Error unable to evaluate script no scripting plugin loaded

help with «unable to evaluate» lucky_drago Member Attachments TsukaYuriko Nah. The x and y in your code have nothing to do with the X, Y and Z drives in your computer. «Unable to evaluate» means that variable doesn’t exist — because whatever the code is in has no active instances, because none were created […]


  1. help with «unable to evaluate»
  2. lucky_drago
  3. Attachments
  4. TsukaYuriko
  5. lucky_drago
  6. TsukaYuriko
  7. lucky_drago
  8. Error unable to evaluate script no scripting plugin loaded
  9. Как настроить сериализацию в IntelliJ/Kotlin?
  10. 1 ответ
  11. Похожие вопросы:
  12. Papyrus Script Errors and Warnings Discussion
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  14. #2
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  16. #4
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  19. #7
  20. #8
  21. #9
  22. #10

help with «unable to evaluate»





Nah. The x and y in your code have nothing to do with the X, Y and Z drives in your computer.
«Unable to evaluate» means that variable doesn’t exist — because whatever the code is in has no active instances, because none were created yet.

Is what you posted the full output of the compile log? If not, please post the full compile log that appears when you try to run your game. So far, the things you’ve posted aren’t error messages. The console output is a bunch of commands that are being executed while the one in the debugger is an info that these variables don’t exist yet.




You’re not supposed to post screenshots of code (or text) anyway, so that’s quite alright.

I don’t see anything «obviously wrong» in the compile log. Sounds like the game is running fine. So, what happens after you run the game? What is the problem you’re facing?



ok so when i run it normally i get this message:

Variable .y(1, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_GlobalScript_move_state (line 17) — if (place_meeting(x+hspd, y, Obj_wall)) <
gml_GlobalScript_move_state (line 17)

when i do it in debug mode, it creates a small white screen


Error unable to evaluate script no scripting plugin loaded

I’ve tried load orders, mod organizers, LOOT, Bash, Wyre, mods, reinstalling the game three times, downgrading to a previous version so SKSE64 will work again and everything else I could think of and no matter what I haven’t been able to play skyrim special edition in over a year and a half now and I am on the verge of giving up with ever making this game work with mods again.

I need help, desperately.

I have a clean install of skyrim that I’ve tried to keep modding to sensible for the sakes of gameplay without screwing it up too much but it just isn’t working.

I’ve made a copy of the most recent crash script, hopefully someone can read and understand it better than I can.

Here is my load order if that helps too.

# Automatically generated by Vortex
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch.esp
RigmorCyrodiil — Sounds.esm
RigmorCyrodiil — Textures.esm
Book Covers Skyrim.esp
Immersive Sounds — Compendium.esp
Weapons Armor Clothing & Clutter Fixes.esp
Qw_WACCF_ISC Patch.esp
WACCF_Armor and Clothing Extension.esp
Cutting Room Floor.esp
Immersive Wenches.esp
Qw_ACE_CRF Patch.esp
Qw_BookCoversSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp
Character Creation Overhaul.esp
Summermyst — Enchantments of Skyrim.esp
Relationship Dialogue Overhaul.esp
JKs Skyrim.esp
Sanctuary Reborn.esp
Skyrim Immersive Creatures Special Edition.esp
Thunderchild — Epic Shout Package.esp
OpulentOutfits_2017-SSE AIO.esp
Legendary Skyrim Crossbows.esp
ZIA_Complete Pack.esp
Checkpoints of Skyrim.esp
Run For Your Lives.esp
Qw_ACE_BSHeartland Patch.esp
Qw_BeyondSkyrimBruma_USSEP Hotfix Patch.esp
Civil War Battlefields.esp
The Eternal.esp
Immersive Patrols II.esp
CCO — Permanent Birthsigns.esp
CCO — Diverse Races And Genders.esp
CCO — Dynamic Skill Progression.esp
CCO — Oblivion Carry Weights.esp
Cloaks — Dawnguard.esp
Immersive Weapons.esp
Unique Uniques.esp
Zim’s Improved Dremora.esp
The Drunkard Drinks v1.00.esp
Qw_CloaksOfSkyrim_CRF Patch.esp
Cloaks — USSEP Patch.esp
Bells of Skyrim.esp
Bells of Skyrim — JKs Skyrim Patch.esp
Zim’s Fortify Enchantments.esp
The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp
magic of the magna-ge.esp
Terra Umbra.esp
Oblivion Gates in Cities.esp
Haem Projects Shalidor.esp
Hirsute Beards.esp
JKs Skyrim_Thunderchild_Patch.esp
Qw_ACE_CloaksOfSkyrim Patch.esp
Qw_ACE_SkyrimImmersiveCreatures Patch.esp
Qw_BarenziahQuestMarkers_USSEP Patch.esp
Qw_ISC_CRF Patch.esp
Qw_WACCF_LSCrossbows Patch.esp
RDO — CRF + USSEP Patch.esp
RDO — USSEP Patch.esp
Imperious — Races of Skyrim.esp
Ordinator — Perks of Skyrim.esp
Apocalypse — Magic of Skyrim.esp
Apocalypse — Ordinator Compatibility Patch.esp
Ordinator — Beyond Skyrim Bruma Patch.esp
Alternate Start — Live Another Life.esp

