hplip — пакет программ для работы с устройствами печати производства Hewlett-Packard.
Состав пакета
Важные компоненты:
- /usr/bin/hp-setup — программа установки принтера/МФУ
- /usr/bin/hp-plugin — программа скачивания и установки плагина, она скачивает публичный ключ pgp, скачивает актуальный плагин с сервера HP и устанавливает его в систему
Программы запускайте от простого пользователя. Будьте готовы ввести пароль суперпользователя.
Текущие проблемы
hplip 3.19.3 не устанавливает плагин для принтера
В hplip 3.19.3 есть ошибка, обновите пакет hplip. Ошибка исправлена в hplip 3.19.5.
Ошибка «Unable to recieve key from keyserver»
Диагностика hp-plugin: /usr/bin/gpg --homedir /root/.hplip/.gnupg --no-permission-warning --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9
Точная диагностика: при запросе ключа A59047B9 «HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) <hplip@hp.com>» с сервера hkp://pgp.mit.edu выявляется несовместимость методов шифрования канала, используемых в gpg и на сервере, сообщение gpg: «неизвестный алгоритм с открытым ключом»
Ключ PGP нужен для проверки подписи скачанного файла с плагином. Использование его не обязательно для установки, в программе hp-setup (hp-plugin) плагин можно установить из файла, не прошедшего проверку. В программе hp-plugin есть дополнительная проверка файла по хэшу MD5. Для надёжности можно проверить подпись к файлу вручную.
- проигнорируйте и установите плагин без проверки подписи;
- получите ключ другим способом (скачайте на другой машине и экспортируйте, или возьмите копию в #Приложение 1) и импортируйте его в хранилище ключей
. Затем скачайте файл плагина и файл подписи вручную, проверьте его и при повторном запуске hp-plugin укажите скачанный файл. Можете также исправить скрипт, чтобы он не скачивал ключ, если он уже есть в хранилище.
Ошибка «file does not match its checksum. File may have been corrupted or altered»
Точная диагностика: Verifying archive integrity...Error in MD5 checksums: 88022340fac56bb144035ba411877b3f is different from 4983db439127cbdb5179a88c96c6c5df
Эта ошибка означает, что хэш архива, составляющего большую часть файла hplip-*-plugin.run (где «*» — версия hplip) не соответствует записанному в скриптовой части файла.
Скачайте файл по ссылке вида https://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/hplip-3.19.5-plugin.run (поставьте версию своего hplip, в p8 от мая 2018 это 3.19.5) и запустите этот самораспаковывающийся скрипт от рута. Можете также снова выполнить hp-setup или hp-plugin и указать в нём уже скачанный файл.
Для проверки целостности скачайте файл hplip-*-plugin.run.asc с электронной подписью (ссылка вида https://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/hplip-3.19.5-plugin.run.asc
) и проверьте подпись ключом A59047B9: «HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) <hplip@hp.com>», полученным с сервера hkp://pgp.mit.edu (ключ есть и на hkp://keys.gnupg.net, но он там не один с таким значением короткого хэша).
$ gpg --verify hplip-3.19.5-plugin.run.asc hplip-3.19.5-plugin.run gpg: Подпись создана Чт 14 мар 2019 14:36:37 +05 ключом DSA с ID A59047B9 gpg: Действительная подпись от "HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) <hplip@hp.com>" gpg: ВНИМАНИЕ: Данный ключ не заверен доверенной подписью! gpg: Нет указаний на то, что подпись принадлежит владельцу. Отпечаток главного ключа: 4ABA 2F66 DBD5 A958 9491 0E06 73D7 70CD A590 47B9
Советы и решения
Подключение по ethernet
Если вы пытаетесь подключить только сканер от МФУ HP (например, от HP LaserJet 3055, как было в моем случае), и считаете, что вам не нужна очередь печати в CUPS, то вы ошибаетесь. Она вам нужна, согласно соответствующему документу, где написано следующее.
- Симптом
- OpenOffice или xsane не видят мой сканер, подключенный по сети.
- Причина
- Для данного устройства не была настроена (либо была неверно настроена) очередь печати в CUPS.
- Решение
- Для сканирования по сети необходимо настроить соответствующую очередь в CUPS, чтобы сканер начал автоматически определяться в пакетах OpenOffice и xsane.
Все необходимые действия за вас может произвести утилита hp-setup. Формат запуска для работы в GUI: hp-setup a.b.c.d, для работы в текстовом (интерактивном) режиме: hp-setup -i a.b.c.d, где a.b.c.d — адрес IP сканера (МФУ).
