Error upgrading vmware tools vix error code 21009

Deans Blog VMware Tools Upgrade fails with vix error code 21009 On remediating virtual machines using the Update Manager, a number of VMware Tools upgrades would fail reporting the following: On investigation of vix error codes at there was error code reference for the above. So now it was time to look at […]


  1. Deans Blog
  2. VMware Tools Upgrade fails with vix error code 21009
  3. Automatic update vmtools error upgrading vmware tools vix error code 21009
  4. Automatic update vmtools error upgrading vmware tools vix error code 21009
  5. VMware ошибка при обновлении VmTools vix error code = 21007
  6. VMware ошибка при обновлении VmTools vix error code = 21007
  7. Решение проблемы:
  8. Правка файла конфигурации виртуальной машины.
  9. Вариант с использованием web-клиента Vsphere.
  10. Обновление vmware tools без перезагрузки
  11. Обновление vmware tools без перезагрузки. Как обновить vmware tools без перезагрузки гостевой ОС.
  12. С помощью клиента vSphere
  13. С помощью PowerCLI

Deans Blog

VMware Tools Upgrade fails with vix error code 21009

On remediating virtual machines using the Update Manager, a number of VMware Tools upgrades would fail reporting the following:

On investigation of vix error codes at there was error code reference for the above. So now it was time to look at the vmware.log file for one of the impacted virtual machines, to which I found the following log entry

A quick search of the VMware KB, returned the following where the cause of the issue is that the file ‘VMwareToolsUpgrader.exe’ located at ‘C:WindowsTemp’ only has read-only permissions.

In order to resolve the issue, I removed the file ‘VMwareToolsUpgrader.exe’ from one of the virtual machines returning the error, and attempted to remediate from the attached baseline to which this completed with success.

Therefore, I was required to remove this file from each virtual machine where the file existed, this is where PowerCLI and in particular the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet come in very useful.

Firstly, we will establish a connection to the vCenter system.

Now, we build a collection of virtual machines, in this instance we only require those with a Microsoft Windows guest operating system.

For each virtual machine retrieved in the collection we will perform an operation to create the script text required to remove the file and then pass the variable to the Invoke-VMscript cmdlet. In this instance the script type will be configured to be ‘Bat’ as a number of virtual machines in the collection may not have Windows Powershell installed, the default script type for the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet.

The script text as below will use conditional logic to determine if the ‘VMwareToolsUpgrader.exe’ file exists and delete the file.

I also want to produce output of each virtual machine the operation has been performed on and report the exit code, while also ignoring any Warnings generated where the VMware Tools service is no up to date.


Guest details (do you need more?):

Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.11 (Tikanga)

Kernel r on an m

Linux guestos 2.6.18-407.el5 #1 SMP Fri Oct 16 12:04:40 EDT 2015 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

2016-07-25T07:34:35.259Z| vmx| I120: VigorTransportProcessClientPayload: opID=43B35BFC-00000208-f-67-832a seq=92535: Receiving ToolsInstallManager.Install request.

2016-07-25T07:34:35.280Z| vmx| I120: TOOLS INSTALL entering BEGINNING state.

2016-07-25T07:34:35.282Z| vmx| I120: TOOLS INSTALL could not find tools for this guest OS.

2016-07-25T07:34:35.282Z| vmx| I120: TOOLS INSTALL Initialization failed.

2016-07-25T07:34:35.282Z| vmx| I120: TOOLS INSTALL entering IDLE state.

2016-07-25T07:34:35.282Z| vmx| A115: ConfigDB: Setting toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = «12»

2016-07-25T07:34:35.302Z| vmx| A115: ConfigDB: Setting toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = «21000»

2016-07-25T07:34:35.302Z| vmx| I120: Vix: [77362 vigorCommands.c:545]: VigorToolsInstallManagerCommandCallback: toolInstallErr = 1

2016-07-25T07:34:35.302Z| vmx| I120: VigorTransport_ServerSendResponse opID=43B35BFC-00000208-f-67-832a seq=92535: Completed ToolsInstallManager request.

2016-07-25T07:34:35.317Z| vmx| I120: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘VMCI’ (cmd=queryFields)

2016-07-25T07:34:35.372Z| vmx| I120: Vigor_ClientRequestCb: failed to do op=3 on unregistered device ‘VMCI’ (cmd=queryFields)


Complete sequence from vmware.log of that vm:

2019-04-08T09:21:22.659Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransportProcessClientPayload: opID=VmToolsActionResolver-applyOnMultiEntity-74272-ngc:70012224-a9-fd-71ae seq=136226: Receiving ToolsInstallManager.Install request.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.659Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL entering BEGINNING state.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.661Z| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Using cached imageName ‘windows.iso’ for ‘windows9srv-64’ (refreshCount=3, lastCount=3).

