Error unable to acquire lms api

I tried to access the course on the LMS and this is the error I received: "Error - Unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded." Has any experienced t...

Apr 07, 2014

Thatchrina Bryan

I tried to access the course on the LMS and this is the error I received:

«Error — Unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded.»

Has any experienced this and what is your solution?

Thank you.

61 Replies

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Hi Thatchrina and welcome to Heroes!

If you receive an «Unable to acquire LMS API» error when launching Articulate content in your LMS, this may be caused by the version of Java that you have installed.

Some LMS’s use a Java API object to load content. Since content created in Articulate does not require Java, please do the following:

*  Contact your LMS provider and ensure that your installed version of Java is compatible with the version of the LMS you are using.
*  Ensure that you have published your content properly as described in the following article. 

Hope that helps and feel free to let us know if you need anything else! 

Michelle Fougere

  • Michelle Fougere

Just an update this error message. The reason I received it was solely to do with a checkbox within the player. When the checkbox to launch in a new windrow, it creates a «launcher» file. In the past I could delete this file and still publish but that’s not the case anymore. I have to uncheck the box. Perhaps there is a relationship to the Java version. If it’s updated, this may not be an issue? I’m not sure, will have to test this out!  :)

Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Thanks for popping in to share an update Michelle. Perhaps this will be able to save someone in the future :)

Kyle Main

  • Kyle Main

I had the same error message, and found out the hard way that it was the configuration of the LMS.  We are going to a new LMS and found out that the «Stage» area (which is our current location for everything to test) was launching a window for the course that was looking to our «Production» area.   Even though it was correctly locating the courses on our server, it could not do a cross domain for those 2 areas.  Turns out that is a good thing (to prevent XSS/ Cross Domain access) because that would open us up to being hacked easily.

I’ve been creating courses for 16 years, but I’m new to directly working with LMS systems.

Hope this could help  someone else.  

FYI: The LMS is «Success Factors» from SAP, and after a lot of research, there have been a lot of  people with this error on many different LMSs and using several different Authoring Tools (Storyline 2, Captivate, Lectora).  Really, all SCORM versions.  (I would use Tin Can API if they had the ability to use that for Tracking/Reporting/Bookmarking.

— Kyle

Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Hi Kyle!

Thanks for popping in to share your findings and experience.

Denys Lai

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Hi Denys,

Are you using the same LMS as Kyle? I’m not sure if he is still subscribed here, as the post is a bit older — but you could always use the «contact me» button on a ELH users’ profile to reach out to them directly!

Did you already test the steps here about launching it in a new window? What about testing in SCORM Cloud to compare to what you’re seeing? 

Chris Jones

  • Chris Jones

Launching a course on a mobile phone, we intermittently receive the «Error — unable to acquire LMS API…» message. Relaunching the course on the same phone works fine, so it isn’t an issue with Java. The course was developed with Articulate 360 and published settings are SCORM 2004 with the player set to HTML 5 with Flash fallback. The LMS is Greenlight (does not support Tin Can). 

I’m curious if anyone has encountered a similar situation, and possible causes and solutions? Could the error occur due to a slow network connection? Is there a way to increase how long Storyline retries or waits for the LMS to respond (I’m fine tweaking published JavaScript files)? Would it help to not launch the course in a separate window (currently using LMS setting to launch in a separate window)? 


Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Hey Chris!

Sorry to hear that you’re running into an error. Sounds like you may have already identified the solution though :)

If your learning management system (LMS) automatically launches content in a separate browser window, don’t set Articulate Storyline to launch content in a new window. Otherwise, you may encounter an LMS communication error.

To make sure Storyline doesn’t launch your course in a new window, do the following:

  1. Go to the Home tab and click Player.
  2. Click Other on the ribbon.
  3. Uncheck the box to Launch player in new window (creates launch page).
  4. Click OK.


Chris Jones

  • Chris Jones

Thank your reply Leslie. Apologies my question was not clear. We already have «Launch player in a new window…» unchecked. In our LMS, the similar setting is checked (enabled). But it is good to know having it enabled in SL and the LMS can cause issues.

So, I still have the question, what could cause the error «Error — unable to acquire LMS API…» to occur intermittently on the same mobile device? Thanks for the help!

Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Hi Chris,

Thanks for clarifying. Are you able to replicate this issue when the content is uploaded to SCORM Cloud or is it limited to your LMS.

