Error unable to access jarfile ubuntu

I'm currently running Ubuntu on my server and wanting to run a Minecraft modded server for me and my mates. I've done this before multiple times but for some reason when I do it now I keep getting the message "Unable to access jarfile" I've tried fixing this by changing the name and directory and ensuring that I've typed it correctly. I've also tried changing it from sudo java -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar forge-1.8.9- nogui to java -jar
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  1. Unable to access jarfile

    I’m currently running Ubuntu on my server and wanting to run a Minecraft modded server for me and my mates. I’ve done this before multiple times but for some reason when I do it now I keep getting the message «Unable to access jarfile»
    I’ve tried fixing this by changing the name and directory and ensuring that I’ve typed it correctly. I’ve also tried changing it from


    sudo java -Xms4G -Xmx4G -jar forge-1.8.9- nogui



    java -jar /home/thomas/Downloads/minecraf/forge-1.8.9-

    . I’ve also tried doing


    sudo chown -R $thomas:$thomas ~

    but no matter anything i do i just can’t get it to work.

  2. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    Thread moved to Server Platforms.

  3. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    Quote Originally Posted by ghostbacon
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    I keep getting the message «Unable to access jarfile»


    java -jar /home/thomas/Downloads/minecraf/forge-1.8.9-

    I don’t know anything about the specifics of running this particular jar, but I do know something about what is needed for java to execute a jar. If the above command is giving you the above message (or more precisely «Error: Unable to access jarfile /home/thomas/Downloads/minecraf/forge-1.8.9-») then there are 2 possible causes:
    1. The file does not exist (e.g. perhaps it should be minecraft not minecraf or perhaps there’s a lowercase/uppercase inaccuracy)
    or 2. You do not have read access to it.

    Note that if the jar exists but is corrupt or in some other way invalid, or there are missing dependencies, you will get a different message. What do you get from the following?


    ls -l /home/thomas/Downloads/minecraf/forge-1.8.9-

  4. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    It turns out I did, in fact, spell Minecraft incorrectly although now running this I get the response


    A problem occurred running the Server
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
        at java.base/java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
        at net.minecraftforge.fml.relauncher.ServerLaunchWrapper.main(
    Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: class jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader cannot be cast to class (jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader and are in module java.base of loader 'bootstrap')
        at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.<init>(
        at net.minecraft.launchwrapper.Launch.main(
        ... 6 more

  5. Re: Unable to access jarfile

  6. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    Make sure whatever version of OpenJDK or Oracle Java you use is compatible with Minecraft 1.8 (which is what Forge 1.8 is based on)

    My guess would be Java 1.8 flavor but I could be wrong.

  7. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    It seems I’ve already got Java 8

  8. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    Quote Originally Posted by ghostbacon
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    It seems I’ve already got Java 8

    That is surprising because the ClassLoader error you are getting is precisely what you would get when running some Java 8 code from Java 9 or above. The issue is explained here. Note in particular the quotation from the Java 9 release notes.

    If you are actually running the jar with Java 8, then I’m afraid I’ve no idea how you would be getting that error.

  9. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    Update: I decided to uninstall Java and reinstall Java 8, having done this It’s seemed that I’ve completely broken Java as no matter how many times I do it, «java» is not a recognized command. When doing «sudo update-alternatives —config java», I’m returned with «update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for java».

  10. Re: Unable to access jarfile

    The built-in runtime packages for OpenJDK in Ubuntu are:


    sudo apt install openjdk-8-jre-headless



    sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless

    To install Oracle Java 8, you need to add their repository, then update and install the runtime:


    sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install oracle-java8-installer

    If you have mutliple versions of java installed, you use this command to show/set which java is default when you just type «java»


    sudo update-alternatives --config java

    Or you could just specify the path to «java» when you are running the program such as:


    /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/jre/bin/java -jar /home/thomasthetrain/Downloads/minecraf/forge-1.8.9-



    /usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/jre/bin/java -jar /home/thomasthetrain/Downloads/minecraf/forge-1.8.9-

    Just make sure you use the path that is setup on your system….rather than copy/paste what I have typed…which may not be accurate to your system.




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If you have recently tried to open a JAR package file, only to receive the error, “unable to access Jarfile,” this simply means that your computer either doesn’t have the right software to open the file, or you have the wrong file path. Other common reasons for getting this error is if you have an outdated version of Java, your computer is infected with malware, or the default program for opening your JAR files isn’t set correctly. Before we jump into the solutions for this, let’s take a look at what JAR is.

Unable to access jarfile error message on Windows

Understanding JAR Package Files

Java Archive or JAR is a package file format based on ZIP architecture. It is used to group together multiple Java class files, their metadata, and any resources these files need to run into one single package. The purpose of doing this is to then distribute the grouped files as needed for the running of applications and programs. In order to run the executable file in a JAR package, you must have the latest Java Run-Time Environment installed.

Jarfile Examples.

If you are getting the error, “unable to access Jarfile” it means that you are encountering one of the following problems:

  • Your system has malware that is either preventing the Jarfile package to open.
  • The Jarfile package is corrupted from malware.
  • You do not have the latest Java Run-Time Environment installed.
  • The default program for accessing JAR files isn’t set.
  • The file path for the executable Jarfile package is incorrect.

