Error uclient fetch error 8

IP is not updated on my router with Openwrt IP is not updated on my r…

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  • IP is not updated on my router with Openwrt

Topic: IP is not updated on my router with Openwrt

Post IP is not updated on my router with Openwrt

by utzu on Saturday, June 13, 2020

Tell me what the problem is
IP is not updated on my router with Openwrt tell me what the problem is
this is logs:
102249 : ************ ************** ************** **************
102249 note : PID ‘15031’ started at 2020-06-13 10:22
102249 : ddns version : 2.7.8-13
102249 : uci configuration:
102249 : verbose mode : 0 — run normal, NO console output
102250 : check interval: 300 seconds
102250 : force interval: 259200 seconds
102250 : retry interval: 60 seconds
102250 : retry counter : 0 times
102250 : No old process
102250 : last update: never
102250 : Detect registered/public IP
102250 : #> /usr/bin/nslookup >/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err
102250 : Registered IP ‘’ detected
102250 info : Starting main loop at 2020-06-13 10:22
102251 : Detect local IP on ‘web’
102251 : #> /bin/uclient-fetch -q -O /var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat -Y off ‘’ 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err
102251 : Local IP ‘’ detected on web at ‘’
102251 : Update needed — L: ‘’ <> R: ‘’
102252 : #> /bin/uclient-fetch -q -O /var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.dat -Y off ‘http://utzu:***PW***’ 2>/var/run/ddns/myddns_ipv4.err
102254 ERROR : uclient-fetch Error: ‘4’
102254 :
102254 WARN : Transfer failed — retry 1/0 in 60 seconds

Reply with quote

Post Re: IP is not updated on my router with Openwrt

by timothytw on Saturday, June 13, 2020

Reply with quote

It is currently Thursday, February 9, 2023 8:31 AM US Mountain Standard Time

Thursday, February 9, 2023 8:31 AM


  1. OpenWRT

    1. About
    2. Basics

      1. Fallback behaviour
      2. Set a password
      3. Essential packages
      4. Shell profile
      5. Logging
      6. LUCI

        1. HTTPs
        2. LUCI CSS
    3. USB storage

      1. Swap
      2. Extroot
    4. opkg

      1. Freeing up space
      2. opkg manual upgrade
      3. opkg_upgrade
      4. Automatic opkg_upgrade
    5. System upgrades

      1. Configure your backup
      2. Create backup
      3. Restore backup
      4. Perform the upgrade
    6. System recovery

      1. TFTP

        1. Prepare TFTPD
        2. TCPD
        3. Directory structure
        4. Prepare device specific files
        5. Test the connection
      2. Create serial connection
      3. Das U-Boot

        1. Switch to dhcp (intermediate)
    7. DHCP options
    8. DNS with dnsmasq

      1. DNSmasq on Omnia Turris
      2. Investigation
      3. Strict order
      4. No SRV records
      5. Local DNS resolution
    9. Dynamic DNS
    10. Adblock
    11. Wake on LAN
    12. Windows shares
    13. VPN

      1. Wireguard

        1. Wireguard Remote-Access VPN
        2. Wireguard site-to-site
        3. Samba on the wireguard interface
      2. OpenVPN

        1. Install OpenVPN
        2. Prepare shell environment
        3. Initialize EasyRSA-PKI
        4. Configure firewall
        5. Configure VPN service and generate client profiles
    14. UPnP
    15. Software Flow Offloading
    16. SQM (Smart Queue Management)
    17. Trouble Shooting

      1. Slow Routing/NAT throughput
      2. Wrong Link Speed
    18. DSL

      1. DSL optimization
    19. DOCSIS 3.1

      1. Technicolor TC4400-EU
      2. Vodafone Station

        1. Normal Mode
        2. Bridge Mode
    20. Omnia Turris

      1. About
      2. Devices
      3. Change WAN interface from RJ-45 to SFP
      4. Possible SFPs
      5. ALLNET ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP

        1. Status
        2. About ALLNET ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP
      6. mSATA card
      7. Firewall custom rules
      8. Knot Resolver

        1. About
        2. Replacement of DNSmasq
        3. Kresd — Clear DNS cache
        4. Kresd — Change logging live
        5. Kresd — Custom config
        6. Kresd — Forwarding domains
        7. Kresd — Disable DNSsec validation per domain
    21. TP-Link Archer C7 v5

      1. Benchmark

        1. Test1
        2. Test2
        3. Test3
        4. Test4
        5. Test5
        6. Test6
        7. Test7
        8. Test8
        9. Test9
        10. Test10
        11. Test11


The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices. Instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, OpenWrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. This frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. For developers, OpenWrt is the framework to build an application without having to build a complete firmware around it; for users this means the ability for full customization, to use the device in ways never envisioned.


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Kommentare zur Router Sicherheit

  • CCC und OpenWrt: Technische Richtlinie des BSI zu sicheren Routern unzureichend

  • BSI TR-03148 Sichere Breitband Router

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  • Youtube Channel of OneMarcFifty


Fallback behaviour

Please note that, if you make a configuration on Luci and and Luci is not called back within 90s (you locked yourself out), the changes are reverted.

This is a life-safer! Such a nice feature.

Please remind yourself to stay calm. It’s not bricked, yet. Just don’t pull cables or power it off.

On the other side this means that some changes are relevant to tight timing. :-D

Please keep in mind.

Set a password

Factory OpenWRT comes with no password set for the user root.
grep root /etc/shadow 

Set a root password via CLI

Or via Luci — System > Administration

Essential packages

Packages you just need on a networking device

   1 opkg update
   2 opkg install tmux htop diffutils 
   3         ethtool iputils-arping iputils-tracepath

Shell profile

I like creating a addtional file with some commands for convinience and not mess up to much with the original file

   2 LC_ALL=UTF-8
   5 alias l='ls -l'
   6 alias la='ls -la'
   7 alias ..='cd ..' 

To set this file active add this to /etc/profile

   1 [ -e /etc/profile.local ] && source /etc/profile.local


You probably don’t need a log-file, which fills up your system memory. OpenWRT System Configuration

  • logread to access logd membuffer

  • dmesg to access kernel messages

Read and follow logbuffer


Install bare LUCI

   1 opkg update
   2 opkg install luci


Install LUCI https support

   1 opkg update
   2 opkg install luci-ssl luci-app-uhttpd
   3 /etc/init.d/uhttpd restart
   4 4+0 records in
   5 4+0 records out
   6 Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus
   7 Generating selfsigned certificate with subject 'C=ZZ,ST=Somewhere,L=Unknown,O=OpenWrtcbba6ded,CN=OpenWrt,' and validity 20210315195149-20230315195149

The automatic redirection can then be enabled in the uhttpd app of the webfrontend.


Adjust container max-width to make tables readable.


   1 .container {
   2         width: 100%;
   3         //max-width: 940px;
   4         //max-width: 1280px;
   5         max-width: 1440px;
   6         margin-left: auto;
   7         margin-right: auto;
   8         zoom: 1;
   9 }

Reduce horizontal padding between table cells

   1 .table .th, .table .td {
   2         display: table-cell;
   3         vertical-align: middle;
   4         //padding: 10px 10px 9px;
   5         padding: 10px 3px 9px;
   6         line-height: 18px;
   7         text-align: left;
   8 }

USB storage

If you hava only a very limited amount of space available (like 8MiB on a Archer C7 v1), you can use a extroot with an overlayfs on a usbstick. So you only need to install everything on the limited rom to mount the «next» root filesystem.

Block device support -> USB-storage

   1 opkg update
   2 opkg install kmod-usb-storage blkid block-mount kmod-fs-ext4 luci-app-hd-idle

Install additional ext4 utilities

   1 opkg install e2fsprogs gdisk

Please take a look at
OpenWRT Fstab Configuration


Mount swap persistently

   1 swapon -s
   2 DEVICE="/dev/sda1"
   3 #mkswap -L swap1 "$DEVICE"
   4 eval $(blkid "$DEVICE" |cut -f2 -d:)
   5 uci set fstab.swap1="swap"
   6 uci set fstab.swap1.uuid="$PARTUUID"
   7 uci commit fstab
   8 swapon -a
   9 swapon -s


OpenWRT — Extroot configuration

Create a directory for the partition «rootfs_data» (jffs2) (from flash rom)

   1 mkdir /mnt/mtdblock4
   2 DEVICE="$(sed -n -e "/s/overlays.*$/s///p" /etc/mtab)"
   3 uci set fstab.mtdblock4="mount"
   4 uci set fstab.mtdblock4.device="$DEVICE"
   5 uci set"/mnt/mtdblock4"
   6 uci commit fstab

Mount the new device and sync the current overlay directory

   1 DEVICE="/dev/sda2"
   2 TARGET="/mnt/rootfs"
   3 [ -d "$TARGET" ] || mkdir "$TARGET"
   4 mount "$DEVICE" "$TARGET"
   5 cp -f -a /overlay/. /mnt/rootfs/

Mount usb drive persistently as overlay (on next boot)

   1 DEVICE="/dev/sda2"
   2 eval $(blkid "$DEVICE" |cut -f2 -d:)
   3 uci set fstab.overlay="mount"
   4 uci set fstab.overlay.uuid="$UUID"
   5 uci set"/overlay"
   6 uci commit fstab

Good luck

Works :-)

   1 root@openwrt:~# df -h
   2 Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
   3 /dev/root                 2.5M      2.5M         0 100% /rom
   4 tmpfs                    60.8M     76.0K     60.7M   0% /tmp
   5 /dev/sda2                 3.1G      7.1M      3.0G   0% /overlay
   6 overlayfs:/overlay        3.1G      7.1M      3.0G   0% /
   7 tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
   8 /dev/mtdblock4            3.9M      3.0M    856.0K  78% /mnt/mtdblock4


Freeing up space

OpenWRT opkg

When removing a package always specify the full name of the package! ;-) Opkg will report no packages to be removed. Try to find the name of the installed package with

   1 opkg list |grep package

Autoremove orphaned packages during removal of a «higher-level» package.

   1 opkg remove --autoremove package

Remove package and all packages that depend upon it.

   1 opkg remove --force-removal-of-dependent-packages package

It happens that you accidentally installed a packages, which pull many dependencies and fill up the space on the device. Then opkg is not even capable to write the state, that a package was installed, to its database. The files reside on disk and use up space, but the package cannot be removed, since it’s not installed.

To fix this behavior, i suggest to

  1. to free up space by forcefully uninstalling another «big» package (like libopenssl1.1). Please make sure you remember to reinstall all the packages, that were uninstalled, later.

    opkg remove —force-removal-of-dependent-packages libopenssl1.1

  2. and fully install the package that previously failed

    opkg install failed-package

  3. uninstall the now fully installed previously failed-package and its dependencies

    opkg remove —autoremove failed-package

  4. Install the packages you only uninstalled to free up space

    opkg install top-level-packages that pulled libopenssl1.1

A quite invasive script that purges the files in a package from disk. Should only by used, if normal removal did not succeed

   1 #!/bin/sh
   2 # takes one argument/parameter: the name of the package
   3 # which didn't install correctly and
   4 # should be removed along with its dependencies
   5 # example: pulseaudio-daemon
   7 if [ -z "$1" ]; then
   8         echo "Please specify one or more packages".
   9         exit 1
  10 fi
  12 opkg update
  14 #get list of all packages that would be installed along with package x
  15 PACKAGES="$(opkg --force-space --noaction install $@ 
  16         |grep "http:" 
  17         |cut -f 2 -d ' ' 
  18         |sed 's/.$//')"
  20 echo "Following packages will be destroyed."
  21 echo "$PACKAGES"
  23 read -p"Check and confirm with 'yes': " CONFIR_INPUT
  24 if test "$CONFIR_INPUT" = "yes"; then
  25         echo "Confirmed. Exterminating packages_"
  26 else
  27         echo "Not confirmed - aborting."
  28         exit 0
  29 fi
  31 for i in $PACKAGES
  32 do
  33         LIST="$(wget -qO- $i 
  34                 |tar -Oxz ./data.tar.gz 
  35                 |tar -tz 
  36                 |sort -r 
  37                 |sed 's/^.//overlay/upper/')"
  38         for f in $LIST; do
  39                 if [ -f "$f" ]; then
  40                         echo "Removing file $f"
  41                         rm -f "$f"
  42                 fi
  43                 if [ -d "$f" ];then
  44                         cat <<-EOF
  45                                 Trying to remove directory '$f'
  46                                 (will only work on empty directories)
  47                         EOF
  48                         rmdir "$f"
  49                 fi
  50         done
  51 done
  53 echo "You may need to reboot for the free space to become visible."

This is only a slightly improved version of this script

opkg manual upgrade

Please make sure, you have enough space in your overlay filesystem (~8MiB).

Upgrade the system in tmux

   2 opkg update
   3 opkg install tmux
   4 tmux
   5 ### UPGRADE
   6 PACKAGES="$(opkg list-upgradable|awk '{print $1}')"
   7 [ "$PACKAGES" ] && opkg upgrade $PACKAGES

You may have to execute it more than once (e.g. if netifd is upgraded).


Speeds up the process


   1 #!/bin/sh
   3 PACKAGES="$(opkg list-upgradable|awk '{print $1}')"
   5 if test "$PACKAGES"; then
   6         echo -e "Packages to be upgraded:n$PACKAGES"
   7         read -p"Check and confirm with 'yes': " CONFIR_INPUT
   8         if test "$CONFIR_INPUT" = "yes"; then
   9                 echo "Confirmed performing upgrade"
  10                 opkg upgrade $PACKAGES
  11         else
  12                 echo "Input invalid - aborting."
  13         fi
  14 else
  15         echo -e "No packages to be upgraded."
  16         echo "Nothing to do - exiting ..."
  17 fi

Make script executable

   1 chmod u+x /sbin/opkg_upgrade

Upgrade the system in tmux

   2 opkg update
   3 opkg install tmux
   4 tmux
   5 ### UPGRADE
   6 opkg_upgrade

You may have to execute it more than once (e.g. if netifd is upgraded).

Automatic opkg_upgrade

crontab -e

   1 0 2 * * *       echo yes |/sbin/opkg_upgrade

System upgrades

Configure your backup


These files are kept during sysupgrades! Maintain this file carefully!


