibility is private then a call to “inherited” in a new child class will call the higher-visible method in a parent class and ignores the private method. Error: Fields cannot appear after a method or property definition, start a new visibility section first
Once a method or property has been defined in a class or object, you cannot define any fields afterwards without starting a new visibility section (such as public , private , etc.). The reason is that otherwise the source code can appear ambiguous to the compiler, since it is possible to use modifiers such as default and register also as field names. Error: Parameters or result types cannot contain local type definitions. Use a separate type definition in a type block.
In Pascal, types are not considered to be identical simply because they are semantically equivalent. Two variables or parameters are only considered to be of the same type if they refer to the same type definition. As a result, it is not allowed to define new types inside parameter lists, because then it is impossible to refer to the same type definition in the procedure headers of the interface and implementation of a unit (both procedure headers would define a separate type). Keep in mind that expressions such as “file of byte” or “string[50]” also define a new type. Error: ABSTRACT and SEALED conflict
ABSTRACT and SEALED cannot be used together in one declaration Error: Cannot create a descendant of the sealed class ”arg1”
Sealed means that class cannot be derived by another class. Error: SEALED class cannot have an ABSTRACT method
Sealed means that class cannot be derived. Therefore no one class is able to override an abstract method in a sealed class. Error: Only virtual methods can be final
You are declaring a method as final, when it is not declared to be virtual. Error: Final method cannot be overridden: ”arg1”
You are trying to override a virtual method of a parent class that does not exist. Error: Only one message can be used per method.
It is not possible to associate multiple messages with a single method. Error: Invalid enumerator identifier: ”arg1”
Only ”MoveNext” and ”Current” enumerator identifiers are supported. Error: Enumerator identifier required
”MoveNext” or ”Current” identifier must follow the enumerator modifier. Error: Enumerator MoveNext pattern method is not valid. Method must be a function with the Boolean return type and no required arguments.
”MoveNext” enumerator pattern method must be a function with Boolean return type and no required arguments Error: Enumerator Current pattern property is not valid. Property must have a getter.
”Current” enumerator pattern property must have a getter Error: Only one enumerator MoveNext method is allowed per class/object
Class or Object can have only one enumerator MoveNext declaration. Error: Only one enumerator Current property is allowed per class/object
Class or Object can have only one enumerator Current declaration. Error: For in loop cannot be used for the type ”arg1”
For in loop can be used not for all types. For example it cannot be used for the enumerations with jumps. Error: Objective-C messages require their Objective-C selector name to be specified using the ”message” directive.
Objective-C messages require their Objective-C name (selector name) to be specified using the message ‘someName:’ procedure directive. While bindings to other languages automatically generate such names based on the identifier you use (by replacing all underscores with colons), this is unsafe since nothing prevents an Objective-C method name to contain actual colons. Error: Objective-C does not have formal constructors nor destructors. Use the alloc, initXXX and dealloc messages.
The Objective-C language does not have any constructors or destructors. While there are some messages with a similar purpose (such as init and dealloc ), these cannot be identified using automatic parsers and do not guarantee anything like Pascal constructors/destructors (e.g., you have to take care of only calling “designated” inherited “constructors”). For these reasons, we have opted to follow the standard Objective-C patterns for instance creation/destruction. Error: Message name is too long (max. 255 characters)
Due to compiler implementation reasons, message names are currently limited to 255 characters. Error: Objective-C message symbol name for ”arg1” is too long
Due to compiler implementation reasons, mangled message names (i.e., the symbol names used in the assembler code) are currently limited to 255 characters. Hint: Defining a new Objective-C root class. To derive from another root class (e.g., NSObject), specify it as the parent class.
If no parent class is specified for an Object Pascal class, then it automatically derives from TObject. Objective-C classes however do not automatically derive from NSObject, because one can have multiple root classes in Objective-C. For example, in the Cocoa framework both NSObject and NSProxy are root classes. Therefore, you have to explicitly define a parent class (such as NSObject) if you want to derive your Objective-C class from it. Error: Objective-C classes cannot have published sections.
In Object Pascal, “published” determines whether or not RTTI is generated. Since the Objective-C runtime always needs RTTI for everything, this specified does not make sense for Objective-C classes. Fatal: This module requires an Objective-C mode switch to be compiled
This error indicates the use of Objective-C language features without an Objective-C mode switch active. Enable one via the -M command line switch, or the $ modeswitch x directive. Error: Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C and Java, add ”override” (inherited method defined in arg1)
Hint: Inherited methods can only be overridden in Objective-C and Java, add ”override” (inherited method defined in arg1).