I searched some user support cases and I found this information as well:

If you receive an «Unable to acquire LMS API» error when launching Articulate content in your LMS, this may be caused by the version of Java that you have installed. 

Some LMS’s use a Java API object to load content. Since content created in Articulate does not require Java, please do the following: 

* Contact your LMS provider and ensure that your installed version of Java is compatible with the version of the LMS you are using. 

Chris Jones

  • Chris Jones

Hi Leslie,

Thanks for the response. I have not tested with SCORM Cloud. I will test with SCORM Cloud if the error becomes a common problem.

I do not think this is a Java issue since the error occurred on a mobile phone and immediately relaunching the course on the same phone was successful, but I will check with the LMS vendor.

At this point I think the error occurred because of a weak mobile connection. I am hoping there are some folks out there that have a solution to decreasing the error’s occurrence,  such as how to increase the number of times the course attempts to connect to the LMS before giving the error.

Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Got it. Thanks for the update Chris.

The intermittent issues are the toughest to get to the bottom of sometimes. 

Learning Services

  • Learning Services
  • Leslie McKerchie

Hi Leslie,

I am facing the same issue/error pop-up with the module (testing on a mobile phone) which is created in Articulate Storyline 2 (SCORM 1.2) Also the option to launch the module in new window is unchecked. 

I replicated the same issue in SCORM Cloud as well.

However, good thing is that the module progress and module completion was tracked properly.

ANy update why this error pop-up is appearing?

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Hi Sandeep, 

I have seen that error intermittently as well, and you’ll see this discussion dates back some time. If you already looked at the «new window launch» method and had that disable, did you check into the initial response I shared:

If you receive an «Unable to acquire LMS API» error when launching Articulate content in your LMS, this may be caused by the version of Java that you have installed.

Some LMS’s use a Java API object to load content. Since content created in Articulate does not require Java, please do the following:

*  Contact your LMS provider and ensure that your installed version of Java is compatible with the version of the LMS you are using.
*  Ensure that you have published your content properly as described in the following article. 

Were you able to reload the course and have it work? 

Melissa Morrison

  • Melissa Morrison

Hi Ashley,

We use SCORM Cloud for all our testing, and have the «Launch new player window» disabled already for all courses. We have seen this the last few days when testing on the iPad for different courses. We Publish in SCORM 1.2.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Hi Melissa, 

I’d love to have our team take a look! I’ll start a support case for you so that you can upload the project file and include the link to the SCORM Cloud output. 

Melissa Morrison

  • Melissa Morrison

Hi Ashley, 

We are doing translation testing, so I can send you the link, but I will need to get the Storyline file from the vendor, since it’s not the final file, we do not have them yet. We are having this issue in Chinese and also in German so far,  and I have requested the Storyline files from the vendor and will send them shortly.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Thanks Melissa — I’ll include that in the case I started for you, and our team will reach out soon to you directly via email to request files too.

Melissa Morrison

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Melissa Morrison

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

  • Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard
  • Staff

Hi Melissa,

My colleague Angelo sent you an email as he’s testing the project. Please look for an email from as he’ll communicate with you directly! I’ll follow along so that I can share the resolution here in the  E-Learning Heroes community! 

Kathy Mac

  • Kathy Mac

Hi all,

Wondering if there has been a resolution to this issue?

Leslie McKerchie

  • Leslie McKerchie
  • Staff

Hello Kathryn and welcome to E-Learning Heroes!

I took a look at Melissa’s case referenced above and it seems that our team was unable to replicate an error and her tester’s were no longer experiencing an issue either.

Have you tested your upload to SCORM Cloud? This would help us identify if the issue is with the project file or within your LMS.

If you are able to replicate, please share the .story file so that we can take a look.


  1. Unable To Play Score Content — Error: ‘unable To Acquire LMS API. ‘ (Doc ID 2531845.1)
  2. Applies to:
  3. Symptoms
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  5. Cause
  6. To view full details, sign in with your My Oracle Support account.
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  8. Got an error: Unable to acquire LMS API
  9. SCORM
  10. Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  11. Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  12. Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  13. Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  14. Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  15. Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  16. Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  17. Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API
  18. Error «Unable to acquire LMS API»
  19. Error — unable to acquire LMS API, what is it?

Unable To Play Score Content — Error: ‘unable To Acquire LMS API. ‘ (Doc ID 2531845.1)

Last updated on MAY 21, 2022

Applies to:


OLM: Unable to play score content — Error: ‘unable to acquire LMS API. ‘

— Receive error message ‘An error has occurred: Error — unable to acquire LMS API. ‘.