Приложение 1. Ключ PGP
Ключ PGP A59047B9 «HPLIP (HP Linux Imaging and Printing) <hplip@hp.com>»:
-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK----- mQGiBEsnpscRBACyclffkMVkXXdtY2qTT2+B6HN4hBoUxBwZBULyHFuSP9lsB7wK 16Hl5ZTu+oy+GegzzFRrHWxBLN9i67T0plNkqDJhWUrmXR7xvX+dFc+Qrl+uPR0i CY1NMnWwnFh01YtYb9NAlb3bLn8RLBH8Zo60i7wfwdW9Wi1mgzmUT/UI9wCg7y6R VmF4RjNWJ2WRdL/jVeAB8H0D/0xfePoYWrSGzOp7+Vl+xYo5TdSrzohUUnly6xla UIKwlBCG/jpQqKH17803GpkFyh5FxG1Db7VWsciDv7flcBLPtn75gU2fPHXL+gnv r1eJ+ugQwCl4/8d4iJ5TMXmHQOW2Pd0U47OmbZYNNgtA+lXhF8n8+6w3GRhqubLF /9b/A/4wH37bv1shLhdLpP+9WYHc8z9+jmStVUFdAGoD/n6vOpBX+GQYaEY5Y8RS Wf0DFhMF6CFYNZ2ngDyvPt53M2jU7hrxXIfs/b5bLMqG2et9M/avdEWGUKTsC7wu 0zeGtD07r9EA3WDIhxN9QEGZAq5Q3NSbedMHIVE4Ynq7VNCdsrQ0SFBMSVAgKEhQ IExpbnV4IEltYWdpbmcgYW5kIFByaW50aW5nKSA8aHBsaXBAaHAuY29tPohgBBMR AgAgBQJLJ6bHAhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwECHgECF4AACgkQc9dwzaWQR7n4 dQCghZgIpxuTC+GhiQIO0dK9wTlbMmoAoOB252fEOvf73v8Ya8qmN1GlmYiXiJwE EAECAAYFAk7UORAACgkQnsV5kCcUcIjUuAP8D2rK0KZyA0uHyap2BkF5U4wm6qQ3 p27K0hh50dZMIMSt3FH0TpW994jaoqBKqrHBk3U+/ZT4tD43hmaqc+XmnYNrNMRO 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foHsxr1GxPR58mB6u5zvXZnpzO2ISQQYEQIACQUCSyemxwIbDAAKCRBz13DNpZBH uaSzAJwP5A0oRws31eZaGXMl/DONbc0mAwCeI1E4EFevft0KSZrBNxqApLCGJTGJ AhwEEAEIAAYFAlMkVJUACgkQIjosqlYUYEDumhAAjCPiR9GVVlsW2leWjQvuuJDC F0XTmRKERaE1totAdMqCy40Gx557fsMU2tfD11WBvCmT83C4g07Ga7e+XAPusRNY rvR6U3SQ9PGoiROxCleLVWRqYOuUpKVNx0PF+GHxmk+44LrciuugFAWA14cTtLMf 7ErLYdJN73lCGksAZ3Jj/0vv64LloYlNnfDDrTbZwnE3vau/sp9iska4T5S1aSQw Cnh02lC4lMixQoxyx5vOKOoYmqEdwv3f3fpAuYP57T8Fxj/L1e1v2NwPGY4TY4FX p98NRIEf2goxwh6N7K8vQrOyFW+5C3VoaJkp8JmGC3WyFyW13iEETDHGGLdYLImv LNbcivKwBhwkwlnmxumNbGzaJRtqXmkzawvWJz8MHk9E8HD81T8o+fmmQMJ5zEA2 o28S5s5oI8smxfjpKhbwxxMnGIjNb+k8ALsPjpbO/32iulwSFPTv2FsISzlC6TNj +2e4Z/bv8Rn3TOjtMWcj4okCpWgR+6/LrbzTNgabAyL21WAriWDsreK9Y4an/xAJ HJNphIO2+eZRKST4zuiUBt/jlLiRwaVrWRRihQQT/ryrw1EbO3KpONJt5WiDSBcq FKNA2lnSE3Vw/a4/dIzaWK1WSk6i/U7FbqNlXAgXWKtavHDS8hsEX4UZRH6y/MBx 5uQRdWyfJSt6Fq1PcqiJAhwEEAEIAAYFAlU98m4ACgkQZS9BHB+MB2IM8w//c9LD 84q6n8TdYtG6UlrPRCc0hKDcc31oJUmc2Gg0c4jwKX038ozbGuhztt1HjkRs4AyD Yt07ye014BN3CJ9CX1Or1GsQ6lFF6y+HpLPPnQT+ust9+cwtH7AvJAZzOt2UDQLz iv4kP23N59jKtjLhXBkVjjr4OBk6z4OwCFUkpFOddd2l5k2vgblnGsKnz4o6m5hP jOJo3FtJaCQmVS2QluSFDt1CP1tWvJgQtA1ueeXUx4TTRmCL9Qi6eQ9Plp9hfBg8 xvKVNjmxbinxCB3ip2Pw9MpqYgX71xZL2JvJKkN7toutqhWKcbPUpicKIp5MCZvk PpWMJPk5539ifoOWAp8yFmQvGdEJMBDt+b+5UHg26lHmBav5z/iY8IcV7rXSxA8H BPi/l9HsO9rzx8wRRwgyAaDmkM32LIcdBxx0d4qNijmgrLPKbKh/hVeAy/MMhQ5m 7VT4yq01HwDa2JZYO0AcrTJ3Z0ZRw+eqQ6XKZKGqpIHh4r8V+XgwzdyBWtj8RjAw xZm+6RlDruBttxFFGSQcViwW5pwjJ2pr7QFhx7nG66GsoXr0O0ONTTW4UYQaYrkx 8eTR3Qp5ZpiqiqfO9yfOOjw5L96MzI8k7i4w+OaTm7E8eEWca4nbei8ff76XnyCo Jw7vzsWBdLuTxJYAF07Ov+Dml1WlbCW+axAcHayJAhwEEwEIAAYFAlVSJtsACgkQ GnsYrI3zF2yS8BAArLyrQUo/o35agsia7qo3uaqLY9C1iwPC6fBuuIKcifWtG9ld 8ROjICR8Nbmd6tTuzhTnJXmGVRDS3HcrPNAafhllqnCn8JYAwYNlR+52Mo8Wu13i /rAYrVpAcmT0E233JRCCZJqeA0BDp+cE+e/nQk2eMDu9gwuUYFkZ+fbO+5cXmBN1 w3uR+NVizWHfsfHDk8kKKPot2tRS7lmLWaVNo+N4aEhnuBrBW1I7Qj5wmlbNvO8p ZQYNBV+jQzZcfbKM4kuQ8/QXBu4ApSxY26tpIP8DixhglVZnQhz4R9wDVt2vwN9v VkHuEE4VWVomSrPKoC8Wqxv2+grAvY9bgp5gyoXZbtXyfg6HKuf2jUYSvqVTdJAf 7zHZIs8NyHNG/K2dHuEYXAyBS3s+HFu22qIGHbF0uBZG7aiUk3mLxxuy2EOy8MDc jdUN4h9G/suLEIzzbhm21iM2WR5oLVOgfVO3JvoT2NCbNHYTkLiEunlRGRsqCyiU BNqwlcc/w6Cb1vs6NZvjMmx9NiRV/dmQNbhKWN+GvAeljh8HcsGLWU+ayFSkc2lM ZmLBpTZ7Xe53Z4lfKC6qQp7x1g+bR/51POvAI29pabgSoc5TAo3tB7n4AZiXjc8q IFKauzNv36dfNjmJgecDkppI5SX2SDN4C75tr2mNjq40r9UA56sXyul5ErSJAhwE EwEIAAYFAlVSJuMACgkQvuUw6v5R7xWwwRAAxdz1soAsuhXUIGtJNiAUzpyFGh5O CvdGVW73hhRmUco7yzXPVAPHJd/EwOFQIxOIAG86d/wmxsAsfi5/aTUV9sgFEVE9 pGZWjiOUxBRTfefD14lW56e3ZuyUlmXmc5QglThuy7EFGta0JkiIFihqOdUHDQY+ FJe2J+L3cHlzt59flgQIPPWQtkcaDxNvPWyj9jIq83K1saKYui6kHNU/L8hFZlN/ jhTahikpcBao5whoRLDovI1yBRsPvghXZVNlvwigMQYF6lguIPIxWC2nYssffKOS pIvIcBQr9HkVQZdOo5160E/Waos4GN4wZPd2OXnkbbt5jo/4mM3tANUGBC2Za6Bj mUei1A/t44zGNqK7A1lnof1JgHIQtdcwzruvjj3La9SJi6DuBPEMwHEuXNnuPvhM oWQ+aGZ1YOkaOpdxzSyqy02rzKQfPqGez03U1xg53XpULRPqVN9ybSeRk2g1+S/W 4eBdT3XotIpuasDUgp21aJoXAsWYHfoe/3bURp3IWqiZ/l1KqOYVNSWa7gAQGu67 St6si9zQ+fYEE6Iz0dZiACT8P0eDOQ5UvpRm4nL9Q5aAg0qvp6r3FDoW2lABkRTa rxCYyhNvjwTvFPrdPlLzQKOngh/XVgqyYVxzizgudl2Zilwom/N1UFqVlUH5udTd sUgN7FLJW35H/2s= =QuSD -----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----
After upgrading from Ubuntu 16.04.3 to Ubuntu 18.04.2, my Printer «HP LaserJet P1102w» (connected via USB) stopped working.
It was missing the proprietary plugin all of a sudden and wouldn’t print.
So I went for a full clean re-install of HPLIP because this approach has worked in the past,