The “unable to access Jarfile” error is quite a common one since there are many popular programs that use Java as their programming language. For instance, Netflix uses it along with Python for applications in its back-end, while Spotify uses it to stabilize data transfer, and Minecraft uses it for its launcher. Other popular programs and services that use Java include: Uber, Amazon, LinkedIn, Google, and Android OS.

1. Update Your Java to the Latest Version

The most likely reason that you are getting the, “unable to access Jarfile” error is due to an outdated version of Java. Unfortunately, outdated versions of Java Run-Time Environment are prone to security risks and loopholes, so keeping it updated is highly recommended regardless of whether you are getting the above error.

  1. In your computer’s search menu, type in “Control Panel”.
  2. In the control panel window, choose “uninstall a program” under programs.
Image of Windows 10 control panel and the uninstall a program option.
  1. In the list of programs, scroll until you see Java. Or use the search program box in the top right-hand corner of the window.
  2. Take a look at the version number and see if it matches the latest release.
  3. If it doesn’t, uninstall the program by right-clicking on it.
Image of how to uninstall Java and see the version number in the uninstall program function on Windows 10.
  1. Choose “yes” when prompted.
  2. From the official Java website, download the latest version.
  3. Once downloaded, use the setup wizard to install Java.

Now, re-try opening your JAR package to see if the problem is fixed.

2. Make Java the Default Program for Opening JAR Packages

If you are still getting the “unable to access Jarfile” error after updating your Java Run-Time Environment to the latest version, then you may not have Java set as the default program to use for opening JAR packages.

  1. In your computer’s taskbar, open File Explorer.
  2. Find the folder that contains your JAR package.
  3. Right-click on the folder and choose “open,” and then Java.
  4. If Java is not listed, select “choose another app”.
Use Java to open your Jarfile package.
  1. In the window that pops up, choose Java from the list. If it is not there, choose the “look for another app on this PC” option.
  2. Browse your computer for Java and find the program. Select it and hit the “open” option.
  3. A prompt window may open. If it does, choose “okay” and “open”.
  4. Double-click on your JAR package executable to open.

When browsing for Java on your computer in step 6, the most common place for it to be is in Program Files (x86)/Java/Java <Version>/Bin/Java.exe. Keep in mind that Java is usually installed to the default hard drive disk where your operating system is, unless you do a custom installation path. So, keep this in mind when trying to find Java on your computer.

3. Set Java as a Default Association Permanently

If you use a lot of programs or applications that use the Java Run-Time Environment, it is recommended that you set Java as a default association permanently in your computer, so that any JAR packages or files are automatically opened by Java.

  1. Press the Windows key and “I” on your keyboard to open Settings. Alternatively, type “settings” into your computer’s search menu.
  2. Click into the “apps” option in the Settings window.
Apps in Settings Window on Windows 10
  1. Choose “default apps” in the left-hand sidebar.
  2. Scroll until you see, “choose default apps by file type” and click it.
  3. Now, look for .jar in the list and click on “Choose a default” next to it.
  4. Find the Java Platform Program (Java Run-Time Environment) on your computer.
  5. Save the changes and exit.
Windows 10 Settings - Apps, Set Java as a Default Program to Use

Now restart your computer for the changes to take effect and see if you can open your JAR package without the, “unable to access Jarfile” error.

4. Check for Malware to Eliminate Infections Causing Trouble

If you are still getting the “unable to access Jarfile” error, it may be from malicious malware. A virus can easily exploit your registry and modify it to make JAR packages unusable. It is highly recommended that you run a thorough scan of your entire computer to look for malware. If you find some, remove it and uninstall Java. Repeat fix 1 in this list to reinstall.

5. Configure Hidden Files/Folders/Drives to Show

While not as common, sometimes hidden files, folders, and drives can cause the “unable to access Jarfile” error.

  1. In your computer’s taskbar, open File Explorer.
  2. At the top of the window, click on the “View tab”.
Click View - Then Options.
  1. Now click on the “Options” button to the far right.
  2. In the new window that opens, click on the “View tab” again.
  3. In the list, choose the “Show hidden files, folders, and drives” option.
  4. Hit Apply and then hit OK.
Checkmark the Show Hidden Files, Folders, and Drives Option.

6. Repair Your Java Programs with Jarfix.

If you are using programs that launch with Java and they are not responding to you, no matter how many times you try to open the application, then it may be time to repair your JAR associations. To do this, simply download Jarfix, a lightweight program that fixes hijacked JAR associations, and run it.

What Jarfix looks like.

7. Check the Documentation If You Are a Developer

If you are working in Java as a developer and come across the “unable to access Jarfile” error, it is likely that there is a minor mistake within the coding. It is recommended that you go back through and re-read to make sure that you have the right file path and the correct parameters for the code to work. Depending on what utility you are using to open and run your JAR packages, you may need to go back through and re-read the documentation on how to get it functioning properly.

Wrapping It Up

In most cases, the “unable to access Jarfile ” error will be solved by updating your Java Run-Time Environment to the latest version, but if it doesn’t solve the problem, please do try out the other methods on this list. Let us know in the comments below if we were able to help you!

