Error unknown register name vfpcc in asm

Using SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM Release 3.34a Build 2018022300.35192 Windows x64 with GCC/BINUTILS: Built using the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain version 6

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Using SEGGER Embedded Studio for ARM
Release 3.34a  Build 2018022300.35192
Windows x64


GCC/BINUTILS: Built using the GNU ARM Embedded Toolchain version 6-2017-q2-update source distribution

In the Output pane with «Source Navigator» selected, every file gets this error:

unknown register name ‘vfpcc’ in asm

Error line is in cmsis_gcc.h

brief Set FPSCR
details Assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.
param [in] fpscr Floating Point Status/Control value to set
__attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
#if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
/* Empty asm statement works as a scheduling barrier */
__ASM volatile («»);
__ASM volatile («VMSR fpscr, %0» : : «r» (fpscr) : «vfpcc»);
__ASM volatile («»);

NOTE: This does not appear to prevent building.  It is distracting and can misdirect new users.

Is there any workaround or fix for this issue?

  • Turbo J

    Obvious workaround: Disable the FPU.

    Otherwise you better contact SEGGER support directly — looks like a bug in their assembler parser.

    Note that this code is known to be broken in some cases,  see Github ticket

  • RK

    what chip are you building for, you didn’t say? If the 52810 it doesn’t have an FPU so that instruction would be unknown. In that case you shouldn’t have the FPU_PRESENT set to true. 

  • Anthony Ambuehl

    This is building for 52832 which should have FPU.

  • Håkon Alseth


    This is an error message that is normally shown if you use clang instead of gcc in «SES project settings -> compiler -> compiler». Could you make sure you’re using GCC and not clang?



  • SEGGER - Johannes

    The cmsis.gcc.h from CMSIS-Core 4, which is used in your project, does only compile with GCC, but not with clang.
    For the Source Navigator Embedded Studio uses the clang indexer which results in this error message.

    Since you build your project with GCC, this message has no impact on your application and even the Source Navigator will work.

    If you want to get rid of the message, although it would just be a cosmetic change, you can modify cmsis_gcc.h to compile with clang as follows:

      brief   Set FPSCR
      details Assigns the given value to the Floating Point Status/Control register.
      param [in]    fpscr  Floating Point Status/Control value to set
    __attribute__( ( always_inline ) ) __STATIC_INLINE void __set_FPSCR(uint32_t fpscr)
    #if (__FPU_PRESENT == 1U) && (__FPU_USED == 1U)
      /* Empty asm statement works as a scheduling barrier */
      __ASM volatile ("");
    #if defined (__clang__)
      __ASM volatile ("VMSR fpscr, %0" : : "r" (fpscr) :);
      __ASM volatile ("VMSR fpscr, %0" : : "r" (fpscr) : "vfpcc");
      __ASM volatile ("");


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    • 1

    I right clicked on the project C source file and ran the static code analyzer and it gives: unknown register name ‘vfpcc’ in asm, does someone tell me why is this causing the issue?

    • 2


    Thank you for your inquiry.
    Such an issue is not known to us.
    Which Embedded Studio version are you using?
    Do you see the same behaviour with the latest version?
    Could you provide an example project for reproduction and tells us what exactly you do?

    Best regards,

    Please read the forum rules before posting.

    Keep in mind, this is *not* a support forum.
    Our engineers will try to answer your questions between their projects if possible but this can be delayed by longer periods of time.
    Should you be entitled to support you can contact us via our support system:

    Or you can contact us via e-mail.

    • 3

    I also get this error on any project from the Nordic SDK 15.3.0. Here is the output from right-clicking main.c in the blinky project and choosing ‘Run Static Code Analyzer’, for example:

    ../../../../../../components/toolchain/cmsis/include/cmsis_gcc.h:340:54: error: unknown register name ‘vfpcc’ in asm

    • 4
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Programming using registers with C


I am trying to adapt a C project about Elliptic Curve Diffie-Helmen key exchange,
which uses registers, and when I tried to compile it, it says «there’s no such registers name»

My Q is what are the registers I can use in Raspberry Pi 3 B (BCM2835) to temporarily store processed data instead of variables stored in RAM,
! not the register used to configure the GPIO

Thank you in advance !

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Re: Programming using registers with C

Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:41 pm

hamdim wrote: ↑

Tue Jun 18, 2019 2:16 pm


I am trying to adapt a C project about Elliptic Curve Diffie-Helmen key exchange,
which uses registers, and when I tried to compile it, it says «there’s no such registers name»

My Q is what are the registers I can use in Raspberry Pi 3 B (BCM2835) to temporarily store processed data instead of variables stored in RAM,
! not the register used to configure the GPIO

Thank you in advance !

Do you mean CPU registers?

These are R0 … R15, of which R0 to R12 are useful (32 bits wide).
There are also 16 SIMD (NEON) registers (128 bits wide)

In 64 bit mode you get twice the number of registers. 31 integer and 32 SIMD. Register 31 is the zero register.
X0 … X30 (64 bits) and W0 … W30 (32 bits), XZR and WZR .

If you are programming in a language like C or C++ then the compiler will allocate and use the CPU registers very efficiently.
You can use the «register» keyword to force it to use a particular register, but its usually a bad idea.

Can you post a bit of the code that’s in error?

Last edited by jahboater on Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Programming using registers with C

Tue Jun 18, 2019 3:51 pm

Show us the code you are trying to compile ! We aren’t mind readers !


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Re: Programming using registers with C

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:04 pm

Thank you very much for your quick response !
here’s the error message
fp25519_x64.c:340:4: error: unknown register name ‘%rdx’ in ‘asm’
fp25519_x64.c:340:4: error: unknown register name ‘%rcx’ in ‘asm’
fp25519_x64.c:340:4: error: unknown register name ‘%rax’ in ‘asm’

and this is the github link for the project i’m trying to impliment in raspberry pi

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Re: Programming using registers with C

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:07 pm

Well, you’re obviously trying to compile code that was written to run on Intel type X86_64 system (PC) and not a Pi. It won’t work.

Unreadable squiggle

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Re: Programming using registers with C

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:13 pm

to quote ….
«Prime field arithmetic is optimized for the 4th and 6th generation of Intel Core processors (Haswell and Skylake micro-architectures).»

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Re: Programming using registers with C

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:24 pm

RaTTuS wrote: ↑

Wed Jun 19, 2019 3:13 pm

to quote ….
«Prime field arithmetic is optimized for the 4th and 6th generation of Intel Core processors (Haswell and Skylake micro-architectures).»

Its using BMI2 — a recent bit manipulation instruction set.
Probably quite hard to translate that into RISC, even aarch64 (the Pi in 64-bit mode).
That file is one enormous inline asm statement!


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Re: Programming using registers with C

Wed Jun 19, 2019 6:02 pm

Thank you you very much for your responses,
I will try to understand the logic to the same functionality in raspberry
after all, I am trying to impliment Internet Key Exchange v2 on the raspberryPI

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