1. I removed HPLIP version 3.17.10 (installed from the Ubuntu sources)
$ sudo apt remove —purge hplip
$ sudo rm -rf /var/lib/hp
$ sudo rm -rf /var/run/hplip
$ sudo rm -rf /usr/share/hplip
$ sudo rm -rf /home/hussong/.hplip
$ sudo apt remove —purge hplip*
$ sudo apt autoremove
2. I performed a reboot
3. I downloaded hplip-3.19.1.run from https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing
4. I tried to verify the file, but reveiving the keys fails consistently:
$ /usr/bin/gpg —keyserver pgp.mit.edu —recv-keys 0xA59047B9
gpg: Empfangen vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: Keine Daten
5. I really needed to print, so I went for the install anyway
$ sh hplip-3.19.1.run
Using the auto / default options every step of the way.
— Dependency and conflict resolution comes back ok.
— Build and install comes back ok
— Plugin install fails consistently:
Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg —homedir /home/hussong/.hplip/.gnupg —no-permission-warning —keyserver pgp.mit.edu —recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9
When I say «install anyway», the install fails:
Plugin installation failed
error: Python gobject/dbus may be not installed
error: Plug-in install failed.
Trying to install the plugin manually fails too:
$ hplip-plugin -i -g
(downloads a bunch of stuff)
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: File error page score: 0.000000
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: Validating /home/hussong/.hplip/hplip-3.19.1-plugin.run with /home/hussong/.hplip/hplip-3.19.1-plugin.run.asc signature file
Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg —homedir /home/hussong/.hplip/.gnupg —no-permission-warning —keyserver pgp.mit.edu —recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: gpg: Empfangen vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: Keine Daten
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: gpg: Empfangen vom Schlüsselserver fehlgeschlagen: Keine Daten
error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver
when I continue with «install anyway» it comes back with
Plugin installation failed
error: Plugin installation failed
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: Removing ./plugin_tmp cmd = rm -rf ./plugin_tmp
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: Exception: 4 (Unknown/invalid device-uri field)
hp-plugin[32448]: debug: Unlocking: /home/hussong/.hplip/hp-plugin.lock
FWIW, I am reporting this in the hope to help others, since I’m done at this point. In the past few years, I have been unable to re-configure the wi-fi on my LaserJet P1102w again after the first SSID change, and I’ve spent more time trying to make my printer / HPLIP work than actually printing something. So I’m selling my LaserJet P1102w for what the new toner cartridge is worth and buying a Brother printer in sheer hope of a better future (wish me luck).
I do appreciate HP’s effort to make their devices work on Linux, but I simply can’t afford to spend around 10 hours per year setting up and troubleshooting a printer. I really just want to print, nothing fancy, one-side, black and white, A4, that’s all.
Okay, today I did a full install of ubuntu 19.04.
My HPCP1025NW is on the list of supported printers, but the HP sidriver site sends me to an external site for a driver. (Specifically, sourceforge.)
Following those instructions, I did:
sh hplip-3.19.8.run
Which gave me:
/Gtk-Message: 17:15:27.980: Failed to load module «gail»
/Gtk-Message: 17:15:27.980: Failed to load module «gail»/Gtk-Message: 17:15:27.980: Failed to load module «canberra»
This is why I wish HP would provide their own drivers, at least they’d have a good dependency list!
So I installed those missing packages manually and tried running the script again.
Now it wants a plugin.
Option Description
———- —————————————————
d Download plug-in from HP (recommended)
p Specify a path to the plug-in (advanced)
q Quit hp-plugin (skip installation)
Enter option (d=download*, p=specify path, q=quit) ? d
Checking for network connection…
Downloading plug-in from:
Downloading plug-in: [ ] 0% Plugin is not accessible. Trying to download it from fallback location: [https://developers.hp.com/sites/default/files/hplip-3.19.8-plugin.run]
Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg —homedir /home/xxxxxx/.hplip/.gnupg —no-permission-warning —keyserver pgp.mit.edu —recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9
error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver
Do you still want to install the plug-in? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ?