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Запуск .jar-файла

25 сен 2017, 19:16

1) Linux Mint 18.1 32-bit
2) Cinnamon
4)Здравствуйте, не могу открыть программу, на сайте от куда я ее скачал сказано что, в первый раз надо запустить от пользователя root (как войти в пользователь я знаю).
попробовал команду:

вот ответ терминала:

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ubuntu-HP-Compaq-8100-Elite-CMT-PCubuntu # sudo java -jar cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar
Error: Unable to access jarfile cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar

не сработало


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Запуск программы


25 сен 2017, 19:25

tortik писал(а): # sudo

Для начала, ты уже в руте .

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25 сен 2017, 19:35

спасибо но проблемы не решает

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25 сен 2017, 19:53

tortik, Укажи абсолютный путь к файлу
sudo java -jar /path/to/file.jar

или укажи что он находится в текущей директории
cd /path/to/
sudo java -jar ./file.jar




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25 сен 2017, 20:25

спасибо за помощь, но терминал отнекивается:

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 sudo java /home/ubuntu/Downloads/cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar
Error: Could not find or load main class .home.ubuntu.Downloads.cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar

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25 сен 2017, 20:30

tortik, напиши не просто java, а java с ключем -jar … java -jar
Приложения лучше не запускать от рута «sudo», если они того не требуют.
.jar файлы ты можешь спокойно открывать двойным щелчком мыши, если программа для открытия по умолчанию установлена JVM

Arch Linux and Linux mint User :smile:
i3wm :tux:

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25 сен 2017, 20:44

При открытии jar файла программа запускается но компьютер говорит что нет прав. Говорит что надо открыть от пользователя root и закрывает программу.

напиши не просто java, а java с ключем -jar … java -jar

тогда получатся два раза подряд java
(попробовал не получилось)
БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО ЗА ПОМОЩЬ!!! (и извини за вредный компьютер)

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25 сен 2017, 20:52

java -jar file.jar находясь в папке с файлом



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25 сен 2017, 21:05

нет не сработало.

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25 сен 2017, 21:07

tortik писал(а): нет не сработало.

подробнее пожалуйста. Вывод из терминал вместе с командой которую набрал покажи



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25 сен 2017, 21:09

sudo java -jar ~/Downloads/cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar
так попробуй

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25 сен 2017, 21:12

А с чем мы хоть дело кстати имеем?

tortik, Покажи еще и java -version




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25 сен 2017, 21:53

Symon2014:не сработало. БОЛЬШОЕ СПАСИБО ЗА ПОМОЩЬ
java version «1.8.0_144»
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)

А с чем мы хоть дело кстати имеем?

думаю разницы не будет, но что именно сказать? приложение официальное

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25 сен 2017, 21:58

darkfenix: sudo java -jar файл.jar

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25 сен 2017, 22:23

Всем большое спасибо отвечу завтра

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26 сен 2017, 01:00

tortik, проблема таится в том, что ты запускаешь из сеанса суперпользователя. Просто запусти от обычного пользователя sudo java -jar cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar и всё заработает

Настоящая водка — это не пьянство, а ключ к своей совести, с нее-то и начинается настоящая мудрость. (c)

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26 сен 2017, 09:04

tortik писал(а): darkfenix: sudo java -jar файл.jar

А что в ответ получил?



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26 сен 2017, 18:32

ubuntu-HP-Compaq-8100-Elite-CMT-PCubuntu # sudo java -jar cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar
Error: Unable to access jarfile cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar
di_mok: вот ответ терминала:

Код: Выделить всё

ubuntu@ubuntu-HP-Compaq-8100-Elite-CMT-PC ~ $ sudo java -jar cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar
[sudo] пароль для ubuntu: 
Error: Unable to access jarfile cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar


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26 сен 2017, 18:37

Я конечно не спец в java, но нагуглил тут хелловорлд, для проверки

Код: Выделить всё

chocobo@lmde:~/java$ ls -l
итого 12
-rw-r--r-- 1 chocobo chocobo 426 сен 26 18:02 HelloWorld.class
-rw-r--r-- 1 chocobo chocobo 779 сен 26 18:03 HelloWorld.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 chocobo chocobo 117 сен 26 18:02
chocobo@lmde:~/java$ java -jar HelloWorld.jar 
Hello World!

tortik, Вот здесь ты запускаешь его из домашнего раздела. А сам файлик именно там и лежит?
покажи ls -l ~/cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar




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Запуск .jar-файла


26 сен 2017, 19:08

Chocobo, тут спецом в java и не надо быть.
Судя по этому:

tortik писал(а): Error: Unable to access jarfile cXPBootstrap-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT-production.jar

у меня подозрения на отсутствие вообще каких-либо прав доступа к этому файлу.



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Читайте также:

  • Error unable to access jarfile spigot jar что делать
  • Error unable to access jarfile spigot jar как исправить
  • Error unable to access jarfile spigot jar для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу
  • Error unable to access jarfile server jar что делать
  • Error unable to access jarfile pepk jar

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