I am on my last legs here, I’ve spent weeks trying to find some sort of solution. You guys are probably my last hope of finding someone who understands this more than me that can actually fix it.

Couldn’t attach the crash log so here it is


Как настроить сериализацию в IntelliJ/Kotlin?

Мои извинения за нубский вопрос: я пытаюсь проверить, как работает сериализация в Kotlin.

Для этого конца я создал Gradle проект вот так:

Отредактировал сгенерированный build.gradle.kts by добавив просто одну строку

И создал вот такой Kotlin исходный файл:

Но когда я строю этот проект, то получаю вот такую ошибку:

Если я убираю первые две обиходные строки, то получаю вместо них вот такую ошибку:

Что я делаю здесь не так? (Также, нужно ли мне Gradle использовать для сериализации в IntelliJ/Kotlin 1.3.71? )

1 ответ

Как я могу настроить Kotlin в IntelliJ IDEA? Я использую его для Android разработки с Android SDK, могу кодить с Java в нем для разработки Android apps, но когда я выбираю Kotlin я получаю много ошибок. Я думаю моя проблема в том что я не настроил Kotlin в нем. Так как мне это сделать? Вот.

Я пытаюсь задеплоить kotlin проект с gradle kotlin DSL в качестве build system в IntelliJ idea, но у меня выходит ниже ошибка при попытке запустить buil.gradle.kts файл. Я уже пробовал с разными версиями компилятора kotlin но ни удачи. warning: default scripting plugin is disabled: The provided.

Наконец-то, разобрался. A BUG в IntelliJ IDEA фризил мои исправления.

Оставляю ответ для любого, кто мог бы найти этот вопрос через гугл:

build.gradle.kt нужно быть

У официальной инструкции глючная версия этого: no org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.

Однако этого недостаточно. Я выполнял «Run» из Kotlin-файла. Это приводит к еще одной ошибке

из-за гадкого бага (как в, я впустую HOURS и HOURS пытаются разобраться, что я делал не так)

Одно нужно explicitly выполнить «Build project».

Похожие вопросы:

Используя JOliver EventStore 3.0 с аддоном Json Serialization, я во время конфигурирования вызываю его как такой: var eventStore = Wireup.Init() .UsingRavenPersistence(RavenDB).

У меня есть Kotlin файл, где я хочу получить доступ к некоторым ресурсам Android через файл. В данном случае Intellij IDEA не показывает доступные предложения вроде как R.layout.main.

Используя Gradle 4.4.1 с дслкой Kotlin-DSL, хочу настроить экспериментальные котлиновские coroutines в своём котлиновском 1.2.20 проекте. Это оказывается на удивление сложно. В самой официальной.

Как я могу настроить Kotlin в IntelliJ IDEA? Я использую его для Android разработки с Android SDK, могу кодить с Java в нем для разработки Android apps, но когда я выбираю Kotlin я получаю много.

Я пытаюсь задеплоить kotlin проект с gradle kotlin DSL в качестве build system в IntelliJ idea, но у меня выходит ниже ошибка при попытке запустить buil.gradle.kts файл. Я уже пробовал с разными.