I tried going with “yes” but then ended up with an error message and an error dialogbox:
No systemtrayicon available
No system tray detected on this system.
Unable to start, exiting.
Out of curiosity, I tried launching the HP device manager.
It also complains that it needs a plugin.
Trying to download and install from an authorized server fails to receive a key… do I want to install it anyway?
Well, obviously doing it from the cli fails, I assume so will doing it from a gui…
But I tried anyway.
It says it was successful, but then immediately gives me an error box that says the device needs a plugin.
It then tells me to run «hp-plugin» as a normal user.
Try running hp-plugin from cli… which launches a gui.
And it loops back up to “do you want to install from an authorized server…
Unable to recieve key from keyserver
Without this, it is not possible to authenticate and validate the plug-in prior to installation.
Do you still want to install the plug-in?
It says it was successful, but then gives me an error box that says the device needs a plugin.
Lather rinse repeat.
Hp-doctor returns:
USB HP-LaserJet-CP1025nw Required — — OK Node:’/dev/bus/usb/002/004′ Perm:’ root lp rw- rw- rw- rw- r—‘
Checking for Configured Queues….
warning: Fail to read ppd=/etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-CP1025nw.ppd file
warning: Insufficient permission to access file /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-CP1025nw.ppd
warning: Could not complete Queue(s) configuration check
Insufficient permissions?
Okay, lets try elevated permissions.
Sudo hp-doctor returns
error: hp-doctor should not be run as root/superuser
So tried:
sudo chmod 644 /etc/cups/ppd/HP-LaserJet-CP1025nw.ppd
hp-doctor now says
error: PPD file for ‘HP-LaserJet-CP1025nw’ is not correct. Need to choose correct PPD file. Why didn’t it install the correct one…
Do you want to remove and re-configure? (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ?
‘ HP-LaserJet-CP1025nw’ removed successfully.
Re-configuring this printer by hp-setup…
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.19.8)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-18 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
(Note: Defaults for each question are maked with a ‘*’. Press to accept the default.)
Option Description
———- —————————————————
d Download plug-in from HP (recommended)
p Specify a path to the plug-in (advanced)
q Quit hp-plugin (skip installation)
error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver
Lather, rinse, repeat.
So then
went to https://developers.hp.com/hp-linux-imaging-and-printing/plugins
Downloaded the hplip-3.19.8-plugin.run and hplip-3.19.8-plugin.run.asc files.
When it asked for a plugin, I pointed it to the downloaded file.
Unable to recieve key from keyserver
Without this, it is not possible to authenticate and validate the plug-in prior to installation.
Do you still want to install the plug-in?
Sure. Why not.
Hey, great successful again.
Popup says I need to install a plugin.
And hp-doctor is back to insufficient permissions:
USB HP_LaserJet_CP1025nw Required — — OK Node:’/dev/bus/usb/002/004′ Perm:’ root lp rw- rw- rw- rw- r—‘
Checking for Configured Queues….
warning: Fail to read ppd=/etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_CP1025nw.ppd file
warning: Insufficient permission to access file /etc/cups/ppd/HP_LaserJet_CP1025nw.ppd
warning: Could not complete Queue(s) configuration check
Checking for HP Properitery Plugin’s….
No plug-in printers are configured.
Now what?
Why doesn’t HP just provide a driver for their hardware without requiring jumping to some other website which (obviously) can’t write a driver?
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zolopp opened this issue
Dec 9, 2021
What do you want to do ?> 1
Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.SSsJiMZKCr/gpg.1.sh —keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net —recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6
gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure
- Add kali linux repositories
- Update
- Remove all kali linux repositories
- View the contents of sources.list file
The keyserver seems to be deprecated, you can change the line containing the keyserver in katoolin.py to another one, e.g. keys.openpgp.org
the line to change is cmd1 = os.system(«apt-key adv —keyserver ….»)
The keyserver seems to be deprecated, you can change the line containing the keyserver in katoolin.py to another one, e.g. keys.openpgp.org
the line to change is cmd1 = os.system(«apt-key adv —keyserver ….»)
thank u
Try the following one:
key_servers=("ha.pool.sks-keyservers.net" "hkp://p80.pool.sks-keyservers.net:80" "keyserver.ubuntu.com" "hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80" "pgp.mit.edu") for key_server in ${key_servers[@]}; do echo "[+] Start checking ${key_server}..." gpg --keyserver "${key_server}" --recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6 && break || echo "[+] Trying new server..." done
The keyserver seems to be deprecated, you can change the line containing the keyserver in katoolin.py to another one, e.g. keys.openpgp.org
the line to change is cmd1 = os.system(«apt-key adv —keyserver ….»)
This worked. Thank you
for katoolin3 do this and it will work:
- open install.sh
- edit the line starting with: apt-key and paste this: apt-key adv -qq —keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com —recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6 || apt-key adv -qq —keyserver hkp://keyservers.ubuntu.com:80 —recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6 || die «This may be a server issue. Please try again later»;
- now go to the terminal and run this: chmod +x ./install.ch
- and finally run: sudo ./install.sh
Could someone please help me out? I am unable to make changes on the katoolin.py file to solve the server indicated a failure issue.
guys can you please help me with this error in ubuntu 20.4 lts
Could someone please help me out? I am unable to make changes on the katoolin.py file to solve the server indicated a failure issue.