It is not possible to reintroduce methods in Objective-C or Java like in Object Pascal. Methods with the same name always map to the same virtual method entry. In order to make this clear in the source code, the compiler always requires the override directive to be specified when implementing overriding Objective-C or Java methods in Pascal. If the implementation is external, this rule is relaxed because Objective-C and Java do not have any override -style keyword (since it’s the default and only behaviour in these languages), which makes it hard for automated header conversion tools to include it everywhere. The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either be an objcclass or an objccategory in case of Objective-C. Error: Message name ”arg1” in inherited class is different from message name ”arg2” in current class.
An overriding Objective-C method cannot have a different message name than an inherited method. The reason is that these message names uniquely define the message to the Objective-C runtime, which means that giving them a different message name breaks the “override” semantics. Error: It is not yet possible to make unique copies of Objective-C or Java types
Duplicating an Objective-C or Java type using type x = type y; is not yet supported. You may be able to obtain the desired effect using type x = objcclass(y) end; resp. type x = class(y) end; instead. Error: Objective-C categories and Object Pascal class helpers cannot be used as types
It is not possible to declare a variable as an instance of an Objective-C category or an Object Pascal class helper. A category/class helper adds methods to the scope of an existing class, but does not define a type by itself. An exception of this rule is when inheriting an Object Pascal class helper from another class helper. Error: Categories do not override, but replace methods. Use ”reintroduce” instead.
Error: Replaced methods can only be reintroduced in Objective-C, add ”reintroduce” (replaced method defined in arg1).
Hint: Replaced methods can only be reintroduced in Objective-C, add ”reintroduce” (replaced method defined in arg1).
A category replaces an existing method in an Objective-C class, rather than that it overrides it. Calling an inherited method from an category method will call that method in the extended class’ parent, not in the extended class itself. The replaced method in the original class is basically lost, and can no longer be called or referred to. This behaviour corresponds somewhat more closely to reintroduce than to override (although in case of reintroduce in Object Pascal, hidden methods are still reachable via inherited). The type in which the inherited method is defined is explicitly mentioned, because this may either be an objcclass or an objccategory. Error: Getter for implements interface must use the target’s default calling convention.
Interface getters are called via a helper in the run time library, and hence have to use the default calling convention for the target ( register on i386 and x86_64, stdcall on other architectures). Error: Typed files cannot contain reference-counted types.
The data in a typed file cannot be of a reference counted type (such as ansistring or a record containing a field that is reference counted). Error: Operator is not overloaded: arg2 ”arg1”
You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for this type. Error: Operator is not overloaded: ”arg1” arg2 ”arg3”
You are trying to use an overloaded operator when it is not overloaded for this type. Error: Expected another arg1 array elements
When declaring a typed constant array, you provided to few elements to initialize the array Error: String constant too long while ansistrings are disabled
Only when a piece of code is compiled with ansistrings enabled ( < $ H+ >), string constants longer than 255 characters are allowed. Error: Type cannot be used as univ parameter because its size is unknown at compile time: ”arg1”
univ parameters are compatible with all values of the same size, but this cannot be checked in case a parameter’s size is unknown at compile time. Error: Only one class constructor can be declared in class: ”arg1”
You are trying to declare more than one class constructor but only one class constructor can be declared. Error: Only one class destructor can be declared in class: ”arg1”
You are trying to declare more than one class destructor but only one class destructor can be declared. Error: Class constructors cannot have parameters
You are declaring a class constructor with a parameter list. Class constructor methods cannot have parameters. Error: Class destructors cannot have parameters
You are declaring a class destructor with a parameter list. Class destructor methods cannot have parameters. Fatal: This construct requires the < $ modeswitch objectivec1 >mode switch to be active
Objective-Pascal constructs are not supported when < $ modeswitch ObjectiveC1 >is not active. Error: Unicodechar/string constants cannot be converted to ansi/shortstring at compile-time
It is not possible to use unicodechar and unicodestring constants in constant expressions that have to be converted into an ansistring or shortstring at compile time, for example inside typed constants. The reason is that the compiler cannot know what the actual ansi encoding will be at run time. Error: For-in Objective-Pascal loops require < $ modeswitch ObjectiveC2 >to be active
Objective-C “fast enumeration” support was added in Objective-C 2.0, and hence the appropriate modeswitch has to be activated to expose this feature. Note that Objective-C 2.0 programs require Mac OS X 10.5 or later. Error: The compiler cannot find the NSFastEnumerationProtocol or NSFastEnumerationState type in the CocoaAll unit
Objective-C for-in loops (fast enumeration) require that the compiler can find a unit called CocoaAll that contains definitions for the NSFastEnumerationProtocol and NSFastEnumerationState types. If you get this error, most likely the compiler is finding and loading an alternate CocoaAll unit. Error: Typed constants of the type ’procedure is nested’ can only be initialized with NIL and global procedures/functions
A nested procedural variable consists of two components: the address of the procedure/function to call (which is always known at compile time), and also a parent frame pointer (which is never known at compile time) in case the procedural variable contains a reference to a nested procedure/function. Therefore such typed constants can only be initialized with global functions/procedures since these do not require a parent frame pointer. Fatal: Declaration of generic inside another generic is not allowed