   1 ## This file contains files and directories that should
   2 ## be preserved during an upgrade.
   4 # /etc/example.conf
   5 # /etc/openvpn/
   7 ### docu
   8 /etc/user_installed_pkg.list
   9 /etc/sysbackup.tar.gz
  11 ### daemons
  12 /etc/samba/
  13 /etc/dropbear/
  14 /etc/dnsmasq.hosts
  15 /etc/collectd.conf
  16 /etc/fwknop/
  17 /etc/vsftpd/
  18 /etc/vsftpd.conf
  19 /etc/config/ahcpd
  20 /etc/dnsmasq.conf
  21 /etc/ppp/
  23 ### configs
  24 /etc/screenrc
  26 ### login data 
  27 /etc/group
  28 /etc/group-
  29 /etc/passwd
  30 /etc/passwd-
  31 /etc/profile
  32 /etc/profile.local
  33 /etc/shadow
  34 /etc/shadow-
  35 /etc/login.defs
  37 ### system
  38 /etc/config/
  39 /etc/crontabs
  40 /etc/dropbear/dropbear_rsa_host_key
  41 /etc/exports
  42 /etc/firewall.user
  43 /etc/kresd/custom.conf
  44 /etc/inittab
  45 /etc/lvm/
  46 #/etc/opkg
  47 /etc/opkg/customfeeds.conf
  48 /etc/opkg.conf
  49 /etc/rc.local
  50 /etc/sysctl.conf
  51 /etc/sysctl.d/local.conf
  52 /etc/sysupgrade.conf
  54 ### databases
  55 /etc/ethers
  56 /etc/hosts
  57 /etc/protocols
  58 /etc/services
  59 /etc/shells
  61 ### scripts
  62 /etc/
  63 /etc/
  64 /etc/
  65 /sbin/opkg_upgrade
  66 /sbin/

Check what is backed up

   1 sysupgrade -l
   2 ### OR WITH SHELL
   3 grep -v -e '^$' -e '^#' /etc/sysupgrade.conf 
   4      |while read LINE; do
   5             ls -d "$LINE" 2>/dev/null;
   6 done

Create backup

Create a backup (e.g. to your overlay-fs)

   1 umask go=
   2 DIR_BACKUP="/root/backup"
   3 [ -d "$DIR_BACKUP" ] || mkdir "$DIR_BACKUP"
   4 sysupgrade -k -b "$DIR_BACKUP/backup-${HOSTNAME}-$(date +%F_+%H%M%S).tar.gz"
   5 ls -l "$DIR_BACKUP"/backup-*.tar.gz

%H%M%S is better than %T with ssh-based copying because of the interpretation of : (colon) as the remote path delimiter …

Secure the backup from another machine

   1 scp 'root@*.tar.gz' .
   2 scp 'root@openwrt.lan:/root/backup/backup-*.tar.gz' .


Restore backup

   1 # Upload backup
   2 scp backup-*.tar.gz root@openwrt.lan:/root
   4 # Restore backup
   5 ls /root/backup-*.tar.gz
   6 sysupgrade -r /root/backup-your_specific_point_in_time.tar.gz

Perform the upgrade

   1 sysupgrade -v /root/img-bin

If you unluckyly bricked the device
#System recovery

System recovery






Prepare TFTPD

You’ll need root privileges

  • install a TFTP daemon
  • to bind to port 69/UDP

Classically install atftpd and a tftp client

   1 apt install atftpd tftp

The daemon is listening right from installation, wrapped by Wietse Venemas tcpd

   1 LANG=C netstat -tulpen |grep -e '^Proto' -e ':69' 
   2 Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State       User       Inode      PID/Program name    
   3 udp        0      0    *                           0          49344      2415/rlinetd        
   4 udp6       0      0 :::69                   :::*                                0          49345      2415/rlinetd        



   1 # look for further configuration files elsewhere (ignore editor backup files)
   3 directory "/etc/rlinetd.d" "" "(~|.bak|.swp|.ucf-.*|.dpkg-.*)$";
   5 # set up some reasonable defaults
   7 defaults {
   8   instances 5;
   9   # only making services available to your inside network?
  10   # interface;
  11 }


   1 # This file was automatically generated by inetd2rlinetd
   3 # Generated from: tftp          dgram   udp     wait    nobody /usr/sbin/tcpd /usr/sbin/in.tftpd --tftpd-timeout 300 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port 1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100 --verbose=5 /srv/tftp
   4 service "tftp_udp" {
   5         enabled yes;
   6         protocol udp;
   7         port "tftp";
   8         user "nobody";
   9         exec "/usr/sbin/in.tftpd --tftpd-timeout 300 --retry-timeout 5 --mcast-port 1758 --mcast-addr --mcast-ttl 1 --maxthread 100 --verbose=5 /srv/tftp";
  10         server "/usr/sbin/tcpd";
  11         wait yes;
  12 }

Directory structure

The default config points to /srv/tftp. Let’s create the directory structure, which should also be writeable by the group «tftp» for convinience.

   1 addgroup --system tftp
   2 adduser tobias tftp
   3 install -o root -g tftp -m 2775 -d /srv/tftp

You’ll need to logoff and on again to be member of the group. :-/ Check it with id.

Prepare device specific files

In my specific case i broke a «BT Home Hub 5A». So i took a look on its device specific OpenWRT page.

I downloaded the bootloader image, tftp-bootable install image, and the current snapshot of openwrt and put it to a subdirectory of the tftpd-root.

   1 sudo install -o tobias -g tftp -m 2775 -d /srv/tftp/homehub_v5a
   2 cd /srv/tftp/homehub_v5a
   3 wget ""
   4 wget ""
   5 wget ""
   6 ln -s /srv/tftp/homehub_v5a/lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin 
   7         /srv/tftp/lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin
   8 ls -l /srv/tftp/homehub_v5a 
   9 insgesamt 18612
  10 -rw-r--r-- 1 tobias tftp   853647  3. Nov 2017  lede-lantiq-bthomehubv5a_ram-u-boot.asc
  11 -rw-r--r-- 1 tobias tftp 11387322  3. Nov 2017  lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin
  12 -rw-r--r-- 1 tobias tftp  6810208  1. Sep 02:01 openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-bt_homehub-v5a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin

Test the connection

There is no command in tftp to change or list directories. So you the file needs to be put into the base directory and you need to know the filename.

Startup the client and download a file

   1 tobias@libertas ~ % tftp
   2 tftp> ?   
   3 Commands may be abbreviated.  Commands are:
   5 connect         connect to remote tftp
   6 mode            set file transfer mode
   7 put             send file
   8 get             receive file
   9 quit            exit tftp
  10 verbose         toggle verbose mode
  11 trace           toggle packet tracing
  12 status          show current status
  13 binary          set mode to octet
  14 ascii           set mode to netascii
  15 rexmt           set per-packet retransmission timeout
  16 timeout         set total retransmission timeout
  17 ?               print help information
  18 tftp> get lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin
  19 Transfer timed out.
  22 tftp> get lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin
  23 Received 11460682 bytes in 1.0 seconds

TFTP works!

Create serial connection

  • Prepare a connection to the board (e.g. solder wires or headers)
  • Adjust voltage of the USB-UART adapter
  • Connect the serial adapter
    • TX of the board to RX of the adapter
    • RX of the board to TX of the adapter
    • GROUND of the board to GROUND of the adapter

Your user should be member of the unix group ‘dialout’. Logoff (completely) from the system and in again to gain membership.

   1 sudo adduser tobias dialout

Establish a connection via the adapter with the respective parameters

   1 ls -l /dev/ttyUSB*
   2 crw-rw---- 1 root dialout 188, 0 27. Aug 11:22 /dev/ttyUSB0
   3 minicom -c on -b 115200 -8 -D /dev/ttyUSB0

In my case the boot-loader was still okay, but the kernel image could not be loaded.

   1 Willkommen zu minicom 2.8
   3 Optionen: I18n 
   4 Port /dev/ttyUSB0, 08:56:49
   6 Drücken Sie CTRL-A  Z für Hilfe zu speziellen Tasten
   8 ROM VER: 1.1.4
   9 CFG 06
  10 NAND
  11 NAND Read OK
  13 DDR autotuning Rev 0.3d
  14 DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa7ffffff
  15 DDR check ok... start booting...
  19 U-Boot 2010.06-LANTIQ-v-2.2.46 (Dec 06 2013 - 02:39:45 on tester@clean-machine)
  21 CLOCK CPU 500M RAM 250M
  22 secure boot
  23 DRAM:  125 MiB
  24 NAND:  ONFI flash detected
  25 ONFI param page 0 valid
  26 NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xf1 (AMD S34ML01G1)
  27 128 MiB
  28 Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01
  29 Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01
  30 In:    serial
  31 Out:   serial
  32 Err:   serial
  33 Net:   Internal phy(GE) firmware version: 0x841b
  34 vr9 Switch
  36 Type "run flash_nfs" to mount root filesystem over NFS
  38 Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
  39 Creating 1 MTD partitions on "nand0":
  40 0x000000100000-0x000007f80000 : "mtd=0"
  41 UBI: attaching mtd1 to ubi0
  42 UBI: physical eraseblock size:   131072 bytes (128 KiB)
  43 UBI: logical eraseblock size:    129024 bytes
  44 UBI: smallest flash I/O unit:    2048
  45 UBI: sub-page size:              512
  46 UBI: VID header offset:          512 (aligned 512)
  47 UBI: data offset:                2048
  48 UBI: attached mtd1 to ubi0
  49 UBI: MTD device name:            "mtd=0"
  50 UBI: MTD device size:            126 MiB
  51 UBI: number of good PEBs:        1012
  52 UBI: number of bad PEBs:         0
  53 UBI: max. allowed volumes:       128
  54 UBI: wear-leveling threshold:    4096
  55 UBI: number of internal volumes: 1
  56 UBI: number of user volumes:     1
  57 UBI: available PEBs:             997
  58 UBI: total number of reserved PEBs: 15
  59 UBI: number of PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 10
  60 UBI: max/mean erase counter: 400/282
  61 kernel volume not found
  62 Wrong Image Format for bootm command
  63 ERROR: can't get kernel image!
  64 VR9 # 

Das U-Boot

typically abbreviated as just «U-Boot»

  • Das U-Boot — the Universal Boot Loader

  • Github u-boot/u-boot

  • Der generische Bootloader U-Boot — Auf Tauchkurs — Udo Seidel

  • Mailing Lists
    • The U-Boot Archives

    • u-boot


Got dropped into the uboot shell

   1 VR9 # help
   2 ?       - alias for 'help'
   3 base    - print or set address offset
   4 bootm   - boot application image from memory
   5 bootp   - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol
   6 chpart  - change active partition
   7 cmp     - memory compare
   8 cp      - memory copy
   9 crc32   - checksum calculation
  10 dualimage- dualimage - sets openrg_start and openrg_size according to the current active image.
  12 echo    - echo args to console
  13 go      - start application at address 'addr'
  14 help    - print command description/usage
  15 loop    - infinite loop on address range
  16 md      - memory display
  17 mm      - memory modify (auto-incrementing address)
  18 mtdparts- define flash/nand partitions
  19 mtest   - simple RAM read/write test
  20 mw      - memory write (fill)
  21 nand    - NAND sub-system
  22 nboot   - boot from NAND device
  23 nm      - memory modify (constant address)
  24 printenv- print environment variables
  25 rarpboot- boot image via network using RARP/TFTP protocol
  26 reset   - Perform RESET of the CPU
  27 run     - run commands in an environment variable
  28 saveenv - save environment variables to persistent storage
  29 setenv  - set environment variables
  30 signverify- signverify - verify the active image signature and decryption if needed.
  32 tftpboot- boot image via network using TFTP protocol
  33 ubi     - ubi commands
  34 upgrade - upgrade - forward/backward copy memory to pre-defined flash location
  36 version - print monitor version
  37 VR9 # 