The issue can be reproduced at will with the following steps:
1. Learner Self Service
2. Find Class, play content.
3. LMS API error is reported.


The Weblogic server was updated from 10.3.6 to, the server was not change, therefore the same IP address and hostname as the 10.3.6 version.


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Got an error: Unable to acquire LMS API

I tried to access the course on the LMS and this is the error I received:

«Error — Unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded.»

Has any experienced this and what is your solution?

61 Replies

Hi Thatchrina and welcome to Heroes!

If you receive an «Unable to acquire LMS API» error when launching Articulate content in your LMS, this may be caused by the version of Java that you have installed.

Some LMS’s use a Java API object to load content. Since content created in Articulate does not require Java, please do the following:

* Contact your LMS provider and ensure that your installed version of Java is compatible with the version of the LMS you are using.
* Ensure that you have published your content properly as described in the following article.

Hope that helps and feel free to let us know if you need anything else!

Just an update this error message. The reason I received it was solely to do with a checkbox within the player. When the checkbox to launch in a new windrow, it creates a «launcher» file. In the past I could delete this file and still publish but that’s not the case anymore. I have to uncheck the box. Perhaps there is a relationship to the Java version. If it’s updated, this may not be an issue? I’m not sure, will have to test this out! 🙂

Thanks for popping in to share an update Michelle. Perhaps this will be able to save someone in the future 🙂

I had the same error message, and found out the hard way that it was the configuration of the LMS. We are going to a new LMS and found out that the «Stage» area (which is our current location for everything to test) was launching a window for the course that was looking to our «Production» area. Even though it was correctly locating the courses on our server, it could not do a cross domain for those 2 areas. Turns out that is a good thing (to prevent XSS/ Cross Domain access) because that would open us up to being hacked easily.

I’ve been creating courses for 16 years, but I’m new to directly working with LMS systems.

Hope this could help someone else.

FYI: The LMS is «Success Factors» from SAP, and after a lot of research, there have been a lot of people with this error on many different LMSs and using several different Authoring Tools (Storyline 2, Captivate, Lectora). Really, all SCORM versions. (I would use Tin Can API if they had the ability to use that for Tracking/Reporting/Bookmarking.

Thanks for popping in to share your findings and experience.



Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

I have a really bizarre thing happening here. I get an error message when launching one of my SCORM 1.2 modules from Moodle. The error occurs ONLY if logging in with Guest access, not if I log in as administrator, student, or teacher. AND, it happens only in this one object, not the 20 or so others that have been created and work just fine.

When trying to launch the learning object as a guest, this message appears:

Error — unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded. Please contact technical support.

I have recreated the SCORM object, deleted the old one, uploaded all the new files, etc. multiple times. Attached is the log file for the error, does anyone have any educated guesses as to why this single object is causing a problem.

Thanks for any help!

Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

Are there any javascript errors in any javascript you have written inside the actual scorm object? — it’s possible that it’s interferring with the javascript of the API and causing the failure?

I see you’re running the new debugger, so I’m guessing you’re using a newer version of Moodle? — is it 1.9.3 or one of the earlier 1.9.2Stable releases? — if it’s an earlier stable release it would be good if you could upgrade to 1.9.3 if possible as it might be fixed there?

— is it possible for you to share the scorm object that is causing the failure with us to allow us to test?

Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

We look after a business user and get this all the time. It’s generally either;

  • Javascript turned off,
  • Flash player too old (or something wrong with that that is fixed by uninstalling & re-installing the Flash player), or
  • For those still using IE6 the wrong securty zone

Hope this helps.

Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

I am using moodle 1.9.3 and articulate quizz maker 2.1 to generate quizzes Scorm 1.2

I ‘ve created a course format SCORM, uploded the ZIP file and called it

the error message when launching the scorm is after a few second : Unable to acquire LMS API

It occurs as well with IE last version than with firefox

Some help ? thank you very much, Florence.

Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

this usually means that there is a JavaScript error that has occured before the API lookup.

Have you tried debugging this with Firebug?

Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

Are you allowing Guest access to the module? If so, we found that if we removed Guest access to the module and made it for registered users only, the problem never would re-occur.

Re: Error — Unable to Acquire LMS API

thanks to all of you !