Use sudo nano /usr/bin/katoolin to make the changes
for katoolin3 do this and it will work:
- open install.sh
- edit the line starting with: apt-key and paste this: apt-key adv -qq —keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com —recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6 || apt-key adv -qq —keyserver hkp://keyservers.ubuntu.com:80 —recv-keys ED444FF07D8D0BF6 || die «This may be a server issue. Please try again later»;
- now go to the terminal and run this: chmod +x ./install.ch
- and finally run: sudo ./install.sh
Meus lindos para esse erro basta abrir o diretório como sudo nano /usr/bin/katoolin
edite o cmd1 = os.system //O que estiver dentro dos parênteses ou escrito em verde altere para:
«apt-key adv —keyserver keys.openpgp.org —recv-keys ED444F
Um abraço amigos!!! OPA AMIGOO, SEXOOOOOOOOOO!!!
The keyserver seems to be deprecated, you can change the line containing the keyserver in katoolin.py to another one, e.g. keys.openpgp.org
the line to change is cmd1 = os.system(«apt-key adv —keyserver ….»)
Thanks, openpgp won that.
Доброго времени суток.
Возможно мой вопрос покажется глупым, но перепробовав множество вариантов и статей не к чему прийти не смог. Пытаюсь развернуть ltsp сервер с толстыми клиентами.
Установлена lubuntu 16.04.2 (amd64) как сервер и толстые клиенты на той же оболочке(i386 и amd64).
К некоторым клиентам подключены mfp от HP(пример HP Pro m1132 mfp). Принтеры проброшены и вопросов нет, но как быть со сканером? =)Для работы сканера требуется установить hp-plugin.
Если hp-plugin установить на ЗАПУЩЕННОМ клиенте то всё начинает работать и ошибок при установке нет, но после перезагрузки клиента измненения сбрасываются.
Если устанавливать hp-plugin в примонтированом образе то вываливаются ошибки:
sudo ltsp-chroot --arch i386
cd tmp/
wget https://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/hplip-3.16.3-plugin.run
wget https://www.openprinting.org/download/printdriver/auxfiles/HP/plugins/hplip-3.16.3-plugin.run.asc
hp-plugin -i -g
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.16.3)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-15 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
warning: It is not recommended to run 'hp-plugin' in a root mode.
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.16.3)
Plugin Download and Install Utility ver. 2.1
Copyright (c) 2001-15 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Locking: /var/hp-plugin.lock
error: PolicyKit support requires DBUS or PolicyKit support files missing
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Unable to open file /var/lib/hp/hplip.state for reading.
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Unable to open file /var/lib/hp/hplip.state for reading.
(Note: Defaults for each question are maked with a '*'. Press <enter> to accept the default.)
Option Description
---------- --------------------------------------------------
d Download plug-in from HP (recommended)
p Specify a path to the plug-in (advanced)
q Quit hp-plugin (skip installation)
Enter option (d=download*, p=specify path, q=quit) ? p
Enter the path to the 'hplip-3.16.3-plugin.run' file (q=quit) :
Downloading plug-in from: file:///tmp/hplip-3.16.3-plugin.run
Downloading plug-in: [ ] 0% hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Unable to open file installer/distros.dat for reading.
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: []
100%hp-plugin[7527]: debug: File error page score: 0.000000
100%hp-plugin[7527]: debug: File error page score: 0.000000
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Validating /home/dmitriy/.hplip/hplip-3.16.3-plugin.run with /home/dmitriy/.hplip/hplip-3.16.3-plugin.run.asc signature file
Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg --homedir /home/dmitriy/.hplip/.gnupg --no-permission-warning --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9
hp-plugin[7527]: debug:
error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver
Do you still want to install the plug-in? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ? y
Creating directory plugin_tmp
Verifying archive integrity... All good.
Uncompressing HPLIP 3.16.3 Plugin Self Extracting Archivedf: Предупреждение: не удалось прочитать таблицу смонтированных файловых систем: Нет такого файла или каталога
HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.16.3)
Plugin Installer ver. 3.0
Copyright (c) 2001-15 HP Development Company, LP
This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it
under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details.
Plug-in version: 3.16.3
Installed HPLIP version: 3.16.3
Number of files to install: 42
You must agree to the license terms before installing the plug-in:
Do you accept the license terms for the plug-in (y=yes*, n=no, q=quit) ? y
Plugin installation failed
error: Plugin installation failed
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Removing ./plugin_tmp cmd = rm -rf ./plugin_tmp
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Failed to remove=./plugin_tmp
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Cache miss: hp_laserjet_professional_m1212nf_mfp
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Searching for section [hp_laserjet_professional_m1212nf_mfp] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Found section [hp_laserjet_professional_m1212nf_mfp] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Cache miss: hp_laserjet_professional_m1214nfh_mfp
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Reading file: /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Searching for section [hp_laserjet_professional_m1214nfh_mfp] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Found section [hp_laserjet_professional_m1214nfh_mfp] in file /usr/share/hplip/data/models/models.dat
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Exception: 4 (Unknown/invalid device-uri field)
hp-plugin[7527]: debug: Unlocking: /var/hp-plugin.lock
Пробую на образе i386
Подозрение что при ltsp-chroot не все монтируется.
Подскажите как грамотно установить hp-plugin в образ.
Заранее спасибо.
Reported by: hpeter <spam@spam.com>
Date: Sat, 11 Aug 2018 18:21:04 UTC
Severity: important
Found in version hplip/3.17.10+repack0-5
Done: Brian Potkin <claremont102@gmail.com>
Bug is archived. No further changes may be made.