Display the version to aquire the manual

   1 VR9 # version   
   3 U-Boot 2010.06-LANTIQ-v-2.2.46 (Dec 06 2013 - 02:39:45 on tester@clean-machine)

Display the environment to gather information like server ip

   1 VR9 # printenv  
   2 bootdelay=1
   3 baudrate=115200
   4 preboot=echo;echo Type "run flash_nfs" to mount root filesystem over NFS;echo
   5 bootfile="openrg.img"
   6 cert=-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  10 AQUAA4IBDwAwggEKAoIBAQDQupk1RFBIK7J980ya9oDpV1g+bg+g6tWW0GHX2sof
  11 xW5sF2NOvI73Y1hPDmfSfVeZSx8wWamb5Ihknm5hjP1fjrvXJ6iRoC9lbXgqYAV1
  12 Rc1JVpV69ZLFDQLhT9+4VFAMMRyVFcd0TqlPyhlg8QEbzzczSznpphlnI4ZnYiqn
  13 NNq1ZYNd4LIo7+W9is1ECi9oo02sPQN+k9NJWuM9BTSL8XfiAresYSSOZfiOnT3p
  14 w9ZDJMiXCT1sa80LRsIJpPceAJ5OzHiN598ERgApsk8uMCr5QFndtDW/d0QRVANJ
  15 EmjDtMcqg+JSdcMUgji6msE+0XFjFO+QnbxQPM+n53Q7AgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcN
  17 Tvei/mrHTLoxSI+nXDpP54FuKi6KIk87OWH/kS1HyXxoD9zmgXAbpqYMh//LzyKc
  18 +gwxBpS/XQJLxnl0YLDfk5SR1BZsPWegc3V8TmS0U5CdxsJ5SDalvTbJrJMwlV3y
  19 Z9xBPrtF5RGXwPDQICkX40u2vcvd8NkNa6OYb0Gcp7PfdwSmhmXXUY2btjjxORlF
  20 1eT7mGL1PkmhEsMoviroWT5gNRJbxQszVqNiwH3tcMvrVo2/IODgtFVNIsjFj36G
  21 YappoROYOJqf4JNcnSYUoR6tNyThYD7giNA=
  22 -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  23 -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
  26 A1UEChMeQnJpdGlzaCBUZWxlY29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbnMgcGxjMRUwEwYDVQQLEwxD
  27 UEUgUGxhdGZvcm0xEzARBgNVBAMTCkRhdmUgSmFtZXMxIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEW
  28 E2RhdmUuZS5qYW1lc0BidC5jb20wHhcNMTMwMjAxMTE1MDQ2WhcNMzMwMjAxMTE1
  30 B0lwc3dpY2gxJzAlBgNVBAoTHkJyaXRpc2ggVGVsZWNvbW11bmljYXRpb25zIHBs
  34 51EWdhK0KamLU4ADxkdfRWLAufJsrt2b+AoG4qWwVjbE3HqPwXsrJNZoc6YBC0bB
  35 Hfy7/u4jo/kd3iTQwgkhTmHRjJdTp4CL8WKPKCDe5qO3SuERp8wglHHzA+Ea7dH2
  36 4KkEPK4wD8HAkX9wWhPipmxYIKG+YwjmQfeVggI6HgJ4gVHlol17ZjXiWFSoUTka
  37 ziYbYf/i8f+ayM8mNV27zJ0LjhY5E50EhzI5QXFIoDBYNNfQJYWNT/NDGx9mr4G4
  38 439XwK62yiG2CmNn6bjYlASqnMu0NHd6JcM7ASttVV4JiQIDAQABo4IBEzCCAQ8w
  42 ZWxlY29tbXVuaWNhdGlvbnMgcGxjMRUwEwYDVQQLEwxDUEUgUGxhdGZvcm0xEzAR
  43 BgNVBAMTCkRhdmUgSmFtZXMxIjAgBgkqhkiG9w0BCQEWE2RhdmUuZS5qYW1lc0Bi
  45 AQCFzVvT9EH8h+xM2xg/85SLaNIAAPrPN3tTknLix4+/NseGczl788bdFehdEGy2
  46 2w27mBTxFIorGwM5z1etfr5a5AP5zEUbpRvJDZ47v5skQ0j7a73CxAiYD8NtqAZ8
  47 kcxxIGmqisOy9wIcgzXB8Ezap0+erxBYwFaz11VWoo0yjEvxYS66vq0u/2YlZJOj
  48 UkjRuycd+bz8hma3lP8TmOajxYyeVfUOd+x49Q/J2D5IEbyFhFjlS2Zs4VR6mR0R
  49 P7N4ZJptV+OLGKra7rnhtz20FEUfd0Ju0OoWd9h0DPN1M/h/OFdtrTKijEsGab2I
  50 VHKbpEVM7ObIIHGxmt6kWZho
  51 -----END CERTIFICATE-----
  53 mem=127M
  54 phym=128M
  55 ethaddr=00:E0:92:00:01:40
  56 netdev=eth0
  57 console=ttyS0
  58 tftppath=
  59 loadaddr=0x80800000
  60 rootpath=/mnt/full_fs
  61 rootfsmtd=/dev/mtdblock2
  62 nfsargs= setenv bootargs root=/dev/nfs rw nfsroot=$(serverip):$(rootpath)
  63 ramargs=setenv bootargs root=/dev/ram rw
  64 addip=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) ip=$(ipaddr):$(serverip):$(gatewayip):$(netmask):$(hostname):$(netdev):on
  65 addmisc=setenv bootargs $(bootargs) console=$(console),$(baudrate) ethaddr=$(ethaddr) phym=$(phym) mem=$(mem) panic=1 mtdparts=$(mtdparts) vpe1 
  66 flash_nfs=run nfsargs addip addmisc;bootm $(kernel_addr)
  67 net_nfs=tftp $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(bootfile);run nfsargs addip addmisc;bootm
  68 net_flash=tftp $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(bootfile); run flashargs addip addmisc; bootm
  69 net_ram=tftp $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(bootfile); bootm
  70 u-boot=u-boot.lq
  71 rootfs=rootfs.img
  72 firmware=firmware.img
  73 fullimage=fullimage.img
  74 totalimage=totalimage.img
  75 load=tftp $(loadaddr) $(u-boot)
  76 update=protect off 1:0-2;era 1:0-2;cp.b $(loadaddr) B0000000 $(filesize)
  77 flashargs=setenv bootargs root=$(rootfsmtd) ro rootfstype=squashfs init=/etc/preinit
  78 flash_flash=run flashargs addip addmisc; bootm $(kernel_addr)
  79 update_nandboot=tftp $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)u-boot-nand.bin; nand erase 0 0x100000; nand write.partial $(loadaddr) 0 $(filesize); reset
  80 ubi_init=setenv kernel_vol kernel;setenv rootfs_vol rootfs;setenv firmware_vol firmware;setenv kernel_id 0;setenv rootfs_id 1;setenv firmware_iw
  81 update_kernel=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(bootfile);upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize)
  82 update_bootloader=update_uboot;update gphyfirmware
  83 update_rootfs=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(rootfs); upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize)
  84 update_firmware=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(firmware);upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize)
  85 update_fullimage=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(fullimage);upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize)
  86 update_totalimage=tftpboot $(loadaddr) $(tftppath)$(totalimage);upgrade $(loadaddr) $(filesize)
  87 reset_uboot_config=nand write.partial 80400000 $(f_ubootconfig_addr) $(f_ubootconfig_size)
  88 reset_ddr_config=nand write.partial 80400000 $(f_ddrconfig_addr) $(f_ddrconfig_size)
  89 mtdparts=mtdparts=nand0:0x07e80000@0x100000(UBI)
  90 mtdids=nand0=nand0
  91 part0_begin=0x00000000
  92 part1_begin=0x00040000
  93 part2_begin=0x000C0000
  94 part3_begin=0x002C0000
  95 part4_begin=0x06C40000
  96 part5_begin=0x07040000
  97 part6_begin=0x07080000
  98 total_part=7
  99 flash_end=0x07FFFFFF
 100 data_block0=uboot
 101 data_block1=firmware
 102 data_block2=kernel
 103 data_block3=rootfs
 104 data_block4=sysconfig
 105 data_block5=ubootconfig
 106 data_block6=dectconfig
 107 total_db=7
 108 f_uboot_addr=0x00000000
 109 f_uboot_size=0
 110 f_ubootconfig_addr=0xA0000
 111 f_ubootconfig_size=0x20000
 112 f_ubootconfig_end=0x0704FFFF
 114 f_gphy_firmware_size=IFX_CFG_FLASH_GPHY_FIRMWARE_IMAGE_SIZE
 116 f_kernel_addr=0x000C0000
 117 f_kernel_size=0
 119 f_rootfs_addr=0x002C0000
 120 f_rootfs_size=0x6980000
 122 f_firmware_addr=0x00040000
 123 f_firmware_size=0
 126 f_sysconfig_addr=0x06C40000
 127 f_sysconfig_size=0x400000
 128 f_dectconfig_addr=0x07080000
 129 f_dectconfig_size=0x40000
 130 f_wlanconfig_addr= IFX_CFG_FLASH_WLAN_CFG_START_ADDR
 131 f_wlanconfig_size=IFX_CFG_FLASH_WLAN_CFG_SIZE
 132 f_ddrconfig_addr=0x000057E8
 133 f_ddrconfig_size=24
 134 f_ddrconfig_end=0x000057FF
 135 ethact=vr9 Switch
 136 ipaddr=
 137 serverip=
 138 bootcmd_openrg=ubi part UBI; dualimage; bootm $(openrg_start)
 139 bootcmd=ubi part UBI; ubi read $(loadaddr) kernel; bootm $(loadaddr)
 140 stdin=serial
 141 stdout=serial
 142 stderr=serial
 143 ver=U-Boot 2010.06-LANTIQ-v-2.2.46 (Dec 06 2013 - 02:39:45 on tester@clean-machine)
 144 partition=nand0,0
 145 mtddevnum=0
 146 mtddevname=UBI
 148 Environment size: 6831/131068 bytes

Add serverip to your machine and start the tftp server

   1 sudo ip a add dev bridge

Load the firmware image into RAM and boot address.