I tried firebug first, than I used Roberto Pinna test here : , so the trouble wasn’t coming from moodle (and I do not allow guest access) no more than my explorer .

But I’ve solved my problem, I suppose. In fact the trouble occurs if I use the zip generated by articulate quizz maker.

if I Zip files manually, and upload files , and then I call the zip scorm package in moodle 1.9.3.+, the content is correctly displayed.


Error «Unable to acquire LMS API»

When publishing the SL360 projects I get an error «Unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded properly». I try to launch the project by clicking «View project» button after publishing and always get such error. I am going to upload the scorm in our corporate LMS portal and I think that i will have problems with recording results in the published course. Now I am testing my project in SCORM cloud and the results of the tests are not recorded at all.

I have deleted all unnecessary slides from the course. The project consists of 3 little quizzes and the final score result is a combination of the points from these 3 quizzes (the very first slide). But the score is not recorded unfortunately.

I have attached the error window , log and SL360 file.

I must launch very important courses and test asap but always get such errors. I’m trying to solve this problem several days and nothing happens unfortunately. Hope for your help.

9 Replies

Are you experiencing this error when viewing the published course at the link provided? Can you tell me the steps to replicate as it did open for me and I didn’t get an error.

I fear that you may be viewing the project locally since you mention clicking ‘View Project’. You want to be sure that you are zipping the contents from the Publish Successful dialog box and uploading to your LMS for testing.

When you view a Storyline 360 course on your local hard drive, you’ll encounter security restrictions from the computer, web browser, Flash Player, and network that can cause various features of the course to fail. To test your published content and share it with others, it’s best to upload it to a web server or LMS. See this article for details.

I am able to open the scorm without problems on my computer and in LMS too. The course works fine. This is not a problem.
But the problem is that the score of the published course is not recorded in LMS at all. I get such error in any LMS system. I tested, e.g., the scorm in the SCORM cloud and in my LMS and always got the error – the scores were not recorded.

But finally I have found the reason of such strange behavior of the published scorm courses!

If you tick the «Launch player in new window” before publishing the course you always get the error as I described in my letter. But if you DO NOT tick that field everything will be published without any errors at all and the score will be recorded without any problems.

I spent about a week to understand what was going on and to find the bug in SL360. I think this is rather critical error. I strongly advise you to check the system and solve that problem.


Error — unable to acquire LMS API, what is it?

Dear E-learning heroes,

I need your help.

Error — unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded. Please contact technical support.

occurs when I run index_lms.html. I tried it on Google, Mozilla, IE — it’s all the same.

The same error occurs after downloading the course on Webtutor. At the same time after downloading this course to SCORM Cloud it works perfectly. What could it be?

Thank you in advance

8 Replies

If you publish for LMS, then you must run the course from within an LMS.

Hello Maryna and welcome to E-Learning Heroes 🙂

It looks like Michael has popped in to assist you here.

Watch this video tutorial to learn how to publish Storyline 360 and Storyline 3 courses for various platforms, including web servers and learning management systems.

This post was removed by the author

Thank you, now it works!!

Great news Maryna! Thanks for the update.

Hi. I get the Error — unable to acquire LMS API error on a course built with Storyline 3. The error is when I publish the course and preview before zipping it. I do this all the time so it has to be something about the configuration.

Anyone have any tips on how to troubleshoot?

Thank you in advance.

Are you seeing that error while you preview in Storyline? To properly test your published content you’ll want to upload to the LMS or server that you’ll be using or you could use one of the test options here.

I’m using the Course Viewer at the time of publishing prior to creating the Zip file. I never put a course in the LMS until I preview it to insure it works correctly.

Thank you for the reply.

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Hey there, Tom. While you can view your course directly after publishing, it might not function the same way it would in an actual LMS environment.

When you get the error message «Unable to acquire LMS API,» are you able to dismiss it and view the course? When your course is published for LMS, it will look for the LMS communication upon launch. That error message is just letting you know that it isn’t connected to an LMS.

Quick note — when you reply via email, it includes your email signature with contact information. You can edit it out of the discussion here!


I have an interesting issue.

I have a user who tries to launch a SCORM object and gets the error message

Unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded.  Please contact technical support…

So the wierd part is that this SCORM object is set up identical to other ones that she’s able to complete just fine.

Also, I logged in on my PC as two different users and I’m able to run it, but if I log in as her (on my pc again), I also get the error message.

The attached jpg file shows what I see when logged in as her (A), and when I’m logged in as someone else (B).