2019-04-08T09:21:22.661Z| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO ‘windows.iso’ for ‘windows9srv-64’ guest.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL Attempting auto-upgrade.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS installed legacy version 10309, available legacy version 10338

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS manifest update status is 3

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS can be autoupgraded.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL Launching auto-upgrader with args «».

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL autoupgrading old tools.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Using cached imageName ‘windows.iso’ for ‘windows9srv-64’ (refreshCount=3, lastCount=3).

2019-04-08T09:21:22.865Z| vmx| I125: ToolsISO: Selected Tools ISO ‘windows.iso’ for ‘windows9srv-64’ guest.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.882Z| vmx| I125: FILE:open error on /vmfs/volumes/56b9c7ea-ddd95974-e79b-0017a477042c/packages/vmtoolsRepo/vmtools/windows.iso: Operation not permitted

2019-04-08T09:21:22.882Z| vmx| I125: Cannot open ISO image with upgrader binaries.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.882Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL entering IDLE state.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.882Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting toolsInstallManager.updateCounter = «14»

2019-04-08T09:21:22.887Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting extendedConfigFile = «PCSCHEMATICLIC.vmxf»

2019-04-08T09:21:22.887Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = «21009»

2019-04-08T09:21:22.887Z| vmx| I125: Vix: [vigorCommands.c:993]: VigorToolsInstallManagerCommandCallback: toolInstallErr = 12

2019-04-08T09:21:22.887Z| vmx| I125: VigorTransport_ServerSendResponse opID=VmToolsActionResolver-applyOnMultiEntity-74272-ngc:70012224-a9-fd-71ae seq=136226: Completed ToolsInstallManager request with messages.

2019-04-08T09:21:22.887Z| vmx| A100: ConfigDB: Setting toolsInstallManager.lastInstallError = «21009»

2019-04-08T09:21:22.887Z| vmx| I125: TOOLS INSTALL entering IDLE state.


Приветствую! Сегодня вылезла ошибка при обновлении VmTools vix error code = 21007. Решил написать статейку по этому поводу.

Вот так выглядело всё это дело:

Решение проблемы:

Правка файла конфигурации виртуальной машины.

Для этого нужно выключить виртуалку, скачать и открыть файл ее конфига(файл с расширением .vmx) в текстовом редакторе и добавить в конец файла строку = «FALSE» . Не забудьте перед этим сделать бэкап файла. После этого поместите файл конфига туда, откуда взяли и попробуйте обновить VmTools.

Вариант с использованием web-клиента Vsphere.

Второй вариант проще, с использованием web-клиента Vsphere. Для этого открываем настройки виртуальной машины, на вкладке «VM Options»>>»VMWare Tools» жмем «Edit Configuration»

Далее нажимаем «Add Row»

и в конец списка в колонке «Name» пишем

а в строку «Value» пишем «FALSE»

На этом устранение ошибки VmTools vix error code = 21007 можно считать законченным.


Существует множество способов обновить VMware Tools в виртуальной машине. Однако, далеко не все из них могут отложить перезагрузку гостевой ОС после установки VMTools. Есть множество «за» и «против» отложенной перезагрузки. В большинстве случаев вендор рекомендует все таки хотя бы иногда перезагружать ОС после выполнения обновления VMTools. Напомню, что VMware Tools содержат в том числе и драйвера устройств, применить и использовать которые без перезагрузки системы бывает просто невозможно. Однако в тех случаях, когда вам необходимо выполнить внеплановое обновление VMware Tools, но для обеспечения непрерывности сервиса, вы не можете сразу перезагрузить виртуальную машину. В таком случае вам могут пригодиться следующие несколько способов обновления VMTools.

Итак, Обновление VMware Tools без перезагрузки.

С помощью клиента vSphere

Вероятно, самый известный и простой способ обновить/установить VMware Tools – воспользоваться графическим интерфейсом клиента vSphere Client.

  1. Выберите интересующую вас виртуальную машину
  2. В меню выберите пункт Install/Upgrade VMware Tools

В появившемся окне вам будет предложено выбрать, как вы хотите выполнить обновление: интерактивно (Interactive) или автоматически (Automatic). Если выбрать автоматический способ обновления, то в строку “advanced options” можно будет ввести некоторые аргументы, с которыми будет выполняться установка.