   1 VR9 # tftpboot 0x81000000 lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin; bootm 0x81000000
   2 Using vr9 Switch device
   3 TFTP from server; our IP address is
   4 Filename 'lede-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-installimage.bin'.
   5 Load address: 0x81000000
   6 Loading: #################################################################
   7          #################################################################
   8          #################################################################
   9          #################################################################
  10          #################################################################
  11          #################################################################
  12          #################################################################
  13          #################################################################
  14          #################################################################
  15          #################################################################
  16          #################################################################
  17          #############################################################
  18 done
  19 Bytes transferred = 11387322 (adc1ba hex)
  20 ## Booting kernel from Legacy Image at 81000000 ...
  21    Image Name:   MIPS LEDE Linux-4.4.92
  22    Created:      2017-10-17  17:46:20 UTC
  23    Image Type:   MIPS Linux Kernel Image (uncompressed)
  24    Data Size:    11387258 Bytes = 10.9 MiB
  25    Load Address: 80002000
  26    Entry Point:  80002000
  27    Verifying Checksum ... OK
  28    Loading Kernel Image ... OK
  29 OK
  31 Starting kernel ...
  33 [    0.000000] Linux version 4.4.92 (mkresin@desktop) (gcc version 5.4.0 (LEDE GCC 5.4.0 r3560-79f57e422d) ) #0 Tue Oct 17 17:46:20 2017
  34 [    0.000000] SoC: xRX200 rev 1.2
  35 [    0.000000] bootconsole [early0] enabled
  36 [    0.000000] CPU0 revision is: 00019556 (MIPS 34Kc)
  37 [    0.000000] MIPS: machine is BTHOMEHUBV5A - BT Home Hub 5A
  38 [    0.000000] Determined physical RAM map:
  39 [    0.000000]  memory: 08000000 @ 00000000 (usable)
  40 [    0.000000] Initrd not found or empty - disabling initrd
  41 [    0.000000] Zone ranges:
  42 [    0.000000]   Normal   [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffffff]
  43 [    0.000000] Movable zone start for each node
  44 [    0.000000] Early memory node ranges
  45 [    0.000000]   node   0: [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffffff]
  46 [    0.000000] Initmem setup node 0 [mem 0x0000000000000000-0x0000000007ffffff]
  47 [    0.000000] Primary instruction cache 32kB, VIPT, 4-way, linesize 32 bytes.
  48 [    0.000000] Primary data cache 32kB, 4-way, VIPT, cache aliases, linesize 32 bytes
  49 [    0.000000] Built 1 zonelists in Zone order, mobility grouping on.  Total pages: 32512
  50 [    0.000000] Kernel command line: console=ttyLTQ0,115200
  51 [    0.000000] PID hash table entries: 512 (order: -1, 2048 bytes)
  52 [    0.000000] Dentry cache hash table entries: 16384 (order: 4, 65536 bytes)
  53 [    0.000000] Inode-cache hash table entries: 8192 (order: 3, 32768 bytes)
  54 [    0.000000] Writing ErrCtl register=00048046
  55 [    0.000000] Readback ErrCtl register=00048046
  56 [    0.000000] Memory: 117460K/131072K available (3778K kernel code, 162K rwdata, 792K rodata, 7412K init, 210K bss, 13612K reserved, 0K cma-re)
  57 [    0.000000] SLUB: HWalign=32, Order=0-3, MinObjects=0, CPUs=1, Nodes=1
  58 [    0.000000] NR_IRQS:256
  59 [    0.000000] Setting up vectored interrupts
  60 [    0.000000] CPU Clock: 500MHz
  61 [    0.000000] clocksource: MIPS: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041786 ns
  62 [    0.000010] sched_clock: 32 bits at 250MHz, resolution 4ns, wraps every 8589934590ns
  63 [    0.007856] Calibrating delay loop... 332.54 BogoMIPS (lpj=665088)
  64 [    0.042316] pid_max: default: 32768 minimum: 301
  65 [    0.047157] Mount-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
  66 [    0.053723] Mountpoint-cache hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
  67 [    0.066632] clocksource: jiffies: mask: 0xffffffff max_cycles: 0xffffffff, max_idle_ns: 7645041785100000 ns
  68 [    0.076277] futex hash table entries: 256 (order: -1, 3072 bytes)
  69 [    0.082481] pinctrl core: initialized pinctrl subsystem
  70 [    0.088323] NET: Registered protocol family 16
  71 [    0.097144] pinctrl-xway 1e100b10.pinmux: Init done
  72 [    0.102666] dma-xway 1e104100.dma: Init done - hw rev: 7, ports: 7, channels: 28
  73 [    0.212595] dcdc-xrx200 1f106a00.dcdc: Core Voltage : 1016 mV
  74 [    0.218341] Can't analyze schedule() prologue at 80008f30
  75 [    0.232232] PCI host bridge /fpi@10000000/pci@E105400 ranges:
  76 [    0.237840]  MEM 0x0000000018000000..0x0000000019ffffff
  77 [    0.243126]   IO 0x000000001ae00000..0x000000001affffff
  78 [    0.366187] PCI host bridge /fpi@10000000/pcie@d900000 ranges:
  79 [    0.385197] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbfs
  80 [    0.390684] usbcore: registered new interface driver hub
  81 [    0.396050] usbcore: registered new device driver usb
  82 [    0.401470] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:00
  83 [    0.405461] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [mem 0x18000000-0x19ffffff]
  84 [    0.412368] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [io  0x1ae00000-0x1affffff]
  85 [    0.419312] pci_bus 0000:00: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
  86 [    0.426168] pci_bus 0000:00: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 00-ff]
  87 [    0.434684] pci 0000:00:0e.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x18000000-0x1800ffff]
  88 [    0.441566] PCI host bridge to bus 0000:01
  89 [    0.445549] pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [mem 0x1c000000-0x1cffffff]
  90 [    0.452462] pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [io  0x1d800000-0x1d8fffff]
  91 [    0.459406] pci_bus 0000:01: root bus resource [??? 0x00000000 flags 0x0]
  92 [    0.466262] pci_bus 0000:01: No busn resource found for root bus, will use [bus 01-ff]
  93 [    0.474325] ifx_pcie_rc_class_early_fixup: fixed pcie host bridge to pci-pci bridge
  94 [    0.492363] pci 0000:01:00.0: bridge configuration invalid ([bus 02-00]), reconfiguring
  95 [    0.501131] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 8: assigned [mem 0x1c000000-0x1c1fffff]
  96 [    0.507810] pci 0000:01:00.0: BAR 9: assigned [mem 0x1c200000-0x1c2fffff pref]
  97 [    0.515079] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 0: assigned [mem 0x1c000000-0x1c1fffff 64bit]
  98 [    0.522477] pci 0000:02:00.0: BAR 6: assigned [mem 0x1c200000-0x1c20ffff pref]
  99 [    0.529742] pci 0000:01:00.0: PCI bridge to [bus 02]
 100 [    0.534778] pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x1c000000-0x1c1fffff]
 101 [    0.541635] pci 0000:01:00.0:   bridge window [mem 0x1c200000-0x1c2fffff pref]
 102 [    0.549001] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq port 0 dev 0000:01:00.0 slot 0 pin 1 
 103 [    0.555606] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq dev 0000:01:00.0 irq 144 assigned
 104 [    0.561948] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq port 0 dev 0000:02:00.0 slot 0 pin 1 
 105 [    0.568614] ifx_pcie_bios_map_irq dev 0000:02:00.0 irq 144 assigned
 106 [    0.575753] clocksource: Switched to clocksource MIPS
 107 [    0.581994] NET: Registered protocol family 2
 108 [    0.587124] TCP established hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 109 [    0.594010] TCP bind hash table entries: 1024 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 110 [    0.600392] TCP: Hash tables configured (established 1024 bind 1024)
 111 [    0.606896] UDP hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 112 [    0.612741] UDP-Lite hash table entries: 256 (order: 0, 4096 bytes)
 113 [    0.619289] NET: Registered protocol family 1
 114 [    0.750226] gptu: totally 6 16-bit timers/counters
 115 [    0.755062] gptu: misc_register on minor 63
 116 [    0.759156] gptu: succeeded to request irq 126
 117 [    0.763645] gptu: succeeded to request irq 127
 118 [    0.768160] gptu: succeeded to request irq 128
 119 [    0.772672] gptu: succeeded to request irq 129
 120 [    0.777185] gptu: succeeded to request irq 130
 121 [    0.781699] gptu: succeeded to request irq 131
 122 [    0.786527] phy-xrx200 gphy-xrx200: requesting lantiq/vr9_phy11g_a2x.bin
 123 [    0.793849] phy-xrx200 gphy-xrx200: booting GPHY0 firmware at 7DA0000
 124 [    0.800179] phy-xrx200 gphy-xrx200: booting GPHY1 firmware at 7DA0000
 125 [    0.906906] No VPEs reserved for AP/SP, not initialize VPE loader
 126 [    0.906906] Pass maxvpes=<n> argument as kernel argument
 127 [    0.918258] No TCs reserved for AP/SP, not initializing RTLX.
 128 [    0.918258] Pass maxtcs=<n> argument as kernel argument
 129 [    0.930094] Crashlog allocated RAM at address 0x3f00000
 130 [    0.954224] squashfs: version 4.0 (2009/01/31) Phillip Lougher
 131 [    0.959950] jffs2: version 2.2 (NAND) (SUMMARY) (LZMA) (RTIME) (CMODE_PRIORITY) (c) 2001-2006 Red Hat, Inc.
 132 [    0.973688] io scheduler noop registered
 133 [    0.977494] io scheduler deadline registered (default)
 134 [    0.983297] 1e100c00.serial: ttyLTQ0 at MMIO 0x1e100c00 (irq = 112, base_baud = 0) is a lantiq,asc
 135 [    0.992189] console [ttyLTQ0] enabled
 136 [    0.992189] console [ttyLTQ0] enabled
 137 [    0.999517] bootconsole [early0] disabled
 138 [    0.999517] bootconsole [early0] disabled
 139 [    1.010669] nand: device found, Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xf1
 140 [    1.015623] nand: AMD/Spansion S34ML01G1
 141 [    1.019510] nand: 128 MiB, SLC, erase size: 128 KiB, page size: 2048, OOB size: 64
 142 [    1.027561] Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01
 143 [    1.033473] Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01
 144 [    1.038787] 5 ofpart partitions found on MTD device 14000000.nand-parts
 145 [    1.045220] Creating 5 MTD partitions on "14000000.nand-parts":
 146 [    1.051116] 0x000000000000-0x0000000a0000 : "u-boot"
 147 [    1.057847] 0x0000000a0000-0x0000000c0000 : "uboot-env"
 148 [    1.063686] 0x0000000c0000-0x000000100000 : "unused"
 149 [    1.069343] 0x000000100000-0x000007f80000 : "ubi"
 150 [    1.074999] 0x000000000000-0x000008000000 : "nand_chip"
 151 [    1.184128] libphy: lantiq,xrx200-mdio: probed
 152 [    1.195818] net-xrx200: invalid MAC, using random
 153 [    1.260483] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY PEF7071] (phy_addr=0:00, irq=-1)
 154 [    1.328455] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY PEF7071] (phy_addr=0:01, irq=-1)
 155 [    1.396440] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY VR9 GPHY 11G v1.4] (phy_addr=0:11, irq=-1)
 156 [    1.464439] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY VR9 GPHY 11G v1.4] (phy_addr=0:13, irq=-1)
 157 [    1.532456] eth0: attached PHY [Lantiq XWAY PEF7071] (phy_addr=0:05, irq=-1)
 158 [    1.639789] ltq-cputemp cputemp@0: Current CPU die temperature: 46.0 °C
 159 [    1.645314] wdt 1f8803f0.watchdog: Init done
 160 [    1.652748] NET: Registered protocol family 10
 161 [    1.661748] NET: Registered protocol family 17
 162 [    1.664886] bridge: automatic filtering via arp/ip/ip6tables has been deprecated. Update your scripts to load br_netfilter if you need this.
 163 [    1.677400] 8021q: 802.1Q VLAN Support v1.8
 164 [    1.685693] UBI: auto-attach mtd3
 165 [    1.687374] ubi0: attaching mtd3
 166 [    1.853790] ubi0: scanning is finished
 167 [    1.867628] ubi0: attached mtd3 (name "ubi", size 126 MiB)
 168 [    1.871709] ubi0: PEB size: 131072 bytes (128 KiB), LEB size: 129024 bytes
 169 [    1.878554] ubi0: min./max. I/O unit sizes: 2048/2048, sub-page size 512
 170 [    1.885255] ubi0: VID header offset: 512 (aligned 512), data offset: 2048
 171 [    1.892043] ubi0: good PEBs: 1012, bad PEBs: 0, corrupted PEBs: 0
 172 [    1.898136] ubi0: user volume: 1, internal volumes: 1, max. volumes count: 128
 173 [    1.905364] ubi0: max/mean erase counter: 400/282, WL threshold: 4096, image sequence number: 1019015774
 174 [    1.914849] ubi0: available PEBs: 987, total reserved PEBs: 25, PEBs reserved for bad PEB handling: 20
 175 [    1.924692] ubi0: background thread "ubi_bgt0d" start[    1.952404] Freeing unused kernel memory: 7412K
 176 [    1.970683] init: Console is alive
 177 [    1.972972] init: - watchdog -
 178 [    1.984852] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/*
 179 [    1.996418] exFAT: Version 1.2.9
 180 [    2.032042] SCSI subsystem initialized
 181 [    2.041817] dwc2 1e101000.ifxhcd: requested GPIO 495
 182 [    2.899940] dwc2 1e101000.ifxhcd: DWC OTG Controller
 183 [    2.903534] dwc2 1e101000.ifxhcd: new USB bus registered, assigned bus number 1
 184 [    2.910860] dwc2 1e101000.ifxhcd: irq 62, io mem 0x00000000
 185 [    2.916379] dwc2 1e101000.ifxhcd: Hardware does not support descriptor DMA mode -
 186 [    2.923819] dwc2 1e101000.ifxhcd: falling back to buffer DMA mode.
 187 [    2.931284] hub 1-0:1.0: USB hub found
 188 [    2.934268] hub 1-0:1.0: 1 port detected
 189 [    2.941753] usbcore: registered new interface driver usb-storage
 190 [    2.947205] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules-boot.d/*
 191 [    2.956808] init: - preinit -
 192 [    3.126232] random: procd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 13 bits of entropy available)
 193 Press the [f] key and hit [enter] to enter failsafe mode
 194 Press the [1], [2], [3] or [4] key and hit [enter] to select the debug level
 195 [    4.463898] eth0: port 4 got link
 196 [    6.281305] procd: - early -
 197 [    6.282899] procd: - watchdog -
 198 [    6.463781] eth0: port 4 lost link
 199 [    6.847919] procd: - watchdog -
 200 [    6.850063] procd: - ubus -
 201 [    6.902798] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 202 [    6.910897] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 203 [    6.919431] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 204 [    6.928723] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 205 [    6.937403] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 206 [    6.946544] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 207 [    6.955513] random: ubusd: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 28 bits of entropy available)
 208 [    6.964726] procd: - init -
 209 Please press Enter to activate this console.
 210 [    7.143513] kmodloader: loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/*
 211 [    7.164503] kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/modules.d/*
 212 [    8.349749] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 34 bits of entropy available)
 213 [    8.415682] random: jshn: uninitialized urandom read (4 bytes read, 34 bits of entropy available)
 214 [   11.990047] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): eth0: link is not ready
 215 [   12.013700] device eth0 entered promiscuous mode
 216 [   12.049481] device eth0.1 entered promiscuous mode
 217 [   12.066598] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): br-lan: link is not ready
 218 [   12.468012] eth0: port 4 got link
 219 [   12.470049] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): eth0: link becomes ready
 220 [   12.487896] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state
 221 [   12.492134] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state
 222 [   12.523801] IPv6: ADDRCONF(NETDEV_CHANGE): br-lan: link becomes ready
 223 [   14.495761] br-lan: port 1(eth0.1) entered forwarding state
 224 [   32.031805] random: nonblocking pool is initialized
 228 BusyBox v1.25.1 () built-in shell (ash)
 230 *******************************************************************************
 231 *        Guide for installing LEDE onto a BT Home Hub 5 Type A & clones       *
 232 *******************************************************************************
 234 You need an USB flash drive with at least 512MB free capacity, formatted as
 235 FAT32, exFAT or ext2/3/4, attached to the Hub. The attached flash drive will be
 236 accessible at /tmp/mounts/<directory>.
 238 To install LEDE, the USB flash drive must have a copy of the file:
 239   lede-17.01.4-lantiq-xrx200-BTHOMEHUBV5A-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin
 241 To restore the stock Firmware, the USB flash drive must have a copy of the
 242 nanddump backup file (hh5a.nanddump) containing the stock Firmware.
 246   To create a backup of the installed firmware (Take care to not overwrite
 247   any previously made backup):
 248       nanddump --file /tmp/mounts/<directory>/hh5a.nanddump /dev/mtd4
 250   To install LEDE:
 251       prepare
 253   To restore stock firmware:
 254       restore
 256 TO UPGRADE FROM OpenWrt OR LEDE PRIOR TO r2363-0e34459e6b:
 258   Restore the stock firmware and do a fresh install of LEDE.
 260 If you don't have a backup of the stock firmware from your Hub, use the
 261 experimental 'migrate' script. It is offered with no guarantee of success. 
 262 You are strongly advised to restore the stock firmware.
 264 Please scroll back to view ALL of the above instructions.
 266 root@LEDE:/# 
 267 root@LEDE:/# df -h
 268 Filesystem                Size      Used Available Use% Mounted on
 269 rootfs                   57.4M      7.1M     50.2M  12% /
 270 tmpfs                    61.0M     56.0K     60.9M   0% /tmp
 271 tmpfs                   512.0K         0    512.0K   0% /dev
 272 root@LEDE:/# cat /etc/openwrt_release 
 274 DISTRIB_RELEASE='17.01.4'
 275 DISTRIB_REVISION='r3560-79f57e422d'
 276 DISTRIB_CODENAME='reboot'
 277 DISTRIB_TARGET='lantiq/xrx200'
 278 DISTRIB_ARCH='mips_24kc'
 279 DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION='LEDE Reboot 17.01.4 r3560-79f57e422d'
 280 DISTRIB_TAINTS='no-all'

The system booted the image via tftp. :-)

So i copied the firmware file from my computer to the device (ipaddr=

   1 cd /srv/tftp
   3 scp -o "KexAlgorithms +diffie-hellman-group14-sha1" 
   4         /srv/tftp/homehub_v5a/openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-bt_homehub-v5a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin 

Perform the sysupgrade

   1 root@LEDE:/# sysupgrade /tmp/openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-bt_homehub-v5a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin 
   2 Device BTHOMEHUBV5A not supported by this image
   3 Supported devices: bt,homehub-v5a BTHOMEHUBV5A - Image version mismatch: image 1.1, device 1.0. Please wipe config during upgrade (force required) or reinstall. Reason: Config cannot be migrated from swconfig to DSA
   4 Image check 'fwtool_check_image' failed.

This upgrade can only performed wiping the configuration and forcefully.

   1 root@LEDE:/# sysupgrade -v -F -n /tmp/openwrt-lantiq-xrx200-bt_homehub-v5a-squashfs-sysupgrade.bin 
   2 Device BTHOMEHUBV5A not supported by this image
   3 Supported devices: bt,homehub-v5a BTHOMEHUBV5A - Image version mismatch: image 1.1, device 1.0. Please wipe config during upgrade (force required) or reinstall. Reason: Config cannot be migrated from swconfig to DSA
   4 Image check 'fwtool_check_image' failed but --force given - will update anyway!
   5 killall: watchdog: no process killed
   6 Watchdog handover: fd=3
   7 - watchdog -
   8 killall: telnetd: no process killed
   9 Sending TERM to remaining processes ... ubusd logd netifd odhcpd mountd ntpd dnsmasq 
  10 Sending KILL to remaining processes ... 
  11 Volume ID 0, size 21 LEBs (2709504 bytes, 2.6 MiB), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB), dynamic, name "kernel", alignment 1
  12 Volume ID 1, size 33 LEBs (4257792 bytes, 4.1 MiB), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB), dynamic, name "rootfs", alignment 1
  13 Set volume size to 120379392
  14 Volume ID 2, size 933 LEBs (120379392 bytes, 114.8 MiB), LEB size 129024 bytes (126.0 KiB), dynamic, name "rootfs_data", alignment 1
  15 sysupgrade successful
  16 umount: can't unmount /dev: Resource busy
  17 umount: can't unmount /tmp: Resource busy
  18 umount: can't unmoun[ 3161.612532] reboot: Re�
  19 ROM VER: 1.1.4
  20 CFG 06
  21 NAND
  22 NAND Read OK
  24 DDR autotuning Rev 0.3d
  25 DDR size from 0xa0000000 - 0xa7ffffff
  26 DDR check ok... start booting...
  30 U-Boot 2010.06-LANTIQ-v-2.2.46 (Dec 06 2013 - 02:39:45 on tester@clean-machine)
  32 CLOCK CPU 500M RAM 250M
  33 secure boot
  34 DRAM:  125 MiB
  35 NAND:  ONFI flash detected
  36 ONFI param page 0 valid
  37 NAND device: Manufacturer ID: 0x01, Chip ID: 0xf1 (AMD S34ML01G1)
  38 128 MiB
  39 Bad block table found at page 65472, version 0x01
  40 Bad block table found at page 65408, version 0x01
  41 In:    serial
  42 Out:   serial
  43 Err:   serial
  44 Net:   Internal phy(GE) firmware version: 0x841b
  45 vr9 Switch
  47 Type "run flash_nfs" to mount root filesystem over NFS

Came up back again. :-)


Switch to dhcp (intermediate)

The BT Homehub 5A has a VDSL2 WAN interface. Therefore we reconfigure the internal network to get an IP/DNS/GW from a DHCP server.


   1 config interface 'lan'
   2         option device 'br-lan'
   3         option proto 'dhcp'
   4         #option proto 'static'
   5         #option ipaddr ''
   6         #option netmask ''
   7         #option ip6assign '60'

Restart the networking, which is easily possible if you are connected via UART.

   1 /etc/init.d/network restart

You may also register the MAC address of the bridge in the upstream dhcp-server.