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to debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org, spam@spam.com, Debian Printing Team <debian-printing@lists.debian.org>
; Package hplip
(Sat, 11 Aug 2018 18:21:07 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Acknowledgement sent
to hpeter <spam@spam.com>
New Bug report received and forwarded. Copy sent to spam@spam.com, Debian Printing Team <debian-printing@lists.debian.org>
(Sat, 11 Aug 2018 18:21:07 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #5 received at submit@bugs.debian.org (full text, mbox, reply):
Package: hplip Version: 3.17.10+repack0-5 Severity: important Dear Maintainer, Stock or live Debian9.5 LXDE. Running hp-setup to get HP LaserJet 1020 working. $ sudo hp-setup -i ... Enter option (d=download*, p=specify path, q=quit) ? d ... Checking for network connection... Downloading plug-in from: Downloading plug-in: [ ] 0% Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg --homedir /root/.hplip/.gnupg --no-permission-warning --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9 error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver Do you still want to install the plug-in? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ? y ... error: No PPD found for model laserjet_1020 using old algorithm. error: Unable to find an appropriate PPD file. ... error: PPD file required. Setup cannot continue. Exiting. Running "sudo hp-setup -i" on stock or live Ubuntu 18.04.1 works seamlessly. (no keyserver issue, no PPD file issue, prints a page from a pdf as expected) Since Ubuntu 18.04 has hplip 3.17, as opposed to 3.16 of Debian 9.5, I tried hplip 3.17 with Debian, by changing the apt source to testing, and upgraded hplip, together with its dependencies. Result is the same. -- Package-specific info: Saving output in log file: /home/user/hp-check.log HP Linux Imaging and Printing System (ver. 3.17.10) Dependency/Version Check Utility ver. 15.1 Copyright (c) 2001-15 HP Development Company, LP This software comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to distribute it under certain conditions. See COPYING file for more details. Note: hp-check can be run in three modes: 1. Compile-time check mode (-c or --compile): Use this mode before compiling the HPLIP supplied tarball (.tar.gz or .run) to determine if the proper dependencies are installed to successfully compile HPLIP. 2. Run-time check mode (-r or --run): Use this mode to determine if a distro supplied package (.deb, .rpm, etc) or an already built HPLIP supplied tarball has the proper dependencies installed to successfully run. 3. Both compile- and run-time check mode (-b or --both) (Default): This mode will check both of the above cases (both compile- and run-time dependencies). Check types: a. EXTERNALDEP - External Dependencies b. GENERALDEP - General Dependencies (required both at compile and run time) c. COMPILEDEP - Compile time Dependencies d. [All are run-time checks] PYEXT SCANCONF QUEUES PERMISSION Status Types: OK MISSING - Missing Dependency or Permission or Plug-in INCOMPAT - Incompatible dependency-version or Plugin-version warning: 2-9.5 version is not supported. Using 2-9.1 versions dependencies to verify and install... --------------- | SYSTEM INFO | --------------- Kernel: 4.9.0-7-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-1 (2018-07-05) GNU/Linux Host: debian Proc: 4.9.0-7-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 4.9.110-1 (2018-07-05) GNU/Linux Distribution: 2 9.5 Bitness: 64 bit ----------------------- | HPLIP CONFIGURATION | ----------------------- HPLIP-Version: HPLIP 3.17.10 HPLIP-Home: /usr/share/hplip warning: HPLIP-Installation: Auto installation is not supported for 2 distro 9.5 version Current contents of '/etc/hp/hplip.conf' file: # hplip.conf. Generated from hplip.conf.in by configure. [hplip] version=3.17.10 [dirs] home=/usr/share/hplip run=/var/run ppd=/usr/share/ppd/hplip/HP ppdbase=/usr/share/ppd/hplip doc=/usr/share/doc/hplip html=/usr/share/doc/hplip-doc icon=no cupsbackend=/usr/lib/cups/backend cupsfilter=/usr/lib/cups/filter drv=/usr/share/cups/drv bin=/usr/bin apparmor=/etc/apparmor.d # Following values are determined at configure time and cannot be changed. [configure] network-build=yes libusb01-build=no pp-build=yes gui-build=yes scanner-build=yes fax-build=yes dbus-build=yes cups11-build=no doc-build=yes shadow-build=no hpijs-install=yes foomatic-drv-install=yes foomatic-ppd-install=yes foomatic-rip-hplip-install=no hpcups-install=yes cups-drv-install=yes cups-ppd-install=no internal-tag=3.17.10 restricted-build=no ui-toolkit=qt5 qt3=no qt4=no qt5=yes policy-kit=yes lite-build=no udev_sysfs_rules=no hpcups-only-build=no hpijs-only-build=no apparmor_build=no Current contents of '/var/lib/hp/hplip.state' file: [plugin] installed = 1 eula = 1 version = 3.17.10 Current contents of '~/.hplip/hplip.conf' file: [installation] date_time = 08/11/18 18:02:47 version = 3.17.10 <Package-name> <Package-Desc> <Required/Optional> <Min-Version> <Installed-Version> <Status> <Comment> ------------------------- | External Dependencies | ------------------------- error: cups CUPS - Common Unix Printing System REQUIRED 1.1 - MISSING 'CUPS may not be installed or not running' gs GhostScript - PostScript and PDF language interpreter and previewer REQUIRED 7.05 9.20 OK - xsane xsane - Graphical scanner frontend for SANE OPTIONAL 0.9 0.999 OK - scanimage scanimage - Shell scanning program OPTIONAL 1.0 1.0.25 OK - error: dbus DBus - Message bus system REQUIRED - 1.10.26 MISSING 'DBUS may not be installed or not running' policykit PolicyKit - Administrative policy framework OPTIONAL - 0.105 OK - network network -wget OPTIONAL - 1.18 OK - error: avahi-utils avahi-utils OPTIONAL - - MISSING 'avahi-utils needs to be installed' ------------------------ | General Dependencies | ------------------------ error: libjpeg libjpeg - JPEG library REQUIRED - - MISSING 'libjpeg needs to be installed' error: cups-devel CUPS devel- Common Unix Printing System development files REQUIRED - - MISSING 'cups-devel needs to be installed' error: cups-image CUPS image - CUPS image development files REQUIRED - - MISSING 'cups-image needs to be installed' libpthread libpthread - POSIX threads library REQUIRED - b'2.27' OK - error: libusb libusb - USB library REQUIRED - 1.0 MISSING 'libusb needs to be installed' sane SANE - Scanning library REQUIRED - - OK - error: sane-devel SANE - Scanning library development files REQUIRED - - MISSING 'sane-devel needs to be installed' error: libnetsnmp-devel libnetsnmp-devel - SNMP networking library development files REQUIRED 5.0.9 - MISSING 'libnetsnmp-devel needs to be installed' error: libcrypto libcrypto - OpenSSL cryptographic library REQUIRED - 1.1.0 MISSING 'libcrypto needs to be installed' python3X Python 2.2 or greater - Python programming language REQUIRED 2.2 3.6.6 OK - error: python3-notify2 Python libnotify - Python bindings for the libnotify Desktop notifications OPTIONAL - - MISSING 'python3-notify2 needs to be installed' error: python3-pyqt4-dbus PyQt 4 DBus - DBus Support for PyQt4 OPTIONAL 4.0 - MISSING 'python3-pyqt4-dbus