В официальной документации VMware, я, к сожалению, не нашел тех аргументов, которые необходимо ввести в этой строке. Однако на одном из форумов энтузиасты все таки нашли и выложили интересующую нас строку-аргумент:

/s /v/qn ADDLOCAL=ALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress

Данное решение протестировано как на ESXi 4.1, так и на ESXi 5.0. Результат был одинаковый – виртуальная машина была обновлена без перезагрузки. Однако, прежде чем применять найденное решение в продуктивной среде, попробуйте его на тестовой виртуалке, чтобы потом не краснеть перед начальством, объясняя перезагрузку сервера 1С в разгар рабочего времени.

С помощью PowerCLI

Следующий вариант более сложный и заключается в использовании PowerCLI(естественно он должен быть предварительно установлен и настроен).

Базовый скрипт установки VMware Tools и отмены последующей перезагрузки таков:


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Home » Blog » VMware Vix Error Code 21009

VMware Vix Error Code 21009

  • VMware Vix Error Code 21009

At ADAPTURE, we are solution architects. We cultivate visionary, comprehensive enterprise technology solutions by implementing world-class platforms that scale with both business growth and technological innovation to keep clients at the forefront of emerging business technologies. To assist our clients, we are focusing on a common VMware error code: VMware Vix Error Code 21009. The error will display as:

vix error code = 21009

This error occurs typically during an upgrade installation of VMware Tools. This is due to security restrictions that prevent an update by a guest. The guest option is automatically disabled by default. The solution should be a quick fix if you come across this error.

  • If the machine is still running, shut it down
  • Go to the datastore browser and find your way to the virtual machine directory
  • Once you navigated your way successfully to the correct machine, use the GUI option and download the .vmx to the virtual desktop
  • After downloading, be sure to make a copy of that file to the local workstation
  • Open the file via a text editor program and add under the name section, and FALSE under the value section (see below)


If you’re experiencing further difficulties and cannot get the error to go away after following these steps, this could be a sign of a greater issue. After the above steps are completed and you’re still having trouble with the error, contact us at ADAPTURE to help resolve the issue.

If you have any further questions about the VMware Vix Error Code 21009, contact one of our dedicated IT solution architects by calling us toll free at (888) 551-6344. ADAPTURE will be your expert VMware Professional Partner and ensure that every critical decision is backed by the finest technical expertise in the industry.

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On remediating virtual machines using the Update Manager, a number of VMware Tools upgrades would fail reporting the following:

Error Upgrading VMware Tools
vix error code = 21009

On investigation of vix error codes at there was error code reference for the above. So now it was time to look at the vmware.log file for one of the impacted virtual machines, to which I found the following log entry

TOOLS INSTALL Error copying upgrader binary into guest. success = 0, HgfsStatus = 8

A quick search of the VMware KB, returned the following where the cause of the issue is that the file ‘VMwareToolsUpgrader.exe’ located at ‘C:WindowsTemp’ only has read-only permissions.

In order to resolve the issue, I removed the file ‘VMwareToolsUpgrader.exe’ from one of the virtual machines returning the error, and attempted to remediate from the attached baseline to which this completed with success.

Therefore, I was required to remove this file from each virtual machine where the file existed, this is where PowerCLI and in particular the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet come in very useful.

Firstly, we will establish a connection to the vCenter system.

If (-not (Get-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) 
    Add-PSSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core | Out-Null 

Connect-VIServer server1.domain.local | Out-Null

Now, we build a collection of virtual machines, in this instance we only require those with a Microsoft Windows guest operating system.

$VMs = Get-VM | Where-Object {$_.Guest.OSFullName -like "*Windows*"}

For each virtual machine retrieved in the collection we will perform an operation to create the script text required to remove the file and then pass the variable to the Invoke-VMscript cmdlet. In this instance the script type will be configured to be ‘Bat’ as a number of virtual machines in the collection may not have Windows Powershell installed, the default script type for the Invoke-VMScript cmdlet.

The script text as below will use conditional logic to determine if the ‘VMwareToolsUpgrader.exe’ file exists and delete the file.

IF EXIST C:WINDOWSTempVMwareToolsUpgrader.exe DEL C:WINDOWSTempVMwareToolsUpgrader.exe

I also want to produce output of each virtual machine the operation has been performed on and report the exit code, while also ignoring any Warnings generated where the VMware Tools service is no up to date.