To create an access point also enable WiFi and disable the DHCP-server

   1 config dhcp 'lan'
   2         option ignore '1'
   3         option interface 'lan'
   4         option start '100'
   5         option limit '150'
   6         option leasetime '12h'
   7         option dhcpv4 'server'
   8         option dhcpv6 'server'
   9         option ra 'server'
  10         option ra_slaac '1'
  11         list ra_flags 'managed-config'
  12         list ra_flags 'other-config'

Restart the DHCP-service

   1 /etc/init.d/odhcpd restart

DHCP options

Please also see

  • IANA — Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) and Bootstrap Protocol (BOOTP) Parameters

  • IETF RFC2132 — DHCP Options and BOOTP Vendor Extensions

  • IETF RFC5071 — Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Options Used by PXELINUX

To push a custom dhcp option you may add them in

  • Menu network: interfaces
  • Choose the interface and press the «Edit» button
  • Select tab DHCP Server
  • Select sub-ordinated tab «Advanced Settings»
  • There is a input-field «DHCP-Options»
    • additional DNS servers

    • custom route

    • NTP servers

    • search domains

    • pxe TFTP server name

    • pxe Bootfile name

    • pxe Configuration file add

Or configure it via CLI

   1 config dhcp 'lan'
   2         option interface 'lan'
   3         option start '100'
   4         option limit '150'
   5         option leasetime '12h'
   6         option dhcpv4 'server'
   7         list ra_flags 'none'
   8         list dhcp_option '6,,'
   9         list dhcp_option '121,,'

DNS with dnsmasq

DNSmasq on Omnia Turris

On Turris OS, the DNS function of DNSMASQ is disabled by design, the Knot resolver is used instead. Therefore, changing the settings related to the DNS service in the DHCP and DNS screen of the LuCI interface has no effect.

  • Please see #Knot Resolver

  • Please compare to
    Knot resolver (i.e. kresd) — DNS advanced settings for Omnia and MOX


When something is changed in the webfrontend, this gets persisted in
/etc/config/dhcp. UCI that also renders a new configuration
which you may compare to
man dnsmasq

Test config
dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.cfg* —test

Reload config
pgrep dnsmasq |xargs -n1 kill -HUP

Dump cache
pgrep dnsmasq |xargs -n1 kill -USR1

Temporarily change

   1 log-queries=extra
   2 ### LOG TO FILE
   3 #log-facility=/var/log/dnsmasq.log
   4 ### LOG TO STDOUT
   5 log-facility=-

Tail the log

   1 tail -f /var/log/dnsmasq.log

Run dnsmasq in foreground

   1 /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop;
   2 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq -C /var/etc/dnsmasq.conf.cfg01411c -k -x /var/run/dnsmasq/

Stop dnsmasq using CTRL + ALTgr + 

Strict order

DNS servers you specified in LUCI are queried in the opposite order. So if you are using —strict-order specify your backup DNS servers first.

No SRV records

By default the option filterwin2k is activated (1).

man dnsmasq

   1        -f, --filterwin2k
   2               Later versions of windows make periodic DNS  requests
   3               which  don't get sensible answers from the public DNS
   4               and can cause problems by  triggering  dial-on-demand
   5               links.  This  flag  turns on an option to filter such
   6               requests. The requests blocked  are  for  records  of
   7               types  SOA  and SRV, and type ANY where the requested
   8               name has underscores, to catch LDAP requests.

In LUCI this option is toggled with Network -> DHCP and DNS -> Advanced Settings -> «filter useless».


   1 config dnsmasq
   2         option filterwin2k '0'

Remove the entire option or at least set this to «0»!

After applying the configuration, SRV records will resolve.

Local DNS resolution

To allow local DNS resolution, dnsmasq has to be configured correctly.

In my experience the following options should be set in LUCI.

  • General settings
    • Domain required
      • Don’t forward DNS-Requests without DNS-Name
    • Authoritative
      • This is the only DHCP-Server in the local network
    • Domain = «your.domain»
      • Local domain suffix appended to DHCP names and hosts file entries
    • Local domain = «/your.domain//»
      • Mind the trailing /

      • An empty domain specification, // has the special meaning of «unqualified names only» i.e. names without any dots in them.

      • «your.domain» and any query for an unqualified name will be answered by the local system
    • DNS forwardings =,
      • Choose DNS-servers you really trust
    • Rebind protection
      • Discard upstream RFC1918 responses
    • Allow localhost
      • Allow upstream responses in the range, e.g. for RBL services
    • Local Service Only
      • Limit DNS service to subnets interfaces on which we are serving DNS.
    • Non-wildcard
      • Bind dynamically to interfaces rather than wildcard address (recommended as linux default)
    • Exclude interfaces = eth2
      • Prevent listening on these interfaces (WAN)
  • Advanced Settings
    • Filter private
      • Do not forward reverse lookups for local networks
    • Localise queries
      • Localise hostname depending on the requesting subnet if multiple IPs are available
    • Expand hosts
      • Add local domain suffix to names served from hosts files
    • DNSSEC
    • DNSSEC check unsigned
      • Requires upstream supports DNSSEC; verify unsigned domain responses really come from unsigned domains
    • Size of DNS query cache
      • Number of cached DNS entries (max is 10000, 0 is no caching)
      • On more beefier devices this could speed up some queries

Dynamic DNS

Install the luci app

   1 opkg update
   3 opkg install luci-app-ddns bind-host curl ca-bundle
   4 ### OR WITH WGET
   5 opkg install luci-app-ddns bind-host wget ca-certificates

The DNS client in busybox dons not have support for tcp, therefor we can install bind-host.

You might have problems with uclient-fetch:
error: 8 is triggered when HTTP return code is different from 204 or 200.
github libkit/uclient uclient/uclient-fetch.c
To resolve this simply install curl …

# ddns-scripts configuration in

   1 config service "ipv4ddns"
   2     option enabled "1"
   3     option interface "wan"
   4     option use_syslog "1"
   6     option update_url "http://[USERNAME]:[PASSWORD][DOMAIN]&myip=[IP]"
   7     option ip_source "web"
   8     option ip_url ""
  10     option domain ""
  11     option username ""
  12     option password "strong_long_pass"
  14     # for https support, first install wget with ssl support and
  15     # a current (and working) bundle of CA certificates:
  16     # opkg install wget
  17     # mkdir -p /etc/ssl/certs
  18     # wget -P /etc/ssl/certs
  19     option use_https "1"
  20     option cacert "/etc/ssl/certs/cacert.pem"
  21     #option cacert "/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt"




A must have feature! But libopenssl1.1 takes some some space. If you are limied on disk space, consider installing it on a extroot.

Install adblocker and a tool to download the blocklists (like uclient-fetch, curl, wget, aria2) and TLS support

   1 opkg install luci-app-adblock uclient-fetch libustream-openssl

This is a config that worked out to be fast

   1 config adblock 'global'
   2         option adb_dns 'dnsmasq'
   3         option adb_fetchutil 'uclient-fetch'
   4         option adb_trigger 'wan'
   5         option adb_debug '0'
   6         option adb_whitelist '/etc/adblock/adblock.whitelist'
   7         option adb_whitelist_rset '$1 ~/^([A-Za-z0-9_-]+.){1,}[A-Za-z]+/{print tolower("^"$1"\|[.]"$1)}'
   8         option adb_backup '0'
   9         option adb_backupdir '/mnt'
  10         option adb_enabled '1'
  12 config adblock 'extra'
  13         option adb_debug '0'
  14         option adb_nice '0'
  15         option adb_whitelist '/etc/adblock/adblock.whitelist'
  16         option adb_maxqueue '16'
  17         option adb_forcedns '0'
  18         option adb_forcesrt '1'

You should not set adb_dnsflush = ‘1’, it gets very slow.

Wake on LAN

Install the luci app

   1 opkg install luci-app-wol

Install the luci app

   2 #opkg install luci-app-samba
   4 opkg install luci-app-samba4

Mount a USB-stick or a mSATA at /srv for some storage.

In most situations every samba account needs a underlying unix account. Authorization to access a file is stored in the filesystem. So we need to prepare the necessary system groups and users. Busybox has all the necessary tools builtin.

Prepare groups and directories to be authorized by membership in group samba

   1 groupadd --system samba
   2 [ -d /srv/samba ] && mkdir /srv/samba
   3 ### EXAMPLES
   5 [ -d /srv/samba/music ] && mkdir /srv/samba/music
   6 chgrp samba /srv/samba/music
   7 ### SET SETGID BIT,
  12 chmod 2775 /srv/samba/music
  15 [ -d /srv/samba/tmp ] && mkdir /srv/samba/tmp
  16 chgrp samba /srv/samba/tmp
  18 chmod 3750 /srv/samba/tmp

Allow your printer to save scans on a network share

   1 useradd -c 'Printer Gargantua,,,' 
   2         --system -s /bin/false 
   3         -d /srv/samba/gargantua -m 
   4         gargantua

Normal system users are required for authorization and a home directory may be served.

   2 [ -d /srv/home ] && mkdir /srv/home
   3 ln -s /srv/home /home
   8 useradd -c 'Tobias Stein,,,' -G samba -s /bin/false -m tobias
  10 userdel -r tobias

Create and enable the corresponding Samba accounts

   1 smbpasswd -a tobias
   2 smbpasswd -e tobias
   3 smbpasswd -a gargantua
   4 smbpasswd -e gargantua
   5 #…

Enable service samba4



Install Wireguard

   1 opkg install luci-app-wireguard qrencode

Wireguard Remote-Access VPN

It is relatively comfortable to configure wireguard via the LUCI web-interface

  1. Generate the key material
    • Please take a look at wireguard#Create keyswireguard#Create keys

  2. Network -> Interfaces

    1. Create a new interface wg0 of type Wireguard-VPN

      1. General settings
        1. Enter the previously created private key
        2. Set the listening port usually udp/51820

        3. Set the IP address of the interface
      2. Advanced Settings
        1. Usually nothing to change
      3. Firewall Settings
        1. Assign the firewall zone VPN (create new)

      4. Peers
        1. You should skip this point now

          return later when you have configured the firewall. :-)

  3. Network -> Firewall

    1. Allow Input, Output and Forward from firewall zone VPN

    2. Allow forwarding to the desired zones like WAN, LAN, and GUEST

    3. Allow inbound wireguard traffic on the interface wan port udp/51820

  4. Network -> Interfaces

    1. Configure the peer within the interface wg0

      1. Peers
        1. Press the ADD button

        2. Set a description/name for the connection
        3. Set the public key of the remote device
        4. Set the preshared key (psk) of the remote device
        5. Set the Allowed IPs (probalby the wireguard address of the remote device)
        6. Tick the checkbox «Route Alloed IPs»
        7. Set the «Endpoint host» used during connection initiation
        8. Set a «Persist Keep Alive» interval, when your device is behind a NAT.
    1. Network -> Firewall

      1. «Traffic Rules»
        1. Allow any additional traffic that should be routed over the Wireguard tunnel
    2. Status -> WireGuard Status

      1. Check connectivity

You may also configure wireguard manually on the CLI. In this case configure

   1 config interface 'wg0'
   2         option proto 'wireguard'
   3         ### SERVER PRIVATE KEY
   4         option private_key '2C/6rN9Tj5thhJZY6kkvUVyc1BQ12kOgSGEkN6757XY='
   5         list addresses ''
   6         option listen_port '51820'
   8 config wireguard_wg0
   9         option description 'test'
  10         ### CLIENT PUBLIC KEY
  11         option public_key 'HR4MQkH/+pMVdXyvLC/iUcTgpCo674CSU+4IDAGgahs='
  12         option preshared_key '4MlwfdGzVo3FfTMEERMhYxu/hzNIA3i0RXuFYkIKTZg='
  13         list allowed_ips ''
  14         option route_allowed_ips '1'

Add this to your firewall configuration to allow unlimited VPN access. Otherwise be more specific. ;-)

   1 config rule
   2         option target 'ACCEPT'
   3         option src 'wan'
   4         option proto 'udp'
   5         option name 'Allow-WireGuard-VPN'
   6         option dest_port '51820'
   8 config zone
   9         option input 'ACCEPT'
  10         option output 'ACCEPT'
  11         option name 'vpn'
  12         option forward 'ACCEPT'
  13         option network 'wg0'
  15 config forwarding
  16         option dest 'guest'
  17         option src 'vpn'
  19 config forwarding
  20         option dest 'lan'
  21         option src 'vpn'
  23 config forwarding
  24         option dest 'wan'
  25         option src 'vpn'

Commit the changes

   1 uci commit network
   2 uci commit firewall

Wireguard site-to-site

Very similar to the remote access VPN.

  • Allowed IPs:
    • You probably want to add some addresses that differ from the wireguard address of the remote device
  • Firewalling
    • You’ll need to specify a much more sophisticated set of rules.
    • It’s always the best idea to route the networks without NAT. For this to work the networks must not overlap. Networks must be planned and reorganized carefully, which is with a growing amount of networks not that easy.

      • This approach has the advantage that also remote DNS information can be used (e.g. by DNS forwarding/delegation/replication/…).
    • When straight routing is not possible NAT comes to the rescue.

      • The OpenWRT webinterface only supports Source NAT (SNAT) and it’s special case masquerading.

        Please compare to networking#NAT
        Furthermore no IP address ranges can be specified.

      • SNAT scrambles IPs based on round-robin, which is not really what we need or want.
      • It is a better idea to use a iptables TARGET module called NETMAP. This neat little iptables-module maps a subnet to another subnet. Please see man -P «less -p ‘NETMAP'» iptables-extensions

Please test the rules in live mode (without persistence) to avoid a lock out.

Install the netmap packages

   1 opkg install iptables-mod-nat-extra kmod-ipt-nat-extra

Add the NETMAP rules

   1 iptables -t nat -A zone_vpn_postrouting -s -d -j NETMAP --to
   2 iptables -t nat -A zone_vpn_prerouting -s -d -j NETMAP --to

Validate existence of the rules

   1 iptables -t nat -vnxL zone_vpn_postrouting
   2 iptables -t nat -vnxL zone_vpn_prerouting

Test connectivity

   1 tcpdump -ni wg0 'not port ssh'
   2 while sleep 1; do ping -c4 -W2; done

Persist the rules in Network > Firewall > Custom Rules, which is equal to

   1 # This file is interpreted as shell script.
   2 # Put your custom iptables rules here, they will
   3 # be executed with each firewall (re-)start.
   5 # Internal uci firewall chains are flushed and recreated on reload, so
   6 # put custom rules into the root chains e.g. INPUT or FORWARD or into the
   7 # special user chains, e.g. input_wan_rule or postrouting_lan_rule.
   8 iptables -t nat -A zone_vpn_postrouting -s -d -j NETMAP --to
   9 iptables -t nat -A zone_vpn_prerouting -s -d -j NETMAP --to

Test the by reloading the firewall
/etc/init.d/firewall restart

Reboot the system

Samba on the wireguard interface

To allow samba to run on the wireguard interface wg0 in Services > Network-Shares > Edit template reconfigure the

   1 [global]
   2         netbios name = |NAME| 
   3         #interfaces = |INTERFACES|
   4         interfaces = br-lan
   5         server string = |DESCRIPTION|
   6         unix charset = |CHARSET|
   7         workgroup = |WORKGROUP|
   9         #…

And restart the service manually.