У меня проблемы с использованием плагина Kotlin в IntelliJ IDEA. Сначала при открытии проекта kotlin выскакивает, что мне нужно настроить Kotlin в этом проекте. Но когда я делаю так из меню Tools.


Papyrus Script Errors and Warnings Discussion


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  • I’m starting this topic to facilitate the discussion of messages that are logged in the papyrus logs. These may or may not be followed immediately by a game crash (CTD) or lockup. Some of the messages are errors, some are warnings, and some appear to be informational status messages. For those who don’t know, Papyrus is the scripting language that Skyrim uses. You can turn logging on by including the following in the Skyrim.ini file.


    On Windows 7, the logs will appear in the following folder: Users\DocumentsMy GamesSkyrimLogsScript

    You will see several log files there. The one containing the most recent activity will be named «Papyrus.0.log»
    These are basic text files, and can be viewed with a standard text editor, such as WordPad or Notepad++. Basic Notepad doesn’t format it correctly since it does not seem to recognize the end-of-line characters.

    You can find readable scripts where Skyrim is installed, located by default under . SteamSteamAppscommonskyrimDataScriptsSource. These are the viewable source files for papyrus scripts, and have a «.psc» file extension, which you will not see if you do not have windows configured to display file extensions. These are not used directly when the game is running. They must be compiled into «.pex» files, which are located one folder up from the source files. If you see a scripting error in the log, you can go look at the script source file and see what it was doing. I use Notepad++, which displays line numbers, so it’s easy to find the line. You may see something like this:

    [ (1B008EA6)].FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.OnCellAttach() — «FXBirdFleeSCRIPT.psc» Line 19

    Note that «1B008EA6» is the ID of the object associated with the script execution, and the «1B» is the mod index, so that you can tell which mod the object came from. In this case, it’s Birds.esp (not to pick on this mod, since it’s working fine).


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  • It’s a mix. For example, one of the developers (Daryl) left some informational debug messages enabled that show up in the logs:

    DARYL — [WeaponRackActivateSCRIPT ] running OnCellLoad() and AlreadyInit = False

    This isn’t an error, or even a warning.

    There are also errors, which are not expected to occur, but are handled gracefully and do not cause an immediate problem:

    [07/27/2012 — 04:08:47PM] error: Native static function LeftShift could find no matching static function on linked type Math. Function will not be bound

    And there are warnings, which the developer detected, but didn’t feel was likely to cause problems:

    [07/27/2012 — 03:34:05PM] warning: Property MainQuest on script SpawnRandomActor attached to (00107D38) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property

    I doubt that all of the developers were consistent in their criteria for classifying something as an error vs. a warning. The logs will be most useful, of course, when specific messages are followed immediately by a crash, and it’s repeatable, hopefully by more than one person. That indicates a high probability that the errors and the crash are related, which helps determine which mod is involved in the crash. Otherwise, it allows us to see which scripts and mods are having issues in general, even if the game doesn’t seem to have obvious problems at the time the messages are written to the log. We are basically, as a community, going to have to keep an eye on the logs and learn to associate specific messages with actual problems. The best way to do that is to get enough people creating logs so that we obtain a statistically significant sample of messages and crashes/lockups so that we eventually learn to identify patterns of log messages with game issues.


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  • So would this be an error?

    [IMCNmain (02002DBB)].IMCNqsMain.GetDistanceMoved() — «IMCNqsMain.psc»

    I’ve been getting CTD’s, but I’ve had IMP’s MCN installed for a while now, and I’m getting logs that look more like this:

    warning: Assigning None to a non-object variable named «::temp14» stack: [alias IMCNspoilagePlayerAlias on quest IMCNspoilage (020429D2)].IMCNasFollowerSpoilage.PauseAll() — «IMCNasFollowerSpoilage.psc» Line 66[alias IMCNspoilagePlayerAlias on quest IMCNspoilage (020429D2)].IMCNasFollowerSpoilage.OnUpdate() — «IMCNasFollowerSpoilage.psc» Line 35 [07/28/2012 — 12:13:32PM]

    But those .psc files aren’t there, for all of the mods I am getting this from. The mod was running great until I paused it to spend time setting up another mod (deadly dragons. didn’t want to wake up with like -800% hunger. I’ve uninstalled it and reinstalled it, still does it.