What’s going on?  How do I fix this?

0:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — Trying to create MSXML2.XMLHTTP in VBScript
1:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — intReCheckLoadedInterval=250
2:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — intReCheckAttemptsBeforeTimeout=240
3:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — IFrameLoaded
4:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — In GetAICCURL
5:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In GetQueryStringValue strElement=AICC_URL, strQueryString=
6:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Looking at element-
7:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Looking at element-
8:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — No Match Found, returning empty string
9:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — Querystring value =
10:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — GetAICCURL returning:
11:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — LMS and Content Domains don’t match, falling back to write-only mode using form submit. strLmsDomain=,
12:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — blnCanUseXMLHTTP=false
13:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — AICCComm — blnCanUseIFrame=false
14:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In Start — Version: 3.1.3 Last Modified=03/20/2009 10:28:47
15:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Browser Info (Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; GTB5; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729))
16:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — URL:
17:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In ClearErrorInfo
18:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In GetQueryStringValue strElement=StandAlone, strQueryString=
19:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Looking at element-
20:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Looking at element-
21:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — No Match Found, returning empty string
22:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In GetQueryStringValue strElement=ShowDebug, strQueryString=
23:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Looking at element-
24:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Looking at element-
25:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — No Match Found, returning empty string
26:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — strStandAlone= strShowInteractiveDebug=
27:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In ConvertStringToBoolean
28:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In EqualsIgnoreCase str1=, str2=true
29:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Returning false
30:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In EqualsIgnoreCase str1=, str2=t
31:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Returning false
32:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Returning false
33:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
34:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Using Standard From Configuration File — SCORM
35:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In LMSStandardAPI strStandard=SCORM
36:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In ConvertStringToBoolean
37:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In EqualsIgnoreCase str1=, str2=true
38:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Returning false
39:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In EqualsIgnoreCase str1=, str2=t
40:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Returning false
41:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Returning false
42:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Calling Standard Initialize
43:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In SCORM_Initialize
44:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In SCORM_ClearErrorInfo
45:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Grabbing API
46:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In SCORM_GrabAPI
47:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Searching with improved ADL algorithm
48:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In SCORM_GetAPI
49:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — SCORM_GetAPI, searching opener
50:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In SCORM_ScanParentsForApi, win=
51:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — SCORM_GrabAPI, returning
52:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — Unable to acquire SCORM API:
53:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — SCORM_objAPI=undefined
54:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In InitializeExecuted, blnSuccess=false, strErrorMessage=Error — unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded. Please contact technical support.
55:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — ERROR — LMS Initialize Failed
56:Mon Mar 23 16:12:49 CDT 2009 — In DisplayError, strMessage=Error — unable to acquire LMS API, content may not play properly and results may not be recorded. Please contact technical support.

Help greatly appreciated.

  • Since trying to update, I am now getting an error Unable to acquire LMS API.

    All courses were running fine until the update. I am now running again.

    How to fix this?

    2 years, 5 months ago



    In the scrom package ?
    or the xapi ?

    The code base for capturing is same. How is the package embedded in the page ?

    2 years, 5 months ago



    Same as before. Scrom 1.2. nothing was changed only the upgrade. I have asked Hostgator server management to ensure that the <span style=”color: #4b4d4d; font-family: Lato; font-size: 14px;”>php version zipArchive php extension or module is</span>

    2 years, 5 months ago



    The courses in scorm 1.2 were working until the upgrade.

    2 years, 5 months ago



    Where is support???

    2 years, 5 months ago



    This reply has been marked as private.

    2 years, 5 months ago



    Alex, yes if noticed that new file upload does work but all previous courses loaded still give that error message “unable to acquire LMS API..”

    2 years, 5 months ago



    2 years, 5 months ago



    This reply has been marked as private.

    2 years, 5 months ago



    Alex, that did the trick. Thanks. I will start a new topic for file upload, the same score files that were uploaded now says “Please upload a Zip package with index.html file”

    2 years, 5 months ago



    Alex. Thanks. All is good. I went through past suggestions and increased the upload size.
    It appears that all Cpanel setting was reset during the reset fo the site to 3.9.9

    Close ticket.

    2 years, 5 months ago



    Dear Friend,
    Glad you’re enjoying the theme & support – thanks for using it! :slightly_smiling_face:
    Please write your review. I would really appreciate that!
    If I can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me again.
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