Forget about OpenVPN on a device with 2.7MiB storage. The libraries take up some space.

Be sure to understand the shellscripts, they build on each other.

Install OpenVPN

Install OpenVPN

   1 opkg update
   2 opkg list '*openvpn*'
   3 opkg install luci-app-openvpn
   4 opkg install openvpn-openssl openvpn-easy-rsa

Prepare shell environment

Populate shell variables

   1 # Configuration parameters
   2 OVPN_DIR="/etc/openvpn"
   3 OVPN_PKI="/etc/easy-rsa/pki"
   4 OVPN_PORT="1194"
   5 OVPN_PROTO="udp"
   6 OVPN_POOL=""
   7 OVPN_DNS="${OVPN_POOL%.* *}.1"
   8 OVPN_DOMAIN="$(uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].domain)"
   9 OVPN_SERV_MANUAL="false"
  12 # Fetch WAN IP address
  13 . /lib/functions/
  14 network_flush_cache
  15 network_find_wan NET_IF
  16 network_get_ipaddr NET_ADDR "${NET_IF}"
  19 # Fetch FQDN from DDNS client
  20 NET_FQDN="$(uci -q get ddns.@service[0].lookup_host)"
  21 if [ -n "${NET_FQDN}" ]
  22 then OVPN_SERV="${NET_FQDN}"
  23 fi
  25 # Override server address manually
  26 if [ "${OVPN_SERV_MANUAL}" != "false" ] 
  27 && [ -n "${OVPN_SERV_MANUAL}" ]
  29 fi

Initialize EasyRSA-PKI


   1 # Configuration parameters
   2 export EASYRSA_PKI="${OVPN_PKI}"
   3 export EASYRSA_REQ_CN="ovpnca"
   4 export EASYRSA_BATCH="1"
   6 # Remove and re-initialize PKI directory
   7 easyrsa init-pki
   9 # Generate DH parameters
  10 easyrsa gen-dh
  12 # Create a new CA
  13 easyrsa build-ca nopass
  15 # Generate server keys and certificate
  16 easyrsa build-server-full server nopass
  17 openvpn --genkey tls-crypt-v2-server ${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/server.pem
  19 # Create OVPN_DIR
  20 if [ ! -d "$OVPN_DIR" ]; then
  21 UMASK_OLD="$(umask)"
  22 umask go=
  23 mkdir "$OVPN_DIR"
  24 umask "$UMASK_OLD"
  25 fi
  27 # Generate ta.key
  28 if [ ! -f "$OVPN_DIR/ta.key" ]
  29 UMASK_OLD="$(umask)"
  30 then openvpn --genkey --secret "$OVPN_DIR/ta.key"
  31 umask "$UMASK_OLD"
  32 fi

# Generate client keys and certificate

   1 CLIENT=username
   2 easyrsa build-client-full client nopass
   3 openvpn --tls-crypt-v2 ${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/server.pem 
   4         --genkey tls-crypt-v2-client 
   5         ${EASYRSA_PKI}/private/client.pem

Configure firewall

   1 uci rename firewall.@zone[0]="lan"
   2 uci rename firewall.@zone[1]="wan"
   3 uci del_list firewall.lan.device="tun+"
   4 uci add_list firewall.lan.device="tun+"
   5 uci -q delete firewall.ovpn
   6 uci set firewall.ovpn="rule"
   7 uci set"Allow-OpenVPN"
   8 uci set firewall.ovpn.src="wan"
   9 uci set firewall.ovpn.dest_port="${OVPN_PORT}"
  10 uci set firewall.ovpn.proto="${OVPN_PROTO}"
  11 uci set"ACCEPT"
  12 uci commit firewall
  13 /etc/init.d/firewall restart

Configure VPN service and generate client profiles


   1 #!/bin/sh
   2 umask go=
   3 OVPN_DH="$(cat ${OVPN_PKI}/dh.pem)"
   4 OVPN_CA="$(openssl x509 -in ${OVPN_PKI}/ca.crt)"
   5 ls ${OVPN_PKI}/issued 
   6         |sed -e "s/.w*$//" 
   7         |while read -r OVPN_ID
   8 do
   9 OVPN_TC="$(cat ${OVPN_PKI}/private/${OVPN_ID}.pem)"
  10 OVPN_KEY="$(cat ${OVPN_PKI}/private/${OVPN_ID}.key)"
  11 OVPN_CERT="$(openssl x509 -in ${OVPN_PKI}/issued/${OVPN_ID}.crt)"
  12 OVPN_EKU="$(echo "${OVPN_CERT}" | openssl x509 -noout -purpose)"
  13 case ${OVPN_EKU} in
  14 (*"SSL server : Yes"*)
  15 OVPN_CONF="${OVPN_DIR}/${OVPN_ID}.conf"
  16 cat << EOF > ${OVPN_CONF} ;;
  17 user nobody
  18 group nogroup
  19 dev tun
  20 port ${OVPN_PORT}
  21 proto ${OVPN_PROTO}
  22 server ${OVPN_POOL}
  23 topology subnet
  24 client-to-client
  25 keepalive 10 60
  26 persist-tun
  27 persist-key
  28 push "dhcp-option DNS ${OVPN_DNS}"
  29 push "dhcp-option DOMAIN ${OVPN_DOMAIN}"
  30 push "redirect-gateway def1"
  31 push "persist-tun"
  32 push "persist-key"
  33 <dh>
  34 ${OVPN_DH}
  35 </dh>
  36 EOF
  37 (*"SSL client : Yes"*)
  38 OVPN_CONF="${OVPN_DIR}/${OVPN_ID}.ovpn"
  39 cat << EOF > ${OVPN_CONF} ;;
  40 user nobody
  41 group nogroup
  42 dev tun
  43 nobind
  44 client
  45 remote ${OVPN_SERV} ${OVPN_PORT} ${OVPN_PROTO}
  46 auth-nocache
  47 remote-cert-tls server
  48 EOF
  49 esac
  50 cat << EOF >> ${OVPN_CONF}
  51 <tls-crypt-v2>
  52 ${OVPN_TC}
  53 </tls-crypt-v2>
  54 <key>
  55 ${OVPN_KEY}
  56 </key>
  57 <cert>
  58 ${OVPN_CERT}
  59 </cert>
  60 <ca>
  61 ${OVPN_CA}
  62 </ca>
  63 EOF
  64 done
  65 /etc/init.d/openvpn restart
  66 ls ${OVPN_DIR}/*.ovpn



Install miniupnpc (client) on your pc

   1 % sudo apt install miniupnpc
   3 % upnpc -s
   4 upnpc : miniupnpc library test client, version 2.1.
   5  (c) 2005-2018 Thomas Bernard.
   6 Go to or
   7 for more information.
   8 No IGD UPnP Device found on the network !

Install luci-app-upnp which depends on miniupnpd

   1 opkg install luci-app-upnp

Enable UPNP IGD and NAT-PMP on Router via webif and query status again

   1 % upnpc -s
   2 upnpc : miniupnpc library test client, version 2.1.
   3  (c) 2005-2018 Thomas Bernard.
   4 Go to or
   5 for more information.
   6 List of UPNP devices found on the network :
   7  desc:
   8  st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
  10  desc: http://[fd93:56fb:daf7::1]:5000/rootDesc.xml
  11  st: urn:schemas-upnp-org:device:InternetGatewayDevice:1
  13 Found valid IGD :
  14 Local LAN ip address : fd93:2709:de35:0:fc16:acff:fe54:157e
  15 Connection Type : IP_Routed
  16 Status : Connected, uptime=451723s, LastConnectionError : ERROR_NONE
  17   Time started : Fri Apr  3 08:07:49 2020
  18 MaxBitRateDown : 33554432 bps (33.5 Mbps)   MaxBitRateUp 4194304 bps (4.1 Mbps)
  19 ExternalIPAddress = ww.xx.yy.zz
  20 Bytes:   Sent: 2283027815       Recv: 2695217145
  21 Packets: Sent: 12678549 Recv: 80009359

Get external IP-address via UPNP IGD

Software Flow Offloading

You can find this option in:
Network -> Firewall -> General Settings -> Software Flow offloading

On a TP-Link Archer C7 this improves NAT/routing throughput significantly by a faktor of 3 (from 190Mbit/s -> ~630Mbit/s).

SQM (Smart Queue Management)

  • OpenWRT Wiki SQM (Smart Queue Management)

  • OpenWRT Wiki SQM Details

  • Wiki EN Bufferbloat


OpenWrt has a package for controlling Bufferbloat — the undesirable latency that arises when the router buffers too much data. OpenWrt calls this Smart Queue Management (SQM), although it’s sometimes called active queue management (AQM).

Bufferbloat is most evident when the link is heavily loaded. It causes bad performance for voice and video chat, online games to lag, and generally makes people say, “The Internet is not responsive today.”

The “luci-app-sqm” package solves the problem of Bufferbloat. After installation and configuration, you’ll have a much more responsive network connection under load.

This option may not work properly in conjunction with
#Software Flow Offloading


   1 opkg install luci-app-sqm

Configure SQM using Luci.
Network -> SQM QoS

An follow the guide from above.

Trouble Shooting

Slow Routing/NAT throughput

Please see:
#Software Flow Offloading

Wrong Link Speed

I had a problem with link-speed between Docsis-modem in front and a OpenWRT-Router. OpenWRT displayed only 10Base-T (10Mbit/s).

It turns out that (against my expections/assumptions) OpenWRT did not support Auto MDI-X (Wikipedia EN: Medium Dependent Interface).

   1 # ethtool eth0
   2 Settings for eth0:
   3         Supported ports: [ ]
   4         Supported link modes:   1000baseT/Full 
   5         Supported pause frame use: No
   6         Supports auto-negotiation: No
   7         Supported FEC modes: Not reported
   8         Advertised link modes:  1000baseT/Full 
   9         Advertised pause frame use: No
  10         Advertised auto-negotiation: No
  11         Advertised FEC modes: Not reported
  12         Speed: 1000Mb/s
  13         Duplex: Full
  14         Port: MII
  15         PHYAD: 0
  16         Transceiver: external
  17         Auto-negotiation: on
  18         Current message level: 0x000000ff (255)
  19                                drv probe link timer ifdown ifup rx_err tx_err
  20         Link detected: yes

So all you need to change to achieve the intended Link-Speed is to use

  • a cross-over cable or
  • even simpler a (Amazon:) cross-over adapter, which turns some pins of any RJ-45 plug.


Delete an option to configure it automatically.


   1 config device                             
   2         option name 'dsl0' 
   3         option macaddr '54:64:d9:aa:bb:cc'


   1 config interface 'wan'
   2         option proto 'pppoe'        ### POINT-TO-POINT OVER ETHERNET
   3         option device 'dsl0.7'      ### VLAN 7 ON DEVICE dsl0
   4         option username 'username'  ### PAP/CHAP USERNAME
   5         option password 'password'  ### PAP/CHAP PASSWORD
   6         option ipv6 'auto'
   7         ### BRING UP ON BOOT
   8         option auto '1'             ### DEFAULT - BRING UP
   9         option auto '0'
  10         ### ACCESS CONCENTRATOR
  11         #option ac 'STRING'
  12         ### SERVICE NAME
  13         #option service 'STRING'
  14         ### USE DEFAULT GATEWAY
  15         option defaultroute '1'     ### DEFAULT - INSTALL ROUTE
  16         option defaultroute '0'
  17         ### OVERRIDE MTU
  18         option mtu '1492'           ### DEFAULT 1500 BYTE
  20         option peerdns '1'          ### DEFAULT - USE DNS SERVERS
  21         option peerdns '0'
  22         ### USE CUSTOM DNS SERVERS (QUAD9)
  23         list dns ''
  24         list dns ''
  25         #…TONS OF OTHER OPTIONS
  27 config interface 'wan6'
  28         option device '@wan'
  29         option proto 'dhcpv6'

Please make sure your modem supports the requirements of the ISP.

  • Like protocol and annex.


   1 config dsl 'dsl'
   2         ### ANNEX
   3         option annex 'a'     ### ANNEX A + L + M (all)
   4         option annex 'b'     ### ANNEX B (all)
   5         option annex 'j'     ### ANNEX J (all) GERMAN TELEKOM
   6         option annex 'm'     ### ANNEX M (all)
   7         option annex 'bdmt'  ### ANNEX B G.992.1
   8         option annex 'b2'    ### ANNEX B G.992.3
   9         option annex 'b2p'   ### ANNEX B G.992.5
  10         option annex 'at1'   ### ANSI T1.413
  11         option annex 'admt'  ### ANNEX A G.992.1
  12         option annex 'alite' ### ANNEX A G.992.2
  13         option annex 'a2'    ### ANNEX A G.992.3
  14         option annex 'a2'    ### ANNEX A G.992.5
  15         option annex 'l'     ### ANNEX L G.992.3 POTS 1
  16         option annex 'm2'    ### ANNEX M G.992.3
  17         option annex 'm2p'    ### ANNEX M G.992.5
  18         ### TONE
  19         option tone 'a'   ### A43C + J43 + A43
  20         option tone 'av'  ### A43C + J43 + A43 + V43
  21         option tone 'b'   ### B43 + B43C
  22         option tone 'bv'  ### B43 + B43C + V43
  23         ### ENCPASULATION MODE
  24         option xfer_mode 'ptm'
  25         option xfer_mode 'atm'
  26         ### DSL LINE MODE
  27         option line_mode 'vdsl'
  28         option line_mode 'adsl'
  30         option ds_snr_offset '-100' ### -10.0dB
  31         option ds_snr_offset '0'    ###   0.0dB
  32         option ds_snr_offset '100'  ### +10.0dB
  33         ### FIRMWARE FILE
  34         #option firmware '/lib/firmware/vr9-B-dsl.bin'


   2 config atm-bridge 'atm'
   4         option vpi '1'
   6         option vci '32'
   7         ### ENCPASULATION MODE
   8         option encaps 'llc'
   9         option encaps 'vc'     ### VC-mux
  10         ### FORWARDING MODE
  11         option payload 'bridged'
  12         option payload 'routed'
  13         ### DEVICE NAME PREFIX ???
  14         option nameprefix 'dsl'
  15         ### ATM DEVICE NUMBER
  16         option atmdev '12345'
  17         ### BRIDGE UNIT NUMBER
  18         option unit '12345'

AAL means ATM Adaptation Layer


   1 Syntax: /etc/init.d/dsl_control [command]
   3 Available commands:
   4         start           Start the service
   5         stop            Stop the service
   6         restart         Restart the service
   7         reload          Reload configuration files (or restart if service does not implement reload)
   8         enable          Enable service autostart
   9         disable         Disable service autostart
  10         enabled         Check if service is started on boot
  11         dslstat         Get DSL status information
  12         running         Check if service is running
  13         status          Service status
  14         trace           Start with syscall trace

Get current dsl-state

   1 while sleep 1; do
   2         clear;
   3         /etc/init.d/dsl_control dslstat;
   4 done

No cable connected

   1 {
   2         "api_version": "",
   3         "firmware_version": "",
   4         "chipset": "Lantiq-VRX200",
   5         "driver_version": "",
   6         "state": "Silent",
   7         "state_num": 3,
   8         "up": false,
   9         "uptime": 0,
  10         "atu_c": {
  12         },
  13         "power_state": "L3 - No power",
  14         "power_state_num": 3,
  15         "upstream": {
  17         },
  18         "downstream": {
  20         },
  21         "errors": {
  22                 "near": {
  23                         "es": 0,
  24                         "ses": 0,
  25                         "loss": 0,
  26                         "uas": 55793624,
  27                         "lofs": 0,
  28                         "fecs": 0,
  29                         "hec": 0,
  30                         "ibe": 0,
  31                         "crc_p": 0,
  32                         "crcp_p": 0,
  33                         "cv_p": 0,
  34                         "cvp_p": 0
  35                 },
  36                 "far": {
  37                         "es": 0,
  38                         "ses": 0,
  39                         "loss": 0,
  40                         "uas": 55793623,
  41                         "lofs": 0,
  42                         "fecs": 0,
  43                         "hec": 0,
  44                         "ibe": 0,
  45                         "crc_p": 0,
  46                         "crcp_p": 0,
  47                         "cv_p": 0,
  48                         "cvp_p": 0
  49                 }
  50         }
  51 }

DSL optimization

  • Make sure to run your DSL wire not in parallel to Power wires,

    which are used with PowerLine adapters. The 35MHz band disturbs the DSL connection and therefor lowers your uplink speed. There might be an option in your PowerLine Adapter to not use this band for reducing the interference with DSL.