needs to be installed' error: python3-pyqt4 PyQt 4- Qt interface for Python (for Qt version 4.x) REQUIRED 4.0 - MISSING 'python3-pyqt4 needs to be installed' python3-dbus Python DBus - Python bindings for DBus REQUIRED 0.80.0 1.2.8 OK - python3-xml Python XML libraries REQUIRED - 2.2.0 OK - error: python3-devel Python devel - Python development files REQUIRED 2.2 3.6.6 MISSING 'python3-devel needs to be installed' python3-pil PIL - Python Imaging Library (required for commandline scanning with hp-scan) OPTIONAL - 1.1.7 OK - python3-reportlab Reportlab - PDF library for Python OPTIONAL 2.0 3.5.2 OK - -------------- | COMPILEDEP | -------------- error: libtool libtool - Library building support services REQUIRED - - MISSING 'libtool needs to be installed' error: gcc gcc - GNU Project C and C++ Compiler REQUIRED - 6.3.0 MISSING 'gcc needs to be installed' make make - GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs REQUIRED 3.0 4.1 OK - --------------------- | Python Extentions | --------------------- cupsext CUPS-Extension REQUIRED - 3.17.10 OK - hpmudext IO-Extension REQUIRED - 3.17.10 OK - ---------------------- | Scan Configuration | ---------------------- '/etc/sane.d/dll.d/hpaio' not found. hpaio HPLIP-SANE-Backend REQUIRED - 3.17.10 OK 'hpaio found in /etc/sane.d/dll.conf' scanext Scan-SANE-Extension REQUIRED - 3.17.10 OK - ------------------------------ | DISCOVERED SCANNER DEVICES | ------------------------------ No Scanner found. -------------------------- | DISCOVERED USB DEVICES | -------------------------- No devices found. --------------------------------- | INSTALLED CUPS PRINTER QUEUES | --------------------------------- lpstat ------ Type: Unknown Device URI: Bad file descriptor -------------- | PERMISSION | -------------- [31;01merror: Failed to find the lsusb command[0m ----------- | SUMMARY | ----------- Missing Required Dependencies ----------------------------- error: 'cups' package is missing or 'cups' service is not running. error: 'libcups2' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libdbus-1-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libjpeg62-turbo-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libcups2-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'cups-bsd' package is missing/incompatible error: 'cups-client' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libcupsimage2' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libcupsimage2-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libusb-1.0.0-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libsane-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libsnmp-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'snmp' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libssl-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'python3-pyqt4' package is missing/incompatible error: 'gtk2-engines-pixbuf' package is missing/incompatible error: 'python3-dev' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libtool' package is missing/incompatible error: 'libtool-bin' package is missing/incompatible error: 'g++' package is missing/incompatible Missing Optional Dependencies ----------------------------- error: 'avahi-utils' package is missing/incompatible error: 'python3-notify2' package is missing/incompatible error: 'python3-dbus.mainloop.qt' package is missing/incompatible Total Errors: 16 Total Warnings: 0 Done. -- System Information: Debian Release: 9.5 APT prefers testing APT policy: (500, 'testing') Architecture: amd64 (x86_64) Kernel: Linux 4.9.0-7-amd64 (SMP w/2 CPU cores) Locale: LANG=en_US.UTF-8, LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8), LANGUAGE=en_US.UTF-8 (charmap=UTF-8) Shell: /bin/sh linked to /bin/dash Init: systemd (via /run/systemd/system) Versions of packages hplip depends on: ii adduser 3.115 ii cups 2.2.8-5 ii hplip-data 3.17.10+repack0-5 ii libc6 2.27-5 ii libcups2 2.2.8-5 ii libdbus-1-3 1.10.26-0+deb9u1 ii libhpmud0 3.17.10+repack0-5 ii libsane 1.0.25-4.1 ii libsane-hpaio 3.17.10+repack0-5 ii libsnmp30 5.7.3+dfsg-3 ii libusb-1.0-0 2:1.0.21-1 ii lsb-base 9.20161125 ii printer-driver-hpcups 3.17.10+repack0-5 ii python3 3.6.5-3 ii python3-dbus 1.2.8-2+b1 ii python3-gi 3.28.2-1+b1 ii python3-pexpect 4.6.0-1 ii python3-pil 5.2.0-2 ii python3-reportlab 3.5.2-1 ii wget 1.18-5+deb9u2 ii xz-utils 5.2.2-1.2+b1 Versions of packages hplip recommends: ii avahi-daemon 0.6.32-2 ii policykit-1 0.105-18 ii printer-driver-postscript-hp 3.17.10+repack0-5 ii sane-utils 1.0.25-4.1 Versions of packages hplip suggests: pn hplip-doc <none> pn hplip-gui <none> pn python3-notify2 <none> ii system-config-printer 1.5.7-3 -- no debconf information
Information forwarded
to debian-bugs-dist@lists.debian.org, Debian Printing Team <debian-printing@lists.debian.org>
; Package hplip
(Sat, 11 Aug 2018 19:54:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Acknowledgement sent
to Brian Potkin <claremont102@gmail.com>
Extra info received and forwarded to list. Copy sent to Debian Printing Team <debian-printing@lists.debian.org>
(Sat, 11 Aug 2018 19:54:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #10 received at 905921@bugs.debian.org (full text, mbox, reply):
Thank you for your report, hpeter. On Sat 11 Aug 2018 at 18:18:19 +0000, hpeter wrote: > Package: hplip > Version: 3.17.10+repack0-5 > Severity: important > > Dear Maintainer, > > Stock or live Debian9.5 LXDE. Running hp-setup to get HP LaserJet 1020 working. > $ sudo hp-setup -i > ... > Enter option (d=download*, p=specify path, q=quit) ? d > ... > Checking for network connection... > Downloading plug-in from: > Downloading plug-in: [ ] 0% > Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg --homedir /root/.hplip/.gnupg --no-permission-warning --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9 > error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver > Do you still want to install the plug-in? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ? y Problems with plug-in installation are always the responsibility of upstream and we will not deal with them, except to help with advice on workarounds. > ... > error: No PPD found for model laserjet_1020 using old algorithm. > error: Unable to find an appropriate PPD file. > ... > error: PPD file required. Setup cannot continue. Exiting. Never seen this before. The package has all the needed PPDs. > Running "sudo hp-setup -i" on stock or live Ubuntu 18.04.1 works seamlessly. > (no keyserver issue, no PPD file issue, prints a page from a pdf as expected) > Since Ubuntu 18.04 has hplip 3.17, as opposed to 3.16 of Debian 9.5, > I tried hplip 3.17 with Debian, by changing the apt source to testing, > and upgraded hplip, together with its dependencies. > Result is the same. The Debian and Ubuntu packages are (given an inconsequential Ubuntu tweak or two) identical. See the changelogs. I do not know where that leaves us. Upstream is at https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/ Please inform us of the URL of your post if you contact them. I'd purge and delete everything hplip related and try again from a terminal. Not having the printer makes testing impossible for us. Regards, Brian.