    Edit: I redownloaded IMP’s, just to look at the files, and there’s only the esp, bsa, and esm in the zip file. Could another mod be forcing IMP’s to look for .psc/.pex files that aren’t there? I’m using a whole slew of realism mods, but the ones I got, each author recommended using theirs with one of the others. The main ones I have are IMCN, Frostfall, Deadly Dragons (with the armor and spell addons), More Dynamic Injuries (which I noticed a follower problem in the logs with), UFO, Convenient Horses, ACE, ASIS, Duel — Combat realism, WARZONES, Occupy Skyrim, Real Wildlife (with the IMP version patch so the food applies), Birds/dogs/cats of skyrim, willows 101 bugs, and the Northern Ranger camping mod, just to name the ones that could be effecting each other. The only mods that have a slight issue with each other are ASIS and Duel, but load order takes care of the issue from what I’ve been reading.

    Edited by db878, 28 July 2012 — 04:41 pm.


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  • Both the .psc and .pex files are packaged within the .bsa archive. You can unpack it using There is also a BSAOpt utility that can be used, and probably at least one of the mod management tools has a .bsa brower and/or unpacker. I unpacked the .bsa and I can see the scripts that you mention. As to whether that’s a hard error, it’s difficult to say. That might require some study of the scripts. The author should know.

    But that’s one of the reasons a topic like this could be useful. If we get several people with the same script messages logged, and they all experience some problem with the game that seems to be related to that mod, then we may consider it an «error». But I wouldn’t get too hung up on whether or not we label something as an error. What’s relevant is whether or not the game malfunctions in some specific repeatable way if we see certain messages in the log file. That’s why we need as many people doing this as possible, so we get more information. Something may be considered an «error» by the script, but there may be no adverse in-game consequences as a result. Although we could give the author a heads-up on the message. When things like this happen, it may make sense to visit the comment topic for the mod and post the error so that the script author can look at it. We may even have instances where we want to send some of the log contents to Bethesda’s official support. Although, keep in mind that Bethesda does not support modding of Skyrim, so only errors that don’t seem to involve mods would be appropriate for them. We should all consider ourselves software testers at this point, and we can file bug reports where appropriate.


    A slow-boiling frog that eventually jumped.

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  • The majority of errors in the logs are caused by objects unloading their 3D when their parent cell is detached. Scripts continue to run, but once an object is unloaded certain script functions will cause an error if called, because they only work if the object’s 3D is loaded. It’s not practical (or game efficient) for the scripter to always test if 3D is still loaded before calling such functions. Usually the script will terminate shortly after the 3D unloads anyway.

    The real problem is when a script is running in a constant loop and the 3D unloads (and the script doesn’t do a check during the loop for this happening). If there’s no way for the loop to exit, then you get a bloated log spammed with errors.

    Edit: the other situation is when a scripted mod is uninstalled without doing a clean save (or the clean save procedure is not sufficient for that situation). The references that the scripts were attached to are literally ripped out from under them. The scripts continue to run, but they can no longer find the objects that they are trying to manipulate, so they spit out lots of errors like «unable to call function x() on a non-object».

    Edited by steve40, 29 July 2012 — 01:21 am.


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  • Although, keep in mind that Bethesda does not support modding of Skyrim, so only errors that don’t seem to involve mods would be appropriate for them. We should all consider ourselves software testers at this point, and we can file bug reports where appropriate.

    I’m really irked that Bethesda’s official policy is not to support mods, yet they are the ones that came out with the Creation Kit. If they’re going to release something like that into the ‘wild,’ then they should at least have a couple of folks dedicated to supporting the modding community. They should be active on these forums or have set up an official discussion thread of modding on their own forums.