  • You may access the DSL wires directly bypassing the TAE-Plug by soldering a (shielded folied) cable with a suitable jack (like RJ-45) to the wires directly and by this mean reducing or nearly eliminating attentuation and reflection when crossing the socket.


Technicolor TC4400-EU


Available for end customers.

Vodafone Station

Either you are satisfied with

  • using the Vodafone Station as your gateway
    • Very basic basic and limited feature set
    • Buy !WIFI :-)

    • No control
  • OR decide to use an own router.

Normal Mode

  • The Vodafone Station (VS) is assigned the public IPv$4/6 addresses and performs NAT.
  • The WAN interface of an own router will only receive a private IPv4 address from the VS.
  • Double
    • Port Forwards ?
    • NAT ?
    • Firewall rules ?

Bridge Mode


Alles funktioniert einwandfrei.

Einschränkungen sind bisher keine bekannt.

Das Gerät bekommt eine IPv4 und eine IPv6 Adresse zugewiesen.


Überprüfen und sicher stellen, das

  1. ein aktuelles Backup der Router Konfiguration existiert
  2. der alternativer Internetzugang (z.B. über LTE funktioniert), damit die Änderung auch wieder Rückgängig gemacht werden kann.
  3. WAN(6)-Schnittstelle auf DHCP(6) konfiguriert ist, damit nach dem Hochfahren des Modems der Router dahinter auch sofort eine IP-Adresse bezieht
  4. der interne Router an einem beliebigen LAN-Port verkabelt ist.

Dauert einige Minuten (t<30min).

  • Privatkunden

    > MeinKabel > Einstellungen > Interneteinstellungen > Bridge Mode einstellen


    1. Erst müssen einige Tipps angesehen werden. :-)

    2. Um die Änderung der Einstellung wirksam zu machen, wird das Kabelmodem automatisch neu gestartet werden. Die Internet-Verbindung wird hierbei für einige Minuten unterbrochen.
    3. Wenn die Einstellung von Deinem Vodafone Internet-Anschluss aus getätigt wird, wird keine Bestätigungsseite angezeigt. Um die aktuelle Einstellung zu überprüfen, rufst Du bitte diese Seite erneut auf.
    • Bridgemode:
      Ein <-> Aus


Wenn Du den Bridgemode aktivierst, wird gleichzeitig NAT, Firewall, Routing und WLAN deaktiviert. Diese Funktionen sind auf der Weboberfläche nicht mehr sichtbar.

Im Bridgemode kannst Du nur noch ein Gerät betreiben. Dieses Gerät kann an einem beliebigen LAN-Port angeschlossen werden.

Die WLAN-Option bleibt weiterhin Vertragsbestandteil. Wenn Du auf die WLAN Option verzichten möchtest, muss diese Option beim Kundenservice schriftlich gekündigt werden.

Omnia Turris


  • Omnia Turris overview

  • Turris docs







LAN switch ports 0,1



LAN switch ports 2,3



WAN port (RJ-45/SFP) and LAN switch port 4

Change WAN interface from RJ-45 to SFP

  • The Devicetree Specification



Exchange the ARM flattened devicetree blob (dtb) to make the SFP the WAN interface.

   1 cd /boot
   2 ln -sf armada-385-turris-omnia-sfp.dtb dtb
   3 ll /boot
   4 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           158 Sep  9 13:03 ./
   5 drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           142 Sep  9 11:45 ../
   6 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         18834 Aug 26 01:49 armada-385-turris-omnia-phy.dtb
   7 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root         18870 Aug 26 01:49 armada-385-turris-omnia-sfp.dtb
   8 -rw-r--r--    1 root     root          1199 Aug 26 01:49 boot.scr
   9 lrwxrwxrwx    1 root     root            31 Sep  9 13:03 dtb -> armada-385-turris-omnia-sfp.dtb
  10 -rwxr-xr-x    1 root     root       3359368 Aug 26 01:49 zImage*

Possible SFPs

  • ALLNET ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP / Switch Modul (Mini-GBIC), VDSL2 Telco

    • ALLNET ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP Datasheet

    • ONLY VDSL2, not downwards compatible to ADSLx
      • ITU-T G.993.2 — Very high speed digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (VDSL2)
      • ITU-T G.inp (G.998.4) — Improved impulse noise protection for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers
      • ITU-T G.vector (G.993.5) — Self-FEXT cancellation (vectoring) for use with VDSL2 transceivers
      • ITU-T G.994.1 — Handshake procedures for digital subscriber line transceivers
        • Negotiation procedures used in ADSL, ADSL2,, SHDSL, VDSL, VDSL2
      • ITU-T G.997.1 — Physical layer management for digital subscriber line transceivers
        • Downstream Power Back-Off (DPBO)
  • Metanoia xDSL Chipsets and Modules

    • VDSL2 VTU-R SFP MT-V5311 VDSL2 Transceiver

  • Flexoptix has a site for the Omnia Turris
    Turris Omnia compatible Universal Transceiver

  • Technicolor AFM0002TIM

  • FTTH



Works on VDSL2!


  • Dokumenation Download

  • ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP_QIG_EN.pdf

  • ALL4781-VDSL2-SFP_QIG_DE.pdf









xDSL synchonizing



xDSL in sync



no xDSL



SFP power



SFP without power

Logs without a cable attached
logread |grep sfp

   1 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.711350] sfp sfp: module ALLNET           ALL4781          rev V3.4 sn 0000000FC91BA95D dc 16-04-21
   2 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.720684] sfp sfp:   unknown connector, encoding 8b10b, nominal bitrate 1.3Gbps +0% -0%
   3 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.728961] sfp sfp:   1000BaseSX+ 1000BaseLX- 1000BaseCX- 1000BaseT- 100BaseTLX- 1000BaseFX- BaseBX10- BasePX-
   4 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.739078] sfp sfp:   10GBaseSR- 10GBaseLR- 10GBaseLRM- 10GBaseER-
   5 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.745361] sfp sfp:   Wavelength 0nm, fiber lengths:
   6 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.750423] sfp sfp:     9µm SM    : unsupported
   7 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.755139] sfp sfp:  62.5µm MM OM1: unsupported/unspecified
   8 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.760897] sfp sfp:    50µm MM OM2: unsupported/unspecified
   9 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.766657] sfp sfp:    50µm MM OM3: unsupported/unspecified
  10 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.772419] sfp sfp:    50µm MM OM4: 2.540km
  11 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.776785] sfp sfp:   Options: retimer
  12 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   10.780628] sfp sfp:   Diagnostics: 
  13 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   16.741379] sfp sfp: module transmit fault indicated
  14 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   19.431401] sfp sfp: module transmit fault recovered
  15 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   19.801394] sfp sfp: module transmit fault indicated
  16 Oct 12 17:55:14 antares kernel: [   22.541597] sfp sfp: module persistently indicates fault, disabling
  • Gets really hot! T>60°C

Device infos with working DSL

   1 root@turris:~# ethtool eth2                                                                       
   2 Settings for eth2:                                                                                
   3         Supported ports: [ TP ]                                                                   
   4         Supported link modes:   1000baseX/Full                                                    
   5         Supported pause frame use: Symmetric                                                      
   6         Supports auto-negotiation: Yes                                                            
   7         Supported FEC modes: Not reported                                                         
   8         Advertised link modes:  1000baseX/Full                                                    
   9         Advertised pause frame use: Symmetric                                                     
  10         Advertised auto-negotiation: Yes                                                          
  11         Advertised FEC modes: Not reported                                                        
  12         Speed: 1000Mb/s                                                                           
  13         Duplex: Full                                                                              
  14         Port: Twisted Pair                                                                        
  15         PHYAD: 0                                                                                  
  16         Transceiver: internal                                                                     
  17         Auto-negotiation: on                                                                      
  18         MDI-X: Unknown                                                                            
  19         Supports Wake-on: d                                                                       
  20         Wake-on: d                                                                                
  21         Link detected: yes  
  22 root@turris:~# ethtool -m eth2           
  23         Identifier                                : 0x03 (SFP)
  24         Extended identifier                       : 0x04 (GBIC/SFP defined by 2-wire interface ID)
  25         Connector                                 : 0x22 (RJ45)
  26         Transceiver codes                         : 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x01 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00 0x00
  27         Transceiver type                          : Ethernet: 1000BASE-SX
  28         Encoding                                  : 0x01 (8B/10B) 
  29         BR, Nominal                               : 1300MBd
  30         Rate identifier                           : 0x00 (unspecified)
  31         Length (SMF,km)                           : 0km
  32         Length (SMF)                              : 0m
  33         Length (50um)                             : 0m
  34         Length (62.5um)                           : 0m
  35         Length (Copper)                           : 255m
  36         Length (OM3)                              : 0m
  37         Laser wavelength                          : 0nm
  38         Vendor name                               : ALLNET
  39         Vendor OUI                                : 00:0f:c9
  40         Vendor PN                                 : ALL4781
  41         Vendor rev                                : V3.4
  42         Option values                             : 0x08 0x00
  43         Option                                    : Retimer or CDR implemented
  44         BR margin, max                            : 0%
  45         BR margin, min                            : 0%
  46         Vendor SN                                 : 0000000FC91BA95D
  47         Date code                                 : 210416__
  48 root@turris:~# ethtool -m eth2 raw on |hexdump -C                             
  49 00000000  03 04 22 00 00 00 01 00  00 00 00 01 0d 00 00 00  |..".............|
  50 00000010  00 00 ff 00 41 4c 4c 4e  45 54 20 20 20 20 20 20  |....ALLNET      |
  51 00000020  20 20 20 20 00 00 0f c9  41 4c 4c 34 37 38 31 20  |    ....ALL4781 |
  52 00000030  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  56 33 2e 34 00 00 00 c7  |        V3.4....|
  53 00000040  08 00 00 00 30 30 30 30  30 30 30 46 43 39 31 42  |....0000000FC91B|
  54 00000050  41 39 35 44 32 31 30 34  31 36 00 00 00 00 00 ae  |A95D210416......|
  55 00000060  30 30 30 46 43 39 31 42  41 39 35 44 20 20 20 20  |000FC91BA95D    |
  56 00000070  20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20  45 44 4c 31 36 43 56 31  |        EDL16CV1|
  57 00000080  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff  |................|
  58 *                                                                             
  59 00000100                                                                      
  60 root@turris:~# ethtool -k eth2 
  61 Features for eth2:
  62 rx-checksumming: off [fixed]
  63 tx-checksumming: on
  64         tx-checksum-ipv4: on
  65         tx-checksum-ip-generic: off [fixed]
  66         tx-checksum-ipv6: on
  67         tx-checksum-fcoe-crc: off [fixed]
  68         tx-checksum-sctp: off [fixed]          
  69 scatter-gather: on                             
  70         tx-scatter-gather: on                  
  71         tx-scatter-gather-fraglist: off [fixed]
  72 tcp-segmentation-offload: on                   
  73         tx-tcp-segmentation: on                
  74         tx-tcp-ecn-segmentation: off [fixed]   
  75         tx-tcp-mangleid-segmentation: off      
  76         tx-tcp6-segmentation: off [fixed]
  77 generic-segmentation-offload: on
  78 generic-receive-offload: on
  79 large-receive-offload: off [fixed]
  80 rx-vlan-offload: off [fixed]
  81 tx-vlan-offload: off [fixed]
  82 ntuple-filters: off [fixed]
  83 receive-hashing: off [fixed]
  84 highdma: off [fixed]
  85 rx-vlan-filter: off [fixed]
  86 vlan-challenged: off [fixed]
  87 tx-lockless: off [fixed]
  88 netns-local: off [fixed]
  89 tx-gso-robust: off [fixed]
  90 tx-fcoe-segmentation: off [fixed]
  91 tx-gre-segmentation: off [fixed]
  92 tx-gre-csum-segmentation: off [fixed]
  93 tx-ipxip4-segmentation: off [fixed]
  94 tx-ipxip6-segmentation: off [fixed]
  95 tx-udp_tnl-segmentation: off [fixed]
  96 tx-udp_tnl-csum-segmentation: off [fixed]
  97 tx-gso-partial: off [fixed]
  98 tx-sctp-segmentation: off [fixed]
  99 tx-esp-segmentation: off [fixed]
 100 fcoe-mtu: off [fixed]
 101 tx-nocache-copy: off
 102 loopback: off [fixed]
 103 rx-fcs: off [fixed]
 104 rx-all: off [fixed]
 105 tx-vlan-stag-hw-insert: off [fixed]
 106 rx-vlan-stag-hw-parse: off [fixed]
 107 rx-vlan-stag-filter: off [fixed]
 108 l2-fwd-offload: off [fixed]
 109 hw-tc-offload: off [fixed]
 110 esp-hw-offload: off [fixed]
 111 esp-tx-csum-hw-offload: off [fixed]
 112 rx-udp_tunnel-port-offload: off [fixed]

mSATA card

The Kingston SKC600MS/1024G fits perfectly into the Omnia Turris.