Reply sent
to Brian Potkin <claremont102@gmail.com>
You have taken responsibility.
(Sat, 11 Aug 2018 21:48:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Notification sent
to hpeter <spam@spam.com>
Bug acknowledged by developer.
(Sat, 11 Aug 2018 21:48:03 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
Message #15 received at 905921-done@bugs.debian.org (full text, mbox, reply):
On Sat 11 Aug 2018 at 20:51:21 +0100, Brian Potkin wrote: > Thank you for your report, hpeter. > > > On Sat 11 Aug 2018 at 18:18:19 +0000, hpeter wrote: > > > Package: hplip > > Version: 3.17.10+repack0-5 > > Severity: important > > > > Dear Maintainer, > > > > Stock or live Debian9.5 LXDE. Running hp-setup to get HP LaserJet 1020 working. > > $ sudo hp-setup -i > > ... > > Enter option (d=download*, p=specify path, q=quit) ? d > > ... > > Checking for network connection... > > Downloading plug-in from: > > Downloading plug-in: [ ] 0% > > Receiving digital keys: /usr/bin/gpg --homedir /root/.hplip/.gnupg --no-permission-warning --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-keys 0x4ABA2F66DBD5A95894910E0673D770CDA59047B9 > > error: Unable to recieve key from keyserver > > Do you still want to install the plug-in? (y=yes, n=no*, q=quit) ? y > > Problems with plug-in installation are always the responsibility of > upstream and we will not deal with them, except to help with advice > on workarounds. > > > ... > > error: No PPD found for model laserjet_1020 using old algorithm. > > error: Unable to find an appropriate PPD file. > > ... > > error: PPD file required. Setup cannot continue. Exiting. > > Never seen this before. The package has all the needed PPDs. > > > Running "sudo hp-setup -i" on stock or live Ubuntu 18.04.1 works seamlessly. > > (no keyserver issue, no PPD file issue, prints a page from a pdf as expected) > > Since Ubuntu 18.04 has hplip 3.17, as opposed to 3.16 of Debian 9.5, > > I tried hplip 3.17 with Debian, by changing the apt source to testing, > > and upgraded hplip, together with its dependencies. > > Result is the same. > > The Debian and Ubuntu packages are (given an inconsequential Ubuntu tweak > or two) identical. See the changelogs. I do not know where that leaves us. > > Upstream is at > > https://bugs.launchpad.net/hplip/ > > Please inform us of the URL of your post if you contact them. > > I'd purge and delete everything hplip related and try again from a > terminal. Not having the printer makes testing impossible for us. No communication possible. Closing the report. 2018-08-11 20:51:21 1foZuz-0003S5-Ey <= brian@copernicus.org.uk U=brian P=local S=2764 id=11082018203143.89857b9e1ea3@desktop.copernicus.org.uk 2018-08-11 20:51:22 1foZuz-0003S5-Ey => 905921 <905921@bugs.debian.org> R=check_queue T=run_script 2018-08-11 20:51:22 1foZuz-0003S5-Ey H=aspmx.l.google.com [2a00:1450:400c:c00::1a] Network is unreachable 2018-08-11 20:51:22 1foZuz-0003S5-Ey H=buxtehude.debian.org [2607:f8f0:614:1::1274:39] Network is unreachable 2018-08-11 20:51:22 1foZuz-0003S5-Ey ** spam@spam.com R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp H=aspmx.l.google.com [] X=TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_CHACHA20_POLY1305:256 CV=yes DN="C=US,ST=California,L=Mountain View,O=Google LLC,CN=mx.google.com": SMTP error from remote mail server after RCPT TO:<spam@spam.com>: 550-5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please tryn550-5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos orn550-5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more atn550 5.1.1 https://support.google.com/mail/?p=NoSuchUser u12-v6si9148630wrs.333 - gsmtp 2018-08-11 20:51:27 1foZuz-0003S5-Ey => 905921@bugs.debian.org R=dnslookup T=remote_smtp H=buxtehude.debian.org [] X=TLS1.2:ECDHE_RSA_AES_256_GCM_SHA384:256 CV=no DN="C=NA,ST=NA,L=Ankh Morpork,O=Debian SMTP,OU=Debian SMTP CA,CN=buxtehude.debian.org,EMAIL=hostmaster@buxtehude.debian.org" C="250 OK id=1foZv4-00051f-PD" -- Brian.
Bug archived.
Request was from Debbugs Internal Request <owner@bugs.debian.org>
to internal_control@bugs.debian.org
(Sun, 09 Sep 2018 07:25:56 GMT) (full text, mbox, link).
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