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  • I have just upgraded claralux to 4.A and followed the interior pcb save game uninstall rule — however I did not do the 31 day sleep to reset world cells. I am afraid to do so because somewhere in a thread on these forums I read that the 31 day sleep can have adverse effects and orphan needed scripts for your current setup. I don’t think I want that to happen.

    however in my papyrus log I am getting this error now — I am assuming this is the claralux deal?:
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:58PM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (5D007ADE) because their base types do not match
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:58PM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (5D006919) because their base types do not match
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:58PM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (5D006915) because their base types do not match
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:58PM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (5D006911) because their base types do not match
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:58PM] Error: Unable to bind script cluxHouseEnabler to (5D006909) because their base types do not match

    Another Error:
    As a player I installed and bought the 8000septim home from the innkeeper in rorikstead — i am still using it but getting this error:
    Error: Unable to bind script QF_CascadeHousePurchase_01005EBC to CascadeHousePurchase (25005EBC) because their base types do not match
    Another Error:
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:57PM] Error: Unable to bind script PF_MarkarthJeerahNurWarrenId_040095E0 to (440095E0) because their base types do not match
    [02/12/2013 — 04:57:58PM] Cannot open store for class «cluxHouseEnabler», missing file?

    [02/12/2013 — 04:58:03PM] Error: Unable to bind script defaultSetStageOnDeath to alias DarRakki on quest DarRakkiQuest (44044B38) because their base types do not match

    any help or input on any of these errors is Greatly appreciated!!

    Thank you so much

    EDIT1: 2 weeks later — got rid of claralux 4 and went back to Claralux V.2 —

    Edited by jasmerd, 03 March 2013 — 10:50 pm.


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  • Hi, I’ve been having QUITE a few CTD’s recently and hanging loading screens. At the moment I’m just trying to get to Solitude’s exterior to test a docks mod but it was crashing to desktop as soon as it loaded up the exterior (from interior>>>exterior). After removing a school mod that affects Solitude’s exterior and starting a new game, I can’t even get past the interior>>>exterior loading screen, nor can I used live another life to start at the docks.

    I let papyrus record a few logs to see if any scripts might be causing the problem and this is what it came up with:

    Also, sorry if this seems like a spam post but I’m all too desperate to get rid of these annoyances once and for all!


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  • @raztafarian
    looked at your papyrus errors and didn’t see anything familiar — however if this were me or i were you with that situation — papyrus errosr I don’t worry about TOO much but if they are repeating non stop every second then yeah — i might go backwards to a save where that is not happening and start troubleshooting from there.

    I always a try coming off of a fresh reboot once skryim hangs or times out — or I try getting into the save I want by loading a previous save — Once I am in game try loading the game I want. If THAT works — I will move to a low traffic interior and save game there. Then I exit, reboot and try to load that new save game. Hopefully you are good to go. Atleast for the time being LOL still need to trouble shoot the errors

    start up sequence for me:
    start game booster — utility frees up memory by stopping uneeded services and programs ( download link below )
    start NMM
    launch through skse
    exit NMM (frees memory)

    I prefer and older version of gamebooster — Game booster 3.4 — download link:
    http://www.techspot. 949e60eb&file=1

    If I am still having problems after that I will look at using Boss
    1. start boss and export my load order to a text file
    2. run boss and let it sort a new load order
    3. I note any mods up for tesV cleaning and I clean where necessary
    4. I do the stare and compare with my new load order with respect to my saved load order from step 1. I pay attention to differences — wether I get anything out of it or not I atleast become familiar with dependencies and boss’s thinking. Boss has actually put an esm in the wrong order for me on multiple occasions with the same mod — this resulted in a ctd. claralux’s esm for example boss for me will put it infront of climates of tamriel esm — that equls CTD

    one of the practices I am trying to follow more is before I install a mod:
    read the mod description look for installation guides, and uninstallation guides — if they are not there, I download the file manually to a folder.
    extract that mod and look for a read me and see what it has to say about installs and uninstalls. If I dont’ like what see I don’t bother with the mod.
    however if it’s all good for me then i wil do:

    1. go to the console — type: save «b4 modname»
    2. exit install the mod
    3. set my load order properly according to readme.txt/mod info
    3. start game
    4. go to console
    5. save «Aftr modname»

    this gives me some play time with the new mod and I can follow my papyrus closely right after the new install of the mod if it papyrus gets all
    jacked up — I FOLLOW the author’s uninstall guide — if available if it isn’t — I just use nmm and hope for the best — look around for esp’s / bsas it may have left lying around / check load order make sure it is gone. then go back to my save game «b4 modname» edit1: saved game «b4 modname» was created in step 1

    Edited by jasmerd, 03 March 2013 — 10:50 pm.