At the moment, scanner supports recording of only one token buffer at the time (guarded by internal error 200511173 in tscannerfile.startrecordtokens). Since generics are implemented by recording tokens, it is not possible to have declaration of a generic (type or method) inside another generic. Error: Forward declaration ”arg1” must be resolved before a class can conform to or implement it
An Objective-C protocol or Java Interface must be fully defined before classes can conform to it. This error occurs in the following situation (example for Objective-C, but the same goes for Java interfaces):

where MyProtocol is declared but not defined. Error: Record types cannot have published sections
Published sections can be used only inside classes. Error: Destructors are not allowed in records or helpers
Destructor declarations are not allowed in records or helpers. Error: Class methods must be static in records
Class methods declarations are not allowed in records without static modifier. Records have no inheritance and therefore non static class methods have no sense for them. Error: Parameterless constructors are not allowed in records or record/type helpers
Constructor declarations with no arguments are not allowed in records or record/type helpers. Error: Either the result or at least one parameter must be of type ”arg1”
It is required that either the result of the routine or at least one of its parameters be of the specified type. For example class operators either take an instance of the structured type in which they are defined, or they return one. Error: Type parameters may require initialization/finalization — cannot be used in variant records
Type parameters may be specialized with types which (e.g. ansistring ) need initialization/finalization code which is implicitly generated by the compiler. Error: Variables being declared as external cannot be in a custom section
A section directive is not valid for variables being declared as external. Error: Non-static and non-global variables cannot have a section directive
A variable placed in a custom section is always statically allocated so it must be either a static or global variable. Error: ”arg1” is not allowed in helper types
Some directives and specifiers like ”virtual”, ”dynamic”, ”override” are not allowed inside helper types in mode ObjFPC (they are ignored in mode Delphi), because they have no meaning within helpers. Also ”abstract” isn’t allowed in either mode. Error: Class constructors are not allowed in helpers
Class constructor declarations are not allowed in helpers. Error: The use of ”inherited” is not allowed in a record
As records don’t support inheritance the use of ”inherited” is prohibited for these as well as for record helpers (in mode ”Delphi” only). Error: Type declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records
Records with types must be defined globally. Types cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a procedure or function or in anonymous records. Error: Duplicate implements clause for interface ”arg1”
A class may delegate an interface using the ”implements” clause only to a single property. Delegating it multiple times is a error. Error: Interface ”arg1” cannot be delegated by ”arg2”, it already has method resolutions
Method resolution clause maps a method of an interface to a method of the current class. Therefore the current class has to implement the interface directly. Delegation is not possible. Error: Interface ”arg1” cannot have method resolutions, ”arg2” already delegates it
Method resolution is only possible for interfaces that are implemented directly, not by delegation. Error: Invalid codepage
When declaring a string with a given codepage, the range of valid codepages values is limited to 0 to 65535. Error: Only fields (var-sections) and constants can be final in object types
A final (class) field must be assigned a single value in the (class) constructor, and cannot be overwritten afterwards. A final (typed) constant is read-only. Error: Final fields are currently only supported for external classes
Support for final fields in non-external classes requires a full data flow analysis implementation in FPC, which it currently still lacks. Error: Typed constants are not allowed here, only formal constants are
Java interfaces define a namespace in which formal constant can be defined, but since they define no storage it is not possible to define typed constants in them (those are more or less the same as initialised class fields). Error: Constructors are not automatically inherited in the JVM; explicitly add a constructor that calls the inherited one if you need it
Java does not automatically add inherited constructors to child classes, so that they can be hidden. For compatibility with external Java code, FPC does the same. If you require access to the same constructors in a child class, define them in the child class and call the inherited one from there. Parsing internally generated code: arg1
The compiler sometimes internally constructs Pascal code that is subsequently injected into the program. These messages display such code, in order to help with debugging errors in them. Error: This language feature is not supported on managed VM targets
Certain language features are not supported on targets that are managed virtual machines. Error: Calling a virtual constructor for the current instance inside another constructor is not possible on the JVM target
The JVM does not natively support virtual constructor. Unforunately, we are not aware of a way to emulate them in a way that makes it possible to support calling virtual constructors for the current instance inside another constructor. Error: Overriding method ”arg1” cannot have a lower visibility (arg2) than in parent class arg3 (arg4)
The JVM does not allow lowering the visibility of an overriding method. Error: Procedure/Function declared with call option NOSTACKFRAME but without ASSEMBLER
nostackframe call modifier is supposed to be used in conjunction with assembler. Error: Procedure/Function declared with call option NOSTACKFRAME but local stack size is arg1
nostackframe call modifier used without assembler modifier might still generate local stack needs. Error: Cannot generate property getter/setter arg1 because its name clashes with existing identifier arg2