ForEach ($VM in $VMs)


        $ScriptText = "IF EXIST C:WINDOWSTempVMwareToolsUpgrader.exe DEL C:WINDOWSTempVMwareToolsUpgrader.exe"
        $Script = Invoke-VMScript -ScriptText $ScriptText -VM $VM.Name -ScriptType Bat -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        "" + $VM.Name + " completed with exit code " + $Script.ExitCode 

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FixIT: VMware Vix 21009

  • FixIT

At CentricsIT, we are your IT experts. When any IT maintenance issue arises in your data center we are here to help. If there is an error code you can’t fix, let us assist you in our monthly FixIT column. This month, we’re focusing on a common VMware error code: VMware Vix 21009.

The error will display as: vix error code = 21009

This error occurs typically during an upgrade installation of VMware Tools. This is due to security restrictions that prevent an update by a guest. The guest option is automatically disabled by default. The solution should be a quick fix if you come across this error.

  • If the machine is still running, shut it down
  • Go to the datastore browser and find your way to the virtual machine directory
  • Once you navigated your way successfully to the correct machine, use the GUI option and download the .vmx to the virtual desktop
  • After downloading, be sure to make a copy of that file to the local workstation
  • Open the file via a text editor program and add under the name section, and FALSE under the value section (see below)

vix error code 21009

If you’re experiencing further difficulties and cannot get the error to go away after following these steps, this could be a sign of a greater issue. After the above steps are completed and you’re still having trouble with the error, contact us at CentricsIT to help resolve the issue.

If you have any further questions about the vix error code = 21009, contact our dedicated IT support staff by calling us toll free at 1 (877) 531-7466. CentricsIT offers data center services including data center hardware maintenance and support, and we can help you get the most out of your data center, regardless of its size.

Want more out of your hardware support? Contact a Support Specialist at CentricsIT to employ a more proactive approach to your IT lifecycle management.


Break free from the OEM’s forced refresh cycles.

Download the guide to upcoming EOL and EOSL dates to learn the truth about OEM updates and how to prepare for your hardware reaching EOL or EOSL.


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Posted by Wes Stone 2017-11-09T15:38:03Z

Does anyone know the root password?

I’ve got a VirtualSABridge.  I can login as admin.  I need to delete the vmware-root folder in the tmp directory but I don’t have access.  I cannot upgrade vmware tools because of this.  Getting frustrated.  When I try and upgrade vmware tools I get error 

vix error code = 21009 which tells me I need to delete this folder.

Any help would be great!


12 Replies

  • Well, the default root info is

    User: root
    Password: ShoreTel

    (Be sure to capitalize the T)

    This is openly available in their documentation. However, it definitely could have been changed. Have you tried that one?

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  • Let me rephrase that: This is the default info for their virtual appliances. However, depending on your version / appliance, it might not match. 

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  • Author Wes Stone

    Right and the admin account works but i don’t have permission to do anything is the problem.  Root is the owner of the folder.  I can’t give myself permissions or anything.

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  • What version of Director are you on? In ours, you can set both through the Director GUI. It is under Administration > System > Additional Parameters > ShoreTel Appliance

    Image: post content

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  • Author Wes Stone


    Build 19.46.1802.0

    I don’t see those settings….

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  • Okay, 14.2 it is supposed to be under Administration > System Parameters > Other

    Image: post content

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  • Author Wes Stone

    Okay, I do see that.  If I change that what all would it effect since obviously I don’t know the old password??

    Also anyway to display the current password somehow?

    Last does this root password effect the switches and VA’s??


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  • This will change the root password on all switches, appliances, etc. 

    I am sure the current password cannot be recovered through the GUI, as it is intended to not be shown.

    I changed mine and it didn’t affect service at all. It is simply to gain root access to your switches. You can always reach out to your partner to find out, but as far as I can tell it doesn’t affect production.

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  • Let me know if you are still getting stuck PM me I may need to go over some things on the phone.

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  • Any luck?

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  • Author Wes Stone

    Nope, didn’t work for the VirtualSABridge.  Still no root access.  Only Admin access which won’t let me delete folder in the tmp directory to upgrade vmwaretools.

    Was this post helpful?

  • Had the same issue a while back, 

    jonahzona, is correct you need first need to set the root password in Director 

    The trick is you can’t log in as root directly so you will have to use «su», 

    First log in as admin then use su and enter the root password.

    once you have root access, you might be able to change the sshd.conf file to allow root log in, but I can’t promise that will work. 

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