    Drive kotlinc from build.gradle

    This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
    Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters

    Show hidden characters

    // Execute Kotlin script with:
    // gradle -q foo
    // For correctness, we’re going to configure two independent classpath configurations, one for kotlinc and the other for the
    // script(s) we want to execute.
    configurations {
    ext.kotlinVersion = «1.1.0-rc-91«
    repositories {
    maven { url }
    def kotlinModule(String name) {
    dependencies {
    // Our simple script depends only on the stdlib but additional dependencies could be
    // added to this configuration.
    def kotlinHome = file(«$buildDir/kotlin«)
    task prepareKotlinHome(type: Copy) {
    rename {
    // strip the version suffix to satisfy the compiler
    (it «${kotlinVersion}.jar«) + «.jar«
    task foo(type: JavaExec) {
    group «My«
    description «Executes foo.kts«
    dependsOn prepareKotlinHome
    main = «org.jetbrains.kotlin.cli.jvm.K2JVMCompiler«
    classpath = configurations.kotlinc
    «-kotlin-home«, kotlinHome,
    «-classpath«, configurations.scripts.asPath,
    «-script«, «foo.kts«)

    Приношу свои извинения за вопрос новичка: я пытаюсь проверить, как сериализация работает в Kotlin.

    С этой целью я создал такой проект Gradle:

    enter image description here

    Отредактировал сгенерированный build.gradle.kts, добавив только одну строку

    plugins {
        kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.71"
        id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.plugin.serialization") version "1.3.71"
    group = "org.example"
    version = "1.0-SNAPSHOT"
    repositories {
    dependencies {
        testCompile("junit", "junit", "4.12")
    configure<JavaPluginConvention> {
        sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    tasks {
        compileKotlin {
            kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"
        compileTestKotlin {
            kotlinOptions.jvmTarget = "1.8"

    И создал этот исходный файл Kotlin:

    import kotlinx.serialization.*
    import kotlinx.serialization.json.*
    data class Data(val a: Int, val b: String = "42")

    Но когда я создаю этот проект, я получаю такую ​​ошибку:

    Unresolved reference: kotlinx

    Если я удалю первые две строки с нарушением, вместо этого я получу следующую ошибку:

    Cannot access 'Serializable': it is internal in ''

    Что я здесь делаю не так? (Кроме того, нужен ли мне Gradle для использования сериализации в IntelliJ / Kotlin 1.3.71?)

    1 ответ

    Лучший ответ

    Наконец разобрался. ОШИБКА в IntelliJ IDEA помешала мне устранить неполадки.

    Оставляем ответ для всех, кто может найти этот вопрос через Google:

    build.gradle.kt должен быть

    plugins {
        kotlin("jvm") version "1.3.71"
        kotlin("plugin.serialization") version "1.3.71"
    repositories {
        // artifacts are published to JCenter
    dependencies {
        implementation(kotlin("stdlib", org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.KotlinCompilerVersion.VERSION))

    В официальных инструкциях есть версия с ошибками: нет org.jetbrains.kotlin.config.

    Однако этого недостаточно. Я выполнял «Run» из файла Kotlin. Это приводит к еще одной ошибке

    error: unable to evaluate script, no scripting plugin loaded

    Из-за неприятной ошибки (например, я потратил ЧАСЫ и ЧАСЫ, пытаясь понять, что я делаю неправильно)

    Необходимо явно выполнить «Проект сборки».


    31 Мар 2020 в 23:15

    • #1

    im getting a problem in my scripts,
    im getting the error messages
    «cmd» /c subst Z: /d
    «cmd» /c subst X: /d
    «cmd» /c subst X: /d
    the line of code that’s causing the error is» if (place_meeting(x+hspd, y, Obj_wall)) {» without the quotations. it say x and y are unable to evaluate, can anyone help?