Automatically generated getters/setters cannot have the same name as existing identifiers, because this may change the behaviour of existing code. Warning: Automatically generated property getter/setter arg1 overrides the same-named getter/setter in class arg2
Automatically generated property getters/setters on the JVM platform are virtual methods, because the JVM does not support non-virtual methods that can be changed in child classes. This means that if a child class changes an inherited property definition, the behaviour of that property can change compared to native targets since even if a variable is declared as the parent type, by calling the virtual method the getter from the child will be used. This is different from the behaviour on native targets or when not activating automatically generated setters/getters, because in that case only the declared type of a variable influences the property behaviour. Warning: Case mismatch between declared property getter/setter arg1 and automatically constructed name arg2, not changing declared name
If a property’s specified getter/setter already corresponded to the naming convention specified by the automatic getter/setter generation setting except in terms of upper/lowercase, the compiler will print a warning because it cannot necessarily change that other declaration itself not can it add one using the correct case (it could conflict with the original declaration). Manually correct the case of the getter/setter to conform to the desired coding rules. TChild overrides Error: Constants declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records
Records with constants must be defined globally. Constants cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a procedure or function or in anonymous records. Error: Method declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records
Records with methods must be defined globally. Methods cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a procedure or function or in anonymous records. Error: Property declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records
Records with properties must be defined globally. Properties cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a procedure or function or in anonymous records. Error: Class member declarations are not allowed in local or anonymous records
Records with class members must be defined globally. Class members cannot be defined inside records which are defined in a procedure or function or in anonymous records. Error: Visibility section ”arg1” not allowed in records
The visibility sections ( protected) and ( strict protected) are only useful together with inheritance. Since records do not support that they are forbidden. Error: Directive ”arg1” not allowed here
This directive is not allowed in the given context. E.g. ”static” is not allowed for instance methods or class operators. Error: Assembler blocks not allowed inside generics
The use of assembler blocks/routines is not allowed inside generics. Error: Properties can be only static, global or inside structured types
Properties cannot be declared local, only global, using the static directive or inside structured types. Error: Overloaded routines have the same mangled name
Some platforms, such as the JVM platform, encode the parameters in the routine name in a prescribed way, and this encoding may map different Pascal types to the same encoded (a.k.a. “mangled”) name. This error can only be solved by removing or changing the conflicting definitions’ parameter declarations or routine names. Error: Default values can only be specified for value, const and constref parameters
A default parameter value allows you to not specify a value for this parameter when calling the routine, and the compiler will instead pass the specified default (constant) value. As a result, default values can only be specified for parameters that can accept constant values. Warning: Pointer type ”arg1” ignored
The specified pointer type modifier is ignored, because it is not supported on the current platform. This happens, for example, when a far pointer is declared on a non-x86 platform. Error: Global Generic template references static symtable
A generic declared in the interface section of a unit must not reference symbols that belong solely to the implementation section of that unit. Unit arg1 has been already compiled meanwhile.
This tells you that the recursive reading of the uses clauses triggered already a compilation of the current unit, so the current compilation can be aborted. Error: Explicit implementation of methods for specializations of generics is not allowed
Methods introduced in a generic must be implemented for the generic. It is not possible to implement them only for specializations. Error: Generic methods are not allowed in interfaces
Generic methods are not allowed in interfaces, because there is no way to specialize a suitable implementation. Error: Generic methods can not be virtual
Generic methods can not be declared as virtual as there’d need to be a VMT entry for each specialization. This is however not possible with a static VMT. Error: Dynamic packages not supported for target OS
Support for dynamic packages is not implemented for the specified target OS or it is at least not tested and thus disabled. Error: The HardFloat directive cannot be used if soft float code is generated or fpu emulation is turned on
The HardFloat directive can only be used if an instruction set is used which supports floating point operations. Error: Index arg1 is not a valid internal function index
The index specified for the compilerproc directive is not an index that’s recognized by the compiler. Warning: Operator overload hidden by internal operator: ”arg1” arg2 ”arg3”
An operator overload is defined for the specified overload, but the internal overload by the compiler takes precedence. This only happens for operators that had been overloadable before (e.g. dynamic array + dynamic array), but aren’t anymore due to an internal operator being defined while this behavior is controllable by a modeswitch (in case of dynamic arrays that is the modeswitch ArrayOperators ). Error: Thread variables inside classes or records must be class variables
A threadvar section inside a class or record was started without it being prefixed by class . Error: Only static methods and static variables can be referenced through an object type
This error occurs in a situation like the following:

TObj = object
procedure test;

test is not a static method and hence cannot be called through a type, but only using an instance.


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