But you have to move the 2.4GHz WiFi card to the outer slot (below the SIM card). Only the inner mini-PCI-Express port provides the mSATA interface. The card does not work in another slot, but the inner. Please compare to the Omnia Turris specifications. I actually do not understand, why this is not delivered this way, but anyway.

All you’ll need to do is

  1. Disconnect the antennas
  2. Open the chassis (with 6 screws)
  3. Disconnect all WiFi cables

  4. Unscrew the 2.4GHz WiFi card

  5. Unscrew the board from the chassis (with 5 screws) to get access to the screws, that hold the spacers for the mini-PCI-Express cards
  6. Move and screw the spacers to the other holes
  7. Screw the boards to the chassis
  8. Carefully insert and screw the cards to the board
  9. Exchange some WiFi cables to achieve the correct lenght and attach them back to the WiFi cards

  10. Close the chassis
  11. Reattach the antennas

Onmia Turris with a Kingston mSATA

Just for completeness a picture of the backside of the Omnia Turris.

Firewall custom rules

In my case custom firewall rules /etc/firewall.user are not applied on reboot.

Procd actually starts firewall early and the firewall also executes /etc/firewall.user, but it may be superseeded by another startup routine like the DynFW, that is started later. I did not yet find the time to investigate the issue and chose a quick work around with cron over the webfrontend.

System > Scheduled Tasks, which is the same as
crontab -e

   2 @reboot sleep 30 && /etc/init.d/firewall restart

Knot Resolver


Knot Resolver is a minimalistic implementation of a caching validating DNS resolver. Modular architecture keeps the core tiny and efficient, and it provides a state-machine like API for extensions.


  • Knot Resolver Docs stable

  • Knot Resolver Docs latest

Replacement of DNSmasq

On Turris OS, the DNS function of DNSMASQ is disabled by design, the Knot resolver is used instead. Therefore, changing the settings related to the DNS service in the DHCP and DNS screen of the LuCI interface has no effect.

  • Please compare to
    Knot resolver (i.e. kresd) — DNS advanced settings for Omnia and MOX

Kresd — Clear DNS cache

The kresd DNS cache is persitent on disk and thus survives restarts of the system and daemon. To test something you will have to clear the cache.

Connect via unix-socket and clear the cache via cli.

   1 socat - /tmp/kresd/control/$(pgrep kresd)
   2 > cache.clear()
   3 {
   4     ['count'] = 538,
   5 }
   6 > quit()

Or as a script /usr/sbin/

   1 #!/bin/sh
   3 socat - /tmp/kresd/control/$(pgrep kresd) << EOF
   4 cache.clear()
   5 quit()
   6 EOF

Make schript executable

   1 chmod u+x /usr/sbin/

Kresd — Change logging live

Making the log visible renders things lots easier.

   1 socat - /tmp/kresd/control/$(pgrep kresd)
   2 > log_target('syslog')
   3 'syslog'
   4 > log_level('debug')
   5 'debug'
   6 > quit()
   8 logread -f

This is runtime configuration and does not survive a restart of the daemon.

Kresd — Custom config

Enable custom configuration to be included to kresd

   1 config resolver 'kresd'
   2         option rundir '/tmp/kresd'
   3         option log_stderr '1'
   4         option log_stdout '1'
   5         option keep_cache '1'
   6         list rpz_file '/etc/kresd/adb_list.overall'
   7         option include_config '/etc/kresd/custom.conf'

Commit the configuration and restart the resolver service to let the custom config take effect.

   1 uci commit resolver
   2 /etc/init.d/resolver restart

Kresd — Forwarding domains

  • Knot Resolver Docs — Forwarding


   1 -- Forward resolver settings
   2 policy.add(policy.suffix(
   3         policy.FORWARD(''),
   4         {todname('sub.domain.tld.')}
   5 ))

Kresd — Disable DNSsec validation per domain

DNSSEC, data verification


   1 -- Disable DNSsec for list of domains
   2 trust_anchors.set_insecure({'sub.domain.tld.'})

TP-Link Archer C7 v5

Model            TP-Link Archer C7 v5
Architecture     Qualcomm Atheros QCA9560 802.11bgn ver 1 rev 0
                 Qualcomm Atheros QCA9880 802.11nac
Target Platform  ath79/generic
Firmware Version OpenWrt 21.02.2 r16495-bf0c965af0 / LuCI openwrt-21.02 branch git-22.046.85957-59c3392
Kernel Version   5.4.179


  • The iperf server is running on a Omnia Turris (2020).
  • No additional offloding features could be enabled using ethtool. I guess the ath10k driver does not support toggling these features.

  • The CPU load is likely to go through the roof.
    • The Archer C7 does not support hardware flow offloading.
    • When using 5GHz WiFi.

      • I guess there is some offloading is missing, like tcp checksumming.
    • When using a routed/NAT setup the CPU is simply at it’s limits.


  • Firewall off
    • Flow offloading: off
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on br-lan LAN0
    • LAN:
      • DHCP server: off
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • WAN: unused
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via WiFi (5GHz)

  • CPU load: MAX
    • ksoftirqd: ~80%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 53496 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.0943 sec   383 MBytes   318 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall on
    • Flow offloading: software
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on br-lan LAN0
    • LAN:
      • DHCP server: off
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • WAN: unused
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via WiFi (5GHz)

  • CPU load: MAX
    • ksoftirqd: ~80%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 53488 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.0799 sec   392 MBytes   326 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall on
    • Flow offloading: on
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on br-lan
    • LAN:
      • DHCP server: off
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • WAN: unused
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via cable on br-lan LAN1
  • CPU load: MIN
   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 36576 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.0238 sec  1.07 GBytes   918 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: off
    • Flow offloading: none
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on br-lan
    • LAN:
      • DHCP server: off
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • WAN: unused
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via cable on br-lan LAN1
  • CPU load: MIN
   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 36578 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.0210 sec  1.07 GBytes   917 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: on
    • Flow offloading: on
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via WiFi (5GHz)

  • CPU load: MAX
    • ksoftirqd: ~80%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 51764 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.1084 sec   245 MBytes   203 Mbits/sec
   9 ------------------------------------------------------------


  • Firewall: on
    • Flow offloading: none
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via WiFi (5GHz)

  • CPU load: MAX
    • ksoftirqd: ~80%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 51760 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.1564 sec   203 MBytes   168 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: on
    • Flow offloading: on
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via cable on br-lan LAN1
  • CPU load: MAX
    • ksoftirqd: ~90%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 33552 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.0391 sec   760 MBytes   635 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: on
    • Flow offloading: none
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running laptop connected via cable on br-lan LAN1
  • CPU load: MAX
    • ksoftirqd: ~85%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size: 85.0 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  1] local port 33556 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  1] 0.0000-10.1120 sec   231 MBytes   192 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: on
    • Flow offloading: on
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running on Archer C7
    • CPU load: MAX
      • iperf: ~72%

      • ksoftirqd: ~10%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size:  262 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  3] local port 56182 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   292 MBytes   245 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: on
    • Flow offloading: none
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running on Archer C7
  • CPU load: MAX
    • iperf: ~71%

    • ksoftirqd: ~11%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size:  175 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  3] local port 56184 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   294 MBytes   247 Mbits/sec


  • Firewall: off
    • Flow offloading: none
  • Szenario:
    • Router uplink via cable on WAN
    • LAN:
      • Protocol: Static address
      • DHCP server: on
    • WAN:
      • DHCP client: on (default route)
    • Iperf client running on Archer C7
    • CPU load: MAX
      • iperf: ~75%

      • ksoftirqd: ~8%

   1 iperf -c
   2 ------------------------------------------------------------
   3 Client connecting to, TCP port 5001
   4 TCP window size:  131 KByte (default)
   5 ------------------------------------------------------------
   6 [  3] local port 56188 connected with port 5001
   7 [ ID] Interval       Transfer     Bandwidth
   8 [  3]  0.0-10.0 sec   314 MBytes   263 Mbits/sec

Прошивки OpenWRT очень навороченные и позволяют делать огромное количество вещей при помощи роутера. Но при этом они не очень интуитивные и простые в освоении простыми пользователями. В частности, для настройки блокировки рекламы, вовсе не достаточно установить пакет adblock и поставить галочки напротив списков блокируемой рекламы.

Как удалить рекламу Youtube (ютуб,ютьюб,ютюб) в приложении СМАРТ ТВ при помощи роутера с OpenWRT

Как удалить (блокировать, фильровать, отключить) Youtube (ютуб, ютьюб, ютюб) рекламу в приложении Смарт ТВ при помощи роутера с прошивкой OpenWRT и пакета adblock

  1. Зайдите в панель управления OpenWRT. Для роутера Netgear WNR3500Lv1 достаточно зайти на страницу в браузере. Вообще для любого роутера с прошивкой OpenWRT, панель управления доступна по адресу http://openwrt.lan (если настроен SSL, то и https://openwrt.lan ). В панели управления нужно ввести логин и пароль от неё.
  2. В ниспадающем меню выберите System -> Software (Система -> Программное обеспечение)
  3. В разделе Software (Программное обеспечение) найдите следующие пакеты (packages) и установите их:

    • adblock (блокировка рекламы)
    • luci-app-adblock (настройка adblock через меню Services -> Adblock в панели управления роутера)
    • luci-i18n-adblock-ru (перевод настроек adblock на русский язык)
    • uclient-fetch (скачивание файлов из Интернета)
    • uclient-libustream-openssl (поддержка SSL/TLS при скачивании файлов из Интернета при помощи OpenSSL)
    • вместо uclient-libustream-openssl можно использовать libustream-mbedtls (поддержка SSL/TLS при скачивании файлов из Интернета при помощи mbed TLS), но оба пакета ставить не нужно.

    После того, как вы нашли нужный пакет при помощи поиска или по алфавиту среди доступных пакетов, для установки просто нажмите на кнопку Install (Установить) напротив выбранного пакета. Далее найдите следующий нужный пакет и повторите процедуру.

  4. Выберите в ниспадающем меню Services (Сервисы) -> Adblock
  5. Поставьте галочку напротив Enable Adblock (Включить Adblock)

    OpenWRT: настройка adblock

  6. Выберите uclient-fetch в качестве Download Utility (Утилита для скачивания)
  7. Выберите списки для блокировки рекламы, поставив галочки напротив нужных вам. Например: adaway, bitcoin, reg_ru, youtube. Список reg_ru фокусируется на российской рекламе, также в него добавлена общая база easylist. Список youtube фокусируется именно на блокировке рекламы с ютуб (ютьюб, ютюб) .

    OpenWRT: настройка adblock: Список youtube
    Обратите внимание, что чем больше список блокируемых хостов, тем больше ресурсов требуется роутеру при фильтрации рекламы (что может серьёзно сказываться на быстродействии роутера).

  8. В разделе Extra Options (Дополнительные настройки) на странице настройки Adblock поставьте галочку на Force Overall Sort (Принудительная полная сортировка)
  9. В том же разделе можно выбрать Low Priority Service (Низкий приоритет сервиса), чтобы приоритетом была не блокировка рекламы, а другие сервисы роутера.
  10. Нажмите на кнопку «Save & Apply» (Сохранить и применить) внизу страницы.
  11. Нажмите на кнопку Refresh (Обновить) в разделе Runtime Information (Информация о состоянии) и убедитесь, что значение Overall domains (Всего доменов) не нулевое.

    OpenWRT: настройка adblock: ненулевое количество фильтруемых доменов

    Если uclient-fetch работает некорректно, вместо него можно попробовать wget или curl (убедитесь, что они установлены в OpenWRT). Обратите внимание, что для скачивания большинства списков блокируемых хостов необходима поддержка SSL.

  12. Если реклама не блокируется, а количество доменов нулевое, то в Extra Options (Дополнительные настройки) нужно включить вывод отладочных сообщений Verbose Debug Logging (Подробный журнал отладки), после чего ошибки можно посмотреть на вкладке настроек Adblock под названием View Logfile (Показать системный журнал).

После установки и настройки adblock на роутере Netgear WNR3500Lv1 с прошивкой OpenWRT, реклама исчезла не только в Youtube приложении Смарт ТВ, но и в браузерах на компьютере и подключаемых по Wi-Fi устройствах (читалке, планшете, смартфоне). Причём, в отличии от расширений браузера вроде Adblock или Adblock Plus, на некоторых сайтах было замечено отсутствие всплывающих сообщений о том, что у меня включена блокировка рекламы, которую необходимо выключить.

Помимо пакета adblock, прошивка OpenWRT позволяет фильтровать рекламу при помощи более лёгкого пакета — simple-adblock, а также при помощи banhostlist.

p.s. Если вы используете сервисы возврата наличных (кэшбек сервисы), то обратите внимание, что блокировка рекламы может мешать их работе. При совершении покупок для получения кэшбека рекомендуется временно отключать adblock. Благо, для этого достаточно снять галочку Enable Adblock и применить настройки.

Обновление (18 ноября 2018 г.)
Блокировка рекламы с youtube прекрасно работала какое-то время, но youtube быстро исправил это «недоразумение». При этом на форуме OpenWRT в ветке поддержки adblock не предлагается никаких решений по 100% блокировки рекламы на youtube при помощи блокировки поддоменов. К сожалению, youtube предлагает контент и рекламу с одних и тех же серверов, а на уровне страницы adblock для OpenWRT не фильтрует. Так что приходится совмещать adblock для OpenWRT и adblock для браузера, чтобы надёжнее фильтровать рекламу. К сожалению, в случае со Смарт ТВ 100% способа блокировки рекламы в приложении youtube просто нет.

Кроме того, при установке OpenWRT на роутер Linksys EA3500 оказалось, что фильтр для youtube в adblock просто отсутствует. Пришлось зайти в дополнительные настройки (advanced) adblock и отредактировать конфигурацию (edit configuration), добавив следующие строчки:

config source ‘youtube’
option adb_src ‘’
option adb_src_rset ‘BEGIN{FS=»,»}/^(r[0-9]+.){1,1}([[:alnum:]_-]+.)+[[:alpha:]]+/{sub(/./,»—«);print tolower($1)}’
option adb_src_desc ‘focus on youtube ad-related subdomains, dynamic request API, approx. 180 entries’
option enabled ‘1’

Обновление 2 февраля 2020 г.)
Поскольку блокировка Youtube рекламы при помощи роутера оказалась неэффективной, то пришлось использовать приставку с Android (TV), для которой доступны приложения для просмора Youtube без рекламы и с регулировкой скорости.

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