    • insert name here - GameMaker Studio 2 2_4_2021 8_21_16 PM.png

      143.9 KB
      Views: 13


    • #2

    Nah. The x and y in your code have nothing to do with the X, Y and Z drives in your computer.
    «Unable to evaluate» means that variable doesn’t exist — because whatever the code is in has no active instances, because none were created yet.

    Is what you posted the full output of the compile log? If not, please post the full compile log that appears when you try to run your game. So far, the things you’ve posted aren’t error messages. The console output is a bunch of commands that are being executed while the one in the debugger is an info that these variables don’t exist yet.

    • #3

    i cant take a photo of the entire debug list
    «Loaded Macros from C:UsersArjunAppDataRoamingGameMakerStudio2CacheGMS2CACHEinsert_nam_7A926330_961A616Fmacros.json
    Options: X:/binplatform_setting_defaults.json
    Options: C:UsersArjunAppDataRoaming/GameMakerStudio2gamemaker323_2719192local_settings.json
    Options: C:UsersArjunAppDataRoamingGameMakerStudio2CacheGMS2CACHEinsert_nam_7A926330_961A616Ftargetoptions.json
    Setting up the Asset compiler
    X://bin/GMAssetCompiler.exe /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn=»insert name here» /td=»Y:/» /cd=»Z:/insert_nam_7A926330_961A616F» /zpuf=»C:UsersArjunAppDataRoaming/GameMakerStudio2gamemaker323_2719192″ /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg=»Default» /o=»Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VM» /sh=True /optionsini=»Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VMoptions.ini» /cvm /baseproject=»X:/BaseProjectBaseProject.yyp» «C:UsersArjunDocumentsGameMakerStudio2insert name hereinsert name here.yyp» /preprocess=»Z:/insert_nam_7A926330_961A616F»
    We have a Zeus Project!
    Found Project Format 2
    ProjectFileWatcher:StartWatching:C:UsersArjunDocumentsGameMakerStudio2insert name here
    Started: 2/4/2021 8:55:44 PM
    Finished: 2/4/2021 8:55:44 PM
    Diff: 00:00:00.3293786
    Loaded Project: insert name here
    Debug build
    Options: Z:/insert_nam_7A926330_961A616FExtensionOptions.json
    Options: Z:/insert_nam_7A926330_961A616FPlatformOptions.json
    [Compile] Run asset compiler
    X://bin/GMAssetCompiler.exe /c /mv=1 /zpex /iv=0 /rv=0 /bv=0 /j=8 /gn=»insert name here» /td=»Y:/» /cd=»Z:/insert_nam_7A926330_961A616F» /zpuf=»C:UsersArjunAppDataRoaming/GameMakerStudio2gamemaker323_2719192″ /m=windows /tgt=64 /nodnd /cfg=»Default» /o=»Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VM» /sh=True /optionsini=»Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VMoptions.ini» /cvm /baseproject=»X:/BaseProjectBaseProject.yyp» «C:UsersArjunDocumentsGameMakerStudio2insert name hereinsert name here.yyp» /dbgp=6509 /debug /nofs /bt=run /rt=vm /64bitgame=false
    Compile Constants…finished.
    Remove DnD…finished.
    Compile Scripts…finished.
    Compile Rooms…finished.
    Compile Objects…finished.
    Compile Timelines…finished.
    Compile Triggers…finished.
    Compile Extensions…finished.
    Global scripts…finished.
    collapsing enums.
    Final Compile…finished.
    Saving IFF file… Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VMinsert name
    Writing Chunk… GEN8
    Writing Chunk… OPTN
    Writing Chunk… LANG
    Writing Chunk… EXTN
    Writing Chunk… SOND
    Writing Chunk… AGRP
    Writing Chunk… SPRT
    Writing Chunk… BGND
    Writing Chunk… PATH
    Writing Chunk… SCPT
    Writing Chunk… GLOB
    Writing Chunk… SHDR
    Writing Chunk… FONT
    Writing Chunk… TMLN
    Writing Chunk… OBJT
    Writing Chunk… ACRV
    Writing Chunk… SEQN
    Writing Chunk… TAGS
    Writing Chunk… ROOM
    Writing Chunk… DAFL
    Writing Chunk… EMBI
    Writing Chunk… TPAGE
    Texture Group — Default
    Writing Chunk… TGIN
    Writing Chunk… CODE
    Writing Chunk… VARI
    Writing Chunk… FUNC
    Writing Chunk… STRG
    Writing Chunk… TXTR
    0 Compressing texture… writing texture texture_0.png…
    Writing Chunk… AUDO
    Writing Chunk… SCPT
    Writing Chunk… DBGI
    Writing Chunk… INST
    Writing Chunk… LOCL
    Writing Chunk… DFNC
    Writing Chunk… STRG
    Stats : GMA : Elapsed=609.5928
    Stats : GMA : sp=10,au=0,bk=0,pt=0,sc=2,sh=0,fo=0,tl=0,ob=2,ro=2,da=0,ex=0,ma=10,fm=0x220440080024
    Igor complete.
    [Run] Run game
    Options: Z:/insert_nam_7A926330_961A616FMainOptions.json
    [Debugger]target=,yydebug=»Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VMinsert name here.yydebug»
    X://windows/Runner.exe -game «Y:/insert_name_here_2D21C460_VMinsert name»
    Attempting to set gamepadcount to 12
    DirectX11: Using hardware device
    Start debug server
    Creating Debugger server port:6509
    Collision Event time(microsecs)=1
    Waiting for debugger to connect…
    Client(-1) Connected:
    Debugger connected
    6 code buffers added (261)»
    so i copy pasted it


    • #4

    You’re not supposed to post screenshots of code (or text) anyway, so that’s quite alright. ;)

    I don’t see anything «obviously wrong» in the compile log. Sounds like the game is running fine. So, what happens after you run the game? What is the problem you’re facing?

    • #5

    ok so when i run it normally i get this message:

    ERROR in
    action number 1
    of Create Event
    for object <undefined>:

    Variable <unknown_object>.y(1, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
    at gml_GlobalScript_move_state (line 17) — if (place_meeting(x+hspd, y, Obj_wall)) {
    gml_GlobalScript_move_state (line 17)

    when i do it in debug mode, it creates a small white screen

    • Code Error 2_4_2021 9_22_48 PM.png

      13.9 KB
      Views: 7


    • #6

    You’re using pre-2.3 script syntax in 2.3.


    On phone number text-box, on click next on keyboard, it is still entering data in phone number place

    Describe the bug
    On phone number text-box, on click next on keyboard, it is still entering data in phone number place

    reference app

    To Reproduce
    Steps to reproduce the behavior:

    1. Go to ‘Reference App’
    2. Click on ‘+’
    3. Tap On Phone number and enter details
    4. tap on next on keyboard
    5. Observe behavior

    Expected behavior
    User should be able to enter data in city textbox



    Smartphone (please complete the following information):
    Device: [e.g. Lenovo Tab
    Android version:10


    I would like to work on this issue, may I?


    Hello @anita-vadverao, new to this community, was setting up the reference app and getting the following error pls help
    warning: default scripting plugin is disabled: The provided plugin org.jetbrains.kotlin.scripting.compiler.plugin.ScriptingCompilerConfigurationComponentRegistrar is not compatible with this version of compiler
    error: unable to evaluate script, no scripting plugin loaded



    @anita-vadverao The build failure I am facing is not mentioned in the doc, I checked the zulip server and repo for additional details but couldn’t find on
    Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 4 32 26 PM


    @anita-vadverao The build failure I am facing is not mentioned in the doc, I checked the zulip server and repo for additional details but couldn’t find on Screenshot 2021-11-25 at 4 32 26 PM e.

    Raised reference issue: #950


    @anita-vadverao @jingtang10
    Hi, I tried it and wasn’t able to duplicate the bug on my device:


    My device is a Pixel 4a(5G) mobile phone.
    @anita-vadverao Could you double check if this bug still exist?


    @wantingzhang77 it looks like after you’ve done with the phone number and clicked the «->» button in the soft keyboard the focus didn’t go directly to the next input box, but you had to click the input text box for city to bring up the soft keyboard again. do you think this is something we should change to make the flow a bit better?

    I would say so!

    @shelaghm fyi



    @anita-vadverao Tried this again and can’t reproduce the bug. Could you verify?


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